The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 15, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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,., 'T7VL
- t "''A
ICer.eluded limn rje 3.1
rather unusual for tho unfortunate
tfteve. On Jnn. 1. he had arrested Kd
wtirtl Gorman at Carbomlalo when the
latter broke away from him and ran,
whereupon Qilby lrov a younrf mu
chlno gun which hn always carrlrH
and shot Gorman In tho lcj;. Ho vun
Indicted for felonious wounding, but
wus dlscharBcd yesterday, the JuiIbo
'deciding that ho was Justified In dolriB
the shoo'tlnB.
Tho I'rlcobuis assault and battery
and roblcry case called Wednesday
was concluded yesterday. The vordlot
was not BUllty and tho costs were di
vided. When the rourt mljounud II. Jud
fcovltz was on trial, charRed with hav
ing stolen a number of articles from
the stoie of i. S. Heedinnn, of Pcnti
avenue, by whom he whs employed.
The cuse will lo resumed this mum-l"B.
The trial of t'rnnl: SCllllnsk!. clmigrd
iwlih lobblnjr 'rmrlcs JMoslty of ?;!. at
I'lDvldencc, on Septi-mbei 21 IukI, was
(oueludeil yesterday mortilnB. The
Jurv returned overdlot soon after tlw
iponlmc of tho afternoon session Ami
inir tho defendant guilty under the
tlilrd rounl In tho Indictment, namely,
r mHJiiltlntr the prosecutor.
Ah a result of dlllleulty with his ten
ant, Kdwaid Williams, Oi-orgo SpltK,
.f Olyphant, was bi ought before the
ruin I on chaiK or forcible entry and
detainer. It appealed that the de
fendant i enled one of bis houses to the.
pioseeulor, who lived In It Horn Janu
ary until June last, bavin paid but
thine months' rent. Dm Ins the proge
nitor's absence the defendant obtained
the ltev from the former's wife, en
leicrt the hous and distrained for rent.
In the absence of any evidence of vlo-
. nee In effecting an entry the court
dlrevted a verdict of not gullt. lcav
ttiB the dlxposlllon of the costs to the
.buy, bv whom they wtie placed upon
the defendant.
Flunk Wutrorsky. a boy of sixteen,
was tiled for assaultliiB and beating
the daughter of Adolph Josephs. Tho
paitles nil live on South Washington
ineniie. anil on the day of the trouble.
In September last, two little boys, one
.i brother of the defendant Htid the
nlber a son of the uiosucutor, r
in.irrellng and llRhtlnir on the street
and the defendant and the Josephs
Kill endeavored to part them. While
,o engaged tho Josephs gill asserted
she was struck and kicked by the de
fendunt. This the defendant denied,
claiming that he simply pushed her
nny while she was attacking his little
brother. Tho verdict was not guilty,
county to pay costs.
Frank Wcopp ami A. Wcopp were
tried on a charge of larceny and le
cclvlng. They made a practice of cut
ting the 'heavy copper wire used to
connect the rails of the Scrunton Hall
way company and had carried away
several hundred pound of It.
The principal witness was William
Kosencheky, who purchased the wire
trom them. Ho Is under Indictment
charged with receiving the stolen
goods. The case had not been com
pleted at adjourning time.
Tho members of class No. 8 of the
Asbury M. K. Sunday school .were en
tertained by their teacher, Miss Elln
V. Itoney, ut her homo on Monsey
avenue last evening. Miss Mattlu
l'otter assisted Miss Honey In enter
taining her guests. The evening was
pleasantly passed with mtislo and
games. Light refreshments wcio
served. Tho members of the clas
lire; Albert Kcllow, Dwlght Stafford,
Vance Udstonc. S. K. Unyley, Vretl
Delgtul, Hex Van Gordor. Harry
Wedenian, llnrry Von Storch, Omn
Oonover, Henry Smith, Alvah Ham
mond, Carl Garhan, Floyd Ulsiell,
Jesse Oarban, Charles Tyle, William,
Lanyoii, tjartey Colvln and Conrad
The Indies of tho Onsen Itldge l'tes
bAerlan church, Including all whosj
names begin with A. IS. t I. 13. or r,
will hold a colonial dinner In tho
church parlors at fi o'clock Friday.
Fcbiuary 22. This Is the dinner
the ladles have given for more than
u year, and every effort will be made
to mako It ii success, especially In ,a
social way, and they hope financially.
Miss Lulu Dolpb. of Laku Wlnola,
Is visiting Mls Ida Grimes, of Mon
sey avenue.
Misses Janet and Margery Andrews
aio visiting their biother, It. 11. An
drews, of Capouse avenue.
Wifehood as theTestof
Gootl Woman Who Hakes
a Bad Wife.
Journeymen Bakers of City Have Or
ganizedAnother Meeting Will
Be Held SatmUay Night.
The Journeymen bakeis of this city
met last Saturday and were organized
by Krncst I!roonnl the national or
ganizer of the International linkers'
and Confectioners of America. An
other meeting will bo held Saturday
night at ! o'clock In ttaub's hall, 1.11
Wyoming avenue.
At this meeting tho charter for the
locul union will be lecelved, and per
manent olllceis elected. One-third of
the local journeymen have already be
come members of tho union.
Marriage was a serious thing to the
grandparents and great grandparents
of the present generation. No woman
entered lightly upon wedlock. She
knew that she was going to found a
family, and that she-must be equal to
all the responsibilities of the position
she assumed. She must be able to
order her own household; to knit, sew,
spin, make bread, butter, soap, candles,
and indeed care for and clothe a whole
Superintendents' Meeting.
The various superintendents of tho
Lackawanna railroad met In Syra
cuse during the week, and discussed
matters pertaining to the load. A
number of lmportnnt suggestions were
made, which will be acted upon In duo
Those In attendance were General
Superintendent T. K Clarke and H.
M. Rlue. of this city; C. II. Kotchum,
of Morris nnd I'ssex division; H. Dud
aeon. Huffalo division; C. H. Sw'ars.
Syracuse division, tind ('.. J. Vhllllpi,
Ilangor and Portland division.
John G. Gllboy, rhniged with selling
llluor without a license nt plnce on
Plttstou avenue, this city, was on tiial
for the greater part of the day. Ills
defense was that he wan at Atlantic
I'lty at the time it Is alleged he sold
liquor to agents of tho Municipal
league. It was also alleged that his
brother was tho proprietor of the place
and the landlord of the building was
put on the stand to show that Gllboy's
brother has a lease of the premises.
It was established, however, that the
1'nlted State. levenue license was
taken out In the name of the defend
ant, but he denied having anything to
do with the taking out of such a II
i ense. The Jury retired about 1 o'clock
to deliberate on the case.
Just befoie adjournment a Juiy was
sworn In tiw case of James Scavo
and Geatano ihlodo, who are charged
with pointing ii pHtol at Patrick
I '.M.9 '
ra .ml r&s
i Si Jtt-. !WjD I 1 T
rij ra mnnm
" II fiifWvKffiP&SPflT " "'n.
u- v. msm&w&Avm
family. She muU not be craven when
the whoop of the Indian warned of a
dreadful danger. She must stand by
her husband, gun in baud.
How many women of to-day could
undertake wifehood under such condi
tions? Few indeed. Not because the
modem American woman lacks cour
age, but because she lacks as a rule the
physical health which is the indispensa
ble qualification for a life such as was
lived by the women of the past.
That is why a good woman may be a
bad wife. Virtue and goodness are ex
cellent things in women, but to guide a
house and bear children demands above
all sound physical health.
clncs, exhaurThe local medical skin
at their disposal. At last some friend
or neighbor who has personally proTed
.the curative power of "Favorite Pre
scription" recommends the use of this
medicine and that in almost every case
means another sick woman made well
and strong.
"When I first wrote to you I did not
think I could live till I could get an
answer to my letter," says Mra. Isaac S.
Harris, of Gay vlllc, Yankton Co., S. Dak.
"At that time I did not tell you every
thing. When I wrote you I had just
got home from the Hospital at Minne
apolis, Minn. Hbd been there one
month. Could not see as I was bene
fited any there, so I came home,
thinking there was no help for me,
and every one here said that I could
not live. I would have sinking spells
every day. Sometimes they would
last an hour or more and I would
be so weak it seemed
almost impossible for me
to breathe at nil. Had
night -sweats for three
months, and my clothes
would be just us wet as
could be. Had uterine
trouble also till I thought
I would lose my mind:
also had heart (rouble so
badly I did not know
what to do. I suffered ev
erything one could think
off We naid out so much
,' money for doctoring, and
there was nothing that did
i i ii anv cronil till I con
sented to try Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription and
'Golden Medical Discov
ery.' I did not have any
fatlh in these medicines
at all, but I am only too
glad to say that in three
days after taking the med
icine I could see a change
for the better. In a week
I could sit up and then
I commenced the treat
ment for uterine trouble.
In three weeks I was able
to be around the bouse some. I have
taken nearly twelve bottles of the medi
cine and still continue to take it. I
am getting better right along, can ride
or walk any place. I can never praise
Deposition in Schwartz Case.
The depositions of John W. Fowler,
vice-president, nnd Frank Hummler,
treasurer of tho Laekuwannn Trust
and Safe Deposit company; J. U.
Schlager, treanuter of the Stowers
Pork Packing company; Max Hlce and
Joseph Levy, of the llrm of Rice, Levy
& Company, and II. M. Goldsmith
were tiled with Clerk of the Couttn
Daniels In (ne matter of the rule ob
tained by Mr. Schwartz to have his
name stricken fiom the petition In
the ICIghth ward election contest.
All of the gentlemen whose names
aio given alMvi have extensive busi
ness dealings with Schwartz and have
his signature to mnny checks nnd
notptf. They nil agreed that the sig
nature purporting to bo Schwartz.'
which Is attached to the petition In
the Eighth ward contest Is not simi
lar to tho genuine blgnaturo of
Schwaitss and they gnv It as their
opinion that tho signature was not
the work of Schwartz.
There was also a deposition from
that gentleman In which he averred
Unit he never signed or was asked to
sign the petition In Question and that
ihe 'llriit knowledge he had that his
name was nttaohed to It was when the
names of those who would have to
pay tho costs weie printed in The
Tribune tha day after the opinion of
.ludgo 1L W. Archbald In tho case was
handed down.
D., h. & W. Board for Today.
Today's D., L. & W. board is as fol
lows: TlintSDAV. FJ'.D. .
WIM rjw. l'.ist S i. m., K. M. Hillft, Ui."0
p. in., J. II. Maitrrf.
WilJ Cat. lUt UU) a. iti.. 0. Krarnc; 3
.i. in., Ownce Unit! 4 a. ra., V. VanWonncr; 5
a. in.. II. UillU-an; C a. m., J. Hurklurt; s a.
ni W. A. llattlioloinew: ! a. in., M. riiinorty:
lo.:;o a. in., M. J. llcnnigun; 11.30 a. in.. .1. .1.
O'llara; 1 ii. in., O. iiio; '1 p. in., M. fioliltn
with Plnt's men; 3M p. in., W, I. V.uM;
J.-Ij p. in., M. Lmighw'.
Summit, r.te. S a. in.. )iil A. Klirifooil,
with lluith DoliPity' men; C . in., ni, (iiorjo
rrounfi-tkcr; 9 a. m., west, W. II. Nldioh; 11 p.
in., eaxt, Trunk McDonnell : 7 p. in., ueit, from
Oayuita. 1 enuiiKu, JI, I!. McLairn; T p. m., it,
(rum Can, a "J rnfrinM, .Lime Glnlry: 7 p. in.,
cist, from Njy Alb lMnaril MiAHUtcr.
1'iilUr 10 a. in., V i:. Secnr,
Puslicre S a. m., lluusei; ll.CO a. m. Moran;
7 p. in , Muipli'; 0 p in,, I.amplnc.
1'ntafiiKer hnirinc 7 a. ni , Hartley: 7 a, in.,
Sincrr; O.PO p. in., S'jiiton; 7 p. ni.. MKitneui.
Wild CatJ, W?t t ii. in., Jotin l!itrr; S a.
m U. Ilacccrty; 1 p. in,, (J. Kiwlcj ; 5 p. m..
jjini1? varriKi,.
Tills and That.
.Master Car Builder L. T. Canfleld,
of tho Lackawanna railroad, has te
turued from a business trip to Day
ton, Ohio.
General Superintendent T. 13. Clarke,
of the Lackawanna inllroad, wa.s In
.Buffalo yesterday, and is expected
back todny.
13. D. Caldwell, t radio manuger of
the Lackawanna, lallroad, was in the
city yesterday conferring with the
local otllclals.
Division Superintendent 13. M. nine
was at his desk yesterday after an
absence of several days In Syracuse,
attending a conference meeting of the
Lackawanna superintendents.
To a great number of women the
house they live in is almost on a par
with a prison. It is prison-like in the
monotonous regularity of daily duties ;
prison-like in the absence of all pleasure
in what is done or joy in the doing.
And the reason is to be found in
womanly ill-health. Few women realize
how intimately the general health is re
lated to the health of the delicate
womanly organs. A woman may suffer
with heart "trouble," disorders of kid
neys, liver or stomach, or with nervous
Srostration as a result of a diseased con
ition of the womanly organism. Many
juch women "doctor" for years for
various diseases and wonder why they
don't get better. They can't get better
until thei womanly organism is entirely
cured of its dtseabes.
This is not theory. It ii, a statement
of simple facts founded upon the testi
mony of hundreds of thousands of
women who have been cured of woman
ly diseases by the use of Dr. Pierce's
favorite Prescription. They had been
just "dragging around" for years, with
throbbing heads and aching backs, nerv
ous, dyspeptic, miserable. The once
fresh colored checks had grown sallow,
tlm 4.u.e ur 1 till it, lia 1ict
.w.w t.j... i.w.. u...., mv wv.. ..v .VJV
us plumpness. They had in numerous
instances tried many doctors and medi-
your medicine enough
"The doctor here says that he never
would have believed that your medicine
could have done so much "for any one if
he had not seen what it has done for
me. He also told me to keep on taking
it, for he could not help me. I thank
you a thousand times for your kind
advice and for your medicine."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
unrivaled as a safe and sure medicine
for the cure of womanly diseases. It
establishes regularity, dries unhealthy
drains, heals inflammation aud ulcera
tion and cures female weakness. It is
the best preparative for motherhood,
giving vigor to the body and buoyancy
to the mind. It so strengthens the
organs of maternity that it makes the
baby's advent practically painless. As
a tonic for nursing mothers it has no
equal. It increases the nutritive secre
tions and strengthens and nourishes
both child and mother.
Weak and sick women are invited
to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free.
All correspondence strictly private
and sacredly confidential. Address Dr.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Accept no substitute for "Favorite
Prescription.'' There is nothing "just
as good" for weak and sickly women.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is a wonderful book, condens
ing as it docs into looS large pages a
mass of medical and hygienic informa
tion invaluable to every woman. It is
especially wonderful in that it is sent
free to any woman on receipt of stamps
to pay expense of mailing only. Send
one-cent stamps for the book in cloth
otnding, or 31 stamps tor
Loveliest of Cottons.
Cotton Fabrics of 1901. The writer has been gazing at them drinking in thir
beauty marveling at the Connelly & Wallace collection.
They represent Textile Art in its most exalted form the apotheosis of spinning,
designing aud tinting.
The m.xkers of France, Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and
America arc fighting the same fight that waged between the mortal Arcbaue and the
goddess Minerva when they contested tor supremacy in weaving and embroidering skill.
The product ot all are outspread on our counters. Accord leadership to whom yott
please. It is for your fancy and taste to decide. Every yard exemplifies elegance.
Imported Mouseliue De Soie mere
tissues, plain gauzy grounds, with em
broidered stripes of self colors, q
fifteen different shades, price OOC
Embroidered Scotch Ginghams, one of
the strongest and handsomest f
stuffs iu the whole display O J yC
Embroidered Swiss scores of designs
varying from tiny dots to fancy stripes,
self and contrasting t de
colors r. 25c to $1.25
Imported Silk striped novelty Ging
ham iu the best shapes of pink, blue, lielio,
red, etc., very new aud hand-
some uUC
Merceri.ed Cottou G nghams of
fine finish and in new designs, all
the best colorings
Mercerized Chev'ots another
cloth has the appearance of Mohair
Brilliantiuc. in plain colors only. ...
Batiste Brilliatttinc shier and
like unto mull mercerized finish all
the finest aud newest foulard de- -ytmj
sigus, price OS jfi
Mercerized Chambray entirely new
iu plain colors only, very rich in .-
effect o5C
Scotch Corded Ginghams, plain grounds
d VKled by clusters of stripes and
cords. 30 designs
Embroidered Swiss, plain colors
white desigus, iu neat embroidery
very new and handsome
Plain Swiss, of a very beautiiul
quality, with silk embroidered dots..
127 AND
It Cures the
Election Officers Named.
li-aac CI. "William!! was yesterday un
pointed Jiuliie of float Ion for the Flist
district of the Thirteenth ward to fill
the vacancy caused by the itslmtatlon
ot George F. Uuden.
.Thomas Meelian was .iiJitoinled to
fill the vacancy paused by the reslR-
i.utlon of W. AV. Hover as judrf ot
ejection In the Second ward of Dick
ao'n City.
Thomas Couijlilln wau mimed ns mi
nority inspector of the First district
ut the First ward of C'arbondale to
till tho vacancy cuused by tho removal
from tho district ot John O, Hrldeett.
Frank Odell was named us minority
Inspector of the Fourth dlstilct of
Fell township to fill a vacancy caused
by, the removal from the district of
. tijiwnrd 'Tlutton.
John-vWhlto was appointed majoilty
Inspector of the Fourth Olstrlct qf Foil
' 1 iVirshlp to till the vacancy due to the
ienuivr.1 of Michael 'White.
, Yosterday'a Marriage Licenses.
.lnm Allan. )r , Scranton
MAr,r II. Ml. iniii Arnrt r.'.MoMtj , Bcrantnn
Jl.ui InUi Scrjtilon
Youngsters like lit
and it cures the cough
in u jitTy.
Dr. Jamas'
Cherry Tar Syrup.
Prompt relief in all
cases of throat or lun
affections a safe,
liable family lnedi
ciue. At nil Drug Stores.
25 Cents ;v Bottlo.
uunaio. k.
Address Dr.
tne book in
R. V. Pierce,
rr note Tn e kame. .
mailer virr auvciliauK pocuuiit, jii"
ur, II03P11M flGa Aruu ouryeuu laus,
tlr. THEEL, 527 Horth Sixth St.
l'liUuUrlpliin. Piul'AU Abate.
riltaacne UotatxM,LolMaolioail.Bhnink
UUfucUo, on orran3,rull7 rrsiorrd. Frrth canon
cored In 4 to Millars. The mart danprroua cisea
tf !M!M. "
I j1! j
! 'l' 1,TT1"rT1'TTT
On every yard of Axminster Carpet
during our special sale of
eollrtwd. .
'ItlM DEUTDDHrR AtiZT." Tint.
roe m by niall. AonoiTor Sworn TruinonTala A nook x
pouaj orcry fuio I uUluwUecuical &Mtilical Iiaud.
Today and
Myer .Davidow,
The Cheapest Shoe Store, 307 Lackawanna Ave.
Today and
Pon't Arcpt
Not in Nature
for anyone to always feel tired. There
is no need to drag out Hn existence
without amliitlon.
Weak nerve are reanonsible for lan
guor, depretiiou, debility unit varicocele.
Iiiieaffd nerves, wiieinernue loover
worl:, over-lndulirence or any other
cause, can lie made strong ns steel by
the use ot
They toneindlnvlRorate evevyorgan
of the body, tootheuud ctretiy;tuen the
Dervei and transform broken down
men and women luto strong, healthy,
vigorous, ruddy-cheeked persons. If
you find this lin't 10, you get your
money back.
Sl.OOpertiox: 6 boxes (with guaran
tee), S3 (M. nook free. feai. Mepi
cimb Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
12th Annual Sale of Boots and Shoes
For Men, Women, Boys. Misses and Children,
At prices less than cost of making shoes, We want
every one in Scran ton to see the most extraordinary bar
gains which surpass anything ever given, Every shoe in
the sale is of the best makes aud every pair warranted.
Friday and Saturday Special Bargains
Men's Shoes.
LOT 1 Men's Box Calf a id Vlci Kid, leather lined, ;-so!e, Good
year Welt, made to sell at $1.50. Sale Price only $2.48.
LOT 2 Men's Winter Russet Shoes, made to sell at $3.50, at $3.48
LOT ; Men's Box Calf, Vici Kid and Enamel Shoes, made to sell
nt . Sale Price only $1.98.
LOT 4 Men's Russet Enamel, Goodyear Welt, worth $.5.50, at
LOT 3 Men's Box Calf Leather-lined rubber heel $.5.50 Shoes.
Sale price at $1.98.
LOT 0 Men's Heavy Working and Dress Shoes at 98c, $1.39 and
$1.40. Men's Felt Shoes, felt soles, at 98c, worth 2.00. Men's Rub
ber Boots, Woonsocket, at $3.35.
Ladies' Shoes.
LOT 1 260 pairs Ladies' Fine Vici Kid, Patent Leather and Enamel
Shoes, made to sell at t.0. Sale Price only $2.48.
LOT '2 1 50 pairs Ladies' Box Calf. Low and High Top Shoes,
made to sell at $2.50. Sale Price only $1.69.
LOT .,i,4 paiis l.adies'Patent Leather Fine Shoes worth $3.00,
at $1.79.
j,0T 4144 pairs Ladies' Fine Kid, Goodvear Welt, Button and
Lace, Kid and Patent Shoes, worth $2 50, at $1.60.
LOT 5 13-, pairs Ladies' Fine Vici Kid, Kid Tip Lace Shoes,
worth $2.00, at $1.49.
750 pairs Ladles smoes, uroKeii lots, line ana neavy, ouuon anu
lace, at 97c
98 pairs Ladies' Spring Heel Shoes at 75c Sizes
600 pairs Ladies' C. S. Rubbers, worth 50c, at 15c
Ladies' Sl'ppers at 5c and 75c. Boys' Shoes at 98c.
Children's Shoes all prices
Save 50c
Axminster Carpets
$1.00 Per Yard
Williams & McAnulty
129 Wyoming Avenue.
For talc by John II. l'htlu, Pharmiclit, corner
Wyoming avenue nd Spruce street.
ys 10 0.
looms 1 and'2,l'om'mi BTd'
lining and Blasting
Mr ( Mooilo nil Ruia 11 Wof III,
Blretrla Battortet. EIotrlo ExploUri,
cptodlDf blali, oafil b'u$t ani
kxplo. ivco
Repauns Chemical Co.'s
A Bad Brake
Is worse
at all.
than, no brake
We are now ready to
fit your wheel with the
latest coaster brake. If
you contemplate any re
pairs on your wheel for
the spring riding now 19
the time to get it to our
shop. Wc will send foe
and deliver your whee?
when finished.
The above are only a lew of the manv bargains. Call and examine our goods before buying elsewhore.
Remember, there is no trouble to show you goods and you will surely save money by it.
ii is
SlanuractiireiM r
211 Washington Ave.
Oeaeril Agent lor the Wyoming
Dittnct lor
The Cheapest Shoe Store.
307 Lackawanna Avenue
488 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telephone Call, 211311.
fiportlnr. Emottttii nj
Chtmlctl Coroptny'i
High Explosive
Sfctr Fuse, Opi tnd Kiplodera. Itoom 401 Cd
lull Dulldinir, Scranton.
ttio9. ronn rtttitol
J01IK D. hMITII 4: SON Plrmoutl
W. 1'. UUU.1QAN WIUetBiml
' $
. fc