The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 15, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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r Jonas Long's Sons'
Sale No. 1
Dish Pans,
Bread Raisers,
Coffee Pots,
At 2 O'clock
Dish Pans,
Wash Boards,
Clothes Lines,
In the Basement :
25c Galvinized Pails for 10c
Full ten (10) quart sizo; made of tho heaviest galvanized sheet iron, with t.
Arm baled handles. Double bottoms; worth 25c. For One Hour Friday I lV
40c Agate Dish Pans for 19c.
Think of buying a genuine steel agate of peerless enamel ware Dish Pan f" such a
prico. Full (10) quart size, made in best possible manner and sold else- fn
whore at 40c. For Ono Hour Friday at l"v
98c Enamel Bread Raisers for 39c.
Another great offoring that beats anything you've over heard of. These bread
raioera are full (14) quart sizo, made of tho best Peerless enamel ware;
with hoRvy ventilated covers. Worth 98... For Ono Hour
40c Enamel Coffee Pots for 14c.
Won't there be a a scramble for these pots! No store in A,nierica over sold them so
cheap as these will go. Full three (3) quart size, made of tho best Peer- i An
loss enameled ware; cheap at 40c. For Ono Hour Friday, at I T'C
20c Big Dish Pans for 9c.
If you buy one of the Enamel Fans to wash dishes in, you can use one of these for a
rinsing pan. Thoy mako a great team at the price. Those aro full ten (10) quart
size, of the best American tin (retinned), solid one-pioce bottoms, non-leak- fl
ing; cheap at 20c. Friday for One Hour VC
1 5c White Platters for 6c.
All sizes in the lot, which gives you choice of wldo variety. Of the best
Porcelain in tho new oblong shape; some with perfectly plain and others
with fancy ferretod odges. Cheap at 1 5c. For One Hour at.
$1.00 Corry Wood Tubs at 58c.
Probably the greatest bargain of the whole day in the basement. These aro
known as the genuine "Corry" Tubs, considered equal to most codar tubs; made in
two large sizes, with hoavy electric welded hoops that make them water j- Q
tight and impossible to break. Cheap at $1. For Ono Hour ?OC
20c Zinc Wash Boards for 10c.
Ihese Wash boards will run along out with the tubs, for they are eveiy whit as
good. Hade of thoroughly seasoned hard wood covered in the best grade a
of zinc. Cheap at 20c. For Ono Hour at 1 UC
15c Clothes Lines for 7c.
Next in Older me these Clothes Lines. Made from tho best cotton, braidod (adding
materially to their strength and durability); full fifty (50) feet in length
and vory cheap at 15c. Friday for Ono Hour, at C
Close alongside the Tubs, Wash Boards and Clothes Lines on Friday will be all the
othor requisites for Wash Day, specially priced. Theso will include the best Boil
ers in tin and copper; wringers at great reductions from original prices and the
best Clothes Fins at lc the dozen.
14 Bars of Laundry Soap at 25.
The liuest lot of Laundry Soap and the biggest bars over offared by us. They aie
full ten (10) ounce cakos, each ono wrapped; pure and refined and will not blister
tho hands. Suitable for laundry or bath purposes, and sold ex- a )
clusivoly in grocery stores at 4c cake. For One Hour 14 ,or ZDC
Jonas Long's Sons
Sale No. 2
Dress Goods,
At 3 O'clock
Kid aioves,
If you read this Friday programme carefully, you will observe that it has
never before been equalled here. The values are simply unprecedented, es
pecially the offerings In the basement, the sale of Floor Rugs, I.acfs, Dress
Goods and Hankei chiefs.
On Main Floor:
25c Fancy Ribbons for, Yard 10c.
What a iluttor of Kibbono there'll bo. And just at a time when thoy are so much
in vogue. Theso aro beautios. Finest all-silk Taffeta Ribbons in a wide vaitlety of
stripos vory newest designs of the weaver's art. Full 3 1-2 inches in Cr
1'unonour tnimy vv
width and good value at 25c yard.
59c Goodyear Rubbers for 37c.
Every woman in Scranton ought to provide herself with a pair of Rubbers at this
sale. But, hold on! Not enough for everybody only a trifle) more than a thous
and pairs. Mado by tho Goodyear India llubbor Company: gonuino Para rubber in
both tho storm (high cut) and croquet (slipper) styles. All sizos irom u lo
8; cheap at 50c. For one hour Friday .-
39c and 50c Dress Goods for 22c.
These Diess Ooods Bales on Friday afternoons are what the little youngster would
term the ''main guy." Thoy serve their purpose to crowd the department and ac
quaint you with tho finest stock in the city. This Friday we shall sell a varlod
assortment, which iuoludes :
36 inch and 40 inch Plaids, in bright colorings and new designs; Colored
Armures in all the nowost shades for suitings; 40 inch Storm Serges in
blue, garnet, groen and rod of extra good weight and quality; Colored Cash
meres that are 30 inches wide, extra heavy weight and in all the new
shades of old rose, national, reseda, red, garnet, navy, brown and green.
You can search the Dress Ooods centres of the world and you'll find no "S')r,
choicer assortment than this one. For one hour Friday at only &JL
25c Linen Handkerchiefs for 10c.
I Two thousand or them, bought away under price just to add a hiite of ginger to
tms WeeK S sale. women a nuDUKtiruuima, uuinurau ovory uirunu jiuro iiuou.
Made with fancy hemstitched edges and borders of drawn thread work. As neat a
handkerchiof design as we've ever soen. Equttl to the best of quarter hand
kerchief values. For one hour Friday at
1 5c White Nainsooks for 94c.
Mot "worth 15c'' in the ordinary meaning of the term, but bought to sell as a
bargain at that figure. Finest White Nainsooks in an immense varioty of checks,
stripes and fancy figured dosigns. Thousands and thousands of yards of them
extra heavy quality; just the things for aprons, children's drosses and
the like. For ono hour at
On Second Floor :
$1 Flannelette Wrappers for 59c.
After considerable manouvering in the markot wo have secured fiom one of tho
boat makers of wrappers this splendid lot of Flannelettes. They are the nearest
approach to style of any over offered at the prico. The quality of Flannelette is
exceptionally good, and tho variety of shades and tints, dosigns and patterns
extremely diversified. Tney aro cut very iuii over uie nips, ueitea down in iront;
perfect fitting and finished throughout in the best posslblo manner. Ordinarily,
they would be ono dollar nere mors eisownere. xor one nour hi
only -
Jonas Long's Sons
Sale No. 3
Bureau 5carfs,
At 4 O'clock
Knee Pants,
Ploor Rugs,
On Main Floor:
Big Sale of Floor Rugs at 39c.
First of all the size. Fully a yard wido and nearly twice as long (00 to 04 in.)
Floor Rugs as bright and protty as colors can make them, woven in several dif
ferent styles, hoavily fringed across the ends. Save tho carpets. Big "IQ-
value anywhere at 70c; see tho window. For ono hour Friday at )"v
75c Bureau Scarfs for 39c.
Bureau Scnifs and Pillow Shams take your choice. Tho demand for spaohtsl
work and Rjnnaissanco is great, because of their rich appcaranco and close prox
imity to finest hand-made work. Tho Bureau Scarfs aro 18 inchos wide and 56
inches long; the patterns aro many and varied. Tho Pillow Shams are nearly
a yard square and most of tho patterns aro profuse in opon-work designs, q.
They would be cheap at 75p each. For ono hour Friday at only OVC
12c Children's Hosiery for 6c
Of the seventy-one dozens laid away for tho sale there ought not to be a single
pair left, for the value is unprocondontod. Children's heavy quality of cotton
black ribbed Hosiery, made double at every point where wear is tho greatest. Of
good woight and ideal stockings for winter wear. A tegular shilling L
quality. For one hour Friday at only . . ,. J
15c Finest Batistes for 854c.
The flint dash of Wash goods for Spring comes at a price that will make you glad
that Jonas Long's Sous store is hero. Finest Ellorsloy Batistes, one of tho
materials in greatest vogue this year. Tho pattsrn3 wo stop at dosorlption; they
are so many and variod. Most ovory etylo and pattern and color; most every
combination of colors. Extreme in beauty, rich in design and finish. QlAf,
Bought to sU at 15c. For one hour Friday ... OC
15c and 20c Embroideries for 10c.
So for we've been unable to supply tho demand for embroideries at those Friday
Sales. Thero'll bo enough for all this Friday however. A lucky chanco brought
us (and you) a splendid lot of Edgings and Insortiugs, somo of them vory wide;
some of them to match in the different widths. All of thorn strikingly fn
handsome. Worth 15c and 20c. For ono hour at lvC
15c to 25c Finest Laces for 8c
If you were here at the Lace Sale of two weeks ago (or saw them in the window
at the time) you'll be glad to know wo've struck an almost duplicate lot. There
are plenty of wide ones, and plenty qf narrow ones, too. A good many of them
In edgings and insertllngs to match. Valenciennes and Point de Paris styles,
cream and white. Laces that no store would bo ashamed to ask 15c to 25c o ,
for. For ono hour at O
On Second Floor:
50c Boys' Knee Pants for 25c.
Fiom the best maker of strictly Boys' Clothing in all New York: took all he had
of tho regular fifty cent knee pants to clean up his stock. About seven hun
dred pairs (720, to be exact), strictly all wool and in colors of plain blue and
brown (the best shades of these colors). Good weight, made with taped seams
throughout and the most serviceable wnist bands. All sizes from 3 to 14 yn
years. Eveiy pair guaranteed to be COc value. For one hour Friday at only dyK
59c Coutil Corsets for 39c.
Miede of the veiy best giade of Coutil In pretty tints of blue and pink, also dab
and white, finished with lnce aiound tops. The new Fiench stylo with short hips,
well boned, peifect fitting and full of comfort to the wearer. All sizes.
Big value at 50c. Tor one hour only at
Jonas Long's Sons
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Pltthton, Feb. 14. Miss Saiuh J.
Thompson, daughter of .Mrs. Holle
Thompson, of the UacU road, Duryea,
was united In mnrt Intro tonight to
William A. Schmaltz, son of Mr. nud
Mrs. Ernest Schmaltz, of I'lttston
township. The reiemony wus per
formed at 8 o'clock Ut the home of the
bride's mother, llev. O. r. Ktttve-ln,
pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran church,
Hugliestown, otllclatlng. The bridal
couple wore attended by May Hello
Thompson, sister of tin bride, as the
(lower girl, and the ceremony was wit
nessed by a small company, composed
mostly of relatives. Tho bride was
attired In a cream Ilgured dress with
white fclll trimmings and ulie carried
bridal roses. A sumptuous wedding
simper was j-erved at the conclusion
of Vhe ceremony. Kor the oresent Mr.
and) Mrs. Schmaltz will jeslde with
the ibrlde's mother und will later go
to hViiHekeepIng nt Hugliestown.
Miw. ftadwnlader Evans, nn aged
lady of this place, Is finite 111 nt her
home on Welsh Hill.
i'V. John Lconnrd, of Oregon
iv., net (us, is couiincu ir ner nome wuit
npraincn anKie.
Hubert Holmes has handed In hit)
resignation aH flrM lieutenant of Com
pany C, Ninth regiment. He contem
plates moving to Hutte City, Montana,
In the near futute. Orders have not
yet been Issued for uu election to nil
tho vacancy, but It Is understood that
ticrond Lieutenant William Krancls
wilt receive a promotion, nnd that H.
J. Mahon, nn .f-Nattonal Guards
man, has re-enllsted and will bu elect
ed second lieutenant.
One of the leading attractions In thu
line of basket ball to be witnessed hero
this season will ho tho game at Ar
mory lutll next Friday evening, Feb.
13, between tho UucUnell university
team and the Pltjston V. M. C. A. On
the same evening there 'will ulso be u
game between tho Juniors of I'lttston
and the "Wilkes-Hnrro calvary club.
A 2-wecUs-old child of Mr. und Mrs.
Arden Chapelle, of South Main street,
died yesterday from Internal hem
orrhages. Miss Elizabeth Clark, a well known
Plttston dress-maker, Is preparing to
lemove to Hcranton.
George W, Child, the Iron screen
manufuctmer of West I'lttpton, li
ciltlcully III wth pleuro-pne'nonla.
Thero weio no now developments In
tl' atrlko situation among the girls
ut the Sterling silk mill hetc today.
A committee from the striken will
lay their grievances before the Ceu
tial Labor union committee this even
ing. It in lumoted that tho managers
of the mill have decided to olo-so the
plant down for six weeks, The em
ployes at the silk mill at West I'ltts
ton uio becoming lestless nnd doubt
less within a few days they will Join
the general at) Ike) movement. Should
they do so, It may result to their dis
advantage, an Manager Frost Is cred
ited with saying that should the strike
fever iench his mill he will immedi
ately close operations In this city and
move his plant batlc to Pnterson, X.
J from whence It came.
M. L. Porrln, tho horseman, has add
ed to his stock a 4-year-old chestnut
mare. Tho animal wus put chased at
Columbus Junction, Iowa, and arrived
hero this morning.
The inuulago of Miss Mut, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alkmun,
of tho West Side, and James Allen, of
Scranton, was bolemnlzcd at the homo
of tho bride's parents last evening. At
8.30 o'clock the bridal party entered
thu pallor to tho strains of Men
delssohn's wedding march, played by
Miss Margaret Alkman. Tho bride
wus handsomely attired In white ba
tiste with point laco trimming. Sho
carried a bouquet of white roses and
mntden hair ferns. Her maid. Miss
Anna, was nttlred In pink silk with
point laco and carried pink roses, Tho
groom was waited, upon by Frank
Larimer, of Scranton, Itev. D, T.
Smythe performed tho ceremony. After
rccclvlngcongiatulatlons under a llotal
bell, tho guests, about one hundred,
sat down to dinner. In tho Una of
furniture, sllvorwaie, brlc-abrnc, etc.,
they were handsomely remembered.
Mr. and Mrs, Allen left on the mid
night train for Now York city. Upon
their return they will reside In Scran
ton. Miss Nellie Corcorau, of Dunmore,
Is tho guest of her cousin, Miss Mary
Mrs. Dunn, of Main street, Is critic
ally 111,
Mrs. Joseph Httrtm him returned
home, after several weeks' visit with
friends In Ornnte, N. J.
Thomas Hanlon, of the West, Side, Is
seilously III of pneumonia.
A handsome pleco of battenburg seen
In Andcrtton's w Inflow Is the work of
Mrs. Hairy Harley and Is given to the
Primitive Methodist church fair.
The condition of Mrs. William Evans,
of tho West Side, Is slightly Improved.
Special lii the Scranton Tribune.
Hat ford, Feb. 14. W. U, Hummuiid
and father visited Carbondale on
.Mrs. II. W. Booth und Mrs. A. H.
Ithymerson aro visiting friends In
The Missionary society of the Con
gregational church met with Mrs.
Hogers on Wednesday.
Mrs. C H. Osborne, of Nicholson, Is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A.
T. Sweet.
Philip Alwotth, of New York. Is vis
iting his mother.
Mr. und Mrs. Cole, of Syracuse. N.
Y., ate visiting his brother, J. C. Tan-
en r.
Dr. Horau was called to his home in
Dullois by the sickness of his father.
Mr. und Mts. Oeotge Dolaway were
called to seo. Mr. Dolaway's mother,
who W sick nt Uust lake, on Monday.
Dr. Cnpwell, of Scranton, .spent
Tuesdav with his uncle, Dr. A. T.
Thero will be a Christian Kudeavor
convention held In the Congregutlonal
church on Friday and Saturday, Feb-
ruaty 21 nnd 1!3. A lecture will be
given Friday evening.
0 6
AUADKMY. Saw telle
Matinee ami night.
Dramatic romunjr.
"A Country Couitship."
'Jhtt Bautelle company r.rrht-iitetl at Hie nut.
Inco yetcrilay "Tim Victorian Crns," .mil lift
etcnlng the beautiful iliauu, "A C'-mmtry Court
lilp" ai the bill. The play thl afternoon will
be a tullltaiy loincOjr duuu entitled "
noosa In 'l," and tonight the (treat icnaatloiMl
melodr-ma, "The l'atal Card," will be .roduco,
JeMl Hantelte, tho atar of the companj, lias
won the fetor t Academy patroim, mid het ap.
pearanco at cadi perfonnamo brtnea forth mudi
upphiiM.. The taudctlllc Introduced between the
at l enyrel.v i"f,
"Shore Acies."
'flu- ttcl Lnoun iharacter aitor, Jauiet 1. l,'.i.
lotvay, Id at tho head ot .lame A. Heme's
"ishortJ Acr" company, and hU artUtlo Inter
prestation of Nathaniel llerry could hardly be
kurjiutrd. Mr. Calloway plujcd thii put in
Ner Yorls city dm Ins the play'a long run at the
mctiopolli. Mr, Calloway wKotlatlna; for the
Auttralian rlglitj to "Shore Aires" and It Is hit
intention to produce the plec In that far-awa
Among the other prominent plajera In the
"Mioic AinV' company are Atlln I.jwihkc,
Herbert Hamburgh, AV. If. Ilurton, Clurlca II.
1'Uher, Janira llurrowg and MUu Marion (Allien
ami Itelle Tcadorc. All thoie plajm tverc tntm
bc of Mr. Ilerno'i own company. A complete
menery production of "Shoio Acres" will be
Klteu at the Ltceum. afternoon und cwninc, to
morrow .
Return of Mrs. Le Moyne.
llaiold ltusell, l'ranl; Linda, dcljido
Thuratoii, Walter Thomas, Sir. and Mm. John
Olcndlnnlng, Ctiarlci Stinley, F.inchon Campbell,
Cornelia Hunter, Annie O'Malley, Thomas Will
lips, IMuin .lames und John Matthew make a
formidable- nnny of nimn to be In tho nnnort.
Ing company ot a iUr.
cveral of them hate been atars, All llne
plajcra will be sceu ttitli the Sarah Cottcll
Lc Movnc company In "The firealcl Thimr
In the World," which "III bo the atti iction at
the L) ccum the iter for a uturn engagement next
Monday otcninir, lVli. W. U 1" needle to ,ay
that with such a thoroughly ttclMulanccd and
artistic company the performance here of "The
(Ireatest Thing In the World" will be .flight-
fully smooth and cntcitalnlng
"A Lion's Heart."
At the Academy of Music nexc Moud, 'liie't
dav ami Wednesday, Manager llroevn will oiler
Carl A. Ilaitthi In "A Mon'a Heart," an l'ngllih
meloilrama that has met with Meat suucsk in
the- European capitals, cpei tally in London,
ttlicio it has been produced otn- two thomand
tlmei Mr. Huttln Is one of tho best known o
American acton. Ho became a household fa
totllo n Wilfred Denver in "The- Sllter Kltg."
n, part hei lias played fifteen .teais. He- Is also
fetorably mnriubi re-el loi his arliatic uuik m
the Karl of Dorlticourt In "Little Lord l'.iuu
tleroy." As Plene Ulrrdo, Ihe leading role in "A
Uon'i Heait," ho Is duplicating his former mc
esMicet. Of "A Lion's Ileal l" It can only bo
uld that it Is bound lo beceuue one of the ktand
ard dramas of the country It Is a stirring etory,
full of ktiong nituatious which glte- t-plcndld op
inrttinity for scenic surrounding, ami theix- haw
been latUhly taken adtantage cf Us c-oinreli Is
furnished by t pair of lovers, who afterevanli
becomo a newly mauled couple on a wedding
trip to tho continent, where thev fall into all
kind of ludlcrouj trouble! and get Introduced to
the "Honeymoon Smile."
"Rambler Burlesnueis."
Ileuik and rtoincMy's "Jljmbler nuiluimw,"
a carefully selected company of virlcty per.
formers and pretty girls, will be the uttuellon
at the Gaiety for three iiays, beginning Mon liv
matinee. Ihe company U headed by thoac clcter
comedians, the IlmkH Ilrolhers, nnd Mls Licit
Dexter, one of the nw.t popular buile?n,uerA that
eter trod the boanls.
Miss Dexter will appeu in the- title role ol
'Tltn ((ueen of the Holland Dames," n c level ly
written that follows the company's variety
Mate of Ohio, City of Toleelo, Lucas Count), ssi
FIlAMf '. CIINNTA makes oatl, that he Is
senior partner of the- inn of I. .1. Cnu.Viiy &
CO., doing business In the City id Tertedo, County
and State afoiesald. and that said tlnn will nj'v
the sum of ONE IIUNDltia. UOLLAIt'-l
each and etery case ot DATA II till that cannot
be cured by the mr of III LIAS OATA1IRU
cum:. , l ii.ak ' niL-xnv.
Sworn to before me and uioeiihed In mv
presence, this Ulh day of December. A. 1), utt
(Seal.) A- W- nLIIAsO.V.
, . , Notary Public.
Hall' Catanh Cine is taken internally, an,
acts dlrectl) on the blood and lnue-oiis surfaces
of tho S)tem. bend for testimonials, fnc.
' I'. J. CHI'.NLT & CO., Toleelo, O.
Sobl by Druggists, 'In:
Hall's Kamll) I'lIU arc the- ben.
Wall Street Review.
New oik, I'eb. 11, There was ii uuil-ed ic
luxation today of the pien'uie- to bell stocks
t lilcli carried prices elown ,eteid.iy und pii.'es
nhoweel ime rccote'ry. The recotery did not
fct In until the nuikct lead been fuilhct' tested
by the bcaiii, causing genual eUcliue bedeiw )e
teidav'rt let el. In coitarqucne e- the- net changes
of the- dav uu- as n rulo small but mostly gains,
London adtanced price's before- the- opening here,
but turned teller ifter pe-rceltlng the dilft ot
entlinctit lit New Yoik and bold a few thousand
Nliaus on bahince, The-.t i no teiy manl
iest eauw! for the recotery although a few usually
oUcure Mocks shotted npic5-iti- stiength but
thu fact wu tery etldent that )etereLi)' uigeiit
picme of bpeculatlu- liiiuldetiou was redaxed.
The bears who cold .toiterday eoteieel their ctn
tracts In consequence-. This partly accounted for
tho show of firmness In the market. The bears
hate recettcd too many leteie loom in the- la-,t
few months not to hate- become rather timid
especially in the laev ejf the K.siblllties con
.temtl) hinteil let of further imiortniit Ilrancial
elete-Iopmcnts. In j relay jj decline much wsu
made of the fact that the- stueU ge-neially In
cluded in thu iutc-rcttts of the prominent liiunclit
who has Ijorne the met important pait In the
recent consollditlons tvtre unlle-nnly weak
this was alt told te be due In tho coming de
paituiu of this financier on Ida annual tucation
trip to Luronc-. .s though In leplv to these
eoiulderallonrt tho stocks thus intuitu! tuic
all cuppoitcd toda), Including I'edenl Steel,
the- Kileie. thei Headings, Northern I'ulhu und
atlonu iuue. mere was ne tlnn ot emimp
tlen of the heavy buying by banking Interest
which has . often been In evidence prctiuiu.
let tue- leceuc coiitoiiiiauons I'eio juiquettr
ee I'5 s, M. liuiri und San PianeLer, i, the
becunel prefi'ired 4s. Chicago Client Western pre
ferresl 111 und a number of minor .lock a eoiuld
crablo amount on peuUting rumoia of coibuliila
t Ion. Lackawanna lOo uu citumu t .end Dolt
vaie and Hudeon l7i oter last night. Ceneri
Llcclrlo conspicuous fur an cxtteme adtamei
of lo points our last night with a reaction o."
.'i'-j. Tim local traelluii aleitks, Suaai ami J'obac
CO tvero conpleiioulf etio-ig at tiine-s nnd N'nith
American won forceel up twee points, Atchison
wo llflvd ubeite 0". None of tliee- gains ttern
fully held ami the lone- of the market was rather
licaty at the close mid the toluine of dealing)
tery materially curtailed A number of newlv
listed securities were- 'de-alt III for Ihe Unit
time, Including the stocks of tint .liimlrjti
Agricultural Chemical company, the- Crucibles
Steel company, anil the Tole'di, St. Taui ami
WVi-teni Htllrosd company, the- quotations of
each being advaneeel oter the opening prlce-s,
Tedal calese, SH.Onel tehares. Tticto wo.s Ics do
ing in iieilioad bonds and piicen cuntlnue'd to
mote Inegularlt. Total, per talue, 1,013,
Om). Hnolted State-K new -Is nnd Ss adt incd V
pel cent. eatU on the last call ,
'(h follotvlrg quotations
Tribiue by M. 8. Jordan k
Hears building, Scianton, Pa,
Amciiean Suk.i . . .
Ameilian Tobaeeei ,
Am. H. k W
Ateh., To. et S. To ,
,l T. & S. V., IV ..
Ilmokhn Traction .
Halt. U Ohio
Con, Tobacco
dies, et: Ohio
Chic. A. O. W. ....
(hlc, II. & Q
bt. 1'aul
Itoek Island
Dchwuic i: lludsin .
Federal Steel
Federal Steel, IV ...
Kan. i Tex,. IV ...
!)iils. k Nash
Manhattan Kle ,
Met. Traction Co ...
MIsaoiiiI 1'ai'ilio . ....
I'rnple-'i) flas
, . .11
... v.'.;
... Ml
! 77
.... ft
,.. l-',i
... in.
... VIVl
. liVH4
... 1
... eiV
... fills
... M't
sie furnished His
Co., rooms 703.704
Teleu'ionn M03:
lllgli- Low- (lot
107V4 IMtj
I , I ' 3
V. J Cetitial
Southein I'jcifio
Norfolk i- Wetem . ,
North Paelllc ....
Noith. I'aeitie, l'r . .
N. 1 CVntrul
Ont. i: Wet
Teniu. It. It ,
f'aeftlu Mall
Iteadiiig, IV
Southein It. It
southern It. It,, l'r ..
Tpiiii., C. & Iron ....
I'. -S. Leather
V. S. Leather, JV ....
V. S. Rubber
t'nioii l'jcitlc-
Union l'aclflc, IV ....
Wabash, IV
Western Union
Tlilrd Atcnuo
. 4',V
. Oi
. W's.
. .','-?
. i
. M
' I."1
. v
. .'il-'i
. $111
75" j
i',i ,
( OftN.
I, All I).
Open- High- low
ing. et. fft
. 11.12
14 .V
CI os.
skw nnK nit.uv MirtKK.r.
Ojicn- High- leuf-
Wlli:.U ing. eet ,.,t
Maieli i)'ie SOU TOli
May to'., SO', tii,
Miy lo", 41!, IV'i
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
First N'atloral Hank
Scranton Savings Hank
Third National Dim.
Dime Deposit and Discount Dank..
L'conoiny Light. II. t I'. Co
Lack. Tiiut Safe Deposit Co
Clark k Snnver Co, Pr
Scranton Iron Feme k Mg. Co. ...
Scranton Axlo Work
Lacka-sanna Dalrv Co, IV
Count v Savings Dank k Trut Co..
Kirtt National Bank (Cirbondalc) . ,
Standard Drilling Co
Traders' National Dank
Scranton Knit snd Nut Co
Scranton Fossenser Italltta), Oist
Mortgage, due iWM
People's street Itallway, flr.t mort
gage, due 1013
People' Stieet Italltta), tlrneral
mortgage, due 1H21
Dickson Manufacturing Co
Ijcka. Town.htp School S per cent
City of Scianton St. Imp 0 per
Scranton Traction per cent
, 4)U
79' i
117 IH
Mill WJli
SS Nlli
mis iwi
Scianton Wholesale MaiUet.
(.(ciiected by II. (I. D.h-. f" l.iekawaiuu Ave i
Mutter Ci.-a.iHti). 'J2a2'.'tae . ; ela'i), l?aiO
I been Full e i ram, I2ille
FgljK Western fuli, '.'Hia3.'e.i ueailiv -isle,
lb ani, Per In, choice miriuw. Si'Hr! eai
Pea Ileitis Per bet., 2.4Sj-2 Jci
Medium Deans-I'er bit , il.'lt: n
Cretu IV.u-1'ei bu . ll.IOal.Fi.
Onliins Pei bu , vlal.m,
I'le-ur llest patent, 1 e.)
New Yoik Grain and Produce.
New Voik, I'eb. 11. llosir I'lnnlf held tll'l
buyers operating inoro euiilldiiitl) t winter
atralglits, .IVlL.VI; MlnniMita patents, xl.lOi
4,:a). W he at Spot eauj; No. 2 ted, hit-, f. . h.
afloat! No. 2 nd, Ttl'jt, elctator; No. 1 not them
Dulutli, S7ti. f. ei. b, ultoati option had u hill
oK'idngt later hail lue break, clewing it'
at Uu,!' tut cleelinej March cloned T"Hc I
Ma), M)!e-, : July, 7C4C Com Spot strong; No
2, IS'.ic. i-letator and l"e-. f. o. b. afloat; optloiw
weio steady te tlnn and fairly active; closed teiv
linn at 'e.'i!;o. ret ailtaucu; May closed U' ,
July, 15c, Oats Sput steady, No. I, .Jjt,e, .
No. J, 3(e., No. 2 white, a.taJJVaC.i No. :t
wihte, .'noJ.'c.: track tnLxed tvt stern, .10u,tli,te.;
track tthlte, yia.Wo, i optloiw dull tut rather Him.
KgtfvMiaJv; ktate and Pcnnjylvards, -JOe.i west,
em. lCallilc.; araaUiern, IDalSc. ISntter Firm;
fresh crcanieiy. lOaja'aC ; faetory, llalec.; Juris
creamery, l'a2CV, ; Imitation rreamer), llslbc. ;
ctate dairy, liciih, 13"0c. Cheese Kirn; fancy
lurt.0 fall made, llViall'.iC, ; fincy unM fast I
made, llaUc.
Philadelphia Grain and Pro duo.
Phil idelphli, Feb. )4. U'hett Finn. Uc hK
er, contract grade Febrttai.t, 77tia"7sc. Corn
Finn, ,ic higher; No. I! mixed l-ehrtiar, IV n
4iyc. t)ats SUad); No. 2 white clipped, 3.'e.
Uutter Urmi tancj wntern eiesuury, aa,-c.;
da do. prints, '-'3' j do. neaihy, pnntn, Sle,
Fgijr-Stiadj , froili icuby, 21c; do. weateni,
iH. chc suutl.tvetteiu, 21c.; do. southern, ire.
Clienie Steady, ltetined Sugant Unchanged, Cot.
ton Stead). Tallow Utiles: city prime. In hogs.
lioadi, 4?,e : co'intry do., Inrrebi, tUat'ie. ;
c.ikcs SaS'.tc. Lite l'oultl)- Unlet but atcadr,
fowls, OUalO'ni.; old lOOoteu, ,c. ; chickens, U'j
uliv. dueU, )-'.cUi.; gee,, lOallo. ; turkejt, fa
lev. Dressed Poultr.t Finn and actlto; fowls,
choice to fane), llal'c. ; western do., lOalJc.j
duck-, ut-aib), Ha lie: western do., llalSc,;
teese, 7.1'Jc IteceipU-Flour, 1.7J0 barrels unci
i.'.tno.U's) iwimds In sacks; wheat, 2,500 buhelsj
corn, l.lw) buvliels; oata, Sl.tts) bushels. Shi
mcnts-Wlieil, 2i.U)0 bushels; corn, ibisii) bit-lu
el.: oats. 2,V bushels.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
t hieigo, I'eb. 14 Wheat ruled nervou sni
liiegular tods.t nnd closed ,c. lower; cora
tahlWii-d another high marl; foi- the option amt
cleed Jiifsc. over )iterday; oaei clod S1"- "l
and piotl-iou ihl'o, lmprov-1. e'.'jjh quota
tions were as follows; Wtht-Xo 2 tpting, (!
71'iie-.: No. i led, Tl'.iiaTCk-. ; No. 2 colli, tlsjsi 7
No. )Cllow. 3-ssC,; No. 2 qats 2Sa25ic.; No,
2 white, ''7inSi-. ( No. 3 white, 27c; bailer,
lie; No. 1 flat, el.W; No. 1 northwest, Sl.rk,
timothy, .li; pork. til.l2',ials.)S; lard, 7.4)V
i7 Wl; rll's. 7.H)i7.iO, nhoulders, 1iiaVaC. ; aids,
7Ua7 '5 1 ttlibkei), J127.
Chlcntto Live Stock lUaikest.
Ihleago, Feb. , M Cattle Itec-eiptf, ll.Oiieli
Choice htesrs, steady, othcia weak 10al5c. lower:
bulcheii,' steMk and Texaiw steady to 10c, lover;
geiod tu piime teu, X.'.xjai); oor to medium,
fl.IOa4.lVi: doe ken and feedene, alow, ,:.CSs6c)
cows, C.'.' ti hi-lfeis. .'.G0a4.:tJ; eamieis,
1 !Sa2..'iO; bulbc. $2.40al.'JS: calves, afl.;
Texas feci steen. Hla4.7U; Texus Bnwes Mean, 1 .let
nJ.!): 'Irxits bulls i2.W)i3.'0. Hogs JteeelpU to
day, yc.ueiO: toniorron, L'-.OuO; left over. 2,0c a .
opined So. higher, iietlte-. elo.lng weak; top,
ilO.SU; mixed und bntche-re, Nl25aa47H; good
tel cliuieii heatt, ,.'l"ia5..VJ; rougli heavy, ii.iOi
.').::: light, '.2Sa1.tS, bulks ot sales, ?'. :tia
S.4i. sheep Iteccipta, ID.Otlo, sheep ajuj Jiiii),
ktevel) lei Kk. lowei; good to choice wefltess,
.slaL.'s); felr to choice mixed, l.Wi4i west-
ill sheep, s.I.'Oal.'0j Texas sheep, W.JOa'e ),
icatite lambs, $1 2 iaS.:tQ; western lambs, SaS.'tQ.
UtilValo Llvo Stock Maikei.
La. i Llhertt, I eb 14. Cattle .steady; exiri,
fB.ISaVtU; prime, '.V.UeVI), eommoii, $.)at.7
Hogs Attlte; primo needlunis und liot loikeis
k.1.,11; light Vorlus, (It Heia3.M; lieaty hogs, ?).7i
aS.lxl; plus &.laS..Yi; roughs, flai5. Slieeji
Study; iliulic ttetheis,; common i
u'i; choleei lamlia. .TiiifI hS; eoniinnn to gooil
AlnilO: tt.,1 i.cUes, ft7.S0.
New York Live Stock.
New oik, Feb, U. Bee tea No tud In lis
e.11111, iiciii.g itcaii.i, liiuca Jlaiket ste
ecul.. Ikl.raUS. !i little ejlia. See, !.,
atock, l.2!),' Miei-i bUailv but epilet; lamb'
alow- ard weak; sheen. Will.?": bulls. HIT'
lambs, W, MO. Hot,- Nominal;. iiujUht)
W l. It ...... .. I...T n...
,V- f .t,lf,U l,'C