THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1901. WEST SCRANTON CLARKE BROS. ENTERTAIN RECEPTION" AND DANCE TEN DERED THEIR EMPLOYES. Annual Gathering Was Held Lnst Evening in the Main Stores, In Which Over 200 Participated Re publican Club Meeting .Commit tees Naraod for tho Year Funeral of Llew Hcrbeit Yesterday After noon William Connell Olcs Club. Other Mattera of Interest. The secret of Clarke Urother' stie cjhs was clearly and conclusively de monstintcd to tho low outsldois vvl.o 1M-K permitted to LMiJoy th'lr hospi tality lost night at tln annual dance, reception and luncheon given by the two luuulied of more cmplo.vcs of all their stores In AVent Hctanton and fJoulli Sornntoit. Their unbounded suc cess l!s In the fact that they Know liovv to trout their employes, both In a business and social way, and when they undertake anything1 along elthi r lino It Is utrrieil out to the cntlio sat isfaction of nil. Once u j car every one of the army of clerk", shlppeis, drivers', manager, taxh hove. cnhrH and other help that goi's to make up a fjicat doputt nient .store ate assembled In might propel ly be termed an Immense nut pi lie party, for none of them men know bcfoio-hand what Is In stoic for them. Tho Cl.nko Hrothei i, v., M tine'. George, attend peisonally to the lot o I1h. and lim everything Is icidy e-tait the fun ,olng and merriment lolgns Mipiemo for hevoinl hours J'lomptly at 9 o'clock last evening S'loieM-m Johnson, the blind pianist, uruck up it lug-time ditty on the In Hi Him nt which Is nluujs kept In the iitoii' for entertaining put poses, and the piotty ghls and gallant bojs who h"ie their employers and oustonieis litcied into the festivities with a vllllngness that bespoke "a good tlin " Jor all. Tuo-st'ps nnd waltzis, polkas and Jive-steps, lantern and .sehottlshcH. iiiudillle.s nnd other dances lollovved Sn tilek sut cession, nnd at n halt horn to midnight, all fatigued and huiigi r-at down to tho daintiest little lunch con Imaginable. Thetu weie suitd vlchcs and coffee. Ice orvim, hon l)iis Cind chocolates. This enjoyable pait of the piogiain river, tho guests ussombl'd In the i lothlng depaitment, whole a mimliJi of stunts weie pm formed by white ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOR ( COUGHS I and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Today, and for Nine Days More We Will Continue Our Annual Sale of Men's White Shirts We c.itry not only the largest, but the best stock ol medium and line white shirts in this city. Every stie, every nuke, every peculiarity that stands for merit is found- in Globe Ware house white shirts, and whether the wearer be short or tall, Mini or stout nukes no difference We can fit hint perfectly as though he hud had a shit I nude to ordei. tether Important Point. Globe Warehouse white shirts, wear well, only the best nuis luii aie used in their manufacture, while the fitting are ol as .od a quality as your grandmothei would have bought when s;t about making a new go-to-meeting blu'it for her good man. Wc might also add that all shirts have gussetcd seams in the skirts, sleeves, back, etc . while all with the exception of the lowest niimbcis aie reinfoiced back and front, and have patent neckbands A Few Price Facts. Xo.l. Is a Shirt that sells all over the country for 45c and -oc. 'I he sale ptice in any sue is 33C ' Xo. 2. Is a White Shirt, made with continuous facinas: has double 'reinforcements back and front, patent neckbands, etc. Our l popular half dollar shirt at 32C No. 3. Is double-stitched throughout; has short or long fronts, all le tights ot sleeves, etc., and made Irom the famous Womsut- , tfi Muslins. Regular 6sc quality lor 45C No. 4.These Shiits have every advantage that the highest priced goods on the market possess, and being made from New York Mills Muslin, are absolutely guaranteed for service. Regular 7SC 1 suits (or 02?C No. 5. Our celebrated untearable Night Shiits, made from best standard muslins, white or fancy trim, 5 j inch long, and very . . best making. During this sale 45C No. 6. The best made Night Shirt in the market and guaranteed to give satisfaction in service. Regularly sold by us at 75c. The sale price 65C Globe Warehouse Vi'iVAV SMVSVrfV.V and black-faced comedian, nionolog. Isls, vocalists and InKtrumentallats and it wns long after the midnight hour before good nights were said. Danc ing followed tho specialties and other featutcH wero enjoyed. Notable among tho latter was a drawing contest, In which many of the joung people parti cipated. I'tlzcs were offered for tho best pencil sketch of a pig, the draw ings being mado while the artists were blindfolded. This featured caused no end ot amusement, nnd tho successful ones weio awarded suitable prizes. Thero were three for the ladles and three for the gentlemen, the llrst two being for the best dt aw lags and the third for consolation prizes. Tho Judges were Mcssts. Hopp, Ilamfoul and Wnldron. The event was tho most enjoyaole In the history of tho firm and cemented the already good feeling and friend ship that has alwavs existed between the Claiko Brothels and their em ployes. There Is not a moto reptChon tatlve or better looking class of cleiks In ths city than are to be lound in tho employ of this popular firm and last night's event demonstrates that the Clarkes ate not only business men of shrewdness and ability, hut ulso en tertainers of no mean calibre. Republican Club Meeting. An adjourned regular meeting of the West Hide Republican club wns held last evening for the purpose of listen ing to the repot t of tho audllois who weie appointed to prepare a statement of tho club's financial standing. The repoit showed that a number of moin btis are In in rears, and an effort will bo made to have them llnuldatc their indebtedness to the club before any further action Is taken. The matter of Increasing the dues was defened until the March meeting In order to gle the limine htl hccretaty an opportunity to cte the delinquent members and, If possible, have them square theni-olves with the club. Tollls A. Howell wns elected to mem bership, and the attention of the club was called to the necessity of taking some action relative to tho nppoitlon ment bill now before the legislature in which it Is propost d to divide tho pies cut dlstilots. Dr. W. A. 1'alne brought the matter up and epiessed the be lief that West Seiantou should consti tute a leglhlatlvo dlstilel In Itselt, and th it the ptoposed change whereby the Twentieth ward Is to bo added should be aniendid so that the Fourteenth nnd Twtnty-llrst wards will be a part tf the West Scranton dlstilel. On motion a committee of three was named to prepare a resolution on the matter, with instructions to leport at the next meeting. The committee mimed was Dr. W. A. Paine, Attorney W. CjjIouI Thomas nnd James T-ey-hhon. President ileese appointed the following standing committees to serve duilng tho coming year: Ciiipili V. Cajlord Tlidnii. l.ilffltli T Di, Cluiln Olicr, Motriu 1 hurras. Palmer William'. finance rhiilri R. Veler, William J Thaju. Tamn 1e.vshon, Willljiii Phillips Aniluw It. Holme. Mi mUnlilp -Willi 1111 Jimie-on. V itUu Will iam, Pivid 1! Jorio, Itlctiaiil IIoImtI", Moi. Kill Lcwli". Tho club has taken' on a new lease of life, and has been rejuvenated by young blood and new methods. Now members are being added, tho "dead timber" Is being weeded out, and the futuro will undoubtedly witness the oldest political organization ttr North eastern Pennsylvania taking Its place again among tho stalwarts of the Re publican party. runernl of Llew Herbcit. The attendance at tho funeral ser vices over tho remains ot the late Mi hard Thomas yesterday afternoon wus ample proof of tho esteem In which the dead vocalist was held. The family residence on Swetland stieot was totally Inadequate to accommo date all who wero present and many remained out doots during tho Her Iies. A featuio of the house services was the singing of "Tim Vacant Chair" by a male quartette from Wilkes llarre, and two selections by tho Ulm Park church quartette. Hev. D. D. Hopkins, ot the First Welsh Baptist church, spoke In Welsh, and Hew C. M. Olllln, D. IX, of the i:im Park church, addressed tho assemblage In i:ngll.'ih. At the grao In Washburn street cemetery fully thiee hundred voices Joined In tho rendition at a Welsh hymn, which was a favoilte of the de ceased. The members of West Side conclave, Xo. 211, Improved Order of Hcptasophs, attended In a body and tho pall-bearers weie selected from the lodge. They weie: John It. Richards, Illlas 12. Kvans, John U. Davles, Hy A. Parsons, v. p. soutt nnd John It. Wil liams. The llouor-beaieis wero 10. D, Jonoa nnd John D. Dales. People wero also present from Wllkes-Uarre, Carbondale, Utlcn, X. V., and other places William Connell Glee Club. The male party of singers which will attend the inauguiatlon of Piesldent MeKlnley at Washington on March I under the special Imltntlun of Con gicsman William Connell will give a concert this evening In the Hallroad Young Men's Clulstlan association hall for the benellt of the association. The selections to be randered will be "Com rades In Arms" and "Martyr's of tho Arena." The arrangements for transportation nnd nccommodatlon duilng the club's stay In Washington are now being made, and they expect to leae a week toinonow for tho national capital. Din ing the ibojoutn the club expects to slug for the president, Congiessman Connell and other notables at Wash ington. The party will include about thirty slngeis and ollleeis. Hampton Street Church, At tho fourth quarterly comeience of the Hampton Stieet Methodist Episcopal chut eh the olliclal board unanimously requestejl llev, James Hennlnger's return toihIs charge for the fourth All lepoits showed the cJiuioh to be In a llomtshlng con dition. The attendanie nt the Sun day school over 21S. The trustees have purclnsed an other lot on Main avenue next to the one donated by Mi. W.vlson, giving them now a frontage on Main avenue of ninety-seven feet. The omlng summer a new diuich nnd parsonage will be erected. Y. W. C. A. Reception. This evening at S o'eloek the Young Women's Christian association will hold a leceptlon. A musical program will be rendered. The public Is Invited. A ilttntuiy silver otreilng will ba re ceived at the door. Tho vocalists will be. j-oprauo, Miss Anna Stiicklaud; tontralto, ,MN Mai Davles, pianists. Miss Mary Null and Mabel Jane, elocutionist, Mls Jones. Notes and Personals. Miss lAihr McGairy. ot Hon 'sdale, Is tho guest of Miss Minnie Cavvl-j, of l.afucttp bticet. A speiial meeting of Local No. IliS, of the United Mine Workers of Ameil a, was held In Jones' hull hist even ing The proceedings would not be dlscushed by members Daniel Davis of Carbondale. Is veil ing at tho home of Mis. nason, on Hvciett avenue John Hopkins of South On 1 Held avenue, Is a candidate for leglstei of voters in tho Thhd district of the Fifth ward. Tho Woman's class of the Slinphon Methodist Episcopal chinch will meet this afternoon. DUNMORE DOINGS. 11k Ik m lit iodal li'Ul in Odil 1 ellutt lull lust rlslit umlcr tin? audited ot the Indrpenil nt Ilo-c rompinv ua m wiucwtul jm jirtvlom uf fili.s in del tli? dilution of thifc lit ntlln? cum 1'iriv liau' .iluai bcrn. 'I he lull, i;-ln U lllv d tuliil fr tln cftjlnn, and the nuny thncn nmlc vtr) putt) iitt.u II J. hell, uho liid huiiwl eluu.c of Hie atUii, u n Jvdstid ly i eitnpitml 'tmi!ttu m lii. li .ittdidd ti) the many ntco.jrv d lalls It ifatii ils torn Hit; vaiiuiH fire rninpaiilrs cf llio' v illcj wne puciit In laict mmili V in it Mini wan u.lllid wlilih w'll Ik pu llUil to Mi. Iiiiiii Ilioun, till wlilow ot u (uliinr in n 1 ir of t lie (niup?m". I i" luiMinitloii of "V IllinJ tl iiliiiuiii" liv 'luUIII luttk s Slliiln si luil (hw list lii t, lit In "1 M.iik's parl-h liouie v. .is mu of tl.c ln.t lii'iiiln' alfaiis of tli" kind given in town in i ' ii i Int. Tlic iiiiinlii of the ca'. ,ln id tin. u mlts of laioful tuinhii and ull uqulltnl tli.n.siltia uell, A neat mm a iililcil lo Uu clinuli tuatury t iijjjii uf the J lie iihiuIhiii of tlic 1 pv.ortli LiaKiiu of the VetndUl I'plseop il eliuuh an lusih' cnsa;ed In irtpirlii; for llieli' loan exhibition to lie licl.l on Mauli C, 7 and -. V laic numliii of mie and anlipie uIIlk liao b en tmind from nmi) hiIIdik of the loun tiy and tln.e coupled with the cntirUlnln,; idilllty ot the Katvue" mcinliin will aid in tho nuking of vii) attractive iliah Mh IUfMo laft tnlerlalnod a few oi liei viiiii; filuidj at her lioni.' on North BUI.i'ly nticct ht 111. lit with a Valentino party, flnnei and olhir diurtluiu ilillo uuav i pleaanl rvenlnir alter hleli dainty nlr. diluents were served Aiiion; tluo remit wire: 1 lie Mlftoi lliltn I arm, Marion huuit, Jinul? Dal, Leah Moucr), J tto Moffat, Margaret Ilrjdeu, I.uc) Ileal, Me.i. William, Andieir Hiului, IKmanl C! im berlaln, Harold David. A lara number rf Christian i'lutavorei at tended the fcothl lu Id by that toelit) lau night nt Sir. J, C. W'addeir Imiuo on Nerlh llltkrly itrict plfMnt omlni; w.u i-uit h tlioe ii'n"iil, the usual diversions beliiu indulijed in b tluo In alteiubiKr. Mm I'tttr Paly and son, Joepli, of New Vorl, aie tpciiJIni a leu iUj vilili Mi, William t euinor, uf Webster iiwnue. Mii. l'rauk Handirn and ditiKlmi, Mw. J.duard Naitle, cf r'itutou, are vif It iny frinidt lu town, .Mu I). . WilllaiiH, (f lllooni tirut, vtat jblinliy called to the hedldo of her mi tlur, who U critically HI at liu homo nt South i.iUou MIm Muby anl better ot aie v!.ltnj frlendi at Willi llarre. Reoririi lWnrHmcr, of Ucuitfetoun, was a vl Itor In town jerteuli). Clinton Meum liatu tl It moinliiir for an e. tinileJ uuttrii tilp. 'llio annul! innlluK of the ChiUtlau 1 mliuvnr toclety of the I'reibjterlin church will bo held at Minn l)dla laiur's em CUcny slutl thU cveu he. Pea Coal $1,50 n Ton Dellveied. to South Side, cential city and central HmIii Park. Address outers to J. T. Hiaikoy, 1011 Cedar avenue. 'Phono CUSJ SOUTH SCRANTON TWO WEDDINGS TOOK PEACE YESTERDAY. Miss Caroline Hess Was Married to John Smith and Miss Beatrice Healey and Thomas Davis Wera Joined in Wedlock Defenders' Stiontj Basket Ball Team Downed tho North Scrnnton Stars Nowsy Notes of South Side Doings "Hun garian Society's Annual Masquer ade Ball. t Miss Caroline Hess nnd John Smith were united In mnrrlage last evening at the homo or tho bride's parents, C28 IMttston avenue. The cetemony was performed nt S o'clock In tho parlor by llev. W. A. Noidt, pastor of the I'll st German Presbyterian church. After tho ceremony Wrote was a re ception until 12 o'clock, when refresh ments were served. The couple left on nn early morning train for New York, Washington, D. C, and other points of Interest. Thev will reside In South Seiantou. Miss Ueatrlce Healey and Thomas Davis were wedded yesterday at high noon In St. John's church by Rev. H. J. Melley. The bride wus attired In a blue poplin traveling suit, and tho bildesmald, Miss I.ydlu O'Uoyle, wore a gown of pearl gray and hat to match. The groom was attended by John Healey, a bi other of tho bilde. At tho conclusion of the ceiemony a 'wedding dinner was bencd at tho bride's home, 1304 Plttston avenue, which wns beau tifully decotated with palms and smllav. Mr. and Mrs. Davis left on a wedding trip 011 the 3 30 o'clock train for New York and Washington, D. C. On their return they will reside In South Scranton. Defeudeis Won. The game of basket ball plowed last evening at St. John's hall between the North nnd Stats and the Defenders o,f the St. John's T. A. U. toclety, re sulted In a store of 2.', to 2 In favor of tho Defendeis. The following men played for the Defendeis: Qulnn, Iiolnnd, Mcln tjie, Morlnrlty and Prendorgast. The personnel of the North Hnd Stats was: Sklillngton, William Davis, S. Davis, Jones, Henjamln and James McCloskey, who was injured In tho first half of the game. Umpire, James Hartwellj tefe ree, M. J. Nealon; time-keepers, M. J Murphy and A. Masteis. The Defend ers will play tho Mlnooka Stais on Friday evening at the latter 's rink. Annual Masquerade Ball. The Hungarian S, H. society con ducted their annual masqueiade ball at Woiklngmen's hall last evening, about one hundred couples being In utteudnnce. The affair was 111 ehaige of a committee consisting of thij fol lowing member. 'i. Anton Scholl, Louis Scholl, Joseph ("let?!-, George tinnier, William Uallaik, Oeorge Hat nark. Minle was furnished by the Maiu fcohetk oiehesti.i, of Olyphant. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Geneuil Grant commandery. No. 2.10, Knights of Malta, will meet tills even ing nt llartman's hall. The annual masquerade ball of the Get man Ktlcger Vereln, which was held last night at Athletic ball, was well att"nded. Music for the occasion was furnished by Professor Gustav Schmidt. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Joseph I '.vans and Jonn II. Kelly weie each pie-eiited with gold badRes Wednesday evenlnt: by the Ciystal Duunatlc club, of which oiganizttlon they weie the tutots In 1SSC M. J. G tluiKan nnde a brief presentation. Hpoecli In behalf of the club, and MessiH. lvans and Kelly In response tfprefceci theilr gratltlcation at the honot done them, and said they would remain membeis of the club as lonv aa posslblt, and would endeavor to benefit it in all ways. IJ.mih Ii will Known in this section, where he Ins npirtted In manv dlfteient ilaj which hrAO been given by the club. After the picsentath it of the badgfK ii laiKpif-t was Berved, nt which John J. Mount acted as toaitmaster. Afte'i the jPlrtHhmenlH had b.'Oii served Domlnlck J Hvans mude a speech on "Wonnn's nights," followed by Cap tain Joseph II. Duggan, P. 1 Knight, Hugh J. rraney and otheis. Chailes Doushert e-pieMdcnt ot the club, made a slioit addiecs on the woik accomplljhod b.v the club since organ ization. ocal i-olos vv'i 3 teiideiid bv James Nealon nnd P J .McDonnell. The Cijslals me located lu neatlv ftttnlsh'd rooms In the onteihout bulliliug A Progressive Euchre, At a t'aitie of piogics-ilve eticluo Wednesday evening between the Mat Muctto council team and the D.tnb 1 O'Connfll louncll team, tf Mlnooka, (the latter weie' vlctoilous. .Inmen Nallln and Mlehnel ltariett were tho wlimei-H, and J. Gavin acted as ref eree. At the close of tho games the Ftoie ntood l"ti to I2!i In favor of tho O'fotineU'H council. Duilner tho gaino clgriB weie passed aiound. Church Social Given. A veiy Intel ostlng proprnmme and social was held at the Piovltlencu M. II, clmieh pailoii. last evening. It .i ..u ...tlj-.l n .!.' annlnl. 1111(1 was given under tho auspices of the T.-illo' Aid Soilelv of tho church. Kveiy one was given a llttlu silk sock to nl,i' , many pi'iiu's In as th. ir fool was Jong, which was to pay for admission nnd refreshments. Tonight's Performance. John J. Salmon will pioduce his lout -net comedy diiuna. ' Down In tho Mines, or tho Pluck-me Store," at tho Auditorium tonight. It Is expected I hat tho hall will be ciowdcd to Its utmost, owing to tho laigo number of tickets which lrivo been hold and tho fact that It is the lust tlmo the play v.'lll appear lu this section. Mr. Salmon w 111 put tho play on the toad rn t-oon as potrMble. CHATTY GOSSIP. A piuty war given AVedtusdny night at tho Kxcelslor Hoso houso under tho HE HOIYILIEST MAN IN SCRANTON ii well ii the liaiiJ.onicst, and othen ire Invilcd to call en any dmeitUt and Ret free a trial bottle ot Kemp's naUain for tin 'throat and l.unui, u remedy that1 U Kuaranleed to euro and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Aslluni, DronchttU and Consumption. Price SHc. and iOo. A Seal Within a Seal An inventor has created a wonderful package that preserves the freshness and crispness of crackers, bfscuit and wafers. TKe outside of the package is made of card board, scientifically treated; the inside is a lining of specially prepared paper. THis preserves the daintiness and delicacy of the baker's best creations. TEe outside and the inside are so formed that one becomes a part of the other; forming the famous "In-er-seal Patent Package" a pack age that is air tight, dust tight, moisture tight the only package known that actually carries the goodness of its contents from the oven to the table. It can be distinguished by 'ii' trade mark design on the ends. When you order Soda, Milk, Graham, Oatmeal and Butter Thin Biscuit, Ginger Snaps, Vanilla Wafers and Reception Flakei, don't forget to ask for the kind that come In the "In-cr-seal Patent Package." m tfSiv. k'ssaa; direction of tiro MIsch Hmma Kenne dy, Nellie Plynn, Kathryn Timlin and Hcatrice Andrews. SpeecheH wero mado by P. J, Cannon, James Rcllly, A. P. O'Donnell, Jamea May, M. J. Walsh and othet". An enjoyable evening was spent by all ptcsent. All nevvH matter will receive prompt attention If left at Davis' diug stoic, corner of Main and Mniket streets. John Decker-, a teamster residing at Pcckvllle, was arrested Wednesday evening by Olllcer Patrick Mav while ttylng to diivo around tho Mar vino mlno props In a race com so manner. Decker wns Intoxicated and nearly froen when picked up by the ofllcer. He was driven to the Providence po lice station by tl c olllcer and his te'ttn was placed In Connolly's lively. Yesletday morning he wns given a bearing by Alderman Mjcr.r and fined i two dollais and cc,ts, which ho pild. The number which won tho pitcher at the Memorial festival ail frlr at the Auditorium was ITS. Tho party holding tho number can have) tho pitcher by calling at 1703 Summit ave nue. Raymond Depew and Noah IIiu- mond, of thij section, ato lsltlnr? fi lends in Montana. ' Mrs Joseph I.. Lovelas, o Church avenue, Is Mlghtfy Indisposed Class No. 10, Providence Methodist Hplpcopnl Sunday school, weio most delightfully cntci tallied bv their teacher, Mrs. W. S. Cowlis, .'4J1 Nnith Main avenue Mrs. Covvles was ably assisted by Miss Maiy Davis, who clitei talned the young men with two line contralto solos. During the evening a "geographical contest" was entiled upon, and P.utus White cap tilted tho piize, being the neatest per fect In his nnsvveis. Those piesent wete Messrs. Watklns, Heese, Can oil, Walsh, Teal, Dishing, Deeto, Meie illth, G Sande-is, Snyder, White Dees, Claik. Saneleis Decse. m PARK PLACE. At the fourth quarterly eonfeiente of Court Street Methodist Ktiitcopal rhuit'h, a lesolutlon lequestitur the Idshop nt the ensuing session of the Wjomlng conference to teturn Dev. G. ('. Lvinaii the fourth tlmo was unani mously passed. llev. A lit Mill, D. D pieslding elder, promised to present the request to the bishop. The quai tetly confer t nct was a very pleasant session. The outlook for the raising of the debt on the chinch was nevei more hopeful The ladles of the Home Mlsslonaiy society met nt the Methodist Kplsco pal patsonage, on C'ouit stieet, and ar ranged for a mlsslonaiy tea, Pebrunty "1, In the church patlois. Mis. KHJah Miller is sit k with tho grip at her home on Coutt stieet. The Court Street Methodist Episco pal Sunday school Is making at range merits for a Jalr some time nct month BOTH SIDES RESTING. LULL IN THE SILK MILL STRIKE STORM. Mother Jones Wrll Address Mass Meeting of Strikeis Monday Night in Central City Hall. The Hltuailou remains the same In the silk mill strike, and day after iluy diags along without any new develop ments A letter was esteiday received by President Plaberty from Mother Matv Jones, the female oiganizer of the United Mine Wmkets. In which she stated that she would arilvp hero li(Nt Monday A meeting w 111' be held Monday night in somo eelitial city hall at which the stilklug gills will be addiessed by hot, A committee was yesterday appointed tos(cuie a ball, and air.inso for tho details of the meeting. Tho sott silk woikeis of tho Sail quoit mill yestetday afternoon met In I Cat pen lets' hall, and this afternoon the stilkers from the haul silk dopart- t merit will hold n session theie, j T" ,'' lnc' "1 u' which any W"ik is being at lucent done Is at David, Iteming & Schoen's plant In Peteisbuig, wheie about fottj vveav eis have lemnlued. No attemtit has been nmde by the stilkers to Interfere with them. Mis. Mary Matthews, tho piesldent if the local textile workers' union, received it letter Wednesday fioin Pat ei sou, In which tho writer gave a com parison of tho wages paid In New Jei hoj und Pennsjlvauin silk mills. The irtadu of woik done is claimed to bo tho same, but tho Pntison wages paid nio shown to be even higher than thoo piovlded 101 in the stilkers' wage scale, TESTIMONY IN DUFriN CASE. City Is Producing Newly Discovered Evidence. Attorney 11, V. Tlnkhani, sitting ns commissioner, jestciday morning heard testimony olfeied by tho city of Hci an ion to show cause why a uo'v should not be gi anted lu the case of Mniv Duilln vetsus the city. Miss "Dutlln sued the city for damages for Injutlcs received from falling over a wheel on Adams avenue, and was aw aided a vet diet of 7,000. Dr. "William K, Dolan and his wife 1 nmiM? ppapua both testified that they were acquaint ed with Miss Duflln before she met with the accident, and stated that her eyesight at that tlmo was very poor, her ojes being much affected. Kx-City Superintendent of Schools George W. rhllllps testified that Miss Duilln applied to him for a position as teacher In tho city schools, and that after an examination ho found her eyesight to bo poor and accordingly re fused to grant tho application. One of the principal claims made by the plaintiff was that tho accident resulted In tho permanent Injury of her eye sight. Dr. I,. M. Gate3 testified that ho tteated Miss Duilln for the other ttoublc which she claims was caused by the accident. Ho stated that from statements which she herself had made, and from his own observations, he was firmly convinced that the trouble' was not brought about by tho accident. Tho testimony adduced at j ester day's heating befoto tho commissioner was all obtained after the caFe had been closed. HIGH SCORES BOWLED. AVERAGE OF 220 1-3 MADE BY FOUR ROLLERS. Duffleld, Fryor, Leonard and Fowler Were tho Quaitetto Who Dis tinguished Themselves. 244 Was High. A four-handed bowling match was held on the Elk alleys vesterday, which for high figures completely de molished all previous tenpin recoids made In this city. The quartette of bowlers made a double century score, and the general average of tho four men was 2.'0',i. The scores were 244, 234, 204 and 200, and tho rollers were Duflleld, Prvor, Leonard nnd Powler, Dulllcld, who mado the 244 score, is not a member of any of the local bowling teams, but lolls a remaikably strong game. In jesterday's game he bunched seven strikes and by spi Inkling a few In tho other tiutnes made his fine score. In the fifth frame he had 140. 10 01" Mas second with 211. He Is a Dlcvclo club bowler, and many suc cessive stiikes gave him his big scoie. Prank Leonard, who was ne.xt with 201, Is also a member of tho Uloole club, and the captain of tho "sciap Iron" team. Chaile-s I'ovvler, who scoieel an even 200, is the captain of the Commeiclal team, which bowls In the Northeastern Pennsylvania league tournament. Ho has the distinction of making the high score of the ear, 2SS, which lie bowled in a recent game. A largo number of spectatois saw estei day's phenomenal bowling. SPOKE ABOUT MISSIONS. Hev. Dr. Arthur T. Pleiion Gave an Interesting: Talk Last Night. Itev. Di Arthur T. Plerson gave a very Interi sting addiess In the Second Piesbjteilun church last night on the subject ot "Missions ot the Nineteenth Century." He Uvldly described the vvondeiful giowth of mission wotk and Intel estlngly dlscoutsed of the spread of the godly purpo-e to the Orient and the results achieved there He paid eloquent tribute to tho noble men who have given up everything, evin life. In older to pioinulgate the gospel, and spoke tritely of the woik done all ovei tha globe bv these earn est, devout disciples of Christ OBITUARY. Mrs. Elizabeth Kichaids. Mm hlizabetli Ulchard, an aged wldm i.ld trig at B."tl Deeker'n court, tiled jesteidaj lie was the niothii of "Ih. (Ifoitto W illaco and several elliti" children it, ( kcrvlis will be iindiicted al tlu hoiue Sunday ufleriioin nt 2 o'eloek. Iiiiermtni will be madci In the VVjhburn street Ceinetei) Miss "Bessie Sheehan, Wool wa leceiVfd lure last tveriiin; that Ml Ilitlc simian, aBitl 2" jeir. fornnrl cf this cil, died jetteulaj at 1 er home in Duallle, ait'tr a lonir lllim. Hie funeral will talc place toniouov luoiiilnir. Mr. Vt,lien eleii(l-itlli, aaeil .1 year', died vottrdiy at htr lmn in Munis coutt Prceaml U iiinU.'l lo htr litishand and lluee children, 'ilie liuieral aiinouiierniMit will bo iiiaek hter. Funerals. The fuueul ktrvlos over the temln of the late Mrs John ltt)nolili will be held at I'M o'eloek toini now uftcinoDii nt the Iioim", 711 (ulli Main niemie Itn. D. I). Hopllnii, of the 1 lrt Wrlth UiitUt cliiiirh, will oflkhila, and inttrmciit will be nude lu the W'sslibuin street cimctcrv. The funeral of the I no lumen Jiwiih Ijnih will lako place tliU ailernoon from the bouse at tie Mxhbald nunc luteiiiiint v.'llt ba mvl; in Mashbum stnet ccmeterj Ilia funeral of tho laic Mil will be held at 0 o'clock tide inuruliiq; fiom tho red dice, OoO (julncy avenue, A hUh hum of requiem will bo celebiated at St, Paul's church und In Icrnunt villi be made lu the Cithedral cemetery, DURYEA. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Duryea, Fob. II. At tho close ot tho 'afternoon bcsslon of tho Upwotth I, Jill ( t w Used exclusively by KATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY AMUSEMENTS. i LYCEUM THEATRE, linis & mjltr.rXDKR, Lessees. A. J. Dully, Mmatrcr. Matlnco and Mcht, Saturday, Pebruary 10 Mnth Comecuthc heaion, JAMES A. HERNE'S Beautiful Cumcdy Duma, SHORE ACRES. 4" Iiecntcd by James .V. Heme's own 4. coirpany of rlavcrs with entire new pcenerj nnd nieehan.eal noielta. A u. T I crl production Rtiarantced fltl'Xb Night, ?1, 75c., TAJ, and Me. Matinee, ".V. and SOc. Children to any part of home, 'Sn.. 4 . ' LYCEUH THEATRE, : Iti:iS 4 UfltUfMlKll. I.'ccs. A. J. 1)1)1 TV, JIJMKcr. Monday, February 18. Return Engagement of the Dis- tinguished Artiste, Sarah Cowell LeTJoyne Leibler & Co., Manager. Prerfntlnir Harriet I'ord's and Reatnce ' DeMlllc'H 1 liclnatins Comedy Drama, The Greatest Thing in the World Supported by a strong company of dramatic artltts. Including; Harold Itm mII, Adelaldo Tliurston, John Lilendln. nliiir. I'anrhon U. amphcll, Charles Stanley, Mrs. Glcmllnnlntr, Walter Tliomas, jonn watiiiev.ii, Anna u Jiancy, 1 dwin James, Frank Lander, Cornelti Hunter. "Any man who loves lib mother will appreciate thU play." N. Y. bun. I'lHCES 23c , inc., V5c, l and $1 &). Seats on sale Filday at U a. in. 4- -f-f- 4 f -t- -f -f -f 4- -f ---- -f -f-t- -f ACADEHY OF HUSIC, KDIS & DUWUUNDCR HARRY A. BROWN mincers snd Lessee. Local Manager. ! 1, THIS V ELK. I) VILV 31 WISEE. JESSIE SAWTELLE CO. In Itepertolre. . Tliruulay Mght "A Country Courttlnp" Krlday Miclit -"Fatal Carel." ".ttnrdai Mirlit ' Clip of Steel." jiEvr ArniAcno.v. Three lshts, commencing MONDAY, FEB. H t'sual Matinees. t.Mlfi HVItWIN and hU company, presents A t-IOIM'S HEAR r. 3 NewGaietvTheatre ALP. C. HEltniXCTOX, Manager. Three Paju nisinnlna; Monday Matinee, Feb. ls J Willi ths lluae Pro, and "Wise Mlkf." league convention tho guests dlneel eince moi a w 1th our Epwoi thlans in tho church parlors, uftcr which they an Mimbled In tho auditorium for tho evening fce.sslon, which started at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. Schoonover introduced ltfiv. IT. A. Oreen, tho pastor of tho ' Methodist Episcopal church at thh place, and he Invited tho people of tho dlffeient churches of this region to at tend tho homo gathering that will bo held on Mai eh u. Miss May Stalcy ivaa liitioduccd, and she favored the audi ence with a solo of great merit, anil then Hev. Godshall was introduced, who gavo a lecture on "CarlcaUires" and to deliver and explain to tha audi ence the benctit of druwlng In spiritual work he chew several amusing pic ture?. After his address tho Hrlcle church eiuurtetto gavo an excellent hjnin, and then after other cere nronlew. tho audience sang "God 11a Willi You Till "We Meet Again." At tho special meeting called by tha township conmihfcioners to hear thci repot t of the committee that was sent to Investigate tho caso of A. T. Ilennl tran, who is piesldent of the commis sioners and resides near tho lino that fepar.ucx 1'lttt.ton from Duryea, tha committee tepoited that he was a legal citizen of this place and there foio had the light to vote and hold public ofllee. Tills case was fully de sciibcd in The Tribune somo time ago, and Is ono of tho most peculiar tha eommlHtdonois have had opportunity to settle. AVilllain, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. John Thornton, who has been suf fering for homo time with measles, lmpioving. If you have u friend who wishes tj subset ibo for Tho Tribune, tell th rcpiesentatlve and tho matter will given piompt attention. Piano for Sale. This piano has been left on salo anl must be sold, regardless of price. Latl est design upright, nearly new, and ill lino condition. Don's miss an oppor-1 tunlty to get a good piano cheap. Wild be sold for cash only, (iiictnsoy IlallJ Kcrunton IM. J. w. Guernsey, Pro prietor. v