The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 15, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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-1 I
wviw; !'''
5hvs" t'sjh
-Hc , urisiAlpg
nu: modchs iiAnowArtE store.
Beauty and
Arc combined in the
new thermometers this
year. Some have fancy
(lower borders, others
arc gold plated. You
arc quite sure to find
anything you need in
the thermometer line
Prices from JOc up.
Foote & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave
ill nu iiHiiui
United States Depositary.
At the close of business Dec.
13. 1900.
Loans and Investment!
Banking House 38,500.04
Cash and Reserve 530,870.19
Capital S 200,000.00
Surplus 500,000.00
Undivided Profits . . . 57,005.20
Circulation 100,000.00
Individual Deposits . . 2,415,530.08
U. S. Deposits 422,729.30
Due to Banks 54,785.53
.UI.LIA.U CO.SSW.L, President.
1IC.VRY lll.LI.V. Jn., Vlic-rrrtMetit.
WILLIAM II. n:CK. Cashier.
Bonds and
Gdaranfeed Stocks
I am placing a fen- choice securities consisting
f 7 per ccpr, fully' uuaraiitcccl Mocha anil 0 pel
icnt. i-eml-annuiil lnteiest Cold Bonds in block
of 1100, JjOO and $1,000, iiccompanled by stoc;
bonus affording a rare opportunity for lat-Ro or
Mnall Investment. At Ottlcc, C and 8. Ljceum
vrcaitr, Mondiya and Saturdays. At other tlmr
bv .pedal appointment.
Robert Van Schoick,
Anthracite Wetrlct Matucer ol The North Ameri
can Kituncierimr. company.
.. ,i .iU'J
ucwio. ( MSaMBaJ Pi i1
il AT.
x wrrmrti
muiyuj Mw" J
330 ','1 l, ' ('
T nMm asssSSsW- I " I
mOvIViI iiLLLLLLte. h
Local data tor February II, IMIi
lighctt temperature
Lowest temperature.
is dojrcej
(, dejfeos
Sa in 01 per cent.
p. in 07 jicr cent.
fpis.-fr.II, -Jl hours enrtimr 8 p. in 0.1 InMi
Attorney (ieorse M. Watson It In llariisbiirt;.
Attorney John F, Scrags .e-.terday Mt or
Attorney T. F. Well jcMeiday returned fioin
Deputy Attorney (Initial Ficderie W. Flettz
returned jesterday from llorrlsbtir.'.
Miw Mar' Ilickey, ot Wyoming avenue, ." a
(ue.t ot Hhodo Island friend, at I'awturkct.
Attorney Cffirne 1). Tavlor has letumed liom
llarri.bur; where profemlonal business called
him. ,
Ex-Judge Knapp i liaek ftom Willliimpoit,
where, ho attended the srssion ol the Superior
Dr. John Hunter, of the Lackawanna hospital,
lift jc.torilay for Phllale'lpbla, where, he will re
main until Monday.
Senator J. 0. Vaujlun and ltepi cjentaUves I'.
A, 1'hllbln, .lohn J. Sclieiic-r and Edward James
lut night returned homo from the states capital,
John II. Phillips, Jo. Fldlam, C. J. ailleaple,
.lcieph It. IIubIics ond C. U. Donovan, of Sain
ton, hat Kono to llairliburg; to attend tlio
annual convention of the Modern "iVooilncn of
I America.
The condition of Isaao Urown, ot .Madloii at:.
Iiiue, was reported to bo viry crlou lot rdyht.
Dr. Carl Keller, lb attending phyalclan, declares,
(however, that there still Is a possibility ot tht
Kounir man reooverlnn.
County Suptrlntciident of bchoola J, (,. 'iiy.
lor. Profisaor, J. t, llovard, auucrlutciident of
llh Punmore schooli: Professor M. W. Cum-
rnilng. of the Olyphant Fchoolsj 0, C. Itodgcn,
' l Dlrkionj John Tulhlll. of PecUlllei Frank
Cawely, ef Archbald; K, J, Northrup, of Clark's
Kinnmll! Henry C. llofTntan, prekldent ol the
Ijckawanna County Micd Directors' auocla
Hon, an In HarrMmrj In attendanto upon the
.lath snnt'ul ccnei.llri nf the I'enmylv.inh
(Wi Aasoilation of School Diiecitv
WALA-'l3rS -r-
ilwWh's no t
Requiem Mass Celebrated in St.
Peter's Cathedral.
The icntalim of Miss Katherlne Clatk
were followed to their last resting
place In the Cathedral cemetery by a
Ion train of sorrowltiK friends nnd
relative yesterday morning. At 9.30
the funeral wan held from' the resi
dence of her mother In Orcon'B clnco.
Ahout the casket In which the remains
reposed wcro a larfje number of floml
offerlnes from fi lends hero nnd In
Philadelphia, whjch testified In a mule
but eloquent way the place that Miss
Clurk had earned for hprxelf In the
reifiird of Uioko who know hor In life.
At Bl. Peter's cathedral a solemn
high iiuihh of lciiulem was uclubiated
by llov. P. .1. GourIi, with leather
Orlllln its deacon und Fathrr Mc
Laughlin uh sub-dcucou. After tho
mass, lli! remains were conveyed to
the Cathedral cemetery and laid nt
rest. They were followed by tho
liirccHt ftmeial procession that has
wended Its way to that cemetery In
many months. The pttll-bcarers were
T. P. Loftun. 1. II. Durkin, J. V.
aavlnaii, J. P. Mitchell, .Tohn J. Cier
rlty und T. Vt Walsh.
Hesitated to Express n Definite
Decision but Intimates That Law
Has Been Complied With.
The following opinion by City So
licitor Vosburj? on the legality of the
apportionment recently miide for the
additional councllmen which Scrnnton
ns a second-claps city ls entitled, v.'.u
read Inst nlu;ht In common council and
ordered filed:
Sc raiili.n, I'a IVb. 4. 1P01.
To tin llotioijble, the Cnminon t'ouncll of the
rlty of Siranton.
Ocntlemen: Your Inquiry as to the legality of
I ho proposed cleitlon of the additional common
councllmen to uhlili our city Imh betomo en
titled by reaion of lt transition from a city of
tho third to owe of the i-econd tla.-i, talsiw an
important question of procedure, and one uhhh
iii by no means clear cm easily determined. I
hue shin the milter considerable ktudy; but
I .till llnd inivelf unable lo express n positive
opinion as to uhctlur the additional councllmen,
when elected, will be entitled to he suom In
a .ueh, or not 1 lie trouble Is, that the Acts ol
Assembly arc rnnlliitlns; In their terms. The act
of Jhy 2d, lS'Jl, F. L. li!, provides a method
for thing the ratio of repicsentatiott in the
common council: and bv the terms ol this act
"The" esnrs of each ward" shall return the
number of taxable, lo the president of the com
mon council, "on or befoie tin Brst day of
July," cle. "At the Hr.t meetins of councils
therealter, a Joint coiuinittee nf the, conslslimt
of two from the 'elect and three Irom the com
nun council, thall be appointed," sas Hie .in,
lo examine the returns nnd mike the appottlon
infill according to the teiim of the net.
Ilelrt act his not been followed literally, in
this city, and tho question now arises, whether
it not thete has beeu a substantial t-oimillancc
villi tliu law. In this connection we iuu.-t con
iihr the subsequent acts of June M, lTi, und of
March 'JS, I8V1, which latter act has been ap
parently overlooked b) those who Ime heretofore
expressed themeHes upon thla question.
The act of Juno 23, K'i'i, alter providing lor
the transmission of the certificate from the Rowr
nor to the oily olliclils, and Its being recorded,
provides that "At the municipal election occur
ring not less than one mouth after the date of
ueli certill. ate the proper ofllcers .hall be
elected to which the alrt city will become en
titled under the cliunce In clarification," and
Hut upon the lust Monday nf April next ensuing,
the city government Miail be re organired. The
act ot Mauh 23. lj'.'S, V. I.. 2, provides that
the telect and common councils in cities ot the
h'cond-clis, klull meit en the first Monday of
April following the biennial election of coun.
cllmen. and organire for a period of two seaii,
and "biennial!) therealter .hall oiuranize lor a
llko period." It is undoubtedly true that the
later acts mu-t lontio), far as there I a
conflict of terms: and we mut endeivor to
construi! the act ol 1"U, In the light 0! the
two subsequent acts of lbi.
II i m.inltokt that If there is lo be an elec
tion of oily otllcirs, this election cannot be baed
upon nu appertIonment completed in the fol
lowing Julyi and it would be equally Impossible
for councllmen to take part in the organization
in April, if no apportionment and objection had
leen held Iwfore that date. So It is plainly ap
parent that all the provisions of the net of Uul
cannot b followed, without violating the term,
of the act of lbM, which are later and therefore
lepcallng .tatutcs, to far as conflicting provis
ions arc concerned. With respect to the necessity
for strict compliance with their terms, there
arc two clatea vt ktatutes: (a) Mandatory, when
non compliance therewith will render the act
done absolutely void. Abbott's Law Diet., Uex.
vs. t.oeksdile, 1 Hun-., 117. (b) Directory, "If a
statute is such that d!regaiel of its provisions
will constitute an Inegularity, but one not neces
sarily lo acts done or proceedint'1 hid
tlieicuinhr. It ia slid (0 l directory." 23
Ainer. k Kng. Fnej. of L., pane 15,1.
"Slatutoiy iigiilatlons designed tor the infor
mation of public olUchlf, and Intended to pro
mote method, t) stein, uniformity and elUpate.1- In
the modes of proceeding, are generally deemed
dlrcttoiy." Ibid. Turn-y vs. Mllhurry, 21 Pick.,
CI. v
II win! to me that the act ot S'i is a dl
reetoiy act. It Is certainly cloMgncd in patt
lor the liiformallon oh public btllclils, and It Is
undoubtidly Intended to promote method and
uniformity In modes of proceeding.
It kCctiM, then, that the- falluio to Mrictly lid
low this ait, ia an irrcgulai iiy which will not be
fatal to tliu pioceedings, unless it appear that
it has been practically Ignored or disregarded.
It is Mid Hut the) nnscMM mined In this act
are wanl assessors, and not the assistant tit)
assfssoM-, but as this ia 11 matter which con
cents the municipality only, and not the county,
I am inclined to Hie opinion that the city as
M'V.ors lire meant, although technically they
might not bo c oiittdci cd ward assesaoir. Ilia
cilv ai-emors hao made a Jcpeut; anJ if tho
public olllclals lor who-e leneht this liifoimatlun
was prociued, nt 0 satisfied Willi It, It is doubtful
lo my mind whether any one ate has any
standing to complain of any ii regularities In tho
fiiriiMilne of II. I am informed tint each branch
ft the councils I1.1. appointed the committee
called for by tho net ol 1991; nnd while the
committee Irom tho common branch was pic
maturely appointed, that may be cIlhaiI also
as an irregularity which will not vitlalo tho
It may bo conceded, however, that even a
directory act cannot be entirely dUregardcdi
and It It appealed that the act ot 1S91 had been
praetically ignored, and that no effort liar been
made to follow its provisions, then 1 would
have no he-ltatlou in jlng that the whole
proceedings would he void. The vvholo que.tioii
then turns upon whether or not there hail been
an attempt to nub.tantlally comply with the pro
visions ol the act of ISO), as modified by the acts
of 130.. I can find no decided case which Is
Identical with our present condition In point of
fact, or which expressly rules the questions of
law Involved; nnd that is tliu reason why I
feel constrained to tay as I did at the begin
ning of this communication, that 1 hesitate to
expreis a positive opinion. It seems to me, how.
over, that there Is reasonable ground lor the
contention, llrt, Hat the net of HOI is a
illieclory act; secord, that there Ins been an at
tempt to tarry nut its provisions, except so far
i.s lh"y are supplied by Btibsequrut legislation.
As the primary elections hive all been held,
and ns the election will lie a icgular and not a
special one, thus Involving very little If any
additional expense lo the county, I can ace no
good reason why It should be Interfered with
at this time.
Ot course the questions involved may be raided
In a piocr proceeding, and the court will then
determine the legal status of the additional
eouncilnun elewt.
' 1 1 1
Offices for Rent.
A fine suite of offices, well ndaptcd
for use of physician or dentist, can
bo tsecurcd In Ouernsey Hall. Please
call und get torma, etr. .T. W. fJueru
gey, Proprietor.
Most Impoitant Ones Passed Pio
lilblt the Company from Laying
Tracks on Centre Street, and Pro
vide for tho Acquiring of the
Franchise by the City After Twen
ty Years Possibility That Com
pany May Not Consent to the
Amendments Adopted.
The ordinance uwardliiK 11 frunchlHe
lo the Central Rapid Tiuuslt Slieet
Italhvuy company passed two tell
ings In select council lust night, hut
not until It had been so loaded down
with amendments that It Is dou'riful
If the compuny will ever take n'! van
tage of It phduld It puis both branches
The ordinance ai reported favor
ably by a majority of the committees
without any amendments, and then
Mr. Schroedt-r, who Is the fifth mem
ber of the committee, offered, a min
ority leport signed by himself. In this
report he set forth that there was no
necessity for tho new road and that
It was absolutely essential that at least
one of tho city's avenues connecting
with tho northern part of tho city
should bo free from street railway
tracks. He leeommended that action
on the ordinance be postponed.
Mr. Oliver Immediately moved that
action on the minority repoit be In
definitely iM)ttponed, and tho motion
was adopted by the following vote:
caa lies, Finn, Costcllo, F.vms, Morgan, lie
Ran, Chittenden, ("ostrovc, Oliver. Clemens,
Vaiitthsn, Wagner li.
Xayn Ifctlif, Mrlvin .N-bncidcr, SUiroedcr,
HrAndrew .".
A short lime afurwurds the ordin
ance wns paused on first reading by
title and then Mr. Vnughan offered
nu amendment striking out that sec
tion In the otillnanre piovldlug that
the company shall pay a tux of one
half per cent, on Its gross receipts for
tho tin eo years next succeeding the
first two years of Its operation mid
one per cent, every year thereafter.
This amendment was adopted and
in place ot the clause stricken out
there was In-jcilcd an amendment
offered by .Mr. Chittenden, providing
that the city shall have the right lo
levy a tax not exceeding live per cent,
on the gross receipts of the- company
after tho first year of the operation of
Us llne..
Mr. Oliver next Introduced an amend
ment extending Ihs" lines of tho new
company In Green Ridge uh follows:
A loop from the corner of Green Ridge
btreet and Penn avenue extending In
a northeasterly direction along Gieen
Ridge street to the Intersection of Ca
pouso avenue and Green Itldgc street,
thence along Capouso avenue lira gen
erally easterly direction on Sunset ave
nue to the corner of Electric avenue;
iiIho im extension from the corner ot
Delaware street and Penn avenue on
Delawute street to the Intersection of
Cnpouse avenue.
Mr. Oliver staled, in leply lo a ques
tion, that ho had not consultcel the
company about the amendment, but
that the people of Green Rldgo wanted
It passed. The amendment was unani
mously adopted.
Mr. Clemnn-i stirred up tho first
fight by tho Introduction of an amend
ment striking out the section In the
ordinance giving the company power
to run Its lines In Center street from
Wyoming to MIfilln avenue, on Mlfllln
avenue to Vine street, and on Vine
street to Wyoming avenue. Mr. dem
ons presented a petition with his
amendment .signed by nearly all the
large property owners on Center street
protesting against the city allowing
any company to run Its cars thtough
that thoroughfare.
In support of his amendment he
slated that Center street was so nar
row that to run a car through it would
be lo prevent the business men front
ing on It to use it for loading and un
loading their tvasons. The street car
would fill the whole Btreet, he said,
and would greatly Inconvenience these
people, who would, eif coutu. sue til's
city to recover damages,
Mr. Vnughan spoke against the
amendment and stated that this was
the only street through which the
company could 11111 if It wished to
leach West Scranton. The present
company, he said, had gobbled up all
the othets streets In the central city.
Mr. cosgrovc also spoke against tho
amendment, which was adopted by tho
follow. lug vote:
leav-lto-s Finn, Costellu, Morgan, Ite&iii,
Itoel.e, Mi lvin, Chittenden, Schneider, SUuov-dir,
demons, O'llo.vh-, MeAndrew, Wgnei14.
iy. Fv ins. t'oircve, Olivei, Vaugh-11.
Mr. rtoche then arose to offer a bunch
oC umeiiilmetitH, and explained In be
ginning that ho was opposed to tho
ui-w in dimmer) "first, last and all thn
tlinn:" that he wouldn't vote for It
finally, but that us long as It was
going through he wanted It nmcilded
so as to make it a giod ordinance In
every respect. The amendments which
ho offered, ho suld, were offered In all
sincerity. ,
The first mnonilment hlch ho pre
sented piovlded that "any combina
tion or consolidation of street railway
roinpnnles to which this company shall
become a party will work a forfeiture
We Do NOT Sell
We DO sell the finest fresh cream
ery butter -we can obtain in 3 and
5-lb. boxes mid one-lb pi hits and CO.
lb, packages at a small advance
above tho first cost at the creameries.
Our print butter is delivered daily at
5.30 by the National Express Co.,
our boxes and tubs by the U. S. Ex
press. Oleomargarine is not received
in this way; neither is it sold in 3
and 5-lb. boxes or In one-lb. prints,
with the name of "Coursen" stamped
E. G. Coursen
Wholesale and Retail.
of this franchise, which shall there
upon revert to tho city." Heveral ot
tho members questioned ns to whether
this could be enforced or not, but It
was adopted by a unanimous vote.
Mr. RocheV) next amendment provid
ed that all 'poles and fixtures to bo
erected by this company shall be of
wrought Iron and to bo erected under
the supervision of the director of pub
lic works, and that Instead of tho flat
rail provided for In tho ordinance the
company shall lay a grooved rail on
nil paved streets. These two amend
ments called forth a protest from Mr.
"It's a strange thing," said he, "how
quickly tho members of this council
are waking up. Why didn't they have
amendments like these to offer when
the present company's franchises were
ltrnnted7 You know very well what
the result of these amendment will
be. You know that If any street rail
way inun can see any way to make
money for thin company after you get
through with your amendments, he's
got to be pretty good. Why don't you
ask the manager of the Scranton Rail
way compuny to come up and recast
this ordinance. You might Just aj
Mr. Rorhe's two amendments were
ndoivted, and then Mr. Chittenden as
sumed the centre of the stage for a
few minutes with an amendment, pie
vlously outlined In these columns, pro
viding that at the end of twenty years
tho franchise shall revert to the city,
the company to be paid a valuation to
be fixed by an appointed board of ap
praisers. The amendment was adopted
by a viva voce vote.
Mr. Costcllo wan the next man with
amendments, lie wanted one Inserted
providing that lr any single loop or
extension, oh set down In the ordi
nance, wore not computed within two
years, all franchise rights for the en
tire system were to be forfeited. Coun
cil thought this too radical, and It was
defeated. Mr. Coslello, however, did
.succeed In getting amendments passed
providing that till franchise rights
should be forfeited If the company
didn't begin work within six mouths
after the npprovnl of the mayor, and
piovldlng that the line be extended oift
West Market stleet ns far ns Cumber
land avenue. Instead of as far as Yard
avenue, as m-ovided In the otlglnul
The last amendment wa one pre
sented by Mr. fchroeder. This provid
ed that where.- tin company laid Its
tracks . on unpaved streets It should
pave them from curb to curb. This
was killed.
W. Scott Collins, of the Collleiy En
gineer company, presented a petition
from a large number of property own
ers on Wyoming avenue, protesting
against the running of a track out
that thoroughfare. It 'was signed,
among others, by W. W. Scranton,
James A. Linen, T. .T. Foster and AV.
F. Hallstead Mr. Collins explained
that when the Colliery Engineer com
pany propoed erecting Its half-million
dollar printing plant on Wyoming nve
nue It understood, that no Btreet rail
way was to be run upon It, and that
It was lo be free and open.
After this petition had been lecelved
and ordered placed on file, the ordi
nance, on motion of Mr. demons, was
passed on second leading as nmended.
Secretary John II. Hiooks. of the
new company, was seen after the meet
ing and asked -what effect the amend
ments would have upon the company's
deteimlnatlon to construct the road
should the ordinance pass as at pres
ent nmended.
lie would not say that the adoption
of the amendments would cause the
company to abandon tho plan, but in
timated that much. The passage of
tho amendment preventing the com
pany from using Centre street, ho suld,
would absolutely prevent It from get
ting to West Scranton.
"The select council," said he. -by the
adoption of these amendments tonight,
has nlaced itself on record as being
opposed to a competing street railway
company in this city and In favor of
a monopoly of the street railway bul
Conti oiler Howell yesterday decided
that lie would have to obey the select
council resolution directing him to
furnish a statement of the payment's
of fines by Mayor Molr to the city
trousuier, and ho accordingly sent to
select council a statement of the col
lections made, sworn to 'by tho muvor
himself. This was iciul ot lust night's
meeting. This statement showed the
following collections to have been
AprJI, $MS; May, $.19;.u0, June. $t!3!.
.'0; July, in; August. $1,413.20; Sep.
t ember, $011.40; October, tTlO.SO; No
vember, $23$; December, $,"i5S. Append
ed at the bottom of tho statement was
a declaration that these amounts had
been paid to the city treasurer.
Mr. Roche introduced a resolution
directing the city engineer to furnish
council with a, statement setting lorth
as to whether or not the Y tracks
could be lemoved from Lackawanna
nvenue without Berlously Interfering
with the business of the Lackawanna,
company, nnd directing him also to
furnish plans for foot bridges over
these tracks. The lesolutlon was
Mr. Cosgrove Intioduced an oidl
nunce directing the Borantnn Railway
company to carry High school pupils
at a reduced fare, not to exceed one
half ot the regular faio.
Tho ordinance awarding tho contract
for furnishing wutor for city purposes
to the Scranton Gas and AVoter com
pany ut $12,000 per year was recom
mitted to committee on motion of Mr.
Chittenden, who said somo provision
should bo Included which would Insure
a 'bettor water pressure than was
given nt lust Thursday's fire. "A water
Pleasure," said he, "which will nt least
throw a stream to the third floor."
The finance committee of coimuon
council last night picsented a renlu
lion dhcctlng the estimates committee
to piovldo In the appropriation ordi
nance for $5,203.14 to bo used In paying
certain street Improvement bonds for
tho payment of which tho city has.
becomo liable by permitting liens to
lapse without collecting on them. The
following lesolutlons were Introduced
and adopted:
Alworth Extending for sixty days
tho tlino limit for tho construction ot
tho North Main uvcnuo and Provi
dence road sower.
Keller Directing the city cleik to
notify R. I Day it Co. that the lssi.j
of bonds which they recently refused
to tako has now been validated by act
of the legislature,
V. V. Crano's headquarters for ho
present nro at tho Price building, 12?
Washington avenue.
Teachets' Committee of the Boaid of
Control Last Night Inqulied Into
the Complaints Bl ought Against
Miss Gertrude Do Graw of No. 30
School by Sevoral Jewish Residents
of the Sixteenth Ward Who Allege
That She Declared All Jews to Be
Liars nnd 'Thieves.
"This non ot business will look like
railroading tho Investigation through,"
vehemently declared Controller John
Gibbons at last night's meeting of the
teachers' comnilttee of the board of
control to Investigate tho charges pre
ferred against Miss Gertrude Do Graw,
of No. SC, and nn the ho.iry-heuded
member from tho Twentieth brought
his open palm down on the desk he
continued: "Though I firmly bellave
In the Innocenco of Miss Do Gruw of
the charges preferred, still there are
parents of tho children in her class
who are convinced of It, and will not
be by any means satisfied with the
rapidity of this Investigation. I amend
Mr. Jaync's motion to exonerate Miss
De Otuw and move that he hold fur
ther Investigation at the school tomor
row afternoon at 3 o'clock and get
the children's side of the story."
Mr. Sehrlefer, the controller from
the Sixteenth ward, seconded the
nmended motion, and, Mr. Jaynu v ltli
drawlng the orlglnnl motion In favor
of that of Mr. Gibbon, the Investigat
ing committee adjourned to meet again
this afternoon.
The Investigation wus conducted at
the complaints of n number of ths Jew
ish citizens of the ward, who allege
that Miss Do Graw lecently made the
statement In class that "all Jews are
liars un.d thieves." Tho mattar has
aroused great Interest and at last
night's meeting the board of control
room was cro wiled with spectators. Miss
Stevenson, principal of the school, and
a number of No. Cil teachers w-re
among those present.
Attorneys E. f. Newcomb and It. L.
Levy were present In the Interest of
the plaintiffs, but as Miss IX Graw
was not represented by counsel, the
committee) refused to allow the two
attorneys for the prosecution to take
uiiy part In tho proceedings. The lat
ter weie equipped with transcripts ot
the testimony of n number of the chil
dren at the school given at recent
hearings before Superintendent How
ell, but no opportunity was given for
the presentation of these as evidence.
The first witness at the hearing was
A. 1J. Cohen, who testified thut two
weeks ago his little daughter came
home from school and complnim-d to
her mother that her teacher, Miss De
Graw, had said that all Jews were
liars and thieves. Mr. Cohen at first
doubted whether the llttlo one had
correctly undei stood the teacher, and
visited several of the other children of
Miss DeGraw's class and asked them
what tho teacher hud suld. In every
Instance the u-mark was repeated
which his little girl had leported.
Since then he has kept the child from
On being asked by Mr. Eyiiun as to
what occasioned the remark, Mr. Cohen
suld that the little girl seemod a llttlo
hazy on that point and gave no plaus
ible exoiinatlon, meiely saying, that
papers wen being thrown about the
lloor, and the teacher became angered
dining a drawing lesson.
Miss DeGrtiw then took the maud
She stated that on the day In question
she was conducting a drawing lesson
and making a personal criticism of the
work of each child. There was some
disturbance. And she ordered nil the
pupils to sit quiet and not to show
their papers to each" other. "While
looking over the work of the last boy,"
Miss DeGraw continued, "I heard a
commotion In the rear, and turning 1
saw several of the children around
Julius Shehn, showing each other their
papers. I then spoko to them and said
that by such notions they were taking
from their character building, and that
as tho Jewish children had better re
ligious training than the othets. I ex
pected more from them."
"You heard Mr. Cohen's testimony,"
said Mr. Juyno. "Was It true?"
The accused teacher hesitated a mo
ment and then answered, "No, sli, it
was entirely lalse."
She then answered heveiul questions
put to her by other of tho board mem
bers, nnd In answer to an Intel roga
tion by Controller Glbbonn, said that
six of the nineteen Jewish children
Last of Season
Sale of Neckwear
To close them out com
pletely and make room
for new goods. All odds
and ends of the 50c line
to go at
'Those dollar shiils wove
been selling for fifty cents arc
not quite gone yet, few of
each size, except i.JJ and 15.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
under her cue wen tho onlv ones
whoso parents were keeping them fiom
Mr. Jnyne, aflerlisklng Mr Cohen If
he wished to ask Miss DeGraw tiny
questions, made a motion that the
case be dismissed and Miss DeGraw
exonerated, which motion was second
ed by Captain AV. A. May. Attorney
Newcomb heie Interposed with the
statement that Mr. Cohen, although he
did not wish to personally Interrogate
Miss DeGraw, assumed this to be the
function of his counsel.
Captain May remarked thut ux Mls
DeGraw was not remesented, It was
not fair to allow the other side legal
Controller Gibbons then nude his
amendment to the motion or Mr.Jaync,
and the hitter uroe ami declared: "I
do; not think their- li anything In this
case. However, if Mr. Schilefer, ns the
controller from the ward In iiuestlon,
wants unother meeting, I am perfectly
willing. Still, we will not submit to
having Miss DcOiav. Intel rogated by
lawyers unless she. too, has counsel at
tomorrow's Investigation. I'll with
draw mv motion In favor nf Air. Gib
bons." The motion was tin n passed nnd tin
meeting adjoin tied
To Be Given by Willinm Conuell
Glee Club.
Then- will be n eon
cert nt Hie ltnllro.ul Young Men's
Clulsilun association tonight by the
AVIIllam Conuell Glee dub. assisted by
Mr. C. i:. AVeston, Instrumentalist
Members may bring their families or
two ladles. Tho programme:
lleehcr's March nice l tub
Soldiers Farewell.
Piano Imitations Mi. WiMo'i
Peace of the Njiil ol the lluw Illin I lull
Martyrs ot the Aren..
Musical (il.iM-is Mr. Welou
Mirshes Serenade nice Chin
l'ralsis ol (In) .Soldier.
.mi-iiea llj Tl onus M. M-.,thlii
Member oe (he Clee Club
Change of Train Service Lackawanna
Effective Monday, Febriuiy 11. Tiuln
No. I, west-bound, leaving Scranton at
1.0." p. ni nnd train No. 4. east-bound,
leaving Scranton at '1" p. in., will
not run west of Elmliu.
Special Notice.
Si-citt organizations In the city con
templating changing tluir headquar
ters, are lospcetfully rollclteil lo call
and get teinis, dates, etc., In Guern
sey Hall. J. W. Guernsey, I'ropi l. tor.
The ladies of the Second Presby
terian church will tene supper In the
pallors of the church this evening at
t! o'clock. '
Sale of Att Goods.
Geatly seduced In price. Cr.unei
AVells Co., ISO AVyomlug avenue.
The Sci teuton Gns and Water Com
pany and the Hyde Park Gas Com
pany. in accoicUnc- vwih Im pollcv ui the-e- loin
panie to leduce lates from time to time at
may be vuuanlcd h.v iucri-ed uinsiimptiou,
notice is heiehv ethrll Hut. on and alter Apii'
1 net, Hie prhe ol !a will In one- dullji pi
Ola- Ihouviud cubh Kit consumed, nuliji-i , i
the followlim- ilWount- i'Uu per nut nu il
bills v.hcre the iiiu-uiiiiluiu for the m h.'i
amount. Iu lc lli.ili lucm.v-tiic dollars; lei, pu
eenr. on all llIU whin- Hie innsumpiion fur tin
month nrcuiits to twenlj live ilollau ami m
Provided tho bill J. paid on ur befoio the
'JOt 1 1 d.iv nf Hie month In which the bill Is
rendeied. U.v nrdei of the bouid,
(J. II. HAND. Pecretiry.
1 1
Asl: to see our new Wrap
per Avith a new wrapper lin
The latest improvement in a
Wrapper Liuiug. Possesses
the essential features of a
Corset without discomfort to
the Avearer aud can he de
tached Avheu garment is
washed. It supports the form
and gives perfect shape with
out use of any other corset.
Our Cash Price
Clarke Bros
The Dickson Maiiiiractiiriiii; Co.
tcnnlon unci Wllkavllurra, ('.
Mauufaoiurcrs o!
Pollers, Hoisting and I'umpliic Machinery.
QenerI Office, Scranton, Fa.
ls the way of those who hold the
upper hand. We hold tho upper
hand iu the business, and our
superior goods is all we need to
show, and you will gladly part
Avith the price.
lie asked for u M Spilngllelrt.
Ticket man said. "Springfield. 111., or
Ppiiinrilclil. Mass ' He si tidied n mln
.tte (iinl n-Ueil Which Is the cheap
est V
A epilog lmi Is the elienpe.t li.ll to
I buy nt this hciison of the e,u. Our
Ispilug styles ;m- uiitviug ilull.
3()5 Lackawanna Avenue
Still li.irpiiii? on our old subject,
hut we won't stop till we know
you aie assured we handle the
puicst, nicest made, and most
brilliant G1:MS handled, in the
country, and listen, 25 per cent
less than you can buy them any
where else. Visit us and we'll
prove it.
.717 Lackawanna Ave.
Heeling Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Steves,
IM Heaters.
mm (( FORSYTH.
:ot pen:: avunuk.
Union College
V i9 att
Painless Dentistry
(Post Graduate.)
All Avork done by grad
uates who are taking a
course in our system of Pain
less Dentistry.
We only charge you for the
material used.
(Over Conrad's)
Pierce's Market, Penn Ayenne
V.'e male a specially of fancy Crcainny Dm
tcr and strictly fresh eees and the prlra ia is
loir as first class cooeli can bo sold at.
Wo do not have any special salsa or leadarj
but at all times cairy aa complete a line of
Mai Let CloocL., fancy Urocerica and Tabic Delia.
cles at can be found In Hie largest N'evr York
or Philadelphia Markets nhleh we sell at right
W. H. Pierce,
It Lackawanna Is.. lit, 112, 114 Pia At.
Prompt delivery.