" - n i . THE SCRAiNTON TRIBUNE-IIUDAY, FEBRUARY 35, 1901. a Best Milk for Family Use." "Babies thrive on it." DR. HANDS I CONDENSED MILK With Phosphates and Hypophos- phltcs Added. Taste not changed. 5 BETTER THAN CREAM g FOR COFFEE. Sold liy Grocers and Diuggist. The Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co. M Writ for boottst. SCRANTON, PA. J. H. KINTNER Sicretary. S. II. VOHHEES, If. D. Treasurer Scranton Stock and Grain Co. Rooms 41819 Connell Bldg. Correspondents of Tlie Stock, Gtnln nnd Provision Co., 10 Wall St., N. Y. .Stock?, Bonds, Grain nnd Provisions bought nnd sold for cash or on margin. Private wires to New York. Ice Cream. REST IN TOWN. OR Per QC Quart LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 1 clepbone Order Promptly Dill ver i J7f3i7 Adam Avenua. Scranton Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office D., X. & W. Pas&tnger Station. Phone 526. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. rye, Ear, No3e aud Throat OT.ru II..urt a. m. to K.S9 p. ta.'. i to Wllllsus Bulldlne. Oup. Potofflc. yC&K SHBIMra KWJ' t tH t fttnttt CITY NOTES i i IXIOX JIKETlXfi.-Tho C-ar Hiops union uill inert at Cirpcntcrs' lull on Saturday afternoon at 1.15 o'clock. MOK WITH I'.Nr.lIMONlA. Akm Mallei, a iju.-laii nilinr of llarUrtown, v.u lal.en to tin llan'icmjiin hcwpllul je.stcrd.vy bornmily ill :th l neumcnlj. LIVES IV SOCHI f-CHAXTO.V.-CliarlcK Wjp iifl, vtho.e vlieicjbouls weie wanted bv .Mr, 'i. I'aevasiiat, of Itacluc, WR, lias been locited in South Scunton. Illi:i) AT HOM'ITAL.-Ml.i tarullne 1'iles died of Ij photil fever at the I..H k.lu.lmu hospital jestctdav morning. She wis liken to lint Insti tution sunJjy last. Mil. TRUMVN CTOIINK.-Dic.tm, as Intci pieied by Frederick W. Tiiniun, U ilouhlr Ijh iiuitliif;. Mi, Truman will be .it St. Luke's pirMi Iioiijo J1omI.iv, Kclniury It- l'U"-U.Vr. Tl.o lul.iv.-aic and Hudson lum pily paid tl.rlr ci:.plo.cs on the lloti'sdale lr..nh vlciJjy. The Dilaw.ne, Laekawaiiiu mil tUttein paj In this viilulty ham been urn pletij for January, Will, JIIXT TOP Y. The Women Home Missionary boeicty of the rii.t 1'rrsbjteil.in iliurch will meet In the parsonage, Slfl Olive tieet, thin atlernoon at 1 o'clock. )r. and Mis. MeLcod will be glad to tec all the ladles of tho liuich. ( VWI-BY AUiH-.!Vn:.-Mic'iic! Ciwle-y, of Il-JI Luzerne Micet, waa arrested esteiday upon a warrant iued by Alderman Millar, charging him with violating tl.c ll.pjor l.ivs. lie was held under $500 lull. Agent ltobeit Wilson, ot tbc Municipal league, is the proseeutor. Pr.lM.CM KN (OOIAL.-Tlm Ijdien' Aid society of the Trinity Lutheran chuieh, kltintcd in the corner of Adams avenue and Mulberry htrctt. last evening conducted ft pro-lcnten sckI.i1 DEALERS IN Gas, Wafer, Electric Light and Traction Bonds -f -f and other Investment Securities. f 4 N il l in f t f -f- -t- 4- (0 Bioafway, X. . Wilkes Uarrc. -f 4. Carlxindale. -f 4- (, 6 and 6, Commonwealth Illdg,., -f 4 Scrantoii. 4 ltttttTTtrt la Guernsey hill. The prooetd will be ln to the churrlu Refreshment weir served. jjavib nnouaur nACK.-imc rnvit. who on released from the county Jail lut Raturdiy to ntleed hit wif' funeral, ha been brought back to the Jail. Davis 1 serving year' sin. lent tor aujniwtfd ssusult and battery com. milted upon a man In Sprint Hrook townthlp about a year ago. BES10NCO 1113 rOslTlOV. S. MacKceby ye terday resigned lil podtlon In Ooldimlth' Da. taar as head of the dre ffood department, and will leave lor Pottsvillt, Pa., to there enter the employ of Mlehla As Son, In the poaltlon of man. ager and buyer of the cloak and ault depart ment. II was presented with a fountain pen by bit fellow woikera at the naraar, aa a token of their esteem. IJODY EXI'KCTKD TOUAV. The remain of Corporal Henry Hart, whoso parent live on Breiker atreet, are expelled from San lYiiiclaco at 10 o'clock IhU mornlua;. Hart v,a a member of the J'orty-aeeond rcr'nient, Ke' York .olunteeni. He waa one of a party of Uty Americans ho were cnibntlied by the Filipino at Siliru with (alii roultn. The funeral or ranemenla lmo not yet been made. Y. I'. 0. L. rONVUXTlON'.-The Y. P. C. U. convention of the Susquehanna association v. lit bo held In the Alt Souls' Unlversalist church Fib. 10 and 17. Saturday will be devoted to the biilncM ofthc convention, discussions on prac tical subjects, etc In the evening a literary progiamiiio will be given. Sunday morning the pulpit will probably be occupied by veiling clergjmen. Sunday evening llcv. U Ij. Lewis will picach. TUB CATHOUO LIOHT. The f.r-.t number of the Oithollo Light will make Us appearance today. It la on eight-page paper published by Attorney VV. F. Shean and will be devoted to the interests ot the Catholics of the dlocepe of Scran ton. The Initial number contains a letter of commendation from Ulahop Holun and a modest well written salutatory from the publisher. The paper I Issued in a neat and convenient form and besides the religious matters It contain rie. vote a considerable amount of spi to the mw eunti ot Scranton and It vicinity. AV IMITATION OF MHS. NVriOX.-Thoniai Walsh was seized with the dc.Ire to emulate Mrs. Nation in Higgins' saloon, on Lackavianni avenue, lite Wednesday night, nnd began by smashing In the door. Unfortunately, Thomas was Intoxicated and Patrolman McMullen took him In charge befoie the (.mashing process hail proceeded wry far. However, he again resumed operations upon reaching the station house and to piccnt further Injury to his cell was put down stairs In the dungeon. He was fined $10 by Mayor Molr In police court jestcrday. COT A I'ltl'E 1HIJK- Alfred T. Kornian was arrested in 1'jston Wednesday on a wairanl Is sued fiom Alderman Millar's office of this city, charging him with f,ile prelcnva, prefrned by W. L. Pryor, ticket agent of thu Lehigh Valley at J09 Kiekawanna avenue. While the London (lalety tJIrls" company was playing at the Oaiety theater In the fore part of the week. Gorman secured passage to Uaston by reprcientlng him self as manager and part owner of the Oaiety Girls' company and (signing a contract for the lramporl.it ion of the ume Irom this city to Kafton. THE WILL IS SET ASIDE. DECISION OF REGISTER IN ROES LER MATTER. Believes That at Time Will Was Made on Jnn. 5 He Did Not Have Mental Capacity. diaries W. Hoesler did not have the mental rapacity necessary to make a will when, on January C last, ho slg-ned the will which was offered for probate nfter hlj death. That Is the decision of KeKlster of "Wills Koch, rendered yesterday. When the will of the former alder man of the Kluhth ward was offered for probate after his death, objections were made on behalf of the testator's crnndduughter, the daughter of the late Jeffui'Min Hoesler, and hearings woie Mibseeiuently held at which a great mass ot testimony whs taken as to Koesler's mental condition for n loner time previous to his death. The decision of the register, as handed down yesterday, followm In He: litate of CI. W. Hoesler, Deceased. Now, the 11th day of February, A. D., 1MI, upon duo und careful consideration of all the lien brought foith at the different hearings held before me, through the testimony of the wit notes Mvom and examined by both parties hereto, tl.c contestants and respondents, the register has come to tho following conclusion and decision to wit: That at tho tlmo alleged when the last will and totmieiit of tho Mid U W. Itocslcr, te.la tin, waw niade to wit. .r.iim.inv .". iuu ,1. i.- said testator, C. U". Itoesler, was iiicnUtly in- upiciiaieu to foumilate, wilte, elirtate, or ex. 1 cute any such will and thu probate of the ime Is thcitfuro icfued. Costs of these piocrcdlngs to be paid out of the funds of the estate. Willi nil Koch, lloglster. Per IK-iny T. Kochlcr, Deputy. The will which Is thus het aHlele left half of a double house In Page court and pim of a lot to John T. Cooper, and practically all of the remainder of his estate to Jits. Mary ioi!lHi Oy-ben-y, at whose! houe lie boarded for a lontr time prior to his death. Neither of these were relatives of the deceased. Only $300 of his estate was left by the will to those bound to him by ties of blood. There is another will In existence, made by ltoesler In 18!ft. uhii.iiu.iit i... otlVred for probato today or tomorrow. It Is almost as favorable to Mrs. Os berry and Mr. Cooper as the .0110 sot nsldp yesterday. It Is said. O'HORA FELL OFF TRESTLINO. Tragic Death of Employe of Gicen Ridgo Coal Company. Patrick O'Hora, one of tho outside men at the Green Kldga Coal com pany's colliery on North Washington avenue, was killed yesterday ufternoon by falling from a trestllng at thu mine, 11 distance of about thlity-llvo feet from tho ground, He struck full upon his head and died nbout five minutes later, his skull being fractured by the shock. O'Hora was crossing the tre&tllng anil was struck from tho rear by a mine car coming down the plane. Tho force of the collision hurled him to his death. He was nbout 60 years of age und for many years a trusted Em ploye of tho coal eompnny. His ri malns were removed to his home nt 131K North Washington avenue.v Ho is survived by a wife and the following children: Airs. John O'Malley, Mrs. Thomas Kane, of Philadelphia; Kath crins, Anna, Joseph and Thomas. RICHARDS & WIRTH. Will Sell Their Entire Stock, Which Was Slightly Damaged, at Low Prices. The rho sale of Richards f; Wlrth, which will begin to-morrow, will sure ly present a great opportunity to buy ers of clothing. This firm lias been In business but u few yearp, und has been noted for fairness aud Uuthful ness in all business transactions. Hurlng this salu of their entire stock, very little of which was badly damaged by the .great lira In tho buildings adjacent, their polle-y ot making no misstatements will bo strictly ndhcred to. For full partlou lars, watch the tlrm's announcements In this paper. TRANSCRIPT IS MISSING TAKEN FROM FILES IN COMMIS SIONERS' OFFICE, Case of tho Commonwealth Against Alderman John Lenten Was Post poned Bccauso This Very Import ant Flcco of Evidence Could Not Be Produced Yesterday This Is tho First of the Cases Against Magistrates of tho County to Be Called for Trial. Alderman John Lontes, of tl.o Elev enth ward, was put on trial yester day afternoon In tho main court room before Judgo II. w. Archbnld, and soveral sensations followed. District Attorney W. R. Lewis stated that come ono had taken tho transcript, on which tho charge of Illegally draw ing money from the county treasury against Lontes Is founded, from tho county commissioners' ofuco and that It cannot be found. He followed this up by tho statement that ho has this week called four of the cases ngalnst magistrates of tho county who. aro accused in a similar manner to Lcntes, and In each Instance found that Im portant witnesses for tho common wealth had suddenly dropped out of sight "I do not want to mnke any ac cusations nt this time," said Mr, Lew is, "but there Is something mighty sus picious about these cases." Decauco of the absence of the tran scripts court continued the Lenles case until today. "When It was called for trial Attor neys K. c. Newcomb and C. Ballen tlne, who nppenr for Lontes, nsked that the three cases ngalnct him bo tried at the Fame time, but tho dis trict attorney objected, saying he was not preparevl to try all of them nt that time. Ho elected to go to trial on the case which charges Lontes with Illegally darwlng fees for tho caso or the commonwealth ngalnst Jennie Itobblns, Fanny Brockway, prosecu trlx. The warrant In the case was Is sued on July 27 last, and It Is alleged by tho commonwealth that Fanny Brockway died on March 4 precedlng the Issuing of the warrant. MRS. BROCKWAY DKAP. The commonwealth ptoved that the wan ant was Issued and served by Deputy Ponstuble Charles Mlrtz oil Jennie Bobbins at "Wllkes-Barre. tt was shown by Harry May, Mrs. Brock way's son, that she has been dead since last March. The docket from the county commissioners' ofllco was offered In evidence to show that Al derman Lontes collected the fees In the cat.?. This was objected to by Mr. Newcomb. He said the docket was made tip from the alderman's tinn bcrlpt, and was therefore secondary ovldencs. He called for tho produc tion of the transcript. District Attorney Lewis thereupon told the court that t-oon after the grand jury which Indicted the alder metn had been dUclmnred he was ln foimed by tho county commlrsloncrvt that tho ttamicripts In a number of the cat-PS had disappeared from tlw ofllco. 13. E. Robathan, deputy corn mlssloners' clerk, was on the stand with tho docket at tho time and was questioned as to the persons who have access to the transcripts. He suld clerks in the ofllces and attorneys have the right to Inspect them un eiuestloned, and on cross-examination at the hands of Mr. New-comb he ad mitted that C. M. DeLong had taken a great many transcripts from th. ofllce and could not Kiy that ull ot them had been returned MADE A SEARCH. As to the particular ttanseiipt In ciuestion ho could t.ay nothing definite. AV. G. Daniels, thu commlshloner.V clerk, who was called to Schuylkill county yestetday to the funeral of a relative, might have some knowledge concerning It. Mr. Robathan was in quested to make a pearch of tho otuce for the transcript, and did so, report ing that ho was unable to Und It. District Attorney Lewis asked that the case go over until to-day to glvn Mr. Daniels time to return and If pos sible throw some light en the mysteri ous disappearance. Mr. Newcomb ob jected to a postponement, but Judge rchbald decided to allow It to uo over until this morning. The transcript Is of the greatest Im portance, for the reason that the de lcnse will li- that tho prosecutrix In not the dead Fanny Brockway, but a Fanny Brockway that Is very much alive. All thTJ entries In the commis sioners contained the name "Brock way," while Lentet.' docket has It Btookway." The transcript Is nece f.ary to show whether or not a mis take wns mode In putting a synopslr of It In the c oinmHsIonen-' docket. In tho cominlsslnner.'' olllee It was stated Jam evening that search had been made nt periods during the lasr three months for tho missing tran Fcrlpt. but without success. It Is Im probable that Mr. Daniels will bo able to clear up the mystery, and tho court will be nsked by the district attorney to admit tho docket as sec ondary evidence. It will then be a case of docket against docket, with tho advantage In favor of Lcntes' as tho book of original entry. KU(hUi & wi"UJ7 wyi Something substantial to fall back on In a time of need, a common wlh nnd a worthy ono sine; and easy for any earnest soul to satisfy, too, Of all means under the sun, no other has proved so practical as a snug savings fund. Can bo added to and taken from any time; for it Is always ready. Savings Department TRADERS NATIONAL BANK Cor. Wyoming nnd Spruce SeJL TRADERS A POOR BREAKFAST. Very Fow People Ent n Good Break fast. "All 1 want for breakfast Is a roll and a cup of coffee." This remark Is heard not only In hotels, restaurants and lunch rooms but it Is the usual breakfast order In tho home cltcle as well. After a twelvo hours fast It would seem thnt tho first meal of tho day should bo a hearty, substantial one, and If wo alt lived natural, unartlflclal lives, it would be so, but none of us do, henco breakfast Is a mero pretence. Says a latter day philosopher: "Dur ing mnny years of active business life. 1 never remember having eaten n good substantial breakfast, but supposed it w-as of no Importance until I began to lose apputltc for lunch nnd dinner. "My physician told mo 1 was a vic tim of nervous dyspepsia und must tnke rest and recreation, as no medi cine would reach tho trouble, but this advice I could not follow as my busi ness nffalrs would not permit It, nnd to get lellcf I resorted to medicines and prescriptions, and It was purely accidental that I hit upon ono remedy which did tho business. Whllo In a drug store one evening I noticed a number of people buying Stuart'.i Dyspepsia Tablets, a widely advertised preparation for stomach troubles, nnd the force of example was too much for me nnd I bought a fifty cent package. "I took a tablet or two nfter each meal, and In a week my appetite picked up, I began to feel my old am bition for work returning and could eat a good brenkfast because I wanted It, and from thnt tlmo to this, I take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets as regular ly as I take my meals, not because I now have any trouble with my stom ach, but because I don't want to have. "A llfty-cent box of Stuart's Tablets will last me a month and keep my digestion in good order, and I know of no better Investment a business man can make." IT LACKED ONE VOTE. CHITTENDEN ORDINANCE FAIL ED IN COMMON. Members of That Body Believe Reor- ganizntion of Firo Department Not Necessary Just Now. The otdtnanco providing for a re organisation of the city's fire depart ment, Introduced by Mr. Chittenden In the select council some nine months ngo, waH defeated In common council last night on thltd tending, there be ing one vote lacking. The ordinance was called up by Mr. Keller and the dlscusfion upon it liuted for considerably over half rji hour. Mr. Keller vigorously urged Its passage und championed It through out the entire debate. Ho admitted that It was not perfect nnd that per haps It might need a little amending, but wanted It passed In order that tho system provided might be given a fair and square trial. TIip insurance companies threatened to put up the rates, ho said, and it wns absolutely necessary that coun cils do something at once, not only to prevent this, but to prevent such an other conflagration as I ho ono which wrought such sad havoc on Lacka wanna avenue last Thursday. The opposition to the ordinance was led by President Calpin, who paid, that there could be no moro efficient tlte-flghtlng lorctt than the present volunteer force. Thoro was too much "curb-stone criticism" ot tho depart ment, ho thought. Thu failure of tho llvemen to cheek tho Lackawanna avenue blaze wns not due to lack of organization, but rather to the lack of water. Mi. Kvnnw. A. L. Lewis and Mr. itush also spoke against the ordinance. The vote on the final passage was ns follows: Yeas McDonald, Alworth, Hagger tv, Ruar.e, Roche, Palno. Nnegll, Gal ln, Gurrel and Keller 10. Nays Evans, Wm. Lewis, A. L. Lewis, Bush, Norton, Calpin C. It takes eleven voles to pass an ordinance- on third reading. HEATING OF COURT HOUSE." What the Economy Light, Heat nnd Power Company Says. The Economy Light, Heat nnd Power company, who furnish steam to the court huuse, have requested us to publish the following facts ns to the scarcity of h;at there. They state that In view of the conditions at tho court house. It could not be other wist;: that the attention of tho county commissioners was called to the sit uation about two months ego by the Economy company, with a view of perfecting such nriansroments as would assure them an nbundanco of steam for their purposes. The 'fact of the matter is that yes terday, when they complained of lack of steam, the steam pressure in tho company's pipes was up to Its maxi mum, ho that thero was no lack ot steam upon tho company's part. Tho dlllkully Is that the contract was made for heating tho court house be fore the third lloor was added to the present building. In addition to this, the commissioners have Installed a fan to ventilate tho court house, which ra qultes, of course, extra steam. To meet the then requirements of the court house the three-Inch plpo run ning from the company's mains on Washington avenue was sufllclent. In view, however, of the Increased consumption of steam at the court house, tho present connections leading from tho company's main on Wash ington avenue will not conduct enough steam to warm tho court house In severe and windy weather. In addi tion to nil this, tho radiation in tho court house Is not sulllelent to coun teract the cold alp coming in through the loose windows. Tho present arrangement Is very un sdtlsfactory to the company, and they do not are to continue It. Whether or not the coutt house Inf tails Its own plant Is a matter upon which the com missioners must OKorcl"o their own Judgment. The company has, how iivor, plenty of steam to heat tho building, und will bo glad to furnish them with It. If they seo fit to pay tho expense of tin additional plpo from our main on Spruce stteot op Wash ington avenue, nnd pay for tho addi tional steam. Tho county commis sioners were notllled of tho nbovo facts In it letter sent December ISth last, in which tho company offered to make tho necessary changes for the sum of $2S0 SPECIAL. A Fine Piano for Sale. But slightly used and nearly as good us now. Latem design, upright grnnd, nt a great oargaln. Please call ami hi.is It. Guernsey Hull. Sernntnn r 1 J. W. Guernsey, Proprietor, SENTENCE OF JAKEJLLMAN OIVEN EIGHTEEN MONTHS IN PENITENTIARY. His Attorneys Will Take an Appeal to the Superior Court Max Herr ing Pleads Guilty and Is Sentenced to Thirty Daya in the County Jail. Casea Tried During the Day Before the Three Judges Doposltlona Filed in the Schwarta Case Elec tion Offlcera Appointed. Jacob Ellman, who was twice con victed of subornation of, perjury, was yesterday sentenced by Judge George S. Purdy t.i e'gfiteen months Impris onment in the penltentlarv ; pass ing sentence Judge Purdy said: Jacob L'llman, I think .sou were well and ably defended by counsel. You have been twice con Iclcd upon an Indictment charging ou with subornation of perjury. After the first verdict, upon a review of the caie and testimony, we did not feel warranted In pissing upon 5.011 sentence as we feel should ba imiioscd for an ofTcne of this kind, upon a verdict against )ou supported almost entirely by the oath of the witness. Mix Herring, and for that reason we granted you a new trial, while at the ame time we believed jou were guilty. A second Jury has beard your rase, there being Spiiic additional testimony in It, and they have reached the same conclusion. Although the witness. Max Herring, admitted that ho had committed perjury on several occasions, and there can lie no doubt upon that point, It Is found that the Jury believed that his story In court was true, and we were also so Impressed. There would seem to be no motl-c on the part of Max to falsify in reference to this matter: we can see that he can gain nothing by bringing jou Into trouble, by making this charge ogilnst you, and we are of the opinion, as the Jury were, that Max Herring In court told the truth. There Is in this case some coirobnrallng evidence, as we view it, In support of Ids story: The evi dence of his cell-male, and the evidence of Mr. nice, who went with yon to take the deposition of .Max at the Jail. This Is a serious offene. The highway robber meets his victim upon tho fad and takes from him his purse, takes only his pioperlyj the crime of perjury nny not only deprive a person of his pioperty, but may de prive that person of reputation, it may deprive him of his liberty, ami, there is no doubt that persons have imlntalnrAl fale chaiges sgalnst others, false claims through perjury, and doubt less that righteous claims hue been defeated through the same means. GUILTY HAVE ESCAPED. Persons have been falsely accused and convict ed through perjured testimony, no doubt, and guilty persons have escaped through the lime means; doubtless that poisons have been brought to the gallons, even, thiough perjured testimony. It Is a serious ofTen'e, and we do not understand why our law-makers graded this offense among the lesser grades of crime known as nilsde mcanors; we think It ought to bo classed with the higher class of crime known as felonies. Your offense consists In procuring another to commit that crime, and It Ls no less an offense. The limit of the penalty for this offense Is a tine of fcjOO and seven years In the penitentiary; we might Impose that fine and penalty upon you if we felt that our duty called us to do so in this case. Your counsel have asked us to be lenient with you. We arc alvvajs disposed to be so. We never intend In Imposing sentence to be harsh, but. notwithstanding that, wc have a duty to perform, and wc must not forget it. It ls al wavs an unpleasant duty to Impose sentence upon one convicted of crime, but wc must not let our personal feelings over-ride our seni-e of duty; wc owe it to society, we owe a duty to the position we occupy. It is unfortunate tint others must softer as well as jourself, as a result of your acts, but for that we are not responsible. It is, perhaps, true that jour wife and your family will sutler In this muter equally with jourwlf, but ou must remember that jou have brought this upon them, and not we. That is a matter which is entirely beyond our cuntiol, nnd j-ou should have thought of this when, you concocted this nefari ous scheme; jou ought to have kept your hands clean. The sentincc of the court is that j-ou, Jacob l'llman, pay the costs of piosccutlon in this case, that jou pay a line of $100, that jou undergo an Imprisonment in the penitentiary for the Eastern district of Pennsjlvania, located in the city of Philadelphia, for the pciiod of one j ear and blv, months, and stand convicted until the tcntence is compiled with. MRS. ELLMAN CRIED. As sentence was Imposed Ellnmn's wife burst Into tears and her lamenta tions could be hoard throughout the court rooms. Ellmnn's attorneys, W. W. Baylor and John J. Murphy, will take an appeal to the Superior court In the case nnd will endeavor to have the appeal allowed as a supersedeas that Elmman may enjoy his liberty while the appeal Is pending. The at-tornej-s are hopeful of yet being able to save Ellman from tho penitentiary-. Immediately after tho sentence of Ellman, Max Herring, who has been detained In Jail for monthts as a wit ness, was called up and pleaded guilty to perjuring himself when ho swore out a warrant against Daisy Miller. He was sentenced to thirty days In tho county Jail. He has been In Jail for the last .live months. The case In which Ellman was con victed of having Induced Herring to commit perjury was that in which ho swore out a warrant against Nellie Illy. JUDGE R. W. ARCHBALD. The famous Constable Stovo Gllby, of Fell township, was again a defendant In a quarter sessions court yesterday, but this time ho escaped, something Continued fa Page S.l H ! k fy & & $ 4- & h 4 -& -1- i- 1 A SPECIAL OFFER -Z B Spencer Business College 4 To any person who will send to The Trib une Publishing Company 15 New subscriptions for The Scranton Trib une, paying $5.00 in advance for one year, WE WILL Present a paid-up Certificate entitling them to a full six months' Business or Short Hand Course in Our College, valued at $35. 77f SPENCER BUSINESS COLLEGE GUERNSEY BUILDING, 316 Washington avcnue, scranton. Pa. rWiV.VWsWsiWiiWii'siiWWissVs' Vase Values and that'a what you are looking for. It's easy enough find ing certain grade of vases, in fact, they are all too common, but when we say we will allow you a dltcount of 10 per cent, on nny vase in the store we mean a saving thnt any pru dent person should take advantage of, as the quality is such as you'd not be nshamed to put in any home. Our odd and end sale is attracting a great many ouyers. VxaTVfa . fif-m V AI ill at $ i VJl'x " ATli m --w-fc. , KK):onnjKKKKKo:ojro; ? The New Ncversll-i As phalt Removable HORSESHOE GALK. Horse cannot slip nnd will ontwc:ir three .sets or any other calk manufacture:!. S CJ SOLE !x5x$Kaooac$K;x)sos A Break In the Price of Rubbers They have been too high foi the past two years. Now we will give you the benelit of the cut in prices. Ladies' 6oc Rubbers, now 45c Men's 85c kind, now 70c. (SmBm, A SPLENDID CONCERT. Large Audience Enraptured by Hem berger String Quartette. Very well executed and thoroughly enjoyable was the concert given last night in Guernsey hall by tho Hem berger String quartette, assisted by J. Willis Conant, pianist, before a large audience. The quartette was made up ol Professor Theodore Hemberger. T. H. RIppard, Frederick Wldmayer nnd Mr. RIppard, and the selections ren dered were treated In n masterly man ner. They ranged from Bazzlrrl's allegro appassionato to Tschnlkowsky's "Ro mance" andante cantabllo. Several numbered wore played from Bazzlnl, Tschalkowsky. Hubay, Goltermann and Lindner. T. II. RIppard gave a magnlflent 'cello solo of Saint Saen's delicious "Le Cygne." All music played was arranged for a string quartette by I'rofessor Hemberger. ANNUAL MASQUERADE BALL. Members of the Schweitzer Mnen nerchor Enjoy Themselves. In Music hall last night the Schwvlz er Maennerchor held Its annual mas querade ball and a very Jolly and en joyable affair It wns. About eighty couples were present and nearly ail of them were masked. The prince of the carnival was Arnold Roth and the princess, Mies Rose Blatter. They led tho grand march. Tho president of the Maennerchor I? Joseph Gnoss and tho committee In charge of the ball consist"! ot Ernest Oloor, John Brunner, Henry Kehol', John Anderson; Casper Anderegg, Ru dolph Traill) and Fred Hciv.'ci'.i-i'. AN INTERESTING ADDRESS. Speech on Boer Wnr Delivered Be fore Royal Arcnnum. A very Interesting address was given at last night's meeting of Scranton council, No. 923, of tho Royal Arcanum, by Orator Thayer, of Lackawanna council on tho subject of the Boer war. Thero was a lurge attendance and every ono present thoroughly enjoyed the address, ns tho speaker treated his subject In a manner novel and bright. A largo number of new and dluinci points regarding the great .South Afri can strife were r.wolt upon by htm. BY - 1- f r t- C.t 134 Wrornlnt AYcrnie vr w-it, . ..ji .t. a a Mia in mm huvit ATgunu j 126 and 128 Franklin Ave. AGENTS. "1S47 Sogers Bros.'' Gootls. Knives, Fprks Spoons, etc. No question about the quality; we have all the newest patterns at lowest prices. Also the celebrated Sterling In laid Spoons and Forks. Vnr ranted to wear twenty-five years. Immense stock of Sterling Silver Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased Goads for Wedding Presents. Merceread & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Short ea Trips of two te fve days' duration, ire ofkred by the OLD ill.. LINE TO Norfolk, Ua. Old Point Contforf, Ua. Richmond, Ua. Washington, D. C. Steamers rail dally eicept Sunday from Tier J, Korth Itlver, foot of Beach street, New York, Tickets, including meal and stateroom accom modations, $13.00 and unward. 1'or full Information apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO, 81 Beech Street, New York, N. Y. II.D.WALKi:n,Tnif.Msr. J.J.DKOW.V.a.P.A, DR, DEKSTEPi Fbjs'clan and Sutfeoi 311 Spmsi St. Imp t uun Building SChAHlON PA. .Ml aeute and chronic dUeasea of men, wo men aud children. CilltOMO NUUVOUS. 1111AIN ANll WASTIKO IIISIIASKS A SI'KU. IALTV. All dliiuMS of the Lier, Kidneys, IIUeMcr, fcsln, Ulood, Nems, Womb, Eye, y.tr. Nose, Throat, and I,uiitfs, Cancers, Turoore. -.i. ,. ...... !.... iii...... ..... - uunuorrnca, tvi'iimn, i i-unon, inaueru. tlon and youthful habit obliterated. Surgery, F:tr, Kpllepsy, Tape and fitmnach Worms. G.. TAHHIIOZONK, SpeclBo for Catarrh. Thres month' treatment only f.1.00. Trial frcs In offlee1. Consultation end (lamination free. Of lice hours daily and Sunday, S a, m. to 1 p. in. bun Franklin Ave. sc x i' t p i ! $ fy .? Xty a .. .4'dR DEN ST E IM