-WWHPr- mpiPIM 'W TPWWK MfftaHfiH TiTOfpjPv '"'"YTT' f r THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1001. Communlcatlonsof a news naturo, per sonals and all Items (or publication may be left at The Trib une's" new offices In the flurke Bulldlm, or sent by mall or 'phone. THE COMING ELECTION. Only Three More Working Days Be fore tho Casting of Ballots. Including today, there are but three more wot king das left before the election, which according to law and the mayor's ptoclamatlon, takes place on Tuesday next, tho 19th. As yet there Is no undue excitement over the event, but the candidates are work ing a quiet, methodical, buslness-llko way, which will probable mean a mus tering at the polls of tho greatest nutn bpr of voters In years. The principal Issue thlii year, as In the past few, Is tho election of school directors. The litigations nnd charges of unfair methods made against some of tho mcmbeis of the board which has chaiuctcrlzcil Ioca.1 talk the past year will have a tendency to bring out their fi lends and the opposition In great numbers. Among tho membeis of the present board Is Gustavo F. Svvlgert and, al though ho has been a member of thu board but n year, li Is regarded as one of the pillars of the board nnd m of the most publlc-splllted cill yens In the ritv. 1'iogress .seems to bo bis keenest deslic, and he Is con iliiualt.v on tho lookout for sonic means to improve the condition of the public MioolH. Ho does not rest content with b.ue statement, he wants It proved. Mi. Swlgeit was a select cotiniil niiin of this city for four years and wjh Its pieMdent, making one of tho best presiding otllcers this city lias oxer known. Ho Is ci edited with knowing more about Cushlng than nny public officer In the city. Another candidate for a bchool ill leetorhhlp Is Thomas Boylan, who has had e xperlence In that ollleo and who Is making his canvass on the stiength of the lecord ho made there. The councllmanle nominees ura also quietly at work and there are other candidates who have made no stir. It Is oxtiaoidlnniy quiet for the eve of an election, but perhaps It will grow more exciting In n day or so. MINNIE BJ3ESE DEAD. Succumbed to Her Terrible Injuries Last Night. Minnie Reese, who was stiuck by an Ontario ami Western train on Wed nesday afternoon, as 1 elated In yes terday's Tribune, died last night nt 7 o'clock In the Cnrbondale Emergency hospital. Resides tho Injuries to her leg, nrms and back It was thought at tho hospital on Wednesday night (hat die had sustained severe Injuries In ternally. It was undoubtedly these lat ter that caused her death. She passed a veiy bad night Wed nesday and all day yesterday sank steadily. At about 1.30 o'clock yes teiday afternoon hope of having her was abandoned und her mother, Mrs. Fred Wright, of Farvlew street, was (cut for. The mother remained with bur dying child until the end. Minnie was in years old and was the step-daughter of Fred Wilght. She liud been employed In the Simpson silk mill for some time. At the time of the stilke she came out with tho rest of the girls and for a time was em ployed In tho ofllco of the I'm pie Un dertaking company, and at the ter mination of the stilke went back to woik In tin mill. No f uncial airangements have yet been made. John Jessup Dies, .liilin Jessup, the fourteen-year-old boy, who, as 1 elated in yesterday'" Tribune, was ucelved at the Biner gney hospital in this city on Wed nesday night, died early yesterday morning at that institution. He had met wltn terrible Injuries In the Sher wood bicaker in Jermyn, having lnllcn into the rolls, which criiHh the coal. The legs and abdomen were terribly lacerated, and tho doctors realUed as soon as ho was lecelvcd at the hos pital that death was only a few houra away. The family have been sorely af flicted with sickness for some tlnv. and the boy's muthci Is at present very 111, having given birth to a child last Sunday. At tho Welsh Chuich. Ilev V. Davis, ot Relleviio. will pleach at the Welsh Methodist chuich nct Sunday at both the morning and evening m rvlces. Ho v. Mr. Davis Is 11 talented speaker, and It Is hoped bo will have a laige congiegatlon. In fact the people of tlhs chuich are Planning foi a tnit of 1 'union of all former paiishloners at these servicer. The morning set vice will be held at lf:30 and the evening service at C n'clock, so that all who wish to at tend services in tho other chuiclus can hear Mr. Davis and not be Incon venienced. Still Woiking Oveitlme. The employes of the Carbondale di vision of tho Scianton Traction com pany are, It Is said, still looking for the ten-hour day. Six weeks ago they "eat a committee to Superintendent Kelly with' their demands, but as yet they hav6 been given no leply. The men 011. .tho Scianton division wcio granted their demands, including tho ton-hour day some time ago, nnd those on this division nio growing Impatient over, lha company's delay In this case. Mr. Manner's Gitt. Sonic time ago there was a little fire '11 the People's shoe store. The fire men succeeded In keeping the blaze Jown to a smnll one, and not much lamaije was done. Vlrcent C. Man ners. Pf the stoic, has given tu th Columbia Hoso company an order for the b'?rt pair of shoes In bis stoic, rilo.glft will ba used a3 a door pilzo ifUiG'lalr tonight. The firemen feel .cry grateful, War Heroes Banqueted. The veterans of tit-'5, members of William Hi Davlea post, Giaud Army of' tho Republic, woto banqueted by f'nptnlji George E. Hnndolph camp, Soryj of Veterans, last evening in the DrBullsx ' Cures all Throat and I.ung Affection. COUGH SYRUR W Get tbc genuine. Refuseaubiitllutei. Jk Vis sure Salvation Oil curt KntumaUia. is & as cts. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT latter's rooms In Cambrian hall, on South Church street. After the routine business of the camp had been trans acted the festivities began. A pleas ing programme had been prepared and was tendered in a most creditable manner, Instrumental and vocal music helping to make the entertainment a varied one. After tho completion of this part of tho celebration the guests nnd members seated themselves nt the banquet table and a substantial and delicious repast was served. When the Inner man had been thoroughly provided for various inclnbers of tho post were called upon nnd tholr anec dotcs of personal experiences on the firing line, en mnrch and In the camp brought back to the battle-scarred eterans vivid memories of the trouble some days of the rebellion nnd fur nished most enjoyable entertainment for their younger hosts. OBITUAItY. Rev. William A. Nealon. lit. llcv. Thomas F. Coffey. V. G., or St. Hose's church, lecclvcd a telegram icstctday morning at about 10 o'clock, announcing the death of Ilev. Father William A. Nealon, of this city, at tho monastery of the Trapplst Fathers In Gethsemane, Ky. No further pattlcu lars were given In the telegram, and It Is a surprise nnd shock to his tela tlves and many friends In this city, as when the last news was received by his mother, a week ago, he was well, and appatcntly the disease which caused his death must have arisen suddenly. Father Nealon went to the monastery In Gethsemane a few weeks ago to spend two months in retreat. Ills brother, John M. Nealon, and Father Motntt staitcd last evening for Gcth&cmanc, which is a shott distance from Louisville. The deceased pi lest was bom in Car bondale on October -', 1SG9. He attend ed the public schools in this city and then went to St. Bonnventure's col lege, where he mudc all his classical, philosophical and theological studies. He was oidalned as a. ptlest In the cathedral In Scranton by Bishop O'Hara on August 20, 1SS3. Ills lltst appointment after oidlnntlon was as an assistant In St. Maiy's church. Wllkes-Barro. He was then an as sistant priest at St. Patrick's church In Scinnton, and from there he went to St. John's church In Susquehanna. Fiom the latter place ho came to his native city and was associated with St. Hose's church, under Father Coffey, for five eais. Father Nealon madu a pilgrimage to Home, with Hlshop Hoban nnd eleven other pilests from this state last year, and saw the pope. It Is expected that his bi other nnd rather Mollltt will at rive In Gethse mane this evening by 5 o'clock. If eveiythlng Is In icadlness they will leave immediately and ictutn to this city by 10 o'clock Satuiday night. It Is expected that tho funeral will bo held on Monday moinlng, but this is not jet determined on. Father Nealon Is survived by bis father and mother, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Nealon, of South Chinch stieet; two bt others and a sister, Allda Nealon, reglhtiv clerk nt the po.stolllco; John M. Nealon, assistant postmastel, and James F. Nealon, of this city. The Trolley Cars Delayed. It was a cold day to wait on the street corners yesterday for a car und paitlcttlarly exasperating to the wait er when, after a long session of com muning in a inonlogue ns to tho habits of trolley cats in being late, the car came not. tint theie were two good reasons for long delays yesteiday moinlng In tho early bouts. The schedule was suspended for .1 time by accidents, Identical in nature. The cat lea vlng the power house at 7 o'clock got as far as chinch street switch when the forvvaid axle snapped In two pieces. The next car up got only ns far as Evans' meat inatket, on South Main street, when one of the axles broke. The repair cievvs at once got to woik repairing them, 'the cars being hauled to the nearest switches. Mr. Sahm Impioved. Abe Sahm, who sustained such sell ous Injuries by being thrown from the wagon of tho Columbia Hose company on Wednesday morning, while icspond lng to nn alarm of lite, was much improved yesterday. On Wednesday evening ho wns delirious and passed a bad night, but during estenlny he rallied and showed a gient gain of stienuth. His hearing Is still imper fect, and as yet no steps have been taken to nsceitnln If this Injury is of a permanent natuie. It will piobably be a week oi more before he will be able to leave his bed. Miss Gerrlty Burled. The funeral of Miss Maiy Gen Its, who died at her tesldence on Got don avenue ot tho grip, was held estei day moinlng at 9 30 o'clock at St. Hoso church. A solemn high masa of requiem was celebrated. Father Wal ter J. Gorman wns celebrant, Father Holmes, of Athens, dsacou, und Hev. John White, sub-deacon. The remains were intelied in St. Hoso cemeteiy. A large number of her fi lends nttended the services. St. Valentine's Day. Yesterday was Cupid's holiday but It was no holiday for the postofllce force and tho letteis curlers. These unfortunate mentals had to put In con siderable overtime in finishing their woik, and In tho ftlgld weather con ditions yesterday It was a haidshlp. Hut. perhaps, the warmness of the sentiments In tho valentines they car ried helped to allevlato tho coldness. An Approaching Wedding. Cards are out announcing the com ing wedding of Frnnk Jones and Miss Ida Carter, both well-known residents of this city. MUs Cniter Is well known and highly esteemed In Jeimyn, where Bhe fonneily resided. Mr. Jones Is employed at the Delawaia and Hudson locomotive shops here. Euchre Meeting. Tho Progressive Ruchro coterie met nt the homo of Mr and Mis. E. J. McIIale and passed a veiy pleasant evening. After the usual session with the pasteboards rofrcrhments wero served. Tho club will not meet again until after Easter. B.L. Hatfield, man ager of the Cuban dale edition, will be pleaded to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It. Tele phone numbers: Mew 386: old, ajaj. QILBY ACQUITTED. Judge Instructs tho Jury to Dis charge the Constable. Tho case against Constable Stephen Ollby, ex-County Detective Leyshon, piosetutor, was tried yesterday before Judge Arehbald nnd a Jury In the court house at Scranton. Gllby was indicted by the grand Jury on tho chnrgo of felonious wounding. He had shot nt and wounded Edwntd J. Gor man while tho latter was escaping from his custody after being commit ted by Alderman Dele van on a charge of larceny. Tho shooting occurred on New Yeat'fl night of this year. Gor man wns taken to the Bmeigeney hospital and has been nn inmate ever since, the bullet finding a lodgment In bis kneecap, A few days after tine shooting Ley shon came to town nnd nnested Gll by on n wan ant. He was put under bonds for his appearance at court. Tho case has been twice postponed, but came up yesteiday morning. After the witnesses for the proreeutlon had been heaid, nnd without the defenso having put n witness on the stnnd, Judge Arehbald Instructed the Jury to acquit Gllby without leaving their seats. The Judge uparently took the view that the constuble was nctimr entliely within bis rights In stopping tho escano of a tleelnc nrlsoner who had been regularly committed. This ' vindication of the constable will serva to make men In custody of ofllcora more apt to go nlong without resort ing to tactics ot assault upon their rustodlans. T'ddlo Gorman was taken to Scran ton ns a witness against Stove. His leg Is still very stiff nnd he piobably will be lame for a long time, If not for life. THEATRICAL. All Next Week Holden Comedy Company. Tho celebrated Holden Comedy com pany, one of the largest and most ex pensive repertoire companies on the road, will open a week's engagement at the Grand opera house next Mon day night, piesenting the sensational comedy-drama, "The Diamond Break er." There are twenty-five people in the company and two carloads ot sceneiy aie used In their productions. Fifteen specialties every evening. Matinees will be given on Washing ton's biithday and Saturday. A Visiting Priest. Father O'Kcefe, of Clinton, Mas"., of the Springfield diocese, Is a visitor at tho parochial residence. This clergy man Is building a beautiful chuich at Clinton. The bishop of the diocese, Hlshop Heaven, who delivered the morning FOimon when St. Hose chuich was dedicated in December, was so much pleased with tho local church that be recommended that Father O'Keefu come here and see It. The reverend genth man Is very much plaHed with St. Hose and Is glad he took tho long Journej, for he says he has obtained a number of Ideas which he will embody in the completion of bis church, especially in regatd to the stained windows. A Muslcale at the Club. Tho boaid of governois of tho Car bondale Cycle club have nnanged with Pi of. John T. Watklns, of Scranton, for a muslcale to be given in the club rooms next Tuesdav evening tor the members and their friends. Ho will bo assisted by other Scranton talent and a number of his Carbondale pupils. A most excellent programme Is In courso of ptepaiatlon. Meetings Tonight Junior Order United American Me chanics. Lackawanna encampment, No. IS, I. O. O. F. Columbia Hose company's fair. Cooking Club's Meeting. Tho Young Ladles' Cooking club will be entertained nt tho home of Miss Josephine Hurt on Chestnut stieet on Fiiday evening. Was Pay-Day. The employes of tho Erie tailioad in this city nnd Forest City tecelved their month's pay Wednesday. Born. To Mr. and Mis. Peter Flnn ot Ca naan stieet, a djughtci. Its Weekly Runaway. Mall Agent Walkei's hoise "Dyna mite" Indulged In its weekly runaway jcateiday, this time on Salem avenue. Mr. Walker was In the sleigh, but the animal "took the bit In Its teeth" nnd dashed off up Salem avenue at a 2.40 clip. The driver tugged vainly at the reins. At Church stieet tho horso tried to sweivo fiom Its line, but Mr. TOLD IN SCRANTON. It's the Evidence of Scranton peo ple Published in Scrnnton Papers that has made such a Reputation for Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills. Standing clear and distinct, maiklng tho dlffeiente, tho supeilor merit, tho adaptability to piesent-day ailments is the volume of local testimony for Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills. It's so dif ferent to tho oidlnaty remedies lefer ring to eutes made at distant points which It Is hard to verify. There Is a leason for Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills commanding home evldenco wher ever they aie known. It Is their won derful tnlluemc In bilnglng up tho staudaul of neive foice. Mr. Heniy Alberts, of No. Old Hitch stieet, Scranton, Pa., says: "For about two ycats my back and kidneys had been sore, lame and the secretions In bad shape. Nothing seemed to help ino until I got Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills at Matthews Uios.' drug store, No. 3i0 Lackawanna avenue. They did the work, e'urlng the soreness and lameness, making thu secictlons healthy, and generally giving mu health and strength." Dr. A. W. Chaso's Neive Pills nre sold at 50e. a box at dealers, or Dr. A. W. ChiiRo Medicine Co., Huffalo, N. Y. Pee that portrait and Hlgnaturo of A. W. Chase, M. D., are on every package. . Full Upholstered Parlor X.49 Suit Unusually well made all through, plenty offsprings in the seat well staved coverings ol splendid wear ing handsome damask, in new designs. There are good points about this suit you must examine. Best See It. WMm Vgpp"ffll Sideboard, similiar to one shown above, French t bevel mirror, .32x38 latest design, $28.00 value .ply.Zy Walker succeeded In keeping It in tho middle of the road. The hill at the school houf.es proved too much for his equine highness and thu driver suc ceeded In again getting control of hii steed. Wreck Averted. What might have been a dlsastious wreck whh narrowly averted at Thomp son early AVcdnesday evening. Tho passenger tialn which leaves here for tho noith at 4 p. m. was speeding nlong at the nbove mentioned place at a rate of thirty-five miles an hour, when suddenly- tho steel tire on one of the big driving wheels flow off. The train's momentum carried It along several hundred feet, and how the locomotive escaped leaving the tails N a mystery. An Urle engine, which was near, pulled the passenger tialn to a neaiby siding, where It stood, to tho great displeasure o!S the passengers, for about two hours. A dispatch was sent to this city and an engine fiom the round-house was sent up the llnu to tako tho place of the disabled one, which was brought home for repalis. The Fourth Night of the Fair. Iast night -was souvenir night at the fair of tho Columbia Hose company in Uurko's hall. Every lady visiting it was presented with a handsome hat pin. The programme presented from the platform was the best that has yet ' been tendered, the selections by the Lackawanna Symphony club being es pecially pleasing. The attendance fchowed no falling off and the hall was well filled. After the programme, dancing was Indulged In by a Inigo number. Tonight tho Lackawanna Symphony club will appear in an entirely new programme. The door prize this even ing will be nn older for the best pair of shoes in tho People's shoe store. A Costly Bout. Mayor Ullpatrlck heard two young rounders in mayor's court yesterday. They were gatheied In the night bo fore In a central city saloon, where they were engaged, when "copped," in a flerco liaud-to-hand, or flst-to-faee, bout. The quarrel began quite eatly In the evening and at frequent Inter vals they broke out In vociferous dis cussions, which llnally terminated In blows. The mayor lined them $3, which they quickly paid and then decamped. The Pool Toureny. At the Carbondale Cycle club last evening two more games In the pool tournament were played. This very nearly clears off the llfth drawing. The Hrst game was taken bv L. K. Kobeits (third class) from John G. Hecpe (second class) by a score of CO to 44. J. Gllhool (third class) won the second game fiom II. 15. Uriggs (third class) by K0 to 33 1 A Laborer Injured. A Hungarian laborer, employed at Wilson Creek colliery, had a big piece of top rock fall on his foot today, but by the assistance ot a fellow-woi ker was able to get to his home in Simp son. The Passing Thiong. Dr. J. it. Slttoily was a vlsltoi beie Wednesday. Rev. J. A. Mollltt, of Taylor, spent yehterday in town. Miss Helen Hatvey it, confined to her home by illness. Miss Mary Collins, of Kingston, Is visiting her brother here. Wilght Campbell, of Dundatf street, is confined to his home by Illness. T. P rtellly, of Scrnnton, was a call er In this city Wednesday evening. Mis. Cella Cornell spent Wedno3day with f 1 lends In Jeimyn and Aich bald. Miss Cella McDonald, of Scranton, spent last evening with friends In town. Tom Maynes, of r.ushbiook stieet, Is seiiously 111 of symptoms of pneu monla. Sylvester Jf. llayley, of Canaan street, Is enteitalnlug his sister from r.lk Lake. Miss Maigaret Lenlhan and Ml is Mary Tally, of Scianton, are visiting friends here. Miss Myrtle Oliver, of New York city, is spending a few days with f 1 lends In town. James Creegan, of Hazleton, was In town last evening. He wns formerly a Carbondale boy Dr. Mead Schenck. who has been a guest of S. A. Purely on Park street, loturned to his home In Honesdnlo yesterday. Mies Agnes iiutlcr, of Moosle, and Miss Catherine Adams, of Port Jei ls, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sullivan. To Cure the Qiip in Two Says. I.ji.allvi- Hi 01110 (Quinine rfnioci th cause. " OLYPHANT. Tho fuuetal of tho late Mis. Michael Dougherty was held yesterday morn ing, and was attended by 11 large con courfce of son owing and hyinputhizlus friends. At 10 o'clock a solemn 10 qulem mass was celebrated In St. Pat. lick's church by Hcv. J. K. O'Toole, of Providence, who nlso preached the tuneinl sermon. At the conclusion of tho services the remains were taken to St. Patrick's cemetery and laid to rest. The pall-bearers vveie Mcsms. P. T, Dougher, Michael Curran, John I.uns han, James Harrett, John Kearney, Flunk Kennedy. Eight pel sons weie baptized In tho Upholstered Rockers Best of springs in seat, high back. A well made comfortable roomy rocker that has many good points. $4 value. .. pX.UU Parlor Couch, comfortable and strong, plenty ol well secured springs, coverings of Argyle three toned velours in modern patterns, gives splendid . wear and looks well p4.VO Klakely Paptlst church on Wednedny evening by the pastor, Dr. Spencer. Miss Mamc Langhnn entertained .1 few of her friends at her homo on Second street Wednesday evening Those present were: Misses Jennlo Langhan, Mary O'Uoyle, Katie How ard, Annie Langhan, Nellie McQrall, Dunmoie; Mildred McNetly, Mcssrj. John Langhan, James Langhan, Cul lcn, Dougherty nnd Hopkins, of Dan more. Tho funeral of the little child of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dcmp'-ey took plic3 CFtordny nfteinomi at I! o'clock. In terment was made In the Catholto cemetery. The Juvenls dancing class gave a prc-lenlen social In Mahon's hall last evening. Tho affair was attended by a large number of voting people, who enjoyed themselves Immensely. Music for dime irg was furnlyhed by Lavv encer's oichcstia, of Scianton. D. K. Iteddlngton met with painful Injuiles In Ne. 2 mines Wednesday morning. While attending his duths as miner a fnll of rock cecuued and bo was caught beneath It. Ills In juiles consist of thteo bioken ribs. He was lemoved to bis home on Dun more street, where he tecelved medical attention. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Mrs. Jenkins, wife ot Ttev. IMwnrd Jenkins, whose setlous Illness has from time to time been alluded to in The Ti ibune, died at her home on Main stieet at half-past 10 o'clock on Wednesday night. Deceased, who was born In South Wales seventy-two years ago, has been a resident of this borough for the past thlrtj years, and was held In much respect by a large ciicle of friends. She is survived by her husband and n son, Alfred, nnd two bitters. Mis. Lewis L. Jones, of Providence, and Mrs. John H. Jones, of Hjde Pnik. The funeral will tako place to-moirow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services in the Congregational church. John Jpssup, th" little boy who mot with huch frightful injutlcs by falling Into the rollers at the Sherwood break er on Wednesday afternoon, died at the Emergency hospital, Oatbondale. a few hours after his admittance there, his Injuries being beyond hu man assistance. The leinalns vre bioiiRht hete to his homo at West Mayfleld yesteiday morning, and tho scone at the home was most pathetic. The funeral w 111 tako place at '1 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Services at tho Pilmitive Methodist church. Jabez Smith, a pioneer yrttler of Scott and one of the most wid el v Known lesldents of tho neighborhood, died at his home in Scott township on Wednesday evening at the lip" old age of eighty-throe yeais. Deceased .settled In the townilhlp over si.Mty yeais ago, and was for many y3ais, after the discovery of coal In this vicinity, engaged extensively In tho lumber business. At one time be wns the owner of three saw mil's, and In nlso became noteworthy as a dam builder, most of tho damn existing today In the. neighborhood having been built by hlin. Ho was 11 man every one had a good word for, and was a frequent visitor to Jermyn, nnd was hid In great esteem. He Is sui lveel by his wife, three tons, Nichol as lirastus and Ceorse, nnd two daughteis-, Mrs Hllza Stacker and Mrs. Daniel GilPlth", of Wayne coun ty. The funeral will take place on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and In ternment will be made In the Carey cemeteiy nt Lake Clupinan. Theie will be nn important meeting ot the congiegatlon of St. James chuich at the close ot this evening's i-ervlce, at which all membeis of the chuuh are Invited to attend. A stug party of about fifteen ot the piomlnent young men of the borougli was held In the St. George hotel last evening, nt which nn claborato supper was seived and several hours enjoy ably spent. Luther Keller, formeily eleetrlchn ot the local electile light company, who left town about two yeais ago under a cloud, has jmt 1 emitted JltL'.Cj, funds ho held to, ttcasurer ot the Jr. O. U. A. M society. Mr. Kol'er, who had been prominently engaged in church woik, cnused a sensation at tho time by his flight, and obtnlned considerable notoiloty through the picas. Ills lemlttanco of th money to the toclety fulfills what his fi lends have all along piognoMUatcd. that ho would 1 ay up the money ho embezzled. Tho cause of his fall was uutoi lunate speculations. Tlie masfiuerade ball held In 1M munds' new hall last evening undo' tho auspices of the Junior Order United Ameilcan Mechanics wns ou of the most successful affairs of the kind ever held In Jeimyn Theie were over a bundled mnHqueraJeia pieseut nnd they weie In many Instances ie maikably grotesque. Sevoral of the ladles wero aitlstleally die-ssed, and the scene on tho Hour of the hnll was for fceveral hours befoie the dancers unmnsked an enjoyable sight. Cards aie out announcing the np pioachlng wedding of MIm Ida Caiter, a former well known rcFldent of the borough, and Finnk Jones, of Caibon dale D ALTON. The Items ic-fenlng to certain jouug men of this town nnd our einclanl school board, whleh upiicnred In yes terday's Tribune, came not fiom the pen of the uuthoilzed correspondent of this impel' for this place, and he wishes not to bo held u-gponslble for any seeming lellcetlon which they may cast. $K0MY55 bESRLL Trade Sale Prices ought to tempt you to buy for future wants. Dinner Sets, American porcelain, handsomely decorated. 100 pieces. $10 value.. ipO.y Child's Commode Chair, for the nursery, non-exposed pan, removable tray in front, golden oak finish, up- t bolstered covered seat, $2.50 value. p I ,Zy Rockers Six assorted styles, saddle shaped and 0 genuine leather seats, solid oak bodies, value $4.75 to $6 43yO MUEHLBR0NNER BILL IN HOUSE (Concluded from l'.ic 1. Another bill ot Judge Atchbald's drafting was lntioduced In tho hous-i by Mr. Harris, of Clearfield. It pro vides that a party who claims title to leal estate by squatter right, and who Is not In actual poueslon of the property, shnll be icqulied to record Ids title so that notice of his claim may bo apparent. At present, owlnt; to the Inadequacy of ihe law abov Indicated a party may purchase va cant land and then discover that an other party Is claiming It by having squatted on It for twenty-one consecu tive years at some time or other. Mr. Huitman, ot Luzerne, lntio duced a bill to provide for an addi tional law judge In Luzeine county. A similar bill for Filalr county was Introduced by Mr. Gamble. Playwiights' Bill Defective. The bill to prevent pirates from stealing unpublished and undedlcated plays was reported from committee this morning. The bill was diafted by the American Dinmatlsts' club of New Yoik and Is a copy of a law lecently enncted In New York. The associa tion Is trying to have It adopted In every state. The copyright laws do not adequately provldn protection against these thefts, so It Is deemed necessary to stiengthen It by statu legislation. Dan 1. Hart has charge of the bill In this statq. He entiusted It to Sol Hacharacih, the governor's executive cleik, and Mr. Hacharach had Mr. Stroh, ot Lebanon, to father It. The Hlks have sent a petition for Its adoption. The committee's leport was a nega tive one, but this was not because It opposes the bill. There was a legal defect In It. This atternoon the com mittee got together and drafted a new bill along tho lines of the other, and tomorrow It will be reporti-d favorably Among the other bills lepoited from committee were the following: Pro viding for a department of building and loan associations; poimlttlng barbed wlte fences to be erected along highways; piotecting trade marks and union labels; making Somerset and Caibon counties separate Judicial dis tricts; providing for the builal of In digent soldiers. To Protect the Flags. The resolution to prevent the taking of Hags fiom the executive mansion to be used In the Giant tomb was re ported with nn amendment to th ef fect that It might be permitted If a majority of the survivors of the tegl inent which the Hag lepresented la voted It. The amendment was killed and the resolution wns passed as origi nally lntioduced. It requires that the consent of a majority of the Grand Army posts of the state shall be se cured befoie any Hag can b taken from the state depository. Tho lonunlttce on military affalts lepoited adveibely the bill providing that military Instruction bo provided for In all public schools. The lesolutlon recommending Lieu tenant Colonel Theodore J. Wlnt for pi emotion to the position of brigadier general of legulais was unanimously concuircd In by tho houbo today, on motion of Mr. rieheuer, and Is now ready for the goviuoi's slguatuie. The bill amending the notniles public act by icmovlng tho prohlbltloungalnst dlreetots or stockholders of banking institutions becoming notaries wus passed on thlid reading In tlu senate. A proviso Is made that such notaries cannot transact any business with which the bank they lepiesent Is con nected. Passed Second Heading. An act cieatlng the olllce of assist ant district attorney and an act poi mlttlng councils to make an annual appropriation not exceeding $300 to the support of each company of the Na tional Guard having permanent quar ters In tho city, passed second reading In the venute The bill creating tin oillco of lecelvor of taxes m thlid class cities was halted on eeond rend ing by a motion to postpone for the present. The motion was madu by Mi Fox, of Dauphin, the father of the bill. Ho sajs them Is a epiestlon as to whether or not Ilanlsbutg wunts tho bill to pass. Tho act authorizing the supei Intend, ent of public Insttuetlon to employ lecturets for summer assemblies tor educational purposes was defeated In tho senate nn second tending Mr. Flinn's Bond Scheme. On iiiutluu of Senator Fllnn, the bill lntioduced by him peimlttlng county coninil..sloneis to bonow money and Isue bonds foi Improving county roads was laid over for amendment. Tho famous Fllnn load bill, by which county commissioners can, If they so elect, levy nnd collect taxes for road building Is not furnishing mvenuo enough to keep tho contutctois busy, and .Mr. Fllnn pioposes to penult them to go Into the pockets of futuio gen erations by menns of a bond Issue. Since the bill was passed In lSlt'i Alle gheny county, which was tho only one to take advantage of tho act, has expended a million dollars In Imprnv Ing seventy miles of the county roads. Theio nre over three bundled mora miles of 10.ul that will penult of being Impioved and it Is the purpoho ot the FHnnites to Improve) them ns inpldly as possible. Tho vigorous attacks that aro now being made on tho Pitts burg ring by thu rlppeiltes aro said 1 f rkQ Bed Room Su,t Golden I U.VO Ash, neatly carved, Dresser has German Plate Mirror, and is fitted with heavy brass trimmings. See our better suits. We have just as big bargains t4o.oo. .M to be responsible for the temporary withdrawal of tho measure, T. J. Duffy. CLARK'S SUMMIT CASE. Hearing on Application of Floyd young" for Amendment to Conden- sery Charter. f-pecUl from 1 Staff CorroDonilcnt, Harrlsburg, Teh. 14. A hearing was had before Secretary ot the State Will lam C. Grelst. this afternoon, on th application of Floyel Young for an amendment to the charter of thu Clark's Summit Condensery company. In the articles of incorporation It ap peals that Mr. Young Is credited with having subscribed for 4S0 shares t stock. He claims he only subscribed for thirty shaies, and wants tho char ter corrected. Tho company is In seilous financial dinicultv, and the other stockholder, und some of the ci editors, among them H. J. Northup and Mr. Dcrshlmer, ar endeavoring to prevent him from se curing the amendment. The application was represented by cc-Judge II. A. Knupp and John F. Scragg. The objectors' attorney If Geoige D. Taylor. T. J. Duffy CLARK'S GREEN. Mrs. LMvvnrd Lutsey returned homo fiom nn extended visit among friends In Wllkes-Barre on Tuesday last. Eleven weie admitted Into full mem bership nt the Baptist church on Sun day moinlng last at 11 o'clock, when tho baptismal service was adminis tered to them by the pastor, H. Pai lett East. A. II. Decker, an old veterem of the late Civil war, died on Thursday last, after an attack of piip with a compli cation of other ailments. He was an esteemed citizen, who will bo gi eatly missed by his many acquaintances. H" leaves a wife and two daughters, Mrs Hnima Terwlllleer and Mrs. Sarnb Cope, and one son, George Decker, the latter living In Blnghamton, and two brotheis, George Decker and Charles Decker, of New Mtlford, Pa., and one fclster. The funeral services were con ducted by the Hev. H. Parlett Bast, pastor ot the church to which he be longed for many years. Mrs. Newel f'allender, wife of tho Itev. Nuwel Callender, died on Satur day evening la&t, after a piotractod Illness of tevei.il weeks, The funeral services wero conducted 111 the Bap tist church here by the pastor, Itev. II. Pailett Hast, cm Tuesday of this week at It o'clock. Interment won made In the Clark's Gieen cemeteiy. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Smith and daughter. Hazel, were guests at thtt homo of Mis. Smith's paieuts, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cook, for Beveral days, and leturned to their homo In Nay Aug on Monday last. Miss Nellie Callender Is seriously HI at her home. Mrs. A. II. Decker is icported as be ing somewhat better, and her giand daughter, who Is suffering from ty phoid fever, Is ulso repotted ns much improved. The donation which was held at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Wheelct. Tuesday evening, for the benefit of Itev. H. Parlett Hast, was a social and financial success, und netted tho neat sum of about $50. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Coon spent sev eral dayH with the patents of the lat ter, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Decker, In llouesdale, and returned home on Tuesday last, since which Mr. Coon has been confined to his homo -with .sickness. Tho Itev. M. S. Godshall will deltvei another of his couisc of sermons on Sunday evening next at 7 o'clock. Subject. "Heaven." - TAYLOR. The membeis of the Prlco Library nfchoclatlon will bo entertained with a musical and llteiary programme at this evening's tneotlng. The entertain ment will commence at 8 o'clock, when the following excellent numbers will be rendcied; Solo, Richard Watklns lecltatlon, Miss Sarah Price; solo, Miss Olvven M. How nils; oration, John G wynue, esq., solo, Arthur Morgan esav, Piesldent W B. Owens; zither holo, William Hvans, paper, R. B flendall; closing exercises, Tho publlo Is coidlally Invited. Tho funeral of James J. Lynch, of tho Arehbald mine, who died nt the Moses Taylor hospital on Tuesday, w III occur this afteinoon. The Men's union, of Old Forge bor ough, have seemed Attorney Fred L Beets, of Scrantuu, to addtess them at their meeting this (Fildny) evening at 7.30 o'clock. The meeting will bo held In Drake's ball. Attorney Beers will tako as hls subject, "How to Vote." All citizens uie invited. Tho niembeis of tho Young Men's Christian association band aro making extensive piepaiatlons for their coming banquet, to be held In Llewellyn's hall. Tho fuueial of Mrs. John Reynolds, of Hyde Park, will bo held tomoirow (Satuiday) afteinoon at 2 o'clock. Ser vices will be conducted at tho house. Interment will be made in the Wash burn street cemeteiy. Mis. Thomas Charles and Mrs. Levi Day. of Olyphant, wero guests of lela tlvi's beie 011 Wednesday. Talllo Jones, who left hero some limn ago for Indian tenltory, has leturned to town. MUs IHhel O'Horo, of Mala street, has leturned homo from her visit with her aunt, Mis. W, R. Jones, of Car bondale.