-W'- vm-'i .lijyWK "- ' "I V ribtme. cmnton TH&v9 SCRAN TON PAPBR. RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. flflgjaVl v r- - two ce?tW! SCRANTON, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15, 1001. TWO CENTS. Sfcfc ") MUEHLBRONNER BILL IN HOUSE Reported Irom the Senate and Rc Terred to the Committee on Mllitaru Affairs. FAVORABLE REPORT TO BE MADE TODAY It Is Thought tho Measure Will Pass First Bending Today and Come Up for Second Beading Tomorrow. Allegheny Protests Against Some of tho Scranton Concessions Tho Executive Head of Allegheny City Will Attempt to Secure a Eevislon. The Kennedy Act Now a Law. ciil fieim a 'lad C orrejp.mdont Harrlsburg, Feb. 14. Tim Aluohl bronnup bill win reported to the house today from tho senate unU referred to 1 lit committee on municipal uffulrs. The committee met this afternoon and (iftcp a brief scsson decided to it-iioit It favorably to the house, tomorrow, without amendments. Tho bill will likely pass first read ing tomorrow and. come up for second lending Friday. That attempts will be made to umend It In certain, and that It will be amended Is about enually eertnln. ' In the committee meeting today, Mr. Jlrnderhon and Mr. Kapp, both Quny lt"s of Allegheny, opposed reporting the bill until an opportunity had been given them to amend it, and Mr. NIs l't, of Pittsburg, an Insurgent, fought to have the bill negatived. The com mute c 1m overwhelmingly t-tulwail and the objections In consequence went for naught. I'halriuiin Caldwell, of T'hlladclphla, said at the doe of the committee meeting thai even though tho provis ions of tho bill are not to be changed II. must necossaiily be subjected to amendment, as It Is technically faulty In several respects and Its verbiage does not parse In many instance, par ticularly where, by neglect, the won! "mayor" was allowed to stund In sev eral el a uses. The Pittsburg chamber of commerce. AV. V. I Sogers, the framer of the bill, and the Allegheny city olllclals aio ! protesting vigorously against some of 'he Si-runion concessions. Director of Public Safety John It. Murphy, the virtual executive head of Allegheny City, Is here to mcuu n revision of tho most recent amendments. The lenders fop the opposing sides In the house have not yet been selected. It is thought, however, that Represen fitive Harry Hall will direct affairs fur the Insurgents. SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR. Kennedy Act Bepealer and Bond Validating Bills Ate Now Laws. "P' fill IrC'in i Mart ( mri ondriil. Hurjisbiiig, Feb. II. Governor Stone today lr.iiitiulucd ii the henuto notice of his having .signed the bill repealing the Kennedy rchool act and validating the Scranton bond Issue. Tho repeal of the Kennedy net leave.j Scranton with no alternative but to legulato its school affairs under the present system. The Kennedy act was devised for the government of school districts in ' second -class cltl"f. Tt wan attacked i in the courts, and tho supieme court declared it unconi-'tlHUional on the ground that cities could not be classl- ' lied for any except municipal pur poses. In tho recent Gilllpnn case from I'ittston the supreme court went coun ter fr Its former uillng by refusing to sustain nn attack on tho act of 1J.71 which i.t .devised for cities of the ' third clues'. I The repeal of the Kennedy net was rlfccted by the present school directors of Sernnton. who teared that ns long as It wus allowed to remain on tin statute books them was danger of some ono looking It up und having the supreme couit tehabllllute It by applying It to the decision In the 011 llgun case. T. J. Duffy. BILLS INTBODUCED. Tho Effoit in Interest of Election Contest Victims. frpcxl.il horn a Start Correspondent. Harrlshurg, Feb. 14. In the houso today, Mr. Reueom, of Westmoreland, Introduced a bill to amend Senator 'Vnughan's amendment to tho Act of 1S74, relating to election contests. Tho Vaughan amendment provides that witnesses whoso votes are shown to bo Illegal shall receive no fees or mileage; that It the contestant falls to establish his right to tho olllce, the signers of his petition shall bo Jointly and severally llablo for all the costH; that tho petitioners shall glvo bond for tho costs within ten days after tho petition Is presented; that In contests fop ofllccH In which tho Incumbent's Jurisdiction extends over tho state, If the court decrees that tho complaint Is without probable cause, tho petitioners shall be liable. Tho amendment submitted by Mr. Ueacom reads ns follows: "Piovlded, however, that In any contest com menced before the passage of this amendment, liability for the exists, and the manner In which, and the poisons by whom the same shall bo paid, shall be determined 'by the law as It stood at the time such contest was Insti tuted." The typewritten copies of the bill presented by Mr. Ueacom are encased In wrappers beating a manufacturer's label reading, "It. K. Prendergast, 107 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa." Two drafts of bills, from two differ ent sources, which If enacted would saddle the Langbtuff-Kelly election contest costs on the county, were re ceived here some tltne ugo, but, It Is understood, none of the Lackawanna legislator would consent to father either of them, and they were returned. Attorneys for the Lnngstaff petition ers who, under Judge Archbald's de cision In the Klghth watd contest, will be liable for the $100,000 costs, trans mitted the drafts. To Double Inspection Districts. Tho bill Introduced by Mr. Garner, of Schuylkill county, nt tho request of the Hutted Mine Wotkers, to double the number of Inspection districts and cut the Inspector's salary from $3,000 to $2,000, wn reported favorably from the committee on mines and mining. The bill will meet with opposition be cause of the fact thut It essays to cut the salarlev of tho present Inspectors. The Mine Workers are being freely criticised for asking to have a reduc tion made In the pay of the men to whom they look for protection against caielessncss on the part of the oper ators, Resides being Impolitic, It Is pointed out that It is Inconsistent With the policy of the Mine Wot Iter, who recently struggled so hard for a fifty per cent, increase In their own wages. (Continues! cu Pair. :!. JUDGE H0LLISTER GRANTS INJUNCTION There Will Bo No Contest Between Jeffries nnd Buhlin in Cincin nati No Need for Troops. 11 Kxclusire Wire from The Associated Press. Cincinnati, Feb. 14.--There will bo no contest between Jeffries and Ruh lln. or any one else. In Saengorfest hall in this city tomorrow night, and no other date has been fixed fop the event. Neither will there be any mo bilization of tioops outside of ithe hall or anywhere else tomorrow night or any other lime In this city to keep .leifries and Kuhliu from meeting there. The lyermanent Injunction Is sued by Judge Holllster today against tho proposed championship contest to morrow night or at any time has caused the Indefinite postponement of the arransements of tho btate and county authorities, ns well as of the promoters of the contest. Those who have been opposing the fight are very iu'jllant, and the promoters are cor respondingly depressed over the de velopments today. Some of the visit ing sporting editors left tonight, while otheis enjoyed a social session with Rrady, Cook, Jeffries, Delaney and others from the Jeffries training quar ters, who came Into the city to met them. Others met Madden, Iluhlin, Martin and their companions at the Country club. Jeffries and Ruhlln still maintain their quarters, but they are not doing much training, and both expect to leave for their respective engagements next Saturday night and to till their dates on the road next. After appearing at Columbus next Saturday, Jeffries will bo here next week with his theatrical company, nnd afterwards proceed with It on tho road. Jt Is reported that the question of tin- $."j,u00 forfeit was under consider ntlon this afternoon and that this was the Diinclpul enuse of the adjourn ment until tomorrow afternoon with out definite action, or at least without any speclllc announcement of the event being postponed to any given date or docketed off. The caso.s against Jeffries nnd Iluh lin, charged with training for a prize light, were to have been heard this afternoon. Piosecutlng Attorney Hoffhelmer says he will drop them If the defend ants shall abide by the Injunction without appeal, and this announce ment Is said to have been under con sideration during tho afternoon con vention. While no such definite Information was received from tho promoters to night as wus expected, yet it Is be lieved to 'be due to some controversy over tho forfeit and not to any aues tlon regarding the Injunction. Tbe pro moters announced that they would abide by the decree of the court ab solutely. Mayor Flelschmann, who granted n penult for the contest, was In communication with the governor during the afternoon, and afterward stated to the press that he would offer the wholo police force of Cincinnati to the sheriff, as the officer of the court, If there was any attempt whatever to disregard the Injunction, "There Is nothing in tho situation Justifying the presence of troops," said he. "The action of the court practic ally l evokes my license for u boxing contest. Tho men who were interested In the affair nre all law-abiding citi zens and will not attempt to glvo the contest In violation of tho Injunction. In tho face of tills decree there is no possibility of the fight taking place." ODDITY IN STEEL MABKETS. By Eiclushe Wire from The Associated Ttm. I'itUliiiiv. IVl.. II. 'flit; pant nitk lias wit hc-A- h miriikable oddity In tho stet I market'. C'ciHuii't'ik halo been bCKRlnir, for uteel billets ami offi'ilng premiums un the price Mt by the billet poul. ThU .limllon is '.trance In tint the pools usually place prlcei higher than con. miners nre willing to pay. The pool prle no.v In ll'.'j. Put the odds nre ao Kieat tint the mills eannot lerp pare nnd In (.onie cases $1 a ton 1ms hern paid in ewn tor prompt deliveries. The pool Intended In increase prices Ut ncV but delated action on account of the Carnegie deal. Child Accidentally Shot. jty Utelujive Wire from The Associated Pins. flutler. P., 1'tb. 14, Warren Anutronir, the S-jcai-old aon of Junii'i Armstrong-, wat killed this afternoon by peine shot throueli the head ly a lmllet from a leiolier In the hand, of his 0-ycni-old brother or his Sjear-uli' cousin. Tho ihlldun found the rciolver In a diawer and were plniliiK with It when it was accidentally d!v chaiecd. PARLIAMENT IS OPENED The First Speech of Edward VII to the Peers and Commons. PURPOSE OF THE KING The 'New Monarch Says He Desires to Walk in Footsteps of His Mother Measures to End Boer War Equal Bights to All Whites in Burgher States Promised After Pacification Tho Chinese Settle mentDuke of York's Tour. Cy Excluslto Wire from The Associated Press. London, Feb. 14. King Kdwurd VII today in person opened tho first parlia ment of his reign. He was accompa nied to the house of lords by the tiueen consort. Ills speech wus as follows: My I orels and (,'cntlemcn I addris, ou for the Hint lime at a moment of nation il roirow, Vilun the whole country li tnournini; thu lrrcur..bta lu"i we have fi leccntly nutalmd, and which lia fjllin with pei Hilar -eirlty en i,iy-lf, My Leluteil imithir durlnc hir long nw! kIoiIuih reign has mt an example Ik cue the ujrld if what a monarch should be. It Is my c.irnot desire to walk in her footMeiw. Amid this public and pmr.tc strict It in (it fifactory to me to be able to .isiire )ou that my relations with the other powers conllnii" frlenJI. Progress of Boer War. The war in Sonlli Anita M iwl yet ititudj teimlnated, but the capitals of the .neniy ind his prlnHpal lines of communlcilloii me In my poeIon, and meaiures heie ten take.i which will, 1 trust, cn.iblo my troops to deal cITertuJlv with tho fortes by which they are mil op posed. I ftrcatly rfcrc-t the lof of life and expendi ture of treasure due to, the fieltless guerrilla warfre maintained by Uoer pirtians in the ter mer territories of the two repibllii. flieir eaily submission U bine Is to be desired In th.-ir own interests, as until It takes plsm It will be im pnmible for me to cstabll-h m thoe colonies the institutions which will foiur.- the ccjiul r.VMs of all the white Inhabitants and prelection and justice for the nitlvc ivopulatlon. The Chinese Settlement.. The capture of Pckin by the allied foices and the hippy release of tlioc who wer-- bcIe?ed in the leRtt Ions results to i.lilih my Indhn trcKips and inv naial forces lantcly contritnitcd have been followed by the submission of the Chinese poiernment to the deinai.ds Inlvtcd en by the powers. NcK0ti.it Ions nie piotccdiiiR re Kardlnic the manner in which compllanco with these demands may be effected. The establishment of the Au.-tr.dian common wealth was proclaimed at Sydney January 1 with manifestations of popular cnlbuxlinu and re joicing. My deeply beloied and lamented molhir had Aventcd to the tlslt of the Duke of Coin wall and York to rncn the fut parliament of the new commonwealth In her name. A sop.in th.n fioni my fin, especially at tuch a moment, cnunot be ntherwUo than deeply puintul, but I etill delre tu rIvc effect to her late majesty's wiidics, nnd as eildcme of her inteiest, as well as my own, in all that concerns the welfare of my subjects beyond th; seas, I hue decided that the x-lslt to Australia shall not be abandon vl, und sh.'ll be extended to New Zealand and tho Dominlou of Canida. The prolongation of tho hostilities in South Africa has led me to make a further call on the patriotism and deletion of Canada and Aus tralasia. I rejoica that my lequct his met with a prompt and loyal response and liriee .id. dltlonnl contingents from those colonies will cm bail: for tho wat ot war at an early date. The Ashanti Bevolt. The expedition organised for the suppicsjlon of the rebellion in Ahantl was crowned with iiltrnal success. The endurance and gallantry of my natiii! troops, ably commanded by Sir James Wlllcotka and led by llrltlsli officers, have over erne both the stubborn resistance of the most warlike tribes of Wert Africa and the execp s for. it dilflcullirs of the climate and the ."J-on of the country in which tho operations were conducted. The garrison at Coomassie, which was besieged by ths enemy, xias lclkied afur a prolonjtiil and gallant defena. The principal hint's Mirrcndtrcd, und the chief Impediment to this rich portion of my West Africa pewsesi ioiu Iim now, 1 hope, bcn finally removed. Suffering in India. The suffering and mortality caused by the pio longed drought in a l.irr;o portion ot my Indian empire haxe been grealy nlleihlcd by a season able rainfall, but 1 rigrct to add that In parts of tlm Ifombay presiJency distress ot a serious ihnracter still continues, which my officers are using eiery endeaior tu mitigate. elentlemen of the House of Commons Tin es timates for the year v-ill be laid before you. Kury care has been taken to limit their amount, but the naial and military requirements of the country, and especially the outlay consequent upon tin Sou'h African war, li is Involve 1 an inevitable increase, The demise of the crown rcndois it necessary that renewed provisions shall lie made for the civil list. I place unreservedly at your djpmal those hercdltaiy revenues ulilcli were 1.0 placed by my predecessor, ami I have commanded that Ihe pitpein netctsary for a full consideration of the subject shall be laid before you, Army Beform. My I.oiels and (ientlemcn Proposals will he submitted to your juiltrmrnt for Increasing (he efficiency of my military forces. Certain changes in the constitution of the court of final appeal art rendered nccrssaiy in LCiMcqucnee of the increased resort to It, utile li has mulled fiom the expinsinn of thu empire during the last two generations. legislation xvlll be proposer! to .sou for the amendment of tho law ulatlng to education, Legislation for Ireland, legislation has been prepared, ami, If the time at jour disposal pioves to be aileiiuaie, It will be lild before jou for the purpose of reg ulating tho xcdunlaiy sale by landlords tu oc cupying tenants In Ireland! feir amending and consolidating tho factory anel workshops aeisj for the better administration of the law respeit Ing lunatics, for.ainendlng the public health nets in regard to xvattr supply; for the pretention of drunkenness in llccnseel houses and public places, and tor amending the law of literary copyright, I pray that Alndtihty Ooel may continue' to guldii you in the coneluct of your deliberations and that Ho may bless them with success. Commons Withdraw. Immediately after the king's speech had been concluded the members of the commons withdrew and their majes ties returned to Ilucklnijham I'aluce. Both houses of parliament then nd Jonrned until 4 o'clock, when tho speech from tho throne was dlscursed. The king nnd queen, on their return from parliament, received nn owitlon In tho street. Halconles and even the roofs were crowded with people, who cheered and waved their hat. and hundkerchlefs. The king and queon bowed repeatedly In acknowledgement of the demonstration. When the houso of lords reconvened Karl Iloberts made tho customary mo tion ot reply to the speech from tho throne. Tho oath KIiik Edward took was the "no popery oath," Imposed by the bjll of rights and the act of settlement of the time ot Chailes II, War Talk. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, the Liberal leader, after wishing1 tho king and rpleen might have a Ion und 'happy relfrn. took up the political pnr iiKraphs of the speech from the throne. He askeel tho house to face the facts In connection with the war. They must not shut their eyes to the trravl ty of the situation In South Africa, lie paid ti warm tribute to tho army, B.tylnK he thought thero was no reaion to withhold the fullest ccmlldencu from the generals In the field. Mr. A. .1. llalfour, the government leader, followed. Heferrlnij to tho ciucstlon raised by Sir Henry Camp-bell-liannernuiit ns to tho misconduct of tho allied troops In China, he de I'lnreil that tho behavior o iho British troops thero hail been exemplary, lie uilmltted that the government had not foreseen that the leaders of the Boxers would be "so ill-advised In their own Interest und the Interest of their largo country as to continue the strmrglc." The government, he sale', n.tei c-.-reeded Lord Kitchener's demands rath er than fallen short of them adding that the Boer leaders "know perfectly .Vl'L U!I.J.. their perrons nnd property would be respected and equal rights granted to all." .Mr. William ltedmond, Nationalist member from Kast Chile. trotosr-n against the war, declaring that he i would only believe In colonial support of It when tho Australian unit Do minion parliaments had voteJ 1,000,000 pounds each to carry It on. DECISIONS BY THE SUPERIOR COURT Opinions Handed Down Previous to Adjournment, to Meet at Harris burg on March 12. Py I'.Tclu'ivo Wiic from This Aocl.ttcd Press. Willlamsport, Fob. 14. Tho Superior e'ouit of Pennsylvania, which has been In session In the Federal bu'ldlng, this city, hlnce Tuesday, ii.ljourned this af ternoon to meet in HurrlHbiL' Jlarch 11'. The fo'lowlng opinion.' wens hand eel down and eirderj were made. P.r curiam: Thorn is Jlitilu.ll s. Jilts hell Kearin, etc.; appetl from decree, ( P. I.tizemo count). Atlinneil. Mitchell Kiains, it. al., tctiool directors nnd the Anurlcin Hook company, nppi'll iiiIh. appeal from unler of ft P. I.u.einc county; uffnnied. llcrouieh vv Postat TeleRraph and fable eompanv, uppi'al from jiidguunt nf ft P. Lackawanna coiity; ilflnned. In re: Town. hhlp of Coal, (. .. I.uccine; elecree reereel. ( oinmonucalth in. lle.de. Q. .raiekaiiaiiiia runty; advanced to llrrlUur(; Marili 12, Spelt uan i.. Scranton, roiili'iued until March term. Ity lllec, P. .I.i Kelly . Dnnnell), Lackt v.anua; ilceree lcsncd. Knoblen .. Knebcc, ('. P. Ilr.uliord: jnilemei.t alrlrmed. lly Heater, J.: WilLesdlaiie t. Stewart, C. P. l.uerno count; elccrie nlfliined. Carey . Sshaller, C. P. I.wcrne county; eleerce reversed. Ilajleir . Stephens, (!. P. Lackawanna; judg ment affirmed. Itrplogle s. rrothlnsham, ft P. Lackawanna county; judgment affirmed; Keller . Sheridan, (.'. P. Lackawanna; eiccro uf llimcel. lly William W. Porter: Phelps it al. ss. Hums, C. P. l.uzernc county; order affirmed. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. He Earnestly Urges That the Thanks of Congress Be Tendered Admiral Sampson and Crews. Vy Eclulie Wire from The Associated I'rMs. Washington, Feb. II. President Me Klnley today sent a message to Con Kress, urBlnp that the thanks of con gress bo tendered to Admiral Sump son for his work during: the Spanish American war as commander of the naval force of the North Atlantic seiuadron. Tho message Is ns fol iIowh: During our recent w.ir with Spain the United State naial force on the North Atlantic station waj chaiKcd with varied and important duties, chief anion? which were the maintenance of the blockade ot Cuba, incline- tho army iu landing tioops and in tubseiucnt operation und tur tle ularly iu the pursuit, blockade and elesiruitlon of the Spanlali squadron under Admlial Ccmri. This naial campaliru embracing ol'jeeti of wide 6COpo nnd Riave rcponilliilitiei was conducted with Rii'at ability en the pirt of the cotrmander-In-chief .mil of the offeem an enlisted men uuler Ids command. It culminated In the annihilation of the Spanish fleet In the battle of July 3, 1!S, one of the most memoiablii enifaimentet In Ids tory, Ihe result of this battle was the fleeing of our Atlantic coast from the possibilities to which It had been rxpoKil from Admiral Ccnera'H rtest and tho teiminatlon of the war upon the teas. recommend that, follow Ins our national p-ete-denis, especially that in the ca-e eif Admiral Dewey nnd the Al.itlo t,riiadreiii the thauus of on$rrvs be Klien to Hear Aumlral William T. Sampson, Uuiteel States naiy, nnd to the olilcirs and men under his rommind, for highly ills InsuWied i undue t in comllct with the enemy and in carrjinif eiu the bleiek.ule and nasal campaign on the Cuban lOJit, retultlnj in the destruction of the SpanWi fleet at Santiago de Cuba, Julv 3, lew. (Ml!iieel) William JUKiidey. - lis. Grip Causes Suicide, He i:clulie Wire from The .Wclated Prei". Wllliamioil, Pa., Feb, II. Henry Lublch, of KeniMha, Wis., foreman in the saddlery noika hcic, while surTeilntf fiom the lifter effects of Kiip, committed mlciile in his hotel this cveninsr, He ued a I jut, hcuilnic alt the nrleilca In his lift wri.t. Then bint; on the floor, placing Ida chlu in a hti ip Muepended from the bed, he elrew tho larnr aeiOfS his Mietihcd neik, Kneiing the wind pipe. Ills family re-eldc In Kciinihn, Colonel Quffey a Director. Ply L'icliulio Wire fiom Tho Auoclaled Press. Philadelphia, Keb. II. 1'oloml James M Cut fey, of I'itwbuii:, l'a., number of the Demo cratic, national committee, vai tcday elected a dlieetor ot tins Security Tract and Insurance company of this city. I'minir (loiemor Pattl son Is president of the company, Mrs. Stoddard Divorced, fly KxcluJie Wire fiom The AModited Press, Cambridge, Mass., l'eb. H.--Maiy A. hlod. lard w.ii pri anted a dlioiee from John L. fetod. ibid, the lecturer, today on the giound ot deter.' Hon. Un chcri the tuetody of their minor en. stodjartl did not contest the case EFFECTS OF THE STORM Extreme Gold Weather Has a Stlmu latino Effect on the Anthra cite Goal Trade. THE RAILROADS BLOCKED Trains on the Erie, Delaware and Hudson, Lehigh Valley and Other Roads Passenger Train on the Montrose Railroad Travels Fifty five Miles in Five Hours Fierce Winds Piling Snowdrifts iu Wayne and Susquehanna Counties. By i:.xcliilic Wire from The Associated Trees. Philadelphia, Feb. 14. Tho extreme cold weather of the past few days has hud u stimulating- effect upon the nnthrac:lle coal trade, and at the sanii time has retarded nroducllon. This (a flltA In Kn In.. n1,.iiHii.tln. ...l.t.l. ... ' Prevented Uie prompt unloading ot coal cars at tidewater shipping points, unu n consequent tie-up of coal cars. The Heading C dal company has been ouiiBeci to suspenii operations at a number of Its collieries owlnir to an ln- I stiillclent number of cars to move the coal from the breakers. Today eleven of the company's thlrty-nlno rolllerles were Idle, together with a number of washerles. An oillclnl of tho Iteadins company said today that owing to tho Ice pack In the Delawnre river It Is almost Impossible to move any op the coal barfros. Susquehanna, Pa., Feb. 14. A bliz zard that has continued for three days Is prevailing throughout this section. Trains on tho "Crlc railroad and th Pelawnrc nnd Hudson railroad are running very lute. Between Susquehanna, nnd farbon lolo several trains on the Jefferson ellvlslons of the Erie road have been Mtnlleel by huge snow drifts. Tratni on tho Lnckawuuna hrnprh between Alford and Montrose are runnlnp sev eral hours late. Turnpikes are Im passable and mall carriers cannot make their trips. Illsh windi hav prevailed for four days. Snow Drifts Increasing. Honesdule, Pa., Feb. 14. For three days n fierce wind has been blowing from tho northwest, piling the snow Into drifts several feet deep. Many of the roads art; blocked. Tho malls car tied by stage on the Pleasant moun tain. Itlleyvllle, Beech laku and Olrd land routes failed to muke their dally trips. Trains are delayed on the Dela ware and Hudson and Erie railroads. The cold has been Intenbo for nearly ten days. A sleighing fmrty on Tues day night rescued a man In a snow drift who had been oveicome with cold. Townnda. Pa., Feb. 14. The Lehigh Valley railroad has suffered severely from drifting snow In this section, the Montrose branch being closed up and the Ithaca branch trains running from ono to eleven hours late. The Elmlra und Cortland divisions are Impeded by heavy snow north and east of Cort land and near Elmlra, whllo the Mid dlesex valley and the Wlllard branch were completely tied up yesterday. The main line has been kept In fairly good shape, trains not using the branch lines being not over ono hour late. A passenger train on the Montrose branch took fifty-five hours to make the round trip from Tunkhannock, fifty-five miles In all, but as the train could not get over half a mile away from a furm house at any time, none of the passengers suffered. TO ADVANCE THE NAVAL OFFICERS Tho President Urges That tho Same Recognition That Dewey and Of ficers Received Be Extended the Heroes of Santiago. Uy Uxclushe Wire from The Associated Pros. Washington, Feb. 14. Tho President today sent the following nominations to the senate: Navy Rear admirals to bo advanced In rank from the 11th day of February, 1901: W. T. Sampson, five numbers, to take rank next after Hear Admiral John A. Howell: WInfleld Scott Schley, three numbers, to take rank next af'er Hear Admiral Sampson when ad vanced. Captains to be advanced In rank from February 11th, 1901: Rob ley D. F.vnns, live numbers and tc ha a rear admiral; Henry C. Taylor, five numbers, nnd to bo a ear admiral; Francis A.Cook, flvo numbers; Charles 13. Clark, six numbers; Charles D. Slgsbee, three numbers; French H. Chadwlck, five numbers, John J, Hun ker, two numbers. The president also mnt a special message to congress urging that the same recognition that has been given Dewey and his olllcers nnd men for his services in Manila ba$' should be given Sampson, commander of tha North Atlantic) fleet, and his men for services In and about Cuba. Dinner at White House. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Avoclatcd Pi mi. Washington, Keb. It. Prctlelent and Mrs. Me. lilnley gaso a dinner at the svl.lto houtu to night in honor of the members of the diplomatic cup. It w-ai. the fint social function iflven by the president tliice Ids convnlcrcenic from the at tack of tho trip. i H Increase for Trainmen. By EirliuWe Wire from The Associated Treu. Hazleton, 1'eb. II. The trainmen emplojel on the Delaware, Kusquchanna and Schuylkill rail, rad who recently presented a demand for hluher wages wera notified today that they would here after recetse the fame rate of wages as paid nn the Lchliih Valley railroad. This Is in tho na. 1 turn of an Incres.e. TUB NEWS THIS MORNING. Wttather Indication Today, rAiit. HI8INQ reuPEKurunm. 1 (leneral Muclilhrotmer Hill Now llefore tho House. KlnB Kelts ard VII to the Commons. tWnatoH IidL' anel Hale Opposed to f.allsll ApproprlatloiiH, llallroada llloekel by the Snow Storm, 2 (leneral Caibomhla Uepartment. .1 Local Transcript Is Mtulng in Case ot Com monwealth Airalnst John I.i-nte.s. llllman Sentenced to Ihe Penitentiary. 4 Kditorlal. Note ami Comment. fl Local New Trolley Ordinunie Iinled wllli Aineilnments. lle.irlnu in Chaipe's Air.iliwt IVachen Oin tlmiid. 0 iocat Went Hianten and Subuitun, 7 (lemial N'Ulhcisteiii IVnieeyhanla. Klnane hi and (Vnimrrclil. 8 l.ocal-Lllc Newit of the Indu-tilal W'oild. EXPERT TESTIMONY IS BARRED OUT Vital Blow Dealt at Piosecution in the Dolly Reynolds Murder Case. U.v I'uleuli" Wlie ti.sni The VwnUled Presi. Xew York. Feb. Il-A vital blow was dealt the pioseeutlou today at the trial of Dr. Samuel J. Kennedy for the murder of Dolly iteynolds, when Jus tice Fursman refused to ndnilt th" testimony of William J. Kinsley, un expert In handwriting. The hauls of the refusal was thut Mr. Kinsley was not familiar with the handwriting of the defendant and was not competent tlo compute the disputed wrltlnr- of the defendant with that , conceded to he his. The Justice held that the testimony of handwriting ex ports could be nelmltted only when the writing exhibited was the actual sub j'.'ct of dispute. The writings exhibited in this cose, he said, were merely pieces of evidence. The Justice's derision, which has ; caused a sencatlon In legal circles, was talcen to have Impoitnnt bearing on the Mollncux ruse, iu which expert testimony grout lv conn United to the convle'tlon. ROYAL WEDDING QUIET. Queen Regent's Daughter and Prince Charles Were Harried Yes terday. By TacIusIii Wir. from The Appelated Pusc Madrid. Feb. 14. In the chapel of the Royal Palace, In the piesenco of the royal family anel all the aristoc racy and ofllclaldom of Spain, Dona Maria de hi" Mercedes de Hourbon y Hapsburg, princess of the Attsturlas, was today wedded te Prlnco Charles of Bourbon. The bride's party assembled at ln.30 a. m. In the private upanmonts of Queen Regent Marla'Chiist'in. i con sisted of the rpieen regm, the brltle's brother, the boy king. Alfonso XIII.; her slstsr, the Infanta MaWa Teresa; i her aunts, the Infanta Isabella and Kulullu; her uncle. Archduke Eugene of Austria; her grandmother, Areli duchess Elizabeth, and all the high retainers of the court, ladle In wait ing, grandees of Spain and gentlemen In watting. At the same hour, the bridegroom's pnrty gathered In the apartments of tho Infunta Dono Isabella. It was composed 6t Prince Charles, the Count ) and Countess of Ciihertn. the Duko and Duchess of Calabria, the bride groom's sister. Dona Maria Immacu late, Dona Murln l'la and Dona Maria Josephine, nnd their train ladles and gentlemen. The bridegtoom's party emerged first nnd proceeded along the winding mas sive granite corridors to the chapel. It was followed soon by the bible's cortege from the queen regent's apait ments. In front of the altar the bride and bridegroom snipped at the stops and kneeled, remaining thus through out the mass, which was said by Car dinal Saucha, urchblshop of Toledo, prlmnto of Spain. AbsLstlng the prl mute were Cardinal Casujatvs, Arch bishop of Valladolid; Cardinal Her rora, nrchlshop of Santiago tie Com postela, and Cardinal Cusanu, bishop of Barcelona. As tho bride and bridegroom knelt on cushions touching tho steps of the nltar, a white, sutln-Jbordered veil, thtee yards long and half a yard wide, was spread over tho head and shoul ders of the bride. It reached over the shoulders of the groom, but left his head uncovered, while, according to I the Spanish custom, a while satin rib bon, called a yolte, was tied about the neck of the couple, the knot being I made between them, signifying their union. Immense crowds surrounded the pal ace during the ceremony, but not a word of disrespect wus overheard, Tho Count und Countess of Cabserta will leavo Mtidrld tonight. Thero Is a report In circulation that tho nrluco and princess will accompany them to France, but this lacks confirmation. Lost in a Blizzard. By Kxclnslie Wire from The Associated Piess. hhamoMu, l'a,, Feb. H. Charles Mut elder ad Moses Morri', white on their uay home to blfcli nlley from North 1'ranMIii lollleiy last ciemm;, were oiertskcn by u bllruul. They became be uildercd and separated. I.ate at lilitht Mutchler seas found on the mountain path badly fioicn. It will be probably necessary to amputate his limbs. Moiris has not jet been found anel 't Is thought that he has pirithcd, Boiler -Plant Destroyed. Uf EjcIuiIsc Wire from The Associated Press. Buffalo, I'eb. II, The pakscnger department of the Buffalo bolhr plant at North Tonacsanda with a large ktoik was destroyed by Are today. The los is estimated at from ftf.OOO to $100,000, It is covcied by Insurance, . Boers Belug Worsted. By Eiclushe Wire from The Aaoclated Presf, Cape Town. Feb. II, righting Is reported to hate taken place tear Aberdeen on 1'riday and Saturday list, ths Uocra being worsted. LODGE AND HALE SOUND WARNING Tlieu Believe It Is Time to Draw the Line Upon Enormous -Appropriations. BILLION DOLLAR MARK Is, Being Rapidly Approached, Ac cording to Mr. Lodge The Rlv&r and Harbor Bill Loaded with Needless Appropriation c The Sale of the Now Yoik Custom House to tho National City Bank Causes Wide Discussion in the House. Secretaiy Gago Iu Shnrply Criti cised. By i:xclusln Wire fiom The Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 14. The senate ele voteel practically tho entire day to the agricultural appropriation bill. The measure wit not completed. Air. Hole, of .Maine, nn 1 Mr. l.sdfie, of Massachusetts, sounded notes e.f warning agalnut the enormous appio prlatlon being made by tin pre-,-nt rongreM. Mr. Hnle said the.' penpi" of the eotintiy foon woull beoni'i alarmed and thoc who ,vere respon sible for the ImmotiHj expenditure) would seek the rocks and mountain's to hide from the wrath of the people. Mr. Lodge declared that the expendi tures nf the government ns shown by the appropriations were aponiaohlnT rapidly the billion dollar mark nnd he believed It -was time to draw tho line. Kvery necessary expenditure ought to ba made, but ho asserted that some bills, notably the river and har bor bill, were loaded down with need less nnd useless appropriation'!. His speoeh uttractcd much attention among the senntors. A brief session tonight of the senate was lMd to complete the reading of the District of Columbia code bill. Custom House Sale. The events In connection with the sale of the New York custom house to the National City bank, which hereto fore has been the subject of much comment, occupied tho center of tho stage during the debate on the sundry civil appropriation bill In tho house to day. Much excitement attended the debate. Mr. McRao, nn Arkansas Democrat, raised the Issue with a mo tion to strike out the appropriation ot $371,017 for rent of the custom house, and with this motion as a basis, Mr. Jones, of Virginia, launched a fii'rce attack upon tho manner and clrrum Munces of the sale anel the vast profits which he claimed the bank made out of the transact Ion. Secietary Uage was sharply criticised and several n lerences were made to the letter will ten by Mr. Hepburn to Secretary finur apropos of tho political claims of the bank. Mr. Cannon and Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois, both defended tin customs house transaction, und the latter j turned the tables on the Democrats , by smlnglng upon them a seiles of letters written by prominent Demo ciats, including Senator Jones, of Ar kansas, to the secretary of the treas ury under tho Cleveland admlnlE-tra-tlon, asking the deposit of government funds In banks with Democratic nru cllvltles. His centre shot was a letter written by Representative Rlehiuelsnu, of Tennessee, now the Democratic leader of the house, In behalf of a bank at Mufreesboro, Tenu, Mr. Mc Rue, of Arkansas, Indignantly charged that the letters were private letters and hud been furnished to divert at tention from the sale of the customs house. Ik anel Mr. lloplclns had hot words und for a moment It looked al most as If thete would he a personal encounter. In tho end Mr. MeRae's amendment was lost, S9-0S, a strict party vote, and another amendment offered by Mr. Richardson, to provide that the runt should not bo paid until the title to tho old customs house passeel from the government to the bank, failed on a tie vote. Forty-three, of the 137 pages of the sundry ctT bill were completed today. . -- TO REORGANIZE THE GUARD. A Bill Is Ready for Presentation at Harrisburg. By Exclusive Who from The Associated Press. Pittsburg, Feb. H "Tho bill provid ing for the reorganization of the na tional guard of Pennsylvania Is ready for presentation und Is now In thu hands of Senator Cummlngs," saldf Willis J. Hullngs, brigadier general of the United States volunteers today. Mr. Hullngs Is In town today on iff business trip. Regarding the prospects for tho passago of the military bill ho eald; "The measure has been carefully framed, ami will bo presented for con sideration at the piP8-nt serslon of thi tiennte. That tbe bill will pats seems without a doubt In my mind. "The passage of this measure meann a great deal to tho state guard. Pro vision Is being made for vust Improve ments In the way for establishing ar mories for all the regiments und thus affording them better opportunity for drills and evolutions In mllltury work. The guurd will bo on a par with tho regular army If conducted under tho provisions embodied In the now bill." f -f -f -i -t- f WEATHER FORECAST. f Washington, Teh, 1 1. 1'orecast for east ern i'riinsylianla: 1'alr 1'ilday with ris ing temperature In northern portion; Saturday fair e.vcept lain In northern and vikteru portions! neh to blUK north- sV westerly wind;, beiomlntr unable .. -rt tt tt'rt ! V