s. ri THE SCRANTON rRIBUNlV-THUBSDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1901. a NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HERMIT SCHEMMANN'S STRANGE COLLECTION Had Champagne, Cider, Mineral Wa ters, Potted Poultry and Plenty of Clothlng but No Bed. ((iltl to the Scratilon Trluuu. Honesdale, Feb. 13. As the ilu.vn go liy new developments Miow the pecu llarltltni of the dead hermit, Otto tfchommann. Amons Hi.' iit-tlclest on thu Inventoiy lint of hi ofToctit ui sis dozim bottle." of wine, two luirnH of Mott'n elder, llftocn .lozon bottle, one harrel linpoited Hani nk-, rli;h: dozen boltles; two bun i'l contalulm? baskets of ihampugne unnpon-ii, onu . , , uarrui imported minerui wnw, out i ask of K-ltzcr In Jttfrs: two ba.ikcis of Frt-noh champagne, four case tin ported mineral water, several aisca of potted turkey, ham, chicken, 'in ported cakes, 30 pounds candles, nliw pairs shoes, mostly new; twenty-four thermometer, twenty-two nioiis? trap?, seventeen suits underwear, never worn; two levnlvers, ban el of Malaga grape, Ms coal hods, eight pulra boots, Imported chew, and bon bons, and many other m tides. Hut there was no bed In bis bouse. IIIh bed consisted of an old loutifie, with a chair tied to tho foot to Increase the length. He had several iron boxes, which, when opened, v.-eic found to contain little of value. A safe deposit drawer In the pavings bank contained ten bunches, about fifty keys. In hln -trons Iron box was found tho follow ing fchemmanii Olio Ooorjjc llrm-t, uorl 60. Slnslc, no family, have ne cr brm tiiairii'J Parmer. I am not cmplojcd by any erf. 1 luc rented tills house from Mr. John Ordnutig, -., but t oim the house, barn and iJrm he liven on, en the left aide of the main road to Pioiupton, In 'lexa. township; it i not inortRiged. It l tret and clear. t read and ipeak the KiiglMi and Orman language. Xo other person llvej In tliH houac. White male, born, Pec. 29, 1S40, In (ieiniinv: parents, too, but both dead. Kmlrrated to the United States In Auc, 1571. United State, eltlien, naturalized In Sept., 1S70; am now 23 years in the United Stat-" and 20 car with United States citizenship. Attended school 120 months. Can read, write and peak Engll-h. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, Feb. 1.1. Sheriff John W. Gray will hold several bales of real estate at the court house on Sat urday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Among the properties to be sold Is the Nichol son Opera House building, which was taken into execution at tho suit of It. It. Blakeslee's administrator vs. li. R. Williams. Mrs. Harry Metcalf, Mrs. Ross Iler rlck and Jliss Helen Lewis will form a party to visit New York city tho lat ter part of tho week. The ballots for tho February elec tion are now printed and being put n proper shape by the commissioners. This year they will be placed in the hallot boxes, which have just been col lected on account of tho contest, and thu two will be dlsttlbuted by Thomas Harding for $17. This will be a saving of from $25 to $10, as the ballots have always been delivered separately. The ballot boxes are now being lettered with the names of the district to which tho various ones belong. Dr. Blddleman, who Is attending Gil bert Barber, reports that he Is no worfcc and holding his own, with pros pects of recovory. Young Barber wus Injured on Saturday last by the falling of a tree, which broke his leg and arm. D. W. Stark Is in Springfield. Ohio, this week. William Bell and family, of Sayro, art- visiting the former' mother, Mrs. Bell, on Putnam street. Benjamin Garey, of Forkston, was In town Wednesday on business. Wilbur 13. I.ott, who has been suf fering from a severe attack of tho grip, Is now convalescing. Several applications for hotel licenses have been filed In the ofllce of the clerk of the court of quarter sessions. License court convenes on Monday, April 1. AVOCA. The four year-old-son of Mt. mud Mrs. Charles Jumper, died on Tuesday .'venlng of membraneous croup. The funeral will take place this afternoon tit 1 o'clock. Services will be hold at tho hoti3C. Interment will bo made In Marcy cemetery. Mrs. C. Stegmaler. of Wilkes-Barre, s-pent yesterday at the Druffner iobl denco Last evening's Suranton Times con tained a sensational article to the ef fect that a mob stood outside Dr. Tlerge's offlos awaiting Kvangollst Wil liams nnd his deputies. Whatever went on Inside the oflieo was unknown to thu peijple of Avoca, but It Is posi tive that there was no gang outside to molest them. Tho citizens In Avoca nro. not In sympathy with tho H'egal truftlc, but their lack of inteiest Is fvident when they did not know that arrests were nwde until they read It in the papers next morning. DURYEA. bpeclil to tlifc Scranteu Tritium. Duryea, Feb. 13. The muuiints .Hid afternoon sessions of tho Avoca Sub District Epworth league conven tion yesterday was largely attend ed. Representatives from tho follow ing places attended and weie given a cordial reception by the league of ihls place; Avoca, Aatonvllle, Lack awanna, Mooslc, Old Forge, Plttston, rtondham, Taylor, Tunkhannock, West Plttston and Yatesvllle, Tho pio urrammc rendered was as follows: Morning session, 10,30 Song bervice, Thomas Martin; devotions, itev, H. A. Green; address of welcome, Andrew Alden; response, Mrs. It. M, Pascoe; paper, "The League's Interest In tho Worklngman," John It. Ncely; discus ulon, Rev. J. N, Bailey. Dinner was perved by the league of this place. After the repast the afternoon session Hturted by devotions, Ilev. Harry Kolley; business session; paper, "At titude of Our Church Toward the Liquor Traffic and Its Prohibition," Mrs. G. F, Ace; discussion, Mrs. E. C. Buelew; recitation, George Safford; paper, A. C. Myers; discussion, V. M. Lyrnon) half-hour with the Juniors; paper, ltev. J. L, ltace, discussion, Itev. It. H. Reldy. A Valentino social will bo held at tho Presbyterian church this (Thursday) evening. All are Invited to attend. Mrs. William Mullaley Is seriously 111 with typhoid-pneumonia. Mlsa Bessie Best Is Improving, after a leeent Illness. Miss Sadie Johns, of Scranton, vis ited friends In town recently, Mrs. It. Godwallls and daughter, Kate, are 111 with the grip. David Campbell Is 111. Mrs. Berlelgh, of Tunkhannock, who was called to tho bedside of her father, John Campbell, who Is seriously III, returned home Wednesday. The Lawrence Hoso company's fair opens next Monday and lasts all week. Kntcrt.'ilhmeiitH every evening. Jack Frost visited several families In this place the other evening and played havoc with the water pipes. PITTSTON. Jpedit to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Feb. 13. Tho stilku uiiu.ng thn girls ut the Sterling silk mill con tinues, and the place was closed down tight today. The striking employes held a meeting last night and prepared thu following list or grievances, whieh weio placed In the hands of the Con tial Labor union for adjustment with thu olllclals of the mill: First, objec tion to weaving silk brought hero from Scranton mills, the employes of which are now out on stilku; second, we want ten hours to constitute a day's work, instead of ten and a half third. In crease of wages by tho day and yard: fourth, reinstatement of lour dis charged employes; llfth, will not le- turn to work while non-union employed ate kept ut work. The gills aio de termined, anil positively let'u-ed the request of the piosldent of the Central Labor union that they tcturu to wink whllo the Central union Is endeavoilng to have the grievances adjusted. For tho past few days Veterliuty Suigeon Golbert, of Scranton, has boon examining cattlo In this vicinity and has discovered twenty-live cows af fected with tuberculosis. They nro a portion of u herd of foity-nlno owned by a Marcy township dairyman, who had n largo business In this city. The discovery was tlrst made several months ago by local veterinary Dr. Hewitt, who Immediately notified State Veterinarian Plerson. Dr. Oelbert was deputized to mako the examination. Ho was heio today appraising the stock, and the affected cattle will bo shot Thursday. James Walsh, aged 71? ye.us, died this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James Graham, on Butler street. H. C. Gaunt, representing the AVater town Fire Engine company, of Water town, N. Y., is here, examining the en gine of the Eagle llos.0 company, which Is badly In need of repairs. The house of Michael Smith, at the corner of Center and Ewen streets, was destroyed by lire about noon today. Commencing last evening, the Leek Comet band will conduct a twentieth century fair in Keystone hail. It will continue every evening till February 19. Henry Sands, aged r..i yeai.s, un Ec eter bototifih faimei, died at his home at Harding yesterday afteinnon. HONESDALE. Special lo the fveranton Tilbune Honesdale, Feb. 13. Mrs. It. .V. Toi rey and daughteis, MIs-m-h ci.ua n. and Edith, are spending the week In New York city. Wayne county has seventy-seven license applications filed. One for Honesdale and one for Sueleyvlllo have dropped out. William Wallace Ham. son of ex Judge Ham, and Miss Charlotte Blown were married in New York eltv on Tuesday last. The members of the Amity elnh and a large number of Invited guests had a most delightful masquerade In Lib erty hall last evening. The ico bridge over Park lake In the Lackawaxen, which has remained con tinuously since December 1, Is a great convenience to those whose duties take them on Second or Third street. Remember the supper in Grace Epls copal Sunday hdiool room this (Thurs day) evening. Within a few months the Wayne In dependent will probably have a com jietltor. A movement is now being made to publlbh another semi-weekly paper In Honesdale, which will prob ably ab.soib the Honesdale Citizen, which has bcen publlsh''J here for the past thirty-three years. There Is room for a paper of this kind, which will no ilouht meet with hearty support SUSQUEHANNA. Special to tlie K'raiiton Tribune. Susquehanna, Feb, 13. Rut 1. 1-'. Urodtlck Is expected to lotudn home to day from Michigan. During his ab sence the congiegation has beautltully refurnished and Impioved the parochial lesldeneu throughout. The news of the death of Eilo Tele giaph Operator Michael Hartley, of Blnghamton, was received hero with sincere regret by a wide circle of rela tives and fi lends. Deceased was a native of Susquehanna. Mrs, George Sanley, for years and until recently a resident of Susque hanna, died at Ftanklln, N. Y., on Sat urday morning, after a brief Illness. The funeral took place this afternoon from thu Susquehanna Presbyterian church, Rev. John MarMand, of Frank lln, officiating, assisted by Rev. H. E, Rlelly, pattor of the Piesbytetlun church of this place. Heniy Wrlghter, of I.estershire, is III with grip, at the homo of Mis. Mag gie I'allman, In this place. Tho Erie Is pm chasing a large num ber of steel, fifty-ton coal cars. In Carbondale, last evening, Miss Mary Doran, of Susquehanna, sang several selections at tho Columbia Hose company's fair. Miss BHsk and McGlveny, of Blng hamton, will hold their dancing bchool and hop ot tho Ktarrucca House on Thursday evening. The Erie oruclals' car went over the Jefferson division this morning. Tho Dorcas society of tha Presby terian church will hold a "sock nodal" In the church parlor on Friday morn ing. Tho board of trade will hold its ban quet at the Starucca Hous on Thurs day evening, February SI, Mrs. Stella Smith, of Newburg, Is the guest of her brother, B. L. Wlnuns. S. L. John Is at Harrlsburg nttendlng, as a delegate from Susquehanna camp, No. 6197, the state camp of Modern Woodmen of Amcrlcu. 'Mn. M. L. Miller entertained a pedro party of ladles this afternoon. Albert Fnlkenbury entertained a pedru club nt his homo on Washington street this evening. Some of the Lanesboro water mains are frozen. Dr. Hagen has been called lo Ooulds bnro by the serious Illness of his fsther. MONTROSE. Speilal lo tlie Scranton Tribune. Montrose, Fob. 13. Mi. Leroy it. Grlllls Is visiting friends In Deposit and nt Blnghamton. A thoroughly delightful enteitaln tnent was that given ut the Methodist church on Monday evening by Mlso Julia Cruser, in recitation, assisted by our best musical talent. Miss Cruser rendered her selections In a very tak ing manner, and she evinced a depth of feeling and dramutlu powor which made her eft'orts irresistible and car tied her audience by storm. The vo cal solos by Miss Chamberlain, Mrs. Wllmot and Mr. Barney; the piano solo by Miss Benedict, :nnd thu selec tlonit of a male quartette romposod ot Messrs. Barney, Munger, Tltswortli and Brewster, and a ladles' 'lulntette composed of Misses Benedict, Palmer, Tltsworth, Jeffers and Lake were each of them of a high order and tleh In melody. Miss Ella Oakley admirably filled tho uvnctlng position of accom panist, nnd Prof. Charles Cohar ren deicd mandolin nnd banjo rolos with line effect. A pleasing fealuie of tha programme was the several fine relet-, tlon on a phonograph. The net pro Klods of the evening amounted to about $33. Tho annual meeting of the Mont rose Fire Depaitment will take plac In the parlors of Rescue Hook and Ladder company. No. 1, on Frldav evening. William Beck Is In Philadelphia on business. Postmaster S. H Wrlrrht Is In llin ilsburg. J. M. MIc tiler, of I'lilliidelphln, an old (omuide of M. Dennis, hi. has been visiting Mr. 1), mils at his home in this plae The gentlemen had not met betoie since they weie niiist'-reil out of service at the clow of tho Rebellion. Mrs. Nelson S. BIssell Is one of tlie latest gilp victims. She wis threat ened with pneumonia, but Is now eon Vilcsecnt. liralnard II. Warner. ' Washington, I). C. son of Mis. Julia Wat net', of this place, has been appointed giund maisbal of tho civic division of the In HUguial paiade on March 4. Mr. War ner filled the yarn" p("dtlnn four yenc ago. The mental condition of Fredetlek Dayton, an old trenllei'i.iu leslding in Finest Lake township, is being In quired into this week befoie dminils. sloner F. Q. Lott and a jitty. The pro- codings were Instituted by CI.ul: Davton. :i son ol" Fivdei lek llnvton but I ho other children of the old gent- leman file contesting tlie nroeeedings. and dedaie that their father In not of unsound mind. Muny witnesses havo been In attendance nil the week, ml the healing has not ,et b"en eon rh'deil. The concluding lecture f the eoutv bv Ilev. Dr. Jnines W. I'liln.-in li.is been postponed fiom tonight until Filil.iV evening, when it will no deliv ered In Village hall. fhuuntey M. Hawiey has Ixen vis iting relatives In Soinnton this week. The snow which fell list night, with, the wind blowing n continii'il sub', dill ted badly. Many nf the count . loads aie Impassible, mid are liable to remain !'o for several days. The only tldiim leivitcd liom the 'Nanny Guage" todav was a telegiani that th train was "stuck' near Lynn, hav ing been nbl. to get but that far from Tunklnnnoel: on the up trip. It may gel through by tomorrow night, but this is rousldeied doubtful. At this hour the afternoon train on the Lack awanna and Monldose load ha not i cached Montiose. HALLSTEAD. Special ti the Siiaitton Tilbune. Ilnll.stciul. Feb. 13. At th l.at an nual inrotlliPT of llullnrd'ii Intnl. tlie following ottlrcrs' were olretcil for the coining year: Pivslilent, P. II. Allen: vlce-pronlilcnt, GeorRP Corwln; beronil vleo-prMldrnt, John Snow; secretary, W. T. Allen; tu-ahtner. N. J. li.inltcr: le.xiler, II. O. Tittll.iul. All aro (list class men and will undoubtedly de velop the band Into a llrFt-eluss musi cal organization. .1. H. Van Loon Ik thl week the Kiiest of IiIh son, Warren, In Washing ton, D. C. aVrthur Master.", of ntnglinmton, was recently entertained by U. W. Waul and O. W. Capwell. Vicinity water pipes ate Ice-bound. Percy Karnes, of Van ntten, JC, T., was vl.xltln? Ilallntend frlendu Satur day. K. I.. Weeks, of nint;lianiton, pur chased neatly nil of the kcuh hoUI nt the Teed sale, Saturday. Charles AIney, Will Harrington and Sheriff Maxcy wcro In town on Fil day. Mr. and Mrs. Clock and daughter, ot ninghaniton, were vI.Mltltu lu town on Filday. Kdl tor and Mrs. S. P. More uie nt Washington this week, getting the news from the national capital In lie luilf of the Plain-Dealer. Leon Sloat, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Al. Bloat, of this place. Is dnngeiouHly 111 with pneumonia. Great llend has been snowed in slnco the blizzard. One of the natives man nged to dig out during 'the thaw. He reports that there have been no casu alties, and that the town expects to boom and grow during the coming year. B. B. llendilck was engaged In Mont rose on business, Saturday. A number of young' people sleighed to New Mllford, Saturday night, to bear Byron King. Mrs. Hatch during the past year lins raised U toward tho building fund of the Presbyterian church. Grant Decker and Harold Hayes weTO ushers nt tho wedding of Her bert Evans to MIhh Margaret Phillips, at Scranton, Tuesday. Mr. Evans Is tho cfllclent assistant electrician In the plant here. Mrs. Evans Is one of Scranton's finest young women. After a brief bridal tour, Mr. nnd Mrs. Evans will make Hallstead their home. A new bookcase, which will contain shelf room for many volumes, Is being erected In tho Young Men' Christian association by W. M. Knoeller. Cold Oure for Buy People, Many people neglect a cold because they say tifey have no time to attend to It. Krattse'B Cold Cure Is a remedy which can be taken without danger while performing your dally duties, and will relieve the most. Aggravated cases In ll hoius, Price sr.c. Sold by Matthews Bros. SPECIAL DISEASES I Do Not Treat All Dis eases, but Cure All I Treat. II Jim uic auAtring fiom liny dUta-a or co.ldb lion penillar to men, cr If jcu buo been dis appointed In not Mtllnjr a timnnrent euro, I ant jou to tunic ami luu n mcM chat vdtli n.e. I will explain In juu MY SYSTIlM 01' TtlBATMCXT, tdilill I liavn rrlKlimt,rl mul de- eloped utter my whole llfo'j evpulciico in trjil. liif iecll dloi. if men. ,.ic no lull?, reclfled, free sample'), libit treatments or elertio-medle-d M.mMnatlont ur imllui dolu-i tvMtli d uot nnd amiot cure illeui peeullir lo men. My rduculin, inj expeilei.ee, my loiwdince, try npiitutlon rondeinii all mrli iputkerj. H jou v ill p.y mo a tUlt I Mil gc un fltl'.i; Ol' OIAIUli: a Hioio'IkIi iiemnal ejnilnatl"Ti jik! jii lioriKl rplnlon of jour tae. If jou aiu lie inrohle I will tell .ou so, jud lubiie jimi m that .vnu,lll not be himbiuncd by iiiiMiupuluiM puilltionen who -Mini to cine nil If a .r eomininB jou I find jou niuble, 1 will liwitn Ji.ii ut ii peinniieiit ure hinniuili ji t rfiif Jim a ulltin jjinunlic to reliind Sen neiv iil;t jou l.-.e p.ild me in ia-e I fall in F;ln a cuie 1 inale NO I'llAKtiU i'Olt MI.DIf r.i j n thei r.re attt.i)n Im ludid In tin- imtiniMl lee uvliiil, and nti l.non In t Tir- unt btfn I .ui, rian hiiji .luiir Ulini'' llitiinieut l-i Tolll(r to civ-t, mill I will nn1,c i,n fuNe piumts m In the lime lui the mKo of Bitllm.' JOU ,n a pilin't, n 1 pimnli only what I ian ilu, mid dn av 1 IORll( VARICOCiHLI- I. ah iiilaiyiMiiKtit of i'io xcrulal ili,t and In Mie iolll ,lil- IHo I htmcll ft ttMllU. at.it ll .1 'Million lint will In time ulilinilely li id In u icmiliie In, ol all in.ii .mil icnlii j.t ., li mill- wink. I nun 11 vlllnmt the ne of .1 lnilc. ttalii for till- due I- ll.it t in tin- i.nli iil .1. I.im 1 1 ,1... .Iii li.-. i rr. . . . .. . I I". '' ".' ,,. l.ll IIULl . S i illiuui uilllna. I will a!" jou by peilm-H'mi J Hutu. A )itlinl lh.it hue heii Ii,mIi. ' -Ihilalivta In llil. iliv and wh) Talk I to V I'.etn, .111.1 who Will- pcltll'ltlllllll lltnil III' SPECIPIC BLOOD P0I50NINC1. i thi tuit louthui" ul dl li-eie ind it in be lirtedltatv 'r auUiii"l. 'Hie tu-t am I in helm- an ulur iIkh pun hi Imiie ul. 1 it i o' Dr. Mackenzie's Medical and S 1 Rooms 208 - 209 KINGLSEY. iimial u. I lie s, ..n,ii,t, 'lillnuip. 1 KlusHluy. I'Vb. 1.:. Dr. I). A. Cipw.-ll. nt Seliilituil. railed on ii'liillvtM hw Wednesday. li. K. ritantoii, .if r.icturyvUly, was a blislncfss en I lor In town rtaiiinlay. II. .. Tllfnny, of Tlnntiy. liinile ii Mhnri i all on tri'-mlK in town lrerntly. Mrsi. j,, v, .mou., of ...v Mllfmii, Npeiit lat we"k with her son. I- E. Mome. MIhh Iliiuift Ad.tms ittunnd Wed-n-hil.iy fiom a week's Miiy at the homo of Hon. and Mis. (S. B. Tiffany, ot Cllt son. Miss IMItli MJLCouuell Isiteil lu-r .-Hint. Mrs. 1.17le TJffnny. Hatuid.iy. I She letunied to Wilkes-Baiif Sumliiy. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Estnbiook weio mi"sts lit Fled Mooir-'s Thursilty of last week. P. .1. Sherwood, who lias been eu-g.iK.-d In Monti oso on a law suit tin past wnk, called oil lulali.Ob hi llils place pievlous lo letuinlng to his homo at Wilkes. Harri', Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tanner and daugh ter, Ft ankle, last week spent a fe.v days with fi lends at Biughnmtou Mr. and Mrs. F. Meirlll. of Plmnik. ('. Giopii and Miss Daisy N'utt were eutertaln?d Sunday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ooss. W. X. Whitney on Wednesday ie eelved from his brother, W. B. Whit ney, of Sherman, X Y., two pike caught In I.nke fliautauinia, weighing respectively eleven and thiee-iiuart'er and seven and thre-ipm ter pound IMMUNE TO SNAKE POISON. A Dog' Who Hunts autl Fights B,attlers With Impunity. I'lciu lliu Cincinnati Ktiqulru Dog fanciers and thoM) who have lived In the country with a dog for their friend know that manyvof tho canines of pure or mixed bleed have u native antipathy to reptiles and will attack a snake at every opportunity. Other dogs uie mortally afraid of snakes and will flee from them In tur ior. Few persons, however, know that a dog can be Immune against the poi son ot a snake. That this is true is the obsetvntloi. of Mr. John W. M. Kiger, secietary of the local boatd of health, who spent some time last summer lu AVoppoeo ma, W. Va. At that place ho fell In with a dog a bmall, common cur, with long Bhaggy hair. The dog is a boin fighter, obstinate nnd pugnacious. Ho has been bitten so often by copper heads und rattlesnakes that he Is Im mune from their poison, which Is dead ly to many dogs. This particular dog Is the friend of sportsmen who visit the locality, and he gayly Joins them on their excur sions. Ilia method of fighting a snake Is simple. The sight, smell or rattle of a snake puts him on the aggressive. His sharp, bright eyes follow tho ep tlle's movements nnd ho circles nimbly around for a chance to nab his prey. When ho sees nn opening thero Is a sudden spring, a quirk snapping of hts sharp teeth In tho back or near the back of the head, and a sharp, stiong Jetk lifts the snake from the ground and prevents Its stilklng. Soon tho battle Is over nnd the snako is dead, A short yelp of triumph announces the victory, and the dog Is off for an other battle If It should come his way. Occasionally thu dog miscalculates his leap upon the snake and It eludes him, Then before he can get away he is bitten. A yelp of puln escapes him when struck by the rattler, but he does not give up until the snako is dead. Few escape him. After tho battle he licks his wound nnd no 111 effect re suits from It. inrntrr r i. illlTfflTiTiHiTlnriiilTfr 1 itli l I .!,. m mz, mBmwmuBBr m.i- v Nothing but Curable itmi'lli and tlilr.it. inllim ml el li.m and an (luptloii of the I'd' .ud hodt I i .1 l tiot whn Im healed jmi nnr how nail, hue idUd In iittiiu" jou. I nil ei.re xnu t.y inj MMi:M Ol' IIH,TUIAT jul a wire a ,Vnii ill riuic m nij elfice, il.iribv lie uili juu whin 1 mul juui b'iiie and tu ii". are lint ileli 1111. l U ,v ei,o 111'. DRAINS And ni'i-.liuK 11 t ., lh m,i liie fi 11 " 1 and 111. 1 1 ul t 1 tin 'tip:, t In 1 1 all iii'm- t pjml I'm in in In lo "i il.ij. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE. PERMANENTLY LOCATED. - 210 Pau'i BuLding 426-428 THE MARKETS. Wall ftieet Beview. N t 1 1, l: iiiuliiiic li'iiiiuiu ii a II. ii In ' tin '',iy loiij.i in t - Ili.llkit ; Hit lull ili ih tl i ul tin il.t tin' illln Imam" uit,ii t lu miiiiv ul tli- .toil. , Im I luiU' I ti I luiil.i nut 1 il iti'l it i i" ii,U" '-t in m mIi J .iha.i 1. rin.- i!ii' in 11 11' lltllKUl'. Itut till' MK'WHIU 11 t-l 'P I ' (iiiliit wuf ''ml i.Uy . -r iblili lor mil n lh' liati yilirlit. uf t nk 'il ! gin ttiiti- 111' Ufi'll till' IF. 11 kit III tilDVIU; X lllllli 11 I'll' llil llin I'l ilUi-a til. i- -iV.I. Inuitallt 111.1M11;: tl'in n 1 Ui'litit; In i:i it'll he St. 'es tint "ili n.,u 11 'i. i.n ill mi'," tu n.' .1 f.unll- Wall -livi't pii. n . fu- ..it tint ill- ,ln' inivs Jlil nut litlni. am autiu iuii'iiii-iii nf 11 tii'W Hf..ititit it tiiiitriatiou lit iujisiils I it In (iiur-i' 01 ikIiImiiii nl It IHIiwJ i'h ititu li wl'.li fullns. 'I !.e ilMiiilln.itlnu lu 1 k I r lutiliit ii u .mi t.itit i'u'1 I i'ii.ir.9 In .ho timiiK.il- lti llltliri' Wit HII.ll..Miil III III' ilTIfllt f- jiml. nl 11 ntiuiilttiil hint. 1 ,u ition tilp- b. -in'til ii" tl.i- i.iplt ilKN h liaii' Inn ton Hunt fitturi-s ti. tin- vii it fiii.u.ilil rrijnt. t.liiili luiii' icitntli ilalnl 1I10 in ul itl. ikoil.l 'Ihfrc wai unhuMeillv lirji- M101. v-lltii imln u tin' inlli I tint ,111 1 n 1. .ImI ,Mlinl hi 11.11 tinii luil li'itt juilv li iu.ui.,tii: 1 hi'll. ' 'ihlili Im I'i'in lti.lnli.iil 'n iimi t'l-.n hr'ute iluutu' tin totlle of Uk' lemit iNtt.lut llllil lilllkit. 'lalal kiI -j. 1,1.11, Tin ali.ii.. Ildlllla Hill1 Ml'.lU ill tlllipillll Willi Mil. Ut, Total ili, pif .lu", "i.rj'."i fhi tollowitt iiiutatinti llibiur lij- M. .-i. .Intilan ti Menrs l-ullilliir, -Vrantcui. I'a, at fin til.linl 'in Co.. root.ii TiT-T0-J Tflnilione Mil..: uyen lllsh- t.uu. Cloj un.'. M llU to'. W..U ir in; "' . ilil. m l'i llur AlllHU III . IU.lt' Am, 'luiiii in , , Ajii, licl fc Wlro Atililsnii Atililtuu. I'l ItuKik. Tiaitidii ... Iltll. O'iIo .... Ciii.t. T.itticrii .... l'l 11.1 .V.i ta 71 li, I.I 11 t;s; lll. & Ohio . 117. n ii ti . a nt '.'in; inc. i,,K, .iii'i, m;, u uT. ,IU54 lUia llflli 1(,t; .ir,i; nr. u ii---, .l.at'i IV, l)l, 1VI'H .111 pii 101 mi . at' 1 i.lij V .5)', . ! J Ml Ml . .V ,"t? 5".i.j .V.', . WVi lM fill, Uisi ..111 11014 w.v, u; .WW ift,ij tun iou; ,. tin tii'ii sn s. ..I'll mi tills, J 0 1 .Vi .. 4741 17V liii iiiii .. ni.J 17',i 41, Ifi'i .. S7"i w -s;ij 1,71, ..'. hit; in"'! n:-'i, ,. Ai xvt 121, r.M .. s.1'4 Kii .iJ5 .!; .. 7.Vi 7-, 7I' 741J ("liii. (it. Wru Clue., II Ar .. st. Paul ItoiU lalaml II. I. .. II11.U..11 ... T..i(l;manni It. it. I'mIi'I tl St(H Verteial strfl, I'r. K'aii. A Tf., I'r. . jnlt. k .N.uli Mm. rut. if ni ... afft. Iradlon . ., MI.M,. Paiille IVoiili-'s (law Sintluuii I'aoifle ... orinlli A Wot. , Notltiini IMilflv ... V01 1I1. Pacifii', I'r V. V. Cenlnl ..... Out. A- Witlirn . lii'iilliiK Hv ltiadlnir lt.. I'r. Soutlicin Itv South. It-., I'r. ... Toritt. Coil A- Iron V, h. IicatliiT .. . I'. S. Trithrr. I't. P S. Itublicr t'tiicn I'ariflo .... t'luon Padtlc, I'r. Val..wli, Pr. Wiitfin Union .. il 7ui'. i.l'i un 7V, joe . fill'. J I 7i-c, -i'l tV. 4f.l', .11 !'l 7.-'i f.JK. US. 71 2f.'i hl'i k7'i nvu M.-H nt". 1 7 ''! -7', ;un Im. In. 71'i nilCXOO fillAIX Mni;i:r. llWt. Low lt. 1st :i 7,i; 7u 7.1 Ol'i II Will. AT. March .... May t'OItV. May O Alt. May I'OllK May l.Mtli. May 5')Ti .Mi .W :j'J ?v "VI 11.11 11(17 U.1J iji'j II HI 1.5 si.w yonix iiitiv MA UK 1. 1 Illiih' lam- thieu- loi r.'i MIII.A1'. March ..., M.iv ( OUN. May UT. c-t 7nT, 7u 1,1, 70la .nij 11 'a iii'ti tJl't Scranton Boartl of Trade Exchange Quotations All (luotatlons Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. P.nl. U.1. I'lrtt Natlotal Dan!; uoo Scranton KiiIpsi Dank ,. :;.-,.i Third National Hank 4 hi Dime Di-pcwlt anil lUicount Dank,. 2u y.ionomy I.tcht, II, i, P. Co 4., Lack. Tru.t t'aie Dpoilt Co.-..., imi Clirk & bnour Co., Pr ;) Ecractou Iron I'ltiio k ills. Co tv) Sainton Alia Worki p., Uckawanna Dairy Co., Pr ;M County tavtnn Hank k Tiittt Co,. !,oi ,,, I'lrat Katlonil Tank (Carton JI) stM Standard llrlllinr Cu u , Cases Will lie Accepted ULCERS uhuf talni. uin.n my ijrtnn ,.f iirtinHnt PROSTATIC liiu'.i-i' U u'uill.v met Willi In nun jiU.uk .'.I In im-, nnd It .1 (imdlllcn that Imnkiii one fu thu 1'iilaiue 1 1' lluii life. Hv my eyi tun id 1 1 o.il 1111 nt you 110 lelhied at nnuu. If Jul! eiit Aiii'iiliu; fiim any null trouble, huller no buipet 1'iitni' atid let me ulie jou Ihe I111.11. aul ail'iHn f peup'e tint 1 hiM- tunil ind thu "111 willltisl till J on nl 1 le lutafiu u.'il id nuin im tii'.itiiietii SprncStraet, Scr Scranton, Pa. Trailn. National Bank Ill hirjlilou II. 'Il 11 ml .Nut Ci 101 nONDS. -ciant n l'a'..iiK'f Itailiva.i, Tuit M..I ti'.iL. , line I9J0 11 1'iolili'n Ntcrt Hallway, Hrtt lnort- ,ji line 1"13 Ul I'l-cpliN Micit Itallna), Omeral niuiti;ai.r, tin ll'Jl llj It.ikton .Mr.nnfacturliis Co '.. ... Latlta. Tonnli!;) Hliool 3 F-r cent. . . fit of Siat.tgn St. hup. 0 por cent -iiaiiton 'li.iiuon pii unt. . . 1!1 100 1W 1W Sctftuton Wholesale Market. ll.ll.illJ I. II. (I, llilc .7 l.iu liJUaniiii An j llullir CuaitiT, SitSJiJc ; ila'ti, lrt.'iK. llun;'-lull iicaui, 12ul.1i'. rUi-WVitiTii luli, Jl'.i.'i-. ; niailiy .utc, M's-ti. Hi "w IVi In. iliolrc nnnnv, H"i1,;mi, Pi a JJcu.i IVr Int.. "J.llni.JU. Mio'lum 11011111 l'i r liu.. M. I0il.ll. I. Iltll l'i 11 I'.r Int., '1. t'MI. 41 unli ii I'u Im . vltt.lt) I'l.ttr It-Hi t'jto'it. 1 vj Philadelphia Qraiu and Produce. I'lillaiklplila. T.lj. U Mital- He. liu,u. 1 , uiiui.li l irl.i.l... I ill. 77l77'.'i'. ( iilli I'lilll. ',11., Ii.;lui; o. s inkcl, r.li.. lltll'Sc. itt linn- o, ' iililii. ilippiil, i-'ij. . flitter- l'lllll. Illll.l Ml'tl'lll lll'.lllHtl JI'i': ilo. 10. prints, "ii-. j ilo, trirlii pilni", 21c. Kgu"' ijtilet, hut steady; tick 11 nliv wisicrn anil sculliivitim, 21c; ilo. oiiiiiiin, lCc. Clitiso Qulit. Itciliicil i.tiaarii I nihanmil. tulUn 1 Un'. loner; mlilillin tiphn.la, ' Hide. Til low Dull mil lower; city piltn" In lilnl-i , 4',i. tli'UM, 5ki',; eutinliv inline, litil-. 1ViX-.; c ll.c, ,1i.1',o. Lite poullij IJuii'l lull Mt'aily; fjwln. I'i.aioijc : I'M ;ojlua n ; lilitiin, fi'.ialne.: ilucl.i, IJilfr.j jiee. icil). , tur leja. UalOe. l)ie:sul poitltl I Inn, oucl ilr. in.mil; fol. thrice, UMldVai . f ilo, fill- to bui"I, Di'Hji.! olil roivueii, '.' a7f. ; ncuil.v ilikknia. IfUli;.: westittl ilo., Iili12c,; till 1-ein, iifarlu- diolif to fatuy, HrlV, ; vt Tn .lo., TOalSi . ; din !,, ucailo, 12j1Ii.; .stern, Hal"... Iliifipt Klour, ,( li.ureN, ami ,I10,I10 pounil In nacltJ; ulieat, U.OiVi lutsliilt; loin, 117 000 I'ttlfU; oat, 11,001. Sblpmeult -Wh ut, 17.OU0 l.uiliil.; .am, iliS.fViil ImJid , i.k, 7. Uew Yolk Oiam nnd Pioduce. Xi.v Yfrk, I'll). 13. Kluui 1'uii.ii mul .1 tilllt. Iiiiru aililo 011 the lle ill iili'Mt. Whc-.t Spot film; No. '2 it.1, ilo. f. ". Ii. i.llial, i.ml 7".r', I'li'tatoi ; K11, 1 1101 1 Tit it. Piilulli, 7'c. t 0. li afl.jit. OjitloiiH opi'iiiil kIi.uIi Mlihli latnil ttltli li I'MpptlotH all ilaV. Ifwnl kIioijj at eni'. let tflvanio Maieh eloped 7'.t7J''t f. -0114c. ; luh. Mk- Cinii Bit llitn; Vn. J, 4tKl' fill itol, .llnl ti'je. f. 11. Ii. .iil.iil. Option null el w.11 muni aiul iiioie ii'ili-e i.il ila ; iltift'il niton? Hl'i Ual'ir. nir liiarlir.; Iittili rlav.i 4i'.; May, ..., .Inly, l-"f. flits pnt dull; No. S. Mi..i ; No. ". .".fli.. ; No. S white. i.'Ci... 11.11k lute. .'laM't,!.; Vu. U hlti', .Mii-I'le,; trael: mhed e..terti, .Oulli.e. (Illiun .low lull tln"ly held In amipatlii null rent. lluttir I'lnn; lu-h ireauniy, lCaJ2,- fnliii. Mall1'!'.; .lure fininuv, HaCO..'.; inil lutlon iteiiiii'iy. llil7Ci'.; ftalu ihlte fieOi, 17a'.'0e. Clu'rhrriiiii; nmy latRe. fill iiiiilf, Miiltlac: fim 1 aimll. tall iii.'i!", llvial.''. I'l-1 iiM'ttlul; Mite llul I, r.na , ut imrU, iiuM o . '-1. 111, l'yltillvi ; nutl mi, 1 ll'i'c Chicago Gialn autl Pioduce. I hitJK'u, Till. IJ.-Cutfilui; lu .IhhU aiul thu piuiily ol nlU'ilii.M r.ult(.il lu nn adiauiii in Limit tn.li. May rlo'iut; c. hlalnr. 1 inn ihwil isi. Iutr; nJl". unthaiuul, nml iim ilsk.ns tu.cl an.'iit 10 -V.-i. up. ta-h iuutatiui, vipii' aa olluiia: rinur Dull; Nn. 1 fpiliie nhi'al, iiljiIS1.".; N'u 2 1 oil, 7ti-.l7t.'3i'.., Nn. '.' nun, uMli.i N". - J.lloil, i.!4l'. 1 Nil. J waU. -j'j.liial., N'u. J Vim.', :!T$i ii-'!.! Nn. :i vililie, tl7aJi'i.; .No. i i.ir, 1I1.; luiliiu I'uODi'.; No, I Ila., lfi.tili Nu. 1 inutliwii, aii.1i.11 iiiuuthy. l.V: polk, 'JIJHlall; Unl. .' U't.aT.IJl rlll, h". ;."U! tiliuiilil'i.. ..'ttii'i.1'. . -l.li-. h7iii7.4U; iihl-kir, l."7. -utat--t.il It'll, mi.'.ii; uranu lat-il. vs;'... fJlile,itv I.tv Stock iMniliet. I iilla.J. rtli. l.'t Jllli Uui'lpl., St.UHl; ilithi' l.Ht. tui.t.i . ntliiia. "ial.li". I....t, liiilctKli' .tiiUi -ui'i'. ,'ouil tu p.lui' .ti i, t.1.iu; i.(i.l..i. uti'l fiiiU'ia, ',7.a4; .xnit. W rain 1.11; luiiii.. K.'.iaial.Vl. u;nu (. M.KiiiwU. hull., -i.foi.l; 1 ill (J.1 11.71; Ilia- V ll"l, t-.-...0ui: l'.ia 1111111. '-....a. ..... II..K- -Iliifipt., luiiii, I1,i'i, ti.iiunfua. mU, l); lailnilti'il li-ft mil, II.Km: i..n.-l ul .1 pa. .iu; l"p. .." I a . ml nl .111. 1 I.il Vua 1. 1-!'-,: yfi'il tu ihul.i huivt. t-.plil.i, ni'iili hen, hi, .".ail. '; llhi. 'i").Iju.; ."--ji hi'll r uli , f 1. "'v.i1...i'b. MlCllti..l.ts Wall V.llHp, all'llitl, u.iiw; lati'li.. i'aU tu 11V'. Imici'ifiii' I11.lt) I iftiwil t.' ihilic i'ihia. ill.tl'iHii' lull- ( ihum IliNi' I, M..K11I; ucrieiu cIhiI', ..l")il.l.1. IV'. ,i a.U. . y;',raua,u); luilitc lamli-, .,'J.'m.1.1!i; i ! b I iml... -.Villi.. " ' ' lM ; OF MEN A Prompt, Permanent and Sure Cure In AH Cases Accepted. BLADDIiR AND KIDNEY Troublm ru aluajM tu-tl If IidUmnutltai -tendlme from tha turroundlne cirtr. th mo- Ioiim of uhlch ion ran Appreditn brtu.r than t mil urainiir. II J on Hate any or Chris oonal. tlein i all im tun and let me explain to yon my tii'thod. i.t illapoelni: vt thnn. f Vara ettectud uirei In tioiinmla M enn, and a eur U juu. RIIBUAIATISri AiuIh and Cluuiili, In all iU fomni, enlanrel and atlllined loiuli. Inu-tular rheumalidn. lnmbaco. c:t lea. by mv T.lcm of treatment, at owe aod In a lery Miort tlnw. are permanently cured. STRICTURE fa a i-inilcl or pal Hal rlnwirr of the urul. I o.iro nut wli'i lu treatid jou and filltd. t will n.ie jmi Jtml i mw M j-ou wtll come tu tie for ir.'iitmmt. I will not do It by OUTTIN'O or illlallni;, n my tieatment l paltihw and all (MnietloM lire peiinaiicutl.v remmid from the ul.ul ALL URETHRAL Aid uutiatinal itl(haix" 'liTl1"' In .1 te. 5 di.Ti, HYDROCELE o- aii, rIiif, (cmJTiir-H ne imiKiimfnu nj th iiarr riMnnil lo their iirnu1 m nt orif in POTENCY. I. ciiwfil by i"ieri of eatlv ir UK life. I mie tiot how lunif jint hate been hi, nor how old you are. a. mj1 Kjhtmi of treatment la ep. ( Isllj adipled foi mcli rain ... intra, and a pentt tnent tuti- awaits J'ou WRITE If jmi i itiiuit all. AH lorre-pmuleiKe a U la I.t innfidiiitlal, and all tepliee hetit In a pltin envc lopeii. lniluD Ue. ttntnp In Insure rcplj IlllUc bnue, !l a. lit. K 3 p nt ind 6 ti p lit "umlni. In a 111 in 4 p 111. ursicai Offices Take Elevator. FINANCIAL. BOND OFFERINGS Brooklyn Edison 1st Mtg. 4s, Chic, Burl. & Qulncy 3 l-2s, Cleve & Marietta 1st 4 l-2s, Evans. & Texro Haute Con. Os, Minn. Gen'l Elect. 1st Con. 5s, Minn. & St. L. Con. 5s, Norf. & West. Imp & Ext. Oa, Rio Qrnndo West. 1st 4s, Teimlnnl It. It. of St. L. Con. Ss, United Kys. Co. of St. L. 1st 4s, l:crlpthi Circular un Application. Spencer Trask Si Co. 27-29 Pine Street, 05 State St., Albany. NeW YOfk. "A Glimpse at Wall Street and Mr Marteie" mtiik titi.i! iif lib nlrtlhBlS OI'H AMY HOOK t U U fcomiitlilui; rail'rallt dilfaranf. from other publications. Very laluutilt, hqiI tnlareatiac to tliotiailori AUi u..ir'.tt raport CCIIT CDEC nail luoalulr lluctua'.lon flirttt OKU I rllCC hmb Berry & Go.1 MrniriirgsoLipiiruMiHK rJitii viot it unit in tntinntv.lv. .t:tv lurtK. KSTAHMXHKU 1M15. Stocks, Bohds, Grain, Cotton. . . 1 ii'm, p.fortlnr In t'l-liU-TQitf fitlf-it,. r 1. a'l r - f I lijnij. .inlgUlnu litirti nf lit t 1 I. 1 (4i well o 1 'uali-lufim tiittnkC. I..iaivl,ktin l.lir. Itnarlf Margla. I .rr-ptpi,tsri- lntiJ. New Yoil: Live Stock. Nut lull.. IVli. li. Ilr. ic-i .""tfriD, tutu an.l hlkliit'. hulN. atcnil.i ; t liln 1 oh-.. 11aU; otru ft, bt.a.ly lu ftrntiR; ntntv, cuul JO; toiV llh, -J1..1U; lilllla, -S ill i"i. M.'nJU m). fcalll' veali. lii tali- uqui-st; m.iN, l.70aS."7'i; cholct ilo, S.; lltlht i ul kc-i, M1I..V1; liini.ianl atou. J.?1iS.7l! Mrlln', M; wcrirn, ?i.7.l. lioml h'tccp. ttnn; otlici. etc uly; limh. hlsh cr; slui'p, li.2'.al.7a; ilmiiv .In . f I.OOt." ; latilw. tjf Jr.0 SJ. Ilocr riiTii, ar .1.7iU1.''J; choicr: littltl ilitt ho, l. ' East Liberty Stock Matket. l.i-,1 I.lhcrl, I'ob. H.-Catt!.-Stcarl.v; exira, i&-lj.1.-t; piimi'. f-JCuil.lO; innimon. f3al.7V Hoc-. "-Ion; Iml, uii-illutiK, 1..iaj.70; ht OlUrr, -tl.r-flil.r.1; hm-y hogt, ff3.5.1a3.); pU l.lrtij.M; ioti.'i, Yl it.Jj. Miu-i Mt'ail ; 1I10I10 Milhiia, $I.B0l.7-, u'tinnon. Wa.l; iliulte lanili-, if1.7iHl.S3; com II.UU to ".uil. llaLu); t'Jl i.ilic, t?7i7.50. Baftalo Live Stock Market. l.a-,1 llufl.ilii, l'lli. M.-ltciclpts Tattle. 47 1.11-1; Mu'cp ami luiiii". 'il i'.-i--i; hoar, IS tai bhlpinoiiti-l'Jtll.. ! tin; mccp ami l.-inb-. 11 1 cm; lmtit. u iii. I'nllli- Di'inaii.l lilt; ul f", (iif.tfJ to eitti, f-.i-"i:: littlit, .ii-ii-o to cMu ,;,7.'.t5 AS . ili.cp, cliclro to rst-i, ! 7...11. llii -Ileal, '3 0JIJ.7U; pi?.. VuHjl U, OH I.Tarket. Oil lit, Uli. It (Villi halaiiu., lill n'r tlTcite., in. Mil. Milj'iuc:it. 171. Hi! awaa , sr.rati. Hunt. i'7,i7H: jhww, il.iu . Mat ui Hutu. 1 iij li fi'luln. I.tna fOunl.. -lltWK J lllt.M'.l iii.il.i'f 1..1II1 that li. 1, utili.i isiltnir il 1I1. U1111 .'f r. .1. I mi.M-.'V ,1 ( 11 . ttoll.i lllUltl.a--- 111 tllC i'ltV .it I'llllihl, (-..unt llll Mali! illdltalhl. ami Ih.ll i-.iiu llllil will .i the .11111 .( DM: IH'MIIIIIII DUI.I.AII4 ,0 Mill Mill Mil) - "' ' l lull" UMt. fcUllKl. irf. mnit t.y tn u..' 01 IIM.I.-s I'W.tltnil 1 till. 1 lltMv 1 1 III.M'.V t.. liifnii' nn ami . il... . 1I1P1I n n, ihU .Itli ilntf . 1 11. uiUr, ., n . w. (.i.i;M.'. Ulllll pr. - llaW. 1--I. a, ii.iui,, i-iioi;... iftJI'o .lnh im.' i- Hkfll llitlltllllj, , irl lit llllil til llll tJ." J'llW.1 tl.ll lll'l'l. la UI,f.r,, 01 ilS ulit. "fi"! th'i" u.tli'.iri'.u. fuo, r 1 fllilM'V f n omJo. 11. "Ul lo Uctimi- i'l. , 'ii-n' UtiuHr ini?iiaa.ivt. ?