,vt fro THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1901'. i j M J WET DECEPTION TO LADY FRIENDS JENDERED BY ST. BRENDEN'S COUNCIL, Y. M. I. fhoso Wlio Assisted tho Boys Outing . Tlielr Recent rnlr nnd Festival Woto Entertained with a Dance and Luncheon Tltho Boxes Opened by Missionaries Thimble Club Enter tained Friends Funeral of Rlchntd ffhomos Today Notes nnd Per bonals of Interest to Readeis, The members of St. Jirendeti'H tottn ai, Young Men's Institute, tumid pit u lonipllinonttiry iWnce nnd luncheon list evening to their lady li lends who listen d them In their rooent fair and Icrtlvnl. The now uunrtfts of the loum'll wmo fninully opened for thu i fi time and I evented ono of the 1ot Iqulppid and appointed club houses In Die clt. The rntlto building nt 112 North Mnln iM'tiii'. bus been convent it to th" tie-t if the council, and the thre Moots em tf-ed lost (tcnlnfr In eutertalnlng tho B-jictK. Tho stoic oom on tho Jli ?t lour Tiis occupied by the tables, where ?atunr .tohn Stanton feived tho lunch ion. On the second tloor, the k'I il rooms weio used hi entoitainlng the fuestP, nnd tho hall on tho llilnl llooj Mis titlueu ror mincing. The house committee, .losoph f'.iuy, KcIhukI McL.iln anil Kdwuiri lldiM, had cihnrgo of the iiiiangunietits, ns Isteil by alt the members of the coun cil. A new Kellar jiltmo wa.s plated In the i-octal rooms for the use of tile tupt. and Professor Leo Crossln i.laed during the dances. The follow ing weie the guests. jUiwh i:slc Median, Mary McAn fliew. Little McDermott, Margaiot 011 lo.. Margaiet Murphy, Nellie Mm nny, Minnie C.iwley, Slay Jordan, Kitty Jit Molt. Loreltu Jennings, Celle Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Uuike, Gertrude t'annon, C.itheilne O'llara, Catherine Iteg.in. Margaret Ilush, Maine Me t'air.hy, Kllabeth Stanton, Mary Ml tioff. Lulu McGairy, Honesdale, Alice JMoOairy. Sadie MeGaiiy, May Mor gan, Helen Flannaghan, Kute Mi-Cue, ),tta Uuikc. May Gunell, Pathiilne J au Kin, May Lmkln, Anna Larltln, I'atheiine Uoonoy, Catbctlne I'.mke, b'annle McClaln, Isahelle Itnfter, Lain a rampbell, Maude Campbell, Julia Mo tan, Cecil Moran, Alice Scanlon, Xont Kcanlon, Mnrgaiet Itcese, Kate Lyd llon, Margan t McCoy, Elizabeth Judge, Kate Gallaghrr, ltobe Gallagher, Lo t . ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOR. f COUGHS 1 and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Great Opportunities For Silk Buyers Crowded Into Our Grand General Sale. There's no need for ' talking up " this, matchless event in the local silk trade. Scranton lnner have never had Mich a chance to buy high grade silks by the btst standard makers in full and complete assortment for so little money before, and, candidly speaking-, wc do not believe that such :tn opportunity is likely to occur again in the near future, for in all our experience, wc are free to confess that the silk sale which opens today beats all records and surpasses anything wc ever hoped to accomplish in the way of bargain-giving, when nothing whatever k sacrificed for the sake of price. Black Taffeta Silks Y.'o unhesitatingly recommend these silks to our best trade. In lact they are as good as any wo have In stock to offer at the regu l ii value pilces named beie. The dyes, makes and finish are as good us miy wo know of. .V'-lm h Plack Taffeta Silks, strong and blight llnlsh. Worth G3e. i''-lneh Plack Taffeta Silks. A plendld value for G2kc. Sale mi Ice too L'.-inch High Lustre Black Taffeta "Mlks, equal to any 85e. quality. Now fi'Io f-lnch ruro Silk, rlih rustling Tilark Taffetas, worth $1.00. Now , Trie f-lnch Heavy Wnrl: Taffeta Silks of rare b"auty, worth MOO Vow T3c 27-Inch Heavy Black Silk Taffetas Sp'pjat weave for sklits, woilh M.25. Now Sfla '.'J-lncli P-Iack Silk Ta'ffetns, Match- Itm In beauty nnd cheap at $t.2C. Now 6"c t -Inch Black SHI: Taffetas. Spe- tally made for lino waists. Worth tl.3S. Now fiSo t.-tnch Black Taffeta Silks. A superb quality, worth $l.fo, for.iLH nt-lnch ctra qunllty, Vitm Silk Taffetas, for hklrts, worth $1.30. Now $1.10 Peau de Sole Weaves This popular silk Is leen ut Its best In the following eight special bargain lots shade, mnke and dyo are the best In eveiy Instance. SO-incli Black Pcau do Solo Silks that would bo cheap ut S3e for. . 0c, 21-Inch Black Peau da Hole Silks, that would be cheap nt ?1, tor.. 79c 21-lnch Black Peau de Solo Silks. that would bo cheap at Jt.2!l. for fiSo Globe Warehouse SCRANTON rotta Cannon, Anna Cooper, Anna Mo Gulre, Uesslo Conncll, Anna M. Mc radcten, Nan nagan, Nellie Hlckcy, ninghamtonj Alice McMntion, Blng hiiiiitun; Manic Cavnnaugh, Maty Mc Lacn, Margaret Cavanuugh, Mary Cooper, Kinma Carey, Margatet Lilly, Matne Doiid, Lucy MjcQuIic Alett Base Ball Tenm. The Aleit bae ball team wilt hold theli llrst annual entertainment nnd social In Menrs' hall this evening. The following ptogrammo will bo len dei eil OiKiiliiii; nin.nl. ' 'hlioy l-ni-.lo Mi" ltllo tlirbir lw.il noli I-1'. Milliard IliuU ami ulnR .bine Jelimmi and .Ivlwn I'lui'i to JIUi .Mime- NrMii VnM !0l. Ml NVlllii Mirkwlck lldltall. Mlm 1'iwiii Ploto Will Mill J"'1 J mum Wjimi h'1' MIm Jl.iry Thwii Itinnonlct wlo l'rul Hnliliiwm Vueal solo MM Mary ArmO)." Itwk mill ulni! dance Ilirrj- Midi ILiiJi nolo l.il. McCann l). .it,.,. Illtr Tn.ir Outrtcttp IMlt pumlilti'.' ixlitlilllon Wlllhm llaUcr (Mi v ill lolm lie.nio mil Ml Hun Thlmbto Club Enteitnined. Mr and Mis. William N. Oluuse, of North Humiley avpiiue, cntei tallied tho Thimble club Tuesday evening In a delightful manner. Tho hulk's In dulged hi needle-woiic. while the gen tlemen plaed games and otherwise amiiHMl ttieinselves. Thoo piesent were: Mi. and Mrs. lloheit .), Williams and daughter, rtoiunie, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Jones, Mr. and Mis. George T. Jones, Mr. and Mis. William N. Chuse, Misses I'.essie Hughes and ltuth Chase. Tho next assembly will be held nt the home of (ieoi ne T. Jones. Tithe Boxes Opened. The Woman's. Homo Missionary u doty of the Shnpon Methodist P.pls copal thureli held an Interesting meet ing lust evening, at which the tlth boxeS were opened. A good mim was revealed, which will bo used In cariy Ing on liome mission wot Is and In help ing the needy. The attendance was 1 irge and was presided over by Mrs. J. li. Sweet, In the .ibbonce of Mis. Moser, the piesl dent. -who Is 111. Funeral of Llew Herbert. Sei vices over the icmalns of Rlchanl Thomas (Llew Herbert) will be held this afternoon at the home on Swot land street Hev. D. D. Hopkins, pas tor of the Fliht Welsh Uaptlst church, and Rev. C. M. Glllln, D. P., pastor of the Klin P.uk churcli, will ofltclate. Thp Ulm Talk quartette will sing. Interment will be mado In the Wash burn strcst cemeteiy. NOTES AND PERSONALS. Mi 5. A. L. Rcttorly ! er.tertaiuln'? her mother, Mrs. Thomas Stonier, of PottsUlle, and Mrs. II. C. Sclioepiiy and daughter, of Phitailclpbla. A class of candidates w 111 be In itiated Into the mysteiles of the Pro tected Homo Circle on Frldav even ing. A much laigcr class will follow -'4-inch Black Peau de Sole that would be cheap at $1.33, 21-Inch Blick Peau de Sole that would be cheap ut $1.13 bilks. , tor.il.IO Silks. , for '51.10 ---mim uenuine 14011s Made de Sole, blacks, etc, worth for 22-inch denulnii Lyons Mado de Sole, blacks, etc., woith for 22.lnch Genuine Lyons Mude do Sole, blacks, etc., worth for Satin Duchess Silks, Peau $1.30. $1.19 Peau $1.75, $t.:o Penu $2 00. $1.43 Black Only. UMnch Black Satin Ducliois, good weight and flnltlr worth 73c. lor .'.la SO-inch Black Satin Duchcs, het- ter In quality and woith S3c , for. CO? '-'Much Black Satin Duchess, an uncqunled value for $1.23. now.. 'j,",o 22-lncti Black Satin Duchess, u handsome Silk, woith $1.50, for.. $1.10 27-Inch Black Satin Duchess, a magnlllcent silk for skirts, worth $1.75, now $1 53 24-Inch Satin Duchess; rich enough for any lady's wear; wottb $;. "w $1.CJ Special During this sale n will oiter .10 pieces of Pino silk fiepe do C'lilno: all the lenaTng eolois. 2t hit lies wide, and well woith $100, 101 75c During This Sale A'p will show tho luust iiuvrca nnd o.np1iisp designs In diets put. teins. lengths or othnwlse, In Im poitod Kouluids; nbo the ilnest lino of eoloied silks in plain nnd fancy weaves ever fren In this end of the state. HveiytMng for Spring wcai Is ready Ir tho Silk Depailinent. their footsteps on March 1. All mem bers ate lcqucstcd tu attend the meet ing. Mrs. Gcoigo It, Reynolds nnd cousin, Miss Leah lirltton, loft yestuday ufternoon for Reading, the former to visit tier parents, and the latter to re main ut home, after a pleasant visit here. Miss May Toy nnd William G.Davis, of 211 North Main avenue, have recov ered fioni their tecont Illness. The Ermine club will conduct u se lect dnnt p nt Meais' ball on Wednes day exciting, rcbruaty l!0. Titty In vitations will be Issued nnd orchestral music will be tendered dm Ins the dunces. John Lavotle, of Jackson street, Is rccocr!ng from a protracted Illness. The Ladles' Aid society of the Ply mouth Congregational church held their usual weekly session In the chinch 5csteiday. They me matting oluboinla prepniutlons for their fair and festival, to be hold next week. t J. Prune, of South Main aventt has teeovered fioni a. two months' Ill ness, which caused him much Incon venience. A new hose cut lias been added to thu Columbia Chemical company's equipment. Unbelt LMehl. of South Hyde Pull; avenue, Is (onllned to his home by lllllPSh. The Slocuni lodge of Odd rvilows confprred the second degiec on a num. br of candidates In Masonic ball Inn evening. Mis. John YotU, of Pi Ice Hioet, Is ill at her home. The ludles of the Plymouth rhtireh have about completed their work fo." the colonial sale, which takes place next week. Any nitlcle whit h a friend might wIMi to conti Unite would lie very thankfully tecolved by the ladlea of tho Aid society. Membois of the AnilctH Order of Uiltpns. No. 1, enjojed n smoker In their lodge looms last evening. All nienibcis of the West Side Con clave, No. ill, arc lequpyted to meet nt their butt this afternoon at 2 o'clook to attend the funeial of tlielr Into bi other, Ulchaul J. Thomas The degiee team of SlluiHn Lodgj of Odd Fellows visited the James Con nell lodge In South Scianton last even ing nnd assisted In degree work. Another huge assemblage attended St. David's fair nnd festival last even, lug. and patronled the tabic? and booths. Tho remains of Mr. and Mrs. Gcorga Jenkins' child were Intened In the Washburn stiept lemctery yesterday afternoon. Pea Coal $1.50 a Ton Dollveied. to South Side, central city and central llvdo l'.uk. Addrcs-s nrdeit. to J. T. Shaikcj, 1911 Cedar avenue. 'Phone COJ. DUNMORE. The mniil.iKC of Ml.s Stella Mott niul Oscar Howe, of Scranton, took pljeo at the liomu of the brlde'.s pai ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Loreiu Molt, of Potter street, yesterday afternoon. A huge number of fi lends and nelglibois of the young people were pi event at the happy function. Many handsome pie.sents were ieceied. After a short wedding tour tho young people will for the present take up their icsldcnco In this iHiiotigh. The muslcalc given last night nt tho home of J. II. Bionaon, of Bhn street, despite the extreme cold weather, was hugely attended and those piesent wcic amply lepuld for the dbscomfoits of travel by the excellence of the pro gramme lendcied. St. Mink's church treasury Is many dollais better off by reason of the affair, which was planned nnd .11 ranged by Mis. J. II. Brandon. Some of tho propei ty owims aiound tho corners, remembering past expeil ence, have icmarked that the piesent might be a. good time to test tin- lire plugs In the borough. Treasurer August Wahlers will pay borough ordeis Thuisdny afternoon at the boiough building. A daughter has biJghtcin.il the home of Mr. and Mis. B. W. Bishop, of Biook street. The membeis ot the John H. Smith Flro company will banquet at tin Ir tooms on Mondny evenlni; nej.t. Pequest tribe, Impioved Order of Bed Men, will hold an Impoit.int ses sion tonight. Bev. Piank CI.11K, of Philadelphia. Is spending a few itajs with his puients, on Oheslnut street, Tho flist annual cnteitaiiiment and ball of tho Italian mandolin and guitar club will be held at Keystone ball this evening. This club U composed of a number of young men, nut this will be their flist nppearance before tlrs public. The leader Is Joseph P.affae i who has a reputation as a ompnser ot mtflc. Several songs by Salvatore D'Aunenzo v 111 be on the piogiamme. A letter received liom Corp01.1I Filend f, Bleteckei, of Company P, Fifteenth I'nlted States Infantry, stated that lie sailed fiom San Fran cisco lor the Philippines on Fehiuaiy 1. Coipouil 'BIcsecker was detailed fiom China with prlsoneis to tho Pie-, sldlo at San FrancIco. He rejoins Ills tompany at Manila. He Is a foi mer Dunmoic boy, and his fi lends will be pleased to hear he is In tho best ot health. Treasuier August Wahlois will pay bmough otdeis Thuisday atteinonn, Febiuaiy II, He will nbo pay school teacheis and school 01 dors, Saturday nlternoon, at borough building. J. O, Bono & Son. diugglsts, 01 1 agents for the While Stai and Anchor Sto.imHhlp lines. ' - - GREEN RIDGE. Miss Mary Wnrdluw. of Wilkes Bane, Is visiting Gieen Uldgo friends. Mr.s. A. B. Slmrell, of Delaware stieet, hu leturned from a visit with Caibondalo friend.-.. Mhs Mao Bobbins, of Poit Jcivls, N. V., Is vlblilng the family of Bob ert Shnrell, of Dolawaiv street. An Impoitant meeting of tho (Ireen Bldgo lodge, Independent Older of Odd Fellows, will bo hold this even ing In Mafconlc ball on Dickson ave nue. All membei.H nto in-Red to bo piesent. (!. L. Bates, of Conti o county. Is ttn guest of Sidney DcmnK of Deacon stieet. Boy Lldstone, of Sauileison avenue, spent yesterday In Ciiccuwood. A confeicnce of the social eoinmltte.o of thu Chilstlnn Bndeavoi societies In tho city union will be held In the Clieen Bldgo Piosbyterluir church, Tuesday evening, Februaiy 19, begin ning at S o'clock. All nic-mbeia of these cointnttteoH aio most cordlnlly Invited to bo present at this ronfoience. THE HOMLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON 1 will 91 tie lunJsoiiKtt, niitl other iro imbed to call on uy clitigUnt anil net hro a trial bottle ot krinp'n Iljlum (or Ilia Tliro.it anil I.uiik, u mildly lint li (.uarunlcrj tn tine ji.it rillne all Cliiunlc ami Acute Coiwlm, AUhnn, llrwichUU iiiJ Cciuumpllon. I'rkc 2'.c, 1U11I Wt, IN THE AIR. Tho derm of La Grippe Aro Con- voyod Through the Atmosphore. No ono can escape tho La Grippe germ, becauso when an epldemlo of the disease Is prevailing the atr Is laden with It. The reason everyone docs not have the disease at the saino time Is be cause the persons who ate enjoying licrfect health are able to successfully resist unit throw off the Infection, while those, who for nny reason aro not In the best of health, fall ready victims. Tho first symptoms nie those of acute catarrh, lescmbtlng a tiard cotd, and If prompt treatment Is applied at this time It can easily be broken up: one of the best rcmedU'S at this stngo Is Htunrt'H Catarrh Tablets, sold by drubglsts everywhere and ff taken fieely, say ono tablet every hour or two for two or three days, the danger of pneumonia uud set Ions complica tions will be averted. The Bev. L. L Palmer, Baptist clergyman of C'eiesco, Mich., makes 11 statement of Interest to ull catarrh and gilp sufterers. He says: "Stuait's Catarrh Tablets huvo certainly been a bloistng to me. I have used them fieely this fall and winter, nnd have found them 11 safeguaid against La Clilppe and catuirhnl troubles, fiom which I hud suffered for years, I feel that I can fieely and conscientiously recommend them " Peisons who suffer from catarrh of the head and throat are very suscept ible to Li Oilppe. and such will find a pleasant, convenient and safe lem edy In this new eatnrih cure. Stuait's Catm rh Tablets aie com posed enthely of hnimlcss antiseptics nnd may bo used us freely us neces sary, as they contain no cocaine, opl ute or poisonous drug ,or nny kind. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Ftmernl of Mis. Casper Tannler Held Ycsteiday Afternoon Pleasant Sutpilso Patty Other Notes. Thi tuiicr.il et Vtr e.uni r TjiinUr va I r W yistirrliv nritrnouii at 1 oilock Jinm the fnnlly tpsliltiuf on I'ittnton nvenuc. It. w . NiTilt, pa'tor ( the Illrkorv Stmt I'nslijtt'i. I.111 el.urili ami tlM SihmliU, puloi of tho (iiTiim Ihptnt iliunh ere th olftclalliin cli'rio ( The H0r.1t tiibuti' ee inigniliccnl, nnuii tlctn lielnc "(lit Ajar," (10111 Mis I. ttebln. nn ami (inillj ; a iriv of rose, ircent"'l by Mi ami Mr-. Ansttut sililiiipft. i uprav o( iur ration?, from Mr. and Mm. Phillip Kohlnnn. a .ini ot lainillom, fiom Mr. AmolU Selilmiiff anl fjinllj ; irois of fursd-ini nol, bv Mr. Crollne Mim-in itiil fimllj; v.rNili. by Mi. ami Mn, I'liji-no sihlmpT anj un Ih ; a boiijiiel of nhrat, bv Mr. md Mr Adam otkrotli; a laij;c pillow, from the bereaved niemler of the fimili, riicie" iicre eirrnd bi Mimn Ullll.im Viitins. Mdney ParMins, Jarob Shieibfr and 1l1m Vrnlrotli. Intemicnt n mid'. In tho I'ittiirn annuo emetn.i A Surprise Party. I'll il isant nrpilr put wai hl nlt,hl tetiilrtid Mrliola Jhr, of 5.M LIm street Tli ueiilnj was plcaiMli pird and dainty re fri. rrftit lien mi iel. Inent ime Mini Hvn, Anna Clurles, Cilia ICnire.i, Sel lie Cosrroic, Katie sihipk, I mma Reldenhirb, I cm l.ilm, JcM-pbine CxA, Anna Onf, I ill i e Van lliirm, Prinla Itosn, iille llllUr, lent Unlm, Iieoj Hi, Inhn Kuhn, Willi en .Miller, Oito WeliiMhcnk, Jnhn f-neldir. .lohn Ihhn, l.i. nrt Vtnln is ( hirle lUrphjii-rr, .Mm Pllbr, luiit II iliti Willhin Marx, .lolm J1. hinri .M.r. Mr.. Jbiry Marx, I ranV and Joe SI in Shorter Paragiaphs. Th .in mill hill of the M, Mnifdm Nrlin. i.l. leh u, tuld luit tienirjr In M. Jotepls lull, iai 1 splendid muvk (rom every utrndpoim. VI11 eoinmittie In ilursc of tin attair iunsi'.ted ft. tntliom .1 McPoiincI, 'llihiel Ihnnsn, Ji Im Iliuiiti, lo.ph Mriplij, I.rlvj Mcun. .fnhn Waul, Punk llnd.i. , IIitin" .111 J llinnu O'Millei li' Louivi l.uihut, of lloniMiale, . the Rttit of Mm. Hrtidrscr, en I'lttMon nenin 'tin si lienc'-i sciiety will bold a ijlcnllii8 sodal .it I'lniiiney lull thN euniiff Jliss Mai:ii- llliwl't, cf Pitutun uuihi, i hcrlousli 111 'lilt imelliii; of st, Vloulm' .citv, viliieli va to h.ie lien held thU ivfiiinc at l.i.n iiuiv lull, lu,. Inn lo-lp.iticd until TliniMlai, leb. ji. , l.'lin Wunr, a f..nui ti'ld nt ff thu -id. died it lib limi- al t Inihm.t mi Momlai The nport of lw. '.iiiluir llo-i runipmi I. r the leai I'jni) i ,is follmi-.: Hell nlarnii te tiom'cd to, id; Mill alantu, li t'enei it alainu, fi'- il.nin", 1 rill ibrnn, I; iiumber t i if ho-' laid, 19,iiO, (jallon? nf chcimeab rvd, l!1., j,'n on duty, il bonis; .mur. 1 un Iwi of mn it hi , It. Kdttanl 1 impbill. .t Vhli. nd Mls 11 bine, of f 1 ilar mem. , weie married on lue. daj atUmooii In (. .IchnV cliuuh b.i Tlei. )'.. I. MelUy, The bndc vwis attenditl by MK, II Oalhsher, of lile, JW 16 jttlnd m .1 Koun 01 p. in rn; vvpridiiiir diipfxi v in ferifd III tin eifhlnz .it tho home if tin bride. I lie M .lol.ii' Paet Pall ti nil Mill nliv tin Ni.rtli 1 nd sim, lonipl t In t .lohi, lull. OBITUARY. Mis. John Reynolds. I i.e mi Mm 1!. jlli if Mi. .lolm It n.jl.l- uf bouth MjIii nn inn, u.ltidiv nioiiiiiijr, uiim.iI u mi.ic hllh In her lehthe ami iilirnU und eau'.d iiiuili Miipiie i.i Hie lommiinltj, p.. fe,i.nl is Hound bci home as mini n lucado, and ut i o'tloel, yrstenlai moir.lni; w.n, t iken mdduib. III. The tiinlly pbjfklan w.ti rail d, and ei.ijthinjf Hwihk na done to ulleie b.r. Sle llnncad mil II 11c irh noon, when, ikalh relleied hir kuittrln? Durlntt tb it time Vi-. Rev nobis u strifkin with cunvubioiu, whloh eu the dlrift laiibit if d.jth 'lie nas botn in Tajln nnd mik .11 ,Mai of as", and hid brin 1 resident ot tt N.nnli)ii for eienl .veil. M"r limb mil miiiIiik tin. II ! a iiifinb if tie In 111 of Itc.HioliU lio kUtionerx, mil l Eilif Mrltken mi .icicunt of his lo. llic timeial atiniiunu mint Mill bo nude litei. Rev. W. C. Galpln. Itei W C. Galpln. of fnidllla. . ., dud at 1 oMo.k ntei(by morning after a brief illne-j ff pneumonia, funeral herilee villi be In Id In the licb)terUn church of UiiadilU, and tho IulunKiit In the Dunmore cemeteiy on l'ridiv. ltd. Mi. I.alpln Mas a kondndan ol the lite John II. smltii, jii.j 1,, wit and dauehter ham mde tlnir honir viltli Ir. and Mi. lllackinun lnc the death of tl fir mother neienl car hko. Mi. Oilpln iim 1 I'lCfhjteriaii iniiiiitir and illl bo remenibiied In many In this ilcliiltv. Of lalo cim falllnc liedlli obllited I1I111 10 wlio up tho tiilnlJtr.i N.nie tlie .Man a; he man lid Ml llallt, ol Tnailllla, wlio iiitilves liiiu. James Joseph Lynch. . .Jainea Iiieph I.jnch, ateil Ij iat, died )." ttuUi at tho Mff lajlir Ilirtpllal. Peciascd lias kinclij and resided near the .tiilibilil inliic. 'file fumiiil Hill tike plaie tomoiTOW. Tunerals. The fimeral of the lite Mr. Patrick llkiit will be held at ti.W o'eloeli S-tunla) nioinms:, from tho lenldinre on Phelps Mrcrt. ioleinn lilsh inatB ot icqtilem Mill be eclcbiatcd at St. Pilir'a cnlhedral and liiKnnent villi ba nude In tha C.illiedral renutei-j. Bank Tnllute Causes Attest. Dv I'.iluhe Wan from The Asioilaled Pris Ilaiton, IVti. 1.1. John U. IUiMmon, a ixniu Intnt liuklnrns nun of this ill), uaa Jiiested lato Hit afleiiiiKin In eoniecifon 11IU1 the fall lire ol tho 'south Pamirs Nallsml bank of Pea-body. NORTHSGRANTON SUDDEN DEATH OM MRS. ANNIE PATROLSKI. Sho Becntna Weak Yestetday Morn ing nnd When Her Child Who Was Sent for Aid Returned, She Was Dead Rev. J. J, O'Toolo Presented with a Silk Umbiella "Down In the Mines" Tomonow Night. Other Notes and a Number of Personals. Mis. Annte Patrols!:!, 11 Polish wo man, nged 33 years, died very tuddcnly yesterday morning at her Iijiuj,, 221 Wilbur street. The woman v.pnt about tier work dining the caly morning, but complained to her h'l'bund of fee I Ing veiy til. Shortly before 10 o'clock she became suddenly weak and sent her lltllo Rlil, who was about the house, net door to call the neighbors. The little child went, and when ho letuined In a few minutes found her mother lying de.nl on the bed. Coioner Roberto was notified, and ntter pcrfotmlng an autopsy In the afternoon, decided that the woman died lroni beait disease and that an Inquest was unnecessary. She Is sur vived by 11 husband and tlnce chlldien. Rev. J. J. O'Toole Surprised. Rev. J. J. O'Toole, assistant ut Holy Rosary church, wus most ngieeably surmised on Tuesday nlRbt In St. Mary's hall. An entertulinncnt hud been nriungcd by the Sunday school teacheis of tho ehlireh and he, being superintendent, was Invited to attend. As soon its ho cntcted the ball be was brought upon the stat!e and pie Rented with a gold-headed umbrella, the gift of the loachcts. The pieson tutlon speech was made by W. A. I.y nott, clerk of the common council, and was brlelly but slnceiely responded to by Father O'Toole. Tho entertainment which followed was of . high outer of excellence. "Down In the Mines." The coiuedy-diumu In four acts, en titled "Down In the Mines, or the Pluck-Me-Out Store," will be given to morrow evening at the Auditorium, under the dliectlon or John J. Salmon, author of the piny. Tho cast of diameters have been somewhat changed since the first per formance and Is as follows: lloiace I Itugg, tjiannlcal mine ownei, Tcr 1 rence Malone.v ; IJvnn Davie, Welsh fireboss, John J. Salmon; Hill Colllgan. a oung hero, Thomas Homer, Owen Moore, tlmheiman, Thomas Covnc; Jlmmle Druflen, a 1 tinner, Thomas Cull. 11: J. K. Cookie, villain, a clcik, W. V. I.ynott: Dick Itltehle, .1 foot man. Alew Walls: Dick O'Xeil, 11 initier, Chailes (iiaham, Tom Toils, a docking boss, Frank Golden. Kenton Kitch, a water bailer, Andrew White head; IliittrMis, the gic.iscr, John Horn, Joe ThtindPi', a 1 tinner, John Tafe, Helen Iluirg, tlie mine owneis daugh ter. Miss Matle (illgallon; Plums, tlv little orphan girl, Miss Leah Hudson; Mis. Davis, a poor widow, .Miss Flor ence CiiiIkj Sarah Hiannlg.in, ltugg's seivant nlil, J. J. Salmon; Mrs. Ritchie, whose husband has Jupt been killed, Andrew Cialg. Stiotter News Items. A number of joung people ot the Dutch Gup bcctlon enjoyed a stiaw ilde to Jl'eikvllle, ."Monday evening. Those- present In the putty weie Mr. and .Mis. Lewis Webb, .Ml. and Mrs. Frank. Tuwcett, .Mr. and Mis. John Hose. Mis. Halfpenny. Miss Jemima Halfpenny. All news mattei.s for The Tilhune will lecehe piompt attention If left hi the tin bos lu Davis' iliugstoie, corner ot Main avenue and Maikct stieet. Mis. Huttle Mead Is slightly Indis posed at her home 011 Puiker stteet. Miss Olive Mead, ot Parker stieet. Is sufteilny with an absecss on hel ium. Chailes V. Ciiissinaii, of Thioop stieet. Is sntToiIng with tonsllltls. The Initial social, which was to havo taken place this evening at the Flist t'lulstlan chuich, has been postponed until reliniaiy 2'. Mi. and Mis. John D. Jonec. ot I'ut liuiii stteet. have returned lunii 1'e.tk vllle. Mr. and Mrs. John I'ugh, of L'nlon town, aie visiting ut the home of their dtiURhter, Mis. Thomas AVnid, of Puiker .stieet. The sock soilal at tho Piovldeitco Methodl.st Iplseopal chuich Is novel as well as new. You measuie jour foot, and to evetj' Inch you pay tluee cents, which villi admit j-ou to the entcitaln-nie-iit und lefieshment.s The mkIhI will take place this evening. (3. V. DavN, the dtugglst. has donated a large pilnted slsn to tho Memoihil ltaptlst clniioh ADOUT HUMAN HAIR. Some Intel esting Pacts That Are Not Geneially Known. 1 rom Aimlec's Mirjui It Is a popului notion, sedulously fosteied bv the barbers who get (in i.xtia fe-e for singeing, that the lialr Is u tube, and that when It Is cut oif It bleeds, und tho nututal ltnlltv J of It dilbbles out Into the utmosphmc. 1 think people have otton been sbowii the hollowncbs of hairs when they have looked nt them through a mlaoseope. V ou 1 .111 oveitoino jour conviction that all this woild affouls Is hollow nnd unsubstantial nmli aie able to tin (let stand that most people looking through a mlaoseope can see exuctly what they aie told they will Fee, j'ou will bo pleased to bear that the human hair Is a solid bundle of epithelial tolls, the Inner ones being nither more looe. y packed like pith. Oiuy hairs Ii.ivj ut.' bubbles In their outer laycts. Ciinv hails have air bubbles In the'r outer lajeis. Hlond hair Is the finest and must thickly set. Ulack halt is i.'s so, and ted hair lb the eoatsest und most spatsely planted The hu man hair is not a peiitec c Under uinl the (latter It Is tho moie natuiat curl It has, and, being ufioetcd by damp ness, the. moie It kinks up. Tho hulr gi-ows hlx or seven Inches In a j'ear, but the ic.it-on why 11 woman's hair Is not live feet longer today than It was ten .veuis ago Is that each ppuion seems to huvo a definite) normal length beyond which tho hair lotuses to grow even if jxu put on the very best lo tion you run buy for a dollar n bottle. When a hulr thinks It Is nbout long enough It diops out and you find It stuck fast on tlie mip dish or the stu thmeiy wnshbowl, vviiggllng with de light nt your effot ts to pick it off with your wet flngeis. It docs not illtcomago a hair to he 1 plucked out by the loflts, as ladloi who have a tendency to grow mus taches wilt bear mo out. It simply gets nngry nnd comes In again coarser than ever. That Is becnuro what keeps the hair going Is something tint innnot very well be got at front tho surface of the skin. It Is a little pap illa, 1-180 of an Inch tong, away down at the bottom or the halr-tubo. Noth ing that can be dabbed on the skin can get down there cither to barm or help It. The only way to remove such hair Is to make up your mind to spend money nnd to have un unpleasant time. On to a physician and let him kill the growth of cacti lmlr with an elcc.trto needle. I hope you will enjoy your self. It Is llko tattooing In Its sensa tions. Thcie have been some ladles that have removed mustaches by tak ing & needle and heating It In tho llaitn or a lamrl and thrusting It Into encb papillae. They get It led hot, you know, and they also get tiny par ticles ot lamp black on the necJle, and It leaves a delicate tattooing of- rect that l.i very striking. I don't know why It Is that I want to laugh about this, because you know It to not a bit funny to the girl to huve her llji hut t so and then Ibid out that In taking away tho mustache that sho might have shaved off every day alio has left an nitlllclal mustache that nothing can leinove. It la ically a ser ious matter, but I always want to laugh, Just the sinie. In some diseases of the alp, smb. us fuvus, It Is necessaiy to pluck out the halts lu order to get nt ths skin, and it Is on leiord thai e.110 little girl had to havo 70,000 of them pulled out by tho loots befoie sho got well. As then- nie only nbout 120,000 In the whole scalp, nnd this was only ono little patch. It Is easy to see that plucking out the hair does not mean the ultimate extinction of lmlr on that srot. Ileal il appeals to grow at the same rate, and to follow the tame rules of pei.'otml conduct ns the hair of the liead. So If n man began shaving when lie was 111, and lives to bo 70 iears old, he wilt have tut mere than a little bit off the lop. If he could keep In position alt lie has thrown away, a head of hair thirty-five feet long and beard twontv-f.even feet long, alt In one bunch, would enable blm to Have) with a elicits Eummcr.s and alt In a stoie window to cdvertlse a hair lestortr In the winter. I don't know but he could get Into the United State f-enate, although I hear that they don't run so much to whiskers theie now as they did a while ago. -H- SLAVERY IN ZANZIBAR. Girls Stolen Despito the Vigilance of Biitish Cruisers, luni .Mnilce's Magizine And yet the antl-sluvcry societies ciy wildly that slavery must be eradicated at Zanzibar, and the elvllized world, between wars, te-echoes the cr', so tho Hrltlsli consul and his ofllcerH woik in dustilotisly to that end. It is not nn easy task, either, with tho number of ciulsors supplied. The lerrlteuy to lie watched Is to wide that the consul lould make use of .1 small fleet, In stead of which he usually Ins one shli. When I was there last summer the Itirossa had the station, but two days after .she sailed noith to Mi.mlnis.s.i u com ler lushed Into the cjiiMih'le to leuoit that two dhows wbh twenty girls had slipped away At ibl. uud f (over of a moonless night, ant tnei. was no ship to make puisuit It Is this sca-boinc tratll that Is. must dllllcult to suppress. Just now (In December), when tho southwest monsoon sweeps the Indian mean. It is active. Tho lean dhows fiom Museut steal along tho coast, and, eoncealed in many a cieck and liver .nouth, wait for tlielr agents inland to biing them a caigo, Then, seizing a mom. ... wh. u the warship Is engaged elsewh"ie they slip tiut and dait eastward. Tho fav orite gills are thoe captured fiom the Masai and the Uoran Gallu. wlimc charms appeal to Arabian Moslema some-what .us those of the Clniusslan women do' to the Tin Its. The Uoians ate particularly renownet for their beauty, und n stave thief will ilsk his life to obtain one. This tribe, which occupies the northernmost distuet of the piotectorate, Is altogether swathed in lomnnce. White men hive m vi r leached its capital, where h stoekiulo of the loyal palace Is said to be ot pule ivoij. The Iioian vvuiiloi.s aiu the only ones In Allien who light on hoisebaek, and such Is theli valor that, they have time and again repulsed the lleiee So nialls from the bolder. The Masai gills .tie consldeied Ihe equals uf their Iioian slsteis In attinc tlveness, but not In lefinement: the latter, minor has It, piaetlce tho lltes or AbyESlulan Chilstlunlty and the tost aits of centuries pan. The Masai girls 1110 easier to captuie. and aie, theie foie, moie common. The tithe was tor nieily telelnated foi Its vast Hocks and heids, but a tlevastatlng liiiiilne some oars ago lett It almost destitute. The waiilois theieupon began a s.vstem of 1 aiding on all sides, and another tleice tilbe. the W.iklktiyu, took advuntagu uf their absenee to ilisie-nd on the Ma Kil. kill off the old men and steal ull the women and gills. Tlue- aie now being disponed ot at umpaiatlvely low tales to loe'al Auib 01 Swahlll nilddle nien, who letall them ut a big luollt. JOHN CHINAMAN'S MAIL BOX. New Yoik Celestials Have a Post- oftlce of Their Own. l'ic.11 the New Wn J irr -. Chlnutown now lias a post otlhe It wa.s established last Thui.sd.iv at 1 Mott street. It Is not a tull-IUdgcd ot flce. as theie will be no eolbctlon tor or delivery fiom It. hut it will give the citizens of that settlon a convenient fippoituulty of leslsteilng letteis and buying money onleis and stamps, vv tilth is really all that Is desired. Tho new substation Is known ns Xo. 13.!, and the patient otllclal In charge of It Is Theodoie I'lcllnghuysen Iluld wln. Mr. liiildwln Is not u first-class Chlncso llngulstbut confeshes to hav ing 11 dangerous smattering of thnt language. His middle name, furthei 11101 o, has about It a vague sugBChtlon of Chinese tea, which It Is hoped, may lead his Lustonieis ,to trust him. Ho Is usjisted by Kdwaid J, (iianvlllo and Julius Rothschild, both of whom aro said to have u speaking acquaintance with the Chinese language, and aie, turtliormoie, noted tor unlimited pa tience. It Is they who will wiestlo with the cuieless and indistinct liandw ril ing ot hutrled Chlneso mei chants. Superscriptions suggesting nothing but tho weailsomo wnndetliiBs or an er ratic 11 v wulklng over puper after hav ing been rescued fiom an Inkwell, will he rofoired as a Inst resort to tho Jo.s house near by, vvhete ariungements have been made ror tho caro of des perate cases. Hotetofoie tho residents of China town have been foiocd to palionUo siihstutlon No. 2.1 ut ISO Worth stivet, which Is some distance lemoved from the center of Mongolian activity. The now substation Is 11 blanch of the In ternational JJanklng nnd Tiust com- INDIA AND CEYLON TEA BLACK or GREEN Has Government Recognition. United States Department of Agriculture recognizes the QUALITY and STRENOTH ol H1I5 tea, and in Report No. 61 recommends prospective Amcp lean Tea Planters to grow thin variety ot tea. ask Youn ortocEn for SfiLADA Ceylon Tea REFRESHING. DELICIOUS Bold ouljr ln i.,nd. racked. r.Oc, 6)c. ana 70c. Tcr Lb. AMUSEMENTS. ... -t- LYCEUM THEATRE, t "" l!i:tt & llfltCCNPUII, 1.Cieccj. "" X J. Puflj, Mmastl. - -- 4- Matlhcc ami Melit, Sitiirdav, Fflmnry 10 -4- a Mutli ( vureulie riiion, . 4. JAiVIt .1. MERNE'3 . 4. licaiitltul remedy Pianu, . o SHORE ACRES. 4- PlTSrntcil by Jjinci A. Ilrmr's own 4- 4 company of pljjcrs ltli rnllro new -f. i feencrj anl mrchin.tal noirltler. A kU. . T red' production giurantrcd T ritl'-KS Mgtit. 11, or., WV. and IV, 4- f JtaUncc, 2'ic. and Mc. thlldicti tu any 4- 4. part of hnii!., 2.V. 4. 4- "f 4- -f -f -f -f 4- 4 4 -t" 1 , 4- 4 4- 4-4-4- 4 4-4-4-4-4-f 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-f 4 - LYCEUH THEATRE, : Jims k nniot'.vriER, lcisk. A. J. DUH'i, Manager. Monday, February 18. Return EncaRcment of the Dis- -tinguished Artiste, Sarah Cowell Le Moyne Lciblcr li Co., Managen. rrrtrnllnR llirrtct I'ord'i and Itcatrico ' UfMille's l'a'cbutlne Coiacdy tlrima. The Greatest Thing in the World &uifnrtcl liy a slronf company of 4- dr inatii arlifi.-.. including Harold ftuv 4. ell, .tilitaidc 'lliurston, John e!'ndln. . nine, l'andion C Campbell, Clilrlrj "" luiil3, lr. r.Iendinninar, Walter 4" riiomii, .Jo'iii Miiltliivu, Anna O'Mallfj, -f. 1a1iIh JjiiKf, l'i ink laudcr, Cornclti a, 1 limit r. " nv nun Mim lotci liU mother will 4 aiputnti. mis pio. .. . sun. -4- T rilld.s-Jje . iiio., T5c, ?1 and $1.S). 4. " 'cau 011 wle 1 riday ut 0 a. in. 4-4-44444-444444-444444- ACADEHY OF HUSIC, KUi& IIUUUlNDGR IIARRV A. BROWN Vinngfrt and Lciet: Local Manager. .MI. TIII :.K. DAILY MATISEUS. JESSIE SAWTELLE CO, In Iifpirtolrc. ThruMtat Maht -"A (uuutiy Courtalilp " 1 1 Ida) Mcltt 'Taiil Caid Saturday MrIiI "(.up of toel." M1T AITltVCTIO.V. fliico Mtflilf, cummfinlne MONDAY, t'LIJ. li'. lrtul Matinees. ( AMli IIMtUIN' and lib company, presents A UIOIM'S HEAR '. pnny, of iilcli Mr. Batclwln ts mana gor. and lie will, in addition to hi liostollico (ltttleti. try and find time to do a Ilttlu banking. The collection und delivery of mallH In the district will still be done by cai rlcis from the geneial post offleo. The now HUbstutlon, It is said, will In no vtso lighten the huidcn of the carrlets ho have laboied through Chinatown for years. Letter Can ler James Campora. who lias circulated through tho district for elijht yeais, atftcted cheerfulness In (llbcusslnK iccently tho life he Icado. lie ts a upll-picberved man, consider ing his yeai.s of stiugglo with Chlnetn .xd(liesen lieneatti an utr of n&sumed nonchalaneo inn ba detected a (.plrlt of Incftnble weiulne.ss, such as might bo found ln 11 man who sppnt his lir .searching lor the piovciblal needle In a haystack. "Oh, It ain't ho bad," said Campora, "when you get used to It. In the tlrst place, tho Chinamen, who, by the way, aie' gieat wiltei-s of letters, always try to tmt the addiet.H on ln English and Chlneso. Those who write from Chln.i ha geneially had tho addressed en- elopes tent to them. On tho other1 hand, tho Chinamen who write to each other fiom dlffeient parts of the city or stato always address the letters In both languages. One great trouble, however, is that the-io aro so many Chinamen of ono name. This canio near dilving mo crazy at llrst. I might start out with u bag full of letters, about 300 of whleh would ho addressed tn Ah l'ong or Ono Lung. One houso might havo two dozen Cliong Ltngu trt It. Kor a time I used to wander around trying to got bomo Chinaman to claim n letter. Sometimes I got desperate) and used to beg some pigtail to tako d letter off my hands. Nowadays I Just take all the letters addressed to a hoiiMo to tho btoreke-eper on tho first tloor and ho gets 1 Id of 'em somehow.'' A I V .. i J t ' J