The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 14, 1901, Image 1

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FEBRUARY 14, 1901.
Alter Two Hours Debate the Meas
ure Goes Tliroiiali Just as Re
ported from Committee.
The Ballot Was 28 to 18 The Con
stitutional Mnjoiity Is 20 Sena
tor Penvoso on the Giound j!
ing Hcioicnlly for the Bill Mr.
r linn's Piotost He Talks of the
Indecent Ilnste in Rushing the Bill
Through A Lively Tilt with Mr.
Focht. of Union.
I IK II 1 -l.l'l ( nlllpull lllll
llanlsburg, Fob. 13. After ii two
hours' debate in the senate today tho
Muehlbionner bill, just us reported
liom committee last night, was passed
on third reading und Is now leady for
the concur: ence of the house.
The vote was 2S to IS. The neces
sniy constitutional majority Is '-'i.
Senators Vaughun and Spioul, two
Mahvuitrf, voted against the bill. This
loft only twenty-three stalwarts re
maining. The live votes which were
joined to those of the faithful stal
w.ut.s were those of the Quay Demo
ti. Us, Senators Haines, Boyd, f tiles,
Neeloj und Hlggins. There are likely
to ! some deuotlon lrom Uie stalwart
Links whin the bill Is on passage
ilu oiigh the house, but the friends of
the mtuhurc say they can spaio the
votes of cvciy man who is tluciitanlng
to lefuse to "swallow the 'rlppei.' " It
Is likely these defections ate not an
numerous as some are claiming. Sen
ntor Penrose Is on the ground wot king
hcioicnlly for the bill and, as many of
those who thicatcncd to defect will
take orders from Senator Penrose
whin they would not take them troin
the local lieutenants the ehunevs ate
that by the time the votes arc wanted
they will be forthcoming In abund
ance. Called Up Suddenly.
It as not expected last night that
the "ilppei" would be called up on
thhd leading today. Tho intention
was to icport it this afternoon and
i all It up tomorrow. The managers of
the bill. however, deemed it dangerous
to delay, and taking advantage of the
tact Mini the senate has not as yet
adopted lulcs of proceduie, concluded
to push the bill through today. The
bill imii nut on the calendar and the
printed copies did not reach the mt.m
bi'ia' tick until tho Eesslon was well
on 'ind nut mote than half an hour
bcfoie It was called up.
Senator Fllnn piottsted against the
measure being considered, because;
theie had not been Mitllcient time al
lowed the members to even read It,
and lier.uii'o there was nothing on
iceoid to Indicate that the bill was
uady for thhd leading.
Lieutenant riovcriior lioblii, w ho was
presiding, ruled that Sir. Fllnn's posl
tlun would bo light If the senate was
walking under Its customaiy lulr-s,
hut in the absence' of any inlcs the
bodv itself must detcimlne Us pio
ceduie. Senator Fl inn again piotesled against
what ho chin acidized as Indecent
haste, but uh he and his associates
knew the opposition had a majority.
Mips did not take tin- tumble to call
for in are and nay vote when Piesl
rtmt (lobln decided thai the motion to
"Jisldcr tho bill on thud leading had
(i majority on the via voce vote.
Senator Welle r, an Instil gent, of lied
loul lalsed the point of order that
theio was nothing to Miow that the
bill had icached thlid leading. Piesl
dent Gobin niipii that the Journal
would govern, mid directed the eleik
to rend the extiacts heating upon the
passage of the bill. This being done,
the point of ouler was decided against
Sir Wellei and tho bill was declined
to be befote the house on thhd lead
ing Flinn Hits Back.
Senator Pllnn then launched the at
tack on the bill by offering an amend
menl to strike out the clause abolish
ing tho olllce of mayor. "Tluee cities
nte affected by this bill." Senator Pllnn
went on to say. "These tluee cities aio
represented bv live senators. Pour of
theso five senatois aio opposed to the
hill. The city lepresented by tho fifth
senator (Muehlbionner. of Alleghenv),
has, through its legislative bodies, by
a practically unalmouns vote dclaivd
ngalnst tho mcasuio, i SUy -ulvlsedly
that if he properly lepiescntod tho
wishes of his constituents he would
vote with his colleagues aghist this
bill." Senator Fllnn concluded by usk.
ing Senator Muehlbronner to oxplai:
why ho proposed to abolish the olll of
Senator Muohlbronncr leplieil tint
it was for a constitutional icuson vliich
he was not just at that time piepni.-d
to fully explain. The bill, he further
said, was not pet feet and did not whol
ly satisfy ills constituents, but he was
not willing to have It amended In the
senate and wanted that this should ho
attended to in the house,
"That's us much satisfaction n 1
havo ever been able to get to any In
quiries concerning this hill that 1 havo
directed to tho gentleman from Alle
gheny," said Senutor Pllnn. "Two
years from now ho and those whom he
dands for may want to break Into the
(Continued ru Pace 5,
president's invitation.
Executive Committeo of Confederate
Reunion Adopts Resolutions.
Ily Ihcluilvc Wlie rom 71 o A-ooclatcd i'ris.
Memphis, Tcnn., Feb. 13. The gen
eral executive committee of the Con
federate reunion has adopted the fol
lowing if solutions with rogaid to the
Invitation to Pi evident McKinley to
be present at the reunion, which will
be held In Memphis In May:
Whoreii, II lui eonii' to lli notice ol thl
tiinmlttte tint certain iiiiup of ConMinlc
Vtlttiin line iiiiiiloiumd the action o( tlili
enmniltttc In Jolnlnt; in an Imitation to llie
irc ldi lit In lip present ult the ixe eun ol the
minimi In lie lidil In Ml l.c-rt, width action
(i boll -to to line nri.irn fiom inttuwlcrKtim'1
inir; thtivfort,
Itonlwet, 'lint this eutntnitUe titowihn Uio
minilltin law of tlio I nitiil "oifilnil' Vdei
iik ttnl n-ithet Hit- e llli on it mM nrc ii lutli n
nm tlio hiwt nl the U'imloli ln attthcrlt) In
Itnlto any otlur Htm i C-mU'duati- li n
li Ipito in null tumlon;
1111111011 rnrilirr, lint In jolnlui; with Hie
liullii-vc iiuanlrilloiK .nil tin munlelpr.l million
tin ol tli' ll. in in Imitilien ti tlio I'll lil"it
1 1 Hip I I'llCil Main I" lo Itio KUPjI ol Hi ellv
i n tin iKuiion of tlio nutiiMi, In lip I clil in
vT'"ii(t, HiIh lonitnlllet Ind nn inirnMC to
il ilium 'lip nivmle inlo (f Hip t oiifulorit"
i liLin-, jii'l in (Hir Hut in iiil'iintliioUinlln,;
ii'ij rll it it id nv ilii'liriil lint tlio lnili(i'n
in "Ahlili HiIh iirniniilip tin julnoil (' Hip
I tril tit (loin not in ph Hnl lie lu Uin In
ilnl li iittliiiitr in tin iriinion of Hip ( nil
fuliialo clirann, but that lie W In Ik- Imltul
to lo Hi' UC5 of tiiN t it v on tint wea ion
Fiesideutlal Election Results Aie Of-
flclallir Ftomulgated in Congiess.
Other Business Transacted.
D.r lUcluhp Wire (mm Tlio .Wociitcil l'rt.i
Washington, Peb. 11. When the sen
ate conened today the blind chaplain
made a beautiful and touching lefer
ence to the death of Mrs. Thomas C.
Piatt, wife of tho SHiiator trom New
Yoi k.
Imilng the gt eater part of the day
the senate was engaged In eocutlve
session and In the counting of the elec
toial vote for president and vlee-ptesl-dent
of the United States. Late In the
afternoon consideration of the agileul
tural appropriation bill was lesiuncd,
but little progress wa,s made.
At the night session, beginning at S
o'clock the District of Columbia code
bill was lead.
The senate confirm d the nomina
tions of all the bilgadicr geneials be
tore It.
The hnu.-e devoted today, except an
hour and a. half, consumed In count
ing the elcctoial vote and pioinulgat
Ing the lesult of the presldemml elec
tion, to the sundiy civil nppiopilatlon
General "debate upon this meahiuc
was completed and tho bill was lend
tor amendment. Little actual piogtex.
however, was made with the bill Dur
ing the debate- the opposition opened
a assault upon the. extiava
ganie ol the present congiess, Messis.
Hell, of Coloi.nio, Hleiiaidsou, of TV-n-nesee,
and Cochian, of MIbmouiI, In
turn making sjieechcs Messis. can
nan, of Illinois, and Moody, of Massa
chusetts, dsfended the iceoid of uni
gicss In the mutter ol nppi epilations,
PIf teen of the one hundred and thh ty
four pages of the bill weie disponed of.
Accoidlng to Piescnt Flans of the
War Department Its Stiength
Will Be Raised to 100,000.
Ily l'ili.ip Wlip frun Hip iin(nl Prcs.
Washington. Feb. 1). Ace Hiding to
the pics nt plans of the war depart"
mint the aimy Is lo bo recruited to
Its lull nuthorUed Miength of 100.000
men. The tegular .umy now consists
of about nun. Including the
tioops In the Philippines, o that the
iijvv eiillstnients me limited to about
:U,000 nun It Is realized by the ofll
elals that it will take a lung time to
M'euio so many men, but the full ma
chinal of the aimy Is being exerted
In that dlicellon with giatlfylng re
sults Over foui huudied leciults weie ob
tained Inst week and it Is ixper ted that
much bettei progicss will be made
wli-n all the letrultlug itgencles aio
In lull opniatlon.
Mob This Time Kos a White Man
in View.
Pv r.Mliuue Wire from T lie vi i ulnl 1'u ,
Uliinlii.liiin, Vh . 1'iii. 1 1. -A tpuhl In the
Vn lluaiil lrom llniillllr, Vli, ijs.
'Nins iiuiml liru lumjii e KTiMt evrite
mint in MiipLiI ioiiiiI) mu a i.i-o if uinilnil
il-Kulll. A lille n lio In! inn nl Hill,
luil l.iiiili'nillo, it U mil, loiiiiulluil i I ill
iiul .iv.mli tipon i 1 1 vcir uliI Mil V n.oli
Vmuiiil llif louiilij til tin li.iclur. lull lie
till lulu i In' I11111I4 1 1 oil UK .nil IliN cwiiliu
,is Imli'iil in Jill it (.imtii llli-
" n port yi liiniurni cl mpl lut cnie
tlcie Horn Hi" couriie Intent mi ttoiMn into
tin J ill .ml Ijn liln; him "
Convention of Spoitsmen.
Ill i:xdnlo Wlic fiom 1 Ik vsociitoil I'r ,'.
Niw VoiU, I iti. ! tic le.i.'lie l Vitierieiu
SpirtK.nn hrr.ui iu jr. null concntluii toilj,
villi Id) ilelegifi lu.cnt (iiorce O UW U
i il inftlillii,- oifipr. 'Hie ivlnclpil ihlnx to
he (uiikliKicd Is some iiHllwl ol more iliiill.cly
liultctln c Jinf it (he irial i tali s ml tciri.
tini(, mil Kshlitlnr, to lie Jl ed of tlio Mienl
liKl.liluux, vlll In roielileicd Jill prulaUy
n metlilng; ot .i uiiiiuini
Fiesldent Diaz Well.
Jy i:vclinie Wlie from The Auoilattd 1'resi.
tit ot MixKo. I'lh. lo. It U nlilihllv un
iiounrcil tint Ihr hoillli of I'n.lildit lilaz ic
ilornl in i rmuU of let and fl;'ii?c of air.
Hi i.lirp will, and l In iveclleii lnulln and
Maurico Thopinson'c Condition.
Uy KTchuhe Wire Irsm The Associated rresa.
CMttfiidivll!, Ind., Ich. 13. Maurh e Themp.
kon, the norlUt, Is In tliu let nl.ijjc ol puii
nmnlj, lh i inionUoiii, mil hU phividant
l.iic if up all liopi. Ihev nay hi" ihatli
'! m Mailer of lull ii houn.
flt Least 13 ol the Boxers Friends
Modestlu Refuse to Com
mit Suicide.
Foieigu Envoys Say That Even
Those Who Aie Least Guilty Do
seivo Death and Suggest Hint Dis
tinction Can Bo Made by (matter
ing tho Worst or Inflicting Some
Other Chaiacteristic Chinese Pun
ishment. II; llmliiihe Wire trom 'I ho ,ViixUtil l'rct.
Pekln, Feb. i:i. At least Mill teen of
the chinamen to whom F.mperor
Kwang Su sent a choice of methods
of suicide In pursuant e of the de
mand of the powers tor their punish
ment with death, have declined to
comply and the empeior has with
drawn his tcfiuest tnat they should
destroy thenif elves.
His majesty now telegraphs Pi luce
Chlng that when he ngreed to the
tetms of the joint note the latter only
tequlrcd that the punishment should
lit the ciiinc and he argues that. If
the worst of the guilty deseive deaih,
tho othcis should be punished In other
The foielgn envoys, on the tonttiuy,
say that even those who ate least
guilty deserve death, and, as theie Is
no woi&e punishment, all must surfer
the same penalty, although If China
should desire to malto distinctions re
garding the cilmes jhe can sentence
the worst either to uartci!ng or tono
other foims of Chinese execution
Unless Mis court change's Its views no
Immediate settlement Is psblt
Reference to ''Pernicious Foielrtners''
Is Stiuck Out rriends of
Gomez Activef
Ily 1iIiisip who nom Hie Wrmtul I'm
Havana, Feb l'J The Mulshing
touches weio given today to the con
stitution by the editing lommtttio,
who will icpoit the collected pioject
to the oiintl tutlonn t conventl in to
moiiow, when It will undoubtedly be
At flic Inst moment the leteienec 'o
"pernicious foielgneis" was ittuek nit
and a clause Inserted piovidlnir
for two t-esMons of congress, begin
ning In Am II and November, instead
of one.
Senores De Quesada. Taiiino, fiomca,
ViUucndas and Sllva were appointed a
committee to diaw tin a m-ouosltlon
dc-llnlng the telations to exist between
Cuba and the United States.
The committee Is expected to lepoit
to the convention next Monday.
Additional local Intel est has been
given to the postofhee fraud cases by
the summoning of General Maximo
Ciome as a witness. It beenis that
one of the cleiks In the uudltois' de
paitment (old Geneial Gomez last
Maich ubout the luegulniltle.s In ibe
matter of allowing duplicate von. her.i.
'ilie menus or ueueuil (omc. as
seit that he explained the condition
of things to tho mllltaty authoiltles
and they contend that he deserves tho
credit attaching to the e.sposuie nt
the fraud. This Is a strong aigu
ment In favor of his presidential can
Will Be Distiibuted When All Aie
Ready Several Months Hence.
R i:clndc Hru fiom The .Wooiated I'ru.
'WashliiBton, I"eb. 13. Ficquont ln
ciiiliy has been mad" at the state de
i:utineiit lespectltiK the dlstilbutlon of
medalH aw aided to Ameiiean fxhlblt
ois by the Pails expedition. A lettir
has been lecelved by the dep.u tmoiit
fiom Mr. .1. II. Oore, speaking for
C'oinmlMslonor Geneial PeeK, In which
ho Miytt:
"The authoiitli.s of the exposition
will not scud out any medals until all
are iciidy, and aa theie will be about
fiT.OOO, nevc-ral months may elap,so bc
foie any will be distiibuted. The
medals exposition will bo piesented to
each rei'lplent of a diploma. This
medal, however, will be in bionse. The
leilpleiit can have this Mhcied
slhlid, so as to npree with Ills
Moie Iinltatoiu of Mis. Canlo Nation
lu Kansas.
Ily Cieliitlve Who fiom lliu AwtluU'il I'i'cm.
Winflell, Kjiimj, lli, 13. A moli if two
himdicd ni'ii and uomen, aimril with avm,
Itvoltcra and 1ioIkiiu touy totall.v tknuliMied
Schmlilt's alixn, the llnrtt In the ell), smuo
om fired hall a ili:rn thou from u thni.-uu
llnougtli the liont door that itaitrd a -retinal
omluisht Willi iecV. an I bi lu en llm win.
iliiui and doom. I.'iunu Iitnny ickHuI u pUtol
lull In her fai-o and wai sliahll) hurt
lonlKht the city louncll ilceldid that nil Jolt tt
must elosn IminrdhM). I he Joimi.u ui (kll
unt and ilooUlH-d in (rand.
Indoor Skating Recoids.
U; Kielunlvo WIro fiom Ilie AiuccUUd l'ie.
I'ltlnbiire. l'el. 11. Two indior t.liaflng irc
ouli wrru made on the lie at lhniione aidm
lonljlit, John Mllin cllppid two Kioiuli lutr,
hU own record In a mile rare wilh John ,
Johiuon, the tlnw irm '.'.Oi 1-5 Johno.i waj
nhout thrco j-anls Khlnd the ttlnnn. Lcmy
hc, the clnniplon tnuljur from llrnoVUn, In
a cue-half mile evhihlllon, (otrrdl the dUlineo
In l.'.':',j, tho prcvioui ucoid UliV' J . -J 1-5
examining coins.
Commlssioneis Inspect tho Contents
of the Fix Box at the Mint
17 Inclusive Wire (rom Hie Astcclitcd Prfts.
Phlladelpliln, Feb. 'Jil.Tlie commis
sion appolntsd by the, president to ex
amine the weight and Oneness of tho
coins in the mint began Its wotk here
Tho commission met In executive ses
sion for the purposo of organization.
Horatio C. Hurchard, of Fieepeirl, 111.,
an ex-dlrcctor of the mint, was select
ed to net ns chairman.
The labor of examining tho coins in
tho plx box was then taken up. Tha
plx contains thousands of coins of
various denominations which weie col
lected systematically dining the year.
Coins weie taken tit random from the
box and subjected to the most rigid
examination. The nietul In them Is
tested foi its fineness, the piece Is It
self weighed nnd n note made of the
geneial finish. A cineful iceoid of the
examinations Is made by a clerk, o
that an accurate icpott can be made.
How long the commission will be In
session Is a mutter of tonjectuic The
pK Is heavier than usual because of
the Int'tensed output of the mint dur
ing the last nr of the century
Gives Warning That She Will Re
turn After 3he Hn3 "Cleaned
Thing Up" nt Home.
ChlcuRo, Feb in Mis. t'anie Nation
Jeft Chle.iRo for Topeka tonight. She
Is under bonds' lo appear In the Kan
sas iMpita! tomoitow for 1 1 Jul In con
nection with hei operations in 'that
city, llefoie lea vine; Chicago she an
nounced as soon as she had
"cleaned up thltiRs" at homo she
would come back here, and If thirds
weie not pioperly taken caio of by
the authorities, she and he,r fi lends
would take matter In thIrown hands
and, to use her own expression, "we
will m.ihe somenirs."
Her meeting with the saloon-kep-ei.
s whli li she announced that she
would eairy out. did not mateilnllzr.
and In default of having them for all
itidlencf she went once moio to the
saloon at L'?0 State sttect, which she
vlhit"d last night and In which her
gianJson is mtniagcr, and dellveicd a
U'lk to the people Pile found there.
It was a moth'y throng, embracing all
classes Mis. Nation mounted a table
and foi llftien minutes talked with
Kieat I'lieigv, uiglng her hcaioih to
'ihaudon both the use and Kile ot
Honor, and denouncing In the met
measuied terms all those pho permit
t.d its side auywh. le .n the city. As
she left the plarc slif went up to a
woman who possessed a ilcli blade eye
and lemarked ".My. my. what a pltv!
Who gave il to oil?"
"Vou better ask your giandson who
gae It to me." wes thf iulelc ictirt.
"Ho knows as much aboni tii - nlulns
of it as I do."
To this Mis. Nation mad" no teply,
and hii'-lentd out to her carriage. Pie-
lous to caning ac tins saiousi sue nan
made a stop In a place at ft tate
street, owned by U. V. Dioyfijs. The
piopilctor gieeted her politely, and
lomirked that he was a lelatlve of
Captain Dreyfus of the Fietieh army.
"How do you think that he would
like to see you In this business." The
saloon-keeper icplled that he was
making un honest living.
This called down a torrent of wrath
ful woids and after Intoimlng hhn
that he was a "murderer," "deal's
scullion" and a few other things of
that n.ituic, Mrs. Nation left the place.
Her meeting at Wlll.ird hall tonight,
which pieceded her islts to the sa
loons, was attended by alxnit "00 peo
ple, neatly all of them temperance
people, who applauded evet vthlne that
she said. II 'r talk was not lonx and
In closing she declared that she did
not want any hatchets used, and that
she believed In peaceable means of
closing the saloons as far as possible.
All means of that kind, she said, should
bo exhausted before more violent
methods weie employed. "Now I am
going hack home for jo. few weeks,"
she deelaifd ns she closed, "and as
soon as I havo cleaned house out theie
and It will not he long, 1 will be back
heie again and If tho authoiltles have
done nothing and are willing to do
nothing we will see -what Is best to be
done and It It Is necessary we will go
to smashing things. We will make
.souvenirs, I tell you."
She xpr'srel hetselt ns nioiv than
pluasjd with the tieatnieiit alio had
leeched In Chicago and dp'll with
the assertion that the mi', powr in
this city and o'her large pI'iom Iu tho
1'nlted State) vas totteilni to Its fill.
McKinley nnd Roosevelt Receive
202 Ballots,
llv '.uliiiiM N'"' f"' Th n-oilaled I'rm.
Washington, Feb. 13 The eeiemony
of counting the electoral vote for
piesldent and vlce-pieldeut cast at
the election last fall took placj In the
house of lepieseniatlves today at a
Joint session of the spiinto and house.
At tho conclusion of the count Presi
dent Pio T?m Frye. of the senate, de
claied William McKinley elected piesl
dent and Theodoie Hoosevelt vice
president of the United Stati.s and
dissolved the Joint session. The total
electoial voto was 417. Of this Mc
Kinley iccelved 2W and Hryan, 15".
Dcstiuctive Freight Wieck.
Uy Kuludvc Wlie li"i The Amoclatcd Prcaj.
llu UoU, I'a., I'cli. K A cjodruftltc frelaht
vine1, (icctinnl on lho I'liihdilphla and
laltroad, a few nille cast of l.mporiuin today.
An ali on a loadin) rai In the llit beetion o(
catl h.ninil tioln No. &'i broke and eighteen can.
vcio pllnl "p. llruLciiuii IIkiiuh Iteimer, (
llellwoml, wan tanirhl mder the wreck ami In,
t-nth killed. Ili l"l wai trrilhly iruinsteil
nnd w. not iecorrcd (or foeral houn. flic
Ilia1, kh hloekid f'r moie than tnche hom,
all pUMiKPi liadle liriiiB wnt aiound hy way
o the 1I f . , f. ami Low (.udo ilhlflnni
Rhynland Anives.
tiiioihlowii, l'fh. 13. The owuluo Vinerlean
liner lllijiilind, fiom I'lillaililphU for I.irr
pool, nriluil lie io lonieht unitkUtcd. l.lRht
il.ija dkj one of the propellei liladea wai 1I,
flrranaed at Bacolor bu Represen
tatives ot Twenty-Seven Towns
in tlie Province.
Sekrina Joven to Be Governor Other
Officers Selected Salaries of tho
How Officials Major Maximo An
geles Sunonders One Hundred and
Twelve Rifles.
Ilj Kteliuhe Wire from The Aoeiatod l'rw
Han Fernando, Province of Pain
panga, Island of Luzon, Philippine
Islands, Feb. 13. At Hacolor a bill ap
plying the jnovlnrlal government act
to the piovlnce of Pinipanga was
passed In the presence of n crowd,
which Included repicsentlitlves ot till
Urn twenty towns in tho piovlnce.
The appointments ot the oilier ot
the piovlnce were Imincdhitclv an
nounced us follows:
Sckilna Joven, piesldent of Dhcolor.
lo be governor until u succtssor liall
be elected, ,i ciir hence: secictaiv,
Mariano ('tin man: tie-asurcr, Lieuten
ant William A. iSoodnlc, of the Forty
ill st regiment, supervisor. Lieutenant
Lawienco P. Hutler, ot tho Foitv-llrst
The aimv net vice of both thee olll
ceis expltes in Julj.
Fiscal, Juan Gaicla.
Tin- salailes were lled as follows:
Governor, $1.M0: M'ctetaiv, Jl.ui'fi
tieasutcr, U.ion: supeivlsor, V.S00:
llscal, $l,3-.0. i
The commission will pioceed next to I
the province of Pnngasinar. In which
is Hltnalefl Dagupun, the terminus on
the Gulf of Lhigayon. of tin Manl'.i- !
D.igupan railroad. I
Major Maximo Angel?s today sur- '
rendered a hundred and twelve lilies
at Hnganoy, province of ISulaciin.
Unidentified Wieckago Found at
Lead Cove Anothei Wreck
By KxcltiMt" Wire fim The AMjrlaterJ pro..
St. Johns, N. F Feb. 13. It Is al
most certain that the Lucerne was the
victim of the disaster near TJaceaMou.
A message from the agent to the own
'is this evening says:
"Unidentified wreckage, the same as
Lucerne's fittings, found nt Lead
The agent would ceitninly know the
vessel's bildge deck, which wus what
dilfted .lshoie. but he would not euio
lo admit tor the sake of the ulatlves
of the crow. The nwneis and mat hies
conversant with the whole affair agree
that tho ship has gone. Her loss In
volves thhty lives, twenty-tlueo of her
own crew and seven others, ship
wrecked seamen and passengeis.
The supposition Is that she cither
burst her boilers and went to uleces
or struck the cliffs and foundeicd. Tho
only fact Itevond dispute Is that a
steamer and ctew have oeilfdicd. As
all the Lucerne's crow icsldcd here,
the disaster has appalled tho whole
community, being the woist known
since the Greenland dlsusler tinea
yea is ago.
H is now leaied that another wreck
has ocelli red, In this tn" a sailing
vessel, as a spai belonging lo a thiee
niasted schooner drifted ashoie at
Blackhead this evening lioin the
wieckage, which lould not have he
longed to tho Luceine. This adds to
tho depiesslon, beiviuso the vessel may
be a local tlshlng craft whose loss has
Involved the lives ot another eight or
ten lesldents of St. Johns.
A New Spuit of Effoit and Enterprise
Pievails Tluoughout tha Island.
Oy I'jcluihc Wire from The vswlattd prcs.
Washington. Feb. 13 The Hon. L.
S. Howe, ot the I'nlvrsity of Pennsjl
vanla, a member of the Poito Itlco
lode commission, ni lived In Washing
ton last evening dhecl tiom San Juan,
whete he has spent the last seven
months. Dr. Howe today was In con
feronco with Senator Fotaker and At
torney Griggs discussing mat
ters relating to the icpoit of the com-
, mission, which Is to bo .submitted Apiil
Speaking of Poito Hlco, Prof. Howe
Thrniulio it the itlnid a icw fplilt of cflort and
inleipteie prevail. All Ihc ui;ar nolni- div
llietk aio In a lilirhlj prespcroib, condition; irw
i.illway lln- are helng irojccttil, wharf lieill
Ilea are Ul Idly ineiiaklni; in ill the impoitant
ports, the lirtter town aie being provldeil with
elcctllu rallwajn. 'Ihc lilioilnn classes who
were aicuituinnl to vork (or tuentj-fltv und
thirt ccnM a, day ire now nskinq; and rerelvlntr
lillj, slviy and jeunty t.rt. Coffee lilJliu U
tho only Industry ulikli has rot ieioered lioin
tliu ellect of tho liunlcaiie. hut run heie abi'nd
unt indiiallona o( Improumcnt l tn.
Killed by a Ttniu.
Ily IXtliulvc Wlic from The Aoclated Vnti,
Home, N, V., Kib. n ilouMct ullroid
fal dily oecnned thirolourihs r( n nnlo eil nl
Home ktatlon this atteriiomi Mailln lluller, c(
Vernon, and John Mrcrlii, o( llcnie, who wu
emplojed nt I'ort Staiinlx farm ilnttlnf hay,
iilluni inl tu ilrho our the rintnl luck at a
private- erowlnir, and were utruel. hy a w fi
kmnd pKx-n.'or ti Jin, Putin v.u ln,lmtl
killed and Mreder died on rc.ii-hliiR Ihc ho,plUI,
Gnns Gets Decision.
nallimori", I'eli, II. Ice flat wan awtrded
the ilecUlim over "Wllminiitoiv" JarW Daly In
tho fifth round ol what wa vrhcilulrd ne a 'JO
round contest, at IVi oiindi In Mulc hall to
lilaht. 'Ihc pace waj rapid
Wcithtr InJIcitlons Today.
1 (Icnctal-niprcr I'1" 1'awd liy tl Ftrute
In a Huili.
llojal MairlJge CVutci L'pioir In Spain.
( hlnamcu IUfue lo Commit Sulrld.
CMI (lovtrtnnciit Inaunuritfil In Portlom of
the I'Mllpi'lntT.
2 (Jencial Carbondile Drpjrtmcnt.
,1 loil-TilaI fur I'h II Coutt.
4 Killtorlal.
"Nolo nnJ Ceinmcnt
5 Gencrjl-N'atlonal tljjril CUIIc-d Out to Pre-
vrnt I'rlie I'lijlit m Ohio.
(I I50il-l.lltle Inlcrcit U Manl(.i.tI in Next
Tik'hUj'h Klitllon
l.llnmii AkjIii Coiwietid o( bnlotnatlon o(
7 Uh i1-I!imI'0 Vllslon Will Continue It Cms
I'llitlillty ol tlio Wcill.iT.
R l.oe'il- Wt Smr.lon and SiiMulnn
(leniril Yntlici.teni tmti'jlvanh
I'IiuikIjI mid Commcielil.
lit Local hive New ot (ho Industrial World
Astuilns-Bombou Mturinge Festlv
ltle3 Will Jlo of Modest Character.
tlj ImIiiiU- llu from 'Hie -so icleil f'uf-
Madild. Feb. 13.-.Music on the pub
lic H'luuies and a peneral holiday had
in en ai umged as today's progiammc
ol the Astuil'ts-Uotirbon maulage
festivities, but all this wns abandoned
on account of the attitude of the popu
late. The students dei Ided to participate
In the fmieial this afteiuoou nt D in
Haimm De t'.impoinmro. tho poet and
phllosophei, whos death was an
nounced yeMletday, vhlch vill piob
pbly lesult Iu a manlfestatlnu.
Accoidlng to best opinion, there- will
be no seilous tiouble this v;eek, but
manifestations undouhtdl,v will con
tinue. Ariangenients aie iapidl piocoid
Ing at the palace for tomorrow's wedding-,
it will be Impossible for tho
ciowds to show their fecllngx, as no
mcmbiMs of the royal family or of the
f'asortti family will appear In public,
and theie will be no military parade
In connection with the o rvinony. The
wedding will be ns neatly private as
Its royal character will permit.
Reidy Has a Nanow Escape from
Death In a Snow Bank.
n Uulukbc Wlie fifiu lie orliuui uJi
Ilhacti, N. V., Feb. 13. A passenger
train on the niniha, C'oitland and
Noithern toad, due heie at ts o'clock p.
m.. i an Into a deep cut (lllcd with
snow, a mile outside of Kast Ithaca
station. The snow was forced In
tluough the windows of the engineer's
cab nnd crowded him against the ten
der and shut him off completely fiom
lonnectlon with the tiuottlc of the
locomotive, which was then miming at
a high rate of speed.
The llieuuin seeing the plight ol Ihi
gincer Iteldy. climbed back aeioss the
tendei and was able to stop the u.iln
by the use of the eineigeney valve,
just In time to avoid an accident It
requited some time lor the p.i'sengeis
to leleaso the engineer fiom under the
gicat heap of snow that hud piled In
upon him.
Plot De Wet I nt Cape Town in
Conference with Afiiknndets.
The Uoei Losses.
lb l.xelu-ivc Win- in i.l Tin .oiilfd lu c
tiiie luwii, IMi. 11 -I'M 1i Wet, who ar
llM'l in Ijpe lm n w-tinhn li init'lie lho
A'rlkaiuliif in III.' peue inoirnniil ha in rp
pmnliiiint fot 1'iiiln rsatunUi willi Mr. 'I li -roi
, pu-ld.nt it tin Miikindtr luiinl, who ii
ri initu hire (m Hi pi.ilil jmiposn of dliuus
In; peaie pok.ihillilis tMi IV Wit, on Iwlnlf
if ttu Iloir piais i. liliiiiun , df!in Hie tr.
I, inlcr lull i) lo iiiiiouiKe ihaih Hut tho in
lulu i an ivpul li .tin hum llu Cape II Kill,
und Hun l Mud a ili'imtathu lo Ul. Mem
and (ii n. r il IV Wit In iniknui to pici ill upon
t lit til to Mini ndi i lie f.i,w hr i itnfident
(nniniinilanl l.riinal Loiui llnilit will MiiTcnder
It Slijn nnd De Wl wuild d o, and Ihc Mir
rrmhr will In i.l'lliiilU without roinliiioiifi.
Durhin, Vitil. Icli n 'lie ll'r 1ik-(, when
tlun weie ali.iiknl In Cnnill I mull at laitolo,
lit weik, aio sild In line I'isii lolly men latin!,
Mrs. Louise Piyor Is Struck on the
Head with ripe.
New Yoik, Feb. 13 Mis. Louise A.
Piyor, wife ot Ilr. W. It. Piyor, who
is a, nm of eN-Judgo Hogcr A. Piyor,
was stiuck on the head with n piece
ol lea J pipe and lobbed todty. Tha
scene of the eilme was the stall way
leading fiom the uptown tiack of the
Fourth nvnuo tunnel at Thhty-elgliMi
stieet. Mrs. Fryor had several hun
dred dollars wortht of diamonds and
some money iu her puiso when she
was stiuck.
Patilck Hjnes has been niresled.
chaiged with the? crime.
Schwab Will Bo Piesldent.
By Kvclushe Wire Iicm The AwocUtcd l'rci.
rittsburtr, I'cb n --Tho PitUhuri,' Leader kJU
tint hie thh afternoon a I'itthuii; man, doily
IdintlBed with the Mtrisan L'.irnrnlc ileal, re
ceived a tilrqilm front a prnthiiun parthiptt
liu in the ruiifereme in Sew orl, lo llu clhct
that f IhiKm VI, Silmnli will un loilttnllv lo
named pitildcnl nl the new t niiiMn . lho lile
irrani tatiH thai Mi. Suiuab'a nl nl n v.r
iltflnltely utponl tu lolai
Gills Stilke a railure.
11 heluhr Wire (loin "Hie .VcIaicJ I'lcai.
1'arU, I'cb. 11. Today wa ftvnl a the open
in,; day for tin strike of lho kiauutietoi In
upport ol tlio lullom, Onlj 1,1) sir!, howevfr,
kit work. All the wirk people o( two bljr Iiouji-h
rd n pi'l It'll o( those of Mir oilier Mr ink.
In fceieial caie lho cinplojeii trx k llm pre
caution ul efting lo allow llii'lr (inphn-i u
take liiiieheon outildc. lice n.iak who piotl I
rd witltln.
The Populace Aroused bu the III-
Advised Marrlaae ot Prince
Charles and Mercedes.
Hussars Patrol tho Streets All Night,
Gondarmea Stoned Conflict la
Saragossa Ono Man Killed, Six
Wounded Priests Fleeing1 Stv
gasta Pi edicts Revolution Peopla
Aro Influenced by Revolutionary,
Py nxclwho Wire from Tlio Associated Prcrw.
Madild, Feb, 13. The marriage con
tract ot tho Princess Mat la de la Mer
cedes and Prlnco Charles of Bourbon
was signed last night,
EA-Premler Sagasta, who shared tho
popular opinion that tho marriage in
ill-udvlsed, Is quoted today as saying
that If the picsent ministry remains in
power a l evolution Is certain.
Many Jesuit priests nro fleeing from!
Madild because of the antl-clerlcal agi
tation. It Is feared that there will bo
a general attack on the priests totuor
tow. KI Heraldo announces that It will re
fialn from tcpoitlug tho events which
took place In the streets of Madrid last
night. Theie was much disorder und
the spectacle was an extraordinary one.
Tho crowd gathered near the Stock Ex
change and tho effort ot the police to
dispel se the people were unavailing.
The genilaimes iccelved a volley of
stones, anil many of them vvoio Injured.
Matters were extremely ugly when a
sriuaetron of the civ 11 guard appeared,
chaiged the crowd and after hard
fighting dispersed them. The guatd
fired their pistols lcpeatedly. Three
or the demonstaitors were wounded,
and one of the coipornls of the guatd
was seiloiiFl hint.
I.nter two squ idrons of hussais pa
ti oiled the subuibs of the city and or
der w as icstoied toward midnight.
Sauigossa, Fob. lu. There was an
encouner between the police and an
antl-clerlcal mob today. Tho populace
had been InfUmed by i evolutionary
speeches, and when tho police appeared
they showed n determined front. The
guards used their revolvers fiecly and
one man was killed and six wounded.
Th Libel al and Democratic pi ess
aie cxlicmely bitter In their expres
sions and the suppression of El Pals
uppears to havo had slight cifect.
U.ueelona, Feb. 13. A mob armed
with cudgels made n thieatening dem
onstration today In liont of the Jesuit
college. The police chaiged and dis
persed the tlotets.
Santandcr. Feb. 13. A mob stoned
the olllces of the Catholic Journal, At
nlay.i (Watch-Tow ci), yesterday even
ing, shouting: "Down with the Jesu
its!" The inert had to file a ol
ey in thu air and churge tho mob In
older to save tho Carmelite monastery,
from which the monks had fled In tei
ror. The iloteis several ahots In
icplv and then marched through thii
streets. When passing the Carllsts'
houses the occupants poured water on
the heads of the iloters and the latter
retorted by btonln tho houses.
Paris, Feb. 13. In a dispatch to tho
Temps fiom Madrid It is H.ild that
thero were, very setlous dlsoiders yes
terday In Santandcr piovlnce. Thou
sands of iloters attacked several con
vents, the bishops palace and lho
Jesuits' establishments, and forced an
eiitiy Into tho Carmelite epnvcnt, where
they looted eveiything and set lire to
the building. The gendarmes ui lived
lu time to extinguish the flames beforrs
much damage was done. A number oK
persons were Injured on both sides.
With nightfall every approach to thn
Pueitu IJjl Sol wns Jammed with tho
Idle populace. Insulting remarks weio
huiled at lho police and the civil
guai d. A trump- tor i-oundcd u charge,
which was made with swords urawu.
Heads were not spared, many persons
weie Injured and thcio were numerous
The scatteilng crowds sought tho
shops and hotels. All the ft out down
of the Hot -I De Parish weie smashed
In, a gieat crowd assembling there.
Tho police and guards charged Into
tho stieet leaellng to the Pueita Del
Sol, hut the dispersed crowds quickly
Plant of tho Clark Papor Company
Is Destioyed.
Uy Kvclu-ho Who fiom The AexiitcJ l'ics..
Applfton, WK, I'll), t". IIio hnke out tew
nlnht iu tha Kimbcrley mllN or tho Klmbcrley
& Claik Taper company, (our mllej (loin thii
elf), and thicatcncd the destruction of tie en-
tiro plant, whleli Is vaiucel ai moiu man i,iwi,
000. 'I he print mill wai coon In luinj and threu
in ichliira and tho tlnklilng room wcio dctroyeil,
cntallimr a lost of e .W.OeU
1 'Ihe Kliulieiley inlllj aro anion; (he finest
1 Kjuipped In tins wen and were built In, tSJJ at
a total evpeiiMi of Sl.OOO.Onn Tlio plant h a
complete piper mill. Including pulp, fulnhlto
ami piM ilipartinenth
Steamship Arrivals.
Hj PmIikIio Wire lrom Tho Associated Piew,
Sw Vcik, frt. If Vrrlvtd: slcaiucr Jlaje
lie, I.iiiipool and (Jucciiito.m Clcaicdi Ll
( hampiKn, Ilavie; Inrc UUinirck Genoa,
MIIhI: Vtrrla, (ila.-ov, BulRarla, lUmbursi
(.(tiiuuli, l.Ucipcolj hciidngton, Antweqi vU
i-intlumpinu Soullilinptnii-Salled! fstiiamor
I ilin. Hi e mt it (or Im-w ork. sellly I'edt
f.u( Waldcu'C, New York (or Plymouth, llmi
loam) end Hamburg, Liwrd Pavedi Amiter
Inn, New ork (or lintlcrdamt New Yoik lor
Soitlhamplou. C;t-ieniown Arrived: Tr-utoalu,
New York fur l.h.ipo.l ui.d toictdcd.)
T wrr a WTmTi tiftitrnApm .
vTahliiEloai IMi H I'nrceuil for' iv and I'tlla'i I'a'lcin IVnrnil.
tuiil.t I'tith (hniilt llu h; ami I'll
dm I In'A itotiht -ml) ulndi, ill.nlnUli.
' J1