The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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, ,'U
ff" t.dudcd front Pane :.
Bchroedcr bottles ut the dofendant'H
jilaco of business, and tlmt they had
apparently been refilled by lilm. Tho
defendant denied any knowledge of
these fuuts and ntated tlisft ho had
on severul occasion Riven orders to his
men not to ue uny bottles other than
thope lipi)iifTliiB to him. Ho was cor
roborated by several of his employe?.
I to wh convicted.
'i'ho cnFes nplnst William Mlttle
man, charged with tho name offcnne
In four different InillctmonlH, were
then tuken up befoio Jiuliro Kdwartlrr,
A. M. Morse, leprescntlntr the Hot
Tluiw' awuclatlon, appeared as proge
nitor, and an arrangement was ef
fected with hhn whereby a plea of
KUllty was entered In one rase and
verdicts of not KUllty, county to pay
routs, taken In tho othern. MUili;
man was rciueaented b. Attorney
t3rtlBI H. Horn.
Clinrlos .llnkalls and Anthony Htoji
iniivlt. were yesterday convicted l
lor .luiltje Alclibulil uf Htonlltii; thlr
iyoiir liool ballrt from the hotel of
"Wolf Uiienlien,', at Sl(! Venn avi-nu?.
CMInkalln was siintuiicuii to pay a line
of SI, co-its and spend three inoiillu
In the county Jnll. The other defend
unt whs lint prcrteut wlieii rall'-d for
(j:nry of i:i:n:iviNi:.
Mis. Cora. Kibes was convicted ir
leeelvlnff Bonds stolen from her iiuIkIi
bor, .Mrs. Jonlaii. and will be sen
leneeit this mornlUK- She was commu
ted to tlu custody of Hie sheriff Itn
iiHMlliitdy after her onvleilon.
Th" (uwo against Xlelioltti (Menu,
jiiitlf of the peaee of Kcll township,
i luiiHlns blm with misdemeanor In of
l 'ec. was tal! d yesterday an i tin tie
icudant appeared, but Inter the dis
trict attorney decided not to try the
i aye at present.
Itaffalo l.amorla who was tiled
Monday on a clui'iv of stutihliu; Joseph
l.:ibt.llo, was yosteiday convicted.
Tour Dlvoiees Asked.
A trio of wives have lieKini proereil
niBs to ilivoifo to secuio a leniil scp.i
i.itlou Mom tholr husband", while oi"!
husbjild seeks single bliss.
T'lt llrM of these Is .loxuphlu I-'Ur-p.itrlck,
who t-eeks a scparatl-ir. from
her husband, John J. J'ltzp.tiri'd; Tlie
ouple were married on Jan. I!-.', ivis,
axil Mre Fltpatrl k . 'b n s that sin
was obliged to leave her husband in
November of the same year on account
of his cruel treatment to Iw.
i-lbblc M. rainier, of Ml Wyomlnsr
avenue, feeks a dlvoiee fioin her hus
band, Delimit1 Palmer, to whom sh
was married on June 1C. 1SSC. In I. Isle,
liroomo county, N. Y. She left him on
let. IS, ISflj, on account of his cruel
Jennie Thomas seeks illvoiee from
Her husband. James Thomas, to whom
lie was married on July 11, lfc7. Ho
deserted her on Aug. 10 of tho same
Mar, she claims, and she has not reen
him since.
I'rod Webb bOKan iioccedlngs In dl
vojee ugalnst his wife, Isabel, whom
b" married In Lancashire, England, on
Miy 5, 1SS1. They camo to this coun
try In 1SS7 and resided on Maple street,
i'l'ckvillo. He says his wife deserted
hhn that same year. Webb now lives
a! 010 North Main avenue.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
John I!eee JlayiieM
Maud M. Ytrnis MajSeld
l.'cbert Froiinftllcr Ncrantoii
Agatha Mcfiuhe Scraiitou
Oscir M. Houo Dunmcre
MclU I.'. Motl Dunroore
'I lie appointment f John Tierr.ey as a dcp'Hv
loiistable of the I Ixhtl. want was jutcidjy
continued iy the efmt.
In the case of II. Dinner against Mary V.
VcAndnw an opinion was handed dour. Monday,
rnaMns absolute the rule for a i.ew trial.
Andrew Millar, who is charged with perjury
tiy Simon tanlua wo Jcsttiday held in rAl
l all. Clarlc Millar Iiciaiiic nil bondamin.
In tho rnittcr nf the lunacy cf Jenni,- llowcll
lh) time 01 ihe return ci the rominiwinncr as
.uterdjy i-ttrndrd until the firt day ot t)is
Jlaich tni.
.ltitUe AichbjIJ l.aticlwl down nn opinion Mon.
fiiy dnanilne the rule akint? lor the irmoial
i'l Frank Willi iir.-i, miutiM et tlie Second ward
i.t ftunmore. b. Ills epinioii, ho taid. tl.c (lutirei
'f nrzlect of duty made .ij.iliwt Willlauw ..v
not fully eitaUUIu-il.
Officers for 1001 Wete Elected ami
Business Transacted.
The annuul meeting of tho Oiy club
was held last night, the annual officers
elected and a largo amount of business
transacted, following which the- meni
bets enjoyed a tasty luncheon 4-ervecl
by the club steward.
Tho odlcers chos-eu fm- tyoi wore:
President, W. S. Dlehl. to-elccted;
vice-president, William I Carr, and y, AV. rf. Millar, the.
last named also re-elected. Secretin y
-Millar In his anntuil report showed tho
oi-soclatlon to be In a very nourishing
and prosperous condition, forty-seven
members now being on the- roll, which
Is within three of tho muxlinum num
ber allowed bv tho club rules.
After the reading of the report, aud
iting nnd entertainment committees
wero appointed, and a motion was
passed re-engaging for the year, at an
increased salary, the. steward, Louis
Stomi. Tho City club was organized
lit September, 'US, and Is purely of a
so .al nature.
AT R. R. Y. M. C. A.
fcxcallent Programme by Schubeit
Quartette and Mr. Hartley,
Lincoln's birthday was fittingly ob
served ut tho Railroad Young Men's
Christian association rooms last night,
whore a number of tallroadets nnd
their families gathcied together and
enjoyed the progranims by Ventrllo
qulst Charley Hartley and the Schu
bert quartette.
Tho platform was appropriately dec
orated and a largo picture of Lincoln,
draped with American Hags, facetl tho
audience. Solos wem stitig by John
T. Watklns, David Stephens, Joshua
John und John W, Jones, and the quar
tette rendered a number of selections.
Probably tho hit of tho evening, how
ever, was scored by Charles Hartley
and hlrf wonderful talking dolls. The
Ptreom of witticisms which flowed from
the mouths of the ventriloquist's pup
pets kept the audience in constant
laughter. Mr. Hartley also gave a
lover Imitation of Thomas Kccne as
Jtlclmwl III.
- .,
Bicycle Club Bowlers Were Defeated
Monday Night.
The Sci.tnton Hlcyelc dub's bowling
team journeyed to WllliCi-Harre Mon
day night and met the West End
Wheelmen's tcum in tho game that was
scheduled for last night. The Wilkes
llarre's rolled the belter game, and lhs
end of the three matches found Scran
ton ninety-eight pins behind.
Tho local bowlers who went down
wero Wnrdeli, Worden, Kays, Taylor
and Heavers. Captain Wnrdeli mad,1
the high score of the night in tho first
match when he went 200.
Welgand, who rolled such a splen
did game against the ltosevllle team,
bowled strongly for tho West Endors
and averaged over ISO.
Result of Monday Night's Contest
nt Priceburg,
The prize tight between Hilly Mack,
of Hellevue, und Hairy Mazzlnl, of
Wllkes-Uarre, which was stopped by
the local, police 'Monday night, when
It was to have taken place in Tluu'rt
gymnasium, was held In Prlceburg Into
the same lllght.
Ton fust rounds wero fougllt to a
ill aw.
Changes the Reading Consolidation
Will Bring About-Tho D., L.
ct W. Board for Today.
The extension of the Philadelphia
and Heading railroad system to
Seranton. which will soon bu wit
nessed, thiough the Heading's pur
chase of the Central Railroad of New
Jersey, l looked upon with more than
passing Intel est by those who make
a ntudy of the great problem of
trelght, coal and passenger transpor
tation. It will trally moan much more to
the city ot Seranton than can possibly
be Imagined at this cany date. Al
ready airaugeincnts are under way for
opening up the trnflU: business over
the mud during the coming summer,
and the thiough routes to Philadel
phia and the South will afford facili
ties for trawlers In this section which
hcretofoif have not been anticipated.
In view of tho Inevitable consolida
tion of forces which will follow the
merging of the two roads, employes
whose heads arc liable to be dropped
in the basket are skirmishing for
other berths which will afford them an
opportunity to earn a living. The
latest. Instance of this fact comes in
the announcement that W. H. Miner,
of New York, chief auditor ot freight
receipts for the Railroad of
New Jeisev, luis secured a position
with the Atlas Cement company, and
In consequent e he has retired from
railroad won;. Other retirements are
expected In the course of the next
few months.
Thus far, no change is apparent at
this end of the road, and the otll
clals and employes do not anticipate
any changes as, this being a terminal,
It will not bo molested for some time
at least. The change will more or less
affect the heads of departments at the
headquarters of the respective com
panies. V., L. & W. Board for Today.
Today's D L. ft: W. board is as fol
lows: TUisDAY, I'EII. 1!.
Wild Cat, i:ast- p. m., 0. W. I'ltzsrtalii;
10 JO p. m., A. T. Mullen.
vi:iixiiui , rr.ii. i.
1AS0 a. in., 1". 1". Steviiu; ;l a in., 1). Wat
hicu; I a. in., W. V. Lall.ur; fi a, in.. J. Miwler;
8 a. in., 1'. Cat.inaudi; 7 a. ill., I', llallit: !l
a. m., A. .1. MiDonmll: 10 SO a. in., T. Me.
Cartliy: 11.3K a. in., .1. 11. MiCann; 1 p. m., II.
Dennett : 3 p. in., Hunt. Uahon; .1.4J p. m., P.
I. scorr. jj p nu jf Loughmy; rt p. in.,
J. Hcnnigan.
huiinnlli.. i:u.-i a. ul, eat V. JleDuiinoll:
6 p. in., vast, (J. 1'iounMkrr: fl a. m., cl,
Xidinls; 6 p. in., east A. KlirRdutl, with II.
lloheity' iikii; T p ni., eat Irnm Nav Aug, MrUliiti'i; 7 p in, wist from I'ayusi.
tl.tic endues, M. It.; " p. in, wmt
fruin Cajuga, (linley.
Pullfr 10 a. m K. IS. sel,u
l"uhtw S a m Hoit; 1I.0 a. in., Moran;
7 p. n, Murphyj rt p in.. Lamping.
I'-ummki' i:nitiM-7 a. m (Jaflre ; 7 a. in.,
Sinrer; p ni . Stanton- 7 p. in., Mrlovem.
Wild at-, Wr-t I a. ni.. .1. II. Ma'tow, fi
a. iii., .loliu Ciitaimn: 8 a. in , O, Klninlev; U
a. m,, .). K. MuUu; 1 p. in.. T. Kilpalilcl,
3 p. m., Jjium I'amap;, & p. in., John II.iNlr.
Notice braVeinao Audi Mm .Ionf vlll pi nut
with T. McCarthy trip. Itraktnun PaM
IlanU will go out vlih Oaner net trip
This and That.
K. V. Coyne, chief clerk to Special
Agent Adiun-on. of the Lackawanna
tallroad, spent Sunday at his homo In
Jersey City, nnd contemplates paying
his pareu's another visit in tho near
Tho Oil. ml Tiust company, of Plilla
delphia, hav assumed tho responsl
blllty of the $.'3,000,onoo Involved in the
transter of tho Central Hallrojul of
New Jersey int The hands of the
Reading magnates.
Whereabouts of No Less Than Six
Pel sons Wanted.
t'hlei' or Polite JloliUng hits received
within Ihe past fen no less thuii
six letters Inuulrlng aftur the where
abouts of people who au supposed to
be residents of this cltv. This Is tha
largest number of such letteis that he
has been hi receipt of in such .1 ihort
space of time.
Mif. Clara Jctfrlc. of Glrnid. Kan
sas, wants information nbotit her fath
er, Thomas mil, und her brother, AVIII.
lam Hill, both of whom were residents
of Ituld Mount up to a year ago, she
Information le-g.mlliig the whuir
'tbouts of Charles WapoNko Is wanted
by Mis. L Pawnsaiat, nf IL'17 tlrana
avenue, Itaelne. Wis.
Mis. William Waltuis, of Utlcu, N.
Y., complains that her husband de
serted her and her four children ubitit
two years ago nnd wants his address
as sho believes he Is living In this c,ty.
Mis. Carr, of irjfi Kasi Korty-Hovonth
ntreut, New York city, wiltes to secure,
if pos-slble, information lcgurdlug her
son, Krank Ulelly, aged in years, who
ran away from homo with another boy
named Parsons, a few weeks ago. Ho
has an uncle named Thomas Welly
living on Hrldge street, this city, and
Rhe believes her son may have come
hero to see him.
Information about H, l- Hlghlower,
who Is believed to live In Green Ridge,
is wanted by tv. A. Collier, Luzcrno
hotel, nelllngton, W. Va.
Lena Hergenbalm, of 477 Thirteenth
si tree t, Hrooklyn, N. Y wants Infor
mation regarding the whereaboutB ot
Raphael Polhenius, a nutlvo of Cuba,
who was known to havo been a i eel
dent of this cltv twenty yeats ago.
Tho chief has been unable to locato
any of theso people,
Special Notice.
Secret organizations in the city con
templatlng changing their headquar
ters, are respectfully solicited to call
and get teuns, dates, etc., In Guern
sey, Hull. J. W. Guernsey, Proprietor.
Pcoplo Who Will Loam Only
by a Perilous Personal
As a nitc experience is profitable
only to the individual who obtains it.
When the aged man tries to save youth
from mistakes such as he made, the
youth smiles to himself: "The idea
of that old fossil thinlcinjj that an up-to-date
young man is going to make
mistakes.'' It is n peculiar trait of
human nature that each man thinks he
is a little smarter than the others, and
that he will succeed where others failed.
"Oh, yes," says Smith. "I know that
poor Joues got capsized in the rapids,
but Jonca never was a good hand at the
pAildle. It's a pity people like Jonts
will take such chances." And he smil
ingly launches his canoe to follow Jones
ilike in his feat and in his failure.
The most foolhardy man who ever
risked his life, or the most infatuated
gambler who ever risked his fortune, is
a sage compared with the man who
attempts to get the licst of Nature.
The foolhardy, man may succeed. The
gambler may win. But the man who
takes chances with Nature is bound to
lose. If the obituaries of teus of thou
sands who are cut down annually in
life's prime were truly written death
would not be attributed to this or that
form of disease, but to an attempt to
evnde the necessary laws of health.
The weak spot fn the modern uiau is
his stomach. It is in disease of the
stomach that many of the maladies
bejjin which carry off the busy men of
the day. The seed of disease once
planted iu the stomach grows and
spreads like some climbing parasite
about a tree. It throws out a t.ndril
aliout the heart and presently another
which grips the lungs, and others uain
which take hold of kidneys and liver.
Then suddenly the man is smitten by
heart disease br lung tliscase ; or suc
cumbs to some malady of kidneys or
liver. Tlie real seat of disease is the
stomach. And one of tho reasons why
the diseases of the other organs often
fail of a cure is that the treatment
ignores the stomach, and attempts to
treat directly the other organs, whose
diseases are only symptoms of (Hsciim;
of the stomach and other organ', of
digestion and nutrition
of the soundness of the proposition that
diseases of other organs remote from
the stomach which are caused by dis
ease of the stomach must be cured
through the stomach, and, iu fact, can
not be cured in any other way. The
best croof iu the world is that Doctor
Strike Situation Drags on Without
Move for Settlement from Either
Side Meetings of Hands.
There wore no new developments In
the local silk mill strike Mitimtini, i-c,.
terduy, and the strike is now begin
ning to devolve Into a long-drawn-out
Fiom nresent Indications it will lr
ti considerable period before any half
way steps .110 taken by either ot tho
Interested parties. Tho striking girls
say that nothing can be done In tho
matter of comptomlse; that they huvo
formulated a wage scale and 'unless
this anil their other demands nro
granted, they will remain out indefi
nitely. Just as positive a stand is that taken
by the oneiators. Tim lnttci- ei,i,
that thev made tlieti- c.ii- ,,.
Just ones, and that ein If they were
wining to grant tlie girls' wo go sealu
it could not be done without paralys
ing ineir uusincss.
In the meanwhile no niti-mm ic lin
ing made to run tho mills, anil all
tho owners declare tlint 110 .-in
be nude to do so. They uijjue that
it. win not. or- long iieroro tho girls
take a different view of Hi uinmiinn
und will be willing to return. The
strike is, However, cuuslng the turn
ing aside of many orders from Seran
ton, to mills of other cities, and In
the two weeks that It lmu lnn .... i.r...
already affected thousands of dollars'
worm or uustness.
Tilt- Hiirvev hand-; m,.i v,.u..,.,i ...
afternoon tit Carpenters' hall and tho
Klolss mill employes met laBt night at
St. John's hall, on rvipouse avenue.
LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. ot lfttt-n lonuInltiB uncalled for ut II19
Sorantmi postoffc-e, Lackawanna count, pa,,
I'.-li. U, JlKJl. lYrroiu calling (.-- tu-o letter
will ilca ni aihi-rtlfl-il ami slip iUt(. 0 llil
Km II, lliilo, IVunuuu.
Tlmiim C. Iluaili, I'icJ 11. lluincll, H, .1 nan
l:. T Uoiliy, A. J. Coopci, .Jol.n Cook, Masrr
Kugcro Cnilinj, I ('. C0H10111, Miry former,
r-itrlik drey, C. (I. Caly, A. M. 'ftrpciutr,
John Connolly,
W, O. Pat l.un, II. p. DrUull, Itolicrt Ponlln,
Mliis Annie lloniiolly, Mr. I.ticy Pcan, M. lion.
I100, M. Dutifdau (piiUce).
i:. 1.. Kmrtt, S. W. lJv.ii.n.
)!. .lulla Ann Paj, I". ,. Friuurinachrr, W.
K. i'ralor, Jolm C. I'lannlgjn, A. O. Fi-rtick
Thoniat fircen, Charley f.u, nciijainln risra.
an, Mrf. Mordant (iurbc-i, diaries I.', C'rccn,
Cu-icc (1., 203,
J!u, Ooice Iii.klii, J. Halph Hill, MltiJ Sr,
Parley, Clurley .1. Iloflman, Charlu Ihmljicy,
1,-ia.i Haunt, V. H. Iloueliton (package).
Mu. A. A. Jonci.
Kcclcy Cure fcanlUrlimi, Proprietor, X, KIcfer.
M. I). Utlirope, Thomas Ljnch, P. I,avln.
Mr. MrClarcn, Aunt Munii, Mlm Augiuta
MabliM, II. W. Mansan, Joicph Murphy, John
Murray, 1113 Maud Mann, Mlna Miller, J, Mllford
Walter IYiinoik, Olive Plignrman, Mlv (,'cr
tiuile I'clictt, A. J. IVkf, Daniel l'otl.,
Pierce' Golden Medical uiscovery, a
stomach and blood medicine, cures dis
eases of heart, lungs, liver, kidneys,
etc., by curing diseases of the stomach
nnd digestive and nutritive systems.
"For six long years I suffered with
my liver, kidneys, and indigestion,
which baffled the best doctors in our
country," writes Mr. E. L. Ransell, of
Woolsey, Prince William Co., Va, "I
suffered with my stomach and back for
a long time ami after taking a quantity
of medicines from three doctors, I grew
so bad I could hardly do a tlay's work.
Would have dcathdikc pains in the side,
nnd blind spells, and thought life was
hardly worth living. I decided to con
sult Dr. R. V. Pierce nnd his staff of
physicians. They said my case was
curable and I was greatly encouraged.
I began taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Discovery and Tlcasant Pel
lets,' as advised. Before I had taken
half of the second bottle I began to feel
relieved. I got six more bottles and used
them, antl am nappy to say
I owe my life to Dr. Pierce
and his medicines. These
words are truths, as I live,
so if this testimonial can
lie used in any way to be of
licncfit you need not hesi
tate to use it. I shall stand
for the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute as long
as life lasts."
Disease never leaps on a
man like a lion from am
bush and strikes him down
at a blow. However sud
denly a man may lie
stricken and however
deadly the disease, the
time was when it was a
little thing, easy of con
trol. If you arc suffering
from indigestion, dyspep
sia, or any form of stom
ach "trouble," don't put
off the proper treatment.
"Golden Medical- Discov
ery" will cure diseases of
the stomach and organs
or ingestion ami nutrition
at any stage, but the
cure will be quicker the earlier it is
"For twelve long months I suffered
untold misery," writes Mrs. Mollic Col
gate, of Randolph, Charlotte Co., Va.
" No tongue could express the pain that
I endured before I commenced taking
Dr. Pierce's medicine. I was not able
to do anything at all. Could not eat
anything except bread and tea or if
I did the top of my head hurt so it
seemed it would kill me; with alt that
I could do it would burn like fire, but
uow since taking ' Golden Medical Dis
covery ' I can eat a little of almost any
thing I want and can do a good day's
work as well as anybody can. Am bet
ter than I have been for years. I think
your medicine is the licst that ever was
made, for it is the only thing that ever
did me any good. I tried many other
kinds, but none did me any good but
your 'Golden Medical Discovery and
'Favorite Prescription.' I can never
praise them too highly to any one who
suffers as I did."
Sick people ara invited to consult Dr.
Pierce bv letter, free. All correspond
ence held as strictly private and sa
credly confidential. Write therefore
without fear as without fee to Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
There is no alcohol in "Golden Med
ical Discovery," and it is entirely free
from opium, cocaine, and other narcotics.
Do not allow a dealer for the sake of
making a little more profit to foist on
you a substitute as "just as good" aa
"Golden Medical Discovery." There is
no other medicine so good for you.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, containing 1008 large pages
and over 700 illustrations, is given atrny
to those who send stamps to pay ex
pense of mailing only. Send 31 one
cent stamps for the l)6ok in strong cloth
binding, or only 2t stamps if satisfied to
have the book in paper-covers. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y.
MlM Johanna lirU.c, Mb-i Julia Kill!, J.
Itd.Mii, Maitln Illtur.
Mr" A. . Mcrlr. Mi-4 ISm". N1.11I, Clurlrt
S,ui.(ki, L. II. .n)iler, Mhj Kate CaiTiilt
Smith, Mc. V. K. "-teilliu.'. Mim Mary I Stine,
,1. M. Miortuun (pjik.i!;o), Ja-epb P.. Schults
tpackJKi'l, Mr J. P. "MJUMoorL (ptckage),
lliiuy Smith (pnrk-acte).
Hon. S. Thonu, MI Loulte TruiMJcr, V.. A.
Thonia.on, C. V., Mrs, John 1caln.
Mii Jennie Woodrun, I). C. Williams caio
Mlh. Hachl WilHann: V. V. W.illi, W. W.
Welch, lMcr V. Williams A. ft V.IIK Ma'f
Mitihetv .1. Walker (paikaire).
West Sci-anton Station.
'lhi'iiu.1 Ilillcj, fc', Cardilcl aiimuj Mtv Wil.
Ham M.idilni.
Andrew Roth's Hotel Was Destroyed
Yesterday Morning.
File destroyed a large two-story
double frame building on Lincoln
street, Prlceburg, owned and occu
pied by Andrew Hoth, the hotolkeuper,
early yesterday morning. The blizo
began about '2 o'clock nnd spread rap
Idly through the building.
Through the efforts of llio Johnson
Hose company, the flames wero kept
from the adjoining buildings, one of
which wub but ten feet distant. Tho
lire's origin Is unknown. Mr. Uoth's
loss on the building and its contents
is about .V1.000,
It Is understood that Henuiar J. C.
Vaughau will boon Introduce a bill iu
tho senate which Is Intended to settle
the dispute us to whether tlui Ihuor
dealers of this city, in Inking out their
llfiuor licenses next mouth, will have
to pay tho fee of $r00, which Is pro
vided for cities of the third class, or
the fee of $1,000, which Is provided for
cites of tho second clai-s.
Ills bill will provide that during the
year In which the traiibltlon of third
class cities Itno the second class occurs
the fee shall be JDOO.
Men Suffering
from loi of uervous force often one
tbelrcoudltlon to youthful Ignorance
that fearful enemy to health.
It in the tmniuesii of science to repair
the damagr caused by tbu thoughtless
practleei of youth.
Nervous Ueblllty never gets well of
lUelf, Its lctims draft through a
miserable exlitence, weak, lUtless,
literally feed the hungry nerves, giving
tliera the precise lugredients de
raanded by nature. This wonderful
remedy cures Nervous Debility, stops
all drains, replaces wasted tissues,
sends rich, warm life blood tingling
through every part, making every or
gan act and causing you to glow with
81.00 per box; 6 boxes (with guaran
tee to cure), M.00. nook free. Thai,
Mbmcimi: Co , Cleveland, Ohio.
For isle by John II. Pliclp', Pharmacist, corner
Wyoming- avenue and Spruce street.
Dress Goods
and Sills
Here Are Four Great Bargain Lots.
Four Distinctly Different Lots.
Each style offered is a favorite, each one in active
demand just now. There are ample supplies of
each though no promises can be held out that
they will be here very long.
Union College
Painless Dentistry
(Post Graduate.)
All work done by grad
uates who are taking a
course in our system of Pain
less Dentistry.
We only charge you for the
material used.
(Over Conrad's)
Before buying, send for catalogue.
H. 5. GORDON, &'&'!,&;;
Hotel WE&tQB9l&
Uroadway, 3th Avenue
and 27tli Street,
European Plan
In the crntre ot tlie (hop
ping; and theatre district.
Absolutely Flreproo!
A Modern Tlrst-clas Hole.
Comnlcte Iu all ltd finiHiltit
ments Kurnisniiies and decorations new through
jut AccnmmodatlonH (oroortuests; ivmilleuuilh
laths 1 lot and cold walcr ami telephone meerv
-oom CuUine unexcelled
nrORP" M. SWEENFV. Prop.
Fliys'clan and Suroi
311 SpriiJ) SI,
lmpeUurl BiiilJiiM
All acute Jnd chronic dUMr ot nun. wo
men and children. CIIIIOMI) MJRVUUf,
lllt.MN ANU WAbflXO 1)1SK.SI.8 A bl'LC
IALTV. All dludK' ot the Liter, Kidney,
llladdcr. bkln, Ul"od, Xcri, Womb, Kye. tUr,
Nose, Threat, and !.unx, Canur, Tun'oii',
riles, Uuilurc, Coltlf. Hlictiiiijlltiii, A.tliuu,
Catarrh, Vailcocelc, Loi.t Manhood, Mghtly
ilnilsuloiu, all I'enialo UIwiivw, Leucoirlioca, etc.,
aonnoirhta, Sjplilllli. Uh'cd, I'oImii, lndicre
tlon and youthlul luhlU obliterated. Survtry,
Kiti. KplliW. Tupe and Stomach Wornu. C..
TAItltllOZOM:, bptfltlu tur faUrrli. Thro
monlha' treatment inly W.00. Trial Treo In
offlce. Cotiiultatlon und cxindnatlon free. 01
llo hours dally and rimdny, S a. in. to 9
p, iu.
400 yards of plain colored Taffeta Silks, 19 inches wide, of PA
the regular 75c quality, in all colors. At OUC
540 yards, of French Broadcloths, in fourteeu good
color ngs. The cloth is of the best $i5'o grade and in d! -i 4 c
the Satin finish. 54 inches wide. At P I 1 O
735 yards of all-wool French Flannel, plain colors and
printed designs, in 23 different colors, 27 inches wide. C A-r
The usual 60c to 7SC grades. At OVC
640 yard of Woolen Dress Goods, a mixed lot of Serges,
Cheviots, Plaids, Stripes and Fancy We ves in all colors, 'IPt
3S to 44 inches wide, value from 50c to S5C yd. At OC
X rf
Curtain News
Shrewd buyers will take advantage ot the special
prices made on our entire Lace Curtain Stock. Many
sinau lots at a traction ot
i .
129 Wyoming Avenue
f - MM"M"MM -
Booms 1 nnd2,Com,Itta BTd'
lining and Blasting
Mf4a at Mootlo and Ituia lal War Hi.
Etotrlo BittUrlsf, ISlealrla Kmln.t.ri
exploding, blailn, riaftty fat anl
ReflaunQ c'1Gralca, Ca's EXp"0-,,ll
liiis so
HAnuT&cturera r
485 to 465
N. Ninth Street,
Telephons Cull -33:).
127 AND 129
their real value.
- fK-H-H-M-t--fM---hM-'H-
A Bad Brake
Is worse than no brake
at all.
We arc now ready to
fit your wheel with, the
latest coaster brake. If
you contemplate any re
pairs on your wheel for
the spring riding now is
the time to get it to our
shop. We will send for
and deliver your wheel
when finished.
211 Washington Ave.
General Ajent for the Wyoralif
District for
Stlnlcc, mutiny, Sportier. Smokeless tail th
Itepauno Chemical Company's
High Explosives.
Safety rule, Caps and niploders. Jloora 401 Coa.
oca uuuuin;, seranton.
thos. Fono rituton
JOHN U. BHITll 4 60S Plymouth
W. I!. 1IULU0AN Willci-Birrt