The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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5-tUl to tli iurinton Tribune.
I'lttson, Feb. 12. Mary Frye, u Ill
tic Welsh 11111 Klrl. wns knocked down
this nfternoon by u connter, whoso
Hied imKseel over her neck, Inflicting
HllBbt Injuries.
Stlsa Kupltcmlii McMillan MoftrUt,
ilniiBhter ot Mrs. Henrietta MofTatt, of
this city, was united In ninriliiBO ut
noon today to Herman T. Wks, ot
West I'lttston, Junior member or th
lltm of Weeks 15ros., tobncconlstx. The
ercmony wnte performed at tho home
uf the brlde'H mother, by Itov. Theo
dore Kuber, pastor of St. JoIiii'k Lu
theran church. Tho bilde was at
tended by MIksoh Mnrjfnict Cialp nml
Marlon W-lr. Tho groomsman was
Henry Week.i. Mr. and Mis. Weeks
will rerlde In Went Pltlpton. Tho
htldo for the past few years ban made
her home with her Hlster, Mif. Dv.
I'oplln. of Phllndelidiln.
Joseph Watren. of Dunmoro, extra
station nsent for tho Kile nnd Wyo
ming ralliond. In on duty at the Pitts
ton station for ten dnyn. during the
absence of W. II. Ilutlcdse.
The 150 RlrlH oniployoel nt the Htcr
lln fllk mill heie, wont on a rittlke
at noon today. The only grievance, a
fur ns could be leal lied, wuh tho ilia
rharce of u plrl yesterd xy. Last nlRlit.
Hie matter waH plaeeil in the hands
of the grievinee conunltlee of tho
Central Labor union, but tho commit
tee Imi', as yet, not had time to uct.
Tho strike U doubtless one In sympa
thy with the mowment which prevails
nmoiiK the mill Rlrls ot thla sectlou.
The stato vctcilnarv baa been
tlirouRli till? vicinity, nnd, it la Bald,
has condemned twenty-live cattle of a
well-known elnir 111:111 of Matey town
ship. Mrs Sui.ih ..itiKUtt, an aged Coilt
Lane wonnn. was iuii down by a train
on the Lehigh Valley cut-oft last
nlpht and sustained a rompound frae
tmo of tho rlKhl aim and Inceuition
"f the scalp. She la belns taken car
of at the Pit talon hospital.
The illfreienccrt which have existed
between the b.utendets nnd the retail
liquor dpalois have been settled, with
one eveeptlon. Committers from both
"Ides met with ctlevanec eomniltteo of
the Centiat Labor union lust pvenlnt
and rllscusved maltcis. Tho employ
pih were willlnp, to Kianl all th Rilov
alices, Including1 "every other Sunday
oif," but no conclusion was reached
In regard to the wasa f-eale, a differ
ence of twenty-five cents cxIstlnjT be
tween the wages demanded by the
baitendeis and the eonceslon granted
by the letallers. This will doubtless
he amicably settled at another moet
luif, to b held Thursday iilfrht
The Ladies' Aid society uf tlie 1'ios
byteiitm chut eh will conduct a sale of
eatables at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Anderson on S.mnday from :: to
7 o'clock.
Local union, N'o. lli. will conduct a
ball In Herbert's hnll on Ftiilay even
ing for the benefit of Mrs. I'M wn til
FJtzpatriek, of the West Side
Miss Anna Aikmau returned from
New Jersey on Monday evening to be
present and net as maid at the wad
ding of her sister, Miss Anna, to James
Allen tomorrow o filing.
Mrs. W. 11. Holllster was called lo
Clark's Green yesteiday on account of
the critical condition' of her mother.
The friends of lr. AV. P. Pier will
be soiry to learn that he has lot the
sight of one of his eye. Ho Is un
der the care of a noted specialist.
Dutlng his stay in the city he nnd his
wife are with air. and Mis. J. W. Da
vis, formerly of this town.
IMna, tho 10-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Kellum, Is setl
ously 111 of pneumonia.
Miss Mary McGowun, of Main street,
left on Monday for Philadelphia to
undergo treatment In nn eye hospital.
Her father, P. T. McOowan, accom
panied her.
Miss Llllie McLaughlin, of Wilkes
narre, is the gusst of her sister, .Mrs.
S. J. Dunn.
Mrs. John Davis, of the West Side,
Is seriously 111 of neuralgia of the
The Dommcrmuth brothers, of Shel
ton. Conn., are spending a few weeks
In town.
Alderman Knsson. of Sciauton, ofll
clated at the marriage of Charles
Carey, of Lackawanna, and Miss Nora
Moylan, of York avenue.
Tho breaker boys of the Langcllfi'e
colliery went out on Monday on ac
count of the ilgld discipline cf the
breaker boss, John Motesky. It Is said
that ho kicks the little fellows unmer
cifully and that they will not letum
until ho Ih discharged.
pffll to the Scrtnton Trluune.
Tunkhannock, Feb. 12. Kugcn Do
Pue nnd Mi Jennie P.. Stemples vera
quletlv .rrletl at the home of the
bilr'.rt mother, Mrs. Charles Tinker, on
Turnpike street, Tuesday evening. The
happy couple left for New York city
Immediately after the ceremony.
B. W. Lewis leaves today for u trip
to Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Haltl-
more. At the last named place he will
' visit his daughter, Miss Mabel, who is
attending school there,
James II. Ketchledge is at Hangor,
Pa., where ho has taken a eontrac .
do a piece ot plumbing.
Marriage licenses have been Issued
to William Momne, of Noxen, nnd
Amelia Decker, of Stull, and Luthar
Bacon, of West Nicholson, and May
Casey, of East Lemon. A marrlnge li
cense was also Issued Monday to Eu
gene De Puo and Miss Jennie It. Stem
pies, both of Tunkhannock.
Arthur Baldwin, who Is employed at
Wllkcs-Barre, in visiting his parents
at this place on 'oga street.
'Mrs. James W. . tt, who holds tho
position of regent oi V Tunkhannock
Chapter of tho Daught, .of the Amer
ican Involution, will ho a delegate to
the continental congress of tho otder
to be held In Washington thu present
Mrs. Slerbach, of New Yotk city,
who has been tho guest of tho Misses
Johanna an; "--ha Lobeck the past
two months, jeturhed to that place
Lucius Squler, of Scranton, spent
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Hannah
M. Connel), on Second sticet.
There will bo a session of argument
court on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
In ro estate of Kdlth Allen, a minor,
on petition of nerkloy Lyman, guar
dian of Edith Tlllen, court made a de
cree allowing hull) guaidlait to Invest
the money of his ward, now In his
hands, at R per cent. Interest.
On petition, Porter S. Hlne Is p.
jHilnted giundlnn of Pied IJ. und Helen
May Paner, minor children of Mrs.
Httle Parrer, deceased.
In ic petition for a public road In
I.omon, from II. P. Carver farm to
John M. Stark's farm, Edwin N. Stone,
Edmund Dana and Edward Ney np
pointed viewers.
Josephine Reynolds v. W, II. Rey
nolds, tul? fM issue between assignee
of plaintiff and attachment ciedttor
ufi to ownership of money paid to sat
ify Judgment.
Irwin Coolbaugh vs. Daniel Douloy
and P. L. Jnyne; rule granted to show
en use why wilt of estrepement here
tofore Issued shall not bo dissolved as
to P. L. Jnyne.
Celestla De Witt vs. Lehigh Valley
Itallroad company; Judgment taken In
open court for want of a plea.
James Schooley and Prances Pchooley
vs. Jttdson Lutes; rule for sheriff's In
terpleader discharged for want of
statement and bond on purl of claim
ant. James W. Piatt, assigned to William
Slckler, vu. Elizabeth and C. C. De
ltcmcr; ltile to open Judgment n to
('. P. De itenier.
Jifi.ul Id ll.e t-V union Tiibuiir.
Rptltigvillo, Pen. 11. W. M. Llithrop
has recoveied from his sickness, so
that ho is about hi Usual vocation.
Mis. .1. Sumner lecently vIMled
f i lends In Wllkes-llane, being abent
about a week.
Mis. Anna Jtlakslee. widow of the
late Lewis Bbikeslee. has lately been
runted a pension of $S per month.
Mis. J. Hush bus been nick two
weeks or more.
Mr. P. W. Terry was taken sick
while away front home, visiting her
daughter, but Is home and well now.
Duilng her absence, her husband waa
aho sick und Is not yet able to do
nnv labor.
The Siiie that D. I. Luyton ndver
tled, was put over until Tuesday, the
12th, because of inclement weather.
I. T. Muryntt also adjourned his sale
that was adveitUed for the same day.
W. II. I'.rown has gone out ot tho
omplov of Daniel Thomas and re
turned to his former home tat Lehman,
liiiKoine county.
Mm. Emily Itilcy Is quite seriously
111 with the prevailing disease. Hr
ace is over SO yeats, and she has been
able to do her own housewotk until
her ptcseut Illness.
Wednesday lam, Mat It Scott silt
leied nn attack of pleuilsy while at
'Woik In bis bam and had to get to
tne house on his hands and Knees. Ho
Is better this morning.
Jeweler Herrmann has been t.lek
since the fore part of lnt week with
Tuesdav evening the membeis of
Vesta lodge. No. IS", Daughters of He
bekah, nic invited to meet nt the
homo ot M. E. Compton and wife for
.1 social, anil It is very evident that
if the present weather conditions con
tinue, Miles will have a crowd. This
is the twelfth nnntverreiry of the In
stitution of the lodge.
A load of dancers went up lo tho
Dolan house at Dlmock Friday night
for n hop. At i o'clock in the morn
ing tliey came home. They repoit a
good time.
The ot Mrs. D?hnai Staik,
of Ituch, tivok place at the Methodist
Episcopal church on Sunday and was
largely intended. Vesta lodge, No. 1ST,
Daughters of Uebeccn, In which she
held membership, turned out In a
body to attend the funeinl. lnteiment
was made In tho Stark cemetery, two
miles below Pleicevllle, on tho Tunk
hannock creek. Tho husband and two
daughters me left to mourn. The
family were raised in tills vlcinltv nnd
nie well known.
Sppciil to the Scrantnn Trlbun-.
Brooklyn, Feb. 11. P. n. Jewett has
returned from a visit with friends in
Miss Mella Brown visited Miss Maud
Waldle iccenlly.
The entertainment advertised to he
held In the Methodist Episcopal
church was postponed, ns tho enter
tainer failed to leacli town.
Dr. N. S. Sage preached an excellent
setmon on "Abraham Lincoln nnd His
Religion," to the members of the Lieu
tenant Hogeis post, Grand Army ot
the Republic, and the Patiiotic Older
Sons of America, in the Universalis
chinch last Sunday.
Thu telephone from Brooklyn to Pos
ter Is being put in as rapidly an tha
weather will allow. Several poles are
up and the others are on tho giound.
The line la being put in by Wiildle. A
Terry, but will probably connect with
several fium houses tie .1 Biooklyn,
Miss Alice Quick dU'd i't the homo
of her uncle, Alv.ih Qulik, last Sun
day. Sho had been a consumptive for
n long time. Tho funeral will be con
ducted from the Methodist Episcopal
church Wednesday at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. K. C. Ely and children, who
have been visiting her parents, re
turned to Carbondale a few days ago.
A donation will be held at the homo
of Dr. Sage next Thursday afternoon
and evening. Chicken pie will le
The Unlveisallst Sunday school nr
pieparing an entertainment to ha
given on Feb. 22. The programme in
cludes a drama, "Undo Sam's Re
union." and other numbers, aftur
which warm sugnr will be served,
Several "Unloners" will attend the
Young People's convention in Sci an
ion next Saturday nnd Huiulav.
Thu piogrnmmo ot the Kjmorth
league convention today will bo as
follows: Morning service, 10.R0 o'clock:
Song service, Thomas Martin; devo
tlons, Rev. II. A. Ctreeu; address of
welcome, Audiew Alden: tesponse,
Mrs. It. M. Puscoo; paper, "The
League's Inteiest In tho Working
man," John R, Neeley; discussion, Rev.
J. N. Bailey. Dinner served by our
league. Afternoon session, 1.30 o'clock:
Devotions, Rev. Harry Keeley; busl
ness session: paper, "Attitude of Our
Church Toward tho Liquor Tratlic and
Its Probation." Mrs. a. P. Ace; dis
cussion, Mrs. E. a Berlew; recitation,
'leorgn Saffnrd; paper, "Tho Epworth
in 's Bible; How Can It Bo Most Help
ful Him?" A. C. Myet7i discussion,
V. M. Rymnns "Half Hb'ur with the
Juniors"; paper "The Place of Prayer
In nn Epivorthlnn's Life," Rev, ,1. t
Race; discussion, Rev. It, II. Scidy.
Supper will be served by the Epworth
leaguo of this place. Evening session,
7.30 o'clock: Devotions, Rev. P.. M.
Pnscoe; solo, Miss May 8talcy; ad
dress, "Caricatures," Rev. M. 8. God
shall; qunrtctte.
Mr, Aniron Swingle, of Georgetown,
who ban been visiting hero for somo
time, has icturned home.
Mr. Seeley, of Caiinuu, who has boon
In town for somo tlni has teturned
Miss Lydln Reed Is 111.
Messrs, Charles Ace and Duaiio It.
Dills visited in Scranton .Monday.
Mrs. Benjamin Richardson is seri
ously in
Bpfolil to the Scnnton Tflbunr.
Susquehanna, Fob. 12. Ex-Aldeiiiian
Hayes and the Blnghamlon Republi
can are ndxlsed that "Susquehanna
gus works" Is a line electtlc light
plant. Susquehanna hopes to nnvu n
sewerage system in the near luture,
when Blnghnmton's water supply,
which Is now both meat nnd drink,
will take on nn added ilchness ami
the doctor, the druggist and the under
taker will dance for Joy nnd be ex
ceedingly glnd. The populace can sing,
with zest, the grand old hymn, "O
we'll gather til the ilvet" and quaff
u microbe or two.
Will Atkinson, of Willow stleet, In
lite guest or Carbondale relatives.
In the show window of a .Alain street
business place a t-ubject of a traveling
hypnotist has commenced the Job of
sleeping for llfty hours. The sleeper Is
a stianger hereabouts, but he Is sup
posed to be some (alleged) business
man who doesn't advettlse In the
Susquehanna count! will tube meas
ures to secure the now state Insnno
asylum, which will piobably bo eiected
In this section of the state. Just be
fore the state and national elections,
nearly enough "daft" persons can be
seemed In this county to fill the new
The hypnotist's sleeping subject
ought to be u veiy happy man It Is
supposed that he Isn't heating a word
about tho bollunnakers' strike: and it
Is not fly time.
Labor Orgnnlzer Kennedy, of Blng
haniton, was in town last evening.
.lames Fowler, for several years a
Lmufiboto business man, died nt West
Wyoming on Saturday, of upoplexy,
aged sixty-two ycais. He was it
brother of Mis. Homer E. Sptneei of
Susquchnnnn, and of Isaac Powlei, ot
On nncount of tho Increased busi
ness on the Erie, nn evtra ctew bus
been added to the Delawute division,
with Thomas Garland ns conductor.
This being an nnnKcrsary of Lin
coln's birthday, tho banks wete closed.
Tho postotllce was cloij.'d for a poitlou
of tho day.
The Rt. Rev. Bishop Elhelbort Tat
bot, D. D., will bold service and eon
fit matlon at Grace Episcopal church,
Oakland, at 11 o'clock on Pildny morn
ing next.
T. J. Young, of Iiiiighmnton, l- in
Ianesboro, called there by the illness
of his mother.
Mis. J. W. Austin, of Lanosboio. who
for several months has been seriously
ill nt the home of Jesse Harte, In Oak
land, has been taken to her homo.
Thirty-live of the men who weie
btought hero on Sunday night, to wotk
In th Etle boiler shop, letuined to
New York last night.
In the register nnd leeordei'.s office
at Montioso, a niaulugu license bus
been granted to Joe Marchlnkku icziu.s
and Magsle Syiillncklnte, of Potest
City. It is lo be hoped that Mis. Mnt
chlnklavlezlus (to-be) will not hy
phenate bet nulla.
The EiIb propet ty heie is now Illum
ined by me lights.
Hypnotist S.intauelll Is holding forth
In Hogan opera house for the week.
The boaul of trade held u meeting
tills evening.
Chatles D. Graves, :i Susquehanna
boy, now a New Yotk nttlst. is llius
tinting a book, entitled "Deeds of
Valor," a collection of unecdotes of tile
Civil, Spanish nnd Indian wars, about
lo be published by a Dotiolt firm. .Mr.
Graves Is vlce-ptesldent of tho Art
Students' league.
Sprclil to Ih' Vunton Tilrmnc.
Kingston, Feb. 12. The qitaiteite of
tho Independent society sang In tho
Methodist Episcopal church hist even
ing. Jesse Cooper spent Saturday and
Sunday at his home in Dalton.
Hugh Page, who has just finished a
course in the commercial department,
hns icturned to his home, in Lakeside,
Susquehanna county.
Nelson Stlllsou, a librarian of Phil
adelphia was, a caller at the seminary
Tho game of basket ball nn Fiiday
night resulted in a victory for Wyo
ming hi a scoie of 37-8 ngulitbi the
team from Providence.
Among the new students uiu Clark
Jones, of Blalrstown, N. J.; Arthur
Gaidner, of Moscow, who will take a
course In commercial, and Wnlter
Smith, of Windsor, N. Y., who enters
tho legular course.
Miss Grace Atchison spent Satuiday
and Sunday at her home In Carbon
dale. M. Shields visited his home in Nich
olson over Sunday.
Spniil to the Scnnton Tribune.
Unioudnle, Feb. 12. The teachers'
Institute, held In tho Methodist Epis
copal church Saturday afternoon and
evening, wus largely attended and was
one of tho most successful ever held
In Unlondnle. Mr. M. Daniels' dis
course on "The Missing Link" was
highly entertaining. Tho boIo i eli
de: ed by Master Clair Tennant was
appreciated by all present. For on
so small, Clair handles the violin very
skilfully. Miss McKeo'B recitation,
entitled. "A Hole In the Wall," was
enthusalstlcally received. MIbs Edyth
Smythe's paper on primary teaching
was fine.
Mr. Charles Todd conducted the Ep
worth League services Sundny even
ing. Mr. 11. J. Orce, ptoprletor cf tho
Unlodnlo feather foundry, was tran
sacting business In Forest City last
State of Ohio, I'liy of Toledo, Luci Cnunlv, m,
niASK J. rilKNUV makm oalli tlut he ),
nnlor prliier dI tho flrm ol r. J. f'lihN'fiv
CO., doing twine! In llio City t 'inlulo, County
unit Sttc fnrJlrt, anil that Mid firm will iwv
the win ot ONK ilCNDHEl IJOLUIW for
cai-h mwl rvrry caw ol tJATAIlkll irut tannot
he cured by th me of IIAI.U'M OATAIIIIIi
ClJIti:. t , KKAXK J. rilKNl'v.
s.rn to befoic mo inil kuUcrllu'il In nir
rrtttmo. thla nth flay ol DrmnWr, ,, n ..y!
ISeal.l A. W. GI.KAoo'.V.
Notary l'iihc,
llall'a Catanh imr i taken Inlermlly, and
acta directly on tho blood and inucoua aiirfacm
ol the i)tnu. SmiJ for testimonial, tne.
l J. CHUNKY i. CO., Toledo, O.
Mild by l)niW. 73c.
Il.ill' I'amlly I'llli air the heal,
Very Few People Eat a Good Break
fust. "All I want for breakfast Is a toll
and n cup of coffee."
This remail: is heard not only in
hotels, restaurants and lunch looms
but It Is tho usual breakfast order In
tho homo clrclo as well. After a
twelve bouts' fast It would seem that
the first meal of the day should be a
hearty, substantial one, and If wo all
lived natural, unartltlclnl lives, It
would be so, hut nono of us do, hence
breakfast Is a more pretence.
Says u latter day philosopher: "Dur
ing many years of active business life,
I never remember having enton a good
substantial bieakfast, but supposed It
was of no Impoitance until I began to
lose appetite for lunch nnd dlnn-jr.
"My physician told me I wns a vic
tim of nf-rvous dyspepsia and must
take !C3t and teerentlon, as no medi
cine would reoch the tiouhle, but this
advlco I could not follow as my busi
ness nffnlis would not permit It, and
to get relief I resorted to medicines
and pieseilutlons, and It wns puiely
accidental that I hit upon one turned
which did the business. While In a
drug store one evening I noticed n
number of people buying Stuart'.s
Dyspepsia Tablets, u widely adveitlscd
preparation for stomach tioubles, nnd
the foice of example wns too much for
me and I bought a fifty cent package.
"I took a tablet or two after each
meal, and In n week my appetite
Picked up, I liegan to feel my old am
bition for woik leturnlng and could
eat n good breakfast because I wanted
It, and from that time to this, I take
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets us tegular
ly us I take my meals, not because I
now have nny trouble with my stom
ach, but because I don't want to have.
"A fifty-cent box of Stunt t's Tablets
will last me a month und keep my
digestion In good order, und I know of
no better investment a business nun
can make."
0 0
llraiiulii riMnpmiv
Miliiuv and niulil.
OlIKTY. I.ondili l.u.u I. ni
MjIiiui' nd
A Stiong' Company.
'I he -taw up n iiipiny U ilmnlng luui luiii-'M
at every Krinnnanrr ''hr ennruny i tv !
tlnanlly Miotic;, .md I lie utuUin are run
lent. Thin nlternoon "O.'iped lmin Hie l-uv"
ill be pte'entrd and tot Isht, "llic 'e -'outl .
Aunll-llj" lliouui IIUJ be HUlnsIt tle.lj;lul"il
the Jenvt ,i.OKrjpl.lcal plaJtvTiglu. Alit.'d t.e
lutu had ft cm hi ttiiuhint pen "In Ml'mu i."
"Alabama," and " il7(in.i." He h-s new ta
klod "IVdondo," jiiJ a ihaiiu with tint title. hu (iill-lud tl-,1 uiel., has been bought
bv ( hirlei fiohmiiii. Acvottlin, to the nnituit
the matuKcr lua lu .ta(,i It In Net oik turlv
tt ocanoti. all. 'Ihonu ha Ih-cm Ttorklii1
upon till, piece lur liU ttlp In (oluudii
l.-l i-priiii,', tinpt ho was iutrirupttd bv
hit campiiiajn Kjiceehe'" He ild jcoimlay ll'i
Mr. 1'iolimaii had pmmbid tu tni:ai;e a spun!
till with ,i U' to iilulllmr tin Cnlntadn
ihni.teters with .i prop r ainnuut i, leilUin
Mcrnlni Telegraph
Dltid lK'llto, m a pilhlttl .UM'i.i i.iuoii il
Mepl en Trani.. -IjIim llut he i m.lns ti uiai.,.
a phy fium the t,orl on which C'l.UiC w.i u--iuid
at the time vl IiIh ilealh. It 1- rallcl
The OTtudd" nml . K. W. M.ivn, tie jilthr..
i.t "The Adtentiue o( Muniiv ltmMer." U re
ported let be enfiflid in eeinplrllnfrr the no1!
for puUIcitios. Xot lulu i.jn LiJIiu'e "Hie lied
tlad!,e e( Comace" ,s mcillMinl a- h.i"irg
been secured fur eliatrutlitloii.
The l.-li of the "Vhlp" I- the lllh, .ii.ii.iui.Il.1
r,i a n.w couiedt limn tbc I it in li tint K hi
K1 iii'nl In the rietiopolU !. tu Maith. I
j M. Holland, I'rite William,, Mdrwy lleib. 11,
I .liie IliiNley and Katliaiine rinreme me unit-
tlorei! foi the east. .t Holl.nd .nn WUII.mii.
! me the principal iiiin.hcia ol the e,ii.anlatoii
Known in in ii in iioiiman e. tiinrciuu il u
iTpected J ntv Hit will be ingiut.l ii'i
the tranl.iti"ti of lil'imn't "An IIMotii il I lu.
lean," In wMtli the.t wen t hue appeaud.
. )t, we have not leiired the nutiun m ihe
juthor'hip of 'The l.ih et Ih Whip '
pitial 10 ihe ?, union Tillmiu1
1Iiuiiiioii I'eb. U -What l-te n, n
In the History of Our City of an ENTIRE STOCK of High Grade
Onion Vldde Clothing
Watch the Newspapers for our Announcement of the
a Krloua accident occurred at Wrlghttr' lake
last Wednesday. frank DopPi ft ltd In hlj
teem, im handling a rctohcr when It wai iht
charged, the bullet panlng through Ids hnl.
Dr. McN'amara drciud the noun J and tho boy
ought to be wler for Ms ctoerlenee.
Mr. and ilia. C. SI. f.cwla and her altter,
Mm. Pallida, ol White Vallev, irtumrd home
Hitnril.iy afternoon, after enoj!u;r city life in
lliiighimtoi for nearly tmj week.
A, It. Cioilcr and wit a are kt firrat Hem!
today. Hie toitncr will tumid budntt while
Ono ot the victims of the cotllttcn at llmby.
vlllc, N )" on the Ontario anil WVrtMn rail.
rond lat WedneMlar a Dankl C. LaMont,
broiler of John LiMont, ct this ilife, nnd of
0. K. LaMont, of L'nlonJile.
A. I!. Saitnn, ol the llrle, la a lrtmi ol lnc
grip at hit boanllnj place, 0. If, Jf)hnon', nn
Jackaon alreet.
II. l Oclatl'a raw Mill yaid 1 fllllna up wp
Idly fclnte the alclnhlni laiiic.
11. I,. Tocr, ot Country, N. Y loft for
limnc till incinlnj ntlir a ehoit UH With hit
untie, Itcv. 1. tt Toner.
Itov. A. I). l).t.ld fionlied yeleiilay niormrg
In Hie tint time .Ian, 2, haMiij; hid n
lcrlou time with the Clip.
('. A. IjiMont left tl.Ii mnrnlnif lor Middle
town, X. Y to attend tin) funeral of hl vncl".
Daniil O. taMnnt, tomonow.
Mra. C. I!. Kins baa been in Djr, V. I.,
railng for htr hiother, Iliv. Jamen Payne fnv
the iat ten daj. He has been aerioualy 111
v.lth pncuinonla. hut the ayniptoroa were iitom
f.trMhle at the bit reKirt from thcie. ll!
wife died about thtco -cck4 ago.
Mr. It. V. Whitney and Mm. Wcjltliy l.arulnu
are on the side llt tmtay.
The company who left Tl.oinpaou Jan. '21 fnr
CilltornU rrport n pleaant lilp and lliflr vife
Repotted by Spencer Tinsk & Com
liany. 'I he Ul t.'k la. hnun finlhrr rnt.itgtiiiii.l
u! Iioud ilealliis, "alileh blue betn at aih.inclv
ptlcc. Kiine noublc 'aliu lulu Ikiii iukI.- hi
'leiitlntlte luo, hut etirnstli hn bo bun
dtvcloml In the hillei fnde of imcUK'ii't
ImiicN. Ifui ol ll.e iluuiui f si. .nul4( n,
Mountain and Southern (Seneral 4s, and Suulhrn
I'jilhc luut 4i, huw tlm i J
tun of the inirket. ltcewni iillll rlt fur ft.i
Ihtr fiiipn.iinitiit, mid it li brtiewd tlut thtit
crart- if bond" will prolubly hold better po-.
tluii In eirih-3 IMjII of fiuancliij
the reeent Uiiiirinifnt ol tlv lliltlin.iiv unl
Ohio and I'nlun I'aclhe coinpanlcs jre i v
known, nnd Iwn nilxd with khki.iI
c jinnitiiilitloiu It l unite probable that the
new huiiw, with lontcillble io(,I leatunv, will
'e tietly ttl-iri lor Inti-tuifi.t nen Thli will
t.atut.illy itlj'.-iib liwr amount1 ut .loadable in.
e'tiii"iit tutitK but lu tint if the puitit l.t.v
i.itit tor moiiy, wiUli ir- lll'el.t to rontlMi
f.r loiiie lime t ion,, wi do not beliete tl. n
atlM.lInu W'lll be diverted fioai the letter (I.ih
if Stock llveli.ine Inind iitrs at pri-iit
co.t. I nder ull condillniK, fmtlicr uaini In ihr
j Wind market will probablj be teeiirdid
Stianton Boaid ot Trade Exchnnca
Quotations All Quotations Based
on far or iuci.
Mitt N'Htioial ll-uk
Seranlen saInB Hanli . ...
third Natlotnl HinK
Wire I)epolt and DNrount IlinV..
I'coi.omy I.lsht, II. fc P. tii
Uika. TiiiKt tafe llepo'it Co. . ..
Clark K Snoter Co, Pr
Viantrii lion Pence k Mfg. Co. ...
ecranton .Vsle Wurki
larka-tat.r.- Halt" 'o., IT
rcunty haliiie Bank & Timt Co..
Fit at National Htnl: (Cirl.ondalej..
Standard l)rlllln ""o
trailer' National hank
Serantr.n Uolt anJ Nut Co
Scuiiton l'.nger, nut
Mernraiie, due PI-'O
People' street l!allwa,t, llrt inort-
gai. due 191$
P. e,ple' Stte.1 Itilltvay, r,. nral
lnoilieai!". due 1021 Manufneturlui( Co
facia, 'Pottn-bip School 5 per teni.
City of 'ciautun st Imp. fi per
Siiantou 'I (action r, per cent. . . .
Sciuuton Wholesale Matket.
(I'tiniltd Ut II. I!. Dal., IT I.likaw iiiiu Vte t
llultti it in ri, iJ.i."J'.
e liiv 1'ul' liui.'c
ela'lt. l-tiiiv.
I'.'ec- e-terti lu-h, ST.j'J'e
iieaibi .t,ii.
llei.-t I'ti In ihui.t nniint., i
Pen beani li r 1m , U. IS.i J..'ii)
M'lleu It "i i- I'u hu , l ,' i;.
t.icvii ! Ier bu , 'l.lOal.lV
Clitlmi. tu bu , to
I'loin lletl patent, f I (j.
.' jj.
Philndelphitt Omiu ami i'loclure.
Phil idelplua, fill. I . llllltll-- le.lilt J fju-y
witiiu eniitiii-it. -.1., do, de, pilule, M,
tin. ntjvb pllnt . Jle. I'i7v-iii, tint te,,ti.ij
lirtli m-jiby tnd wt.ttin Jle., do tltiunt
CIII'.Uc' .1 , renin in. IT, I 111 iw -I'm lull, id,
l.l'e poullrt- Villi t u.tlvj lentil, )iceji. .;
i!i! locecin-. T( , c,l,in. u'.alOM d n l.i.,a. ; net ', lutiii.. iiui.ej.., u. iit,s
pinlli.t riini, ln'tl-. 1 1 iilie, lOilll'ii.; rln. IHr
! tit iKnl, fi'iia1-! old ii.c -ti r-. ti'saTe ; ii.uibt
, i hid. In, ItlJl.'l ; lectin ilu , lD.llJc. ic
jirjo-tiri "l'.i7i ' iiaibv (.tin kt.ii-. initio. ,
ltvcv-iiiii do, pitlV : luikey-i, ilinue to firiry,
I uuthy, llallt., wr-trm iln , Iiiil'r ; i!u,.
The Character and
Quality of the Store
Why docs The Big Stole thrive and jmow?
Is it because of the convenience in buying what you want
under a single roof; or is it because of the character and quality of
the merchandise; or is it both?
Better yet! Isn't it because the quality is always accom
panied by the lowest possible pi ices?
The markets of the world arc within tluee bonis of us. Our
buyers arc in constant touch with them. Nothing new appears
but what it reaches here iirst -no matter what the price.
Thus you get variety from the best to the cheapest that is
worthy a place in the store but no trash.
if there are any impeifections: thini'; you want and cannot
find here, point them out to us. We welcome suggestions at any
time that will tend to thu betterment and development of the
Printed Poulards and Wash Silks.
la 'IiaVEWVv
( , I I W rW3H
LJ HH O4 r2ra
No let-up a vet to the sale of Black Silks.. Skin around and
kompate prices bcfoie ou choose the ilres. waist or skirt.
Our $3.00 Shoe for Ladies.
The man who makes these three dollar shoes, if wc asko-
him to, would brand some i.incy name into the soles ol them,
and wp'd pcthaps cieate a ilurry in their sale.
We'd rather you'd lake them for what thev are. A shoe
nude for Jonas Long's Sons by the best uuker of women's shoes
in America. A shoe that we can say to you frankly :
It thev tin nut (ie vpluittliil wearins ssrvlce, are not com
lort.ible and durable; .ire not better wearinc than nny Three
Dollar t.lioc you ever saw, briiif them lu:k to us and set
our money, or .inothet pair.
Hut's the maker's promiie to us, ami we make it to you.
We'll hold him to it in everv instance, if you will tell us the
faults of the shoes.
ilttc is what they aie :
Madcnf K. II. tiierJerer s iiiiiNt 'ici Kid (the standard of
thiworU) strictlv McKay sewed, more penect ami better
than liauJ-sewud. I rom the heaviest soles (mannish
shoes) to the lightest h.uiJ-turneJ. Patent leather of leU
tips Widths from A to l: and sizes from j 1-3 to 7.
Without any exaggeration we add: As good or better than
any other shoe sold at I:our Dollars 111 Scranton.
Jonas Loog's Sods
i.cilit. liiUe wniern do, lt.tl3., riuir
1 tn luinreil, pnintcc. uiclf Nut YorL,t,!ialie,
,Maj"iL.( do. elt h'T'A, COa'i'c Ml nihil ct
(.belli, n Wife ilud
Chicnijo Live Stock MniUet.
( Meigo. IVb. f Oitlle lleoelpt. .0kU, hi
ch'dini S-Ji) liJTf, 'fod te ihoiee cteeis
tlead" ; othir-i. h'.i,i. , lititihrn' ateck. tcadt lo
Miniu. lititiK. about Mejely; (!ikI to pinn
stiei, 4t ll.iiii; J oyi to M,4diiin. M.tii'i; plotk
u, and fi-i'dc'in. ".lent - "fit '0: ton Nj.i'n
I '.: lilTtn. til, uniers rlott, 'l'i
J "iOi ImlU llllll. W Kill 10 tilt., Hilil.t, Jl
.u'.l-'i; Timih, fid tfiu, lil : jrr is huh,
S.!. ."nl; bulls, sj ticii.ij.
tfoi, lltiilpl toelit, ,i,ci(i luiuoiiuvt, . 0,
eoij lilt oi-r. 2&i; itti.i.e, hide lofr:
top, .3.G0; llll,d ftlll billtlietf, ,.'i.i 4T'-1
KOLil In ehoieo bean, 'i. IDaa.M; icncli hnvy,
Pick up any fashion magazine that
conies your way and observe the uni
versal use of Foulards tor costumes '
everything tends to the use of this
beautiful dress matciiai.
Two new and exquisite lots on
view here.
soo and $1.25 the yaid.
Many styles, between, of course,
at most every price you care to pay.
Another thing: Most every style is an
exclusive one duplicates are sparsely
scattered, at the most.
Wash silks, ton. Particular t
tcmion to this lot:
;o pieces of nil pure sillc J.tprtiieNj
llilmtal Silksln a great variety
nt tleslRtis and colorlnt's 1 the
jrJ: cheap at so:.
(SStifiXt. Imhl. el'JCaJ.i;; bulk of sale,
S3..:;tjii tiu.
Wietp lleeclpt', 1-VJ; ulieep, tleadt i
menu; huulns it'on;," to Wo. higher; sood ta
t holce vri!then, fJ.,ivj4.00; fair to cholee mlsect,
".Wali weidem shtrp, S.1.W-.H1.M: Texn slierp,
2 'jO.i3.CO: natite limlw, M,s,aS,J0; twlfrj
lainb, N'taj CO.
llnst laibeity Stock Markst.
Kii. Iilmif, I'eb. 12. -Cuttle Stead;, ent,
3.4'u5m); ininie, i'i.COi'i.10; common. J.W.":
llcit ititi , iriini inidluni. T."0a 75; bm;
teirleti". $.".( ."i; (rood light ui1crr, y.tVii.".li,i;
lieati hoi., $.uaS.(iil; ilt, itilalj"i; ronj'i,
Hiei'ii Mradj eboie tviliirx. ?I.Mit7.'i;
i niiiinon, )f2aSj iliolce Iatnb, y'l.iXe.'i Si): torn,
mm to good, yn.l.W; u.d esltei, 77,;n.