y xwqvrmqv "V " v " :Jr-'Mr'nT-rw', rmn r I ' i v V ,'r,9',vi,iif!pt i"j"" " , i -,( 1 ptj jSWWP, f. , . .-- f-' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, IEBKUAKY 13, 190T, 1 f WEST SCRANTON BOARD WILL NOT CHANGE TOESENT NAME OF LOCAL BODY REMAINS THE SAME. Invitation of. Central City Boaid of Trade Is Tracticnlly Rejected and the West Side Organization Will Continue Business at the Old Stand Chi Upsilon Banquet Last Evening Evans-Phllllps and aiowc-Mott Weddings Other Lo cal Hnppenings. The sovctlty of the wen thei tliil not Vi event ti pond representation ot tliu lioard of trade from assc'inbllUR Inst venlnK and taking up seveiul tnattois -which have been IiiiiikIiik' ilio for mira lime. Secretary Oliver icpotted tli.it wotk 1h prc-mcsslm? tapidly on tin. Kradt wotk tor the now spike mill cm .laeU fcdti stieet. 3 Ir. Keese reported prosress in the nuttier of having sidewalks l.ild on Price street, between Main and Chest Jiilt stieet. The mutter of having n cltdilnr urb laid at tliu coiner nf Main avenue and Washburn sttoet was jeported to lie up to tl.o in.'iyor Councilman ("Jurroll leported hiving introduced an oidln.mee In council for i lie widening of Seventh street, be iweeii Lackawanna avenue ami Scr.in lon street, before paving operations me commenced. The KTurllug of l'ettebone street was jeported on and the committee wan SmtitK'tivl to uri.inge for a conferenee vlth the eouncllmen of the Kouith iiii. I Twenty-first wards with a view m Inn In? a special appropriation made for thin Improvement by th estimates ronimlttee. The report of the committee uppolul ird to confer with the city solicitor j dative to tho abolition the transient was lecelved, and tho committee was allschnige-d with the thanks of the board. Wallace f!. Moser, ivliosc name was jo opened for mrmborshlp by Mr. Heese, was unanimously elected. Piesident TJanlelH then called up the question of changing the name of the board and d". D. Evans wanted to know what ol ;lectlon there was to continuing the organization as a board of trade. Heal ing none, Air. Tan ell moved that the name remain the same, and Mr. Evans ihought that it would better accom jillsh Its purpose by remaining in ex istence. The motion was adopted. Mr. Clarke brought to the attention ABOUT THIS ( COUGHS out for 1 and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Great Opportunities For Silk Buyers. Crowded Into Our Orand General Sale. There's no need for talking tip " this matchless rvent in the local silk trade. Scranton buyers have never had Mich a chance to buy high grade silk by the best standard makers in full and complete assortment for so little money befoie, and, candidly speaking-, we do not believe that such an opportunity is likely to occur again in the irear future, for in all our experience, we are free to confess that the silk sale which opens today beats all records and surpasses anything we ever hoped to accomplish in the way of bargain-giving, when nothing whatever is saci irked for the sake of price. Black Taffeta Silks We unhesitatingly letommend thoe silks to our best trade. In met they mo ns good as any Wii h ie In stock to offir at the icgii lir .iliie juices n lined here. Tin U makes and tiniph are as good a- niiv ami Know of. i'i lii'h Pkuk Taffeta Silks, strong lid blight Jliilsh. Wortli (ioc. NOW ... .., IjO 1 '-Inch Plack Taffeta Silks. A p!endid value for C2'c. Sale nice 49; t-'.'-lnch High Lustre Ulack Tntfft.i "Silks, equal to any S5c. quality. Now uli J-T-lnch Pino 811k, litii rustling '.lack Taiietas, worth $1.00. Now 7ftc '.'.Inch Heavy niack Taffeta fllks ot iaio b''auty, worth vi 0j Vow ;.. Tito :;.nch Heavy Ulack Silk Taffeta Hp'-clul weave toi skirls, woith si.23. Now ' i s'n 2J-lnch P.lacU Silk Taffetas. Matih- less In beauty and cheap at Jl.'jr. Vow 'c C'-lnch r.laek Bilk Talfutas Spi- clally made for line waists. Worth $1.3'.. Now fi'c ti-lnch Ulack Taffeta SUllts. A iiipeib quality, woitli 1W, for.l Vj '. 'Mnth extra dtiilltv, Pine Silk Taffetas, tor fklits, woith iM Now . M.IO Peau de Soie Weaves 1 This popular silk Is K'l'it ai lis bust In the following dgnt special bargain lots shade, ninke and do arc tho best In every Instance HO-lnch mack Peau de Solo llks that would be cheap at SSe., for., Wo Sl-lnch Ulaok Peau du fc'oi Silks, that would be cheap at M, lor.. 7Je 21-Inch Black Peau de Sole Silks, that would be cheap at $1.25, for . fiSo Globe Warebodse of tho board tho need of having Sixth street graded between West Lncku wanna avenue and West Undeti street. Mr. Oliver repotted that tho stieet railway ttneks would be laid on Sixth stiiiet while the viaduct Is being built and Mr. aurrell thought the traction company should grade the street. Tho matter was discussed some lime ago and at that time icle-ases could not be obtained from certain ptoperty owners, and unless all will sign fur the linpiovcmclit, there is llttlu hope of securing the Improvement. Tho matter wnH tlnally referred to tho streets and bildges committee to d what is possible in tliu matter. The mutter of having a ptoper gtade on North XInth street was It ought ti the attention of the board, und the (omtiion councilman tiom tho Koin teenth ward expressed tliu belief that the retaining walls on the rotithcily sldu of tho str'et aie bulging out fiom the Jarring received ft urn st vet nrs. The matter In expected to recjtv. fume attention when the viaduct Ii being built. The paving of South Main uvrnu" as far as Lincoln Heights was apm dtu eussed, but uc.h.l.; can be do io In tin matter until the Nineteenth district sewer Is completed. The necessity of compelling the (lib meiehnnts and wholesalers on lower Lackawanna avenue to keep the side walks dear and clean was discussed and the belief was expressed that the wholesales should move, to l'Yunklln and Mliltln avenues. A contmlttei' was appointed to learn b.v what authority E. itohlupon's Soni cllstilbutc their malt tefuse on the stieet at the coiner of Seventh and West Linden stieots. TIip committee appointed w'as Messrs. Fiirrcll, I'cese and Oliver. Chi Upsilon Banquet. The seventh binrjuet ot the Chi Up silon society was held in tho Wash burn Stieet 1'iexbyteiian church last e tiling, und was an eieedlngly en joyable ecnt. The society Is coni lKed of good fellows and the ofllcers aie: President, 1). C. Darrow: vloe president, Yv J. lleitnauer; recording secretary, II. A. Nlemeyer; flnnnc'at secietary, T. F. r.iecse: treasurer, A. E. Morse; clitic, t II. Hall. Tliu menu was seivcd by C'atoier Waldner, and Included oyster patties, French pens, olive, pickles, celery, roast turkey, cranberry sauce, pota to croquettes, fancy lee. cream, nssoi t cd cakes, coffee and fruit. It was served In the society's room, which was appropriately decorated for the occasion. President Darrow was tins toast master, and the programme wns as follows: "Our Helpmates Piesont and Pit tuie," J. H. Hattenbenr. "Happiness," Rev. J. P. Moifatt, D. D. Hemaiks selected, Norman M. Vnu glian, Washington, D. C. "Charactcilstics," George Wativs, Jr. "Our Hopes and Ambitions," AV. T. Iltirall. ltemarks, selected, Carlisle p. Knight, Washington, D. C. "Wise and Otherwise," D. L. Mor gan. !3't-V Jl-lnch nincW Peau de Sole that would bo cheap at $1.33 24-Inch Hliek Peau de Sole that would be cheap at $1.45 -2-lncJi Oenulne Lons Made do Sole, blacks, etc., woith lor 22-inch Outline Lvons Made de Hole, blacks, etc.. worth for 2--lneh (Jenulne Lyons Mado do Sole, blacks, itc. worth Silks. , for. $1.10 Silks. , for.Sl.19 Peau $i.r.i $1.1! Peat! $!.Vi. ....tl.'JO Peau $:'.on, ioi Satin Duchess Silks, $t.!3 Black Only. I'.i-iii' h Ulack Satin Cuchcss. jrnof welulit and fluhh; worth 7Sc. for iiiiiinilir t'lllti ..l.ibli f l.ilV, JUl.,) 27-Inch Itlatk Satin Ducliess. a ... .?.... v.ii. ciiik iui Slllll uiiu 4i,i.i, iimv 5 21-Inch Satin thiclnss: tlcli enniiKh for any lady's wen; woith $.'. now i wurin ji.i.i, now .. $131 ..$I.C9 Special IJiiriup tliih s.iio we will otter 'A pieces of Pure Silk Crepe do i-hlnoi nil the leailTiifr eolois. 2t Ituhes wiio and well woith $i.(o fm 75c During This Sale Wo will show the Ian hi nuMta nnd excliislvo desiKns In diesi put. tuns, lentjth or othrinlKe, In Im ported Poulards: alpn the thiesr lliie ot coloied silks in plain and inncy weuves ever ccn In this end of tho statii, Cvetythiiifr fcr Kpilnt,' wear ! te.dy r the Sill; Pcpartnieni iO-lneh lilach Satin Duchess, bet It lu Miialltv and woith hZi., for. 9" 21-Iiuh ISIael; Satin Dm hess, nn 'iiiequaled vnlue for $1,?;., now., tile 22-Inch Illuik Satin nuchess, a llliiilunti-ii hJIIL. ii.nKil. , rn . . . l.l'J "Lincoln's Cleltysburs Address," Tttivcy V. Hreese. Aiound tho tables wore seated tho following members and guests: Mr. and Mrs. C II. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Nelmyer, Mr. nnd Mrs. CleorRe Rchoen, Mr. and Mis. M. a. Dim mlck, Mr. nnd Mis. D. L. Moisan, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Uuttcnben,', Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Stone. Misses Kllznbclh Helser, Hesslii I less, Lucy Kcltnvjcr, Mui'Karet Hill, Catherine Durall, Mait;arot Hutton, Susan lhirnew, Maruaret Pndden, Iiorotiiy 1'islnr, Anna AVattes, Maine Kresj,e. Iluv. J. P. Moffat, D. I ., Turvoy l Ilrcese, Con. Keecne, W. T. Hurall, CcorBe Wntics, Jr., Al. W. Push, l- If. Tliornlon, Oscar YcnBor, Heibutt Wattes, W. J. llcllnauer, A. E. Morse, and Carlisle P. Knight and Norman M. Ytitmlmu, ot AYnshlnBton, D. C. Monied by an Alderman. Oscar M. Howe, of Odt) West Lacka wanna avenue, and Miss Stella H. Mott, of Potter street, Dunmore, wem united in marrlaKo at II o'clock yester day afternoon by Alderman D.ivles. The coupla weto unattended, and Mis. lUtckalow, who lesldcs upstalt.s over tho alderman's olllco, was called In to witness tho 101 oniony. The alderman married the Rroom' ftteD-fathor hoiiic time nifo, and per formed the cei oniony with such Kraco that lie was called upon yesterday to officiate lu the above mentioned case. Mr. and Mrs. Ilowe depnitrd for Dun luoiv ufter the nuptial knot was tied. Yudcska Ecfuscd to riosecute. At the hearliiK lefoie Aldeiman D.i vles last evening In the case of Au di ew Stnuls, chanted with relieving John Yudeska of 90, the piosecutoi lelentecl and could not pinve a deflnlto charce nBalnst tlie prhotu 1 Charles Pallutls, to whom Stnuls pave tliu money, could not remember having le celved the money, and thcie was noth ing left for the alderman to do but dlschaifie tho prisoner. fitaultf was, however, lined $3 lor be Iiik diunk nnd dlsordeily. and the tiiuii who twenty-four hours previous wue b"iit on sendltiff him to Jill, came to his rescue and paid tho fine. Evans-Phillips Nuptials. Heibcrt Kvans, manager of an elei-tiK- llKlit plant at Oreat Pend. and Miss Marfi-aiet May Phillips, daiiKhter of Thomas Phillips, of 1514 Price stieet, weie united In mnirlagp at 10.:!0 o'clock yisterd.iy 11101 niiiK at the bride's home bv P.ov. 1:. J. Melleiuy, rector of St. David's HpNcopal thuich. MlhS Ida Kvans, n slstor of tho Riooni, and William Phillips, brother of the bride, attended the couple. A weddlntr dlnnei was cted, and Mr. and Mis. Hvans left at noon on a southern wedding tilp. Tluy will ie-sl'li- at (iu.it Heiiil. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. A meeting of the Swedish-American Political club was held In the Fn nch Hoof hall last evening, which wns at tended by huge number of the mem lei s. . , A tegular meeting of the Franklin ihiglne company was held last even ing, at which bexcral luattets were pertinently discussed. The second night of the fair and fes tival at St. David's Hplcopal chinch was attended bv a laige eiowd, and intei est In the event is -it a high pitch among the church woikers. The W. K. elide or the Hampton Stieet Methodist IIpKcopiil chinch will rerve a cl.1111 chowder .supper fiom .i to !i o'clock this 1 veiling in tho thuich pa riots. The Ancient Order of Utltons, No. 1. will hold n smoker this evening. The funeiul of tho late Ueoige Jen kins will take place nt 2 SO o'clock this afternoon ttom the home or dec ease J's patents, 2W Juck-on stieet. Inter ment will lie made in the Washburn stieet cemetery. Undertaker William Neville has add ed a team of blacks to his Uvet. St. Urenden's louncll. Young .Men's Institute, will tender it supper and social In their jooms this evening to tlie ladles who assisted theiti dining their recent fair and festival. A meeting of the Hlectile City Wheelmen was held last evening, at which the "stag" to be held cm the nlnttcenth was discussed. GREEN RIDGE. The C.reen Hidge AVoinen's Chilstlan Tempeiance union will meet this after noon at 3 o'clock In the Kvntigellc.il chuich, on Capouse avenue. A full at tendance Is cleshed. The leports of the m!d-ear convention held last week lu Moosio will be ical OBITUARY. Mrs. Julia Oilligau. Mi. luha (.llligi.i, of Puknin Cit cllrd mi Mniulu, uttcr .1 two wmIi. HIiuns slii U Miritioil to three tlnif, Vln., Kite l.uMi). Mi. Miii..nct l.nilnn nml Mi.j. ILoiiui l.aili.i, an, I l i.uc Inntliir, Patrid. rilf fllliml Hill 111 llClll ICIIIOIIMI JTtillKl II a .' u'tlork, front tin' DiiKion llj ( jllulio lIlllUll. Mis. Giace M. Klfenbajy. Mr. (aire VI. niunkirj, t). Ufi- nt I. II HIilIiI.ui dinl lal nlulil it I In' luiini. ct I it n inr. Ml. 'I ill, 2M ttirt Mir'.it flicK. -Hi mj d'.', miiix if ,i'c uii'l Is sun lnl li In r Int. I ii il, nuiiliir, tM iiitlii', I"! 11 din! In.rt '! ii, J!J 11c "Utei, Mr. .Vuii.tloiiL" 'llir1 fmiual 1 11 lc lulil at 2 o'lluik Miniil.e utiiiiiujii, with liitinmiit In Diuimi'u lew I I'i'.r. Hi' bright lilt ie mmi hi Mi mil Ml-, l.hllln 1. All'.lliiil.t, dial ,l.1i iili,y nuiu. In, Mlcr a ilioit lllin'. '1 tic Iini mil jlimit '11 iiontlw uM end Ind irnatlj rmltjrcd lilm.ilt to liis liicr-anl ui-nU ami ulithoi tin, I11ifi.il 1U In lild 'lliurMiiy jftfiiicxMi .it i 1 '1 11.. Ilitcrnullt .it I'lltmun JMliuo ccniili'iv l.llrilicth. Hi' infjnt iliiuhtcr cf Mr. iiml Mi' .loifili Williams, of W'ajne unsiur, dleil xtomljy inorjilns. 'Il.e tuncral will Ul t pljce 'ihu'wii) .it 2.S0 i. m. runeials. Inc llllCl.ll lit Mii liillhjlllie C'liil.i, v 1,0 .Ho. I in I'lilUiUMili Suiidii. -v. Ill talc r'1'' .e 1) o'clock llmridu ir.ouilmr ficnn the lionw ii lur motlur In (Irccin plici', lntoiii 0' mi W'pJncniljy ii'vinii;, preiioulv irnuiii,i.i. MiU-inn hifill nurf nf ri'tulun lll In? iKLi .1 rd in M. lMc t r.itlicli il, i.nd Inteuiunt will lj- nUo In tlie Piitlinli il tini.tirj'. !!. fim.ul f tin lair Vim l'itlurlii Tunn. li'r, 01 IP I'lttnton mi mil, nill In' held at 2 hi I in k thl .iltrrncmii fiuin the n.liliiiif. Ilio lumril nt Tliouin IUle, 01 Wmt MaiLrt tnt. Mill take iicp thti uIuiimkiii at J !.) u'llctk, Senlct' will ln IicM at tlio Holy Kd.jrj cluiiili, u ml liui'iiiieiit will lie inaik' iii lliiiiintru iiinclirv THE HOMLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON it 'veil at tho liamlsonutt, mid 01 lien iro Invited to rail cm anj- iIrui:i.Ut und i't dee a trial bottle of Ktmp'ii llaluin for tlie Throat nnd .uiijcv, a remedy that ii Riiaranteed to rnro and lelliin all Chionlc and Acuto Couglir, Afthnn, llrnndillU nnd Conjuiiiitloii. I'llcc Uk', and 'Jk. SOUTHSGRANTON BUIIKE-OASEY NUPTIALS AT 0A-THEDRAX. Ceremony Wan Performed by Bov. J. J. Grlflln Mr. nntl Mrs. Burko Have Depatted on a Wedding Tour Pleasant Surprise Party Tendered to Miss Mattlo Elmvvood. John Hart Injured In the Taylor Mine Edward Newcomb Thrown from a Mule nnd Badly Hurt. Miss Mary (Msey and Thomas IJurke were united In marriage yesterday af ternoon at 4.30 o'clock In St. Peter's cathedral by Kev. J. J. Orl.tln. The coieniony wns witnessed by a largo assemblage of friends nnd relatives. The bridesmaid was Miss Hcrtha Duffy. The giooni wo attended by Patrick lluggcrty. At tho conclusion of the ceremony a wei'dlng supper was served at the homo ot the bride, 601 Prospect uv emie. The couple left cm the midnight train for New Voik and other points of In terest. Mr and Mis. Iluike will be at home In about two weeks nt i'.OJ Alder street, where a pleasantly furnished home awaits them. Miss Elmwood Surptlscd. A very pleas-nit slit prise paity was tendered to Miss Mattle Klmwood, of 2S Plllston avenue, last evening by 11 large number of her friends. Chimes and other amuBeuuiits wote Indulged In and at a seasonable hour refresh ments were served. Flashlight pie tut es of the group wore taken by Wil liam Miller and Frank Shultz. Those who attended the party were; MlRses M. Ilashbee, Mattle Klmwood, Jennie Klmwood, Minnie Compton, Mamie Mauley, Katie Snyder, Cora Rees-, Margaret Roberts. Mary Ste vens, Maiy Clailt. Owen Huberts, Klsworth Thomas, Fted Sp.indle, Ateh Miller, Peter Hoehiig, CJcorge Kerns, William Olbbons, Thomas flllboy, .Ju lius l'cisner, Joe Williams, Joe Sly, Thomas Jones, Floy H.irtleson, Rich aid Oiay, Frank Schultz, William Mll lei, John i:ck, Arthur Decker, Harry Swart, Walter Capwell, Jay Teirle. Tliree Accidents. John Unit, of this side, while at woik In tlie Taylor mines, fell over .1 lock nnd cut n four-inch gash on Ids head. Dr. J, J. Walsh was summoned to chess the wound. Hdwurd Newcomb, of this Hide met with nn accident jestciday while dtlv lng a mule fiom the Moosle shaft. He wns tin own from the mule and ren dered unconscious. He was very seil ottsly Injured about the hip and leg. Htlwaid Toole, of Mlnooka, while at woik In the Greenwood mines met with a painful accident, one of the cms jumping the tracks and crushing him beneath It. He lecelved a btoken leg and seveie btulses about the body. Dr. J. J. Walsh Is attending the injured man. TOLD IN BKIEP. The opening of the fair which is held nt Nowlnsky's hull on I'lttston avenue by the St. Stanislaus Polish chinch of lax 11st stieet was hugely attended. Many useful and costly piesenti- weie chanced olt. The committee in dun go isl.s Michael Snscier. John Nileh. John Stnner. k, Teotll .InUei and M irtln Kogollcievl. The fair will last for s das. The niimliets of the Itov.il Aicanum will meet In tegular hcs-lon this rviti Ing at IMliiinniey hall All luenihus .lie teciuested to be present. Tlie mothers' meeting at tlie South Side Young Women's Chtistlin a-so-elation looms will he lwstpoiied until .1 week fiom Wednesday, on nccount of the Plerson meetlngK All the mothei s .ue invited to attend the Wide lead ing at tlie eenttal rooms, 205 Washing ton avenue, bv Aithur T I'leison, at 3 o'clock, and in the Second Presby teil.in church at 7.13 o'clntk. Tile AVcd nesiil.iy and Tlinis-ilay afternoons in Young Women's Christian association; evenings in the Second Piesbj terlan chuich. Pea Coal $1.50 a Ton Dellvoicd. to Soutli Side, central 1 ity and ccntiat Ilvdo P.uk. Addiess ordeis to J. T. Shut key, I'll! Cedar avenue 'Phone nfli::. " DUNJH0RE. Rev .1. D. Dabney offlclated nt th! futieiiil of the lute Clinton D. Rrlnk, which oeeuiieid t'toin hit. late home, oil O'HovIe stieet, 'e.vteida. A laigo number of sonowlng fi lends vvcrj prcent. lnteiment was made nt Hlnihurst. Tlie pall bearer", who weie niembeis ot the Grand At my of tin Republic, of which deceased was .1 member, were as follows- Fred Wc tit ling, J. W. Santoicl, John Schl.iger, Chillies Weiherlli. Tlie following will take part In the production ot tliu play entitled, "A 1311ml Altuchment," to lie given by M111 v In Tattle's clus on Thttrsdiy evening at St. Mink's chuuli. Misses Sidle Foster, Ilael Wlntot.steln, Fiances Kellnni, Fiances Rldgeway, Agnes McKniie. Miss Maud Hllde bi.indt, elocntlotilst. has been busily engaged in chilling the c u.xo for sonm lime. The sixth iinnil.ll ball ot P.Iectilc Hugiun company will take place on Fildny evening, Feb. II. nt Meeliiei's liall. Wahlcr lhos." oiehestr.i lttr nlshes the music. The employes of tli Cambiln silk nilll will hold a meeting at Temper ance hall this nf tot noon nt l.V o'clock Dr. (I. J. Chambcilalii. of Noith lllakelv stieet, Is suftiilng fiom a se vii 0 case 01 gilp. Mlt-s Fannlo Vlckcis Is eonlltud to hei home, on Apple MroU, sufteilns Willi iv Might lllnesr. Rev. A. J, VnnOlett lecttitcd la.ct night betoio the Oiaud Aimy of th.i Repulille tit Factory ilio. dellveilng his tar.iou.', lectin e on "Abi.iham Lin coln." Undntnker '1. J. (iolden, of ciicit nul ttrect, i.t iiilto sick at his homo. The live chlldicn of Hymn Htady, of Franklin stieet. aie all III with tho measles. Pi of. Hovard leaves thin mottling 101 llanhibuiL', vvlluie be will attend a meeting of the siipeiititendenls of thi schools, which Is being held tlii'iu this week. Henri To Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Dainty, of Fifth street, a son. Horn To Mr. und Mis. Patrick Qulnn, of Chestnut Bluet, a daughter. Mrs. A. If. Allen, nf Dudley sttei't, spent Monday with ftlcndH nt Pitts ton, The funeinl of tho lite William H. O'Connor, tho victim of Saturday's sad accident, took place from his lute jmsmmms home on Webster avenue yesterday morning. The soi vices wore attended by 11 gieat thiong of sympathising friends, and St. Maiy's church wns crowded to tho doors. A solemn high mnss of requiem was celebtated by Rev. M. 11. Donlan. Rev. Finnic Clink, of Philadelphia, was deacon: Rev. M. 1:. Loftiis, of St. Paul's church. Oieen Ridge, sub-deacon, and Rev. Al. J, Mlllane, master of ceie monles. J11 tlie sanctum y weto Rev. P. J. Me.Manus, Rev. Hdmund Fit;!, main lee and Rev. James Fitzmniiilce. Rev. John O'Connor, of Philadelphia, nnd Rev. Daniel O'Connor, of Cnn shohoeteti, weie nuiotig the mourneis. l.ni go delegations weie picent fiom the Catholic Mutual lleiiellt associa tion and Royal Atenntim, of which de ceased was a member After tho ser vices tlu long pioeesslon continued to Arehb ild, vvheie lnteiment wns mndo hi St. Thomas eemeteiy. Tho Women's Chilstlau Tempeiance union of Dun moie will hold a social at the home of Mrs. Maisli, 011 Soutli Rlukely stteet, Thuisday evening, Fob ruarj 14. A line ptogiiinime has been piep.ued for the occasion Refresh ments will be set veil, nnd a silver oli'eiiiig taken. The public Is cordially Invited. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Simon Nnutshnb Is Apaln At tested Case an Outgrowth of the Minder Tilal. Simon Nariislinn, who wns ncciultted of a charge of murder at the last teun of com I, wab arrnlgnevl befoie Aldei man Myers ycsteiday AVIth .loseiih Hlsausky and John Mlchellnsky, lie was chin ged with assault and battel y liv Andiew Millar. The latter It was who ptoipcuted Nniiishas on the chin ge of nun dei. The piohL'iit ease was nn otitgiowMi of the murder tilal ami lestilted In the aldeiman lining cai h ot the ac cused PJ and cost". Chr.iiter of Accidents. James Melvln, of West Maiket strict, "lipped and tell Sunday even ing, painfully Injuiiiig ills hips and loft sliouldei. Melvln was leaving his home and when going down the stone steps in fiont of the house slipped on some lee and fell. He wns picked up nnd can led Into the house, and later lemoved to the Lackawanna hospital, wheie he is now testing conifoitnbly. James McGo-van, of Hrick avenue, had Ills leg fractal ed Monday evening while assisting Mr. Mullen, janitor of St Maiy's ball, lift a laigo bo. Mul len was lifting the bov from the cellar ot tho hall to tin- tlrst floor. McGnwan hud stinted to lift one side, while Mullen lifted the .other, when Mi Cowiin's strength gavo out nml the box toppled over upon his leg, He was removed to his home, where th-i fiactiiie wns reduced. A Midnight Fire. File was cllscovc mil at uildul'thl In Anthony O'UojIe's bottling works on West Maiket htii'et, und an nlaim was tinned In 1 1 0111 ho i5, at the cot not of West Maiket and Winona xtieets A defeitlve Hue III the tuinuie Is thought to have caused the Hie which oilgn.ited In the biibomeiu ol the Iniildlim. The llames woiked theii way upwind and did consldeiable ramnge to the woodwoik on the lli.it 1I001 be line thei weie extinguished. Tho F.m elslor and Cumbeilaud Hose compnnles leponded to the alaiin. The damage to woodwork and furnish ings will amount to about V.flfl. King-Piucell Nuptial.. The wedding of Miss Jennie Pin cell, ot Oak stieet, nnd John lMng, of Mountain Diive, took plaee jesteiday moinliig at the Holy Ro'iuy chuieli. The man Inge cetenion was per t mined liv Rev. J. V. Mojlati. The In Ide wns attended by MKs Annie King, while James (iiillaghci' acted ns best man. Mr. nml Mis. King will lcilde 011 Kesscr avumn. IVIinor Jilentlonettev. Tlmmiis M. lCvans, of Wajne ave nue. is able to be ntound iignln after l tietlod of sickness Ml . It. S. JoilCi!, or l.'dmv aCeiuie, Is convalescent. The .Sunday school la s. of Mis. It. !. Jones, of the Welsh Congic .atloiuil chuich. Is ari.inglng for 1111 entertain incut on Washington's bh thday, Dr. .lohii Stanton has beeeti q I olnted medical ovimlner for the new tent of the Knight 01 Maccabees. All vouug ladies who wldt to Join the painting 01 eiuhroldeiy class 01 tho Young Women t'litistlau assoelatlon will be present at tlie inomti net Monday ntteinoon nt i o'eloci:. Mr. and Mis Joint D. Jones, of Put nam stieet. spent yesterila.v with .vlr. and Mrs. David Powell, at Peekvllle. Tonight and tonioiiow night tho Momoihil HaptlMt chuuli will hold their festival and bazaar at the Audi tot linn. Many booths have Pee-n li'.-ed up with hunting. These I1001I14 v 111 be iilte'tided by joiing ladles, velio will cell candles and fancy wotk. A supper will be set v id bv the young peoplu of tho chinch, The Ladles' Aid sodut ol tliu An Experiment Worth Trying! When you next order biscuit, crackers or wafers tell your grocer you want the kind that comes in the "In-er-seal Patent Package." When you get them, serve them from the package. Don't put them In a cracker jar keep them in the package I You will be surprised to find them as fresh as to-day's bread, as delicate as a piece of pie crust just from the oven, and you will pass a resolution never to buy any kind of biscuit again not protected by the "In-er-seal Patent Package." Soda, Milk, Graham, Oatmeal and Butter Thin lllscuit, Ginger Snaps, Vanilh Wafers and Recep tion Flakes come In the "In-er-i-eal Patent Pack age." Don't take a hubstitutc. Look for the "In-cr-scal" trademark design at the cud of the box. Q NATIONAL BISCUIT C0APANY. 1 ia Mmmmmwmm vswj maker. I U-aKKKSBPCH 4X&I I ii .iJ CVtKfcTvtaVI BWlrbr4 ?w J - X - S SZr.ijl VJ)e$riter. : "J The JEWETT is modem, up - and upid. MACHINES PLACED ON TRIAL WrWBm JEWETT No. 10 Has Ninety-Two Distinct Char acters. Eight riore Than Any Other Standard ria-ciiine. D. W. WAGNER, 215 Board of Trade telephone 2492 SCRANTON, PA. A Break in the Price of Rubbers They have been too high for the past two years. Now we will give you the benefit of the cut in prices Ladies' 60c Rubbers, now 45c Men's 85c kind, now 70c. (25 (WumDWly 'I I-iovidenco Methodist IhiKcopal chinch will hold a (.oil: social St. Valentine niiiht In the chinch pallors, llefichmeiiis fiee. IlillKlaia enteied the feed mill of W. U Fieas t Son on Knst .Vlatket stieet eatlv yestetday uuiiiiIiir but ;ot noth hm of value. OwIiik to a dhputo over wiiKen and the alleged unc.illed foi 1II11 haiire of mm tain emploves a stiilte I now on at tlm mine at null's Head. Terreiuv McIX-iinoU of Wilbur stieet. was iiijuied In the Mai vine liillie Monday by behiK siilli"Vi d hi -twecn cais 1'atilck W11M1. ji . of West .Maiket stieet, was seiiotisly Injiucd In the I.ORRett's 1'ieok mini) .Monday by behiK caught between a cat and tie lib. Ileal nml Nominal Republics. At the ptesieiit lime theio 1110 tweiuv nominal lepubllcs in tin vvcuhl outsM 1 of Alrka mid the tiny mountain dl. tt lit of San Mat Ino. These an France, Switzerland, the United St itn ot America. Hajtl, San noinln-n, Mexico, Uualeuiala. Ilondui is, NleaiaRiia. t'o-jta Itlcn, rolnmhlu, Vene-jiuhi, K. -iinilor, lti.tzll, I'eiu. lliilhlu, Chile, Ai Kentlnn. l-auiirimy and t'iuua of these onb Svvltsseilaud nnd the rule 1 States an ical lepubllo., within ilio UMKoii'iblc cletlnltlon of tlt.ic woid riance Is halt n public and halt milli taij clepoll"ni. All the uniainlni? seventeen aie either absolute mllltiiv lei.iottsin- ! ' I'M'e ollsraic hk.'i In which a rmiill mlnoiltj ol th pi Mil monopolUe all the powiih ot komui iiieiit, vhlle the ieat mass aie hti1 if any. better than slaveh. The tonus 1. 1 icpublli an government me iindoiibi cdlv nialiitaltied In neail all t them to tlie (..line eMenr as they are main tain d In Home uiidei Tlbeilus, or In T'ninie under the ptlnee ptesldent I.otllh Xilpoleoil. l.eKlslatllles meet and illnelH at meat lelinth ptop s tlons 01 law, submitted by 11 dictator, .u the end ol which they vole lu ihe iilllimntlvi or ll rU theli lives. In I'hlle. ViKeiitlna and ii"sllil oiu or to liiuie of these iepnhlk, thei Is 11 liuypf iieeilom ol dlsiuh'don and a Kie.tter absence of mllltatv dietaloi ship than lu the otheu. Cut in Chile .ill the land vwiilh huvinit Is oivifd bv a few families, and 11 vast ui.ijoi itv of tie ptoplo mi. bound to the.-ie lauillles In a mild but effectual shiv ei. In 11 IniKe maJoill.v cd thei.o 1. publlcs thei. Is not. and then never lias been uliv Rovcinntciit, e-cepi nili h us was lnipoj.ul be iiillltnty fo-ee ifter 11 HiceesHiul levoliiiloii, confirm cd bv the foiniK of poi'ntl.if election, al which aiivbod.v 1, as pui'inlued to vote lieely, provldecl he voted for the tilling dictator. I'.ven th subjocts of the Writes and shades scventy-fiva letters to the line. Writes straight on ruled lines. Has automatic type-cleaning brush. The best mnnifoldcr and stencil U The lightest touch to keys and -east -atue i The JliWErT ball-bearing car- riape "beats the world." ThcJliWETTlincr is easily tho most clever device ot its kind. to - date, simple, convenient, durable AND 0T1IEU MAKES TAKEN AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF HUSIC, RBIIA KUKOUNDfiR HARRY A. DROWN Managers anil I.c"cc. Local Manager. ALL 'Jills I.i:K. Jessie Siwrelle Dramatic Co In nuti el.ivt l!iic1oiie. tC V cl IM I fJ G 3 vfniuiit "Victorian Cron"' li'i,l.i "Grip of .itccl" ulnoil.n "Tho New South'- AFTERNOONS. u.-.. "Tlie Dcill'i Jluif' WiiIhimIi- lv.ojpcsl fiom the Law'1 Vlatliiii l-tlci' 10 ami 20 rrnts lariitiie l-i'iift-lD, 20 and SO ecntii. NewGaietvTheatre I.P fi UI.IIItlNGTON', Manaccr. 1 hum mvs coviMKNriNo MONDAY MATINEE, the new LONDON GAIETY QIRLS jaBSTV mm uun u.vmuuu BELLAVITA ruenio Beauty Tubleto and P11U. A por rctly mfu.iiul Kiinranteedtrratincnt forall skin Miierdar.'. Restore: the bloom clyouth to faded lace 0 ch yt," treatment 50jj 30 days' 11.00, by wait nnn forcncnlnr. Aildroaa. , ,-i""V MEIi'"" ro -tiS lckliSt.,Chla Bald by McGarrnh & Thomae, Drue icists.. WJ Lackawanna ave., Scranton. Pa. BUY THE GENUINE P OF FIGS . . MANUFACTUHED DY ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. I r."OTI' tiii: .V&HE. 'ieimiin and Atisttlaii empeiois havd far more mil voice in the Kovernment of their country than have tho "freo and Independent" citizens of any ie puhlle on the continent of America, c xcept our own. Tho subjects of tho monarchies of Sweden, Norway, Den nun it, Holland nnd llelKluni have vast ly moie. -Thomas fl. Shearman, tit Xotlh American Ileview. Duty on Sugai. Ilv , lu.lio Wlr friui Tho AmoclatcJ IVfsi. V a.liliuiui. Iil I." -Ilio kccirtary of tli liiniim IoiIji liiiuiiil h ii'iintmallln; duty of HI i.iin, e .ilium ,,! IcllU it kioi (a llttl inr .a iiuiHl.i en 11 1 1 ntiiii'it mcaii Imported nn. 1 mo ui. mti uiii'i. iruui iiii-.i a. ii ffl p & ' 'LilituJiPiLLi. aJi.