The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    . V
''.r. mg&if&i .v v
'' 'f '" '"ii V"' ''wy'i ?""- f ' i
V i I
rvu modern tunowAnn sronn.
Beauty and
Are combined in the
new thermometers this
year. Some have fancy
'lower borders, others
are gold plated. You
lire quite sure to find
.mythlng you need in
the thermometer line
Prices from JOc up.
Foote & Shear Co.
!J9 N. Washington Ave
United States Depositary,
the close of business Dec.
. tqoo.
tonus nml Investments
Hulking House . .
Ca3h and Reserve.
, U8,0Utf.U'
. 530,879.10
Capital ? 200,000.00
Surplus ...L 300,000.00
Undivided Profits . . . 57,005.20
Circulation 100,000.00
Individual Deposits . . 2,415,530.08
U. S. Deposits 422,720.39
Due to Banks 54,785.53
VII.I.UM (U.SNrXI.. I'iMlilClit.
HEVRY tlhUN', Jl'... Vltc-l'ic'lleni
WILLIAM II ITC!, t J.lnf r.
Bonds and
l jin ptacirir a few choke feeiirillcs ioni-m.f
l i per ecru lulls Riuiunteod lUock und 5 p.!.
tnt. .ftiil -iii'tnl liiti i &t f!oM tlonk In bleu. In
t etw. J0ii and M.wA, accompanied liv nou;
imi, affording i i in eppoilunliv lor lirgj or
-mall Investment. At Olflcef (, ami 8, Ledum
Vii'iiV, MoiiiIijh and Salutday! t other lime-",
' .ni!al ii polntniint.
Robert Van Schoick,
nll tariff Di-tilct Miiuccr of Tin. Xorth Anull
uii V'itiancieiliu enmpan).
Local data (or l'cb.
lllgliikt temperatme
Lcwet tcniperaluie
B .1. m
12. iron
, Zi deaie S
It digues
ill per out
S p. m.
M pn mil.
snowfall, 21 homs endiiu; ti p. in., I.I Inch-
Attorney Homer iiiccne, cf Iloiiuiiaic, v.w m
the city jestcrdoy.
JI. H. Dilft left jcsttrJjj tor Old Point Coin.
Jfoit, vvhero bo will remain for teicul wcek.s,
1 Mii Hanni Spldt, of niookljn, N. V., Is tho
" Suct ol MIm Lulu Palmer, of I'mnUlr. avenue.
lion. Jacob Claike. ol Newark. X. J la
the sweat of Alduinan IV. fc. Millar, of lVim
Allen E. Itoicnkiaiu, who lias been vialllug I.U
Uu?litcrs In lhi lly, has riturncd l hli homo
in Nevtton, X. J.
Dr. C. II. Tilton, who wa burned cut by the
l.ackiwaniu aicnuj confljratlon, la hi I'lilUJcl.
phla, purchulnir a new outut ol dentistry lm
plemcnti. There will be a rumrmiRe- sala for
I lie benefit of Tcnn Avenue Huptlst
diurch next Saturday, all day ami
c-venlnfr, also durlnrr the day Monday
aiitj Tuesday, February IS and J9, at
12U wnshlnston avenue. Send contri
butions to 1C6 "Washington avenue.
Thuisday and Friday.
Change of Tiain Service LacltHWHnna
Kffectlvo Monday, February 11. Train
So. l, wejt'bound, leavlns Horanton at
1.05 p. in., and train No. 4, east-bound,
lenvlnu Scranton at 12.55 p. m., will
iwt -un west of Elmlra.
Pillow Tops and Sacks,
Severn! fine patterns; weio GOc, now
35c. Cramer-Wells Co., 130 Wyoming
i . ' i J
Lewis, liffl
Murpliy 'Sbi-'
330 I'M l' ,; i '.'j'
330 ' 'L I I ' ' '
C ,rd
otwSLrv)9 n
Mis. John E. Roche Entertained
Eiiciuls nt Her Home.
Friemlii and nelRlibora ofj Mri. .lohn
12. Roche, of S12 Cnpouso uvenue, were
agreeably rntertnlncc! at her homo on
Monday ovenlnfr, It bclntr her fiftieth
bltthdnj. Amtmtr thow prcECnt were:
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. J. MuHale, Mr. and
Mrs, J. J. O'Hoyle, Mr. nnd Mr3. V.
l'ccl, Mr. and Mrs. CI. W. Keen, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Harry. Mr. and Mm. .T. J.
Fan ell, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Hanks, Mrs.
Thomas Counhlln, Mrs. T. Flneity.
Mi it. J I. J. nrentmn Miss Husla Ilanku,
MIm Ocrtrudo Collins; Messrs. Frank
Clifford, William Collins and W. W.
Gray, of Carbondalo; Miss C-oldcn, of
Ilunmorn; Mr. and Mrs. William D.
Roche, Mr. and Mrs. .T. Connor, Mrs.
and MIih Barrett, Mm. Frank Camp
bell and MIbm Campbell, the Mosdntnes
Catherine Roche, J. R. Kelly, D. 1i
Ollbert, f. H!clt3, tho Misses llannon,
Nnllln, Lynn, Cornish, Norton, Ouvl
can, O'Connor, Mangun and Dr. J. F.
Sultry, of Pcranton.
Mrs. Roche wai the recipient of
many handsome and valuable Klft?,
that, with the presence of her frlemlt,
will make the cvonlns p memorable
one to her.
Over One Hundred Quests Thtongetl
the Knights of Columbus' Hand
some Club House Last Night.
The Knights of Columbus club hoiibe,
on North Washington avenue, never
looked n3 beautiful ns It did last nlK'it,
when tho second annual danro of the
Catholic Hlsloilcal .Society and Now
man Magazine club was given.
The ballroom, on the first floor, was
especially admired for the beauty of
its decorations. Halter's oichestra was
t'liM'oncod on the hI.ikc, behind an
cuoimous bunk of palms, in the tentre
of which was placed a largo mirror, In
which wem icilected the figures of tho
dancers nB they hilled over the floor.
The chandeliers in thl- :oom were
hum? with smllow
l'nstalt. In the Flipper loom theio
was a profusion of smllax used, while
the tables wure decorated with beauti
ful little azalea bushes placed at inter
vals of about live feet.
Tho affair was n bplendld succes,
there beinir consldeiably over u hun
dred hi attendance. Supper was served
at 11 o'clock by Catcror Tafe, usslst
Jint to Stewaru O'Nell. of the Scranton
dub. Dm Ins the supper a sjwclal
concetl orchestra rendered delightful
m us It;.
Tho affair was In chtirete of u com
mittee conxIsllniT or the following
ladies nnd gentlemen: Mis. 1'. J.
Ilotan, Mis. t. J. Ruunc, Mis. I. J.
Cumv, Mrs. It. ('. Ruinc, Mrs. EdRur
Connell, Mrs. F. A. Kane, Miss Muiy
A. Olbbonsf, Miss Katlierim Maher,
Miss Jennie Clark and Mis ICatherlno
Smith, T. P. Hoban, Dr. W. F. Con
nms, J. C. McAndi-ew, John J. Mutpliy,
Dr. D. A. Webb, Dr. J. J. Walsh,
James Walsh, M. Czyjachowskl, M. F.
Conry, Dr. John T. McGrutb, F. J.
MoAndiew, T. I', irowhy. Dr. H. J.
Donnegnn: Hon. J. J. O'Nlel and F. D,
Cllllord, of Carbondale, and John Man
gun, of I'ittston.
)'ie"tit fioin out oi Icn wen: Ml-i Marjuu't
Mji.rai. and John O'Poiirill Manan jnd .'.
M. I'jv, of lMlUton; JII Alke McMahon and
MUs Nellie lilckty. "t nirgltaintou; Jam..,
Judfc and M.iitln Judiie, t.f Tajlor: MIm Kate
Ituunr, Ml Iiry llatiahue, Ml .lord in, Jlita
iiiu Jt.idan, Miv A1.1118 Martin. M. J. Korean,
J.initM Mihoii mid 'I. I. Jordan, u! Oljplunl;
1 . nillml, of t'ntbondale.
"Hie Kuots from lh' tllv M.rt j. tollimc Mr
and Mr. II. t Willi, Mr. and JIu. M. K.
Wyi-ib-, Hi. and Mk. Iloi.-ce Ilibbnti., Mi. and
Jliii. l J. Hume, Mr-. 1. J. Kilkv. Di. and
Mr,. J .1. WaMi, JIu. hwpli O'llilen Mij.
I'dmr nnntll, Mr- J. . Jordan, Mm. llfiwk1
Tin-- MI-iS Miluiii, Lmclta Oickii, AiiinJ
iMIihotn, Ntttlo S-noenry, Mi-i Kciunj. Mis?
Gibbon, Iloitcnsu Cojno, K it." JouUn. Miniiio
Joidui, Mollli! Ciimoll). Kiltie Cennollv, Mai
Bant Mltihell. Anna Ma) Mcdulrc, M'
(iulic, Leila O'Xdl, Nellie Ilcoinhh, Miry IV ?
luUli, Maiy Iluike, Alio? Ituike, Cfcella O'lloilo,
Miiy ('. Duftj, .MIvi llnrett, MIm Hum", Amu
(iillilii, 'IVii'-a ll.nuwaj, Mlvi Muuai, Maud
Mclltuli, K(o Connu), Nellie Kjan, Uiie f-now,
Jhiy Mcflnll, llcllndi Mt-sctt, Acne Martin,
Mary Iluddy. Tathirine Ilnddy, Mary O Smith,
C.itlurlne smltli, Miss Phoebe 'Iroup, Ml O'Xcll,
Anna llanill. Annie Cnlliiran, Kale MifioiiKli
and Kliz-ilK'th O'Msllty.
1", J. McXndreiv, J. J. Kelly, Jaima I iiniinins
Hi-. K. .1, rtniitviu. Piter HoIry, V, 0. Moor.i.1,
William Cojne, Uu Cojlic, John J. Murphv,
Matthiw Iliowti, Willimi Kelly, Dr. II. A. Wdib,
lluny M.'llctl, II M. O'lliku, .1. .. Cany, John
P. hlantou, Kiluanl Ik'ar.t. IMer .1. Wal-li, W.
John Midrath. John Conway, Jame O'Connor,
John Conry, 1. 1). Xlliiid, Jjtnn A. Jordin,
Jolin Connolly, "lliomai MrfTuire, Tlioma., Miir.
phy, T 1. Hoban, J. K. WaUli, Jamei Xolan,
John W. Joidan, Patrick Cinlcl;, O. J. Mellon,
iu'll, Jamrt M.ihon, Maitln liddi, Martin
(I'M illt V, M. GVjpachftivkf, M. P. f niit.i and
P. K Hon try.
ProRinmine Rendered in Piovidence
Piesbyterian Cluuch.
The oigan recital riven List oeiilng
It. the Providence 1'ie.sbyterUn church
by II. T. Iluffniastur, of the ricranton
Con-'-eivntory of Music, was well at
tended and was much enjoyed. Mr.
Huffmastcf Is a pupil of the eminent
oigunlst, George K. Whltlnir, of Bos
ton, and shows In his playing; the
splendid instruction he has had
The organ In the Providence church,
although a very largo one. Is very
sweet In tone and has a good vailcty
of stops, and at tho bands of so skill
ful an orgnnlst as Mr. lluffmnster
showed the capabilities of tho organ.
Rulph Williams assisted nnd, as us
ual, was enthusiastically received, Tlu
following was the programme:
Maxim I.MU-ujc (I'liilm-m
(ai I.jiho Hamh'l
lArr. lor oijnn by 5. 11. Wliitiiej.)
(Ii) Cantllcne Xi'iliilo l)n lloU
Vocal-'Tcn Xot V. O l.rart" tiki 1:
Mi. Willhnif.
Orjin feonata Xo. I (three last nioveinenU)
Adjcio, Andanto U'eltitlie, Allegro
, H ai d Mf nilclsioliii
"'Hie Swan" St. Kicuj
Vocil "Sanct Maria" fauro
Mr. William.
(a) I'nludc nnd I'ugue in i: V S. Ilieh
(b) Pchubtit'ii Ptrcnadj.
(Arr. for bv 15. 11. L-nine.)
Cnnd (horui Clmluijiit
Plnno for Sale.
This piano has been left on salo und
must be sold, regardless of price. Lat
est design uptight, nearly now, and in
ftno condition. Don's miss an oppor
tunity to get nw good plnno cheap. Will
be yold for cash only. Guerncoy Hall,
Scranton Pa. J. W. Guernsey. Pro.
priotor. "
Offices for Rent.
A fino suite of offices, well udaptjd
for uso of physician or dentist, can
bo secured In Guernsey Hall, Please
c,;l and get term..; etc. J, W. Guern
sey Proprietor
Jones Had Been Untlei' Suspicion for
Some Time nnd Wns Being Closely
Watched by the Inspector Latter
Wns Concealed In the Observation
.font When He Saw Jones Take n
Letter nnd Hide It In His Stock
ing Hie Arrest at Once Followed
and He Wns Searched,
it would &eem us It Stniup Cluik
Fiank II. Jones, who was at rested on
Sunday by I'oitolllco lnsticctor Hugh
Gorman, on tho ehurge of ilfllng the
United States mulls, has very llttlu
chance of making any kind ot n de
fense, IIo va" caught In the verj. ail of
taking a letter by I'mtollleo Jnpe?lor
Hugh Gorman.
Along last pumnier. (.'omplalnls bo
fan to coino In about moncv being
taken from letters mailed at the local
office. The letters would leach their
destination all right, but the money
would bo mlsim.
Inspector Gorman was notified and
he begnn to Investigate, but other
matter toqulred his attention and tho
matter wns allowed to drop. Towards
the end of September, inor complaints
weie lecclvetl by the pojinaster and
a number by the Inspector himself, tho
latter having been forwarded to the
depaitment at Washington and then
transmitted tn him.
He began to Investigate ag'iln and
became thoroughly convinced that the
money was being abstracted at the
local poslolllce, but could not discover
by whom. The Ilrst suspicion ho had
about Jones wus brought tiboir In n
lather peculiar mariner.
A gentlemun jesldlng In this ilty
complained in Washington that u let
ter containing a sum of money, which
he had mailed at tho loeul postolllce,
had been tampered with and the money
abstracted. Tho complaint was sent to
Inspector Gorman, who looked the man ,
up and L'ot the partlculais fiom him. ,
IIo (stated that ho went to mall th'i
letter on this certain day, which was
about two mouths nrjo, and told the
cleik at the AVlndow that it was valu
able and that he wanted It rogisteied.
Tho cleik told him that the reclslry
window was closed, and the man ac
cordingly bought a special dellveiy
stamp which he placed on the letter,
dropping It in the box.
The inspector took him .nound to
the postolllce and he Identified Jones
a the clerk who had waited upon him.
This led him to Buapect Jones, but us
he had no tangible evidence of his guilt
it was necet-saiy to obtain some. m he
proceeded to watch.
Now, It Is not generally knowt. that
tunning; up through the centre of the
workroom ot the local postolllce Is u
shaft about eight feet square. Open
ing from the four sides of this, about
twelve feet from the lloor, are icgl -tors
overlooking the whole loom ond
apparently used lor heating purposes,
but they are nol, and every postolllce
employe knows they me not and knows
exactly what they ate theie- for.
Inside this shaft Is nn iron ladder
tunning iiom the basement, and up
this it is the habit of the postolllce
inspector to climb, now and then, to
peer out fiom the teglsteis over the
room und see that the employes are
doing what Is proper. Tho inside of
the shaft Is dark, and a person look
ing through the grating of the regis
ter cannot bo seen from the floor be
low. The employes know that the In
spector doesn't spend all his thn In
side this shaft, looking at them as they
work, but they do not know Just when
ho Is there and when he Is not, so thnt
it has the effect of making them ex
ceedingly careful.
The Inspector continued his waicli ot
Jones thiough the register, which Is
directly over nnd Just a few feet be
hind his place nt the stamp window,
for two months, but his vigilance was
not rewnided until Sunday morning.
Of course. It must not be understood
that he spent every day of the two
months in tho shaft, but hu spent a
gieat deal of his thno there
He learned that Jones would be at
work Sunday morning, with only one
or two other men with him, and de
cided that It was a splendid opportun
ity to catch him. So he climbed to his
place, und had only been notching for
a very few minutes when he saw Jones
look furtively around, and then go
over to the box underneath the drops.
He fcorted these letters through hur
riedly, and finally picked ono up. He
reached down and, pulling his pants
leg up, stuck It Into his xock. This
wns enough for tho Inspector. He
(illicitly chunbeied down and, coming
up Into the building, took Jones Into
Postmaster Ripple's private ofllco and
searched him. The letter wns found In
his sock, and the inspector called In
Postmaster' Ripple nnd Superintendent
of Mails Hchautz as wltnebsos. Both
endorsed tho letter on Us back.
Jones offered no excuse, except to
say that ho had only taken three or
four dollars, when asked by the In
spector to tell the amount of his dep
utations. No accurate estimate of the amount
Austin, Nichols & Go
of New York City,
Have placed the agency of
their "Sweet Violet" cigar
with us. We supply " The
Trade" at their price, $35.00
per thousand. The new pau
etetas shape is better than
many 10c cigars, it retails at
5c. The regular couchas size
we offer at Sc, 6 for 25c,
$2.00 per box. A. trial or
der will demonstrate the re
markable value we give you
in this cigar.
E. 6. Goursen
Wholesale and Retail
of money abstracted from letters can
I be obtained. Tho amounts complained
I of luti all the way from l to $'o. The
letters ivcte undoubtedly nil taken
f i oin the box underneath tho drops. '
Jones had access to this befoie he be
came stomp clerk, and It was tight at
hli side while he was lining the duties
of fho latter position.
His case will como tip be foci Judge
BufllnKton tit tho annual iilrm ot the
United Stales District court, which
meets here In April.
Banquet nnd Dance Given by Twen
tieth Century and Literary Club.
The second nnnlversary of the organ
ization of the Twentieth Century Lit
eral y club was celebrated last night in
Uiiptiiscv hall with n. banquet and
dunce. The bnmiuct was served In the
banquet room, beginning nt ft o'clock.
The hall amis handsomely decorated
with the national colors, while tho
tablet weie beoutlfled with carnations
and pinks.
Aftir the banquet the following
toasts wore lespouded to: "Past of
the Society," 15. R. Mnycoek; "Our
Lady Friends," , H. Swnrta; "Our
Nation," W. M. McKuy; "The Futuro
of (lm Society." O. J. Gilfilths. Will
iam McCracken prcMded as toastmas
ter. Following thete was a dance In
the main hall.
The chapetones or the nffalr wore:
Mrs. H U Vauuhn, Mis. S. A. May
cock, Mr. 15. F. Moore and Mm. D. J.
Giilllthi. Those present -were a- fol
lows: Iluttie Main. Minnie Driibel,
Grace Devlne, Lou L Wade, Bettha
Hold, Mary McCracken, Fstello Tropp,
Jessie Shumwoi. Delia Davis, Gladys
Jones, Mabel Spencer, Susie Thatcher;
Messis. William McCmckon, Herbert
R. Hill, II. G. Wdls, Frank .Matthews,
Wallace M. McKay. Wllllum AV. Shaw,
Milton H. Moore. Howard Yost, O P..
Swam, E. P.. Mnycoek, D. J. Griffiths
and At thur Wlnterlleld
Two Mote Cases Tried Yesteitlny Be
fore Burgess Beige Unpleasant
Experience of Detectives.
Mr. AH luu -Muiphj and Michael
Reap, of Avoca, arrested on wuuatils
Issued by HiirgcoH Borge at the In
stance of Superintendent W. H. W.'
Hams, of ib Anti-Saloon league, on
the chui ge of keeping spnkensles, wei
esterday analgncd before the burgiss
Each of tl.i delondaii.'i waived a
henilng and paid a $10 fine and the
costs. The uis-. of Michael McAndrev,
likewise accused of selling without si
license, was postponed until nxt a! ii
day. Frank Philbln, who was fined MO
Monday on ihe charge of keeping a
speukeasy, and who made nn naa'Ut
upon Rev. Wllllami, was arrested
again ycsieiilay on the route accusa
tion. This vaivaui was iiud l Alder
man Pollock, of Wllkcs-IJarrc, at the
Instance of Rev. Williams. Phllbir
waived a hearing hiuI enleied ball In
the sum of $501) at Avoca. Rev. WIN
l.ams sujs he has evidence ugilnst a
number of other speakeasy proprietors
and has given iufounatlon to the Avo
i t constabulary, In whose hand h
will entrust the crusading work for a
A couple of the league's duUcilves.
had an unpleasant experience yester
day at Avoca. when a crowd of the
natives sought their blood, according
to Rev. Williams. The latter i-ays that
the limbs of law and otdcr were be
leaguered In Bulges Herge's oftlee for
a considerable peiiod, but at length
made their escape.
Thiiteenth to Be Quartered in Aimy
and Navy Building.
The oideis for the Journey
ing or the Thirteenth regiment to
Washington, to attend the luauguia
tlon ot President McKlnley, on March
1, have been received In this city. No
mention is made of the timet the regi
ment Is to leave this city, but (It is
announced that It will be quartered
while in Washington In the conldors
of the state, war and nay depart
nient building.
It ptovldes that only ten of the
eleven companies shall go, but It Is
expected that the men of one of the
companies will be scatteied through
the other ten, thus permitting' every
one to go that so desires. Captain F.
M. Vnndllng, quarter master of the
regiment, Is now In Washington, se
curing matri'MtcH for the soldiers to
sleep on. The rent ot these will eon
each man about fifty cents.
The order Is Aeiy strict regaidlng
unsoldleily conduct on the part of tho
men and says that It "will meilt and
jecelve severe punishment."
William Hugo and Michael McGowan
Meet Death at the White Oak.
A sudden fall of loot' coal crashed be
neath It and Instantly killed Michael
McGowan and William Hugo, two
young men employed as labotcrs at
tho Delaware and Hudson Railroad
company's White Oak mine ui Aich
bald yesterday morning- They were
burled beneath tho trcnrendoijs weight
and It took considerable tlmo befeno
thp bodies could ba removed by the
mliieis in adjacent chamber".
Hugo was 20 years of age and lived
with his parents, near Archba' 1, Mc
Gowan wns i3 years of age.
One Fare to Washington D. C, and
Return via the Leliitjh Valley Rail
road. On account of tho inauguration cere
monies at Washington, the Lehigh Val
ley railroad will hell tickets to thut
point and ulurn, March 1, 2 and S. at
tho low rate of one faro tor the round
trip. These tickets will bo good to iv
tin u to March S, Inclusive, and will
bo honored on any tialn except the
Hlaek Diamond Express. Stop-over al
lowed at Philadelphia and liultlniote,
by deposit of ticket, provided ticket
Is used within oilglnul limit. For fur
ther Information consult Lehigh Valley
ticket ugeuts. '
-. .-
An Appointment Reconsidered,
llj 15udU!lio Uiro from The Ae-miidel l're'.
Home, IVb. 12. The propaganda llde, u n
ineetlnir jcterday reconsidered tlio appointment
of tho Itcv. M. C. Oihlni as bl'liop of JVut
land, Me. The decldon airbed .it hu not jet
been divultrcd.
Postmaster nt Satterrleld.
By Exclusive Wire from 'Iho Associated l'rcjj.
Washington, Feb. 13. J. F. Iloklon was todsy
(ppoliitcil po'tina.tu at Snlterfield, a'llll:in
count), P.
Was Made by Major Everett Waticn,
Attorney for the Scranton Railway
Company, and Sets Forth the Rea
sons Why That Company Thinks
It Would Be a Mistake to Grant a
Franchise to n Competing Trolley
Company Refeis to Past History
of Such Enterprises.
At lust niKht'ri meeting of the lutl
wuy committee of select council, called
to consider tho ordinance granting n
franchise to the Central Rapid Tinn-
sit Street Railway company, .Major
Everett' Wat i en, attorney for tho
Scranton Railway cotnpnny, nppcutcd
and mado an address in which he
outlined tho position of the old com
pany with reference to the Invasion of
tho torilloiy by the new. He said
the question's which should have the
most Important bearing upon tho de
cision of councils were:
Fiipt Will the city of Scranton and
the people ot Scranton bo benefitted
by the granting of the ordinance
nsked for"'
Second If, after i arsful ciitisldeia
tlou, giving due rcgnrd to the welfare)
of tho city and Its citizens, you de
cide In the ni'.lrmatlve, then, upon
what teims should the ordinance le
granted to this railway company'.'
With reference to tltos" two matters,
Mr. Wmren said:
With K'U'it to the first, it W Uiie thai Jl v
I ion- linen of street railroad thin are nwo';'
ti al"oul u ijood .nlco to the citlren oi ti.o
lomnunity M a buulrn en the community in the
hspr of n.clM4 oc upatlon of itreet nnd lor
the lurthcr toaion tl.a; II Itnolie a uselisa
expftiilllrre of money which pieientl the bit
tfculopmont tr. 1 inipiovemiiit of the Miiet eir
MMei i, bo that vttem omioil by one oi more
-id1 railway connic. Whit action of the
city will bo t;ivJ by the propo'ed stutt rid
,.j not ultrady Milttutnlly proideJ ub -ii'i't
tar fiulitlii' Xo fc-tion ttlutoio-.
"it.ixt i:iiavv ui-rom
I ' u. icok Icr a inotnen' at Ihe Ihkioii of
curntx-tltlie street railways In thU comtn'inlt) :
What las bcooine of tho People Miet illl.iy
etmpany, the Fcrir.ton I'ancnacr sticet ltalhviy
Ciinpjny, el the fccmnton .'iiliutb.m Hillwiy
(o-njiany, of tho Val!e. l'.i,enger Hallway com
pany nnd ot the 'eranton liac'on cotiipipy?
Wheie arc they all no.v? Merttd, In ionic lonn
or other, Into the present street railway tyiloni.
And h It not better for the city and Its peopl
that It fhould be "en-ed by or.1" totnpary, nther
than bv man? Tlio tendency throuchoul the
world l In tint direction. I'roir tenlcv can
beet lie rendered by one compaio. The people
can bo t.ikcn over the many lines coMpasins ore
bibtcin to tlio part ot the city ttliero they slant
to (jo, by the ninnlnj of cars ttoiri ore line
to another, i.iid by tr infers.
No on" will iruMlon that the city ot "Scran
ton woild bo !ttcr off had Its street cai' hjv
tim been tl.n remit nfn plan to tone Hie neidg
of tli cilj by one .yntcm ot tracks lnteul of
by the grmiHinf cf (rancMres to man- dlllirent
coinpinici! nnd their l.'.'.er consolidation Into
enf t.ii-tem. 'Hie crranjreinent o' ttacl-s would
hae been lietler adiptcd to in( the needs
of the peoplo lad tho present Fjt"m been ttis
result of thi dot ilopmcut of ore j!ci, ralber
than the consolldslion of fe'.iral.
Another 6ircct railioad will hot Ik- limit with
refnencc to the needs ot the city In ftroet civ
seilie, but rather as a competlnw line lo luc
cUtirig lines, to prey upon lb biulncu, and at
iomi luture dale, when the inevitable tonioliih
lion has taUu pl.uo, the uiiai-gcinii.t of the
troiks tnd the jriiie will be still moic 1111
j.itlsfactory and lill hu- able t,i seno the
rqulranent!i of the pttioii" ol ttc"f car'i in the
u.ot batl-faciory MJiiwr. Antone who que-,tioiu,
(lie ultimate conolldatlon ot this Independent
Hue, hat (lib In remciiihii the past and It the
personnel of tills cne ieems to liuur that this
will be an rtcrptinn tu oir previous liutoiy,
let tl.'.m look at tlio ,i r.oiiiiil ot tin. pievloas
tuct lallway (.ontpfliilcn to which franthl-es
Lie nu.tit.'il. Theie can be nu imiiovtmenr in
Hat direction. 'Ihue Is no Improvement poi-'
lit. The tioublo ;- uol v-ith the charai tei of
the men who compos" Ihe companj ; It l that
v.hen they .late that lids U goinu to be an
ltdp;ndent competllive line, they aic vtuiu
inn lo do what is contiaiy lo the natural Lu-i
re-H laws sovcirdr.s thc?e matters, md tiny
nii'irht almost as will a nmc in 'j-o a-'ilu.t
the law of ntme
1' ')Mi ol l.-TIo
W'uli UppiLl lo the M und iUtnoi.. ,l m
hiok .t the IiImuij of tim bluet railioad 1. . i
ms t:i this tummunily. Ihe Stranion Killwiy
lunipaiii, vvldili is tho I'eopk'i. Slid- Kallwaj
eompi'i ol I.iiz.'ine county, is s n'd i" the
Ity llelf. It li.a, crown Lp vvilh the ciij Ir
hai ciinlilbutecl nonnoivl) to tho devtlopmu.t
id the city. It has paid enormous eums of money
lor Its fiancldaes end thrsu mrns have .is tcr.
talnly Kot lino the city treasury o( h-iaiilou 14
thim.'li lh"y liael teen paid in ca-li. 'Ihis inon"
I.ji 101.10 to tho 1'ilr in tho lneieiied value of
real utatr nnd cen'ei'ie'it increied value of
Luablcs, duo to the development and growth
ot the city, nude possible only by the deveh p
n'ent and arontli of tho :nct lallway sjitcni.
Now lhat the clt.v ha grown until its popu
Ijtkn r-.cceds cne liu'idrcd thou'.nd and it hi.
loathed a roiut in its growth when 11 'i vv
-titct rallncy would ican all ti.o Unifll or tin
vrowth and ot the years of time und woil: vvlihh
liu bioi.ilit tl.e development of the cily lo
this point, hould the city grant for iwtMn,?
Last of Season
Sale of Neckwear
To close them out com
pletely and make room
for new goods. All odds
and ends of the 50c line
to go at
Those dollar shirts we ve
been selling for liftv cents are
not quite gone yet, few of
each size, except 14 anil 15.
7 "y-'W
K Wrtlnsii iy?J I
Wholesale Liquor Denlcrs, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
to another M.cct rallwi). which has In tin no."
paitlelpaled In nor eoi'tilhulrd to the devi l"i
nient cf the city, a fraiiohUc, thin l'rmilt nt
it to reap the bitellt of nil ol this development
In v hlth the Krnutnii Hallway tompato :i'
Dsslsiul u, i-ucli lary ettrnt and u uii
iiiotmoiu tout?
'Hum is snnihcr fealuic whltli 'iii
on this question, pi.d which rlionkl rueive r i
iderallon from you. There liaio be;n Horn t me
tu thnu complaints avMintl Hip rtrvlce lemUr-1
by th Scrintni Hallway co'npiny ard the emi
dltlon of its jiriKrty. It ihess coiiiplaintu u
well foended, i It lllelj lhat tlu wivlee l
the conditicn oi ihe propcily can l Ilii,ir i
by tie construti ion md uiiullon of eoiupiti' i
llrc, only business will b' latin i. m
the S(rr,niei) Ilalhraj- ti.n pjit? Will t! is d.
create (:iL. ubility t,f Ihe ker:iLion ltniwi
pvv to porf.'-t Hi sjjlcni.
vi.r. 10 woiu; 'joiii:itir.n
fuo iJUi-lK'ti il'iitfotr, fur 'on to
In this connection I, will Hi- piop'. f Seij'i' n
'r best served by mitijcmlilnt; r.n.l lujui'ti the
cxtlltijf ostein, or by eneourailn a"d nii'tiiu
it In every ,jy ruxalble tn cintlu'ie the x.:i
v hith its mtiiipement '.us Uni inllTviiii lei
JiJIS tu perleet tho ytM' .111 ,ivi('ef
We reco?nizo the pwu 'if routiells do
either, but we nre ure that a fill "-idiiJtl'iti
of the statement nude aimer, mid a fi.T iscjin
liutlcn of wlLit the Seranlmi l:,l!way unpinv
1..13 been cloiiis and Is nw ilflmr fur tl.e in ph
ot S'eranton, Mill tlM you tin but ,n
liicnb of the city mid Ihe people will be uwd
by a heatte nnd liiimonioiu io-opcrjtlin 'ic - mi
the cuy uuthoilil -s and the inin.U"? i' 'i ',
Scranton tiillwny company 'lids icunpua i i
cf tin Imuorlnnt inlltuticr,s of lb" m', id
one ef flu cr.'atest fictore in ii I'liih pmii
lt in, i'i'ii, Wi-ik toffi-llier, ,n eur .ntire '
ere n.utuil and n-,1 acainst aeh ih i
Supposed to He Due to s t-nll on the
-oroner Itobert went to La. kmi an
na yesterday to investigate the ileum
of Daniel Hreslln, aged CO yeais, who
was found unconvclous and dld t.nia
a fractuted skull. Hre:in wus .ii
ploycd at the William A. initio at r.m
yea. and It appears slipped and tell "'i
the Ico on Sunday evening ruii
cecded In teaching his apailoi
after having fractured his jkull.
When he was found on MotuU he
was dead. An Inquest was held , n
terday nnd the jury rendered a vul.i i
that Civislln came to his death by cu
accidental fall or blow unknown to tlie
Jury. . 1
A suspicion of foul play va-e lent in i
the case by people In Duiyea, who s.i
Hreslln had tiouble in tho
county com ts some time ago, when he
had seclal men tiled for robbery.
The Sciautou Gas and Water Com
pany and the Hyde Paik Gas Com
pany. In accordance wiui the point i iheie iom
panlei to icduce r.itei fio.n ilmi iu i mi,- u
may be wan-anted b meiea-ed ciiiinupii, i,
notico is herebv itlcen tint, on md aflu Apu,
1 next, the price ol (,as will le one dollar pir
die thou-und tubio kit con.inned, subject to
Ihe following dlcoiim: l'lce pr cent, on ill
bills v. i ere tlu- coiiiuiiiplion foi Iho moni'i
smounti, to le, than twentV'tlve dulhis; ten pi r
ctnr. o-i nil bills where the iiueumplion fm lm
month amount,, to twenty five dollars and up
i'Iovld-d Ihe bill ! pilcl on or before Hie
JOth day or ihe mouth in v. tin I, Ih lull Is
rendered. 11) otdei of ihe 1,'i.inl.
0 II. II IM). "ecut i
1 1 1
Ash to sue our new Wrap
per with a new wrapper lin-
The latest improvement in a
Wrapper Lining. Possesses
the essential features of a
Corset without discomfort to
the wearer and can be de
tached when garment is
washed. It supports the form
and gives perfect shape with
out use of any other corset.
Our Cash Price
Pierce's Marke!, Penn Avenue ,
Wc male a piiiaUj cl fane) deaineiy Eu'
ler and ftrictly freh eiocs and tho price l n
low it flr.t 1 law) Kooda can be ahi a'.
We do not have any tp-clal i.alis cr i- nl, '
but nt all tinus caity as complcto a Iil
Market Goods, Pane) tlrorerles and Table pi '
lies as can bo lound ill tho laie"t New V
cr Philadelphia Marlc-ti which wo cell at ,i,
W. H. Pierce,,
19 Ltektnanna Ar.
Prompt delivery,
JIU, IK, UI Tenn W
Tlio Dickson MniiiifiictwTlir,' Uo.
tcianton and WUUm-llur.-r, l'i,
.Mumifnoiurori or
ISollera. Hoisting and Pumping: .Matlilncry,
Oeneral Office, Scranton, Ta.
Clarke Bros
We make always, is to give
what you are entitled to the
best that your money can buy.
That is what we give when
vc offer our
eon Valley Rye
IP t-'-kt 1 t"i i ti'Kei to SpiinKileld.
Tlfl:'. mar 'aid ' Spriuwllold, III., or
Sptlnytkid. Mm'" II" "tudlod a min
imi und H-.I.-1 ' Which Ii the cbeap
fif!" A Splll'g It the cheapest ll.ft t"
bn.v it this nfunni ol ih" .ear. Our
prim: stvl' aic ui living dully.
305 Lackawanna Avenue
Mill harping on our old subject
but f won't t,top till we know
you are .isuied we handle the
pin est, nicest made, and most
btilliaijt (Jl:MS handled in the
country, and listen, 25 per cent
less than you can buy them any
where else. Visit us and we'i'
prove it.
317 Lackawanna Ave.
Sioania.iil Unnfarn
jKolWto altJdiOlbi
I 1:; js rE:::i avusit.
'I lie nnebt prepniation ill
the woiM lor polishing brass
work, bi.'iiis railings, band in
stiuments, nickle stove parts,
et Vlost everybody knows
nbv, u ( filoi'liic ritrnltiire
l'ollli: we ate the ngents
sell hundreds ol bottles every
weei'. !'liis week with every
bo-t.e -f Cederine Furniture
Polish yt -ic wc present you
with a lull-sized package of
the tmest Metal Polish that
is manufactured.
231-223-aa5-227WyomlnrT Km
Heeling Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Oas Stoves,
,41-. ,.;,m-
.. Kfi KUfrti-,,e f ' '-'