The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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svTa - iTT. itRTfu. ?S
.V V'- Tw
' '
j Condensed Milk
Phospbatei and Hypophosphltes
Added without change of taste.
Best Milk for Family Use " " Babies thrive on it '
SoM If DmcjiUJ and Grocers
4. vv''''vv.
Scranton Stock
and Grain Co.
Rooms 41819 Connell Bldg.
Correspondents of The .Stock. Grain
nnd Provision Co., 10 Wall 8t., N. Y.
Stocks, Uoncls, Grain anil Provisions
bought nntl wold for cosh or on margin.
Private wlrcH to Now Yolk.
Ice Cream.
25c Quart.
3 cjepfcone Orderf Promptly DH vorl
;7f-33 Adams Arenua.
Scranion Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office D., 1. & W. Passenger
Ctntion. Phone 025.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Office TTuurs . m. to 11.30 p. m.t S to
Witlings Building. Opp. Pastofllea.
4- -f 4-V ---t-
llir.ll 1'KOH TUMGi:. lotcpli l.ynn, of Arch,
lulil, died fiom u tumor at the Mocs Tajlcr
lupllal jcsteidjy.
U.WIllMVMO MAHM Gi:. John Coghlan
mid Klla biarles, both of Seianton, weio nur
liid by Alderman Millar jeskulay.
SCCOXI) The Knight of Oolum
lull will lonfer tlie Second dtyiee toniglil, ut
t'uir club house, Xcrth Washington a;enue.
OX TIIH Horn WAR. Attoiney K. W. Thayer
will deliur an adiln.s en tlie lioer war Itfon
the number ot the SVianton council of tl-e
Kojal Arcanjia on 'lliursdiy nlg-lit.
(.OMSimCI) '10 .JAlb.-Cleorge Korrappl, ..f
Taylor, was coinniltlcd to the county jail by
Aldennan Millar yesterday for bein; drunk rnd
ditordcrly and trcspabdrs; on J-atkawanna pri
l.Vf'ORniGini.n nillL. A warrant was issued
by Alderman Millar jesterday for th ariest of
hate O'Malley, a j7-3ar-old girl, of Dunmoie,
who U charged Willi being a Aa?Tant and in-
Cjrn IUXCIXO tT.?S.-'lhe Ai-me Dancing
elass of DunmoM will conduct a pre-Lenfn
oeiil Friday cenlii(r, Iii. 15, In Wasiangmu
hall. Dunmore. Lawrcnec's orehctra will fi.r
nijh tho mutie.
SIGHT MJPEmXTKXDEVr.-A night mpo..ii.
lendent is an innovation tliat will probably ic
InrtltuliHl In the I.ackawanni hospital in tin'
near future. SIUs Hutthlng has been mnrmskd
tor tha position.
UK. PIEHV)X'S TAI.Kb.-r. Arthur T. Pi.
noil will speak this afternoon at H n'clexk in
the rooms of the Voung Women's CluUtlaii a,
koclatlon nnd at T.Ij o'tloek in tho -, rom1
Presbyterian church.
ramo to thU city from Ktiea homo e.u .ii.ii.
Infomiation Is wanted cf him or sotno mriulier
of bin family, by Dr. l. 1. Jolin, D. J. .,
567 Washington avenue St. Louis, 3Io.
nilOKK IT13 AltH.hnifa Donpsey of Dun
more, had hla lift arm rroken at tho wiist
.nrterday, by bclnj caught bitween a mine ear
slid a prop at tlie Pitin-ylvanla So. i mine
.MSterdaj'. He received treatment at the Laiki
Ha una ho?pital.
Iimi AXNI'M, llI.U-lhc hflli annuil ball
u the Montetioie Hebrew School association w-at
given last night tit Music hall and proud a
great hueicss. 'llio comniltkv in eharge enn
isttd of II. C. Ui, K .gal, . Suialt, Mon is
Oocar Aaron-ion ami W. Hoenberir. A
'hen is president of the society! ,.i,.s
t Gas, Wafer,
I Electric Light and
I Traction Bonds
and other
M n roadway, S V.
4, 6 and 6, Commonwealth nidr.,
.T' ttttfttftttttf-f
L. I 1
tor booklet.
Sclilos., Ueo presldmt; Morrlj Cohen, treasurer,
and K. bokmon, Mctetary.
NKW Oltnillll.Y. I'Jlrlik Ke.imcy 1, the nitur
o( the ncu orderly at the Lackawanna, hospital,
lio han succeeded John llarly, who died of unr.l
moril.i bit 1'il'ljy. Kearney lia readily taken
hold of Ms duties and li tlimitild Aery highly
ot by (ho patients.
tW-i: WAS USI.OCKK1). Iitrolin.iii JIcVul
Ion last lunlnir found a show case In fiont ot
GciMih'n millinery store open. The contents of
the cuie, t-unsUtltu; of a wax flirura and flio
bonnctx, wim tikcn to the CVntcr Btrcct aUtloii
Iiciim) for i-afo keeping;.
1'AV DAY3. The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company paid thilr tralnnun yesterday,
and will conclude the Jimmy payment today.
Ihc Diliware nnd lludvin loinpany paid yes
tirdiy at the l'ljniomli No. 1, Plymouth No. 2
and Uobtcn mined at l'h mouth.
HAI!MVAHt: Jir..V UXiriSO. A mectlii
held at the hoard of trade loom In thU city
recently for the purpura of eiiRJiillns a Hard
ware Dealers' association. John SI. h'emmeier
presided, and representative de iters were pres
ent liom this city olid Wllkca-Iljnv.
roil sniAI.INTi HIiAS. Mary 1'osnoikl and
daughter, Anna, were committed to the county
Jill yesterday by Alderman Millar on the cliarge
of larceny, preferred by Detective Crlppcn, ot
the Delaware and Hudson. The women are
clurged with fctiatlns brass journals and old
lion, and selling the simc to Junk dealers, Tl.ey
aic from DicUwn City.
I'AVTOX TAILOR FINIM). l'oyton Taj lor, col.
oreil, n miner employed at the Sit, Pleasant,
wa f'ned t3 for trmiaMiiiR on Lackawanna
railroad property. T.ijlor was very Indignant
when the fine wis Imposed and threatened to
Mvear out a warrant for Ike Scldinnn, who nrrcct
fd him, for some nlleted Illegal doings. The
dlseiwbn belwem the two became quite ant
mated but the oftlceri. of l!n nMcnnan'i iMUit
AlllinSTKn 0 TWO CHAtlGlS. V. Y.
Run. the, promoter of the new city dlrcctoij, wan
airiiu arrested c-terday. lie (halved by
lalcai Wilton, of the fx-ranton I.iundry with
lxrjmy and fal-e pretense ullcges that
at the hearing before Aldennan Kassnn, on Jan.
1, Smjthe perjured when he said that in the
latter part of July, 139J ho published a book
on banking, eontalnln eme of WiNon's nder
ttinieiiH, ami dMuhtitcd the smie. INon
ilalnn the book wai necr puhlihed. Smjthe
wm airalKiicd before Alderman Kxson, waived
.1 hearini; aid entered 5"J,i0 ball on each charge
for his appearame in eouit.
Commonwealth Had Mote Corrobor
ation of Herring Than at
the East Trial.
Jacob Kllnuin was again imt on
trial yesterday befuto JtulRo (leorge
Vurtly, of Iloncsdnlu, specially presid
ing, on a charge of subornation of per
jury. !! was tried laal week before
this same Judgu and convicted, but
a new trial was granted on tho
Kiouml that the commonwealth had
not presented sutllclent ptoof of tho
bitbornatlou on the part of UUman.
It will be rcmenibeted that Ellmun
Is charged with having suggested to
a youth named Max Herring that he
could make money by swearing out
warrants ugalnst persons on llctltlous
charges. Herring pays he went to
oilman's home, at I'rlceburg, at his
iefitest, and was there iiisttucted In
tho details of the scheme. As a te
Milt he went before Justice of the
Peace .Mason, of Illukel-, and sworo
out a warrant for the arrest of Daisy
Miller, of this city, on it charge of
keeping a bawdy house and felling
liquor without a licensee, and before
Alderman John T. Howe and Alder
man J. V. Mlllett, of this city, where
be had warrants issued charging .Nel
lie r.lye, also of this city, with rob-
bery, keeping a bawdy house and sell-
ing liquor without a license. Herrins
did not know tho women and had no
actual knowledge of any guilt upon
their part.
On tho last trial, tlm case depended
almost cnthely in Hei ring's testi
mony, but yesteulay tho lonimon
wealth called John Shumlnsky, who
was Herring's cellmate In the county
Jail. He testified to certain conversa
tions between Elluinu and Herring,
which be ovei heard and which tended
to coi robor.ite Herring's stoiy. Mr.
and .Mrs. Sinlthberger. of Piiceburg,
wen also called. They live at I'lliv
butg and testllled to seeing lleniug
ut oilman's place last September.
Elliuan made a general denial of tho
charges and culled s"veral relatives
to piove that Herring was not at his
home last Seplembei. Jin was ivpu
ented by Attorneys AV. W. Uaylor an I
John J. Murphy. After the evulonoj
was In. Mr. Uaylor asked the court to
dliect the Jury to acquit the accused,
on the giounil that the commonwealth
had failed to produce adeqnuto cor
roboration of Hening's story. The ie
quest was retustd.
Mi. Murphy closed the ease lei tho
Jury tor tho defendant and Assistant
Dlstilet Attorney Cramer for the
commonwealth. The case was given
to the Jury for consideration at 1,15
p. m.
Elhnnn was taken In charge by a
deputy sheriff at the close of court
yesterday and committed to thu coun
ty jail to uwalt tho Jury's veullct.
A Fine Piano for Sale.
Hut slightly used nnd nearly as good
as now. Latest design, upright grand,
at a great oargatn. Please cull and
see it. Guernsey Hall. Seinnton, Pa.
J. V. ilueiusey, Proprietor.
Gold Lace Braids.
Konuithlng entirely now: Just arilved.
Cramer-Wells, Co., 130 Wyoming avt-
DODD-ln seranton, Feb. II, JWI, Michael JloJd,
aged BO j ears, 4 uiontlu and J day, Kuneral
Thursday morning at 0 o'clock fiom residence,
38 ltallruad iwcnue. Ucqulem mass at Holy
Ciou church. Interment at Cathedral ccme.
WILLI MH-In North Seranton, Peb. H, 1301,
fWlzahelh, tho Infant daughter of Mr. and JIr.
Joecpli It. Wllllanw, ngei) 10 months. Funeral
Thursday at .30 p. m.
Llttlo nnd O'Toole Will Pay the
Costs John Moffat Brought In on
a Capias and a Physician Declared
That He Is Well Enough to Bo
Tried Phelan McDonald Pleaded
Guilty to Selling Liquor Without a
License and Went Up for Thrco
Months Other Court Matters.
At the solicitation of tho defend
ants, Richard Little and M. J. O'Toole,
and by consent of the prosecutor, Col
onel K. 11. Ripple, a nolle prosequi
was cutctud yesterday In the cuso
chnrglng Little and O'Toolo with hav
ing libelled Colonel Hippie In a Sun
day paper of which (hey have charge.
It wus a companion Indictment to the
one on which they were tried n year
ago nnd on which I.lttlo was convicted
and sentenced to six months' Impris
onment In the county jail. The defend
nts are to pay all the costs In connec
tion with tho case nol prossed yester
day. The amount will be large as
there were many witnesses nnd the
case has been on the list at every term
for more than a year.
Attorney Joseph O'llrleti, who wns
private counsel for Colonel Hippie,
said yesterday about tho case. "Col
onel nipple was grossly libelled by Lit
tle nnd O'Toole and he demonstrated
that by the conviction In the other
case. He has no desire to follow up
tho present case for the pin pose of
being revenged and consented at tho
earnest solicitation of the defendants
to allow a nolle prosequi to be en
tered." These libel rases cost the defendants
several thousand dollnis, It Is said, be
sides the six months IMItor Little spent
In Jail.
John Moffat, chaiged with selling
liquor without n license by the Munic
ipal league, who had a capias Issued
for him on Monday was brought Into
court yesterday. Ills attorney, Joseph
O'Brien, gave It ns his belief that his
client Is not well enough to stand trial;
that It Is almost Impossible for him
to talk. The attorneys for the league
said they did not want to force n sick
man to trial but they had an Idea
that Moffat Is shamming nnd wanted
him examined by a physician. This
request was granted by Judge Arch
bald and Dr. L. M. dates made an ex
amination of the accused. lie said
Moffat Is not a well man by any means
but that his condition Is not such us
lo make a trial dangerous to him.
Moffat wns then remanded to tho cus
tody of the sheriff for tilal. The case
was called up late In the afteronon be
fore Judge Kdwards but Mr. O'Hrien
objected to the jury on the giound that
it was made up largely of talesmen not
drawn by the sheriff. A Jury of the
regular panel being Impossible to ob
tain at that time Judge Kdwurds post
poned the selection of a jttty until this
I'helan McDonald, who was Indicted
at the Instance of the Municipal length?
on a charge of selling liquor without
a lle'etibe on Larch street, this city,
pleaded guilty and w.w sentenced to
pay a ilno of ?S0O and spend tin en
months in tho county jail. Mary C'os
tello. of Green Ridge, chaiged with the
sumo offense, was not present when
her cabe was called for trial and a ca
pias was Issued for her.
Roforc Judge Edwards in court
room No. 2, tho case against Frank
Compton, of Nay Aug, was concluded
vsteiday morning. In his charge the
'otitt stated that the evidence of the
prosecution, If believed, should lx fol
lowed by a verdict of guilty, nnd al
though the defendant may not have
be-en as responsible for the imposition
upon the prosecutrix as the man who
t'dvlsed these young reople to live
together as man and wife, without a
fonnal marriage ceremony, still this
should not aflect tho verdict, as it wns
mote particularly a matter for the
court to consider in pasMng sentence.
The defendant's position, us taken by
counsel, ns to common law man luge
, heuvoen tho parties, was particularly
"vrtwl to. but the legal i equine-
ments of such a mairlngo did not
sem to have been fulfilled. The jury
returned a verdict of guilty.
In the other case against Compton,
charged with the foigery of : mar
tlage ceitllieate. a ltlle v. as granted to
show cause why the Indictment should
not be quashid. on tli giound that
the stittuto under which the Indict
ment was flamed did not seem to
i over the case of u paper of this,
che racier.
Harry (1. Uossntd was found guilty
ut the charge preferred against him
by Grace lllnton. J'tior to tho sum
met of ISM the parties lived In Mon
roe county, when- the alleged ot'iens
was rummltttd. No evidence was of
b'ltd on the part of the accused.
Nicholas Cupplello. who conducts a
bottling establishment In Dunmoie,
was tried on charge of dealing In and
leitlllng reglsteied bottles belonging
lo ,. W. Hchroeder. Henry I'lileh,
luumiKer for Mrs, Schroeder. appeared
as proxeeutor, and he, Rot tier Moise
and others testllled to having found
IContliiuid on Pane s.
sjoinelhlns substantial to fall
back on In u time of need, a
common wish nnd a worthy one
sum; and easy for any earnest
soul to satisfy, too.
Of all meuiiH under tho sun. no
other has pinved so practical as a
snug savings fund. Con bo added
to and taken from uny time; for
It i always ready.
Savings Depnitment
Cor. Wyoming nnd Spruce
Joseph Kline, tho Republican Nomi
nee for Alderman Fuller's Tlnco.
When Alderman Frederick Fuller
of the .Sixteenth ward, recently an
nounced that he would not again be
a candidate for tho olllco which ho has
so splendidly tilled during the last
thltty years, (ho ward Republicans
looked around for a man who would
nuiko a worthy successor to such a
worthy predecessor, and their cholco
fell upon Joseph Kline.
In many ways Mr. Kllno Is peculiar
ly well tlttctl for tho position of al
derman. A business mnn of many
years' standing, ho possesses a shrewd
analytical head, good, unbiased Judg
ment, nnd many other of the Ideal
qualifications for a central city magis
trate. For twenty-six years ho linn lived
In the ward and hits nn Intimate ac
quaintance with practically every man
In It. During this time he has been
an active Republican worker and th
fact was abundantly recognized ut ha
recent pilmarlcs, when he was chosen
as tho party nominee by a gencrou3
majority. Everything Indicates that
ho will be the next uldcrman from
tho Sixteenth ward.
A Masterly Sermon Delivered by Dr.
A. T. Plerson Last Night.
, Rev. Dr. Arthur T. Plerson, of Now
York, conducted tho third of his scries
of evening meetings last night in tho
Penn Avenue Uaptlst church. He told
of the lessons to be drawn from tho
miracles of Christ us recorded In the I
New Testament,
He dwelt especially upon the curing
of the man sick of the palsy; upon
the curing of the woman sick wi.h
fever; of the casting out of devils, and
upon the curing of the blind man.
Pulsy, he said, represented Impotence
and Inability. The sinner who Is im
potent and who has the inability to
free himself from his sins should go
to Christ, ns did the palsied man, and
lecelve strength and power to work
for and with God.
I''cver represents tho lusts of tho
body nnd a vindictive temper, tho doc
tor said. "Even as Christ took hold of
the hand of the woman and cooled her
bod'," said he, "so when He touches
the sinner, full of tho fever of sin, will
he become cool, quiet and peaceful."
Tho blind man, whom Christ healed,
lepresents the blind of soul who have
a dullness of spiritual vision which
prevents them from seeing the real
nature of their sins, or the grace and
tho beauty and the love of God. This
all vanishes when Christ touches their
eyes, said tho doctor.
"All tho miracles recorded in the
New Testament," said he, "besides re
vealing Christ's power, reveal His be
nevolence, compassion and sympathy.
They seek to prove not that He was a
gigantic being, capable of overcoming
all obstacles in His way, but that Ho
had u love for till humanity."
Dr. Plerson will speak this after
noon at 3.15 o'clock In the Young Wo
men's Chilstlan association rooms, und
tonight In the Second Ptesbyteilan
Stephen O'Horo and Miss Mr.ry
O'Horo United.
Stephen O'Horo, proprietor ot tho
Mott Haven hotel, Peckvllle. nnd Miss
Mary O'Horo, of Green Rldgu, were
united In marriage at noon yesterday
ut St. Paul's Catholic church. In the
presence of many fi lends nnd rela
tives. The ceremony was performed
by Hev. I'. J. MeMunus, pastor of tho
Patiick O'Horo, biother eif the
groom, and Miss Maine Ciogan, ot
Honosdnle, attended the couple (luting
the ceremony. After a reception and
dinner at the "home of the bride's par-
cuts, Mr. and Mrs. O'Horo left on itbo
y,l3 Lackawanna tinln for New York
and other points of Interest. They
will be away two weeks and upon
their return will reside in Peckvllle.
All Orders Promptly Filled.
We .ire now In position to till all or
deis promptly In our wholesale candy
department, located on third floor, .112
::il Lackawanna uvenue. 'Phone num
ber, Silo."!. J. I. Williams & Pro. -
Another Week of Our
Great Sale of Linens and Sheetings
Look at the prices and compare with goods bought elsewhere,
and you will surely buy at this extreme mark-down sale.
Table Linens
Unbleached Scotch Liuen at 30c, 50c,
08c, 85c, 05c.
Silver Bleached German, 30c, 40c,
58c, 75c.
Extra Heavy Gorman Embossed, C8c,
75c, 80c. $1.25.
Bleached Irish Damask, 40c, 50o,
75c, 05c, 81.85.
Andrew Reed's Damask, 75c, 05c,
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25.
German Dice Napkins for Restau
rant or Lunch Rooms, 10 inch, 75c;
17 inch, 70c; 10 inch, 85c; 20 inch,
$1.00; 22 inch, $1.25.
Soft and Heavy Silver Bleached
German Napkins, $1.48, $1.75 and
Vety Heavy Embossed Silver
Blenched German, $1.50, $2 nnd
5-8 Half Bleached, soft and heavy,
$1.25, $1.50.
Andrew Reed's Snow White, $1,05,
$3.00. $3.50, $3.05, $4.50, $5.05.
3-4 Scotch and ltish Satin Damask,
$1.08, $2.25, $2.50, $2.50, $3.50,
Huck Towels, 10c, 13c, 15c, 17c, 23c,
415-417 Lackawanna Aveuue.
An Enjoyable Entertainment Was
Given in Guernsey Hall Under the
Auspices of Ezra Grlflln Camp, No.
8, Sons of Veterans Spceclico
Woto Made by President A. B.
Stevens, of Ezra Grlflln Post, G. A.
R., nnd W. G. Moser, of the Sons
of Veterans.
Tho ninety-fourth unnlvemtry of tho
bit tli of Abraham Lincoln, the great
martyr president, wns cclebiatcd Inst
night In Guernsey hull by Ezra Grlflln
camp, No. 8, Sons of Veterans, under
whose auspices a splendid programme
was rendered. In tho presence of a
very largo nnd enthusiastic audience.
A number of well rendered selections
were given by homo talent, and sev
eral stirring addresses wero heard.
Judgo Alfred D.trte, of the Luzerne
county Orphans' court, was expected
to make the speech of tho evening, but
a telegram was received from him yes
terday afternoon announcing that a
pressing business engagement prevent
ed his attendance.
A. II. Stevens, commander of Ezra
Orlllln post. Grand Army of the He-
public, wns one of last evening's speal
ers. He spoko feelingly of the whole
some lessons of patriotism which tho
proper celebration of the anniversary
of groat Lincoln's death should arouse
in tho j-oung, and declnred that the old
veterans of the Civil war are over
eager to do all In their power to
further Inculcate that lesson.
"Regarding Abraham Lincoln," he
said, "I can say that I knew him when
ho was the worst abused man In the
country, when countless tongues cease
lessly reviled hhn, but yet today tell
ine a name more admired in our great
country. No eulogy can be too great,
no praise too extravagant In speaking
of him. This simple motto, however,
tells worlds about the character of the
man: "Malice towards none; charity
for nil," and that motto I recommend
nlso to the Grand Army of the Repub
lic nnd Sons of Veterans."
Wallace O. Moser was the represen
tative of the Sons of Veterans on the
rostrum. He gave a vigorous, stirring
address, In which ho drew a wholesome
lesson to the youth of America from
the life of Lincoln. He declared that
the figure ot "Old Abe" towers first
among the great men of this country,
as a representative of American cour
age and genius.
The balance of the programme con
sisted of a piano solo by Charles Doer, vocal selections bj' the Electric
City quartette, songs by John Mc.Wlll
iams, recitations and a very graceful
exhibition of Delsartean poses by Miss
Susan Grass, a recitation by Olney
Pratt, vocal and Instrumental duet by
Dan Green and Will Harvard, recita
tions by Miss Nellie Dutkln. and popu
lar songs by Master John Morgan.
Souvenhs In the form of tiny Ameri
can flags weio distributed among the
audience by the committee, which con
sisted of Dr. K. Russell, chairman; H.
i:. Jeffers. John Snook. W.H. Ilranda
more and M. C, Hullock.
Large Number of Applications for
Liquor Licenses.
In the nelghbothood of TOO applica
tions for liquor licenses have .been
filed with the cleik of the courts, as
j "'n1 "bout fiJO Hied Inst year
It was thought that the Inability of
dealers to pay the $1,100 license re
quired In cities of the second class
would i cmiI t In great falling olf of tho
number of applications fiom this city,
and this lesult was freely predicted.
The opposite of expectations has oc
curred. Sale of Art Goods.
Greatly reduced In price. Cramer
Wells Co., 130 Wyoming avenue.
Bath, blenched and unbleached, 10c,
12 l-2c, 15c, 18c, 25c.
Cotton Crash, bleached nnd un
bleached, 3c.
Dice Glass Bleached Toweling, 8c.
Brown Twill, soft nnd firm, 7c.
Shaws' & Stevens' Pure Flax Crash,
7c. 0c. 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c.
Extra Heavy Barnsby Roller Clash,
12 l-2c, 15c, 18c, 20c.
We offer remarkeblo bargains
muslins aim sheetings.
0c Good Blown Muslin for only 5c,
7c Fine Brown Muslin for Cc,
8c Extra Heavy Muslin for 7c.
8c Very Fine Muslin for 7c.
13c Best Lockwood 5-4 P. C. Mus
lin for 10c.
15c Best Lockwood 0-4 P. C. Muslin
for 12c.
18c Best Lockwood 8-4 Sheeting for
20c Best Lockwood 0-4 Sheeting for
15c Utica 5-4 P. C. Muslin, lie.
10c Utica 0-4 P. C. Muslin, 12c.
I Great Bargains in China
! In order to lessen our sto k of odds and ends, wliidi will 3
pm accumulate, we oiler choice pieces of China, Glassware, etc 5
at a great reduction. iNote: c
Ice Cream Sot, was $7.60, now - $5.00 3S
Vaies that wero $1.00 and $1.25, now.. 1.00 mZ
Platea that were $1.00 and 75c, now BO 5b
Bon Bons that wore 20c, now 10 5
Needlo Etch Glasses wero $1.75 doz., now, each .10
Cwn V Millar Se
Dm --- sv.
fcTj" 4 4 & 4" &, 4- "h 4
1 FiaCsLriaf- urrin
BiSpencer Business College
To any person who will send to The Trib
une Publishing Company
Sew subscriptions for The Seranton Trib
une, paying $5.00 in advance for one year,
Present a paid-up Certificate entitling them
to a full six months' Business or Short
Hand Course in Our College, valued at $35.
,& 3J6 Washington avenue, scranton. Pa.
-Fa s fa Jfi ja Vja j -J -o eo J eo
K llic New Ncvcrsll i As
5 (limit Kcmovnble
5. Horse cannot slip
K anil will outwe ir three
sets of any other calk
Juiors Had to Wear Their Ulsters
While in. the Box.
Judges, jurois. attorneys and every
one else In the cotnt rooms of the court
house were thoroughly uncomfortable
yesterday owing to the semi-heated
condition of the pluce.
The volume of steam tin ned Into the
court house pipes by the local heating
company was appaii-ntly entirely In
adequate for the pill-pose und as a le
Mllt jurors heard eases tried while en
veloped In ulsters.
Cake Walk nnd Social
at Snover's hall, Thursday evening.
$30 In prlze. Gents, 25c.; ladles, 10c.
20c Utica 8-4 Sheeting, 16 l-2c.
22c UtlcA 0-4 Sheeting, 10c.
24c Utica 10-4 Sheeting, 21c.
Oc Good Muslin for only 5c.
7 l-8c Finest Muslin for only Oc.
Oc Hill Muslin for only 7c.
Oc Lonsdnle Muslin for only 7c.
Oc Fruit of Loom Muslin for only 7c.
12c Tine Cambric Muslin for only
13o Lonsdnle Cambric for only lie.
14c Best Lockwood 5-4 P. C. Muslin
for lie.
10c Best Lockwood 0-4 P. C. Muslin
for 13c.
20c Best Lockwood 8-4 Sheeting for
23c Best Lockwood 0-4 Sheeting for
25c Best Lockwood 10-4 Sheeting for
lOo Utica 5-4 P. O. Muslin, 12c.
17c Utica 0-4 P. C. Muslin, 13c.
22o Utica 8-4 Sheeting, 10c.
25c Utica 0-4 Sheeting, 23c.
28e Utica 10-4 Sheeting, 21c.
Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases
at the price of muslin.
C.n ' Wromliu; Aramo
svi Wlk In and LooV Arnund
4 4 4 $ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4
s-jsi J-a e-jo Jo ej e. eja e- j
126 and 128
Franklin Ave.
"IS 17 Rogers Bros.'' Goods.
Knives, Forks
Spoons, etc.
No question about the quality; wa
have all vthe newest patterns at
lowest prices.
Also the celebrated Sterling In
laid Spoons and Forks. War.
ranted to wear twenty-f Ive years.
Immense stock of Sterling Silver
Spoons, Forks, Knives and Case'
Goods for Wedding Presents.
Mercereali & Connell.
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Sea Trips
ot two tl f re days' duration,
arc offered b the
Norfolk, Ua.
Old Point Comfort, Ua,
Richmond, Ua.
Washington, D. C.
fcteamrs rail dally etcept Sunday from Tlar it.
North Iltver, toot ot Peach utreit, New York.
Ticket!, including roraU and atatcroom accom
roodatlobs, $13.00 und upward.
Tor full Information apply to
81 Beech Street, New York, N. Y.
ll.n.WALKER.Traf.MKr. J.J.BnOW.V.O.P.A,
Hf Prof.Q.F.THEEL.H.D. n.&,.,;
I yr''n Bll'fcltaJtlpbti.l'. llHtli-t.i.ihrririi.i.u.
y ' (nnfiitin(;),lltflpifilhhkrkmOrKiJ
fRfatl torbtmk "TrulV'MptJvUf medical Aflrtlrlfal fr4 1
i- ,..,; j j,
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