THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1001. Communications ol a news nature, per sonals and all Items (or publication may be left at The Trib une's new offices In the Burke Building, or sent by mall or 'phone. POOll BOARD MEETS. Receives tho Long-Delayed Auditors' Report for tho Year Ending April .1, 1000. The member of tho poor board hold n special mooting Inst evening In their rooms In thu city building. Chairman JtcCnbe and four other directors wore present, besides Auditor Wheeler, who presented the report to the Decretory lor rending, and then withdrew. The loport Is a formldnblo looking docu ment und covered many typewritten pages. At the ond of It n caustic com ment on the conduct of the poor board In delaying the work of the uudltors was made. Severn! Items of nlleged expenditure on tho part of the mem Ih'is wcie cither disallowed In tolo or else paved down. One of tho largest of these wan an Item of $18 from one iiiumbcr for attending a convention, which tho auditors declared was not intended. Following are the totals of thu various headings of expenditures, the document being too voluminous for publication In Its entirety: .Uil(jt I nlor .il farm anil ahmhnine ... Supplies for t iiit .itiil alrnihoure . Mk (or farm IllicUmlthlnir. fur fun fiisituino for ttlirtshomj ' Intcr.tnry n t farm Mii'lunr Kllcf MmIimI jtlendinoo ind uiislit lnc rs.rciu.-t H11.plt.-1l Ifilatt-irx iMnillio hospital Vtatirn Urriicrtiilio nr'lutn Hillside limine 4" i illdren'a AM wrkly i arrl-wo hire :tnl lrty I "an and Intercut Ilcll Initio l'UHll.1-0'1 Ailtneflni; contention .1' Uric ... l'lurw for mw alirMiomo IicjI "iprii(.-.i Aiditlnit of books .iihI .11 count .. Millenary ami pilnllii..- ('Hire iMpcusc Total cvpcndltuic . M HI . ,jv. r " v 41 I'.i I') IX) 1.1 mi . -.'.IXl .'0 sir. M I ( m ID .VI . 1,1m! ,'m . si; o ISO HI . I'll 2 J SSI HI til 41 . 1.1-0 01 J .I'll ( IMIM 7'") Is I 27 1 27 Ifl 0.1 .'.I "si n it .i2,w.2 ni .Vo action was taken on tho report, It being moved and seconded that It lie over until the next regular meet ing of the board. THE SECOND NIGHT. Columbia Hose Company Fair Booms Despite n Snow Storm. Last night miih not a very enticing one to go out to attend a fair, but ucverthclos the Columbia boys had a largo crowd In IHirkc's hall. The pro gramme presented wnf very good and won much applause, and after It the lloor was cleared nnd dancing indulged in until a late hour. The programme for tonight is: Piano duet-- JIImcs .Madeline Walker jml McAndrcw. Si-piano olo Mis .Nidie Timlin, .Jcrniyn Vocal duct MUsc KlbaWtli ami Miry Powder ty. Puliation Master Willmr Morgan wlu Mi Kate Fl.innelly Got Too Boisterous. A well-known young man around town of rathep spprtlng proclivities got Into n deal of trouble Into Monday night and it was not until almost 2 'clock yesterday morning that his fond papa uot his temporary relcat-e. The fellow had Imbibed too freely In the cup that cheers. He first went to Columbia fair, but was given little op portunity there to display himself, as the alert managers of that ulTalr soon stiotted him and gently escorted him from the hall. The young man then went to drown ids sorrows In more of the "while liquor." lie became en gaged In u rather boisterous argument with a man who could not escape his forcible attentions, and once again was escorted to the door. Then when they would not again let him In, he raised Cain generally, according to all re port. A couple of policemen hap pened along, after their midnight lunch, and the obstreperous youth soon M'posed In William Klllem's Iron barred homo for the reckless. The young man's father heard of tho trouble and Ity ollieialH wherever available wore Implored to seetiro the youth's release. Klnally the beseeching parent landed up at the mayor's residence, and after posting $2."i as a guarantee that the lioy would appear at a hearing, tho father wns allowed to take the young man to the parental roof. Yesterday at the hearing the young fellow was given a sound lecture and admonished to be more seemly In his future uc tlons. It being his llrst offence, he was allowed to go unfilled, An Evening of rieastue. The n?u attraction of il.o People's l.eeiure tuirsa will be held In tho He l.'uplli.t church next Wednesday evening. It will consist of musical und literary features, Among the artists who will appear arc some of known ability. Mrs. Joseph P. Hums is tho solo soprano at St. Mary's Itoman 'Catholic church, Wilkes- Darre. D. T. DaYIs Is the tenor soloist of tho Mime church, and Miss Margaret Au di eus of the same city, Is a soloist of more than local fame. Charles A. Stuart, tho talented character dellneV iUof. will randcr some or his life-like impersonations, ranging from grave to say, from laughter to tears. Is There One for YouP List of letters remaining In the Car bondale postofllcc Feb. 13, liiOl, for per hons unknown: Richard Carpenter, II. II. Gottlngs, T. L. McCnrty, Thomas Mnrron. Miss Maud iMoyles, Mrs. Hcjiry H. Ellis. Meetlngo Tonight. William H. Davles post, No. 1ST, A. R. Pioneer custle ,No. 203, A. O. K. M. Fidelity conclave, No. ISO, I. O. II. Columbia Hose company's fair. C. Haa Her Fingers Squeezed. Miss Katie Moran, aged 16, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Moran, of 211 Powderly street, met with n painful but not serious accident while at work DrBull'sN ' Cure alt Throat and Lung AOcctlorh. COUGH SYRUP Vis sure Salvation Oil curt KbtuaaUiia. 13 & a ct. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT In the Bilk mill yesterday. Sho wns employed as a spinner, nnd according to the account of her fellow worker, she wns engaged In 'trimming the ma chine" wlillo It was going, which Is n very dnngcrous practice. Her hand became caught In the rollers nnd three fingers of her left hand passed under tho rollers. Dr. Mnlatm was tele phoned for by Manager Frloder nnd he found that the "ring" finger was the one thnt had sustained the worst Injury, the bono having been llattened ix little. Miss Moran will probably suf fer no more serious ufllictlon than tho loss of several days, time and consid erable pain. OBITUARY. Mary Gerrlty. Miss Mary Gerrlty, of Gordon uvc nue, aged 27 years, died yesterday morning at her residence, ufter a week's Illness grip being tho direct cause of denlh. Of her many rriends very few knew that she was 111, and the news of Its fatal termination yes teiday was a great shock to them. Miss Gerrlty wns a native of Cnr bondaie. Sho was a very bright young lady and active In the work of St. Uose church. She held the olllce of marshal In the Catholic Women's Uenevoleiit legion. No. IBS, and was also a mem ber of tho Messed Virgin sodality. She Is survived b.V her mother, Mrs. Hugh Gerrlty; two sisters. Mrs. Michael MeDonough and Miss Hrldgct Genll.v. and four brothers, Martin, Kdwurd, Hugh and JameB, all of this city. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning. The procession will leave the house at" o'clock. A requiem mass will be celebrated In St. Uose church, nnd Interment will be made in St. Uose cemetery. A Sleighing Dance. A jolly ciowd of lads nnd lassies left the corner of Sr.lcm avenue and Chuicli street about $ o'clock last evening for 'Wayiiiait, ensconced In comfortable big siclgns. Their des tination was Gruver's hotel, where a. hoi supper awaited them, nnd a danco was to follow the feast. Thu party set out in a driving snow storm, but started away singing and having n very jolly time. Another Coasting Accident. Another coasting accident has given several small boys a much needed les son In cautiousness. The lods were coming down Eighth avenue hill on u double-runner at n pretty lively rate. They biigan to sway their bodies to and from and, as a result, were ditched. Several of the number received pain ful bruiser, and will, no doubt, be less reckless In the future. Observance of Lincoln Day. Tonight William II. Davles post. G. A. It., will hold their regular meeting nnd at tho close of the business session the post will devote the remainder of the evening to celebrating the ninety second birthday of Abraham Lincoln. Appropriate speeches will be made. Unfortunately, these exercises will not b. of a public nature. The Pool Tourney. At the Carbondale Cycle club last evening the games in the pool tourney were late In getting started, on ac count of a business meeting In the early part of the night. At in o'clock but one game bad been played, the re sult of which was that Iteese defeated ltennlo by one ball, the latter drop ping out of the contest In consequence. In the Hospital. Geoige Edmunds, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. r. Edmunds, of Muyileld, who was compelled by sickness to return home from Lafayette college, has un dergone an operation for nppendlcItU In the Carbondale Emergency hospital, anil the Indications are that he will oon recover. Will Remember Lincoln. Camp No. US, Sons of Veterans, of this city, will celebrate Lincoln's 1 birthday tomorrow evening with an entertainment and smoker for Its members, nlso the members of the lo- 1 cal Grand Army of the Repullc post. No. 1S7, and Camp No. 291. Sons of Veterans, of Jermyn. An Italian Child Dead. Ralph Ferraro, 1 year old, whoe parents .ire residents of Unlondale, dUd In that place yesterday. Under taker Burns, of this city, went to Uniondnlo to care for the body. .It will be brought to this city on tho flyer this morning and burled In St. Roo cemetery. Will Attend Social. A largo number of young peoplo of this city will attend the masquerade i-oclal In Jermyn tomorrow night. The nffalr Is being held by the Hot Air club of that place. Was Pay-Day. Monday alternoon the employes of tho' Delaware and Hudson Clinton col liery nt Vandllng received their pay. It was one of tho largest disbursed thoro In some time. Resigned His Position. Andicw Median, sexton of St, Rose churcu, has again become 111 and has resigned his position In order to un dergo hospital treatment. Conveyors Broke. The conveyors nt Coalbrook breaker got out of order again yesterday morn ing and tho colliery had to cpiiso oper ations for the rest of tho day. Resigned His Position. Henry White, who has been em ployed at tho Klotss throwing mill for seme time as night wntchnmn, has ra signed his position, Is Quite Sick, Joseph Gllhool, ono of tho clllcleiit hustlers for the Prudential Insurance company, has a specially sevcro attack o! the grip, Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Owen P. Kerns, of Fallbrook street, a daughter. EL. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbjn dale edition, will be pleaded to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It Tele phone numbers: New 386: old, 0433, FRANK OUNNELIA'S FUNERAL. Lnrgo Number of Mourning Friends Fiesent nt the Services. The funornl of Prank Gunnellu, who died from pneumonia nt his residence en AVoodlawn avenue, on Satin day evening last, was held yesterday morning at O.r.O o'clock. A high mass of requiem wns celebrated In St. lloso church. Many beautiful Moral remem brances were displayed, one from the Metropolitan Life Insurance com pany's ngency In this city, by whom he was last employed, being admired. Then) were nlso beautiful wreaths from the Catholic Knights nnd tho Ileptnsqphs. Mr. Gunnclla wns a member of tho Catholic Knights of Amerlcn; Plvi3lon No. 11, Ancient Or der Hibernians, nnd of the Carbondal conclave, Improved Order of Hcpta fiophs, each of which societies wns rep resented by a delegation. The pall bearers were M llllum Connell, John Kearney, Michael McGarry, John Hochc, of Simpson, William King, Thomas Duffy, and tho hat-bearers, Hugh Pinion and .lames Pldgeon. Among tho persons present from out of town were: Patrick Tierrlek, Den nis Derrick, Mis. John Derrick nnd Mre. Miles Callahan, llunmore; Mrs. 1'. CohltiF, Mrs. .(nines Collins nnd J. V. Grant, Jermyn; David Uurke, Pat rick McDonnull, Miss K. Tanglier, Michael Tnughcr, Mrs. P. Tanglier, Mrs. V. McLaughlin, Miss B. T. Col litis, .Mrs. M. Kearney, Maria Kear ney, Miss Annie Kearney, M. V. Iar ldn, T, J. Cardcn and T. V. Garden, Scranton. Deserted Their Old Home. The family of Austin Lavelle, whose homo on Pike street took .1 sudden do scent Into the mines about ten days ngo, necessitating Its abandonment, have taken up their residence on Gor don avenue. A Tea. Mrs. Frank Hubbard. Mrs. J. J. Simpson nnd Miss Stella Hunger -have Issued Invitations to a tea to b" given by them nt the homo of Mrs. Hub bard, on River street, next Thursday evi nlng. Is Around Again. Miss May Kllpatrlck, daughter of Mnyor and Mrs. J. W. Kllpatrlck, of South Main street, who was operated on some time ago for appendicitis. Is able to be out again. An Afternoon nt Home. Mrs. Daniel Scurry and Mrs. W. G. Scurry will entertain a number of their friends on Friday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Daniel Scurry, on Wyoming street. Tho Passing Throng. E. L. Bevnn, of Scranton, was in tills city yesterday. Mrs. Isaac Burros Is enjoying a short visit In New York city. Miss Mary Burke, of Pike street, Is Mrs. Charles O. .Mellon will entertain at her home on Friday evening, visiting friends In Olyphant. Mrs. Daniel Toolan, of Wyoming street, Is visiting friends In Honesdale. Miss Nellie Lynott. of Woodlnwn avenue. Is seriously 111 with the grip. P. F. and Charles McCann left for New York on a business trip on Mon day. II. J. Urcunnii, who has been In Chi cago for the past six months, has re turned home. John J. Burke, of Pike street, has gone to Denver, Col., where he will make his permanent homo. John Morahan, who has been con lined to his home, on Pike street, for the past three weeks with rheumatism, is slowly Improving, Miss Gertrude Voyle, of Olyphant, who has been spending several days with her sister. Miss Cora Voyle. on River street, will leave for homo to day. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Mrs. Hopkins, an old and estimable resident of this borough, died last evening at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. Job Williams, of Fourth street. Deceased, who had reached the ripe age of ninety-seven years, Is survived by a sou, Thomas, of this borough, and two granddaughters, Mrs. Job Williams and Mrs. David Hill. Tho funeral arrangements have not yet been made. The funeral of the late Mrs. Seymour took place yesterday afternoon. Ser vices were conducted In the Primitive Methodist church by tho pastor. Rev. Thomas Cook, and wore largely at tended. The pall-bearers were six of the deceased woman's grandsons, Thomas, James nnd Charles Harvey, Wllllnin Seymour, William Dawo and P. Burns. The flower-bearers were Richard and Burtlo Seymour. Ono of tho merriest sleighing parties of the season came to town last even ing. They were tho New Century choir, numbering about twenty-five voices. They put up at tho Sweeney house, whero they soon attracted a large number of listeners to their excellent singing. Under the able leadership of their conductor, David J. Jones, they sang several chorufes, ducttes and solos und delighted everyone. A sub stantial repast was prepared for them by Mine Host Johns, and the visitors had a delightful evening s outing. Mr. and MrwMVilllam Glbbs, of West Maylleld, have received n letter from their son, John, who enlisted In tho regular nrmy somo time ngo and who arrived In tho Philippines on New Year's day, after n rough voyage last ing fifty-two dnys. Ho was In excel lent health nt tho time of writing. Don't forget tho supper In the base ment of St. James church this even ing. The menu will Include fried oysters, roast chicken and other sea sonable delicacies, JESSUP. The ucrinan Medicine company will bo at St. .lames' hull for the romulndor of tha weqk. They are a company of first class entertainers and In connec tion with the medicine they will give a grand professional performance each evening. It promises to bo the most attractive event of tho season. Ad mission, 10 cents. Among thofco who attended the fune ral of Mrs, Thomas Glllpsple, of South tkranton Wednesday were: Mr. and AFTER EXPOSURE. Oclnber 12, 1900. Warner' ft Safe Cure Co. Rochester, N. Y.: Gentlemen: I suffered for over Ave years with bilious- rmjsu. jifif at iitttta It tsnnnt mc so that I could not ciifoy K Ufa nor attend to my domes- K no or social auuea. War ner's Safe Cure wns brought to my notice through a friend and three bottles cured mc. It is the favorite household remedy now for my entire family. TVc find it excellent for any stomach or liver trouble, and a few doses after exposnro to cold ward alT unpleasant conse quences. Mrs. II. 1WNNETT, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Pietidert, Aft llrasant Stcial hconomte Club. Mrs. John Lawler, Mr. and Mrs. lin gan, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MeDormott and Joseph Langnn. Mr. Daniel Swnles nnd Misses Delia Judge nnd Margaret Hyrne enjoyed a slolgh-rldo to Scranton last evening. Two young men employed as rope rldcrs struck at the Dolph colliery Thursday and, ns n result the place was idle a few days. Saturday the men got! their demands and the place Is In running order again. Mr. Mlchnel McAndrcw, of Jermyn, was a caller In town last evening. Messrs, Percy Lcwds and Charles Shlppen, of New York city, nre visit ing their cousin, II. V. Lawler, of Church street. Miss 'Margaret Lawler returned homo after spending the past week visiting relatives In Dunmore. Misses Katlo Donnelly, Maggie Law lor nnd John Donnelly attended nn euchre party nt Scranton last evening. PECKV1LLE. Blakcly borough council met In regu lar session Monday evening, with all members present. The following bills were ordered paid: Street Commis sioner Coles' time for January, $2t,2.": C. M. Hathaway, Insurance; premium on electric light plant. $r.2.G0; A. W. Pentecost, Janitor service, $3; Borough Solicitor Joseph P. Gllroy, legal ser vices, $20: Charles B. Scott, supplies for electric light service, $35.37; Van dervort & Beardslee, fire clay. $5.G3: George Alger, lumber, $203.97; express charges, fifty cents; E. N. Jones, ser vices as engineer, $C3; E. M. Barnes, engineer, $C0; Lloyd Parry, services as fireman, January C to February 1, $32; bill of S. W. Arnold for $23.73, account supplies, was referred back, to bo ap proved by purchasing agent; Scranton Steam Pump company, piston rod, etc., $8.23. A communication from the Wil son Fire company, giving the approxi mate distance between fire alarm boxes, was read. Three nnd a half miles of wire was required to renew the line. The matter was placed In the hands of Messrs. Williams, Reese and Urong to Investigate. AV. J. Broad, foreman of the Wilson Fire company, was present and stated that the fire company had maintained the flre'nlarm for five years at no cost to the bor ough, nnd that the wire was In bad condition nt present and must be re placed with new wire to make the alarm effective. Unless there wns something done in tho near future tho matter would be taken up by the In surance companies doing business within the borough nnd nn advance In rates would be the outcome. Tho re port of tax collector was read, ns fol lows: Received during rebate, $C,6C3.- 91; monies paid out, fl.7SS.C0: balance due, subject to commission, exonera tion, etc., $1,875.31; received since re bate. $3,137.31. The exoneration list wns laid over. The following uncalled for letters re main nt tho Peckvllle postodlce: H. S. Albright, esq,; Hungarian, Stlf Ballnla, Mlllaly Wuszo. Oscar Dunlap, who has been work ing at Merlden, W. Vu., returned home yesterday. The Baptist Sabbath school arc about to supply themselves with new sing ing books. Mrs. Megargel Is suffering from a severe nttack of the grin. Mrs. William Denlson, of Lanesboro, Is visiting her pardnts, Mr. nnd Mrs. U. V. Mace. ' Miss Jennie Williams hns returned from a visit with Scranton friends. Robert Llntern spent Sunday with hjs parents In Plttstnn. Miss Besslo Purdy has been enjoy ing a short visit with friends in Jus tus. All mo requested to remember the Valentino social to be held at the homo of Lillian Hulse, on Walnut street, this evening, under the auspices of Class I of tho Presbyterian Sunday school. Refreshments of leu cream nnd cake will be served. A silver offering will be taken nt the door. All nre wel come. Miss May Hull, of Green Ridge, en tertained the Blakcly Whlsh club on Monday evening. Thomas Jones, of North Muln stieot, Is suffering from nn attack of the grip. Tho breaker boys of the Ontario col liery, angered at tho loss of an ex pected slelghrlde, refused to work on Tuesday. OLYPHANT. Prolessor M. W. Cummlngs left yes terday for Harrlsburg, whero he will nttend the state convention of school superintendents. During his stny nt the state capital ho will endeavor to make arrangements with Dr. N. C. Schaeffer, superintendent of public In struction, to como to this place uud deliver an address at tho local teach ers' Institute, which will be held In March. On Monday evening the school board met nt the Central building. Mr. Lena hun occupied tho chair. A report wns heard from Professor Cummlngs re garding tho attendance at thu night schools. Ho regarded tho attendance as very Bmnll nnd suggested that the board take some action ns to whether the schools should be kept open any longer. The tenchors' committee were directed to attend to tho nintter and to notify parents that unless their boys attend more regularly the even ing sessions will bo discontinued. Treasurer Weaver was directed to take up one of tho $1,000 bonds which are now outstanding. The following bills wcro ordered paid: William Adnlr, $2S; Drown & Company, $0: J. W. Patten, $10.65: Reynolds Hrothcrs, $tj Lnlly Profilers, $31.9S; John Dompsey, $C2.C0; Thomas Lennhan, $1: Olyphant Light company, $1: James McAndrcw, $1, Robert McMnlnes, of the Third ward, announces that ho Is not a candidate for assessor In that ward, although nominated on tho Republican ticket. Tho funeral of tho lato Dr. Leonard Kelly occurred yesterday afternoon ond was ono of the largest held In this borough for somo time. nrlef services were conducted at tho house by Rev. Xi. F. Hammond, of the Pres byterian church. His was assisted by Rev. Mr. Gcndnll, of Peckvllle, and Rev. David Spencer, of Ulnkely. The choir of the Presbyterian church ren dered several touching hymns, nfter which the funeral cortege moved to Prospect cemetery, whore Interment wns made. Tho pall-bearers were: Thomas L. Williams, D, L. Uerry, John It. Pettlgrew, IMwnrd Raines, Patrick Jordan, A. L. Gurney: flower-bearers, Leonard Carpenter, Wlltlnm Fnddcn, Ktlwnrd Onllaghor, Josepn Marks, Syl vester Williams, Michael Foley ond Georgo It. Mnson. After a lingering Illness of several months Mrs. Michael Dougherty, of Hell street, died at 10 o'clock on Mon day night. Mrs. Dougherty wns nn estimable woman nnd possessed many noble traits of character. Sho was I born In Ledgednle. Wayne county. forty-olght years ngo. She Is survived by three brothers nnd three slaters nnd n family of grown-up children. The funeral will take place Thursday morning ut 10 o'clock, with a high mnss of requiem at St. Patrick's church. In terment will be mnde In the Olyphant cemetery. TAYLOR. At a recent meeting of the board of directors of the Forest Home Ceme tery association the following officers were elected for tho ensuing cerm: President, David D. Griffiths; vice piesldent, Robert Llewellyn; secretary, William J. Nelger; treasurer, Michael Flulunnn; superintendent, William D. Thomas; sexton, Philip Noakes. Tho competition on "The Banner of thea Sea," prize $3, will bo a feature of the Slblev Union church entertain ment on Washington's blrthdny, Feb ruary 22. Those who desire to com pete would do well to have their names In the hands of the secretary before February IS. On March 2 will occur the marrlago of Miss Carrie Welbel and Michael Strlne, both popular young people of this town. The ceremony will be per formed at the German Evangelical church by thu pastor, Rev. A. Weber. Patrick Day, son of Felix Day, of Grove street, had his leg broken In some unaccountable manor nt the Tay lor colliery, where he Is employed, 011 Monday. The supper nnd ball of the Young Men's Literary society which was held In Webber's rink last evening wns a success. The hall was urtlstlcally doc- orated for the occasion nnd everything presented a charming appearance. Miss Kate Reardon furnished tho music for the merry dancers. Extensive preparations are being made for tho coming of Miss Eva L. Dunning, a gifted elocutionist of Cleve land, O., who will give one of her ex cellent entertainments under the aus pices of the Taylor lodge. No. 1C2, Knights of Pythias, on February 2:1. nt Webber's rink. Additional musical numbers will be added to the pro gramme. John Schllds, a popular young man ot the Pyne, was the lucky holder of ticket No. 1S3, which won the sot of valuable set of wagonmaker's and car penter's tools at the benefit fur David Stevens, of West Scranton. on Satur day evening. A telegram was received heic yester day from Edwnrdsdale by Mrs. Kd- moud W. Carter announcing the death of Mrs. David Thomas, n resident of i-ey has ncccpted a call to the East that place well known here. pd Baptist church at Wlllianisport, The basket bull contest nt Webber's va., ami will remove with his family rink on Monday evening between the nt once to bis new field oflabor. They local team and tho Sanderson Hill j,.lVo made many warm friends dur Comets ended without either teum K their stay here, who will regret to scoring. A social followed tho contest. yp,, them go. Misses Blanche nnd Flossie Banlleld, 1 m,.. .iuhuh Werner died nt his home, of Main street, participated in the con- 1 noill. this place, early Sunday morning, cert given In Means' hall, Scranton, ' alt0r n very brief Illness. Ho Is sur on Monday evening. vlved by a wife und ono son. Funeral Taylorvllie lodge, No, lfi2, Knights of 1 services will bo held at the Dnpt'st Pythias, and Mlnooka tribe. No. 217. I ehurch this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Improved Order of Red Men, will meet In their respective hall this evening. Wllllnm Herbert, of Green Ridge, was a buslesns caller In this borough yesterday. Mrs. Evan Jenkins, or Main street, Is convalescing from her recent Illness. MOSCOW. Mrs. Sayre, of Stroudsburg, who has been spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Nathaniel Eschsnbach, returned homo yesterday. Mr. William Hinds, who has been seilously 111, was taken to tho Hahne mann hospital yesterday, whero ho will undergo an operation soon. Miss Nettle Evans, of Elmhurst, has been spending a few days with friends lu town, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eshleman and daughter, of Gouldsboro, uru visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Eshleman. Mrs. Kate Warded and son, Frank, were visitors In Elmhurst Saturday. Horace Jones has accepted a position in tho Hour and feed mill of 11, L. Galge, Mrs. Gllland, of GouldJboro, was a visitor in town Friday. Otto Erhardt, of Scranton, visited his parents here Sunday. The proceeds from the donation sup per and clipping social were about $30. Ray Hinds, The Tribune carrier, who has been Indisposed for a few days, Is ablo to be out again. Mrs, William Eschcnbach and son, Wesley, of Scranton. visited the for mer's sister, Mrs. Nathaniel Esclien bach, Sunday, Mrs. Wesley Dp Pew. Miss Sarah Decker and Miss Ruth Richmond at tended the Women's Christian Tem peranco union convention at Mooslo last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bl'secker, 01 Scranton, visited tho former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Isuuo Blesecker. last Sabbath, Arthur Oardner left Monday to nt tend school nt Wyoming seminary. Miss Besslo Maloney, who has been teaching school near Spring Brook. h PRESBYTERIAN PASTOR PRAISES PERUNA. V r-Yr.f II ' First Presby torian Church of Greonsboro, Ga., and Its Pastor and. Elder, T HE day wns when men of proml- nenco hesitated to give tncir test- ImnnlnlQ In nrnnrlntnrv mi'illnlnpR for publication. This remains true today of most proprietary medicines. Hut Peruna has become so justly ram siitc llu t.nii'ttu 'it-,, tMimvn In un itmnv j)COpie oC hh nn,i iw stations, thnt no 0110 hesitates to see his mime In tirlnt recommending. Tho highest men In our nation have given Peruna n strong endorsement. Men representing nil classes and sta tions are equally represented. A dignified representative of the Presbyterian church In the person )f Rev. 11. G. Smith does not hesitate to state publicly that h.- has used Peruna In his family and found It cured when other remedies failed, In this statement the Rev. Smith Is sup ported by nn elder In his church. Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor of the Pres byterian church of Greensboro. On., writes: "Having used Peruna In my family for some time It gives me pleasure to testify to Its true worth. My little boy, seven years of age, had been sulferlng for some time with catarrh of the lower bowels. Other remedies had tailed, but nfter taking two bottles of Peruna the trouble nlinost entirely home on a visit, the school being closad on account of sickness among the pupils. The many friends of Jesne Gardner will be pleased to learn that he Is able to be out again, after several months' Illness. ELMHURST. Miss Schlnnerllng has recovered from nn attack of the grip. Miss Besslo Buckingham taught In her place during her illness. The remains of Clinton D. Brink were brought from Dunmore here yes terday morning nnd laid lo rest In Fnlrvlew cemetery. The society of King's Daughteis will entertain their friends at n valen tine social on Thursday evening, Feb. 14 ut the home of Mr. Daniel Grimes. All are Invited. Dr. Knedler is kept busy night and day, caring for the many sick ones in lids vicinity. The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres byterian church are making arrange ments to give a turkey supper on Feb. Miss Maiy fc'chliienrllng spent Sun day with Iter slsti-r at Gouldsboro. Mr. R. A. DeFrehu, of Mechanics burg, Pa., was confined at the honv of his brother-in-law. Mr. B. F. Itar- 1 denborgh, several days last week with 1111 attack of grip. Rev. I". I. Frey, who has been pas tor of the Baptist church of this place for the past beven months, ten dered his resignation on Sunday morn ing, to take effect at once. It was ac cepted at a church meeting called af- ' ter the regular evening serlco. Mr Rev. J. J. Rankin, of the Presbyterian church, will officiate. OLD FORGE. The Avoca sub-district convention will be held at tho Brick Methodist Episcopal church, Wednesday, Feb. 13, The following Is the programme: Morning session, 10.30 o'clock: Song service; devotions, address of welcome, Andrew Alden; response, Mrs. R. M. Pascoe; paper, John R. Neely; discus sion, Rev. J. N. Bailey. Afternoon session, 1.30 o'clock: Devotions: busi ness session; paper, Mrs. Ace; discus sion, Mrs. E. C. Herlew, recitation, Mr. Georgo Sufford: paper, A. C. My ers; discussion, V. M. Lyman; "Halt Hours with Juniors": paper. Rev. J. L. Rncu; discussion. Rev. R. H. Bailey. Evening session, 7.30 o'clock: Devo tions; solo, .Miss May Staley; address: caricatures. Rev. M. S. Godshull; qu'n- tette. The Men's union bus spcured Attoi ney Fred E. Rpers, of Scranton. 10 nddress them at their meeting on Fri day evening, Fob. 15, at 7.30 o'clock. Tho meetings arc held In Drake's hall. Mr. Beers will rend a paper on "How to Vote." All voters ought to hear him. No iidinlsslon charges. Mrs. Charles F. Millard, of Moscow, spent Saturday with friends In this place. 'M.V. Samuel Brodhead, jr.. and wife will leave on Thursday morning for Avon Park, Florida, whero they will spend the remaining part of the winter. Mr. Archie TinUlopuugh Is confined to his home by Illness. Monday evening, Fdi. IS, will be the opening night of the Hose company's fair. An entertainment will b given each evenliiR. A100SIC. .Mr. I.i'oliJtil Mult anil MIm MiiI.i Tiiinii, Imlli if 1 iiioinl imnuc, uriu unltiil In iii.iiiIjko by It.'V. J. N. lUIUy at flic homo of the uioom's lurrnUi S.itunliy cvi'iilnit nt b.:w In tin piiwnre of a imnilwr of rrbtivn uml fritii!. Tliu liililu ami hir maid. Mm. Conrad rruolun, e be romlnnly ntllri'd in gown of ttel lolorcd clot It. I with while IrinnniiiK. TI10 mourn wj, nt l tilcl disappeared. For this special malady I consider It well nigh a specific. As a tonic for weak and worn-out people It hns fuw or no equals." Rev, E. G. Smith. Mr. M. J. Rossinan. u prominent merchant of Greensboro, Ga and an elder In tho Presbyterlnn church of that place, has used Peruna, und In a recent letter to the Peruna Medicine Co.. of Columbus, O., writes ns follows: "For a long time I was troubled with catarrh of thu kidneys and tried many remedies, ull of which gave me no relief. Peruna wns recommended to me by several friends, and after using several bottles I nm pleased to sav that the long looked for relief was found nnd I nm now enjoying better health than I have for years, and can heartily recommended Peruna to nil similarly aflllcted. It Is certainly a grand medicine." M. J. Rossmnn. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna. write at ouco to Dr. Ilartmaii, giving a full statement of your case and he will bo pleased to giva you Ills valuable udvlcu gratis. Address Dr. Hartman. President of the Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus. Ohio. by Mr. Conuil Kriwlian. Aflir the ceremony u veililhiK nipper xerml. Tho out-of-town puesti cic: Mr. ami MtJ. Oeorge Sown, Mr. and Mi. lluckliiRlimii and iliuffhters, Ctace and Kloicnre; Mer. Conrad Milter, Jame t'owper. John dailc, of Scranton, Mr. Uarl Johwon, of Ciiatedale, spent Sumlay with friend in town. A mioker und noeial was glren by the Hon company, No. 1, to the dlUeni of Mooiic bor. iiirIi on Saturday evening. A pleaiant time im injoted by all win) vere hi attendance. Mevrn. Harry Caryl and Ralph Warlne, of Scranton, were callers In town Sunday. Mr. Hany Tock I ill at her home with the KTlp. Mr. Pirnton, of Clieter county, slate nuperln. toiulent of the Loyal 'IViniwiance legion, rfavc an ailJnsi and rc-organlzed the leirion In this plac SilurUay evening. The following officers wei, elected: Siipcilntcndcnt, Mi". Alice DraVc pivtlilmt, Mhrf With- K. Plx; vlce-pro-ddent, lll.incho TreitalUn: rnrre-MMindlnif secretary, Mr 11. C. Ilcrlow; rccordlnu ecrctry, Mjinic IlimU, iriauicr, llelh! Weir: nupeilnlendcnt of meny department, Jennie Weir; superintendent of flow or intalon, Lena Walirnian: mperlntendent of prcM lvnil;, Crrrlo llrungeu. Another meeting will be held next .Monday oenlng in the Preahy. teriln ihurch. Tho llrouk club will meet Wednesday eenlnu" of thlit week at the home of MIm nlancho Tre salhu. All member? arc leipicsted to be present D ALTON. Mr. and Mr. Frank Smith eie visilon In Si'i.iuU.a jutlerday. MiH Cothfrlne ( laik und Mm. Ciippen jpent ycitculay In .Scranton. Mr. Joseph Andrew in quite ill at her home. Mm. Ira entertained relative. Irom Xich. olon on Mirntay. A pleasant inu! and literary entertainment wa held on I'llday evening lat at the home ot .Mr. and Mr. S. K, I'inn under the auspice of t!n Womtn' Hume and I'ouljn MIIomry oclety of the llaptit chinch, ltecltatlon woio by Mlw llesulo Ppcnccr, of Factory' ville; MM Lena Xorthnp. Mix. IMwmrl Fmlth, Mm. Tied Snyder and MiM Mildred Smith and Mm. A. W. Allen ileliiditeil the uncut with n- eral piano tnloj and oue va rendered by Ml IMIth Caillmi. A banjo duet wan plajed by Ml" (,'rju- Puiily ami Mil I on Puidy. Mrs. 11. Thompson nave a humorou reading and a vocal duet wa mmr by Mia. Frank ColUn and Mr. .1. llerklilmrr. The excrclne were great ly enjoyed by all present. Niae Wehr died middenly on Sunday afternoon at 111 home In thla place alter a somewhat pro. lonucd illiicita, llo wan (7 jeata of aire and had for a long lime refilled in thl vicinity. Ilea w.n a caipciiter by trade. Ull many lilend highly iKteeined liU acipialiitance. bast fall he wad ap pointed Janitor of the public chool. Vive on, two daughter and a wife lunivc him. Membeia of (lie Ladle' Aid aoclely of the Baptist i lunch will eeno a supper In the church nn Wednesday evrnlng, Ivglnnlng at 4.30 o'clock. The Women's Christian Temperance union will hold Its icirular monthly meeting at the lnm of Mrs. llager on Friday atternoon. JENKINS WIFE OUT OF DANGER He Wns Yesterday H-elenaed on $800 Bail. Thomas Jenhlns, of Taylor, who threw n lighted Inmp at his wife about a month ngo, seriously, .burning her, wns rlensed yesterday by Judge It. Aichbald, on $800 ball, which wns furnished by Ilichard Lewis. Jenkins' wife was In a serious con dition for a time, as a result of hc biuns, but la now out of danger. To Cure the Grip in Two Days. i..uatiu llroino-tfuinlno removes the cause. BVITA P1LL& Reelorc Vitality, Lost Vljor and Manhood Curi) Impotcncy. Night Kmlsslons, Log ot Mem. ory, nil wasting diseases, nil meets ut rrir.auuse or nxrciia and indiscretion. A nsrvo touto and 60 PILLS 50 CTS. blood builder. Urlngt Ibo tilnk ulow to Dale cheeks nnd restores the llrn ot youth, fly mall !AOo nertinx. Q bnzea for 01 $2.60, with our bankable, gaurantee to curs or refund tho money paid. He ml for circular and copy of our bankablo guarantee bond. NervitaTabletsi (jixtow LAiinU immeuuie kciuiib Posltlvoly gunruntced care for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Porosis, Locomotor Attain, Nerrnus Prostrn. Hon, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity. l'nrnl)il und ths ItesulU of Kicei.lvo Uiw of Tobnrro, Opium or Liquor, By mall In plain package, $1,00 u box, ti for $0.00 with our bankable iruar antoe bond to oure in UO days or refund money paid. Aildrcts NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton AJnckson 8t . CHICAGO, at. Sold by McOarrali & Thomu, I)nij;Ut, j) Laekuwanna avenue, Scranton, Pa, &ASW rf TWN . '',. " to, Xi1.-' Jkiis.- -iK-J: h '