rimme. mmtoit iiiirfr?ri ftj.?!'--- THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPIER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13, 1901. TWO CENTS. mmsMR RIPPER BILL" RECOMMITTED Passes Second Readlna In the Sen ate and Is Held tor Fur ther Amendment. CROWDS OF SPECTATORS The Bill Fiovldlng for a New Ap portionment of the Congressional Districts Aiouscs Much Discussion. Proposed Bill Limiting the Power of the Dlstiict Attorney to Stand Abide Jiuors, Formerly Known ns the "McCarrell Bill" Is Reported Favorably in tho Senate. )y Itcliiitvo Wire from The Associated lrcr. Hatilsbtirg, Feb. 12. Theie whs more than the usual number of spectatois present In the senate i hamber this af ternoon to watch the pioceedlngs. This ,ns duo to Iho fact that the new i h.irter bill for becond class cities, Known as the "Illppei" bill, was on the ulendar for second leading'. When the measuie was 1 cached Mr. rilnn, of Allegheny, who Is leading the opposi tion to It, said he would not oppose Its passace on second rending as he tindei stood that Senator Meuhlbron tier, of Allegheny, Intended to Imme diately move to have the bill recom mitted to the committee on municipal affairs for the purpoHO of further .intending It. Mr. Muehlbronner bald pitch was the case and after tho bill had been read It was passed on second leading and recommitted. Thero wits considerable discussion of the bill providing for a new apportion ment of the congressional districts when It came up for final passage. Mr. (irady. of Philadelphia, explained that be and his colleagues experienced much dllllculty In flaming a measure which would meet the objections of everyone. Ho said the bill as It stood was not I crfect and that It was only the frame work of what It will finally be. He asktd that all members vote for it, as he felt tho measure would come ttom the houso greatly altered and that it i ouhl then go to a conference commit tee lor die-sing up. Senators Ilerbst, of Berks; Cochran, Incoming, and Heinle, Centre, opposed it, and advocated that the senate should perfect the bill before It goes to tho house and not wait until it comes back greatly changed. Fllnn's Opposition. Senator rilnn bald ho opposed the bill ns at present drawn up but was willing to allow It to go to the house, to get some suggestions from that body. The bill was pasesd by a vote of S3 to b, tis lollows: ou-HcrKrlbacli, Dojd, IIuclc, Crawford, liiur, Idml'bin, I'lirii, Fotht, Fox-, G-ady, (lan-back. Iliincs, Ilardcnbcrirh, llrldclKaueli, 1'cnrx. IHsnlin, Mitson, Muehlbionncr, 'ju .11, I'm, Nftt, Sivon, Snyder, Sproul, Stiles, Stiic nui, stolid, Vare, Vaughan, Washburn, Welts, Willi una. Wood At. ati- CWhian. Heinle, Hcrbit, ICcclt', Stew urt, Wcntz-" I'rrsrut ml not lolinc llmary, ljihcr, I-ee, licKce. Mr. Vaughan, Lackawanna, lntto rtuctd a resolution, which was adopt ed, requesting Piesldent MoKlnley to appoint Theodore J. WInt, of Scran ton, lieutenant colonel of the Sixth Pnlte-d States cavalty, now In China, . brigadier genet al for conspicuous service In all the wars dutlng the past lorty yea is J. Allen Leeds, of Philadelphia, was Ti'-.lectcd leading clerk of the senate without opposition. Upon request of Mr. Vaughan, the bill Increasing the salaries of Judges in counties having a population of over 150,000 and under DOO.OOO was tccom mltted to the Judicial y general rom mlti e. Among the hills icpnrted favoiably ft out committees weio the-e. rcallnf; aaUtant dwtrlct iiltmiicis in in tain counties; house b,U making it unlii ml fr dbtrlet altnnrtt to ft mil iIdo Juror id certain caseij repealing un act -wllionhiv lb couita of common plcn and cirphtni' luml. if l'hlladelpbla to appoint tiuteei, ami Piifoti It is notion 4 of article 17 of the romtitutlon, vl.li.li prohibits tlii? ceiiKilidatlon ol aialkl railiuul lines. Tlio latter 1111 was amended In Hi n inittee rn rillroacli so tliat tlio piuiHuts of lb ad kIiiII not afpty to corporitlons cIihhu I prcttoua to the. adoption of tho mnntllutiii f li"f, nor to conwlldillonj of ullinjtlt which ucre pcifrclcd prciimu to tho pirai(t rt tho pending act. Bills Passed Finally. Tlio following bllU weie passed finally: Enabling city, rounti, poor, tuwn-.lilp. war I, ichool and borough tux lollciton, to mlKit taxea for the pajnient of which tlui lutf t. coir.o pcnonally liable, or foi whlili thej s.ull, durins 1W1, liecomo person illy bible twtlmuf liailni: collcrtel tlio nunc bv ixplrat.ou nf tluli terms, and to clcnd the time fur ll.' collceUm if tlio Mine to on jean allowing the opening af Judsniinti filtered, ir tranwrlpU tf aid. i. Situ, juaticrs of tlu peace aid other maiihtiali, imiTdinff scctloni 7 aid t, i. an uit rilatlni to roud and liiulm.ijs and Lirlilgrj of .luiie 11, ISSA; allow Ins cu ucttitoi, admlnltutr, 41111 llan, OJiliTKe, or tnutrc in Imtlluli mi uubn it law or other Icif-il iio(nlh,- ntiilii. 1 jo cwutor, Bdmlnltratrr, sjinrdlni, iv.lnni . r ruiteo to tecovtr or in!uru .my dtbt in btill w tlon Indlviduilly due (lie rtito wbbli lie npi t nti. conftrrlriR on the ciiiluti-.' nnli iuini Imlidlcllon of tho .iKcuntii (( euirdhiK, immr ti order and direct a tnurtiiiku rr 1 publio u inhate tale for the pajmein of dihU or tor ilirr puqio of my landj hlntr parti) In two lmitlrn; an act telatiiu;- to leidlitt und Jud . II liU in actloni of ijertment and In leauljio pioredur In kuch culj; Tuiug the tern nf flUo of notaries public an! iriculaliiii; tlx.li p. pi lutinrnt; houw bill ainendiii an ait juthoih rs nntral boardi of ednratlon in (illrn of imo tf-cul rlara to cstablUh and niiintalii Kjoot tor Instruction In the ntriha'i.la itU and liln ihed luhjreti), In order to extend the proWilwu if tli-i att to third cIjjh cities. Measures Introduced. The following bills were Intioduced: lly Mr. Poyd, Kayettft Authoilrine the Judwoa of tho court of quarter mmIuih to near aim dt-ti rir.lna certain criminal riuoi ulthnut .1 Jin, mint lo thu defdidanti ;y "'"-I' cane Hull fi contituthnal right of trial by Jury by means of 1 lection In the nature of an appeal and pre ncrlblnir the extent and method of the povt.r conferred: pioildlntf for tho h)lnB nut ind perm uitnt Itnpmtrmcrit of certain btcbunja con mctlnir the ailoui cnunty iata, luaMiiK audi roadi or hl(;liwa. stitc rnadu; authorising tin! rclucitlnn, otenln!,', tlrnlelilcnlni;, widening, rxtinalon and alteration of exMInK loida when iiuciiar); authoililnu tlie tiklni; of property for Mich rouli or hlglmnta, nml iiroildliu; the lonipeuutlnn for the muni ; aulhorlilni; the b sue ot bond and (lie le'r.( tf u Hx to pro ld fur a turn! tor such purio-e: iroidJnjt fer t.ite aupcrvMou and rontrd of all public rnadi and appointing .1 thlif tneinecr and vuri ciw mbordlmtts for that purpom. lly Mr. I.ve, Monroe At prnpilatlnR tSu.fKX) to tic "jtule Normal mheol at Fiat Strou1bui(t, lit Mr Seolt.l'hibdclphla I'unUhltijf the clime of hldnapplnir with Intent to ixtort moiiiy by liiliilltii;, aupiiloinentlntf the ait proMdln,- for tho Incon'oritlon an I riRulatlon of icrtulu or pontlon m tint it imy provide for the. pur ilnse of th" franchise and propirtj uf ceitun orporatloiii bv tlu niunlclpil fnrtritlou rr corpontloni ttlthln the IlinlU nf which uch framhism jio exeicbiril and that auch muiilcipil ioror.it'oni flull not Itaelt utidrtjke or nr form any of the nirnit, of Mich inqivratliin v illiout tint aciiilrlii(r Itn lnnchle an I prop crtj. Hj Mi. Helilt HrtiiKii, Iiik ister Authoihlni; Kchiinl biunU to Kraut mIiooI hoiikca for ljieuiiM and othir lltnary punKasi1. Hi Mr toler, l.antatcr Coninllinir all mIkiIkhIc and 11 tall dialers In cliftntttt to pay a HriiiM; tax nf e.'jO annuilly fir tho sale of tho tame. Hi Mr. rod, Wcatm in land S 11 nlun-rtln tho uenir-1 corpnratloii nit n that It will In ide for the mciirinir and cuno11datlon of any unnufictuiltg cuivoration, ornaniriil tnder, or aectptliiir the pioiMioin nf tin Reniral rorpaia tlon net of 1S74, with tin cthir eorpoiallon uiifanluil under the nine net Jly Mr t'o, lUuildn l'inldiii (ur lli pri tecllon mid rcK rt Jtli ti nf uu-ouin an I the siine to beiome L.'mie nunimiiN, nppropiialint ?l.J0i) to the iimnni-i-l mm iiprrsntlnir I'liii jliinli on tin: ionniiHlon tor the 1 minelioii of tiiiif-innltt nf lc'Matln In the I nilid Mat.M. letrulatine tnreii.ii inutiul vivlnm fundi 01 build I11B aid loin nucriatloni ilulrg Inwlnevi nlthln tlih ttite and prccribliii. an anninl llun tie to be paid by milIi nxiuijlli ni, tnlarMng the poirer of inutuil filing fuud or buildliii; and loan vneiallmiH, nuthcrirint; ti cm to iwue full pild and tripald .i.tk and allditlnir sudi itrck lieretnfoto ikued and to nuthorUe them tu eonolidili or nurse two or moiv kuth awxli tlon-,: creitinir In the bmkliu: department n bureiu of tniUling and Iojii iwoiiatlui". The latter measitte is not the same ns tho one liitiodtieeil In the house. This bill proxklcs that the new bureau shall be under the supei vision of an otllcer who shall be appointed by the commissioner on banking, anil shall be known as the supetlntenduit oi build ing and loin Uhsoc latlnns, and sh til receive a salary of $.1,000 a year. The commissioner on banking shall have tho power to employ ttom time to time such clerks, not to eceed two In mini li r, one of w bom max be a stenographer, whoso annual 'nhny sliall not exceed $1,400 The bill also ptoxhles for tho ap pointment of not more than nl t -nmlners, who bhall rteehe $S a day for each day actually employed All corporations coming tinih 1 the supervision of the new but can shall be subject to Inspection at least once a year. They shall make a iepoit as to their condition at least once a xeai to the bureau, llxery foielgn erupoutlon must make at least tio tepotts an nually of Its condition. After a large batch of nntniliv pub lic had been confirmed, tho smnte 111I Journed until 11 a. m. tomonow. DAY'S PROCEEDINGS IN CONGRESS Senate Devotes Time to the Agiicul- tural Appropriation Bill Army Measure in the House. Py i:iclmiio Wiie from The AuoiuUd I'fui Washington, Ptb. U Dining the en tire session of the senate today the agricultural uppiopilatlon bill was un der consldeiatlon. Aftet slv bouts of consideration the bill was Utile more than half completed, Th" debate upon the measute dealt almost enthely with ndmlulrtti.itlon of tho dopailment of agriculture, nnti commendations of the work of tho depaitmcnt being made by seantors on both sides of the cham lxt. The house today passed the army ap pioptiation bill and entered upon con sldeiatlon of the Minilty thtl bill, the last but one of the big mone.x bills. Tho li bat on the minx bill was 1011 llned latgely to ti Ul.nttsslon ot the qui'MIon of passing bills to tenioxe the elutig" of despitlon agitlnst holdlurs ami was made notable by a Htatetnrtit ot Mr. .MtClellau (X V ), loiupiiilng the 1 out of the MJldlu In Jhtiopean at inies with tlii cost in the I'tilted States Aeeonllng to his flgiue, In 1 lulling the tost 01 pensloun, eti , ineh I'lnh'd States soliltoi Iho1liI an e-lieni-e of J.&l's while a Cieinutn mlillir 1 osts $.'J7 and .1 rienelt t-nlillcr $.' :J. 1'l.exlous tu the eounlilet itlou of the nppionilatlim bills tho lettu tffleit- lng upon l'eiry S. Heath, which Mr. Suler Inttoiltned Into tip' pint e dings XLsteiduy was evpunged fiont the ie ord. Imilug the lU'b.it upon the mo tion to epunge Mr Htilzei renewed bis tit tack upon Mr H'atli lclteratlng his statenii lit of estenlav that ho xas i.illlug to tiitlier the stateiiKiits in thu lettet und didatlng that it action was bionght against him he wmilil not plead bis lonstltutloiial linnitinliy At the 1 losi ot lite da j the limine adopted the usual 11 solutions of tegict upon the death or Oeneia),Alberi Shaw, ot New i'otU, and adjoin tied out of te spw t to his tnemoty. Owing to tho tangle In wlihh tin- hoiixo toitnd itHelf just beloio ndjouinnient last night (uiliig xNllhout 11 iiiioitim), tho an nottuienienl ol Genet al Shaw's tleath could not be lnado Jiti'lilio Beet Poisoning in Liveipool. Hi l.xcliulie Who fiom Tlie Aw.cilatnl 1'nm Inndon, Fell 12 Di. Cam b-H Dnmii, the illy niiiliit, twtiilovl at a heir pjUmlni; in iiut nt Ihcrpcol tiKlaj, ivtlmalnl fr'm tain- cxanilned, tlut lie average weillir ion jpiitlon uf Ixcr, in lhciool, In aunimrr tiire, couliin threu lumilred pounds of aikenit, ciiuuvli to kill u million people If iidnilnhlircd in equal dre and it one time, Mut dor and Suicide. Dy r.xeliiiio Hire from The Asoclatcd lVa. Miliiaukie. Fib. 12 -t harlra ler tod'aj killed il vile nlth a butcher knife and then com mitted miciiU, Mi. Fer was lilk reiend Mite, and !m alo had lien pnvioinly married. It f llur tlere urc Ihirtein ihlldrtn in the family. OBJECTIONS TO ERIE PURCHASE Additional Briefs Submitted to Justice Fltzoerald bu an Enojish Stockholder. THE MORGAN PROFITS Plaintiff Claims That J. P. Mosnn & Co. Cleared $0,000,000 on the Purchase of the Pennsylvania Coal Company and Erie and Wyo ming and tho Delaware Valley and Kingston Raihoads Ho Quotes Authoilties to Show That a Trustee Cannot Sell Pioporty in His Possession to Himself xvlth Profit. fly Kxcliulie Wire from The Wofinlcd l'rev Xew Yoik, fed. M. Additional btlefs uete today submitted to Justice IMtz geiald In the action brought by Itleh ntd l'lne Collin against the Ihle llall roail eompany to testialn the diteitois of the 1011I and Its voting ttustees fiom caitylng out tin anauRcment for the ptiuhase of the JVnnsxhanla C0.1I comiianx', Kile and Wxomhig Valley ltallio.nl company and tln Delaware Valley and Kingston Kallroad coni l.uiy for 4a",000,l)00. In an alUdaxIt Mr. Collin says that he lhes hi 1'ott l.edge, Ulddeford. North Devon, lhiglund. and that he Is a minority stuekliolrlit In thu Ihle ralhoad. He asseits that ho bought 100 slriies of the stock of the toad on Jainiiuj 20, If 01. The plaintiff claims that J. P. Mor gan & Co. bought the loads, which tire leedeis of the Kile Mstem. for 2T. 400,000. Mr. Collin also asset ts that Moigan had also heeured control of the lle system. After getting the tlnee toads In question, the til ilntlff says that Mr. Morgan tesolcl them to the Ihle ralhoad for 437.000,000, thus cleat lug $9,400,000. Mr. Collin sajs that Mr. Moigan gets $12,000 000 In bonds of the company and $.",0COO0O In pre ferred stock. Mr Collin saxs that he has been unsuccessful, although he hah iiiaiie the utmost effott. In secur ing the affidavits of the then otllecrs of the Philadelphia and Heading mad as to the olfer made to them to acquit c the same nKSc'U now proposed to bo sold to the Krle talltond for many millions less. Tho plaintiff .saxs that the main faels In the suit are not setloitsly dis puted. Mi Moigan, he saxs, bnxs the assets of the Pennsylvania Coal com pany, then offeis the in to himself as ti listen ot the Ihle, accepts the offer, and theieby makes .1 paper piotlt of oxoi $9 000,000 and an admitted cash ptotit of over $2,000,000, incut ting not the slightest ihk, bemuse the same assets that he turned oxet aie pledged again as collatetal. Rights of a Tiustee. Mr Collin quoted a number of .Mi llionth s on the pioposltlon thai a man who acts as ttuslee cannot sell to hlm helf such ptoperty at a ptoflt The voting ttustees of the ihle Kail road uovnpnnv aie .1. P. Moigan, Gen eral I,ouls FlUgeiald and Ch irles Tennant, of London. One of the raihoads In the proposed purchase, the Dclauaie Valb-y and Kingston, Is not yet completed. In Its answer to the suit the oilleers of the Kile Kalhoad companj contend that the puichase of the roads In question Is necessary to the Kile to saxe unto itself the coal transput tn tlon business In Pennsylvania and to nt-Hiue Itself a peimanent supply of fuel as icqulied bv law. The oilleers uiserl that the told was without lltiau clal lesouiees and theiefoie applied to Mr. Morgan's vompitux, the 1110H Im portant and influential ft lend of tho company. It Is contended that Mr. Moigan eb'.ired only $2,300,000 on the deal, which was only fair and Just, being leR than It per cent on the transaction. The stock of the compaux, say the de fnid ints, has Incteased In xaltio since Moigan bname luti tested In tho load. JESUITS COMPELLED TO SURRENDER A GIRL. High Couit at Madiid Reverses a Judgment That Caused Tioublo. Hj KxiIikIvo Wire from The .oehtcd l'ris Madtld, IVb 12, The high court has ivveiheil the Jildgnient of the two lower (ouits and has otdeied the it-s-tltutlon 01 tJenora I'bao's daughter. This case has been tho occasion Ot much of the dlsoider that has taken place In Mudild tecently. It Is tut ac tion In ought by a mother to compel the .li'-mllH to give up the custody of her daughter, who, It Is alleged, twas Induced by n zealous prlert to take the xell without the consent nf hof parents Stopped at Tenth Round. Ill l.xclulve Wiie ficm J he .Wm laled I'uih. I lie, l'j , Fib 12 -live contrt bitueen llillv hmlth .aid Ouui elglcr ti night eai i-lnppcd sit the end of tin tinth lound In the kIu ritl. Thn tuntiot lulne nt fir tu it itml. Mid the croud much rinallei ilmi 1 x)w ted Iho oltutit 111 the federation of chuuho urie pHM'it and diinmdid the kheritf lo inline I lie Ian, vuiiih m thU couiitj priuutk piUu lijliln ard houn; cunt ot Cut His Tlnoat with a Itaot. fit JUcIuilio V. lie from 'Ilia Auoclated Prrav WilKcu llano. Feb. 12 Mien Vtjer. a well known xoung man of II nujilllc, thin cmml), coriinittid suicide lodi' by nailing liU tlnunt uith a raior, No i.ium is aUmd for tho va-.Ii ait Struck by a Tmin. lly F,xclulie VMro from The Anoeiated I'rri. Vim irk, N, f., Kib M. The t.xl if u man, bclleuil to le tint of John S Kendlo, of W likes Parre, l'a , nai fcund on thn Van llur.-n ttrect hrldice of thn Cential ll.illroid of Ner Ifrny todii, It U Mipiutrd he had been Mruek by .1 (mlu duilng tlie nijlit STREET CAR STRIKE IS THREATENED. Employes of the Pittsburg Lines Slay Oo Out tly l.xelnalie Wire from The Auoclated Trea, Pittsburg, Feb. 12. A street car strike Is thieatoncd tonight, xvhich, if can led out, may tlo up both the Monongahclu Traction und the Con solidated Traction roads. Some days ago two molormcn were discharged fiom the Monongahehi. road's employ, ohaiged with carelessnest. The stroet car men's union took tho matter up. and by n two-thlids vote decided that If the men are not reinstated by 1 o'clock in the morning, nil the men on the mad xilll strike. The Consolidated companv's men s'iy If the Monongu helu men stilke they xxlll strike also. Tlio Monongah"la company uses tho trarks of the Consolidated for about four miles In tho down-town districts and the latter company's men say they will not 1 1111 the ilsk attending the Introduction of nuxv men. The Monongahehi 1 ompany employes '210 motet men and coiiductois, while the Consolidated caules many more. The two lines cover piactli'tilly all of Plttsbuig eci'pt the South Side and extend to Allegheny, Wilklnsbuig. Homestsc.id and nil the smell town as fir as Kanklti PieIdnt Mellon sav.i the company will pcsltlvly not leln stat the men. STILL WAITING FOR THE INJUNCTION Judge Hollistei's Opinion on tho Jef- fiies-Ruhlin Fight Is Due Today. Complications Threatened. fly Kxclushf Wire fim I he Aweelated l'rc. Cincinnati, Pel). IS. The prepara tions for the contest between Jeffries and Ktihlin iiuil between Mai tin and Chllds luxe pi on uded here today thu same as usual, and tho promoters ex pert the ex ems to take place on time next Prlday night. Over fl.OOO was taken In for tickets todaj, making an aggiegnte of over $13,000 to date. If the application for an Injunction Is re fused on Thutsday morning, the pio- moteis expect ordeis to bo numerous that day and on Fildax. While there has Deen much talk about postponing the contest, no ac tion has been taken In that dliectlon and nono will be taken befoie Thurs day afternoon . Theio were various te poits toduv and tonlgnt about meet ings of the Saengeitest Athletic asso ciation dliectois for the purpose of postponing the contest. Intel x lews with those directors show theie an i'o lerttlar mee lng o the board to day and that theie will be none until Thin sday afternoon. The decision of Judge Holllster Is looked for at 11 o'clock Thursday morning, but It may be noon before it Is announced. Theie Is much specu lation as to what will be done alter the decision becomes known. If Judge Holllster Issues the In junction against the contest, tho at torneys tor tho piomoturs say thit they xxlll then appeal the ease to a blghci couit and thence to the Sn piemo court. In that exent there Is no doubt about the directors of tho Saengei test Athletic association meet ing on Thutsday afternoon xlth Man agers Brady, Madden arid otheri and postponing tho date of the contest lor tx'o or tlnee weeks, do as to gtxe them time tor the cose to hi caul d to the couit of last lerort Mean time, theie Is much comment oxei the actlxe piepaititlons of Ooiernor Nafh In having txo or thtec companies of mllltl 1 nxvaltlng orders to pioceed to Clin Inn.itl. It Is claimed the goxeinor v 111 use the tnilitl.i to enfore the In Juni tlon of Judge Holllster. The pio niotois say that they xou!d In no event attempt to conduct the event It an In tunc tlon should be lsued against them They xxould then appeal the case and postpone tho contest so as to gix'c ample time for tho cat rx lng the ease to the higher courts. If Judpe Holllster should grant an Injunction against the pilze light and not against such a boxing contest ns that lor which Mayor Flelschmann, has Issued his permit, then It Is quite piobable that the promoters xxlll go ahead undei their oilginal claim that they piopose lo glxe a bovlng contest that eoiuen xxlthln the laws of Ohio, and not such a prl:e fight ns xiould xlolnte the state laws. In that event It is anticipated by many that Ooier nor Nash xxould Interfere and that theie might be setlous complications. The concensus of opinion Is that Judge Holllster xUI assume Jurisdiction and giant a peimanent Injunction Theie was the usual activity today mound the tialnlng quintets of Jeff ilts, Utihllu, Jiailln and Chllds. Messrs. Hiady, I'ook, Madden nnd othiis aie kept busy with the aunnge ments In tho city, and seem confident that the decision of Judge Holllster will bo against the Injunction and Hint they will hold the contest on schedule time DEATHS OF A DAY. bi l.xcbhbo Wue limn Tin Aoclated I'mx uliinjtnii, I'cb 12 -Count Seigej l)e fcfmoll. At..AA ,...n.rli f.1 M I1. If 1-fclilirD". lhljknl I. llp.l ''""" ' "" " ' ....: "' In this clti, nfler .1 'irltl lllnc, acu J'l xeara. niin-um " mc otii; i me uiiiiuu (.mm siiudialiidif Md 1 brilliant but iheikcml nnd the prophet of Its gieat home !" eaoir Ho Inicnt l furil hli.li explo-hea, took xulopments, and that President Me- put In 1 1'oln exihdillciii at the aito of JO, and made ami lot Kicr.l fniiiuie lie Ma. manlcd lun twihi cai sit. but I1I1 wife secured 1 dlloice lb' bal a laro inialUd mIjic in ltuiwia Mil Like .!(). lil' I-' -lodge Jaeon II. Intluiatu It! tit. 1111 trior Rinruil et llah, blind of Abiaham I inenln, and a nun vilJily ll.nui In public life, died Middenl) todai, iicd Hi cji Indue Plali reprejcnted WckI Vlr kil It. in C01141CM fur tno tuiiw, nan mluUter lit Ctota Itii 1, n iniiuUi f the VAiuming i. irime 11 uit fir twehci lean and for n number of jcaia occupied a similar pcvltlon in I lab Ofllcials Deny Poxveis' Story. P; Viiliulio "he ''"in The Auoeiated Piru. HauUbuiif, Kib. 1'. A teinli nf all the do pirliucnta of thU coiumonweallli falli to lonlliui the Hori publUhid In luiiliillle toila) to the etlnl lli it .It hit U 1'oiurn, 11I10 1 under lie dlclnicnt in coim.'i tl hi vtlth tho (loibcl iu-utiln. nt Ion, U In the tmploj of the state of Penn jltanla. AU tin1 olilcioU who could bo hecn deny the etorj. LINCOLN'S DAY CELEBRATED Nlnetu-Second flnnlversaru oi His Birth Observed bu Feasts oi Sono, Wit and Sentiment. BANQUET AT NEW YORK General Hany E. Tremalu Ptesides nt the Dinner nt the Waldorf-Astoria Judge John N. Baldwin Speaker Hon Chailes Emory Smith Addresses nu Audience at East Oiangc The Celebrations Elcowheie. fly i:clmlw Win frcm The Amoilalcd l'rcm. Now York. Pel). 12. On the nlnety seiond atiulveisaiy of the blitlt of Abraham Lincoln and In honor of his memoo. tho Republican club of the city of New Yotk gave a banquet to night at the AValdoif-Astoria. Clener.il llcniy 13. Ttemaln, the piesldent of the club, pieslded. With him xeni seated at the guests' table P.obeit C, Moirls, llev. (horgo T. Purvis, Oeorge H. .Sloane, Cornelius N. BIIs, White law Held, John M. Thurston, Senator Clmuneey M. Depew, Joseph it. Hur ton, Judge John N. llaldwln. Senator Il.um.i, Attorney General John W, llrlggs, Senator N H. Scott, Senator Ildwnul T. Htrtlett Hugh ilotdon Miller, Kredeilck S lllbbs and duties A. Case. Oeneral Tietiuiin opened the after dinner speaking with a lnlef addiess, uftei which the toast of "Abiahum Lincoln" was pioposed and diuuk, the guests standing. Cieneial Ticmnlii then Inliodueed Judge John N. Ilald xx In, of Nebraska, xvho made tlie ora tion of the ex cuing In response to the toast. Columbus, 1), Fib. 1". The nlnetv-t-econd aimlveisaty of the birth of Abiahain Lincoln xas celebioted beio tonight by the Jefteison, Jackson and Lincoln league, with a dollar dinner nt the Columbus nudltoilum. There weie fully 1,500 people seated at the tables, which occupied tho floor of tho Immense hall, and l,0o0 moie seated In the 'gnllerles, which bud been thrown open to Mpectntois. Many ladles xxere noticed among those nt the tables. The bill ot fine xas not eluboiatc. There were no clgais and no box ei ages stronger than coffee. Tho featuie of the exenlng was tho demonsltatlon In honot of William J. Piynn.who xxas the orator of the even ing. Mi Uixan said In pait. "Nexer has this nation been more In need than It Is today ot an earnest and thorough tcvivnl of Jeffetsoi luu pilneiples. While other statesmen, appearing at dlffoient etise.i i.id intuiii' s) onslbilltles of their tesp't-live times. have made paitlal application of demo el alle pilneiples, ,leffcron Is the only one who foimulnted a Democratic code applicable to all time, all situations and all people. "At this time, xhen commercialism Is beating the conscience of the nation: when the worship of Mammon Is lead Inc the people to Ignore Inalienable lights; when the Ideals bought with blood and sacrifice ate to be bartered awa lor the specious and delusive piomlses of mi empire at this time, I lepeat, xe need to have our faith In man as man and our love for man as brother loklndled by the niemoty of this might, pat lot, philosopher and demoetat, xhoe hialn comprehended the I eighth and depth and breadth o' government nnd xvhose heart em brncid the human race" lioston. Peb. 12. The memoiy of Abraham Lincoln was honored by a le-ast ol song, wit nnd sentiment at the nlebiatlon of tho Middlesex club at Hotel Brunswick tonight, Foiniei Governor J. Q. A. liiarkttt presided The guests and speakeis weie: Hon. Joseph Quarles, United Slatis senator fiom Wisconsin, Hon, H 13. Hurnham, TTnlted State senator eleet fiom New Hninpshlie; Hon. C. " Win wick, of Philadelphia; Hon. J. II, Hue of Vhglnla, and Hon .1. D. Post"1!, of Vermont. LINCOLN'S DAY DINNER. Chailes Emory Smith Addresses Re publican Club of East Oiange. Now York. IVb 12. The thhd an nual Lincoln's Day dinner of the Ho pttblttan club, of Kast Orange, N. J was given tonight. Postmaster Oen eral Chailes Kmory Smith spoke 011 '"Abiaham Lincoln," and Congiessmnn Charles II, I.andls, of Indiana, re sponded to the toast, "The Republic ot Today" "Log Cabin Hays," was tho toast to xvhich Pianklln Murphy lesponded, nnd Congressman ltlchaid Wayne Parker lesponded lo "New Jet soy Republicans," In the com so of his bpeech, Post master Oeneial Smith said Abiaham TI I., ., . !. ..! e ,1 Kllllej', tho ( luimploii of protection, , MnB destined to lead our great nation . tn in,lIstiHi Hunremacv anionir the 11a- tlons of the eai Hi. Amalgamated Skating Races. By Kxrlmive Wire fiom The Awoilated l'liax. ifcntnal, IVb 12. Ilcmj Ilumiijrr, puidrnt of the Natlonil Amitiur kitln Vocltion of America; run .1. Montfoniuj, aecutari of the mime oreinlutlon, and George J, Phillips the vwllkuuMii fliine klcatcr, bio birn appointed cilt'liila of the nmnlKamalrd ik.lllliR rates foi the crmblued champlonihlpa rf f'amda an I the I idled stjtiii, which like place next Tuesday in tin) Montreal Amateur MliUlic auoclatlon'a tracl Steamship Aj rivals, Dj 1 xduslic wlrv fiom The Vsioratcd l'nu. New York, l'cb. 1? Airlicdt Kalreiln Maria Thtrcda from .Niplea. Sailed! Omrlc, Liver, peol. Algiem Arrhcdi .iguato Vlctorli, New York lia Madeira, etc. THU NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today, FAIR; CONTINUED OOLD, 1 flcneral-Hlpprr 11111 to He Amended to Mc:t Serauton'a Needs. Celibritbn of 1 Ineoln' lllrtlday. Welcome to the l'hlll plniK t'onimiMloie Objections to tlie Trie's Purchase 5 Oencril Caibondalc liepartincnt. 3 local-Court Proceeding. Som of Vctcrini iftnor l.iiiio'n I ldltorial Note and Comment. C 1-oeal Major W'.irnn'i Addrc llifcre the Cnunellinan It dlwiy Conimittf e. Poital Clerk Jonej Hid the fetter. 6 l.ocil Sit Serantcn and .sulurbin 7 fleienl Nnrtheiutini Pel nhanla Nitia riuanciil and ('ouimir"lal 8 I.ocal-IlM! .SV of the Imliutilal W'orl I MADRID IS ON THE VERGE OF TUMULT Stteet Coineis and Clubs Teem with Dlstuiblng Stories Antagonism to the Count of Cascrtn. n rxliriie lllr fix in Hie Vuhted I'riii. Madtld, Peb 12 Whispered Illinois, which nie not Mippoited by tangible faets, say thai Madtld Is on the veige of 11 tumult Th" government. How ever, Is clnmly pi m ceiling to cniiy out tin d-talls lor the wedding of the Princess of the Austin ills to Pilnce Chiules 01 liouibon, but the street eorneis, the clubs and Hie hotel eonl dors teem with disturbing stories. The new shout, "Long live the army," Is the niiDt serious Hgn Should It lake a leal hold on iln piople and should the fev t teaeh the aimy Itself the outcome would be lluealenlng The cuu flit talks tepiiaetU the iiimv as being dlHsatisll ' and ns announc ing that It din's not intend to toK up arms against the ptople so long as the opposition is directed against tlie J su its and the Count of Cnsertn 'I he feeling against the former Is largely political, but a leal and deep-boated unt'igonlsm exists riirntnst the founer Cat list leiuhr. SEELEYVILLE HERMIT IS IDENTIFIED Otto Shemmann Was the Son. of a Wealthy Get man A Quantity of Bonds Found in St long- Box. Bi 1 xclutixo Wiie fiom Tho -w.ilatul IVs Honcsdale Pa , Peb l-'.-Mis. Wil liam Hendi'ison and Miss Minna Pis tor, both of Hoboken, X. J., came beio todav and idenlllled Otto Scheiu niann, the Seelevvlll, Pa, hcimlt found fiozen to clenth lccntlv. Schem lnann xxas the son of wealthy Herman patents and hud an income of from J.0u0 to ?3.0f0 annually His sttong box contained a copy of his fathet's vx HI. lroin vvhtch It was le lined that there weie nine chlldien. heirs to about a million dollais Hesldes liv ing at Seelvvll'c Sihcnimann nnted a house nt Hoboken, In vvhlilnho had .1 laigi- Muanlltx of nintnlal sacked and In chests. Mli,s Plslor, who has 11 news depot in Tlobokcn, as hhe loaned Schem niann IfiOO and holds his note. A quan tity of fieiman bonds vcie found heie. The lemalus havo been placed In 11 vault to await ouleis fiom his biother In Ilainbttig, ti'rmmy MRS. NATION AT CHICAGO. Large Number Refuse to Give Up Pi Ice of Admission to Hear Hei. lly lActuih IVIio Irom Tie Viorlalcrt I'n. Chliago, IVb 11 .Mrs. Caiilo N'atlon rinixed in Chicago at S 40 toi.li.11 , com ing ovet the Hoc k Island load, and within fifteen minutes after leaching the city she was lacing a somewhat diminutive audience gutheied undi r the auspices of tlu local mumbeis of the W. C. T. P. In Wlllaid hall. On hei tilp tow aid Chicago she delivered a number of shoit nddti ses ttom tho rear end of the car. speaking at ileit is every station whr-ic .1 stop was made Her coming vu matked by no spe cial Incldttit, eonti.iiy to the expecta tion of the ladles who had nulled her le visit Chicago. Onlj, 1 vc "j small eiowd was at the depot and t was, foi the moot pai t composed of mem bers of the leeepllon cominlt'ee She entered her taulago at once and was driven uipldlv to Wlllaid hall An Impies.slon existed xvllh irutij that the lectin e xmis to be fiee, In stead of xxhlch an iidmlrIon fee ot fifty cents xwis charged This hitilkid a good many, and at tho time of Mis. Nation's aulval tlure xmmo as in my In the hallway who had lefused to pay tho admission pilio and stood mound walling to see her eiite, as there wns in tho hall w iltlng to hear hei speak. WOMAN'S PEACE LEAGUE MEETS AT MANILA. Dy l.xchwiie VMre from The Awcl ited I'un Manila Feb U The Wcnienn IVme leajiie tut at Judifu Tall' liotui tudn .Scnoilln Mi llie nttiinptid to irtroduce 1 isslntlui mnilr inc tie rilcao id iniprbonul liwiiiKtnfa, Mia lad and other ladlia ipi ki cu a u --olntlr.il m jr -In; the liiMinrenta to mrtendri ThU we ad pt. cd Insteid ot K'liorlta l'obltti-'a motlcn Belgian Stenmei Missing, lly l.xeluslto VMre fiom The Ansoclatul Pri. iijcinton, IMi 11, The llilulan ulianier Hlonland, In thn I'hllidelphia Uterpool wplee of the Aim r kan lliu, ruiiuundul by f'aplal 1 hlnnca, li novt nto da.ti, otcrduc fiom I'hlladil phla, vhrn he aailcd Jan Un for Mteipoo! via t!iU port, The msm ha not been heard from jlnci lur ikpaituiu In 111 Philadilphla. Jumped from a Window, lly UxcluMte Wire fiom The Auoeiated l'res. New V-ork, Feb. Jl. Mm. Alilna Miller, of Wot lfobokin, N', J , who Hied on tho top floor of a i itory apartment home, jumped fiom her window tcday and killed hrttrlf. Mm i 11 j a widow and supported five thlldtcii by washing. PHILIPPINES COMMISSION WELCOMED The American Partu Is Greeted bu Outbursts 0! Music Irom Native Bands. MANY SPEECHES HADB Tho Natlvca Declni That They Now Understand Furposos of the Amer icans Judgo Taft Tolls People of! Towns of Bulacan Tliat ProvInchU Qovornmont Will Soon Bo Estab lished There Insurgents Surren derImmense Peace Meeting att Mariqulnn. Dy Kxclmit Wire frcm Iho Aoelaled Treai. S in Pernando, Province of Pampa guy. Island of Luzon, Philippine Ils lauils, Teh. lL'. Bacolor and ull tho towns adjacent to the lallway whose names 1110 lilstthlo on account of the llnce battles of the eiullor periods of the Ainei lean occupation, turned out to welcome the United States Philippine commission as It passed notthvvard 011 Its first trip to organize provincial governments. At every station. Includ ing the hamlets wheio the tialn did not stop, there were bursts of music from the native bands and cheeis for the Anieiluuios, Plllplnos, commission und the pai tldo fedtrale. The eiowd at Malolos, tho former seat of the Insiiigcut government, was smaller In piopuitlon to the population than at the villages. At all tho stopi addies-es weio dell vend by the natives and 1 espouses were made by Judge Taft, the incident of the commission: Pi of. Wotcester, Oeneral Flores, Chief Justice Atelano and Dr. Taverla, presi dent of the fedeial p.uty. The natives lepeatedly declared the people were beginning to uudeistnnd the purpose of the Ainei leans, adding that the commission's act showed their prom ises villi be kept. Judge Taft told the people of the towns In Patlacan province that a prov incial government will shoitly be es tablished theie. The American party alighted at San Peinando, passed under an arch of welcome and was greeted by tho mlll taiy and hundreds of children waving Am Than lings und singing "Hall Co lumbia " Insurgents Surrendered. Manila, Peb. 12. An lnsuigent col onel, .Slinon Techon, seven Insurgent oillceiH and seventy men, with sixty gun?, have sui rendered unconditional ly to Captain Conies, of the Thirty- I fifth icglment, nt .San Miguel Be May- umo In a fight at Slbuyan Batangas the icbil general, MaHns, Is reiioitod to have been kllhd, Mc Insurgent ofTl leis nnd twenty men xxere ciptmed Miiilciulna Is the reem ot an Im mense )iiice meeting of the IVderal P 11 ty m EFEORTTOR CARTER'S RELEASE Motion Filed in tho United States Circuit Couit. 11; rxilmlte Wire fiom The Asooentcd Pr . Leavenworth, Kan, Feb 1.'. A mo tion was filed In the United States cir cuit coutt today for the ieease of Obcillu M. Caitci. fornn r c.ipuln of engine eis, from the federal pilson, pending the appeal of his habeas cor pus pioceedlng case In the Supreme couit of the Pulled Slates. The court set Pilday next as the time for hear ing the aiguments. Carter's attorneys asselt that It will bo at least two xe.ns befoie .1 decision In the habeas corpus caso tan bo leached In th Supiemo iourt In that time Carter xxlll havo seixed his sentence nnd the habeas corpus pioceedings xxlll afford him no relief. It is until! stood that in tho event the couit sustains the motion iclattves nf tht pilsoner will tuinish bonds to thu eMent, If terpilied. of S100.000, THE INAUGURAL PAKADE. Anaugcmcnts Completed by Lieu tenant General Miles. 11 I xclifetia Wire from The Asbotlatrd Pu Wiiyhlngton, Feb. 1.' Lieutenant ileneinl Miles has completed art.inge ments for tho ptu tlclpatlon of Uulted Slates it oops In the inaugural parade. and tho necessaiy ordeis weie Issued today. All the available legulais in this vicinity, numbcilng about 1,000, will be In line. It also Is pioposed to have one bat talion of Poito ltlcan native troopa take pait In tho paiade, provided It 1 .111 be dotio without great expense. The taduts at West Point nnd Annapo lis ulsn will ho beio on that occasion. Soldleis Bodies Returned. Hi l.xrliblti Wire hum The iiclatid Pros'. Washiii.tuii Feb 11 The oiurlcnnaUer gen. till h Inlouned thai -IS of tho 107 bodies ol hjMhu and iiurlin., Iiioucht to San Franruca from 1I1 I'hllllpinM en the transport Warren bite bisii applied (or bv idatln for prliaU interment in different parti uf tho countiy. Nail Mill Burned. Itj l.irlblic Wire fiom flic .Usociatcd PreM llarilibuik', Feb, 11 The lame nail mill plant near WatRontuwn, Pa, and owned by Godcharlei llroa. was burned to the around this evening, Tho flic la luppowl to Into been ot Incendiary origin. I.Oi.s about fl(,tcn, partially insured. -HV-.s).HyHVsVH-Hy--HHy.t--t--t-4-fSV-f WEATHER rOREOAST. vTaihlnaton. Feb. 11. Forceait for Wed. -- tirwlay and 'lliinadai I'antern l'ntiyl nil Fair and continue I ce'd Wrdniwlay -- iiinl limn lax; luld, to blli notthwei- - rily wlinl-, illnilnMilnrf Ihumdii. 4 ttftttttt T 1' cW u-toVi, J- 'trAL'