' fTHE SORANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1901. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HERMIT'S REMAINS STILI UNCLAIMED. Otto Schemtnnnn's Body in a Vault in Olen Dyberry. Peiil to tho Scrtnton Tribune Tlonosduli?, I-Yli. 1. The U'liiiilni nf Otto Srliommann, who was found fro zen to death In hln liou.so neap Bceloy vllle on Thtirndny Inst, has boon plnccil In the public vault In (lien Dyberry, while nn effort is beltiR inmlc to find Komo relative, 7n 1S73 ho cnnio to Honcsdtile, hn fcel it swltule life, ton ccallnff the (actitlty of lulutlvtH If his has nny, and would not nllovv nnyono to enter his house which, after hln death, wan found lllled with nil kinds of merchandlM1, imrrclH of crackers, i iibpb of canneil Roods and wines, dry Roods, tools, many nrlgltiul packages unopened, lln always had plenty of money, which he received fiom some source unknown to any here. He bought Roods In quantities, and lived a very peculiar life. He had two boxes In tho Honesdale postoillco which were filled dnlly with .(lei-man pnparft and most of the New York dallies, The floors of his house were found coveted fiom ono to two feet deep with un opened dally and other papers. His dteFS was also of a peculiar style. He wns about CO years of ubc, and would not converse with nny person nbout his Individual matteis. Ho enmo here, supposedly ftom Now York. Further than this nothing N known nf him. MONTROSE. Jprilal to the Scranton Tribune. Montrose, Fob. 11. Mis. William S. Mulford Is tho nuest of relatives In Scran ton. Little Kllen Hulplti, tUushter "t Lindloid Georue Ilnlpln, of the Kx I'hunge hotel, Rave a lunre number of her friends a Jolly sklsluide on Sat urday afternoon and then gave them a fine supper ut the hotel. William H. Dormi, who lias had a Ferious attack of the pi-lp, Is slightly Improved. Miss Fannie Carter, of Mlddletown, X. Y.. Is the truest of her hlster, Mrs. Oeorco Denel, In this place. Miss Josle Scarle, duiiKlitfi' of Mr. and Mrs. K. n. W. Seurle, of Susaue hanna.ls visiting; at tho homo of Hojrer S. Searlc, on Chenango street. Hyde Crocker, after an illness of several weeks' duration, Is able to walk out occasionally. A party of young- people front this place attended a patty nt the home of M. Qualu. in Franklin, on Friday evening. Hcv. Haskell B. Benedict, pastor or tho Methodist Episcopal church, was suddenly taken ill early Satutday morning and has since been In a very serious condition, though a turn for tho better Is reported today, nnd It is bellovcd by the nttcndlng physician that the tlne.atoned attnek of pneu monia mny be averted. The Jury In the vase of Waterman vs. Tho Delawate, Lackawanna and - Western Railroad company, which was the center of Interest nt court Inst week, was out all Friday night nnd until late In the afternoon on Satur day, when n verdict of $1,300 for the plaintiff w.is. letttrned. The amount asked for was SiS.OOO. Owing to the pastor's Illness, the Methodist pulpit In this place was oc cupied yesterday by Rev. D. C. Haines in tho morning, nnd by Iter. J. W. l'utnam In the evening. The local stockholders In tho Lacka u.mnn and Montrose Hnllioad company iccelved cheeks on Friday covering tho three per cent, dividend dcclated at the annual meeting seveial weeks ago. Favorable i oporto are received by ft lends In this place from Rev. P. F. Brodrlck, pastor of St. John's church, Susquehanna, who Is sojourning in Michigan for the benefit of his health. At it meeting of the Montrose Co operative Canning company, held in tho arbitration room at the court house on Saturday, it was decided that the coming season the company would purchase produce from the farmers outright, paying the highest maiket ptlcc In cash. This will doubtless give better satisfaction to the farmers thnn the strictly co-operative and profit sharing plan which was employed last year, and which netted tho pioducets but little. FOREST CITY. peili! to the t-cranton Tribune Forest City. Feb. 11. Catherine, the little, daughter of Hugh Palmer, died of pneumonia, nt tho home of its grandparents in Starrucca Friday af WASP WAISTS ,Are not much in evidence among Ameri can women. The women of America are workers, and a weak waist handicaps worker. But woman has a greater luuulcap than a , weak waist. She ntay have a per- lcct loan, beauti ful and strong in all its lines, and yet be weak be cause her htrength is undermined by diseases peculiar to her hex. There is no room for argument as to the weakening effect of these diseases. There it also no room for argument as to the power of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to cure them. It regulates the periods, stops unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It is a purely veget able preparation, and cannot disagree mth the weakest constitution. There is no alcohol in "Favorite Prescription," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all narcotics. Sick women buffering from chronic forms of female diseases are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free, nnd so obtain the invaluable advice of a spe cialist in the diseases of women. All correspondence strictly private and sa credly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ' Words cannot tell how grateful I am for jour kind advice and good medicines," write Mrs. John Cooke, Hatting, Northumberland Co., Ontario. "I lisd been in poor health for lour years back, and this apriug pot to bad 1 could not do my work. I went to flic doctor1 nud lie said I had ulceration uud falling of the interna! organ, but I thought I would try) our 'Favorite Prescription.' I took five bottfra and three of th 'Golden Medical Discovery and one Ut of Dr. Plerce'a Pleasant Pellet, and I can aafely say that 1 never felt bettor in my life. I hare poke a well of your medicines wherever I have been." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets keep the liver healthy, They assist the action of "Favorite Prescription '' when a laxat'ie U rKiuircd. ternoon. Tlio funeral took place Sun day afternoon and interment wai made In the Catholic cemetery at that place. lit. Rev. Kthelbort Talbot, bishop of Centrnl Pennsylvania, preached in Christ Episcopal church Friday nnd administered the iltc of confirmation lo a number of people. A largo number of I he ft lends of Herbert Reynolds gave hint tii surprise Friday evening. They assembled ut his home at nbout half past seven, and nt S o'clock the Stan Drum eorju stole Into the yard nnd played n few ot'leetlons nnd proceeded to make thems'-lves teady to spend the even ing, (lames and nitislo were Indulged in, which made tho evening u meriy tine. Refreshments were seived nt a lale hour. The following Is the list of those who attended the event: Misses Blanche Parrow. Nellie Avery, Hello Woseolt. Mary Colburn, Sarah nilftlllw. Maggie Hopkins, May Mon toe, Kvn Monioe, Myrtle Martin, Josle Martin. Maty Jones, Stella Davis, Delia Kane, Rose Meddleton, Made line Darrow, Esther Davis, Anna May, Rebecca McDormntt. Winnie. O'Horo, Maude llollenback, Florence Knrnes, Rose Karnes, Mnry Davis, Mnry Dutchman. Dor.i Ciilgg, Mnry Morrison, Kate Karnes Miss Johnson, Anna P.trkyn, Petit 1 Stull. Jos-do Stull, Lottie Reynolds, Lavlna Reynold;!, Jane Roberts und Mesrs. Thomas Wntklns Albert Rucklln, Ernest Hick, John Shepheid, Edward Lewis, Wil liam Jones, Philip ElchoUer. John i Jones, Ray Alexander, Ostium Snedo j ker, Elmer Hollcnbnck, Elmer Jones 'Sidney Lott, Alfred Hnnls, Frank Darrow. Martin Kntnes. Frank Dotd, ('nil Bartholomew, Lavestlo Kane, Michael Connolly, Tlmothv Connolly, Ralph Wofctgate. Henry WIlllaiiH, Cliailt's Burns. John Brain, William McDcrmolt, John White, Thomas Meddleton, John MlsUell. Harry Uu tan, William Lewis, Feed Jennings Earl Pentecost, Oweii Cawley and the I Star Drum corps. Ptof. C. C. Movies, t.r Hallstead. county superintendent of schools. Is bote today. He is thl week visiting the school" along the Jefferson branch. According to the lust census, Forest City is considerably larccr than any other town In Susquehanna or Wayne counties. It is growing. The Delaware and Hudson am pay liur their employes today. The luneral of John L. Weslgutu took place Sunday nt f o'clock, nt his late home on Susquehnnna stteet, Rev. H. J. Crane, of (Jnlondale, offi ciated. In temicnt was made In the Hnlondale cmctery. HONESDALE. Special tu the rjntou Tribune. Honesdule, Feb. 11. Russell Van Kuren, of New Yotk, spent Sunday with his patents on Third street. Miss Lucy IMgott left this morning for Now York city, whoie she will be tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Reveriy ."smith" for two weeks. Clarence K. Decker, of New York, has been spending u few days with his parentis on Third street. Preparations are being made by the ladles of the Presbyterian chinch for their annual Martha Washington din ner, which will be given in tho chapel on Friday evening, February 22. Mrs. C. T. Hull, of Athens, P.t., vio linist, and Miss Julia Cruser. or Mont iose. Pa., elocutionist, will give an en tertainment in tho Methodist church in this place on Thursday evening, Feb ruary H. The Iadle3 of CStace Kplscopal chuich will serve a supper in the .Sunday school loom of the chuich on Thurs day evening, February H. The lecture on "Ancient Egypt," de livered by Rev. E. C. Armstrong in the court house on Friday evening, was enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience. Tho tulns of the temples found in tills ancient country were thrown on canvass and beautifully de scribed by the speaker. The Erie will run an excursion to New York on February 22. and return February 21. Fare from Honesdalc, $2. Mr. and Mrs. Willard P. Coon, of Clark's Green, ate visiting the parents of the latter on Third street. At last a move has been made to place a monument over the grave of Samuel Meredith, tho first treasurer of the United States, whose grave is near the village of Pleasant Mount, this county. A bill has been Introduced In tho legislature by Representative J. D. Brennan, whose home Is in Pleasant Mount, appropriating $7,500 for that put pose. Tho annual election of trustees of the Presbyterian church will be held on Wednesday evening In tho chapel. The Mail and Express, the illustrated Saturday magazine, of February 2, contains an Illustration of "Sir Roger Do Coverley at Carvel Hall," from the painting by Miss Jennie Crownseombe, of Honesdale. This painting was seen In Peterson's window last summer. It Is now In the Academy exhibit In New Yoi k. The next number In the Christian Endeavor entertainment course will bo given by the Lotus Glee club, Monday evening, March 1. Miss Lizzie Aunger died ut her icsl dence, on Eighth street, nt 11 o'clock Saturday night. The funeral services will bo held nt her late residence on Tuesday nfternoon nt 2 o'clock. Rev. James P. Ware will offlelate. Inter ment will be In Glen Dyberry ceme tery. She was llfty-three years of age, had been a resident here all her llfo nnd a member of Grace Episcopal church. She leaves to mourn her Ios8 Mrs. Janes "Whitney and Miss Melen. of Honesdale, and a Inrgo elrclo of friends, SUSQUEHANNA. Sj (trial to the Scranton Trlbuns. Susquehanna. Feb. 11. There was a nuv de velopment today in the F.rle boiler makers' strike, i pen fifty-foe mc-i from N'cv Votlt and Iho cut weiu biought here to work In (lie boiler shop. Tho men arrived lust nlsht, acrompinled b imo took. They will lodife and be (ed In the bop. 'Hie iicm mntp ol the Millcn will bo audited with Inteie.t. Tho lltle Ilallrojd company hai a comkUr able fouo oj ofllicH fiom Dlncluiutoii and elsewhere gusullng- its ptonerty here. Tlieic lut been notliln? uppioachini," dUoider and none is apprehended. Tlio posting of piards is a pre cautionary nKiiiiH', Sidney Mailers, an old reldnt of Tumplle Irett, today underwent a sniflcal operation for a diseased leg, lr. Daild Wheat on, of HouielLillte, li thu (tvest of Mr. and Mrs. Chsrles Peebe, of Oak land Fide. About r". la .p-isl election will be held in IhU Iwioui'i In Toti iipun the pirpmltlon to (mild a central fire station, and to bond the borough lo raise sufficient money to pay for the same. I)r. M. U M11W was protcsilonilly trxijed In Klmlra on bunday. The common council his abandoned Its rro Ject to purchase tho old Trancrlpt building on Kutlld avenue for a fire station for Keystone Hook and ladder company, No. 1. J. 8. Drandt ll about to discontinue the mtr candle budneos at Drandt. I'.tlc General Superintendent Van Kcsier was It town on Sumliy. The annual county Christian KnJesior con tention will be held at llrookl.rn the latter put cf .tune. Tho soma! lile shopmen's unions held meet Inits nn b'unday, Carbondale and llallslejd sppesr li hn necL snd neck In the rice for a county eit. It. M. Demon, of JacVon, is aliout tu erect a resident Inthls place. The l'rle h.u placed trespa nollccs in Its shops and .ssrds. Tli approi'lilng tiuitlise of Frank Irvini nnd Mls Mlnnln cllir, of (lie Oakland Hide, Is uuuounced. The Ladies' auxiliary to the llrotherliood of I.ocomotlre Kiremen will hold a "lallco" hop In Ilogan Opeia Hou'e on Tuesday evening, April 0. The counly ronmiUsloiitiii will. Kelt. ;:, hear appeals from Simquelianna aKement. The Nnqticlumu County Teatheu' Institute will be held at Montrme, commencing Oct. 21 and i losing Oct. 2.. Tlii pupils of one of the department of the 'ectid ward public vhnol a lew days since Hlritil: ogaltist their techeri. Tlu prindpal inollltled the strikers' loiiimltteu and peace reigns on l.jurcl strret. Sevci.il peiKoiis weir baptized in the llaptlit ill ith on Sunday. The Mcramcnt of the boid'i Kupier wai ad ministered in Hie I'rcilntetlan dmrili nn Sun-Lit. FACTORYVILLE. Srwi lal lo the crantori Tribune. liUor.vlllo, I'eb. 11. Friday evening, Feb. 15, at tho Methodist rpUcopal clitirch, under the sntp!ce of Iha I'.pw-oith league, Hcv. ", O. .Slmptun, 1). P., pantor of tho Abury Mclliol.U Kpiscopal tliurch, of Stranlon, will rIio read ing! from Ian Mnclaren, author of "Honn.o llrier llnh," "Tho CoIIjpm' of Mm. Mcl'ajden," "Tho Apptal to Ssitar.'' ru-. Dr. Simpson's ability nn th works of Ian M.iclarcn is welt known, and tbosa falling In hear hint wilt iiiIm a late (real. Aitiutvlon will l fue. Jtis. .loharm.i Iteynolil, of V1 Nkliution, died at the homo of her son .lo-rpli Sunday ulglit from heart trouble and gcnctal debility, she wa 8.' jicais if age and was halt1 und buaitv until about four weeks ngo. It will be reinembeted that the attended nil of Ihn Hey nolda family reunions at this place for tho past few yc.ii, she hilng the oldest lte.tiidldi piesoit. Of lur liiiineillalu tiinlly slic is iiiriiird by one en, Joeph, nnd one daughter. Mis. John Slier tiinn, of Mcliobnn. Thu lunei.il will take place today at the rcldeiiie of lur son, wheie fhe died at 1 oMock. Inleunint in Slaik cemetery. Factniyiille eiieampment, Xo. 211, I. O, O. F., will meet tomorrow (Wednesday) night In regu lar edon. The flrnt degiee will bo confcuetl. The ladles and congregation of the Methodist Fplicnpal church will fjiic a Mirtha. Wathlng leu tot and enlciluinmtnt, uiteinoon und even ing, of Feb. 22, Washington' birthday. Fiery one it invited to appear in the colonial costumes to psy respects to flcorgo and Maitha. Itecoidir of Ileeds W. If. Shaw- and family fcpent Sunday at tlie home of tMr. and Mrs. A. A. Ilmwn. It la reported now tint the lckawinni and W.vornlrig P.iirjmen's aiioclatlou is sdne to add a feed mill lo the creamciy lieie and grind their own feed. It is lUlinerl thot they (an turnMi their own feed at about half what they ran pmchae it for elseivheie. In commemoration of Abraham Lincoln the (I. A. II. pot of this place will give nn enter tainment and lecture ut tho MethodM Upiscopal iliureh this (Tuesday) riming. Don't mi hear ing ltev. Van Cliff lecture on "The Life and Service of Abiaham Lincoln." The eiiUrlainim nl and lecture is free, and nil arc cordially imbed to be piescnt. The Mtthodlt Fplsc-op.il tliunli choir will rciidercil M'vcral htlections of appro prhte mtnie and will be agisted by Mrs. JI. II. Foster a organIt. Don't ml it. Cants are out announcing th fiftieth wedding ar.nlversary of Mr. and Mra. benjamin II. Cap well Jt thtlr home cdtie-ilay, Fib. -11, Irom 7 lo 10 o'clock WVoi660006CXc 0 m..n.mn... S intAiKILAL. g 0 " 0 ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY. S.OADKMV. uw telle lliamaiu loiiipaiij. Matinee und night. (J lirrv. London (.aieti filrN. Mat Inn and nighl Dan L. Halt's Latest Piny. M-lbouine," the latest play fiom the gilied m.d piollllo pe;i or Dinlil I.. Halt, of Wilke? liarrc, prcrenled at tho Lytevtn last iiiglil. Is the slrongent hit of I'lamatle writing tlut Mr. Halt has done. When In! w ctllod befcic tl.e curtain for a speech after the cutiln went down on thu second act lie mid It was le.illy tlu Hut pioduitlon of the l'liy as it prcentalion nt F.lixabeth, X. J., Friday night win in the ua tuie oi a dieM leheaisal He thanked the ko. I In of Scranton In his graceful way for the large audience present 1 1 see his latent offering to the stage. Impel fet as last nLjIit't- ii.rfornuuce was it showed that "Melbourne'' Is u idrong play and alter It Is whipped Into shopi? will undoubtedly be a success in IU picscut shape It Is half an hour too long and the waits between oine nl the sct will have to be reduced. ITnfamlliarlty ot members of tho cit with thtlr line caused the play to drag last nlsht and almost ilesttoyd the effects of seme of the best scenes, (..iter these will be glwn a much different rendition than they leeched last nighl. An cxapciatng occuuenco was (he Illness oi Theodoie Dab cesk, cst for the Important role of Hoi ico Ulaliensee. Harry J. licenan took the p.ul and (hough he had it only a tew hours did mar. el ously well M.d piovcd hluu.elt J. ciy t,pab! plaj'ir. lie icijuiit'd much prompting snd Miicial of the ncenes hid to be altired somewhat on his account. Ml. Halt, howevu, lu-aility run gratulsted hlmsell last night In having had (he good fortme to tvevuo so tleur a nun as Kceiian tu tide over the rmergeney. In the lst net two character! lud to be mused Into one because of llw iilnesji of another plajer. These matters oro worthy of note because tliry how that "Melbomnc" had a lather uphill (tc of it last nighl. It has a good story, oi strong; Interest, well told and when the change', neces sary with every new play huie lieen made It ought (o do much to expand the fume and foi bine of Playu-rllc Hill. Sawtelle Dramatic Company. The JfB'le Saw telle innirauy opened n we?k' engagement at the Aca'lem.v id Musli ljst eini. ing, piesenting for the Initial jx-rfoTinanee "T.ie Victorian Cross," a ny strong sensational diaiua lull of thrilling situations and rparlding comeil;. Thu company Is exceptionally well selected aii'l from an artistic ttimlioint is tar ahnve the aieiajo npertolro organiutlon. MLvs .lexie Sawtelle, the star of the company, 1 an in. (rem of tnero than ordtnuty ability and deplitid the mle of Kate Mavnaid, the daughter nf tl e general In a very creditable manner. Her co tnnies iveio a teudallan id the modiste's ut t. Tho laudeillle members of the toinpauy In tioduccd new and up to date secialllm. Little Dot, a phenomenal child unl-t, ilaneed and fang heixlf Into (lie heaits of II. e audienic, and mi doubt but that ehe will be u gieat ilriuli'j caid during tin wick's iiigugiiiuiit. Ferdinand Ashby and Maude llon1an.in ore veiy closer Ai.d tho laugtlmo slugirg uud tlaiulug ol Ilrandow and Arilngton, "(."oonton' Itin," w u (citalr.ly a featma cf the Krfoimance. Th. seeneiy carried by (he Saivlelle inmpany h elaborate und beautiful and added wcmUiiulh' in (he staging of the drama. Tills afternoon "Tint Deill's Mine' will bs pi nut nl und tonight, W. .1. I'M. Una's gteat sen sational melodrama, "The Orlp of lecl," wPI he ofleiei). This will bu (he rli.t time IhU pls,v has been glveu In this city at popular prices. London Gaiety GUIs. The London Gaiety Gills appealed at the (Islety yesterday and were greeted by large houses. The work of the acrobats was nu! ahlv Hie in. -t im'ie.iiug feutiues nf the rn tittulmiii'iH ' SPECIAL DISEASES OF MEN I Do Not Treat All Dis eases, but Cure All I Treat. If joii ai j siifleting front any dlsese or cotiili tlon peculiar to iren, or If you hava been dls appointed in not getting a pmiurent cure, I want vett to conin and tuvo a socl.il chat ullli n.e. I will explain lo jvu MY SVSTFM OF TIIKATMUXT, wlilcli I have originated and de veloped after my wholu llfe'i experience In ttcit Ini' spechil dlea.ses of men. I have no belts, s,ccl!icn, trie samples, trial treatments or electro medical combinations or similar devices which elo not and taiituil cure diseases peculiar to men. My cdmulloii, my cxperlene-e, my conscience, my lcputallon condemn alt such ipiaikcry. If J on will pay rue a visit I will ghv you FIlF.i: OF CHAllflF. u thoiougli pcisonal examination nud n knnMl rt.itnln.t rf ,'ft? met. If ttti .11., tu. curable I will tell jou so, and adil-e )mi mat von win not no nui inuggcu ny uncrupiiiiM piuctlllniieis whi elabn (n euro nil. If after examining )ou I find jou curable, I will inv.iie .von ot it ieimiti-ut i'ut, inarmucli as 1 will give jou a vuiltui guarantee to refund you every cent you l.e paid ino In case I fall to ellcct a cure. I mike XO CHAliaF, FOH MFIllCINi:. a.s tt.ey me iilwas Included in tho nominal fee nakul. and you know to tho tint before .voit slait what your whole lieatment is going to (list, nnd I will make no false piomlses ut to Hie lime for the soke of getting jou ns a pathrt, as I prc.ml-e only what I euu do, und do ns 1 1 romle VARICOCELE Is an enlugeMCnt of tlio scrotal veins anil to the touih tiels like ft buneh of woitni, uud is a coi.dilinu (hat will in time ultimately hid lo a complete .i-u of nil powus uud under jou u nciioiis wieik. I euro it without tlio u of n l.nlfc. Ml claim for this cure is that I um the s is lit iilit'li- 1 1ti Ifi i tie rllir lint ,)! uiTinl a am. M '-". P.1CIWI ISW ,f HSt 1.MB IIIV VHIV n uliliout (uttlnif. I ill stvc J on by pcuuiviiou 'I ramiA i'f pilieiiU tlut lave hocu IrMtoil l.y llifvrlitlttw (ll thill MfV Dllil wins r.itlo.l t, rVll.t (l,(M, jihI lio wtto pei7iiamnMar cuml by m. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISONING. I the most nlhom of all diseases and It n.Jy lie hriedltarj' or acquired. Tlie lirsL symptom being sn ul'Kr, then pain In hones, utccratl.vi of CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE. Dr. Mackenzie's Medical and Surgical Offices PERMANENTLY L.OCATED. Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building, 426-428 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Take Elevator, BRADFORD COUNTY. Special (o the Scrantoii Tribune. Tov.ind.1, Feb. 11. Tlie twentieth ciutuiy mr nlial and fair held the part week undtr tli amplccs of the FranUIn .ktcnmer company clo-ed on Satuiday cieiilng and the t-icnt proveil 11 giand sue cess. Many prlres were won, anion,? them being the tontest for :i tllainond ring be Ivvi'in Jiiws Lillian Ilutk nnd Helen l'rince, the tinnier winning. The ll. Andiews "glx paluie," lvhkli wns well appreciated in Towanda la.l wcelv, will be in rijmojlU this wttk. Their entertslnment l fust class and de-rfrns the lwst nf patronage. .lames I. 1'rliice has moved fiom Atlum to Chicago. O. i:. i-nilili. a Sajrc sicu0Kiaplu.r, lu lat.cn a position Willi Stegmaltr k on, at Wilkes Ilarre. Mrs. Iliidtct Vail, one of tiiju-S oldest rel dints, died on Ihitrsdny, aged Tl jear. Charles W. Clapp, aged sixty-eight jears, died at his home In Atlien on Kiturd.li'. Several Waierly speculators aie inteicsted in Hie coiiioratlou of the Maverly Ifardnare Special ty companj-. Mrs. lliullj' line tiled at Waveilv on Tliiirdar, oged jo j cars. 1'our sons arid a daughter sur vlie her, one of Hie former being Dajtou C. Iloe, of rattoiyillle, Ilev. Dr. Lamb, of Philadelpliia, lint bten choen i-ector of the Episcopal pirlsli nt Wja-lu-iiig. He will also, preach at TunUuiimoch. In tho ctiinlnil court last week William Well ing, formerly of ninghauiton, was found guilty of Involuntuij manslaughter afUr a trial lusting two and a half tins. Hie prisoner caused the death of Silas Moon, a farmer lliltig near New Albany, last N'oitinhcr. The maximum sentence Is (wo j ears in the penitentiary. Inteiesting sessions of the Biadfonl County IVailiers' assoilittion weie held at Towanda on I'riday and Saturday. An able addicss was given by Dr. W. H. (irltlis, of Ithica, on Friday even ing. Ills subject was "CiM and New Japan." .1. W. Stone, of Canton, bat bien appointed master and examiner In dlvone eases of (his countj', Hdward Hiker, of Milken Iline, lux been spend ing a few diys in T'onandi, Miss lU.s Chorion Is vlsiiiug friends in Con necticut, Mrs. Ilobeit II. J.rmlng, of till, place, baa bent chosen ulteinatii delegatn nf the TunMiannotk ehipter of the Piughters nf (he Aniericnn Ilev olutiou, (o lepreseut tho order at the national congress at Washington thin week. All application lias been made hi thu .Slate Line and Sullivan railroad and llarclay-Ilillroad companies to thu foretry department of agri culture asking for assistant o in securing a plan to prevent the oecmrence of forest llrci on their pmpeity, which occur annually. Miss Martha flavlord, of Wj-.iuliig, has been spending a few tla.is wilh her brother, 11. 'i fiavlord and other friends. Leonard Morris, of '-outli lliantli, foimeily a well Unown and popular landloid, died on 'I'liui.-daj-, aged 03 j-cart. Ills wife preceded him by only five dav. Mrs. C. T. Hull, th- talented ilollnW of Allans, will sasut in an enleilainiiieul at Honesdale this week. Mis. Hull hai gained a wido reputation as u musician, us she his re ceived the ben of foielgn Instiuitlou nnd her selections alwsjs win applsiue. rrowded houses alwais gleet her whenever she makes a local en gagement. Miss I'.IU Cn-ielln, of .Scianton, has been spending n fiw daja Iniu with her parents. A new cicameiy building is being erected at, Athens. John Maithall day was piopeily ob-eived by the atlorne.vs nnd tonit of this count.v. The American Hihlge tonipany of the Alliens branch has secured Hie contraet for a large steel draw-bridge oicr Harlein liter, at ew Voik. The members of W.HUih post. (I. A, It,, ale ptcpire to ohsene Washlnglon's blitliilav'. The mnulage of .Mini T. Stewait and Miss M.utie Moody will occur at the I'lilieirtllst chilli fi Tuftrilay euiilng, IVb. IX rain siiu c.iia -1-'" - . -.-..,, um cuiuioi bo cured by the use of HAI.l.'K (JATUIItU ci'iiK. I'ltxNK j chi:m:v. Swoiii lo below me and subscribed In my pit'sence, this hill daj of December. A. I)., 16-J, freal.J A, W. ni.EASON, Sotsiy Puhllc. Hall's CsUirii Cuie Is taken Internally, and aits directly on (he blood and mu'-oui surfaces of the system. sml lor testlniflnlils, fiee. 1'. .1. i:ili:NT,V & CO., Toledo, O. snld bv Diuialns. T'ki, llsll's I'smlly f'lllt ait the best. Mate of Ohio, City of Toledo, I.mas (unnn. s.: I'llsNK .1. CIIIAIJV makes oath ,ut , (, sudor partner of (he t'.ini of ", ,f. ( ;.;y J; CS)., doing biulness In the Mtr of Toledo, County and htatc oforesihl, and that said turn will pay the sum oi oi: iir.siimm ixjuahs for ,4eW .Mr so J Nothing but Curable inoutli and llno.it, falling out of hull and an ciupllcn of the hue m.d body, 1 eatc not who hai treated jou nor bow uuny have failed In luring jou, I cm cure .von by my SSIF.M OF Tlli;Vl.li:.T Just in wire us jou will come tu mj- olflu-, Iheiehy iiv -urlng jou when eliud Jeiur hnnet and '.s sue arc not de-ttcjed. DRAINS And euil-miuun tual sap the iclj life fnu.i jou and later lead to the tumplrtc Uwt of nil powers stopped forever In 10 to 1! dijs, THE MARKETS. Vftll Street Review. New ils, l'c!i. 11 Tline was u ncuible tl dine In the lolumc of bu'lne's In the tock t--clji.go texlay und the most active stocks acic those undir pus-sure v.-itu the cueptlon ot Union i'.icltie, which w biH-ghl with icr)itency on u tiring scale. Tlie iiutl.it v.'us ngafn cluracttr lcd by the wide muuuui.1 In n vciy large nuii Ki of uninioitaiit stocks whicli ail- senium prominent In the tleallius una which sonu- tunc tlo not uppear in the reconl ot transactions tot '.ml; at a time. In tills class some ot thoc re i li.tly brought funiaid into .oiiilnciii-o tcu I liiueil uetlii- ut luriher adiuuct-s, while otliero nut ptoflt taking nnd n(.aln turned back. Aiuon those ncvvly lUtid I'otl Doe'ige, whiili roso S', I'm- Mauputti- 21, Wi-iotislii ( cntiul l'.j, ilo. Ilttiiieii JVt, Me:.lcali National is, slid Mobile nnd Ohio !':,. (Tiua-ao ami t'oisteiii Illinois was cci.spicuous for .1 violent rise of 'U, the pu ttrie.1 stock rising 4 and rallying Kvuiuvillei und Ttn-e Haute 2'4 alter it ihtlli.e ol a point. Minks in tlilt class wile onlv prominent, howi-vi-i. lclitivclj- speaking, bj conlia-st with then- usual olscurll.1. The movimcnt in the ger.ciul list was cMmrely coiifusul all day and tl.e gre.iur pr.it of the elav's bivincss In tlie stand ud i.iii i ci.al sleeks wat t'oiie belcvv Saturday's Uvil. Theie was vim.- veij heaij sellimr ft Atild'on and at one also of Union racitic. A strong rally lu the latter ctoik jnd an ad'.'anic In Alchi-ou lo u7 bioii'sht the- maikit gemially to tin- l-i'-t of tho day. 1'nl-m I'aclfie vvus lifted 2 point oier .satiird.v and thu preferred 1?1, 1'ennsyl vai.la was the only Inactlie tiadlug stock aiuoiu. Ill- standaul lailioads that loso .'is muili us a point i"ei' eiatunlav anil lu fict no lallroad sloe!; ot iuiportaree fell as much as a point below hiluriliv at any time, thus indicating tho gen eral slugghimess of tl.e market 'tlie siieclaltUa did bcttei, Sugar iMng ut one time 2 points ami lVo.iy t'as 2, l'..clnc Mill lose 2i and In tctritlon.il Taper 2-"1,. Western Union was ad t aina! I A on desltngs atrrlhuted to a pool. Tho steel stocks shareel In tl.e sluggishness of the general inarktt and only thu pu-feiied stocks o, inij ol Hie companies shoved m lunch a.s n point above Siturda.v. Total sales tiHlay, l.lil.'.'Ci) s'ure-. Tlie bond market continued actiie but there weio none slight reaction! on prollt taking, ilio total sales, par .nliie. M.TJu.oejii. Unltesl Slates .! and nev- U ndnmccd 't per cmt. on i,e Ik-1 call Ths following quotation ate furnished Tha Ttlbuas by M. S. .Ionian k Co., rooms TuA-TOo' Meai-s building, Scrnnton, Pa, Telephone MOI: Open- High- Low Clot ing. est. est. lug Anient mi Mignr ltu'j llji; lloi. Hi i An.eilean Tobaccci 11 IIs! 1I71') lt:' Am. H. ,IMV u.t!i f.'.'.j VJ &H,i AUb To. k S. I'o .... CT 5T " ,s1 A., T. fc R. I'., Pr M); M'i Mi s,n llrooklrn Traction .... TS'i 7s3, 71, ;c l!.-.lt. k tibli !d 01 "111. Hi'. Cont. Tobacco I7'j I7'i It.'i 4!. Che. & Ohio I1U ll4 an; 4a; Chic. r (1. W CO 2e)i, 2n 2Ui,i flilf-., Ik l) 1l:i IllVt 11'' liuij St. Paul 15! l'i.l Misj jj IIckK Maud KV. UJi; 12 1J.".U Delaw.ue k Htul-on ....l.'ilH V,'4 lAI"! litis l-iclawanna llli ikiij I'n'.ii; lufi', lVilc-r.il Slcel ',j 5"i .".IT; l-V, I'nliril steel. Pr SI ! Hi Pi Kan. & Tex, Pr '". ."H V,i, Vei; Louis, k Nasb ff.-r; M nj'i 114 Manlnllaii Ilkvaled .,..llSj 1111 1 1-i'i ll.sU Me t. Traction C Kl-J-4 JMi Vf.Ti I'll Missouri Pacific 'IMS (!N, n tti'. Poipk'.s C.u lin'j HH'i 0l',a I'll Southern Pacific tT'i 47'n I7'. I7'i Xtufolk It Western .... 41 4U tVi W Xcllh. Pacific s.-,s, i s.-,i; s.vj North, Pacific, Pr S SSi S7?i S-sij .V. V. fcntiul 141 llt; 1H lllic, Hilt. & Wot .f'J Kiif. ni"4 w, Pi una It. U l.'iu inn, H'iH ll'ii'. 1 -.hi no aian t... 11 t.; 11 Iteidlrg :i.l win .:! Heading Pr 7.1 7.V1 71 Poutinni n. n !:; sn, ?-ii4 -j-s, Riulhiin 11. It., Pr .... 7il M'I Tl'l ".i, 'It nn.. C. k Iron M'1'1 lil'i i.MJ i.M, V. , Leather llai 14t. lMi l!i4 l. , Leather, Pr 7(VJ 7fi 7il T-t I. S. llublwr "I -ji -o4 -ji Union P.ielllo m iji. nt ,; Union Pacifies. pr S;j- s,,ir i- ,r( Wabasli, Pr s;; ,11 -.ji; tii Weslein Union ;l.S t,s, s7K. ..ij CIIICAOO fill MX MMllvCT. O.ien- High- laiw- t lot. "I11.ST. dig. et. (.1 In.'. March 7.T'; 7M; "J!i 7..r; May 7iVa TS'i 7li 7.V4 con.v. March .'Mi ;si., :i,i; -.i Miy tan ;vi:J :,fn; ;u-;k OATf.. -Mav SjIJ :..', J',l4 jj.-; P01IK. Ma)" 34.07 U.12 14.07 11.1:! LMin. Miy 7.M 7.57 7.1J 7.K xi:w yohk c.n.MX mrki:t. Open- High- Low. C'los- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. March 7.s; TiH. Tt"i 7nVv Maj ?), sui, ;'ii, 71,1, I It Hi PaWaTar'OSw!Sr'C. Saa1 MMbb avfiwlvV VVVi A N HnWw Cases Will Be Accepted ULCERS f eale- lut of lio.v long ljn'lin' u.vr of wh.it ttati'rc, uniler my fjtem of tit'iitiufiit tin s- are dilel up at once. PROSTATIC Ih-.-.i-e 1 u-iiilly met with ill nun adiaiieed In je.us, and Is .1 tomlltlon that huideus one for tlm bakinco tf their life. By my sy tem of (rcaluuiit jou am icllcud ut one-. If jou arc mlTering fiom anj nub double. Hitler no longer, t'ome and let me givu jou llio names, and mlilie .'-. of people- lu. I lime cured and thij will willluglj tell jou of ihe- benefits tierivt-d fiom in tiealmeiit Gcrantou Board of Tiade Exchnngo Quotations All Quotations Baaed ou Par of 100. STOCKS. llnl. Asked. Tlrst National ll.nk l'-VI Scranton Saiing Uank JX) Third Xsllonal Hank 4-'J Dime Deposit ami Discount Ilink.. L'ii I'xonomy Light. II. k P. Co to Lacka, Tiust Sife Deposit Co I VI Clark k Snover Co., 1'r. 125 Pcrnnton Iron Pence k Mfg. Co 100 Fcranlon Ale Worl.9 ! LaLkn-vaiina Daily Co., Pr io County savings Ilink Is Tiutt (.0.. ,.i Kir-t Xatlonnl Bank (CarLordalej jot) Standard Urllllu; Co Ji) Traders' National Dank 145 Scranton 11-ilt and Nut Co liij noxiis. Scranton Pasungcr P.allwaj', r.it Mortgage, due lKil llj People's stieet Itailwa), hut mort gage, due 111S 115 People's etrert Hallway, General mortgage, due 1RH 113 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 l.acka. Town'hlp school 3 per cent. ... Ivi Cltv of Scrintcn St. Imp. 0 p'r cent 10J Scranton Traction 11 per cent llj ... Scrnnton Wholesale Market. Ittiiected by II. (I. Hile, 7 Iiikawuini Avo.) Ilnttci Creamery, SiiaJ'so.; da'1.1, l!a'.'')e. t'hrtsc Pull ciiaui, lalJ'ir. 1 Bgs Westtin liesh, t'lail'y j ncaibv svate, 2i'5ii"fje. lie-ins Per bu., ihoioe- minuir, i'jjJiai. Pea Ueji.t Per bu., ft.fa2.",n. Medium Ueans-1'ir bu., isJ.4ii.iS 1',, (iin Pins Per liu., .'I. llil.fi. Onions Per bu , "Jlnl.10. Flour Best patent. Jl.ui. Philadelphia Ginin nud Produce. Philadelphia, Fib. 11. Wheat 1 'inn and le. higher; inntiott giadc Fcbruatj, "Ci:a77c. Corn Firm and 'ic. Inglirr; X. i inKed Fibiu.11.1, hl'Tt'iUc. Oats Stcadjj No. whito cllpp.d, o'2i,sc. Flout Unchanged: winter super, ?.'.2"u ".Co; do. extras, ifJ.WaJ.t-Uj Ptiitisjhanli toller clear, Vl,10al.23j do. du. sirulghl, KJ.OaT, li, vcttetn winter ileir, M.i"a:i.tuj ,iu. lo. straight, ts).4a3.C0; d-. do. patent, l.(Ojra, ; Kaunas straight in i.l.s, s; oj,; ,-,.1; ,(l 1 1 j 1 1 1-l in sacks, yUJh;) 7C; .tialght ileal, s.'.UaJ.SJ; do. flralght, tfJ.U'iaS. IT; do. patent, W.'JVH.1" do. fuiorilt: biands, l.l i4.40; vity mills extra, $JiaJ.Wi ilo. i-lur, M.U..'ill; tin, sllllghl, 1si.OOaT.11.Ji do. patiiil, sii.7uj I 4d. Jtie IToui Steady ut J IMa'1 lij per biurel for eliolie lVnn Jlianii. llUikwln.il Flout Dull slid iiiiiliaugid, ficsh giound, new, at is.'.llhi-J. 13 per liuu.hul poui.ds, as 10 quallti ; johb'ug silis, hiuliei llutter '-teitlj ; fnt we-tein cie.iiinry, "JJ'.-t.; do. tin. plin's, S.V.; do. lie 11 by prints, -ji. ;y-s - Study; firsli le-aiby, JJc . ; du wi-sliiu, J.'t.j do. southwestern, JliiJie ; do. soiuheiii, lUe, ( hicse I'm hanged. ( utton-st. lovvt 1 ; mlil clllng uplands, (ir;c, Tallmv-rStcad) ; illy prime, in liogshe.uls, 3c: tlciees, O'Jf. ; lounttj prime, in li.uroU, 4'j.iV-,; take-, Itjc. Live Pouliiy-stenlv: fowlt, !iji.i(i';f.: old lontien, 7e.- elilekens, Oijillk.; tlu'!:-. l!.il!c.J .et., liiallt-.i tuikcjs, '.. Dio-u" I'oultij- I inn; gootl iliiuatiil; to. .-N. cholee, lOiiui.-, ; tin. I tie lo good, tii'lVe.; old loestei'. I.'ja7c: neaihi clilekein, llMllk'.: western, 10.ll", . j tuik.-ji. tholce lo laiicv, ueaibv. 1'alM,: woltin el.. 10 alii- ; .links 11. ail. y, l.'all. .; oe-teiu do., lliil.'N. Ileclept.r-Floui-, "Oisl b.uiil., i.ni 1,300000 pouuils in sad,' when, lei.ishi bushels; corn, ,lHl bushel,: cuts. 13,lJll lillshllt. si;,insnta Wheat, -inn) butheN: coin l,("H bu-lclj; ait', l'i.issi bushels. Now Yoilc Ginin nud I'toduce. New Voik, Fib. 11. FIoi.i-Maikil. v hile flwnei with when, conilnneil slow, the- advauui thiillil.g oul luijeis. beat- s.pot ,u,i: l. j it it, sO'te. j. t. b. .1fio.1t: Xo. 2 led, ;(H. tlei.i lot; No. 1 liorll.ein 111, lull., m.o. f, n, li, allojt: C.t.ui..i opimil sieadi uml ut nine advaiuiil. I'i tl.'- last half hour, boi.-ev -r, prices e.i.eil oil .111 1 1 Insert uo-ettbd at 'ia'ti. net udiiiic; Mauli luted 7l'',c. Mav, '.'"ji-; -lull, 7u,i. Com -Finn: No. ". 4ik. thi.ii.u uud IT1.,!', f. . . filial: o.ll.in geuei ill lliui uml hlgbei ; ilo..l tun t 9,,1'je-. -ut iidianci: March e'o.cd til't''. : Mi. fit.: lull. Il-st Oils-spot iinu: No. ". .ii'..i.i So. .1, .Hi.; No. ' whltt, ;Ut.; o. a villi" '"2V : tieek n Ixcel we-.li 111, .'Ua.tM.. : ti.nl. white, .Tlau.Vjc. ; .plhnu tiiiiu bill finiilj l.eli' with null. Ililtlt r I 111 1. Iie.li Cie.il'ieii. Iiia'ijt' I fitluj, lllU'jt-. Jin.- tief.mtij, 1 1.1 "ik : Imitation crivlu t, 1 1 .tl 7 ' 1 ; slate rti'it, l.t.ll, 17.1'JU.' CI tsi I'liiiii 1 jut y lute 'ill made, IMalH-.c.: fanc-v small tall 11n.de. Illn, lie. Fggs Weak; itale and Peimsvlvanla, .'u:jt : nisUin, PJ'ja'i'.; soiillicin, Ualli'(t. Chicago Gin In nud Ftoduce, 1 ultagn, 1'iK ll.-r-'litnulh in ion, evening Its IiiIIlciico in an ovtisold wheat market wth chleliy responslblu lor a sliai aelvaicc in His latter tr.daj-, Miy wheat 1 lusitig Kc hlguci, u-aily ail the cum ne. was bullish nud that riclket closed '.inHc over Saluiiisy. Oats ad i1,nced Hf. In tjmpall'j-, while provisions showed a f.nu tluls.li umhangid lo 10u higher. Cash quotations were a followst Flour Ihilli No, :i, spring wh".at,"f'.s;io ; o. ! Ved, 7(aiJ'sM -N. A Prompt, Permanent and Sure Cure in All Cases Accepted. BLADDER AND KIDNEY Tumble arc alwajs caused by Inflammation ea lenilliig fiom (he surrounding parts, they symp. toms of whleli joii can appreciate better than I f.m decrlle. If j-oit have any of these condi tions tall on me nnd let mo c.phln to you irr riiriliotls of deposing of them. I Itrt- ellsoted cures in theiKiiiils of uns, nnd a cure awaits Jou. RIlEUMATISri Anile and I 'hi on If, In all Its fomis eiilaued and slllTtucd Joints, limstiilir iheuuitfm, lumbago, sehitka by mj system of trealnirnt, at onto and In a very shcut time, are perm.menlly cuied. STRICTURE ! a cuiiiplilo or paillil ilosiiic of Hie anal. ) e.iio nut who tut tie.ited joti ami failed. I will cun- jou Inst ns sure an von will cum tu me for lieatment. I will net do It b- CUTtTN(J of dilating, us mj trrntment It rainiest and all pUliuctiotii.uie- puiiuucutlj' H moved fiom the t nt nl. " ALL URETHRAL And iiiin.iliiul dl-ehllgit stopped in 3 to & dijs. HYDROCELE Or mil swellings, tenth riie or Inifxiliiiieuts e( the i,iiu it-toietl li. theli normal sire at onee. IHPOTENCY. idii(il In i xtTss nf rally or Idle lift, I fT.lf lli-l n)W lolii; ,uil h.(P lifril hO, lior liou 1-1(1 jou .in, a inv M."tciii of tiralmriit lt -mh cl.illy .iihptrit fitr mh-Ii c.'t?s tt 3011m, ami a m 1 111 ini tit uii( WiV-ilN yoii. AVRITE if Jou t.iiinol tall. All loilicpoiid'iiu' striitlr rontldeutlil, uml all leplies sent In .1 ptsin euve!. lopes. lnelne ie ntnmp tu insure repl.v. Olllie liou-o. tl 11 m. tr ," p in, and 0 to s p. m siiiiiI.ii. In .1. in in I p m. FINANCIAL. BOND OFFERINGS Brooklyn Edison 1st Mtfj;. 4s, Chic, Burl. & Quincy 3 1-2, Cleve & Mniietta 1st 4 l-2s, Zvnns. & Terre Haute Con. Oa, Minn. Gen'l Elect. 1st Con. 5s, Minn. & St. L. Con. 5s, Noif. & West. Imp & Ext. Os, Rio Giande "West. 1st 4s, Terminal It. K. of St. 1. Con. 5s, United Kys. Co. of St. L. 1st 4s, Descriptive Circular on Application. Spencer Trask & Co. 2r-29 Pine Street, 05 State St., Albany. NeWYOfk. "A Glimpse at Wall Strait and list Marlf die-" MTimTiTMj or IIS iriaritvia oi'it .Msw jiiiok t It is roinetlilme rudlitklljr dliTsrsnt from other publications. Very vnlushle ard Interesting to the tru.Urs. Also iimrkcl rsport CCUT DQEC snd moiitblr lluctuatiun ilitsts Okll I rfllsC Jacob Berry & Co.' ml mi.. cot SX..1UA11 UHioinrxinssuc. 41 uml i'; Hitci.'.Div.w. m:v vonic. KsT.VIIiasilCD 1S03. Stocks, Bokds, Grain, Cottoh, V o-.ii.l to-i I uiis- m erl tnalithsln-fiettrfrtlents.ei- - 1111,1 ' (,"r lM,,t J nt.' mician.tglvlnt iiiiieiof l.r ts -te in tu -aitlon i mi le luster Instance. ttiiuiuU.luiil.il:, Jlisttrsls Msntlst. turriloocrBCe IntUrit mmwmrmm msimi. ss i toil 1., No. 2 yelbiw-, '.fe. ; Xo. 2 oats, 2itj '".lie.- V. -J vvlnli-, 'it-u2si4is,; No, .1 while, "tii ii"e ; No. 2 lje, Otall'i-e ; goml fitdli ; bailiv, lUilTt.; fan lo choice mulling, J-i lib- ' No. 1 tli seed, --t No. 1 iiolthwcstetn. sl.i.-'i; piin.o nmothv s-ed, M.eOat.ui; mess p ik, pei hirrcl, ll.u.'all; lard. WAJiTAV.: shut ills., slde, iTa7.'iO, illy alted shouldei. u',.il''ic. j shuit clear el, its, fi'XH; whiskey, 1 'JT; s'igiis, iietliange.l. ChicfiRO LIvb Stock Market. t hiiago. Fib. 11. Cattle Ileeeipls, JO.OVl, Jr. e'lidln-T li'i Ti"ians; good to cliolc stcen. sticug; ethers about stcJdyt butchers stoi. slciilj ; 'It-xjiit, slioua, .i.li.'e, shatle lilclur. Hood In prime stivis, K,fllail poor to mcdiui.i, .:. 0.nj stoekeis m.d lord ts, 2,'it.M; co- 4J..'-jal.2i: loifirn, sj.jjji.j); canncrs, V lt 2 .Hi: built, .7Sal.:i. 'i'esas bulls, J.Mal.iO Ilig-i netclpts tmhy, JI.11.1O; tomorrow, a.ii,cyi left over, 2,W(l, ,'i'iV. hlghei, closing ealr loji, W.mO: inhiil liiiichirs, M.-JoaVJO; good l choices b'.iiv. M..ru.i.Vi; rough heavy, $.I1j .'..I'i; llkht. rWliVti; bulk of salrt, M.U'ViaVC. Micep Kticipis. 20,HiX); steady; goorl to ihoics wethers, eJ.lsiul.-IU; fall' to choice mined, SS.SOv I: vvclein sheep. Si.tsul.ii;-, Texas sheep, 2,Jei :;.) nillve 1 unlit, ! 'Ojj.25; weslun Iambi, c." a V"'.. New Yoilc Livo Stock. New Yuik. Feb. II, ilcevev Haw- but siadv for stetrs nud bulls: tliin cows lflc. off; other t'lailes unchinged; steeis, il.UoaJ. Ij; lops, .-"' uMi: and stags, a50ul.M: bulls, $.l.lUil,:i lows, Vl.tija.l.2.t. C.iliti Vs'ils, actiie jnd sbiedi; haiujard tnlvcs, i'ic. Uglier; all tail, airlials soil ptoinptlj; veals, tti.lMMt little tulitf, S.V) bainjnid lfk, H.!lia,iJ; je.-u lli.gs, J.T3aU,2i. Mieeiv st(iij; t0p t-rad't tiiin; lamb., Fi.i2.ic. hlgl.cr; sheep. 'sJ.Saa4.'i il.oli-i vv fillers, s.ni: tops, ts'i; mils, K'.o-'J-' IliuIm. s.7-,an. lo; nil.. slal.W. Hogs -Msilcrt I'i 1 111 111 isIdlaSe'i: iholee It Jit pits. HW. East Liberty Stock Mnrket. F.I-.1 Mbiitv, Feb. tl t utile- Ilighei , ei n. (-i.(0.i3.tii; prime, '.. ''.r.to; touuuoii, vu;i.r,' llor Actiie; best iiittliuips and good orker. s.l.o'i; light loikeis, M.'i.iS.Uu; heuiy hogs, tJ.oo u:..": plgii, s.V IOi5..Vi; roughs, frl.7.".i'.li. bheep --Higher; iholie withe is. sl.oUil.Ti; rommou, yX.; (Imlii. lambs, So.uXiVSJ; toinmon to good, (las JOj vesl calvs, 7.lT. t. Oil Market, "ll cli-, Feb, ll.-Ctcdlt balances, il.il; cer. tilicates, no bids; shipments, UV's battels; average, b7,"8l barrels; imj, rs(73 biriclj, av erage, 7f,741 bands, ' ' ' '- " N s-'f"- ' .s. .,, 4S..JC, , .- . el,-. .1