Jjn--Ll-il-----LLLLJ-Lm r.l LU S !i-.gg'"'",'gg"! 6 THE SOB ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1901. m i''. it WEST SCRANTON V.A. STANIS HAD M0NEYT0 BURN BUT IT BELONGED TO JOHN YTJDESKA. The Sum of $00 Was Extracted from the Lnttor'B Pocket While Ho Was Asleep Columbia Company Passes Resolutions About Censure of De partmentDeath of Llew Herbert, the Well Known Basso Miss Baker's Birthday Party Weekly School Deposits. Andrew Stanls, a youni; I'olander, who has only been In the country a tow month, Is a prisoner nt the West Hide tdntlon ltnuse. charged with rob blmr a fellow-countryman named John lYudcHltti, of 30. All but eighty cents of thu money lias been recovered, but the evidence pjjalnst Stanls Is so con elusive that lie has been held for a hearing at. 7.30 o'clock this evening. On Sunday there was a christening nt Anthony Stein's place, 134 North -Mnln avenue, nt which place Stanls was boarding. Ho had recently been working under Instructions at tho Mt. Plea sunt mine, and was really sup ported by his boarding bncs nnil frlendf, ronsacuently he had no money. " i Towards evening, Yudeeka became Intoxicated nnd was put to bed In Stanls room. Dining the night the former was relieved ot his money. Sus picion rented on Stanls, and when he was accused of tho theft attempted to throw the money) Into a stove. He was dissuaded fiom doing so by ('httilcs I'nllutlsi, to whom he gave $S0 of the stolen money. Stanls then made his escape through a back door !nto Hennessy court, followed by his necusers. Patrolmen McCollIgan nnd Hart were notified nnd Uicy found him on .larhson fitteet, nnd placed hint un der n i rest, after he had been set upon nnd abused by hist accusers. When searched by Lieutenant "V1I llims In the station house, Stanls hud s'UO on his person, lie was somewhat intoxicated, but feigned Diners. He oon recovered, however, when locked up, and will have a chance to fare his accusers this evening. Death, of Xlcw Heiboit. After many weary months of sillYcr Jtig the Grim Reaper relieved Ktchard Thomas, better known .is Ialew Her bert, at 5.30 o'clock ycMteuloy motulng, nt his home on Swetland street, where ABOUT THIS f COUGHS XJ.au JJ l.uun -, . s-m r out tor ( ana s-ull& TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Great Opportunities For Silk Buyers. Crowded Into Our Grand General Sale. There's no need for "taking up" this ni:itchic.-s ccnt in the local silk trade. Scranton buyers have never had such a chance to buy high grade silks by the best standard makers in full and complete assortment for ..o little money before, and, candidly speaking-, we do not believe that such an opportunity is likely to occur again in the near future, for in all our experience, wc arc free to confess that the silk sale which opens today beats all records and surpasses anything wc ever hoped to accomplish in the way of bargain-giving, when nothing whatever is sacrificed for the sake of price. Black Taffeta Silks 350 Pieces Only. Wo unhesitatingly recommend these silks to our best trade, in fact they nie as good as any wo have In stock to offci' at the teau la" value prices named heie. Tlw dyes, makes nnd finish are as good .is any we know of. f-lii"!i Rlack Taffeta Silks, strong and brlsht finish. Worth Wc. Now 4",e 3 "-Inch Block Taffeta Silks. A fplcndld value for C2c. S.ile "rice 49o t'.'-lnch High Lustre Black Taffeta, itks, equal to any S5e. quality. Now c,c L'T-lnch Pure Silk, rich vustllng (Hack Taffetas, worth $1.00. Now 73c C.Mnch Heavv Black Taffeta Silks if rare beauty, worth $1.00 Now 70o 27-Inch Heavy Black Silk Taffetas Special weave for skills, worth M.25. Now ' goes SMnch Black Silk Taffetas, Match less In beauty and cheap at $1.23. N'ovv 'Ce tlMneh Black Silk Taffetas. Spe cially made for fine waists. Worth $1.33. Now !)So S2.inch Black Taffeta Silks. A iuperb quality, worth Jl.r.0. for.Tl.lS IX-lnch extra quality. Pure Silk Taffetas, for skirls, worth Sl.f.O. Now $1.11, Paau de Soie Weaves 292 Pieces in All. This popular silk is noun ut Its best In tho following eight special baigaln lots shade, make and dyo nro the best in every Instance. 20-Inch Black Peau dj Sole Silks that would be cheap nt S3, for.. Wo 81-Inch Black Peau ds Solo Silks, that would bn chsap at $1. for., 79n I1-lnch Black Peau de Solo Silks that would bo cheap at $1.23, for . . (io Globe Warehouse jJJ aafcaatj awSaV V A he was confined by lllnesi for the past two year. Kor eight years Mr. Thomas was tho tolo basso of tho Him J'nrk church quartette, but was compelled to relin quish his position In tho musical world on account of his broken health. In his prime, ho was one of the fotcmost slnrcrs In the United States, and thousands of people have listened with wrapt attention to his mnrveloim ren dition of the works of the master.'. I,lew Htrbcit was in a class by him self In the eisteddfod, and his name always attracted people wherever ho sang. His I act publlu appearance was at benefit concerts for others, and he never fulled to offer his services gratu itously to help others In tho profession. Mr. Thomas was a native of Wales, but ennm to Amcilca many years ago. He was 42 years of age, and is survived by his wifo and four children, Seth, John. Stanley and Hllzabeth. Tho funeral services will bo conducted at tho house Thursday nfternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made In the Washburn street cemetery. It Is understood that tho family aro In needy circumstances, and friends who have known the deceased can show their appreciation of him In a Mibstantlal way by assisting the af flicted In this, their hour ot need. Children Entertained. A very pleasant surprise party oc curred Saturday evening at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Raker, on North Hyde I'ark avenue, tho occasion being the tenth birthday ot Freida, their eld est daughter. After several hours of pleasuie. the guests weie served with refreshments. Mrs. linker was assist ed by Mrs. C. I. Fellows, Mrs. Ed ward N. Truosdell. the Misses Martha Williams nnd Hthol Fellous. Those present' were: Itensle Thompson, of TYc'tvIHe; Lucia Follows, I'emi Snyder, Jennie Mat thews, I.Uzle MonninRCr. Klb.abelh Thomas, Annie Hughes. Agnes Corrl gan, Mattle Lewis, Edith Martin, Ger trude Ludwlg, Ruth Raker, Masters Willie Monnlnger, Rennle Williams, Thomas Mnrkey, Warren Whltbeok, Edgar .Tames, Jonah Smith, Chester Ludwlg. Chester Thomas, John Evnns, John Harris. Samuel Baker, Jessie lirovvti nnd Austin Mlnnlck. Weekly School Deposits. The following deposits were made at the West Side bank yesterday for the pupils of public schools Nos. 13 and 19: No. 13 David Owens, $M8: Martha Watklns, Sac; Eliza Lewis, $1.25; Alice Evans, J2J7; Bertha Kelly, $2.22; Edna IX Evans, $4.'.i; Nellie Richards, J3; Nellie Kelly, 2.46; Catherine rhllllps, Jl.r7: Eliza Price, $3.87: Sarah 31c Donald, .14.73: Mary Harris, 33c.; total, $2S.r.C. No. 19 Miss Lees, J4; Miss Murray, J3.15; Miss Nlcholls. 43.42; Miss Ben mlsh, COc; Miss Morgan, $1.70; Miss Hutton, $2.11; Miss Davis, $1.33; Miss Evnns, $1.40; Miss Kellow, $2.23; Miss Flynn. $1.13; Miss Wade, $1.5S; Miss Murphy, $2.35; Mrs. Ferber, $1.01; Miss I'eck, $1.42; total, $26.60. The total of J35.1R In both schools Is the largest collection ever made In one 21-lm.li Black Peau tie Solo Silks. that would be cheap at $1.35, for. 1.10 -Mnch Black Peau de Sole Silks. that would be cheap ut J1.-13, tor.SUD -IncJi Genuine Lyons Made Peau Ie Sole, blacks, etc., worth $1.30. for j( i9 22-Inch flenulne Lyon Marto'p'eau ile Sole, blacks, etc., v,oith $1.73, or , .,g 22-Inch CJenulne Lyons Made Peau de Sole, hlacks, etc., worth $2.00. " ......,3 Satin Dncliess Silks, Black Only. 250 Pieces. llMiieh Black Satin Duchess, pood weight and ilnlsh; worth 75c. lor j,So -'0-lnch Rlack Satin Duchess, bet ter In (niallty and worth S3c, for. Oflo 21-lnch Black Satin Duchess, an unequaled value for $1.23. now.. !3o 22-lnch Blank Satin Duchess, a magnificent silk for skirts, worth $1.75, now 11,33 -i-incii .-iin uucnrss; rich enough lor any lady's wear; worth $2. Speciai During- this sale we will offer 30 Pieces of puro silk Crepe do nilifi all the leiiuTn- colors. 2 Inches wide, und well woitli Ji.oo, for 75c Daring This Sale We will dmw tho lutisi iiovfl'les and exi'ltiolve deslRtis In dress pat. terns. It-mtllm or othuwlse, In 1m iiiirled Poulards: alto the finest lino of coioied KiiUii in plain nnd fancy weaves over Ken in this end of the Hlnlc. KvorytMnjy fnP Spring wear Is ready Ir the Sill; Department. week since tho deposit system was Inaugurated, Columblas Adopt Resolutions. The following resolutions woio adopted nt the meeting of Columbia Hose, company last ovenfng. Wlicicn, Considerable nbue li.u been U flowed recently upon ttio volunteer Are Orpait inent of tliLs city, lie It Ilctohcd, Hy Columbia Clienilml and Ilw! compiny, Xo. .", tint we bund m false tliia iwertlon so fir as thli company t cornering, otnl to It turllier l!cnlicd, TliNt tlio parllri who Indulge in mini utilise aio devoid ot any actual knoulrdur vuiiLcrnlne tlio neodi rd practical workings of the volunteer Are derurtment, lie It turllifr Itoohed, Hut a copy of these molntloiis be spiead upon tlio mlnutM of tlili company and publlilud in the dally paporn ot tbh city. The company contemplates holdlnfr a fair In the near future. Driver's ringers'Smashed. David Roberts, of 324 North Hyde Park avenue, employed ns n driver in tho Diamond mine, had tho fingers on his left hand badly smashed yesterday by a car of timber passim? over them. He is the son of 3Ir. and Mrs. John Roberts and had his Injured hnnd dressed nt tho Moses Taylor hospital. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. It Is rumoied that DitiRKlst rienrEe W. Jenkins will soon open u branch pharmacy In Stroudsburp. A new team of prays havo been add ed to Kunernl Director Price's livery. They will be ued on 11 now white hearse recently purchased. Tho Swedlsh-Amciican Political club will hold a meeting this evening In the Kicnch roof hall. Willie Brnce, of Roberts couit, who ran away from home last week, was Picked up by tho police In Wllkes Barro and returned home yesterday. A number of friends of Miss Julia Mulla wcro entertained at her home, on Price stiect, recently at a birthday party. Another musical and lltorarv enter Inlnment will be bIvoii at the First Welsh Baptist church on February 22. Word bus been received that Will lam Schudmak, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Schudmak, of South Seventh street, died recently In Denver, Pol., where he went some time nito In search of health. The remains will be broucht to this city for interment. The forolsii-speaklng- department of the Washburn Sheet Presbyterian Bible school has been established under the direction of Mlus Grace Peck. Tho quarterly confcionco meotltipr of the Simpson Methodist L'plscopal church whs held last evening, ut which encouraginpr rejMirts were read and submitted to Presiding Klder Grlflln. The lailles of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church will servo a tea on Washington's birthday for the bene fit of the parsonnso fund. A meeting was held In the church last evening to make arrangements for the supper. The Gamma Nu society met in the Washburn Street Presbyterian church last evening, and the Bertha La Monte society will meet at 1 o'clock this af ternoon. Messrs. Vaughn and Knight, of Washington, D, C, will attend the an nual banquet of the Chi Upsllon soci ety in tho Washburn Street Presby terian church this evening. One of the Keyser Valley Hose com pany lic-roest ruptured a blood vessel recently and died from tho effects of the Injury. Mrs. William 11. i;vuns, of L.ifny ette itreet. Is seiiously 111. George Albright, of North Bromley avenue, has gone to New York, to bring homo his sister, who Is 111. Mis. George W. Davis, of N01 th Bromley avenue, Is reported to be quite ill at her home. Mrs. M. Frouufelker, ot 124 Noith Biomlty avenue, entertained a number of guests recently at a houe party. Miss Alda Atkinson, of MetUUan Mreet. will entertain this evening ut her home. A meeting of the Sloium lodge of Odd Fellows will lie held tomorrow evening In Masonic hull. A large number of young people at tended the enteitalnnient and social given in M cars' hall last evening, under the auspices ot the llellevue Flfo and Dunn corps. A regular monthly business meeting 01 me uoiumuia nose company was held last evening, which was attended by many niembets. The possibility of a paid tire depuilment was liberally dlhuubsed. The Franklin Knglne company will hold their regular monthly meeting this evening. Tho Klectrlo City Wheelmen will meet In the club house this evening. The degree team of Slim Inn l.nirr. .-.f Odd Fellows iv 111 visit the James Con nell lodge, of South Scranton, tomor luw evening, and confer the second degree on several eandlilates. A muslcale will bo conducted at the Voting Women's Chilstlan association next Friday evening, which will be I'te.i to friends of tho association. The German class will meet this evening, and the young women are especially Invited to tho Plorson meetings In the IVnn Avenue Baptist chinch this af ternoon. and the Second Presbyterian church tomorrow and Thuisday after noons. The fair and festival at St. David's Kpiscopal church opened last evening under very auspicious circumstances. The sunner and booths were liimiMiu. patronized, und the receipts of the evening were very gratifying to the promoters. A prize light was to have been held In tho French Roof hall last .veiling, but was postponed, It Is said, until Thursday evening. A regular mooting of the- West side board of trade will bo held this even ing, when the change of mimo will b considered, and several Important propositions will bo considered. Miss Roberts, of Wllkes-Batre, Is the guest of Miss Rdlth Williams, of Chestnut street. The trustees of the Plymouth Con gregational church mot last evening and decided to make soveinl minor Improvements In tho church building. The members of the Woman's Homo .Mlsslonaiy society of the Simpson Methodist Rplscopal church aro re quested to bring their mlto boxes to tho prayer service Wednesday even ing, and they will be opened ut a hpc clal meeting to be held afienvaids. GREEN RIDGE. Mi. A c. Learn, of Ransom, is, vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Snow den, of Sunset avenue. Miss Drlesen has rcbuined her du- THE HOMLIEST WAN IN SCRANTON 'i "Ull it tlie luM'Lonirst, tin) othri.t 110 Imiled 10 tall on any druimltt and (jet free trial bottle of Kemji'ii HjImiii for tho Tl.inil nnd Lump, u leintdy Hut la ttuarantecd to cure and itllcie ull riimMr ami Acute Coutiu, Attlima. HrcmUiltli and Consumption, l'rlcc 2'm, and SOc. QUI0K AND SURE. A Pile Remedy Which Really Cnros. .11 r. u. if. couins, of Qarnctt, says: "I commenced using tho Pyramid Pile Cure at a time when my cuso was bad. I thought nothing could cure it. but beforo I had used n fifty cent pnekago I began to feel much better, and now t can honestly say 1 am entirely cured. It Is tho quickest und surest remedy I havo ewr tried or heard of." From Thomon Wllllson, of Port Jcr vls: "Just one packugo of the Pyra mid Pilu Cure did wonders for me, and 1 lose no opportunity of recommending such a remedy." Amos Crocker, of Worcester: "After having gono through an unsuccessful surgical operation for plle nnd after trying any number of salves and oint ments without success, it is no wonder Hint I can find words of praise for tho Pyramid Pile Cure. One package did mo more good than all the remedies I had tried before. It Is so simple and painless to uso that I felt no Incon venience, whatever, while using It." It has been thoroughly tested by physicians In every state In the Union, and the best authorities recognize It us the safest, surest nnd cheapest pile cure known. The Pyramid Pile Cure cures every form of piles, Itching, protruding or bleeding, without a pnrtlcle of pain. It cures without detention from dally occupation, being in suppository form nnd used at night. Its effects are lasting and not merely temporary relief. More than all this, tho Pyramid Pile Cure Is entirely harmless, containing no opiate, narcotics or mineral poisons, und cannot harm the most delicate. Druggists everywhere sell it and rc poit universal satisfaction wherever used. A little book on causes and cure of piles will be mailed free by addressing tho Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich. ties as teacher of Intermediate A school, No. 27, nfter an absence of two weeks, bencusc of Illness. Mrs. f B. Tobey and daughter. Ha zel, of Capouse avenue, havo ictuincd from n visit nt Newark, N. J. Joseph FIdlam, the popular mall carrier, Is In Hurrisburg, ns n "dele gate from the Green Ridge Wood men to the convention of Modern Woodmen being held there. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Annual Masquerade of the Saengor- runde a Bit; Success Other Notes and Pertonnls. The twentieth annual masquerade ball of the Scranton Saengeirundo, which was held last evening In Ath letic hall, was a splendidly successful affair. The hall was crowded to the doors with the golly dressed pleasure seekers, who tripped lightly to music furnished by Professor Schmlt's or chestra. Tho committees In charge of the af fair consisted of the following: John J. Schneider. Theo. Uembcrger, Ber thold Schatt, William Cormun, John Mais, F. Muckloy, George Rockwellcr and Bertholcl Schott. Funeral of Thomas Gillespie. The funeral of Thomas Gillespie was held yesterday morning at 0 o'clock trom tho family lesldence. on Hickory sticet. und was largely attended by many mourning lelatives and friends. A high mas of lequlem was celebrated at St. Peter's cathedral, and Interment was made In the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The pall-beareis wore John Jennings, Patrick Judge. Philip Nealon, Michael Kearney, John Fenne und Anton Judge. TOLD IN BRIEF. The South Side Rase Ball club will meet this evening at S o'clock sharp at Worklngmcn's hall. All members aro requested to be present. .Inmct Golden, of Plttston, Is tho guest of Junies Crane, of Pear street. The St. Aloysltis society will hold their sixth annual ball on Wednesday evening at St. Joroph's hall. Mis, Thomas Fov and daughter. Rosa, an visiting Blends In Wllkts Bui re. The membeiH of Comet lodge. No. 431, Knights of Pythias, will meet this evening In llnrtman's hall. Council No. S22. Junior Order Putted American Mechanics, will meet this evening In Kehimpff'8 hall. Miss Klla Ward, of Piospect avenue. Is routined to her home with the grip. Mis. Thomas Gillespie, of Hlckoiy stiect, Is seriously 111. P. J. Merrick and John Donahue have 1 etui tied home from a visit ut Most o. The Catholic Mutual and Beneficial association will meet at Phaimacy hall this evening. Tho Patriotic Order Sons of America Btunbei nickel band will meet for ie. heaital this evening at the Dunn corps' looms. All members ate re quested to be present. They will con duct a luatquerade ball at Athletic hall, Alder street, February 1). NORTH SCRANTON. The funeral of Thomas Healey, of West Market street, who vvns killed Sunday moinlng In the Marvlne mine, will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'i lock nt the Holy Rosary church. Mr. Healey had long been a resident of this section nnd gained many friends, who will he grieved to lenrn of his sudden demise. He Is survived by one daughter. May. Interment will hi made In Cathedral cemetery. Tho funeral of Philip McKenzle. who died Saturday afternoon after an 111 iiesa of 110 vera 1 months, took place yesterday afternoon from his homo on West Market street. Services were held by Rev. J. V. Moylan, of the Holy Rosary church. Interment was made In tho Dunmoie Catholic; ceme tery. Mis. LukenH, the newly appointed sjcretury of the Y. W. C. A., was ton dered a, reception last Friday. Miss Sadie Leonard, of West Market street, gave a euchre party last Sat urday evening. A number of prizes were nwurdsd to the successful win lieis. Those present were: Misses Anna Haggerty, Delia McDavitt, Sadlo Leonard, Mary Ieonard. Kaihcihiu Lynott. Sadie McDavitt. Katherlnc Langan; Messts, James McManamy, John Gallagher, Patrick Dempsoy, Patrick Klernau, John Kiernan. Pat rick McAudrows nnd Frank Hopkins, A pleasant surprise party was ten dered Miss Janet McGuIre at her homo on Leggott street Saturday evening. Games nnd dancing worn tho amuse ments of the evening until a season able hour, when refreshments wcre feerved. Those present were: Misses I Mary McCloskey, Annie Mahon, May Price, Alice Lewis, Lizzie Lloyd, Louise Grimths, Bessie Parker, Mary Wil liams, Janet McGuIre, Mamie Ruane, Sarah Mason, Alice McQulrc; Messrs. Peter McClosKey, Edward Mcdulre, Griffith Williams. Kmory Williams, John Mlcterson, William Price, Daniel Morrctln. I'onh Harmond, David Put teison, David Parker, James Watson and John Mnson. A drawing for a gold watch for the benefit of John Mulhcrln was held In Mulherln's hall last evening. Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Providence Methodist Episcopal church H making full preparations for their sock social Thursday evening In the church parlors. Patrick Rarrctt, of Blaze block, on Lloyd street, was arraigned yestciday before Alderman Myers, of the Second ward, on a charge of assault nnd bat tery. Ho was lined $10. which he could not puy, nnd will spend thirty days In tho county Jail. An organ recital will be given this evening at the Providence Presbyterian church. Mrs. Thomas J. Morgan, of School street, bos returned home after visit ing friends in Wilkes-Barro. Mrs. Harry S. Saunders, of North Main avenue, Is spending a few weeks with her parents In Philadelphia. The Sunday school teachers ot the Holy Rosary parish will conduct un entertainment In honor of their super intendent, Rev. J. J. O'Toole, In St. Mnry's hall this evening at S o'clock. All teachers are Invited to attend. A number of young people of this section enjoyed a straw tide to the Speedway hotel last evening. 0UNM0RE DOINGS. Preparations Being Made for Tues day s Election Teachers' Insti tute to Bo Held Saturday. Affairs political aro fast getting Into shape to make tho closing week ot the campaign one that will be full of hustle for those who arc directing the can vass. Tho excellent selections mado In nominating tho Republican candidates has mado the work of tho town com mittee an easy on?. The many former petty Jealousies that In recent years havo worked such havoo in the party ranks have all been eliminated and everybody Is working with his neighbor In order to make It doubly sure that the standard bearersof the G. O. P. will all be elected with sweeping majorities on Tuesduy next. Come out on election day and put your cross at tho head of the col umn where you find the men best able to take charge of borough affairs. The annual election of the chief of the fire department always causes con siderable hustle among the firemen, but this year It Is usually lively, a warm fight being on between P. J. Teevnn and J. T. O'Nell. Mr. Tecvnn, the present incumbent, has occupied the position tor the past year nnd many firemen think that his handling of the department deserves a re-election, and from present Indications ho will be elected to succeed himself by a large majority. High Constable James McGrall, in pursuance of orders from the council, Is busily engaged In reading tho town ordinances covering the dumping of refuse on the streets of tho town, to all whom he finds offending, as tho dumping of ashes on a newly graded stieet is 11 matter that the authorities do not Intend to tolerate much longer. Teachers' Institute. The borough school teachers will hold their local Institute In the High school building on Saturday, Feb. 16, at 0 o'clock. The topics to bo ills cussed aie spelling and Pnlted States history. Dr. George 13. Bible, principal of Kast Stroudsburg State Normal school, Is expected to be presjut und address the institute. Patrons of the school are Invited to be present. Wednesday's Musicnle. Tlie following well known artists will take part In the muslcale to be given at Mis. J. B. Bronson's on Wednesday night for the benefit of St. Mark's IIpHcopal church. A large number of tickets have been disposed of nnd an enjoyable evening Is assured those attending. The pro Stumnie follows; Piano solo. Miss Kninia Hone- so piano solo, Miss Emma Ludwlg; duet, Miss Matthews and Miss Burke; tenor nolo, Mr. William W. Wilson; mandolin and piano selection. Neubauer nnd .lon?s; bass solo, John Jones; reading, Miss Morris; tenor solo, Mr. Joshua Johns; contralto solo. Miss Alice Murke; Itute solo, Eugene Humm; bar itone solo. Mr. Will Watklns; sopiano solo, M, C, Matthews. 1 BOROUGH BREVITIES. I'ulted Mine Workers union. No. 1739, of Spencei's, Murray and Nay Aug col lleilcs. will meet at Kune's hull on Fast Drinker street, Thursday, Feb. H. at 7.3ft p. m. The Royal Arcanum held a largely attended meeting last night and de cided to attend the tuneral ot tlulr late brother, William O'Connor, In a body this morning. National Organizer Baxtei, of the Barbers union, was present nt the meeting of the tonsortal artists held lnt night at T. A. Burns' home, on Chestnut street. The only snag In the progress of the organization Is the refusal of ono ot the principal shops to afllllate In any way with tho move ment. Cold Cure for Busy People. Many people neglect n cold because they say they havo no time to uttend to it. Krause'a Cold Cure Is a remedy which can be taken without danger while performing your dally duties, nnd will lellevc the most aggravated cases In 2t hours. Price 23c. Sold by .Matthew.) Bios. THE ANNUAL DANCE. Catholic Historical Society to Enter tain Tonight. Tho annual danco of tho Catholic Hlstoiical society und Newman Maga zine club will bo conducted tonight In the Knights of Columbus club houso on North Washington avenue and promises to be a most enjoynbln affair. Tho llorul decorations will bo very elaborate ond music will be furnished by Bauer's full orchestra. A lunch will be served ut midnight. Tlckols can bo secured from the secretary, Miss Glhhoiib, to uvold delay at the door. CAMPBELL'S FUNERAL. Remains of Asphyxiated Man Re moved to Paterson. Tho remains of Thomas Campbell, who was accidentally asphyxiated in JONAS LONG'S SONS. No Such Black Silks Anywhere As Here When it comes to Silks, we command absolute leadership. For instance, here ate the Black Silks (there never was a woman lived who didn't want a waist, skirt or suit in black) which we show in so many, many styles and at a wide variance of prices. We command locally the sole output of the Reiling, David & Schoen " Petersburg" Silk Mills. Most ol the silks we order from them are manufactured expressly for us stamped that way in gilt on the edge of the Silk. As we buy, so we sell, if we can save you money on Silks (and we surely can) wc cen make it worth your while to inquire into the Dress goods and other needfuls. Bv the way the new Coloured Foulards are on view a magnificent collection of styles and patterns that you ought to see. These special prices on Black Silks and the latcut item, a lot of colored Satins very cheap. Black TaiTeta, full 19 inch wide, of beautiful lustre . and bright finish, the 7jc quality at, per yard 4-OC Black Taffeta ot extra heavy quality, rustling finish, 22 in. wide, guaranteed to give splendid wear specially adapted for ining Jackets, and tailor made costumes. The $1 qualitv at 09C Black Taffeta, full 22 inches in width, every yard fully guaranteed, oil boiled and pure dye, exquisite soft finish; also 27 inch, guaranteed to wear. Fine for waists and suits, the regular $1.35 quality, per yard y vC Black Peau de Soie, lull 22 inches wide; reversible and of rich, soft, finish that will give superb wear tor full suits; the best .$1 25 quality, per yard VOC Black Peau de Soie, full 24 in. wide, of the finest t quality and finish ever sold at $1.50 yard, special. . . p 1 . 1 5 Black Cleopatra Satin, Drap de.Paris and Louisiane, all 22 in. wide. These are the light weight, soft finish fabrics the very newest for waists and dresses. The best $1.25 quality, very special at 15C Cotton back Satins with pure silk face in a splen- . did line of colors ; the regular 60c quality 55C Jonas long's Sods the Coyne house. Friday morning, were removed to Paterson, N. J., Sunday, und yesterday morning the funeral took place. Services were conducted In St. John's' Catholic church, and In terment was made In the Holy Se pulchre cemetery. M. A. O'Brien, of Putcrsun, came to this city Saturday, and with T. H. Jot dan and G. M. Claft'ney, of tho Machinists' union, accompanied the remains from Scranton. TONIGHT'S ORGAN RECITAL. It Will Be Given by Professor H. T. HuiTmnster. An oig.ui recital will b- slvn this evening In tho Providence Presbyte rian church by Mr. II. T. Huffmaster, of the Scranton Conservatory of Music, assisted by Mr. Ralph Williams, tenor hniltone. Admission, a sliver offering. Following Is tho programme: MjnIu', Kcllgcu-H' flull.iMiit 1.0 l.Jrgo llinkl (Mr. by S. II. Whltiu-j.) (ii) fjnlilfiiu Nuptfalf I'u l'"ls WjI, "Pear Nut Vc, n ltte" Um-k Otran N.iut.1 No 1 (time lat jiioictiiint)-- u) f.avi.tt M-ii'ni Hi) "Tln sw.111" t. Mil" W.cjI. "atiU MjiIj" 1 "( in) l'rrlwlr uml fustic 'lltiiiii) ' "" " it) SclmUvt' hirn..ic. ..m. h V.. II. I.'niro (mid I'lOiiw (II li'.jjou iillin.ia OBITUARY. Mrs. Catharine Blewitt. Mi., (utlicrlne Illenltt, wife ft lemur Mint hupntor 1'alrliK lllnvitt, diirt Ule vimljy BiKlit t Iicr lioine, 310 I'liclpi Miecl. !" lud been ill Mr nearly two jeai but her life-very mui not dupiIrcU of and l-ir death .n heard of nh the U'frcU renin l'.v liuriliwl vho had '..noun nd ejleimed lier for great goodlier of lie.ut and Kindly ills.ioslUon. Mrn. Illenltt wli 01 year of age and had been i resident of this city for about t'oily e.ir. For twenty-right years he ieldid in the tioiw where hc died. She U mrvlicd by tho follow. Ins clilldieni Mrf. Ewrene llajden, of tlit illy E. F. blew lit, tornier city riiKlneti, uho li now HirxTiiiilnsr the construction of impoitint tmuhc work In Mevlioi Mil.. Norah Itodic and Mr J. f.meilcie Gallaehu-, ef New ok tho MImci .lulla and Mln Teresa blewitt. (caelum in ilia lly nJiooli; tlie Mlu Framed and Anxclo HlewUt ami William lllewitt. K. I". Wewitt " nolIM by wae Saturdav rf the (.eih.ui lUiid' of l.tv mother mid .it one .tartcd for this city. AriimieinenU lor the lu lu lal have not been completed pendluj iU it-liv-al in tho cit.i. Mi. IllciUtl wa a iroinan of m urn duuitir hut kind and Kintle of dl-posltlon and of bound, le-s iharii. II ww the charity that kilns' fiwn the heart which lotk not (he rlsht hand Iroie '.hjt tho left doei. Her piod ilieili wciu nu iirnMentatuiu as lur life and (or Hum ahe will Iot.c bo rcmembired by aicm into who'O Ihi.i he broufrht a ray of suthhiiu' ;u a time when iirlef or advrmty hud laid a lir.ny land upon tlieni. Rev. W. R. Matthews. lli'i. W. It. Matthews, a well known weiein preaiher and a former reddent of Ob pliant, dlul Monday inornlnK at the homo oi hi, mi, 'J'. J. Matihewi, in rrliu: Uruok. Funeral will take place tomonow afternoon .it 2 iieloiU. Interment will b mule In Sprlu.; Ilrook cemetery. Tiann will bo at Moscow to meet the train leaving scranton at 0.0" a. in. Funerals. The funcul of Mr. Julia JUniriKten Frlnlr, wife of A. b. Vrink, will be condm tnl fiotn Iho family fwldencc thii .ifiernnon and will be pil vate. The tumral of Dr. Uonanl Kelly, ji., of Ol) phant, will take place at '.'.) p. m. today at hla late rmldenee at Oljpl.ant. Ftlend wlihlns lo view the jemaina tan do to fiom 10 to li thin nnorulni.-. The funnal of William II. O'Connor, vtlio wai JONAS LONQ'S SONS. 7 vr w AMUSEMENTS. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, RBIS& UUKUUNOBR HARRY A. DROWN Uanasers and Lca.'ec. Local Manager. AI.T. IlilS WtUK. Jessie Siwtelle Dramatic Co In llljli Clui Repertoire. EVENINGa. Monil.. "Victoriun Cio' Ti'cid..v "Crip of otcer' Widneil.iv "Tlie NfW boutli' AFTERNOONS. Tiiivlay "The Devil's Min" WiJncd.iy "lumped from tlie '.' Milinre Pil. i'i 10 atiJ "JO cenl. Kvciiiii? I'lJcc-a 11, 20 and JO ccnli. NewGaietyTheatre AIT G. IIIIItniNCiTON, JljnJgcr. inur.n mv..s commencing MONDAY MATINEE, the new LONDON GAIETY GIRLS A Skin of Doauty Is a Joy Forever.' iJ riilCAM. Ult II Mile AL MA' OniKNTAl, RwasTji Tui, rtaplM.rneJcle MoJ htwl, Ka.a. uu uiij dnu, act rttrj kuwniah ca IMWI7, dlclo Meal U . wi aeoaa lea. It hag tt teat ota 7n. ul la JfanolaMw tatte il o.twmntttaBnTH rl made. X&tai n tousurfait ol tBUvnaaM. Dr. fa 4. iajr taid to j ladr af the m&abtaS catauaantai "Aiyo UdlM will Ufa ikiin. I raanMal 'Oouri nft Cnaon ' aa Ida IHM kartafulcf U tia Hkta nBaja? doiii ror aala liv I'tuy-Geoaa ZXtlara te tk V. .. CaoadaiTan 8n?j iTERO. :. navZDOLTtart. n Caaat Jaaaa EL. .T LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Biliousnoss. Constipation Dyspopsla. and Llvof ' Complaint. au&A enaran. 100 PILLS Sold by nil druRjUU or nent oy man. .VcnltaMeitcalCo.,Cblc bold by McGainh k Tliomaa, Prut-gists, 201 Lackawanna auntie, hcianton, 1'a. killed In a DeUuarr, Lackawanna and Western train w'lilhi ilrUlni.' unr a Hunmcro eronlin; SMuiday aftrnioon. will he held from hla lata letidiuie, J CO WilKtir umiiuc, Dunmoie, till altiruoon and Ir.tirmriit will ba made In th Anhhild t atholie u-inetiry. Strikes will h lenducted at "si. Marj'i ihureli. Hie rtmalin of tlie late Ml." Katherlnc CUrla. nno dlid In I'hll'idi'lphu on Sunday, arrived la the city at 0 o'clock lat uvinlnc and were re mind (o the hoir.c of tho mother of the d leasod In Given' plato by L'ndirtaker Cuslclc. Ihe funeral Mill take plate at 1) o'clock tomoe. low iiiorninir. Mrvlc( will bo held in St. I'cler'n i Jtboilul ami iiitcnncnt will be mads In thu Cathedral ccnieltiy. Cubans Call on Pjesldent. lly Exibuhe Wire from The. Associated Vresi. Waihlniiton, Fib. II, A deleitatlon of Cuban, repreenllnir the Eeonomle anociation of Havana, railed on the president at the Wlilta Hou todaj. 'I hey were inlioduced by Secretary Hoot and onlj rcinilued a few monuuU S3 KK So j 'fc JRI ff TbiW i v j' ivav DllliaUjIIulPO JR liTS. I .t MJ"4-. ..' .