" i THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEMtl'AHY 12, 1901. u ;xxxxxxxxxxx?s k nu; MooEns iiahdwahk sronE. Q FivtiirRS for x the Bath Room The ones we sell are made of brass, nickel plated, the kind that do not rust. Wo have Towel Racks, Soap Cups, Sponge Holders, Sprays. Everything neccssaiy to jnako your bath room com plete. Foote & Shear Co. X 119 N. Washington Ave sc STATEMENT OF THE OF SCRANTON. United States Depositdiy. At the close of business Dec. 13. 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and Investments . . $3,173,478.30 Banking House 38,900.04 Cash and Rcscive.... 530,870.10 3,750,057.10 LIABILITIES. Capital $ 200,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided Profits . . . 57,905.20 Circulation 100,000.00 Individual Deposits .. 2,415,530.08 U. S. Deposits 422,720.30 Due to Banks 54,785.53 83,750,057.10 WILXU'I LO.M.I.U President. UKMIV MXIS, JH , Mce PrcliScnt WILLIAM II. P1XK, Cashier. Bonds and Guaranteed Stocks I am placing a fevr choire eecurltles toiuilktln4 if 7 per cent, fnllr guaranteed dtocka and 5 pel icnt eemlanmul intcmt Gold Bonds, in bloiks '( $100. WM anJ $1,000. ncconipliilcd by toi. lomis iffordlnp a raie opportunity for lirj,e or mall lurratmcnt. At Office, (. nnd 8, Ije-iin Vicnlc. Mondiji and Saturdaje At othei llrr.es h special ur pointment. Robert Van Schoiek, ntlirailtr HUtrict Manairer of The JCoith. Aiiii.il tan I itianclerin; eonipan. Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy SPUMUt .SCIANrON M A.B.WARMAN. WEATHER YESTERDAY. Local data tor February 11, 1P01: Hishest tcrapcralure ",3 degrees Lowest teinperatuic 11 decrees Humidity: 8 a- m M per cent. 8 P '" S3 per ctnt. PERSONAL T. A. Lamine Is in buffalo, N. , un a hue ni trip. Captain Prank M indlln? was in llauisbuig ynteraiy. Vrcbllixt 0. II. Wrote will go to .New loih en bminr&i """p today. Mrs. John Pjj. who has been ill m itlt la eiirpe, is able to bo out osmIii. "1. Mr. anl Slr. lley ol IllaVelj, tpent Vil. da at the heme of C. W. U'altr. xt. Jlu ton llaj, of Green lildjr, i tlsltiuj; lui paants, r. jnd iu, H M, htnncdj. Mrs. C. w Waltr, of HIiKoiy ttieot, who las beui bcriou.ly ill of pneumonia. Is rcooetinj slOVk 1 . Mrs. William Ciaiir, of Ilndui itact, 1 vbit. Ins friends and relati.ca m I'lillidtlphli and KracllDGT. Vrlhur Duikhouo ha ret lrncd tu hi lu'im in thU ilty after an absenco ol two jea.n In Spur, loir Point, Md. rhomas Barke and Miss Jlarj Cwet will lm nurrled at 1 u'tloik tliu nltcmoon In H I'eter'a cathedial. City Solicitor A. K. Vo.buic, Com., ilin 111 1 rank Clemons, Senator J. 0 1 aujhan, Hcpre fntatiTc, Itejnohlf, Jame, I'lulhln aud behcuer went to HarrUburjr jcstcidaj, Major Y, b. Millar nnd wife will lwa Mch 1 to attend the lnauguul reremonlei In Wjiii iiiston and will be tone until Much 0, The major and lili wl.V will vl.lt Mount rnon and dlUcrent placts In Vlrfflnla. Offices for Rent. A fine suite of ofllces, well udupted for usti of phyMclan or dentist, can be secured in CJcnieey Hull, pyise tall and gpt tfinm. etc. J. w. Guein y, Proprietor. 330 l,M(l' ,(, 1 ( Avenue. HiP n '" I ; ( I ,l I ' S A BIG EUCHRE PARTY. Neatly 250 Played Cards at Knights of Columbus Rooms. "Whut was piobably the largest and nioit altoguther nttccesifut proprcsslve ruchro parlj over cottductnt In this city, wn the one given lant nlKht In the KnlKhtM of Columbus club bouse, under the aunploes of and for the benellt of I ho Cutliollo Younp Wo limuV 1 hili. The vntlio nudltutium a lltciully packed wllh tabteH and ho great was the crush that many weu unablt to cngnBe at alt In the piny. Thmo uero Just 213 perjoiiM who played, while perhaps n hundted woie uimblo to ob tain scats. The plnv hinted until after 11 o'clock, and at Us clone tbo mililt ual ndvlwer of the dub, Itcv. St. .1. McMamm, nmdc a btlcf addiers, thanking all thoso ptescnt for tint In tcieRt taken In the wclfato of Iho club. The pilzei woti as follow.": Tint piUe, ton of co.il, John T)unn: second prb.o, piece of cut Rlas, Sits. M. J. Colllgan: tlilid pilsse. Jupancpo Ink ntitncl, Miss Anna Judge; fouith pilr. nltk cnwat, JIN Lockinan; llfth prize, ciciim pitcher, V. '. Judge: Klxth prlzp, pair of HllppeiH. Mis. M. F. fyindo; sevonth pilze, ntomlzer, Mlfs Margaiet Haggcrtv; eighth prln, ato mber, Miss Casslo llealey; ninth pi Ire, (diver salt Htand, Mik. John White: tenth pilro, piece of Ritsuim.i ware, I'. McCrea. The nffali was In t bulge of the dl icctor, llev. M. J. McMunuo, and of a roinmlttee conslHtlng of Mr". T. I. Hoban, Mis, ltobctt WIIIh .md Mrs. P. J. Casey. ARE NOT COMPLIMENTARY CONTROLLER'S COMMENT ON COMMERCIAL STUDENTS. SaynThey Can Neither Spell or Wi He Matteis Consldcied at School Boaid Meeting. School t'ontioller A. U. K 11011, of the l'ourth warl, paid his ompl Intents to the comtnenlHl ilepaitment of tlio High fchool at last night's meetliiR ot the boatd of contiol, when he com plained that innuv of the pupils gi.idu ated Iioin that department knew neither bow to write or spell. The mutter was brought up by a ie qulHllion fiom 1'rlnclpnl Jrant, who ankod for tlu iuv?l,ne of u number cf politltal ccromj text books for use 111 the Hlgn school. Mr. Jennings objected to the purchase of the books on the ground that It was a new stmlv and that the pupils In the High school were .it the present time sludjlng too many things and learning too little of any of them. "That'H light," H.ild Mi i:non. Some of the pupils they'ie tinning out fiom tlu commercial dcpattmmit don't know an thing about writing and many of them don't even know how to ppell. It seems as If some thinrr ,at. l.ullcally wiong with the system 01 Irdructlon la U"e." The le iluinltlon for the books was not ap pro ed. Superintendent Howell. In 11 ioin niunli nlion stilting the teahons why he did not IfHiiu o.plomas .is lequested to si of the pupils who gi.iiluated dining tl.e Jir.st year that Hie school was open, Ktntcd that he had not done so bec-juso th diplomas now is sued fhow th.it the pupils receiving them have taken .1 llo-e.n touisi In the high and training schools, whereas the coutsu ot 1S01, when the pupils graduitoc!, win onh a thu" yc.ir com so. Ho fui titer stated that he, having been tleclcd superintendent In 1S9", hud 110 legal light to appiove the diplomas ot pupils who graduated in 1 S T I . He win tmdv to asilst them, ho raid, in leeching diplomas which would show exictly what woik they accomplished, but deemed it unjust and unfair to giant thfin diplomas simi lar to tho.e beln Issued at pieent. The coinmunle.itinn was leeched and filed. A communication was lead from lin glneer llanls explaining that the n tllatlng system in many ot the schools would have to be changed In oider to peimlt of an exit for toul air. The matter was tefoued for investigation to the building committee. It was decided to send Supot Intend ent Howell to Chicago to attend the national convention of the National Educational association, which is to be held on Feb. 20, 27 and L'S. tjpon leconimendatlon of the high and ti. lining committee the H.ihuy of substitute tcacheis at the Illsh school vim llx'l at $7 a month. Tl.a com mittee also iCLonimended that a long c.is bo built for the Hoi age of tlv coinniciclal collection whlrh Is to be lecelvcd fiom the Philadelphia Com meicial .Musaum. The lecominendiition was adopted. The icgular leachos, .substitutes aud night school te.icheui' pay lolls wcie passtd. as was also the bill of Solici tor Reedy tor the pist c.u The lat ter amounted to $1 "TO Mr. Neuls bi ought up tlr acclnn tlon question, stating that nuny ot the piinelpals weiu not entoiilug the ol der of the bojtd and were pennlttlng elilldini vlio hau not been actln ated to attend school. The boa id de cided to let the matter go by default, as 1 radically every child in the city !? now acclnatcd nnd the danger Is induced to a minimum. PROGRAMME OF CONCERT. C. T. A. U. Is to Give It nt St. Thomas College Hall. The following piogramms will be rendeted by the C. T. A. U. societies of the f-tconil dlstilet at their conceit and Icetuie in St. Thomas' College hall nh. IT 1'iauo Solo ,, MIm liciiilni Voc.il Solo I. I, (lallahir 'trcitition Tlonut I. Mdlnfh Silcftlon St. Jolui'j Convert Oiih.jui ddirtt I!a. J. V. MHfitt Piano frulo Misi i;ili GibLoni Vncil Soln ... ,, Ultlum 1! Ml)onoa,;i liccititlou IMIIUm (Ulioj Vnrnl holn ,, .Mln Llrrlc Pmlin local Solo , ,, .1' .1 Qulnn n Piano for Sale. This piano has been left on sale utid must bo sold, icgardless of price. Lat est design upright, nearly new, and In fine condition. Don'o miss an oppor tunity to get a good piano cheap. 'Will bo sold for cash only. Guernsey Hall, Hcrnnton Pa. J. VT. Guernsey, Pro- prlotor. Change of Train Service Lackawanna Raihoad. Kffectlvo Monday, February 11. Ttaln No. 1, west-bound, leaving Scranton at 1.03 p. in., and train No. 4. enst-bound, leailng Scranton at 12.55 p. m,, will not run west of Elmlr. RATES LIKELY TO GOWAY UP THAT'S WHAT THE TIRE INSUR ANCE AGENTS BELIEVE. It Is Expected That nu Advance of Twenty-five Per Cent, on the Pie vailing Insuiance Rate for the Business Section Will Be Declared Noxt Week Colonel Hitchcock Says City Needs a Paid File Dc paitment at Once and Talks About Thuisdny's Fire. Thete Is a gioidug feui 011 the pint of local Insurance men that the tire insuiance nites for tho business por tions of this city Mill be nilsed twenty live per ccnl. at tliu meeting of the dotuitment board ot underwtlleis, which meets nevt Tuesday In Phila delphia. The district ugtiits of all th big Insurance companies have become alarmed and It Is epected that some talse in the lateii for the congested parts of the city will be made next week, and general iiitnor has it that this 1 also will amount to tnonty-tlxe percent, or perhaps cicn nune. "Wo aie feaiful that there will bo a big tulso In nites," said Colonel P. I. Hitchcock, one of the most prominent Hie Insurance ngents In the city. cs terday. "The Hie insuiance companies cannot bo blamed If such 11 i.ilse Is made. They have put up with 11 jrie.it many things In this city that au not put up with In other places. "The lates would hive been i.ilsed two yeais ago bad It not been foi the local boatd of undei Wllteis, which got councils to buy otra hose. I'm nftald. however, that our pleading will be of no avail this time. Thete was no tea sou whatever for the spie.td ot that tho on Tlutisdny last. The amount which the arIous companies will have to pay out iu insurance for that Ihe will ulmost equal the entlro amount of the pieiniiims which will be paid hi this city dining the year Pioi, and It must be rcincmbeicd that the eai has not yet urn two montli. Ml'ST HAVH IT RIGHT WVAV "We must lime a paid flic depail ment hi this cltv, and we must have It light av.nv. Councils must piovide foi It The citizens of this city almost to a man want It, nnd -what the people want they geneially get. if they want It bad enough. AVe must have 11 tie paittnent In which older and discipline prevails. Theie was none of It at ThursdTj V fire. Thete seemed to be no bead, no organization. I'veijhody seemed to be chasing atound in a wllly-nllly sort of a way. "It has been chaigcd by some of the firemen that the flio was not got under contiol beeius- the water supply was lusufllcient. I dispute that. The sup ply was entirely sufllclent If they had utilized It light. They should have eoncentiuted the foice Into a. few streams. Instead of Hpieadlng It Into a large number. If tbnt had been done the lire would have boon checked much sooner than it was. "Hut the need of n tialned Ihe-UslU-ing foice, umenablo to oidcis, was up patent throughout. Volunteer liteiiuu do many brave things, but they can not all be expected to risk their lives and to woik as bird and talthlull) as a paid man and leeelve nothing In le tuin but a spoiled suit of clothes, The thoioughly tialued, hardened and se i soned tegimeiits dm lug the Civil war were the icglmenls that lost tliu few est men. So It I with a working force of any kind. The belter tinlned the toice. the betlei the woik which thev will accomplish niii:i ni:w m-pauatps ' Not onlv do wo neeit a trained jiul paid llte-tlghtlng foice but we also need new nppaiatus. AVe need a Uist ela?s engine w Ith double the power of anv of those now in the city, and I think It would be well to have ptu chascd a new hook and ladder ttuck with .1 water tower attachment, even though the fliemen did attempt to bum tho old one lust Thuisday." The boaid of tiado is going to take up the question of a paid Hie dep.ut inent at Its legului meeting next Mon day night, when Secietaiy Atheiton will bring up for eonsldeiatlon a u poit adopted In 1S by the board, nuthoiUIng .1 plun lor putting the Hie department upon a paid basis This plan provided for a chief and lire maishal combined, with a salary ot $1,800 per year and fn assistant chief, with n salaiy ot tl.OOO per year; .1 chief's ctoik. at 1(500; n thlel's dilvtr, at $G0Q, and a contract vcteilnailan, at fOO a e,ir. Tho five steamci companies are. to have live paid men; live englnceis and five stokers; the combination hose .nil chemical wagons, four men each; the honk and Inddei company, live men, and the hose companies, four men each. The paid men, under the plan, would be pild $(00 each, and 'the captain of each company, who would be one of the plld men. $720. The boaid ot tuide at that time favoied tho plan ot inei easing the wages of tho captains and flrmen $5 per month per year, until they would amount to 1,000 and $840 respectively. COST OP MAINTAINCNCi: It was flguicd out at that time, un der this plan, that the annual cost ot malntalnenco would be $01,430. This Included $7,S00 for tho pm chase of new appiuatus and hoises, a pait of which would not be needed now, but It would Austin, Nichols & Go of New York City, Have placed the agency of their "Sweet Violet" cigar with us. We supply "The Trade" at their price, $35.00 per thousand. The new pau ctctas shape is better than many 10c cigars, it retails at 5c. The regular couchas sue we offer at 5c, 6 for 25c, $2.00 per box. A trial or der will demonstrate the re markable value we give you in this cigar. E. G. Coursen Wholesale nnd Retail. be snfo to allow $r.,000 for this pur pose. Tho amount appioprlated for the inalntalnnce of tho flic depart ment dining the lust year was fn, SOI. The nuijmlty of the iiicmbci of the boaid favor this plan and It h be lieved that nt .Monday night's meeting Its adoption will iirjIu be; uiged upon councils. Select Councilman John H. Roche, who ulvvavH likes to see councllmanlc btislnets transacted uccoidlnr to the letter of the law, smiled Indulgently ycsteidav, when asked by a Trlbuno man ns to wlrat ho thought about tho plan for tliu reorganization of the file department piovldcd for In Mr. Chit tenden's oidlnance, now pending in common c oiiiull. "I lold Mr. Chittenden when the or dinance was under consldeiatlon In o'ip blanch," said he, "that It was toollsh nnd useless to pass It, If It Is passed within the net few weeks, It only enn hold good till April 1, and It provides itself that It shall not go lulo rfieet until (hat il.it". 'The ccmiiolls of this city v!ll have to pasn tin ordinance ci'-atlng the ile putment of public safety, as pro vided for In the lnws governing cities of the second class, and that oidlnance will hive to neato ulo tho vui toils Inn cans under tint depiumont. The bureau of file Is one of these, utid pin lslnns will have to bo made for tho leoignnbatlon of tho piesent ihe de partmenl. "Mr. Chittenden's oidlnance Is use less, becaiiKe the ground gone over bv It will have to be again covered iiv the depailment of safelv oidl nance ' A PUBLIC INVESTIGATION. HAS BEEN ORDERED BY THE SCHOOL BOARD. Testimony with Refeience to the Chaiges Against Misses DeGiaw and Shoit to Be Heaid. ' The sxliaol board, at Its meeting li"t night, decided to Investigate the chaigts bi ought against the Mls s Geitiude O. DeGuuv and i:ui 'i, Slmit, ttnchiirt in No. 3t school. Miss Doflt.iw Is clmigcd by teitaln of the Jewish icsldeuts of the Six teenth waid with having insulted the .lev lh dildi 11 In her charge by te I'eulng to the lews as "cheats and l.ais, ' while li Is (Mimed that Miss Shoit i(tiiid to penult u child who was sick to leave the loom. The tuiittoi was biought up bv Mr. Sclulefer, who stated that the mem bcis of the boaid must be thoioughly acottnlnted with the chaiges und who moved 1l1.1t the teacheis' committee be dlrei td to conduct an investiga tion. The motion was unanimously adopted, c'haliman Schwuss, of tha (ommlttce. stated that the Investiga tion would be coudiK led on Thuisday night and tint It would be public. A number ol the dilldien of Miss Oeiliaw'H 100111 told the etoiy of the uiinli vesteidiy lu Supoilntcndent Howell's otlce to Attorney Ralph Ievy, who. with Attorney 13. C. New comb, lepicsonts thoso who .ire bring ing the chaiges. Tho dilldien weie 'ill rubor tinall and foine of them did not ontliel) substantiate the stoiios told by some of thoe he ird b'foie. Seveial said that Miss IVGi.iw had toh then to remember that ".'II Jews v.eie not cheats and liai." THE TULriLLED PROPHECIES A Wondetful Talk by Rev. Di. A. T. Piei&on Last Nifiht. Rev. Di. Arthur T. Plerson, of New York, who Is conducting u seiies of meetings under the auspices of the Young Women's Chilstlan assocM- tlou, gave a wondeifullv Inteiestlng talk last night In tho l'enn Avenue llaptlst chinch on "The Piopheclcs ot the Old Testament Fultllled." The doctor lofened to th tact that nioic thin .300 sopatute and distlnet piophetUs icgaidlng Jeus Clnlst weie made by the piophets whose wiltlngs aie liuludcd iu tho old tes tiuient, and be staled that each nnd eveiv one of these had been fulfilled, lie told of only a few of the moie Im pel tant ones. One of the piophets vvillliib i!00 euis betoie the bhth of Christ, pio pheclcd that lie would be boin In Hethleheiu and this piophecy was ful filled. It was absolutely Impossible, Dr. Ploison said, for any reasoning man to believe th.it Ibis piophecy h.itt not ben Insplted and that the Clulst who was boin In Hethleliem was not the Son ot God. The elot time of 111,! deitth wis ilso piophecled, as well ns the lact that Ills hands and leet would bo pleited and that Ho would be bianded as a n1.1lef.11 loi, but bulled in a lich man's tomb The baud of God was behind the Roman soldiery, ho said, when they nailed Chi Hi to thu cioss. or that was a piai tlee not Indulged In at all, pilsoneis being genet ally hung 011 with lopes and left to peilsh, God also directed Pilate, ho said, when Ie peimltted Clulst's body to be bur i d In the tomb ol Jos"ph, a pilvllegij ddom, It evet, nccoided to tho 1 1 lends of a pei-on condemned ns .1 .nalefm tot ' When wo look ai these fulfilled piophodos, ot which I could tell ou lot liouis, we c m auive at no either loncluslon but that they weio InspiroJ of God and that the objee l of their iuspliatlou, Jesus Clulst was ically I nnd tiuly the Son of God " Dr. Pleison conducted a IJIble lead ing esteiday nfteinoon In the Young Women's Clulstlin nssoelutlou looms at 3.13 o'clock, and will conduct an other there today at tho same hour. Ho speaks again tonight at the Penn Avenue chuicli. DEATH OF MARVINE MINER. Thomas Healoy Was dualled Under Falling Roof Sunday. Thotnnn Henley, a miner, employed at tho Marvino collloiy, was much by u. laise slab of toot coal, whllo dilll lug a hole, Sundaj, and lecelvcd in Juiles which tesulted In his death about an hour utter being ciiished undei tho fulling weight. His icmnlns were lemoved to the homo of his fatliei -In-law, on AVost Mutket street, and tho funeral will bo held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Services will bo conducted at tho Holy Rosary church, nnd Intemient will bo mado 1n tho Cathcdial cemetery. Henley Is suivlvcd by ouo daughter, Maiy. Special Notice. Seciet uiganlzatlons In tho city con templating changing their headquur tnts, are lespectfully solicited to call and get terms, dates, etc., In Guern sey Hall. T, AV. Guerntey, Pioprlttor. JONES PLACED UNDER ARREST CHARGED WITH TAKING LET TERS FROM THE MAILS. A Decoy Letter Was Used by the Postal Officials with Such Good Effect That It Was Found on Jones' Person After His Anest. The Accused Hnd Been Employed in the Postoffice for a Number of Ycais Has Enteied Ball In the Sum of SI, 000. Kiank II JoUl's, of mr. Locust slieet, employed ns stamp derk In tho Scian tou postofllee, has been imcsted on the chaige of absti acting letters fiom the mails. Djputy United Stntes Mai shal I.owiy und Postofllee Inspector Hugh J. Connan setved the warrant on him Jones was airalgned before Pulled States (.'ninmlrsloner Geoige D. Tnjlor jestetduy and heid under $1,000 ball for his upp'aiunce ut the net tenn ot Pnlted States com l Ills fath er bet nine bis bondsman Jones had been under sinvelllame sevetul months pievlous to his nuest. The oftlceis sent a decoy letter, which walked so successfull that It was nf terwincls found upon his person The letter was mailed fiom one of the tidghboi Injr towns and Its progress line closely watched bv th Inspector. V l.en Jones wns examhud It Is said Use epistle wis found Iu one of his seeks, whete It had evldontl.v been Piiiced to avoid detection Jones has been In the employ of thn Scranton postoflbe for the past eight or ten eais. n(. lnm at the time when the special dllvuj stamps weie lht Issued as dollveiy boy and grad nallv winked his way to mall 01 dls tiibutlng (Ink. to stumpei, to stamp de:k Jones is about 21 yea is of age and has u good leputntlon. He was mat -iled lorn than a year ago. The details of Joins' oaptuie, amount of monev etiiicted Horn the letteis, etc . could not be learned jeslerdny, us both Maishal I-owiy and Inspector Gorman aie absent liom the city. A stotj Is -oul that a $10 matked 1 ill was put In tlu decoy letter and thai I In k was tound on Jones' poison, but this was denied ly Postmaster Rljiple jestndny. No other or fui tlnr liifoimailon l pg.it ding the matter would be given by the postmaster ASSAULTED MR. WILLIAMS. Diummei Evangelist Stiuck by At tested Speakeasy Keepei. Rev. W. H. Williams, the diummer evangelUt aud superintendent of the Anti-Saloon league, Saturday swoie out five wan. mis for the .litest of Avoe.i lesIUeuts, on the diaigc of sell ing liquor without a licence. On the wine day Piank I'liilblu and Patrick Golden weie taken bofoie Uutgess Uoige, who lined them $10 apiece nhd eosls. The othei thice c.ibes will be tiled todij When Phllbln was brought bo foie the buigess he was veiy abusive, and alter calling Mr. Wlllliiins several vile names', stiuck him in the face. The ai rests were made under the ordi nance lecently passed In the boiough foi the suppiesslon ot speakeasies. Mr Williams Is holding meetings this week Iu rh Methodist church at Mlneis Mills VERDICT FOR MRS. WATERMAN. Juiy Allowed Her Fifteen Hundied Dollais Damages. The Inij lu the cu-.o of Ann I. W.U eimm against the Uolawaie, Lacka wanna and Western Railroad company Si.tllldav lotuined a l,'0O vetdht agalnjt tho conipjnj, after being out twenty-toui bonis. The case wns tiled ni Monti ove aud took up the cnliio v cck Ralph V.. Little, of Montrose, and Paul J Sheiwod. of Wllkes H.il l e, lepiesented the plaintiff, and A. H, McColluni, of 'Montrose, and Major 13ei'tt Wan en, of this city, appealed fo" :ne companj. v veiy laige uuiiibei of witnesses will summoned In the case. Mis. Wnteiman In ought suit to lecover $2", h'l) oitrages reused bv the death of bet husband, who some time ago was killed at La Plume ciosflng IN COMMEMORATION OF VERDI. Italians of This City Making Piep mntions foi the Event. Anothei meeting of the lepiesenta tlve Hull um ot Scianton and vleln lt was held In Cassesse's hall Inst nklu. to luilher tho nrenaiiitloiiH lor tho lommenioiutlou In honor of Gul- seppe Vet dl, the gicat composer. The Last of Season Sae of Neckwear To ciose them out com pletely and make 100m for new goods. All odds and ends of the 50c line to go at 25c. 'I hose dollar shit ts we've been selling for fifty cents are not quite gone yet, few of each size, except 14 J and 15. A CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. meeting was enthusiastic tlnoughout, nnd It was decided that the cominem oiatlon must be Iltst-clnss In eveiy inspect. Several piomluent Italian soloists of New A'ork city und Piof. Hembeigcr, of this city, will appear. It Is Intended to (online tho piogntmme solely to Voidl'8 (omposltlons. The expenses will be defrayed by contributions, und tho following committee was last night appointed: J. A. Cussesse, A'lctor Sar tor. H. Do Maitlno, J. Obld ami N. Cat luccl. Any money remaining after paying expenses will be donated to the Lackawanna hospital, aud the Italian convent, on Chestnut stleet, shine and shaiu alike The committee Iu duiige of the af fair consists of Prank C'ailuecl, picsl dont; J, A. t'.tfispsse, vlee-piesldent; J. P. Plote, tieasuiei, J. t'allitione, scc letaiy Another meeting will be held Sunday night iu Cnsseiso's hall. Matthews Bios. Expiess Thanks. Matthews Riolheis eh slip to espievs their appreciation and thanks for the sympathies und offets of assistance so ficelv extended tt them In their los and to announce' that they mo dolni business In the Hunt Council build I lug. comer Lackawanna and Wishing I ton n ven ins, whete they will, In a i ' days have theh cntlie line of goods iu stock, and they lespectfully ask i continuance ot the favois hlthei o shown them bj their fi lends and tin v would also siv, that theh oil business has not been effected by the lire, and they aie piepued as usual to (111 all oiders with piomptntss SALE OF ART GOODS. Ciomer-Wells Co. Reduce Pi ices on Entile Stock. Ciaint i-Wells Co. 1J0 W.vomlng ave nue. The Scianton Gas and Water Com pany and the Hyde Paik Gas Com pany. Ill aicoiUiihc Willi tin idl. v . ' llir.i' ,ull ntiif to inline la'es lin n ilia t,i (m,. n, inaj be vwirantdl b IiiuiihiI iiiii-iiuiiiki i notice I liculiv kIvch that, on ami niti-i Vnl 1 lifl the pifu i)( j,as will In mie ,111 lr 11 i one t!iouiml tiiblc feet eoii'iimnl miIiJpiI hi the- followlig ellicount. 1 lie .i (cut. rn nil bllN i.here tlic ioniini linn ni iiic m naU ntnounta t c Hun twnitj (hi ilnllu, in, jm unt on ill Mill wlieic tin ein.tiiiipiioii In ihe moiitu circntita to twcr.t He elollin iml un wild. Piovldcd Hip lull i. pud on oi IWoie ihe ili (bi of Hie moiitli In wlili li tlio l,il I. ie n I red in oulu of the hojul (! II 1IVMI, Seroluj. A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist In the world today. Compared to any necessar investment in business, tbeprofitfrom aTELEPHONE is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PFNNSrLVAHIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Slanascr's ollkf, 117 Adaim avrnur. HEB3 Notice 'I hose who aie ititeiestcd, even in J fienei.il manner, in mattes-, musical aie coulially invited to e aniine the latest ilfesont-liainliit Pianoloitcs tu he svii at the warcrooms of L B. POWELL fi li 131-133 Waqhinqton Ave. LAD IBS. 01 I! 1 111.01. !" -I IT k odd lie mjilc It Will lo.l,, III I tl 41 1 uci lliull i ujiH liada Milt ec i iki h in lau a 0 uikr tliciil (1 i e.ntl 'Mm ffi a f (l KING MILLER, Meicliant T.illoi C35 Spiuco M Pierce's Market, Penn Aycih, We inaLi a tpn.laltj of faucy rrram-ij I' trr ami Mrlellj frch pjjg, and tlio pr! e low as first class gooili can be told at We do not have any pecUI wlr or 1 .um hut ut all tlmn uiry ai coinplclu a line nt lUrlet f.ooda, I'ancy eliuctrloj and 'lalilc Uillra clt a ian l"i found in tho largMt New lor; or I'ldlldclnhU Markets which we .til at iljht prl(ei W. H. Pierce, 19 Ltclairanna Are. 110, 117, Ut Pern Vi. Tronipt dellmjr. The Dickson Miiiiitracttirlu? I'd i-cranton nnd VVIIUcidUrrJ, ('. Muuiifuomrere ol U0C0M0TIVRS. STATIONARY CNQINES Uollerv llolstlnsandf'umplnir Matlilntry. Oenermt Office, Bcranton, Pr Point VVc make always, U to give what you arc entitled to the best that your money can buy. That is what we give when we offer our Green Valley Rye llu asked for u tie ket to Springfield. Ticket man said, "rfpilngllcld, Ilk, or Spilnglleld, Muss" He studied a min ute nnd asked "Which Is the cheap est .' ' A spllllg hat Is the cheapest hat to buy ut this teeusou of the eai. Our spiliig si.vles aie m living elally. CONRAD'5 305 Lackawanna Avenue Oiamonds! diamonds! Still hat pni,' on our old' subject, but we won't .stop till we know jou are assuted tli.it vc handle the putest, nicest made, and most biilliant (IhMS handled in th: country, and listen, 25 per cent less than 3011 c.n buy them any where else. Visit us and we'll ptove it. HIMPFF, .317 Lackawanna Ave. eating Stoves, lienps, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, Steam anil Ucmmro GDHSTER fi FfflSITl, t:: 3; TENN AVENUE. K22S!. msnSEBJmWBHMKBPl H A Winner I U The I February Trade SaSe. 'Ihe goods are heie that's sure: The prices aie low that's tlllt" The styles aie attractive that's evident: The guai antee is solid that's safetv. : The sauno; is generous that s piolit: Ihe wise buyct that's you, won't forget these facts. Here's a Clincher: (C ?r "vs a 'unJsome lpJi,OV Rocker in golden oak or mahogany finish. Gen uine leather scat, broad and loomv. hicrh arms, comfort I able shaped back best see fl one. CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLYl THB iCQNOMY 221-S23-a25-2a7Wyomlnij Av Sfj c wuMacssafWHBBP tyt