THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1901. 8e Scranfon ri8tme TuWUhf.1 Dally, llxcept Sunday, by The Trtb. tine Publishlne Compaio, t I'llty Cents a Monlli. I IVY S. HICHAM), Editor. O. 1'. UY.HEE. llurlntjsa Uimgtr. New Votk Office: 150 Nsssau ft. s s. vnr.rxAKD, Bole Agent (or I'orelgn Advertising. 1 nlercd it the rontoftV t Scranton, Ti , at Second Class Mall Matter. tthrn space will permit, The Tribune Is always (lad to irliit abort letter from Ita Irlcnds Mir ing on current topic, but Ita rule la that these must bo signed, lor publication, by the writer 1 real name; and the condition piecednt to se ll plancc It that all contributions shall be wWii. to editorial revision. TUB H.AT IUTC 10lt AUVKHTISINO. 'Itio following tablo shows tlis price per inch rach Insertion, space to bo med within one jeari Ifun ol sl3In; on r'ull DISPLAY 1 ess Irian 500 inches .VX) Inches 1200 " row " woo " Paper rtcatliriff .U73 .21 .173 .17 .155 PodtloB .80 .; .19 .183 .13 ,lu .135 .u liatu for Ctasslflod Adeitllng fumlilied on application. FCRANTOX, Pi:ui5lTAUY 1-', 1901. A few tlnys will dei'ltle whether It Is thn mayor of Cincinnati or the sovor nor of tlio stntc who is the whole tliliijr in Ohio. The Cure for Hazing. THK UUPOIiT of the commit tor; of conRiesH nppolntcJ to Investigate hnzlns nt West Point mlllt.ny ucmlcmy cm bodies the conclusions nil party reached lv intelligent readers of the news I'rfpers namely, that the hazing ptnc tlrod has not been half us ncveic its Ken tcpoited In the jollow Jour nals nor, on the other hand, 1ms It been !icri-.;n y or fair. Toiufuolciy Is u natural tlcvclopmont among ounrj men of Irish hpltits but many of the forms It has taken at West Point ate calcu lated to make the Judicious grieve. For this rcahon the bill which the commit tco has recommended to congress as a Mt.p in the direction of breaking" up hazing will be generally commended. 71 provides that the superintendent of the academy shall suppress nil chal lenge lighting and eety form of hazing by compiling a I'ourt of Inquiry and taking other measure: that It sdiall be the duty of every instiuetor to icpoit to the bupctintundent any reports of tuisdns coming to his uttentlon; that any cadet concerned In tiny way, close ly or lemotely, with hazing shall be ulinrisseil; and that no c.idcl so dis missed shall lie Muppolnted to tho ac ademy or ccr be appointed In the army, navy or mailne coips; that any cailet called upon .shall b compelled to answer all (uestloni under pain of ills; that when the court of inquiry orcoiirt convened by the super Inteinlriit ih.ill fall to iiiceitaln tho perpctiator or peipetiatois of hazing, the FeeiLtnry of war shall conene a. tourt of Inquiry for the same pin pose and that the secretary of war shall nss-lgn to tin- .H,nlein sulllclent mini bur of ni my ollliei.s to euny out the lawn and i emulations governing the academy. These mc.isuies will be elCeottml only so far a they hao the support of the outlets themseles, "Wnjn to avoid any lesulatlons, however stiin-M-nl, i. in ilsu.illv be lound when there K a i-i-iinus iiroit to find them. It Is thcietore gratifying to note that In con sequents of the leeent agitation or the matter the cadet, appear to be willing to lotego most of their pranks and to Pledge theinsehes to liohavc ut sane oilii,- men should. If they can bo en couraged in stick to this good ic.solu tlon and to t It as a pait of the academy's social code, the problem will be solved. Otherwise It will reappear at Inlenals, as it has reappeared hitherto. The exclusive stoiy of tho South Afilcau peace commission exploded as quietly as an itideseenl soap bubble. The King and the Boers. CONJEOTURKS as towliat King lMward may say to parlia ment on Thrsday In reference to the South African war have bcn freely offered by vailous cntcrpilsing coi respondents, who have in many rates volunleetcd to put winds In his mouth expressive of hor ioi at the long continuance of hostil ities and favorable to caily peace te gardless of price. Hut these are all nullified by Lord Unglan's announce ment, chronicled in yesterday's Trib une, Unit "Hoops, not peace eonrrnlb sIoiihh, are going to South Africa." While .it mid leslstancu lemalns, the only way to peace la thtougli muelcnt lug war. This Is tiuo In South Afilca and equaliy true in the Philippine. There can bo no doubt that the pub lic opinion of Gioat Hrlt.rlrr, In com mon with that of the ilvlllzcd wot Id, has undeisono a change In Its atti tude tow aid the Uocis. Where otlgln ilb" It was contemptuous It Is now "holly icspcctful and to a notable de kHu lull of ndmliatlun for the mat eloiih personal couijgo and enduiancc which the Uoem have shown. It would take very little encouragement nlong diplomatic and conciliatory Hues to muse John Hull to full un the Dutch South Afiknu fin met 's neck and wel come ill in Into tho impetial fold with lliowoiks and baiiquets thut Is, con ditional upon the fanner's showing u Jlsposltlon to accept the hopeless odds 9f warfaio and cast hlimclf upon Urlt Ish gmeioslty. Hut wheio stubborn ness Is concerned, John Dull can be Rtubboin, too. and notwithstanding thai ull thought of glory or glamor has. long since depat ted from tho cam paign which Kitchener Is trying to close, up in South Africa, the con cclousnesa Is deeply present with every norjnul Uugllshman that to stop now, after all that has been done and sac rificed, short of a complete assertion of britlsh sovereignty and power, un questioned and impregnable ftom the Cape to the Zambesi, would bo to cap a series of blunders und dlsappont meijts with a climax of administrative Idiocy that would spell humiliation over tho whole episode. Klnd-hcaited and paec-JovJng as I'l'H Udwnid Is believed to be, It must be rcmembcicil Hint he Is also h typi cal KuglUhman nud mattuo man of the world. Whatever niny be his thought us to how Ihls South African business might have Jeen better handled nt tho beginning II is safe to assume that he Is In no present tin ceitalnty hs to how It must be closed up In older to bring nttcngth and se curity to his loyal subjects In South Afilca Hnd Increased unity to his em pire, U Is pltlahlf that the Hoer lead ers, who in o obstlnntely loading their poor followers further und lurther along the pathway to beggary and de spair, do not possess the gift of cum in mi souse ns well as of coinage und zeal. Hut the very fact that they do not udds to the necessity of llrltlsh supremacy ns u condition precedent to South Africa's fullest development. Tlieie seenm to,- be soniethlnff the matter these dajs with tho vocal or gans of the man who used to make a fpeclalty of the "Ciline of 'TJ " A Strike and Its Consequences. NOW THAT Chicago's groat building trades strike has come to an end, it is in structive to review what it has accomplished nnd to consider whether, after ull, It has paid. The stilko, or lock-out, fur It was n case of both employes nnd cmployeis going on stilko at about the same time, waa instituted mbre than a. car ngo and came us the culminating feature of a long series of petty ills agi cements and annoyances which hud almost piostinted the building in dustry In Chicago. The men btruck for higher wages. Th' c.upenter.s, who constituted the inalnstny of tho Ilulldlng Trades council, wcic getting 42Vi- cents nn hour for nn eight-hour day, und they demanded CO cents. The other woikmen made demands In pio pot lion. On the other hand, the con tractor declined that tho exactions of the Ilulldlng Trad's council nnd of the walking delegate system of declar ing sttlke.s cm puiticulur Jobs iitbi trarlly had become so Insufferable that they would not resume business lolatlons with their foimer employes until these evils had been icinedlcd. This was the situation which pro longed Itself in deadlock for mote than a year, practically suspending the en tiro building operations of Chicago, keeping 23,00ft men idle, involving nu merous scenes of disorder and turbu lence nnd Inflicting a Ios3 upon busi ness which, runs high Into the millions of dollars. Various cffoits to nrbl tiato failed, the contractors remain ing steadfast in their dolci initiation not to i enow foimer leUtions with the building Unties unions until they could have assurances that their busi ness would no longer be capriciously tied up by sjmpathy sttikes or by tha snap judgment of walking delegates, inferred without notification or ap peal. At the outset of the stiuggle the Building Tiades council hnd u mem bership of '.'7,000, including bricklay ers mid stone masons, hod cut i lets, plasterers, pltimbets, btldgeand sltuc luial It on woikeis, steam lltlcis, elec tticlanx, ga flttcis, mosaic workeis, slate nnd tile roofers, ouipentors, pulntei?, rtono cutters, lathers, sheet metal wotkers, bollcrmakers, tunnel miners, paper huugcis nnd teprescnta tlves of ten to fifteen smallei tiades. One by one these unions tell by tho wuyslde. Pi lor to tho settlement with the carpeutiiH the membei.ship of tho council had fallen to 10,201. With the withdrawal of the r,,500 ciipcnlcia, who have always been its backbone, the council collapses. This with drawal Is a condition of the settle ment reached on Thuisday of last week between representatives of the carponteis nnd contractois. The other conditions of that settle ment nie thnt wages shall be ns before the stilko, except the, concession to the meu-of n Saturday hulf-hollday at their own expense; that there shall be no limitations as to the amount nt work a man shall perfoim dating his working day: that thete shall be no restriction of the use of machinery or tools; that tlieie shrill be nn lestiie tlon of the use of any manufactured materia, except prison-made; that no person shall have tho right to Inter fcie with the woikmen during wink ing hour; that the use of apprentices; shall not be prohibited; that the foie irrnn shall bo the agent of the cm plojor; thut all workmen are tit lib erty to woik tor whomsoever they see fit; that nil employers ato nb lib city to employ nnd dischaige whom soever they set) fit. Provision Is made in tho settlement that nil disputes which may heieafUr arise dining the two-year poiiod cov eied by tho agioement uu to be bot tled by iiibitiatinii, und theio ohnll be no stoppage of woik pending u set tlement. A joint uiblttatlon commit tee ot contractois und labor men Is piovldel for, with u disinterested um pire to adjust tho tiouble If the arbi tration board falls. Tho employment of non-union rnerr b tho conttactois Is not prohibited, but it Is stipulated thut no non-union cat pouter Is to br emplojcd on tho same Job with u union eutpenter. Non-union men In other tiatlrs, however, may woik i Ida by side with him without off-rise. The same contiactor who einpliycj union carpenters on one Job niayt em ploy non-union caipentcrs on another nt the Mine time. It is explicit! Mated, though, that the contractors shall rrot puy any carpenter less than the union wngo .scale, and that no union carpenter shall work for less than tlie union wngo scale. This, it will bo seen, Is a complete victory for tho contractors; but nt the same tlmo It Is n vlctoiy for bo ciety, Inasmuch as it does away with costly blrlkes und substitutes a fair machinery of arbitration. That is tho one gain growing out of tho long struggle; but nt what a frightful cost it Is purchased! While congiess is tin ashing about to discover a means of ubollshlng hazing at West Point, u freshman ut the Agtlculturnl college, at Irnslng, Mich., appears to have hit upon a feasible plan. When a puity of his fellow stu dents approached his room declaring their purpose to ".stack" it, ho met them at the dour with a loaded revol ver and threatened to shoot the first person who made a move. The thrent was effectual, and huxlug nt Lansing Is temporal lly suspended. An Inter estlng plnn Is credited to Dr. ltuthrock, the ntuto forestry commis sioner, who pioposes the establishment of camps on thu various forest reser vations of the state wheiu persons suf fering from consumption, Hnd finan cially unable to go to California. Ari zona, Ploildu or the AiHrondueks for their health, e.ur spend several months in tho summer In the hope ot gaining lelief. Dr. Uothrock's Idea Is to pro vide suitable habitations for tubercu lar patients und let them have tho flee ue of tho same as long and us often as they may deslio He will not nsk the state .for an iippioptlallou because ho Is conlldent thut the necessary funds can be provided thiotigh pilvuto means. All he wants of tho state Is permission to try the experiment. Titer o are u number of reservations In different portions of the commonwealth which by reusorr ot their elevation and puro iitmospheic are eonsldcied to be ud vuntageous us abodes fin consump tives, and If tlie onnjlng out of his ptoposltlon enn contribute to t hocking the spread of this Tnost Insidious and wldespieud of prevalent maladies the expeilment would be fully Justified. It Is certain that additional measure are needed In this dliecllon. On the Island of Hollo, the tuvoilte method of one of the Insurgent patilots In arms against the American Imudeis Is to bury his Yankee captives up to their necks In a bed of sand, nnd then cut ort their herds'. Another expression of his belief In the tiod-glvon right ot self-government Is to lead his pilson ois nut Into the pinz.i und lortuitj them to death by cutting nit strips of flesh with ii bnln. Doubtless these patriotic ceremonials have Hie full suppoit of the American "untls." As a means of smashing the so called lumber trust a Kansas solon has Introduced a bill making It the duty of the oouit to tllsinNs nny suit lor the collodion of a debt If the defendant is able to show that the plaintiff Is In u combination to conttol pi Ices or re strict trade. The equity of aiich a law would hinge largely upon the composi tion ot the Juiy. The average Jury in Ivans. is would probably make short work of the lumber octopus. Mrs. Car lie Nation's proposed lec ture in Chicago has been declared off nn account of the meagre advunce sale of tickets. Theio is u growing sus picion that .Mrs. Nation Is not much of an attraction when not accompanied 1 hei tomahawk anil the jingle of glasswuic. m The Juiobltos of London dlsplnjcd singular discourtesy hi seiving notice that Mary IV, and not Edward VII, Is llghtful sov eloign of 1'nglnnd with out llrst shipping a batch of Mary's photos to the New Yotk yellow Jour nals. Prorrr reports of the movements in Topeka anil Kansas City it looks as though Mrs. Nation's etfoits to "un Jolnt" Kansas would be successful. Oiiflin? Studies ol fldruan Nafiire How Montana Was Nnmcd. IT Is SOT MAN Uh I.As to luniB a bibv and to tunic ,i jto ur tcnltory H obWously a rilou miins I lie IjIo l.cncul J, W. llrnvir, for wlioril the rlilcf city of Color ido in rjllfd, .ilu ns tnil-tiil that lie t'jvo llio name to Mon tana "i.intril Dcmrr a intinnte ultli bLplicii A, DouIjs," mite 1". 11. Clevcncr, who wjj fomicily the gondii's contiilcntijl clerk. "At one ot Ihtir lwctlnt,', u lie told the Morj, Dough brought out a map of tho Wct, alii(; that he Inlrndtd to intioduco a bill to tjnn home rcw icnllorics. and waited lonci to outceit jppropriate name?. " 'Colorado was the fust one mentioned 't lute ahcady applied tint to one thU,' i-aM Doiulas, pointing on the map to what Is now the plate of Colorado. 'I want a name for a territory I iiin gulng to marl, out up here In the mountalni-' "Dimu's life in the Wtt and his fcruce in the Mexican war had made him fimiltir with man Spanish wortln, und he umaihedi 'Viiij not call It Montani?' "'What dots that rnejiw' I inner n:lil that it. meant 'mountainous lounti.' lly wav of asMiiiiitf hiin-elf, Douglas i-illcd to his wlic, nruutcd the ijueitlon, and received tlio tamo aiiawei, 'ftcncul, 11' t just the woid, faid Douglas. 'I eh ill adopt it.' Hi. bill did not ruvi ut that time. Indctd, Mnnlini w."H not oi.'anlcd ai i teiilloiy until l'lil, time cjis after tho death of l)uuh'. Hut th iiimewai Rbcn It in due ttme outh'ti Loiupinioii A Matter of Emphasis. Till 111,'s n nnn litre in tuwn, lelates the WdahliiRtuii I'ot, vho ha won a really en. M.ihle n put ttion a tiitlr of art und liUutiirc nnd other tlihifc by a method which it to in krnioii't an I i-'i lllpIf that he c unlit not to be allow ol to hate a monopoly of It. If ;ou tliow him thai llllle landape jou kkctihcd last Milliliter he wll no ii tioiu Micial points of irw in nilrico tor .1 fev moment'. Tlien he will i-nillo .ippruMUKh, aid p.n . "Hill, 111 it Ii a ltiidtipe," jti'l he cm di iaIoa the "iV c IioiirI. It j on iuw hlui the vcruo-t jou Hashed ott -il out niooiiliKht .it Atlantic City he u nl them (uutiilly, ami with I lie djiiic- en liii on t lie villi he .ijt.: "Will, that U a poem " How well ho biKcceiN In )lcaii g cciliody vlthoiil luidinjr up liis (oiwiincn wltli fulsc IiooiH von may know fiom the (act that I heir the mother ol a fill who pl.ih tho ilauo toll m imbed Hut Ir. IIjsIi had tpoKcn in the high rt lernn eif .lanet iihiinff, when 1 Knew per fectly well that all ho ha 1 cicr Mid to the a:lrl W lb "Well, that U plalns" The Tax-payer Pleased. HOW rilll icady tut of a dooikccpci ol the houc of npifftcntithoi prevented a nce-te, aiiil fallHiid tlu dlitnity of one of the ouiiiiin IKfple I iilated 1 a Wahln0'ton cotietpend. nil of l ho Woild. "(lit out of here," mid Charley Mann, doorKecpu of tl.o hou- preen etlki.v, to an Intiii.i. i. '(let out nothlntrl I lave us muih light heie hi an out I urn an ineiirin eiticu. o h.ivo no ih,ht to have prlvato eallcrlK, Wh, I supput thl,'' he continued, ineaniiip the cjpltol ui laigc. "I'm a a taxpair, and I won't get out." "Arc ou a tixpa.vcrS" Inqulrrd Mann. "u, I'm t i"C pj.vci." "Will, now, wh didn't 0u nay that befuief llita U no place for ou. Vou Jut (onio with lie mound to tho Uvpier'a caller . 114 carpeted, t-olt kcls, iiih! all that, W'j taKe taro of taxpacn here, we do." "I knew ou hid a taipaiu' (calKi) somewhere," uld the utianrcr, a he Mated hhi:lf In tho public gallei. Prolific in Wiitlnn; Jokes. CAltt, ll.VUbbn," who waa tlio editor of the Oeunaii edition of puik and now tho rnaKor of ono of tho niot mecewlul aluianar in the eountiy and a liumoiout lecturer hneldcj, telli of a rcnilnUccnio of John Kendrkk llangi, editor of lUrpcra Wrekl, us the "New Yotk Worlel, It treats of n time when the dUtliiguUhrd Vou'. era man wai wrllliiR Jo!.t for I'uck In the rally clghtlc and could tuin out mom of them In 21 lioun any other man In that particular line, "Ono elay," Mid .Mr. lUiwer, "the younn man whose duty It wiw to lead all the JoVca ant to the I'nullih edition of I'urk came to me inueh agitated and pcipleMtl. "'Here,' raid he, 'I have ireeivrd a hundred today from that man llanp". And he acndi me all ihc time a bundled cadi day. Whv, h must be w-niKed to ileith, Ids mind mu-t be nearly worn out.' " And Mr. Ilauer amevcieili "It Is easy work for him. tu fact, it Is a meie recieallon." Where Candor Paid. IT rill.lli: was one thliiir chauctrrlstlc ot the late Senator (irar, of Iowa, It was his frank ness. Fcnator Dolllver jeatrrdai, savs the Wash, Ingtoii Post recalled an Installed In which the exhibition of this trait workril to Mr. Ceat'a advantage, dear was u tandlilite fer tongrCN". The pro hibition ecntltnetiL was running high In his ills tilcf, and the t(micranee people eoncluiled to put the randlilite thiough an tsamlnitlou. They held a moftlnsr, to which liny Invited Mr. Clear. He accepted The rliaitman of the meeting was a linker. "We ham. Kihl tin. rj.mkrr l Mr. Gear, "that thee dot not lielonir to any temperanee society, and that lure ihl take u drink when It plravs thee." "Hut Is true," rcplhd Mr. Oar without any heitaliou. ' ,"lhec ail veiv dank," said the ()uaker, "and thr friiikiic-i; Is rnoic to be eoimnended linn thy habllr. We do not think tliee ought to drink, but If thou linlat lied to us we would not have Mippoiled thee. Thee will now receive our votc " And Mi (,eir did ael Ihtlr vole He never foigot the incident nnd Its moral It Should Not Lnck a Name. KATr.'S place was in rhe dining room. s Was nor rhe eook, but alio had a' tine talent for deserts, and often wmt Into the kitchen to make up Mime tpeeial elilntv. So it biiM lied that whin the mlstrcts hid a dlnntr, with the bishop and two or thrcu otner chiiichinen, Kite was the author of the I'li'Mlnir. slfi va (X much pleicd when the Itkliop iiaisril the dish and the other clerg.vmen rehoed his c pinion, but ulic masked hei enjoy, ment of the idtuaiiou behind the (olcmll face whleh she dva-s wore when waiting on table "l'ia till me," said Ihe bi-hop. "what is the nime of this wonderful puldlng?" "I icall don't Know," .iiI the mbtlos. What h thu n Hue of it, Kate:" hate, very proud of the iinpoilanre letovved upon her, but Willi features unmoved, faid: "Well, ma'am, to tell je the truth, I've been so huy todiy tint 1 hadn't time to name It; but, Hire, whir to many rf the icvercnd elrrgv here this evcnln' It'll not be long leforc 'tis christened " Woieestcr Oazclte. ooooooooooooooooo The People's Exchange. Sv A POPUI,Alt rf.KAniNO IIOUsT- for the1 " Uenefit of All Who Have Houses to , Rent, Real Kttate or Other Property to Ml or llachange, or Who Want Situations or ' O Help These Small Advertisements Cost i Y . . ,, , ... , ,t . ,,. ,-i. ciio ceriie a iioiu, cis iiiHcteotiia ,ui uiu Cents a Word Kveept Sltiutlons WautcJ, Which Are Inerted Free. ooooooooooooooooo Wanted. AWNVAyVSM WASTID TWO I D A.vl) CT.XTI.KMIIV CW- vasvrsj wckl ji.iv. Call on A. Corson, fjarktn mm Vallc House Help Wanted Male, w.'.vir.n rwo i:pi:itii:N( ri) 'nor. men b a rcllatle- hoiiic. Address I, , are Tubuie. r.ov wAsn:n to llaux ni:in:n thvdk Oiu living on .Vtuth &ide prcterrcel. i: C lloflinann, CKU stone avenue. WANTI'.D tlf'OD AM, AliOlWI) l)I..Srisr. Addrers 1. O bos 8.1, Wilkes Dine, Pa., stit. Ing age, eviHiiemc and falary cpectrel. w.n:i) at o'ci:-.y itrLivni.n. onui: and indutriuu.s toiniatcr; ono well acqnalntiil with th" ells; nun led man piefeiicd -Jlcidow Ilrook Wavherj-, .south Side, cltv. Situations Wanted. WAN inrUVnON' IJY COIOItl.D MAVj oung, iimrt and active, as diivcr for a doc. toi in as porter oi waller in private family in or outside of rlM- William llcndinou, 5-U t.atki w.inni avenue. biri?Aiio w.vyn.D uv i:I'i:hii:nci,d i,n steuoiaphcr and tpcvMilci. Addicts J. .1. Tribune . SIKvOGItvl'Iir.It UMI'LOKD AT PKISIINT, who is capable 1 takinfr diet ition on tele writer, will bo at liberty to accept a position In the near futuie. Can fuinlili (,uod rcfelxuce. Aeldrrsi Y-, Tiibune otfice. &nt7lION WANIKD AS, A tnull lamlly intferred. Addicvs , 'lie lor. fciru.Tios w nti:d-iy a cood oiiil, roit gincial hoUMUOik. Addic-Ni W, I!, 'lilhune. lioiiicM.i.i'Kit-itixniiLi.. 'inch: oit nor- hlc cntri all oi pait of rho time Addict lluokkecicr, 1111 V'aliliild meet, elt.v. sitl'ahok as i:i'i:niici:D bookkeeper. Addresd it. J., Tiibune ofiicc. SITl'AllOV WAMi:o-t,r.SDIII-sS WOl ID like to g;ct komo ladiik and gcnllcmcn'a lacmlrj ; alo take family whing heme; lict of city rcfiiinee. tall or address 5i l'lea-mt atrcct. Por Sale. AMtAVA 1'ABM 10K I.U-ONr. M1M. VHOM iOLtll Canaan, 3 GcorB'etovvn, 1 Wa.vmait, 7 lloncs dale; H aeirs, Irn woo Hand, balance neail all level and tillable. 10 room date roofed house, two Ull,e hams, Willi uii'Ulgloun 1 Mablen, two toi ehleker, liv'lu feet, laigo granai.v, ie houvi and other outbulldln. well wattled, two bearing apple oichmH ono le.u oreluid, 4 )ears eld; gianeii. Inrilrs and f mall. Will s"ll tor what the liullding!. woahl eoet, $I,VW, lea tuuublo down ianienc Imiuiio of II N. l'it rlck, .01 Wahlngton avenue, or 1'gbert bcadi, Clark's laecii, I'a. loit s mjcott vm: at iiuvi:y's .kc., I'a , wllh about one airo iaouud, Ihlit Q pie Ucck, barn, iie house, etc. hmpiiie of ll II. Ilieks at Ihlid Natloi il bink, beranton, I'a 1011 SM.l 'IWKSTY-nVH StCOSDHAND locomotive boilers. I'or partlculais an 1 at otUio of Crucial Storekeeper, D , I. & W. It. It, Co , bcranton, I'a. ion si,r.-. rnM or co apiics; ro acuks Impiovedi t mllo bom ractoiville; about tvvcnl nilnuten walk fiom Kcjrtmic Acadcnoi A very dahtly und pleasant location tor a eountiy hoiiiei can lie bad very reasonable, lKMi-i.lou ut once, luipiliv or addrcs.s W, D. Itus-sdl, I), i. C.'.'s tttlce, i ranton. Wanted To Buy. WANTKD-SKCOND-IHMI fiUOT MC!IISIS, mut bo In (ood oidcr, state paitlcuUra a to make and price Addrras L. M., (jeueral de liver, Ecranton, I'a. Money to Loan. DO 0U WANT 10 LOAN MONKY. COJIB AND see me. Prcderltl; K. bcott, Attorncj-, Mean bulldlnj, Scranton, I'a. MO.MSY TO LOAN ON DOND AND HOHTOAdK. tny amount. M. II, llolgate, Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT OP MONKY TO WAV-WICK, straight loans or Duildirr and Loan At from 1 to 0 per icnt. Call on N. V. Walker, SI1-31I Council building. Personal. dl' funnii oit no py. o. noww, Mllv.aukec, Wis. ALWAYS BUSY. rt & JtUUBEUS; KUBBEKS. LEWIS & RE1LLY Board Wanted. IIOAIID WAMr.D-FOIt TIJllKK ADULTS AND one small child. In respectable Jewish lam lly, living ic first-clans neighborhood. State price. W. A , Tribune office Iteciults Wanted. SWNVVStS) wanti:d roit U. S. AltM: ai.i.ii iiodii.d. uiimarriul men between ages ot Jt and r't; eltlzi-us of United &talc, of good iliaiictr aid temperate lubits, who eoiii .rik, leid .mil write Kngllsh. lice mils apulally deslicd fir service In I'hllipplnc I'oi infoiinallon apple to I'ecrultlng Ofttce, 1SJ Womlrg ave , Scran ton. Pa Special Notice. i:i:ad tiii: ni.w 6iiTi,vLMsii .unusu.. cold ly ncsrdealcn and icwcbo, at ono cent a cop. Lost. LOsr-sni'itDW clntelalue baj; I sT, IlltOW.V AILICMOtt Aeldress Wi .lellerfon avenue. lust-knclisii .shrrnt. forcheid; answers to ' Chcrr lane, Gnen Uldjte. DROWN STOT ON Du'te." Rrvvaid. o LEGAL. IN IIC: I.STA1K Ol' .I0IIV V. llKlD. IlK (cased. in Orphans' Court, of Liekaevanui counly. Notice Is hereby given tint upon the appll cation of r.ithcr Held, adminUtntiix of the Cfclato of John A. Uriel, a rule has been grant, i by said Court to show lame wh die dull not be discharged! returnable to Ihe March Term of Argument Court, beginning April '.2, inoi II. V. 1INKHAM. Attornc. i.bTAiE or maiigvrci' . klnm:d, lati: of tho city of Sciantoii, county ot lukv wanna, and state of l'ciinslvaula, decraMd. Letters of administration having ticen granted to the undcialMied, all persons havinc; ililnu or jfcmaiuLs atriln.t the said estate vrtll proem them for panient, ami all persons iiuUbtiil thereto arc requested to nrsku immcdlato pi ment to .lOHN T. KRNXKDY. Athnlntstiatoi Sll South Wishhuton, Ave., Sranton, I'a CHAULUs U UAWM'.Y, Attorney for IMate PltOPOsLS-sTLi:i PHOPnSALS Will, 1115 received at the ofdee of the county lommls doner until Monday, Feb. "Jlli, l'.HH, nt 10 a. in , for irstalling a plumbing, heating and sen. timing svbtcm at the 1-icKavamia County l'rlxn In uccorduiieo with ihe dans and speeffieat ic ns prepired In- John t. Hurls, riincci ; said plans and specific itlons can bo ecn ut his ollicc in the Williams building, Linden street. The sum of one hundred dollirs In eadi or entitled cheek Is to be inclosed with each bid, which sum shall bo foifeitcd to the county com. tnisdoncrs of l.ackiwaiuii Count In raso of re luvil or omission to execute contract within ten diys alter tiro aivard of Ihe same. No biJ will be re id or considered which fails In com pi with this Icq-ilicnicut All persons who furii!i bids nie lequcstcd to bo present at the county eoinuilmioiu rs' ofllee on tho day and dilc .ifcrcald, as .ib bids will be opened at that t fit it The county iiimiiilvdoncis rei-cive the light to icject an or all bids, lly the order of tlu count e- rnininlxioiKis cf I.nckawautia count. I I Ol MOIIHI-. .OU.N I'lMV. JOHN J. DfllUIV, Alle-,t f minty l onmihdonns W. . DAMILS CIciL I'ltOCLAMATION-Tlli: (l5NLI(l, MI'SIUI'Vi, deerion will be held on the third Tueiliy of IVbruary, Lcin-; tho Dili day ol said month, on v hlih date the tollowlng citv nliiccia will lie devtid. rirjt W aid One per.on to sene as Ccimnou fxmncilman, rwo persons as i.iMitioiul Comii on Cbuucilricn second Waiel Three pcinonl as additional Common Councllnien Tldid Ward Ono ptison to scivc as Common Councilman. 1'ouith Ward Two peions for additional Con. mon Councllmcn. 1 ifth Ward One pmon to serve as Common Councilman and two persons ns additions.! Com. inou Councllnien. -ixtli Waul One perion as additional Common Councilman. Sevcntli Ward One icrkon to serve as Common Councilman. Ml th Wcid-Ono person to serve as C'oniuvui Councilman and one paoi ai addltioral l.ou mon Couneihriu. v l.liveiith Ward One prison to seive as fom. mon Councilmiii and one peicou as addition tl Co'iitnon Councilman. Ihlrtcciith Ward One piicon to servo as Com mon Counellmin and one peison as additional C'ernmon Councllinan I Iflrcutli Waul One cuon to scivo ru Con mou (Councilman. Seventeenth Ward One pcreon to seive ns ( em mon Councilman, eno pcre'ru to scivu as addi tional Common Cnum Ilium. Nineteenth Ward One pel Mm to servo as ( oin mou Councilman and two persona as Common Couucilnuu. Twentieth Ward One peion as additional Con -ellman. Twenty fliot Waid -One perron to servo as Con mon Councilmiii And such other wapl and distrbt ollneis as may b directed ly hw. JAMl'.S MOIU, Majet. FPOFeTSSO A fl L. Cor titled Public Accountant. 15. C. SI'AULDlNa, SJ0 DltOADWA, M.W ork. Architects. IDWAItD II. DAVIS AllClliriCr, lONM.ll, bidldlni;, Scraulon. i iTTnizlacK i. imowN. Aitniiii.ri', riiicu lulldlug, IN Wasllntoa avenue, sciatitun. Dentists. dil c. i:. Kii.r.Nni:uotit, i-auli uuimhmi, Spruce strict, Scranlon. Dlt I. O, LYMvN, SCUVMOV I'ltlVAfl! HOs pital, corner W)oming and -Mulheny. DR. C. C. LMIIIU'II, 113 WOMINO VVI5NU15 Hit. II. V. lti:NOLl)s, Ol'P. I' 0. Cabs nnd Cntitnges. iiumint tiui:d cads and'ovi'iiiagi: nrvT of Service. Prompt attention clnn mdris by 'phone. '1'houcs 2)72 and OXSi. Joacpli Kdlr, JJl Linden. " Physicians and Surgeons. pitTwTL. ALLKV, 013 NOIiril WASHING ION avenue. un. s. w. L'AMoni: i'.v. oinci: mo wash. inglon avenue. Itedelciiec, Uli Miilbcny, Chrunle disrasei, luiigs, heaii, kldncs and ceuito uilnary organs a, sprclalt. Mourn, 1 iu 4 p. in. Schools. bCIIOOf, Ol' TIII5 LACKAWANW tfltVNIOV, I'a. Couno prcpatatoiy to college, law, medi cine or buslmsa. Opens btpt. Utli. hend for catalogue. Itev. Thomas M, Cann, LL. D, prin cipal and pro rUtor, W 15 Pluinhy, , M hcadmittcr. afcwRBffiSP' Ml .CALENDAR mm aaon With meinorandum space oi each leaf, gc Eacho Jmt for a day or so. Rey molds Bros Stationers nud Engravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. Lawyers. J,i.y:.iIR(m-V;. A"OnNKY AND COUNSKL lor at-law. Itoomi 3U-313 Mcara building. I.!,,;,llU'U)f,.I',:' AT10KNF.Y-LOANS KEtO. tlatcd on real estate security. Meara building, corner Washington avenuo and Spruce street. WILLAltD, WAftniiN .- KNrP. ATTOKNKYS and counsellors at law. lirpubliean building, Vlashiiigton avtnuc. Ji:ssur i jnssup, atiohnuys and cohk- sellora at-'aw. Cimmonneallh building, Itoorus 1S, 2 and SI. LDWAItD W. 1HVM511, ATTOnVEY. IlOOMi tW Ml, Oth floor, Mears building. L. A. W'ATltnS. ATTOUNEY-AT LAW, !)0ni) of rrsdo building, bcranton, I'a. p.yrmssoN m wilcov, tiiadi'iis1 naiionai. Dank building. C. COMEGYH, P13 IlKPUllLldvN IltllLDING. vjv. irnmiioi r. ATTonNiAMEAnbjuJrn. , Hotels nnd Bestaurnnts. THE ELK CVn:, 1J AND J27 I'HAMvLlN AMI- nue. Icatca rcasonahle. !'. .EIQLMi. I'roprietor. SCIiANTON HOITSE. NEAR D, U i vvTT.S". cngcr depot. Conducted on the Kttropcan plan. VICTOR KOCH, I'roprietor. Seeds. 0. n. CLAItK & CO., SEEDSSIEN AND NUU3. erymen, store 201 Washington avenue! green houses, li;o North Main avenue, sloio tele phone, S!. Wlro Screens. JOSEPH KUKTTEL, KCAlt Ml LACKAWANVA avenue, Scranton, I'a, manufacturer ot Wlro bereens. Miscellaneous. DHESbMAKINO Toil LIIILDIti:V10; alo ladlrti' waists. Louia Sliocmaker, 1112 Adanes avenue. A. II. IlltKiCs CLEANS I'ltlVY VAULTS AND cess pools, no odor. Improved pumps urel A. D. ltriggs. propilctor. Leave oidcis llJt) North Main avenue, or Elckc's diug store, ioi ncr Adams an! Mulbiri. Tcliphonj rrjl. 11I1S. I T. KELLER, SCAL1' TREATMENT, Mo.; shannoolng, iiOc.i facial niaaagi; manicuring, 23c; chiropody. "01 ijuiney. DVUER'S ORCHESTII V-MUSIO FOft If VLLS picnics, parries, icccplions, weddings and con. cert wort; furnished. I'or terms addrcs It. J. Dauer, conductor, 117 Womlng avenue, over llulberfa music store. Jii vitGEi: nuos., rniNTi'its' kuitlies, i. selopes, paper bags, twine. Wurchouw, lut) Waddngtou avenue, bcranton, Ta. THE WILKl.SllMtltE It! CORD CN DE HAD III bennton at tho news stands cf Itel'nnri Utoa., 4W Spruce and 50,1 Linden: M. Norton. Kii loickawaima avenue; I, b. bchutrer, 211 bpnicc street. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In Eflcct Dec. 2, ItHW. South Lcavo bcranton for New iork at 1 10 f.00, S W, S 00 and 10 01 a. in ; 1 M, j aj p, w Tor Philadelphia at S.'J0 aud 10 Oj a. in.; 12T.3 and o il p. in. I'oi stloudsbuig ut G 10 p. m Milk accommodation nt 3.4.0 p. m. Arrive ut Hoboken at CS0, 7 IS, 10 2S, 12 0?, 8 13, Ms, 7 l'J p. in. Arrive at Philadelphia at l.Oil 3.J.1 0 00 and S.22 p in. Arrive irom New York at 110, 4 Oil and 10 2.1 n. in.; 100, l.:,2, 5 13, s.13 und 11.0 p m 1 1 0111 fctrouddturg at S0J a. tu. orin i-eave rei uieon lor ituuaio ami inter- a. m.; 1.03 and S IS p. 111, I'or Mehol-on at 1 W and 6.15 p. m. lor lllngliamton ut 10.20 a in. r. llvo In bcranton Irom Ilunalo st 1.25, i J5, 5 13 and 10 00 a. 111.; 3.00 aud 8.00 p. in. fiom Of. wego and Sracmo at J 55 u. in.; UZi nd j) no p. m. l'rom IHlca at 2 55 a. in , 12 23 and :i."o p. m. l'rom NlchoUon at 7.50 a. m an I 6 00 p. m, lioni MontiOiO at 10 00 a. m , .120 and bOO p. m. niooimbuig Plvlflon I.eive Scrinton fo. Northumberland, at 0 t", 10 05 a. 111.; 1 V, and Ji60 p. 111. I'or l'lmoulh at L05, 3 10, S.'s) p. m. I'or Kingston at fi 10 a. 111. irivo at Noilh. nmbcrland at 9 35 a in ; 1 10. fi 00 and S.C, p. m. Arrive at Kingston at S 52 a. 111. Vnlvc ut PI) mouth at 2"0. 2. 0 15 p. 111 lnlie in bcrinton from Northumbeiland ot Oli a 111. J3', 150 and S 15 p. ni. l'rom Kingston at 1100 a. 111. 1'iom PI mouth at 7.53 a in , 3,20, 6 J5 p m. s'M)Y TRAINS. bouth lcivc bcranton 1 10, .t.uo, 050, too. 1. 111 ; J S3, 3. 10 p 11. North U ive Scrantoii at 1 13, 4 10 a, ni. . 1 5?, 5 IS and U.J5 l. in. llloom-'burg Division I.eive cranton at 10 03 a 111. and C 50 p m. Delawnie nnd Hudson. In PfTcct Nov. Bj, 15tt0 Trains In 1 atbondalu leave Vranton at 0..0 T 5.1. 8 51, W I i a 11 i l-'-W. L29. -' 11, 3.5.', 0 0 25, 7.57, l 13. H.r p in , 1.1b a. m lor Honesdalo 0 2'J, 10 U a. m,. .'.44 (i 5.JU p. 111. Tor Wilkes llaire-0 43. 7.1S. $i ,i,K ,() (J 11 55 a. ra ; I.2S -' is. ! a, 4 27, 11 io, 7 W. 10 If 11,'jj 11 in. I or I, V. 11. R polnta-0 45, ll 55 a. in ; l 4 27 and ll.oO p. tit I'or Pennsylvania it It points 0.15, ft.js a mi 2.1S and 4.27 p. 111 For Mbany and all points norih-20 a rn. aud 3 ii p. m. 1 bl'NDAY 1RAIN& For 1 arbnnd lie 0 00, 11 J r a, In , oji 35, 5.47. 10 9: p m. "' For WtlUcs llano- 0-S, 1153 a. m 1 5 3o6 6 27. 8.27 p in. I or Mbany and point north 3.52 p, m. For Honcialale 00 a. in. and 3 52 p m. larveest rates to all points in United States and "j. ni'ltDICK. O. P. A, Albam, N. Y. II W CROsS, D. P A , Scranton, P, Centinl Knlhoatl of New Jersey. bullous in ."vcw iii,-ivui or uoerty street. leniOWIl, -iiaiiM, !-""" - " ,,ain, Hi t"lo a. in.; cvprc", 1 1 expiess, J.50 p, m, j,,,,,. For Plttstoti and W UU llarre, su0 a. in , 1 10 anl 3 50 ri. in. teuiMlJi 3 lo p. m. For Ualtlmoie and Wjihliigton. and polnta seuth and Wct via lcthlchem, 650 a. m, l.lo and 3 W I. ni bunda), 2 IV p. in For Long nranch, Ocean Grove, etc., at SCO a m. and 1.10 p. m. lor lleailing, ceoaiun ini iiaru.uurg, via Al ntovvn, 8 30 a. m. and l.iu p. m, bunda)i 2.13 p. in. For Pottsvllle, 8.50 a ni. and 1,10 p. in Through tickets to ull points east, soma nil .. . n nI. s sprstAal at Ills cllilisn II P. IILDW1V, Oen. Pass igt. J 11. Ul.ll vL'SEN. Gen. Supt. medlato stations at 1.1 J, 4 10 and 0.W a, m. ; 1 55, 6 4S nnd 11.35 p. 111. I 01 Oswego and hra" cu'o at t.10 a. in. and 1.55 p. 111. I'oi Utlea ut 1.10 a. in. and 1 V P. tu. For Montrose at ) rev " " ti'mi: rxiiiu in nov. 23, inoo Twins leave bcranton for New York, Ncvvail, fliabclh. I'hlladelph a, Laiton, Eethlehcm, Al- . kl V. I HMIlC .l,lil Willi.. II.. .... n .. Etie and Wyoming Vnlley. Ilino Tabic In Effect Sipt, 17, VM0 Trains for Ilawley and local points, ronneit- lug at Ilawley with Erie railrosd for New York, N'cwturgh and Intermediate points, iearc Scran- ton at 7.03 a, m am) 2 25 p in Trains urrivc at bcranton at 10 30 a m and 010 p iu. FINLEY'S Wash . Ooods Designers of high art fab ric printing and artistic weav ing have excelled all previous efforts in their production o Wash Materials for this sea son. Our selections from this array of beautiful fabrics are novr displayed for your in spection. The assortment consists of Satin Liberties, PUsses For Shirt Waists. Satin Striped Moussellne de Sole in all shades. Satin Striped Batistes, French Foulards. Special line at 25c. Anderson's Scotch Ginghams In the latest colorings in stripes and plaids. Trash Dimities, Exclusive line at i2)tc Also a full line of Galateas For Boys' Waists. Plain and Fancy Piques, And our usual complete line o( WHITE GOODS. -512 LACKAWANNA AVJENUB RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RftlLRQA ) Schedule In Effect May 27, 1900. Trains leave Scvanton, D. & H. Station: 0.45 n. in., week day3, for Suabury, Htuilsburp, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazletou, Pottsvllle, Beading', Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun buiy, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. rn., week days (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. Por Hazloton, Potts vllle, Beading, &c, week days. 4.27 p. ra., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. D. WOOD, Oen. Pass. Agt. J. P. UUTC1H.NSO.V, Otii. Mur. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In Effect Nov. 23, isoo. Trains leave Scranton. I'eir Philadelphia and New Yuri, via, D. J. h II. 11., ut and 1155 a. m., and S.1S, .? (lllack Diamond Ujpres-), and 11.30 p. ra. iun. das, D. U II. K. !' 1-5S, 8 27 p. in. Tor Wblto Haven, Ilaaleton and principal polnla In rlie coal regions, via D. is H. jj, H . t. 45, 2 IS and 1.27 p. rn lor PottsvUIu, fl.45 i!.lS and I 27 p. rn. tor Uclhleliem, l.atou, Itcadlnff, Harrisburg and principal intermediate station U D. & if It It., 0 45, 11.55 a m.i i 13, 4 27 (Black D'u rnond I'-xprcsa), ll.vO p. nr. bundaya, u. (, IL It.. 1.08. 8.27 p. ni. li lunklisnnoek. 'oanda. Elmlra, Itruej, Ucncva and principal Intermediate stations, vii V, L. k V. ao3 a- "'! 1.05 and a 40 V'lr Ofiicva, Itochedter. Huifalo, Magsra Fall. CldaKo, and all points WM'. 'UP. ic II. R. n. 11.55 a. iu , JW laek lllainund Ilxprea), 7.u 10 41, 11 SO p. m- Sundays, D. . jL n J( 11.55, b.27 p. I". Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lehish Vallovi parlor cane on ill trains uttrvccri ujikes Ban and Ktw Yorl, 1'hiladelplils, Uuffalo and Him ension Ilrldgc. K01.MN II. WII.11UII, Gen Sjpt., 20 CortlanJ street, New York. CHAni.nS S I.l'.i:, Cm. rass. Agt., 2d Cortla-nl streer, New loik. A W. .O.NNFMACIli:n, Div. I'au. Ast . BoutH Bethlehem. I'a. I'or tickets and Pullman reservations apply iq 'i00 Lackawanna avenue, bcranton, Pa, Time Cm rl in rfitrt Dec. ,10th, lOOO. 8CRANT0N DIVISION. M80J,20U ' t a' ,1?'. bTATIOSS 1 .itraAr.y.Y.wrMm i. C&Yf I " 10 Si' IMAr ... rsdotla, Lr 10I01IM " .. lUnrncL I0JI 13 4S " filarllht . laialltv " .vvinwood.. " 100014 10 " ...1'oynttlle... " I Pi ...1 OBIW.,.. ....!( IS .... !! H :::.jS:i:: i ::i: van u ra " . iji.nn. . 40 1 Us, " I'lMsantMt tun IV S2SUU t'nlondsle., " l-nrp.t rti.. ....S08SS4 ., , .. ifitu , rpoaMIM. I ... PM tllllU, " laibouilsleVd " imrao .Cukondale. ... to ...8 fit' voiiu'i noon ii ,v hits pride?. ...BW . .IB ?8"lH8: : l ni Ma ri.. ! a field... . 8J.1MI1W lernitn ... IK SMIIM ...Arrhbsld. , .VVIntnii ., IVekvUI . ..ofipUnt., , rneeburtf., Tluoop. .. .ProTldnce., . IS2 :. .1 ....611 lIU 01) IS WSJ I IS 10 M iIJ60 a as io is SIS ID IV lit: : ::::!B 80S IOC SSVI0 43 " I WI0 40LT,,biranten. .Ar. 40 .1 r I larv., PU til I IM I liMPJiPatl 201 toiirai d'dJ ..SCO ', r" '"jg I X1S H -- , swt errs as 7iltlll T X.. ,. .a s soass Aaiitlor.l inini lesis Csrbcndsls for Ifsjtiiia Yard fiJ"aftfW' and 7 Mpm Suadsy oafy, srrlvlas ilUilrt'lil Vrd70Urtii inJllCl'in ,,., A'Hltlollallrollnlaslrole.llsl700nlbulIsyouly1 tem.iiast ill istloos I. rsrlwndsle, uritlua at 7 il en and irslnlrssci i Msirlil! Vsrd Ioi I'srtmttosls itViSam dul), srrlvrluiat Ctrioodsls st.Msta Hates 9 cent! per mile, Lonest Hates to all roluti Vs. ), C ANDCHSON, J.l.WtllH, I C.a'llsu'rAitol, Irsr.Astal. Yoil.t.ilr, usjilca,t V r