s. ?Ty j f'J v THE SCRAOTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1901. r fef An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects o the well known remedy, Smur or Fins, manufactured by tho CAUFonniA. Via Syhup Co., Illustrate theTaluoof obtaluinjr tho liquid laxa tive principles of plaut.i known to bo medicinally laxative nud presenting themin tho form most refreshing to tho tosto nu: acccptablo to tho system. It Is the ono p acct strengthening- laxa tive, clean ;it.(j the bystcm effectually, dispelling- ccleis, headaches and fevers gently yet pr?ptly and enabling ono to overcome naoiiuai consupauon per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectluaaUo quality and sub stance, nnd Us actl.iff on tho kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, tnako It tho ideal axatlvc. In tho process of manufacturing1 Ago nro used, as they ero pleasant to tho taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho remedy aro obtained from senna and other 'aromatic plants, by a method known to tho Califoiwia Fio Svnur Co. only. In order to get its benctlclal effects and to avoid Imitations plcaso remember the full namoofthoCompany printed on tho front of cvrry package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO. BAK FRANCISCO, CAT IOVX8VXZ.LK. KT. MEW TTOBK. IT. T. For sils by all Druggists. Price 60c. per bottlo. Ice Cream. GEST IN TOWN. on per 0C Quart LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 3 ilepbxne OrtUn rrompttr I"" vera! ;3f33j Adam Avcnua. Scranton Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office X)., Xi. & W. Passenger Station. Phon 625. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offlcn nurs - ra. to II p. m. J I to 4 William BulleUni, Ops. Postofflc. r CITY NOTES f-f-f-f-f -f-f-t------f-t'-f't M'lCML MllllSr. - Mictlal mectlnp; cf the juuine.Mncii stone ititicis will be held at lndu i ial halt at 3 o'clock todj. Iinil ANSUAI, I1Vl.Ii.-Tha liflli annual ball (r tho benrnt of the Montltiorc lklncv.- school v.ill bo hold at Muilo hall tonight. Mtl.TS THIS EVCMNK. Tho JcvvMi ChiutiU. 'iU4 sonely hill meet this cuning at S o'clock at the rfsldcrKC ot Mrs. M S-unriions, (u Adams av cnue. rvCGIIV INDKlt r.LL.rrai.k lunt, oi l.icLawjr.Lj, n caujht under a fall of rotf st the Jrrmyn mine jevtrdav and fustalnrd a broken ankle. He nas taken to the Luikauauna lio.-ritii. MALLOV lU.NnUAI..-Mirj, the Infant elau.li. tcr ol Mr. and Mrs. John Mall'y, of OuO Cipou-e aeenue, died on fcaturday and tho renialrs fu intencd lu the Cathcdnl ccmetciy Jtittiday af ternoon. MrXflNG THUIfiOVY Mt.llT-The i.eniral (joIiim Command, Xo. II, PrunlMi-Vrmriean eul. unteers, lll meet Ihursdaj nlRht In It nib's lull en WjoDilncr aenue. Iho bdms euininliteu "ill rrcscnt Its report. MrnvncnD the casi;. .ioim voiio. ., u. ear-old boy of Ninth stlcot, was arrested w-tu. diy for stealing coal ficm Laikaevanna coal isni. Alderman Millar dUclurjed the ea'e, ji tho lad it only half-witted. ni'Nniir CAKE WVI.U.-lred cuiiiu was trrdercd a Uncfit at Mjtlo ball last night at hleh ati cntertatimcnt tml eaka wal'e j SUtn. A ccnteit for the ihimplanMiip nmoti harmonica plajcra uai obo a leaturc. MR". JORDAN'S rUM:nVL.-Thc luneul of Iho Ite Mu. Margirct Jordan, ot Adanu aei-nuo, wjt leld trom the ictldcmt tktr moinlny. l!e. Mllrs J. MiManui relebraleil a nxulun Iran at St. Peter's ithedral, Tho piil.ke.irrr vtre: John McMlHui, Jams Pomun, Jjiria DEALERS IN X Gas, Wafer, Electric Light and Traction Bonds and other Investment Securities. . W nroadewi. N V NWIkevllinr. 4 t'arl'OU lab 4- e fi and fl, CVriimonwealth lliilu , 4- Serau.on, Ai- AtHt fTttt 4- j. WMtf, John White-, Dined Cobin ami tunlol Mehln. Intcimint nu inids at the Clh"itrl ccmetrry. ANNT.Wj .MI'l.flNtl.-The City elul, will hold Its annual meeting at tho club jooma on Fprocc Mrcet title eunlnjr. Secretary W. S. MUUr will read hi report ami the officers for thel ensuing er will I- elected. A lunch will Vt terted to the numbers. TAY DAYS. The Uclinuniu rallrcud )anl men were paid jcttertlay and the trainmen will be paid today, finishing up for the month of January. The Nfhnire and Hudion company paid jettrrday at the Coalbrook mlti at Car bondalo and tho Clinton inluo ul Vandllnf. I'lIUtSON 111 CTINUS. ltev. Arthur T. I'm: wn, D. I), will meal, this a'tcrnoou at f. o'clock at the rooms of tho Young Women' Chrlntlan association and this evening at 7.U In tho l'enn Avenuo lliptbt chunh. Iloth men ar.J women aro mol cordially nr?cd to bo present nt there ncrclcei. riiisni'At.o r.OL.sii tadm:.-tiio nr.t of the eve-nltiR ,loin ol tho I'rlnclpiLi' Hound Table was held last evenlnff In Prlmlpil W V. Ilnnt's tifflco In the high school. Superinten dent llonelt nddrrbed the meeting and steps (or Hi" litinitlon of a courts In pedagogy nd ivjcholojt' wcio taken. roil TVUNT 1UM.-Mucli IMernt U being nul'ifested In tho "Talent l'nnd" of ths I'cnn ,cnu H.iptlst ehurcli. Many ways hats been adopted for tho lncrcajln? ol the Individual talent. Amenc tho niont nemilar plana u tint ef musical and literary cntcrtalrments. Ono of lheo entertainments has been nhi.ned for this eenlng to bo given In the Amcrrnan ehapcl inlv sloti of the Pcnn Avenuo cnurch. An excellent I rognmnic has bee n prepared by thoce In charge. Tho Mowing number will bo rendered; I'rajer, rev. Hcldlne; piano solo. llss Clara Drowning: reading, Ml Jennie A. Ilurns; local solo, Will- lam Jonc; review of i.uropean tnn. Mr. Stclle: vocal 6olo, J. 1J. Uurns; recitation, Mis tleatrlco t.. Morris; piano t?lo, !l Clara Uronlngj vend rolo, Vlss Ulrabcth Suydamj reading, Miss Mary Delanv; vocal wdo, liert U. UrlnV; short tall, r.ev. fielding; violin solo. Mr. l'rlchtel, till., "Talents," J. V llrownlng, ocal solo, John 1). Uurns. POLICE INTERFERED PRIZE FIOHT IN LIBERTY HALL "WAS PREVENTED. Billy Mack and Harry Mezzantl Were to Combat in Tigue's Gym nasium Went to Prlceburg. A largo crowd of local and Luzerne county members of the fistic encounter loving fraternity thionged Tlghc's gymnasium in Libctty hall, on Wash ington avenue, hist night to witness a fifteen-! ound combat btcen Llllly Mack, the well-known Bellivue light weight, and llany ilezzantl. of Wilkes BatTO. A ting had been toped off, and nil was In readiness for the mill when tho police prevented It. There was a gren; concour&e of sports present, and they were forced to adjourn to Triceburg, where a sanguinary battle wax fought. Tho crowd began to a -mole -U thf gyninuslutn early InM night and by a oVlock there were a latgo number ot spectatots present to witness the pre liminary bout. Theto were enthusiasts with high sdHc hats and enthusiasts with red tics. There were real Wilkes li'irre sports -with bad cigars and big wads of bills, there were members of tho frat from all over the county, and among them, Indeed, veto a few city officials. The prellmlnaty was between I'red Alpanalp, of Duryoa, and John Thom as, of Wost Scranton, two lightweights, who gave a lively three-round match, which Keferce Connolly pronounced a di av. Then chairs wero pulled closer up to tho ting and a general look of pleasant expectancy pervaded the countenances of nil present. A hum of busy con versation followed tho leferee's decis ion, and then the buily form of Chief of Police ltobllng appeared In the elooi wav, with City Detective John Jlolr nt his side. There was a tu&h of the members of the Twentieth Century Athletic club, under w hose auspices the affair was being given, to the chiefs side, and a lloud of explanations fol lowed as the latter announced; "Complaints were iccelved today that a prize fight was to take place, and we can't allow it You will have to call it all off." Tor hevcial minutes explanations came thick and fast that this wasn't a prize fight, It was merely a h.um Iciis sparring match. "Why, chief," said one of the pio motors earnestly, "this Is to be merely an exhibition of the noble art of .-elf-defVnse. T myself will stand by and txpaln every blow as it is struck." Hut Chief Robllug mttcly smiled Bilmly and, shaking his head, left the hull. A coupe of patiolmen tnteted a few minutes later, and after some pai ley the crowd left for Prieebuig vli the Delawate and Hudson tuilioad AN EVENING WITH DICKENS. Enteitainment to B Given In St. Luke's FarlBh House. The Mpij's Culld of fet. Luke's par- Mi have arranged an entertainment for .Monday evening, I'eb. IS, In tho auditorium of th Parish Houwe, on Wyoming avenue, when rrederlck W. Truman, of Cleveland, Ohio, will ap pear for the 111 Ht time in this rlty In his own diamatlrntlon of C'hatles rW;en-' "Oliver Twist." a seriocomic burletta of three acts, In which he actH the partK of twenty-one charac tets with n dlffetent voice and facial expression, for each charactei, with out make-up of any kind. Quoting from tho leading pipets: Air. Trumun'H Pngln was true to na tuie and made one shlcr to look upon nnd hear the Infernal eld villain lu his trade of lIng. stealing, deceit and murder. The ch.uacteiUatlon of 13111 Hykes vas simply leyond description. At times ludicrous In the extreme, but the description of the minder of Nancy brought teats to the eyes ot all. The cunning of the Artful Dodger and tho slmplli ity of Oliver Twist were also title te iiiituio. Humbles coutt shlp nnd short honeymoon, made tho audience roar, and Judge Tang, es pecially in fining Urownlow fo. swenring In eoutt, will not soon be loi gotten. Mr. Tinman comes with tho highest endorsements and wo pre dkt nn evening eif inre pleastue. The committee havo alro secured the sei vices of l'iof. j. Willlb Conaut. Miss Irene Kann and Mr. John Jones, mu sicians of eonsldernblu local famo nnd taie oblllt.v. The Men's ClulUJ ot St. Luke's chuteh me well-known 03 a brnnd-mlndcd, llbeial and rharltuble oigaubatton nnd the cutci talnmcntl for their benefit should be well patton I zed. SPECIAL. A Fine Piano for Sale. Hut slightly used and nearly .is good as new. Latest design, upright grand, nt it great oargiln. Plcnso call and see It. Guernsey Hall, Sctatiton, Pa. J. W. Guernsey, Proprietor. SECOND WEEK OF THE TERM CRIMINAL CASES CALLED TRIAL YESTERDAY. FOR On Account of the Illness of Alcler man John P. Kelly tho Case Against Him Went Over Until tho Next Term Bossard Case to Do Put on Trial Frank Compton on Trial Before Judge U. M, Edwards. Chnrgo That Is Lodged Against Him Other Minor Casei. The second week of criminal court opened yesterday morning, with Judge It. W. Arehbald presiding in the main court room and Judge It. 31. Kdwards in No. 2, There were three of tho Municipal League's liquor cases on the list and two of them were continued. They are O'Connor & Walsh, of Lackn- wanra avenue, selling liquor on Sun ;wrhountJaT1'.rPnLCa rlWl'oHlntV to : MIm HcbH.. testimony VI'TZJL I'fL "J": She wld that at tho time she want The O'Connor & Walsh case went over ' by agreement of the attorneys on both sides. The firm Is to bo given an opportunity to obey the law by keep ing closed on Sunday. A certlllcato was presented fiom Dr. J. J. Hutlllvan, setting forth that John Moffat, who Is charged with iselllng liquor without n license, is toe sick to appear In court. Moffat was sick at the lost term and the olllcors of tho Municipal League asked yesterday for time to inquire Into Moffat's condi tion. They reported In the afternoon that Moffat suffers from nsthmn, but Is no worse now than he has been for a long time. Judge Arehbald di rected that a eaplas be Issued and Moffat brought In for ttlal. On motion of Attorney W. W. Bay lor, the cases against Aldciman John P. Kelly, charging him w lib misde meanor In olllce, were continued until the next term. Tho nldermtn has not yet recoveied from his ucent sctloU3 Illness. JUDGE ARCHDALD. lfntry O. Bossard was called In No. 1 on a charge of being the father ot the child of Miss Grace Illnton, a comely young woman, who Uvea nt Stormvllle, Gouldsboro township. In, September, 1S99, she was living as a servant with t datives of Possard, In Monroe county, and thote the nffen was committed. The child was born at Miss Iflnton's home In this county, but Tto-Tsatd was Indicted lu Monin county, and when culled for ttlal pleaded guilty. It was dlscovcied that the child was boin In this county and that tho offense charged against nos siifl could not He In Monroe. The charge was therefnio withdrawn and Bosaid leatristtd and indicted In this county. When the ease was called yester day, It was continued until today, to give the patties an opportunity of settling the matter out of com I, It being intimated to the judge that there wns a possibility of sut h a ter mination of the proceedings. Uy direction of the court, n vctdlet of not guilty was. taken In the e'ase of John Jack, chatged with ptealing three geee from Mrf. Annie Puseuo. of North Scranton. The judge decided that n ease was not made out. Uteir ncy T. P. Duffy was asslgnceH to de fend Jack. Julius Hopewell pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and battery and was sentenced to pay u fine of Jl nnd spend sixty days In tho county jail, ft was shown that Hopewell and Wil liam McDowell, both colored, were eu gaged In gambling, when a dispute uroe over twentj-four cents and If opewe II picked up a i uspldot and hit McDowell on the Head with It, indicting an ugly wound. The four cases agnlnrt William Mlt tleman, charged with dealing In regis tered bottles, which were on the list for yesterday, were continued until today. P.aeffalo I.amoita was tiled on a chat go ot feloniously wounding Jos eph Lobello. It Is a case glowing out of the miners' strike of lu-t fall. Lo bello was cmplojed at n washoiy at Punmnio nnd thiough this was called a 'scab' and became engaged In a fight with Lamorta, which ! culled In Lamotta stabbing Lobello under the heatt with a. knife. Indicting ,i wound which ki il the Injured man In bis bed foi some time. L'lsti let Attorney Lewl van coun sel for Lamotta before his election and could not appear as tbe common, wealth'! lepiese'ntn'tlve In the cus yesterday. The prosecution was con ducted by Attorney f V.. Daniels and Attorney H. L. Taylor appealed for the accused. I.amoita snld he elld tho stabbing In rolf-detcnte, that Lobello bad chewed his thumb nnd pummelled htm sevoielv. The rasa was given to the jury nt 1.15 and It ngieed upon a vctdlet half an hour later P. aril; f5op was com lend of ie. celvlng btass stolen Horn the Delawate and Hudson Canal company JUDGE EDWARDS. Prank Compton wns put on uinl late In the afternoon on the charge of having had unlawful lelatlons with MIbs Panic Heglln In last October and November. The young woman !s but 16 mis of age, and now lives with her patents In Peteisbur She said Dr. James' Headache I'owder. ANY HEADACHE Will yield to the soothing influences of that marvelous littlo remedy, Dr. James' Headache Powders Act directly on the nerves not to stupefy them, but to soothe" and strengthen them. Absolutely hsrmleti. At nil Drug Stores. 4 dobos 10 oontb. Cure vvnero Othors rail. that sho met Compton for the first time Inst April. He is a young man, not yet of nge. On Oct. 20 alio camo to the court house with Compton for the purposo of (retting ie marriage) license. It a Satin diiy aftctnoou, the cleik of the remits olllce wn closeil, and they made up tholr minds to go to Hint, hnmtoii nud he married. .lust after lealng the court house, they met Al fred Mlckdw and told him they worn going to lllnghtimton to he mauled, llo paid that it uuh not ncccsiaty to do that, for ho bcllovvil they could get n certificate heie. 31lss Heglln went with the two men, and at Nor ton's hook store they obtained n blank marriage ceitlllcate, eIio letualning outside while tho men purchased It. Thpy then went to tho postofllee, wheio tho corlllleuto was filled out. Shu did not Know which of thi men flllc.1 It out, for slio icmalned outside on tho sidewalk while It was being done. When Compton nnd Jlickle came out they hundcil her tho ccr tlticnto and Mlckle told her she win now Coniplon's wife and If her folks said nn thing to her fho could pro claim the fact. Compton and Ml3) Heglln then went to William Mkkle's, at Nay Aug, wheto they announced they were man nnd wife. They lived there for two weeks and four days, anted to marry Compton and thought she was nuurled to him, but she has no desire now to be his wife. Coniplon's attorneys, A. A. Chnse nnd James Mahon, sought to havo the girl's testimony ruled out on the giouud that she is Compton's com mon law wife, nnd thcieforo that sho Is Incompetent to testify against the accused. Judge Hdwards declined to sustain tho position of the attorneys, and Miss Heglin's testimony stands. Aldei man Millar testified that at tho time the incst In the case was made, Mips Heglin's mother was anxious to luivc the matter lighted by having the nuiig people legally mairled, but e ompton's mother objected nnd would mil give her consent. Tho enso will be resinned this morning. Charges of foigeiy gi owing out of the mukliig of the bogus mairlngc cer tlllcato against Compton and Alfted Mlckels aic awaiting trial today. The flis't cae of the week to bo tiled In court toom No. 2 was acalnst Hd wuul Cooper, e hat Red with ossaultlng William Conned!, on Nov. 1" last. On the evening of that day the prosecu tor an old mnu of SO, was driving to wards his farm In Newton, when, as he alleged, he was ntt'icked by the de fendant who Insisted upon ildlng, and v ho struck the prosecutor se-vernl times In the fue knocking out a tooth nt.d causing bis nose to bleed. Tho defendant denied striking tho pro.o ct'or ul all and stated that he filmplv i kcd for a ride. Tho juty loluineu a venlltt of not guilty and placed tho cists upon the prosecutor. The court, howevei, directed that the cosU be ie mltteel. Caroline Welldt was then trl 'd. charged with the larceny of five ynids of tliess goods, valued nt five dollars, liom Goldsmith's Daz&ar, on Dec. 17. The goods In question consisted of a icMimant of a peculiar shade, and was Identified by clerks as having belonged to the Goldsmith's store, and having been the only piece 0f the Kind In stock. They also stated that this piece Inil ncv er been sold. The defendant was Identified as a person who had been In the stoic on the 15th and on the 17th, tho day that the goods wcie missed, and who bod afterwards en deavored to arrange for nn exchange of the piece for one of another color. The cleikwlth whom It was stated that the anangement for the exchange had taken place, testified that the de fendant told him that the goods were purchased by her sister, for whom she was nctlng. Sol. Goldsmith stated that Mih told lilm that she bad purchased the goods fiom another woman for the sum ol nnd that she had endeavored to settle the case with him alter her an est The detendant drilled taking the goods, claiming that she puiclnued tliciii fiom a woman at Woolvvoith's stoie tor 5.'. She admitted telling tho clerk at Goldsmith's Ibat her sister had bought the goods, but explained this by saying that she supposed that she would have been unable to effect an exchange had she told that the goods had bi'L-ii pun based by her fiom a Mianger. Mis Welch, of Pcteisbtug, testlllefl that she was present when the deli'iidant pine based the goods fiom a woman In front of WoolworthV. "Not guilty, county to pay costs" was tho finding of tho Jur.v. Mori Is I'osnei', a hue kst-i, charged with the latcenv, on Dee. 11 last, ot one slt) -pound tub of butler belonging to John T Poitvi, wits tiled bt-lore Judge IMvvaids nnd a Jmv. chaileii Meddler, a Pinnklln avenue dealer, te stilled that hi run chased a tub of buttei fiom the defendant, dm In? the month of Decembei lor which he paid eleven dollais. The common we ulth sought lo piove that the tub was one of those stolen. It was abo shown that after his onest the defendant stated that he seemed tho butter from u man named "Jim." Attorney Joseph O'HiJen. repiesent Ing the defendant, moved the court to take the case fiom tho Juiy on tho ground that It was not shown that the buttei had been stolen and that tho Piopeity had not been sufllclently Iden tified. The i nm t refused tho motion wheieupon the defendant lefused to offer any evidence. The juiy tctutned a veullct of gullt.v Yesterday's Manlage Licenses. nrhliei) I' (I'llou I'eikcllle Mail Cl'lluro "-n j nt on Uiirlot C.in I Kkm unaa Son Mo.tUn Vcnfj Nnih Katn Oliiiluint Harriet .Une l.l'ton (Neptune Alulu Ie Diinmore ' 1'renlj C an 1 Punmu.o HillUm WuwlUkv 'Ihrecn Mjo Lauonls I droop Mlcluel lUtchforil Vrunton Vnnli Clmr.v 'cr.mUm llumae IMvie Scr.ir.lon I litldjit 11jU erjntnn l..liaril f auil'bell Aehlty till Igel Kane scuntun riiunue II. lUirl.i- Sranlnn Mire laker "-crjnton 1'lCll UoDUiiiiil hcunto'i Mjrtle I. Vjii (.oidir s,ian)0l IuIhi -ljmuf'.il . Scrmten Apoknla 1'uor Vrjnton TO GO TO HAHIUSBUHG. School Boanl Committee Anxious About ICennedy Act. The members of the legislative com mittee of tho school board met lust night, after tho regular meeting, nnd decided to leave this morning on the MB o'clock train for Hairisburg The act repealing tho Kennedy net. whl.'h the committee piepared, ban passed both tho senate nnd! tho house of icpresentatlvcfa without a woid of opposition, but some the members got tho Idea Into their heads that Oover nor Htone would not sign it, and they ate going befoio blui In a body and iieiutst Uuit 'u aflU bW Bisnattue. THEY TALKED ABOUT REFORM LIVELY MEETING. OF NORTH BCRANTON MEN'S SOCIETY. Ex-City Solicitor Jamc3 H. Torrcy Gave nn Interesting Address on Municipal Hefonu aud Also Ex plained Why Pittsburg Peoplo iavor tno Ripper Bill Severely Scored the Fire Department Other Speakers Were Prominent Members of the Society. Municipal refoim was dlseusscd at Inst night meeting of the Ncnth Scian ton Men's society In tho Providence Picsbyterlan church, nnd very lively nnd Interesting wcio some of the opin ions expressed on the subject. Among the speakers of tho night were Poimer City Solicitor James H. Torrey, Sec retary of the Board of Trade Dolph U. Atheiton. who Is rtesldent of the so ciety, T. 8. Morgan. O. P. Miller and o Vers. f An a tcsult of tho discussion papers cypiesslng tho sense of tho meeting wero adopted. In these the society congratulated the Muntclpnl league on the splendid woik It has done, urged an attendance of good leputnblu citi zens at the polls duilng ptlmary nnd tho other elections, and nlso advised its mombeis to ciuefully look Into the fiuallflcatlons of nil candidates for pub llo position before voting for them. After the regular loutluc business had been transacted President Ather ton made a brief speech, In which he refeired briefly to the piesent agitation over the tipper bill, and then intro duced Attorney Torrey, as a man well qualified to speak on both municipal affairs and municipal leform. A mes sage fiom President J. A. Lansing, of the boaid of tinde, won nlso delivered by Mr. Atheiton. Mt. Lansing was expected as one ot the speakers ot the evening, but was called to Ihiffnlo on business. He. however, sent the following message-: "I e-ongiatulate the Men's socle-ty of North Scranton that I must be In lluffalo tomouow morning. ' ItHCniVHD WITH LAUGHTKR. Which modest but lather uncompli mentary tribute to Mr Lansings' ora torical povveis was accepted with much laughter b the roclety. City fJollcl tor Vosbutg, another of the expe'eted guests, was In Hurilsbutg. Mi. Toi rey. In the course of his remarks, said nncnt the subject ot the much discussed "Upper" bill; "This 'ripper' phase of a second class city charter Is no new development. I happened to glance over n second c'rss. city act the other day which was agltateni In Plttsbuig tour yeats ago, and which was backed by the leprcsentatlvcs of the besl classes of tho city. Professional and commercial men both supported the 'tipper' claue. The latter may look narrow, even out rageous to us, but in Plttsbuig they are tr.vlng to accomplish an end and ate not very particular as to the means. "Pittsburg people want that part ot the act to go through, because th?y have been ridden for yeais and enri by a shameless ting, who have; bilbcd councils, had all contracts at their ov n figures, peddled public trnnchlse. and who have done most elegantly and completely what some members of our lty councils did In a ety small nnd botsh manner. "If wc llvfd In Pittsburg and suf fered as tho citizens the-ic have, we would not consider the 'ilppcr' part of the act so preposteious. I think that any suggestions from Scrintou ivgardlng second class city legislation woull be kindly met at Pittsburg, but If we send lepioscntatlves there sim ply to oppose the 'ilppei daife, wo aie making a mistake. CAN fir.T ALONG. "However, even with poor legisla tion a city with an honest admlnlstta tlon can get along, but back of nn honest administration tbeie must be honest and intelligent electois." Mr. Toirey Intetspersed his nddiess with seveial polnlPcl anecdote, and his vvoids had a m irked effect on bis audience, in concluding, he said: "We do not itaud up for nbfolutc In tegilty us we should. We aie bound to stand up lor law and personal right nnd should not be so willing to com promise. Influenced by matteis of pei sonal feeling. We let out feelings tun away w Ith us. Instnneo the recent street car ftrlke. No matter what our impntliles wete, we should not havo allowed any passengers In cats to l liented with conte'inpt nnd hailed with oppi obi Iouh epithets by stieet cbll dren. And another thing about the stilke. Kvon though we do have as poor n. service as can be tound tho counti) over, and tho company's pol icy tow in els the city has been the least Ubcial, still, as an American citizen, !t toused my blood that business men lould be intimidated by stilkcis and be c'lctaled to, as to whether or not they could sell meichandWe to street ear company lepresentntlvcs." The speaker then paid his ottentio.i to the (lie department, and raid: THH FIP.I3 DEPARTMENT.. "A one Instance of the effeit of municipal conuptlon in a public d) P'lttment, look at the fire department. How has It always shown Itself, and paitlcularly duilng the last big fire? And what Is the renson-.' It Is con trolled by selfishness and gicecl and we reap tne results. "I heard of an action of ono ot the firemen last Thursday who demanded from tho proprietor of a bIioo store boots for himself and comrades, and on being lefused said, "Oh, to h 1 with tho building then Let It burn " O. P. Miller, an e-North Scranton councilman, concurred In ull Mr. Tor icy's views, as did also the ollur speakers. The next meeting of the so i loty will be a reception to the ladles, and ptomlses to be a gala event. WELSH CLERGYMAN'S DEATH. Was Pastor In Liverpool for Twouty three Years. News has been received in this city of tho death of Itev. 1. jr. Jenkins, a prominent Welsh Congiogatlonnl min ister, at t'demiuvon, North Wales, on Sunday. Januniy 20, 1901. He was Mxty-thico cars or age. He was the son of Hev William Jenkins-, for many onrs puMm of tho Welsh Congiegti tional church nt Jeimyn, this tountj, and he was a brother to Hemy Jen kins, of Providence, and H, P. Jenkins, ex-recoider of deeds, of this city: and ho nlso has a sister living In West Pittston, and a brother n minister In New England. Prior to his retirement to Cucrnai- 44,4''J'T''t-4'4'2'Jt4,4''l4,4''4,'ir A SPECIAL OFFER -UY- BiSpencer Business College To any person who will send to The Trib une Publishing Company ft 15 Sew subscriptions for The Scranton Trib une, paying $5.00 in advance for one year, WE WILL Present a paid-up Certificate entitling them to a full six months' Business or Short Hand Course in Our College, valued at $35. 2 t THE SPENCER BUSINESS COLLEGE ? GUERNSEY BUILDING. (4k 316 Washington avcnuc, schanton, Pa. r n fr td 'J ? ' f ?' V ? " ?"? -r5 f Y "V "V "V UMKKUCMMUnK$KU0KKKSKM! The New Ncversll'i As plmlt Rcmonl)le HORSESHOE CALK. norsc cannot slip and will outwcir three sets or anj other calk manufacture.!. i SOLE KKKXKM55KJOK5il50UKK5S5KKK50 (sMMm A Break In the Price of Rubbers Tliey have been too high fof the past two years. Now we will give you the benefit of the cut ir prices. Ladies' 6oc Rubbers, now 45c- Men's 85c kind, now 70c. (SMMm, Singed and Scorched. That's All. The (ire playcei havoc with our whole bjle block of Candies, under the Houn btore, but it didn't gel into the handsome new building 1.0 lecently ope'ned by us. A new stock of Candies for the wholesale trade is traveling this vv.iy now. 1 he biff store is open as usual, with the best of Candies and Bakestuffs and with the best lunches in the city. J, D. WILLIAMS &BR0, 312-314 LACKAWANNA AVE. von, a few months ago be had held the pibtoiatc of tin Welsh e'ougieg.i tlonal chinch at Pink. Hcwd, Liverpool for twenty-three .-ais, and was one of the best known llguies In the Welsh pulpit. He was tor surve eas sem t.ny of the Welsh I'ongiegatlonal union, and In !( was made picildent, the highest honor In the gift of tho denomination. He leaves lour clin ch en, tin co sons nnd a daughter, two of the sons being ali-o inlnlstets, the Hev. S. 15. Jenkins, of Meithyr Tjdvll, and the Hev. William A. Jenkln-, of Pontypildd. South Wnlee RECITAL AT WILKES-BARP.E. Large Number of Persons fiom This City Attended. A laige p.my of be ronton ninsli -lovers attended the MacDowcll piano leciul Inst night at Coneordla hall, Wilkes- IIji re. Among them weio Madame Tlmbeimnn-Kandolph. Prof, gciuthwoi'ih, Pi of. Pi'inltiK' hi. Ptof, and Mifc J. W . e'oii.im, Mrc. 1 . S. Weston, .Mrs. G. dull. Dlmmlck. Prof. J, JI. Chrnee. Miss Allen. Miss Kne mnn, Mis. Penman, .Mlse Hveln till nunc, Miss Flora Muttiiu,'.., the MIkscs lioertam, Miss Mlckle, Jtls'i ltennlo Mrs It. 'P. Hlnck, the Mcssis. Uoer sam. t'oneoiella hall was lllled to the doors, Tho famous composer placed n loin progrnmme with the utmost satisfac tion to his urdent udmliets. Theiei was a great diversity of feeling as 10 his icndc'ting of the Moonlight Sonata. It was Heethoviu Mncliow. lllzed, nnd as such was an Inteiestlng study. His I'outth Sonata was an intricate ji.nl ellfllcult composition, which one wants to bear many times to be. nmo fumllinr wlth tho motif. Ills. Interpretation of the t!i.y Noc turne wns iieihaps the tuoit plirif.'.ng number of the cvenlns. although (lit ' 4 126 and 128 'ii rranivim wvo. I 2 0 AGENTS. k ''JS17 Holers llros.'" GooiH. Knives, Forks Spoons, etc. No question about the quality; ve have all the newest patterns at lowest prlc.es. Also the celebrated Sterling In laid Spoons and F:orks. War ranted to wear twenty-five years. Immense stock of Sterling Silver Spoons, Hoiks, Knives and Cased Go ds for Wedding Presents. Mercereati 5 fonnell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. delicate, eluslvo "beauty of the "Shodo v Panee" and th Goelhn idyl, full .ot injstlclsm nnd dieniny sweetness, were something to tcmemler as dlstltfct'ln the musical iceoul of u life. , All Ordeis Piomptly Filled. ' Wo ai. now lu position to fill all 01 -dem promptly In our wholesale 04 nil v dopurtnwnt. located on thlid floor, SU ' :tlt lii'knvMiuuii avenue, 'Phone num bv'i'JtiOlJ. J. L. Wllllains &. D10.