Sibtme, tmnton THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RtiCmVlNG THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., TUESDAY MOKNINCi, FEBRUARY 12, 1901. TWO CENTS. flHSA j SCRANTftlL iCrtiHYIVMgM 006X SCORED Tlic Muehlbronncr Bill Is Reported to the Senate Without Mr. VauQhan'& Amendments. A HOT TIME AT THE COMMITTEE MEETING The Senator from Lnckawanna Is Al lowed No Voice in tho Preparation of Amendments The Committee Refuses to Consider Suggestions That Had Been Piepaied to Meet the Needs of the Electiic City Seu ttor Vaughan Is Accused of Hav 'ng a "Chip on His Shoulder' Sen ator Hardenburgh Propaied to Stand by Scinnton Cougiessman Connell Anives from Washington. Scranton's Policy to Bo Outlined Today. medal frem Mall Coiutpondent Haiilsbuig, Pn., Vcb. II. Tilt- Muehl bionncr 1)111 was repotted to tho .sen ate tonight ftom the iminU' nti'alts lontnilltoo with eight typewritten pages ol amendments piepaied bv At torney l.'eorge I'lphlnstnne, of Alle gheny, under tlic supervision or Huia tnt Murhlbionnrr and the other pioml ncnt J i lends of tlic bill. F-enntor Vaughiin's amendments were nut oven listened to. Monitor Vnughun was about the mtf chambers and muni IhI aff.iiis committee loom us r.ttly n I o'clock In tho afternoon and re in, lined their i ontlntiously, nwultlng Hi? coming of t-'rnalots Muchlbronner and ris-hcr, the other incnibets of the sub-coiumltice nppolnted to draft niw ndmrnts. They did not put in an appeal. 'i net' until, the time sot for the meeting of the whole committee. Senator Vaughan and Snatoi.s Muehl bionner ami Plsher letlred to a cor ner of the committee room to rwune their repent. Senator Vaughan drew trom his pocket latge envelope con taining the amendments he wished to have e-oiisidctcd. One of them com posed eighteen pages of typewriting:. It provides for giving corporate pow ers to cities of the second class and Is absolutely essential to the govern ment of Set anion, n the Electric, City lose her torpoiatG powers when she surrenders lur thhd class chaiter and cannot lull back on the special law convc.ving thle power to Pittsbuig and Allegheny. Protest fiom Mr. Vaughan. Senator Fisher dicw forth the amend ments 51 r. Elphlnstone bad pie I)aied and moed that they be pie sentcd as the repot t of the mittee. Mr. Vaughan protested that he had not seem them and had not been given an opportunity of setting lorth fcranton's needs. Mr. I'lphlii stone, who was present, volunteeied the Information that Scranton's in quests ns outlined at Thuitday's heat ing had been consldeted, and. wheie deemed ptactlcable and ospedlent, weie incorporated in the amendments he had prepared. -Senator -'ViauBhan called attention to tho fact that no provision was made for supplying Scianton with corpotato powei. Mr. Klphlnstono admitted that this bad been overlooked and that such a pio Is!on should bo Incorporated. "While Vaughan and Ulphlnstcme weie discussing this oversight, Senator Fisher renewed his motion. Senator Muehlbtonnor, as ohalmian of tha sub-committee, pv.4 It nnd It ' was canlcd by .Mr. rishor's vole, Senator Vaughan refusing to have any patt in tho proceedings. "Say." broke In Senator Grady, a member of tho municipal affairs com mittee, "Will you vote for the bill if wo Insert your amendments?" "That's my business." angilly re torted Senutor Vaughan. "You've come here with, a chip on your shoulder, have you?" rejoined the gentleman from Philadelphia. Senator Vaughan turned away, bade hN fellow committeemen, "Good night," and walked out Senator Muehlbronner nnd Mr. I'lphlnstnne both declared that there wnb no In Untlon to ignore Scranton. It was Imply an unfottunate accident, they say, that Senator Vaughun did not get around with his amendments until (It wis almost 0 o'clock, the hour for tf opening of the senate sesMon. i Anything that Strnnton absolutely miis llvo ay cai! be added to the bill tv.oFTow when It corner up be fore th aamte. What the Bill Provide. The bill, as it now stands, provides that ths office of mayor shall be abol Ished; that the chief executive of sec ond clus cities tlull be a city ie- eorder: that h shall appoint all offi cers and heads of departments, In cluding ttoasuier. controller, ns3es sois, solicitor; that thfse appointees must be con II uncd by council. That the ofllce of i etcher ot ta.en shall be abolished nnd the onice of delinquent tax collector established. Tho ap pointments made by tho directors ot public works, public chailtlos and the like are not lo requite tho confirma tion of select rounrll: the city solici tor .shall' appoint his own assistants: councils shall be apportioned nnd elected as is prescribed In the present second class city laws, one select nnd one commoner for each waul, nnd an additional commoner for evety so ninny resident taxable' ouncllnieii arc to hold over until the end of tholr terms, nnd the lrcoidor, who Is to lie appointed by the governor. Is to continue until 1002. The purpose of substituting a recoider for a mayor Is to ovoicome the constitutional pio h'bltlon against rutting a man's teitn of office. City Solicitor Vosbuig told me tonight the Supreme rout I has de elnied such procodtne as this to be un constitutional. CongiesHinnu William Council, ue lonipunled bv bis pilvate secretary, John It. "Williams arrived hue at T o'clock p. m. trom Washington to con fer, nnd spent the cnily patt of the evening at the Commonwealth in con ference with rity Solicitor Voburg nnd Select Councilman demons, 10 g.irdlng the policy to be pursued In .securing the best that can be gotten lor Scrunton In the way of a second class, charter. Representatives Scheuer and Phllbin nnd Deputv Attorney Gen Ciol Pleltz nlso dtopped In on the comet enee Senator Vaughan en mo In at 10 o'clock but did not see Mr. Connell as tho latter had gone to the home of Governor Stone In i espouse to an ur Rtnt leanest and was still their at 11 "0 o'clock, when Senator Vuuxhan letlred to his club. Scranton's Policy to Be Outlined. Senator Vaughan will see Conci ess man Connell at a meeting at 0 o'clock tomorrow morning, which Is to be at. tended by all the Lackawanna people. At this meeting it Is expect d a Scranton policy will be outlined. City Solicitor Vo'burg unhesitatingly de clares in favor of getting In out of tho wet just as Allegheny has done, and Select Councilman demons agrees with him. Mr Vosbuig ftitther ays ho teels satisfied that the Lackawanna legislators v III be tound to be of sim ilar mind when they come to declaie themselves. The treatment accoided Senator Vaughan may be an i&sue In the "Rip per" light. Senator Ilatdenbergh, af ter hearing of It. declared himself ic.idy to act with Sctanton no matter what way she went. The chances are that the senator from Wayne will not be called upon to com t the ill will of his faction. Other amendments aic that the two annual meetings of thirty days each aio done away with: boards of asses sors are to consist of live- membets; rnutmllei, treasutcr nnd assessors may be icappointtd nt the will of the re (oidui: pi lining must be done in no less than three or moie than live dally lapers, one to be a Oeimtn d'llly: the iccoidir can be icelected In 1901, and police niaglliutcH aio ptovlded for, T. j. Du rrj. TIRST "RIPPER" CONTEST. Will Come Up When Bill Is Reported to the Senate. Attorney CSeoige Rlplinstone. who spoke for the Allegheny councllmanlc delegation at last Wednesday's hear ing on the Muehlbtonner bill, came bete, today, exptesslng tho tlrin belief that It will be Impossible to prevent the passage of the "tipper," and that tho wisest rouise for his people Is to make the best of It by securing hh many as possible ol the amendments Uk tiuor. He has a number of amendments piepared, and spent the day In the lobbies nnd the evening In the committee loom endeavoring to hne them favorably eonsldeied. Jio opposes the abolition of the otllee of nx rrcelver, and wants that the oim ellinen who are elected one week Hum next Titsday shall be permitted to take their seats, t'nder the piovlslons of the "ripper" bill the present council men ate to continue In oillce until 1902. John P. McTlghf. icptesentatlve ftom the Third Allegheny dlrtilct, who It will he remembered oted for Quay, with the applanation of bis constltu cuts, nulled here early this motnlng, full of confidence that the "ripper" will be put through with a rush. "I do not know of anything that can pre vent Its Immediate passage " contl dentlj deflated Mr. McTlghe. n, fuither says that a huge number of leglulators from arlous patts of the state spent tho recess In Plttbutg, quietly inquiring among the business and piorisslonal people as to what their sentiments ate on tho proposed change ot chaiter. This, It Is claimed, will bao the effect of making pro Rlpperlkv. of such ot them as might have been honestly wavering. The rtiivt contest over the "ripper" bill will ionic tomorrow, when the bill Is repot led by the municipal affairs foiuniltic. It passed first leading, It n 111 be leinemberrd. and was tin n ie. ! committed at the behest of Its trlends that all p u ties Intetested might havt n chance to be hnrd upon It. Such o tho amendments ns the friends of the measure want will be ofteied b the eouimlttie when second leading !s leached. When these havo been dttlv attached tho moasuie will be pnsftcd on second reading. On the following day. If the piesent programme is not changed, tho bill will be put through on third reading and turned over to the house. The tlrst line-up there will be, a motion to fK a special older for It, that Its pas sage may be hastened with all pos sible speed. A majority vote If re quited to ti a special order. The fact that the friends of tho measure are willing to put It to the special order test tends to condrm belief in their claims that there Is no end of spare Mil's for the "tipper" in the lower branch of the government. T. J. Durf. IMPR0VEMENTSF0R MANILA HARBORS One Million Dollars of Insular Tunds Has Been Appropriated. Dt l'(luhi Mli( froti rii- M,cdatnI t'i ji Manila. IVb. 11. Bids will be adver tised tor In n. lew days for haibor hu nt ovomenta at Manila, for whleh 1, 000,000 of Insular funds have been ap propriated. The lmpiovenienls will consist chlellv In an extension of the I breakwater, which the Spaniards bad , nearly completed, and dredging. lnlde, j to a depth of thirty feet. Mnjor t'tnig bill lb In charge of the woik planned, j I'ltlmatelv gov eminent wharves Mil eliminate the use of i ascot s between the shoit and the distant nnchoriges of ships. The Ameilcan forces hue cnptuied, since September, eighteen cannon, eighteen bundled illle. thoirninds of holocs and ninety thousand cnitiidges. Besides this-, seven lutudied i Hies have loen sunendeied. The oideis of tho Insurgent ofllcets ivlll no longer be considered to mitigate cilnus. SENATE PROCEEDINGS. Tho Naval Appropiintion Bin Is Passed, fly rrcluiirr Wire from Th' Asorlitel Pif' Washington, Pob. 11 Shottly after the senate convem d today the naval appropilatlon bill was passed. The shipping bill then was taken up and kept before the senate during the le malnder of the legislative day Mi. Caffrcy, Pemoerat, of Louisiana, In an address opposing the subsidy incis ure, occupied the floor throughout the , session. Opposite senators made the point of no quorum several times and demanded a rail of the senate. Finally this drew out a winning from Mr. File, chaltman of the committee on commerce, that If senatois desired a liver and harbor bill le. bo lcported nt this session they would bettei not int:rrupt the committee having the measuie under consldeiatlon Ren after.sthere was one call of the fen nte. ' Mr. Oaffrey had not concluded his speech, when, after having spoken for nearly six hours, he yielded the nloor for an executive scs-ison. BANKRUPTS IN JAIL. They Failed to Deliver Books nnd Propoi ty to the Receiver. By U-.eliulve Wire from The Amu latrti Prri" New York. Feb. U. marks and Morris Grcenbuig, composing the thin of Charles Greeubuig & Son, dealers In cotton goods at 109 f5ten sttcet, were committed to the Ludlow street Jail this evening In default of J1.000 ball each In bankiuptc proceedings. Some time ago they weio ni rested tor falling to deliver to the leceher ap pointed by the court all the property, hooks, etc., In their posiesslon, accord ing to the mandate of the couit. At that time they weie p.uoled In the custody of their counsel on their promise to turn over the piopcrty at once, which Receiver Hall said amounted to $22,000. They failed again to do this and their airest today lol lowed. The Rawlins Again Floats. H Inclusive Wire from llto ssoriatnl Pros. W uhlnsrton, Tob. Jl QuaitrniiiUr f.cnerJl Ijiullngton rccchcJ i. tekpi mi tliN atlcnioon (rem Qiurtorm inter Ham on the IrJii-rort Uur Hin, vvliltli un JRiound In the litrlmr of Sin tljco Funilay, savirs ll.nt tlut ri was doited tlil alterncon He iM tin- vr-ol 1ml suslilnril no 1 un3i.- aril 'aoiIJ .-ill tonight Hie Kinllni Is to tiring a biltallon of tlie Tinlh Infantry to tveuport Bill to Repeal Schedule C2. Ty Wiie fiom the Aicciateil Tkss W.iHlilncton, IVb 11. ItcprennUtiip llib &!, of WlfteiDnlr, toihj InlroduteJ liill r )'t dine n rnulilrralile (urt e( 'vlifdule C'i, on roitaU of the tariff art nf Jnlj SI, lor j,, pioiaieil lfieil upptlrs to lar imn. rouni inn, li.ii-ni!, Imtlir lion, nnchois, hoop iron, rllwjv luio. tcl IneotH v. In- nf Jllmii kind., n.llbi, wlaeli tor rallnaj purpoeN rlr Embankment Tell Upon Them. I), Fvrlu'lvr Wlr from The VsnrUtrd Pins Midutii, Oa Keb 11, -While a larte force of UijiU ueie loadlni: .1 i lr on the Mai on inri. Notllifrn rillrcad near lute todav un rinbuil,. nicnt nndir vihlch the mm wen vsmMn' ffll upon tlieni. Torn Parlel nnd Artie ImU vure kllltd, A number of otherj wiro Injiirid All of them .ir ti"git)C8 Canal Amendment. 11 KxtliMlve Wire from The Amis i ilnl rrr. BbIngton. Keb. 11 Senator Morgan today Kite notlie of an anieuilment lie will offer to the mnir chit tervlee or rhcr and haibor bill, authorizing tho acquirement of mffieli nt terrl teiv from Cotti Hlea an I MeiiHiiu for the eon. atiuctlon nf the Mcjr.gua canal. Nominated to Be GenetaR Ojr Fidudve Wire fiom The Aiur!attd 1'ien, WaihlnKton. Feb 11 The president ;odiy rent to the Knate the nomlnitleiiH n( Jamie II, Wil son f lldiwate, and I'ltyhucli, ol Vli sluli, now brlsadler Rfiierata of vuluntien, tu be brlcadler srncriU In tho n tdar ami). Daly Defeats Hughes. D.i bvctiuhs Wire from fhe Wodaud 1' tjs linlon, IVb II,- In a 11 mend content for r.'fl poundi nrI tho llihtnelfhl elminplonihlp o 'm. land at tho National f-portltisr dun IhU rt.nlni., fat 1lf., et the I'nllid hlaliK, beat Johnny Hushes, of London, In the hvdlili round Corporations Chartered. Ilj i:eluihe Wire from Th' Awoelaled UurUbii'c. Feb. II. Charter vwe lue,I by Hie rttte department tejiy aa follow, 'hie Ho'U Olen Wati coinpanj, herantonj lanital, I.OOJ. THE TOPEKA JOINTS ARE ALL CLOSED. Citizens Make the Peremptory Order That Sales Be Discontinued. fly I'.v lilve Wire from Iho VMorbted Treis. Topcka, Kun Feb. ll.As a result of the meeting of the citizens of To pe ka all the "Joints" of thu city are closed tonight. The citizens made the petctnptory ordei thnt the sales be discontinued by noon today, and, so far as known, the cutler was tegatded. Uatly this motnlng Chief of Police Stan! with some of his ofllcers made the lounds of thef "Joints" and noti fied the kecpeis a far as they could be found that they would bo expected to close at once. They were In each nso piesenled with n ptlnted copy ol the citizens' ultimatum and corn' inund In the Interest of law nnd good older to close at once, tu only one pface did the otlliers Hud any liquor sold and the pioprl"tor agreed to closo then . Some of the dtug stotes are said to be doing a thtlvltfg business, but tho (ondlllon Is much different ftom a week, tu even a day ago. when there wet about eighty "Joints' running openly, most of them equipped with the iiiipsl of fixtures. The citizens committee has nincH the neeessaiy ar rangements lor the eufnicenittit of the it dec leuii tiling the "Joints" and will Insist that the order be carried out to the lettei nnd that everv di inking pltue be rinsed and the slot k and lis--tines lemoved Mom the city by ne:t Fi lil.iy noon RIOTS AT MADRID. Idle Classes Wander About Stiots and Give Vent to Their Hatred of Aristocracy. B l.m libit e Wire fro n The tvecuted l'rei Madlld. li b 11. The dlstliib.inees ol Inst night, which were more menac ing than tho.e picviottsly oeeuilng, Mt j decided spit it of uneasiness In olliclal circles. Today passed without a startling Incident. But the ctovvds Inci cased dining thed ly. The Pile Classen h.ue been wandcilng In the Micet. aipaicully awaiting the cover of night to give vent to their hatted of the ailstoemcy. i The Puerta Del Sol (a huge square In (he renin- of the city), was the gathering spot. Mounted i Ml guards patrolled R nil day long. "With the fall of night the assemblage lite leased until the square as black with people The single rries and low toned mm muring weie btronilm- lourt- or until the outers almost became a i oar. At 7 o'eloek the giiatds cleaied .he space and their numbers wetr ln cronied, n-n- tic evirri.iA'fl of tho higher class of people, diplomats and (fibers have to tiaverse the siiuaie in going to the ball at the p.ilaee tonight. As the papal nuncios caukiKo was stoned .estciday even ing. It Is teaicd tho other diplomats may now suffct. On the 1'i.Hlo the getulurmeile were stoned nnd they wne compelled to chat go the i Inters, seveial peisons be ing Injured. Deinonstiatioiis against the Jesuits continue In Unrcelonii. STILL IN SUSPENSE. The Jeffiies-Ruhlin Case Will Not Bo Decided Upon Today. f!j I'velmite Wile fiom llu ssftlited t'rei Cincinnati, Feb. 11. Tho hearing of aiguments by .ludge Holllster on the application for a peimanent Injunction against the Jefliles-Hultlln contest hete next Filday night, closed shortly nftor C o'clock tonight. Judge Hollis-' tor announced at once that he would teseive his decision until 11 a. in. next Thursday, lie stated that theic weie o ninny exhibits and citations of au thoilty that he deslicel two das for the ptepat.itlon of his ilndlng. This means that the piesent suspense of the Saengeifest Athletic association. Managers Urady and Madden, the con testants and others w HI continue until the day befeue the date fletl for the contest. The dlrcctois of the Saengeifest Ath letic association announced tonight that they will hold a meeting tomor iow to discuss the feasibility of post poning the .refftles-Ruhlln contest for several elis. if the court should de cide In tlulr favor Thursday next. TIFFANY WITHDRAWS. Wyoming County Election Case Has an Abiupt Ending-. Ily lIulto Wite from The fcoe I ttrd Via. lnnMiarnoiU, l'.i . Icb. 11 -The rented he Inn lillanj v .squlor otei the election ti a Mil a 1't.eiiililjmrn cimi tr an end teeht hj the ttltliilrattal o( TliUm llu illsputnl bjllct hn fiom Monree trttnslilp tta brought Into court, "ricneil end lie liillotn counted. Thtie mre 21(1 tote, the nnnilir rerulril to Rite Tiffmit i ninjorltr. This ntuming board (tite .nucr a certificate et elrclloii leuurf the alleged lallj thiet .hofd lite otii Icni thou th utuni thret. 'tiffany v itliitiit.- ht use sqnler vta apiilnted upon the election committee in the home. Rnlhond Shops Burned. 11 1 -.tlutlte Wire frcm The Woelated Pren. lioj. N. Y, IVb. 11 The shopi of the llontnn .Hi I Maine railroad at Mechanlestllle were totall de-tioji'l '"' fie 'I1' momlnir The loa It et. nuteil .it Tii0,0i. eotered by Inwranci The tioiirilt destroyed eotulU nf n carpenter, ina ehlne and repair rUot. The lepvli nop eon tnlnesj kls locomotive) and the illieetom' jpedil tai. Investigation Asked. H.v txrluqte Wan from The Aoelatd Treti. U'i!iltiUn. I'il, 11. Sntor l.odte tolj. j re t'meil In the mute a Ktlllon treni tne National Uiil Sertbe lleturni leacuc pratinB toi un In teiilk'illon of the endue t of iho I'hl'adrlp'ih pnlii11ie hj t lonuiilttee or thu war. The lietlllnii tin inferred to the eommlttre on nt ollhe Petition in Bankiuptcy. 11 I xe Unite Wire ftom The AucirUtri! Pre'. Ne Nork. I'rK 11 A petition In bai.knitpey i tiled here lodav ty Waltrr ,f. Kloli, at pre mt lit In; In siranlon, Pa,, formerly of tho Ann of Waltci .1. Me k Hiothrre bona, H7 Vioii ttaf, who made an amljninent In ISO. The Ha. hllitlt are MOJ.ICO; until, none. NO CHANGE OF POLICY Mr. Chamberlain Approves ol the Replu ot Sir Alfred Mllner to Afrikanders. MR. CLARKE'S OPINION The Foimer Attorney Oencinl, Fol lowing" Up His Speech of Feb. 7, Points Out That Peace Negotia tions Weie Balked by Roberts. y HxiluilTe ttlte from The Aiwctittil PreM. Cape Town, IVb. 11. Mr. Joseph t'hambeilaln, sectetnry of stale for the colonies has addressed a commu nication lo Sh Alfted Mllner approv ing the lemaiks made by Sir Alfred In bis reply to the Afrikander depu tation sent to him by the Africander congiess at Wotcesler, with resolu tions .iddtes'ted to Qtnen Vlctoila. "Tho government bnH no Intention," . thn colonial seeretaiy, "ol chang Iur tho policy which It bus repeatedly declared and which has been ap proved ovet whehnlngly bv the elli ptic." London. IVb II. -Sir I'dunnl Clatke. the tmmer attorney genet al. following up his speech of Keb. 7, be loie the Holbotu consetvatlve asso 'latiun, bus wtltten a letter to a friend, citing rotd Kobctls" rejection of the opporlttnlt to ptopose peace teuns in June, 1000, when tleperal Uul lei had piepnierl the vtn by confer ences with I'lnlstltm Hor'iH, who aked wont was ofleicd Lord IJob erts replied "I'nconditioniil siinendet." the prl ates to be allowed to go to their farms and no promises to their eom mandeis oi to utiv who had taken an active pan In bringing on the war "This." savs Kir I'dvvard t'laike. "put an end to all negotiations. So tlie war has gone em. The ose since have been 124 ofllcers and 1.454 men killed In aetlcn and dleel nf wounds (1 ofTfirorn and .1.K20 tnn died of dis ease nnd 6V.i oflhers nnd '.".'.tjlT men Invalided home. Wr lime spent from slty to seventy millions ilev.ista'lng a coitntij ovei which we deslrei te lulc. AVr do not seem n day npare 'uncondltlonai sui render' lb in sven months ago." Sir I'dvvard Ol.tike then savs be ear nestly hopes teims acceptable with out dishonor will b- offered to the lioei s. Bid for Blidges. A parliamentary paper Issued to night compiles with the house of com mons' request ot Dec. it for the Ameri can and British bids for thltty bridges on the Uganda ralliond. An Ameilcan company agreed to erect the bridges In forty-six weeks The lowest English bid for the delivery oi the material on board ship at London was sixty weeks. The Ameilcan company of fered to lay down the material at any British port for five guineas less than the average price of the British com panies' deilveiy In London. The American company agieed to eiect the bridges for eighteen pounds per ton, only two pounds ten shillings more than the aveniRe Biltlsh price for de ilveiy In London. DEATH OF EJHKING MILAN The Former Ruler of Servia Expiies at Vienna in His Forty-seventh Year Sketch of His Cnieer. lit- nlin,lte Wire firm lh s-oeUttd Pitn. Vienna. Feb. 11. Hx-Klng Milan of Servia died at 1.20 p. m. today. Milan (Obrenovltch) I., ex-klnt; of Seivla, was In his fotty-soventh ear. Ills life was a stoimy and spectacular one. He was born at Jassy In Molda via, and educated at l'arls. In 1861 he succeeded his uncle, Michael Obreno vltch. as prince of Seivla. Almost Im mediately he Inaugtiiated a bellicose policy agaln'tt Tut key and declared war on the porte In 1876. Tho Setvinu 1 1 oops were severely defeated In two short waih, but with the outbreak of the UusFo-Tutklsh wai Milan had an opportunity te regain something of his military prestige. The Independence of Servia was lecognlzed in December. 1ST" Milan was proclaimed king In I8i2. in lf76 he mauled Natalie Krseh ko, elaughter of a lltisslan colonel. Their married life was unhappy, and In 1R89 the king and queen separated. At tho same time Milan abdicated in favor of his son, AlcMindcr. The remains will bn interred at Kronchol. a sacred monastic: shrine In Smyrna, Klavonla, with the honors due a member of the reigning dynauy. Equal Pay for Men and Women. Py Kxclutlte IVfre from The Awoctated Praia nojton, I'cb. 11. T.ipogrjphlul union, So, 13. haj won Its first point In the fiitht for en,ual pa,t foi men and ttomen implojed In compotinit roomr. Hereafter the mate printing cfhVe will piy its male and female composltoij cepjal vtajes This ia auuJ tor the reason that the eon'rietii for Mate irlntlnj, ai dulled hj statu cifH-Iali. htlpulate tnat men and ttomen ihill lm paid eiual ttagrt tor a uormiiF day of nine hoiiM. Will Provide More Interpietois. fl.t l'.vi lu I e lr from flu Voi Iated l'iet Wini'iliiftrri, I eb. II naloi Lodee, from the eommlttee en forelpi rehtlonn. today reported n amendment tn the diplomatic and eonmlar appioprlutlon bill, autlioililn? the eniploiment ot ten student Interpreliii (or Ihc Atneilein lemtlnn In I'ekln The nm-ndtnent ulica tlirin ulailen ot S1.0X) etch To Retiio Hawaiian Coins. Jit ,ili.iv ir from The wnelateil Pna'. Wajhlnjtoti, 1'iL. It.-Senator loraler. ef the committee on Potto. Itlcei and I'aeilk Wandi, today i (-ported u bill for the tctlrement of Ha waiian eolui, The bill protldi-4 that null coins may be rettlved at rm for all roternmenl due ami that vihin once ro leetlved they ahall not be again put Into circulation. THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Wtather Indications Tadty, MOB ABLY SNOW, 1 GctifMl -Scranton tnietidnirnt to the Hipper lllll lirnorra In Committee. No Chinee of nrllWi I'ol.ij In South Africa. Intuejtlnft Dcblto In the ltoue of Henre- sctitithrt 2 (lenerjl Cdioiidle pi'p.itliii'til. ." local fcirontl WeliS renn nf Criminal C'otirt Open. Vmtli Serinten Men't sdelv Till, tteloim. 4 I.ihtori.l. Note nnd Comment lorallnnuuiice n-tes Ukcly to lie lncrrai-rl, rostofdre I'mplnje In Trouhle. d Iieul Hei S'linton anil "nlurl Jti. 7 nmriiil Vortlritlirn t'ennjltjnl l'innilil nml Oimineiclul, 5 Xrwii of tli4 Imliottwl World FRIENDS OF GOMEZ AREJTRIUMPHANT Clause MAking Him Eligible to the Presidency Is Adopted in Con stitutional Convention. It i:cliMitn Wire fiom lhe Vwocia'id 1'reji. Havana, P b. 11. The follower' ot (leneral Maximo Cromer, triumphed to day In the Ciihim lonsttt'itionai e on ventlon. The clntine making hlni elig ible lo the picsldcncy ot the icpubllo was ndoptcd by a vote of 1" to 14. Theic was no discussion. .lu'-l before the question was put to vote, Sena lot Cilheiga said he did not think the eo'iveirlon wnb called upon to ietognis" the t evolutional y clement In tho constitution, but this protest elicited no nply. He nor l.loiente. who Is elaii.erl with tho antl-fitnic7 fac tion wns not present at today's e snn. oitlng lo slckr.eis, dcnc'tai ni veie absented himself n nnsrtinrr of his wish not to take p.nt In this partlculu) dispute. Senor Hi lam out t. who voted li-t -teek with the oppon ents of (lepeial tlonieK to postpone the ellecusslon. nt his v ite for tiomcz, making n mnj.ii Ity or one In favor or the elntl.'e CLERKS MUST MOVE. Over Four Thousand Caiengie Em ployes to Leave Pittfiburg. By rveUt Wir from Th- Vsr.istnl I'jc-s I'lltsburg. Feb 11. -It was pirtt generally remarked todaj In the e'ur negie building that some of the ofllces will b mo'vil to New Toik IT the amalgamation wns tITeeted. In inse this Is true the cvcullve genet al bank ing, costs, statistics nnd other alnillai departments will be taken to the Met ropolis, leaving here only the ope i at Ing and a portion of the order depart ment. About five thousand people ,ne em ployed in the various Carnegie ofllces, of w hlcb fully four thousand v-lll go to Xew Yotk or obtain other positions here Abslutely nothing could be learned locally today about the ncgo tlitlons. It vvus repented that the af fair will be closed Wednesday or Thurs day but this repoit could not be veil fled. Ptesldcnt Schw ib will ptobnbly leturn to New York tnmoiiow nlcht. NEW WORKMEN AT SUSQUEHANNA. Erie Company Brings in Fifty-five Boilermakers to Replace Stiikeis. fit i:v1uite 'Aire fio-i The Avciated I'm,-, Susejuehnnna. Pa,, rob. U. Tin to was a development today In the pio tracted strike of the Kilo i illiecid hoilci makers, when fifty-five men ar rived from Net.- foils ilty and the east to wotk In the boiler shops lieie. They weie accompanied bv two chlels Thev will he fed and lodged In tho shops. The company has a innsldcrnble force of special oftlceis gum ding Us ptopeitj, and trespass notices aio posted In the shops and railtoid yaids. There Is no Indication of disorder, and the posting of guaids nrotind the shops 1m a piccautlon iry uicuuiic meiely. ROYAL VISITORS DEPART. King Charles and Grand Duke Mich ael Leave England. Hi nulujltc Win from The Vn. elated 1'ir.s t.onden, leb. 11 Kin? f liiilcot liilui?il ind 111. suite itlllel for I Wion this r mine .it 10 o'cloil. K.ig Kdv n I iiioinpiuleil tli I'ottu. Itue monarili to tho rallttij Hjllon i.arnd Jlulie Vchir1, nf Ila-la, th cne Hltih, left ttto hours earlier fir M pftcrs burp, Prince flinlen ef Perinir!., MeliiR hlni OH. F.xtraordinarj poli-e jretauticn turn taken at the iditlciu to protect him Ite pre-cnted to In. Heitor Tliorpe, of s otlaml Vnid, vtho waa at tathed to hl suite while In 1 njrhnil, a inagnltl. lent diamond. The rmite of the irareitltch be jonil Flushlnc l kept nrrrel Tho king of Orestr ttlll leave tomorrow. General Ramsey Dead. Ily Evcliulv? Wire fn,m The Anoelated Press etl. Vorl,, leb, 11 Oneral .lehu Itamvtv elied at hisi residence in Jeme.t fitv todaj of R.Mtriti. In the titll nat flenrril Ilamsiy commanded the Ughtli regiment, N ,1. V, for three jeau, and later had eommind of lhe famous lilh brigade He tiaa cllaliiaruiehrd for his braviry and was wounded several times drncril Itameav was nsslstatit collector of the port of New York durln President Ilairlson'i adnilnbtratlon. Now Lieutennnt-Geneial Miles. Ily i Wire inn The Vwoilatod Prc. Wathliulon, IVb. U -The senate loda on, firmed the following nominations Major den eral NeUwii VIHee, tn be llniti natit Kencril: ti be major preneraV, llngadier general S II VI oui(r, 1 r- V , Colonel vdna II rhallie, Hirhth eatalry, 1 S imajtr cemial 1 s, ): llrluadler Ceneral Vrtluii Mai rlhur, I S. V. (major jeneial . ! .) Ex-Congiessman Maxwell Dead. 11 1 lilte Wit from 'lhe Atioelited Prrst. Premont, .Stb , l'eb II, Vonnrr ContTfc3nan Samuel MaVttell dlid todaj from heart failure. He was botn at Lodi, N, V In 16io Mr. Mav well senrd at member of the Nebriska cont. tutlnpil convention, at on the atate eupienin court bench from 172 to 1n and rrpreemed this flia,ltlet In coniness fiom 1S7 lo bM. He wan the author of tcvtral legal works. FIELD DAY IN THE HOUSE Debate Over Constitutional Limita tions on Power ol the Senate Over Revenue Legislation. FIGHT OVER BOER FUND Mr. Sulzer's Pro-Boer Speech Draws from Mr. Mahon an Amusing; Dec laration Regarding- tho Disposition of a Fund Raised for Boer Widows, Arouses the Ire of Mr. Sttlzer. fly Inclusive Wire from Tha Associated Trm. Washington, Feb. 11. This was i field day In the house, being by far tho liveliest day during the present session. A very tnteicstlug debata over the constitutional limitations on the power of the senate over revenue legislation Initiated by the house vvai pteclpltated when Mr. Payne, tho chairman of the ways and means com ml tee, hi ought In the resolution of tho committee to dlsagtea to the substi tute piUpoetl by the senate ns nn amendment to the war revenue ic duction net and to ask for n eonfei enco with the senate. Mr. T.iwne.y, of Minnesota, championed the cause of the house and Its paramount rights over revenue legislation, but was un fortunate lu not blinking forwaid a lesoltttlon to ictuin the bill to the senate with the declaration thnt tho senate bad transcended Its powei In substituting an entirely new mcasute fen- the bill of the bouse. The subse quent debate showed that had this trim-' been adopted the proposition would have commanded a large vote. Instead, however, he Insisted upon a division of the lesolutlon and after the (list poitlon to disagree had been adopted he made the point of older that the second motion was not In onler horim.ip lhe senate In Its ub stltule had Invaded the constitutional pieiogailvc of tin house The t'esuir was thnt the meniheis weie not con fronted with the dlieet Issue and thu boiie voted 211 to .", ! to ask tor a ton fetenee Boer Widow Fund. Later In lhe ray. dining the con sideration ot the diplomatic and con sular appropriation bill, an Impas sioned pto-Uoer speech by Mr. Sul 7er, of New York, dtew ftom Mr. Million, of Pennsylvania, a lecltal of the lalslng of a fund of about $l,'J0n for the benefit of the widows of lloei loldleip at a meeting held In this city, at which Mr. Sulzer presided. He de elaied that after the "teirapln and cold bottles got In theit woik," onlv 18 was left for the Uoer widows. This stung Mi. Sulrer to leply at length, lie pjlel he had no connection with the expenditure of the fund, to which ho had conti United $17.1. and a very lively tow- followed, the i limns jf which was reached when Mr. S-Uilze-had lead an iinonjmntis letter which made a sensational petsonal attnek upon Mr. Peity S. Heath, late nflst nnt pei'.tmnhti'r general, who was sce nt uy ot lhe Republican national i nmnilllec dining the lcrent e i,a paign, rhniglng him with being Xee ly's sponsor and then dcnlng It after the at rest of Neely, nnd also making allegations agalnitt Ma Ifeatli In connection with government deposits lu a N'ew Yotk bulk. Mr. Sulzer charged Mr. Heath with being lc sponslhlo for the oh culm- and of tho stories about his connection with tho fund for the Uoer widows. Mr. Knox. Mass.. declared that It was lontemp tlhle to attack a gentleman who could not icply, through the medium of an anonviuous letter, nnd moved that the lull-action of the niles be leported to the bouse and stilcken fiom the recoul. lu the coinse ot the debate upon this motion, Mr. f-uUer declare I that although the communication was nnonymous, he fathered every word of It and would be responsible for It sjs a member of the house and ns an Individual. The Democrats fllllbus tejied against the motion to i-xpungo the letter ftom the congic-slonal rec oul. and finally foiced an adjourn ment, tho effect being to peinilt the publication of the lettei In the record. Htave Lost S27,000 in Wages. Uy l'elult Wire from Tho vrUte,l Preis llailetcin, leb. 11. The Laltltner strikers vrlm went out thiee weeks ago boi m of tho aliened unwarranted cllscharj-a of two drill runner, de cided tonight to return to iroil. Hie drill run nern ttill not ba reinstated a .a llit demanded bt the inlnu workers but ttlll lo mippotted btr tho latter until thcr secure other v'ot!.. Iho strllcem. It H C3tlmited, lo-it about $27,00) In Vi9j;c4 durlni- tho Idlineini, Steamship Arrivals, fit i:clusite Wire from 'lhe Wochled Trv,'. New Vork, Feb. 11 -Cleired liinslngton, Ant. vtcrp via Southampton; (.ennanlo MterpeHtlt As toria, (llasgowj Hi Ik' nil, llaniburrf, denna Ar rited: lleheii'ollnii, ett i oik vli NaplM, t hcibouiut-Ssilled! Vidirland (from Southamp. ten), "sctr Voile. (Ilhrillar trltedt Alter. Net Ttoil. for ap1es and f.cnoa find proceed. ed)j Vujtisto Vletorli, fiom Netv orl.. Sculptor Elliott Dead, fit- I'velmite Wlro fiom lhe Wodatetl Trra' Washington, l'eb. ll.-llinij J. Klllott, Hi sculptor, lontj Ideiitined vtltli public worla ot inipiriime in this and mun ether citlin of tha I nihil SUlo, died suddenly at Ids lesidencn hue todaj from pneumonia. Ho tta S3 jean o( live. Maui ice Thompson Dying, Ily l.vcltislto Wlro from The Awoilatrd PreJJ. riatvfordtlllo, Ind. l'eb. It. Miurice lliomp. ten, the author, l Hill allte lorlalil. U tun thought to bo djliirf fot -rul timed todaj- but each time lie rallied it . nllevcl h" can ltva but a few hours ut alio un . f-f - -f-f-f---rttt-r-----f -( WEATHER FORECAST. -t Washington, Tib. II -I'ercrvt for rvt- 4 em I'erinsjltirlii 1'nballf anotv Tu. ilrfj i Wiiiieds lilr; freth vtster'y tiinrls, 4. ittttt tt HtHtT f '