rnp,). . v "t. r THE SCRAtNTON ITlIBUNtf-MONDAY,' FEBRUAR 11, 1U0J. WEST SHALL GOD FIND FAITH ON EARTH QUESTION ASKED BY PRESID ING ELDER GRIFFIN. Text of an Excellent Dlscotuse In tlio Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church Last Evening St. David's Fnlr and Festival Chi Upllon's Annual Banquet New Y. W. C. A. Quarters News of Churches. Other News Notes and Personal r.aiaginphs of Intcret. lUsv. Austin Grinin, l. U.. fiu-sld-ItiK elder of this district, preached tit the Simpson Methodist Kplseopnl ihurch Inet ovcnlni; to nn audience Hint taxed the capacity of the church. Jle prefaced his sermon with nn ap jieal for the nged ministers of the conttrcneo and for the unnual mltt fclonnry appropriations. In speaking along the latter line, 3)r. Grlinn f-nld tha church ought to MffP pace with the stars and stripes, narrylnf; tlio mesaRe of civilization, fornfoit and religion to the heathen Ju every land. "God has put them in our hands." he said, "In older that vo niny Christianize them, and If them Is a spirit of patrlotlpm among us -'e will exceed the donations of the fin st year." Ill test was taken fiom the eigh teenth chapter of Luke, and tlm rlghtri verse, "Nevertheless, when the fon of Sinn cometh, shall he Mnd ifidth on the earth." The setting ot the tevt is exceedingly instructive, nnd effective prayer must be offer! to make It eftectlve. The lesions to he drawn Is that God's heart Is so Accessible that all humanity may bo Jielpcd and cured of their unbelief ami rind faith. The only instance or suggestion in liio Wble that the spirit faltered in IiIm belief is to be found in his text, and for a single moment i .tttsed him to almost lose heart, but flnd'a self-denial and sacrifice will In; nmpciiH.itcd for In the reformation of Hie world, and unless the spirit and life of Christ Is nppropiiated there v ill be no spiritual life in the people. He Is coming, nnd it may be to "light: who can tell? Get lendy and J.eep ready till ho comes. Many fain rut, distinguished men, niii mnikcl because they cannot llnd .salvation without Christ. There is a growing conviction that sterling, honest, snti riantlal manhood finds favor in this about this ( rni ihh; i TIME EOOK i j Zi, 7L-. out for ( and COLDS take: DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. 4 Fitting Accompanient To An Early Spring Whit? Goods Display Will be found in the magnificent show of Laces, Embroideries and Insertings Which Opens Today, Monday. AH the New Ideas. Nainsook Swiss Reveres Cambrics Tuckings Tuckings Beadings Globe Warehouse SCRANTON world, nnd It comer from religious conviction. There Is genuine faith In the unrld, the saloons acknow ledge It by their sriivned windows; they are nfrnld of tlm white light of tint Christian church. Christ was never so appar ent as he Is now nnd let us do our best to glvo him a cordial welcome when he comes. St. David's Parish Supper. Beginning this evening and continu ing tommrow and Wednesday even ings, the p.irNhlonors of St. David's npii'npiLl church will serve a supper In tlir lectin o room of the church to all who uio Inclined to patronize them. TIh object Is to raise funds to liquid iito tin! IndebtednM of the church, and In addition there Is a social fen tuiv which affords nmplo opportunity for all to spend throe enjoyable even ings in good company. All tho-o who liuvo articles for the supper uie lc quested to send them to Duvid S. Wil liams, 314 fourteenth street. Tlio ralr, festival and supper will begin tonight nnd continue through Tuesdav and Wednesday. Theto linn been a viy large sale of tlcksts. The table commltteeH will be: Tilile No. 1 Mr. .lol Whltchotye, ticket taker; Mr. I) T. Williams, Mrs, William Mltcan, Mln itMjri llatnon. Miss Mat Stevens .ml Mr-- Pike. 'table No, '.'-Mm. Hopkins tlitc taker; MUsc-t Id. I.tan. Lottie Parr, Silll Ktatu, Suati l'llilnn, f ,1zir Dili .mi) Munle Lewis. Tibte Nn. .-Mr. Parry, ticket nker; Slime fierlniile llnnMiw, Sflian ItUliardsnn, Llrrle lllch anbnn, IMhrr 1U, l'Uitli Hucthca and Alice Oit. IMtkMpr-Mr. Hiriy UIMitili and Mr, Thou. Join . Si'i ri-tnilc-Mr. .1. 0. Hopkins and Mr. I)aId T. Williams Iteceptlon Ci'tnmltlee Vottijinin Will and Mr.". Kldngrr. The church nnd Sunday school at tendance was excellent yesterday. The rector announced his desire to meet candidates for confirmation. Mrs. William Pi Ice has been put In charge of the church work as Janltress, New Quarters for Y. W. C. A. The executive committee of the Young Women's Christian association are negotiating for the rental of the rooms at the corner of South Main avenue and Jackson street, formeily occupied by St. lircndcu's council, Young Men's Institute. ThfMe rooms are well adapted to the needs of the association, and are moi centrally located thim their piciictit quarters. An effort Is being made to place the association on i self sustnlnlug basis, and with that object in ew they linvu Invited regular eon tilbutlons fiom fiiends who me In sympathy with the movement Chi U's Annual Banquet. Tomorrow evening the Chi Upsllon mtlely of the Washburn Street Pres byterian church will enjoy their annu al banquet In the dining rooms ot the churrh. For a number of years this has been a. feature of the organiza tion, nnd is one of the most enjoyable functions during the year. In addition to the regular 'members, there are usually a few Invited guests permit ted at the tables. Addrosbes aie delivered, toasts aic sets and all overs to match, in sets and all overs to match, in sets and all overs to match in sets and all overs to match in plain or fancy with lace insertings. with embroideries, in sets to match. A complete line in Cambrics, Nainsooks and Swisses, as well as many novelties that will be worn with white and lancy wash goods during the coming spring. responded to, nnd nn excellent menu Is nhvays served, Tho society com prises some of tlio best young men In West Bcranton, who are closely Iden tified with tho religious and social welfare of tho Washlnnn Street I'res byterlun church. Among the Churches. Twenty-tlvo candidates were bap tized ul the Jackson Street Hnptlst chinch yesterday morning. Tho pas lor aftei wards delivered an address on tin subject of "Consecration." The shim anient of the Lord's supper was Administered nt the closo of tlio evening set vice, and the new membeis were given tho right hand of fellow ship. Kev. J. 15. Sweet, D. r puxlor of the Hlmpson Methodist episcopal church, addressed the family meotlng at the Itnlh o.id Young Men's Chris tian association yesterday afternoon. .A reception for probationers was held at the Hampton Htreot Methodist Kplscopal church yesterday morning, nnd baptismal exercises worn also con ducted. The quarterly love feast nnd communion services wero held, and In the evening Kev. Dcnnlnger conduct ed a tovlvul service and preached a sermon on "Self Infliction." A special offering was taken up nt both services yesterday in the Wash but n. Street Ptesbyterlan church for tho aid of colleges supported by the churches throughout the world. Spe cial music was nlso rendeied at both services. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The Cleaners of the Simpson Metho dist Kplscopal church will meet tomor row evening to arrange for their sup per at the church on February 22. The Hollevue Fife and Drum coips will conduct their annual social and eiiteitnlnment In Meais' hall this evening. The membeis of St. llrenden's coun cil. Young Men's Institute, will ten der a complimentary social Wednes day evening to the ladles who assisted them during their iccent fair and fes tival. The members of the Tn bemad" Congregational church aio malting elaborate preparations for thtlr annu al banquet und entertainment on St. David's day, Friday, Mm eh 1. A regular meeting of io Columbia Ho-e and Chemical company will be held in their quarters this evening. Tho Franklins will meet tomoirow evening. Preparations are being made by the sH!lal committee of the Electric City Wheelmen for a mlnsticl performance nt u social session on Tuesday even ing. Feb. 19. The colonial fair to be held at the Plymouth Congregational church on Feb. 20. 21 and 2J. under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society, Is attract ing much attention and piomlses to be an interesting affair. The J. W. H. society of the Hampton Street Methodist Hptscopal church 111 fcerve u clam chowder supper In tho lecture room of the church on Thurs day evening next, to aid In raising the p.istor's salary. Cake and cream will bo dellveied by oideis. The mm-rlnge of Heibeil Uvans and MWs Margaret Phillips will be solem nized tomorrow evening at the home of tlio bride's parents. The quatteily conference meeting of the Simpson Methodist Kplscopal chinch will be hold this evening. An entertainment and candy sale will be held tomonow evening nt the home of Mlxs Alda Atkinson, l.'.t Me ridian stiPet. A compllmentaiy box soclnl will be held at St. David's lull lommrow evening under the auspices of the li represlblc club of St. Leo's battalion. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mis. William n. Williams and daugh ter Kdna, Christine Follows, Anna Kd waids und Leah Urltton, of Heading, have retutned home trom Ithaca, X. Y. Mis. D. W. Fnucher Is visiting tela tlves In Harford, Susquehanna county. Miss Myrtlo Smith, of South Hyde Park avenue, has returned home from a visit with re.Ules In Ur.idford county. Mls-s Nelllo Nash, of South Ninth street. H home from n visit among trlends In Hallstead. T. Jefferson Reynolds, of the state legislature, spent Sunday at his home on South Main avenue. Mrs. Isaac Williams, ot Noi th Sum ner avenue, attended the funeral of j. relative nt Plttston yesterday. W. II. Bartholomew, of South Undo Patk avenue, Is Mill suffering from the effects of the gilp. Wesley Schoonover, of Jlushklll, Pike county, spent last week as the guest of Mr. and Mis. Mo-en Staples, of Sumner avenue. Miss Maggie Van l.ovenscotten. of Hampton Junction, is tho guest of Mrs. W. T. Ace, of Lincoln avenue. Virgil Kobluson, of Syracuse, u vis iting Mrs. John Ilonvhler, of North Lincoln uvunue. Arthur T. Stoer,of Lafayette stieet, spent the past few days at Ithaca, N. Y. Mi. and Mis, Daniel Slote. of .Mos cow, are visiting Mr. and Mrs F. A, Cramer, of Swetland street. GREEN RIDGE. 'In 1." uU-i'll mil MUiion band of Hie fJirn llldirc IV.Ii.vtcrim ihmcli will met t tmuoirow (moiIiie at tlic bimc of Mr, (.mw AtMno, ci.r Hfcl Wjomlnc acmic jn'l (Jidii llidio .tie"!. (!ron Itiilijc loilgf, No, yi, r. jihI A. M will !,.io l meeting ut Mi)oiili lull thU cwmi h.e. 1 lie lliptl.l Youns INcfili. union K infpiiiig to whf i M.rtlui Wellington toa mi Wellington- birthday, IiMi (i-uihIm to In- j nrj iiin,wbb nOjIr. Pr. 1 o. at th? VtucrliAii IJilili' oclt,' Ui a 'iy ntr(,tin t.lk Jt tic sbuiy Mi'thodlt r.nlcoal fhurih jvkttrdav attfiiiiir.n t tlif iloc of tin. Salihatli mIiooI, At tlm tnfftlng of th ounsr Icn' dull of tlie riiutrh of th Good Mu'.licrd S.itiirda onlri it u u derided to bI(i a icceptlon to their nnv mcmbim in th netr futute, A thu lonb'.t nonr .tindH tli Orango liac twtntj.four new nicinlins -r.d the Itbc, tuilit) to. llu baiifjui I will Le clcn toon alter I.mt. llcv. W. (1, M-np-inn, p-Unr ul the lmiy Mclho'lltt lUcpil (hutch y. ghr th (M Iodine ic.dinjii Hum Im Mjclaun at llu' (h'n.li tomonow feiilnj "A Sfcliolu' t'uncrjl," "lno Doiloi'i l.ast Jnuiiif," "Th (ill.imii of Ills. Mrrjiijen," "Tnc Appeal to Ciowi." All ad ml.slou cf js rtntd will bo lijiired. Dr. SImpcn lut kieu readings from tie miki uf I in Mil Li on ticfdi and IU .hilit) it to wvll Vnonn to (irn Itldg nudt'iici' to ne-d comment heie. A rkli trc.it aw.ilu lunar sho attriid. Mlm Nettlctoii, of Adatn meniie, cmcrt.li ril . fiw frlendii in honor of I. -ion Satmdiy allcinouii Jt a lliimld lj iho ho were pr. ent beldei th tiin-nt of honor wrrc: Mm. flioiue Hioolci. Wni.t l.ltle llltchoih, Kn CioiffUe, 1.1111 I'ooie, Helm Hand, Jmn I.tnitfi-., Cliii.lln. I.ind.uy and MUi llandli. HIE HOIYILIEST MAN IN SCRANTON well ai th bandkoment, and otlieu ne lnltrd to call tn any iliuirtilit and get fie a trial bolll of Kernp'a l4lam for the Ihroit and l.mui, .i renudi Hut li giurantced to mil" und ulle all 1nonlc and Aiuto f'ouglis, AHliini, llionchiti and Couiumptlon. I'rKe ale. and Mc DUNMORE DOINGS WILLIAM O'CONNOR KILLED BY A TRAIN. Was Dilvlng a Wnjron for the At lantic Reflnlng Company Which Was Struck by & Luckawnnna Train nt the Bunker Hill Crossing. 1'uneral of Harry O'Haia Held Yestetday Two Other Funcrnls. Other News Not of Interest nnd Personal Mention. A distressing accident occutrcri at the Bunker Hill crossing of the Iacka wnnnn railroad on Saturday afternoon, when William O'Connor, a well-known resident, met his death. Ho was in chnrge of the Atlantic Ite finlng romoany's oil wngon, nnd was driving down tho hill approaching the classing when the accident occurred. Owing to the slippery condition of tho toad, he had chained the wheels, but even with this help the horses wero unable to hold the load. Just as he was approaching the crossing It vns seen that no danger signal was given, and he apparently decided that It was safe to cross. Just as he had almost cleared the crossing the New York train, which leaves Scrnnton nbout 1 o'clock, dashed Into the rear end of the wagon, killing the driver and one of the horsos and hurling the wngon against the gate mans shanty. It Is claimed tho regu lar watchman was not on duty, his Plnco being taken by nn Italian sec Hon hand, who failed to understand the duties of his position. Mr. O'Connor was ubout fifty years of age, and one of the town's best known citizens, formerly being a mem ber of the firm of Clark & O'Connor. He was a member of the Catholic Mutual IJenevolcnt association, noynl Arcanum. St. Vincent de Paul society, the members of which met yesterday and perfected arrangements for their attendance at tho funeral. He la survived by his wife antl one daughter. The funeral will be held on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. A re quiem high mass will be celebrated at St. Mary's church, with Interment be ing made at Archbald. Coroner rtoberts viewed the remains last night and will conduct an Inquest the first of this week. Funeral of Harry O'Haia. The funeral of the late Harry O'Hiirn. who died nt St. Catherine's hospital, Hrooklyn. occunerl from the home of hln sister. M . P. J. Golden, ot Chestnut street, M-vtrdny after noon. Kev. M. 11. Donlan officiating, and Interment being made in St. Mary's oemeteiy. I.atge numbers of formet fiiends of the deceased wete pit-sent nnd many hainlr-ome. tloral of feitngs were banked about the cas ket. Tho pall bearei were James Plan nelly, Thomas O'Horo, James Itrown, Michael Taylor, Pattlck Haggerty and P.W. Henley. Two Other Funerals. The funeral of Thomas X. IleUtl occuired from his late home, on Di in ker street, yesterday afternoon, Rav. A. .1. Van del I, of the Methodist Kpls copal church, officiating. A quaitetto fiom the choir of that church rendeied several beautiful selections. The pall beaiois weie I,. P. Ilelsmier. L. H. Stone, Arthur Sehwenck. .1. C. Tat tle, J. Benedict, J. Wnllsworth. Flower bearer, George Wlnans. Rev. J. D. Dabncy officiated at ties funeral of Aetnlla Fells, the 3-yenr-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William IVHs. of Throop rtio. 1, which took place from the laniily residence tin Saturday. Interment was made in Dunmoio cemetery. NEWS IN BRIEF. Geotge Avery of Curbondile, spent yesterday with friends on North Ulakely street. Mrs. Fied Cool; has tetiirned to hfr home In Not,- Yotk, after a visit ot sivetal weeks h-re. being accom P'tnlod by her mother. Mrs. John Pal mer, of (.'hetiy .iticet. who goes f-v a fchoi t stay. Dunmoip rotincil. No. ITiiJ, Roy.il Arcanum, will hold their .tegular so? slon tonight. A full attendance is de slted, as arrangements will be madu for attending funeral of the lite 'ii- Hum J. O'Connor. NORTH SCRANTON. This evening the Men's soclet.v of this pail of tho city will hold their meeting in the pailois of the i'rotl deiicu Presbytei Ian church, The sub ject to he discussed Is "Municipal tlov ernment and the Duty of a Citizen." Dolph H. Atherton will lie chairman of tho evening. The following other citi zens will engage in the discussion: Common Councilman 11. S. Alwoitli, City Solicitor Vosbutg, J. A. Lansing and ex-City Solicitor Toirey. Citizens In goneial are asked to attend. The meeting will start at 8 o'clock. The trustees of the Providence Pres bytei Ian chinch have arranged for thu following enteitnlnments dining the remaining months: The first one will be an organ recital by Mr. H. T. lloif master, of the Scianton Consenatoiy of Mush, to ho given tomoirow night; the second will be a sacred art lectin . by Mr. A. V. Hower, consisting t steieoptlcon views. On April 1 tlio third and the last will take place. It will bo composed of a sacred concert by the choir, which will be eulaiged for the occaclon. The nittsli of Christ mas and Ku titer will be kiing on Master Monday. The following aio the jouur people who enjoyed a sdcighildc to flat It's Summit on Friday evening- Misses Oerlrude Tilpp, iicitha Preston, Jessie Featherby. Myrtlo Thayer, ICdlth King, Helen Feutheiby, and Messrs. Will lam Uuiduei, Peicy Munis. lMward Hunt, Wllllnm Finn. Victor Thayer, George Kiiglaiid. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Slcklei, of Pioi denee load, announce tho engagement of their daughter, Miss flrnco i;. Sick ler, to Albert Russell McNeill, of New ark, N. J. Mr. McNeill Iiiih been act ing as ensliler for the Glrnrrl Con sli notion company, of Philadelphia, lor some time, Peter II 111, of Foidlnand street, was teiwlcicd u buipilse paity( In honor of his twenly-llfth bhthday, on Fiiday cwenlng. Those piesent weio Mr. und Mrs. Peter Hill, sr Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hill, Jr., .Mr. nnd Mis. Louis Kelsllng, Mr. nnd Mis. Albert Kels ling, Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Featherby, Mr. and Mrs. f'lnud Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hepler, Mr. nnd Mrs, l'tnnk Lewis, Mr. and Mis, Oscar flavan, Misses Aztiba Swuitz, Nellie Featherby, Jcnnlo Hill, Lola Shermun. The Grocer Couldn't Help It! When the fjrocer boy swept out the store he couldn't find the lid for the cracker box, so he covered them over with a codfish crate. After he welnhcd a mackerel and drew a quart of kerosene, he filled on order for a pound of crackers which were carefully picked from the cracker box under the codfish crate. The customer who bought the crackers snid they tasted queer, but the grocer couldn't help It, THERE IS A VERY OBVIOUS MORAL TO THIS VERY SIMPLE TALE Never buy biscuit, crackers or wafers that arc not protected by the "ln.er.scol Patent Package." Sodi, Milk, GMhim, 0tmeal nd Butter Thin BUcult, Ginger Snap. Vanill Wafers ind Reception Flaket now come in '"ln-er-seal Patent Packages. " Don't take a iubituute. look for this trade mark design on the end of the box. " Messrs. Frank Hepler, John Holtham, Arthur Fentherby, Wllllum Featherby All news matter for Tho Tribune will iccelve prompt attention If left In tho tin box at Davis' diug store. William Rlchnidson, of lloston, Mass., is spending a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Rlch nidson, of Clark street. Mrs. Frank Clark, of Church avenue, Is convalescent, after nn uttack of the grip. Charlotte Gray, of North Main ave nue. Is visiting her sister, Mis. Ed ward Shlies, of Wyoming. Miss lletlha Hlshop, of Diamond avenue, entertained a few of her friends last Friday evening. The festival nnd bazaar, under the auspices ot the Memorial Baptist chuich. will begin Wednesday evening nt the Auditorium. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Slight Fire on Cedar Avenue New Offlceis of St. Joseph's Soci ety Other News Notes. The alarm of fire mined In lroin llox Bl on Sntuiday was occasioned by a slight blaze In n house on Cedar avenue, occupied by Thomnti DuftV, and owned by John Armbrusl. The lite was caused by some childien playing with a chair on which some clothes weic hanging near the stove. They caught on lire. Tin Cenlutys. Neptunes and William Connells ie spondei, but owing to the blaze beliitf too slight to turn a large stream on. It was left for the Phoenix company tn extinguish the blaze. Ofllcers Installed. At a meeting of the St. Joseph s .society In St. Mary's hall yestetd.iv afternoon, the following ofllcers were Installed for ensuing yen!" President, Lnrenz Mclkol: vice pretldent, S r vlcne llledel: financial secretary, Fred Werle- lecotdlng secretary. TCdwerd ". Kloss. tilistcc i consul ei, Charles Merkel, lor three ye.u, lolin Ham TOLD IN BRIEF. The alaini of file, S.ttutday, sound ed fiom box 31, situated nt the coiner of Alder street and Cedar avenue, was due to a slight blaze in the Aimbtust building at J.'O Cedar avenue, occu pied by Thomas Duffy nnd family. The flames weie extinguished with out the aid of the Ore companies. The damage I- slight. Mis. Adam Hrlr. of littston ave nue, wus remoted to Dr. ThomsnV hospital last Thuisday evening, to un dergo in opeiatlnn. which" was pe tal mod on Satuiday afternoon by Dr. Wehlnu. Di. Hums and Dr. Thoui 'on. The patient was renting tiuletly last night. The Itosar. Jt., of Itinh stieet. I intifincd to his home with an nti.uk of the gilp Tho Set. niton Athleth i lui i -heined foi their exhibition yesierdnv ntteinoon, which they will she at their annual mnsqueiade ball, on F-l. 19. at their hall on lliekoiy street. The meinbtis of Columbus coutuli, Young MenV Institute, will meet tliln evening at Pluinmcy hall. Camp 430, Patiloiie Older Sons ot Ameiliit will meet this t veiling in Jlnrtmnn's hall. iiiim-siot-miichlne thlcws arc ,n this patt of the . Uy. One box m.h taken fiom Kornuchei's ill tig stor1 last week, which wus found thu next morning, dt inollshed and lobbed ol its contents. Another was found Satur day ufteinoon at the Lackawanna lion .cud hteel company's pig Iron y.nd. In tne same condition. Hairv Kltitimln.''-i severely tpi lined his mm on Satuiday night by falling on an ley sidewalk. Fr.lltk Uehner, of CIS Locust s'leet, is seilously III. ll m-cIwmI a para lytic stroke ".evetal days ugo. FUNERAL OF MHS. SIMPSON. Services Conducted Sntuiday by Ilev. Qeoige Alrich. The tuneial of Mrs. HUa M. Simpson was held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'ciook fiom 1271 North Washington tiveune. Ilev. lieoige L, Ahleli, ul Uio lllitfe Uefoimed Kplscopftl church, conducted the ceremony. Theto weto many beaiitltul floral oiieiiugs, Incliui. Inv a mugnliiiciit set piece liuin the keepeis at tho county Jail. The ilnwei bearetb weio William Mlllnr.of Kastmi, and r.duln iiiown. The imll-bciiteiH were William Phil llp., Thomas Phillips, c!ioige i'homp son, Jacob Welsmtin. Wllllum Dlter llne nnd F. P. Deu.ellcr. Inteimeiit wus made In Finest Hill cemetety. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Isaac Davis Released fiom Jnil to Attend Wife's Funeral. iHiiiin Davis bus been released from the county Jail in the custody of a deputy sheriff to attend the funeral of his wife. Davis was sentenced to the county Jail June It!, won, for a yeur, on the chin go of aggravated assault und battery. Davis shot a man In Spiing Brook township, und for that crime was com- nnnr UraUU , mlttcd to the county jail for n year. Davis' wife's funotnl will be held to morrow, and his leave of absence will explte Thuisday. THEY MAY GET OIL. TESTS ABE NOW BEING MADE ON AVERY ISLAND. It Is the Propel ty of the Rotaof Salt Mining Company Which Is' Con trolled by Scrnntonlans. Humors have recently been heard to the effect that capitalists In this re gion aie securing oil Interests In Texas, nnd much mental speculation l"ts been expended on tho probablo lesults. It was nld th.tt men' piomlneut In business circles lit Scrunton. had se cured large tracts of land in the Lone Star state, with the intention of bor ing for oil, and that the prospects of striking it In profuse quantities was encout aging. The fact Is, that nobody In Scrunton, as far as known, has real ly ptiichtth-cd any property In the oil belt of the south. The only holders of real estate In thill tegion are tho Iltsuf Salt Min ing company people, who have vast tret ts In Louisiana. They are the pos s ssors of a large part of very Island. This Is the spot made famous dating tne war, and still the property of (ifiiernl Avery, a part of whose ances. li Hi estate It Is. Tho Hetsof company has 3.000 acros, which rompiNe all the salt tcnitoiy of the south. In fact, the Hetsof Mining company has all the lock salt mines of thli continent. Their mines, at I.eroy, N. Y and those of Louisiana practically Include the salt country. A ety small mine is found In California, but It is of slight importance, as compared with the gieat Interests of the Hetsof. While the mlii"s at l.etoy, N. Y., ari l,5i'0 feet deep, salt Is mined on Aveiy Island at a distance of fifty feet, tho vein being !u0 ftut thick, the took salt li.it lug tho marvelous quality of b'in chemically pure. Aveiy Inland Is tdtuati-d about miles due east of the wondei fill gusher which Colon?) James Cutty this state, has leecntly acqtilted Tcxus. Pltlxbuig capitalists and otheis hate conceived the Idea that Avery Island is alio n rich oil dlstiict. and hute gone to considerable trouble to gain p r niission to sink wells upon It. Tln Hetsof people have finally ncceded to this icquest and prospectors are out .ijh witch hazel wands or equally ef fective iluvlces wan anted to locate wells. 11. L. Fuller, piehldent of Hie Hot?"'' .Mining company, when lntonlewtd on the Mihjtet, stated thnt he was some what skeptical about finding oil In paying quantities on Avery llnnd. He was Ininillar with the salt mensuies at I.eroy. their other mines In New York, wheie oil by the p.illlul win found, vol not In olume MillMmt to be woith ilillllng alter. Of ionise, the Cuffey vell is one ot" plienomenal capacity m.d )oei, .ml flien) is' .iIwj.s a posslbllltv of a i lc ll i Hike, but from personal Knowledge Ml. Fuller stmed that he did not knot ol anyone in this region who was mak ing Investments in -outliein oil lands. His inteiest. consisted in giving per mission for drilling on th-l'- niet nn Aveiv Island OBITUARY. Miss Katheilne Claike. Mif'. Kdtlieiiiii tlule, foiimrlj m ihn hi , diul je.tcnlj ilternoon at ln'i hume in Cilh- Irlpliia Jttn .in lllm ot ten U with piwit lli'iiila. At (lie tlmi nt her iloatli hn kI!ci, .M.h -a.n.'t jii.I Scllli', f l'lilbil'liiii, and l.n Mother, I) mil I, uf this city, were at her I.m. Mil' . Mix I Ijiki' i die iliimlitti fit Mi hull iritie ( hiU', ot II" neii'i. pine, .mil lur tuail.c tin jiMii hc hail In on .1 HuHcnt nt Pliilailolhi.i, slio' iu 4 11.1I1111I iniiw tnl tfiok htkh rank imonst the nublc wonien who f.ilhm that exact ing ullinK In the (JuaVir C'itj. li het ilentnn I., ihil.v hei ili.uh U attillxiti'il Worn nut In tnintaiit alienilaiiLO Jt the heil'lde of aurirnrn In- wa altaiUJ li the irrip. whlili ileelopi-il Into ptiiimi'iiili on annum (if the Iinpoieilhnl Kni.litlon ol lit r j.lnn. due tn hii jiiIikhi, Ii hot', 'Ilwugli ucn.Mhlnir tha aili.mceil meclKal Ucill imiM jcciitapiUh U'Uir, tic pioirre, of the ilti'uil ilUt-.i-i. couM not In' Ktajfil anil ycstenljy uflniionn the l"l ian'1' Mi.4 I larl.1 has many fiiiml, .it.ii lcl.itiei 111 1)11 iih. wlm will ho ihocleil In hear uf In r 1I1 jlh 'I In liiiuim uill .irihe In I hn. iltl tilt jtMM'im at ." ; . 1 u'docl, ami iil lie taVm tn the Inline of her nnlhir. Nnliie 111 (ho funeral uill appeal lulu. Clinton D. Blink. t linluii 1), Hi In!;, t utrijii of the (nil v.jr, ami iS joju, iliiil at h! home nn 0'lln.le Muet. llumnore, on r-it unlay, attir a luinr nines' frmn cnusiimplinn lie ha nshleil in fimn ,iK)nt (our ji'3r, cjinintc friin I linhtii.t llu- fuiK'ial alll take phui' linm hia late lioiue mi TuchN.v niornlnB ul H n'llosk. I lulirUlter Letiliwoilh will enrmy the rriiMln In l.lmhuut, Hhae lnliinnnt lll hi mule. William Schudmak. Willluii si hiiiliiuk, on of Mr. ami Mia S. Silni'liiiak, of soiilh Seientlt atuci, pasul 'iw-iy V.ilnesili) laat nt lcn,er, Colo., tn wliUh olicc he viut (lMcen months aeo, linpluc to rlil hlinnlf nl consiiintitlun. 'llu- ilenis.'i was 1'J jeuu of aue anil mil known In thu iltj, r-i. ilallj amoiif the ttiiJenU of the Kraiitvn Ill;h Used exclusively by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY AMUSEMENTS. I YCRUH THEATRE "- m:is A. J. tltllJOfNPKIt, Leatn. UIH'IV, Minigcr. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11. Tho Towrtful li.y, Melbourne An Austrian Itnmaiicr. lt Pinl'T I. llirl, n tlnr of Tlio lirMi l'riit." Strongcjt Com Tiny in Years, licailcil lij FRANK MORDAUNT nnd THEODORE BABC0CK, Paul Ca7cwmc l.ijlor (Iramlllf, Irf-lghtoa Leigh, Jjrnc II. Carr, Arik-s Uosis Ltlie, Cm lott.l Kellnnn. Price 2jc, Wir., T.V. nj 1.00. Rouen vn sala l'riday .it '.) a. in. ACADEHY OF flUSIC, RQIS ft BUnUNtlUlt HARRY A. BROWN Managers tnJ Lcwcrv Loral Manacer. ALfi 'Jills WIIUK. Jessie Siw-elle Dramatic Co fn Hlh ( l Itcpe'lolre. EVENIIMGa. Memljy .. Tiiinbj WcrlnoMliv " irtortan Crow" , "Orlti of fjtcel'" "lhe New f-outli'' AFTERNOONS. Tuml.iv "The Pec IPC Mine" Wiilnp-iljy iX'.ipiM iiom tho Ln" Mjtlneo Prlre-M end Jci cents. lltenttig l'rlcm 10, i0 ami 30 icnt. NewGaietvTheatre ir. . nnnnt.Ncroy, ManBer. IHtlKH IYS f'OMMENTISO MONDAY MATINEE, the new LONDON GAIETY GIRLS JOTELS Hotel Victoria Broadway, 5th Avenue nnd 27th Street, fcEW YORK European Plan Ira the centre of the shop ping and theatre district. Absolutely Fireproof A Jlodcrn Flrst-cUss Hotel. Complete in all Its appoint. menu I'uriiiihiiw and dexoratlons new through, out Accommodations ior50oEuest;i50uiteswth Mths Hot and cold water and telephone in ctery room Cuisine unexcelled OEOttOE W. SWEENEY. Prop. UiU tliiiliiiilliiUaltlAlilliiiUlliXU, IlllilllH T JT"' Drnf 0 C TUCPI u n. o'ifi iviiuii iMkkiiiniin, nixin ii., rn time DISC St., rhllKtrlplill, ra. ll.d.olxb.rlr,!. Gilt : 'UMftifti rtilI5tll3li.lJI4liIIUl.ltUnBIl( .a ,"": ' ;vr':v;jLru.'i,i -V yrfornnttinirtfuiil 'JUUJJtl I ute n nit r. urv no ciutne InlitliAn IIICISSIS.BLDDBrD ISDI -LOST MANHOOD. 'n.lAHriiur. noiuninj.U' Tiurictical k tlaithfttpiuleiptnencelnGtntftnt T 1 iciti ca$ c ir I m 4 1 in dv. A.ol t cheap trrairatnC - nlyofTT',cl8a catch. ICclus Ihlu.ant. itnif rMitarnf: 2 1 rttlmonlilll A nnnl -ip-ln:? mdicil i.rUclrtcal fragdl ri'iinliiieiuti UrII. InMniit relief". Tnrliat sihntil, imm it lilt li Institution he graduatcil with tin ila-s 01 'if) Mr s(,m,,L, ,iciwl,ttel In hi cla. ami hail .1 Inijlit .mil pniinisliiir luluii' before him. III1 huh i- laimniu! In all I1I1 aemiaintances, who ti ml to his luicattil parent their heartfelt -npiil. Mrs. Hnniet Callender. Ilirnet Callcmlcr, 5S years of ace, wife of Rtf. Newtll t'lllcmlir, cileil at tho lamlly rcaiclenco in Clail.'d tlrien, Satuiiiiy, Ii. t itllMiilei m tht! ilaitRhter of isaniuel IViu sxs mi lann n Blakcly 011 April 11, lsii. .mil was uurileil t,o Newel Callender in pill lsfi. Mrs (rfllrmler was one of the oilgl nil .tctlli'H of IIiIh tallcy and wa well known ami lll.nl in this comiiiunilj. sk I- Mirtlviil liv lur Inishanil ami teteii 1 Midi. n. a fnllntttf: Mm. Maiy V Moon, of 1'ollon, 1 all . sanmil N Callender, of icmntrm! Hr. K. M. ami II MfilforJ, Nrliraika; Juilsori 1' , Naihan .nul Nillle, of Clark's Green. Tho tu111r.1l will he held Tuesday at 11 a. in, setticti. will he (omhnted in the Uaptlst church at f'ljrh'a fiiecn. Inleinunt will bo nude it (laik' Cliecu. Mis. Julia Hnnlngton rvlnls. Mm. .I11II.1 Harrington Frink, aged Si )ear, wile ot sesirelaiy Treaurer k. f,. Fiink, of (hii Niantuu Iron Pence company, died Saturday, a(. ut a brief IIIiipm, at 717 l'rccott avenue, fc'ns l amtltrd by h(l' hiitlund and two children. The luncial will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow nfliiiiiimi, wlllt .erticis at the residence and In ternitnt in tin' Iiunniorc fcmetaay. Mrs. Dr. King-Vail. Mm. 111. KliiK-Vail, it) cam of age, died Uit lurdar at her home in M.ott. Dr. King-Vail wai f. imirlt a resident ot tliU city, uhcre thu I'l.iclktil mitlltine lor fetiral 3 eat". Hie tvj man lid to tlircme i:. tail dutmj In 1 midline Inn Mie U furthtd bt one son, I'm I Kli.i. IUchiud Heniie. Iliuiard llcrule, aged 6J .rears, died jetterday it the home of Mia. (itorgc S. Jones, 700 Preicotf oteiiiie. Uetwlck and llloonv'btirir papers plea. I cop: . Euuetnlri. The funeral of Mm. Mancuct Jordan will tm held from her late reildenee at 712 Adaina avc mie, at 0 o'clock this morninir. A high nun o rrc,tileui will he held it tht) cathedral. 'lhe fineral of Mivi Margaret Jordan will faV plicc nt tho htn renhltme, 713 Adima avenue, ul 11 .:o o'clock this mnmliiii, A hl,'h mat oj rciultm lll be celebrated .it Si. Pttei'i cl'oc dral. Jntctmcr.t lit Cathedral cemetery. 150 gwiiX oil Bmwi of mmwk in uHl op