The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 11, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Ge Scranton rt8une
Published Hilly, Kseept Sunday, by Th i Trlb.
sue Publishing Company, t Kilty OnU a Month.
L1VY S. niCHAnD, Kdllor.
U. T. DVSDCC, tiiislncss Manager.
New York once! 1J0 Nassau !t.
Solo Agent tor Foreign Advcttlalns.
:-r.? -
Knitted il tlie Postnfnce at Scranlon, Tt., a,
bccoud-C'la Mall Matter.
XXIien spate will penult. The Tribune 1 alwsys
Itlad to print short Icltem from lt Irlenda bear
Ins on current topic, but IU rule U that Uicse
must be signed, for publication, by the writer a
real names and the eondltlon precedent to ic
uptsnee la that all contrlbutlona lhall be subject
to edltotlal rcltlon.
The? follovilinr table shows the price per Inch
eaih Insertion, spate to be used within one y,fi,
- - )lun t fi(n.n-p-j,.-j1
DISPLAY Paper IleadinK jWtlon
IrfSiThAtf Ml Inches .S3 " .?"3 .
VM Ineheu CO .22
1.'"l " 1(1 .173 !'
fioeo " r,3 .n .1?'
"m. ." .4 I3 " ,ls
llalra fur Classified Advcitlslng finnlslitel on
sriiAXTON. ri;imiuv 11, 1001.
It Isn't ii"cfff!nv td undo! vhIiip tlie
vtiliinti-fi" llienien In nnler to e.slulilisli
Itiat Sciatiton ncptlw u imlil flro il'i).nt.
iiK-nt oi'Kiuilzocl on n moilotn IuihIs) unci
ni't'iN II liiully. When It conips to Uro
protection flip beet l n I ways thr
i'Ik'ii petit.
The New Court Hill.
A"-1IK rASSACU: by thf house
I of the bill creating n now
JL I'nltoil Suites Judicial dis
trict to bo known as the
.Mlddli- dlstilct of Pennsylvania and to
bold mutt HlttlnKM In Harrlsbtirg'.WIIl
lamspoit and Scranton, will be welcome
news to the thousands of litigants In
thp thhty-two couutk-H comprehended
within Its limits, who have for years
suifered Inconvenience because of the.
distances separating them from the
places where the present court has
held its scatteied sittings. Its prompt
latltlcatlon by thf senatu will be ex
pected as tt matter of fairness.
In furtherance of this moasuie Hop
lcsentntlve C'onnell has been Inde
fatigable and until lug. I'crhons not
familiar with tlie ins uud outs of con
gressional procedure can form a very
Imperfect Idea of the dlflicultles to be
overcome In ecurinpr the, favorable
vole recorded Saturday In tlio house.
First tli bill has to be reported from
a committee where onu hostile influ
ence Is usually sufficient to effect a
hold-up. Then to call it tip from Its
place on the calendar tequlres unani
mous consent nnd this can only be had
by the preliminary mnlllllcation of all
opposition. At the beginning of his
light for the new court bill, Mr. Con
nell encountered almost Insuperable
obstiuctlon. There weie few members
who believed he could ever succeed.
Hut by the aid of fi lends both within
and without the Pennsylvania delega
tion, he has persevered until Huccess
has. been teglstered In one. of the
branches of (engross and the disposi
tion of the other branch will soon ap.
It Is pioper to add that this aid t'umi
friends has been unconditional.
The Insurgent appear to be more
exorcised over the defeat of tho new
county bill than Is Its author, P.epie
sentatlve Ilaworth. Yet It was one of
their number who, as governor of
Pennsylvania, prevented tho pievlous
new county bill fiom becoming n law.
Those Army Promotions.
Timi:n OF the recent army
nominations havo been held
up in the onato those of
Wood, (iiant and Hell for
brigadier gpnetalshlps. The objection
, to Wood Is that he has been Jumped
too tar and too fast for a man who
never had a lull military education.
His confli niatlon would lift him over
tho heads of 77 colonels, 9S lieutenant
colonels, S7 1 majoi.s nnd SI captains, or
327 of Iris technically superior officers
In all, and very nnturally these tnien
and their friends object. It Is con
ceded that 'Wood, under circumstances
of estraordlnr.ry difficulty, has shown
'liialltlcs which fit him for the very
highest posts, but to tho regular he
U only a eontinet surgeon and theio
loie to bo viewed xviti; piofesslonul
Jlucli the Mime objection is raised
to tho promotion of J, Finnklln ivll.
Onlv a year ago ho was n, Hist lieu
tenant. To make him a. bilgadlor g"ii
"ral would Involve Jumping him over
'i'ju or more ollleers now in lino ahead
of him, each of whom doubtless feels
that favoritism Is being practiced.
Hut Bell is a West Pointer; he has
u cowededly brilliant military m-oid,
nnd the objection to his elevation on
ni"tlt Is less pronounced than In the
ea--; of either Wood or Clrant.
How tho I'teiing Is with icgaid to
tho l.iht-named officer may bo shown
by quoting fiom .Mr. William 13. rur
tls' letter In the Chicago Record: "Tlie
opponents or Ciiant claim that his
appointment Is cntholy snntlmcntal
mil" tlie lcsult of the Importunities
of his mother. They say that Giant
has'pever distinguished himself In tha
army; that he Is simply u common
place soldier, with lew ability than
three-fourths of the ollleers now hold
ing (onimlhslous; that ho never d!d
actlo duty with his regiment when
he was a lieutenant, but nlwnys had
a soft billet on the btaff of General
Sheridan as n first lieutenant until ho
icslgncd to go Into business. He was
recognized by receiving nn Important
diplomatic Hupolntnient as minister to
Austria durlngTTui Hnrrlsou adminis
tration and a commission uiv brigadier
general of volunteers during tho Mo
Klnley administration, and whllo the
Dcmocmts were In power ho held
civil olllces in tho city of New York.
Therefore they argue that tho obliga
tions to his father's memory havo been
full paid without placing him In
command of men who havo greater
ability, who have nerved faithfully
In tho army during all the years
Hint ho has been in civil life, and have
earned the promotion which Is given
to him without any merit of his own,
but simply to gratify his mother.
Thiy claim that tbero uro hundreds
of mothers whose sons havo nver re
cl'ed recognition from tho govern
ment nnd are better tiualined for tho
duties of a brigadier gentral than
arnnt." r
Theic Is more truth than poetry In
this. The son-oMilS'falher business
can bn overdone. But in tho other
case, If conspicuous merit In young
men Is to be robbed of recognition,
what Is the use of displaying It?
The "powers that bs" nt Harrisburg
have decided to repeal tho libel net
of ISO and claim to have the votes to
do It. Tho matter Is not material. N'o
reputable newspaper, however the law
leads, will shilnk from telling tho
truth when prompted by public duty
or submit to attack from speculative
nurses of unsubstantial litigation.
The Programme in Congress.
UNDKll certain contingencies
there will be an extra ses
sion of congress, but those
contingencies nro not likely
to arise. Should the present congress
adjoutu without passing tho routine
appropriation bills, or should It shirk
Its share of the responsibilities grow
ing out of the situation in Cuba nnd
tho Philippines, an extra session may
be considered Inevitable. Uut should
the present congress ptove amenable
to the counsel of Its recognized lead
ers, whoso programme Is already for
mulated, there will be no need of an
extra session.
With regard to tho Philippines the
piograinmc Is to attach to tho army
appropriation bill tho following amend
ment, drafted by Senator Spooncr:
"That all military, civil nnd Judicial
poweiH necessary to govern tho Phil
ippine Islands shall, until otherwise
provided by congress, be vested In
such person nnd persons, and shall bo
exercised In such manner ns the presi
dent of the United States shall direct,
for the establishment of civil govern
ment nnd for maintaining and protect
ing the Inhabitants of said Islands In
tho free enjoyment of their liberty,
property nnd religion: provided, that
all franchises granted under tho nil
thoilty hereof shall contain n. reser
vation of the light to niter, amend or
tepeal tho same." With regard to
Cuba an amendment, also by Mr.
SKoncr, Is proposed. In substance us
follows: "That tho army of the United
States shall not be withdrawn fiom
Cuba till the Cuban constitutional con
vention hhall have satisfactorily met
that part of the call for tho conven
tion which stipulated that the future
lelatlons to exist between Cuba nnd
the United States should bo formu
lated." Tho first of these amendments Is
self-explanatory. The time for insti
tuting civil government In portions of
the Philippines under dhect warrant
from congress Is at hand. Congiess
cannot at this session formulate a de
tailed plan of government: it has
neither the special knowledge nor tho
lime reqtilied. Tho president has both.
Hence the task Is committed tuovls
lonally to him. Later on, congress,
after duo study, will assume and com
plete It.
Tho proposition In lelatlou to Cuba
requires some explanation. As Is well
known, tho convention of Cubans
called to draft a constitution nnd do
llne the Island's status toward the
United States has practically refused
to pei form tho latter half of Its duties.
The radicals who control It propose to
set up a government tirst, which they
Insist that tin United States shall
forthwith tecognlze ns Independent In
every particular; and they are willing
that the question of American tela
tlons shall then come up. Hut they
provide no security that the govern
ment which they seek to set up may
not, when in full swing, tuin u cold
shoulder upon the United Stntes and
leave us in the position of having
stood godfather to an Ingrate. Tho
Idea which prevails nt Washington Is
that the time to come to a final under
standing is before, not after, Cuban
Independence. As n member of the
cabinet says to n correspondent of the
Chicago Times-Herald:
"Inasmuch as it H our duty to guar
antee Cuban independence and to pio
tect It against the woild, wo want u
stipulation that Cuba Is to enter Into
no foreign treaty without the consent
of tho United States. If wo give tho
new tepubllc absolute, unrestrained
control of Its foreign relations how
do we know what entangling alliances
may bo contracted? Jt would b-. pos
sible for the Spanish element t gain
control of the politics of the republic
and cede tho Island back to Spain
again, or to establish a Spanish, a
German, a French or Hiitlsh proi-v;-ton'.cy.
Inasmuch as It Is our duty
I to protect Cuba we want n stipulation
that she shall not contract debt be
I yond a certain limit without tho con
sent of the United States. In plain
. Kngllsli, we do not Intend Cuba shall
I mortgage heiself to Great Krltnln. to
France, to Germany or to any other
power, with danger that the mortgage
j will be foreclosed by grubbing the
custom-house or tho whole or a part
of the Island itself. Considering the
untitle of our duties, we want to keep
naval stations In Cuba, not to do
prlvo the Cuban people of their Inde
pendence, but for their protection, and
for our protection.
"In all this there Is nothing unrea
houable, nothing Inconsistent with
Cuban Independence or with our
pledge given by congiess. Tho United
States would not annex the Island If
it could. We do not want It. We
want the people of Cuba to havo In
dependence. Wo aro ieady to give It
to them. But wo want tho means of
perpetuating that Independence. Tho
United States has made great sacri
fices for Cuba. We ask no compensa
tion therefor. Tho United Stntes has
n vastly greater stake In tho future
of Cuba than any other nation has.
All wo ask Is a stipulated right to
piotect our Interests and to protect
the people of Cuba at the sumo time.
Wo seek no control of their domestic
affairs, no check upon their tnilffs.
Nor should wo seek to scrutinize too
closely their constitution and their
method of government. As to tho de
tails of that constitution wo care noth
ingthat Is their affair. All wo care
to know Is that serutlty, peaco nnd
stability are established, nnd that tho
Cuban republic shall be prosperous
nnd enduring."
Congress can take Its choice between
passing these two resolutions, for
which thoro will bo nmplo time be
tween this nnd adjournment, and un
cxlrn. session, llnblo to keep It In Wash
ington during tho hot weather of May
and Juno. It must choose one alter
native or the other. It will choose tho
first one.
One of the tux reforms urged by
Governor Cdell of New York and
sharply criticized Is the proposition to
put a lax of 1 per cent, on tho sur
plus of savings banks, which has been
denounced us a purposed levy on
thrift. It Is Interesting to note that
the governor has not budged from his
first position. Ho llgureH It out that It
depositors had to pay It. tho tax
would amount only to $1 In $70; but
ho contends that It would bo borne
wholly by the bnnks.
Tho board of directors of the Pitts
burg chamber of commerce have not
only gone on record with n unnnlmous
Indorsement of the ripper bill, but they
also want to Impose power upon the
governor to put the mayor whom ho
shall name under $50,000 bond nnd nlso
to remove any municipal employe for
cause. Centralization Is evidently
popular In Pittsburg.
H It Is tlie word "subsidy" in the
shipping bill which scares faint-hearted
Republicans the promoters of It might
move for n change of nomenclature.
OWIin? Studies
of fUiinan Nature
Hnd to Be n Candidate.
TIIH sloUY 11 told of Sienator Vmne, f
North Ciirollm, once iluenpion story-teller
of the senate, who had a brold atnpe of lab
xlnUrn down bin bilk, though be wax not a com
municant nf the church, that, lidlng along In
Iliineomle lounly cno day, I"" oeitook a tnet
nbl' dark, lt'h whom he thought be would
hue ",i little fuii."
"t'lalc, Mid the Rowrnor, ".ire jou roIhk
to cliuirlit"
".Vo, fall, iiol exactly Tine Kwlnc back fiom
"You'ro n ll.iptl-t, I reefcui nln't joul"
"No, fab, 1 .iln't tin ltaptlt; de most of the
b.-uhen' Mid id-Uin ubout here ha been under
ik w.itcr."
"MithndM. then!"
"No, hah, I ain't no Mi It'll nudder."
"No, Kill, I't cno?atc to myself de ran el
ite way of thlnkln'."
'Will, what in the name uf poodni am jou.
thei,."' tcjblnsd the governor, rcmcmbirintt the
narruw range nf choiir In ulltdoin union" North
CirohiM nesroei.
"Well, do fat" 1-. ih, iny r.ld mirter w.ti
l.ii lid ut do un. In de I'lixbytdlui i huixli, an'
t .n fildi up In de faith."
"Hint! You don't "iie.m 111 Wh.i. thai I
m ihtinh."
The mere mikmE no coinmiiit on this an
iioiiiiccniciil, !n trior Vaiieu i.tnt at him aualn.
'Mud do you helkvc in .ill nt the rich) ten in
"Y(K, hall, 1 d.v."
"Do jou bcllcto in I lie ductule id iircilM
tltiatlutii" "I dutino dat I itt.oguie di name, nail."
"Why, do )ou belli c tint If a man H elceictl
in bo cawd he will be saied, and if he U elected
to be lot be will be loUS"
"Oh, c:, bfx-i, I Inline dat. U' gospel talk,
lit K"
"Well, now. lake my (.in'. Do you believe
Unit 1 ,im (IccUd to lie .-Jicd!"
The old stiuuiibil for .1 moiiunl with
hl4 d(lie to be rcpeuful and polite, and then
hhoek his tlublomly.
"Cwiie, now, aner my uestIoii," prancd
the governor. "What do ou s-iyt"
"Will, I tell xnu ulut 'IK Malt. Zeb; IV
been llt.ln In tN liyar world nlKh on sixty 3 car,
nnd I nlbbcv h).inl of any man belli' 'lecteil
'thout he wa a cindMalc.' IScIIrIou. Teleicope.
Contented with a Nominal Tee.
CAl'lAIN JAMI M'C.llVni, who Is con
net ti il with the 1'hkaRO po6lolflco. Fell
from u hticet ear In Washington some years .11:0
nnd wdi hewieli injured, itlito u Washington
toric-.poiid(iit. lie waa confined to his bed for
.t lowr, time, r.inl fame out a cripple. He sued
the -tint f.U' rompaiiv fur iJ'JS.WO, and Rot a
icidlctf of HJ.OOtl .s-nator Mason was his attor
lie). ,
'I he nutter was Milled recently by tlie pa).
merit of $.',ik) to Captain )ic(7iath. He took hU
dierk ami wtnt to the lapttol, tound Mason, and
nald: "Hill), here' what I (,-ot for that acci
dent. I have (tidoihcd tlie cheik mer to )ou.
Take out )our fee and hand me tiic balance."
S-antor Mason looked at MiOrath and Mid:
"That lfR of tours never nlll get stiaight, will
It, eaptalnf '
".No." upllH McRrath, "I'm a (ripple for
good, I KlUw."
"And iji.001) Is a measly little bit of money
for hiuh a Ihlng," iiiiimiI Hie senilov. Then
he looked up tuddenly and atked:
"lint a cigart"
Mifirath had one. The icnator lijlited It.
Tin 11 he bigin to talk about IIII110U alTaira.
"Hut, senator," interruntnl MtCrath, "what's
)our fee for all the wolk )oil baio doii( 5"
"My feer" said Mason. "Why, this tiyir'a my
lee. (!o along homo with jour ,000, Jim, and
(,od bb' )ou."
Ho Knew.
TU; met in liont of the Head llou. On.;
wat tit and lilaik, with a womleiful v
panso of mouth ami .1 oUe like a couple of foj
lioiii. 'I ho other wat black and lean and wis
end. (aid the fat black lo the lean black: "Why
(loan or 'giatulale 1111, llruddir .lohnsing!"
"Whit tin 1 ','nlulaie ouV said llrudtler
"Uhal fur ton graluhte me? Why, man, kJiu
1 done uiir'd do Wldiltr JeflVn."
"You ii 3011 dun mai'il do Widdor lefl'sonr"
aijiit-akcd out Hie lean one.
"I fho" U done mn'd dit Inly," Mid the fat
out- with an air of great hitlsfacllon.
"Pen I dues 'giiitidjle yrr, wif in) wholn
heait, I fho' doe."
The two i-epiulcd, whin the lean one turned
to .1 knot of white g'-utli-nieii who had been in.
trieslcd and iiimiiid auditor of the conversa
tion, and remarked:
"Yas. I 'gratulale him! Ilawl ban I haw!
he! hot I sho' does. Ill's de win cn'my I ha,
an' I icrtlnly 'matiiliten, Wry, bona," he said,
confidentially singling out one of the spectator,
"I wns mai'il to dit 'oman fer a )ear in)w.lf.
Ya, I sho' do 'gratulale dat man," and he
mowd oft toward Market, strict, ihiHkllng and
inutteiitig to hliiutlf.-lhattanooga Ncw4.
Thought His Chance Hnd Arrived.
TIII'.Y i.rc telling a good story u Kdlnburgh
Jiiil nuw at tho c.xpcno of a certain Yeo
manry otfieer, un immensely populir man, whoso
one weakness Is his belief that the making of
a grcal general wat lost whin he went into thu
business of keeping u shop, M)i j London news
paper. 'I he 11111111-1 regiment garrisoning I'.UIn.
burgh Castle, In the alnente of the Cordon High
landers, loitalus tome rholta spirit", and the
other da), after a laving together of heads
among the ollkeis,' a tilpllns rushed Into the
establishment of tho olfU'tr in ijiicstlou,
"Oh, Colonel So-and-Si!" he call(i), "haec .von
heard the new it Y011 aie onlered ort for a'tive
sen Ice immediately I"
Tho colonel startnl to his feet. "liood
heaieM!" h" (rloli 'in Kitchener b'fii lilllcd
ahead) V"
Tho Best Man.
A GOOD story wa told at an demon meeling
the ottur night. An Irishman obtained per
mission from his empIo)cr to attend a wedding.
Ho turned up the next day with his ami In a
sling and 4 black eje,
"Hello, what I tlie matter?" said his em
plo)(r. "Well, you see," md tlie wedding e,uest, "evo
were ery merry jeslerday, and I saw a fellw
alrultlng about with a awallow-lalled coat and
a white walateoat. 'And who might you bet'
aid I.' i'm the bent man,' ca he, and Itegorrj
he wm, too." Scottlih Amrrlcm.
"Look Inke Smallpoox."
AHWr.Dl; arrived .it the t'nlon rlepnt ths
other morning- and atatted throuzh the irete
ta go lip-lnwn, vhMi he a, lighted by eerne
of the utUclu about the alation, who Jumped
at the conclusion that he had A tvcll-dculoped
cane of Kmall-poT. lie win given a wide berth,
until one more hrao than the real demanded to
know by ht tight the Pent Ifniuo vat being
cheated out of a patient.
"Aje gut, j mi banc mulaVen," explained the
fwcde. "A) bane up In Mlnneaota and Aye
tried to inrlt nut omc gunpowder. Ma faro
bane ton close ane bane what male Jte
look like amallpoo."
The ttatlon force breathed easier. Grand Itap.
Idi l'rcs.
Wants Another Initial.
(l HAVF, lived one Inmr life of mixed 1ami.
dry," mM Mra. i:ilhti Hoot, wife rf the
secretary of war, the other day, "nnd now I am
an adtocite of middle name". Eurjbody should
hac a mlddlu name."
Jlnt. lloot'a trouhlci have arisen from the fact
tcli t her lidbaiid'a lumo U I'lilm Hoot mid her
children' name nrc Cllhil, Kdltli ami IMnard,
All laundry N marked "U, It.," nnd Mm, Rmt'n
many illleminn ran cully be Imagined. Sew
Votk World.
Year's Commerce
on Grat Lakes
Washlnglon, l'cb. 10.
T1IK (.'OMMlinCK of the Oreit I-akci in tho
naelgatlon season of 1!I00 has excel ded that
of any pi feeding )ear. The report of th
treasury bureau of statistics ccrterlng the
business of the principal port", combined with
the reports of the ollleers In charge of the
Sault Ste. Marie canal for tho year ending Dec.
Eli lOOjl, and comparing Ihesey figures with
those of preceding cars, fully Justifies this as
sertion. The work ef the bureau of statistics
during the season of 1000 was the first attempt
to classify and study the moements In the
great articles from port to port upon the Great
Likes, and while It was not found practicable
In this experimental )ear to include in this
work some of the minor ports, or to obtain
data In nil cams for the opening month of the
season, tho flguies may be accepted an prcsentlmr
a fairly accurate view of the port to port cone
rnene of the articles and classes cf articles
which form the bulk of the traltle on this great
Internal wateiway.
According to the flgurcs penned by the bureau
of statistics, there were reccbed by xesscls at
tho thlily-seien principal ports on the Great
Likes between April 1, IWiO, and the close of
the 3car, a total of l,2nO,'iU tons of flour,
6I.W4,SS bushels ef wheat, TO,SO5,S0t bushels of
corn, ;W,290,707 buslieks of oats, ll.S.M.SOl bii'hols
of barley and l.SIO.SO'J bushels of r)c. These
figures relate purely to the moiemenls be
tween I'tdted States poits. ami do not, there
fore, include the shipments to or from ports
on the Canadian side of the canals or through
the W'clland canal. The Rieat bul'c of the grain
tialllc originated at Chicago nnd Dulutli and
hail llufTalo as Us point of drktlnalloii. So far
as can be Judged fiom the discrepancy between
the figures tcpresentatlee of shipments and re
ceipts, respect h i1,v. altir nuking allowance for
the grain In storage on vessels both at the
beginning and cloo of the tenon, and their
shipments fiom small ports not Included In the
season's compilation, the moicmmt of grain
slit the Canadian water routes did not melt
the proportions which had bun predicted for It.
The lecclpt or Iron ore by water 8t the pulls
embraced In the bureau's compilation reached
a total of Ift,'.!oS,(; tons, and this may be ac
cepted ns about S5 per cent, of the entire moie
mrnt of lion ore both by rail and water. All
the prlneipil ore receiving and shipping ports
arc covered by the bureau's statement. Of the
li5,;K,fr'7 tons" handled, Ifl.Sll.ttSl tons are shown
to hae been shipped from tlie six ports of Two
Harbor", Dnlutb, Kscanaba, Ashland, Marquette
and West Superior, and l.l.Oil.WJ tons weio
leielved at the hlx ports of Ashtabula, Cleve
land, Conneaut, South t hicaifo. Iluffalo and
l!rie a 1cm.1rk.1ble exemplification of the extent
to which the Iron ore tiatfie Is concentiatcd.
Many different classes of commodities such as
piovislons, dry goods and hardware, are reported
under the general head of unclassified height.
Thl3 movement at the lake ports ditrlnj;
the past )iar reached the aggregate of 3,471.191
Ion. In this traffic Ihe city of Chltago led,
with 8t'i,2Jl tons. The leeeipts at other ports
were: HutTilo, UW.MI ions; Cleeeland, 273,073
tons; Detroit, QJl.lbi tons; and .MilvauVee, RiV
121 ton.
In licw of the cffoit being nude b) the owners
nf the lumber catr.eing veels on the great
lakes to effect a combination with, the purposu
of maintaining rate, It Is, perhaps. Interesting,
as illustiating (hi; scope ef tills branch of
commerte, to note that lumber shipments were
made during Hie season from thirty-two of the.
thlrty-seeen ports, the commerce of which the
bureau of statistics kept a rciord, ucelpts being
leeouled at an equal number of poits. The
total receipts aggregated 2,122,103 thound feet.
" ltcneflt of All Who Have Houses to,
Itcr.t. Ileal Ijdato or Other Property to Sell
or Kxchange, or Who Want (situations or '
i Help Theso Small Advertisements Cost
One Cent a Word, &lx Insertions lor I'ivo
Cents a Word-IIxcept Situations Wanted,
Which Are Inserted Free.
Help Wanted Male.
MY.ciii'i-HKMAiiiiTrriiM wants capaiiu;
nun to ininaqw branih ofliie. InVbi dip-e-tion
of business- salary !, and libirnl com
mUion;; piod lefnentis and (ftuO ca.h rupilrol.
Ai'iIrm bo 3.VS, Philadelphia, Pa.
industrious teamster; one vcll m-iiii.nliil
with tho city; married man pretend. Meadow
Ilrook W'ashuy, South &lde, (It).
Help Wanted Female.
410 Adims avenue.
Situations Wanted.
who Is capable of taklnp dictation on t)pe
wiiler, will bo at liberty to accept a position ill
the ntar lutuie. Can furnish good reference.
Address ., Tribune office.
small family prcferrul. Address M., li)lor.
Reneial housework, Address , It., Tribune.
on hoi .
We entry; all or part of thn time,
iluoVUcprr, 1114 Falidcbl street, city.
bookkceiier. Address It. J., Tribune otllce.
like to set some ladles' and itcntlcmcn's
laundry; also take family vvashlm; iioine; best
of city refertnee. Call er jdilrcn 5-d Pleasant
Lost. jmttusox avhnuk and
Uiidcn kttect and Hie l.)icuni theater, pair
of opera trlai. Liberal icwanl for return to
this office.
,ii,i 'i
Hiimmlt and Hilton, a ladltsi' black tor c"l
lir; the tinder will please leavo It at P. V.
Tiuaat'a C''k Summit hUel,
. ftv
1 tabk
- WiKrat'Si!!.''
tjw SBBS!wRff'
ituunr.r.S; uunmsna.
Tor Sale.
Canaan, 3 (ieorgetoii. 4 wajuart, 7 llon,s
dale; lull acres, tin woodhnd, balance nearl) all
leicl and tillable; 10-room slnten-ofed bouse;
two large barns, with underground stable; two
story chlekery, 12xfO leet; laigo granary, lie
liou-e and other outbuildings; well watered; two
bearing apple orelnrds, one pear orehaid, 4
tears old; grapeff, brides nnd mull. Will s"H
for what tho buildings woild rosl, -t.iK; r.a
sonable down pa) incut. Inquire of II. N. I'al
rick, a'll Waslilnjtun aiemie, or l!gbirt Leaiii,
Clark's Green, Pa,
I on si,i:-coTTrji: at hmivi.Y'k l.v.ji-.,
Pa villi about ore ane i.iiund, thlily ap
pie treei, barn, lie bouse, etc. Knqulie of II
II. Hicks at Thlul Notional bank, iscrmitou. P.i.
ron s.i.r. nvM'.N'iv-rivi; skconii hand
locomotlie boilers. Tor pirtltulnih itppl..
at olflct- of Monket per, Ik, l. A. W.
It, It. Co., Scr.mton, P11.
Improved; 's mile from Fattoijillle; about
twenty minutes walk from Kcjrtone Acidetn):
A scry sightly and b'.itlou fir a
country home; ran be had my reasonable,
iohses.sion at opee. Inquiic or nddicss W, 1).
ItUHhrit, I), k II. Cj.'s oldtc. S.ianton.
Wanted To Buy.
must tc In qood eider, stale paitioulars at
to make and prhe. Addles. L M,, gcnt-ial elc
limy, Scranlon, Pa.
Money to Loan.
sic me. I'rediriik 1;, Moil, Atioiue), Msais
building, ."ictrnton, I'.i.
iny amount, M, II. Ilolgate, Uoimnoniealth
straight loans cr lluilding ami '.111,1. At
from 1 to 0 per cent. Call on N, V. 'Valkir,
ullJIa Council building.
Board Wanted.
doaiid WANTi:n-rou iiiitn; ADt' and
ono smalt child, In respectablo .Kwlsli fam
ily, living Ic first-class neighborhood. btale
price. W. A., Tribune office
Recruits Wantsd.
WANTIJD roil V. ft. Aini : AI1I.K liODlI'D.
unmariied men bitwceu ues ot 21 auj fj;
citizens of I'nltrd Stall s, of good ihari-t r nnd
temperate habits, who can speak, icid an I
write Fnglbli. lleiriuts spctiall.v dolnd fo,
service In Philippines, Pot liitortintioii apny
to Heerultlng Olticc, 111 W joining lie., r-cran-Ion,
Special Notice.
RHAD TIIK NUW YOllirr.VLMMi'joril.NM.;
sold by neAhdealers nnd inwlio). tit 0111.
cent a copy.
ii'ians would nmry loliv nilueii rjielil lady.
Plcoje wrile Hairy Heart, 130 N, Uth st., Pull
adilphla, P.i,
pitorLsMviio.v-iiii: ur.Ni:i!i, ii'Niripi.
election will be held on the third TunOny of I
liiiriui), Liin,- ine r.tu u.i) oi sim uiouin, on
v hlch date! the lollovvinir tit) oflhers will In
I'lrht Waid One persjii to sirvi a (Vmunjii
Councilman, two pernon. us additional Common
Second Ward Three penims as nddllional
Common Comiclliiitu.
Third Waid One pirson to seive as Common
Fourth Ward Two persons lor nddltloml Coi-i-mon
Fifth Waul One person to tiu in Cotiunon
Councilman and t:o persons as ud.lltlcinl Com
mon Ccuncilini ii.
hlxtli Ward One person ,u additional Conunnn
Hevcntli Ward One puson to serve as Common
Nh th Wcid One p-rsuti lo scno as Common
Councilman ami on" pirtcm oa additional Coir,
lnoii Councllirnn.
Mcvenlh Ward One person lo tenv us Co'ii
men Ci'iiuellniin and ono puson a additional
Co'nmoii Count.iluun.
'ihlrteenth Wind One pcron lo serve tut Com
mon Councilman and eu person as additional
Common Couuiilman.
I'ifteciuli Wuid-Onc per on ta serve u Ocw
mon Councilman.
Seventeenth Word One pel son to servo as Coin.
mon Court llman, cue perron to tcrve ns ndcll
tlouat 'Common Councilman.
Nineteenth Ward One person to eervo as Com
mon Com i llman and evvo persona as ndiUtlonil
Common I ouik ilincn.
Tuiutietli Ward One person at additional Clin
cllman. Tvvtiily-flrtt Ward One person to aen-e as Con
iii' n Couniilm.iii.
lul stub oilier ward anil district oIKiers as
may bo directed by liw.
JAILS MOli:, Ma)oi.
Certlllod rubllo Accountant.
bulldlnir, bciaiitun.
ritHDl'.niCK I.. DROWN. AKClini.CT. PIUCC
bulldinif, 1M vVashluiilu'i avitiuo, berantou.
int. c. k. i:ii,i:Mii:it(u;it, I'An.i nrif.niu7
Siruco street, MiaiUon.
Dit. I. O. LYMAN, fcCltv.YION I'HlVATsTTlO
pltal, lormr W)oui1iik and MulLui)'.
Dit. C. C. LAUHCI1, 115 W .OMIXf; AVIlSUll
Cabs and CiurlRSfCB.
Itl'nnCR TlltKD CAPS AND fAI'.ltlAi',S; Dl"sT
of service. Prompt attention (,-ivin oiders by
'phone, 'Phones 2'Hi and &K2. JwepU belle)',
1I Llnd.m.
Physicians and Surgeon.
Dit." W.'i:. AU.UN. f.13 NOIITII WAilllNOTOK
av ruuv.
Dit. p!"w. I.'AMOIH.AI'X, OITU II Ito'i WAi-U-lni;ton
avenue. lb sldeu-v. Ult JlulUerry.
Chronic illseai-es, luiitfx. Ii.'uil, kldm-)s ami
Liiulto uriiiaiy oigjm sfiss-lnliv. lloms, i tM
4 p. m.
Gchoolel. .'
grilOOL OP tubTiU'kawa'n's, mrkston,
Pa. Course, prcparatoiy to colli-i;e, law, medi.
cine or iiuilu.s. 0ien Si pi. tath. Siltd fi
(atalotue, tv, Th'iiiias M. Osiui, l.U 1.. tiHn
ilpal and proprlutnr; ,W, IL I'luiulty," A. Jl,,
r ,r
W a5Vrk
l JiuTrmiyj. aKw
With mstnorandum space
ou each leaf,
c Eadho
ust for a day or so.
Stationers and Knp;r.ivcrs,
Hotel Jcrmyn Building.
j. w. disown, vrroiixr.Y sNd counshl.
lor-at-law. neoms S1J ata M.ars building.
i). 11. i:i:i'i.oaM:, ATi'jitsrv-i.osNs nkco.
tiated 011 nul i-stalc K.i;urit3. il.jrs building,
(ormr Waihington nieuue and Spruce street.
and i ( uiiisellors at-law. Itepubllcau building,
Washington avenue.
JU'sSL'i & jiumiti1, ArroiiNi.YS and coun-
M'liora-it-'aw. Lemmonwealili liullJIng, lloomi
IU, 20 anl 21.
IWt-WI, Pth floor. Mcars building.
ii. a tiVTiiiw, rroni:Y.AT-i.AW. boaud
of Trade building, bi ruiitou. Pa.
Hank building.
C. COMl.tUS, tl-t.-i HCPUHUPAN llUH.DINll.
Hotels and Zlestaurants.
nue. HaUs uasonablc.
P., Pioprlctor.
SCIt.WION HOIi:, M'.AIl I), I., fi W. PA3
cnncr ileimt. Cenduited on the L'uropean plan.
VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
(rymen, (tore Sell Wy'dustou avenue; green
bourn's, l'lTO North Main avenue; storo tele
lihone, 7.
. Wire Screoiur.
josr.pii Kt Krrr.i,. heau tn i.ackuvan.w
avenue, Scran.oti, Pa., manufacturer of Wire
Screens. ,
Dltr-MMNU I ci: I.I1)I.1H!:n TO OHDI'.lt;
also laduV v. Hats. Louis ilioe-nakjr, 212
Ailjms an nue.
A. 11. llHlCLS tT.I'N9 PKIVV VAl f,Ti AND
etss pools, no loi. Inijirovid pumpd used.
A. Ii. U'iirss. 1'iopiletoi I.avo oidus lPsl
Ncttlt Main uicnue, or l.lelie's ding Hole, coi
ner Adams uud Mulberry. Teh phone Ml,
shampo.nn,, 3 it.; f.n'ial inas.ia' ; inaiilcurltii,',
20c; iluropoely. '.01 (u tie.)
llAI'nU'S OliCHlSTRA JlfSIf' FOIt I) VM.
iu lit. s, panics irrvptlnii-, ui.Wllii.s and con
leit woik furn.-hid. I'm tenm uillnsi K. J.
H.iuer, conduitor. 117 W)oiiiing uunuc, over
llulbcrt's music tore.
jit;,ut;i.K ruins., puinti.iiv si)Pi', i:v.
lelopis. paper l.aa. tMine. Wanhou'e, 1C0
Wa-ldtihtoii jienuc, tranton, Pa.
Tin: vii.r."si!inti: unoni) cn hi: had
in fc'ianlon at tlie news stands of Itelsmin
Dion., 4il Spruee and 50.1 I.tmlin: M. Notion,
:e22 Lacknw.'iwa avenue; 1 S. Srhutzcr, 21t
i'liute itKit.
Uelnvare, Lackr.wanna and Western.
In i:r7ect Dec. 2, 11-00.
Pouih-Liave Sunioii for New Voik ut 1.10,
3.00, 5 W, H.w ami 10 u.i a. m ; p.'.O",, j.aj p, in.
For Philadelphia ut 8 isj and loul a, m ! 12 3
nnd B.W p, 1.1. For etrouebburt; at 0.10 p. in.
.Milk a(turuml.ition .U .. W p. in. Arrive at
Ilobokcn .it il Ji. 7.1s, 10.-2S. 12.0S. S.r,, 4.IS,
7.V) p. i.i. Airive at PMIidelphli it 1.CI a.2,1.
u.ou anil -2 p. in. .iinve irom .ew von: at
1 10, l.txi and 10 i. a. in.; l.t, I.S2, 5.4T,
and 11. L0 p. i.i nun stroi.iUliuit; at 3.03 a. m.
v.r,i,.l ..iiei Siranton fnt nnllilo nn.t Inf.....
mediate etaiiom at 1.15, 1.10 and U.00 a. m. j
1.C0, 3 43 anJ ll.a. p. m. i or Uswtuu ami Siyra-cu-e
at 1.10 a. m and 165 p. in. For L'tUa at
1.10 a. m. and I f" P- m. For Montrose at 9. on
. . . ,. ....1 14 ,1 III I'm VI. Iw.l.n.. .. , tV
a. in.; i e', .in.. - N, . jf
ii I. d 0.15 ti m. I or IJiin-humion at ki.-.'ij a. in, r.
. ... ,. fpnm ll..Tolrt n I .,. S -. S Iv
mo in -i niiiii.ii ,.-'.., i..i.i..i" t ,.., . u , j.,j
nnd lO.oo n. ta. ; :'.s0 and n ik) p, m. From Ot-
vvego anil Djrai-u-"- js w . m. , 1-.05 uuo 0.011
p. m. Fiom Utii-i at S Vi .1. in.; 12 OS and 3.J0
p m. From Nicholson 111 7,;o .1. 111 and 11 00 p.
in. From Jlouirosti 111 imou a. 111 ; s.-u una 4 uj
p. m.
Moomsbiira Division Ijav 11 .Si 1. niton for
N'ortUumberl.iii'l, at fi.4 10 05 a. 111 ; l.dl nnd
5.20 p. m. I'"' Plymouth at 1.0",, s 10, s.50 p.
in. For KlngkUn at 10 a. in. Arrive at North,
timucrlnml ut ' a. 111. 1 1.10, fi.Od and Rl", p.
iiUA .it Klnrinn tit H Ttl a. til. Vriiti, .11
pTymomli ut zm. 4S-2. in, p m. irlie in
t-cranion ironi juMinmiwiuiu . u. ,u .
W.JI1 4.R0' and S.43 p. in. From Mncstun nt
11 01)' a. m. From Pl)mouth .it 7.51 a. in.: .t.SO,
fl m n. ut.
Semtli leave ftianton 1 to, 3.0", .50, 10 05 a.
m. ; 3 .W. 8.40 p. in.
Vorth Iiava heranton at 1 1.1. 4 10 a. in. ; 1.3V
8.4S and 11. .3 p. m.
IHoonv-miriT iiivisioniA'avo oliuuiou ut 1701
a, m. and 5.30 p. m.
Sola-ware and Hudson.
In I'lleet Nov. ii, 1000.
Train for ( itijoiiJalti Kato Seranion at ('
7.6J, .H, lu.U'a m ; IJ.uu. l.f. S.ll, 3.32, 0),
aSS. 7.57, l 15. H-1S P- ".; 1 IS g. m.
ror HaiiuBlnle-MM. Ial3 a. in.; in n,
&.21 p, in.
For W likes airre!1 41, 7.4. 8.1.1, 11.3s 70, u
11 M a. ni, 1 . 2-. " -'. -!. '.f. 10 II,
11 '0 p. in.
For U V. U. It. poiiils-fc 4j, U.5J a in. ,!,
1.-.7 and 11. p. m-
For Pennsylvania R. R. pdnts ,, u.34 a.
n; 9.18 and 4.27 P. J.
For Albany and all ItilnN u.irlli l 0 s. m.
and 3.63 p. m
anu 0.0a v. BlTMIAy TRAIN'S.
For Caibondale l.l, ll.iU a. in.; .H, a,i.,
S.17, 111.63 p. m.
For Wllk -lUir 1,84, 1165 9, m.j 1 63, 3.H,
(j.l. 8.2, p m
For Albany and p r.ts north S.S2 p. rn.
Far llonosdale u.OO a. 111. and 3.32 p. m.
lowest lates to all points In United Statu and
Pvnuda ....,..
J. V. tll'UD'i 'f. ". I. A.. Albany N. Y.
II. XV. CIIOSS, D. P. A., h'oranlon, Pi.
Central IKiiirotnl of Wow Jersey.
Stallons in New V en kWo I o; Liberty stieer,
; ti and 'uih ferry.
'nvii; tii'-i: i wtixre nov. si, kw.
Trams Ua" f1""" '"r Xllv' Y01U, Newaik,
KliUh, piulideoiu. l.aton. Iieti.iihfm, Al
kutoviii. Uaueh ink and Wldto Haven, at S.:i)
a. 111.. jie-s, i.W, Mpicas, 3.C0 p. 111. .Sun.
it'll a 1j P m.
For i'iU"t"U and XViIk,M-!hirre, s.30 a. ni l.ltj
ami 3 50 11 ' ""',' ,l I1' '"
For' llaltlinore ami X"a-lilntoii. and points
boiilli iud Wi'i il pellilelieni, bM ;i, m j.u
5hJ M p. m t-uiit'jy. '2-11 P. 111.
For t-oivr Urine b. Ooaau iliovc, etn., at 8.S0
a m and 1 1" P- '"
Pur Jiia. 111 . Li' it "ii and lljril.liiir.-. vli Al
luitosvn, .u a. in. and 1.10 p. m. Simdj)
'rorPottsville. .a. m and 1.10 p. in.
Tluouiih tnkae tu all point, wist, until and
west at lovvi t Litis at the stalllvn.
II l. IHI.nWIV, Oen. IMw. Aut.
J. If OI.HAF8KN, Ucn. t-upt.
Kvie nnd Wyomliiff Vnlley.
llnw Table in I iTeel hipt. 17, lsl
Tltlaa lor liawley uiid hul iwtnts,
llttf at llavvby Willi Kric railroad for New Yoik,
NawUitah and Internwdiata (hiIiiUi leuvn i-u an
ion at T.M a. m. and 185 p. m.
TVlns arilvv at '' nton at 10.80 a, m, and
V.1U p. w-
Designers of high
art fabric printing
and artistic weaving
have excelled all
SV as
previous ettorts in
their production of
wash materials for
this season.
Our selection from
this array of beauti
iul fabrics are now
displayed for your
inspection. The asj
sortment consists of
Satin Liberty's, Plis
ses for shirt waists
and dresses, Satin
Striped Mousseline
de Soie in all shades
Satin striped Batistes
French Foulards,spe
cial line at 25c. An
derson's Scotch Ging
hams in the latest
colorings. Stripes and
plaids. Irish Dimi
ties, exclusive line,
I2c. Also a full
line of Galateas for
boys' waists, Fancy
and plain Piques, and
our usual complete
line of white goods.
Schedule In Effect May 27, 1000.
Trains leave Scranton, D, & H,
0.45 a. in., week days, for Bunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, BaltN
more, Washington and for Pitts
burg and the West.
0.38 n. xn., week days, for Hazloton,
Pottsville, Rending, Noiristown,
nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
1 ltlmore, Washington and Pitts
burg nnd the West.
2.18 p. in., week days (Sundaye,
1.08 p. m.) for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
tho West. For Hazleton, Potts
ville, Beading, &c, week days.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
J. n. WOOD. Cen. Pass. Agt.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Kfieit Nov. 23, 1!0.
Trains leave Scranton.
Fer Philadelphia and New York via 1). & If.
H lt at and 11.63 a. m., and 2.18, Vit
(lllaek Diamond Express), and 11.30 p. m. iun.
"", D. & II. 1J; " f-;7 P- m.
For XYhlte Haven, llaileton and principal
points In tho eoal region, via D & H. n. M
ti ti, '2.W and 1.27 V- " Tor PotUville, 6.15.
IMS and 4 '27 p. ni.
For Iletlilebem, Kaston, Heading:, HarrlsburJ
and principal Intermediate stations via D. & if"
1 1 . fl 5. U.63 a. 111.; S.1S. 4.87 (Ulaclc Oi".
'" . '., 2 S 1 fill ti. 111. Snnilxa I, ,. .
p. ni
. " -. .. llAlmilnr llnnnln MI-. .....
lor (.eneva, ..v......., ..-....., ..i.sri rail",
11 U a m, 3-S3 'll,,k "M'noinl Unpre). 7A.
will, U.SO p. m.y fcuudays, O. Si U. n. n
i'uilin'an parlor and sleeping or Lehljh Valley
,arlor cats or, sll trans b'jtvteen Wilkca-Darr'rs
and New Xoik, Plilladslphlo, Uutralo and Suv
pension llridice,
HOLMS' H. Xv'IMIUIl. f.en. Snpi., 20 Cortlan.l
stint, New Xoik.
rilAIHXS S. I.r.i;, Cen Pa.. Ast., 28 Cortlaml
strett. New York.
A. XV. NONNI'.MACHKit, Dlv. Pau. Ast., BoLtls
tlethlchem. Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reservations apply ti
800 Laekavvanna avenue, Ser-nton, Pa.
Time Card tn rffeel Dee. 30th, 11)00,
vm pni. iri 1
ail, n .
, PH
Irti !
. a otV
,10v lOS'Ar. Cadol,,.I,T.
10 40 ill " llaneock . "
10JI J4S " . .huirllKlit. , "
1121 181 " .Pie.ton Park. "
IIIIV Its " ...VVIueKMl. '
tow) ) " ...Povntelle... '
....iffiiii. ...
....ItliM ,
.... H SIS LS. ..,
... ieosn...,:
van ia tinon
IMII'1 " . 1'luu.antMt. "
u 3d it iv ,. Unlouilsls,, "
IIISI " . Fin ut nty. . "
MIIW CurlioiiilsloYd
r ooiasist... '
... 1 HOll tui .darLieneUle
...ase un. ..1
Wlille llrldgi-,
1 01... 1.. .1.....
...ait emu ii, "
. ,6!!seOll 11 '
.. 813ISM1I14
..a ti .Mil 01 -
."j i.r.i, u
Msjfl.lil... " 7 07 Ull
.Jerinvn..,, ' T Ml fit (
Airhbald... " 7 isiiiic
....aej. hmii in1
" 11 US MI I
. SIS SIS 10 M
.. aiL!S4410M
1 -
, PeekTllle .MB
.Olrphsat. " 7 117
. Prhvliurir . " .7 W
Thl-tMln " 7 31
....6 III a 1010 m,
....SUI BS510 IV, " .l-ro.ldrnra.. " '7 all lis il' ... '
.lYo.lrtncs.. " !7 Jl
... .6UI .IU4( ' .pKikl'lare.. " 7 34 PlSM., .
. . 55; sa-iioioLv. .Scruntou...Ai-,7 4oi nits... .
ft mm " 'm m ml
A'MltlonsI tmlolrtrr rsrbendsle for MtJO.H YsiS
dull) trrivlugstC'sriHuidsl. si.Msiu.
Hates - cents per mile.
I.onest Hutea tu (ill Polnta Waal,
j. c noiaaoN,
i r, wtliH,
Irs, Aicni,
menu i.xpi'i; - ft . oi n.
11 II 1.0J. 8.27 P. rn-
For Tunkliaunocii, Tuwanda, Wmira, Itluta,
(Jriii'va nnd piinclpal Intermediate stations, vit
II 1.. & XV. H. . S.M a. m.j 1,05 and 3.1(1
u.1, i"m 71 n"".jr.sni7.oupin nniiuiT UDir.srrifies
t.Mfifl'l Vor M pin. '
'I'i'Iiis al all stations In Carli-Kuit", iirlrlii. st 7 is pin,
sml trh.ll Ifsve. Mkllli.J l.r a fnr ('.rLun.l.l. ttlu,n