le W t v('tt .- J-Mr r-m.m w-f't-ff)iijppii,rH wi.w5a,sPFi.mj 5TKT - , - i t .:, , " 'V, v . THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1001. Ccm'nur.!et'cns a nes nluro, pec sonals aiid til Items tor pubt'catlon mv be left at The Trib une's new offices In the Burke HullMng, or sent by mall or phone. THE FIRST SERVICES. 'The New Trinity Church Opened with Impressive Features. The now edifice of Trinity Protes tant Episcopal church was formally opened for religious worship yestor Oiiy by most Impressive anil ! .splrlnjc cervices In the presence of lare con Kirnatlons. Th musical portion of tho exorcises was n delight and pleas ure to tho attendants of theso ser vices, anil much prnlso Is duo to the ihorlster, T. Orinith Smith, und the organist, Mrft. N. I,. Moon, for the c:: tellence of this Important feature, in the mornlnp. the Hew Dr. OlmsteaJ, of nala, )'a.. preached a niastoilj sermon, which ws delivered without notes, und he held the nttentlon of the large congregation closely. In the evening, lit. Ttov. Klhclbcrt Talbot, bishop of the Central diocese of Penn sylvania, delivered a. sermon bsforo nnothcr largo congregation. The services of the day began with tho holy communion ut tv0 a. in., ad ministered by Rev. nollln A. Sav. yer. rector of tli church, In the chapel. At 10.30 o. m.. the large and beautiful church was thrown open for the nrr.t morning service ever hold in It Many of the paihshoners anJ others fortunate enough to secure ticket of admission, sought seal long before the hour of worship. Hut there was nd crowding; everyone was accommodated nnd by tln time tho organ began to send fotth Its .list waves of harmony, the audience was nearly all In readlnoBtr and a stlllnos" prevailed, which was Inoken by the faint sounds of the choir ringing In the distance the flrt lines of the beau ilful processional: "Savior, lilesucil Savior, listen while we sing." nnd then tho supllced choir of forty male and female voices, niiicr-cded trom ono of tho bide wings to their benches In the chancel, with tho clergy following and Bishop Talbot ut il n end, fol lowed by his stuff-hearer, anil IJv. T. TJ. Olinstead, tho gospel. Hew Sid ney Hvtins tlellvcicd the prayer: nm Heti.lamiu Abbott real the piilhtlc. The Ural lesson of the day tns read by Lay Header oiirc ('. Hart, itoin ImwIs, tweiiiy-i-ighth ,bapler. com iiiciielng at the tenth wise. The ?ec nnd lesson wus f: mi Uevel.itlot'.s, twenty. tli-ft diaptei. I'icin the tenth ff-i; anil ri'itil liy l-i IJeinler T. Orlflln S-mlth. Tin- ei.iclen 'lev" liuilleil h the "liv,'f .in. I til" ie Mmine. by the iholr. leiiilerlnff n vi-ij 1 fi-etlve (1 Hint;. The !i v. Ciillln A. SiiW I tin "1 iiV the Hitler Tut thi' 1I11 und (''!( ri'l e.ille'd 111" utleliliili U th" enl. ("tt.illi'Il Hi the i'.,,i:i t llie illU'.eb, !! h' itei I'llt I'll wix n Iniinli'.l !:i- !li ' h !" tl'ieie Si. i'itiiii to :. M'Miilii'i IihM'I tin ss i.f j.'.iuo. etnl '! icl lii I111""! thin Utat ilnntlm; ih'bi v-'.liM l-e .. e.'ill'v 1iiliMili'l. Tv ! '. e. (H'UHeail. ' ll.tlfi. IM.. ''ii n ' I ''If '' 'In 'h- 1'iilpll nnd ' :iifi-i t!i ii"ii:..K ".mi n. Itie 1 1 ! 'ft "."II' !e. I . -11 lilt III- " i the I'Ul tiHUHtn hid 1 aeii m -Hi y v lac; filKitn III. 11, aivt fill! nf eyes v Ithln. i.ii'l 4 reiiti'l 'nn: iluj and tilrilit. .ay- IMlv. hoi;. Imlv. I.ieil n.id AI- h , f tilth vum .mil Is, and . t ' And v. lvu tliiiii- iioi'Ih jihr v i -ii.il bin. iin'l thui.' 1 l-i hl'.i I ll n-.l mi till lll.'ilie. ln lUclh 1 ! iiii.l eef. li!i loll.- mel twetl- iy ehl 'iv full tl'iivu Ix t t ilini th 1; i fit i'i the tin :i". 1K1I II. fill foi.-' vi f tin li- iiiunt ln-t"!1 Ii.p- 'Thou art ie; --he r.iorv lilli lllltl OI"1lll lllm il'ld ' I " Mll'l IMK t'l" thiohe. M.iy iil,y. i Lord, (! hriiior und jiiv, .v. l'tii thrill lutt for thv : leapt uitc I 1 In v oil thlnw j'l'i are and 'P ereiltetl,' "' Dr. olnihtoad lugan his einin lie I11UI11C up the importance of tdoal. in eveiythlng, (.specially In rellulmi. Tills comes to us from abov and :t le.iebet us how to hollee and how to woishlji. Ilu dwelt upon the (act that n- od tcld Jloscs to make ovev.( thing 101 the tabernacle according to tho pat tern shown lilm In the mount, thov might expect there mlphl 'to f-onv heavenly pattern for tho worship of Christians, the heavenly" worship n j-ocn by St. John ir. tho vision of which tho text formed a part. Th object of this worship Is of God con ceived of as a holy belnif. Wo wor ship a God of holiness, not u senti mental God, not a God who minimises the fact of sin, and our worship, if It he true nnd sincere, nsslmllates in to him and we become holy, nnd the holy worship that the church leads us to (onvlnces others also to worship, as the worship of tho four living crea tures Induced the worship of the font' anil twenty elders. Those who stand outside the church hulldlng see nothing In the windows but tho leaden panes and possibly they may picture grotesque forms in those windows, but those who come Into this building, spohen of as the church. oo tho light of heaven nnd Interpret It. If you might prefer to stay outside of tho religion of Chi 1st, you cannot epect to understand It, but If you will Join yourself to It and llvu under Its Influence It will show Its glories to you. Our religion, to he unrtei stood, must be experienced. Afturj-tho close of tins sermon holy communion was administered. Ilev. Mr. Sawyer announced that In order rjot to unduly prolong the service tlw nopjinjirilon would bo udmlnlsteiod to tli'o clergy only. Bishop Talbot was the celebrant. The following pattonlj of the communlop; Kt. Ilev. Kthel bert Talbot, bishop of tho central dlo cesi) of Pennsylvania, of South Uothle hem; Rev. Sidney Evans, of Eancass tor, Pa., nctlng chaplain to tho bishop; new TJonjainln Abbott, Carbondalej Jtew M. It. Nash, junior curate Bt. iAike's chuich, Scranton; Itev. Dr. T. T). Olmstead, 13ala, Pa and Ttov. U. A. Sawyer, rector of Trinity church, this pity- . .Mrs. George Mills sang the beautiful soln part 'of Harry Uoe Shclly's an them. "Tbt; King of J.ove My Shep herd Is," ntfertovy. In oxqulslte voice, for tho Todny the Archdcaconiy of Scran- DcBuU'sN ' Cures all Throat and Lung Affection!. COUGH SYRUP k. CcttheKeoutne. Kcfusesubstltutu. M Vis sure av!Ua Oil cure KbtumaUia. 15 as CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT ton will hold a Fctslon In the new churcn at 11 a. m., to which all com municants of the church nr Invited At 4 p. n. , the Archdeaconry will hold another pcsslon, at which there will be abort speeches by Its members and also addresses by various clcigymen of Carbondale. Ak 8 p. int., thero will be a reception 3 th blub' p In the parish house, to which tho publlo ar. Invited. Those services will conclude the dedicatory oxercNtf. ALMOST nEABV. Columbia Hoso Company Fnli C gins Tonight. Tho (list fair of Columbia Hose com pany since ISfi? will btgln tonight. Carpenters nnd (Iccorutois an elec tiiclatiR have been busy since eail. Satuidiiy morning In erecting booths, flocotatlng them and puttl"g In addi tional lights. When I he public Is ad mit, ed this e cuius It will behold a most claboiato system of ornamenta tion, ha far as tho booths ate con cerned. Miese boothsi taU( ut the northeni I'j.d of llui-ko'it large hall, whom u lair is to bo held. There sue four cf them, and under the left manipulation of Abo Salmi and other." the system of ornamentation Is finite novel. The colors used are k. hlue, ytllow, et.'s and white. The body of the drain ry I of white, pleated and diawn Inlo points from abov. while lattice work of woven blue .md white ornament the sides. Kunnlns along the top-aie putf of bright yellow material. Dividing the four booths If u door In the ccntie, which Is ili.-ped Krarefuy with the teilse. Tio arc lights have been add ed to the lame number of Iniandes cont lamps. The ball room Hour wIM be In pi hue condition tor the dancers. The workers at the decorations wore busy all day Saturday, yesterday and will he today In sotting things In shape OBITUARY. Frank Gunnelia. Mention was made In thei-e columns on Saturday of the Illness of Frank Gunnelia. of Scott Mreot, and at II o'clock that evening he passed away. Some lime ugo Mr. Gunnelia was striken with a n;verc attack of tho grip. He ventured out before he had fully recovered nnd a i elapse i-et In. whleh brought on a fatal attack of pleuHi-pneunionhi. .Mr. Cunnrlia was II years of age and about twenty. live years of that time had been spent In this city. He had not been In tho best or health for several years. He wns enintneoil li- 'tin Metropolitan Life Insuiaine coin- pany In this city. He was a man of stilet lutein liy mid among all who kii"W lilm was greatly esteemed, lie belonged to several of the St. Hose pai Itdi societies and was a consistent uieinhi r of that church. Mr. Ctinnoliii Is survived by a wife and three children, all of whom lvive llie heartfelt hvmputhy of their many friends. The funeral iiuaiigenient's hae not In en .uinouneed. A Nanow Escape. I'eopli passing the "I.onkollf iioss Iiij; Satuidiiy wcie ivltnesses of a most mllltiUloUH CMIlpe iif a leuillMer ll Dill 1'iilble Injury If not death, dust ah a Moii'da'e br.iiHh p.nenger train cam nloii the man droi- on the tra 'k The people who saw his dan it' r sliinite.i and the engineer whl.-tled. Tli staitli'd man bait the pic lencc of nilnd to pull the hor.se aiound nnd the fient hob hiliig able to turn under lb" box or the vehicle allowed the hoi'M to ci ff tin track Just as the mine whisk. d by. The locomotive .shuck the st Igh. but the lorce was not fuCld-nt to caime any great dani- "?" Had the man 1 n an Instant soon, r in ouwlns the tinckK he would Mll'-iJ have been Hilled. Miss Bryd'en Buiied. The funeral of aged Miss llildgct lhydeu, who nerlshed in the lire th.it destroyed John DrownY home on Wed nesday alternoon, was In Id Saturday morning rrom the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook, on Urooklyii stict. Ilev. Walter Gorman coiidin te.t ihe services In St. Uose ehiirch. att.-i-which Interment was maib-Jn St. i: is . cemetery. The pall-bearc-s ei- .lohn Flnnnelly, .lohn l.yuadd.i. .lohn Kh leen, Hugh Gllgallon. I'anlek .U Garry and .lames Devlne. Social nnd Suppoi. The Ladles' auxiliary of the (i, I. A to tho nrotherhood of Locomotive Kn glneers will give a social and supper in WattY hall on Tuesday evening. Febiuary 19. A special meeting of tins society will be held tomorrow after noon at 2.C0 (clock. Attended Church Opening. Among those who attended tin- iipen Ing service of the now Tilnlty churdi were Miss Allco I,aw, of New Yoik city, and Miss Kate Edgerton, of Kl. mlra, N. Y., each or whom made liber al donations to tho building fund. A U. M. W. Social. Una! ICSfi, United .Mine Wiirkeis o.' America, will hold a social on Mondav evening, Februaiv IK. in u,e nurk'e building. .Music will be lurnlshed by AVngner's orohestta. Prof. Lavelle wlil prompt. Spent Sunday Heie. Henry H. Singer, esq,, and William Ilarr. of the law tlrm of Stein. Singer & Hair, of New Yoik city, spent Sun day with Mr. Singer's parents on South Main street, leaving heie last evening for Now Yoik. Pay Day. Tho South Sldo mine woikois em ployed by the Delaware and Huclkon company, iccelved their pay Saturday. Today the upper side mlneis will be paid. Going to Mexico. Mrs, Joseph Powdorly. uf Tci race street, will leavo soon for u tiln to Mexico, to spend several months.whoie her husband Is employed us Immigra tion officer. A Sleigh Ride. Thu childien of No. 6 school enjoyed u tslolghrldo to Olyphant on Saturday, EL. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbon dale edition, will be plcaied to receive callers seeklne Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It Tele phone numbers: New a85: old, 0423. AT THE CYfJLE CLUB. Tho Fool Tourney Begins Its Fifth Setlcs Standing of Flayers. At the Carbondale Cycle club on Sat urday night drawings for tho fifth series of the pool tourney took place, ai.d two games In that series wcro played, Humphrey now takes high place, being the onlv player who has won fivo games. In th games Satur day night A. Li. Stewart (second class) beat n. McMillan (fourth class) by 60 to 47, and C. Humphrey (third class) beat D. A. Scurry (fourth class) GO to 15. The games to be played In the tlfth series nre: Jlcoso vs. Hennle, Manners vr. Sv Ingle, Derby vs. Itutherford, .Inmot s. Mitchell, Clifford vs. Ditch bum. Hoolo vs. Knnpp, Davis vs. Smith, and Gilhool vs. Hilggs. The complete standing Is: Wr. host, I Won. Lost. lltU-mi 2 J,MltclielI 3 1 Clifford I 1.1. O. Kfie ...2 1 Dill. t (Mtrnnlr 2 2 Pul'j- UltolirrtA S t Pinlitmm . ... 2 C tiulthrfoid 2 2 llllliool .i 1 Smith 2 2 lliioV 2 2 Swlncle 4 0 lliuiipliri';' .1 "McMillan 3 J bucs I 2stcn.nrt :l 2 Itinpp ! 2bvutry 3 2 Jljuiicr.i ... .2 2 MEN'S CONTEKENCE. Laymen of Lackawanna Presbytery Meet Hero Next Month. A big mlsslonaiy meeting for the men of the Lackawanna Presbytery will bo held at the First Presbyterian chinch of this city early next month. Its object will be to enlist men In missions. The programme for the meeting Includes a popular session for one evening and morning, afternoon and evening sessions tho following day. Among the speakers will be Itev. Kugene Dunlap, D. D Row W. II. Swift. Itev. William II. Harshaw, D. ll., Itev. Charles B. Koblnson, D. D.. Itev. J. V. Patterson, D. D and Uev. A. W. Halsoy, D. D all prom inent workers from other cities, and M. D. Lathropo, of this city. Undo Sam Is Kind. Tor the last three days the Unltfil States Agrlcultuial Department has been sending Into this city many of the little tin holders for tho cards o? the weather bureau and forecasts of the weather. Xea.-ly every merchant In town has been thus favored. In some buildings there ure four or five of these forecasts prominently dis played, thoj being sent here from tho signal station In Scranton, No one now needs to bo Ignorant of the proba bilities of the coming day's phase of weather, for no matter where one goes he Is bound to see the little pale-ollvo colored tin hangers, with Its nibbor stamp printed cards. Coining Social Events. Tho Senior Christian Endeavor soci ety of the First .Presbyterian church will give a social next Friday even ing In the Sunday school rooms. Each one attending must dress to represent the title of some Ming. Miss Harriet Ilutchlns has charge of tho event. Mr. and .Mrs. T. L. McMillan have Issued invitations to a number of their friends for an evening party to bo given at their home, on Salem nvenue, next Filday. Mrs. Stone Dead. Mis. Helle Slone. who was admitted to the Emergency hospital In this city last Monday, from Mayllold, to have an operation pel formed for a flouting kidney, died In that Institution on Saturday night ut about 10 o'clock. Her death w-aa caused by pneumonia, It Is said. She leaves n husband and two children, a mother and two broth ei.s, all of May Held, She was about 't years of ago. Continued Until Wednesday. The case of Constable Stephen A. Gllby, charged with the felonious wounding of Eddie Gorman, ox-County Detective Leyshon prosecutor, has been continued until Wednesday of this week. Mornn has not yet left tho hospital. Merry School Children. A sleigh load of yelling, Joyous Hihool childien enjoyed u ride to Arch bald Saturday afternoon. On reach ing there they secured a hall and for an hour or two enjoyed games, romp lug, etc. They returned In time for a Id It' Slippel. Born. To .Mr and Mrs. George Kroft, of Itlcluniiud avenue, a daughter. Only Slightly Hurt. Wold has reached friends In this city that the two Italians, Caimlno Gogll ui e and Caimlno Grecco, hailing from AN UNEQUALED RECORD Theie Is a Rapidly Increasing Vol ume of Scrnnton Evidence Rolling Up for the Great Medicine, Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills. It would neein that hardly anyone can lake Dr. A. V. Chaoe't. Nervu PIIIh without receiving marked bene fit. Tho wondcifiil action of this medi cine In putting people on their feet who are In n weak, run-down condi tion Is tho talk of every place they are known. It Is only a short time slnco they Jlrst came to Scranton, yet today they are more In evidence for merit with Scranton people than all other medicines combined, Mrs. John Penster, of No. 43a liee coui t. Scranton, Pu says: "Dr. A. V. Chase's Nerve PIIU that I got at MutthnwH HroB.' drug Htoiv. No. 3.'0 Lackawanna avenue, are a lino medl clno Indeed. 1 was suffering with n, lot of nuln In the left aide, over tho spleen a gnuwlng pain but nothing seemed to stop it. I was rentiers nnd neivous, as well as run down. Tho nerve pills, howevet, proved Just tho thing, stopping the pain and norvous nepH nnd ulviug- mo strength und en ergy. I can say this conscientiously, und urn pleased to think I can." Dr. A. AV. Chase's Nervu Pills nro sold at ROc. a box at dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chaso Medicine Co,, Huffnlo, N. V. See that porttalt nnd signature of A. W. Chase, M, l) are on every package. hero, who were In the terrible WTeek at Greenville, Pa., by which five lost their llrs, wcro only slightly Injured, one of them having his finger lacer ated nnd the other escnplnjc with a bruised foot. They wero both nblo to continue their Journey to Kentucky. Dnrk All the Week. The Grand opera houso wilt ho daik all this week, no plays being sched uled. Two companies had been hooked for the next six days, but the engage ments were cancelled, owing to the conl miners' strike. Next week nnother repertoire company will hold the boards for eight performances. Meetings Tonight. Common council. Fair of Columbia Hose company. Olive Leaf lodge, No. lofi, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. Federal union, No. 7204. Patriotic Order Sons of America. Carbondale council, No. 329, Knights of Columbus. Tho Passing Throng. Miss Nolla Bellamy left Saturday for Washington, D. C. A. P. Trautweln is In Oil City, Pa., on n business trip. Miss Ulnnche Whitney, of Hones dalc. Is visiting friends In town. Thomas Ncalon has accepted a posi tion at tho weaving mill. W. U. Culver departed for Cincin nati on Saturday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. G. Giles, of Lincoln avenue.spent Sunday In Windsor, N.Y. L C. Harnden and wife, of Blng hmnton, spent yesterday with friends In town. Misses Cella and Esther Moses, of Scranton, weio the guests of Mrs, S. Singer yesterday. Mrs. Nora Urennan nnd Miss Annie Shannon nro visiting friends In Pitts ton and Wllkos-Parre. Mrs, Charles Hubbard, of Williams avenue, hns Joined her husband at Windsor," N. Y., where he Is now sta tioned. Mra. Arthur Howell, a former resi dent here, but now of Baltimore, Md., Is the guest of friends In town for a few days. Charles Orchard, formerly a resident of this city, but now employed In a responsible position by Andrew Car negie, was in this city yesterday. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Andrew Telrpock, a Russian boy, re siding on the hill at Maytleld, yester day held a dynamite cap In his hand over the stove, with the result that the cap exploded and blew oft his thumb and n finger. Mrs. Seymour, an aged lady, who had been ill for several months, died yesterday at tho home of her daugh ter, Mrs. William Harvey, of Notth Main street, with whom she made her home. Deceased had resided hero for many years, and In addition to her daughter Is survived by two sons, William, of this borough, nnd James, of Shenandoah. Twenty-eight grand children and five great-grandchildren iiIro survive her. Deceased was born near Itedruth, Cornwall, England, seventy-six years ago. The funeral ar rangements have not yet boon com pleted. Thero was no change yesterday In the condition of John F. Nicholson, who Is 111 with pneumonlt. Klmer, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Blake, of Second street, who Is lit with the same disease, was slightly Improved yester day morning, Therewas considerable rejoicing yes tcrdny morning at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stooker over the ar rival of a little daughter. A son also arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Jossup, of West Maytleld. Michael Walsh, of the Georgetown university, Washington, D. C, has been called home by the serious Ill ness of his mother, Mis, Walsh, of Maytleld, who Is suffeilng from a com plication of diseases. J. M. Sherwood, the local horseman, took second money with his horhe Roxenn, at tho races at Crystal lake, Friday afternoon. Peter Merritt, the Hagmnn of the Ontario and Western crossing on North Main sticet, Is suffering with u severe attack of the grip. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker, of Car bondale, weio callers here yesterday, Stephen Whltmoro, of West May field, has been confined to his home for several days with the prevailing epidemic, grip. Mrs. Gomer Gnmes and two childien, of Providence, nre visiting relatives here. Mrs. Hopkins, an aged lady, who Is nearly a centenarian, Is quite HI at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Job AVII1 lams, of Fourth street. OLYPHANT. Dr. Leonard Kelly, Jr., our well known young physician, died at the home of his parents, on Lackawanna street, at 1,30 yesterday morning. His death was due to general debility, ho having been HI for several weeks. The young man enjoyed a large circle of acquaintances, und his demise will be greatly regretted. He was bom lit Olyphant twenty-five years ago, nnd attended the public .schools in this borough, after which he took a course In the Mansfield State Normal school. Later, he entered the Charleston Medi cal college at Charleston, South Caro lina, from which Institution ho giadu uted In the year 1898. Since that time ho had practiced the profession and conducted the ding store with his father, Leonard Kelly, M. D. He Is survived, besides his parents, by one sister, Maud, and two brothers, Roy and Rexford. He was a nephew of Dr. S. P. Longstreet, of Scranton. The funeral will take place on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and Interment will be made In Union cemetery. Brief services will be conducted at tho house. Patrick McDormott, an old and ic spected resident of this place, died at his home, on upper Dunmoro street, Saturday. Deceased was one of the early settlers In this borough. Ho is survived by a wife, four daughters and three sona. The funeral will ho held on Tuesday morning, nnd Inter ment will bo made In the Olvnhant cemetery. A delegation from tho Scranton Clerks' association held a conference with tho local business men heie on Friday evening legardlng the early closing movement. The last meeting of the council previous to the leorgunlzatlon will ha held this evening. A number of Im portant ninttors will coino up for con sideration. Next Monday evening tho Ancient Order of Hibernians will hold an en tertainment at the Father Mathuw opera house. M. F. Conry, of Scran ton, will bo the oiator of tho evening. At the clofee a social will be held at Mahon's hall, with Hayes' orchestra In attendance. Miss Alice Ford, of lllinlra, Is the irWWUWVWUWWAIWmft BARGAIN In order to close out odds and ends, which are bound t'o accumulate, we have arranged them on separate tables at prices that are bound to make them move. They are not goods of inferior quality bought for special sale but our regular stock, parts of dinner sets, remnants of open stock nnrfor c rrr ni ii-nKc- !,-.- thin downs, lust what many persons aro looking for, choice pdlier 'S, OQU IlUmOeiS, lebS china anJ glassware for less than the price of shoddy. Plates, mfW Silver p,atecl Salts find Peppers, Vases, Water M' Bottles, Decorate.d Puff Boxes, Trays, Bon Bons. For 25 Cents. Cake Plates, Tea Pots, China Cups and Vases and Salad Bowls wjfg Ufra Mm; V ?4 rtnWvf.o;. .tU. ;.t;..& fPWWW Mammotn uecorated Lamp and Globe, the lpl globe slightly chipped, was $25 now $5 'k&B?0 Handsome Royal Bonn was $25 now $15 Decorated Vase Lamp,center draft burner, Dinner Sets ioo nieces, decorated Porcelain $ 7.00 " ii2 jfteces English decorated Porcelain 9.50 " ioo pieces, Semi Vitrious China 8.00 " ioo pieces Vienna China 18.00 "113 pieces Haviland & Co.'s French China 29.00 Toilet Sets, decorated blue and preen 1.85 with slop jar 4.25 For $5. Vases that were 5? 15.00 to $25.00 and a number of other articles of equal value, your choice for $5.00 rsa It would certainly pay you to look this line over, if there is anything you need you get a bargain. China rVWWWWWWWV finest of 1'iof. and Mrs. T. M. Mellule, of Sanderson avenue. The Juvunls dancing elas.i will hold a ine-Lenten sncl.il on Thursi'ny even ing. Uiwienee'H lull oiehistia will be in attendance. Frank Collins, of Jermvn, has le sluned his position at Atherton's tsore. Tho lack of a quorum prevented 11 meetliiK "f the school hoard on Satur day nluht. Another attempt will be made to meet tonight. TAYLOR. 'llie IiKjI IiMIIuIp fit thi' I'uilllli iIMrilt, (oinprUiiiff Ijrkausinni timixliip, Old I'tirso ami Tailor borouglis, wlilch .n held Ja tho il'J IVitte llleh silinol, en hitnrdiy niuinoou a 0110 uf th.- hio.t (miiitliig jd UM lii tli.lt dMrici. The iirPRMiumo wa, an cuilliiit one and ictlects cietllt on thu coinniittro who ar. rjiiK'ril It. Announcement h.is hirn undo of the aiirnaci inu iiiarri.nii' ut llvt Micrw Ui-lUl and Mr. Henry ". blilne, Imth purniLir joiiiik people of tliis tonn, to lake phiip on I'cli. SI, The following lill-un trim thl (own and ielnily lute In di.ittn Id etve ..-. juron (or Jlirrli and prll term: JIUIiael Mm ray, wliur, Tajlor; Outlet Moure, iniiliirtr, Tjjlur; John Prlre, Jr., ruerchmt, Taylor; II. WI1IU Hi-pm. book-Ufptr, ltondli.iin; .lohn lliid.lilnM, CieeU priest, Old Porno; Patrick Cojne, niimr, Old Tow; Patrick I.. Cujne, forrmin. Old Korii. The rmplo.tr e( the Ta.tlor, P.tne and Aide bald mines on the I.m latianna lompiiiy ie celted iliclr Miiibmoiitlilr paj on Siturday. The Mndon-on Hill m.im tttll he tho llepie tentatito lu-.Ut hall tr.im'j opnomnH at W'rlin'M rink tills etenlin:. A maud nodal w III follow the Rime. 1'riMldcnl W. li. 0wn and Smctaiy W. T. llatik, o( the Tat lor Imatd ol htalth, uiu home alter utlendlns the 1 1 1 r- n-lon ot the lioaul in llarrlihnri;, Kmhlcin ditWon, No. r.7. Mni. nt Ti niiitrance, will meet in hIhii thU vtininj. Mr. and Mm. W. M. 1MI and m. Doiuld. of Main .tiett, .pent llie Sihhuh tKltlns Irlendi In l"orel (it.t. lohn II. und O-iar Thomas viilted at lh bomo of Pro(iNor and Mi. M. J, T,lojd, In Prlceburjr, jestirdif. St 1 sr jut John II. lhlii'N, of th" fulled Btatef KCular army, tthn hi been rpcndliiu the past time inoiilhs ill the homo ol Ida paienta, Mr. and Mis. Datid J. IIjni, left yetrUy to mine Ills duties a' Mobile, Inil. MNi IMIth un llu-Urk and Mr. Kdwmd Jin fiijn.ted ,t rutter rldi over tlw lllmliiinit twtile. tjrd je.lerda.t. Jlr Harry Atrrt, cl nitLion City, tliitcd tho l'onell rcKldmio on N'orth Main (treet jeteiday. Hinry I'.tant tllttd hU hrothrr, John '., who li u pillint ut the o Taylor hospital, jenter Uav. 'Ihe Ta.tlor Chnial union hai rteHileil not to cnttr llio choral tompetlllon at PruvlUenee wxt month, :n vj Hivt nnveited. I.ll) ludac, Xo. VWJ, Indepenient Older of Odd I'd low, ttlll hold nn Important InuineM innotinti tontuiinw itciuiiir. Tomorrow etenlin; ttlll mrttr the nupper nl hall of the Ynuntr Men's Utrrary norlety of thu Catholic prlh. A inand ilmv l uv-iured all ttho attend. Mm, Ij iu Tell., ol Norlh lVlor. it .uderlnif from Rrtp. Mr. and Mr. Thomas MiIcn ol Wr.t SLianioii, ritlteil filrd In thi' town et"id.ij (havlK J. Ktan, of North Main mre I, (tho was Fr-Tlomly (tifntpil at the ArrlihaM mlrm late tteek 1. It.iprotlrn; a lupldly a can be ixneeled. Mr, ami Mra. Urorge (lorihn, of WmldnicU'U klliet, veie kiiMtt of the f.rtntVt parents, Mr. am) Mm. .lame Cordon, in Hiraiuon, t.lvi(Ur. To Cuio the Grip lu Two Days. I.axillto Hroino-Qilllilno arnutca Uil .auo. JESSUP. The liiiKi.il if I'll t O'llo.tli. ihe lieautilul 0 ejv old daiitflitii ol Mi. and Mi-. O'llaylc, of Miln "triit. look fdari trom h-r lm home y leul.iy alletiiooii ai 3 o'tlixk. Interment iva nndo In the Olj plum Catholic jemetery. The Jei.up Mali (hoinl party ttlll toixlurt a totlal nt P. S, Wal.h'x hall next twluid.iy even llikf. Iho U'ou.lliiui'i I), nhle fiurtetle, of t-otltll Kianton, ttlll ho in attendanve and t vood lime U umod thoM ttho attrnd, Mle II. and Maigaiet II) roe cultl on frlenda In Dltpliant Situiday ewnliiB. P. II. Civan, ol Kmnton, tailed on hU lurcnn on Hill lut litt ntriiln Mmh, .lohn KMiiukly uirf P. J. litU and Jtilui SALES, cioseouts. 1 trffcttnWfHWUWWOTP! 0 Cents. Cups and Saucers, For 50c and $1.00 Large assortment pf choice pieces, lamps. The prices on some of the higher grade are literally A il &JL r J . SEKUAL I Do Hot Treaf fill Diseases, bill Ctire fill I Treaf. ojieclaliht in Diseases of Men, of tho State Electro-Medical Institute, 400 J-ackawannn avenue (over the Talis ftoro), Scranton, Pa. Me.l, n ..I t uf t ill l.u It ip II ttlll "oon lie lo-L 11llht toll tl ill ei mil (lio.ivt it netit on t' iHi.iiil.-till. J on mint, mitht. li t.r It 'till ti i-i i 1 1 a. id till .mir tvholo tiiture wttu misery and indwoiib. nhle ttui 'i In, i iieiiel -1 iniiit i.i-im hi th kind that we are r? familiar with them an j-oi ure tvnli i In t iv tl.i.iliiflil. Oiee tortd bt ih, ion v.-Ill nctcr again be bothered with nulasions, ihaliH. or "im il.ir Mit.pti'nv tthlth iul ,t "i of )our manluiod and absolutely unfit you for study, lmvlne,, p'i erfn or inairli.t. Oin roinbaiol r.hctru-MwUcal treatment for weak men ttbleli euniblm ..II of Ihe enialKe mttri of bolli mc.Jieine and eleetrielty ttlll correct all thesis) evili nnd le-tui. j on to ttlui iiiiure lmiinli.il a hue, healthy, happy man, with physical, mental aril nrd p ti .iimiili te S ul-o vii t'i i ij .iiitil It ..or luiiiliined Kloctio-.Mcilieiil ta-catment. Varicocele, Stricture, Syphilitic Blood Poison, Nervo-Sexual Debility. und all i - i I., ih i .-. nn I " i,i tiri- ol nun. Physicians having stubborn cafe to trrt are (orlliHy in ' I in i n uli ii Ui ilini.. ii". Iii: fur piitalu iiuiLel, and gite to a patient a ler.d i lM.ii. m wiili. .-, I r "I In jl. unl.ua lapilal, to hold for our promised, fa It not Weill yoi'i t lii- t.i nn i. i i ii il i I i m id. life nnetv to multitudes of men? If tin i i n i i ll ai i or 'ii i. t i- ,""i jmptoiii full. Our homo treatment by cor. respoiulen't' ih alit it" .io t i1 Referouco Dent Punks anil Leading Business Men in this City. CONSULTATION FREE. Office Hours: 0 a. ni. to 8 i. m. Sundays, 10 n. xn. to 2 p. m. STATE EiEC FRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Permanently Iofttotl at '100 Lacknwnnna Avenue, opposite Wyoming: avenue (over tho Paris toxe), Sctanton, Pa. Hnwiifj aie mil mtt airanw mtnii m cMidin t a OlIiI m .t.ieiim s hill Valtnllii' nloht for tho bonelll "t Mm II Ut rue, tt.i" I il ionic ilunt foi Kohl M it' ' . at the I'ollllnf i ill ol the kl. Jtim - tit' 'i ii'ni.-. Ml Patiok liiiuhir, of Jviiioii. wu falh-r ill town to;' ill.'. 'ihe full 1 M n ' ttuiMi oi Ailli'tlta ttill hold a tonal ut HI. .1 mi's' hall this eteimitf. Hunt new of ImiHiitaiue It to hu liaiiaoteil nnd all iminberi' lie n i.t-ted lo h n-i'i.l. yWIITEBS HA? BTRIKJJ. Typoei!Uical Union Wo. 13 Votu to Enforoe Union Scale. Dy r'X'Uwtto Win- f'oi'i Ih i-ilalel Pret. Ooston. l'i It. n IttHtaiaplinal union. No. II, at up' lal li ' i)d ailmi ion, ti'ttd to tall a etillf in i tut 1 ok and lob f rituliw plant in the lty In e.i' Hie mailer priulern refine to tllfu tho imioii i.i'e ai ont't'. the I'omt nt iue lielng sihalur m mi wonj. n tjpt'setien hi i bo trettod M "Jouni'Vinon 'Oinpni.lt u" and e. lelte the aaiie u." a wrn lor lnliii, tlw siniu tt'oiU. rim union il.mit it i lliere sjiouhi tie no ilU i'i'ni!n.itio'i tiiititii iiht'in of Uio union and Hint the "i t'i' apidh'i to Ihe oomcti iiietulirri ,H well a lo ilu' liven. In all about -I.M'I pilulcH will lw alTe-teci Iy tlw irlk. , RAWXIVS HASP AGROUND. Be I'ttlm.M W re ( ii Th' vm luted Priii. Suntlmo d rnlw, rib. 1. -'fle Inllnl Matt trsn-i' rt ll.tv. Mn. tttnt liaid auroun I thi. tiioiu Inir an a I'uial Kit n.nr tho mnli of tho 1'tilKd nut'" ni It r Uiliiiuit. hue iiirltitl at da J break, anili"rnl In Ihe bay uil then .tattttl to rutura lo Ni'i'.'i" t nt', near the muiilli of Ihe hurbor. wlieio Is Itteutitt tlm Moiro Caatle wliarf, InUndliK lo embark thv troutm ol the 'lentil Lulu-d wits inlauiiy for Vi otk tiy. An taeouipeUut pilot attcui4d to pa. i'ii ihe Gold Glassware, Saucers, cut to pieces; 24 in. high $2.90 Geo. V. Millar & Co., 131 Wyoming Ave. Walk in and Look Around. DEBILITY. J Trat Men Only and Ctire Them to Stay Owed. 'I n t'C . . vl im kmiIi oi tour toriner lull v . Your manhood 1' failing; ami I'liiiliin.' im tonr-elf. Thrie U no time to lose. Impotence, like Willi It jou tan make no rompromlie. Either 3 ttroni; tide of the Merrlmao and ittruck th hidden rref hard. Tluec powerful tuga pulled unsiicies.fully all the atlernoon In tho attempt to lloat the but slii). Another attempt Mill be made to float her at hlk'h tido lonlght. LEDGER COAL ARTICLE. Ily Kctiulte Wlto fiom The Auoclateil Pics Phil.uli Iphia, Feb. 10. Tho I.cdffcr in its toal aulile tomorrow ttlll .nv: The anlhrielto toal trade his had un additional ihm.iud f i "in (oiuumcrs during the pail ttick s tho result of the colder tviatlier and latvcr iFnui'i.tlou. Ihe trado continues In Mcellent hiw. hi Iif only limited by the ability to mine and hlilp Ihe coal, Ihrio being complaints in tailous iiiarlrrs cf rhnrl taipply of tars and t tmallri iiuniUr of inlnera are available at tome it Hants tluu toithl otherwise be nit en rm pl'itmtr.i. Tho market thus Ukea all tho toal th.tt Is fortt.trded and fully maintains prices. thlV the thoiousli harmony tihleh hat been Kcuwd amonu (he companlok Insures a lontinu ainc of the fitorahlc conditions nntv governins; llie Hade 'Ihe January output of coal ttas tha hrifrt monthly piodiutlon etcr ireonleil, 3,15, no) ton), rompaud with S.OT'i.DOD tona In !.' cepibti, and t.f.s.iTii) tuns ill l.inuiry, 1'm CUBAN CONVENTION. II.iU.iii, 1 1 1.. 10. The f'utan constitutlonil luiivi nt Ion iiiuipleted ilu teoik at last night's hesniou, tilth Iho iM-cnllon of aetlllng the dead loll; tthlih ttlll rtltti on Ihe question of at teptiin: iht il.iuto that v. mild make flenerai lalmn Gnmei illgiblc lo the presidency of the (public. This mailer ttlll renin up again to morrow. As both factions are very anxious to get tho romtitutiou befote the United Platm con glen), it is thought by some that a compromUi ttlll be reached, but the feeling Is very blttei ami Hit if Is a to.lblIlty that tin emitrntei ; ttlll he prloiigril.