rikme. crtwttim THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY 1NJTHE WORL SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY It, 1001. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. WORK BEgft-Si THtSENATE Ship Subsldu Bill Will Follow the Naval Appropriation Measure. COLONIAL LEGISLATION Contrnry to Expectation the Effojt Mado for Philippine and Cuban ; T . i Legl&lation Avous.es No Debate. . n.m.i.nie ,. Willi nn- That a Demoaats Aio willing -innr. Vote Should Be Reached on Both Provisions Tho Revenue Reduc tion Bill Will Come Before the Hotihe with Prospects for nn Ani mated Discussion. , 1 ,. nisiic Wiic Hiin Tl-e A.iiateil l'i,s Washington, Fob. 10. If eonsidera (lon of I he nitviil appropriation bill Is completed during Monday, nn H supposed It Will III', till' Slllp HIlllHllly bill will be mllcd up by Senator Fie. -nil thai bill will continue ti teeeiv. the Attention of the senate ilurlnrr 'e K-innlnder if thc tl(i). Senator '""nf i ty will taUo the llnor when the bill b, taken up, and Ik expected to occupy H'.e remaining portion ot the duv, v.uatever time there may bo let-'. .- natnf rroctur has given notice that i chairman of the committee on .igrieultuie, he will call up the nc:t l- ullurul tipptoprlatlon on Tuesday. Thcio will be no effort to prevent dls id.irrmenl of the subsidy bill by the impropriation bill. The committee on appropriation hopes to bo able to re rioit the fortifications appropriation bill by thc time the agricultural hill hall be disposed of, and thu army ap propriation bill Is expected to lie re ported later In thc week. The plan Is to have all appropriation bills nrtr.il upon promptly, it possible, but when thetc nto no bills ol that haracter befoie the senate, the sub' ddy bill will eontlnuo to have tho ilcht of way. Xo dciision has been leached yet an to whether there will tie renewed elfort to secure nlRht tjes slons, on the subsidy bill, but tho prenl In lleatlonu me that tlfre will lie no I in ther Immediate attempt In hat direction. The opponents of tho hill declare that In case of a renewal 'l tho nlyht meetinf,'., the frlenda i.t the till will bo compelled to keep con ttantly in the chamber a quorum of their own. While they mmln frequent demand for a call of this senntc dur ing the ccniiiR sessions of last: week, they nluajs themrelves replied to their names when call"d. It is now understood to be the purpose not to i'o this In en so of further effoits to brihj: the bill to a vote by carrying thc r trite nicetliiRd Into the night. Colonial Legislation. MtHli interest Is felt In the ettort ik1i Is to be made to secure lesls tatlon hi cunncctiun with tho army ap proprntlon bill in regard to th Phil ippines and Cuba. It has been always supposed that any attempt In clthm direction would open up the entlte colonial policy of the administration and lead to interminable debate, but thcie is now unquestionably a iulet, Ktttieral acquiescence in the effort to be made for Philippine nnd Cuba lecr islation. Whether this Is duo to the fact that there has not been time to consider thc hearing of these two pro posed amendments sufficiently, or to the general desire to avoid an cxtta session of congress, does not yet up pear. He that as it may, a majority at least of the Democrats seem quite willing that a vote should be reached on both these provisions. Indeed, it is under stood to b tho position of Senator Jones, of Arknnsas, and of bis im mediate supporters In opposition to the subsidy bill that there will bu no ob stacle to getting u vote upon any bill before the senate, except th ship bill nnd possibly the oleomargarine bill. In all probability, however, the Cuban and Philippine questions will be ills cussed a consldeinble length and, even though there mny be no .let-It to defeat them, they may be used to hold off the subsidy bill. Tho committee on the Phlllnnlnea will hold a meeting Munday and It i3 expected will agree promptly njion a favorable report upon the Philippine amendment, but the question will Vrobablv not be taken up In tho sen ate until the army appioptlatlon bill shall be reported. The Cuban com mittee probably will meet luter in tho week. In the House. The revenue reduction bill will enmo before the house tomorrow, with son;o prospect of nn animated discussion. The Watts committee has already de termined on a jecomniondullon for a disagreement to the senate amend ments to the bill and that a confer ence with tho senate bo nsked. Mm this determination has aroused con siderable feeling among thu majority members of the committor) nnd this my find expression when Chairman Payne presents thu report and moves for a conference. Following this mit- ter, the diplomatic unci consular tip ptoprlatlon bill will claim attention, the. general discussion of foreign qucs tlons, particularly tho Philippines, be ing still open. Tho army appropria tion bill and the sundry civil bill nlso will receive consllsration during tho week, -mong tho measutcs o general legislation likely to conic up is tho im portant bill for govcrnmnnt nld and participation In the .nulslnua pur chase exposition, to be held at Ht. Louis-, Chairman Tuuney, having thu subject in charKo ban i-cebed as surances from the speaker of early recoKtiltlon and expects to take up iho bill during the Prut part of tl" week. Tim bills ICllllllg o'llieis of tier re rnu cutter service nnd establishing a standardizing bureitu, continue to be ers when npporprlatlon bills c tlio right of way. Legis lation regarding West Point hazing may como up nt any time, although It is likely to be dealt with In confer ence In connection with the military academy appropriation bill. PARIS DRESSMAKERS ARE ON A STRIKE. Sixteen Flims Aro Involved All the Well Known Houses. Hy Kxclu'he Vlt fiom The Auoclatcd Prcf. I'.irln, 1'cli. W. Tho ttiik In the Piitll ilu-J-nuking trade, Iiai aiiumcd formidable, proportion. The. first to uttlko wen- thc Journe) men tailor Miiplc.icd by a lew limn mainly engaged In put tins out tailor-made costumes. Thcw, chiefly h rclgnem, complained a&ilnit the arbitrary elii trltuitlon of piece .ork lij the culteii", and ilc tnai.dcd flil w,ig-. Thu, lar about lUn hurt are lmolud, inclti ling sikh Will known house a Uoiih. ltcdfcin, i'ajuit, iioucette, Li "'vi " vuiiiii. aim naiiuiiiiit. .rhl, (, ,,, thc tUiUn illM j inc.tlt.ii at l" '"'' hxehange, u ion It appeared some .. ,,,, ,,,,..',..., ... , .,'' . ,., Numerous seamattcss,.., wh"in the tailoia air urg iinr to tiller en in.isv In onkr to prevent the imopljiis fruiii r-cltliiir them to ilo the work of th" trie a, were pieseiit. The spcakeM, i, mum; them Ixiul-e Michel, urged til'' nun to hold out, on the xiound tlul thu busy .print; iiaon va about to ligln ami t'uu impio)!! would be compelled to Jlrld. One oritor, in the coiiise ol u lnlcnt picth, kui(. settrd liuiniiiK '!"' woik)op of resile llrjnt lirms with petrolcnni, but thi inoi'OUl met Willi .1 cold iiiiptlon. Hie ineetliiu lilt illv dtc'deil to ileniind an udght v.. it.Bi'iti.ii IHMVIa litl 14 J'MMVl 111' linrrilllltlll liui day and l triniit lor woimn. 'he em 1'loiert wue dtiiti until tomcrrow to rtplj. K lliey do nol jield .1 ifpiii'r.d trik- will be de- 1 in ft. 1"d.iy'n .iction v.J fiidi-ntly an itUtnpt i to (ldlfit the inpport of the wotnili THE T0PEKA JOINTS MUST BE CLOSED Mass Meeting of Citizens Issue nn Ultimatum to "Jointihts" Giving Them Until Friday to Clone. P. I.VUwtV Mil fru II Tilt .HwA'laUd I'll! Topeka, Kant... Teb. 10. Three thou sand male citizens of Topcka In mass uu-etlnpr here today decided that the numerous Jolntu of tho city must closo their places. They issued an ultimatum Klvlncr the Jolntlsts until Krlduy next nt 12 o'clock noon to rpilt business. If this shall not be done, warnlnu wus fTivcn that a thottsjud armed men would Immediately move on the joints and icmove them by force. Today's action Is the result of the crusade started heie by Mrs. Nation. The meeting was a temnrkable one i:i every lesneet. It w.ih called by a commit tee of the Law enforcement league, and was attended by nearlv all the prominent buslners men of the city. A feelhiK of Intense earnestness pervaded tho meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer. Alter n few nddivsi;s, a n ultlmntnm was proposed nnd pastil amid enthuslnMU. The ultimatum com manded the nflieers of the city and county to pet form their duty regard ing the closing of the joints. The ulll eeis were warned that they had waited long enough. The pioperty owneis In whose premUes the Joints arc kept weie nlso warned that they should abate the nuisances nt once or the people of Topeka would not be respon sible for the damage thai might ensue to thc buildings. Twelve hundred men signed their names to curds pledging themselves to be ready nt a moment's notice to join the army which has been recruited to stamp out the joints by the time the limit of the ultimatum expires. There seems to lie no question that the next few days In Topeka will see Interesting developments, possibly bloodshed. DECLARE EDWARD A USURPER. Notice Posted Thought to Have Been Work of a Jacobite. II v Kvlmhe Wire irom 'ilii .Wocl.ilcd I'ir.i. London, 1'iti. It - -'I ho II illy Mail inakef the following ttatenietii: A notice declaims; i;Jaid II miiipir and Miry I the righted queen 'i potcd on tho Sltex of SI. Janus p'lJ'e and at the sulld lull on tin" night iuewi Vidoila died. II va, not signed and no one w it poited at either place, hill it i. known ft, h.iw. been the hiudiwotk of i member ot the Jacobite league. Piobably no action will be UVm. but the iinident ii phini why tlie litltlnutl.'li were not allowed to place a wieatli on the titue of Clitiln I Ian. .10. COURT PRESENTATIONS. Those Made During Victoiia's Time Will Be Good During Edwaid's. Py KmIuoIco Wirt from The U-. lutul Pim. Louden, Feb. II.-Thc Cmm C'iicilai an lioumrd Klin; KdManl' dniil.m inal inurt pre.eiitutioiH dmlnir thc lein ol c)ueen Vhtcila will hold xocii fin the it"-enl lelirn. 'lid will iemoe the Kieal dilhnilty thai .,uld have been iraolwd In thotir.d of mewed pie.entaltoii.. t the opiiiiiiir ol pirlimneiil, whlih will be ;i Sreit paLaemt, the lrttiis will nil', a craieon vi bet -tale lobe, wllh licit trimming, ot er mine. Lidie lime pirmli lull to wimi' pearl i nnd diamond.. - BOXERS RE-ENTER PEKIN. Empress Will Allow Hwang Su to Take the Reins. Hy lAibiAbe Wile from The Aweljled i'ui Shinuhai, IVb. 10 It l repoiled hue tint Ihe rinpniM elow.ii.er, yielding to foreign piniiic, lu allot. oil Ijnpiior Kwanx S'u to rcnitne the lelnV of r;ovtiiiment. leMlch bom IVkln i cit tlul all the forllfied piweii bc.iinid the turltoiy held by the allliH nri) belns ciitljored b) lln- t'ldnciiu and th it lioxeii am u entuirK I'el.ln necretly . Plngree Sails Awny. V) t.vcltuite Wire from The iMorUtnl IVi ... Dctiolt, IVb. I0.--Kx-fioernor llaien I'lntrec leit tbis atteuioon for New ork on hi, vnj to r.nul.tnd. lie will call troni New Vuii. Tuenday on il.c alcamer i'jinrir . llimn S, I'lnciee, Jr.", will aeeoi.ipany hit father aa far an soulhamptjn. wheri! lie will lioard another iteamer for South Afilea. V.x lioicinor I'lMjree, who Ij inaUni; the tilp fur bnalnem reai'ii', 'will pond scnl wii'l.n In I'livland. Thnnkn for Condolence Cauls. Ily Ktiit'tlve Win- Pom 'Inn uooUtcJ l'r.. Wa.hhiKtou, I'eb. 1ft. The AwMlatuI Pit ieiiii.(cil I') the I'rltUh aiul.iad'ir and Luly I'.e.iiivfoii to ivpiiK their luviilft'll tbaiika for tni man) laid, of iimdulenei' :iuj imrkk of mim. I jlli.i . hlih Ihe,' have reulied en Hi1 miakli.ti ol Ihe iha.h "I I'wS'ii Vetorl.1. a)l of vhhli It u nut Ikc'Ii povlld'. oivlni. tn I lie i,uat i'ini. ber, In aikiKiwIeilvo tiuilwdaal'), SITUATION IN CINCINNATI Jeiirles and Ruhlin Seem Deter mined That Flulit Sliall Take Place. GOVERNOR NASH' IS FIRM Three Regiments of State Militia Aro Under Marching Ordein A Clash Between Police nnd Guards men Not Probable Talk of Post poning the Contest. By L'xclnsiw Wire from The Aoiiilel I'l"' Cincinnati, Feb, 10. Notwithstand ing the proceedings In couit here and the attitude of the governor tie tho slate; capital this has been a busy day with the sporting mn in Cltieiima'.i. All outwaid tlgns loot; Ilk the im of the gtent eoinlng event with them. Manager Madden and 1tw Ituhlln were kept busy with lsltors at the Country club early In the day. .Mana ger ISnidy, Kd. Coo.t and ollf' ic1! ststed Jeffries anil Pelaney In enter taining at their training iiiirietr o:i Price Hill. Many mme cnl s I then could be admitted ut Initli pliiC'". Tran Sharkey nnd "Spldr" Kelly air happy over their pi eispct.i, as they claim Sharkey is to have; the next chance, no matter whether Jeffries or Uuh lln wins. Sharkey will challenge the winner at the llngslde. All the visit ing und local sport aw e"C pressing their opinions In th" chances of the two men here and these opinions gen erally pick .Teif as I lie winner, al though nil coniede th.it Ituhlln is tn the better condition. Some say that Kuhlln has been over-trained. ltotli will go through thPlr regular practice Monday. They will slacken their ex ercise Tuesday nnd still more on Wed nesday, doing very little on Thursday. They rest on Friday. As the preliminary bout between Cbilds and Martin for ion round i is not to be called until ' o'clock Friday evening, It miy b late when Jorfrles, and Kuhlln inter the ring for thetr twenty rounds. Meantime, there i much anxlet nwr the decision of Judge Holllstcr and the action of Cov entor, Nash. It will be known within n day or two whether Judge Holltstee will giant a pctirmucjit Iniunctlon against the contest on the ground ( n public nuisance', nut the promofri eVi not know whal the governor mny do oe when he will do It. Hven after the fight shall begin, llwy do not know at what moment the state fores niav Interfere, as three tegbnents of mili tia ate said to bo now under march big orders. They will know, however, on the day of the contest, whether thft troops are here, or win ther they arc on the way o ns to gel here in tliiv to stop the contest. While the nnivor, with his permit, piomised a tcrev of police to maintain jrder, it Is not known that the police will protect thu event to the extent uf cii ling and re sistance to the militia. Police Will Bo Discreet. The police may not fall In to assist the mllltla. but In no event will the pollc- resist the state ttoops In rally ing out any oreleis of the governor. While thc promoters of the contest have done everything in their power to hold the boxing contest peaceably ami lawfully, they elo not piopo,e to resort 'to anything to tho e.onttary If the contest shall not be held. Home reports have been circulated that there would be more excitement over the collision between thu state and municipal authorities than over tho boxing contest, but there is evidently no ground for such apprehensions. There has been oonslderhljle talk to day about postponing the contest. If Judge Ilolllster shall allow the Injunc tion on Tuesday, the defendants will nt once appeal to the Circuit court, and If they lose In that Intermediate rnu.it they will carry the cute to the Supreme court, which does not sit again till Februuiw 19. If tills course ! pursued, the content may bo post poned from one to two weeks. Manageis Hiadyand Mudden illicitly have Invested largely for tho event. Urudy in talcing Jeffries off Ihe mad and cancelling engagements till Feb ltiary 10 Is nut about SIP.Oiio. and Mad dun Is u similar loser, although for a less amount. Considerable money has also been spent on training Chllds nnd Martin. The Saengerfest Athletic club, which started into this enterpiiso with a debt of 5W.000. has Increased it to over tSO.ofii) in remodeling Snengorfcst hall anil other arrangements. Telegraph Contest, one of the liveliest prellminaiy con tests Ih between tin' promoters and the two telegraph companies. The f owner wanted $:!,f00 for the telegiaph privi leges of SaengorfcHt hall. Tho West ern Union and Postal companies off tied St:0 each, or a total of JKOO. With $:, 000 elifference tho telegraph companies h.ivo rented a building across the street from sjacingerfest hull for their olllces. The managers state that the leased wires of the Associated J'tess and the leased wires of tho newspapers can be looped Into the brill, ami th.it they will not be nffecle'd by tills con trovcrsy. It Is believed this matter will dm compromised early In the week. Died on School Ship. Uj l'Aclmbc W'lie from 'Hie Votlatcd l'U', Vcve York, V'eb. W. Mr,. William II. Iticder, wife of ( ninminiler William II. Itieibr, t'. S. ., commaiidinc thc ichool thip SI. Mar)'., now at the llicokl)n navy .ird, died uboaul that iec-e loda). She wa. a iliiiohlei' of the bite Its .1 ) Ad miral ("lark WclN. The fureial nrvlee III bj held on Ihe St. Mur)'H tonvnow ami ihe boJ) will be burled at Aunapolla en Tucsdi). Suicide of a Chcmibt. Ily ilxrluslvei Wlro from the .nelatei Pieis. Munlili, P'b. in.- I'rote-.or M.aK on IMIen koier, Ihe (ll-lli'guM.cil fieinun IkiiiUI, (out milted .iilrido I idly by tli's-.tlrt hlmmlf. In a lit if di pi crtJou, lie naa born Per, ;i, UI- FATAL FIRE AT BOSTON. Two Persons Perish; Five Others Badly Injured Loss $2,500. Hy Lselutbo Wire from Tho Associated i'rrii Poston, Feb. 10. Two persons dead, five others badly Injured and u il nanclul loss ot $2,500 is the summary of elamagc caused by a flro that oc curred In a four-story brick dwelling, on Harrison avenue, early this morn ing. The elead are: Norn Hart, 5 yearn old. killed by jumping from a rccond-story window. Mis. Frances Rltcy, u widow, SO oars old. suffocated by smeAe. There Is a suspicion thnt the fsiej is ot Incendiary oiI,jln and two aw!Sts have been maele, Harris Levin, agj.l ::S, and his wife, Pertha, aged .1.". They are held ponding nn Investigation. Levin hud n shoe store on the ,iMt lloor of tho binned building, and the arrests lisulleil from the suspicion thnt naptha or something of that Kind eauseil the the, together with thj dm appealing of Leln. hl wife and four e hlldren Immediately on the ellscov cry of thr lire. Men and women jumped fiom the burning building nnd llreinen and policemen rescued nilicrs lioui Hinoke-fllleil corridors and hill ways. The building was occupied by seventeen' peisons. The second story was occupied by Daniel Hart, bis wife, her sister and Hint's four chlldien. They all Jumped fiom a window. Cue of the children wns bndlv burned and puffeied Internal Injiules by jumping and died. Mis. Hurt was badly huit. The ihlril story was occupied by Daniel and Thomas Hretinun. The litter escaped, but Dnnlel Jumped three stories to a shed and suffered M'lloug Injuries. The- fouith story was occupied by Mis. Frances Jtlley and Mis. llnrry, Mis. l'llcy was overcome by the smoke and was suffocated. Mis. Ilatry Jumped from the fourth floor, nnd I? In u pie cailnur condition. REPUBLICAN PARTY FOUNDER IS DEAD Geneial James M. Ruggles Passes Away at a Sanltaiium in Illi nois at Ago of 81 Years. ltj Lj.c liu.ee Wire fru'ii The AtwKUteil l'ies Spilngfield. Ills., Feb. 10. Oeneial James M. Ruggles, one of the found ers of the Republican party, who drafted the tlrst platform on which the Republican party was founded, elled yestenlny at Hopping sanitarium, Havana, aged eighty-one years. C'enet.il Ueflb-i wa burn Mauh 7, I-!-, in UlehlJi'd eounlv, Ohio, and wat. ot nouil an cestry. bl ureal unci- beliic; llilgadler Tlijiolhy UmlvIii. wlii, w"u pietidenl ui ihe Hi. i etipioc.i ulilcli eier n.et hi Xnu.-i-e i'W York in 1"", A meit niii le, .lobn llnBle-, was tri-e lime elfeled I'iiIimI "i.iie i-cn ilor fiom Maine, and anolber inn le, lle'iianiln llui'rle, is ibe In -t I ui tt .1 MMe, teinter troni Ohio, eninir, e'glneen year from ISls, III. father, .ludce spor.er Iluij iile, w.n iiii sr-nuoi In Illinois lKiflatiiie from Hale and Uimiiliacn lomitle. In lei-. He drafted Ihe flr-t platfoim en which Ihe llepuli. liean paitj was orujuled, betni; i i.e of a com mlIKe oi lliree, ihe oihe-, being Llneoln and Lln'iiuer IVi k. Hie) I'elni; appolniid lor Hut piMpo.' ilurlni; the .-(..-Ion of irn leaUlalmc of IVbiiian. ls'al. Other iiieiii1ier of the (ommiilee bemi; olIiT'ilse (iiK.ignl. the work of drafilni? tin platform deinlud upon e.'i ner.il ISiibkIi. t the ouibre.ik of the I bil war he wis ap pointed bj l,orri:er Yatra lieutenant of cavaliy. Wh'ii nuisliird out in iw.f lie win lluitcnint lOloml of the Tldiil Illinois i.iialry and vas for n time in command of a reititnenl. Alter the war lie was brecetled brigadier seuual. fiemr.il ltiuult was the auth'ir of the first dnlniie law In Illinois, lie wai a fclmlir and an able writir. In rcllelou lie was a jiionounccd spliitiullst. He Ii.ims toui sons. THE ENCAMPMENT AT CLEVELAND. Announcement Concerning the Com ing Meeting of tho G. A. R. Re I'.i. Inilvs Wirt' f re in Tho Anoolated t'ici. flew land, I'eb. 1". -The s.ociated I'r.n Ii leipies'id In nuke the following annoumement r one rriiini; the cumin,; I.. A. tt. (iicampnunt to be held In tlit-i city: the tleuland i!. A. It. committee to haie ehaige of the bushier nirana-cmcnt for the vomliij cncampmenl net Septembir is In piotcM of formation. Ilk ortlceri will be clei ted within a wie. In the meantime tlnihc who declre to innimunlcate upon ni.itli r lonneclid with tho meampiueiit may do by wilting II. V. Doty, AnierliMii Tiuit bulldlnn, Cleceland. Ml Midi mailers' will be taken up Immediately upon for ln.'llon of the piopei (I'liiinlltee and rntuiniini lalhii theieon opeiidl. Tlie city cjf ( leu'land bus not the advaMago of having the (onimltlie tor the eneanipmuit formed a eai aheid, a ban lieen the cac with every oilier (li huttnfoiv, but inattera lire shaping tliiliisrlwii riiiiniiiiuliiKly, no lar an the proper eiiterlalumeiit U con'Miied. nnd It ic cv pietrd thll v.it'nln a week loial bu-lnens nll'.ill, will be nMauiied. MR. SCHWAB ADMITS IT. Says Published Reports of Steel Sale Are Substantially Conect, Hy Kxdu.be Wire irom The Atir.rlatrii ,l'ret. New Yoik, 1'ib. 11 -Tin vorld tomorrow will d) i fh" ihpaiiuic of (Imiles M. Perm ill, presi dent ot Ihe (aincich Steel company, from the city of I'lltsbuis, is Interpreted a a pure Indi cation tint the tale of the tl holding, of Au di iw (',itii(gh to the .Morgan-Iloikefcller s.)ndl rati luis been practically elosed. Hi lore hit dfpiitiire Ml. sfhwali lold a friend lhat the published repei I ol tin in.men.c tiansartltn cms Hlb.llllllHH) lolllll. Je.hu.i Ithod s, one ot the power of the Aiinil i jut 'n I'hie eompiny, which is Id lorni n par of the iilaiit combmation under Mr. Morgan' "couimuml) ot Inteieii" plan, came hue from l'ltttliiitg vesterdiy. When nr. liholcs learned thai Mr. Schwab, had bit lie ataricd bad, to I'lltni'iug ainva stay ol onli a lew liouio. it Ii i'.pei'lid Hat liefoie till week Is ended Mr. Moigan will make formal announcement of thc puuhase of the (iiuexle Steel company and of iinlliciitle n nnelf r Hie "eonunuiiUy of intcicst" plan of nil Ihe luleieit In the itcel and klmhrd ilidllillles. Big Tannery Burned. 11 I diubn Will- from 'Ihe XwH'latcfl I'reji, Ohm, N. V I't'i. '".- iJiilrlnN ttnnsry, one of lh" lirtiesl In Wciletu .V.'W Voik und located n lli.t eiluin, i' deHiovid by tire today. Til" los I. -stlmaied ai H1SU.iH King Milan 111. Ily K.diihi' Whv Iich.i Ihe Aksoclatrd Pnai. VNriii, IVb, in, -The (ondlllon of loimer King .Mlluf, of Sen la, who has Im-ii ierloul) ill for tome llrae, has taken a luru for thc wen", SAFE ROBBERS ARE CAUGHT Theu Secured a Box Gontalnlno Over $40,000 Irom Its Truck. TRACKED IN THE SNOW The Thieves Carry a Heavy Rall load Safe Two Blocks and Then Foice It Open Police Capture Tlnee of the Robbers but Secuie No Valuables. I') KvrlUidV' WilC 'null The jariiaud 1't.Ml Sioux e'lly. Iowa, Feb. 10. Prompt und active work by the authotltlus nt .Manila, Invwi, today leiulteil in tho an est of three men who tire supposed eif being Implicated In the theft of a fulled Stales expivss safe said to have contained $40,iiOi Thu Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul train, on which the safe wns taken from Sinus city, nnlved at Manila at M.'i o'clock on Saturday night. The Omaha, train was late, and Jnineii Stur tevnnt, uf Sioux City, the epres tnes st'iiKer, did not hurry hi unloading the goods and packages: from his car. The express safe, with other articles, wiu unloaded nnd placed on a truck on the depot plat foi in, and then Slitrtevant and tho bagguiiemnn went to the other end of the plntiorm to get another truck load. When Sltirtcvant lelurued he noticed that the articles on the truck were disarranged, and u glance showed .that the lion box was gone. There was gnat exi Itemu nt, and no time was lost In spreading the iilaiin. City Miit'shnl Fen ell hntll assem bled a posse nnd vigorous work whs begun. Snow lay thick upon the ground, and it did not take long to discover the tracks of two persons who evidently had bejen carrying some heavy object directly from the ttuck ns It stood upon the depot platfnitu. They can led the safe a distance of about two blocks nnd then loaded It Into n wagon, which bad been left there in waiting. The wnnon wns driven about n mile and n half into the count! y and there the safe wns fon ed open and the contents were ab stracted. The iun then abandoned the safe and went their way on n new track. It was not elltHrr.lt to tram thrni, however, and this morning thtee arrests were made. Their names are John Jackson. John Stovalt and Charles Hayes. All rue men who live at Ala nlla nnd are well-known. Evidence Will Prove Conclusive. Their reputations hcreiofoie hao nol been bad. They stoutly piote-st their innocence, bur the attornevH be lieve the evlelenoe against at le'-st '.wo of them will piove conclusive. The safe which was stolen contained In the neighborhood of $40,000. J'wclw I hour and dolbirs was in cash iliel the remainder was In drafts, i honks and various valuables. AVhll the robbery was undoubtedly deliberately planned, as the how -c'ld wagon weie in waiting in a roriver.lcnt spot, it is not lelleved that the men knew thev were making so i Ii h .1 Intnl. They bad no means of knov In.r thu contents of the safe, only tin' II was ued for carrying valuable.-. Th'V found an unusually favorable oppor tunity when Stiuerviitu left trci safe on the tiuek. and bael it not been for the tell-tale tracks In the snow. It is likely that ariest would not have bn made so promptly. Jackson, Stovalt and Hayes have been in tho habit of hanging about tho depot at train time, but that was no; considered slgnlflcint ,i3 it In tlie cus tom of u nitmbor of townspeople nt Manila. Mrs. Jackson, wile of John Jackson, also was arrested, bur nt a prellnii ncnty Hearing, held tins evening, she was released. The examination will be continued tomorrow. The three prisoners me In jail, having boon un able to ftirnlb bonds of $12,000 ouch. The authorities say tile shoes of two of tho men exactly fit the tracks In the snow i't the depot win re- the safe was carried op'. None of the money or valuables hnvo ben iccuvered. MAUD GONNE IN PORT. The Irish "Joan of Arc" Will State Her Business Next Sunday. Dy Lxdimv.. Wiic from The Avodatiil I'ic.h. ,w York, l'di. 10. -Ainoiu the pi.'engers on the hliauiship 1. 1 Chimp ism, which has airUcd lien- from ll.ilr, lJ Mls .Maud I icmnc, known an ihe "irWi .loan ol ro." She will land toinoi row morning and will lie gnctcd at the plr liy delegation of Irbh men and womin, she will jiroiced to Ibe 1'inli venue Hotel and there hold a reception. Next .Sunday Mim f,onno will deliver an addresi nt the Aeudem) of Music. Then alie will make known Ihe objeit of her lslt to this country, whldi In laid to be the tormlng of v.omcn'a eluba to Klv moril and flnmdal support to thc inou-ment recently 4tarted in Iieland for the peipctuailon of the bldi laiiRiiagi', liteiature and ait. She will also roiltate, in the Interest if the Heir came, the kecplnc of Ii l-.li )oulhs Irom ciillatliiK in Ihe HrltUh armv. IN HONOR OF RASSIEUR. Banquet Qlven to the Commander-in-Chief of the G. A. R. Py Kvclu.bo Wire fiom The .Worlitcd Preji Washington, I'eb. 10. -A Innquel wai ulieii by thc ('.rand Army men ai the Lbbct Houw l.nt ntiitit in liouor of flcneral llaiileur, commander in chief of Ihe II. A. II. A Ictlir from I'rui dent MiKlnley, lecrettlnir his: inabllili to attend, wai read. Itcprrcntullie It. W, T.i)br, ol Ohio, rifponded lo the toa.t, "Amerlc'anbm, the .Mlklit' lent I'oree in Modern Civllb.itlon." l.cne-ial Miles folluned with a tilbute lo "The Ameilcun Soldier." Hecaine of illne.i Admlial Dewey uj unable lo nittnd and hl loist, "The American sailor," wan aeicpU'd by llipreentatbe Henry dltvon, ef Trnnciisre. Ship Load of Animals. ily Liduibe Wire tieni The Aoeliled Press. Vew York, r'eb. 10 -The Hiamci Pennsylvania. whit Ii arrivul today from llamliuu,', brought cv enly-lbo caiei. o( wild animal., con.li.tins of polar ticura, luonkr and many other. Some are rousl spied lo the iffKilogleal gardcui at Cincln-nail. THU NBWS THIS MORNING. Withcr Indication Today, fAMj NORTHCnLY WINDS. 1 (ieneral - Kitchener 5iy Hocr Are Very Hitter, l'lograinme of the Week In t'onareii.. Hafe llobbcrs Cmiglit Alter Seemlnp lO,ouO. I Ight I'rospreln at Cincinnati. 2 (Jcncral-Carbondali! Drimtnitnt. 3 Iiod-d'oilj'fillli iuilverity of the Kicka- Wanna llihlo Kielet). I!ev. Pr. Plrrisoti s'pcuVs at I'lilnn llvangclbtlc Hcrt lee. 4 t.dilctiil. Kote ami t'omuirnl. r Local -IteprcMtila'.lie Council on Ihe Hipper Hill. Pebris irom the I'lle Will 11a llcmoed. l'nK'Cls Urlnht for the I'a.wce of the 1'cU- nal Conn Hill. 0 laieal West H'.Miilon and "nbiirban. ehi.ti'.U -Northeastern l'niiis.tb'.inla. lor a Monument lor (ieneinl Miredllh. H 1xic.il Lb i. V.ws i.f the Industrial World. Scheme ol UYupiHiitii.iiiiuiit Of Lickawanni Comity. NO PEACE COMMISSION FOR SOUTH AFRICA The Report False fiom Beginning to End Tioops, Not Commiasion- eis. Going to tho Trnncvaal. II; hhuir Wiic lloiu 'Ihe .Wsoil.it d l'ie- l.eiiidou, Feb. 10. Loiel Rnisbin. under secietnr.v of state for war, Informed the correspondent of the Associated 1'iecs unlay that Cum-ml Sir Kvclyn Wood Is not going to South Africa, and that no pace eniumlssion Is con templated. "The report as to a pence commis sion Is false fiom beginning to end," he said. "The policy of thc govern ment Is the very opposite of what would prompt siteb a step, Tioops, not peace eonimlsdnnoiu, aie going to South Afilea." It is also undet stood that Sir Kelyn Wood Is less likely than nnv other high otllerr to lit chosen for Important special duties us he In now so deaf that his retirement is only a nuestlon of n shoi t time. THE ICE BLOCKADE ABOUT NEW YORK Feny and Other Borvts Have Diffi culty in Making Tiips Upon Schedule Time. R I . lusbe Vlre fioii Ihe I'lcnied l're.. N'u"' Ycn-i', Fel . U).-Thc Ice block ade In lh N'oi lb and Fast river nnd Ihe hnibor still continues, bill It was not as seveie lodiv as it was in Mit unlay. Still there ws gint Incon venience on the North tlver for per sons who were tiying to cilch lialns. The ferry boats uimle belter time tl.an thev b-ive for st'v -i-il ias, but Ibey were fiom live t ten minutes late on each l ilp. The J.-,, was thickly packed on the New Y"ik -ddi of He North river nnd on the lti(nikln sloe of the Hast rlvei be-iau-e the wind ilroe the Ire hi that iliiectloii. Theic was very lime ttac - on the Kasi r'xer friry boats, because traveler.-, prelened to take chances across the btldge. The boats or the South ferry und Hamilton 'iieim" llnej hai the gi cutest elllllcjity In mnkitig their slips on the llrooklyn side. River men say that one or two elays ot I win in weather will break up thc blockade. t)n account of the ice, which Is solidly packed In the ilp at the foot of Morton stivol. North river, the French liner, l.i '"lirunpagne, whl"h reached eiuaiunilne this evening, wis compnlkd to nurhoi thco for tho night. Tup' boats will be engaged to smash ihe ice in die jdln lome.rvow morning. CORK FACTORY FIRE. Loss Attending; the Destructive Fire at Flushing. liy Ki lu.be Wno (I 'III "t lit Afo.oei.acd I ua-. I'ltlsburg, Feb. 10. Ill the confusion attending the Awnstiong coik factory Urn Saturday evening, the aggregate of losses, wus somewhat exaggerated. Today It was dellnllelv lent lied that the loss on the Aimtiong plant reaches $14G,i'0n, covered fully by a block Insurance In the New England Mtlllials, while Tottcn & Hogg's loss Is but $30,000, also fully covi'i-eel by In sula nee. V. H. Kvnns. superlntenileni of tlie coik fuitoiy, nniioiinced today that circubirs are being sent to the trade stating that nil onleis will be prompt ly filled. The company will send four hundred of lis employes to Its plnnt at Lancnster, Pa., tninoirnw und keep that factory In lull operation night and day; und In addition a building will be rented hern tomorrow In which a complete plant will bo installed within a week. The company can ac complish this feat by Introducing the machinery It has In stoiage made for its new seven-story building In courses of erection, INSURGENT GOVERNOR IS CAPTURED. By lUUuie w'lie from The Amrc-ulcd I'rms. Mauili, Keli. 10, A lompany ol the 1'ort) -seventh I'n'itoit States lolnntrer infantry, npriating In the island of ''at.indiianes, ofl tlie southeast (out ol Luzon, captuied Uuitor, thc insurxcnl KOicmor of thc island. The fulled Statca gunboar, 11 in -luaii He Aut trla, toonut!ii with .1 iletaLlimenl of the Fori) seM'iith Infant ry , captuird thirty in'urcent', In cliidliiK a colonel and tni'majori In Ihe pioilnce ol Mhiy, Luron. r.ihloine H iiicuuiulallni; .iKam.t the Inirlni' Inaied .Minlla Iraden who were riuicnl with aid Ini; the liisurcentt. Congressman Shaw Dead. Hy Lxdusbe Wfie from Ihu Associated I'rwu. Washlnifton, I'eb. 10. Colonel Albert P. fhaw, member of connrens from lh Twenty-fourth dis trict of New Yoil;, wa, found on thc tlooi of his room at Ihe Rlirn boui al jo o'clock ihl morn Int, dead, Death wai probably due to Jj!o.y. THE BOERS VERY BITTER General Kitchener Sends a Di snatch Rcaardlna thc Situa tion In South flirlca. BOERS GO TO AMSTERDAM Eight Hundred Wagons with Fam ilies Pnsn Through. Ermelo Louis Botha Is Repulsed After Sever Fighting General Spruit I Killed and General Smlth-Dorrien Wounded Christian DeWet'j Movoments Tho Fight at TabakB berg. By Kvclusiic- Wlro fmn The A.oclleil l'ns. London. Feb. 11. Tlio wnr ohlcel has icceiveel the following dispatch fiom Lord Kitchener, tha commander In chief in South Allien: I'nlorl.i, I'tli, U. The columni, worklnir east, watd occupied Lrmelo, Feb. fl, crllli .Hsht oppn. Itlou, A I.UKC lorce ot lloen, estimated at T.ono, nn.hr Central Inils Ib.tha, letircd eastwaid. bout s'k) w.iL'ons with families passed through Fnmlo on the way to Amsterdam nd very Ian. (piinlltlcs ol sto.k are being drben caul. A pca(e delegate under iientcnee 11! death and other Ho, i- prisoner! wn taken away bj the lloirs. All reports nhow that the Rocis ,ue ciiiedliufly blller. I'ltfy Hoern am rendered. "Louis Hotba, with 2,i)(io men, attack (Jeneial Smith-Porrien al (irunirc eamp at 3 a. m. i'eb. 0 He w.L-i repiil.nl after sreeic llirhtiiik". elni"iat Siiull was killed, (Ieneral ltindriur)cr was scielely wounili-d, two Held (oriict were kilted, twenty ol the Iloer dead were left in our hand" nnd many secnelv woumhd. Our (.iMialllles wcio twinti-fonr killed and Oity-three wounded Our mocrnienl to the east Is repotted 10 bale thoroughly upset all the enem)' calculation, and iieated a insular panic In the district. Christian Do Wet appear to be eroding the line onl!i of .lagirafoutdii roid, lo the wesV, and may h.r filled lo effect a crossing by the drllli east of Helhulie. In l'jie t'olonv Tab Ini Ins bren raptured by Colonel He Lisle, who entered Feb. el, the rniiiiy n tiring toniinl Kenhirdt. Colonel Hsig Is (hiring Hie Midland commando"! iiorthn.inl past Abenleeii. F.'sht at Tabaksberg. Fast London, rape Colony, Feb. fl. Pelails have been ivcelveel ben.' of seeie fighting at Tabaksberg moun luln, forty miles easl of Ihe railway and about midway between Small Oeel and liloemlontcin. Major Crewe, with a composite column, traveling south west, sighted the mo'lTtnlti on tin morning of .Inn. 31. Tie heard heavy tiling and knowing that Colonel Pit chers column was on the other side of the mountain, lie concluded that this ofikcr was In action. Conse iiuenily ho hurried forward, only to meet Hoers streaming down nnd evi dently retltlng from tlnlonel Pllcher'.s lyddite Miolls. Immediately Majoi- Crewe brought thiee fitteeii-pounder.s and a pompon to heir on tho Bo-jrs. who, however, were found to be ro numerous that it was impossible to head them. Ol tiers were given to re turn to camp, about two miles fiotu the mountain. The column rested un til 4 o'cLtcIc In the afternoon, when the march wns resumed southwest. Major Crewe was just touching the .southern point of the mountain when a terrific rifle flro opened from a large foice of llocrs. who were in nnibus eade In the mountain. The fight soon became general. The liners' out-numbered the Piitish live to one, nnd wens attacking them on both thinks and the rear. The Hrltlsh pompon Jammed and became useless. Major Crew'i grasped the situation and by a In 11 liant move got tlio convoy Into a sat position. Hetwcen 7 and S o'clock In the even ing the Hoers charged tlie position and turned both Hanks. The Urltlsli am munition became exhausted, and Major Crewe was obliged to retire and aban don the pompom, after the advanco parly had endeavored to save It nnd had sustained sevcro losses. A rear guard action was fought by Major Ciowe into the camp, whore thn wagons had been Lingered. He per sonally superintended the retirement, the Hoers harassing him throughout, ihitienchments were thrown up dur ing tho night, "When moining came Major Crewn started lo Join General Knox, tweivo miles southwest. Tho Boers Immedi ately I'o-nttackeel hlni, compelling liini to fight a second rear guard action for il few miles. General lie Wet person ally commanded tlio Boers, estimated at 2,500. Major Crewe's torce was only "00. Fventually the British oflicer Joined General Knox and returned to Bloomfonteln. Lord Kitchener has highly complimented Major ciew upon the achievement. MRS. NATION'S LECTURE IS DECLARED OFF. Press Club Believes the Advanc Sale Insufficient. Hy F.Kiliwhe Who from The Associated ITcn. Chicago, I'eli. 10. -The ledum of Mrs. Caril Nation, Iho "Joint" smasher irom Kana, adver tised in be lilven at the Auditorium on Tiled)' niuht under the au.plces of the Chicago, haa been declared off. Ildlcdnir irom the rcult of two da)j seat a!, which oicipcirated lus than Mi, that the lectura would be n flninelal falluic, the dliectory of tha club decided to abmdoii the project. Mr. Natiof My he will come to I hleauo, nemthclcsi. Steamship Arrivals. Ily KycIiuIvc Wlro fiom The Associated Tress Vew Yolk. Feb, in. rrlced: Li Clunipamie, Haue". I'liLdam, Rotterdam mid lloulogne; I'm. bria, I.berpool and ijiieeiiilown. Sailed! Staten dam, Houlomie and hoitcrdam; MlnneipolU, Urns don. Lberpool- Airbnb F.trtirli .New York xU Quteinvtown. l(iiipntu n-Silledt benia from LUcrpool, New Yolk. tf-rttf "rttt i- WEATHER FORECAST. t- 4- Wanhlnu'ton. Feb. 10. Eastern IVnn)l. -f - anlai l"llr Mondi'. Tuesday, lain or - - fiioiv. (re.li iiorlheil) winds, becoming 4- 4- xarlabh. s- tntttt tHtt ttttt