The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 09, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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'pedal to Hie Scratilon Tribune.
Montrose, Feb. 8. Vory delightful
lecture were given by Dr. Putnam, ot
New York, ul Village hall on Tuesday
nml Wednesday evenlnirK, anil ho will
give n third one tonight. Owing to
the- severe wenthcr of Tuesday even
ing there was it iinull attendance, and
for that reason Dr. Putnam will it
peat IiIh celebrate! lectuie on "Home"
next Wednesday evening.
At a meeting of Krsuttc Hook and
Ladder company, No. 1, held last even
ing, It wuh decided that the roinpnny
would hold Uh annual lecoptlou nt
Village hall on Wednesday evening.
April 10.
Kfforts are to be made nt once by
some of our leading citizens nnd busi
ness men to Induce J. W. Mott, pio
prlotor of Mott'H mill, which Is nt
present located sevorul miles from this
borough, to move his mill to this liot
oubIj, The business bus outgrown Its
present aunt tors and .Ml. Mott Is seek
ing a new location. I'lttston wants It
and has made Mr. Mott a llatterlug
offer, but he prefers, to romp to Mont
iose, If ho Is given u little assistance
and encouragement by the people of
this place. The mill should under no
elicumstnnces be permitted to leave
the county, und every reasonable effort
should be made to secure It for Mont
rose. Wherever It goes, tin- mill Is to
lie ul once enlarged and will give em
ployment to a large number of Innds.
An election held by the members of
Company O this week resulted In the
"election of Second Lieutenant Leon
I,. Ilarron for llrst lieutenant, and
Flist Sergeant W. H. Dennis, Jr., for
second lieutenant.
A persistent rumor of the last few
days has It that the Diamond Match
company will establish a branch fac
tory In this place, giving employment
to nt least two hundred hands, if cer
tain concessionaire made In the mat
ter of taxes by the local authorities
and If a suitable site Is furnished
gratuitously. If this rumor Is founded
upon fact, by all means let the con
ditions lie met ami the factory secured.
New Industries seem to be heading our
way light lively of late, and we cer
tainly should be able to land several
of them.
Where. O where. Is the Montrose
board of trade a thing of blessed
memory? If it Is really tleud and gone,
It would be not out of place to organ
ize a new one tight now.
William S. Mulford Is routined to
his homo by Illness.
Arthur LeCouver. of t,e.stei shire, N.
Y is the guest of his mother and other
n halves In this place.
Knbert Cooper, of Philadelphia, has
been visiting his patent, Mr. and Mrs.
.T. F. Cooper.
Oorge L. Puffum. of Vestal, has
been visiting his brother, Register and
Itecorder Uruee 11. Iluffum, in tills
The death of Mrs. Delmar Stark, a
highly respected lady of Rush, a for
mer resident of Montrose, occurred at
her home on Wednesday evening.
R. F. Alden will move from thla
place to Lestershlre, N. Y in the
spring. He will have charge of a new
marble works to be established in
ninghumton by 13. .1. Matthews, of
Miss Annie Brewster Is vis'lLIng nt
the home of her uncle, Dr. F. D. Brew
ster, In Scran ton.
Miss Mamie Tapscott has returned
from Tennessee, where she has been
visiting relatives.
Speelal to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Feb. 8. The Northeast
ern Pennsylvania Telephone company's
line Is new completed between Suspue.
hanna and Forest City, with the ex
ception of wiring a little strip near
Herrlck. It will be a great conven
ience. Woodbury Coll was In Montrose yes
terday. Mrs. W. H. Hlgglns, of Scranton,
spent several days of this week In
S. C. Manzer and family were yester
day called to South Gibson by the ser
ious llness of Mrs. Manzer's mother.
Benjamin Maxey was In Wllkes
Barre Snuday visiting his son.
John Jj. Westgate suffered a paraly
tic stroke Wednesday and died at an
early hour Thursday morning. He
was born nt Clifford, April 29, 1S42, but
lived much of his llfo at Unlondale.
where ho was In tho meat business.
Three daughters, Mrs. Thomas Jones,
Mrs. George Etmoy and Miss Louise
Westgate, survive him. Ills mother,
three brothers and seven sisters, also
survive. The funeral will take place
Sunday morning from his late home on
Susquehanna street. Rev. H. J. Crane
will officiate. Interment will be made
at Unlondale.
Tho school boatd has appointed D
It. Hughes Janitor, vice Albert Ren
der, resigned.
F. W. Bevan. o'f Stroudsburg, Is vis
iting his parents here.
Thomas A. Jones, of Chicago, an old
resident of Forest City, was a'raller in
town this week.
pecla to the Sainton Tribune.
Duryea, Feb. S. Friday afternoon
the pupils of the high school gavo an
interesting entei talnment In the and
Itorlum of the high school. The
ente: talnment was composed of
recitations, vocal music nnd a de
bate that showed preparation and
careful thought by tho debaters,
also one that gave the pupils a belter
5dea about the subject. Tho singing
Mr, bate Dunham, well-known lady of that
Jplaee, write; j I cannot pralso Dr. A. W. Cha e'a
Kldney.Urer PUIi too much. They did for mo
what doctora and other medicines, could not do. I
was troubled with severe disorder! of tho kidneys
and enlargement of the llrer. My family doctor
treated me the wholeof last winter, but did Hot help
(ne very much, so I gave Mm up and began tiling
Dr. A. W. Chaee'e Kldnev.I.lTer nil. Th mult
mat simply wonderful. I am
now strong and healthy again,
thanks to Dr. Chase's Kidney.
was rendered by pupils who have tal
ent for work In thin direction, us almi
wuh the reciting. The teachers of this
township labor earnestly for the pup'ls'
welfaie as Is shown by the various en
tertainments that are rendered. While
the teachers have those entertainments
conducted In a creditable manner thy
do not nllow the students to forfeit
their lepsons for It. The programme
was as follows: Opening song, school;
recitation, Alice Brown: recitation, H.
Kresge; debate, resolver, that expan
sion Is beneficial to tho United States,
Negative, Agnes Murphy, Eva Evans;
ulllrmatlV", James Jackson, Anna Mc
Donald; solo, Eva Evans; lecltatlon,
Josephine Henley; closing song, school.
The othpr evenlnc tho breaker boys
of the Delaware, I..icknwonna nnd
Western colliery of Hyde Park enjoyed
u slclghrlde to this place. They were
Heated to a lunch ut the Corcoran ho
The metnbeiH of the Lawrence Hose
roinpnny met at the hose hall Thursday
evening to nominate olllccts for the
; Hose company and also to dlfcuss the
jiiMiui'Ht sent In by class No. 7 to have
mi? linn mi .Mai en s.i wnen mey mieiiu
to present a drama to the public.
Special to the Scrnhten Tilbtirc.
Honesdale, Feb. f). Ire eighteen In
ches In thickness Is being taken from
Park T.nkp, to the ereamery nt tho
old Erie station.' Workmen wore en
gaged nil night Thursday night rutting
Miss Louisa A. Duilond has returned
from Carlisle. Pa., where bho, spent
tho past two weeks.
Mr. John D. Weston Is spending it
fews days in New York city.
The Alumni of the Honcsdale High
school netted $10 at their rummage
Weber's sterling company made n
good lmpiesslon at the Opra Houm; In
"Little Lord Fnnntleroy" last night.
Little Ethel captured the audience.
Fiiilay evening they presented "Ten
Nights In a Bnrioom" to a good au
dience. They appear again this even
ing (Saturday) In one or their host
plays. They give a good clean play.
The Hudson River Telephone com
pany air preparing to do good service
in Houesdale. Workmen for ioni
time have been placing new poles mid
ntlirrwlfo improving the service. Two
hundred nnd forty wires are enclo.t'il
In the cable entering Into the new of
llce In the Foster building. The ex
change will be transferred on Siuid'iy
from Peterson's to the new nfllre, nnar
the postof'lce. A new i.witchboird and
entire new outfit has been placed in
the service. Mr. A. L tlNhop, or
Haw ley, s In charge of this distiicl.
Special to the Scranton Tiili'ine.
Ariel. Feb. S. Mr. and Mis. KUli
Keyes have returned to their home at
Wlmemrs. after u shoit vlIt with the
former's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alva
The pupils of the graded schools ore
preparing for an entertainment In the
near future.
Miss Georgia Balsley, of Sterling, is
spending a few days at the home of
Miss Elsie Howe.
Mrs G. W. Swnrti:, of Vnidon, spent
Sunday with relatives nt this place.
Leon Edwards Is learning telegraphy
under the Instruction of the station
agent, . F. McFnrland.
Mrs. Daniel Hrundage, of Gravity, Is
visiting Mrs. Amy Polly.
Mies Lou Bldwoll and Miss Annlo
Kirby, two popular young ladlesi from
Pink, returned home on Monday, after
a few days' vslt with frlc-ndsi In town.
The members of the Women's Chris
tian Temperance union are Invited to
meet at the home of Mrs. J. W. An
drews this (Saturday) afternoon at 2
A number of our young people enjoy
ed a slelghrlde on Thursday evening.
Rev. Transue, of South Canaan, was
among the number who attended tho
lecture In the Union church on Satur
day evening.
For Shattered Nerves.
A remedy that will soothe, build up
the wasted tissues and enrich the
blood Is Indispensable. Llchty's Celery
Nerve Compound has been wonderful
ly successful In eases of nervousness,
as thousands of grateful people will
testify, sow iiy .Matthews Bros.
Special to the Scrantnn Tribune.
Sustiuehanna, Feb. 7. When the ton
s'ressional districts of tills siato are le
nt ranged, It is said that Sullivan coun
ty will be added to this (Fifteenth) dis
tiicl. The dlstilct will then be com
posed of SuMpiehanna, Bradford,
Wayne. Wyoming and Sullvan counties.
About ISO tickets were sold for the
Erie boiler makers' hop, held In Hosan
opera house on Tuesday evening:
E. R. W. Senrle, esq., is professionally
engaged In Piovldeuce, 11, I.
Tho loads air b.idly drifted bi-tween
Susquehanna and New Mllford. Team
sters are driving acioss lots and ou-r
stonu walls.
The Dorcas society of the Piecby
teilan church will hold a "sock social"
In the church parlors on Filday even
ing. February in.
The funeral of Mis. Jacob Stevens,
of Elkdale, this county, will take place
A government recruiting o.lke vill
soon be opened In this place.
Sheriff William J. Mnxey, of Mont
rose, was olllclnlly engaged In this
place on Wednesday.
MVs. E. C. Kellam, of Avoea. Is In
Mrs. Rose Chaffee, a business woman of Eaton
Rapids, writes i " For a long time my system was
n a terribly weakened state. Illllouinesj, sorere
Indigestion and kidney troubles mads mo bo
miserable that I was hardly able to work. A
friend told me of Dr. Chajo's Kldney.Llver rills,
and I found them just as represented. They
restored my health to me, and I think they are a
wonderful medicine."
Tho marked success of Dr. A.W. Chase's Kidney. . mi im uaciiacne, itianey Trouble, Con
stipation, Headache and Stom
ach Weakness make them
family requisite.
Hi cts, a box.
town, caleld hero by the Illness of her
sister, Mrs. W, H. Larrabee.
Mrs. William 11. Lnrrabec Is 111 at her
homo on Grand street.
In Hogan opera house, this evening,
Miss Ullsk and McGtvcney, of lllng
Immton, gave their last dancing lesson
and hopso until after Lent.
A number of Susquehanna Knlclits
of Columbus were In Blngliamton Inst
evening attending a farewell dance
given to Frederick Rider,
it Is reported that ten extra freight
conductors on the Susquehanna divis
ion of the Erie will bo promoted.
The Eric yards and sidings are filled
with cars. ,
There Is nothing now In tho Erie
strike question. All Is quiet on tho
A large number of Erie trainmen ore
III with grip.
The Erie Is doing a mammoth freight
Mrs. B. F. Pride loft lest evening to
visit relatives at Youngstown, O.
Speelal to the Pcranton Tribune.
Unlondale, Feb. S. There was a
pleasant gathering of the Ladles' A.d
society of tho Presbyterian church and
their friends nt the homo of Mrs. J.
13. Thomns last Thursday for dinner.
Tho musical programme wan a refresn
Ing Innovation. Tho bright duets given
on the plnno bv Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira It.
Thomas were thorougly enjoyed bv all.
For all lovers of elocution nnd (rood
mu3lc, vocal and Instrumental, there
in n rich treat In stoiv, announced for
the nth of this month. The entertain
ment will be held In the Methodist
IOplscopnl church under the auspices of
the Epwoith league. Don't nilffs u ,;ood
The funeral of Janet Stevens tool:
place last Thursduy at Elkdale.
John Westgate, one of the eatly set
tlers of this town, died of paralysis In
Korcbt City last Wednesday. The In
terment will take place In the ceme
tery, south of Unlondale, next Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Couch, of Carbondnle.
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fhllo
llurrltt, Wednesday.
Rev. A. Eastman and wife have re
turned from Smyrna, N. Y.
Rev. D. D. Jenkins preached In Car
bondale last Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. Orander Inst Wednesday
left Philadelphia for home, ncoompa
tiled bv her little son, James, nn.l
bearing her baby of twelve months tn
her arms. She undertook the Journey,
after medical advice, that It would be
poifectly safe for her to undertake
the trip with her little boy baby, but
before Mio had reached Reading the
baby died.
Mrs. J. F. Rnf-s Is home again, ha--Ing
returned from Carbondiile, wheie
the was summoned to nurse her daugh
ter's family, all of the members having
been piostnited by the grip.
Sciil In tin- rnntii;i Tril.ure.
Factorvvillo. Fob. 8.-Next Monday !s
the time m1 for a hearing In the elec
tion tontCHi. but there are some doubts
yet ax to whether It will come off then
or not.
Cnptuln E. J. Rice post, ('.rand Army
of the Republic, will (lttln-Tly cele
brate Lincoln's blrthdny by giving an
entei talnment and lecture Tues.l ly
Hvenlng, Feb. 12, In the Methodist
3dcopnl church. Rev. A. J. Van
Cleft, of Duiimore. will deliver a lec
ture on "The Life and Public seivlee
of Abtahani Lincoln." The chu-ch
choir will furnish the music for the
Since Representative Squler Intro
duced die bill for a state hospital for
the Insane l'oi the counties of Wnyno.
Wyoming. Susquehanna, Pike. Sulli
van, Bradford nnd Lackawanna, thete
is a big try from Wayne and Susque
lunan to have it ilf built) located In
their respective counties. We are will
ing to admit that such an Instltuilon
Is much needed in either of these two
counties, but peihups It will be built
In Wyoming nevertheless, and. If so,
we will assure our nelghbois from
Wayne and Susquehanna that we will
reserve plenty of room In It for them.
During this cold weather It Is very
essential that our llto hydrants be
tested often to see If they are in work
ing order.
Tho borough council, nt a meeting
Wednesday night, decided that bor
ough ordinance No. 12, relating to
cleaning snow from sidewalks, and tho
dnmplng of garbage and ashes In the
streets, must be enforced, nnd notlc-j
was served on the burgess to that
The usual services will be held In
both the chinches tomorrow morning
ami evening.
A detailed report of the census re
turns was sent out this week. It
shows that Wyoming county bus
gained over twelve bundled In the pa.U
decade. The following Is the table as
made up from the returns:
l'Kln. MO.
Wyoinlnir om,tj 17,13; n.wq
lluliitrlm v7
Clinton m
Kalon '. Tim S'!"i
I:oIit i?! in
K.ulorjtille IwioiikIi HVl :,"
l'ullt l,om 1,1111
IVikftol 11J1) ;ii
I.Mnon K'7 nil
.Uliocuny 7'jl mi
Mc'hhoii(M hoiou:;li W' 5711
McslmplK'n lunnlilp iVJl :,
Monroe ii-i.! ..i"
VldioKoii boiuu.'li h,ii 7,11
NIchoKoii touii.lili H im.1
N'mlli Dram) '." ." so.)
'ii Mil I,l',i7
Oierlii-ld 4 1 J ;;l
Tuiiklunnoik lioroiiKh l,::n,"i ,!i
Tiinl.lunncick tnumlilp 1,1V) l,:iiil
Wjsliini;loti 711 7,.)
Winillmm i,r-l 771
Sireij In (be Scranton Tribune.
New Mllford, Feb. 8. E. W. Morran
Is quite 111 with congestion of the
Miss Maty Blrney, of Montrose, vis
ited friends In town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moxley, of
Hallstead, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
N. F. Klmber the forepart of the week.
Mrs. A. F. Dutcher entertained her
sister, Mrs. W. U. Stafford, of Blng
humton, recently,
Mrs. Charles Jny, of Clieene, N. Y
Is a guest of Mis. Alma Kimball.
Mr. und Mrs, Lee J. DeWItt arc re
joicing over tho urrlval of a llttlo son.
Mlsa Florence ludcrlled called on
Ureal Bend friends Thursday.
F. L. Bryant, of Deposit, spent n few
days In town this week.
Mrs. James Prentice Is spending
some time with her parents at Alford,
Mrs. II. Bellow visited at Susque
hanna' lust week.
The New Mllford Dairy conuiaii"
opened the new creamery In this place
and rommenced operations on Filduy
of lust week.
Rev. Chailcs Smith, of tho Metho
dist church, will preach fiom tho sub.
Ject, "Church Music," next Sunduy
evening. '
Killed by Pneumonia and
Consumption, .
Four-fifths of These Deaths Duo
to Ignorance and Careless
ness on the Part of
the Afflicted.
The repot tn of the Buieau of Vital
Statistics for 1D0O show that during
that year l'S.Mo persons In the United
States died from Pneumonia and Con
sumption alone, nnd while this Is 11
1 eduction ot L'3,30r) from tho numbet
who died In 1S3!, It proves that these
gient plugues are annually destioylng
one person out of ten of tho udult pop
ulation of this country. That tour
tlfths of these people might have been
living today but for their own Ignor
ance or carelessness, Is well known to
the medical profession.
Let us explain what Is meant by
Ignorance nnd carelessness. Dining
the past fifteen youis over live million
dollnis have been expended annually
by persons suffering from coughs, ca
tarrh, bronchitis and consumption, and
all this for stomach medicines or
treatments requiring the uso of
sprays, vapors or atomizers. But
during this whole time the Bureau of
Vital Statistics shows that these dis
eases Incrensed 50 per cent, annually,
and medical history falls to give one
single case of consumption cuied. One
would naturally Infer that after such
reports by the government, nothing
but ignorance of these facts could ex
plain why so many thousands con
tinued to spend their time nnd money
on such treatments.
Carelessness In selecting treatments
for respiratory diseases, Is shown when
ever any sufferer purchases a remedy
which requires the use of spiays, vap
ors or atomizers, for certainly no man,
woman or child who has ever attended
our public schools Is Ignorant of the
fact that the const! uctlon of the air
passages Is such ns to render It Im
possible for nny of these treatments
to reach the diseased parts.
Consumption and Pneumonia are
germ diseases, and as physiology, the
government leportr, nnd history of
medicine teaches us that there Is no
possibility of a cute being effected
through the stomach or by sprays,
vapors or atomizers, what hope Is
theie for peisons allllctcd?
Knowing that you are a reader of
the dally papeis and nee the glowing
advertisements published by hundreds
of manufacturers, we rhall not try to
explain this, but Instead, give you a
few fuc ts furnished by those who nre
not Intrusted in nny way with the sale
of medicines.
On Jiimtniy nth, WHO. the United
States Health Report published the fol
low lug:
"I'or the first time in tho history
of this country, we have noticsd a
great falling off in the number of
deaths by lxspiratoiy diseases dur
ing the past year. (23,305). Care
ful investigation by our medical staff
pvove3 that this reduction is entirely
duo to the use of n Dry-Air Germi
cido called HYOMEI, and that no
other remedy or treatment had any
thing whatever to do In bringing
about this reduction."
To any Intelligent person this state
ment, coming from the highest medi
cal authoilty In the land, ought to be
all that Is necessary to prove there Is
but one treatment known by which
consumption has ami can be cure I.
HYOMET Is the only cure for Coughs,
Catarrh, Bronchitis and Consumption
because It Is the only germicide which
can be Inhaled In the air we breathe,
HYOMEI Is the only cure bscause
It Is through the air we breathe alone
that the germs of the disease are to
be reached anil destroyed.
Knowing these facts an you do. It Is
the duty of eveiy man and woman to
Inform their family and friends, and
by so doing save thousands of lives
which otherwise will be lost through
Ignorance and carelessness.
Five flays' treatment sent free to any
address. Sold by all druggists or sent
by mall. Complete Outfits SI. 00. Tilal
Outfits 2,-,e,
The K. T. Booth Co., Ithaca, N. Y.
John Reap, aged twenty-three years,
died ycslerdaj aftemoon at the tuinlly
residence In the North End. Ills
mother, Mrs. Margaret Reap, died
about six months ago. Duilng tho
past few mouths lie had been a patient
hufferer of lung trouble. Ills sister
was constantly In enre of him and his
peaceful death was very consoling to
tho members of the family. The
funeral will take plnie nu Sunday af
ternoon. Interment will be made In
St. Mary's cemetery.
Edwaul Maloney, of York avenue,
has returned after several months'
stay at Tumauqua.
Misses Elizabeth Dougher and Agnes
ClhToid attended the lecture given by
Dr. W. C. Shaetfer. at Wllkes-Barre,
on Thursday evening.
The trustees of the Primitive Metho
dist church are arranging for a bazaar,
which will take place some time in
Miss Laura OUIick Is postmistress at
Dupont during the absence of Miss
Mucklow In West Virginia.
A pair of eyeglasses were lost on
Thuihday on South Main stteet. Re
ward will be given when left at the
T. J. Llewellyn represented the local
United Mine Workers of America at
Sciantou yesterday.
James Mullen, of the North End, has
left for Manhattan college, where ho
will enter ns a student. Mr. Mullen'a
good work on the base ball Held has
enabled him to seeuro a scholarship
at that excellent college. The Young
.Men's club tendered him a farewell
social on Wednesday evening.
The funeral of Mrs. James Sheehan,
of Moosic, occurred from her late homo
on Thursday afternoon und was large,
ly attended. Interment was iniidci. In
St. Mary's cemetery. ,
Thomas Hewardlne, of Vine stieet,
Is recovering from a severe attack of
Tho hospitality of Mr. mid Mrs,
James Morton was extended Thurs
duy evening to a party of friends In
honor of tho birthday of their daugh
ter Margaret. The usual social diver
sions were Indulged In, after which u
dulnty luncheon was served.
For a Cold in tho Head
Laxative Bromo-Quinlno Tablets.
Household Utensils
In the Basement.
We do not abuse the word " bargain " In referring to this sale, it is an occasion without a
parallel. Judge of many of the values in the Lackawanna Avenue windows. Let these price hints
convey an Idea of a good many more.
Peerless Enamel and Agate Ware
There weic thirty thousand pieces on Wednesday not more than half now, yet the assortment
is comp'ete because ol the immensity of quantities and wideness of variety. Nought at a New York
auction for half price, it being sold In the s.vm proportion.
5-Cent Table
Basting Spoons, white nnd white
whlto ennmeledj 12 to 20 Inches
in length.
Drinking Cups, Peerless Enameled
Pudding Pans, Peerless Enameled
Ladles nnd Skimmers.
Worth ioc Gnch
10-Cent Table
3-4-quart Coffeo Pots.
Fry Pans, 3 1-2 and 0 12 inch.
Puadlng Pans, 2-quart.
Coffee Pots, 1 1-2-qunrt.
Tea Pots 1 and 1 1-2-qunrt.
Milk Kettles, 2-quart.
Laundry Dippers, extra heavy.
Covered Buckets, 2-quart; scam
less. Worth from i8c to 35c
I5-Cent Table
Covered Buckets, 4-quart.
Milk Kettles, 3-quart.
Large Cullenders, best agate.
Sauce Pans, 4-quart; covered;
Sauce Pans, 6-quart.
Mixing Bowls, 14-inch, agate.
Coffee and Tea Pots, 2-quart.
Worth from 29c to 59c
Wall Street Bevlew.
Ni-n York, I'd). S. There .n 11 ri'ils
f.illlli!,- 01T In the vii'ihiic of iIciIIiik hi .tiuk,
loiljj ami (In- ilrillne wouM luvo K'-n mmli
more ii.mkril It not lion for the lr'.n;iiu
forward Into aclblty of n liirdo of lov. i leu
sloiks ol the kind known .n "tan 11ml og "
At & nuttir ot fad ioili!li..itlm rum its unr
ilriululed rtK.irdIns tin- nilliuad. whoo Mink
ale K'llliiK Mow- 10, a. 1.1- bicoinc I lie fi.lilnn
ill comioilliin Willi bull iiioM'iunti, Inn ne
of tlio stocks line Mtl out without Fiutilk in
luori on (he Ri' rlndk th:it jm r tilrr J.l
it aiallililo for a tomlmution nowadi.ii. Iho
nifwt tidily thtlmd rumor stinIied lo tin' Wan
ah fccturitii'i and Ike group of I illiu.oU upi-rat.
ins In Colorado. 'Ihcf made Wal.Jih a I'liuirtt
liK link to ho nlvoihcd I'.v Ictkiwamu anil to
take in tlio Could Soiitliw-U'lli lailioadi In ll.c
(oiliiallou of a now through r.llllnul flsirm Iioi.i
tlio oast to the utliiwtrin culf porn Tli.
rimioi of a pioj.tted lon-oliihitlon In thr
Colorado llnfi took on arloui I'onut, homo ot
width won' authoritatively OViued, 'I ho fralni In
tliii iIj.-s f rallioad ttoiks tan all Hi-' way fr'tn
1 to o point, btotk of 'irand I'l.ind first imIiiIiij
5 ami Uakiih ooiumou h. All of the -.cuiriliii
of both rouiN wire afittttd in a lost drprtt and
tin re wore k.i1ii.h besides in other rallroadi
are seldom proniliKMit In the ilealliiit. The
ktorl Moik. made a cii'il show tf ttrenlh Ju.t ut
tin.' openlni;, tin plato jumplnc. nearly :i point s
Heel and win 2H, and steel on'y l'.
None of the .idi'.iiueH wele fully maintained o.v
ri'pl t'edeial .steel und limine' In tho Kioiip ft II
to toiuparatludy Miull proi'oilloin, '. li.'.i,
rontlnued Mrtnj in Wall nil ret tint the phin for
adJtMlimiit of tontrol ot tiie find pinp'-rtli-t It
nnkliu proprr-... Mlet. I.I.W.nm h.iri".
'Hire was a iouIIiiimiiio of Hie aitlill) of loo
bond marktt, but linn' wile reae'llms on
pioltt UkliiL' at nome point,, U.iki.!, ilcb(Hln
ll'ji adianeid d point, and the 'n 1. Total
ale, par inlue, !,"",IKJ.ik. I , s. lund were all
uiii h..iiirel on tli" last tall.
Tin following rjuoutloni arc fintiMicd The
Tribute by M. S. Jordan K Co., louins 7U3-70J
llcara building, Scranton, Pa. Telephone Jtwc:
Open- IHsh' l.ov Clot
In;. e.l. r.f. Inrx
Ann r. --iipir :i in liff'j llili
Ann I Tob..ieo I ITU 1 17., llnij n;.'-,
Am. Miel - i !ij ', II ;.!
AiihUon ol f,Hi .".I'- .'4
Atlhboll. I'r fc-'i Ni '"'. M'i
llrook. lion 7 TuVi 7i&h Ti'i
Halt. . Old i';, t j,i'4 'il'j
('.Hit. Tolmtio 4llli, II. v. 411 bl'i
Ohm tc Ohio l l". IP', ni',
citir. a (it. Wr-t ant -ji 111 .m'.j
hit'.. It. e 1 Ill lll"j llllli ll'J74
m. I'.mi i.vri i "ii), i a 14 is i
It tk hkind 12-.'... iji.i, is IT. li.
Dti, x iiu.imhi isi ns hi m
I' Sue! :,v. ,-n -ji, ,', Still, IV. ?1 M'i MH, n",
Kan k Te.. IV Si J, S.i; .Vi1, fflj
l.oul. Na-I tiMV, 'Hi, !iji (!.)',
Man. r.leut d 1 1 s J4 ll'i'.i Ih'i ll'i
Met. tlim 1M lilt pljlj pi, 'J
MU-o. I'atlllr Il Via; .,-; In
1'toploN (!a IUIV lOlvi mi Kill,
v. .i. Ctntui 1S114' i; 1.1 ng ivi
"oiilhern l'.ic ilk 4"' lH lil IJ',
N.Tloll I. ev 4',; fkT& 4", 1Vi
Noiihirii I'l'iillle Ml", S.1 MH ill,
Noithtiu I'aillle, l'i. ... fnr, VtL. n.
.N. . Cuilii'l Nil', If," mi; ns
Out. t. Hiiti 111 iii'i, :iiH :-.i :,i
I'-'oim 1! It Il'l lit'", lia nut.
r.uiilo Mall ll'i I'.i; i;i(, iji,
lleidinx II) :rSi luV, nut .nu
lleiidlnr ltv.. l'i r'.if, 7.V) Tli 7S'.
Soi.tlurii It. It ::t,i J 'jii(, !',
srtiitb. It. It., IV ;n 7U'i, 7n'i ',1,1.
Tuin. Coal .V lion ... 01 tin, f,. ,)t.k
I'. S. Lealhei It 14 .(r; j35.
I. s. ,uther, l'i 7c 7il TSVi 7.VM
C. s llubbei iuij 'jiiit, jiij out.
1 ul. !. l'.ieltli ,i.4 imij in ).ii.
I 11I011 1'ailt.r, I'r h'l'. Ki k ft,i.
Jiibai. IV. :il4 .14 l't 3V4
Wivlem I nlon N, S7'j t-'ii So'j
Ojw'i' "lull- Low Clov
WIII.AT. lnB. Mt. nt. In.
Ma) n 741. 7tli 74S
rr$ffi T-"i 7-W W 7"J
May 3S 39 3s; 39
W ' Sa'i 2.H 43',4 L'SVi
"I'fn- lllitli. Jx)wr. Clos.
UIIi:T. lug. r.t. rtt. Ins.
Manli 7V.. 7s 7s!i 78?i
Miv. 7"'' ''"s T'J W''i
M H'l !' I Pi 4li
Ecrnnton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
&u n.H . inn
uil ttt mi tuts.
Bill. Asked.
Flnt National Dank .,
Scranton Baling! Uank
Third National inn .h ,,,
Dime Depoalt anil Dlarount Dank,, 21f) ,,
Kconomy Light, II. & I', Co a
Lacka. Truat Safe Dtpoalt Co lit)
Clark k Snoier Co., Pr. jj
Bcranton iron Feme & Mfj. Co loo
Scranton Axle Worka p5
Ijckawanna Dairy Co., Pr, , oo
County Savlnita Dank tc Trust Co., 300
Firtt National Dank (Carbontlale) 300
Standard Urllllnc Co 30
Annual Sale of
19-Cent Table
Sauce Pans, 0-qunrt size.
Covered Kettles, 3 3-4-quart size.
Coffee and Tea Pots, 3-quart.
Chambers, standard size.
Mixing Bowls, 10-lnch.
Worth from 33c to 65c
25-Cent Table
Wnsh Bowls, 14-inch; blue nnd
white enameled ware.
Lipped Preserving Kettles, white
nnd enameled, 8-qunrt.
Lipped Preserving Kettles, 10-qt.
Coffee Boilers, 3 1-2-quart
Coffee Boilers, 4 1-2-quart.
Covered Sauce Pans, 8-quart.
Coffee Pots, 4-quart; agate.
Tea Pots, 3 nnd 4-quart; agate.
Berlin Covered Sauce Pans, 0-qt.
Dish Pans, full 10 quarts.
Bice Boilers (double cookers).
Worth from 42c to 69c
29-Cent Table
Tea Kettles, best enameled.
Covered Kettles, 8-quart.
Coffee Boilers, big sizes.
Dinner Buckets, full size.
Stow Pans, 10x11 inch; white and
white enameled.
Water Buckets, full 1 2-quart.
Coffee Pots, blue and white enam
eled. Tea Pots, blue and white enameled
Worth from 48c to 75c
Trader)' Nat lor al flank
Scranton Ilol; tr.d Nut Co
lit) MM.
Sor.-mtrr. rw"rjter llaiUj), first
Jlorteu.-e, Un llfJO
I'mplui Mutt Hallway, lint mirt- due Vat;
I'foplc'H i-trett Hallway,
li'.olttne, due Wll
Irbkvn MTiiifj.turliis Co
Ijika. Town-hip S hool 5 I er trnt.
City ot Scianttn !-t. lint. 0 per
Sirunton 'lraitlon 0 per tint
Scranten Wholesale Il.iiltct.
(Ctrinltd 1 1) II. (1. Pale, '.'7 Ijukawmna Ale )
lliittii 1 1 Miiti). SJi.'i's".; da I), isiiK.
( l.n il till uram. liili'.i.
IVifi U'e inn, 'Jla2l"ji.; n.-.irb) state,
lb m -l'i r hi 1I1 1I1 r ii'irto.v, ?J.5v.n!.(JJ.
IV.i lliiin-l'ti bii.. iJ.Ca.'.Sii.
MuIiiiiii lhant-1'er bii , ..,.4,i.i.'. 13.
Creen IV.11-P r bn., .'I.l'lit.43.
lii.lui'-l'ii I'll , H.1I.H1
I'lviii lit.l pilill', ' l.ui.
New Yotlt Grain nml Produce.
New York, I'eb. S. I'lour -Wiak and inaitiie.
Wlnatspnt nil) ; No. ! led. J'l',i f. o b.
af.oat nnd 7iii. elitatm; No. I northern Hub
utli, bli'.ie. f. it. Ii. iilloat. (I.itlon opiiiul lonei
aiul wtak. Cloml ae net tlitline. Mauli
tlo-ed TTie.i Miy, T'l1:!.: .lul). C.1111
Sput tit 111 i No. a, I7i eleiiitor nml 4r.i. f
0. b. afloat. Option maiket opened ca.-"), but
iiioMlid and ilo-(d tlim al 'ie. nit adi.inee.
May i!o-ed I454e.: Jul) 41e. ().iti spot hrm;
No. i, M'iv.; V11, .!, roe i No. 2 wbitr, 3Jc.;
No. :i white, MHo. i Iraek mlxiil wrsteni, :idi
Ill'-jf,; tin k white, IIUIJVjO. Options quiet but
tiad). Hutlir 'ttodyj fn-h eieamery, luriie.
farlt.rv, llnlHi-e. j June ereamery, ISaSUi'.; Jml
Citloli (i-eaner). II ilso ; state dally, frmli. 17
ai'De. Clieii Klrni: fane) larco, fill made, 111
allise.: fjiny unnll, fill mule. Illal2e. Kciti
- ; rt.ite and lViina., 3)"jf.; western,
Hi'iti.'Oe.; houtlnin, fal'iln1.
Chlcngo Oialn nnd Produce.
( liliaao, I el,. S. --Ii;i.urai;injr iniliuncei cp.
mlid a;.iiiil the wh'it in.nket till), but a utoieiv took pheo laler In Kinipathy
wllli the 10111 Ktiiuth, and on t lit 01 f tit MMhoaul
etport new. ilolu. :iRal,2i. lower. Corn tlo-.ed
e. higher; oalK 1 htl untliaimed, and piovlit.
Ion a tludo 1 a-l or. c.ih i'ii.illorn wore u
I'lour llnll: No. :i uniux wheat, (iQViaTlo.t
No. i rid, T.iVtiTI'.ji'.i No, 2 coin. 3714c S No.
'i )illow, :t7'sf. ; No, 2 oit. 2J'i j No. 3
while. C7n27sti'. i No. ?. or, .'dr.! No. 1 Ikn,
pl.fiOili.l; No. I noillmc't.; tlmo
lliv, "M poll. SI I.Mlal l.Sj lard, i7 40i
7.4i'4; lib, -i. n'mT bi; ul milder, OlaOLc.;
Ido. .7it3i7.2S: whUkiy, 1 ':7.
Chlrngo Live Stock Il.irket.
Chltapi, I'th. 7. -( Jlllr -ltetelpn, 2."; (,'en.
eially Meitlv to tun.., rxtopt (.111111 rs, weak,
lowtr; i.i".l to piinii' t'ei. it'iall; poor to intil
linn, l; Hi! toi U.l nml feedtr". low. 1(2,73
alSO; tow. IS; l.elfir.. "-i ,'dil 40; can
mr. 1 141.12 S3; nil. Hti.idt, -.!') 1 1.23; raliei.
I Ktiaily, Min2; Tia ful flte . lal HI; Texas
(.1 lit ,te 'in, nL.ThI; Tom bulls 2 OOailCl).
Hop. Hut'lpt todi), 21, H'l; tomorrow, 31,.
IH-.1; lift ntei, 2,nuil; op. tied .tron' lo Se, libcli
ir: tbvid weak, adiame lo't; top, S.43; luKt'tl
jiinl biilihiM, -3'.0airi; f ml to ihoh n Iimvv,
I f3; iiiuitb bean, s't.2iWi III; liht, J3.20
. aS I.I, bulk of Hie. HS .121411', .C.
Shi l p lb nipt 7,00.1; i,ip. fl in. lV.e.Welk
I In bK'; lamb, i.iroupv in 10. . hither;
i". oil to ih. die wttlnit, .! o".il...tJ: full 10 (lioho
I n.ivi.l K'.MIil! tlf.tolii .l.i.t'ii. .' T.',..j
fl.tip,' i(2 ftl.i.1 ('11; nallie lambs yb'OaS.uO;
wntiin lamb, 3a3 23.
New Yoilt Live Stock.
Vow York, I'iIi. S. ll.'oiti Slow nml tlras
rIiu; stiin, Itmrr; built, ttnins; runt, barely
hltatl 1 nt'iis Sa S, .J.S j ocn nni stjj;(i, $JS
I111IN. $.!.l'iil.23: umii, .!.03.i3.fl0; calu't,
tiMilyi 11.1N, Ma.'.Oi little ialu, $tai.00j
luiiij.n.l t'.ilies iMa.l.Sd.
Wiwp anil lainb Mi'.uly for rooi! crailri;
irnllinu nml roninum, ilull anil wt.ik: lipcp, $j
ul.l'.Si Ijiii1, tSdAID); rmudliin binibi,
IliJirs None for wit alius nominally uak.
Buffalo Live Stock Mnrlcct.
Knst llufUlo, Keb, 8. ltccclpt- Cattle. 62 raraj
ahrt'P antl Uinbs, 40; l.o;-t, 10. bhlpniriiti
Cattle, 01 caraj hwp antl lanilia, Iflj 1iok, 13,
Cattle Weak, light tlrinan'lj calvm, choiio
to extra, 7.25aS.W.
LambsChoice to ixtru, $3.603.75; hecp,
clinlro to ntra, $I.Wal.T5.
llogs-Ileaiy, $3.65; plpi, $5.73a3.771i.
Oil Mnrket.
Olt City, Feb. 8. Credit balancra, 12.1; rer
tlflmtea clowtl sale of 1,0m) burn-It rasi nil at
$1.21. bhlpnienta, 00,i; aixragf, eii,ta7. Ituna.
03,017; avinge, 81,121.
Stale of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Countv, ts:
FRANK J. CHUNKY makea oath that he it
imlor partner ol tlio tlrm of F. .1. CHUNKY &
( O., doln buslnem in tho City of Toledo, County
and Mato aforesaid, and that wld tlrm ulll pay
eaili Jml cviry ease of OATAllllll thit ennnot
bf cured by the uau of IIAI.I.'fl CVTUIItll
hworn to before me and mliserlbed in my
prcmice, thla btlt day of K.ciiiibir, A, 1). lSsti
ISeal.l A. W. (lMJAn.V.
Notary l'ublle.
Ilall'a Catarrh Cure It taken Internally, and
atts directly on the blood and miiiout lurfaiea
of tho vjattm. Send for te.tlnioul.ils, frte,
F. J. CHUNKY A: CO., Toledo, O.
Koltt by Druifglsta, 75e,
Hall's Family Pills are tho best. "
I if I
39-Cent Table
Coffee Pots, 3-qt.; blue and white.
Coffeo Pots, 4-qt.; blue and whlto.
Dish Pans, 14-qt.; boat onatnelod
Lipped Preserving Kettles, i4-qt.
Soamless Water Buckets, 12-qL
Coffeo Boilers, 7-qt., enameled.
Tea Kettle3, 4-qunrt.
Poot Tubs, large size.
Bread Raisers, 14-quart.
Worth from 52c to 85c
49-Ceiit Tabic
Tea Kettle, 8-qt best enamel.
Water Palls, 12-quart, whlto nnd
white enameled.
Coffee Boilers, 0-quart; blue and
Tea Kettles; blue and white.
Worth from 75c to 98c
69-Cent Table
Coffee Boilers, 8 1-2 quart; blue
nnd white enameled.
Tea Kettles, 8-qt.; blue nnd white.
Coffee Boilers, 8 1-2-qt.; agate.
Covered Stove Pots, 18-qt. bIzo.
Lipped Preserving Kettles, 30-qt.
Worth from Si. 25 to $1.50
Chicago nnd Alton Itrtllwny Co.
"Flrat Lien" 3'.s. 1030.
Vestern Union Tolegrnph Co.
Keul Katnte I'is, l'J17.
Chicnpjo, Buil. & Qulncy P.. B.
Illinois Division 3'fcs. 1019.
Evnnsville nnd Terro Hnuto B. E,
Klrst Consollilutcd Cx. 1021.
Clcv. & Ilsrietta P.nilwny Co.
1st Mtir. S. K. 4''js, 10W.
United Railways Co. ot St. L.
Ut Gen'l MtR. la, 10.14.
Complete st upon nppllcntion.
Spencer TVask & Co.
2r-29 Pine Street,
05 Etnte St.. Albany. RCW York.
"A Qlimpse at Wallllraet and"
H5 FrtrVott." iMTiniTiTr.i: ni
115 iviaiKQlS dun. m.w hook t
It Is something radically different from other
imbllcatlont. Very valuable and intereatlnir to
thetraders. Also market report CCMT CDCC
and monthly iluctuatlon aheeti 3Erl I r llCt
41 ami J l IIIIOAUWAV, MiH 1U11K. R
ruT.tiii.iBiifi'ii lun-. It
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cottch.
A commission home wcirltlnplnthelntfrent cfcllcrts.ex
ecutinrf (ill ordcis upnn the 1 irhaneind uhink' name v(
Drokf ri with whom transaction Is mtile In ccr Inhume.
lomnUkliD 110. 7!ftf!rr1f Strgloi.
rrrfipftiiifnfe Imllfd.
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor anJ Manbood
Curo Impotency. N'fclit Amissions, Loss of Mom.
ory, nil watltis dleoascs.
, ui, ,,i".iiin iiinijar'tj,
ofTtct3 n( ri4f.nbti.-n or
excess and in.t iscrot ion.
A nerve tonio nnd
.blood builder. Brines
I TL tlio pink clow to jmlo
VAVVwr cliookd aim restotos tlin
5fi55vtlrrt of youth, liy mail
1 62.60, with our bankable gatirunteo to euro
nrrafnnri thn mnnnv nnlrl. Smtil 9n ,.l..t.l ,n
1 anil copy ot our ba&kablo guarautco Ijoud,
I Wnr!o Tnh!oo extra strength
Iminedlatc Results
Positively (ruarnnteod enro for I.oas of Tower,
arieoceIn. Undnvelopod or Miriuiketi Orcaus,
l,urcl, Locomotor Atnsln, Nervous Ticutra.
Hon, Ilysteila. l'ltt. Infinity. I'aralj sit nntl tint
Heult:j of Hxt'ottlio Ofii of 'i'ob.irt'o. Opium or.
Llijuor. Bv- mntl in pl.tin pnrknee. Sl.CO a
box, O for $5.00 wltn our baukubl.i irunr
tnteo bond to curs lu 30 auya or rofuntl
tnonoy raid. Adtlru?s ' ,
Clinton &.-rt(a-n ' - -ni;qf; n.i.
Sold by SIcGarrali !i Tbohia. I)iuslt!, 20J
Lackawanna aiinuc, h'ciuiituii, I'j.
'1-herti 1 1 11 Cnpaiilri iir-
ivi . iiniir aviinmir
hanltM nml ' af 1 Inniiiina fn 1 . 4
No Success for Man Who Is Drowncf
in His Calling.
0, S. JI irtlcn, in HiciM.
A I'lurniicun truvcler tolls of tho fo.
lowliiB L'liltiinh wlili-li hi) lvitil on u
tombatone in Kngljn-1: "Hero lies
1 hi' m.ih born u mini, hut tiled a
Brocer." Tlu- inun hud dlsaiiiieiuod In
his calling Wo often ilml tluit u
man's vounlluii Iiuh Hwallouod him;
that It Iiuh umnnletely uvurnlic;tm'il
him, that thero Is nothltis IcfTtf hliu
for any jiuriiosi' outsldu his ot't-iiat m.
It Is u contcniptlbb' I'sMmutn Of ,i
vocation to ri-Huul Jt ns tho nmans nf
Frtttlnff.n llvlntr. Tho ninii ulm Is nut
Bri-ati'r- than his fiillliur, vhu dotii not
overtop his yocation, m thut it' rutin
over tiiirt.ll hides, Is not siioccssful. a
liy writes, Ki-tjijtyr than any speei-h hu
mun.shojijdjjai creator' tUau the.- ltoolw
mulit'H, than any limine he builds, or
uny sermon ho pleaches.
mm Bern? & m
fJ-j. itj&jlL&J. J"v ,