The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 09, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Communications of
a news nfure, per
"sOnals and alt Iteas
'for publication may
fr left at The Trib
iuno's new offices In
e Burke DulUIng,
"or sent by mull or
Two Applications for Relief To In
vestigate a Hospital Pntlont.
Tha poor board mot In regular ses
sion - Inst evening. All thu members
wor present but Cook. Two nppllca-tlons-for
tollcf wore received, one from
u whitlow with live children. Sho w
leferred to tho director of tho ward
in which she, lives. D. M. Booth wanted
lallroad fares for himself and twoehll Oneonta, X, V., where ho said
he could secure work. Ho stated that
It was Impossible for him to get a live
lihood In this city. After u little dis
cussion it wan moved that ho bo given
tho necessary $0 for thu pasteboards to
convey him to tho Empire state.
Dr. Harper appeared before tho board
In be)inlf of Mrs. Hattlo Wilson, who,
ho s'uld, was In destitute circumstances
and slik In bod and umtblo to care for
somo boarders sho has. Ho was In
formed that to fore the board could
take uotlon ho would havo to embody
these facts In nit utlldavlt.
Tho purchasing committee lepnited
buying 0. nuw grata for the furnace
tit the farm nntl receipt books for the
tax collectors. The latter Item caused
ronsldcrablo discuss Ion, but tho icport
was finally received.
Chairman JlcCabu wild that there
were, four stunted pigs tit the farm ami
as that Institution was well supplied
with potlc for tho winter ho thought It
Mould be a good idea to sell these un
developed specimens of squealdom A
motion wns made and canted to In
struct tho tdewnul to dispone of them.
The case of Tom Collins then crime
up. Tom was unfortunate enough to
break one of his legs last Labor day.
On the assurance o( a physician that
ho would not be laid up for more than
thrco weeks tho board sent him to
Emergsncy hospital to be treated. Mi.
Collins Is stilt enjoying llfu in that In
stitution with his Injured limb neatly
done up in a plaster parls oast and
the bill to dato Ik $100. Tho directors
thought this was lather too costly for
tho taxpayers, and, as Dr. Kelly, the
board's physician Is no longer a mem
ber of the hospital staff, Dr. John Nllcs
will, examine him and tlnd out how
juuoh longer It will take to cure hlni
nnd Tom will probably lie turned out
M the earliest possible day.
Now Commissioners Make First
Drawing for Men to Serve in Civil
The new hoard of jury commission
i re Sheriff Schadt, E. B. Sturgos and
D. J. Campbell -made their first draw
ing of Jurors yesterday. The follow
ing citizens from this city and vicinity
vere drawn:
Grand jury, week of Monday. March
11 John Hugocamp, laborer, Carbon
dale: J. Watt, gentleman, Carbon
dale. lVtlt jury, week of Monday, April S
W. S. Graves, farmer, Scott: A. L.
Wright, carpenter, C.ilbond.ilc; II. J.
McIIalo. undertaker. Carbondnle; J. r.
Madlgan. carpenter, Vandllng.
Petit jurois, week of April 15 James
Ward, miner, Rlchmondnlc: William
Walker, foreman, Mayileld; Charles
I'llmore, motormun, .leimyn; Bcnja
inln Mendelsohn, clerk, Maytield; John
Johns, miner, Vandllng: Benjamin
Morgan, machinist. M'lyflcld; Albert
Reese, brakemnn, Carbondalo: C. R.
Smith, ticket agent, Carbondalo.
Young Folks and Old Ones Enjoy
Themselves Delightful Day.
The air was filled with Joyous shouts
of harpy parties of slelglnlders all
yesterday afternoon and last evening.
Mlg loads of youngsters from out of
town Invaded the thoroughfaies and
nearly split their throats with cheers
ns thoy were whirled smoothly along,
while envious small boy, on the side
ialka gave vent to their Illv-suiv
.iressed Jealousy by bombarding tho
Inmates of the sleighs with snowballs.
Parties of older boys and girls some
of them being "giownups" also en
Joyed the splendid going und took
trips out of town and Into it. Tho
streets lust night wero tilled with Joy
ous parties of this nature, with slclgh
bclls. Jingling a mciry tuno and the
crisp, itill air imparting a cheerful
hue to all roiintcnanees.
A Sleighing Accident.
Mr. Helen Manvllle, Mis. U. A.
Sawyer and Mr. and Mis, C. K. Man
vlllo were enjoying the sleighing on
Thurbday and hud gone on a rid"
toward Honesdale. On the return
Journey, when Just this side of Wav-
mart, a mUhap occurred which, how.
ever, did not lesult in any serious in
jury. .gomethltiE seemed to bo the
matter with the brake and thu hoises
wcic: stopped. Mr. Manvllle got out to
examine the attachment and his wife
mid Mrs. Sawyer alro alighted. Sud
denly the horned look night at some
objuof and lurched ahead. Mis. Helen
Manvllle, fearing disastrous vonu
nifnce. t'irew hcrteif from the lap-
M Mill ,jm. a
Sore Lungs
mean weakened lungs all
caused by a cold and cough.
Weak lungs sooner or later
mean consumption.
wlll,heal vand strengthen the
lungsrctire cold and stop the
'"1 couilitJ (or year) had hemorrhage.
DoitorM said t wjj in lait itage of coniump
tlon. Had given up all hope, I finally tried
hiiiLon and It cured mo completely, Am
today In perfect health."
East Oakland, Ctl.
flhlloh'aComuraptlon Cure It aold by nil
irucctats at vjflc, OOc, 8 .00 it ImttU, A
Iirlulud guaraut poet with every bottle.
f jrousre not latUllrd go to jour druggta
mill get your money buck.
Write for illuitrated book on toniurnptton. Sent
without ion to you, b.C.Wella Co., LKoy,N.V.
i -
. .L.l
Idly movfng vehicle. She struck on her
head, but falling into n bank of soft
snow was not seriously Injured, al
though aulto painfully bruised. The
horses had not gone a great distance
when they wero stopped. The sleigh
ing party Was somewhat unnerved by
their experience, however, and ie
turncd by a Honcsdalc branch train.
Imposing' Two-Day Services to Be
Held In the Completed Edifice.
Tomonow tho beautiful and newly
completed Trinity Protestant Eplsco
pal rhitrcli, of which Itov. llolllu A.
Sawyer, Is tho rector, will hivo Hit.
f.ivt tvivlees celebrated In it. All Is
ready for the dedication A most Im
posing programme of music Is pie
pared, 225 chairs will be placed In the
alrles In addition to thu seating capa
city of the pews, which Is COO, and the
religious ceicmonles of tho day will bo
presided over by Bishop Talbot, bishop
of Central diocese of Pennsylvania,
Hector Sawyer and Eov. Dr. Olmstead,
of Bala, Pa.
The services will begin at 6.20 a. m.
with holy communion in the chapel,
Rector ltollln A. Sawyer being tho cele
brant. At 7.30 a. m. the second sur
vico will bo held, which all the par
ishioners of Trinity chrrch aio urged
to attend. This will be holy commun
union, Mr. Sawyer again being the cel
ebrant At 10.30 a. m. there will be
morning prayer, holy communion am'
u sermon, Ulshop Talbot will eelc
brato the holy rommunlou an I Rev.
Dr. Olmstead will preach the herrion.
In the evening the evening prayer and
a sermon by the bishop will conclude
tho day's services.
7.30 A. M. SERVICE.
Holy Communion Setting by Gilbert.
' Xo. 1.
"Venltc" c. W. Greene
"Te Ileum" L. 15. Drcssler
"Jubilate" George V. Warren
Holy Communion Setting by Gilbert.
(Xo. 2.)
Anthem, "Tho King of Love My
Shepherd Is." ....Harry I Joe Shelly
"Magnificat" W. H. Enstham
"Xutic Dlmitls"
W. II.
..Mrs. George Mills
On Monday morning the archdeacon
ry of Scranton will b,- present and
hold a session In the church. At 11 a.
in. holy communion will be adminis
tered to this body. At I p. m. there
will bo an open session, with short
speeches by the members of the arch
deaconry and tho ministers of Caibon
dale, to which all communicants of
this parish are invited. At s p. m.
there will b a reception to Ulshop Tal
bot In the parish house.
The Ladles' Catholic Bencvolont As
sociation's 12th Annual Event.
The twelfth annual banquet and ball
of the Ladles' Catholic Hctiovnlent as
sociation, was held last o filing in
Huike's hall. Dancing wns thu piln
rlpal featmo of thu owning, In
this p.-itdime and in the splendid sup
per scned by Mulhollnnd Bro., about
sixty couples participated. The largo
hall was just comfortably tilled and
the ladies weio attired in many beau
tiful gowns. The uttpper tables at tho
northern end of the halt wero taste
fully decorated with palms and-'ilow-ors.
The music was furnished by
I'rots. Firth and Collins and the. floor
committed was Miss Allda Xealon and
Miss Katie race. ,
The Pool Tourney Going Very Even
ly Standing of Contestants.
The fourth series of games at tha C
C. L. came to a last evening.
Scurry beat Dr. Day. Huberts beat
Itutheiford and Clifford beat Ely. Dr.
Day and Ely. consequently, will bo oik
or? the name from .now. Tho llfth series
will .irobably start tonight, with twen-ty-ntiii
contests lemalnlng out of th
oiiglnal thirty-two. Following Is th...
Won. Iio-t. Won, Lo,t.
P-iice 'J 'JMlJMIjii 3 t
Clllionl ". IMiirhdl 1 l
Ujiio 0.1. C, livcko ...2 1
lliiby I llllilinlo 2
lutdilxirn 1 SlluUcit :i i
!illi'Xl S lllutdiifonl a -J
llwle a 2 Smith . .'
Ilumplin'.v I OSkIukIc I n
J.inioi 5 -J-lcwart
Mu' " Slurry 3 j
MinnrM J 2
St. Vnlentlno's Day.
The annual dccoiutlon of the station
ery More windows In honor of the good
old friend of the young, St. Valentino,
la now In full fervor. Tho alleged
"comic" pictures aru as ugly uh over,
while, the moio elaborate and tasteful
designs In tut paper und pictured
Cupids and sontlmental lines hao
grown prettier ami cheaper. Dealers
report a good sale already In thece
paper novelties In anticipation of tho
holiday next Thursday. Tint origin of
this observance dates from a number
of centuries ago, when, on the eve of
St. Valentine a number of young follts,
maids and bacheloih, would assemble
und Inscribe upon billots the names of
an equal number of maids and bachel
ors of their acquaintance, throw the
wholo Into a receptaclo of sonic sort
und then draw thuni lotterywlse, euro
being taken, of course, that each
should draw one of tho opposite sex.
Tin person thus drawn became one's
valentine. Out of that custom grow
tho one still in vogue of sending
through thu otherwise, tokens
of lovo or friendship on St. Valentino's
Meetings Tonight.
Court Golden Eagle, No. n, Fores
teis of America.
Diamond lodse, No. co, Shield of
Meetings Tomonow.
Pioneer Father Mnthew society.
St. Joseph's Cadets.
At tho Theater.
Today "Uncls Tom's Cabin."
Tonlsht "Brother Against Brother."
EL. Hatfield, mm
aeer of the Carban
dale edition, wilt be
pleated to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting It Tele
phone numbers: New
386: old, 04a).
Fifty Dollars in Qold to Bo Awarded.
Monday Night's Programme.
A meeting of Columbia Hose com
pany was held Wednesday cening at
which ten now members wero admitted
and tho names of five other applicants
vote lecelved. The compnny will soon
ngnin hnvo Its full quota of members.
Reports from the fulr committees
wcio received and they give promise of
a most successful event. It was de
cided to havo the full Mozart bund
participate in the parade on Monday
evening. Word was received ftom the
Mitchell Hose company assuring thu
Coluniblas that they will gladly take
pait In the demonstration. The com
mittees wore given liberty to make
every arrangement for the pleasure of
the attendants at tho fair.
Fifty dollars In gold will be chanced
off, iiml to tho young lady or man sell
ing tho greatest number of tickets on
the money tho llrcmcn will present u.
handsome diamond ring. A number of
popular young ladles are already
eagerly awaiting tho time for tho be
ginning of tho COUtCbt.
The following programme will bo
tendered Monday evening: Opening
address, Hon. J. J. O'Xelll; vocal solo,
Mrs. George F. Mills; violin solo, with
piano accompaniment, Misses Mario
and Gertrude Graham; tenor solo.
Prof. W. D. Evans.
Repetition of tho Event of Thuisday
Given Yestorday Afteronon.
Mrs Lewis Albert IJassott yesterday
afternoon gave tho second of the two
butterfly teas ftom 4 to 7 o'clock, In
honor of her mother, Mrs. Daniel G.
Smith, and her slstcr-tn-lnw, Mrs. L.
Marvin Smith. Tho first tea was given
on Thursday afternoon and the second
was almost a duplicate, except In tho
guests present. Mrs. Bassett and the
guests of honor received in the parlors,
which wero beautifully decorated with
cut llowers and potted plants. The
mantel decoration was especially fine,
blooming plants and cut tlowers being
used to excellent advantage. All of
tho looms were given the snmo holi
day air by the liberal ute of tlowers
and plants and with the rich gowns
ol the ladles, it was a memorably
beautiful scene.
Thu name, "Uuttcrlly Tea," was dc
lived from tho method ot entertaining.
Knch lady lecelved a slip of paper
with dots of paint on them and had
the privilege of trying to fashion tin
image of a butterlly. Two prizes were
awarded for tho best pictures. On
Thursday, Miss Fannie Daley and Mrs.
James Thompson seemed lirst and sec
ond prize respectively, and yesterday
Mrs. Frank Hubbard and Mrs. Georgo
Kimball were the winners. Uefresh
ments weie served about (1 o'clock.
Theie were a large number of out-of-towti
guests present at yesterday's
event and all wero delighted with It.
A Large Euchre Party.
Mis. Jumcs, Walker entertained a
large number' of young people last
evening at a euchre party at her pleas
ant home on Pouth Church street, in
honor of her niece, Mls-s KUzabcth
Wade. Ah the name Implies, the prin
clpal anius-ement of the evening was
cud playing and the the young merry-
mak'-rs kept up until n late hour, when
refreshments were served. Following
Is the list of those who attended tho
Misses Anna Murphy, Hattlo Burko,
Hridget Kennedy, Tet.slt Foxp, Gene
vieve Hucklcy. Anna O'.Malley. Mar
garet O'Neill. Knto McDonald, Asnes,
Lorotta and Tessle Buckley. Lizzie
Connerton, Nora Hcaley, Mary Lun
n y, Rose Toolan, Mary McCann, Edith
Smuil. Anna Miller, Kntle Gllllgan,
Mary Foxo and Mary Muiphy; Messrs.
Janus, Jofepli and John Connnughton,
Michael Harbour, Joseph Rlerdon, Wil
liam Keating. Patrick McCune. Pat
rick Collins, Frank Huckley, Michael
Judge Kdward Fox, Daniel Duffy, Jos
eph Carey, Michael Huckley, Michael
Walsh, Daniel Little, Patrick Foxa,
Michael Murray, Benjamin Fellows,
John Roland and Michael Kearney.
"Bob" Jumper Injured.
One of tho favorite sports of tho
boys since there has been sleighing Is
Jumping on bob sleighs. As the swift
ly moving sleighs of the merchants,
fanners, draymen, etc., speed along,
the boys jump on thu back runners
and enjoy a free ride until they see
finme more enticing vehicle or the
driver puts them off. Yesterday a. lit
tle fellow was enjoying this sport on
Main streut. Hu attempted to board
n sleigh which was going at a high
jiitu ot speed, but instead of his foot
strlkng on tho iiinnur. It got,undor
It. The boy cried loudly from the
pain and tho dtlver at once stopped,
but not before tho boy's foot was
badly lacerated. He was taken to a.
surgeon, who dressed tho wounds. Tho
little fellow wan able to hobble home,
and It will be some time befote he In
dulges In this pasttme again
A Fine Piogramme.
Tomonow evening tho choir of tho
Flist Congiepatlonal church will ren
der the following music, under the di
rection of Mr. Naylor: Anthem,
"ICIppltng's Reeccslonul." (Do Koven):
"One Sweetly Solemn Thought," con
tralto solo and response, (Dow). In
addition to the above, tho organist will
give somo ipeelul Instrumental selec
tions. Seven Years Married.
Mr. und Mrs. J. J. Hlggins enter
tained a number of their friends on
Thursday evening, at their pleasant
home on Canaan street, In commemor
ation of thu seventh anniversary of
their wedding duy.
A Now Euchre Club.
A new euchra club has been formed
in tills city with the title of the Twen
tieth Century Euchre club, the objects
Curos a Cough or Cold at onoo,
t'ouqut r Croup, hoopluc-Couah, Mronchltla,
r.!'HMititCuO'(imnt n. Qnkk, aiirc rrmlla.
Dr. niiirl'lll cure Constipation, SOpllUlOc,
of which an the pursuit of happiness,
sociability and the shuffling of paste
boards. Tha first meeting of the new
organization took place at the home
of Miss Mary R. Maxwell, on Seventh
avenue, on Wednesday evening;. Tho
club will henceforth devote one even
ing of each week to their pastime.
Trinity Protestant Episcopal church,
68 River street Rev. R. A. Sawyer,
rector: residence, 63 River street.
Sexaguslma Sunday. The dedication
of tho new Trinity church takes placo
tomorrow. The services will bo: 6.S0
a. m., Holy Communion (chapel), cele
brant, the rector; 7.30 a. m.. Holy
Communion, celebrant, the rector;
10.30 u. m., morning prayer, Holy Com
munion and sermon. Ulshop Talbot
will celebrnta this communion, and
Dr. Oimstend, of Bala, Pa., will de
liver the morning sermon. 7.30 p. m.,
evening prayer and sermon, delivered
by Bishop Talbot.
First (St. Paul's) Lutheran church,
Church street Rev. F. Ehlnger, pas
tor. Sexaguslma Sunday. Sabbath
school, 9.30 ,a. ni.; services, 10.30 a. m.
Subject of the sermon, "The Pnrablo
of the Sower," St. Luke, 8:415. A cor
dial welcome to all.
First Congregational, corner Eighth
avenue nnd South Chuich street Raw
M. C. Elliott, pastor. Sabbath services,
a. m. and 7.30 p. m.: Sunday
Bchool, 2 p. m.; Young Men's union,
3.45 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6.45 p. m.;
prayer service, Thursday evening at
7.S0 o'clock. The pastor speaks at tho
morning service tomorrow on "Unrea
eonableness." The evening topic will
be "Man's Higher Nature, or the Soul
In History." Seats free. A cordlnl In
vitation Is extended to any who at
tend the services of this church.
Baptist. .
Hereon Baptist church, corner Lin
roln pvenue und North Church street'
Rev. II. J. Whalon, D. D., pastor;. resi
dence, 33 Lincoln avenue. Sunday ser
vices, 10.30 n. m. and 7.30 p. m.: mid
week services, Thursday, 7.30 p. m..
Young People's society of Christian
Endeavor meets at 6.30 on Sunday
ovenlnc: Junior socletv of Christian
1 Endeavor meets Sunday at 3."0 p. m.;
Sunday school at 12 m.
First Methodist Episcopal church,
North Church street, near Salem ave
nueRev. A. F. Chaffee, pastor: resi
dence, 76 Terrace street Sunday ser
vices, 9.30 a. m.; morning prayers. 10.30
a. m. and 7.30 p. m., preaching by tho
pagtor: class meeting following the
morning services. Sunday school at 12
m.i Junior leaguo at 3 p. ni.: Senior
lengno at 6.30. Evangelist Williams
preaches morning nnd ev.enlng.
First Presbyterian.
North Church street, near Salem
avenue Rev. Chailes Lee, pastor; resi
dence, 66 North Church 'Street. Sun
duy services, 10.30 a. m. nnd 7.30 p. mi
weekly prayer meeting on Thursday
evening at 7.30 o'clock.
Welsh Presbyterian.
South Church street, corner Ninth
avenue Sunday services, 10.30 a. m.
and 6 p. in.; Sunday school, 2 p. m.s
mid-week services, Tuesday, 7.30 p. m,
Roman Catholic.
Church of St. Rose de Lima, North
Church street, opposite Park place
Rev. Thomas F. Coffey, rector: resl
denc, 6 North Church street. Assist
ants, Rev. John Dixon nnd Rev. Walter
Church of Our Lady of Mount Car
mel. Fallbrook street Rev. 6. 8. Cer
tutl, rector. Services at S and 10.30 a.
m. Sunday.
Back from Erie.
Hon. J. J. O'Neill and Frank Cllf
lord, who were delegates to the state
convention of tho Knights of Columbus
at Erlo this week, arrived home yes
terday. They report a very pleasant
time, although they were delayed some
time beyond the opening of the con
vention by the trains being late. The
only state olllcer elected from this
county was Richard Burke, of Scinn
ton, who was chosen for treasurer.
Bishop Talbot in Town.
Rt. Rev. Bishop Talbot, bishop of
the Episcopal dloceso of Pennsylvania,
was In town yestoiday and stopped off
nt the Episcopal rectory. Thu bishop
wab on his way, to Forest City, whew
ho confirmed a large class at Christ's
church. He will be In Scranton today,
but returns tomorrow to this city to
participate In the opening services of
the new Trinity Episcopal church.
Knights of Malta.
Temple commander'. No. 25S, An
cient Order Knights of Malta, con
ferred the beautiful Malta degree on
several candidates at Cambrian hall
last evening. Nominations of officers
for tho ensuing twelve and six months,
respectively, took place. Several ap
plications for admission were received
last evening.
William Philpot Surprised.
A numbor of the friends of William
Philpot, of Clark avenue, gave him a
genuine surprise last evening by as
sembling at his house In a body tit
about 8 o'clock and proceeding to mnke
themselves ready to spend the even
ing there. Games, music and other
pleasant diversions helped to make the
evening a short one.
A Valentine Social.
Next Wednesday evening Mrs. Wal
ter Dlmock and a circle of young
Indies will hold a Valentine social In
the Baptist church. It will be a novel
affair nnd tho projectors promise much
amusement for those who attend.
Everyone will receive a valentine.
Light refreshments will be served dur
ing the evening.
A Thimble Ten.
Mis. Frank Hubbard nnd Mrs. J. J.
Simpson have Issued Invitations for a
thimble tea which will bo given this
ufternoon at the former lady's home,
on Lincoln nvonue,
Ladies' Auxiliary Meeting.
A special meeting of the Ladles' aux
Jury of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Englneeis will bo hold on Tuesday,
Feb. 12, at 2.30 p. m.
Clerks to Orgainze.
On next Tuesday evening a meeting
of tho local clerks will be held at
which a union, to be affiliated with
the American Federation of Labor. will
bo formed, An orgnnlzer nnd members
Tells. How Her Beautiful Daughter
the Grave.
- -
f 4ffffI-4 fh4l:'44lf'I-'i-''fi r''!
Or. Anna Wells and tier Daughter, ttlclyn Lcatle Huston, Both ol Chicago.
Anna Wells,
following letter
M. D., writes from tho Park Gatu Hotel, Chicago, 111., the
to Dr. Hurtman concerning his world-famous remedy,
Park Gate Hotel, Chicago, 111.
The Poruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen "I thank you most heaitily for tho sample bottle of Peiu
na. I prescribed it for my daughter (Miss E. L. Huston), who sadly
needed it, at it had proved. I wns utterly hopeless and discouraged.
Nothing we gave hor would give her an appetite. A nervous shock re
ceived two years ago prostrated her. All the consultations and advices
of biother physclans had done no good, until your Poruna was advised.
"She enn now eat heartily of solid foods she has been, not living, but
dying on liquids; sleeps good; was troubled with inomnla; menstruation,
easy and comfortable; had suffered from dysmenorrhea and ovaritis.
She is now ou the third bottle. '
"I wish this letter could reach the whole world for the sake of brother
physicians, their patients, and tho discouraged class who are nobody's
"With all my heart I thank you. Your wonderful medicine has saved
my daughter from the grave. I am prescribing it right along for my
patients, and find that it soon begins to give relief." Anna Wells, M.D.
of the Central Labor union will bo
piesent and a permanent organization
will be formed. Both male and femalo
clerks will be enrolled as members.
One of the first demands the new
union will present will be a general
observance of the 6.30 closing move
ment. Among the Sick.
Mrs. Isabelle Jenkins, of Mill street,
Is on the sick list.
Dr. R. Ottman and wife and Mrs. C.
O. Mcllen have fully iccovercd from
their recent Illness.
Nate English, of Belmont street. Is
out after a two weeks' attack of rheu
matism. Uev. Father Coffey has so far Im
proved as to be able to sit up. Father
Dixon Is still In the Scranton Private
hospital. He will not be brought to
Carbondale until next week.
Mrs. George Robinson Is much Im
proved. Promenade Concert Monday Evening,
February 18.
On Monday evening, Feb. IS, tho
young ladles of St. Rose's church will
hold a card party and promenade con
cert in St. Roso hall. Tho games will
begin at S.30 o'clock and suitable
prized will be awarded to the fortunate
contestants. This evening's pleasuro
will probably be enjoyed by a largo
number, us the young ladles of St.
Rote ore always very capable hos
tesses. Gone Back for Treatment.
Charles Glllen, who wns discharged
from the Emergency hospital two
weeks ago, has gone back ngaln. Mr.
Glllen suffered the loss of his right
foot und the Injured member Is not
healing very well: therefore he has had
to re-enter for further treatment.
The Passing Throng.
Mis. W. E. Roberts Is around after
a week's Illness.
Henry Wlson, of Honesdale, was In
town yesterday.
Miss Alice McDonald spent yester
day In the Electrlo City.
Mlis Alice Sheehan. of Plttston, Is
the guest of friends In town.
Miss May Kllpatrlck Is able to be
about after her operation for appendi
citis Alderman S. S. Jones and Alderman
It. J. Delevan were In Scranon yester
day on ofllclal business.
Mies Blanche Whitney, of Hones
dale, Is the guest of Miss Edith Court
right, of AVayno avenue, for a few
Tho Misses Madgo and Giuco Vnu
ghan, who havo been visiting friends
here, havo returned to their homo In
i ' -
A largo party of little children as
sembled at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
David 13. Jones, on North Main street,
on Thursday afternoon In honor of
their duughlftr Cora's ninth birthday.
Tho three hours the children were
given the freedom of the houso they
enjoyed themselves as children ouly
can. Refreshments were afterwards
handed around and all had a thorough
ly happy tlm?. Those present were:
Florence Oakley, Mnmlo Mann, Hattlo
Hall, Mildred Forscliner, Bella Prynn,
Helen Whltmore, Mary Blglln, Hello
Morcom. Margaiet Jenkins, Dorothy
Ebdon, Belle Smith, Coiinne Whltmoie,
Tllllo Johnson, Alice Ebdon, Fern
Prltchnrd.. Flossie Price, Alice and
Cora Jones, Willnrd Griffiths. Eddlo
Powell, Alfred Horswctl, Lowell Wall.
Claude Bennett, Oscar Morgan, Ros
well Salisbury, Harry Davis, Earl Ren
nle Rodney AVhltmore and Wlllard
Houso to rent on Second street. Ap
ply Mis. William M. Davis, North Sec
ond street.
Mrs. W. Williams, of West Muyfleld.
has returned home from a visit to
Providence friends.
John F. Nicholson, of Main street.
Is 111, threatened with an attack of
Hereafter Branch No. 62. C.ithollo
Mutual Benevolent .'ssocln(tlon, will
meet In Edmunds' hall on the second
and fourth Thursday of each month.
Miss Lizzie B. Sharp, evangelist, of
Philadelphia, will be at the Primitive
Methodist church for the next two
weeks and assist tho pastor In tho
series of revival meetings which will
begin tomorrow evening
Hon. D. J. Reese, of Plymouth, is
visiting Rev, Edward Jenkins.
W. II. Merritt will shortly re-open
his meat market.
The public auction of the chairs,
tallies nnd other effects of the miners'
reading rooms, which Include a hand
some set of curtains, will take place at
7 o'clock this evening In the rooms In
the Stubb building.
Rev. William Matthews is seriously
ill at the home of his son In Sprint:
A little son has arrived at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cummlnsrs, of
Lackawanna stieet.
Miss Mamie Murphy has returned to
Wllkes-Burre after a visit with rl'i
tives heic.
Services will bo held nt the usual
time In tho Susquehanna Street Baptist
church tomorrow morning and even
ing. Rev Oeotge Hague, pastor.
The Christian Endeavor society will
conduct the services in tho Congrega
tional church tomorrow morning and
The pupils of St. Patrick's academy
enjoyed u. sltighrlde to Carbondale yes
terday afternoon.
Thu members of Bonn's Military band
will conduct a social In Gyllnskl's hnll
this evcninS'
Mrs. Mary Qulnn, of Jessup. who died
at the poor farm, was burled In St.
Patrick's cemetery yesterday.
Mrs. D. W. Harris Is visiting lolatlves
at Wllkes-Baue.
Mrs. C. S. Lewsley has leturncd home
froma visit to Carbondale.
Miss Ida White, of Archbald. spent
Thursday with friends at this place.
Mr. and Mis. H. . Matthowson will
leave today to visit relatives in Otcel
tic, N. Y.
Wodncsduy evening a nnmUr of
young people enjoyed a slolghtide to
Dunnioie, whore they wtre pleasantly
entertained at the home of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Speneei. Thoe who went were:
Misses Jennie Dikemun, Gwendoln.
Miles. Jetslo Wallace. Alice Chlvers,
Bessie Purdy, Pearl Shnnnon, Mamie
Monies, Ruth Whitehead. T-tta Ham,
Martha Coleman and Lllile Reeoe;
Messrs. Edward Miles, Theodore Dike-
Was Saved from
Dr. Wells' duughtor,- Etlielyn Leslie
Huston, was late associate editor of
Brann's Iconoclast, nnd Is now on tho
editorial staff of tho Chicago Chronicle.
She says:
"I hnvo used Pevuna for nerro ex
haustion nnd lack of appetite. I find
It invaluable. " Ethelyn Leslie Hus-
Read tho Following Extract from One
of Dr. Hartman's Lectures.
Dr. Hartmnn, president ot tho Hnrt
mnn Sanitarium, In a recent lecture,
stated the following:
"Tho first tlimeulty I met with in tho
proper treatment of nervous prostra
tion Is to get my patients ild of tho
many nervines, stimulants and seda
tives to which they have usually be
como accustomed beforo consulting me.
It would he dlrtlcult to over-estimate
tho damage theso drugs do In such
cases. Bromides, valorlnates, chloral,
opium n every form, caffeine, cocaine,
and ninny others uro nil alike of great
Injury and of no possible good.
"To get all these and many other
tdmllar remedies from the patient and
Peruna In their stead Is the first thing
to bo accomplished. Shortly nftor Po
runa Is 'begun the appetite become
regular, tho hleep natural, nnd ovorv
disagreeable symptom Improved. Po
runa Is a perfect specino tor these
eases and Is absolutely Invincible.
There nro no fnllurrs whTO theso di
rections are faithfully followed. Thij,
Improvement Is prompt and the pa
tient can re3t assured thnt a perfect
euro will follow ti persistent use of It.
"Peruna contains no phosphorus,
strychnine, or quinine to temporarily
exalt the nervous system, but acts per
manently by restoring tho normal con
ditions. It contains no narcotic or
sedative, and does not derange the
action of any bodily function during
its use."
Mrs. A. E. Howe. Worthy Matron of
thu Chicago Chapter, No. 101. of the
Order of the Eastern Star, writes from
233 Rush street. Chicago, as follows:
"Perunn is a. rem
edy worthy of tic
highest prale. It
stiengthens t h .
weak organs by
s y a t omn tlcalty
building them up.
and never, as s
many nerve tonics
do, bringing disas
ter by over stimu
lation and excite
ment. "There is no medi
cine I know of that
Is so perfect a
healer for nil cases
of catarrh. T have
K. Hor.
often Uhed It my
self, and I have Induced a number of
my friends to take It, It Is Indeed n
friend to women, alleviating tn pains
peculiar to the sex. and restoring them
to strength and health." Mis. A. E.
Insist upon having Peruna. Them
are no substitutes. Peruna cures by re
moving the cause. Nntuie does the
If you do not derive prompt and sat
Isfnctory results from tho use of Pqr
i una, write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statement of your case,
and he will bo pleased to give you his
valuable advice gtatls.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
man. William Cousins, Thomas James,
Haimon Sltgreaves, Thomas Thomas
Francis Ham, Oscar Bates, Garfield
Thomas and Chris. Stuvens.
Services in the Presbyterian church
Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m., Rev
S. II. .Moon. D. D.. pastor. Subject in
evening, "Profit and Loss." All wel
come. I'eckvllle Baptist church, Rev. S. J
Thomas, pastor. Services tomorrow at
10.30 a, in. and 7 p. m." morning sub
ject. "At the Burning Bush": evenlm?
subject. "Almost Persuaded."
Rev. W. H. Williams, the Drummer
Evangelist and district superintendent
of the Anti-Saloon Leugue, will con
duct evangelistic meetings at tho
Peckvllle Baptist church, commenciitf
March 5. Miss Daisy Belt Halt will as
sist with the singing.
Tho Temple Iron company gave the
bleaker boys of their Stenick Creek
and Lackawanna collieries a slelghrldp
to Carbondale last evening. The
youngsters filled tlneo large slelgh.
Tho management provided supper for
the boys at the Pioneer City, after
which they were taken to the Opra,
House to witness tho play "Kris Ki In
gle." MOSCOW.
Miss Nettle Ehrgood. of New Voil;
city, Is spending a few days In town
Leon Erhardt Is able to be out again,
nftor an attack of tha measles.
Galgo Dalrymple, of Boston, is tlv
guest of his uncle. II. L. Galge.
Mrs. M. W. Vaughn and Mrs.
Charles Millard attended the conven
tion of the Women's Christian Tern
peranco union, at Moosic, yesterday.
Mrs. John Scott and children havo
returned homo from a visit at???
Mr. Noble, of Scranton, was a busi
ness callei In town Thursday.
Mrs. B. J. Schenck Is ill.
S. M. Watts, of Kingston. N. Y., who
has been spending several weeks with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Watts, has leturned home.
II. G. rrlschkorn, of Plttston, ve
turned Inst evening, after spending a
few days with his family here.
Headache Causes.
Headache Is usually caused by living
In poorly ventilated rooms, overin
dulgence In food or drink. Insufficient
exercise, mental strain, excitement or
malaria. Krause's Headache Capsules
quickly cures the most severe case,
and leaves the head clear nnd cool,
Price 25c. Sold by Matthews Rroi.
One of tho interesting events pt
Prlreburg social circles this week wo
the marriage on Wednesday of two of
their well known nnd estimable jounc
people. Frank Doud nnd Miss Cam
line Gursd, accompanied by Mlsc
Cooper, of Prlceburg, and Mr. Guisd,
of Dickson City, brother of the bride
They wero married by Rev. George F.
Guild. D. lit, at tho North Scranton
Piesbyteilan pnrtouuge. After the
ceremony they weto given a pleasant
leceptlnn at the bride's home by htr
patents, Mr. nnd Mis, Daniel Gursd.
Many of their friends gave the neivlv
inauied couple their hearty greetlnr".
Mr. nnd Mrs. Doud will' reside In Price
burg. To Prevent the Grip
J.iuathr llromo'QuliiInu runorcj the ctuit, "
y& '.
Mix A.