?$ it; 12 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SAI FEBRUARY 9, 1901. GRASS CASE GOES TO JURY TOOK Ur TIME OF THE COUIIT TOR THE DAY. Before Judges Edwards and Kelly a Xargo Number of Cases Were Dis posed of In Various Ways Joseph Kearney Sont to tho Penitentiary for Eighteen Months for Larceny and Receiving Eugene Masters Convicted of Ciuclty to Animals and Sent to County Jail. A NEW DEPARTURE. A New, All of yesterday wan piient in No. S In the trial of tin- onsen against Alex ander Grans and D. W. Smith, who are tharpred with rcrelvlm? ntolen grooits and neglcetlnff to kon books. A ptrona; flefenfio was inndc. It woh ulioun that Grass nnd Smith nro two of the lftrgost .1unk dealers In thu city and both de !arcd that thoy nro specially careful aiot to buy anything they suspect lias Jit en stolen. ChlJf of J'ollco Uohllng iiml iwtcetlvo Jloir testified that Orani mul Hinlth aro roputablo dealers and give tho ofllcerH of the law no trouble. Two vIkoioiis cloning ndilrenies ware made to the Jury by Attorney Joioph O'Brien and ".. I. tVMalley. Thu foi mrr wpnlte fur the ilefense and the luttei tor thu roninioiiwtultli Th Jury tetlied nt 1 o'clock to make up lis verdict. "SVInltred Noon, i'hatK'd itli tuull i toils mischief by Stephen Doyle, was tiled In No. 3 yesterday. Tin Juiy was Mill out nt udjournlnc time. .lo.cph Kearney who cm Mumlny pleaded guilty to two chnigus of lar- cnya ml receiving was henteneed in ach cife by Judge II. .M. IMwituls In jmy a fine of $1, i outs and Hpwul eight cen months In the penltentlarr. Tho t-entences aio to run concurrent. Ver dicts of not guilty were taken In two nther ens-en of laieeny and reudvlng iig.ilnut Kearney. The cise against CoiiHtable Stephen 'Ollby, of Fell township. chaiKlng him with felonious wounillng, was con tinued until next Wednesday. Joseph Smith and J-ena Smith, failed to an nwor a charge of larceny and reiolvlng jnefeircd by IottIe floigal und theh balls weto forfeited. Andrew Huiwln. who wns tiled Thursday on a ehars'' nf larcsnv and receiving piefeied by Michael Charlie, was yfHtenlu re tuructl guilty. Frank Shlenskl. who was Indicted with him. was ntuin-d not guilty. I -LEADED GUILTY. Maggie McDcrmcitt pleaded gullt. to n charge of asaiult and battel y pte ferred liy Maiy McNulty and was hen tenccd to pay a fine of $1 and costs. 'Seorge Sutler was called for tilal on a Ii.-irgc of wronging MlhS Buith.i Lead er under promls-e of man-Inge. II ap peared that Sutler has left those paits and that ho was Indicted without hav ing been arrested. The case was con tinued In the hope that Sutler may yet be apprehended. j;. N. Quackenbush did not appear when called to answer u charge of forging trade marks preft-irfd by John c'f.ieey and his bail was forfeited. Alux Wlsblcki did not appear estciduy to prosecute John Zdimezkl and Joe 'donezkl for assault and battery and h verdict of not guilty was taken and ihe costs placed on tho prosecutor. Krakn Uokak, who was tried Thursday on a charge of stealing a turn of money lrom Louis I ltd tor, was yestei day returned guilty. When the case agalns-t Owen Kinne gan, charged with assault and battery by Michael Ki-arns, was called for trial, the defendant did not nppear and his bail was forfeited. When the ease of William Arnold, i barged with assault nnd battery by Morton A. Dllts, was tailed a six-year-old boy appealed as tho defendant. He was chaiged with throwing stones at the son of the prosecutor. JudKe Kdwards dlsmNi-td the case. Samuel Melvln was tiled and ac quitted before Judge IMwarda on a i barge of stenltng n lumber wagon from Charles II. Banker. Melvln al leged that he had permission from Hanker to me the wagon whenever he wanted to and that he had no Inten sion of Medluis It. roil PULLING HAUL Mrs. Bridget Gaffney. ot Carhondsle. was tried before Judge Kelly on a hargo of pulling the hair of I.oiotto King, the young daughter of William King. All the paitles to the suit are iclatlvcs. Thu jury was out at ad journing hour. The, following caos weie tiled to gtthf r befote Judiic Kelly: IguaU Ol i liefhkl, robbery, Lena Sudko.sku, pios. I'outrlx; Lewis Sodkowsky, carrying onceHlcd weapons, Ignatx Olchefskl, prosecutor: Joseph Usluh, assault and buttciy, Ignata Olchefskl, ptosecutoi. The cases are all the outgrowth of i rouble at Prlccburg on October 4. 01- hefskl was found guilty of assault and battery with Intent to rob: Sodowskl was returned not guilty of catrylng concealed weapons and I'shoh wan found guilty of awimilt and battery. Utorney James E. AVntklns was the attorney for Sudkonwskl and Ushcli and Attorney II. L. Taylor appeared for Olchefskl. Uugene Matters was tiled nnd con vk ted before Judge Ed wards of cruel tv to animals. The testimony was to the effect that Masters was employed in No. K! colliery of tho rennsylvanln Co.il company at Lackawanna and that becoming enraged tit a inule ho hit It with a small axe. inflicting a wound seven Indies long. Mastcts' deffnsc was that he accidental hit the mule Effectual nnd Convenient Cure for Catarrh. Of catarrh remedies, there Is no end, but of catarrh cures there has alwnya been a great scarcity. There aro many remedies to relieve, but very few that really cure. The old practice of snufllng salt wa ter through tho nose would often re lieve, nnd tho washes, douches, pow ders nnd Inhalers In common tiso nro very little. If any, better than tho old fnMiloncd salt water douche. The use of Inhalers and the appli cation of salves, washes und powders to thu noso and throat to cuio catarrh Is no more reasonable than to rub tho back to cure kidney disease. Catarrh Is Just as much a blood dtseaso as kidney trouble or theumatlsin and it cannot lie cured by local treatment any more than they can be. To cure catarrh, whether In the head, throat or stomach, nn Internal anti septic treatment Is necessary to drive the catarrhal poison out of the blood and system, and the new catarrh euro Is designed on this plan and the re markable success of Stuart's Catauh Tablets Is because belnff used Inter nally, It drive out caturrhal Infection through action upon stomach, liver und bowel. Wm. Zimmerman, of St. Joseph, iu lates an experience with catarrh which Ii of vulue to millions of catairh suf ferers uveiy where. lie says: "I nPff leoted a slight nnwil catarih until It gradually extended to my throat and bionrhlal tubes nnd finally even my stomach nnd liver became effected, but as I wns sblf to keep up and do a day's work I let It run uloug until my hearing began to fall me, nnd then I realized that I must get ild of catarrh or lost? my position as I was clerk nnd my healing was absolutely net-thurify. Some of my friends recommended an Inhaler, another a catarrh salve, but they weie no good In my case, nor was anything else until I heard of Stuart's Catunh Tablets and bought a package nt my drug store. They benefited inn from the ntnrt and In less than four months I was completely cured of ca tarrh although I had surfer ed nearly all my Hfo from It. They aw pleasant to take and so much more convenient to mse than other catarrh J-emedles that I feel I can not cay enough in favor of Stuait's Catarih Tablets." A little book on cause and cure of catarrh will be mailed free by ndrcss Ing I- A. Stuart Co., Mai shall. Mich., and the tablets are bold by all drug Slats In the United Status and Canada ALL HANDS ARE NOW OUT LOCAL SILK MILLS ABE CLOSED DOWN FOB PRESENT. Valentine Bliss Yesterday Closed His Dunmore Mill and Three Hundred Girls Went Out at Kolllln?, David & Schoen'o Plant In Petersburg. It WaB Pay-Day at the Sauquoit Mill nnd a Poll Wne Taken of the Girls Willing to Resume Work. Strikers Had a Parado. but the jmy refused to believe that vetslon of the cnif. He was given thiee months in Jail. KUl'T THU CHANC.K. K. Holier urns a store nt Olyphant and Ooomn Orshula made .some pur chat.es from him amounting to ii. Oi shula tendered a J10 bill In payment and Holier mistaking it for a M bill gave Orshult $17 In change. When he discovered his mistake hi; asked Or shula to return the $10 to him and upon Orshula's refusal to do so had him ar- tested for larceny by bailee. Judge Kdwards decided that the case dirt not arise to the dignity of Iniceny by bailee and dismissed the proceedings. Mies Llllle Jones, of Went Soranton, was convicted of hitting Mis. Mary Shaw in the heud w-ith a stone and will be sentenced today. It teas shown that M1.h Jones ami others were In the habit of congregating and making noise at Mis. Shaw's home and on the night of September 2! she went out to remonstrate with them whereupon she was hit in the head with a stone. She said Miss Jones threw the stone and the Jury believed her. Becnuhe of a trade in which a horse and a son wen mixed up Louis Fncnz and Peter Tanbe were In couit yester day. Pran was the defendant and Tanbe th prosecutor, and the chars was Iniceny and teceivlng. Prunz owned a hor.ie and Tanbe a cow and they arranged a ttade. Tanbe satd the horse w-as not what It was supposed to be and he letutned It to Franz but the latter refused to give up tha cow. The matter wa.f at ranged yesteiduy by Plans agreeing to give back the cow to Tanbe wheteupon a verdict of guilty was taken. The ease agnln-t Jennie Hobblus, chaiged with keeping a bnwdv hiiu-e, was airaln continued. The silk strlko situation Is now be ginning to resolve Itself Into a cruestlon of endurance, and the side which can remain Idle and wait longest is going to win. Tho various mill owners, when asked as to what their course will be mciely smllo and say that they think they can hold out as long as the git Is will be able to. Kvery mill lu this region has now been closed and the total number of striken) Is nbout thirty-eight hundred. Yesterday noon Valentine rills closed his DunmoM mill, the plant for meily operated by tho Cnmbila Silk Manufacturing company, and the girls at Petersburg also went out nbout 12 o'clock. This mill, operated by llell llng, David & Schoen, employes about thnfl hundred hands, nnd there has nover been uny previous clashes be tween the employers and girls. Since. tha beginning of the strlko trouble last week, the Petersburg authorities have been waited upon by no commit tee; and everything has been conducted as usual nround the mill. After the gills took tholr lunch yes terday noon they left tho mill In groups, without nnv notice helm? seivcd on the heads of any of tin: de partments. Sutieilutcndcnt ISachofon accosted one girl who was leaving the premise and said. "I'd really llko to have you tell mo what you are leav ing for." TID3 MAID'S HKPLY. Mr. IMchofen declatei that the maid looked most perplexed for an Instant, and then aiiswcied: "Oh, all tho girls are calling us 'stubs' and wo can't stand for that any longer, you know." No wage scale wus presented nor any demands made, of any nature. Yesterday was pay clay at the Pauquolt mill, and as each of the fourteen hun dred employes was handed her envel ope containing the month's pay, n bal lot was nlso given her, beating th" legend: "Por Work." In each of th departments a vote was polled and about eighty per cent, of tho tickets read "No." A meeting of the Sau iiulot soft silk workers was held lu CarpcnteiV hall at the close of tho pav. The seven girls constituting th wage scale committee of the Harvey Pros." mill, yesterday afternoon visited ll if offices and confer! ed with tho owncis Superintendent Joseph Hai- vey gave a Tribune man the following a. count of what occurred nt the meet ing' "We r'galn made the offer of last wtek. which was the same as the In crease granted tho Saucpioit gills by the latter mills' management. That our offer It. u fair one may be rcadl'y deduced lrom tho fact that when It was made last week to the girls' com mittee, prior to the Satuiunlt strik they acetpted II and piomlsed that "II hunds would report for duty the fol lowing cluy. The same afternoon the South Side hands went out and then came the genet.il sympathy move ment, which letultcd In otp- gills ic mnining out. WOULDN'T CONSIDKIl IT. "The committee which waited upon us today would not consider that of fer or any compromise whatsoever. They Insist on their wage scale, and they might Just as well ask us t fiy as to grant any such demands. It Is simply impossible to put into effect n waee rate such as they a.k. The nutter will now resolve itself into a deadlock for awhile, and 1 guvo thu gills wurnlng that the lomror they stay out the moie harm they are doing themselves. The Idleness of the local mills I lestilting in turning trade away trom the city, and woik which ordinaril goes to tho Scianton plants will hencefcii th bo taken care of by outside mills. to the mill, where they received the ray due them. It was a most unique procession and occasioned much Inter est. SYMPATHY EXTENDED. Tho following resolution!; were unanimously adopted nt a regular meeting of the Scrunton Urnuch, Jour neymen Stone Cutters association of North America, held Feb. 7, 1901: Vinreo, It lut come to th knowledge fcf thl tody (hit the employs of tho vtrlotM illk inllli lu fcranton end tlclnlly hive found It r.fcuary to orginlts under the ehutrr of the Internation al TciUlt WoiVeti araccUllonl and WIkitik, They htve ronclndod to drrrutvl bet ter condition tnd a Mr and Just incrcuo In mm: and Wlicretis It hu come to out knottdge tint aald employe hate tern notoriously Lr.derpitil; tlirefore be it Rtiohcd, y (he Juunicj-men Stenc Cuttcrj of Scianton that e eatttid our hearty nyjnruthy anil enfonraRtmcnt to U,l noble band of women laid children. Thai we conarratulat tiera nn their rtcelltnt conduct and nrmne- In the aland they lmo taken, and fmxa Uiem of our hearty mipport, morally iind financially until clctoiy eiouM their eflortt. NEWS OfIaBOR WORLD. TBOUBLE AT THE DODOE HAS BEEN ADJUSTED. Connoflj2dfallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Dress Goods and Silks. Difficulty at the Marvine Has Also Been Adjusted Work on the New Spike Mill. The trouble nt the Dodge mlnu has been adjusted and work was resumtd at the colliery yesterday. The matter was reported to Superintendent Loomls by District Superintendent Evans, and lie wns Instructed to settle the existing difficulty without delay. The thoughtlessness of some drivers. Mr. Loomls says. In precipitating a strike and causing hundreds of men and boys to be thrown out of employ ment Is a serious mistake, und wilt cause suspension of operations indefi nitely t collieries where It occurs again. Thu company Is always willing to settle any grievances without having operations suspended, especially when there Is such a demnnd for toal as at the present time, nnd It Is not neces sary for men to quit tholr work and lose their time In order to appease the alleged wrongs of employes who have been discharged for cause. This matter should receive the seri ous consideration of every mine worker In the anthracite region, and bo tho means of bringing about some ar rangements whereby grievances may be adjusted without the suspension of operations. The men are always at liberty to have their troubles settled without re sorting to strikes, and the cjulckcr they can realize this fact the better It will be for nil concerned. Here Are Four Great Bargain Lots. Four Distinctly Different Lots. Each style offered is a favorite, each one in active demand ju3t now. Thert arc ample supplies of each though no promises can be held out that they will be here very long. First Second. Third. Fourth: 400 yards of plain colored Taffeta Silks, 19 inches wide, of CAr mjA the regular 75c quality, in all colors. At OVIC j'U 540 yards of French Broadcloths, in fourteen good colorings. The cloth is of the best 1. jo grade and in t C rA the Satin finish, 54 inches wide. At P I 1 O U 735 yards of all-wool French Flanne), plain colprs and printed designs, in 23 different colors, 27 inches wide. EAsr tA The usual 60c to 75c grades. At VrW J 640 vards of Woolen Dress Goods, a mixed lot of Serges, Cheviots, Plaids, Stripes and Fancy We ves iu all colors, Cr tA 38 to 44 inches wide, value from 50c to 85c yd. At tO jfSX flen's Shirts 45c A Characteristic Connolly & Wallace Price 45c The lot comprises what is left of our famous purchase of 3,600 Men's Shirts AH regular One Dollar goods. Ths sizes aro somewhat broken .hit is why we have de cided upon this ridiculously low price to clcau them out quick. Fiue Laundered Percale and Madras Shirts with one pair of cuffs to match Each Among the Men. The following about Lackawanna men are culled from the cuirent nura br of the Lackawanna Bell: The ofllcn in the machine xhop formerly occu pied by I. Ilrown, avilsunl siiieilntmc!ent ot inotlx1 powrj and mclitnrv, hive twn rinvill"d .111J U'-lurrilstird for the next muster mechanic. P. Grjmt am) Y. K. Mock, late tilth th im the lower and melilner.v clfpaitmnt, hae htm IransffrrrJ to the matter nicrhnnlr.' offlce, tins position left varint by Mr. Grytne ti being Ailed tv Frank ettr, who acted an clerk in the re corder of deeds' offlce during Wr. Wanike' term. A. A. Andeison rcslspied the agency it Goulds boro, .Ian. 31, on account of IU health. W. V. Latham, opcrjtor at Lehigh, tih appointed to the vacincy, Feb. 4. C. If, !?ulHwn, Nation Jgent en the Lackawatini at Sauquoit, hj.i resigned, and ii tuceccded by II. P. Zimmerman, of Cortland. Percy Hitjhc has been promoted (rem private ecrctary to General Toieman fcmlth to time keeper. He mint hace had previous experience at the buslne.., for he no tit handles htmlf like veteran. "Walt" Purely, or the trimming department, lim been promoted to the poMtton of private secietary to General 1'oreman Smith, made va cant by lh promotion of Percy llughee. Geoigc W. Kobertk, ir., Is now to be found aa overseer ot Ihe machinery in the new cabinet .hop. Work on the Spiko Mill. The excavations for the foundation of tho new spike mill in the Keywer Valley aro progressing lapldly and thu ground will soon be In shape for lay Ins: tno stone. Tho excavations art-being- made under tho supervision of Contractor Harry Dale and Contractor Patrick Muldoon will have charge of the masonry woik. The promoters of the new mill n pect to have everything ready to begin oi.cutiont, by the first of May. A Sixes: ij 155161617- 17 rS. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUB Union College vr Painless Dentistry (Post Graduate.) All work done by grad uates who are taking a course iu our system of Pain less Dentistry. We only charge you for the material used. H 1 H t r t MMHtMt4t 1 .aV . I L,ace 1 Curtain News I Pf Shrewd buyers will take advautage ot the special X prices made ou our entire Lace Curtain Stock. Many t small lots at a fraction of their real value. -- -1 FURNITURE COVERINGS I COUCH COVERINGS I - ARTISTIC FURNITURE. 1 - t I HIGH-GRADE BEDDINQ I t t i HEAVY DRAPERIES I rr: 77 99 PortuL of Entry. Influenza, or the Grip. Caused by one or the smallest known bacilli; dis covered In 1S12 by Canan and Pfelffer. Infection spreadH by the hcattcrlnrj about by nil' curiums of the dried naital and bronchial secretion of thou) fcufferinu fiom tho dlHeas.0, ond Us liortal of entry la by the noso and bionehlul tubes. N Y. Sun. Tho use of Dr. Humphreys' Specific 77" destroyH the bacilli or germH and breaks up the Grip or Cold, whllo Its tonicity mistalns tho flagging enor jjli'fl clui Iripr nnd after tho attack, t all Drug Stores, 23c, or mailed. r I'ueket Manual mailed free. I!mnphre)'i Homeopathic Medlclna Co, Cor. William und John Ma., New York. GRIP NEW TRIAL FOR ELLMAN. HIS CASE SET DOWN FOR TRIAL NEXT TUESDAY. Judge Purely Decides Thnt He Should Not Be Convicted on tho Insuffi cient Testimony of Herring. JudKe (JeniRe 1'urdy bunded down his opinion (.ranting a new trial In the ease of Jacob Kllinan, who wan coi -virted Wednesday of .subornation of perjury. Oman will be tried again next Tuccdny. The opinion of JucJK'' 1'urdy follow. 'Jlir frmivil lea.i lusted aa sin.inl foi a Iirv,- til.il Is ijnl of ultHikm uiilrnc to ui Ulu h u-idlct amlnst rha defendwt In niutfoiw for erjur It Ii uri'jueatlon iMy th rule that to mhuiii the rha'trv their iini't ho tnn wltni.vh (o pro.i tne ulalty of the irat. ti-r avrorn to by the defmriant, or one niesj nwl iliiMiir coiiiitoiatlp clrcun.ftjntlal eiUuro. Jho rcit,n j stated h the Jttliorltlei l-t Iti-j tlut If there i hut one Hilln'ik u Co tlu falsity of tho oath, It ii lint oith kt'Jlii.-i o.lth and th jr.ij iliouM not he ptrmittid to clh one aRulnst the other Oont.ec-1 for tin" defenlant rciilcnd that In iiroacvutiont fur kuluiiutl' n ! I rjurj, Ih'j tamo nilo .hould I'ppl.v. and die In kiippoit of thW contention ttharton'e ('liim nal Javt, people i. f.cain, 10 V Y. I, and tome other jnthoritlM, while the cnurirel for thi- rn. ininueiltlt contend that In this pii?iiition the .ollcltathn ot eiibcnution rnav lm auouii hy t ltii(lt Mitnesa, and cite Tomi. llouirla-s 5 Jl'l. '.'11. which i hohK Put olitt rcuon ii 1 1. in; for this lrlaiatiou of tl.i niln in th litti'i cveV In the tormcr a- t lie oath of I tie iuu.'il Unilin; unupported i aj I '' rj the tamo crulrnir of thai ot the ac-cuier, arn ci.e jury will nr.i ie pcimltteil to 01crlml lte hetween thciu. In the ciw in lund r,iy khould tin) nniuii fortcd oath if J eif-cf,'ilcvj(l perjurer hi al lowed lo oulufinh the contradictory nalh of tha acuaeil onl) ol the iUiinillonr Wc fall to r an) lonltal leatin fr t,- dlitlnctlon inuJj ly the Maaiichuiitts authority Utnrru tha two i men. Our oltrr.llon ha not hern called to any ca-o In thii utato which tow hen tho o,uclton ralteil, and in the alucuce f any 'jii nuthoritc, our reinonina; leads ua to hold tlut, at leavt, in the ra.e hefne n, the defendmt should not be. con. cirted uron tie imsurportid cldfme ot tha wit nc. Max llenlnir, who innfe.n to hao ir Jurrd hlnurll In mieral raec Tliere waa perhapi liKht rlrcuintuntla e. dne tending to corroborate this witness but tula quntlon wu nnt dkcutMd or raiard on the trial, and bo luatructlom were shen tha Juiy touchlnaj It, We are iliipoced to erant n new trial upon condition that the defendant ttrttt that the caaa bo re-tried at tha pretent term. py the Court. CI OIIGE. 9. riTHDV, P. J. Jind. Pl.t., fepeclally I'rtaldin. Noir Feb. 8. 1061, tounael for tha defendant conMntlnc In open court to above condition tha ml la made aWolute and nnr trial granted. oy me couitr. I t.jro-o nttmlw nf hnnds will bft iMii- "It may li, it thii situation contln- ,,jyetJ anrt thp Parting up of the plant In .'xpectecl to be a. boom for th it se '.- ties much longer, that when they want to come b.ick thoro will be nolhhm for them to do, and to suy the least, much smaller lorcun will be requlrecl." The strikers' demands have also met a setback at tho hands of the Klots Tin ou lug company. They v.ero In formed by the latter shoitly after the .-.ile was prct'iiled, that any action of the .Sauquoit people would be followed by a llko mow on their part.. The scale was emphatically refused by Superintendent Davis, of the Sau- ciuolt. and In his action the mill girls i Davis held open the S-ccnt Increase t on of tin city. Trouble Is Settled. After a week's Idleness, the llarvins mlivs resumed operations yestcrdiy morning. A settlement was made by a committee which represented the boys and the miners, on tha basis that no e.-ontractor be allowed to hiio morii than one laborer on headings and no discrimination In giving cars. The requests were handed Superln- ,Anrlnr.t lirwciA nnd Tnnlrl. Pim.n.(ill cad also cleleat at the Klotz mill. Mr. . R who acccpttHi on ,,0,alf of th avls held open the S-ccnt Increase , , Th nn.rft,m, i,, . ,,,,, .1 li.. (1at...,l .. 1,..H,li. 1... li a. "" v ..nv...w..b va-vB pIUIKiniX muri.u iuit uuuun uf 1110 twnnt4 Imtl irll 1 .. I..IM i...iIa1cii lilfr n.taf rla "" ( t UII1JUII uitiii ftuviimi iiih wfi iv- m EMEU AVE (Over Conrad's) dates it withdrawn. Tie said to a Tribune man' WHAT THU vtm: SHOWS. "The result of the vote we al lowed them to takci this afternoon effectually showed the majority to bo against lesumlng work, and tbcretoro the mill will be closed down today, and remain clohcd until the hands nro ready to come b.ick. "However, all deals are now declaied off. and any agreements to be made will have to be arranged when tha girls nro back at their places again." Valentino Hllss, whose North Scran ton plant was one of the first to bo closed, and whoso hands at Dirk son went nut In tho e.nly part of till week, has steadfastly mused to recog nize the TeNtlle Workers' union, and to have any dealings with the strilt ets. He closed his Dunmore mill yes terday, and the strikem realize tnat their demands will not bo gi anted by him. Th'i llnrve glils will meet this af tomoon at the Central Park hall and hear their commltlen's report regird Ing yesteiday'H conference with tho Hnrveys. A meeting will be held In Carpentei's hall of tho Joint commit teo fiom nil the mills. The Peters burg girls were ye-steiday afternoon organized by Miss Matthews and Mis Joidau, of the Sauepiolt union. Theio aro now fourteen hundred hands out ut tho t-jauquolt, thrto hun dred ut Harvey's, three hundred nt Petersburg, about seven hundred from the tin oo nilfs mills, and throe hurt, died and fifty fiom thu Simpson mill at Mlnookn, The striking girls trom the 'Sauquoit mill, numbering altogether nearly 1,100 and ranging In ago from S to SO years, were formed In a body yesterday nf temoon at 2 o'clock and they marched V., Ii. & W. Board for Today. Today's D., I. V. board is as fol lows: I'RIDAY, keb. s. Wild Gat, ljatt 8 p. m., '. Vaa Urmej-; 10 SO p. m., P. Rogere svruriPAY. ricr.. t. ilfi Ciitj, Kaat 12.0 a. m.. O. Kearney; t a. m., M. Iuhiiey; 4 a. :n., J, llurkhirt; i a, m., ?1 nnnrt; (I a, m.. D. Wallaces 7 a. m., if, Colden. vilh J. Derliiei mens 5 a. rn., V, I'. Sti-mii: 9 a. m U Itallct, with M. J. lfennl. g.n's men; 10 vu in., O. W. I'ltrnnaldl ll.bO a, m., W. It, Caatncr; 1 p. m., J. Cwtello; 3 p. m., P. CaHsan; .1,4) p. in., W, lullarr; 4.4a p. in , J. Moblcr SummlLs Ete, 0 a. m eict, Vranlt McPon. nell; H a. m, eiit, Otirvo loun(elkei ; 0 a in., w-t, IV. II. Nicholas li o'clock noon, neat. Juries Caiilgg! A p. nu, eaat, t'hrgrod, with II. DoherO'a mens 7 p. in., went fiom Cayuga, three engine. Janac Olnley; 7 p. m., wet from Cayuga. Cattnody, with MfUne'i men; 7 p. in,, cait from "iy Aug, Kdward lleilliaUr. Puller 10 a. in., F. U. Secor. Puhr S a m. Ktiby; U,H0 m., Koran; p. in.. Murphy; 9 p. ni Lamping. I'asatnter Kriginaai-7 a. m., Oaftney; T a. m, Singer; 6.8(1 n m.. Stanton: 7 p. in., Maeocern, Wild Cat. lVWi a. m , P. SUhon; U a. in., ,1. II. Maalera; 6 a til. Il'ircrty; 1 p. m., John Oahaguns - 1. ni., C. Klngxleys ! p. in., Latimer, with I'ltfpitrick'k mens i p. rn Clnley, with I. i:. llaitei'K tnm - m i . One Fare to Washington D. C, and Return via tho Xhifrh Valley Bail road. On account of the Inauguration cere monies at 'Washington, tho I.ehlgh Val ley railroad will sell tickets to that point and return, March 1, 2 and 3, at the low rate of ono fare tor the round trip. These tickets will bo good to r turn to March S, Inclusive, and will bo honoied on nny train except tho niaek Diamond ISxpross. Stop-ovor al lowed at Philadelphia and Baltimore, by deposit of ticket, provided ticket Is used within original limit. For fur ther Information consult lhlch Valley I ticket agents. '184 Rogers Bros.'' Goods. Knives, Forks Spoons, etc. No question about the quality; we have all the newest patterns at lowest prices. Also the celebrated Sterling In laid Spoons and Forks. War ranted to wear twenty-five years. WILLIAflS&ncANULTYl LEADERS IN CARPETS, WILL PAPER, DRAPERIES, 129 Wyoming Avenue t H- - -H-- -" f ? THE S!C POWDER CO, llooms 1 and 2, Com'lth B'l'd'j. SORANTON, PA. Immense stock of Sterling Silver Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cased Gouds for Wedding Presents. nining and Blasting POWDER Ua i Mooalo nd RuaU M Woclu. LAPUN RAND POWDBR CO. '3 ORANQE OUN POWDER Isetrlo Battartos. Rleotrto KxDloaara. xplollDf blast. Safatr Pan ul man EXPLO. IVB Rspauno Chemical Co.'s A Bad Brake Is worse thau no brako aL all. We are now ready to fit your wheel with the latest coaster brake. If you contemplate any re- pairs on your wheel foe the spring riding now ia the time to get it to our shop. We will send for and deliver your wheel when finished. Mercereali & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. DR, DDNSTEN Physician asi Sur4u 311 S?rj3i SI. Temple Court Bjilllai iCnANiOrt lJA.- All acute 'anil cluoulc ilUfaa o( mm, wo nun and chlldicn. CUItOMC Nj.UVOUS, HIIAIS A.SU WAfiriNO Hlsr!.S A M't.C IALT. All dicaiia ot tlic Uivrr, Mdiii n, PU'JJtr, Mln, UIcmi), Niriw, Womli, l.j,, i,ir, Niw, lliroat, und I-iinyj. Cancrtj, lurrura, I'llw, Ituplme, fii'Hu, lllicutiiatiaiii, A.tl.ini, Catairh. Vailcoccle, IMt SlaiiliuoO. Mhlitl i:mUaloiia, all I'cmalo Ul.c.wa, Loiiioiihota, itc., OomionhfJ, FM'lilllli, Ulcod I'oUon. Indiwiv. tlon and jmithful ImIjIU oMilcrated. bucetj-. Kit J. i:plle . 1 ipo and Momach Moniu. CA TAUHIIOOM:. H'cclfli tui t'aUrrh. l,rio nionllia' tiMlment only T".W. rrial frco In of lice. Consultation md rvtmliiitlon frrc. OI. tire liours dally and buiuliy, S j. in, (o t p. in, DR. DENSTEN IB SIS Lager Beer Brewery l!nMifticturer3r OLD STOCK PILSNER IY I ! 211 Washington Ave. HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent for tha Wyoming District for DOPONT'S POWDER. Ulninc, niaitlnc, Fportlnir, fnolcelm an4 the Itepaung Chemical Compani High Explosives. Ealdy Fuic, Cap and Uiploders. Ttoom (01 Con uell Duildln;, tkranton, 485 to 4B5 N. Ninth Stroot, TeUphoua Cnll, 233J. AUUNCIKSl niOS. I0RP nttatofi JOHN D. fcMtni k bOH Plymouth W. t' alL'LI.lOAN WilUiBan.