I THE SCRANTON Till! 'SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1001. a -U. 'V ! Religious. FOLLOWING In mi extinct from "Knots or J'rosroHB In the Wo-k of Clirlet Among Students:" In U)3 tlicie weicln iho world nine bun drcl 'indent Chtlitlin joeiallonj or unions Id iinhcrfltlw, collcaci er hlclicr r-rhooli) row (IOC)) tlit r are fourteen hundred. Then forty-five thousand students and profe. .nrs were members of iuch "clctei now the Wnbcr Is nearly, II not ciiillr, tlxly-Ato thorn ml. Then llicir weie ten national aludinenl move ments! now there aie llflccn. t that time the various nation il movements wrto Isolated, and their ineiulxii were compira. lively Ignorant of the work of Chrlt anions the dudtiite In landj other than llielr own! now e Hn the World' Mudentu rhrltln federation, which unite all the Chil'tlan iiiovcinditj In the world, wbleh his net these movements to acting and rc'aillnir upon cull other inott helpfully, nnd which hot only lin made the Undents of ruli land lntcllljrcnt concerning those of other nations and rates, and lus brought them Inlo vtnpithy with each other, hut alio ha detoped iMnonjr them a world conelounc.J. Then there wcic only thlrty-els'it Mirrtarles spending all or I lie larger put of llielr time In Clirlillan worV amonK ttudcntj; thU ear there are one hundred and one. Then time wrio twenty-one uulldlnti, valued at $lfin,i devoted to the work of student iuo ilatlont, now there arc thirty-nine, valued at ever $,fi,fifi In H15 lht.ii. ii ie hi Id ten tiationil Undent eviftrrnrre, nltemtnl bj twenty-fix hundred dele rates, during the pad ear there -hue liccn twenty Mick conlerenrc". with an attendance of our fltty-two hundred (Indents. Then time, win- i-pirlliiil wulinitm reported In but thui' oi lour conntilcj; lncc then the nurulier of lerivrttloiis ninonc Miulentc Ins In. rreiicd ear .iltu tear, mid tJin Iiilt tl.e pitt year leue then hive tccn fplrltual awakenings In nearly every land Included In the federation. In tlioe dv (hero were elrvcn thousand r-tu dents In the lllblc clas and circles of the varl out Christian awoihtlont; today the number li our twenty-flic thotisind In that cai theie wcic about two Ihoutand 'Indents in mission tlitdj elates; during the past jeir the number wis nearly five thousand. Then tins student Volunteci Movement for Tor l?n Missions hid lecn oririnizcs In two conn tries; now it Imludes students not only of alt IVotettant Clirlstlan landt, but also of the Orl ont, and, at a result of this movement, more students have pone to the mission fields iluiim; the pat lie yean than riiitlns; the picccdins ten J ears. There tictf. which arc based an authentic evl dnec. ore Mighty In their meaning. They con vey a nieii,'e which should evoke gratitude, strrnttthin ftlth and banlih dltcoutukuncnt. They tell us unmistakably tint fiod Ulinelf It in this work. The World'H .Student Clirlstlan Fed .nation linn appointed Fcbiumy 10. lt01, as a universal day of prayer for studentp. The federation Ineludts na tional organizations of fourteen lands, and consists of 1,100 societies, with a mcnibernhip or 65,000 students. During the past thiee years this annual day of prayer has been observed In over thirty different countries. John It. Mott, of Now York, !s the secretary of the federation. lie Is one of the most remajkable yountr men of our times. As a presiding' officer, as nn nuthor and us nn organizer he has won dis tinction. Ho Is at the head of the Col lego Young Men's Chi Istlan nbxoelatlon and of tho Student Volunteer Move ment for forelsn inls(Ionn. Hit call for this spoeial day of puiyer is seo (inded by Allss i:. K. Pi lee, who l at tho head oi the student department of the Young 'Women' flnlRtlan uwocia tlon and Is the popular Under of the Women's Summcrconferenro at North Hold. Kc-ports show encouraging pi ogress in Clirlstlan work for students, In tho number of conveisions, in increased tnleroht. In Hlble study and in deeper mlsblonary Intel est, more students having gone to foreign lands In tho last five years than in tho preceding ten yeats. An Intel esting Illustration of the pro gress of Christian education In heathen lands is the mcent conference of col lege women in India, when seventy Young Women's C'hilhtlan association delegates met at Ambala and enjoyed a deeply spiritual meeting addressed by Miss Thoburn, or Lucknow college; Mrs. W. J. Clark, known in this coun try as Mlfcs Nettle Dunn: Miss Huth House, of England; Itev. .Tnnnier, and other missionaries and teacheis. A Tew years ago such a meeting of na tive Christian gills fiom colleges would havtj been an Impossibility. Churches and individuals are urged to remember in prayer theso earnest Christian students nnd tho many thoughtless, unsaved ones tliat may b,- led to active Clulstlan service now in this most Important period of their lives. F. W. 1'earsall, who for six .eui.s so lalthfully and elllclontly served this de partment as secietary. has received a cal to become Held secretary of New York state, In chaiga of l.illroad and town work. Ho will probably atcvpt. In case he does ho will huvo headquar ters in Syracuse. Tliln tall Is a .ny complimentary one and Mr. l'earsall's Scranton friends will In glad to sen that his abilities nie Kvognized. If ho decides to accept lie will outer upon his new duties March 1. Lackawanna Hell. Former Secretary Pears.ill Is expect ed to address the family meeting at th Itallroad Young Men's Clulstlan nsso elation Feb. 17. The coming one will be the first vlt-lt of Rev. John Fox, D. D to the city nf Scranton since his election to the Important ofllco of general secietary "f the Ameilcan Bible society. He W i very able mun and Scranton people hould gvlc him u. largo nudlenco at he Elm I'ark chuieh on Sunday even ug next ou the occasion of tho rinnl v'ereary of tho Lackawanna Iliblo so kty. He comes by Invitation. He will preach In the l'resbyteilan church in I'tovldence in n union mble society meeting at 10.30 n. m. and will addicns a young people's meeting in the Orecn Itldgo Methodist Kplscoiial church at 3.30 p. m. Rev. J. R. Sweet, D. D pastor of tho Simpson Methodist Kplscopal church, will address tho family meeting at the Railroad Young Men's Christian asso ciation Sunday afternoon nt 3.45. Tho railroad people always enjoy hearing Dr. Sweet," rind It Is deslied to have tho largest possible attendance. There will aso be n testimony meeting, o . At 3.S0 tomorrow afternoon Huv. Ar thur T. Plerson, D. D., of New York, will conduct tin evangellstlo service In the Fenn Avenue IJaptlst church un der the auspices of the Young Women's Christian association. Tho pastors and Christian woikers of all tho churches or the city and tho public generally mo cordially Invited to at ttnd and participate In this meeting. Dr. Plerson will pi each at the Fenn Avenue uhuich in the morning at 10.30 and nl the Second Presbyterian church In the owning nt 7.:m. The annual icpoitof tho Htute Young Women's Christian associations is pub lished and Is a very neat pamohlct, giving minimi report of officers and statistics of associations, etc. Tlit Scranton members of tho statu executive- committee nro Mrs. L. M. Ontcs, chnlrmun: Mrs. II. M. Roles, vice chairman: Mrs. W. W. LathrotK. re cording secretary; Mrs. M. F. Kays, corresponding secretaiy; Mrs II. J. Citrr, treasurer: Mrs. R. J. Matthews, Mrs. J. A. Robertson nnd Mrs. O. F. Reynolds. A very pretty prayer calendar has been Issued by tho State Young Wo men's Christian .Association, with a text for every day In the year, and subjects of prayer for each month, which Include nil the associations of tho stato nnd the American nnd world's committee and secretaries also. Miss Selby, tho stato secretary of tho Young Women's Christian associa tion, has visited fouiteen associations since Christmas, and letters received Horn them tell of helpful visits. Among others she visited West Chester nnd Mlllersville Normal school, whetc some Scranton girls uie attending school. Invitations hao been iccelved by some ladles of our soelety to a draw ing room conference and lecoption nt tho New Century club, in Philadelphia, Thursday, Februuiy 7. The speakers on the occasion are Rev. Charles Wood, D. D.. Rev. C R. Erdman and Mls KfTIc K. Price. The committee having it In charge comprise lepresentatlvu women of Philadelphia. Mrs. Roles nnd Mrs. Clates, of this city, havo been naked to nsslst Miss Taylor and Mlsi Price and the committee In ucelvlng the guests. There will bo no gospel hervice at tliu rooms of the Young Women's Christian association Sunday aftei noon, as nil the young women of the city will unlto in the gospel seivico nt the Ponn Avenue Baptist church nt 3.13, when the Rev. Arthur T. Pleison, P. D., will address the meeting. r Rev. A. T. rierson. D. D.. will de liver an nddret-s at tho meeting nf the Baptist pastors' conference in the Ponn Avenue Baptist chinch Monday at 10.30 a. m. All pastors and Chris tian workeis are cordially invited. Iflffioirnw's ScrlCw Methodist Episcopal. Kill Pitk Church-Prrycr nnd pra"' wriiie t fl.,0. puacblns at IiVSh J. til. by th" pistor, (J. M tJillin. I). P.: at U in., elicit I'tble fidy in Sunday scher.l room; Sunday choot nt 2 tn'id Kpwoith U-iBUf at '.'"I P- ' at '.& miilernry of the lllble WKttty; nddn-t by Itev, Dr. Knov, ot JCiW oik city, tcnt.iiy (t the Americin Bible i.oclcrv. At flie niis-ioii, 1510 1'ine street, Sanday tthoul nt 0 a. rn.; '.p worth LeaRiie ut t.ri0 k m. Inlll.ttl Mrthodiot rpltcojial Cliiirch John II. Sivcct, D. I)., lu.toi. ruiulli nu-itcily meet. Ini fcrxUe". I.oe Keat at a; n.urun(ntnl ir Iee, Holy Commanlon, ut in.M; Sunday clwl nt 12; Junior Kpivortli leairuc at J.30; Youni Mm' n'ettlns at 4; Kpwurth leaRU" at W; prv.uhlnir mtiIiv at 7 SO Svrmon by llei. Aulln tlrlthn, I. 11 , prr-lding elder of Wjoin liii illttikt. All etaU tliv. A (oulljl wil come to all. Asuury Methodbt Ki-Iopal Cliunli, iutn.r Monyy avenue and IKliware ktrert Ite. W. (!. Sliapon, D. I)., pittoi. Iijvotloiul rneitlntf of the Brotherhood of St. Paul at fl.:io a. in.; pre idling at in.30 a. in ; nibjctt, "ODir Item. elj for Moul Indlllcicnie and liulecl.li n," Sun dii sehool at J..) p. m.x at B.!(l on addrc-st In H'i'Uk- (wuplo ami mcinbua of the Sunday hcbool by llev. John Vo, I). I) , general M-avlary "t tin American tliblj society; CpTnirth leocuj at (irai p. in.; prearliinif at 7.110 p. in.; iubject. "A "lt.il Ciestlon for the Time" Priyer inert Iru;. Wrdnewby, at 7,fX) p. rn. lliuinaa meeting: o( the Ilrotherlixd of St, Paul, on the eeond and Math Tuevtaja of each month, jt "."() p. ic. Soali free and all arc welcome Court Ktivel JIetholit Kplcopal Quitch ft. C. I.yman, patoi. I,ove fit, "".U a. rn., fo. lnwivt by comnuniioii M'nlce and piraiiilns; Sunday hdiool, It 13 O. It. CTarl, wperlntend cut; JuniiH Iimkih', ...M, Mrs. M. C. William , Mipctintendent; FpTrth leiioie, "Srt p. ru ; prscdilng and rccvptlnr. of menibcis, 7.S0. P. II Aunln (Irlltin. P. P., 1 to U- with in Wed. ieday evening, 7.W; be illl prf.eli and hold the. foinlh quaiferly (onfcivnce. Seat fnc. lively. Inly i ueleoini. Hampton Street Mell.odL.l Pplscopal churi'i I!(V. J.iniM ll.nnln??r, putoi Serviri-q on Sun dr.y ai follou-s: Low feat at 10; icceptlori of Mo'iationera. baptism iil Iho Lord' raiirr ,l 10.10 S'indly Fchool it p. m , J. T. Itnndle lupriiilcmknt; Junioi leanui at 3 p. m. : Svii ioi (i,iio at fiAO, leader II. T. btmiA, eei liu piiiihltip siriiro it 7o0, mbjoit of renum, "Vh Iiililction." tlcvlial Reriicv in (lie r.eii. ir wl'-orne in all. Ci'ilar At rniii .Method'it Kplhtrpu ilimcli K. P. Only, p(or. Service, llrotherhood meet, lnic at P.n a. m.; moiiinlii wrmon, by patter, at 10 .10 a. m. Afternoon, fourth quarterly meet. Inj, to wit. bote feast. l'o p. rn ; "ieimo, by pittldini; elder, Itev. A. Orllfin. O. P., 2.CO; (.'eminent of ltnl's suppot after formon. linn. Ins kermon, by pantor. 7.30 p. ni. Pirit Oerrmn Methodlit lplcopil rhurth, VI. mi innuc and Vine mreit-f!. Bobillu, pwfor I'nachini son ice, 10 30 a. m. a.id 7.JJ1 p. in,; dibjeet in tl.e morning. "DehoM, how ureat x inalter a little fiie Idndhth," nnd In the even. inj "A sreat evunpk Llnroln." Sunday ttbool at iiojn and ut 2 o'clodc p. In. lit the Taylor ato. liu rlnpel. Kptroitli l"i.-rne tneetln; (,( CM p. in. Piayer meeting; on Tlrindiv (tddnir Alrican MeihodUt KpKopal CIiutcIi, Hotvai I plaee Dr. J). S. llcntle.t, pastor. lieachln at lf.30 a. in, by Hit S. II, Vnrrht, of New II . ten. Pa.; Sunday ivhool at i.'M p, m. Vwin a SO to 4.V1 p m ev. Vi. Morrli ill conduct (Oiieeratlon me tlrur. Jbro piudi aln t 7.1.! p. m. Th" medlnjri conducted thh tteek hsta been altendid ttltli Inleiei. und pinfit. A cor. dial welcomo la eUended to all, Diinnmro Mcthoillst Kpim-opal chuuli ltrv. A, .1. Van Cleft, paHor. The mbject (t the pastor's Million at 10.S0 a, in. will te "Keeplnit the Heart," and nt 7..W p. m., "The General Judc mctit"; fcunday school at 2.M p. in., Mr. Daniel Powell, mipriintcndinti piayei meetlnrr at Hal p. m. Baptist. I'ein Ateuue PaptU church, fenn Jtmiie, b. twecn Spruce and Linden (.trediv Morning pray. tin in the lower templo at D.H. At 10.,0, preaililni by Itet. Arthur T. Plernon, 1. P., of UrooLlyn, N, V. Siinday mhool at l'ciin Ateuue rhureli at J o'clock, anJ at the Amerman inl-nlon at R.30 p. m. A rpeclal etaneellstlo sertiee will be held In the auditorium of the chuult m ,UJ p. in., conducted by Itet. Or. Plcrann. This li a unhn wnlee and cterjlwlv will be cordially wi loomed, At 0 10, Votni; People' Soslety of Chriitlan I'.ndeavor; 7.&I. winwn by i lie pajtor, Iter. Itobeit K. V. Pleree, V. I)., toph. "Tim firealeU Thing In the World") baptl.mi brief after-merlin;, The mid-week prajer meetlne on Wednesday etinlnj will be from 7.30 lo S o'ekek, the adjournment at an hour earlier to jive an opportunity to attend Pr. Picnan't intctlng In tho Second Pretbyterlin ihureh. Tlrft llaptlit Church. South Main avenue-S. K. Hatbewa, putor. Tne iiiml aertlrit morn. hiK and ttenlng; ll,:.o a m. and 7.S0 p. m., Iaetnnt Vtoljh Paptln ehunh; Kiipdaj, JSO p. in , Pljmouth clu rel Jir, Bedrtoe, uiperin ttt'dentl RtptUt Youni Teopte'i union servlee, .."(( p. m., lvorile hall. Prayer meeting, 7,ro p. m Wednesday tviiilnir. All sro web oine. laeljon Stiret naptlt Church Hnmlnc prayer mtttlnr; at f.SO; Deacon Oeorgo WlddlcV, leadei ; at io.5j a liaptlimal atle win le lield, tho paalor, Itev. Thomm de (Iruchy, 1). D., lufc tlxlng tntnty-Ava landlitatea. Sunday ichool it 3 p. rn.; Chattel Hnlley, aupctlnttndenli (. etilnj lenice at 7 fluipi praUo and nont; wr tice, after which the putor will iildiwn the enndldatej baptized In the nwmln on "Conjie eratlon." The l,ord euppiT telll Ih admin btcred at tho clem of tho cetilnn cervleo and new meinlxM will l flven tho tight land tf fdlmwdilp. Grim Itliliri) llapllvt Chiirtli MornlnB nytr ircttlnit at to; prcachlni; by the paitor at 10.S0 and 7.an; ibjtt In tho momlnjr, "Tlie Hum-in Molhcr of the Ditlne Son;" In the etmlnir, "(Irletrln; Otir llett Friend," tMinday nchol nt II. t; mretlni of tho Ji.nler foelety ai 3.S0; praer in. ettm of the Senior aodety at fl..'". Xorlli .Main Avenue Daptl't Church At 10..W, Sunday, tl.l tlmrtli will unite with the Pn-sby terlan chuirti In a pecll ruble enle A piomlnent Bible nockty man will addrt Ui meeting At 7 3-1 p. iu the rertlce will b In clurt;o of the Vo'inf I'eople'.i )clcty, led bv Oetcon O. L. Hirk. Sumlay, Vi. 17, Itev. A. II. Sunllli, of H.rtrl-'s, will pieaeh. Alt Kf vloe frro nnd iterylwly Invited. Shlloh Biptlat thui-eh, Center strect-l're.uli Intr mornlnir and cttnlng by the patr, Ucv. James .V. Sumlu; momlnir aubject, "flraee nnd Knowledce;" ivenlng Mibje.t, "The llloe-l 1 tlie ltemUlon for the Soul." All the rnemb are requested to como and p,iy up Ihelr duel. Strangen arc Intltol to con and trnrahlp. With U. SeaU are tree. r.lakely BnptNt eln.rih-11..,. iM Sifer, 11. P., piMor, will pnali at lO.'M a. m. ,n "The 5-pread of the Gopel," and at 7.30 p. m. on "The l.mbay of ttcicllU(loii" Bible K,bool at 11. IV. II. V. 1 II., o,n ... , tbvrtliwlt tl"i.Ta-amik Welcome Presbyterinn. riM I'rtuhj terlan chun h Servi i r, luyi a. in., 7.E0 t. m. rr. Mcleod will preach. Thrift Science, Anclml and Modem," will be the rubject of hi., etenln? dlcoure. He will ainiwer thla question: I)o true Dirlstlan Ski ence teach tliat thre I no nch thing n in, or pain, or idekneM, or death? Strangcia wi. come. The Second PterJiyleritn 'Inrrch Sertites. 10,30 a. m. and 7.SO p. m. Or. noblrww win prcac'i in the morning, and in the ctcninn the Young Women' ChrUtlan iMnvhtlon will bold a tr tier at which tho Ucv. I)r. A, T. Plenson, ol New Vert, will preach. A cordial Imitation to ull. firtc-n nidge rii-.li) terlan ( hun-h-ltev. f. J. Lansing, putor; llev. L. It. fo,ter, a.vl.ur.U At 10.10 ar.d 7.30, ncnlerti ot ,orlil with Kttnotii by the pu?tor; 12. Bible (-.hool; fi.'il, Chriitlan Kndcator. Tlii paalor, itxotered trom lercnt IllncNi, will ronduct sen leva Ixith mom. Ing and i-tcning. All an uthoin. Protldcnre Pnshyterlan rhureli The unmiil inectin-j of the County Bible noctitr will ! held in th" rl.uixh at 10. !) nVloek. Ilev. Or. Pot, (f New Yoik cltt, wilt preach the sermon. The North Mtln Atenue BaptUt chuidi will unite with the Picr.li) terlan ehurcn In ita service. Sun day fchool at noon: llndeavor meellng at fl.oj evenlnx nenlce, with fermon by Or. C.uild, at 7.KH o'clocl.. Sumner Avenui licsb)tetl.in Clmrcli. lomei Nunner ntvnue and lrlc Mrut; picnddnii at 10.80 a. rn. and Op m . bv l!ev. KranU J. Mil man; Sunday Mhool, '. p. ni ; Mr. Be. Bro-vn, Mieilntender.t; 1'iidoivur t.ociety at 7 p. in.. Hand of Hopti meeting, Tuewlav nnd 1'rldiv e". enlngj, 7..W o'eloek; ptr.)er nuttlng Wedneiday evening, 7. Ii o'clock. Welcome to all. Washburn Street PrishyterUn church Ilev. John P. Moffat, P. I)., putor. Kvrvicis at I0.M and 7.S0 p. ni.; Bible Khool ut li m.; C, K. Young People at 0.3O p. m ; pnyer meeting. Wnlnoday, 7..10 p. m. Tlie pai'er will pieacli morning and evening. Special niific at cicli kcnke. All welcome, tillering morning uml rvirilng fur aid fcr college. Adami Atcnuc rUi, New Yoik stint The Bcv. Jamea llughel will pieieh momln'f nl J.O..V', and etenlng nt 7.30 n'tlocl.; fi.uiday t,( liool it 1 p. 111., Mr. Hundlet leiperinteiidii.t. Mr. llimlics will tcvh tin men'i Bible rl.M. MirIii. tlm I'ndeator at fi.15. Tlie Men' Mutuul Ina piotement society on Monday evening nt 7 It, an Intonating programme. A cry hearty Invi tation Li gltin lo attend thee civie.-a. Caiiouv Chapel. BcnletniTl Koad-I'reaehlng ut Ki.SO and 7.30 by the pjtor, Uetfl I. It. Kol.; Sund.i) k.-1hoI. J p. m.; Senior Kndeivor. -t.'iO unday nei.ing; Junior Knc't.itut, 7 (Aba!: Mondiy itcnmg; bti'JiuM incting. Senior l"n (JeiiMr. 7.:k1 Tu.by, cvenlni- prayer nu-ctlng, 7 ,n Tmmd.iy. cteniri led Hie.; inu open Flidiv evening. All wvlrome. Dunmore Prc-lijltiian chuifh W. K. million, paMor. Mirnlni ubjel, "The fiiejtMt Need In tin World"; evining uilijrct. "fho New Cliiitian for the Nfw- (Vnturv"; undir school it t o'clock Episcopal. (Mir.1 Luic' I'aiiali Rer. llctiem l.wrl, 1, IK, lector; Ilev. II. J. Ifaughton, wnlor curate; Itev. ""''"' "" '""i'''i"'a"yy' Sunday School , , t , BV Lesson Parable of the Talents. j.E.GUbert,D.D 'OI jm. ... ij ti hecretary of American February 10. Matt xxv: I4-30 isa Re,,,J,0Ui INTRODUCTION. . MaIkI last tlie twenty fifth cluster of Jlattlun is (llvifltilcj into tlr.-o nival ji ltd all dn-Unnl In illustutn mint fIeot of the kuvlom pi hutcn, or tho die. i:iiuatltn u -Jin id In uy .lru-. Th Urut. full lrrady Mulled jircwntcil tin fril.itJiv (I if llslon itself, an inUrioi principle lll.uii-il lo oil, fcUei in Feme ar.d klrun in otliri. 'flic tlilnl I'Krt (vmfe'j 31.10), which will not le In win ctiuivj it nil, M( foi tli the iuiu.tli.al (.-a ot lfllirion, js that which innmptj one to miv 1,i Mlaur liter., which wnio U Icclolicd In l! ludvnii nt ns r mil ml tn Chrit Tlie wrotrl nrt, Ijin; ltuve-n the escntv and the let cf religion, fhuns wlut otii.'t it imitlit to Ulvu iticn its poifi-or, m & tlcwloplnt fnico TjIwi in tliiir order, tlio thicc pn..s.i;ii exhibit tic .llu of tcllKfrn. lis Jirrieitlnir onp for liu ron mvnlon with Oirt-t, us J. powci fi slf unfold Ing' and proRnsa, as Icadlnr to do good unto men. Tlu thrrp p.U all icfir to the Jndr,ni''nt liecau. cMry, man is nioasuicd in th light, and I iy tho st.-indtrd of Ills own clianctrr. DISrmnUTION fvcts IJ and 15).-Our pr. Mc Ofk-n-s with the ncne of a injn of wrnltli v.ho Ls uhout to tal.i u journey In a dLUtit placp, and ho mils his porrants together heiori Ms doparluro nd ronunits hlj ptopcrty and In tcro'ta tn tholi heepina;. lit (loai not lieftow Kocxle upon thiin aWolutrly t-i thai Ihey becono theiehy tlio leal piMev.on', hut ho m.ikci (hem the krepen und n.atodlain duiln liis abH-n.-". llic ilMiibutlon is imrio .lic-ordirut to his ple.i-. uro, as ho lad a tlsht to inaho It, but alco .locordlnir In thr abilltv of tho ponon-, m In fcaw It Tlo utlo of juatd mjs flie, two and ow, each iicltinB aoineihlnir. Uy this .Jeus Intended to teach thai find has beMnwid upon men vjilous tthllltlcj, js they wr able In re lcIic thou, loinc tuori jnd 'nne )ets In tn d Ins Il.i cxcrclutl his pieioitlve nnd no orm may ivientlon the vlsloin of his oil. il'it wlut Mai thus ahjrded u.is not undo .t fl Ktial immstmIoii. All men hold whit they hue ai tniit'. They aro rtouanln of fio.1 0 ivtei hi 10). This true In rplilltnl a htII .is liulerlal iruttcir. All e lulu belong to rt.id. WMHiSITlOV IVtX'tT l 17, IS). Ihe vr .UiU in the paulito cMdtntly irnic-mlh'rfd (lis source of that (lilc;h they had rtseltHl. V.i ei.i iinxinied cwnciahip. Tliey all allU with ( oimund.iblo wisdom ailnnwlcslrel their oIKen us atenaidi, and apparently liny wire linprcrari by hi itillTatlon thus lid on tlm., Hut they acted dtrTeiiiitly. The cno who lu.J tcfried inol, and tho mm In the neeond gndc Invewtwl In leglllnut buinesie jlid doubled llig eapltil plared in Ills h,ind. Put Ihe man of ouo t.i'.int tccllni; not lew Hun the olhcu the lerpoiulbil Ily Inclined, buried IiI.h lord'K iv.oiej In the cci th, j-elilns for It a plico of nikl) All thU findi parallel ntnonir mernbn- of (he church In our lima. The man of fplendld abli. It and lb man of anrare nallie talent ad v.ineo In all the excelleneoi of chararteri hhll lh ttho deem theniwluii little, feel that they em aceompllih pothlui, nnd no they idn Ihjni. eM ay In crreat ol'urly, and ears imm In which they ma"t ro proifrcta (J Peter ill: IS) AFrROVAIa O'e'.es li, 0, tl, li, -Jl), Time paed on duiinj w'deh the smnnts jc fid ae. M. B. Kith, Junior citrate. BexigHlmt Sunday. St. Luke'a church 7.80 a, in., Holy Oommim Ion: 10.30 I. m.. inoinlng prajer and (rrmonl 7.30 p. in., evening prayer and aemioni 0.11 a. m., Sunday school and Bible darvv Ht. Mark', Ihinmott 8 a. tn., Holy ("ommun Ion: 10.8O a. in,, morning prajtr, aennort and Holy Commmlcnt 7.30 p. in., evening prajxr and Krraoal 3 p. m., Sunday tchool and Bible clm-ra; "ifO p. m., evening prajtr and ermon. South Sldii MImIoii, Klf atrtet i.M p. ni., Sunday Khool and Bible claftiea. St. OeorgoV, Ol) pbant 2..10 p. m., Sunday achool and Itlblo rlM' F. SO p. rn., evening prayer and tetrnon. St. Darfd'n pirbh Pev. lilivud .time We Henry, rector. Celebration of Holy KuclutU, 7.30 ,. m. Malln'a litany and Mrmon. 10.10 a. m. evening (.ong with ciddics. 7.MI p. tr Sunday tchool, 2.30 i, in. ClirLita Church, coiner Waihlnjtlnn "venue and Park atrtet Ilev. V. S. Ballmtlnc, rector. Ser vice, 10 30 i. m., S30 p. in. and 7..M p. m. In tho morning tl.e Hit. Mr. Mewnger of flretn r.lilge, will prjidi Ml aeala fire All tcel. coin. Reformed Episcopal. time llrfouned Dplicop.il i.liuri'u, Wjoinilig atenue, liidow Mulbiriy itrect Ilev. Cleotg L. Alrlch, pa.tor. I'rajvr and pulo aetrlce, a0 a. m.i illtliiK wiiiahlp, lii.hO a. in. and 7.HO p in. Ireaihlng by tlie p.itor, inornliig, "Tliini Kha.lt not .teal,'' IX, xtciLSj etenina. "Col'a 1'iitpow-," Kph., ltd. SiWulh Mhool, 13 m.i Y, P. . l I.'., tiro p. M. Imoti istuly, Wed. ni-lay, T.rtal p. m. I'mvit neetlrirt vwe etenlng at y. Seat fret. All tvi Iconic EvangElir. LutU'iaii. linu-e llnglMi Lutheran Clrirch (Gcr.eial A)ii. oil), corner Midlion atenue and Mulbrrrv alreit Itet. Luther Hcm Waring, ri'tor. 0 3i) u ni , Sunday fchool: 10.3O a. m,, divine orhlp; nub jeet or cemioti, "l'ho liiccrity, Simplicity nnd Humility of Jcmm Child;" 'i.15 p. in., Young People's Society of f hrLutt all Y.ndeator, with open Coapd meeting, iibject, "If ChrNt Should Como Tomorrow." Tlin public hi cotdlally In. Ited. Miecellaneotu. Kirvt chuicli (Oiritt Scientist), uD AvUri.a ave riue Servlccn, 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p. tn. Sun day ncho.il, 11.4; -i. m., subject "Soul. ' Ttftl monlal meetings WaJjcrliy etrnlnga at 8 tw.'x. Tho church U also open eur; day dutln Ihe week. The BIMo and all Clirlatlan Sslcncd lit. erttu'c It kept In It freo public reading ictorr.. "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tore," by Mary Baker Kddy, will le loaned to InvcKtiutori without charge. VWtnu tnd let ters of inquiry arc welcomed and niton otulcoua attention aatiil Inform itloi free. All SouL.' UnhcrMlUt. Church. 1'inc aticct. lie tneen Adjiiu und Jerteteon uvenuea Ilev. II. It. llo.ird.ley, paitor; residence, 6 Adanw utcnue; rnornlng wnlce, 10.30; etcnlng nenie. 7.rn; Sunday n-hool at 11.30; Mm. S. Benjamin, mi. jierlntendent. SubJccU, morning, "Truth' , iti. Ing. "Attributes of God." Mlm Hj.y 11.(11 will sing n rolo at th: niomlug acrtlcc. Unine and worship with iu All cro welccm. Cultary Iteforme,! Clmrrh, Monroe annue and laibMin street Kcv. Marlon L. Firui, pantur. Sertlccii, 100 and 7.30; Sunday chool, R.i,; Cliritlan Embator, 0.1',; momlng t,ubjoct, "(iuldjncc;" etenlnt, "Tlie Woman Who Wanhed JcW TmI with Tears." I'l.tmoutli Congresatlonal ihureh. Jackson ntreet Itev. i:. A. Boyl, paitor. 10 a. m ircach!ng by paator; It m , Sabbath Khool; ;.'J p. m Mlft.lnn huitty jehool, Sherman atenue; p. m.. Y P. 8, C. l:.; 7 p. in., preaching by p.ilor. All Mitleen In Kngllah. Zlon Cnlted Kvangellcal church. 110 l'aioiise atenuelVachlng at 10,1" by P.cv. tr". S. Ballen tine, and at 7J10 by the pallor, ncv. MeawTign-. Subiect. "I'Acepta of Jem." Sunday school, iro; Senior P.ndeaior, 0 30 Sunday etenlng; Senior Cndcavor 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon; pia)er meeting, 7-.0 o'clock Weelnewb) evening. Evcr.tbody welcome to thew cnl(et. DEFICIENT IN" MANNEHS. Julii Ward Howe In Succcs. Iu the niAttir of ininnen, we hate not ad-t-ariee.1 during the hat luir centurj". We Amiil. i-jiw lo inn site iiianmin Ihe attention they liiiwit, Abroad, we are acquiring tho rcput-a Hon of being the beU. dieiwd ioplo hi tho woiM; but about our m.inm-r, which an even moie important than dre., t'uiio in often a polite but bignlHcant. silemf. Our educational e)trm ebeiild take more account of deportini nt, which, in Urv'tf iuea.sure, U epivlte of wnat we H'prcHfiit. The noclfil atmcxphere li tvunned by the cnthul ran ot )iautli. We admire ui.d etn envy tho otf flowing ltilii) of tlw heallby ulil. But when the outpouring ot tlilj c.itha-.-Ijmh anil tiulity Ikcouhj hugettul of the fed Jng and opinion-! of other, the line between hood manner and Kid i. iruod. Young wo men who rue (nnd ol outdoor sporte, who can c'o at well ai men numerous tiling that, in the NUt, men alone did, and women who an cue erfully competing with men in the bu.-li.cii of the profcFslonal ttr.rld, eault In the powvr and fivedom which their moO-era did not hate. Thii is etelltrt, but lhe;o progrosslto ttonu.ii '' ww vw www s''T''i'r''T ''""''" "''" eordiruj to their mm tlevuri. Nt roitiuint or prompting was given in any ono ot thcrn. Tin oily the loid returned and ealll them to rflic ireount of their rtcids and tni'ts. Tlie live t.Uent nun ni.d niter hun the Ino t.ilent u.in i inn In with the statement tint the umouut mtniHi-d to (Milt )ud tun doubled, mj Hut Ihey wen idle to rendi" Uul. tin ulclts jr.d ff.ur tih'Ms, tispeetlvoly. 1'ioh of them ni'i t I fii'i experienced ia mw-iuii' of wtisfactiiin .ii iiroaelirur tn a Jistlfliblc prldo as , thus rt luiiud tn his l.'id J bundled fold ll.ciil-c if wlat hid le(n lcin. Mill leeelvcl pneUily the same tomniindatloti will, jnwniv of pimnotlon, lol both nolo khhIIv worthy. Si U it with every man. lids mortal life Is a period in vrl.uli wen ui.l freely, sIkiiI fieiei ib.-li lor J only In the Nn that the ,hvieal life Is wholly dMInct lmni Iho luavrnly life. Dut tho diy will lomo when all inJ( lenuei acsoiiiit (Itom. II: li), nnd when (hey who bale rlslitly med the nllts of CJxf. maklnir (.uitable iuui'Jy.', will h"nr the plaudit "HVU done." N'i:r,l.irr (Verses Stai) Then ippiov.id wr var.ts Klnif ilIi.poi.cil of tie one.talent nun np peued brloiii his miMei. II" came with Irepl diitlon, moied liftiibtleiw by his own conseieiir but mon by tho woul. Jitfl polcu by his ft' lows. I'luln? In the hsnd of tlio owner .that wlilili bad Ikhii i.'Khnl with a brl-f tite liienl ot th" enurs pursued, he '.hk oiled In him thu tnolivcii b whkli he had Ivin led Intn londuel rm niilll.i llin fi(h'i. Kirnt of all lm threw the bhiino upon the master, ulr; ihiu bo was Known lo be a haul nuiri eiadln what In had not hluielf tlen, not roii.tdeiliu; that lids was an airument for acthlty and Industry end not for i llonew and neglect. N'et he ,1 . i.Uicsl that bis iharatter of (In 'raster lnUad of tllmulallni' him as it sliould, had actinlly madfl him atiald, How inoiiv men In all times (oinplain of their latir (Rom. It: Jii), thlnl Ins him m-iriH and JiiJgtna- their lot a haul mil! Ibiw many deem It iiiilto mflelent for them to deliver I'.ak again (hat which wa lommlttid and no more, nijlnj 'Thou lutt that Is tliinel" JUIiOMUNT (Veiac Jfi, 27. .'i)).-Upou Cw wrvunt's atatement, wlthnU waiting rnr any tutlni.iny of other., tin lord paM.s Judginnt, o tint in rvallty the nun made up his ov,n liu-. Tli Judament cintalnel an eiairna.ee of character and nn Infliction of punUhmctil, the UUn based upon the fonner. hen tho Hems of character "thou wlehed and tlnihrul," "tliou hlwcsl," "tlioiigh oukIiIoi,!," "unprofitable srr vunt," 'flimo tmni lei! (lie whole Mory. A sinant, ono whow bu!nea woa In lender to il master somn return, wlm hnew that (his is r.sreclcd of him, hid Indolently neglected hi opportunity, bad piuied lilmsell wor(hle, hl 111 fact by thU brcoma wlckol. tVo tho ten fence "eat him Into outer chiknex," out ot tho houio In hlili ho wa no lonsrr rtilltled ii placo into tin darlcnedn of tho uljjlu, (hun (j weep In vain otvi his niUfortunrf 1 r.( not ull thla occur, and oi pht it not to occur, with thone who, acquainted with dad's plin for tlvlr Uti, neierlheleeM tluniUhly more on day by diy, with no action t.lort or purpewe in lm pro IIU (jllta? And alter they have failed of honor that mUlit have come (o Ihtm fjer. v Hi S SO), bow Kieat his been llili laniftit! are In danrer of otTendlnf good maancra, by elf ing their exultation and their own perncnalltlcs too treat an rmphaaU Somo of them feel that their aturdy work, or play, In too etigToaalng to gtt them time for the delicate amcnltlea and llttlo nlcetleii of tKv-lal life, that In my youth iter? held In mich liljh eateem. wusicaiTgossip. In tin Second Preiliytetlan church tomoritm tht following programme will be rendered! MOltNINO. Organ Prelude, Invocation ...Salome Anthem, "Come Holy Ghvt," Vincent Mr. Olppel and Choir. Offcttoi) Trio, "Lilt Thine Lyra".. Mendelsohn Minet Black, Oarigan and Salmon. Organ I'oUludc Gulltrunt i;vi:nino. Organ Prelude, "Hvcn Bong," ..J, A. Van Kyken Choir ltcapotwe, "We Bow in Praj'iir,",. Bradbury Anthem, "Jubilate Id II" Ilurk Offertory 4urtelle, "Jwui the Very Thought of Thee" Ollchrl't HU-e Black and Garagan, Mow. Olppel and Morgan. Organ Poatludr Henry Smart Tho following Mlecttons will be Ming and pla)ed at the morning and evening aenlcea to morrow at IHm Park church, under the direction ot Mr, J, Alfred Pennlnxton, oigantit: MOltNINO. Organ Andante, fnmi Sonata In (1 minor.. Merkel Choir"()h for a Closer Walk with nod"..Fo.elcr Organ Oflcrtory In P. flat DnlioU Contralto olo"B.yond the Gate of Pata- dine" ,. ,.,,, Klni Oman Puatludc in G Deehayel P.VKMNO. Orjan Andante from l'lret Sonata Dunham Choh-"0 Be Joyful in the Lord All Ye Lands" , Dartlett Organ OlTeitoiy In O Dunham Duet for tenor and basa "It I of the Lord's Orcat Mercle." llyinn-Antheiti, "Abidei with Mo" Allen Oigan Piwitludr in G minor (allegro from Sonata) Merkel Kim Park nuartette MIm ElUabelli ThoirtaH, noprano; iki Helen Schram. contralto; Mr. Alfred Wooler, tenor; Mr. Philip Warren, ba.o. 11 -I " The music programme prepared for tomorrow's aervlrei at the Plrat lrcbyterlan church will li rendered by a double quartette. The programmei Anthem, "I Walled for the Lord,"..Mcndelsohn Choir. Duct, "Lore Dltlne," Stalner Soprano and Tenor. Hymn, Anthem, "Hark! Haikl Mv Soul," Shelley Choir. Hymn Anthem. "Tho Radiant Morn,".. Woodward Choir. IVwunl! 11m Martha Malthewa, HKi JeMie L. Smith, M! May T. Datlw, Mra. Margaret Jam, Mc,r. Datld Jenklm, Pit Id Stephms Henry Ctana and J. T. Walking, I! II II Jiff Ue Angclli In "A P.u)at ItogMe" will ap pear at the L)ccum on tlie 2Jd. De Angell. U one of the rpiartette of farnntu romlc npeta comMiiiii of tho day and "A I!o)al Itojuo" l among the moit tuneful of light (vca. II II II I'rofes.-or Walkcnluw and orcl.citiu will ;Ive a roni-f-it In Irlccburjr in the near lutme. TOO MUCH SALT. Tlie ue of Kail as u condiment ii o gcneiul and so universally bcllcted In M neoovJiy that w rarely hear a word agnlnst (til c:ce.elve u-c, but there are a mnltiluiV of persona who eat tar too much salt; eat It on everything on meat, (nil, potatoc-., melons In butter, on tomatoes tunilpe and Hqimhei, in bread, and on a hoit of toode, too numeroui to mention. To so great an extent it let u-ud, that no food 1-1 lelished which bn not a rally tai-le, and thla hides moie or ltvs th.j real taste, which ! often very ddlcate. Now, th amount of ult required In the syj-tcm la corn pantlvely imall, nnd If the diet liaa been lightly compounded .cry little la ne-aty. wie ro to far in u discard its uac altcgcthir, but whether thii i wise or not we will not heiv consider. Wlut ate somo of the evils of the exccnive nc nf Kilt? Ihcy me to -.iul.:v the mrtis ut taste, or to pervert them so that they lannot enjoy un) thing whleh his r.ot a rally flavor, and In addition then is a direct lae on liotli the skin and tlw kldncjs In remotlng It from the btool. Whether liu- Un It hanucd by this tax wc da not know. Io.sihly It U not greatly In jured, jet we know Hut fitv people po-eai a h.ilt!iy Kkln; but it ll now putty well sdtlcd that an ec-ctaite use ot nail does overtax tho kidne)i In Its riinotal. and tluit the great nni.i Iter of i-kci of dernigrment and ihiene of thee (irgans U due to thla um it Likes only a little time to learn to cnly many ltlmta of food without alt, und wu adtlsc our readers and others to look Into this m liter and try to diminish the u-i ut this condiment as fir aa possible. We believe they will be better for it. Journal of Hjgtclic, For a Cold In the Head Laxr.tlvo Bromo-Qninlne TnbletR. Tll.VNSrEll (Ver.e S'). One cf the mott utrlklrut fe.Uum of thU parablo now icinaiu tn la consldereil. The one talent wiUch the mi rrofltible sen-aiit had burled in the eaith nd ubicli was mtoied to liu lord wu by irfdcr of ihe lord dollvercd to the fervant who had tin talinU. Hid otate tlicu stood live, phut five, plus one fqu.il eleven, while the other prop erty was, one mli us ono equals nothing. Tlili tui.tfor was ae-esirdlns to merit, u well a no. cordliiR to the mi-stir's plmsure. It kia not un aibltury, (aprliloiu act ot unJuUluablu t.ntiritiin. it itoes into tho record thnt inn ixrson Ix-cttinln with a capital of (ho hail ad iuitl to olevin, kUtly by iuiiiIuk fui and lailly by tM)ni of good will on tlm tart orchis (inplojcr. Tliem w.u eo!iunIni;lol thiw fidelity, Indotrj, Iniriiw-, rrencroiiily and other slrtuei. buih his been ihe blstoiy of many men In our ch, iiinvinit itcadily forward tn rommanding position wltlle nlliers have m).en to lower )lai t.i, Iho one IkjiiuuiI and useful, the otl.w llttlo and unknown. rnlN'CIPM: (Vcne '.")) lesus then puts mm the liM of the rwutir, Wutils of far-icailuiipr ini port, lioth to Jmtify his cnuiro nnd to bhow ll.s wisdom. Ho elrclarcs Hut whit bad been done In this mstanoe km according tn the Inflexible nile by which he purposed tn mlinlnl.tor his a filr. A principle wiu behind all his conduct, "I'iiIu every nno tlul liatli Improved," (.lull be given. Vihyi liertaiMi fueh an one I wcithy und competent. Tho jrlfN ot Cod aio not Imetowed for the pleasure of mm (limes iv: .".). Tlio ono ds!,n Is to multiply the good thliiSH of heaven until (bey idial! abound (n (be Xlciy ot find and tho wrlfarc of man, .Mm .He here with flod-li!, capaclliei to help ndiancv flod'a voih In pmnotin the incirase of i;ood. n?. nnd tin' who A, tills are to be Itiu.ti-U with loiter opportunities for domff it (in do other hand, "fiom him that li.ith not impi-uvid r.liall be taken away eien tliat vvhlih In bai'i " Why? Ilec.iai it Is ot no value In Ida Land. It is (hue n dead mid iw-le&i thing-. It nif;lii a will b! dd.ti-oye.1 altotjtther. Resides, ih in in has de,piaed his piivllevie and dCMitea not on that account In be trusted, lONOMJMON. All .hit hue ubilnie,, ,.,r t'.ft ff (hxl. N'n ono may plead Hut ho ia ur, able to do anvthlnr; lulling no talent. Ml tn. n am cctcd and ticpiiicd to use wiu thej U.cc und iiothlnur moie, I'lllndilne In mtl s.il be oppioicd ai tidy n fjltliiulr.eft. In mn.h, Tim jaw cf Iiicivjso invoher Hit- law of nlelilj Iln wh'i tuliw nothlna: loses eventhlnr; The ilbtlibutlon of fiod'i favors lu.iy Mem tn men a, times to ho umvlv, but be Lnowo men ui.d knows what iwi (bey will mike nf hU gill and has a right wj to order that thiv ehall havo moot who are bci-t able to employ. Hut lor all tlii there will b a tlmi of reckmlns V.'e paui on now thoughtle.ady in Ihe lomltie ot life, not knowing thit In that routine we me pitpailiw foi rpproval or eondeiunjlloii, Hut we ate building or waiting- our fortunes. Ibav we ate adianrlinr tn houor or linking tu ulianic. 'Ihere li no Handing- illll-toiwanl n-l tinillv all. or backward and finally notlilnir. (loo'd und fallbful or wlti.nl and letunl, will be Ihe loticludlnj verdict npen e-iry life. THE FAME OF MME. RUPPERT HAS NEVER nEEN EQUALLED BV ANY OTHER ' COM FLEX tON .SPECIALIST! r. '? 1 The most imitated woman in the world Tiii: Uist ni"ip, MME. A. Ha ace oleach Removes Permanently PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES. ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. : : : : : Does not cover up but removes the blemish. FaceTflleach lUUGlaTliNS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES the COMPLEXION It Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders tullh a Bad One. ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. cAbsohiely Harmless and eJlivavs Successful ' Drop In and ask lohatc Mine. Itupccrl's Face Bleach ihown to you, , and lute lis nierln, manner of umint and uonderful resulm explained, to jou -nil! be Faih.Hed it Is thai ou need fcr jour compleilofi. always c.in u lull line of Mim. A. Ruppert'. Ciray 1 lair Restorative, Ecyptinn Halrii, Almond Oil Complexion Soap .nul Hair Tonic. Cull nuit hut e their merits rsplnliiixl to .sou. Ask foi Mint-. Kup.iert'a book, HOW To "G BEAUTIPUL." jFRCtT. Jonas Long's Sons SOLE AGENTS. aaWfe;Mrmft'WrMLr:a Vei , VS tfP'L m :' ' w writer. The JhWFTT is modem, up und rapid. MA0II1NK.S l'JiAl'KU OX TRIAL frimflm&xM JEWETT No. 10 Has Ninety-Two Distinct Char, acters. Eight Hore Than Any Other Standard na-chine. D. W. WAGNER 2I5 Board of Trade TELEPHONE 2492 DayligM St. PaUl Minneapolis CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY THU ij.Goa. m, train; a triiun-uru.-.M.it In beauty. Other trains from Uil cago arc the Mortli-Westcrn Limited eicLtric lighted 6.30 p. in , tiic ht, Paul Fast Mall, 10.00 p.m., ami Ni;;lit 1 spres. 10.15 p. 111,, all daily jnil tin best of ever) thing. Call on any ajjent for tickets or mlilie.-:. 481 8roaJwaj Ntw I'eeli 3a Vim St., Cinltniitll S07 km,ll,fldSl,, Htttbuij :H Huetrlor St., Climlund IT Campui afurllul, Oalroit 001 Chit't it.,HiUadilllia 3S8 WoiiilriHn il Sitlan tnln3t, tsjah !t! Christ, rr,io 2Kifiy 8t;?u9l,7oronto,0itt, A Skin of Uoauty Is a Joy Forovor. cubam, wif UAuTuai, HtAiTii.iiat 5WTt!.1tn ,'Pr'. rrsokies. alolts Jloie, K,l). anil Skin , Bo .Jkrd?Wl.4i"'n mi l"ulh .. S.Jg'iflttS" aSttra'"3: "' "( . r.lSa32 Ti laleilon. n hiu tooa ma tail o(u 1 'jura, asa La si , luiruutMws laarteii loos aurelt lapref,. ... iuar. eirrw 11a ouatarf'U it ImUaj. uuut pr.fM A. Musre muI ia a uav ( Uia rMtiitgn a ixtilrntli "as ye laaiaavriiiaaevbDi, I rioftimeiid 'Ouut LliCrm lbs lesv li irrurul et all lb Hkln pierara. tlem' ror kslw ty 1 Mil Ilrua-aliu ajul facey-lMdJ Dultit t.uW V A,Cr.aJ.i.kiia Kiini , KRp.T.norSUa.Asae'r.JTCnM.tJoDMli'.Nl Tint Ulclisoii Miiiiuractiii'liii,' Co. ciauUin aud vv'llkevU.irre. '. Mauufaeiurori . L0COMO1IVES. STATIONARY EN0INE5 llolleri. Ilolitlng and Pumping Alachlnrry General Office, Scranton, Pa. .1 . .ac 'Sal awv m&W W V-A . 1 i(fWLj yA -x ,r fV For thirty years a successful career ok Pack Qllacii RUPPERT'S Writes and sludes seventy-five letteis to the line. Writes straight on ruled lines. !' Has automatic ivne-cleaninf brush. H The best manifolder and stencil y (.'maKcr. Wfrt" w llc .1Stest touch to keys and $ The JEWbl'I ball-beaiinc car- & ringc "beatt. the world." ' Hie JEWETT liner is easily the most clever device or Its kind. - to - date, simple, convenient, durable AXII OTIIEIt .MARKS TAKK.V. SCRANTON, PA. NEW YORK HOTELS. I ". . "WVlt.S WKSTMLNSTKIt HOTEL Cor. Sixlerntli it and In Ing I'lice, NEW YORK. American Plan, $...11 per claj ami upward. 1 urepran I'lan, tl.AJ per day and upward. 1. a t luvvror.n, rroprittor. 4 0 f -f I 'or Kihliiess .Men In the litarl ot the wholesale district. Tor Siioiit:iN f minutes' walk to Wniminatcers. mliiute, to Biecel Cooper" BIc Store. Easy of access to the Brcat Uiy Goods Stores. I Ol MKIIINt'LT One block from E'vvay earn, clv Inc easy transportation to all polntB ur intereti. 4. HOTEL ALBERT : NKW YOJUC. -1- Tor. lltll ST A LNlVi:nSITV ru "" 4- Only ono llloc,.; from llroudvvay, t- RnnTTK Si I Hli KliSlAURANT t nOOHlj, CI Up. ,ces KeasonahU 4. The Wonders and Beauties or ; Earth's Largest Segment of Fairydom . .iiiiui (jIHuiiiii. .iiu pem'tiated only by the M-alic Himi'luoui iiaius of the' .MIUIIIHKN PACIFIC COA1PANY The "SUNSET LIMITED" that TiAln of Trains, belongs to this sys tem P in nuipiiiiiit, mine .1111 (tiUlne, I li ue 1 lines nli.r ,i,lll0IIS di;llllt t'J tl . .in 1 ' I'o ili'1 un. .1111.. ,uu, nee illiKliatcd pjlliphU'tt nulla, hiu time ulile, ulso luweet ute, sleaplu, , .,ir in l.ils iiinl bigfiui) checked Jpply to MilIll I I.IIN I' Ull H CO.. in) . Jd St., I'hlla., Tj JS Prof.Q.F.THEEL.M.D. tv.hl '-"nf Ml., riilUJrtpbla. I'a. l a,l.k.r r,l, Cu. "'" siariunAii Disistia.iiLiiins LABUSIS.BlOaDFOISON.NtRyOUS DIIUTr.4 JlOSr MANHQOp.VAIilCOCIlf aXSTRIOTUlM "iniifim nl.l liaialaiuaaili. khtaakai !! A livarirrrtuasietri)ivphl ifri(niinCfnr,i- J f homt fur itj Truilifi puUa tut il. 41 lrHrU1 tr4 V