.ar.ra jsv-flcs HW' l"r"' v ft ; .-'w..'u IL.iUlLl w ""j , 1M i3.w i--1 rv -; k' s THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1901. VUsianS N WEST SCRANTON DEAD TIMBER TO BE OUSTED rilOM THE WEST SIDE CENTRAL REPUBLICAN CLUB. Meeting Held Last Night to Discuss Ways nnd Means for Reorganizing the Oldest Political Club In tho City Marriage ot James Durkln and Mtss Kate, Tleraoy Sleighing Party to Chinchilla General News Notes and Personals. The West Sldo' Central Jtcpulillt.tn tlnb held a well nt tended meeting In tlielr rooms last evening for the ltir jioso of dlwcttsslne ways nnd means to put the club on u HPlf-mmlnltilnif lnij. it has been loai noil that of nver two humlriHl members on t tit toll, many nre considered "dead timber," nnd unless they liquidate tholr in debtedness to tbo club within n spivl ileel tlmn tholr names will bo (Implied. Tho nudltliiR committer-, wlile-h wan nppolnted to report tho tlnnuol.il con dition of tho dub, is now cnsaK-i'd In tabulating their totiort, which will ln ulnnlttcil at an adjourned regular nu'ollng to bu held next Thurdnv 'VPiilnff. The replication of Or. I V. StruppliT as a member of the i lub wan presented and accepted. A HK'clal committee was appointed 'or the purpose of nrrunRlng dlscii rlons, debate?, entertalninentj", etc., lo li held nt reitular Intervals. Th com mittee purpose lnvltltiK well-known Hpnalsers to address the club on polll iial and timely subjects, and a ?'tles nf social events will follow, which will undoubtedly prove beneficial to the Mil) :nd Its members. An on'ort will lx made to n'-e.stnbllhli tin- lub on a nelf-mistalnlnp; basis, and juuho It a power not only In tlio poll tics of West Pcrnuton, but also us a Miclnl organization. There Is ample iimlcilil In the ranlcs to furnish tome fcpllent debates, nnd tenewed ln toiPFt and an Increase In membortdilp Is ol;cd for diit'Ing- tho coining yMr. i Dtukin-Tieraey Wedding. Jumps Durkln, Of Koyser avrnni, nnd .Miss Kato Tlerney, of Twentieth j-tieet, wero united In mania;'' by Cev. J. It. Whchin, at Wt. I'atilek's Catholic church, Wednesday morning nt 11 o'clock In the prcM-nee of a num ber of relatives and friends. The hrldo was becomingly attired In a muni of Hteel colored lotli, and her maid, Alijs ABOUT THIS rpT-RTT x nntr COUGHS out for and colds TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Fitting Accompanient To An Early Spring Whit? Goods Display Will be found in the magnificent show of Laces, Embroideries and Insertings....;.... Which Opens Tomorrow, Saturday. AH the New Ideas. Nainsook Swiss Reveres Cambrics Tuckings Tuckings headings Globe Warehouse Ulna Bolton, wore n gown of blue ma terial. The iirooin was uttcniled by Patrick Scott. Following tho ceremony tho wedding party wero entertained nt din ner by tho bride's parents, Mr, und Mrs. Anthony Tlerney, nnd afterwards left on the 11.18 Delaware nnd Hudson tmln for Philadelphia and other points of Interest, t'pon their return, 'Mr. and Mrs. Dm kin will reside on Koyser ave nue. The groom Is employed as weigh master at the Continental mine, and Is a member of the Lackawanna town ship school board. Ills brldo Is an es timable young woman, with a host ot ft lends, who congratulate both on the happy event. Sleighing Party to Chinchilla. A merry party of pleasure-seekers enjoyed a slclghrldo to Chinchilla on Wednesday evening, where they uoto entertained nt Mclireovey's hotel. Sev eral dances wero Indulged In, nnd bo fme letutnlng' n palatable lunch was served. In the pntty were: Mr. and Mrs. AW l Urunlng, Mr. and Mrs. chailt-s Sunkur, Misses (lertrude l.oomls, Jennie Walklns, Hnltio nynon, Laura Stubblebeln. Mary Watklns, Messrs. A. it. lb unlng. Frank Wat klns. Mnndy O.ivls, Frank Millar, i:d uaid Woolbiiiiith, James Jotvmlah, nnd Otto Heiv.oir, of Now Yoik. St. David's Chinch Supper. Mr. l'ike has presented a pastel painting of the rector to the chutch to be put up for a contest. Any one wishing to enter too contest should no tify tl'i rector at once. Tho ,t. Agnes chapter 1ms a iuitt which will be put up for a cone. Vrkfts have b-en selllni; rn'ildly. '.bile can be seeuioa from .1. O. Hop-klii- ecivtary, 'M Mullien si v GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Tile Ourient I'vent club meets this evening ut 3 o'clock at tho home of Mrs. W. II. Freeman, on South .Main avenue. Itev. J. n. Sweet. D. t., pastor of the Simpson Methodist Knlscnp.il church, preached last evening at the AUIs mis sion on Keywer avenue. Tile Kpworth league chapter of tint Simpson Methodist Episcopal chuich was largely reii evented at the Citv union meeting held In Elm l'aik church last evening. A meeting of the Sloan local will tin held tomorrow evening in D. E). Kvans' hall. South Main avenue. Tile Women' class of the Simpson Methodist F.-dscopal church will hold a regular meeting this afternoon. Tlieophllus Drown, of North Rebec ca avenue, has been appointed fire boss at the Hamilton mine. An eulei talnmeut and enndy sal will be held at the home of Miss Aldn Atkinson, 1.11 Meredlan sttoel, on Tues day evenlns, Feb. 12. .Miss Isabel Vert, of New Yoik. Is the guest of her grandmother. Mis. I.eah James, of 01. I Ilynon strest. The remains of an Infant child of Mr. and Mis. Patrick Caffrey. of Eliz abeth stmt, Tilpp Park, were In- sets and all overs to match, in sets and all overs to match, in sets and all overs to match in sets and all overs to match in plain or fancy with lace insertings. with embroideries, in sets to match. A complete line in Cambrics, Nainsooks and Swisses, as well as many novelties that will be worn with white and fancy wash goods during the coming spring. terrcd In tho Cathedral cemetery yes terday afternoon. Joseph ClallaRher, of 231 Meridian street, had his lingers smashed recent ly while, nt work lit tho Mt. ricasant mine. .Mrs, Charles Hhnrp, of HOD Wash hum street, la suffering from a frac tured nrm, sustained recently by a fall on tho Ice near her home. James KhkIIsIi and Miss Mary Camp bell, both ot West Scranton, were unit ed In marriage Wednesday afternoon by Itev. J. J. middy at St. Patrick's Catholic church. Mrs. A. A. Llndabury, of Houth Main avenue, will entertain the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Washburn Street I'resbyterlan chutch this afternoon. The remains of tho late John Scott wero taken to I'eckvlllo yesterday af ternoon for Interment. Leslie, tho Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. William J. William?, of l'rlce street, was bulled In the .Washburn street cemetery yesterday afternoon. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Funeral of Mrs. Fied Lotz Yesterday Afternoon Game of Basket Ball. Worklngmen's Masquarade. Tho funeral of the lato Mrs. Fred T.otz was conducted from the resi dence of William lolz, In thu roar of I'.'S l'rospect avenue, yesterday after noon nnd was hugely attended by many relatives and fi lends ot the tit teased. Services over the remains weie held In tho Church of 1'eace. I lev. H. J. ychmldt was tho olllciat lng clergyman. Interment was m.idu in the Dunmoie cemetery. The pall beat era wire Fied Ilellor Mielm, William Melster, Charles tliaf and William Hotke. The tlower bear eis weVo Henry Bellerfhelm and Chniles Sanies. Gnmo of Basket Ball. The game of basket ball played last evening betwttn tho Defenders and the Mlnookn Klais, was nn exciting riititvi't. The score was 37 to I in favor of tho ljefendeis. The players wera lined up as follows: Thomas Mclntyie, forwaid; A. Kraft, forward, J. Tlgho, center: Thomas gulnuan, right center; J, Col lins, left center: - Mortality, right guaid, V. lleudergnst, left guiud. Stars J. McDonougli center: J. Fo ley, light center; J:. F. Foley, left center: F. I.owiey, light fotwaid. T. Hurke, left forwaid: Hugh I'adden. right guard; Martin Coyne, left glial d. Umpire. Michael Muiiihy. Timekeeper, M. J. Xealon. A social followed tho game. Thhteenth Annual. The masquerade ball of the Woik Ingmeii'K society, given last evening at the Woiklngmen's hall, was well at tended by the merry dancer'. The amtmlug featurj of the event war Joe llosar's Indians In their full war uniform. Music was tiirnMitd by Prof. Sclunldt'H ouhestrn. Minor Mention. The ltinggold band will hold their annual masqueiade ball on Feb. H lit Athletic hull. John Slllnger and John Fltz-dninionn, of tills side, me" visiting fi lends at Mt. Pucouo. The glils employed In the limil silk department of the Sainiuolt silk mill will meet Saturday nlternooii at Cai penter's ball. i:dwaid Crane, of iv.ir street, fell on the Ice ye.sterdn nnd fractured Ills leg. Henry Uonosko. of StiifToul nvenu-, whllo lepalring an elevator yesterday, was sti lick on the head with a heavy Iron bolt and seveiely Injuied. NORTH SCRANTON. Mt&s&ibln.t Kane.of irotkwell slieet, and John F. Healy, of West Market street, were united In holy bonds of matiimony.nt the Holy Itosary church, Wednesday afternoon. Many friends and relatives of both parties witnessed the ceremony, which was pel formed by Itev. J. J. O'Toole. At 3 o'clock the bridal paity entered tho church and marched down the middle aisle, where they were met by thf clergy man and the nuptial knot was tied. The bride was attended by Miss Sadie P.uddy, while Frank Millar acted as best man. Alter tho ceremony a wedding recep tion was held at the home of Die btlde's mother. Mrs. (Vila Jfano, wln-io Mr. and Mis. Healy will nmke their home for the present. The cleiks of Chiippcll's stores who enjoyed a Hlehrlirlde to Plttston last Wednesday evening weie Mr. nnd Mis. Fuel Phillips, Mr. and Mis. David Smith. Mr. and Mix. Fied Smith, the Misses Cecilia Danveis, A'lolet Dun veis, Anna D.iiivcih, Jennie Fields, Minnie Stuff, Susie ll.invers, Means. William Igler, John Crellen, Thomas lelwards, Hert Powell, John MelCeuzle. Kdwurd Smith, Joseph Kiohosky. I3van Lewis, Tliomas Phillips, Hany Samuels and William Lewis. A benellt ball will be held this even ing In St. Mary's hull for the benellt of Mrs. Michael Coyle, whoso husband was killd a short tlmo ago In Sloirs' mine by a fall of roof. The committee who has chaige of the affair expect u huge attendance. All news umtteis for Tho Tilbuno will lecelve prompt attention If pluied In the tin box lu Davis" dtug store, corner of Main avenue and Maiket streets. Tho pupils of two looms of No. :',', school enjoyed a slelghrJdo to Peckvllle ycsteiday af let noon. Mr. and Mis. William l.owrie, of Pieict) street, aie rejoicing over tho arrival of a baby girl. John I.ynott, Stephen O'Boylo, James Lynch and John Heffron returned yes terday to Baltimore college, to lesumo tholr clerical studies. Doiothy Leonard, of Maiket stieet, Is convalescent. William Thornton, of Oak stieet. has returned to New York, after visiting friends In this section. Mrs. S. Dawes, of Throop sueet, has as her guest Mrs. Alex. Jlrydeii, of Ithaca, X. Y. The Storis and Urlsbln mines paid their employes yesteiday. Tliero will bo a district convention ot tho International lirotherhood of Sta tionary Firemen held In O'Malley's hall j Sunday afternoon at 2.20 o'clock. Theto will be delegates from Plymouth, Cur bondulo and other towns present. Tho funeral of Annu, the s-yeur-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John New ton, oceut led yesteiday afternoon nt 2 o'clock from tho family resldencu on Margaret avenuo. Kellglous ser vices weie conducted by tho Ilev. It. J, lteese, pastor of the Puritan Congre gational church. Interment was made In tho family plot In Foiest Hill cemetery. FIRE AND WIND Concluded from lMfe 5.J wnnan ambulance. She Is In a den gerous condition. During the early part ot tho Hie, Ihe National bnnk peoplo removed their securities and valuable papets from the vault, und deposited them with the Lackawanna Trust nnd Sato Deposit company. Several Individual cltl2ens nnd mer chants In tho vicinity of tho lire served refreshments In the shapo or coffee and sandwiches to the tiro workers. Coun cilman K, J. Coleman wns among tho number who furnished coffee and sand wiches. J. D. Williams & Prother gnvo an oyster supper to the llremen. Tho temptation to fight lire proved Ir resistible to a Now York tnnn nnd ho buttoned up his coat and plunged Into tho work. For two hours or more ho worked us hard us any of the fire laddies and then sustained a fall, wrenching his arm quite severely. He went to the Center street police sta tion nnd said that he was n member of the lire department of New York tlty. As Dr. Fulton, the jolIce sur geon, was not on hand, and the strang er did not care to go to tho Lacka wanna hospital, he went back to his room In the Hotel Jennyn. The block lu which the destroyed buildings were situated has been vis ited by tire three times In a period of M yeais. Six jenrs ago fire destroyed the Henwood. Matthews Pros, nnd J. D. Williams & Hro.'s buildings. In 1S9A J. D. Williams & Pro. und the Four Cent sloro building were completely gutted. Mrs. Caroline Cushman, who con ducted a millinery establishment on the fcond floor of the building at S21 Lackawanna avenue, values her stock at $2,00u and an entire loss. Mrs. Cush man Is very ill with pneumonia at her home at C25 Lee court and the news' of the lire has greatly affected her. Her condition Is precarious. Tire Losses. Yesterday's oonllugnulon w as n force Ible lllusttatlon of the necessity ot lire protection. The Hairis System of Mod ern Safety Appliances comprises tho newest and best Inventions and offeis absolute protection to life nnd prop erty. Automatic alarms to give you Instant warning In ease of flio; chemical ex tinguishers to smother tire In Its In clpiency, and steel cable (lio-escape.'i for safe exit lu an emeigoucy. Cus todians of public or private Institu tions who neglect to provide complete lire-protective, equipment assume a serious and needless responsibility. The Harris system Is endorsed by the highest expeit and otllclal authoiitles. Samples of Hauls Fire Appliances aie on exhibition nt i"2.' Lackawanna ave nue. Call and see them. G. W. S. Fuller. ' District Manager. Why not go In tho morning and rent a safe In the vaults of the Lacka wanna Trust and Safe Deposit com pany. 4(U Lackawanna n venue. You can lent a safe as low as live dollars per year, wheie your secuilties, In suiance pollclts, deeds, etc., will bo absolutely serine fioni Ios-h by fire or burglaiy. DUNMOREDOINCS. Regular Meeting of the Borough Council Held Last Evening nt Which Several Important Matters Weie Acted On. The borough council met in u-gular monthly session last night, with all members present. Tho minutes of the last meeting weie approved as lead. The committee appointed to conferwlth W. W. Scranton In reteience lo a into for tire hydrants repotted that tho company would continue tho present, late until Apill 1, after which tltno they would have to pay his price, ?;o yearly per plug, Mi. Ward moved that the Scranton Ttaetlon company be given ten days In which to repair the lights on North lllakely street, which they agreed to furnish the borough, and upon their failure to comply, steps to bo taken to annul their franchise. Mr. Hiogan moved that the council offer a reward of MO for the arrest and conviction of any persons found tainpeilng with tho above mentioned lights on Noith lllakely stieet. Mr. Ward moved that the secietniy notify (Upend Manager Sllllman that u conductor must be provided for the No. c branch car within ten days, which is lequlied by tho state law. John McCaun, of Webster avenue, was befote the eoiuull with u com plaint of damage done his property by recent grading or the stieet, but the council took no action. Mr. Paytou complained of a ipian tity of water on the stieet at tho cor ner of Hlootn and Chuich streets, com ing fiom the pioperty of (leorgo Dainty. The high lonstable was oi deied to have iIip nuisanie abated. Piugess iiursehcll reported that the lines collected for thu month of Janu uty amount to $3. A resolution wasoffwed by .Mr. Pay ton uiglng Congressman Council to use his utmost endeavor to seeuie two mall delivery for the borough. Ordlmime S2, gtantlng the Lacka wanna Telephone company tights or streets, passed tlrst nnd second lead ing. Ordinance Sj, relating to the tearing up of sheets and legulatlng tho same, passed Hi st and second reading. Chief Teevan teported that at lust arrangements wero about completed for an exchange of appaiatus with tho Uamewell Flic Alarm company that would ensure much bettor service than In the past. Chief of Police Healy reported four arrests for the month, and presented his time sheet, amounting to ?320. Tho street commissioner's time sheet for the month wus $195.75. The elder of tho flro department's tlino sheet was Jir.O. Miscellaneous bills amounting to $JJ0.'.'t were approved. Told in Bilef. Pay your taxes before Match 1, 1901, anil save penally. P. W. Jlellly, col lector, il7 Chestnut street. Fiank, tho ten-year-old son of Mrs. M. CI. O'Mulley, of Drinker stieet, was ctulte severely Injured last night, being kicked by a horse. He also received A GREAT SURPRISE la in itoru fir all v. ho u.-e Kemp's IliUani for the 'IhroU oml I.iiiikk. the meat uuarantcod rciueily. Would jou Ulicvc Unit it U fold nn lt merlin and any iliwifUl U uothorUed b) tbj proprietor of this wuiidirful icmisly to itivo jcni u iainpla hot tie (rcct It never fill lo una acuta or hi utile coughs. All drusghtii sell K nip's Ilalbim. l'rlce 'iic. and Wc. imnr UkflLSAJ satisfaction to your appetite, be sure they are package with the several cuts about the face, which re quired suigical attention. Tho social hold at the home of W. It. Wilson, on lllakely street, last night by the St. Agnes guild of St. Matk's chuich was Inrgclyattended and a neat sum was realized for the worthy cause for which It was given. The Ladles' auxiliary of the Sport Hill Ancient Order of Hibernians are making extensive preparations for their social, which will be given In Washing ton hall on February 11. An orchestra will attend, and tin enjoyable time is assured. .Miss Lillian Knapp, of South lllakely street, Is spending some time In New Yoik and Philadelphia, i:. D. Ames Is ill at his home on 'Jnen Illilgo street, suffering from an attack of the gilp. James O'Hora has returned t'loin a stay ot several months In Philadelphia. Theodoie Webber, of Di Inker stteet. has returned fioni a business tiip to -sew lorh. Mls.s Clara Potter, of Dt inker street, who had lately opened a women's ex change with M. Norton, lost many handsome pieces of ueedlewoik In the dl.astioiis lire yesterday. OBITUARY. Mrs. Ella Simpson. .Mm. i:IU M. Mnion. wife i., Vljrilcn Wllli.mi T. Siiii'ri, of the itmnly Jl. illnl at '. oMock jeltidiv incinhic, alUr .i Jiml fUncw. !) ioimsI liad I'i'en .i Miftrnr hum i nuwtn lib ivint for ievcr.ll Moulin, which !irlvtl Into pirjlviis. Mie win born in Mltiitmn, Mv J-. ln, jnit .itttr re-Mine In JIju'Ii nmnk ttuiitj-iiliit' cu, c.itnr lit Stnntun In f, here Mh flnoe rrsiJd. tier lmtljauil, two con m J two ilimjitrn mimvo hri. The Litter .ep .1. Itoheil .mil JM nil I'. Mia. John I'. Arn.tinist .mil .Vr limy . r.ilKrr.son, of lUltlmori- Mil. tin. (uiior.il will l.i In kl tommiuu aftrinoon ,it 2 o'chxl unl v ill 1ii r.rlv.itf. Andrew Dougheity. Vniliru lloiiBlictl iliul je-.terd.iy afiruwMi, .iflir a two wirks' IIImn, of pneumonia at the Imme of hlrt fdii, Aii'liew Dotipluitj, at leMI lllunii' JMir.ii'. Kiimr.il Kiiilav at 2 o'eluik fiuin the Vu ltotji cliuiili. Inuneent in Cathidial n'tiirter.i. TRANSPOHTATION IN PAKIS. Things American Visitois Should Know to Avoid Trouble. I'lciu tie Clilcafii Trlliune. eutlng around Paiis Is an esy iiirttter. Neaily all the important monuments are in walking dlstame . nom the central portion of the city, where tile hotels patronized by thu average American visitors are located. j I'pon nnlvliig In the city- there Is I tumble sometimes with the custom , Initio obcers, who are polite and who rareiy evnnilne "au fond" tho trav eler's trunks'. A single declaration, "nothing dutiable," siitllces as a rule to have the custom house mark "ex amined" placed upon baggage. The only things the Fiench custom housa otllclals .ira stiict uljout aie teas, spirits, cigars and matches, It Is advantageous to charter an omnibus or n gallerled cab, if vlsltoi.s have much baggage to transport front the station to the hotel. The inil icad potters carry the ti links and satchels from tho train through the custom house, and thence to the cab cr omnibus for a small tip, usually one ftanc. An omnibus holding six people eoMs t francs; u gallerled cab. - francs ." centimes, and 10 rentluMt for evety ti link or package upon tho outside. Inside the cab there is no extra charge for satchels. Cab fees In Paris aie modeiale. Fioni li a m. to I'.MIO p. ni. cab fares are one franc (in centimes for a coutse that Is to say. a sltu-'le nip to a given destina tion, and 2 francs an hour within the city limits. In addition to the tegular tin Iff the cabbies have a right, estab lished by custom and upheld by the police, of n tip or "pombolie." This is n sous for every course and ti .sous fop each hour. These, however, aie ex ceedingly modest sums. A Frenchman glvis a "cocher" who chives him well on a course L' francs, and as a rule al lows him 10 sous an hour, and oven more, if ho Is quick and a good driver. Ainei leans would be spaied no end of Double If they would get over tho notion that 2 sous Is a sulllelent pour holro for a cabbie. Hven the working classes lu Paris glvo mote, nnd I find that Fiench peoplo are more generous In this accepted, legitimized tip than Americans, who get Into no end of troublo by refusing to understand that custom has established such tips as the coeher's light. Three or four persona may get lino the cab without extra fare, but tho cocher expects an extra "potirborle." Outside of the foitlllcatlona (tho Hols do Iioulogne is outsldo of thenO cub fares arc a francs no centimes nn hour. After midnight tho fares nre 2 f i ancs .'." centimes for ti dilvu or a tiip, and '.' francs f.O centime by the hour. There uro G centimes ill a sou. Fifty centimes Is 10 sous, or, in Amer ican money, 10 cents. The pourbolro to the cocher is always extra, and Is never marked In tne ttnlff curds al ways to bo had upon demand from tho driver, The horse cars nio excellent In Paris, They nio doubly (locked and a lino vlow of Paris may bo obtained by mounting on top. Every Woman, Knows ' that a loaf of bread left out on the table gets stale much quicker than if kept in the bread box. Exposure- to the air does the damage. For the very same reason crackers or biscuit openly exposed in a barrel or box will grov stale much sooner than those protected by the "In-er-seal Patent Package." When you want crackers, biscuit or wafers that are a credit to vour table, a oleasure to your palate a "In-er-seal" trade mark design on tne ena. Ko1r, Milk, Orhni, Ontmnnl nnd Hotter Thin Jtlocull, Ulneer Hnnpii, VunlllA W'fer and ) tree pt Ion Flatten, corno In the "ln-er.enl 1'uUiat X'licltbKe." Don't Uko a intutltute. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. Omnibuses abound. They tun every where and connect by means of trans fer tickets called "eoriepondence." Tram nnd omnibus farts are univer sally the snmo price 30 centimes, or six sous, below, und 1", centimes, or thrco sous, above. If u transfer tick et Is desired, the pi ice above Is tbo Bantu price us below. Steam trams run from Paris to tins suburbs, nnd there ure stations for litem nt the Medeloln, along the Seine, nnd at the Arch of Triumph. On tlio Seine uro a number of liver boats, "monches," or Hies, which are exceedingly convenient und stop at the pilnclpal streets and monuments. They ate paitlculnily advantageous for vis iting the exposition, ns they run up nnd down In fiont of tho exposition buildings. Fines on them are 10 cen times on week-days and art lentlmes, or four sous, on Sundays and fete days. The clre'iilar railway runs nreiund Paris with stops at tile luipoitaut points In th" city, and the new metropolitan underground lallwuy, with stations nil over Paris, is a convenient and ipilck nie'ims of getting aiound the city. Visitois should remember that the ominbuses and trums only hold a lim ited number of person". The places are distributed tiumeiically. At each om nibus station in Paris Is a controller who distributes the numbers; tlrst ur llvals get the tiist numbers. When the litis or tram arrives these numbers are called out anil people take tlielr places accordingly. It Is nil fairly done. One's first caic upon arriving In an omnibus station should be toask for a "numero" for tho line of omnibus and direction desired. Many ludicrous waits are thus averted for people who e'tinnot imagine why every one else but themselves Is allowed to mount in the 'bus or tiam. Transfer tickets should also te given to the controller upon mounting In the omnibuses. ' THE WONDERFUL CAUCASUS. Its People Said to Be Samples Left from Early Migrations. I'rom Seillii.ir'n Macj7in Fiom the Oxiis to the Arctic Cliclo, and ftnm Kais to Kamchatka, the Tsar Miles many sttange people and coun tries, but the Caucasus Is sttangest ot nil. Iudcod, anyone who averred that the Caucasus Is tho most interesting land of the wot Id would be able to back his opinion with good reasons. The range Is a wall across the nnr iovv Isthmus which Joins liuiope and Asia, and the Corgi' of Darlel is the door 'In this wall through which havo I'ome almost all the migrating peoples between L'ast and West since men be gan to move at nil. From many of these migration struggle!' temuincil, some In one valley, some In another, and their new homes lent themselves so well to defense against all after comers that the original settlors wero able to Increase and multiply and keep their race Intact, Hence the Caucasus contains today the direct and not gieatly changed descendants of peoples otherwise lost In the mists ot lemoto iintl tulty. It is. In the wouls of Mr. Douglas Fteahllcld, the first exploier and climber of the mountains, "an eth nological must-uin wheie the Invmleis ot Kutope, us they tiaveled westwiud to be mauuhietiired into nations, left bi'hlnd samples ot themselves In their low condition " The Germans, dstioyers of saeivd nnd prolane legend, do not accept this theory, ami Piofessor Vlrehow declares that It Is dlspioved by the fact that the Caucasus could not have been a high way whrtu the Ico-flolds enme down lower than they do now, and that tho languages of tbo Caucasus aie not u l.ited to languages elsewheie. us would have been the ease If tile speakers of them werei remnants of greater na tions that had pissed on. GHEAT BRITAIN LEADS IN WAR The Enrrlish Aie the Champion Campaigners o All the Nations. I'lom tho London i:xpiei. Few people will be surprised to l.t.i.n tint nrnnf llrltnlii fniH lieen ,i J long way ahead of other European na tions in tne great game ot war dur ing the pretcnt reign. The wars gieat and small which this country has been engaged lu number In tho neighbor hood of sixty or almost one for every y,tr of the oueen's reign. They Include big wars, such as that on which we are still engaged the Crimean wnr, the Indian mutiny, tho campaigns in Hululand, Afghanistan, Ashuntee, Egypt, the Soudan, China und Hurmah, besides such miscellan eous Items as operations In Chltral, the ninck Mountain, Tochl and the Ml rtwal Valley. There huvo lu-en wars duilug the present reign which few people ever think of. Who mow re members that we once had a war with Persia? And yet It Is, comparatively, not so long ugo, Theio have been four Auhunteo and threo Chinese wars. These uro startling facts nnd In lug homo to all of us the warlike charac ter of the English race. It Is baldly nn exiigegintlnn to say that llrltlsh guns havo hardly censed to thunder and Ihitlsh bayonets lo strike tenor Into tho enemy In all the Hlxt -three yeats of tho lelgn some times In the fetid, mlasmle swamps of West Africa, sometimes on the ley plains of tho Crimea, sometimes on tho sandy wastes of the Souduu, but In in the original AMUSEMENTS. 1 YCRUH THEATRE - ItKIS .V lltlRUIINDrlR, Loaned. A. J. DlllTV, Manager. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 'flic Powerful Way, Melbourne An Austrian liomanee. 1 Pinlit T,. Hart. lu. thor of "Tho lirlH I'nrnt " Strengeil Com pjiiy lu Yearn, heid.d by ERANK MORDAUNT and THEODORE BABCOCK. l'aeil Carineiive. Talor nruniUle, t.lghton Leigh, Jaim-e 11. Care), Abiiim ltoco I.nf, Car. lotta Ncilwin. Print)-23c., .'iOr , 73c. nnd tl.do. SeaU on halo I'riilny ut '.) u, n. -t ACADEHY OF HUSIC, RBIS A UUUUUNDUK IIAKKY A. BOVVN JlmiiCtrs and Lpsacci. I.oeil Monitr. AM, THIS WKKK. 11 MIA MATINI.Ks. JACK HOEFFLER CO. imii:m:xtiso Thursday evenluj- 'Hearts of CJoW. I'rid iy rvening "V'oir,an in IllaiU." Saturday evenliiK "Hindi King." all xbyt wi:i;k. JESSIE SAWTELLE CO. PltKSKNTi.Va .Monday cvenlna; "Vietortiti Cra." Matlneo lrIcot 10 and 20 cent ftcnintr Price 10, 'JO and SO cent?. New GaietyTheatro ALK. a. HURRIXRTON'. MANAGER. Thursday. Frldny and Saturday. Matinees Dally. Broadway Rurlesquers. whatever quarter of the globe, wltit honor. ENGLAND'S VAR GAME. Battles Realistlcftlly Reproduced with a Cano nnd a String. I'ioiii the London New. Tlio oilier eveniiij. writes J rericpondcut, aN Or dinner I wai invltcl to lx nesent at hiK .attle, which would lie fought wdtli tha miiiost leilUm and veltli tho latest anus and Ilia liliw-c sune Known in n.odcm warfare. An m weie in a drawhii room In tho eiuict rountrj', 1 eonfe I was skeptical, and vUien I Ueanl our hote end (r a Hltlo lilt ot etrin?, a walling Htlil and a slaw ef water, 1 vvondctcd what the litiM tell wa. The nnld liroeulit ill tho three simple arti.-lei 1 have mentioned. Our lientc&i put tho watllnq; HtieU and th" Rlaas of water on the table, nnd, t.illna: the Ktrinir In lur llnKorn, did thN: At md ho iiuiln a small loop jut Ids ihoujli lor a i-ouple ot tinjer? to pass througli it, villi an ordinary lne.t. At the other cut, wllli nn ordinary l.not, she made another loop Jim hii; enough to put jour head through. The little bit eit slrinir, 1 should My, kh between three nnd four anU In length, fchc now ellfchtly moMincil the kiimIIii' of tlio two loops with i drop oi water applied v.ith a linger tip, and diew it mi the- oidinarv polished walking etlel. I j thin roiiiKtiil lo tale the alden ot th lrrsir loop '' en my thumbs and my foi Imeirf, di.nv It en er rnv bead and plaee tlm epen pilnis ot my lianib. lilt oier my eais. When it wan piojKily adjusted I mddetily fi It tin- llltlo bit of htilne diawn tight, and wa-j I I n-a tiiiw of n dull and ominout hum whicli wn imuirinp may pietidn the beginning of a great batlle. vvlien in my men arc (ratheied toRclhef In .i umall pae.e, only waiting the order to fire. ,iji The attlon bid begun! , . i . ". o I lie.ud thu thai cr.uk of tbont-iridH of nl'i'S 1 looKid .it my vIi-h-vIh at the other end f tho tliiht-dniwii little bit ot i-lrinff. Mic w.n slowly tuinini; the ntlclc. Tliat waj all th! a hundred ioin.poins were at it, grindlnaj out a niiiuleimu tho pom-pom pom-pom ! 1 looKe-d atriin. .My lioitei wai idmply taip!ns the teme itring with the charp edge of an ivory paper Inlfe. Wliat H that deep boom Uoom DOOM whleh Ik bend .iboto th" Rem nil iraidit 1100M-H00VC IIOOVI. Hie tliuiideritiR oclioe die away aol (nuily amoiiK tho mouiitalni. I lool.nl airaln. Tho lady wan iiinplv pulllnu the taut littls hit of ktilnir In a downward direction with t linger and thumb, Juit a.4 ons twann at a banjo vift4 Viid tldii ! bow yu I a Uo put in i biff eu KiKeniint. 'i'lie gjuio waj hIiowti to my hottmi by u Veuinan Jiut bail from the front. They u-f-il to jilay II In camp is It tliey hidn't ei.i.ush nl It HOPE FOR THE BALD. firm tl.i London Mall TurMih phislelan, Pr. Ilodara, has been et prrliuentlni. auei'CMfiill' on the transplanting ot hilii erne by one to lnld parti ot the scalp, Ths ilnrtor' plan to a ilmple piece of hurt luiidrr. It ii to warily ll.e bare tuifate and ta Implant time-on balni lemoird from other part! of the' pitleiit'-i lie id. Nuno four wifkt afler Implantation a certain number f the hairs were tound, when tho ct prinicntn weio being made, to lave talen root, and In n lone tlnrj a eoodly now crop wa.t piudueed. lly niliriv)ciilc examination thl Invcitlpalor has bJllrlhd IiIhimH tint after aome cek3 leal new bulb foinn at the lower end of tin) implanted hair. Pope Has Conference, lly i:iluile Wire fiom Tlio AwocUUel Pre, Home-, Fill, ".The popo had a Ions confer eniT todiy with the Krencli ambawador regard. ini; the liu- of JocUtlom' bill, It la aald that lila liolluenri will addrrna an rnrytlicd to thq 1'itntU C.dholicij on the. subject. ' 4 '