The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 07, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    - -yA ,,! ..M.yary mj"!,.'',"' '
, l--
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- V rjT'i "
enls, Mr. find Mrs. Hugh MucCon
noll. The youilfj people uuvu Prof, G. A.
Steams n very plsusnnt nurpilse Ftl
dny evening. Refreshments' were
served nnd all enjoyed it good tltin"
" V
hi mini i mmimmmmmwmmmmmmmmL
is m:y spec
F i .ll Dip Satin! n Tttli int.
Uoncsdale, l'ob. C Th- lux ley fur
.-iyn.. county wl'l Iip -l-rlit mills, tho
snnie ur It wad lust vi'ur.
Tho ..round hotr ami 1.O011 nit- geitim
their pay for umilnK out I't-li. 2.
The oak iilaiL fur tlie new doiiii
lown lion brhlRe ho un-hcd It chuu
fium Kentucky. The lion tins not at
lived yet.
Sheriff Ai-nihiiister rnictltjliied nine
lust work, the hl-tln'st number to no
I'tipy cells for a loni? time.
Tha i-oniannuul session of . h.'
Wayne llaptlst association will ii held
In Huwlcy. Wednesday and Tlui'fcday,
Feb. 20 and IM.
.Masnuermle pailles uiiuir lo 'he the
nitre In Honcsdali this winter. It. M.
Dorln l supplying: cniiiniis. lit- has
a room oer I'odf-i-'H drupr stoie. .
The lllustratd lectures to be rIvi.ii In
tho court house bv Hv. "". "!. Arni
tronff. of WtlllamxiKirt, promlsi to
be highly InterektliiK. The subject for
Friday ciculni: Is "Ancient l.sypt" and
.Monday evenliur "The White Mnn'.s
Hurden." They are Riven liiulei tin
.MIMl'Ice of the Literary circle. Ad
mission to both, 3." tents.
The adiiintUKi of it locomotive ro.irt
over n gt'itilty Is plainly shown dur
ing the indent Miow storm. Klghl
Inehert of snow and the wind u liurrl-i-ano
drifting the snow badly has not
delayed trains on the Delaware and
Hudson brunch only a few minutes.
Judge Puidy will hold but one ivu'l
ot court In .Match. All Juror have
lieen notllled not to appear for the sec
ond week. The Illness of Attorney F.
1'. Kimble caused th" .continuation of
it number of eases.
subscription dance will be given In
Libel ty h.tll Tuesday etenlnr-, Feb. 12.
Freeman's on-hest m of ten places will
milfoil iniisle
Di Inker e.e Iikjii-ciI lit the Mollis
tcrvllle fometory at 12 in. Fob. 1.
Mr. M. 1'uegluln lit rnnvnlefcent.
I.iuory rook Is cinploved In 'it-tilil-
boro Ice compiiny.
The Kaiser company,
of Wllke.s-Uane, whhli was billed for
tin entertainment heio Jan. ."!0, failed
to appear, a portion of their outfit
belni: rle-ttiote-i by (I iv the nlglil pro
Amonir til- rctenl xueslf, In town
were: Mr. H. Hv.'url:, of Diinniore,
nt the lioiiiu of her sister-in-law, Mrs.
J.llllun Hawk: Mrs. II. Moore, of fJreun
Hldge, at Die home ot her mother, Mrs.
h. Mooie; Mm I). ,T. Cloui of .to--tow.
.it the home of her patent. Mr.
and Mrn. Charles .Mitchell: .Mrs. I.
Noble, of stn-llng', ut the home, of her
sister. Mi II. Wnlte; Mrn. C. Van
t Jonler, of !crunton, at the home of h'-r
patents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Ciorder.
The condition m
I said to be vu
lte. William II.
t ArniDtrontr. of
Mis Lizzie AUKer
I i lllcnl.
Swift and Itev. M.
Wllllamsport. will
Nthauge imlplts next Sunda.v.
l-"or three nights Webber's Steiling
ompany will be nt the Opera House.
onimeiulng tonight (Thuisday) with
it chnnge of bill each evening. "Lit
tle I.oid Fauntleroy." "Ten Nights In
a liar-room" and other plas will be
prssenled. Wab-h for out-door b.iud
i onceit.
The ine.iKii Mipply of watei for the
uast week gave tint entliely last even
ig. The lire englns commenced 'runip
mg last night fiotn the Lackawanna
liver Into the wnter main and Is still
inininlng water that Is u menace to
publli hoalih. polluted ns It is with
i if out Mow of many sowers.
.Mi and Mrs. .1. I"). Weston let -ntly
aave n dinner nt Hotel Fiederlck. at
Whlti Mills, to a number of their
i lend. The following composed the
party so pl-asnntly ntertalned: Judge
niid Mrs. l'mdy, Di. and Mi. ". It.
llr.ul.v Mr. and Mis. II. S. Hahiion,
Mi and SI iv. W. 11. Foster. Mr. and
Mr. 1. Munitord, Mi. and Mis. 1".
II Meoiur. Mr. and Mrs. W. l.ntubcit,
Mi and Mrs. W. V. SuyiI.lin.Mis Jo-e-plilne
D. Whitney. Misses Clara It. Tor-
" and t'anie Weston and Thomas
Ful lei
i.c. .il t" tin1 " Tiilmnp.
Mollisteiville. Feb. li. .Mis. Audu-w
l'..-e., ,,f thfo plaie, died at tlu
Mose Taylor hospital, in Seranton, on
' b I, and tho people of our vIII.ik
.' '.lll'-d wltli soriow when ihey
am l ")' lur demise. The lenialns
- liroiight lo her late residence
iieie l.i'-t Siililld.i.v. Ttie funeral ser
ine wore condiietcd In th. Ilaptist
mil h licic Fib. I at i o'clock p. in.
It v f A. Spaulding otllciaU'd, assisted
I'.n. McVey and 1'lsk. Uev.
.-pauldluc sclei tod for Ills text Kec.
1 it ml spolo highly eulogistic of the .1 She was a quiet, help
ill n. Iis'ibor und will lie greatly missed,
iii'iinuit was made in Holllstervllle
O" i i. v. Deceased is survived by a
i ostiaud. a son and one grandchild.
M.s Amanda llrown is 111.
.Mm Floyd Fcssinden Is sutfeiing
v III) the grip
Mi I'hailes A. Wiley, of tills place,
who h.i- lift ii siifit'ilng with typhoid
Tiiim' at a private hospital In Seranton.
is l .ported to be slowly regaining his
Mrs. Kll.i Fessenden, who has been
.hi the sick list for some time. Is verv
i ooily at this writing.
I D. and F. A. Watrous liaM1 been
oiiiing on the Ice al Maplewood.
Mildred Flllott has i-ccover-d from
i.ei' aliaek of the grip.
The ii'ivmins ot Mrs. lierheldt, of
The lest child who presrntly find his
na home in thejio'iceman's protccling
irnt, i litiKgfd lo his mother's heart
Mtli a new jot. Hut the mother's heart
1 empt as her amis when her children
jttii lost tor life. Hov, many a woman
goci through -such an experience, an
peatttiR in vain tor tietp
to local doctors, who con
tcs that they are "'piu
sled" to understand the
cause of the trouble.
In similar cases
Dr I'ierce's Favor
ite Prescription has
been used witti
such succe?s that
ills record com-
' mends it to cverv
ouiau whose chil
dren fail of vital
. "Favorite Prescrip
tion " given the mother
strength to give tier
child, it sirenginens
i the female organism,
gtiing great elasticity
to the organs of mater-
nit), and making the
painless It is tint true
woman's medicine, es
.iibllshiug rt-gulsrity, drying weakening
drains, and healing inflammation.
lcn cheerfully recommend Doctor I'ierce's
I'Avorite rrescrljitlon tlie tiel i.ieiilcln lor
women," write Mr Mury Murtiot.1., nt aa
THylor St., TopeUa. Kiiimi, I urn the mother
of ten children and only one tivinc the tenth
one. She U one year "Id ami li us rrell and
hearty at can be, 6hc l-J a l-caiity Of my other
b.b.e, nme were Uorn it rUht time. Imt ilend,
others were prenutute birth one liteil to be
uaeyearotd, out ihe wan ltr Irtblii 1 tried
.tltTcrent doctor., but noue of Hi tu c- .iM ttll
whit my trouble wa. Tlieyuul I w will a'ul
rone. J wa ermiue'l bv tm ;e r. but they
founcfnotblnir wiouk, ami tt t'f vn-ileii Is
know what my troublt j. : till not line-vf
whattodo.iio 1 thou cbl till. !it t.aic I would
ry Dr. Plerce'i Favorite Vmcrlj-tlon I took it
lie entire nine tnouthf c-l aow I havr a line
'by rlr!, ami 1 unuoi praltt jew intiulne
Li.ough for the jeoti it did me."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sen?? Medical
Vlvii-er, paper cover, I wnl fits on
icceipl of 21 oiifceut atainnu to psy
cxpen.'.e of nulling only. Address T)r.
B V Pierce, Buffalo, M. Y
$&imM itv
W n
Snt.ul Itf V'Miiton Tribune
.Montrose, Feb. ;. -The eriinliml woilc
for January term of court was ton
eluded with the ease of the common
wealth against John I'leaiy, charged
with larceny nnd receiving. Tho Juiy
returned a verdict of not guilty.
The case of Anna L. Watel'iinin vs.
the Delawaie, I.uckiiwaiina nnd West
ern company has been occupying I ho
attention of the cotiit slme yesterday
and Is still on tilal. 1-lk- all "rall
load" Milts, this one is being made a
stubborn legal battle mi both side.
The plalntlrf I leprcsctitcd by Paul
Shot wood and llnliih It. Little, while
the company Is represented by Major
Kveiett Warren and A. H. Mofolluni.
There Is ii gieat airay of witnesses In
attendance, mid many of our towns
people are Interested spectators, being
attracted by tho wit and idoriiienee of
the learned counsel.
Yesterday morning's train on the
"Narrow Gauire" railroad did not
reach Montrose station until this af
ternoon at about 3 o'clock. The Ir.iln
i filched Smith Montros" yesterday, and
a largo gang of men went down from
this place this morning to shovel it
The wife of Marry Pevtlson, one of
the victims of the hotel tire nt Ulng
hamton on Tuesday, was a Miss Lake,
formerly of South Montrose.
The money lequlred to assuie the
establishment of the punts factory In
this place has been i.tlsed and 11 Is i
stated that the factory will be In oper
ation by May I. There aie appar
ently well founded rumors hh to sev
eral other manufacturing companies
which aie. desirous of locutlnc here,
and will do so If our citizens but ex
nt themselves a little. This Is g-ood
news, and all that Montrose needs to
make It boom with prosperity is a
few sood Industries, and at present
there seems to be a very strong1 like
lihood that we will get them.
The twentieth anniversary of the
christian Kndeavor movement was ap
propriately observed by the Young
People's Society of Christian Kndeavor
of the Ilaptist church on last Sunday
evening. There was n large itttcnd
nnce, nnd the following ptogramme
was rendered: Song, "Awuko My
Pout"; responsive rending. I Josh., 1:11;
, prayer, Mrs. K. 15. Gill: duet. Misses
Mildicd llolbrook and Maud I.ootuls:
Inttodtietory gieetlng, Mrs. II. II. 51oi
rls; "Good Courage from the Past."
James- Morris, jr.; "Good Courage
from the Piesent," Miss Maud Loo
nils: responsive service; poem, "Fel
lowship In Service," Mis. Stover;
hymn: Christian l.ndeuvor pledge in
unison: vocal solo, "Peace," Mrs. H.
IS. Gill; greeting lo Juniors; song by
junlois: short addresses; thank offer
ing for missions; song, "Send the
Light"; mlzpah; benediction.
,Miial to llir Sir.inton Tribune
Forest city, Feb. n. The llusklng
I tee dance In the Opera House lost
night was not largely attended owing
lo the Inclement weather. It was
thoioughly enjoyed, however, by those
piesent. .Miss Maxwell, of Carbondale,
was pianist.
Mir. P. II. Mnlla is 111.
The Anthracite Social club will hoM
Itf first monthly meeting tomorrow
evening. The members tiro now In
stalled In I heir new rooms, which are
being made very comfortable.
Tile eleventh annual convention of
the Honesdale district Hpwoith Lea
gue1 was held here Monday nnd Tues
day, und notwithstanding the stormy
weather, was largely attended. The
piogiamme, ns outlined in Tuesdav'.s
Tribune, was carried out with very
few exception. The following1 oilier-
were elected yesterday 'lfternoon:
President, Uev. G. H. Prentice, mat
vice president, Mts. It. I,. Clark- sec
ond vice president, ciutilcs linker;
third vice piesidenu, U. Ji.i i Kls-tls-
fourth vice president. I,. K. Van
Hneheu; lecordlng secretary. Miss
Sadlo Miller; corresponding societal y.
Miss Shatter, Vnrilen. Junior l.eagu. .
Miss Hush, Honesdale.
Last evening, Uev. Mr. Pierce, of
Seranton, gave a very Interesting ad
dress on the "Open lllble." Ho illus
trated it with off-hand chalk sketches,
which helped to Impiess bis Ideas upon
the largo audience.
The street car men have been under
dillletiltles tho past few days, owliif?
to the stormy weather. The snow hat
been dilftltig steady.
Sptilnl In the Scraiit m T-lbuce.
ructoiyvlllf. Feb. G. The Misses JJei
hn ICiitipp mid l.WMn Wilbur were m
from TunkhanntieU Tuesday iifleiuooii.
They lepoit the condition of I lev. II.
11. Wilbur us steadily Improving.
People here who are (ortiuute
enough to own n hors und idM-ilt are
enloylng tho flr.u sleighing f the sen
son In this section.
Arthur 11. Stiuler. ifpiesenlativo
from thlr county, has Introducod a bill
!u lie housii nt Hanlsburg piovldluir
for the snlictlort or a site nnd th erec
tion cf it state hospital for the ln.i.inn
lor tho counties of Ilrudforil. Sullivan.
Sustiiointui!i. Wyoming, Wayne. LncU
p.vnlinn and Pike, and n'niioprlatlng
Jtl'.'.'.ft'Vi for the t'.inii. Whuther Sir.
Squler will be able to push this bill
Ihiough to a suciessful tfrmlnatliin
itMiuiinr. to be seen, Hut lilt, chances
for loeoRiiltloii In tin1 house were large
ly Increased, no doubt, by his action
In llii senatorial matter. The crowd
ed condition of asylums ulteady exist
ing lui'iitshes nbundnnt pretext for the
introduction of tlie measure, und In
deference to th? author of the bill the
I lhlltutlon, If built, should lw lorn led
at Fat toryvllK
Tlu Masonic bamiuei that was to
lime teen held in Odd Fellows' hull
lust tdjiht has been postponed on ac
count ot so much sickness among nieni
beis til the older.
Itoth of our physicians tune ifcov-e.-'id
Horn their recent illness suillciont
iv to b out and looking niter the wel
fare ot Mult" icspertlve patlenls.
Or. 1'.. T. Wheiiton, who was Injured
in n tallroad wreck on onu ot Hie v
ern toads while going west last year,
lias bten awarded J.'.OOO damages for
his Injuries.
The borough council mel ut their
rooms Inst night and denied up what
Uisr,ess hud accumulated In the past
thirty days.
''he triennial assessment of the
county shows u uliuitlon nt -pifl.uoo
lss than three yenis ago. This Is due
to tl.3 fact that In many townships the
i'.ss.jsoit cut down the valuation, no
dr.nbt In response to the appeals of
1 roperty owners. Tho commissioners
were corn on ted witn tlie necessity or
raising the tax i.ato or compelling the
nsses.sors who decreased the valuation
to put It back to the former standard.
They chose the latter as being most
Sirs. S. X. SInirell, of Seranton. ie
turned lo her home yesterday after
spending several days here with her
Sir. Alfred llossller, who lias been
coimeeied with Reynolds & llosslter
and leter with the Keystone Lumber
n-.d Supply company for the past year,
has seveicd his connection with the
I Do Not Treat All Dis
eases but Cure
All I Treat.
I 'Hill Mt 111,1. lilhtll CUI, 41.01 -U.lllalillJ
Hem ullrtie dial, nn nun Wat great cnciiijl.
tu .TiJt'r li.-t fiitlri". (i-nl n iiioillclnn and
nilsr. Uatiy iti!cUirt lute ttinl to do
tin, hut llif.r Imp MP! V ttli rriiilU uualljr
1liiKilnlli.K tu llifniM.-lf mil nttru ill
M.limi id tl.olr pitiful. Tor Oil rtaim
I dotfiniiiipil pirly la my Motcflonal tjrepr
tu tonllni; my praillii lo. sriiRle line ot Hia
c.u.. mill to rililiijllrv nJ pcifn-tlnj tuitt
for tbcni.
I lim-p trDy a SVnlKU Ot' IKKATMKST
itliltti 1 Imip nrlfiiMtctt ami ilcvrlopcil attpr
my holp llfr's pxpcrlftitrs in lipitlni; ot
I'pclnl dl'P.iips uf Mt n, II Is b.ttd on reltm
llfir knnwlt tlgv, ami nevrr tjl. I tvjnt mpry
Jilllittrl man to mh .mil freidy iutPr,Ui;ate
in.i mIpiii of trp.Uiii 'i Yd-.i aiv lartlvulai
1.1 Imllpil if iii iuw trcjlpil plnrnliPtB
tvltlmul niii. I ull) p;i.iln lo jou ttlyr
.vdii bivc not. Iiprn curpil oid riinnmlnite to
oiii- piillis jtUfjctlnn Iioit I tan iviii you
ntty ami ppimanoiilly. I patli rata
tcpmalp ainl M-Irntillrally. ili-cly walrhln-
it and tan-iullj foltoivin-c It mihiIoik. uitli
'arlptl iinipilU' lliicuiih ttpiy atasc nnd
will talp mjr tcputallnii un tin. U'Hilt. '1 lie
iilpfs thai loiiiilmti mi' hlIii1i.i .ire
mote (nll.i commpntpi iipmi l.cloiv ami ira
yipII ttortti Hie raifdll h-iii'-iiI ol ill In m-i'd
lit mi"llul .tl.Mllldll,
M&. IBMSmjmI1 'i
iiiiysiBPvir ?-
II. nllll iu,IUn luinl. tnii.
11 -ivlt nit iii mi tji" ii MB
lltt.t In lite inuutli or tm tut' Ik
.,.. ... ..iii . 171
Spin! tu llif MTinton Tilbuup.
Hnrfotd. I-Vb. fl.-.Mr. uud Mis l-:a.
Tylor, of New Mtlford. visited al tho
home of I). M. L'arrurs.
11. S. Kstabrooks and wife retuined
Vrldny trom visiting friends In liar
lllne, of Iliookln,
with his bi other
was In Illnghaiutiin
Prof. K. S. P
spent Saturday
P,. J. Whitney
Fi Idny.
Will Tlllliiiv Is woiUIng lor V. M
Mr. and '.Mis Isa.iu Law, of Poster.
ru visiting their m'uiidpiiifius, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Jacob Yhltman.
Tho Agricultural society met last
evening and elected the following nlll
cern; President, (lenii; Stearns; vice
president, I., J. Whitney; treaauier,
1'3. M. Wutsoni seeretniy, K. tt, Jones:
executive committee. A. C. Sullsbiiry.
Tho Ladles' Aid society or tho .Moth
(idlst church will meet with .Mis. Visit
er Febiuary H,
MUs Maine .MaiComiell, of Now
Yorl;, sntl IMIth MaK.onnell. ot
WIlltes.Rnire, Jin !iltliig their par
Sprtl.l tu (he ricunton Tiibnnr
Thompson, Keb. 6. Mrs. J. P. L.vden
has been on the sick list this week.
Leon Potter. The Tribune boy, hns
been (julte seriously 111 for several
days. P.obbie Hnrper is distributing
the paper lor him. Hobble Is quite a
hustlei nnd gets there on time.
Mrc. I'. C. Lnytou succumbed to the
giip lor seveial days, but Is gaining
at this writing.
P.urgess K. C. Layton preached In
tho Methodist church Sabbath morn
ing. Ilev. David, the pastor is still in
the tolls ot the grip.
Ilev. P. U Towner icturned from
Fnrtoryvlllf Monday afternoon und
Willi a slow step made his way to
llest Cottage, having been confined to
his bed nil day Sunday by the dis
ease so prevalent ut Factoryvllle nnd
elsewhere He was not able to attend
tho I'll lie i al of Mrs. Orrin Mnttlson, at
North Jackson, yesterday, as ho was
called, nor is he nllr today. If" is
thankful for a marked liupinvemeut in
his condition, howevei.
The bllzxaid has prevailed .iuo
Monday evening. There Is only about
six Inches of snow und It is in heaps.
This morning the shovel brigade came
into town trom North Jackson, making
the way possible joe the milk haulers
and the mall earlier on that route.
James Fuller, ot South CJIbson, who
Is tin administrator of the William
t'haudler estate, has taken Plaioneo
Lewis, of our borough, lo Montrose to
answer to the cliaige of unlawfully
taking hay fiom tlie barn teccntly be
longing to said estate. In Thompson
township. The hay was pressed and
ready to ship.
( It. Bliss Is In Factory villa today.
John Leslie, of Susquehnnna, Is in
town today awaiting the abating of
the winds.
Tho truck men were called out last
night to clear the track.
A necktie party In (trand Aimv of
the p.ppublic hall this evening.
Filnul, union No. S, comprising
Pittston and Avoca lodge,, Sons of
SI. George, will give an entertain
ment In O'Malley's hall this eveninc;.
Included in the programmo will be a
faice entitled "A Case of Suspension,"
also a number of other good special
ties, consisting of vocal nnd Instru
mental music. At tho conclusion
the piogramme, refreshment!; will be
served. Admission t!0 cents.
The funeral ot Mrs. James
will take place tills afternoon a' :t
o'clock, Interment will !. In St.
Mary's cemetery.
.Mary Agnes, the Uueeyearold
dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. I-I.. O'Hrlun.
' Jr., tiled on Monday evening, after suf-
feilng several days with scarlet lever.
She was a blight Ilttlo child, and being
the only girl In tlie family the parents
are nlmost prostrated over the loss of
the little one. Two of the boys are still
in a critical condition with the same
dli-ease. The little one wns intened
Tuesday afternoon in St. .Maiys
The foui'.jeai ohl sou of .Mi. and
Mis. James Crowe, of Pittston town
ship, tiled on Monday evening1 of mem
braneous cioup. Intennent will li
matlo this afternoon in Marty cemo
tciy. Frederick Slvcs, Thunub Arwell and
John Nash have returned borne from
J The ninniago of Miss S.tdlo Thonip
son, of Miller hlll.and William Pchmut...
of Plttslon, will bo hoieiunlxed at the
home of the brldo's parents on Tliurs
il.iv, Fetiiiirtry II.
i an tii.jiiiiiint ot tin Sciotoe vuini.
WliilPirr may l.e it taur II', Injinina if
prt are too ncll l.non Mr nip It, ron,
mci.t tm. Milh.e to .iy tliJt it Uppiokkpi
Hip mind, tl.p ludv, i.iik. Hip r.pi
om i"tpm. and iilllnntpl) Ipail to a torn,
dote 1o- ut alt poupr. Ily in sAs'fY.M
01' T1IUVTMKVT yon aip parr,l tho il.Va
and niilli lings Iiiridclil to Hi. old-tlmp nit
ting 1-p.inlIun with Hip Unlfo. Und.T mr
lic.ilmitil tlit pjlldlt Impioic trom Hip Ii-i-lllilu;
'd pain ill-t Jnl l crjt', "Wirnp
.ui'l ii v'dlil.j ipiltUy pulHldp, Hit pooN ,if
l. sunlit lilood aru fuicpd liom tin dilated
tcliiri rapidly iriune llicir normal t!p,
stnnifdi and "onndnp-., and Willi 11 tln
riid,.. Ihr potpr nd Ihp pIpjAnrp of pprli'tt
trcklika aie .dwayi (jntd l,jr infljnmutior.i
txlpndln; Item the hurroundlns paits. ttip
'ymptonu of tklikti ou tan apprrrlitc bet
ter than I tan dp-rribp. If yon have any of
Hpip tondilinn rail on nip and If I me p-
pliln to .ton m liiPthnds of dlpolinr of
iI.pih. 1 liave "flpctpd tiirpft in tliou-ji.d. uf
i.i:p., and ,i cuir- anaits yon
Nothing but Curable
Cases Will Be Accepted
1 Treat Men Only ami
Cure Them to
Stay Cured.
On an until of li liiBluful tddprtn.M'm. ion.
I.i.-ii'ii btiiiul ivitiii i comnviiil.i talltd Hi
Mne uf all dl.. i .. Ii iii.iv If tllliiT
llat.t ol' tmili Itltil, Oihi Hip Jttin Ii
l.llnlitl Willi It, tin- th eP iiijv inuiift I,
lUrlt in tlie foini ol i. ioIiiIj, pit-nm,
llit 1,111611c plltl. nlllf Ol fUillltl luiiil. tni
tloti 1 1 coin
bod.i. litllt. itl
lunciip. 'iti' HiitMt. fttullt'ii iititll. iillln.
out ( llir luiii oi ijilmm,, ii i id tln.illy a
lrpO,w.llW- tlt-pa.l of Hit' rhii nd b W
on dim ntiv if lliiw or lnill iiiitoiii
jtm bio cordlall.1 in.lleit in iiiikiiIi in ii"
imillntrly. If vtr flml Join ffir an- in
lomiilitl Wt- will It'll joil m naliUt .md h
llt'lp jotii' tntt'tt. lint if it ii, ",i-i 1 1 nt ii
I liiftHteil Willi ilnw v.p will 1,11 "mil
tniiiklx. mat liow JiHi.liow tu gel lid ot u.
urn Miii iiphpih-di ior ooiu.iiiii u iiiiiuii
p.ilxin I ptailk-fllb )' ii"iill "' oin- ll
m.hK, uuj In Imlotviil by Hip li-l pli.t-n lam
ii Miwrlnni ami Dntis'. b toniilm m
,1 iiilt.-rirtj diinii or dilution, i.iulli lln , f
. ly Mist. It is- tu lint lory b ttnm ol Uf
1 ill-riino alii) Itun out I'VPtt all lib "f il
IHliliy. s,Hiii nut I,ii jiii! iiipli,in ol
' ,,ii-,u dUaiiiipji- t-uuil knOt ami lor
tin. The.liliirul. iIimip. Hip Hi-li. Hi-tioiii-t
8ihI Hit Ik.I. (lyntPin ai ip.mtl,
piirliltHl alut ip.ttiitd lo (ifiipit liiMltli .md
tin. IHttlrtil (Mipariil at fm Hit' d'rl"
alilt ptPiHlllt's ut lift.
Il niillti not liow Innj! ton liavr -iiflpipd imm
j-trlt lure, nor how many diflVmit tloptois liiti
ulMppoInli'd j mi, tap u-ill chip ou jut aa tu
Ulnly a ou oine to tit 101 tii-itmcnt. Me
will iinl tin II Ii mtllnc or ilibtir,j. Out
trpilinpnt l now, cntirplr orlslinil wltb ii'.
and ptifpttl) uliiltiv. Il tbtniili'lil)' iIlobii
tbo tiklnif ,111(1 p.'rniantntlviinioi" vtry
olvlniitlon fiom Urn pw-ijjp It .itop p'.pij ill-flint,;'-, jib) all,
ilcIiiipm Hiri pui.ti.ilp ihnd wIipii enlirp'd,
iloJiirC. and lit uta liic bladder and ladiips
fiTitatid or tonsmtpii. liitiROriitrt. tin tii-fiiiii.
jnd ii-torpi licillli and niindiipi lo otiry pirl
uf (In tmdi jUi-Uii. b; tl,r ui.o.ii, .
hi .iiim v, .iMmpiii ol itn Kind wt- n ipi
fill to irinoM .ill i jit , omulti Hliiiii in H'1
tl.ito iIKlw. Ii tlif '..-J. i -iIiocp1p Hit ik.
licta tuiitcd li.v ii ilisippi'.i'. If u is lll'll'tll',
kihI I..U'lnp.Hl Into I'rirtfatlr lll.iddi.l- ,
Milnpy anpttloti, t lie Injutpd r.Hiiiit bip .ill u
Ktoiod (o a puttUly lii-IIKtul tnndllton. Il It
Il Contagion lli. I l'iiliiii. ,u,i and all -kin
llliiOil and llunr IIm-lpk ,m ilu lluin lilt tain
mi fiitliplj 'md p" tion,
Hn .ytpin. il It is i.,".t tin- m.inv dlDtH"---(l'-
tJlllptOllla l'l',iIIIU in It ir-iin md liidi.
(.itin- a numiini ilnlmi. of pliidcal aril urn
tal an.' lutalli iPiiioiiit and tJliidly re.
placid la lli loiiUitiil rn, iuv m ioliti4i 111.U1
hood. Hi i.u a1! ii'ii'ilnr lll .mil lcllfV ttiin
1 pIliftHoiit, tvliitl, n. , tu pitipni't ttrinptt a
JKi.Fbti tl.p-ff and aiiI.1i, in fj'tr, irp rllin
no:t Mneiiri i', ji il,,- itiiua,..! .lilnu-nl (.-n
j i!mi In tin in ill. wo jut. d' lun-plPlil
mud loiPtu Mill) tin nil" f Hie i.inn
.Villi ttntl i Intnlt in dl It fciin. nl4r;-d
i,nd otilfpnNt inUMtilai ilit tui.ut im
linubaKO. M-liitiiii, lit in.t n.M Ot
Tlll:.Mnin'ri io M4li oi iiiipr.trniiii
.a iti unit in a "Prj ! limr an p, i
niatifnlly tntnl.
.No luall'r ot liniv lonct -t jiniirnr jrr tuipd ly f
Iny tm thud of iiiatnicnt. i
Ai.d all ..upHIiis--, tctidpimss uud inippiliiiitn
rp.loip.l to tlirii- noiiiul the ut unit
1 tali- l.u I ul' .Ulil l.jllllv CI n bow I
luvt, aa nit '-.tciii oi trpatniPi.1 l
ailaptpd tor Hip ticalnipnt of Hit jiiip
u tiny rp ilritd tip tit onto
-ii,: t,iinl
rpei l.ill
iiia-.mii ,
! t.u jiinil "all, ult
Kirh'tl.v ttn' till
pljtn r..plKA. I ii Iih' '
.rlilli". in( in
i rnt j-untp ft.
Miib a I'ilp", rinip', ritnl:i nn.l tli i
uirpil ivtilicnt tlio aid oi ,i l.Mfp
Consuitation and
Advice Free.
9 a. w. to 8 r. n.
I Sundays, 10 A. 4 P.M.
Dr. Mackenzie's Medical and Sur
Rooms 208, 209, 210 Pauli Building, 426-428 Spruce Street,
MmntwnmMj, .n.mkwTrvrifa?tmx7!?ttKi:-srii7
Headache Cciuspr.
llial,uiio la usually caii3il by Ihlni;
In iioorly venlllat;tl iooiuh, ovoilu
UulKeuee In food or ill Ink, Insufficient
esorclito, mental stialn. oxoltonit-nti or
tnalariu. Krauso'n HeiulRclio Caiuulri
riulcUly cuvri! tlio most pevern' cuyft,
ari'l l-'iu'tisi tin hfittl t-Isar mill fiml.
I'i'iiv '.'.'t. Hold 1 Mnlllvwn Ititif. "
Wall Street Bvlefr.
New Voik, Feb. 0. Tho tradiiiK in
Htocl.H aiitl bonds today Hliowvd ox-ti-aoitllnnry
voluinc and uulcty. tlio
UKKrcRiilo salon of all tock rcachlns
l.'jfil.IOO Hhatcs tomii.uctl with tlio iv
cord of ovi'f L',100,000 Khaics, wliMi
only pct".ds them. Tin daya list in
bniult) was ulso Vcty lai'Ki', but It did
not it-at'li tho lovol attained at various
tline.i in Hit bull maiket In tin Kprlnf;
of ISfi'j. Tho demand for railroad
bondM is ripvortht'less a very notable
fiiature In tlio current markot, and
tho prcsRUtr of Investment funds lulu
thPHe somi-spouulatlve sonurlllps liad
a groat Inlluencc on hiet'ulatlve sontl
mont In tho stock market. Tho day's
market divided Itself quite distinctly
Into three rlassest. The llrst wius com
prised in tho opening IiuIko In which
tho violent bidding- duo to tho conges
tion of urgent buying orders over
nlKht caused sotno sensational ad
vantPH. Prices promptly ran oft on
profit taking, attracted by this high
level, ami the market yielded so easily
that Iho bear tradeis mad a vignroui
attaek. cauedng poino rather seilous
bleaks in rn lot-ir. This comprlfced tho
second cycle of tho When th
sellliiK mood had exhausted Itself, tra
ders began tu be Iminet-sed with th
elm meter of somo of tho buying nt tho
decline. When the bfiiii-itiinual tlivl
dend m Reading tlrst pieferrod waa
announced, Bhowlng increase from l'i.
the lu'uvlou.s rate, to 2 ln-r cent., the
biiyins became furiously active and a
euuKlderuble short Interest was ill i von
pi-eclplt'itPly to cover. Tills eompi'l-ied
Hie Until cycle in the riiiu-l.iM. Th.
final iJcuvery was bioketi bj freiiiienl
periods of realizing, which continued
in some t-asoj to the close, making tbo
lone tllghtly Irregular at the int.
tbougli tho undertone was stirmg. The
opening bulge wu nioft pronounced
In the steel stocks under tlio Infliienoi
of the giowing bellnl In tlio plan to
consolidate all the Bieut Hleel toni
hlnallons Thlt" billion Holt ir euii-
stilldation" Is stupendous in its pro
portions, and off i is such vuVi possibili
ties till' t'.iitllllon of I10'' SPPIllllle" as
to dazzle the inosi ferine ppeeiiliuive
imaclii'itloii. Tho current boiler In U
ji'totnpllshmeiii undeil.v tin relathe
muvimtnl of the day's 111.11 ket.
Tho most conspicuous niovoiiicnt.' in
Hit! meel stocks rmirthe larnest tran
sactions wcio In 1'itli'ial Sttel und
Stool and Who. r-'edeinl Steel joi
It-.; und thu picfoned 4',i. -'te and
Wire tose 3, and tho inufon-ed '. N'a
tlouul Tube wax ii) "r'i and ltonnlul
Sleol profeavd lit. Tliero wcro tan
ideralil rsjctlons in thin gmuj . -i
well us In the vliol" II! fiiiin ill"
blllg . Tito selling 1. tr-I.e p-iiliM
showed nlgns of urgeney r. mnnv
points In the ntllioad lists and soin.
j nr tho loAillnrr r.iockb ijot truin I .0
I : points un'-Jor laat nlglu. Thobe
1 which lipv teemitly udvaiKod most
i-tninaly woro weak, but on the il
. lino. I'ennsylvunu, i-oniers. 1110
(Irangers. the ?outhwestcrns, (Includ
ing AtohUon. Soiithein IMclf.).,.ini1
l.oulsvlIUi. vcin all eonsplcuoutly
heavy. Some ot them leimilned com
paratively heavy until the clow, al
though tin- Into violent lecoviy In
the illodlnsrs and HI. Vaul ulfcetod lliij
nieniboi of theli ip'pei'tlve triup.
The late invemnt oarrled Heading
flrfct pteferrcd l-!i over last night, and
Hilo lirst preferred 2,
AVabash debenture were the feature
of tho lallroad bond list on an ex
treme udvancu of 4vi. Other low pi Iced
bonds wore In largo demand. Total
sales, par value, $S,G9i,UOQ.
United States refunds 2s declined 'j
per cent, on tho lust call.
ill. follon in mints Uoni aip
Tllbiue liy 51. S. Jnrdin k Co,
Mcaia Lulldins-, bcranton, I'a
finnlilicd lh
room Ttn-TM
Tpkplioiip uOO..
Mntilcan Micar . ..
Ami'iiran IoImciu
.Mil. I) it IV
.Mill,, To. it: H. IV
.. T. d S. I'., IT .
Ilu.oklvn Tiatlltm
llrtlt. .1 Ohio
( ont. Tuliacci- 1
C'hP. c Hid"
t hie., ti li. ' ...
f'lik'.. II. A- :
-t. l'anl
Diliwaie k lluil-wn
1'iilrral Mrl ,
IVdpril Steel, l'r .
Km. Sc tex., l'r .
I.u.jU Sc ....
Mdnlutlaii I'.li' ....
MpI. Tint Hon Cn .,
MUurl I'Jcltlt ...
IVijtlc'it Ca
V. .1. Tcntiiil ...
Miulliiiii I'aiido .
Nrirlnlk li Wfti-iii
Xurth. t'.icltlc
Km III. I'Jilfu,
N LVn'.nl ....
tint. Wt!
rpima. It. tt
i'iti.;n- Mill
Uradliu.' l'r
H. nt lie in It. U ...
...tin Hi it. I'.. II
i'. till., I'. K bull .
; -. I.ciiliti ....
r. . l'r .
I . Hi bin 1
I ul, .11 l'..dtlo
t 1111111 1', l'i .
W.llil..!, l'r
Wr.lfin I'lilon ...
... .V)l
.... 51;',
.... htlla
.... ii'a
.... l
.... If,'!
.... 11.
.... il-i
... .I.)
... .-..!
.... (!
.... M)H
.... WJ,
.... Pi
.... t
.... tu
.... st;
.... -T''i
.... Kh
.... sn.
.... ul
.... 71U
.... Tiri
.... ll'?4
.... 13'.
'.'..'. i"
.... in;
.... v".
.... :it
,. .. p-'i
1.1' t
V) M
I. II'.
1,0 H
-'I s
HH'. j
I ".!'.
11' H
l lov
I')" a
IV! "4
11"' 1
1.1 1"
( (iitAiv
I (llt.N.
M.v 1
xi:w. MJtlK
.Ma11.I1 ....
-ir, S"
est. r-tt
Tl'a .l-.
ill, .!
Illtll ll.
I Inn.
t Iic.sp Full ii.iiii. I ilJ'.i.
1 Sii Wcbiuii iuli, 'lnil...i. . in iiln ae, I
SJ.i'il'iiP. j
ni'inn I'll' 11. 1., ilium- iiiiiiuiA. pjo.Mii.
Ie.i Uoan--IVr li.i., 2. ),'. riuD.
Mtdium lli'jn-ltr lm., N.'
f.ii'tn ri 1'cr lm.. l.t'Ul.l'i.
Union i'or liu ,
I'lotir-licet l)it,-nt, -t.u-i.
I'hlladelplila Gram null I'l-odiice.
contract hjiIp, 7aa7'4t. I'mii .-li'idi . 2 1
IiiImiI, l'i lull. ill, 4.1 1 1 1 , ' . Ujl.--MlM,lj ; N,,
2 WlllllJ lli)lH'll, i.i'j.c. Ilntln--Ip'n't . .
wpilpin L-ii'.uiii'ii', vi-Jt.; di. ilo. print, -ii-.: il".
i.carli piinu. JtA. t)iu linn; fiili nun',
ui-flt-m and Mintliwp-ti 111, '-'.V ; d 1. xuitltn i.i,
1 !r. t lipi"-tiviiil 1; o, 1 NiW cll. . ipani 1.
fancy .null. ll"ii. ; du. tin. do. fair tu thuiip,
lOiiilHi'. lit inn it Mia.u - met. umr
I'ni'.ihnRpcl. 'Ij'lmv l'ii.n 1 1.1 n' t : r-l. pnini.
In liouhlic ul., .V.; Unit. .Vic.; i.mniiy pi'nu,
In linn-l.. fiii'ii.; t.ikit, dji'. I.iio I'uiiltii
Maitlyi low N, 'I'j.llOvi.c ; nld iimwu-i,. ii.;
dilcKcn-t, tultX'.: itnrlos, li.: g"(v, 1'jI ! : mr
Kcji, flalOv.-. Drpvactl I'onltij I'lnn. t,nod dp
nianil; fowl, ilioke, lti.: 1I11. fan to 't-""l. ".1
li'it'.; old, ii'j.i7p.; iiMiliv , lilikni.
inil'p,; wpMpih do.. I'llli'.: Iinkpjs, ' h-.l.-o 1.1
f.ini'i, Idil'i.: ilnrl.. Ilallt'., iI.p l.itl fm
lii-aiiiy. ItuiipU I lour, i.tiil Iniul ,u,il I.tltl.
(K) pnnnili In paikij hIipii, II. VI I limliil. nun.
Im.icih lnihpt: t.ut. .". !.r"i Innln'' fliliini m
Wlipat, O.fum liuiUdt.; ldui, iw Im-lul .. 1.
15,(0 liudid-.
Uftw York Grain anu 1'ioduce.
i.v oil., IVb 1..-1 Iuin--i'u;il nnd i.i
liiyCM and ullnt n lii.,llilni. j1'm'. -
Wlitat Spnl kti-ail) ; Ni. ! ltd, piU.. 1. j '
lloat and 7tH". elrt ilor: Nn. 1 ronlipin I'mhuIi.
0p., f. o. li. atl.iai: 1 pi ion -fpnirally iik inn
wllli a I'nal plliilil rall.i. ilu- nuiUt ihv. d t.''
ut 11 '.it, in iliilln.i Man 11 il 1 T'n.,
-May. 70'ir.: Jnlv. 7n'p. ( mn inl ..i. V .
'!, te. pfevnlnr -niil H . 1. o. li. ulttit . tn.tir...
wpul.. ilo.ul u .1. a'u nit iKrliin '
llwctl ll";i.; JlllV. 4.. . I)jl-Sk)l 'Il ' ' I
.', Sii'jt.: Ni. .1. .i- N 1. ' liin. .l'i .''a
N, . . i.-liitp 'I' '..: ii 1 ,r ini-'d 1 '.' ,11 . i. I
Mil.. .. tl.ll I. t Li. . I I"" Jll'.l' 'U" m'
i..fll. I'.llllil I bill. iHll ' Mll'ii'l.l. "' " 1
laitun, ll.ill'uc : .lunp niMiiui.t. Im'Jui .11
laliini tiraint-rv. Ilil7ii.i tint"- 'Ian.. fnli ,
"Up t liM',p-rliin: fitnj m in fa' 1 " . "
nlPli'.i fjiny mull (all nuidi, ll-iiirJi' 1.1.
Chicago ami Alton Kail way Co.
"Klrsi ,n 11 ' J'.s i!i,o."
Western Union Tels(r.iph Co.
IJ. a' P.. 11147.
Chlca-ro, Burl r- Quincv U. K.
1 llllniii- .:'as, l!'l!i.
I Evansville and Teim llnutc 11. E.
Flisi t'on -ol 1 ilu ted lis, lLM.
Clev, A "Marietta R-nlwny Co.
1st Min. s !'. 1'j.s.. Tja'i.
United "ttall-vav Co. of Gt. L.
1st fen I Mi-:. Is. It'.; I.
Completo upon niipUcatiiin.
Spencer l'n:sk tSl Co.
2T-29 Pine Street,
(-5 State St.,' Albany, ,NcY YCI'k.
" A GliMpse r., Wnl! Sirest aatl
l!c Markstc" ,s'?:!'i7ny:,i,i;i.;
1 I- . ,.ili,ih'i. 'I' 'a 'v i!ilr.lil I'nni utlirr J
3 iib',-m 11 inilii. i.u.' n.i,.i- t iu t 1
l aim ui.'u. d. 11 ... '1 01 iuij j rtir.i.
iw&m Serry I
fti '
I'lnn: ttalo aim IViiuvihaliiii. 2-'., i
ilaSl'tf. : Mitliprn, taifl. .
Chicnc.0 Oraiii nntl l-iudtice
1 si: mm.'hi i. m;iv i 1111.
I-'..T lis: ! IIKH lt."i.
iSOSOS, QflAI'lj SoTTOil,
II .-.!. il 5-ilJVj UllHI'l;
llrll. I
r iin..,l '
, '11.I.IK-. I
I iHiitv,llAM I.IP tmlr-l, ttri,K, I
1 nrP-li nttpni. ti lli I. I
M r,ts.k. Mr.JP-.7irft.-.'ii" jm,wmii ) .,
1 hu.uu, 1 1I1. ii. -Vi
Ci-CrtiiplUt ifcint Mil
wlili-li Hit 1u.11 1,1 1 lll
..nil imrl, ilpI I mi
lo'.vri- n-ldli in'l-lii'ii
f III III ,'Hi ' I' 1
ll fioll' lilt" ll'lll' ml 1
..nil. May li'-iiil. iii il I
li.Mil V awl oat 'i
ii.ihIi-iI .1 I lining w en 1
Ihiiii.i aid ,i! 1 . Q 1 It" ' i'i ',
mi. Mho.- u.-udi . i-,,.iiii,hi
111 ItlM Ijtlll' llllllt Ll Ml ' ' l
Miiliu. "-l.7-: id! , 1 1..'
it'llliii.iil I aiuda I 'li
., v. 11.1 Wi't.
(.jd. . ln
;,. ,1,, P.'I
a;', 'iuili. Ji..i
.nit., Mil Vi Ilu,.
lUil I lull- mil' .1 !
init.v uhiut, i.'.jT:'...
" tnlll. .I?'.!"!'.," i "
u. uul. Wian;,'.
Seranton Board ot Trade Exchange
Quotation; All Quotations Based
an Par of 100.
1 11 -I ll-iil I.'in
S-unltn Mill. Ui' ""'i
'll.iltt Njttona' ll.inl ro
llli.r and liUcount 111,'... 'Jtl l.iqln. H. l". ''
l-i'-a. Inwi caiP IKporlt Co 1.1
rijil. .': jnt-ur Co, I V.J
SluiiIoii licr, I'tiicd fc Hi-;. L'o
'(iKiittin Alr ork
I..u-!u'.nw Plln (.'0, I
I iit-nt, tfatliiKK Din! '- l"nil Co.. "Wl
Kir-t '.'j, UjiI. (Cjil-oii,Ulf;
rti.uiiliir'! Dutliii-f l'o , .
Tridfro' Nftlcnal Hank UJ
"iliiilni Iinl'. i"t "ti't 'o in
St-iaiituu I'a. nJr Itaihrj', Hut
.MoiuanP. dm' l'J-H UJ
l'pfipl' Mini Itill.vay, lint mcri-
jvt. dup lPlfc II'
I'.oplp'a Miftt Kail-ray, Ueliaral
iooii-a-tc, due J'J'l II"
l)cl.iii Miniil.-ctiuti. Cv. . ,
l.acl.a. Tiifliililp '(lionl .1 i'.T tt'lit.
flty t.f Kciaii'on St Imp, 0 ppi
-imn'.Kii 'liaillon it p-- Kin IM
ut I'll 1 ti"c. -t I
Hum-li'ill: N
f ml, 7t.i 7.V.: No
rnll.-tt. .17 .al.T'ut
Nn. 3 .-..dtp. -,7'-ja,''4i . I n. uiiiit. ". i.'.'i'.,
t-. ! itc. &lt"p.t IuiIp.v, Willi..; No. I ili-v
nnd noitliwi'M, xl.-Wit llni-ilii". I.'H! (-'.
si.i..ail:l.W: I ml. 7.Silta7. Ill; lilu. ii...n7 n'
liulndoi.. Ii'taaiiit.' "dtii., i liiT.-,; . 1
UhlcaKO Wvo Stoclt XMnrket.
( , .1111. I'd'. '- t'llilP IS'-"fpl. SuMKiti in
tin. i'i. O'fa'iu; t .-. ".ii. i" l'. lm. 1.
'en. Ip 1 1' in'., iti'iul)' I) -Hui'm ljhi ! I', . 11
.i.atU. fcvri'd ,ti pi'init' 1'I. t-lm ; ipi tu up
limn, ivUtui: ti le-r md t liiti. ".ik t, ,j,li.
ipiwu. , 1 Vii tin, ' ni i niiiart- : it."
fin. I'.ll.l.; lull i. ..miai.lfi; taiui,'
t.ttk l" Hk. lti.M'1. si nial..Vi' liull. u ul
NJ...VI '5, .ii'i. i'i t'lnil&l ' m 1'. I
le 11. la4.n. l.v "ia nt.-.'!., Waja . '
Tiiui, ImiII. "'.-.itflfl Una ljp-llt . ..l
t.l.lKK iciin.iii.i. -il,("i. p-rtlmati t ii-ft
ittio: u tin. iii"il "" iiiwui !i, W...J. iid- 1
niid tmtilti'i-. -i.IU..ii. jthI I" iImiii In n .
fSi.'l.'"ai3,.kii imiali 'ini.i. ".".Imi'i.til; ll'.ni. "', In
"1V171: hull ' i'. '"".'"il ii-'j. 1 , It
n'ipU. l'.OHi. l'itp. !''. . liwluu "UJili i"
pUdtti Unii'. -,nU In lm liitM'i. UJ".t l iimitf
V.tllcrx. HI.Ujl.lli tali to 1 ,nli tn lulled, "'I.VI
iit"H vptiiriii iup. aj.7iii.jrt. 'JVva, k1hv,i,
ifj.:)i.l.."d; naliti l.imli. oI.'J'm'i -1, ."" 'in
tamli-', xl.tmafliiS.
I oi'llnu linn; 'iiki,i 'i.
"Just WliBity Stock M'tirk-j'tf "
I 11 Ilht'iti. Kill. ' fuil"- vpail.' ' iii.
' iii"i..0; iiptiin. ' '-" i'i. "i; t.'inmon, siaX.T"
II, t -Luuer: pilmi' in Iiiiiik. j.'7biu''.00l tn -"lurkii.,
7.Vv".ii: ,lu--. fi."iii..i "tt 1 luav- lio.
M.IA.i3.4;ii n'lwlio, '. l.7",i Stippp-ilii y
iliulu! lauita. if."ai.l.'ii -.tmmi'ii 1,1 eotul,: -)ia
5 III; Mat laltn. pi-Oa7'.l.
HUil'nlo Live Stoclt IMAilt-it.
lai liuil.iK i'pIi. 11. ll.iplpli-l'alili'.
Scianton Wholesale Market.
UjIp. -'7 l.ick.i'i't.ria
L-:i-"4f dj'ry. I'aJ'i,
(1 1 iimipiI lit II. !.
Il'ittn i"t,iiiiij.
Yiuk Live Stock.
r.ti tt "ItPiiiiH 'Iiiip, ! ;
bjllJ .Uad It. U villi.
, Udv 111 idilili' luWifl
nipi.. i..ji.... I. : in iptjlly p"l ititr on mIpi
mm, "Hal IS; InittV. -"Hal.-ii; i..v n'1.7'.
CulvM .M11I.H ttlwdy to illuiitl k,iI, HU..VI
.VJ, ili.diti, fi!l..i.'li HMI cjIiim, (t',i
.,. 1ml.
.IlJiIv 111 ilk. lilWl'.
L'ilil. in.,., nun! n(lil
1 aim hiri ial 'anil , lar! Iicpi l ,'r,
MiitlililniiiJi (uIkIIci, i?'i tat-i mitt-i hiiu puiiuf.
1,1.: In,','., II iai. I. mil -i.iiIpi. I alio
limit p in rxiid. m.J."i.."iii. I ,' ui. "hup 1 liuu i' tu extra, 1."
1, ll-f ViiLnti, f-"..:i.i.i'. i, (fkhitOL
Oil IMaiket. , i' '
n'l tn.i. lMi, 1, (iidlt lnlii'ip. Il.-Jl; ip -n
1 iip. 1.0 liuil ii uiIppi ruin, M,7I barr-U,
ail-. m-ifMnvlK wlil"-Bt!.; IW.5i" lm
avti.iHi, Ki,:m; IkuuI-.
fT." '" '-
l. ..1 tllilt. t il 01 liiitl,' a- f uulll.t,
flllVK J I lll-.M'l llllk, 1. Ill I'l.ll lie I
uiilei p'iriiiir ' il liii ' I' .1. I UKN'lil .
Id., ilt.llii htlaiw,- In ill.' I lli 1 I 'l.'itilu. fun nn
mill iSuti' al'-ritald. anil Unit w '1 linn ull) p.,
Ilu uni it I1VK III MlUKIi JlUlliAU: fm
-Hill und tety '' ' t ATMIIUI that hhtvi
la i-iiiwil li) Ilu um- 11, IIM.I.-"- I VI'Mlltll
It OK. Kit INK .1. ( IIIJMIV.
t'niiiii tn (Wore imp .nn, ii't,i ilit,d in mv
piPIlii,', tlil. Wli d.ij ..f UiiiiiiIhi. t. I), li'ji,
lll.l . l. tll.lHMIl'.
Notij i'liulii.
iiail'.. 1 4ta1.l1 Imp it, UkPtl lull 1 lull i-, md
in. illjytly a rt IiWl and inunum t.iirf.1,14
ol li.!i)liiii, 'sml fur Iff-tiMo-il ila. fn.
F. ,1. rililMit " mipQp, i.
ft-ia .fe;'''witi :.
Iillln rami if i-inr am iin