The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 07, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    '?7 -$-sr
Number of Young: People Enjoy the
Event Seveial Other House Pnr
ties Wllllnni Connell Olee Club
Will Go to Washington Deyoe
Sweet niul Biiigham-Owens Nup
tials Funeinl of Fntrick Malloy.
Coa&tlng on Jackson Stieet Other
News Notes.
Tin home of .MIms Httn Cummltm-t,
tin I'il.e Mtrect, wiih tlio Fcene of an
enjoyable llaHlillnht paity Ikhi cxtuliiK.
I..ini'lntr nml other iIIvi-lsIoiih weie
nieitllx Indulged In until u ncnonabli
itmr when lofiOHlniRiitH were i i veil.
Iiiirib llinnxx It took seveial ilnnlillKhl
pinnies ol the Jolly iiittile, mid vocal
mid liitiiimcntnl music nml i (-citations
"ir imiiIciciI In an cm i'll( nt niatmet
liv sexual mcmhiix of tlu iiiiiy
Those pn vont vxcto ni fIl p
Mixmm l-'iaucls MiClnin, Minx Mi-
I jIii. Mury Claiko. MaiKiircl Silt
Mh train Lilly. Alhe Itiu hr.itil, Nell
AVe-lnh. Ih-e WlllMll.Alloc .Mi Aloon, I!. -f
Mi Aluon. Anna KhlehK Sadie
iilnnan. Anna lltniKtt. Htia I'niii
hiIiiks. .IiiciIiIiii' U'llmii, Mury I'niii-iiili'v,-.
.Stella .MiNullv. VoimiUu
nilai.i. niyilliMiu; Klla McDonald,
i:il.i I VI i Irk. Anna C.i'iiltv. Utiumorc
Mi "-st" Kill. l.avln. Cm I'hllllpi.
Ibibeit 1'ilce. Tom Timlin, .lohn Tim
i'i. Joint ( 'onion. Will llui-hfoid. Mleh
in I llnltoii, ThoinnM Iiuikln, John (!al
J n r I ? 1 . .I0I1 n llaej. Mli'luul Hiaham,
.lin 0I1 llaioxxits!. WIlllo WiIkIU. IMl
u 11 1 Mxitm.v, .lohn .lil,, John liiean,
.1 il'ii CiiIIiikIici. .lohn O'llaia, .Mli'luul
li nut t I v 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 : Mi. Hawaii, Mi.
J. . 1 III. .k"sil.
Monthly Socials to Be Held.
v number of xvoll knoixn j'ouiik
. 11 (lie mi aiming to conduct monthly
m lain either nt McaiN liall ot tin.
Mi oli- dull house, and invitations wilt
li iiuei In a few days for th on'ti
1iik 1 x. nt
TI11 will In- Invitation nliaits ami
ili iiatiotiH xx III Include tin- ( lite of tlio
i n
WilJlani Connell Glee Club.
A pattv ol" xxcll-kliown slugi is, In
i Hiding txxentv-llvo of lln i,m male
xolreti in Wiiit Si i.ititim. will Jinirm
10 Washington on Munli 1 to attunl
I'irslilunt MiKlnli.vH
The same partv iiilouddl tin lining-
out for and coLDb
nuFouirs French tar.
Tie Annua! Show
of White Goods
tegins Today
It you can make it convenient to spend a half hour
looking over the new aud dainty creations for the
co mi tit; spring, your presence will be appreciated.
The display is by far the finest we have ever
made aud includes mauy novelties no.v shown for the
first time. Lace effects in charming Stripes and
Checks come in many- new ways, while dotted Mus
lins, with French P. que Stripe effects are bound to
become popular. But desoiiptious are a sheer waste
of space. If you are interested, yon will surely call.
Fancy Wash
or spring z
have also been opeue.l, aud embrace all the newest
aud best productions from foreign aud domestic
Real French Dianaties,
Scotch Ginghams,
All Linen Ginghams,
French Ginghams,
Silk Finished Canvas Cloths,
Mercerized Pongees,
Silk Stripe Novelties and a hundred
other weaves in au endless variety of uew desigus
and colorings all await your inspection and approvil.
Globe Warehouse
in nl oeremonloH four yenis ago and
("cored u tronicndoiiH hit nl the na
tional capital. They will be the guestH
or Coniiiessmaii Connell dining their
may In WashlnBtnn and oxioct to Hint:
for the president before their leturn.
AriangctncntH ate now belli made for
the tilp by n Hpcehil committee) tip
pointed for that puipo?!'.
ConRting' on Jackson Stieet.
A meiiy Huong of yountr people i-n-Joyid
tlni oppottunlty for coaming uu
Jutkson mroet hint evening, and Kir
yuvcrnl houiH tin hill wan u-ovvded
with pleasure-seeki'id.
lXcellelit coasting In also ntfordpd
on .t number of the li I tip. mid n lareo
number of fdelghlng paitk-H paufcd
tbioiii;li town last cwnlnj,'.
l'nnrinl of Tattlck Malloy
ScrvbcM ini'f tln letnaltisi of thi'
lati- I'ntikk Malloy won- held at Holy
I'tofi I'htnvli jeslciduy mninlmc. A
i'iliiciu ni'iKi wiim rcli'briiUd by Itev.
.lohn Dunn, and Intoiinont was nnide
In th" cimetciy.
Tlni pall U'Hii'iH wi'io Patiifk Uow-
Ininl .PiniiM Munli, Mai tin Mi Itale.
lohn Shcildan, t'atilrl. o'Mullcy and
.lohn Mcllalc
St. Bicnden's Council Home.
Ttv lii'W iiimttciH of St. Hrenden'H
loiiinll, Yoiiuk .Miu'h Institute, at 1J
Noith Main .lvinuc havo lieon lltt"d
up foi the use of the lioy.s, and they
an now i iinifoilably ipiaiteicd ti?-fo-I11
The I'otiui II inoiKHis to tndir tliilr
Inlr li lends, who icilstcd lliom In
Uu lr ii-ivnt n (ompllnu'iilaiy
s'li I.ll ill Kelt. U.
Mis. Tliomaf D. Tsioina-, ol tilt"!
S' nth lb'li' I'.uk neiiu( and clnler,
Mif. Iald M. Divioh. of .laeKson
stint and rilmoii' ineiiuc lnvo li'vn
InfoiniLMl nf tlio ili-itli of their uncle,
William I). iMiilels'. at Cum, JihMou
I'ounty. 1'a. The Iuikm.i1 will incur at
I n'ltuel; this iiftiinnou.
A nmnliei of West Sorauton pi'opl1',
will attend the funeral of the Into
Mi!-. ThonriH Williams -it Plllston t -iiitn'i
u.' iifli'inooii.
The funeial of lln- l.ilc John Suit'
will tnlM- pi 11 1 thin afternoon fi-om
the Iioiiki', ."ill Hamilton stiei t. Ser
lein will ! htld In St. Luke's i-hun-h
nml Int lent will lv made In the
li ( l.llli- ii'inctfij.
Hvory incmbLi' of tln West Side l'f
li'ililkaii club lw uiKC'd to attend the
uikUiik thin fxC'iililK', as several Im
poitant mitten j.n to be tiiUeu up
tot ( (iicid' tallun.
l'atii'k ("awlev, of Piln" Htn-et. van
Ididcl.-d a sui pi No lvu ty on the oc
riMlun of bis twcnty-llisl Mitliday
Tim i-cnt wiih ((ttcuiled liy niimv
t loinliicut Milim,- people, who wen di
t 1 tallied In a i lexer manlier.
Mi and Mi-. Jolir Klilmiil, of Sl
Noi'b rilmoie axenup. fraxc u patty
TiK'hdax iM-nlni;, In honor of their
miest. Miss Hilda Johnson, of Wllkes-It-iie
The exeiilnif xas enjoynbly
spMit l'x a l.upe number of kuoMf.
I'atiUU I'NIiir a latioiei emploved
hi Piank ( uluid at his stone ipiatry
on l'oplar street, sustained a com
pound frncturo of tlio right thlRh on
Tuesday by falling from a derrick. Ho
rcildcs nt 221 North Ninth street.
JIIm Nora Fuirell, of Sloan nvenue,
enttrtalned a party of fikndH Tucilay
cvcnliiff on the nrrnidnit of her twenty
tlrst birthday. I'lashllKhls xxere taken
of the Biotip and other pleasant! leo
indulReil In.
.Ml Maine Unit, of Hheinian n'e
nue, Rave n euchre party at her homo
Tiieedny exeulnj,'. at whldi u most de
llBhtful cxenlntr was .ipcnt. Voml and
Instituuental uutnheiM wore Imliilned
In, and iitlur illvertdoiiM enjoyed.
Thu funetal of tlio late William Gray
occurred yesterday afternoon from the
fnnillv 1 evidence, In Fellows' Patch. A
delegation Honi Keystone lodge, No.
.17, Loyal Knlshts of America, of
which deceased nai n pust master, at
tended the servlccf. The pall beaieiH
xveio Helected from the lodso mem
bers. Intel incut wan made In, the
Washburn street cemetery.
The meinbcis of St, I.oo'm liatlallon
and their lady friends enjoyed ',
slehjhlldc to PI Us ton lasl cxenlnjT
where Ihey attciidtd the social of tlio
Ciystal club.
The of the late Michael Hoi
leian, who died ycstculay at his horn"
on Krlnk stieet, xvlll take place at .1
o'clock toniortow afternoon. Inter
ment will bo made In the C'.ttlieclial
The funeial of Leslie Vulnev A il
llntns xvlll ttiKu place at :s o'clock this
afternoon fioni tlio home of deeensod'n
pu ent. Mr, and .Mrs. William J. Wil
liams, 1C21 Price stieet. Intel incut,
will bo made in the Washburn 8tic"t
ct motery.
Mv J. W. Ilouser. of Tnytoi, a mem
ber of the West .Side hospital staff,
had on.' of bis toes fractured iccently.
The lneslstable club of St. Lco'n
It.UHillmi will conduct a box: iix-lal at
thcli ioiriH on Feb 12
A yniniK man named Walsh, icsldliif?
mi Kinmet street, fell In a 1U In Mont
of ("laikcs stoic jesterday nf tut noon
and st i iu k on his beat), InlllctliiR a
w.ilp wound. Ho was rallied Into
Slnjei's di up store, where Dis. Itov
nolds and Hall attended him A onh
was altei wauls called and conveyed
him to his home.
Waller M. IJInRliani, of JO.. Jeffi'iMiu
HXeuue. and Miss Kale M. Owens, of
t:'l". Piiio stieet, were mnriled at
noon .xesteiday at the p.mnr.UKe ot
the Washout n Street Presbyteilan
(liliuli. Uev. J. P. Moffat. D. f) th
pastor, pdfoimcil the ceremony. Tlio
couple xvcie unattended. The" left on
an afternoon tialn for New Yoik city,
and x 111 reside on Jellei.son axenue on
theh i etui n.
Hlden T. Devoe and Mis. Ida V.
Sweet, both of West Siianton. were
nulled In maiiiiiKe lat exenliiR at 8
oVIix k III the p-iisoiiiiKi' ot the Simp
sou Methodist HpNiopnl i lunch, liy
liev. J. It. Sweet I). P. They Wele tin
attended and illspenspii with a xed
illinr tilp. and will li side on Hxde
Pink axenue.
Mrs.. P liter, uiollii i of Pi of. llotiert
U nier tindeixxi'tit an npn.itlon at
In l lionic. on Not th lliouiley axenu",
,xist(ida. She Is linpioxlui' slowly
('ontilliutloiis for the Yo'imr Wo
men's ('Inlstliin .l'sociiiiion max be
sent io the as.oii (Hon seneiaiy or
tmv uimbcr of the xtiioits lommli
ti es. Tllev 111 t ill need cf lllllds to eir
i. on the weak ihiilnc, the oiultitT
The lominlttce In charge ot the co
lli tainuieut to be In Id at the I'nlon
tliiiuh at Siblcx', mar the Slblev mine,
cm l'i'biii u. v 2.', WViHhliiKton'h lililh
ilax', has decided to K'xe a pi lap of t,"
fpj Hie best nnditli r "The Itin-
iii i ol th" . a." It must be siiiib: In
the ki-v of (I. All tlioc Int'-iidliiK to
iiiiup'i" should si ml tilt it annus on
or befuie the Pth, to Mi Siolt C.xr
Slblex. ninr Sitaill'ill Pa
runeial of Ludwlg "VlUler Held Yes-
teulny tiom St. Maiy's Church.
News and Peisonal Notes.
The it mains of Ludwlg Miller, son
nf Mr. and Mis. lieinhaul Miller, xxeie
conslqued to thc-lt IjmI resting place
the fieimau Catholic leniftety jtstoi
day moinluK nt U o'clock. The tuneial
xxas held ft om the family residence,
on Cedar axenue, and was laiKCly at
tended. A lilKh mass of ieiUlem xxas later
celebrated at the St. Mary's chuiih
by Hex. P. Christ. The Young Men's
sodality attonded the funetal In a
boilx'. The pall beaieis xsete ruroiii
Ham, Piank ht( Inlmcli, Jacob I'lsli
and Mai tin Oiessler. The iloxxcr lcai -cis
wen1 Finnic Fo, .lostph W'eln-slu-nk
and William LVmaii
News In Biiet.
(IM III' ll.llll-tltir Cf Xll HI'I Ml" ClUlnl
, 1 1 XI ipli- nircct, v. a- bulb lulim lt ,i
int 1.1.1 1M.11I11U IT. I I. X.iMi (1ils-.iI llic
M llll'l,
'Hit- D.liiiiLr lull Ii-ini Mill ll-v Hit'
xiiniitki Mm tln cxonln,; in tin. si. I jIip'i
flu I'jukc-iu I'lkml- v.ill nml tlts evening
al lliu Hull I IIljI loriorx
'I1n M ,Mcnlu4 njOkt; will lhl pifii
III.- At I'iMIIIUi) lull.
'Ilioniai Ilonctt. 11 nuiinc- i it.i ciuSer New.
p it, li xbltliu; liU inutliri im I'llUton uxeiiio,
D.111I1I 1". IVole liJ'l fuui fliizink Iiuln-1 at
lli s,IU, mill ;cjl('liliv. '
I'ttrlil llolmil, vl l'liutuii uiiniu, luu lot
fii Xlilkii. limp to nlli'inl u uiii'iul
Mi.. I nnr Titnnlii, cii I'ltttnu uiiniuh, i- e
liiuMt ill.
J11I111 I'. Uani-, ot I'iii-I"'! JM-liu , U xliitinit
fiiuU In lliookbli, N V.
XII Xljry Wlikiul, ol Vn ork clt, i-. U
limy soiiili siuiiluii Ir'n il.
A Ml.v iIpinidi .-iuipllx paux ujh unui-iril
to Xrtlmr tail,'., nt IJirt l'ltlntnn axmiu'. kit
Mlihu', li) ,1 lnKo liuniUi of 1.1. (rlciuK X
I i'Ml cnjo,,ililc liliu- u is lull In- .ill unci ut
IHiikJ) Iti tntoliiiicntk in re tiixiil .it inlilnmlit
lliui-' procnt M.ii: XII. mk XI .im ( 1 uu , Jo
Ktplilm MuMUr, puratln llilsn-, l.irrli (I'llai.i,
llrKn Hold r, I Uui IIIihjiiiu, Xljlicl lllnoinir,
XI 111. ncit 1 Hivk ami Minnie f-lor: xic-aiir. Ilito.
Mcl.iiclilln, M.iilln Miik-, 1'rinl. lliininan, I ml
1UU, II 1 1 1 UuU, Jux ill Ml in. llll.iiii .Nidi
li.iui, Hixlil llunzmin, .kwpli i I11..1 lunk, Olio
WViiMliuik. Iluiry vlixronkiT, I Inn t W.isni-r,
Arthur 1.1 U'l', (if "ice Kjiic .uui 1 hum is Wiplut.
I In- (11m1.1l ot Mrs 1'ri.J l-t, v.lio tilt U at
tin' Iji l,.i nun iultal en Xl.miliv iilli-inoi 11
from pnunnoiiiK, will tulu- pine- Hi I J .if
tn noon a :! o'clmk 110111 tin' lolikinx' of XX'il
II nil Iaii, lur ot iy, l'rrp. 1 1 umiiii,- lni-i-In
nt xill lie nuilo In tin- llmniiort ninctcr'.
'Hi-- live ilillilmi of itilliuo lit Im. ot 1910
Culir .ix.nuc, im ill v.lili illpliil ula.
pr M II iinlnn )ul IU unkk I'r.ilnn! ,1
In. lUie ,ii,n. Ili lli nl on Uu Up m 'I Ml,
x I do makin: ( .ill-..
Willi Jin (I'llrkn, ,1 1" III11I1 ,-ll,vl, uu
ilijninl -it I In- South , U ,11,1 iila.x li 1
'X.lttk 1 urine II,- luil Im h.lli liu'io li idly tut
II nl I1I11U1U flu ini nul nun uj to 'il.
him" cm lllnl ln t xtlun llr l. I. X.illi
it nttcmlini. lilin
l 111 -loic 01 all vv I10 us kiiiii't ll, wf
tlip Tliioat mill I uiiEJ, llic uicm' Kuarantitil
linipily Wonkl oi liulixp Hut It Is ili on
IH liiPiiM and an) iliusula I. nullnlkul by (bo
inoprlrtni- nt Hilt nond. rnil KliVill Iu clip .toil
i ulnpli- hiittli' (lie! It III Ml (alU i nun
in nl,' or tin t-nic iuu.'Ik. All iliu.Tjl t Mil
Knnp' llal.tani, l'ri. ?jc. ami KX.
A Meiiy Time Spent by 0. Tarty of
Guests nt Her Home on Reese
Stieetrostlvnl to Be Given by
Ladles of the Memoilal Church.
Oignu Recital Postponed rnity
Enjoyed Slelgli-ildo to the Speetl
wny Other News Notes and a
Batch of, Fersonnls.
A ntu-pi l.-e jiarty was glxen In honor
of MI13 .Mary K. WIlllaniH nt her home
on UeoFo Ktrcct Tuesday evening and a
muiry time was enjoyed by the follow
ing KiiestH! Mr. and Mro. David Wll
IIiiiiih, Mih. Hlljah Young, Hattlo Pi lee,
Jennie Williams, hydtll lt-c-fie, Esther
Jones, ihnma Jonen. Jennie, CSer
tiude Jaiuex, Mmy willlnmH. Mac
Kvuiih, Mm gat ft Jehu. Mirrt-llii
Thomas. Annie P. im'. Murgaict Joncri,
llannah Jonep, Com IlobeitH, Maiy J.
Williams. LI? ale Pi Ice, Jennie TIioiiibm
and l.I..e WIlllaniH. Mensra William
HeoiRo, Ilenjaiiiln WIlllaniH, Stephen
I-)axln. tlcoiKf HinniPlI, D.ivld Owciih,
M J. WIIII11111.S, Chailes Ilanihley. John
Pilee, William Poxvcll, IS. J. TIioiiiiik,
f-ewl Wllllunis and James O. Hx'nng.
Coming Festival.
Tli tiixsl iiKhl of the festival ot tile
Memoilal (liurih. to be given nt the
AuillloiJum In the near future, will b2
devoted to the oshlbltlon of Madame
Wiiteinran.s wondeiftil collection of
wa llKuieK, amoiiR which will be found
the Cuban C.lant bintiKht to this coun
try by the Hough ltlderi, and Kdward
VII, now khiff or Kngland. The sec
ond night n tiiblenu by a large num
ber of yoiini women, "The Maid In
Se.uc-h of Happiness," wilt bo given.
All the women xvlio have chatge of
tables and those who xvlll act as walt
eiv. will meet the committee this
evening at the i lose of the meeting to
iniilif ilnal niiangemcnta about the
costumes to be woin nt the festival.
Also the men having charge of the
dltferent departments need to be pres
ent without fall.
The following joung people from
I'lovldincc and Orecn Itldge enjoyed a
sdelgh ildc and supper at the Speedway
hotel last evening: Dr. and Mr.s. Iiow
11. Mr. and Mih. CI. W. D.ivls, Mr.
and Alls. Hut Sheiinan. Mr. and Mrs.
F. A. Shaiai, Mr. and Mm. Cleoige A.
Olekei.son, Mr. and Mid. Hundley Jlt
klns. .Mi. and Aim. C. P. Knight, the
Aliases Nettle Kiinpp. Susie Stephens,
Hllii Hone, IMIth Alaitln. Anna Kd
wnidH, Hcrtiiide Xui llleli, All-s Knight,
Allss ijanduiM Alessrs. rieo. Kelfer, J.
1.. Knapp, Ur. Spiout, I)i. Honeyxvell,
Hdw.ud Hall.
A nilsslonaiy meeting xxlll be
held this evening at the Alenimlul
chiiidi on Wnjne axenue. The topic
xxlll be "China." The p.ihtoi. liev. V.
F. Uavles, will give au addies 011
the lutein niussacie of mlssloiiailes III
ihnt countiy.
On .Monday evening the AtenV union
of this pail of the city xxlll bold their
IVInuaiy meeting and noclal in their
looms at the 1'ieMbj if 1 luu chinch The
MUtstlon to lie dirt lied will be "Sock'im
Citl.enhlp." Attendance will he lim
ited to the membei.s at this meeting.
The messed Virgin Sodality held
the Ill-t of their M'llos ot endue
games at St Mary's hall laht exenlng.
William P. r.ntke lendered n number
of in nl soli 1.-. attci wbli li lum licon
was sei xed.
A foelul xxlll be htld In St. Mnrv'n
hall lomorioxv night for the beiifllt of
Alls. Samuel CoIe, xxbose husband
xxas killed a Mioit time ago In Ston's
Theie xxlll be a regular meeting of
the Aludoin Woodmen of Anieilcn at
the Auditorium this evening.
The I.adlis' Aid hoclety of the Provl
deiu c Methodist Hplscopal ehurt-h are
making laige pretinratlons for their
i oming hotlc sotlal, which Is to be
held Keb 14.
A. ". Athciton, or North Alain axe
nue, la s-Ilghtly Indisposed,
Tin- eiilplojes of the Mm vine and
I.eggett's Cre-k mines u-ctlvtd their
pa.x tstetdaj.
A party fioni this section enjoyed a
Htiaxx ilde to PtcUvllle last evening.
Local union, No. Kit. United Aline
Workeis of Aineilea. xxlll hold a spe
cial meeting In Htiiington's hall on
Thui-Mlay afternoon, Td). T, at 1
ll.c ii:m 11ul.1l, wlili H xJ-i tiitioui.pcil in
UkP phct" Monihj IVk It. iu tln I'roxlikm
I'm litu I.111 chiucli, ti 111 like plirp Tin til x
eicnlnr, V'pIl 2 Mr. Ilntlniri-tcr wlio It lo Im
llic oi.'JiiUt, xxlll In- Lvblcil 1 kilpli II. Mil
llmi. Up iiiubi liiiiiiim ot tliit piti. In!-,
xxlll lip llic tnt ot tin "li''-. ol to li-
pbin liming tie -vlulu .mil Kiilnt'
' Ii-im funi tU Tiuu-flsuruioi '
Ulll In tl,P lIllllU llll tilllfllllHI till" CXillll
in tho I'loxiilt-noT I'rp.lixii r'.in iliur'li luft
srvlcc Is cpin to Hip itiulii
'Ulf Iti'l. tt P. PXXUS I.HH' lllbtuliul 1 1 ut lie- MmlPintli ('ui'urx- niprtin lull
at 111, I list Wpltli IliptiU ilmiili, lluli- I'.n.
'IiipmIix .iIiciihoii anil cxtulni;. "1 Hip tlniriliij il Hip Nortli lml xxill
I iiilp on stmikx imtiilnc in Hid iiuiiil nail Hu
nt Hip (mint;' HIIiIp vdilv, Die nnrnliu "
xlis 'xlll bp In Hu 1'rnxliloiipp I'lr.liiluiiu
iluucli, ami Hip txpnlnit tun In in Hip I Im 1' ir.
ilniiili lict Ur. lux, ot Npvi Xoik tilt, x ill
pn jili at Mill tpnitv,
Uu s,iarion Mcn't t-opnlx (Soldi 1 lull uttl
I li ilil tlii-li iibriuix iiulllij en Mor.iliv nmiu
l.i t "Uial Ciilici mliip" xxill lit Hir topk it
ill.niv.Hiii ami n.xual' ttttllc-nt HMkirx xxlll
(jiXP lllllllO'CH,
ki'iiial nili.iuuii,x meeting xvlll to lu-M
'lliur'li.x pxuiliiK -il I ho Miniorlil cliinli "I lt
Icpli xxlll li "Chlin, ' 'Iho utor. Ilrx. X. I'
Jiixlm. xxill ilillxu in iiiMicM mi I'ii' rn 'i
n, il. jui ot lurlft ,irnl iiiIIxp (tiii.tlitii
In Hut ruiiiiuj.
lilt ixiniii.' Hi- IIIiim-I Virtm wJalUj xxlll
lilt" a pioi;iii!xii ciitlnu in M, Mirx'N lull,
niul In inlilltluii tn tlio i in hi,' William I'. Itinlr
xxlll 'Inc fillip nl 1)U htttt xoim'h 11m giitin
will biRlii ioiuili- a' p i'ilrl
'Hip .itiJ I IikUoii toiuiatir xxill pt
at Uui l.p'.(-ltV Crick mil Xlanlmt mine- toJay.
.Muster ThoiuaH .leifiles. of Wayne
avenue, Is quite- 111,
Mlbs Cella Huddy ha? tetuined in
New York, after visiting her piui'ntf.
Air. and Airs. Thonius Huddy, ot West
Alarkct stieet.
AllsK's Cnirlo and Alabel Snyder, of
Nleholfou, luive letunied home, after
visiting nt the homo of o. n. Myorn,
on Church nvtnue.
Air. and Alts. T. P. Uegan aie u
Joking over the in rival of a baby gill.
Mr. ami Mr 'I, wiim Wilib, of Parker mini,
luxe I'lOii callol ti. .Iiriii)n ulipro thpj atluid'il
the mural of Mr. .lohn lliimilnvyn, a rflallxp
of Mm. Ml Mi
William Purv, ot Noitk Main axencp. li III
x lib Hiriiniiiiij
Mm llimiiii Dixit, . Oil, tlrcrl, l ill xxltli
Hid slip.
MIki XpIIIo ol ipfL'tlS Mncl, It
comak-ttint, afkr xn-ik'ii illnJ.
MKics (liaro anj Carrie SnxUi.r, ot NitlioUuti,
ate x ivltlrg t ths home ot Otto I). Mjc-rt, en
Chnrch axenue.
Alt ncira mtltpr lor The Trlbnnp xxlll rcctlxp
pionipt alltntlon If Pit iu tin- tin box at (I.
V. Pax It' Ilruir itorr, corner ol Main nml Mar
ket (trcct.
Imwbi f'alchnin, of Pnn Attrct, ntc-ttalnnl
number of frlrmlt at his Iminj Satunla
A. W, Xthciti-n li III al hli liomi- mi N'oith
Main axcru-, xxllli the grip.
William Stone hni it tinned to hli
homo nt Philadelphia, after a. short
visit with his father, Hex-. J. A. sUone.
of Hiouk t-ttcct.
William .Matthews, who has Ikh-h
employed at Olcn l-'alls, N. Y., fur
some time, has icturned home.
Kdxxard Snyder, of Dudley street,
has icluincd from a visit of Kovtiat
vx'eeltH with friends at Poll Jervls.
Tho funeial of M. J, Holleran will
occur this nfternoon fiom hlH lnt
home on Spilng Mreet.
The election for chief of tho fire
department xx 111 be held In the bor
ough building on .Monday. Keb, I!.-.
The candidates for the position alt"
P J. Peexen und J. P. O'Neill.
Al. J. Coleman, biexxer at the Key
Mono blew ei y. Is seilously III xxllh
Airs. Fred NleUeison Is Indisposed
at her home on llutlcr street.
Dr. Monies, of Aicbbatd, (lt con
templating locating In town In the
neai futuie.
Albs Alurle llun"on Is convnlctstcrit,
after her lecent illness.
Air. and Airs'. Pied Hussell have re
turned fiom n weok'H visit at Pores:
A social will be conducted tonight bv
St. Agnes' guild, ut William P.. Wil
son's. The object Is a wot thy one and
deseives well of those xxho me chatt-
tably Inclined.
The Amity I.ltetnry and Debating .so
ciety will hold its tegular weekly
meeting at the home of Philip Mattes,
ot Sanderson avenue, this evening. The
question foi debate Is. "Resolved. That
the Panama Canal Would He ot Aloie
Henellt to Commeice Than the Nica
ragua Canal,"
The Sabbath frchnol Tooin of the
Asbury Alcthodlst Kplseopal church Is
being enlarged by having a partition
removed and othtuwisu hupioved. The
v.otk Is being done by different niein
bets of the school, voluntarily, with
out oxpenhti to the congregation.
Jacob Deltilek, of SandOison avenue,
has gone to Delaxxare to look nfter
renl estate Intel cstn theie.
The Woodmen held au Intel csting
meeting last evening In Masonic hall,
Dickson uvnue,
Air and Alls II. W Taylor, of C.reeu
Uklgp stict-t, air lejolcliig over the ai
llval of n sxxeet biliy lio.x
'I xxo oung men of Patk Place, uieni
beiM of Company H, of Thliteentb icg
Iment. N. O. P.. Iternuid Stanton and
Thomas Cllllis, lelt for Philadelphia on
Wednesday morning to enlist In the
"cgjilnr aiin.x. (Hills will enlist as cax
iiirvmai: nnd Stanton In the Infantry.
The following young ladles of Path
Place took a slelgh-ilde to Peekxllle
Tiisi'n.x evening, vvheie they had a
pleasant time: Mlsci Annie Ackerly.
I.l7.'.l Ackeily. Hamuli Ackeily, Mdln
anl H'lr Alanee, Aliuie Iiehllng, Anna
itosN, Anna Phillips, Cli.iee Alooie, Saia
Coiutrlght, I.ulu Mann, -.Maij Phillip",
Annie Hoxvell. Hmm.i Ciothainel, Aliuy
Mourn Anna Iioum, Yligle Whitman,
Ikttth Atlll-r and All-s Hall
Sjifual (o Hip VuiHcli nibuni
SusfUiKhaniia, Feb. fi. In an opom note, Hie Tianscilpt Is " d
to note that the effort-, of the entci
prislng ninnagers. Alls.s Dohtity and
Slianahan. In seeming fiist-elass at
tractions for the (Uleitnlnnieul of the-atti-goeis,
llnds expivsslon in
pationago." If the management did
not have to go down into their pockets
as they did In the cnto of "The Power
Rehlnd the Throne" rnodtic Hon, to
make up for an able-bodied delk-lency.
tbev would mole fully appicclute the
very "liberal patronage" of tluatei
goers; nnd it would add amazingly to
their general Jocularity. The appu-cla-Hon
that can be counted Iu the bo
nfllce Is the iiuibt deblrahle. All else Is
aliy nothingness. "Fine vvotds butter
no pat snips,"
lllght Hev. nihhnp Talbot xxlll vilt
this Hpiseopal pailsh on Thursday and
Pilday, Keb. 11-13.
Delegates tiom the dlffeient ma
chinists' unions of the Hrie tailroad
system xxill hold a meeting nt Iloi
nellsvllle toda
The opeiti house management olteis
a llbetal lewaid for Intotnuillon lead
ing to the arivht of the peiton who
Ihtexx beans fiom the gnlleiv dm lug
the peiformance on Alond.iy evening.
While visiting In Ilornellsvllle on
Saturday evening, Allss Lillian Ciee
gaii, of Susfiuelianna. was sttuek by n
hoi to which xxas attached lo a (tutor
and xxas lendtied unconscious. She
escaped xvlth severe briilst.-.
Alnodv Heliei mips, Claud Anny ot
the P.epublle. served supper last even
in Allss Salilte Hslclle Kalntr.of Wllkes
ItTlie, xxlll dug iu llogan opeia
op Kilday ex eiiing, under tho auspices
ol the Hpwoith League of the Aletho
dlst chinch.
This Is a say social season iu mik
(liii'hanua. Sexeial sleighing panics will, this
week, "oeuit" to nt'lghboilng vlll.iges
She was an uli.x, tuliy Hlnshamtoii
gill, and she stepped oil a car at this
station, the other night, lo attend a
social bop. She xvas too phased for
anything, and she tltteted. "This Ik
mv th st visit lo Hutjiiui-liumui, and I
shall never fnigtt It!" Just Ihen she
baeked Into an open ditch, nnd what
she said when she had gathcied hei
sdf iii again, does not nppeai In the
lexlsed edition.
H-jtui nieellngs still continue In the
Axiuue .Methodist (hutch with una
bated Interest
Hon. nnd Alls. Geoigu A. Post, of
Nexv Yoik cltx', who haxe bttn visit
lug Oakland side telatlves, ltttiuneit
home on Tuesday alteruoon.
The Delawate and Hudson tt-legiaph
oillce at State kino has been discon
tinued. Allss Ihnma Hall, of (baud Miecl,
will entertain the "Thimble Club" on
Satuitlay afternoon
A committee fiom the bo.nd of ttmlo
will piobably intetvlow I'lesldent
ThiimiiH.of the Ihle, In the near futuie.
For Shntteied Noives.
A iiMiiedy that xvlll soothe, build up
tho wasted tissues aud on It'll the
blood Is Indispensable. I.Ielity's Colin y
Nii'vo Compound has been woudoi ful
ly successful In cases of net voiiuuesri.
nt thousands of guileful people xxlll
testify. Sold by Matthews Uios.
It Is Contended That Under the Law
Ellinan Could Not He Convicted
for the Reason That the Proof
Was Not Adequate Shoplifting
Case Occupied tho Attention of
Judge Etlwaids and a Jury All
Day Old Forge Shooting; Case Be
foie Judge Pmdy.
Jacob Kllman xxas yesleldny convict
ed of the cliaige of subornation of
Pel Jut y on which he was tiled Tues
day bcloir Judge (Icoigo Pttrdy, of
Wayne county. Ills attorney. John J.
Aluiphy, nt once asked for a new
and an an est or Judgment on the
giound that Kllman cannot be legnlly
touilotvd. because the c omuiouxvcnltll
dlil not, as the law icciuIich, have two
xxltnesscs to testify to the perjury, or
one witness and coiroboratlve clrcuni
stnnccs ccttial to another witness.
This inoinlng the mutter will bo ar
gued before Judge Pmdy. It Is neces
sary to dispose of the matter at once
for the le.ison that Alax Herring, the
pilnelpal witness against Ullmaii, Is
being detained In the county Jail. If n
nexv tilal should be giantcd Hllinnn
xxlll be atiaigned again this tcini for
Htforo Judge IMwaub, ptadlcally
the entho day vva taken up with the
tilal of the case of Mrs. Freslna Co
plna. There were two eases, both
chmglng tho theft of goods fiom the
stoie of Jonas koiig'w Sons, lit De
cember, Judge ndxvards took one nf
them from tho consideration of the
Jury, saying theie-xwis no evidence to
lonvlct. At 4 o'clock, the Juty went
out to consider the other Indictment.
The defense xvas that the woman bad
piirchnppd all of the goods found on
her and her two daughters, who were
standing In tho lobby of the store at
the time of their an est. Tho Juty had
not leturncd Its veidlct up to tidjourn
Ing hour.
Hail Nafus, a drayman, was tiled
befoie Judge Purely In No. .1 on a
chnige of larceny by bailee, piefoned
liy II. fioldschlnger, xxho runs a store
on Peiin avenue. The testimony shoxv
od that Nafus xx-ns employed to eart
a box fiom the Delaware, Lickaxx'ajina
and Western ft eight house to C.olc'-st-hlaget's
stoic. The prosecutor al
leges that Nafus kept the box of goods
Instead of dellxeilng them. In his de
fense Nafus said when he took tho box
to Goldschlager's stoie he nsked fifty
cents for his set vices nnd Ooldselilager
would give hlin only txxcnty-llvc icnts.
He theieupon took the box back. Judge
Puidv decided that the case xxas not
one of laioeny by bailee and diieeted
that a veidlct of not guilty be taken
Nicola Netalla xxas tiled foi felon
iously wounding Adam Prledmonsky at
Old Porge In September last. It xxas a
shooting affray and xxas the outgroxxtn
of the strike at the Jcimx-n No. 1 eol
lleiy at that plneo. The defendant and
Nicholas Kogcis, bolh Italians and
special olllceis of Old Forge, bad been
piotectlng men who weie taking tho
Place of the stiikeih at the mine and
had Incurred the HI will of the people
of the nt'lghboiliood. On tho day of
the shooting they xvere attacked by a
big crowd and Netalla xxas knocked
down and somewhat sexerclx h milled,
lie diew his luvolver and filed seveial
shots Into the eiowd near him. One
ot the bullets lodged In the giolu nf
Adam Ptlcdmonsk, xxho Is alleged to
haxe been standing cpiletly at the gate
In fiont of his lesldenco. Ills Injuries
x.cie of a serious natiue and he xvas
laid up for about two mouths.
Netalla said that just befoie he flietl
he saxv Piledmonsky coming thtough
his gate with stones In his hands and
advancing tow aid hhn In a veiy
thieatenlni- mnnnei and that theie
upon he filed 'lho accused was do
Jended by Attorney John II. Bonner,
and the commonwealth's Interests xvere
looked after by Assistant Dlstiict At
torney Gramti and Attorney P. P.
Tliomas Count 11 xvas xesteiday re
lumed not gulltj of the latrcny of a
hotse fiom Henry Alorgan. The case
was the outgiowth of a hoi so deal nnd
w.ifc tried befoie Judge Kellv,
Airs. Alellcent Wlnebiake xxus ehaig
ed with Illegally ptactlclng nirtlleiue
by William Koblnt-on. All rt. Wlnebrake
lives In West Soi anion. She denies
that shi. puutlees tuedle-lue stating
that she Is a nuise and cate-s foi the
patients of hti sou, Dr. Wlnebiake.
She contends that her aue"t was
biought about bv her Insisting that
Hoblusou pay a bill he oxxis her tor
nui sing his wife. The Jiu was out
deliberating on the case al adjourning
lohn H Olegelmau xxas tiled bifoie
Judge Kelly on a chaige of false pie
ti'lices pieleiitil by J. H Cleveland.
The latter alleges that Dlegelnian suld
him a bond ol the l.ackaxxamia Stone
compan.x for S'uO, ntkvlng that Interest
wub paid on It legulaily. After secur
ing the bond Ck velund kained thai
the bond had not paid anv InleusL
for a long time, although the coupons
xxoio toin, oiT t-.u h month to give the
Impiesslon that the Intercsl was being
paid. .
Dligdman denied that he bail made,
any false repiesentatlons and said that
he was, acting tor another In tlio sab
ot the bonds The tase will go to the
Juty this morning. Cleveland Is itp-iisenlc-d
bj Attorney J. Al. Walker,
and the defendant by Attorneys Iter-
nian Osthaus and c, llalleiitlnc.
The tollowlug notion vxus taken xxllh
loloreiico lo casfH.
(ontlriin-il-Mil.P Mltihell, alljt XllkP NiUlis,
l.uinle Mililirll, jIIIik Irlnuli- t-ul.liut, jitault
anrl bittprx; 1 Ilia, irotccutrlk. l'.ll-li
IxiiiL, icllini; liituoi xxilliout a Ilini..; Tliouut
Ir)hon, proKCtiitot.! I'oitL'iltil I'li.nli't 11 VVillbint, tmlicvlp'
iiii-nl, U. I.IUU, pin-.ieutor, (luilnll. WIIIIjiii.,
larcPti ami mrixiuic; K I.iltK-, ,o Peultr
Sullii !'io..ciul Patrick Mc('itl,-ii.x, .plllni.- II
cuor xxithoui a liieii.o nml itlllnx on Sniihx;
'ihuiii-it I-pjoliui, pios'ititor. Iloxxaril b. IMke-r
ami Lett . Itxxir, nulli luii mluhkf, ha Pral.p,
protuiaoi. Ilitirx Cari.x- ami Xbt. Mi Cart;,
kitplnt; luxxily linux ; Min. W. 11, liuggan, prutr
VcTillct ol Not fiiilllt Taken John Johnson.; ami retoix lug) 1'uiitU Vlackc.x, pioxui.
I'lf of liuill .Jclui Tuinlln, riiiluulcinciiti
I'lank llulilliif, , lut'Miulir. Sl'iiIuhc, tM
tlno mil eojU ami rotore Hip monev tmlerilpj,
IVrilliiiicJ I'nlll Nfxl Wpik-Mik Capplrllo,
tralht'clnj; iu riitUluul lioltle: Henry I'lrlch,
Bevelacque Case Continued,
Judge It. W. Au-hbald, who will bo
on tho bench In the main court, room
The Truth Will
Always Out.
U. S. Department of Agriculture.
Rcpoit No. 01 says: "A largo
nmount of sophisticated grcca
tea is consumed in this country.
It is chiefly m ado of inferior
leaf, highly colored with. Prus
sian blue and faced with, sonp
stono to hide all natuial defects,
nnd is neither nutritious nor
IT. S. Government statistics prova
tho PURITY of ALL Ceylon nnd
India ten. NONE of it hns ever
been rejected becauso NO adul
terants are used. Tlio consumer
gets it iu its natural state.
Ceylon Tea
Bold only la l-pud ritckeU.
fiOc.rGDc. anil 70c. Per LI).
- Pl.lS A. nUlttltlNDint, htutn.
A. J. LUl'l'V, Manager.
Hip Powerful Play,
Xn Vinlrlan Uoinancc, br lMnlpI Ik Hart. xn
ITior of "Tho i'arhh Priest " MronCcl Coal
piny In Vtars, Inadctl by
I'aiil Ca.enpiip, Taylor Oram llic, I-ightnn
Iclsth, James It. Cany, .irw-! Kuao l.ane, ( al
lot! i Sell-on.
I'rleos Me-., KOe.. Tue. uinl ! W.
Soiit.n on vale I'riJjy at 0 a. l it.
Hinjccrj and Lessee. Local llanjjcr.
n, nils wr.r.K.
Thi Ml it Ptfiilns- 'Hearts of OnM "'
Krklax rxpnliiK ".Votnan in niaek."
Stturrlav cxenlns "ltanth Ixlnir."
M.I, m:t WKhK.
Xloinln exenin-, "Xictorlan Cros '
llalince I'llir 10 and 20 rents.
Ixinins Pucc- 10, SO and SO cents.
xli. . in ninvmo.v. JivN.vfir.u.
Thuisday, Filday and Satuiday.
Hatlness Daily.
Broadway Hurlesquers.
next week, yesteulay allowed n. con
tinuance of the eaacs againttt Mis.
Josephine Hevelacque nnd her hu
luiid. pafquala Hevelaciiue. who ar-
Indletecl foi the murder of Mrs. Maty
Hose, a( itu-tn Hldfje last Novem
bei The contlnuaiKo waa alloxved for tho
tcihon thai the defenbc cannot so pte
liiiie the case as to be teady for trial
next Monday. The uteused will be
defended liy Attorncvs GeorRo H
I loin. C. ComcK.VH and I-'rank Boyle,
and the piosccutlon will be conducted
bv District Attorney W. U. Ivcwl
villi former Plstilet Attorney Jones
and Attorney C. H. Daniels us prlvato
cotitixol lor tho prosecution.
Yesterday's Mnrilnge Licenses.
xilim knlln-'ka Durjra
Xnuk' l!ii(knoko Sirinlcn
lohn Cnlzura ' Obpham
lull.i Ippiok Oljphanc
ll.iniin U-cni Archbald
llihlS't V. Kuitli Arehbald
.Ijinm llullx Serantou
Xlirx Iti'laiidi bcranton
Iikkn 1 the lJt dix (or filinit jiplcation
fir ll'iuji HccntP".
Tin' eoiinl) ttiiiuIiv.loii( rn xrcio In Mi i-sln
xrnuilax eptlii!: xlu 4 fur the polline planft
In tlio tour xxaida ruintlj treated by thu tourr
In lint luiioiiijli.
W. E. SmnllrldBe.
VX I "inallrlilai. ittil alout to yeirs, clipit
at hit Ituiiip on Njutli IIIikcI) tnt, l)unmoi,
Hftenlay nltir an IIIiiik-. cf cxpril xxrckV dur
ailon i-, xv U ujo In- not Hirlcktn x-ji
txpliild Itxir xxlil li txni liw lroiiB phj-alqin
xxas iiiul.lo to (.hike oil I'ur texeral ypani li
lut (nnduilttl the old l nlon hotel on Blalfdr
titpi. Ik ia tiirtl.eil lix a wito jnd veveral
iiiiall ililhliin. 1' notice l.ucr,
Anna Newton.
iii.. Hie .xear-nlil claugliter ol Mr. and Mr.
John Nexxton, ol Xliruiret axenue, died Jlon.
day after u brief UIiwm.
The- fnniri.l xvlll be hi Id from the parental
krone this aftprnnort at 'J o'clock, Intfrnunc
xxlll be innile in t'oritt Hill cenielcrir.
.In.rph. tho iijear-olil ein ot Mr, ami )ik
I'attlcl. Mcliolilritk, ot I'trcllnaiid ktieet, dlfil
l'ncwlay allcrtioon liter a brief lllnrni. TI ct
funiral xtill lako plaisi tononiixx afternoon. In.
le-ruicut xxill be ruUe- in I ho Lathedral cemetery.
r (Wn Wm mm o&y pu