The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 07, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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rVS fTMr '1VJy
t ,yr "7-gT V" T5SHR -U '' '.y?. f -
nu: liODKnM tiMimvAtin Brow.
For the blade la made
of highly tempered
steel properly ground.
Our ra2orc nrn fully
warranted. Trices
H.50 to 55.00
Foote & Shear Co.
J19N. Washington Av
United States Depositary.
At the close of business Dec
1 . 1900.
Loans and Investments
Hanking House . .
Cash nnd Reserve.
Capital ? 200,000.00
Surplus 500,000.00
Undivided Profits
Individual Deposits
U. S. Deposits
Due to Banks
WILLIAM fON.MXL, ricslcUnt.
HEVItV DEUX, JR., Vlce-rrcldent
Bonds and
I am placing J few choice isctuiltles con-J'iin,;
of 7 per cent. Hilly guaranteed MocVs ami 5 iei
itnt. atmi-annuil Interrat (SoM llnnd. In bloiU
if 8W0, WOO anJ $1,0iO, acco;npanieil by tfneit
iiiinu, aflorcllnsj a nrc op'iortiiiiitv lor large or
mall tutctivrnt. At Olliee. C iiwl S. l.j train
liride. .Mondays and SjlunU; Af otli.'i limes
l' 'icc!.il poiiiliiiciit.
Robert Van Sc hoick,
inlhiatlte DMrict JUrujcr of Tie Sorlli .Minn
can rinanclcilm; votnpuiy.
I.. al data for February 6, 1001:
1 holiest trmperalino
l.ovtcit temperatuie
Jiimidilj :
a. in
I'. I'
.. t'l (lfRrce
.. 13 decree
!).. per edit,
ill per cent
MUi Krmmcrcr is in Ncv. uil..
i It I'll. off, of Hie county tomiiilioui'i'
, l-. In Philadelphia, ulicre hi Inutlier ii
. Mjgiiiir, icprcfintinfr the JcmIc Sun-
mpanj, which will soon appear at the
ii" 1 in Ihc city.
I. O'lilttly, nl Ihc cathedral, It Uklrc
clajn n f much reeded lot at fet. Jo
"utciuclianiri county,
i l.oomi, of 6I M.ulUon fiictiuc, U wry
Willi lit art failuio at hU rrjltlcnct and
not show much tdiiii of improirmcnt.
Iilsen Into Custody in a Disorderly
luiiatlian Green, n man ii) years of
,-, ami his eon, Mllo II. Green, fucetl
Mayor Jlolr In police court yesterday
nurnlns: on tlio charge of holm? In a
i icrdorly houre In Oukfonl court. The
lather was discharged, but the won
huh committed to the county Jail for
iM'iity days.
flobert Kinney was ane.ted at the
cHtne time for hitting his wlfo with u
Move lifter. Hoth man unit wife wero
intoxicated, and the latter was taken
to the Lackawanna hospital ti have
the wounds on her head drespcd. Kin
iify was discharged.
The Gibson Pillow,
'l-uat Day of Summer," top and
iack. Fifty cent hind this week 2Pc.
The Cromer. Well t"o , 1J0 Wyoming
AVtauv "
330 l"MUj ,; i 7 J'
f 'ifZ
They Claim That the Demands Are
So Exorbitant in Natute That It
Would Be Impossible to Meet Them
and Remain in Business Tomor
row Ib Pay Day at the Snuquolt
and Superintendent Davis Will
Have a little Talk with Hands.
Situation at Other Mills.
The silk mill ti lkc hIiiiiuIuii ui pies
cut remains nt n deadlock, and while
the hands continue to lnslpt on the
uniform waito scale prepared by their
committee Kolng; Into effort, the own
ers nie equally llrm In their refusal
to even consider It and declare that It
they woio to pay the wurch asked by
their employes that they mlRht Just
nu well bo out of luislne.
The full scale was ptcHonti'il to a
Trllmni man by Miss Manning, one of
the most enerRutlo and able of the
strike leaders, and Is as follow;
Wiii(ld for llr.1 .W inc.ilh" Kill 'ibi
.' 0 per ek, nnd alln" t lui'Mli' rl(
lull recebe l.Rrt (it vveeV, ccpi lor !!:
mi tuah ruid ranton, when n xt ivul. fliall le
the mlnlniuir wipre pihl fni HimIi woik and M
pi i week for work on o. in I in.
sr in..tilnri lliirlni; f'"i -' monlln
flull icivlw !.'..Vi per week nnd ir r.ll tlnic
afpr i tRonllm' n-nlii1 ml! itiehu I..V) per
Itiiw liiaiiluiii- HuilRir MM h ..nltiV mi
plojmcnt flnll i.-tilip i"0 per week and alter
m-C Miimht' eenUi- l ill i'frlv, nu .nlianii
il il ut.H ti week, each wluiedlns month
until H pn wk ln lien iMchiil: fr nil
tiinh woik H.M pir week: lor .Iipiu Mvik,
?V.Ci per will, for htkt sl mciitln' .er'ic and
I.W per weik Iheicafici; for mto-i woik, ?'j"
Pi ek for first kK mcnlhO uruio ami ciuO
pit MCek UuKMllfr.
Splnnei.v-DiilInK fiiil iv inoiillu' i m,
n.ciit flnll reieln" .' PT and "'' n
wuk Ihiicatlii.
r.ukrr-ln fpli nlns ilipiit'iiont lnl! n-eeli
pel 'Allk.
T'ltcra--l)iulns flit lv monlh' rmtilo.v.ii'nl
shall Utfhc ! pir week ami alt'r sW rionlh'
service "hall ucelic rl pd vcik.
Packers In iwlvtlni; ! ntiv.eiil lnM le-ehp
H.'-l" PT wk.
Silk carrleri-lu iwl'tinsr ilcrartnanl mi-U
irrcive W.25 per wk.
I'ow-er reelcM Dm In? miM tx rnntin' iin
plojimnl ntull receive -' per vcek urd i ryr
week' fhereaftir.
Steamer-In power rcelln,' d.pailmenl lmll
rd-ehc ?J pir weik ar.d H per week fhereafler
Steamers In power recline ilparttuent shall
Tielve VI-JO ier wrecks powei reelcu flult not
be ieo,ulied to out their rceR
IIIr rcLkri llminit fiit tl month-.' riuMv
ment fchall rneiic SI P"r week nnd 'jt.W th'ie
alter; for IikuIi woik $1.7.5 per week.
Flea mere In Ma; leell'ts ilepiitment hall r.'.
iele t jici- wi-ck.
Ilunrllent il ptr wek
ll.itttn, shift and 'Ilk larmii, i.ilui
lho, provirieil for (1-iwherc In lliii .laieeiionf,
Miall teeclvc t3.'i per week.
A-nlxtant toreladlii;- i) per eel.
Wortcra N'ot lew than M t'r ili.
Ponladli-n All bia:ichc, JT.Q3 per we. k.
irirfcr Mluii rmplnjrtl on pkn- woik .lull
tectiic .05 cent' pound; when cmp!o.ed
on piece work for flitl l iiiintin. V."') pel
mrk: after lv mot'tli--, on incrc". of '2!i cent's
p-i- will, i.uli iiuiticillim in. mtli until .ri'
prr week hi been tc.iihed.
Juilleiii--llmiiiB tlrt -i": iiioiuli', -i.M er
week, .mil idler ii niontln' eri(e shall reu'vo
"1 cent iiu rcwi' r vclc, carh niccecdlin;
, nvwtli until 12." per wck las been iearhe.1.
Scale III I oili c ipullei't empoiy on nil work,
iillluj thall not bo leqiiired In woik inor-'
than one fide of a fume,
DoubUrs lhiriiu lht ic niuiitu' .'i pe
Wiik, and after i inontli en inina-o hi -j"i
inH pel wuk i.ih hiiMtedlns mouth until
M i"i per week lux bun r. ached.
Ileamriv WaRH pu.iilln? a pieihnu.1.
I'irkers l!ile. provldid lir III iolloviiifj IM:
II iw Killn, tor 2ID ?ard, l; taf.ifj, black, tor
inn jard, TS rents; titutn, minted, ,5 yirds,
IS icnU; Mtln iluelien, fcO j-aidsi for 11) iciitij
nin.di, for on jtiiN, HI cents; boul-leno, for W)
.aid, 10 cenlii; (orsban, for lfi) janK i iinU.
Twiitcr, K'cpenciicid wnrkrn diiall lecciic e
Kr k learnets, for firt sK nionths, l prr
v eck, and alter that -.hall icnho an increafc "t
21 icnts per weeks each Micfceditij- month until
s per l.eck has lieei. leuhid.
Wntkers ltate in flic following Ia.1: .Ml
quality i-llk, .irJU centu per ll) indi at
lix) jaids; nil otln'i loloi, inclwllni; white, .tr.'ij
tints icr 10i) end .it WO jaiib.
Haw- g!, four enib .nj- rrnf pel V en U
nt 100 janK
Itaw silk Thtfp eti.l, M (int. per 1C) imh
at Id) yards.
Itaw tllk Tun cid--, .irl cent! per lOo einU at
10) yards.
I'uU'ladli In waipinc c'cparlnunt klull ie.
eclve 15 cents ptr lioui.
..-l,taiit foreladle Ten cent-, pci limn.
Wcai em Follow ins rales; Taflcta. ,u5 i.nt
per jard; due hen fcatln, .Oo cent per yard; uiu
brcllas, .00 cents per yard; hcaiy black, ,(kt
rents per jail; capo, .to cents hi yairt; vide
t.atln, 10 cent.' per jard; raw tatlu, .OS cents
per jnrd; widij taflcta, .us rent' per j-rd;
Corslcau, .0.5 icnU per jatd; double seam, ni
iciits per yard; louUleniii'. ,i)l ccnt pir yard; '
iurm, .mri cenii ptr yam.
Weaicri bouislct.e btltkf, 01 cents per jard;
grenadine, .01 cent per yard, fit litlrka with-it
a lilt, .OO tints pir ard; plain satin, .fH
tents per jard; billeti, 21 Inches, .01 tents per
.laid; taffeta, 27 Inehcri, ,03 cent per jard; taf.
ftta, CO fnthi'H, .Oil tcnUpcr jaul.
WcaicM With one double jaopiaid, 11 ruin
per jard; with two iloi.ble 1acpiaub, in t-nlr
per yard,
MukliiK iaiuplc. .07 ceutj an hum on cadi
tills" nalo it luod upon the pitiient horn-,
nxty hours per whc'.. Any woik rot provided
for in thl' nijieeinent shall bo agreed upon bj'
the cuiplojeis and the employej. ot more than
two week Fhall Intcneno between any two u
chj, ,Oiertlnio to be paid for an follow: uii
dajs and holldajr, iloulile pi he.
All other umtiiuo one and onclulf pine
Any thanso from foinicr conditions Horn tims to
pletH woik and vice icrsa to be aurccd upon
between cmplojcrs and eiriplni (.. X m:niber
of the National Union of ToUllo Worl.irs of
America sliall bo dlscrlmlnitod .iifalat by the
liianaseint-ut of -any mill In ilitlr Jiirlsdictl m
for attlic paitltlpatlon In the union's ul'alra
ur hcitito on committees.
None but m:mljci!i of union in cooJ Hand
Ins shall be cinplojcd In any mill oi mill woiL
Ins under this asricnient. Xo part of an cm
plojc' wuses shall be deducted or withheld aj
fines under any comldcrallon.
The clauses stipulating that none but
union labor bo employed and regarding
the abolishment of the llnlns uystem
an treated lightly by tho mill au-
thoiltks, who nay that tho wag scale
proper Is the great obainclc.
"Why," huld StiDcrliilendent Davis
of thu iSaiKiuolt ye3terd.i', "do you
know what all this lining that you hear
of amounts to? In our last four pays
wo have dlHtrlbutrd $50,000 and have
collected $3.50 In lines.
"However, lt'n tho scale llnelf which
Is causing all thu trouble ana delay.
It,'s preposterous to oxpect us to give
It any consideration at nil. If we tried
to pay, on their terms, tho company
would have 19 go out of buolness. Tor
tho present, matters nro resting pretty
quietly and I do not think there wlil
bo any now developments In the sltim
Hon at our mill, until after Friday,"
Kildny is pay duy nt the Faurjuolt,
and when the girls report for their
wages they will bo brought together
nnd given it quiet little talk by Huper
Intendcnt Davis. Tlic latter will en
deavor to discover Just how many of
the girls wish to resume work, and
the pcatu of wages offered them will
be probably the snmo ns that made by
tho company on tho day last week on
Which the girls struck. If enough
glrlij signify their acquiescence to ie
sumo work Monday, tho mill will 1ms
again operated. Otherwise they will
remain closed for uu Indefinite period.
Over a hundred of the striking girls
waltid upon Superintendent Davis
"Wednesday, nnd on his asking them:
whether or not they wished to romo
back to their work, nbout seventy de
clared thilr willingness, nnd the bal
ance gave u blank refusal. The "will
ing workers" appeared at tho mill
yesterday mornlnjr. but ns Superinten
dent Davis cast bin glance over the
huge, empty plant and'l ut the
small band, ho remarked that with so
tew it would be ImpoMdbln to npemlu
tlm mill nnd they had bolter wait
Tho ghln left the btillrtlng, and yi"S
lerdny afternoon attended th incit
ing of the Saqunlt soft sill) woikeiM
In Carpenter' hall. Totnonow morn
ing there will be a meeting nt Carpen
ter'11 hull of all the girls of the Kaquolt
silk mill.
This gathering linn been failed b
older to arrange jtome plan of cam
paign for the meeting with Supct In
tendcnt Davis.
Tlaivey Ilros. were waited upon y"
lerday Iiv the strikers' committee. The
latter were romteouily received and
thi" scale presented. After u lengthy
Inlet view. It wai announced that if
the Hauquoll people net-opted the scale,
It would likewise go Into effect at th
Harvey mill.
The scale committee nIo tailed upon
Valentine Hllss, whose mills at Provi
dence and Dickson Cltv nre now, Idle,
but Avlino nnninore plant .Is In full
blast. M . Itllsi declared that lu
would not tor 11 minute consider tho
scale. A copv of this was, however,
left with him.
(leoige Klot, n the ICIoIk Throw
ing1 eonipunj, jesterday announced
that ho had .studied the sti liters' scale
nnd nftcr due conslduiatlou deemed It
ume.isonable. Am yet, they have nut
given any formal answer to the com
mittee. At the otlK'l mills Ihc Mltiinilon Is
Mill tho name. iteming, David &
Schocn's Petersbuig plant wan still be
ing operated yesterday, but the strik
ers declare that thoie, as well as nt
Ellss' Dunmore mill, the hands are
expected to go out within a short tlm.
Tho faquoil soft silk workers mt
yestetdav afternoon In P.trpenler's
Turnpike Company Will Not Accept
Committee's Teims.
The Ablugton Turnpike rompauj v til
not accept the counter proposition of
tin- councllmiinlu committee regarding
the terms on which the turnpike as
far as Seneca stieet Is to be deeded to
the city. Tt Is understood that a com
munication ( ontnlnlng u rejection of
the proposition has been leceived by
City Solicitor Voshiug.
Tim company was uHtiim to deed
"West Market street to tha city provid
ing the citj- would agree to pave il
and providing that it would further
agree to expend $1,200 the first year and
$.",00 evoiy year thereafter In keeping
the street from Seneca stieet to tin:
old stone bridge In repair.
The committee which considered the
proposition was opposed to the ex
penditure of any money to keep any
poition of the road In repair and sub
mitted a counter pjoposltlon agreeing
to every p.ut of the company's pro
position except the part above referred
to. It Is this counter proposition which
has been 1 ejected.
That Amount Will Be Needed to Tny
for Bepnhs to City Hall.
The members of the joint public
buildings committee of councils yes
terday completed their examination of
the Municipal building with the view
of estimating tho cost of the repairs
needed for that structure o that the
nccessaiy amount may he provided
for in thu coming appropriation ordi
nance. The approximate cost of the
:;ary repairs, according to Chairman
Adam Schroeder, of the select council
committee, will be about $::,ri00. This
will include the re-painting of tho
walls of the corridors, of the council
chambers and of a number of the of
fices In addition to the painting of all
wood work nnd iron wotk on the out
side of the building.
Mr. Schroeder stated that if the
painting of the outside of the building
were left for nnothep year It would
he ruinous. The Iron woik 011 the
towers, he said, is already thick with
111st, having never been painted slnco
the building was erected. The com
mittee will also recommend that new
awnings bo purchased and that a num
ber of other small repairs be made.
Offices tov Rent.
A line suite of olflces. well adapted
for use of physician or dentist, can
be seemed in I'lueinfey 1 lull. Please
call unit get terms, etc. J W. Ouorn
sey. Proprietor.
Special Sale of Pillow Tops.
And Uattenberg patterns for this wool;
only. The Cramer-Wells Co,, 130 Wyo
ming nvenue.
in the
Is generally requlied to nrepaie our
delicious sifted OIney peas for tho
Pour out liquor from can, ilnse con
tents in cold wnter, place peas in
heater, add lump of butter, small
quantity of salt and pepper nnd tea
spoon of flour, (sprinkled in) add
cup of cold water. When thoroughly
heated serve. Price 15c; S1.7S per
dozen. 50 cases only to sell at this
E. G. Coursen
first Night
of the fete
All of the Dances Weie Glveu with
Splendid Spirit and Effect Beau
tiful Plcturo Presented by tlie Pic
turesque Blending of the Colors of
the Costumes Fete Will Be Re
peated Encli Night This Week.
Pied Piper of Hnmelln to Be Given
This Afternoon,
ll Was a great lirst nkht hr Ivuly
said so, and II did seuni thai everybody
was tlitfie. Tho enthusiasm ovr the
Matlo Antoinette fete was unbounded
and thi sULces.s whs wonderful enniiKli
to satisfy the mot fastidious.
TI12 Lyceum thenter was n pletuie In
Itself and elicited the admit til Ion i,f Hie
audience ho fore the cut tain went up,
(IlKclofdiiK 'he heiiutll'11! stage eft'er-lp.
FeMoons of llowern weie hung from
boxes to plllais leiuhliiK' about the or
chesltn circle. Above the -Ide lo;es
were lifted uichesnf b1otnms. In which
Kllinmetil luuumernlile tiny elect! ie
lights. Thet logos weie transformed
Into tlower and confectionery booths,
At Ihc entrance to the fojet' wer the
pnigtamme and balloting booths and
on the opposite side of the eonld'ir
was the ait booth, nil of which weie
elaboiaiply decoini.'d. At the extreme
end was the lefrcshment booth, where
Ice etennt was sold. The decorations
were In the hands of a competent com
mittee, the members! of which tolled
llkn beaveia .vcteiday to complete mch
a transformation.
When tinner's orchestia hud i-iiucltid-eil
the oveiture and the cm lain cam
up, disclosing the stage, exclamation
of suipilsed delight were heard all
over the house. In the background
was th- Temple of Line of the I'ctli
Trianon, the while columns and the
little blind god gleaming villi the sim
ilitude of mat hie In the distance. At
the side of the singe were pretty I
booths, fiowor-tilmmed nnd airy In de
sign. Hanged about In their bright
led costumes weio the pages, hand
some boys with slender torches, light
ing the grounds fur the fete.
The following Is a synopsis of the
performance lust night:
l.niii Wl .nid )il" hcitititul niioiii. Mjii
Antoinette, ii'li'iccl in the 11 M c
liod in the ItUtciii in Ihc unirl in l'u'n,'
Youthful nnd luml-oiuc, loud of llitlm, and dc
ic.trd to .he uiMi!t 01 p'c.i'-i.ic, the fpiccn
n only lurpy wljrn fiiiimiiiijid hi her liicly
toiiit In tho (..Mix! .iimi-nu-utv, ,iud cm
fii.tit.ll Muci'Cdcd .inollict, t-jidi more hicim,
mote i-lAl-nulc. ( tin' IjM.
'IIi'.i f-pi-i IjI tot t cho.eii fur l.iu-flilit 1:1 n.n
dim In honoi if flu miiiiii drawl Dulse jnl
liirhrvMj l.iu) of (titiM. who hid corn- fiom
their I'll noithtin louiilit' In Iht-li 101 U
( ml. ins of I'r.mie. No ijnt wire -paiiil to
iiiali- tho cu-liiii a luilll.iiil in,'. The piiie'i
oc,;o icnilul nt tho I'llll ll I.111011, .il V -1-tullhs
wine IumI) l.idli- of lvoilii-v me finio
IjiI llted and hiM-cl, wtrc ihcncti foe th. v n ;
hrotli wrre rrceti'd lo ti inpi the l.nw.u, 'llli
llflr iitluitlM' Maii'i; th.- little uMUiji", In
vhlcli the .tonus nuocn had rtl"n pl-ivcd ot
loi.vkrrplinr .nid farmltis, weie jwlly ch'ro.jli I;
and soft Huhl ere -ultend In 110-I cfli-it'ii
'Ihc- iiijtcr of 1 ho c err, motile Jiel lit- imiiioiu
hud draihtless iioiiikitd Ions and deeply nwr .1
proRldnune nhleli t-hould do honor Jl inn v In
their niMi.r tli.-Ii stomx, rml then
own inventlte jjeiiiu.
I'lnilly all 1 4 ie nl 'the hen miiithK .nid .1
coie cf pj(,es come iinlikly In In illiiudiute
tho cti.e. 'i'lien i iiiijvify iiuhN
if honor -hit not In the i-l.ite nnd ponip i.f
temt iintmne; lor nn thh ixi.i-iiul the me tn
ilinte hefoie the Nilirs .mil .it. In r nuieityN
lii.iiid.ite they .111 driMscd n dalr ui.ild', .1 inc.
tunic m lipAlttliln llul they ;.re ilmihl.t ill.
tut tins: lo their .uhnliiii.. th" pi?..
The tjihii'ft irslcr, 1'ierre, and lu fed nv
T'ieiret conio ill too. 'Ihey .ne ll. In a nun,.
In lote with putty I,l7(ttc, and she loicn them
tier one, n sho f.n. Hut lnie Ihl-
not coiitirit them, how .dull Aw ihodv; I.. -tHeui
them? An iiispiuti'inl f'h.iiue, utile h t
lies n in.iny qnrstiout In loll and .u, tIull
ill tide. She laiiuhiliKly ton a led pwe Into
the gioiip he ttlm i-clrn win-. l)..r ( ,ipld
Stilde lit 1 hand'' 01 doe .hu i."e ju t nheic
1'ii ire h st.indlii!.' At anv lite he smi- it
sail, and I.letlc ii hi.. All the unni ce.ful
riciinU mibt felj ntlm I'ieirtltci.; hut surrl
their fjle U not a hird one,
Nov. eoraca the lo.i.d linln, in lo-nnt pm e
illlll. 'llllt fpiCCIl. lovtlle-t pllnics 01 hel d.n.
i c-eoited by the Innd-onie Dnl.e, while
the klnn le-d ill the stately diuhiJe. '111.')'
Xioup lhcir,eltoi and the planrctic
dancci that hate hern mi tatefuUy .'irranijed.
There I a Uuvi.ii ihnre out of rompllniPiit
t.i the duke nnd dii'liee; an AUttlan djnie In
honor of Madjine d'Otierklrih, who h, with the
KNiul ihieliesej a gMy clamei ,t Dit dancv: .1
lhely measure Litwccn the l'iniot and 'lr-icttf-r.:
a (-lately coiut elinie;! the mfii.v
quern Induces the jmuix du'ce to lorr! hit
rank and ceiemony, and 1oln with her In a pi.
tonl dance, as shepherd and fheplurdej..
Alter tlii-, nil lomnllly U wl aide. ..nd the
lieautiftil nu.'cii ol l'liince weleomts fn her "
rouit all hei Mihjects, of vhalcui tlejiie." aIi.i
how hefore lici.
The UiU'slan flag dance was uinoug
the prettiest with its broad ted, white
and blue fettlpcd skirts, the reel mm
nets of the ladles and the ticb black
velvet and gold embroidered costumes
of the men. This Is known as "The
t'olllery Knglncer Dance" since the
peisonnel is made up of representatives
from that gieat institution of this
city. .Mis. It. .J. Foster, who Is one of
the chapcroncs and who has worked
Indefatigable in tho Interests of the
young people In her dance, carried an
immense bouquet of scarlet cat nations
last night as a graceful tribute from
the participants, the hue correspond
ing with the prevailing lone of their
The Alsatlon dancers wore charming
costumes with accotdeon plaited skirts
nnd velvet bodices, while the men were
attired In the festive dtess ot their
The Gypsies glllteicil with reti and
gold nnd their gay tnmbouilncs made
lullllant Mashes of color as they were
lifted In tho changing light.
Tho Pierrots in their quaint clown
dress nnd their pretty Pierrettes In
diaphanous skirls weie among the
most effective. While tho eighteen
young ladles of tho Fire dance camo hi
for rounds of applause In their beau
tiful evolutions with their red frocks
and transparent, smokc-liko scnifs.
Tho Shepherds and Shcpherderscy
made a sti Iking scone In their flowered
gowns made In tho stylo familiar In
tho pictures by Iloueher, with their
berlbboned and Uower-tilmiucd urno.
and their splendid picture bats. Tho
men also wore handsome costumes In
this dance and carried Shepherds'
Tin: couut daxck.
Tho Court dancers, of course, led In
the splendor ot their appearance. The
pastel-like effect of the ladles, with
their powdered hair and rich, soft sat
ins can only be seen to he appreciated,
They woro magnificent Jewels and wero
altended by courtleis no less sumptu
ously atthed,
Tho coRtumen were the topic of uni
versal favor. It would be an unenviable-
task to say that one was morn
attractive than another when all weie
so charming, fnlm tho dainty striped
frocks of lite pietty dairy maids to
tho lustrous broendes and satins ot
the court.
Miss Freda Hauls woie a charming
yellow dtess In the Spanish dance. Tim
dances weie conducted with gtcat
beauty of movement nnd grace of pose.
The fololsts wero exceptionally suc
cessful iu their dllllcult tasks.
Milton O'Connell cam" hi for tho
star rale. In many respects, us he Is
a most finished dancer. Ho had a
strong rival In Mori Imer Tl. Fuller,
whoso woik os the .fester wns Hlmply
Miss Amy Jossup wan ihc beautiful,
stately queen. Sim wore n linndsoini
Dresden silk gown over a pink satin
petticoat, garlanded with flowers. Shu
tilted the mlo well Indeed nnd looked
like a picture in every pose.
Miss Alice Matthews, as the (Irani
Unchesve, was lur away lovelier than
ever that particular royal lady could
tlalm in be. She wore u lovel. .iilln
kowii. blazing with Jewels.
Miss Amy l.oulse Nnrthup made a
lypleil flvpsy Qceit. with her piquant
face and her il.iil: hair. She dauc''l
villi much grace.
-Mis" Agues Callahan was th' pi'-tty
dancer with Mr. O'f'onncll in tho ben i
tilul r.iiM-lnti duo. Miss Anna Ala
thlavi ei olved tumultuous applause for
her pleinresquo win I; as tho 11 iv
Splilt. Miss FioiIh llurrls nas de
lightful in Hie SpnnNh dinee i Ith
Mi. nvnnnell.
MAM-: a i.ovi:r,v i.i.i:ttk.
.Miss Anna Strickland, the lovely, pe
tite young lady who took the role of
I.lf.tte, won eveiybody's heart by her
sweet face, her prclt oItc. and Mr
Mrs ( it. Semi wa aKlud In
the flower booth b. Miss Mabel Schlatt
er and Miss Stevens. In the tandy
booth weie .Mrs. K. Clcaih.u t. Miss
nenihait and "Miss Annie Watson, Mrs.
R M. Wlntoti and Mis. O. 1". .Matthews
served Ice el on in.
Mrs. T. II. Hale, .Ml-s unle nnd Mls.s
Kenned occupli il the art booth lnt
night. Other mmhersare: Miss
Xortou, Miss Anna Fernnton. Miss
nilzabeth Saiideison. Mr. .1. T. Potter,
Miss Sophia Sthlagi-i. Mis. I'llinmier
Acker. Fmma l.owls. Jllss lJerthti
Powell, .Mrs. II. c. Wallace.
('ongriituliiilous were show rt-d on
Miss Kager, under who-e manngenient
the entertainments ni" given, and upon
the pnttlelp.ints who have worked mi
fiillhlull.v 10 produee this most inng
nlllccnl afiiilr. Mrs. P V Chambe).
Mil, the head of the flnntne e'lmmitlee.
upon whom has lallen th groat share
of the millions woik connected with
the arrangements, camo In for much
commendation, nnd .Mrs. Charier Carr,
whose faithful ser Ices as pianist have
contributed so much to the affair, was
warmly prabed.
The handsoni souvenir pi ogi amines
which were pi luted by the Colliery
Knglneer company's printing plant,
weie sold for live cents each. Chailes
Schlager acted as "crier." .lorry Foster
ICssen Taylor and Taylor Foster and
others selling them In ill ni-les.
The first npp'ai.incp of "The Pled
Piper of Hnmelln" will be this after
noon at 4 o'clock. Tf the people were,
delighted with ihe entertainment of
last night they will h enchanted with
Uu little folks today. Their peiform
ance beats anything in the juvenile
line ever attempted In this city.
Tickets, may still be sncureil for the
matinee-. The houses for Hie even
ings aie pictiy well sold, although
somes 1ioch and loge.s remain. Single
sats may b,. obtained in tlies. The
Marie Antoinette Veto will b. repentiM
ecr. night this week
He Is the Man Who. Wns rioRgetl
Because He Stole Money horn
Krugei's Saloon.
'I'll-' famlh tif Jioph Ciuiiiej. of
Piicebuig. aie mm h disturbed over
hitter's absence from home since Fri
day, Jan. IS, and scilous accusations
111c made against William Kiugtr, .1
' Prlcbiug- saloonkeeper, and Andrew
Ku7.nufsky. both of whom have ivt 11
111 rested at the Instance of Uutuey'i
son, Thomas. Wild stoiles of uu as
sault on nttrnoy, that he was taken
Into Kuiger's cellar, alter being d"
tecled In the act of theft, and then
Hogged Insensible, uro in the air. hut
there Is nothing to substantiate the
Krugei' has waived a li aiing rial
entou-d ball in the sum of XKK) for
h's appearance at court. Since Our.
uey's tllsapiiearuufe .ic has been ie.
ported to be In .Scraiiton, anil one
.lojin .Vif.ino.s!:- Is vale Tio hni nut
him in a Lackawanna :tetiue hot !.
Knitter admits having kept i.uruov in
his houses lor a nhoii period for -teal-lug
n box containing1 about Mi", end
during this thuo having utti mpted in
make hint dirclose the uh. ;,.,i bonis
a $."1 bill, the onlv money not iwn -cleel,
Kuigcr m Pies haIns bf.iiin lin.
and says that after tlurno- left lni
hoiii-p lie thinks that tour 01 irivsi
and wishing to avoid ids I'amilv'.s c n
sure, he betook himself to (hit, lly.
Iltrupy is .tbotir "in ymrs o ajie tiltt
n iiatlw of lioriuuni. I Te h.t- be 11
in this countiy nboui twetuv-tw j
yoais, and vas miplojed .' a min. .
In one of ihe lackawaniKi's oi. pliant
olllciics. Jlo has one on, Thnipat. mil
j "Match Up" !
- -not pennies but yom
underwear. He who is
wearing one undeishiit
will need two he who
wears .t medium one
needs double thickness.
Wc oiler our stock ot
Men's Winter Underwear
at the following prices :
I "on T'j!wUA"
WWhlnU . flr .
1 Ht tt
&Y',' jr &? y
'Ci . .-1-.
''?ie..;Sf cs--
c . j si
Wholesale Liquor Dealers,
two iliiuehteis. Mis. lloiinli AVtilbo
wit;: and Jlrs. Xcllk Kups't. Willi mi
ICupst, Ids son-in-law is one of the
principal witnesses against Kiuuer. lb
claims lo Iiuao been In Dagutls' -a-loon
shortly after flurnfy's dlMpppu1
ance. mid while in ti-ie l.iug-r en
teted. He treated file 01 sK men at iht ha
mid Kitpst claims that Kruger i"
niaikcil that hi had given .lin-eph
i Jumpy two hundred lashes after
(atehhig him robbing his till. At Di
Siltlr' saloon .1 Tillnme niiiii was told
that Ki tiger hatl declaied that he l."d
beaten Oitmey, but had snld notbliM i
I'boiit iwo lilliniied lushes, 01 rinv
pecllled number of Mows. Krug-.
told the following rtoij' ,
"I have known iJunif ine i'''i.
When WO wer' li"igllbin ill Ihliope,
lor some time I hn- l'.io. n i'a ' ,
UtiineyV family ul.itliiini wee unh ,
py tints and that Wolliow iiss iiu.l
lih'i harshly, always taking lus .w
and never allowing him n nl.
" boiit three weeks ago lie came in
mid said that his xoii-iu-law lied
chafed him out of the hous and he
was foiced li Hloep 111 Ihe shed. Th
next (1'iv lie took liiiMkris at in
hmiM. and imi nbout the pine u dif-lore-ill
times during the da..
"Sniuidav I wont in Hi' u o.i
i .1 in n Itm linine willi -It'll i Mit'it'n
and I Sin Ih flutberl. who bad l.ikeii iiit
UHlmall'iillon papeis a. ihe t out t
house, f found iJtnnev then i,;iiln.
With iliei-o nun. mv wile mid soui.
oilier persons. I ent' i -d a 1001,1 nl
.uilnlng the bar-iocitii, ealnir a elg.a"
l.o eonliiliilliu about 'PI on 111" enun
tei. liuir.ty was ulone In ihe room
and an Instant lot r from th" itllsi
100111, I aw him bike the l,.i mil
1 1111 out of tht- dooi w Ith It.
"We lollowtd and caught "aim In nn
Olypllillll sjlnnn. We bi'o'lght llllll
back and on smirching him 1'oiiiid all
the moucv nu him except hip five dol
lar bill.
"Me was iiuubl" to uieiiiiiii for th
abst'iiee in' this, nnd we kept him In
Hit' house till Siinilnv, thr-'iuenlng
him with the law. and then let him
go. AP this l. ilk of llnggliig and as
sault is nonsense."
A whole taf I of count llni.inle mudi
ilates for the plact ,s on the hoaid of
ievson and appeal, which me to be
tiled tonight were beard from yester
day. The list IncludeH Select Council
men Adam Schroeder nnd John K.
Itegan and Common cotine llmcn John
Xugcll. Daniel (lalvln and II. .1. Cok
1111111. II. J. o'.Molloy, hihool c.iiHiiiller from
the Thiid wind, Is also a 1 mullihil
In addition lo the other 1 Ulceus men
tioned In ycterday's Tiibune. namely:
David Owens, i:. .1.' Hughes and ).
I!. Wright. A decided opposition to
the elei tloil of I'lHllH illlleii s looked
Piano for Sale.
This piano has been left on sale and
must b" n'dd, 1 eg.u dlrsi of pilce. Lat
est design upilglit. ne.nly ni . "nud In
line condltlo'i. Don's miss mi oppor
tunity to get 11 good piano che-ip. Will
bo sold for cu-li only, I'neinsp. Hull,
Scl.intOll P.I 1. W. ll'lel'IISCV I'l'l-
prletor. "
Steam Heafinj and Plitmbln-j.
P. P. A- M. T. Ilowley,:.'!! Vyomins iv..
The Scianton Gas and Water Com
pany and the Hyde Pnik Gas Com
pany. Ill .III I 111. IH. I' Wjlll III l.ll 1 II I III -I I KIM-
ptilllo til IiiImiO Mil'-, llillll '.i'lll t. IHIU .1
IU.O In U.III.IIII11I li.V illlll.lMll 1 nil-1111)1111. 1.
niillie i- In 1. 'In uImii IIi.iI. mi .iml .illn Apnl
1 lll'Xl, I lie unci cf u.i- "111 be one ilnlln- (HI
urn lliinl-.iril t tilde- In 1 1 11-iitnetl, Milij"! I In
Hie fftllii".ln' .-- 11 .1 1; - The (ni tiiit, nn lilt
Mil. Chen Uu- 1 niwiiii. (mil lor tlm iiuia'i
niiniitit- ti li . linn 1 tuiii ln cl'illir; ffii pir
mil. uu .ill I ill.-, uliui tin- mii.unipttcn fur Hi
inuiilli hdi 1 lit- i" 1 mm .lulliiM an 1 1 i
I'lnvlitiil l!n tiill 1 1 ii.i n ni lii'f 1.
'.'Dill (l.o w 1 lie nn in in nhiili ,V lull i
irliili-ici! Ilv cii'li 1 1 ' it t- ' .1 'nl,
( II II Wl). Prei.'f, -.
r ho p;re.ti'-Sl conimerbial
economist in the world today.
Compared lo any neccsatir
investment in. business,
thoprofitfrom.1 TCLEPHONE
it, incalculable.
Res.dercc and Comin(iri.i.i
rates .t a mcclorate cost.
V4iu;ir' Ciller, lir tlanu junni;,
iiKEEiHiirasOTSts uunztiwmX
Ullt I I'l.DIUJ) MIV -.-if.iil.i Ik, nude, her.
li mil li 11 unit v ii lir'.t.-r tlun a lead..
turn!.. i' " u Hi nit a Him h "
h,k". '"":' ":.K.". .:.'.. ,'.k::; $12.00
435 Spiuce Stieot. SeiAiiton, Pa.
Pierce's Market, Peon Avenue
We inal.c a i"ti4'ij ut dine fiuiii ij fliu
ttr nud utrlcily eggs jnj tlic prl i. n
low as ftr.t elaai -ihhIj tan li soki ai
M'u do not lull tny Fncliil sjIcm ci 1. uijr.i
tut at jII t!ni-s eairy J comile(o a line of
Hnrkct (.'eiotld, I'amy tlioieile-s unJ Tallin IK-llcu.
clcs ai cull t'o leiiiinl in tho laitfct .New Voil.
or I'hllatlclrliU Markrti ulilth uc .ill at n;ht
W. H. Pierce,
19 ttckuwinn. Are,
rrorript delivery.
110, It:, HI recti Ati.
It's Annoying
To some folk to hear of
the success ol other.. Out
success comes from the fact
to go the best otic better in
our daily efforts. For ex
ample, our
216 Lackawanna Ave.
Spring Hats
ll is early to talk of spring
hats but our molI; of winter
styles was nculy r,oc and
w wcic obliged to bave our
spring orders 'rushed.
Tlic Firiit Arrivals
Ati hi'ic ati.l uu call be
a K'.ulci ut I islnoil.
1'ui'i'U'f. I'siaMMicd lOli.
Slaughter Prices
for February
tlle lot nl' l.leli. s' Suits In all
tol'il. 11 die eel tu S4 tJ
One lot shnit Jnekets and New
markets. Voni ellllll'O fur S'J.ef
Children s mid .Misses .luchets from
fS...n tu fio.iui. Venn- ehiilc'2 for Just
half price.
J 1.0(1 ones fin rj -.'.OO.
$ ."..on ones for $ i.ZO.
7. On ones for $ ".so.
$ '.i.iid ones lor $ I..1D.
Jlit.uo ones for S
Jiri.fW tines for $ T.nO.
Jf.OO ones for $ D.on.
.jn.iij tines for MO.11O.
?j"i.on dues nu
It.iu lnr- IkuikIiI. Kurs tepulred.
j Extraordinary....
I 1 . .1 1... .. .,..:.... .1 1:..
,-t 111- iiiL.ii iiuci muiyiiiii J.A-
poll I poMt1011 held in Philadel
phia, ibi)o, ihe Mason & Hamlir
I'ianofoites wen awarded highest
distinction eie ,'H others, nnd
wen the only piano to bo
i u'cuiiiiiKiivlcJ lo the I'l.inkliti Insli-
I lute as woitln nt .1 distinc
tion at1 I extra medal.
A li.!! stoc'v ol tin.: siiporb n -striiiiie-iits
m iv be seen at liu
wateionms ol
L. B. Powei i & Co.
TlicDlcbsc'i ". :! raclurlns? tii.
1 crntitn a' 1 ".
.Mu.i .Lie
i.u im, !'
1 Locc.MOTivr.s. Frvr.raivV us'qine-"
leiilcr-.. Hlil i'i,:iin ' '1 en 1 ; Maclilnrry
General Oflice. uranton. Pa.
A'.s :3.i!i Eargnin.
We have decided to contimio
the Linoleum Sale that we lielrl
on Monday moio pieces liavo
"been added larger onofs. "W'hy
huy oil cloth when wo sell this
herst of all floor covet hips for
so little money ?
rine quality, handsome pat
terns, popular deslgnb. Item
ntmtH. of coui&o, hut contain
ing 4 to 10 yards, Worth 55c,
COc and G5c per yard.
-"" '- c
Fczr Yard.
ai-aaa-azs-ssTWyoming av
Lfl n