Jp1 r;iiw5!ws V tfMflR&J 7ijy7 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1901'. Publlihtd IHIIr. Eipt Sunday, by 'rllf.,T!!! use Publishing Company, at Kilty Cent Month. IJVY 8. mniAHD, K.lllor. 0. r. nYXni:i:. Uuslncts Mantjesr. New York Offlcc: 150 NaMiii St. s. s. vhixi.avd, Sole Agent for foreign Advertising. Entered t Hie I'ontofllcp at Scranton, Pa., m Second-Class Mall Matter. When spare will permit, The Tribune Is alwajs triad lo print short letters from It friend! near Inn on current topic, but Its rule Is that tnese mut bo signed, lor publication, by the writer real name! and the condition pi credent to c ceptancv la that all contribution shall be subject to editorial revision. TIIK PLAT HATH KOH ADVlHtTISIXO. Tho following table shown the prl(e per Inch each Insertion, space to bo mod within one yeart ... .. ...,,., -- - - Vull DISPLAY Position '.30 .ISi .IS Hews iTiaiTfoolnciies. 600 Inches 1K) " 8000 " woo " Hates for Classified Adiertlstns furnished on application. TEN PAGES. SCnANTON". FKHKUArtY 1D01. If II In desirable tin t.ike the llccn? Ktantlni,' power mil of the hands of court In fit. st and t-ocond cluss cIUj.m, w no rriiKon why this ohould not bo rlono in nil other cltlrs. borough) nticl tnuiiahlps. It Is mi unjudicial function, which never tihculd hnva boon put upon tho jiiilm-fi. - a i hi - A Lohr Felt Want. TIIK APPLICATION now pi-nditii,' before couiiclLs fur ii frnnchle for an additional trolley railroad llliuctruteri one of the weak points In our Htuttj Koveniment. namely. inseetne safc Kliardlr.K of public utilities. Hxperlenee ImvlriH' In many cases Hhown the Inailenuncy of home rule In these matter, due to the fact that when a franchise piopo.ltlon of considerable- amount is contemplated, Its .xpons-ors usually plan to rush It tlirnuKli councils hefoie public dlscns rlon has had time to crystallize Into u conservative Judgment upon Its mer Hh. It may well be urgued that the state should Intervene, and, as In New Yoik state, where u railway commls. flon compels every new applicant for a railway charter to show reasonable cause for the (-ranting of a permit to ko ahead, establish sonu means of In quiring Judicially Into tho public ne cessity for additional public utilities. These comments are not directed especially at the pendliiK proposition, which Is entitled to consideration on Its meilts, but they are siiRRosted by ll at piesent there Is no moms of establishing when an application for a competitive franchise Is genuine or when It Is speculative. A local body like councils is liable to be svwiy ed by piejudlce. If it dislikes a street car company or a kus and water com pany or a telephone company It Is prone to give a competitive franchise larcelv as an expression of that dis like, without taking Into proper ac count the various permanent factors in the problem, such, for example, as the pit-sent or prospective need of com petition. For, however genuine may be the Intent of applicants for a com petitive, franchise to invest thel" money as oilglnully proposed, the public convenience Is not bcneMted un less there Is a Milllclent field for the investment to pay. If It doesn't pay, its projectors will not long carry It: It as ill ro under tho nherllt's hammer or be bought In bv tho lival company, and In either case It will represent only a useless epi tui which the com munity. Jn the long jun, will have to pay for. The railway commission in ew York slat", although It ban sometinieii been accustd of subsoi vlency to politi cal pressure. In the main wmks well mid Is a protection lo the public, iSj cleailj' bus this fact been established It refeience to transportation matters that the leglslatuie at Albany has been indeed by the governor to cMend the mllw.iy commission's Juiisdlctlou over nil public utilities, so befoic any Jie-.v franchise grant of any kind shall Ikcoiiio operative there mrsl be e. pelt Inquiry as to Its necessity and lull public hearing of all the argu ments and testimony. AVe believe that Homcthln? of this kind Ih as necessary In Pennsylvania as It Is in New- York ttato, and that Its establishment would impose a salutary restraint upon tho tendency, now growing, to gamble In the necessities nml conveniences of the people. Now that the army canteen ban besn closed, pi eventing military regulation of the drink habit among soldiers, look out for a boom In rot-gut holes lit th" ivall and nil other kinds of vile civilian 'raps tor the soldiers' undoing! An Interesting Battle. APOLITICAL battb which bids fair to become historic Is Imminent at Albany, and ll Is one In which the peo ple of every state In the Union are In terested, Colonel Hoosevelt threw out he Bklnulsh lines for It when he put hrotlgh the i ord bill Imposing a statu as on franchises. Hut his successor, Jovernor Odell, the man who had bean iiiuwn far and wdde us simply "a nia hlne pulitlclan, who was supposed by nany to huve been nominated by cor toratlon Influences for tho express pur josh of undoing what Hoosevelt had luno to excite their political untagon nm, lutf-o.uletly enliuged the scale of pera'tlons until the combat bids fulr ko cover the whole range of the relit 'Ions of tho stuto lo Its Incorporated rentlons. Hoosevelt only proposed that cor porations owning franchises' should oay the same rute of taxes on the us essed valuation of these franchises hat the ordinary home-owning citizen .as to pay on tho assessed valuation of lis little property, and for this propo rtion, which ho put through Into law, no was denied u second term at Al bany and shunted Into the vlce-presl-limey, a purely ornamental ofllce. Hut V.oll, the matter-of-fact, machine poll- 'lliinof l!ild1nic"nn Paper lteadintr .25 I .273 ' .20 .22 .10 .175 .IU .17 .13 .10 tlclan, no sooner takes Roosevelt's place thnn, without a single prelimi nary flourish, ho notifies tho publics that he proposes to exert his Influence to secure legislative abolition of nil dl tect taxation for stale purposes. Last year direct tnxatlon cost the people of the lCmplie stato for Hchools, canals and general purposes $10,70i,Hi3.39 nnd Odell's purpose Is to take this bur den oft real estnto and put It over upon the corporations. Ills plan In detail contemplates a tax of 1 per cent, upon the capital nnd surplus of banks and trust companies! n similar tax upon the surplus of sav ings banks and upon tho capital and surplus of Insurance nnd title guaran tee and surety companies; a general revision of tne law taxing corpora tions upon their capital nnd dividend, with n minimum of l', mills on each dollar of authorized capital stock of companies organized In New York, said tax lo Incrensa a quarter uf a mill for each one per cent, of dividend nbove C per cent., except in the case of manufacturing conjurations whose plants nre located within the state, they being exempt; likewise tho exac tion of this tax from foreign corpora tions doing business within the state, assessment to be proportlonnl to as sets within the state; and finally the intention of present tuxes on the gross earnings of transportation corpora tions. How far this plan vlll affect tho pooketbooks at which It Is aimed can be conjectiued only. The Albany cor respondent of tho Nw York Herald says it Is expected to produce, with present receipts ($1:1,000,000) for stato purposes from Indirect sources, t-i,-600,000 a year, tho $9,600,000 of extra revenue being distributed as follows: Tax on Insurance companies, $1,700, 000; on savings banks, $1,500,000; on national and state banks, $2,000,000; additional on corporations, $3,000,000: and on trust companies, $1,400,000. "One of the most beneficent results," this correspondent adds, "will be to prevent tho 'watering' of stock, becausa every share of 'water' will be as much sub ject to taxation as a share of actual value-drawing capacity. No corpora tion can afford to Increase? Its capitali zation beyond bound when an Inex orable tax collector Is lying In wait to levy tribute on each share of the In llated Issue." All kinds of explanations are afloat as to Governor Odell's motive In bring ing this sweeping scheme of Increased corporate taxation Into view. Some say It Is a bid for u better understand ing with the big financial Interests In New York city. Others allege that it Is a gallery play for tho purpose of disarming the political strength of the vice-president-elect. which largely turns upon his strenuous insistence upon the franchise tax. Yet others contend thnt Odell Is proceeding de- llbei.itely to train as an anti-trust candidate for the presidency three ; years hence. The most plausible cx- i planatlon Is that he Is proceeding with I honest motives to work out a practical solution of the groat problem of un equal taxation, recognized by every body to be one of the most Important and dllllcult problems In the pathwuy of government. How he will succeed remains to be seen. The power which will bo massed against his programme at Albany, represented by more than 30,000 coiporatlons with a total capi talization of many billions, will bo al most Inestimably large and when ll will not dare to hazard open opposi tion It will work along tho far more effective lines of securing amendment and delay. Hut it Is something to know that In tho stronghold of corporate wealth there Is courage enough among the men In public life to undertake tlie equitable revision of tnxatlon and thus to disprove the pessimistic asser tion that all manhood In politics Is bridled. The iii'inurr In which tho Cub-in ouiiR.sters are trying to sandbag old t'.eneral Gomez offers an interesting illustration of Cuban gratitude. It will not pay to trust such Ingrates further than shall be clearly stipu lated In the bond. Leonard Wood, who three years ago was a captain, today Is a brigadier general In the regular army and will live to bo lieutenant general command ing. Yet they say the young maa no longer has a chance. Senator Teller, with his preniaturo Cuban resolution, Is not the first statesman who has consulted his emo tions at the cost of his common sense. - . . The essential thing for Fcranton Is a new charter fitted to Scranton'a needs. Hipper, or no ripper, keep your mind on the main point. Ity nil accounts, Venezuela's pot-and-kettle asphalt war Is a good thing for the United States to keep out of. In the matter of Cuba Is Is well to remember that the American pooplo also owe something to themselves. Men now nllve may llo lo beo tho end of tho Chinese puzzle, but It would l.t- null to wager on It. A way to aold, senatorial deadlocks Is to permit the plurality to elect. A HELPING HAND. If I should dec A languishing In so-o distress, And I Miotic! tout and leave him comfortless, Wlicn'l mlgiit be A messenger of hope and happiness lloiv could I ask what I denied In ni own hour of bitterness cuppllcdV If I might tit-i A Utile sung to cheer a fainting he-ait And ! should seal my lips and alt apait, Mhcn I night bilng A bit of sunshine for lllo's ache and murt How could 1 hope to have my ei let relieved If 1 kept silent when my br&thci grieved' Iml so I know That day is lost wheiiln I fall to lend A helping hand unto some vvavwurd friend; Hut if it show A burden lightened by the cheer I sent, Then do I hold the golden hours well spent, And lay me down lo rest in sweet contc'. Kdltli W. Urandt. Otiflin? Stiidies o! fldman Nature Circumstances Were Different. XrOI AUK the plaintiff In this rase, I be I llee!" said the counsel for the defcrpe to Mr. Kerry. "I am." "And you air mini? Mr. Train for ten feet of ground more than you onf" "Hut I do nun it. That's why I am suing for powsslon." "You think your land extends ten feet cast on what Mr. Train claims as his!" "Ym." "flow long liae you claimed Dili ten fectt" "K(er since t had It aim eyed two years ago." "Why did jou not brlmr suit for It soonert" "I was trjing to uhtaln It amicably without going to law." "Mr. Ferry, so icrcntly as last December jou laid claim to this ten fiet now In dispute" "WbulN thaU" "Did you not one day last December tell Mr. Train that jour ground came only lo the point which lie claim, and, remember, you are under oath. The ocial4i I refer to was on Tuesday afternoon, and Mr. Madot nas picsentl" "VV-edd," replied Ferry after a thoughtful pause, "that was when we wrre ho cling tha snow (! our pawmctil." Xew York World, An Oriental Episode. (lytS," said U Hung Chang, condescend I Ingly, "Confucius was a very famo'ii man." "And a ury good one," said the utelllte, bowing three times. "And a ery wise one," continues! I.I. "Hut there are some smirt things that be might hac said but necr thought of." The? satellite murmured, "Is It pelMc!" "e was so embarramed tuid culled that he forirt to bnv t litre- times until M lilt him with a !. lerol bungilarler, which he keept for that pur pose, "He died long befuto I was nude an carl." "He did, Illu.trlous onr." "Therefore it was quite Impossible for him to re-mark that I am the Kail l.i bin) who catcher the worm: quite tinims-ilhtrl" The satellite la.ighed long and loud, which shows that u jeweled huuatarter Is alwajs a good Ihlng to hate around ft ulace. Washington (star. His Slanderer Was There. OX OXi; OCCASION", while addressing a meeting, Mr. filjcUtmic was repeatedly inter, rnptrd by an Imlbiduil whn alternated loud guffaws uiili the Imitation of a dog'n howls. The speaker inquired the name of thl- lellow an was told that he was a certain John barf. "Mr. barf," he raid, raHn.? his oice, "our friend fioldsniith clearly had you In icw when he eald: "The watch-dog's voice that bay'd the -aldJ- pi ring wind. And the loud barf that spoke the vacant mind.'' "He Mid that, did her" cried barf, ai he turned round and struck a little man who was in the crowd .1 severe blew out the head. And it was only after a violent roufh-aml-tunible "Hid much vituperative language that Mr. I-arf was romlnecd that the man he had auaultcd and whose name was Ooldsnilth wa not the gentle man referred to by Mr. Gladstone Tit-lilt;. Needn't Have Kept On. DR THOMAS A. HOYT, the paetor of the Tha inhere-Wy lie Memorial church of I' adelphla, wax recently cnteitalnlng President ration, of Princeton, Ccneral John 11. Cordon, and other eminent men at dinner. The guests were speaking in strong praUe rf a sermon the minister had Jim preached, and those who wu--versed in theology were discuMing the doc'rlni polnll he had brought out. Dr.'ji young son wo sitting at the tab! and President I'atton, turning to lilm, slid: "My boy, what did jou think of your father's sermon? I tmv you listening Intently to It;" at which praise Mm. Ilojt smiled nmllallj-, .mil all listened to hear what sort of a reply the lad would make. "I guess It was very gorul," sal-l the boy; "but tin re weie three inlghtj- fine p.aera where he could have stepped." Saturday Kvening Post, Knew His Dusiness. IX DAS gone bj in a country town, '.hcie. lived and wrought a stonecutter who, beldes beign ictkoned sklllfjl In designing tombstones, wait credited with n critleal taste In the epitaphs inscribed thereon. flenc requested bj the disconsolate, weepin-; relict of one of hi fellow townsmen to plaec on the slab of her clear eleparled the wouls, 'Mj- sorrow N invitcr than I can bear " he took caie to space them out so tint an addendum was possible, and was by no means surpiised at her visiting him a few months alter to ask hlui, as she was abobt to reman v, lo cfToee the insenp tlem and substitute a more fitting one. "No need for tint, inarm," was bis icplv. "I alwajs looks to 'he contingencies where theie's wlddies lef'. All tint's wanted to the Inscrip tion on that tomb Is jes' to add the word "alone!" Mray Stories. Settling the Land Question. At OLI.IEK wandering on some land belongin,' to Karl 11 chanced to meet the owner faic to face-. His h-rd-lilp asked the collier if he knew he wis walking on hi land. "Thy land! Well, I've got no land myself," was the rcpl) "and I'm forced to walk cm somebody else's. AMiaur did j-oti get it ftonii" "Oh," replied the catl, "I got It from my an cestors." "And whaur did they get it from J" inquired the collier. "They got It fmm their ancestor." "And whaur did their aneetora get It from?" "They fought for It." "Ab, well,' vitl the collier, fquiring up to tho f-irl, "come, and I'll fight thee for ll." Tiil-lllm. Hard Lines. AXATIVK of the Kmeralil Isle was traveling by rail for the first time in his life. The train stopped at a station, and the ,juaril opening the door ol tho cjrrlage In which l'at was seated, called out: "All change here!" "All change here!" cried Pat aghast. "Sure, then, mister. Ol've only wan shilling and twu elorty toppers In the vvolde, woide woiTuld, an' je wtidn't be so mane as to hi afthcr takkln' thim fiom me, won't! je, sorrt" '-pare Moments. AN OBLIGATION OF DUTY. From tlu Philadelphia Press, The relation lietvvren Cuba and the t'nlted States inie-t be de-ttrinlmil ami adjusted as ter talnly as the constitution must l- pcrtVitcd, It I tided in some- quarters that the l'nlli-1 Stales nothing to do In lite matter txttpt to receive the Constitution that ni.ij be miIhih till and lurn Cubi over to the goiernnn-iil i vs Ills li ll provides; that we hate no pnwei o. , Ihe- Constitution of a fottlgn rountrj; thai wo ate pledged by Ihe Trllir resolution to with draw us soon as pae ideation Is accnninllklicd. I and tint the Independence we have piomised Is incioneiiaiiie wlllt any supervisory authority on our part. 'I his ce mention disregards tho funda mental conditions of Ihe tayc. o if we hail no moral obligations and if there were no futuie lomequinees, it would be far the easiest and nimplc.t thing to accept this view, and, upon Ihe prt-entation of the Con. ttitiitlun, to withdraw from all further respon nihility and partielpitlon In ( uba. If we wcie Ihlrklii? only of our own Immediate Interests and conduit, this Is whal we should tin. The United States Is seeking nothing in Cuba for lueb. c don't want annexation. We don't want tx ploltatlon. We havo far less need of Cuba than Cuba has of us. It would be for our present irllef to wash our hands of Cuba and leave tho islam! to go It alone. Hut there are two deiMve reasons why this cannot bo dom. In the first plate, we arc un der the obligation! of a great ami sacred trurt which Imposes upon us tie duty to Cuba and to IRj or'd of guaranteeing peace, security and Juatke. In the second plate, we cannot af ford to purilusr present else at the tost of future risk and peril. We Inter-mod In Cuba In IS'JS tot-auto ve asserted the right and Hu ll ity to stop inUrule and wron; In this dKa ttnt territory, 'I ho light that commanded our then warrmils our watchful tare now, Ily tho treaty ol l'aris, by our occupation, by our redemption of Cuba, weiarr trustees for the Island, 4nd the oblluatlons of that trustee ship cannot be discharged until they are satUHed In elemental and enduilng tafcgtiirds of publlo and personal safety. We hdr tio reason In ciouht that Cuba Is en tirely ready to ofler these safeguards. We lake this for grant il. Thty must be satisfactory to the t'nltcel Stales aid will Invedve the reli. tlons of Cuba with the United States. If there were failure at this point, It would be followed by hatards which would tompel Interposlton at no dstant day with nil its Increased tllfflt-ttllies. We cannot nlwolve ourselves from responsibilities wihth are not t hanged by the Teller resolution, snd present evasion of duly will only brlnu greater troubles hereafter. THE CUBAN PHOBLEM. W, 15. Ctirtla In the Chicago HecoiH. (encrally speaking, every man in both homes rrgards annexation as the "manifest destiny" of Cuba, but alm-Mt every one agrees that we must enny out the Teller resolution' In good faith, giving the t-eoplc of that Island a chant e, eipectlng that they will soon apeal for ad mission Into the American union. At the same time, It is necessary to keep hold of the halter to prevent the adventurers who are now- posing as statesmen from running away with Cuba, or robbing It, or loading It with debt, or Involving It In complications, with forrlgn powers. From Hie Xew York Tribune. This country does not want to lelaln-ltl present contiol ( Cuba any longer than Is right ami ncccs.iry, but belnre It relinquishes It ll wants to make sure that there will be no need of Its again Intervening In the Island nnd IP-establishing- such control. Cuba lixs tost tho United States In the last t-rxcntx-Hvc years en tlrcly too much, In fic-asure and In blood, for this nation to run anv more risks conceirln.1 It. Since the dajte of Momoe Ihe United States lias maintained u ttrtaln reason itile' xantage ground with rcspett to that inline!, iirM less than three jcais ago it sealed its title thrie-to with the blood of many of Its bravest and best sons. That ground Is not now gratuitously to be abandoned, in shadouy hope of legalniiig It ill some far off "nniiina." This nation will look befoic its leaps out uf Cubs. NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE. It may be noted as an acreeable evidence of tho spread of Kgj-ptologli al enthusiasm in Amnio i that nearly half the aggregate Inrotnc for the fund for the last Jiar tame from the t'nlted States. Kastern capitalists with unlimited capital at their command arc planning to develop Xorthern (leorgla on a huge scale. Ihey have purehas-d fiO.lsTO acres of land In five ivuntles which are said to be rich In mineral resources. In tho botanical Oarelen at Xew Yoik e-ity an attempt will be mide to put In a "bamboo de partment." At the Itojal flntanlcal Harden at Ktw, Kngland, there are twetitj- specimens of bamboo, but not so many tan be grown in the colder climate of Xew York, ooooxooooxoo The People's Exchange A TOPULAU CLEAHIN'O HOUSV. for the ' n Benefit of All Who Have Houses to , Itcr.t. Ileal Kstate or Other Pronertv to Sell r Kichange.Vor Who Want Situations or ' iclp These Small Advertisement Cost "t- Cent a Word. Six Insertions for Klvo nts a Word Kxeept Situations Wanted, "iiitu .xre insi-ricci tree. ooooooooooooooooo Wanted. WANTKD TO 11KNT.A IIOUSK OH IT, AT: ST.VU. number of rooms, kind of licit. location, when ready and pike. Address box BOO, city. Help Wanted Male. WAXTKD-A TYPi:Wliin:il AND STKXOli. rapher, must be good penman. AiMicve Lock llox PS, Scranton, Pa. WANTi:i)-STKNO(.ltPlli:it. SALAHY s,VI0-l. Apply in own handwriting giving icfcu-nies, age anil addrcse. stenngiaphel, 'Inbune of lt -. WANli:i) A lTK-sT CI.- HMiHCK AT Tiadeis' Dank HailM shop. .Iihn A. Snub-, AlTi:it WANTKD AT ON( K. MIW WiO ming. 111 Wjomi'ig avinue. Situations Wanted. YOUXO I.AD HAYIXf! LKIM III! 1IMK (IHI.- wee!) I'ridiy and Saturday, wMies exti.t vork. Ati.vthir.g in th? line ol typewriting will receive piompt and special amotion. Legil and general torre-pondence my spec lap), 1'iiica moderate. Aldic, Kxptrlcnccel stjtiographtr, cue ot IJineral Pellverj-, Seranlon P.wtotiUe, cilj-, llOOKKKKPKll-ltKLIVlll.K. SINHLK Oft IiOI". bit entry ; -ill or pait of tho time. Aildiess llookkeeicr. 1111 liirticld street, eity. SITI'MIOX WANTKII-DY AX KXPinilKNTI.l) bookkeeper. Address It. J,, Tribune olflee, SITI'ATIOX W.NTKD-LAUNDItlS WOKLD like li gel some ladles' nnd gentlemen's laundry; also take- familv washing home; lust of city refeience. Call or address fi.'t! Pit. want street. LU'SDItiMx.V WANTS POslllON' S W sl. criuan or in irking and sorlliig; nine stars' cxpe-itnee. II. S. W., tare Tribune. SiriATION" WANTKD-BY AN PM'Lltir.Nf KD linstlrr; live years' expeil-n e. tan give best of Addicts MI'S 1'iiKpcrt avenue, illy. Board Wanted. BOAIID WANTKD-KOIt TIIHKK ADULTS AXD nn .mall rliltiC In, t.ihln .liuKh (am. ily, living In first-class neighboihood. State I price, vv. a., irlbune omce Wanted To Rent. WANTKD TO ItKNT. SMALL, WKLL-ni'lLT. single house, about nine loom; all moihin conveniences, with some gtotiid, Ortcn llldgti or vicinity. Addnws M. I)., Tribune oitiee. Vanted To Buy. waxti:d-si:coxdiiand slot machinls- must be in good order, state particulars aa to make and price. Address L. M., general de 'leery, Scranton, I'a. For Sale. I'Oll S-ALK-COfTAlii: AI IIMtVI'.Y'S LAM', Pa., with about one aeie ground, thirty ap ple ttevs, barn, iee house, i tc. Knquirc of II, II. HicU at Third bank, Scranton, I'a. ion SAi.i: - TwrixTWivi: skcoxdiiand locomotive boilers. I'or partleulats appe al office of Ccncral Stoiekceper, 1)., L. k W. It. It. Co., Scranton, Pa. roit sii:-. p.xcixo iiohsi:, wkhhit hod. fiuarantccd to be sound uud gentle, 51 J Dean strict. roit SALK-A r'AItM OK 60 ACIII'.S; W) AC11KS Improved; 14 mile from Faetoryville; about twenty minutes walk from Keystone Academy; A very sightly end pleasant location for a tountry home; tun be had very reasonable; possession at onee, Imjulre or addicsa W. 1), ftusatll, D, k II. C-.-.'a r-tfice, Scranton. Money to Loan. STllAIfHIT LOAXS XO XON'SKXiK, KKP- logle, Attorney, MOXLY TO LOAN OX HOND AND MOHTOAOK. sny amount. M. II, Ilolgate, Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT Ol' MONTY TO LOAX-jU!CK. straight loans or Iluddlng and Lou. At from 4 to 8 per cent. Call en N. V. Walker, 311-315 Connell building. Lost. LOST - I'AIII OK !rCTACI.I IX ( ASK marked Dr. O. K. Dean, Please leluiii to Helm k Wuinke, corner Main ami Jaiksoii, West bide. ALWAYS BUSY. ,vixi ixm&ss&Lmm m S lUjnilERS; RUIJIJERS. LEWIS & RE1LLY For Rent. Vjsj ."Vs. FOtt IICXT STOItl -tewcll building. .to", spntrn; sTur.ivr, Inquire "ec-ond floor. Recruits Wanted. Xv-V-sv-Vr. HANTCD 1'lllt t'. S. AI1MY: Alibi! flOPH.P, unmarried men betwicn ages eif 21 and "; cltlrcns of I'ultiil Stales, (,f ni iluraet-r and temperate habits, who tun spuk, lead and wilts. Ktigllsh. lt.-trults specially deslird for service in Philippines. I'm Information apply lo Itecniiting Oltiic, lil Wjoining avc., Stran ton, I'a. LjEGflL. RACIIKIi HOPKINS YS. TIIOMAs HOPKIXS. In the Court of Common Pleas of litkawantia Countj-. No. -Js, Nov c tuber 'I'e-tni, 1'JUO. To Thomas Hopkins, lespoudent: Yntl are hereby nolltled that the sheriff of Lacleauanna county ins returned the subpoena ami alias sub. poena In Ihe above case non est Inventus, and the couit has ordered service upen jou hj publica tion. You are lieieby uotlllrd to be and appear at the next tcim of court, to be held In Scran ton, on Mund.iy, March If, llsll, and answer tho toiuplilnt of said llbcllant. CHAlll.KS II. SrilADT. Sheriff. W. M. Ill'XXKI.b, Attorney lor Llbcllant. ESTATK OK AltMINDA Ni:r.l.D. DKCTAhKD. Letters lestamenlary on Ihe estate of Armlnda Neeld late of the Clt.v of Sirantou, deceased, have been granted to the- undeislgnd, to whom all persons Indebted to said tstate- arc requested to inakr payment, and those having claims or demands, to make known seme without elclaj, C. M. NKKLD. II. C HKYXOI.DS, 11. C. Itl.YNOI.Ds. Kxecutort. Attornej for Kslatc. I IX HK: IM'ATK OK DAXIKL W. SULLIVAN. To Whom It May Concern! The Orphans' Court of Lackawanna County has granted a rule to show cause why Mary Sulli van, executrix of the last will and testament of Daniel W. Sullivan, should not be discharged. Ilcturnable to next Argument Court. MAltY SILL1VAX. 11. C. Itl.iXOI.PS, Kxccutrix. Attorney fur Kat.itc. AX OHDINANCI". PIti:i('ltllllX(l LIMITS WITH In width buildings shall not be coustiucted or letoustrutted, noi luio oi within which il.n same shall not be lemoveil, except of note eomhustible miferlals, villi lire-proof icf, jivl fixing the t-emltles lot vndallon thiieof. Sot tt-n 1. He It oiililiiiil liy the select and common cttmclls of tne city of StroMon, and it is hereby otdaincd by the iiuthorlty of the same. That it shall be unlawful to erect, con strue!, reconstruct, remove Into or plate upon any nnd all I mils within the following described boundaries, any woolen or frame building, brlel; paned or other buildings whereof the walls ate not composed wholly of non-tombustible mitei lals, mid width have not a suitable flrt-pro-d roof: Ih ginning at the intersection of the ten ter lints - lilTerson avenue and Mulberry stieet In the Xi It waul; theme along the Hat- of Jefferson iiveuue- in a southerly direction to the northerly line of the liclil of way of Ihe Dela ware, l.aikaw.imu and Western railroad main line; thence In u wtsttily direction along the ald notlhiily line of the Delaware. Lickawanui iml Weslcrn llallroad cotrpany 's light of way to tho easterly bank of ihr l.-ickavvanni ilvctj thence along lli- ealcily bank of the luk.i wanna te the center line of Scranton stieet; thence In a westerly nirectlon along He tenter line of Knnton slreet to the vvestcilj boundary of the Delauaie, Uit kawanna and WeteIn llallroad eonipaiiy's right, of way. thence In a northeily direction along the said westerly boundaiy of the Dclawaie. Lackawannx nnd Wcslcin llallroad cotnpitiy s riglit of way to the center 'line of W'est Lackawanna avenue; thence in an easterly dlicitlnn along Ihe tenter line of West Lackawanna avenue to the center line of Klghth stieet; Ihcnce in a nirtherlv ill lection along the inter line id Klghth strut to the tenter line of sehnill plaee; thence In an eastetly illiection along the center line and the prolongation of the tentti line of Schnell plate to the westerly bank of the Luckavcanna river; theme along the vrrsttily btnk ol the Lick.i wanni liver to a point where the same is in terseetcsi by the projection in Ihe stieet line of Ihe tenter line of Vine shed; thence In an easterly direction along the center line of Vine street to the center line of Wyoming avenue; thence In a. northerly direction aloeg the center line of Wyoming avenue to the tenter line ot Pino slreet; thence in an easterly dlrettlon along the center line of Pine stieet to the center Hue of Washington avenue; thence in a noitli erly direction along the icniir. line of Washing ton avenue to the center line of Clbson street; thenco in an easterly dilution along the iiuttr line of eiibson stitvt In the ecntei line of Kressler court; theme along the center llne-of Kressler court to the center line of Mulbtrrv stre-ct; theme along the center line of Jfnl brry street in an la-lrilv direction to Ihe i mi. ttr line of Jefferson avenue, tb" place of begin ning. Sir. 2. All buildings erected for Iwo or moie residences shall be separated from each other by solid tire walls projecting through the roof. See. 3. ny person or pcisoiu, whether owner, employe or agent, who shall elect, construct, reetmsttiict or uniove any building within the limits prescribed in the prst section of this or dinance and contrary to Ihe ptovisjons therol, shall be adjudged guilty of maintaining .i nuis ance, and upon conviction thiieof shall atute the nuisance at his expense, pay a peiiiltv of one bundled dollars, and In default of piyinent shall be Imprisoned for a pcilod not exeeeelln thirty diys; such penallv to be collected m the manner pn scribed by law. Sec. s. It shall be the duty of the mayor, upon Information furnished by the building In spector or ehltf of the fire ilepatlmcnt, to in stitute such legal pioeccilliigs as may be neci-e-sary to lestraln such violations mill to abate the public nuisance thin by occasioned. Sec. fi, Immediately upon the passage of this ordinance the t Ity ilrik shall eatese the same to be puhlishe-d in the newspaiurs of the tlty as required by law. Any provisions of other m dlnanics hit onslsti lit with the provisions ot this ordinance are lieieby repealed. Approved -Ian. 7. IWI. JAMKS MOIIt. Mayor. Published 111 puisiiime of piovlsloiis of set Hon fi of the foregoing oidinanie, and seetlon S article VI of act of May U. A. I). IsVi. M. T. I.WKLLK, City Clerk. Scranton, I'a., Pib. fl, Itml. PjVOFE-sS ?0 N q f. Certified Public Accountant. E. C. SPAULDINfl, York. I-'O BROADWAY, XEW Architects, EDWARD 11. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CO.NXLI.L building, Scranton. I'RKDKRICK L. BROWN, ARCIIirMT. 1'RICE building, 120 Washingtoi avenue, Scranton. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILEMIEIKIKR, 1'AULI BUILDIXH, Spruce street, Scruntoii, DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE Hos pital, corner Wyoming and Mulbeny. DR. V. C. LAUIIACH, 113 WVOMINO AVEXeJE, DR. II. V. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Physicians and Surgeons. DR, W, E. ALLEN, 013 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR, S. W. L'AMOREAllxorKlCE 3JT WASH ington avenue, Residence, 131s Mulberry. Chronlo dlseates, lungs, heart, kidneys and genlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. ti uws'jBsmtoM'SJ noon ana With metnoraudum space ou each leaf, c Eacho Just for a day or so. ReyeoldsBros Stationers and Engravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. Lnwyers. J. W. IIROW.V, ATTOIINKY AND COUNSKL. lor-at-law. Knomi 312-3U Me-ara building. D. I). UKPLOHLi:, ATTOHNI.Y-LOANS NKCO. tlated on real estate security. Mears building, corner Washington avenue and Spnicc street. MIIXAttD, WAIlltK.V ti KSAPP, ATTOltXI'.YH and counsellors at-law. Itepubllcati building, Washington avenue. Ji:SSUl k JKSMIP. ATTOIlNTYd AND COUX- sellors-at-law. Ctmmonwealth building, Itooms 111, 20 and 21. i:DWAIID W. TIIAYKIt. ATTOnXKY. UOOMS WB-HOI, tlth floor, Mcnrs building. L. A. WATHKS, ATTOUNKY-AT-LAW, IIOAIID of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. PATTKItSOX k WILCOX, TllADKHS' NATIONAL Dank building. C. COMMYS, All UKPUnidCAX HUlLDINa. A. W. DKitTHOI.r, ATTOIINKY, MIIAHS fll-DO. Cabs and Carriages. ItUnilKH TIltKD CAI5S AND CAt'.ltlAOKSi DP.'sT of service. Prompt attention s'ven orders by 'phone. 'Phones 2072 and 6332. Joseph Kcllcy, IU Linden. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAKE, 12j AM) 127 FKAXKLtN AVE- nue. Hates reasonable. P. ZKIGLKIt, Proprietor. fcCHAXTOX HOUSE. XKAH D I., k W. I'A3- engcr depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOIl KOCH, Proprietor. Schools. SCIIOOI, Of THE LACKAWANNA SCItAN'TO' Pa. Course prcparatoiy to college, law, meet, cine or bmlin'M. Opens Sept. 12th. Send tor tatalogue. Itcv, Thomas M. Cann, LL. D., prin cipal and proprietor; W. E. Plumley, A. 11., headmaster. Seeds. O. It. CLARK k CO., SEKDSMEN AND XUItS. erynien, store 2U1 Washington avenue; giecn bouses, 10J0 Xorth Main avenue; store tele phone, 7e2. Wiro Screens. joskpii kui:tti:l, hkau mi lackawaxxa avenue, Stranton, Pa,, manufactuitr of Wiro Sereins. Miscellaneous. DltnSSMAKINU I'OIt CIHLDHEX TO ORDER: also ladies' waists. LouU shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue, A. D. ISHICiGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND ceea pools; no odor. Improved pumps uul. A. B. Hrlggs, pioprletor. Leave onlers IPX) Xorth Main avenue, or Elcke's diug store, cor ner Ad mis and Mulberry. Telephone Ml. MRS. L. T. KELLER, SCALP TREATMENT, tWe. ; shampooing. GOc. ; facial m.isage; manicuring, 2Je.; thiropody. 701 cjulncy. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC I'OR n.I.I.5, picnics, parties, it-ceptlons, weddings and eon. cert work furnished. I'or terms address R. J, nauer, tonduttor. 117 Wyoming uttnue, over llulbcrt'n music store. MKHARllEE I1ROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. I'.N". xelopea, paper bags, twine, Walt-house. 130 Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. THE WILKKSIIAHRE RECORD CAN' ni', HAD In Scianton at the news stands of Kelsmau Bros., sOd Spruce and 50J Linden; M. Xoiton, Itli Laikaw.inna avenue; I. S. Sthutzci, 211 bpruce street. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad In KlTcit Xov. 23, 1000. Trains leave Stianton. For Philadelphia and New York via I. k 11 R, It., at 0.15 and ll.Ci a, m., and 2.19, 1.27 (Black Diamond lixpicss), und ll.lo p. m. Sun. i days. 1). k II. It. II.. l-M. b-27 p. m. I'or White liavin, iiazieion and prlncl points In the toal region-, via D. k II. . 11.45, 2.1S and 1.27 p. III. lot Pottsville, G 2.1S and 4.27 p. in. I'or Bethlehem, Laston, Heading, Ifanlsb lor vvmee ns-ot, loiic-iou uimi principal G.4J, i . i. .1...I livtAPtiiaillatii sl-ilt.xHd .1. t . .f ami principal """"'" """" ' i'. v II. It. It.. 0.45, 11.55 a. in.; .Ms, 4 27 (Mick D.t. mond Express). 11.3U p. m. Suudayj, D. k II R. l l.M, !' P- m- I'or Tunkhannotk, Towanda, Elmlu. lt,j,.j Geneva and principal intcimcdlate stations, via I), L. & W. It. H-. 8.03 a. m.; l,o.i and .1.10 ''Vor Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara falls Chicago, and all poliiU xvrst, via D. & ji .,, 11.3.) a. m., 3-!3 lIH-ek Diamond impress), 7,n' 10.41, 11.30 p. in- Sundays, 1). fc Mi ,(, i. ' 11.55, 8.27 p. in. ... Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Vallev parlor cars on all trans between WIIkes-Binl-und New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus pension Btldge, HOLLIX II. WILBUR, Ccn. Supt., 20 Cortland street. New York. CHARLES S. l.r.K, Gen. Pass. Agt., 20 Cortland street. New Yolk. A. W. NONNKMACIIER, 1)1 v. Pats. Agt South Bethlehem. Pa I'or tickets and Pullman reservations apply to COO Lackiwanna avenue, Scranton, pa, Delaware and Hudson. In Effect Nov. S3, psxl. Trains for Carbondile leave Siranten at flo 7.5J, SW. 10.11 a. in.; l.'.OU, 1.2'i. -J.t. a j. a-".,' 0.25, 7.57, 0.15, 11.13 p. in. ; 1.10 a. m ' Kor Honisdale-d.20, 10.11 a. m.j 2.1! and S.20 p. m. Kor Wilkes II irrc 0.4 , 7.4'. 8.41. io 4 1 1155 a, in.; 1-2". 2-1' 1-3;j 0-10, 7,4s, loill) 11. 'iO p. in. Kor L. V. R. H. polnts-0.13. ll.M a. m.; 2.11 1.27 and ll.Jcl p. III. Kor Pennsylvania It. II. points 0. 15, 0.33 in; 2.18 and 4-27 p. in. I'or Albany and all points norlh-0.20 a. m and u ii p. SUNDAY TRAINS. I'or Curbondale-O.tM, 11, B.I a. m.; 2,l, 352 6.47, 10 52 ji, in. for Wilkes llaire 0.3S, 11.55 a. m. j ,',s 303 0.27, (-.27 j. in. ' ' lor Albany and points north- 3.52 p. m. Kor Honesdale f'.OO a. in. and 3.52 p. m. Lowest rates to all points In United States and Canada , . .1, W BfRDICIC, II. P. A . Alhanv, X. 1 II. W. CRO"sS, I). I'. A Straiitoii.'pq. Central Railroad of Now Jersey, Stations In New York-root of Liberty street. N. R.. and Suiitli leny. 1IMK TAI1I.I'. IX KITECT NOV, 2.1, laoo. Trains leave Scranton for New York. Xew ark. Elisabeth. Phlladclpli a, Laston. Bothlflu-ni. , leiitown, Maueh Chuiili an I White Haven, at Slid a, 111,1 express, 1.10 j express, J.50 i. m. Sun etavs, 2.15 p. m. I'or Plttstcm and Wllkesllarre, a. m., 1 10 and a.50 ji. ni. Sundays, 2.15 p, m, For llaitlmoie and Washington, and points South and West via Bethlehem, r..0 a. m, J, Jo and 3.50 ji. m Sunday, 2.H p. m. I'or lui Branch, Oiean (Iruve, etc., at S.S0 a, m. and 1.10 p. in. I'or Reading. Lebanon ami IlarrUburg, via Al lentovvn, a, ni. and 1,10 p. m, Sundays 2.15 p. m. I'or Pottsville. S.30 a. in. and 1.10 p. m. Through tickets to all points east, south and west at lowest rates at the station, 11. P. BM.BWIX. Gen. Pas. Agt. . II. OLUAUSEX, Gen. Supt. FINLEY' Blankets amid Comni fortaMeSoooo. The prcseut stroug deinaud for the above prompts us to offer extraordinary values on our usual fine line of cotton, cotton and wool mixed, and all wool blankets. Special attention is called to the following which wo offer in both white and col ored. Our "Favorite," size 72x81 borders pink, blue, red, yel low, tit $1.85. "Home Delight," size 72X 81, borders, blue, red, yellow, present price $3.65. "Exquisite" strictly a 1 1 wool and shrunk, size 72x81, borders blue, piuk, lemon, special value $4.75. California Blankets, extra large sizes, at $5.90, $6.75 $8.50, $9.75 and up. Large assortment of Satino ind Silkoline Comfortables, filled only with best white fluffy cotton making them light in weight, yet very warm. See those at $1.H9, $1.45, $1.95 and $2.45. 510512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA illMJ Schedule in Effect May 27, 1900. Trains leavo Scranton, D. & H. Station: 0.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburp, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvillo, Bending, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and tho West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. Tor Hazleton, Potts ville, Reading, &c., week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. H. WOOD, (Jen. Pass. Agt. J. II. llUTCHINbON, (Jen. algr. Dolawaie, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Dec. 2, 11)00. South Leaxc Scranton for Xew Vork at l.tO, 3.00, a 03, SOU and 10.03 a. m.j IS.55, 3.1J p. in. Tor Philadelphia nt and 10 05 a, m.j ij ,15 and H.3.1 p. 111. Kor htrouJilnirir at CIO p. m. Milk (itoiuinnclilloii nt J Hi p. in. Arrlie at Hol.oV.en at II..S0, 7.1!C. 10.28. 12 05, ;U -MS, 7.1'i p. m. Arrlee at I'hllidelpMa at 1.0ft, 3,s. COO and 8.2.! p. 111. Arrl'f troin Xew York at 1.10, 4.0(1 and 10.2.1 a. in.; l.(. 1.52, tiM, s. and 11.30 p. Ill Frtun StroucWiurc at 8.05 a. m. North Lea c Scranton (or lliitlalo and inter, mediate stations at 1.13, sl.10 and 0.00 a. m.; 1.56, 5.48 and 11.33 p. m. I'or Oiweito and Syij. cibo at 4.10 a. in. and 1.53 p ill. I'or Utlea lit 1.10 a. in. and 153 l. m. IVr Montrose nt 'i.(V) a. in.; 1.05 and 5.1S 11. 111, Tor N'ielolson at 4.0r and tl.15 p. ni. For lllncliamtnn at 111.20 a m. Ar rive! In htranton from Huftalo nt 1.23, 2.."i3, 5.PJ ancl 10 00 a. in.: 3.30 and 6.00 p. in Horn "e. vceitu and l-jiaeuse at 2.55 a. in.; 12.35 and .00 p. in. I'rom I'tlea at 2.35 a. in ; 12.3S and 3,:'tl p in. l'rotn XIc!ul.on at 7.V) u. ni and ll 03 p. in. Frutii Montrose nt 10 00 a. in, ; 3.20 and o CO p. in. Illoom.hurj Dlilslon Leaves Scranton for Northumberland, at 0.15, 10 03 a. m. ; 1.53 and 6 5U p. in. I'or l'ljmoutli ot 1.05, 3,10, S.30 p. in. I'or KliiRtnn nt M0 a. 111. Arrhe at North, muheiland at 0.33 a. in.; 1 10, 6.0c) and 8.45 p. m. Ariiv" nt Hlnij.ton ut 8.52 a. m. Arrive at I'lyinmith at 2.00, 4 32, 0.11 p. 111, Arrive In Seinntun from Northumberland nt 0 42 n. m. ; 1J.M 4.50 and 8.4" p. ni. from Kingston at ll.oo' a. r.i. I'roni I'ljinouth at 7.53 a, ni, ; 3.20, 5..I5 p. 111. 1 SUNDAY TrtUNS. South 1 cam Seranlon 1.10, 3.0), 5.50, 10.03 1. in,; ;i.;tt, 3.40 p. ni. North leaee Seranton nt 1.13, 1.10 a. m.; LSI, 5 P. and 11.35 p. m. llltinnisliitr DliUIon I."ne Scranton at 10.0 a, 111. and 5 50 p. in. New York, Ontailo and Wostern K.R. lllli: TAlUi: IN' Hl'KI'tT SIND.W, 1)I:C. "0, 1WM. X01II1 Hound Trains, I.eni ,'J'aw', . Arrlni Scranton rarbemdale. 'acloli. 10.40 a. in. I '-20 u. in i.nj p. m, 6.00 p. in. rrlici Carhondale 0.4U p. ni. South Hound. !.eae ,, lae Arrh-i C'adOkla. Lailiondale. Seranton. 7.00 a. m. 7 10 a. m, 2.03 p. m. "-1 ni. 4,20 p. m. Sundajs only, Nortli Hound. I.eaie ',,MU' . Arilio Scianton. ( arhondale, fadosla. 8.30 a. m. U10 in. I0.4J a, m. 7.00 11. ni. Arrhc Carhondale 7.40 p. 111. I.eaw , l-eae Arrlia Cailosla. Carhondale. Seranton. 7.00 a. 111. 7,40 a. ni. 4 30 p. m. 6 51 p. in. (1.33 p. m. Trains leailni: Sctanloii at 10 40 a. in., dally, and 6.30 a. m., Sunda, make New Yoik, Corn. wall, Mlildlctciwn, Walton, Hdmy .Norwich, Home, I'tlea, Oneida and Oinriro e-onnectloas. I'or further Intnnnallem consult ticket aitenta, J, (. ANIH'HOX, Ocn. Past, ,t;t., Xew York. J. ll. Wi:i.SII, Traveling l"asetiiitr Aaent, Scran, ton. Erlo and Wyoming Valley. Time Tabic In Kffect Sept. 17, IM0. Trains for Ilawlcy and local polnta, connect. Ing at llawley with Krle railroad for Xew York, N't'uhureli and Intermediate points, leave Scran ton at 7,05 a, 111, and 2.25 p, in. Trains arrive at Seranton it 10.50 1. m, and D.lll n til. H ;. t:&&nrt . K 'ti'M&i'i''-S'i I fej