The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 07, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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sonalsnnd nil Kens
for publication may
be left at The Trib-
1 tine's- new offices In
tlio llurke BullJInt
or sent' by miuII r
Aged Bridget bidden suffo
""gated in a Burning house.
She Had -Been Led to n Plnce of Snfe-
-ty, lmt Rushed Back Into the
'Iluildlnp- Tlio Walls Fell on Her.
Hcr "Body, Discovered at Soon ns
tfic Smoke Hud Lifted Death
;-"Frobnbly'PalnlcBs'. v
Miss llrldgw 'liryden, a maiden lady
en omt Oil years "if ago, housekeeper
lot- John Ilrnwii, uf 91 ntuoklyii street,
orl the WVjit Sidy, wan the victim of
if tit that broke out yesterday after
noon. Mm lnslng her life In the eruin
lillng ruins. llcr both was recovered
j' mom aw tlm smoke had cleared suf
iinl"'iitly to enable tin' Ilremen to poor
U"il till shell of the dwelling loft
ff Hiding?''' '
M uliojiKilVl n'i;lofk .eMcidjiy nfter
in'ini Mii ,.n'tile .. Flnnnery, who
l'. nest ftitiif. til No.'M. glanced out
mi iln- kliclieu window of hir homo and
mi' I'ery toivjui t of ihuuo licking up
tin- uooilu'oilnl No. 01. not more than
i unity f r-et .-.way. With a scream to
l-'i mot hei . , ho us III It) bed with
i if- tl. arid lier sister. "Miss Annie
r n ovi'ioti T.rowu's homo and went
In' i tlio kitchen. An fioon as slip on
t. ivd Mii hhv that tlm whole celling,
tilth was uuplnslcrcd. was a muss
ot flames, and also that Miss, liryden
uns trying to eiuuii'h them by throw
Itiv pans full of water up to tlmm.
Miss Nellie hioiauily p ivlcvi'd thiit
11 u blase was beyond their united of
tort u and she peisuudid tin1 old lady
mill Mr. down's youngest child, Flor
ence, to Uao the house. They were
gotten out Into tlio op. ii air and
Mailed for Miss Flannery's home,
while Mlrs Flunucry. supposing thov
bad Bono tlmrc ion to Timothy .t.
Gllhotil's general "tut p. some tllstnnco
away, to turn In an alarm.
A soon -as her back was turned.
Miss liryden. for some Irmxpllcnble
i :ison, rot raced her steps hunledly.
i nd went back Into tho house, which
w.ih by this time a seething furnace.
The child, fortunately, went Into the
l-'lannery house. Miss Flanncry ran
m to (illhool's store, where a telephone
message was sent to the Columbia.
Hose company, and immediately after
an alarm was rum? In from box SI.
Then a telephone message was sent
i 'i the Mltehells, who did not come
u because the pieeinct was out of
tln'tf dlsttict.
The Columbian wcte Impeded In Ret
ting In the scene of the file, mora
than a mile away, on account of the
ipep snow. As soon as they arrived,
ihey teeeived the news thnt there was
woman in the Iioumo. Heroic nt-uiiil"t.-'
weie made by seerI of the
lunteer Ilremen to enter the.i bottle,
ii i they were driven back by the
i U bins; names from every door and
'tiduw of the part of the homo where
- was supposed to be. It was soon
'I parent that It would bo Impossible
i" attempt a rot-cue and tho iliemcn
u'rncil their attention to the almost
U'ter half an hour, diiiini; which
iiinf- the entile bulldlnp; had been eon--nrnul,
with tho exception of the four
.ilia, the.tlrenien asaln resumed their
s 'arch, but from the outside, peerlnpr
In the window holes and saps ot the
walls. For a time no trace of anything
iut charred beams and bricks could be
illeciimd, but suddenly John Kllleen
ntild In ti loud but nwe-stricken tone:
'There she is!" and pointed to an aim
i obtruded above a heap of smoul
d ilntc lulns. Tne arm was of tho
"iinio hue as the charred burioundiuo,
uid her band was tightly clenched.
It is present-day conditions heaping
burdens of work upon the nervous system
tint tells tljcstqry, ptemiture breaking up
cfc'hoitiur XU" '
""It tells why so many men and women,
who.saifar-asragc' in years Is concerned,
should be in the prime of health, rind them
sehes letting goof the strength, the power,
the vitality they once possessed. It is be
cause that great motor power ot the body,
nerve force, is impaired. Every organ de
pends upon its controlling power just as
much as the engine depends upon the steam
to put it into action. An engine won't go
wi'hout steam. Neither will the heart, the
htaiu, the !ier, the Vidneys, the stomach
ai'l right ithuitt their proper nerve force
-uppl . Let any organ be larking In this
essential R,nd troubles begin some of them
arr "
Throbbing, palpitating heart.
C!ilp1ss jiiKhts .
Sudilen sta.t.tirtgs.
Mtynlng; languor,,
' Ilraln fag."J
Inability to work or think.
Exhaustion on exertion,
riajignij; appetite.
, Pifiejtion ilowf '
, Food leivy.
Easily excited, nervoui, irritable.
Rtrciigtli fails.
l.oiv-ot- flesh and muicular.pouer.
Settled melancholia. ' " '
Utttr despondency.
A picture, hideous, but easily changed to
ene of brightness by use of Dr. A. V.
Chase's Nerve l'llls. They build up the
nervesandiapplyjnewcfoTce. c
The-sbove is the genuine package of Dr.
A. W, Cihase's Nerve Pills, are told by deal
rrs or pr. A. W, Chase Medicine Company,
EiiiLilo, N. V. Price 50 cents.
r Slavery.
. W I..4J m. ml
There were a dozen men plunfrlnsr
Into llift Inferior of tliu mlll-btirnlnj,"
house tit once, whiles thu water was
ordered shut olT ft (Cm the lino of hose.
Thu Invader weiu In Imminent ilsk
or their lives, for the bcuniu of the
loor above them siikkciI threatenlnsly
nnd'tha'baclc walls swayed to and fro
In the hUh wind.
ltevently and tenderly the Ice-coated
volunterers temoved plnnkn and beams
nml Joists until they had uncovered
the victim. They found her lying Hut
on her back, with both nrms extended
Into tlio air. Around her were blan
kets and quilt?, as If she had been
carrying: them from the bedroom ad
joining the kitchen when nhe was over
come. The Ilremen quickly wrapped
her In one of the tiullt.s and a hair
dozen,, of thorn took their burden and
carried her out of the house and up
the hill to her niece's home, Mrs, An
thony F. Cook, while a inewnffer ran
ahead to piepare Mrs. Cook for tho
Mrs. Cool; swooned as soon as she
wns told the t?nible aloft anil was
completely prostrated, for Miss Hryden
wns the only i dative she had In the
world and the old ludy had been like
n mother to net. Last nlfht the nl.'co
wns under a physlclnn's cure, seriously
Tho death of MIk Hryden was prob
ably Instantaneous. It Is surmised
that she lushed back Into the bud
room to find her little chart", beeom
lnij bewildered and not reallr.luK tho
child was safe, for it was Florence's
bed loom that was next to the Kitchen.
Or It may be Mm deslivd to save some
thlnj from the ilnmes, for the blankets
near her Indicated that she had been
it. the bed room and was returning
through the kltelmn when the upper
pan of tlm house fell In upon her.
kuoi-UliiK her down and she was quick
l mot!mred by the smoke.
Her hair was binned completely off
her head, her arms and shouldeis anil
bosom were burned, and her featutes
rendered indlstlni'ulshalile. The lest
of her body was not burned In tile
sIlKhtrfSl. her clothing not belui at all
siorched. From the position of the
body and the tact that only the upper
portion was burned It would seem that
the celling and the s?cond floor fell
upon her and burled her from the
flames, excepting the upper pat t.
Miss Hryden was housekeeper for
John Hi own, a miner employed In the
Co.ilbrook mln. Ills wife died about
five years and it half ago, leaving him
two daughter, Mniy, aged II, and
Florence, aged 7. Mary wns at school
when the fatality occurred, and Flor
ence, who had been with Mls.i Rrydeii,
was led out of tho house by Miss Flan
ncry, as related. Mr. Brown was nt
woilt In the mine, the first day In two
weeks, as ho had been home sick with
the grip until yestetday.
No one knows hoiv thj fire oilglnnted.
Miss Hryden had been baking blend In
the morning. Tho walls were unpins
teted, but were built up with boardlm.
A stove-pipe from the kitchen stow
led to the brick chimney and It Is
said that this was the only stove In
the house. Miss Flanncry says that
when she first saw the lire it seined
to b upstairs In the floor over the
bed loom. Not a thing was nwed
trom the house, all the furnltuio being
burned. Two woinn of the Flanncry
household yelled at the top of their
lungs for help while Miss Nellie fled
to ilng an alarm, but It iii some
minutes before their shouts attracted
Tlm fliemeti siilleied keenly In the
cutting wind, their clothes being
sheathed with lie. Few were equipped
wltli rubber eoats, and their hals,
shoes and met coats weie soaked and
frozen sllft. while ihe snow reialn.'d
the watei fiom the hose in puddles and
ponds several Inches deep. In which
they had to stand while winking.
No detajls pi tattling to Miss Hry
den could In obtained, beyond the fact
thai she wns bom In Ireland, owing to
the serious condition of her only sur
viving relative. She Is spoken ot' In
hl-jhe-n terms? by her neighbors as
being an ntfeeilomite, loyal old woman
and a good one. Her two charges,
Mary and Florence lirown. regard?d
her with the gientest affection, which
was ret tuned In like measure by the
old lad.
The dumages caused to tlu house
and furnishings have not yet been esti
mated, lmt they will ptobably go above
This is the Hist h caused a lire
In Carbomlale In over forty In
1S-S or 1S."!I a file iiceiirr mI In the nf
ternoon In the old court house and
city building Imie. which destroyed
them. The city Jail was on the tlrst
lloor, and It was occupied by n soli
tary ptlsoner, who Is only ivnieinbered
by the old Inhabitants by his nick
name of "You Know. Von Know."
Michael II. White was the city mat
Mml and ho Intel arrested this man for
being drunk and loekeil him In a cell
in the Jail. Then he went away with
the k.vs. Theie was a straw tick In
the cell anil In lighting his pipe "You
Know. You Know" set It allre. The
tlamcrt sptead and a rush was made
to find the maishal. Hut he had ills
appealed. Thi'iv was no way to get
the prisoner out and he was compelled
to perish in full lcw of many specta
tors, fiuntUnlly appealing and shouting
for succor.
Coming Social Events,
On Monday evening, Feb. lb, thu
voting- ladles of St, Rose church will
hold a card party and promenade con
cert In St. Rose hall. The games will
begin at. S.Itfl o'clock and suitable
will be u warded to fortunate contest
ants. "
Tomorrow evening thu memheiH of
tho Ladles' Itlsh Catholic Benevolent
nsBoi'latlon will hold their annual
dunce and entertainment In St. Rose
hall. Homo of the best talent In town
has been secured lo participate In thu
Licensed ns Lny Rendets.
George C Unit and L. (1. Smith, on
lecommendatlou of Rector Rollln A.
Sawyer, have been licensed by Bishop
Talbot to net as lay readers lnTiln
Ity Prlmltlvi' Episcopal ihuich ror a
tcim of 0110 yeat.
Good Play Coming.
If the present plnnn of M 11 linger
Byrne 'go through William A. Brady's
"Way Down East" company, which
has been making u great hit through
tho country, will proiibly be seen lieit
'ero long.
E.L. llatfieU, man
ager of the Carbon
dale edition, will be
pleased to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting It. Tele
phone numbers: New
336: old, 04-4,
It Will Benin Next Mondny Even
ingSome of the Attractions.
The Columbia Hose company's com
mittee Is rapidly completing arrange
ments for tho fair and carnival to bo
held In tho Burke building next week.
The lire lnddlcs have derided to stop
at nothing to give the people of this
city the highest class event of tho
kind possible. Every evening n pro
gramme will bo rendered and some
of tho best talent In the valley has
or will bo secured to piutlelpnto. On
the opening night, next Monday, n
parade will bo held, If tho weather per
mits. Tho fair will be formally opened
by nn address of welcome to be given
bv ex-Mnyor J. J. O'Neill, one of tho
best speakers In the valley. Tho en
tertainment for the opening night will
be a "stunner," but will only be In
dicative! of the high standard of those
which will be held on tho succeeding
nights, of the week.
Among other numbers jyhlch will be
put on, are mentioned selections by
Pi of. Kelly. Arehbnld's. noted vocalist:
Mis. Mills, Mrs. Iladcock, the LncUn
wannii .Symphony club, Hon. S. P.
Jones, anil others. Prof. J. C, Firth
mid Williams Collins have been se
em ed to care for tho dance pro
grammes. Thu hall will be tastefully decor
ated lor the" occasion and hut a lim
ited number of booths will be per
mitted, ko as to not encroach on the
i-iineiii'r itoor. Tim enii,. is n. u-nrthv
one. and as tho Columblas have noC,flo f the roads came back with the
asked for public supnoit In this wav
for several ycais, their cffoits should
be rewarded by a largo attendance
each evening.
He Is Satisfied with Father Qpffoy's
Decision nnd Snys Strlkeis Aie.
An Interview was had with Marcus
Frieder, superintendent of the Klots
Tin owing company hen. He wns ask
ed If he Intended to accept Father
Coffey's decision In regard to the silk
woiks. Mr. Frieder said most em
phatically that he Intended to carry
out the arbitrator's award to tho let
ter, without qualification or hedging
In any way: that ho bad signed an
agieement to nblde by tho decision, no
matter what Its conditions, and he In
tended to keep the agreement In full,
even If there wns a material udvanco
In wages recommended.
"I am very well satisfied with the
decision," he said, "and 1 believe It
will bo very acceptable to the strikers.
I anticipate no more trouble here. The
strikers aie all at woik and I do not
believe they would care to go out
again. I legard the Rev. Mr. Coffey's
leeonimendatlons as fair to both
sides " x
The Houcsdnle District Convention
of Epworth League.
The eleventh annual convention of
the ilonesdnle district Epworth league
was very successful, grcnt Interest be
ing aroused. Among the speakers who
aeidtessed the convention wero several
fiom Carbondale, Rev. J. F. Waincr.
Miss Alice Butler. Mrs. A. F. Chaffee
and Rev. A. V. t'hatfee taking part
In the deliberations. The following of
llceis were elected for the next year's
work: Pienldent, Rev. G. A. Prentice.
Moscow: Hist lce president, Mie. R.
L. Chirk, Fotest City: second vice
president. C. F. Baker. Jcnnyn: thlid
vice ptesident, Rev. I. C. Kstcs, Dam
ascus; foiutli vice president. Rev. L.
I". Van Hoesen, Ariel; recording sec
letaiy and treasuter. Sadie L. Miller,
Cnibondalc; corresponding seeietary.
Grace Shatfer, Varden.
Thove fiom this city who intended
weie: Messrs. II. .1. Hoekenbeuy, Rev,
M. V. Williams. Kail Blink. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Box, Mrs. A. F. Chaffee,
Mis. ri. I,. Carlton, Miss Jennie Butler.
Miss Laura Kennedy, Miss Sadie Mil
ler, Miss Alice Butler, Miss Mary
(ilbbs. Miss Mllllccnt Gibus
Mrs. Joel Stevens.
Wind has bpen received In this city
of the death of Mrs. Joel Stevens, of
F.lkdale, who had a. largo number of
relatives nnd friends here. She hnd
been suffering with kidney trouble for
maily a year. Mrs. Stevens wns 71
years of age and Is survived by three
sons nnd one daughter, John, James, and Miss Martha Stevens. Her
maiden name was Altkcn. She be
longed to one of tho old nnd well
known families of this section. The
funeral will take place this afternoon,
with Interment in the Klkdulo ceme
tery. Catherine Larkin.
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Larkin, of Biook
lyn street, weie called to part with
their bright llttlo daughter, Catherine,
011 Tuesday nf lei noon. Interment was
made yesterday afternoon in St. Rose
Mis. John Kelly.
Mis. John Kdly. of New York city.
wlio was well known In this city, died
there on Saturday moinlng. She spent
tho winter here about three years ago.
She Is survived by her mother, Mrs.
John Olcolt, of New York: three sis
ters, Mrs. John F. Hermes, of Park
street, this city; Mis. Patrick Smith,
and Miss Estello Dibble, of Lincoln
avenue, this city, and two brothers,
who live In the West.
Wants to Be Delegate.
John K. Bone, of Wyoming sticot,
Is forwnidlug circular letters to each
of the tribes of Reel Men In the statu
In tho Interest of his candldncy for delegate-
to tho national convention this
summer Four delegates nro olecled
from the entire state1. Ho has been
district deputy nf this dlstilct us well
us sachem of tho Lackawanna tribe
Cures a Cough or Cold at onoe.
Conquer Croup, W hoopbiR-CaiiKli, Tlrouchltlil,
(Jt-iiennil l'otnutttitluu. uiiIck,tuicreuU.
Iir, I lull' I'lIU cure Cuiutlpallnn. W pill 10c
for four terms. The past sachems
nlono nro empowered to vote for na
tional delegates.
Meetings Tonight.
Geotge E. Randolph camp, No. 131,
Bons of Veterans.
Division No. S, Ancient Order III
bcmlanif. United Mine Workers, No. 877.
Drnnch No, 77, Ladles' Catholic llen
evolent association.
Local council, No. 189, Iletnll Clerks'
Ladles' Auxiliary Railroad Trainmen
Catholic Mutual Benevolent associa
tion, Branch 39.
Derisions ARtinst Company,
The decisions: in tho cartes against
the Hlnck Diamond Coal company,
which wero heard on Friday, have been
rendered by Alderman Dclovan. George
Mllon having failed to continue tho
prosecution, Judgment was given
against him for the costs. In the other
ensen the decisions were Against tho
company. Judgments being rendered to
the plaintiffs for the following
nmounts: Philip Gogots, $133.14: Wll
llnm Hanker, $3.03: Charles Hanker,
$3.30: Alex Gogots, $10.
Sobered in Jail.
.Sanitary Ofllcer P. F. Mofntt on
Tuesday turned policeman nnd locked
up nn Inebriated Individual with an
uupronouncable name from tho classic
section of the town known ns the Last
Chance. The fellow was on South Main
street nnd became very boisterous,
greatly annoying tho residents of that
locality and the passersby. lie whs
given a hearing yesterday and, It being
his llrst offense, he was dismissed,
No Sleigh-ride.
A party of young piople who had
planned to tnke an old-fnshlonod
slelgh-rlde over to Waymart last
evening, winding up with a supper of
hot wa flics and turkey and a dance ut
Gruver's hall, wero disappointed. A
oM sjnt out to ascertain tho condl
Intelligence that huge drifts rendered
them Impassable. So the event was
called off until tonight.
Good Music.
The new choir of tho First Congiegn
tlonal church will sing Kipling's "Re
cessional," by De Koven, next Sunday
evening under the direction of Mr.
Nnylor, the chorister and organist. Mr.
Ambtoso Battle will assist and sing
the bnrltonp solo parts. Miss Edith
Fowler, the contrnlto. will also hi
heard In a selection next Sunday even
ing. The Choir's Pleasant Evening.
The choir of the Church of Our Lady
of Mount Carmcl had n very enjoyablu
social last evening In Burke's hall,
which wns largely attended. Gay
couples had a Jolly time and used the
highly polished ball room to the best
advantage until long after midnight.
Professors Firth and Collins had su
pervision of the music.
A Mall Clerk 111.
John T. Roberts, mail clerk on the
Delaware and Hudson between Scran
ton and Nineveh, nnd father of W. J.
Roberts, ot this city, Is seriously 111 at
his home on Washington avenue. In
Special Meeting.
A special meeting of Branch S9,Cnth
ollc Mutual Benevolent association,
will be held at St. Rose hall this even
ing at 8 o'clock. Business of import
ance is to come up, and nn attendance
of every member Is desired.
Tonight "Michael Strogoff."
Friday "Rip Van Winkle."
Saturday matinee "Undo Tom's
Satin day Night "Brother Asnlnst
Dissolution of Paitneibhip.
1'iw co-partnership between John
W. Barrett and Daniel J. Collins has
been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr.
Barrett will continue the business at
the same stand.
Attended a Dance.
A number of young folks trom this
city weie In Scranton last evening In
attendance at the Twentieth Century
dance given by a number of Scrunton's
socially Inclined young people.
A Sleigh-ride Patty.
A number of young people from down
the valley enjoyed a slclgh-tld: party
to this city last evening. They spent
a soclnl hour In Germaniu hall before
The Passing Throng.
Miss Hazel Slmrell, who has been
seriously ill with the grip, Is recover
ing. Miss Louise McDunlck, of this city,
Is the guest of Miss Annie Coffey, of
Chester A. Reese, of Taylor, who has
been visiting W. R. Jones, returned to
his home yesterday.
The funeral of the late John Humph
rey took plnce yesterday afternoon.
Service was held at the Congregational
church, Rev. Thomas Cook, assisted by
Rv. Mr. Davis, of Forest City, of
ficiated. The funeral was largely at
tended. Among the cortege was tlm
members of Liberty lodge. Knights of
Pythlus nnd several veterans of the
Civil war- The pallbeareis were: Sam
uel Waters, Henry Langmun, Daviel
Thomas, Alonzo Whitley, Lafayette
Mrs. Will Netherton. of Wyoming.
returned home yesterday, after a few
weeks' visit with relatives here. She
was accompanied by Miss Emma Neth
erton, of this place.
The Delaware nnd Hudson company
wilt pay their employes nt the colliery
here this afternoon.
W. R. Dobson wns n business caller
nt Sctanton ycsteiday.
Will Whllncy, of tho East Side', is
ill with thu grip.
James Allen attended the banquet
nt Cnrbondnlo lnut evening.
The furniture nnd effects of the min
ers' rending room will be disposed of
by auction nt the rooms Saturday
Mrs, A. Mosher nnd Mrs. John Solo
mon spent Mondny with Ciirbondulo
Cold Cure for Busy People.
Many people neglect a cold because
they say they have no time to attend
to It. Krnuse's Cold Cure Is a remedy
which can be taken without danger
while perfotmlng your dally duties,
and will relieve tho most nggrnvatd
ruses In 21 hours. Price 21c, Sold by
Matthews Bros.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
In St. Patrick's church yesterday
morning at 0 o'clock, when Miss Mary
Dohorty, of Dunmore street, wns mar
ried to Domlnlo F. Reddlnglon, of
Scrnnton. While a wedding march
from Lohencrln wns played by Miss
Mary Mcllale, of Dunmore, the hrldnl
party entered the church and proceed
eel to the nltnr, whero they were met
by Rev. Thomna O'Malley, of Hones
dale, who performed the ceremony.
The bridesmaid was Miss MnmcO'Mal
ley, of Dunmore; and Anthony McDon
nell, of Scrnnton, was best man. The
ushers wero John Doherty, n. brother
of tho bride, and Mark Reddlngton,
the groom's cousin. The bride wore a
very pretty costume of brown Venetian
dotted with white satin trimmings nnd
u hat to match. The bridesmaid wore
a gown of garnet cloth and cream sat
in. Following the marriage a reception
wns held nt the bride's home for tho
immediate relatives. They received
ninny bcnutlful and useful wedding
sifts. Mr. and Mrs. Reddlngton left
on the 3 o'clock train to spend their
honeymoon In New York. Upon their
return they will reside In Scrnnton.
Tho bride was a member of tho gradu
ating class of nurses at the Lacka
wanna hospital last June. Mr. Red
dlngton Is collector for the Keystone)
brewery. Both have many fi lends who
extend them their sincere wishes for
a happy wedded life.
Tho funeral of Anita, the llttlo
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mur
phy, of Dunmoie street, occurred yes
terday afternoon, and wns largely
attended by friends of the faintly.
Burial wns made In St. Patrick's ceme
teiy. Mrs. J. M. Evans and Mrs. D. L.
Jones attended the funeral of the late
John Humphreys nt Jermyn yesterday.
John Doherty left yesterday for
Rochester, N. Y., to attend college.
Miss Flossie Evans attended n party
at Green Rldgo Tuesday evening.
-Mr. Robert Parsons, of Green Ridge,
has ucccpteel tho position of supply
clerk at the Sterrlck Creek colliery, on
the East Side.
An alnrm of fire was sounded at 2
o'clock yesterday mottling, when the
home of Mrs. Laugher, at tho foot
of Plane E, was discovered to be en
veloped in flames. The fire hnd a big
stait before the ntaim wns sent In.
A high wind wns blowing nt the tlmi
and the flames from tho burning struc
ture soon communlcateel to nn nil
Joining house, which was unoccupied.
The Wilson Fire company wns piompt
ly on the scene nnd soon had a stream
playing on tho blazo. But the pies
suro on Hickory stieet was weak, and
the flames, aided by the fleice gal1,
rapidly gained headway. Another Hue
of hose was laid from Malm street and
an effective water force was obtained.
The Tnugher house was entirely de
stroyed, and the adjoining structure
completely ruined. The firemen suf
fered Intensely from the extreme cold,
and In many cases their clothing was
frozen and encased them In Ice. Tho
Hre originnted In a dangerous locality,
as there Is two rows of dwellings some
twenty In number, and located only a
few feet apart, and tho wind blew In
the direction to sweep tho entire street.
The Wilsons are being congratulated
for their efficient work. The Tougher
family lost all of their household ef
fects, nothing being saved from tlm
building. The Inmates csenpeel with
scant nttlre. Mrs. Taugher carried an
Insurance of $100 on the contents. Tlm
two buildings burned were owned by
Mr. Andrew Langdon and were ol
sured. Mr. John Bloker. of this place, and
Miss Laura Stanton, of Dolphs, left
here yesterday morning for Center Vil
lage, N. Y where they were united
in marriage. Mr. John Gibson, of
Unlndale, acted as best man, while
Miss Viola Stanton, a sister of tlm
bride, acted as bridesmaid. The bridal
couple retui ned home yesterday nf ter
noon and Inst evepi"r received tho
congratulations of tlicli many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Bloker will reside with
Mr. Bloker's mother, on Hickory
The Women's Christian Temperance
union will meet at the home of Mra.
Henscoote', on Main stieet. Thursday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. A good atten
dance is desired, so as to complete tlm
arrangements for a parlor social, to
bo held at the home of Mrs, I. F. Hovt,
on Feb. 13.
Mr. C. M. Hathaway, of Olyphant,
was a business caller In town yester
day. Mr. Richard Reese, of West Peek
ville. Is doing Jury duty this week.
Mrs. J. B Grover was a Scranton
caller yestcrdny.
Sophia Truex. wlfu of Mr. D. f
Truex, of West Peckvlllo, died Tues
day evening, after a lingering illness
of several weeks. She was 49 years or
ngp. The funeral will tnke place at
the; residence at 0 o'clock Friday morn
ing. Interment will be made at East
Mis. James Shcehan, of South Moo
sic died nt her home on Monday even
ing. She was survived by a husband
and three sons.
Mm. James McCrlndle. of West
Pittston, spent yesterday with he-
daughter, Mrs. John McCrindle.
Two loads of school children from
Taylor cnjeiyed a slelghrld to Moosio
MIps Jeanle Dick, teacher of room
No, 2 In the High school. Is 111 at her
home with the grip.
Cards are out announcing tho mar
riage of Mr. Leonard Mott to Miss
Mary Turner, on Saturday evening,
Feb. 0, at tho home of tho groom's
father, Mr, John Mott, of Dymond
The regular monthly business meet
ing nt the Kpworth League was held
at the home of Mr. Charles Snyder.
Mrs. Paul Ilrown, of Scranton. yes
terday visited her parents Mr. and
Mrs. G. H. Pearl.
Mr. Frank Frnlne Is 111 with ap-pen-dlcltls
at the home of Mr. n. W.
Mr. John Whltn is ill at his homo
with the grip.
Miss Stella Wilts Is home from St.
Cecelia's Academy for a few elnys.
Mr, Frank rtcnjamlni attended court
nt Set union yesterday.
Mirx fluth Perry Is visiting fiiends
in Kaston.
P.ev. M. S. Godshnll attended a min
isterial conference at tho Kim Park
church last Monday.
Pardon Stone, who has been occupy,
lug tho brick store on Main stieet,
tins moved Into the Ullss store bultd
llig, next to the hotel.
W. C. Hall Is In Montrose, where he
was called ns n witness In a case
against the Delaware, Lackawanm
and Western company for damages In
nn accident which occurred at La
Plume some 'time ngo, when two men
wero killed nt the crossing and Mr.
Unit witnessed tho scene.
Tho Grand Army post held Us regu
lar meeting at tho rooms last Satur
day evening, nt which a Inige nmount
of business was transacted.
Row Mr. Botsong nnd wife are visit
lug their former home, Unyonne, N. J.
They expect to remain about two
The late fall of snow has mado ex
cellent sleighing, which Is enjoyed by
large numbers of people.
Rev. E. llulley, of Fnctoryvllle, will
fill the pulpit nt the Baptist church
next Sabbath morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Snyoer, or
Throop, spent Sundny with his broth-tr-ln-luw,
Mr. C. C. Cook.
Miss Carrie Wells returned homo
from a visit among friends in Taylor
and Is now a sun'orcr from grip.
Two tickets have been placed In nom
ination for tho coming election of
township officers.
Rev. M. S. Godshalt will deliver a
popular lectute. "From Dan to Beor
Hhaba," on Friday evening at thu
Methodist Eplsceipal church. An ad
mission feo of teu cents will bo
The encampment banquet wns welt
attended and enjoyed by all.
Mr. J. D. Knight left here on Mon
day morning en route for a sojourn
In Florida.
Mr. W. II. Smith, of Nuy Aug. I'ullcd
on frlendn hen- on Mondny last.
Itev. M. K. Godshnll will on Sunday
ovenlng next deliver another of the
coin so of sermons which has attracted
much Interest and attention. The sub
ject, while not Inviting, will be of much
Interest, viz, "Hell."
Professor F. H. Green, of the High
school, will entertain the tenth ami
eleventh grades at his liome.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa H. Decker are se
tlously sick with grin and their grand-
1 dnughter, Mnmle Cope, is dangerously
sle-k with pneumonia.
Miss llatlle Meads Is now convuleu
cent, nnd A, D. Itoblnson was seen out
lor the flrst on Wednesday morning
slmo his being taken III with grip.
A party tea was given at the home
of Mrs. W. H. Swallow on Monday
evening last.
Mr. Asa Sench Is confined to -lis
honm from a fmctured leg, nnd his
wife Is also suffering from an nttnelc
of pteuiisy nnd his sou, Harvey, has
the mensles.
Mr. W. G. Snook Is a suffeter from
a sprained nnkle and grip. His wife
Is also a very great sufferer from the
Spe-cUl to Hie t-crJiiton Tribunr.
Duryea. Feb, 6. Arrangements have
been made to have Mr. A. J. Donnelly,
former assistant principal, but at
president editor of Progress, or The
Open Field, dellvdr nn address on
Feb, iJ, In the auditorium of tho High
Mr. T. F.vnn. of Pittston, visited In
town Tuesday.
Where does A. T. Hcnnlgan, presi
dent of the township commissioners,
reside? Mr. Hcnnlgan lives on the line
that separates Plttsnn from Marcy
township, but he has been In tho
habit of paying taxes to this township,
nnd consequently claims tho right to
vote and to hold public ofllce In thin
township. At the commissioners' last
mooting, Florence Dills, a commln
slonor, made a motion that a commit
tee be; apoplnted to determine whero
Mr. Hcnnlgan docs reside. Tho mo
tion was passed and Messrs. Hablch
and Dills were authorized to Investi
gate this matter. The public wish tho
committee to report In favor of Mr.
Hcnnlgan remaining a commissioner,
for he Is the piesldent, and fulfills his
duties In a creditable manner. They
petitioned court, claming tho right to
hold their offices for two more years,
and It was answoied the other day by
Judge Woodward. He decided that tho
present commissioners were the legal
ones for the coming two years, be
cause Matey Is a first cIjss township.
At their last meeting a committee
wns applnted to reeiuest Dr. A. .T.
linker to cease his work in trying to
have Durvea turned into a borough.
lie' refuseel to do o, but promised to
1 uinn net Ion for one week. The offer
was sent In by Mr. Uoyea, of the
Pennsylvania Coal company, to take
caro of the roads, was rejected.
The other diy Tctcr Parrel, a small
boy of this place, while out playing
with his companion, by the name of
Vnndeihoy, wns accidentally shot. The
two boys had a shotgun nnd weio
shooting at a target, when a bullet
was accidentally lodged In Fairel's
head, near the ear. Dr. Burlington
was summoned and removed the bul
let. No serious result Is anticipated.
Duryea has once more got a new
chief of police. Mr. Augustus Motlska.
who succeeded the recent police, wlw
moved from the township.
All members of the Lawrence Host
company, No. 1. ate requested to meet
In their hall this (Thursday) evening,
as the election of ofticeri nnd other
business of importance will take place.
The school board have nccepted tho
offer of tho Junior Order United Amer
ican Mechanics to supply flags for tho
township schools.'
Prof. Shaeffei, superintendent or tne
schools of Pennsylvania, wilt deliver
a lecture In the Wllkes-Harro High
school this evening. The teachers ot
this township are cordially Invited to
The funeral nf Margaret, the f-ycar-old
daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. James
Crowe-, of Dupont, took place yester
elay afternoon. Interment wns mado
In the Marcy cemetery.
Mrs. Itobert lines Is 111 with grip.
Mr. John Mills was a virltor In Nnn
tlceikn Tuesday,
Miss Anna f'orenran was a vlslbv
in Scranton on Tuesday.
Mr. John Oakley, a veteian teacimr
of the schools of tlm city of New York,
gave a parorama exhibition In the au
ditorium of the High hthool Tuesday
nftemoon. Several beautiful scones
weio (resented that gave tlm scholars
and teaditis a better thought of hls
loty as they heard Mr. Oakley dellv
uilnis his desctlpllve lecture and looked
upon scenes of the Civil, Cuban and
Phllipplnn war. Mr. Oakley Is a vet
eran of tlm Civil war.
Tho Ladles' Aid society will hold .1
t-upper In tlie basement of tho Metho
dlhl Hplscopal church Wednesday
evening. Price, 10 cents. All uro cor
dially Invited t-i attend. Tho sorP-t-has
been otganlred and has nrianged
to hold a ".upper every two weeks.
All members of the Lawrence Host1
company, No. 1, are leeiuested to meet
In their hall Thursday evening, as tho
election of olllcers nnd oilier Important
luslittss will take place.
Mr. Anthony Kdly, of Y01U avenue,
who l.ns been 111 for tho past wed;, Is
Mtfj Anna Curtis and Fred Curtis
visited nt the home of their sister, Mr.
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumption,
Don't neglect a cough take
when your cold appears. Thu
" ounce of prevention " is
better than years of illness.
"I luttred for year front a couio. broaehUl
tad tun troublt. Ratted blood tnquentlr.
Kptnt yum In the Dakotat tad olhtr pam of
west bat tot ao relief. Retnrntd tut and
(ia Ukinc Shilom. A tew bottle com
flflf It toted mr. 1 eoailder It tha frtatcit of
Willi F. I- Camp A Co., Broker-, BurHto, N. Y,
Shlloh'a Ooniamption flora Is salel bi alt
drnulaU at 5r, BOe, l.M a bottla. A
(tinted guarantee roei with aTery battl.
t you ara not atUOad go to your drag-cUti
and cat your money back.
Writ for illaetratcd book en coneumptioa. Sent
without coit to yoa. S. C. Welle Co., LeRojr, N. V.
A SKtn or Doauty la a Joy Forever.
M, aal every bletaltaoa
hhv, aaa itnea
dateetloo. It has
two tto teat etl
yeua, u It te
to M ear til (nop
rlr nwd. Aicrft
xaaurtott M
alraDar aejaa. Dr. L,
UdlMwUI anthem
I reeo-omeaa wif
jTe prwen ' IM
! karafulof l
as.. W
all Diaiittai u
.11 hrwmHrtmtm mm
Tanny -Ootid Daakfa la taT. a, Canada, and Euro?,
Sick- Ko aii -acho
and Liver
auan COATID.
25 CTS.
Bold by all dragaUU
or sent by mall.
NerrlU Medical Co.. Cklcjra
SoU by McGarrah & Thorrm, Drujclst-, KM
Lurkawanna avenue, Scranton, Ta.
dS Prol.Q.FJHEEL.D.if.iS
3 Y-t Itrallrtalakla.r-. Cu.t
3 1 ji rantett to cute after all ether, fall. lYATIt
l afafBFlintKl uai no men urw no tan 1 fit inUtlie-in a.
irj0ir,a-uni.i.uii ncK8f Milan Mtui;
i ainnar-. no cuiiiaa . .Kr
Arch Tinklepaugh, who Is 111 at Avoca.
Mr. Harrison llcst visited In Avoca
Mr. George Ives, of Pittston, visited
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Curtis visited at
the home ot Mr. William Masteller, ot
at the home of his nephew, Mrs. Wil
liam Hobbs, of this place, Sunday.
A watch contest will be held In Kru
plnskl hall, Feb. 22, to furnish Mr. Ar
thur Price, who has suffered for sev
eral years with rheumatism, with nn
Invalid's chair. This young gentleman
has been nlllicteil for several years
with this disease, but of lato he la not.
able to walk.
Cass No. 7 Is holding several busl
ncjs rrcctlngs for the entertainment of
the Itwrence Hose company on Feb. 2:t
nnd also for another one of their own
In March.
If Tho Tribune representative forget
to call for news, please give It to car
rier, as wo are pleased to put In any
thing of a news nature.
Mrs. John Dills visited nt the homo
of her brother, Mrs. James Crowe, of
Dupont, whose child, 'Margaret, dlo.l
Kels.ill & Clausen's stoie was closed
Monday on account of Inventory.
To Prevent the Grin
I.j-,itie nromo-Qulnlnc icmovt-i the ciuc.
It Is No Longer a Striking" Foaturo
of tho Landscape. 1
I'roni tho StrouiUbure Time?.
A drive through tlm rural districts1
of Monroe county will find that "the
old red barn" Is going out of fnshion.
Newly erected barns are being painted
In other colors.
"There wns a time," said a paint
salesman tho other day, "when every
farmer painted his bnrn red. Tho
paint used wns called Venetian red and
wns made of oxldo of Iron Instead
ot white lead nnd zinc. It cost about
half ns much ns lend paint and stood
the weather well. The farmer boughr
this paint dry and mixed It with oil
himself and put It on himself. Now I
suppose about oue-lhird ot the coun
try's barns are painted red and about
two-thirds In other colors, with the
proportion of red burns still decreas
ing. This change is duo somewhat U
fnshion, and more to the wide Intro
duction of mixed paints leady for us".
"Nowadays prepared paints arti put
up In seoren of colois nnd shades, amr
innnv of them are manufactured tmd
sold 'us cheaply as tho old Venetian
ted wns. In the old days If tho far
mer wanted to paint any color but veil
he had to mix his own colors. If"
couldn't get a. painter to come from
town and mix tho colors unless Im
could also have the job of doing tlm
painting. Now tho farmer can buy
paint In any color or i-hadc that he
wants from sample cards, and when
ho knows the men of surface to be
i.ntnted he can ascertain Jut tlm
quantity required.
"In modern barn painting, the bod'
Is ot one color und tlm trimming 01
another. A pleasing stylo Is colonial.
In which tho body Is of light yellow
nnd the tilni white. Hut bnms nr.
painted also in grays nnd In otlwi
culms nnd with vnilous shades o
film, and, take everything together
tho old ted barn is being mote and
more crowded out by thosre painted In
model n fashion."
i m
Mis. WliiBlow's Soothing Syrup
Hat Ix-fli tut-il for eiei FUTV Yl'ARs w
whim: 'irxTiiiNn. nidi runner si'fm.
It MHJTIIr's II"- tllll.l). M)ITr..S the OUM
Is th leel icmeily for DIAIIItllOKA. sold i,v
Imisgi.U In tvciy put of the woihi, De run,
am) utU for "Jh". Winder ' Soollilni Srrtii, '
and tile n ether kiwi. Tenl-Ae cent i
JVt4B1'3aVlB7 flal I ' 1
a--. W
-ll BiaSMBBI. .aneaeei
3Kreih cuer curedla 4 to 10 oire. Avoid cheep treetmeaC
iinlyolTefedaf acetch. RulneThAiiien'le. 34ndf'ieCwer
)T..ttanlale A Suet ei pMiir metticil A-el-ctrtcal fraU.T
TTrratmrntbrrrlall. fnatimt rHUf.TWHi.r