The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 05, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Special lo th Jeratiton Tribune.
Montro.n?, Kob. 4. The Fecund week
of January term of court oiwnvd to
day, his honor, Judge Daniel ""A. Seorlc,
presiding. Many caprn on the civil lint
down lor lilnl this week have cither
hfon nettled oiit of couit or continued
by mutual consent. It is expected that
the first ciikp on civil lift to lie tried
will lie the cane of Anna l.. Waterman
vc Delaware, Lackawanna, ami Wort
cm Railroad company, and will com
mence tomorrow morning.
At thin morning's session Judgo
Kearle pronounced sentences ns fol
lows: Henry Ko.checl, who entered plea of
Utility of assault and battery. ' Fen
tencel to pay n line of $10, costs of
prosecution and be Imprisoned In the
county Jail for sixty days.
Stephen Vnvern. who entered plea
same as above to same charge, wan
sentenced to pay a. line of $10. costs of
prosecution, and be imprisoned in tne
county Jail for ninety days.
Charles Vny. convicted of larceny
and lecelvlng, was sentenced to pay n
ilnc of $10, costs of prosecution, and bo
Imprisoned In the county Jnll for sixty
Patrick lithey, convicted of larceny
and receiving, was sentenced to pay n
tine of $10. costs of prosecution, and bo
imprisoned In the county Jail for ninety
Patrick Dwyer. who entered a plea
last week of guilty to chaigo of enter
ing, was sentenced to pay a line of $10,
costs of prosecution, and undergo im
prisonment In the Eastern penitentiary
for the period of one year and one
In the case of the Commonwealth vs.
Daniel Ileal don nnd Jessie Chamber
lain, charged with l.iteeliy and receiv
ing, the Jury, after being out all one
night nnd most of the next day. re
turned a verdltt of guilty against,
Noardon and acquitted chamberlain.
Ileardon is a chronic otfender ajid had
bfcn warned by the court on n previ
ous occasion that leniency would not
again be t-hown him. but this warning
was unheeded and he continued upon i
his criminal career, lie was sentenced
this morning by Judge Senile- to pay n
fine of $10. costs of prosecution and
undergo Impilsonment In the Eastern
penitentiary for the period of two yeais
and nine months.
William Smith, convicted of mayhem,
was sentenced to paya line of $10, costs
of prosecution and undergo Imprison
ment In the Eastern penitentiary for
the period of one year and one month.
Commonwealth vs. Thomas Uovit,
charge, assault and battery, Jiuy found
defendant not guilty and divided the
costs equally between the defen iant
nnd Michael Uople, the prosecutor.
commonwealth vs. Anofro Uolinus,
niodyoek Vunorlch, charged with ns
sjult and battery. Jury found defend
anta not guilty and divided th costs
.,cua11v between the defendants and
Joseph Uople, piosecutor.
Commonwealth vs. (i lis h'.one.
charged with Illegal tralllcklng. Jury
found the defendant guilty as charged
In the Indictment. Itule for new trial
Commonwealth vs. Alvln U. lliittou.
assault and battery. Jury found de
fendant not guilty and divided costs
equally between the defendnnt and
Claud E. Card, prosecutor.
Commonwealth vs. John Cleary,
charge, larceny and lecelvlng Now nil
Sarah E. Munson vs. Oakland bor
ough, continued by mutual consent,
pending negotiations for settlement.
Michael Mnxlon vs. St, Michael's so
ciety: hearing on nile continued to
Feb. 0.
A. J. Adams vs. Clu'rlet If. Aln 'V,
admlnsirntor; lulu granted to Miovv
i-ause why the said i-el. fa. In the cane
should not be amended by making
same as pluras n.l. fa. in No. 2.V!,
November teim, liZ. llelem liable ths
last Jlonday In March.
In le, In Lenox-, lepou of
viewers continued till Aprlll term.
In ro licent-e of William Phafer: II- '
cenFe refused. J
llcnu Conncrs vs. John Chiiik-is: i
alias mbpoena awnided.
V. A. Eako vf.. Janus 11. Lake: nm
i iamatlon awarded.
It F Uowaid. of Thompson, was a
prominent visitor in town the las. of
the week.
The condition oi Mis .lames I.nii-r-
That torturing and tlintigunng di-e.ihc
has its cause in an impure condition of
the blood. The impure condition of the
blood often arises from a diseased condi
tion of the btoiuacli
aiid J.lleil organs of i
digestion and mitri- '
tiou When diges
tion is imperfect, the
nutrition of the body
is inadequate to its
uet'di. Tlieblootl be
comes thin, poisons
accumulate in it, and
these poisons ottcn
manifest themselves
in some eruptive
Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical Dis
covery cures disease?
ot the stomach and
other organs of di
gestion and nutri
tion. It eliminates
poisonous substances
front the blood, puri
fying it and increas
ing its quantity and
richness. The "Dis
covery'' cures per
fectly diseases of the
blood and other diseases which originate
in a diseased condition of the stomach.
The "Discovery" itt absolutely a non
alcoholic and non -narcotic medicine.
There is nothing "just as good."
"for three years I have MifTrred with that
dreaded dltac, eczema." write Mr. J, Koepp,
of Herman. Oregon, "I wan told to try Jir.
1'ierce'a t'.oldeu Medical Mtcovery. which l did,
aud after 1 liad taken fourteen bottles I was
permanently cured. It Iih been 4 year since I
itop'x-il taking your medicine and it has nexer
appeared alnce. I think your medicine a won
derful cure and hope others sufTeriiiK at I did
ill take It ami tx relieved of their sulTcrlng,"
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant PelleU are
powerful aids to the cleansing of the
clogged nyntein. lly all dealers in
.jtijimL J' mi.",' J.U J
L M&
1 1
san, who has for several weeks hscn
seriously 111 at her homo at Richmond
lllll, lemalus unchanged.
Mlsa Ulllan Palmer leaves this
for Scranton, where slm lias secured
a position In the new telephone ex
change, located In the Republican
building. Miss Palmer Is a popular
young lady nnd will lie missed by a
wide circle of frlcnda.
The annual county Christian Endea
vor convention will 1 heldl at Drool:
lyn the latter part of Juno, the exact
date of which will be announced later.
An Immense congregation was In at
tendance at the union rcrvlco In the
Presbyterian church Sunday evening.
Rev. Jnmes W. Putnam, D. D., of New
Vot Is city, delivered a hcholarly and
eloquent discourse. Dr. Putnam will
give the first of a series of three Illus
trated lectures at Village Hall to
morrow evening: subject, "The Rome
cf the Popes end the Rome of tho
Uov, E. K. Thomas, pastor of tho
Raptlat church, Is In New Mllford to
day attending a ministers.' confer
Dana Watroue, a student at Wyo
ming Seminary, Kingston, wan tho
guest of his patents In this place over
Mr. and Mrs. Hairy C. Shlpmnn nr
stopping for the present nt W. L.
Frank Ilolley, .on of Jackson Holley,
died on .Saturday, after a brief illness,
of typhoid pneumonia. Frank was a
young man very much esteemed by a
largo number of our people, who had
come in contact with him In the mov
eral stoics at which lie ha clerked.
He was honest nnd reliable; willing
and obliging, nnd had ho lived would
assuredly have made his maik In the
world, for he wan ambitious and in
dustrious. Hlii father and three
hi others survive him. The funeial
was intended from the Presbyterian
church this afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev.
A. L. Denton, D. D.. officiating. In
terment was made in the Montrojc
W. N. names, esq., was in Rush,
on a business engagement, on Satur
Sprdsl to the SiMJiiton Tiibunc.
Forest City, Fob. 4. The heaviest
snow storm of the year and that isn't
saying much came last night. Tho
clouds look ns though they might
shake a little more of tho beautiful
down tonight.
J. R. Hurtd was In Teckvlllo yester
day calling on hi sister, who It very
Mrs. Thomas Drown Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. W. J. Maxey, in Mont
rose. The eleventh annual convention cC
the Epworth League will be held In
the Forest City Methodist church this
evening and tomorrow. The pro
gramme tonight Is as follows: r.SO,
devotions, Rev, J. II. Royee, Pleasant
Mount; live minute greeting, Mrs. J.
M. Ill-own: five minute response, Rev.
S. C. Slmpklns, Hawley: 8 p. m., ad
dies", "The Supernatural in the
Chuieli, the Sabbath nnd the Rlble,"
Rev. F, Oendall, Peckvllle; leading,
MNs Mnrle E. Van Cleft: appoint
ments and benediction. Tuesday fore
noon S.4i, devotions, Rev, Lloyd W.
Knischner, AVayiiiarf fl.OO, thrte-mln-ute
reports of sub-district convention
woik by pocintary or president; 0,1.",
report of sub-disttlct commission; 'k'-'O
burners transaction: "Its Animus,"
Ec. Arthur D, Dald, Thompson; "Its
Avotl." 1. Review, (a) "In General."
Uev. ,lu"tis F, AVarner, Cnrbondalo;
fn) "MethodNtlc," Rev. George M.
l'.'dl. Nanowsburg- 2. "Preview." Prof.
W. R. Grave. T.impltinsvllle; a, "Re
view and Preview of Honesdale Dls
tiict League AVork." Rev. Asa J. Van
''lelt, Dunmors; "How to Endear tha
Children to It," Mts. Evelyn S. Bush.
IInc-dae; discussion, led by Rev.
Geoige . Place, Honesdale: 11 1.",
"I!e)tal," Rev. I1.1 C. IVtes, Danias-
us; "A Cosmopolitan Doon," Miss
Ruth A. Gaidner, Moscow; "How to
Observe It," Miss Alice Dutler. Car
bondale. Tuesday afternoon 1.30, ie
votlins Rev. Jared N. Mcnker, Thorn
hurst: election of officers: "Our En-tei-lblnmeut
Dtireau," Miss Ella Maud
Stewart, Clifford: "Jeopardized," Rev.
Luttls E. A'an Hoesen. Ariel; "Can
Children Jb- Taught to Reverence It?"
Mrs. M. O. Menker, Carhondale: dip-
1 1 ushlon, lcil by Rev. Leonard C. Mur
'dock. Kingston: 1U3. "Ideal and
Ileal." Miss F, Grace Shaffer, Varden:
"Its Influence In the Establishment of
His Kingdom on Eaith," Miss Ella
. Sharpstelii. Honesdale; "As a Model,"
lli-i Emma AV.iderman. Clifford: "At
' ! Solace," Rev Albert C. Oliver. Liko
Como: folo, "Tho Rroken Pane," Miss
Fullh Lnkln, Lake Como; discussion,
1. d by Rev Amasa F. Chaffee. Carbon
dale. Tueiday evening 7.f!0, devo
tions, Rev. Henderson G. Ilarned, of
I Seianton: npporpriated, a lecture,
. -Thiough the Eye to tho Heart," Rev.
Rcbci t F. Y. Pierce. D. D., Scranton;
duet. Mlsser A'est and Powell, Dun
moie: iltial adjournnient.
Headnche Onuses.
Ut-ailaclic ! usually caused by llvln;
in jioorly ventilated roomn, overln-ilulBcnc-i
In t'ooil or tliink, liifeufllclent
oxci-elpi', nientttl strain, excitement oi
niftlailii. KniUFe'H Heaelarho Capsuled
iitloUIy oiiie the most ncvero c-a..eH,
ami leaves the heael clear ami cool,
t'lleff 2.-ii f-'olil liy .MatthowR llio".
f-peiiil lu the t-irJiiton 'tribune,
Honesdale, Feb. i. Jir?, I.. Aery
anil con, Oeorpre, of Manchester, Conn.,
aro vlltlng relatives In Honesdale and
The members of Freedom lodco of
Odd Fellows are considering a propo
sition to place a new piano in their
IoiIko room,
A four horse bui load of Honesdale
Maccahee"! visited Hawloy Saturday
Mr. T. I. Newton, a studont at Vrlnce
ton, spolte In the Presbytnrlan eluticli,
bnih mornlntf and ovenlnjr, on Sunday.
Mr. Newton was born In India, and ho
Is pteparlnsr to return to that plaee uo
a missionary, where Ills father and
brother are missionaries. He spoUo In
tho mornlns on "Indlu," and in the
evenlni? on "The Needs of the Foieln
Mlbslon Field."
The heaviest fall of snow for tho win
ter came down last night and this foie
noon, maltlnn line slelshlnsr. It will
make lively times in the lumber woods.
Uov. K. C, Armstrong1, of Williams
port, will lecture In tho court house
next Frlduy even In a., tinder tlie aus-
pltes of the Literary circle, subject
II. AV. Rowley, of Scranton, spent
Sunday with friends In Honesdale.
Mlsa Lizzie Aunger la very sick with
typhoid fever.
The Harry Webber Sterling Comedy
company hold the boards for three
nights at the Honesdale Opera house,
commencing Thursday evening, Feb. 7,
with "Llttlo Lord Fnuntleroy." The
company carries their own band nnd
orchestra. They give u midday con
ceit. Charles L. McMillan, of I'ltlston, has
retired from tho firm ot Russell T.
Whitney ft Cc.who have been conduct
ing a mercantile business In Honesdale.
Fred M. 'Spencer, who has for twenty
one years been connected with the
Jndwin Diug store, has entered Into
partnership with Mr. Whitney. Tho
business hereafter will bo conducted
under tho name of AVhttney Sc Spencer
nt the old stand opposite city hall.
For the past week tho supply of
water for Honesdale has been very
low. Those who occupy tho upper
stories of buildings, or live on the high
er streets havs been cut off entirely.
This Is attributed to a lack of tain by
some. Others claim It to bo a period
ical occurrence, which no one has been
able to account for. If, as stated, this
has been the condition of things for
the past dozen years. Is It not about
lime some expert Is sot at work locat
ing the cause. Honesdale should have
a plentiful supply of water from ths
surrounding lakes.
SpeiUI to the Scranton Tribune.
Tutikliannock, Feb. -I. Ro S. AV.
AVelss occupied the pulpit of the Pres
byterian church on Sunday. The pul
pit was occupied the Sunday previous
by Rev. Murdoch. Rev. K. C. Ilodgo la
in Oxfoid, supplying his father's place
as a teacher during the latter's Ill
ness. Mrs. Martha Rutinell Is tho guest of
her brother, Attorney Frank Smith, at
Stroudsbuig. She will remain away
for some time.
The funeral of Patrick Callahan vih
held Monday moinlng nt 0.30 at lln
Catholic church. Owing to his ad
vanced age, which was PJ years, little
hope had been entertained of his re
covery. The greater part of his life
was spent In the vicinity of Overton,
l'.radford county. Ills wlfo picccded
him Into the Gteat Royond live months
ago, having died In August last, -it
the age of M years, lln is tho father
of our townsman. Hugh Callahan.
James Thayer, of I'.lnghnmton, mmi
the guest of fiieudu in town on Sun
Jay. Mr. Chailes Earnaid, of S.wuuiie, ,
.-merit Sunday with his family at thlt
place, who have been visiting tho past
week with Mrs. P.arnard's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. P. Avery, on AA'est Tioga
Mrs. Frank Coleman accompannied
by hi" husband nnd brother, Thomas
Callahan, are In town, called hero by
the death of their grandfather
Rev. J. S. Lewis, of AVcst Piltston,
occupied the pulpit of the MethodHt
Episcopal chui ch on Sunday. (lev.
Lewis has been president nt the Dim
oek Camp Meeting ursoclatlnn since
Its formation.
The firm of Paul Hillings ,t Sous hai
p-itchnsed the F. C. Ross building, on
AVnrrcn street, leceiitly occupied by
th- Dershlmer!.
Mis. . E. P.etts is setlouMy ill at
her home on Second stic-t.
AV. P. niillngs and llttlo son, An- '
drew, of Kingston, spent Sunday with
the former's mother, Mr", lViry Ell- ,
HiiR-i. on Tioga stie,.t.
llobeit Little has returned from Noi-
folk and AVahlngtoti, where lie as-
slrted in settling the accounts of the
Essex. Mr. Little has an oppoitunll.f
to go to China, as paymaster's cleilr
but has not yut accepted the oiler. t
Mis. F. N. Krani, of AVynlurlng.
rpent Sunday with lu-r iaieuts. Air.
ami' Mrs. It. AV. llardwcll, at this
Yesterday was the twentieth annl- 1
vor-nry of the nigntilgntlnn of 'thf I
united Christian Endeavor society, and I
the pocloties of this place conducted
apporpiiate exeiclses at the Presby
terian church on Sunday evening, In
ptace of the regular sermon,
Harry Welch has moved his fomily !
to Sayre. Ills goods were shipped on
George W. .Ale Knwn leaves today for
Missouri, where ho has accepted a po
sition. Mrs. Solon Lyman i entertnlnln-;
her slter, Miss Aldilcb, of Sprlng
vlllc. Attorney
son, N. J
on Sunday.
John llardiiu,', of r.iter-
vislted his old home here
Mr. Ilardlnsr miis attor
ney lor the defendant, Kerr, In th?
P.osschletcr murdei
A telegram was tecelved heie Satur
day from Floitda, statins- that Dr.
i ( 'unites 11. Dana was rapidly fulling.
His daughter. Miss Clara Dana, left
'it rnc fop his bedside. Dr. Dana Imi
been In feeble health foil u Ion,' tlm?,
and had sono to Tlorlda for the win
ter, in hope of reeiipeiatlnf. Two of
l.Ii tlstoiK, Mi. Sarah Melcaif and
Mis. Harriet AVhecloel:, have icccntly
died at tllli place.
Mis. Meehonls, who was ihaijrud
with shoiillftiu? In Kdsnll it Clauhon's
stoto and who escaped fiom the con
stable, as described In yesterday's
Ti-lbtuie, was ciptuied Suiultiy and
taken to the county Jail.
Johnson Itandall, of this place, who
lias been employed at tho Hlllaldo cot
Ilery, lias been promoted to outside
foreman for that colliery. Several of
his friends think him capable of this
Geornu ltlchiinUon, of i'nit-uiiK, vis
ited his mother, Mis. Ueiijaiiiln Hlh
nrdson, who Is 111 with the grip, Mon
day. Tho home of Mr. and Mis. Thonius
Martin is overflowing with Joy, because
of tho arrival of u baby gltl.
Three more llttlo darling babies were
added to Mr. and Mrs. I.ambeit's fntn
lly yesterday.
Miss Myrtle Itecd has returned home,
after a few days' visit with her sister,
Mr. John Wilson, of Scranton.
Misses Carrie and Gertrude Penhall,
of Luzerne IioioukIi, visited Mil's Uotlu
Dunning recently.
1'rcm SunfJ.
When ltuwll hJe ji. jUil tin the eri"t
ol fcucirjf, be Midi ''The ecrit of uerin l
tei Keep jour credit good." When old tmituiw
iloie Vamlerbllt win ak'.ed (or Ills Kiiet cl vie.
ce-rf, bU iinHwer wwi "Keep our inouih hur "
Mrs. Winslow's Soothlna Syiuj)
Has been used for oier Viri'V YI'AIl bv
".tll.l.lONS ol MOTIIintS for their Ulll.nhT.V
while TKvrriiiso. witii i-i:nrt.cj- surros
It hOOTJIF.s the CIIII.I), hOKTKVH th. OUMj-.
it the liet remedy lor DIAtlMIOKA. hold by
. 1...- In a. kw .r, nt ,I.b ....rl.l ,,. ....
ITUi-JlHI I" r.sij I'", ,,.c T.UIIII, p kUie
and K tor "jir., niiniowii pooiiui
nr Sunn'
did late
no either Mnd.
Tim nl .die i in i 4
I Do Not Treat All Dis
eases but Cure
All I Treat.
I uisile up nit jn'r.d toon alter criuujlln
from tollege that 110 nun v.n great enough
to master li cntlrn Old of medicine and
surgery. Many pli)hl.UH luvp tiled to do
llil but they lime met with rrsultt usuilly
dliipoiUllii to thnntehes nnd ottcn dlv
Ttrcus to tin Ir pjtknts. Tor lliU tiuwn
1 detennlned carle in my prolesjlonal career
to confine my practice to a ulnle llnu o( dis
j and to originating and pcifectlr.g
for 11 em.
I !.avo tud-y jl SVafKM Or' IIIKUMCNT
which 1 hue otlnltntcd and tlcvcloped alter
my ttl.ols life's exprrlenca In trrntlns ol dissvici of Men. It 1 luwd on soleie
I flu knowledte, and never Cilk I want eeij
afflicted man lo fully and freely lnrc! iRitn
my s.rslrm of trejtniri 1 you aie partliuhr
ly invited II jim luc treitcd rlrpwhci"
ftllliont fticcf". I will explain to .on why
you lue not luen uirod and ilemointtale to
our intlre fallsfactloii lio.- I can cmo jou
iwfely and pcniunoiitli. I each caje
ripjuli) and ai-lcntlllrally, closely walcliinc
It and r.nefully following Its )iiiilmm with
utlcd reuinllri tlinmsjli nciy hurc nnd
wlllMake my nputalloii on the icult. The
dheasci that contltulo my specialty aro
meie fully commented upon Inlaw and aio
well worth the cm ml ot all in mod
of medic j I attention.
l u iiilju-vment of the Suoluc elu.
Ulialerer tiny l.c U uu-u It's tlijui lois i-f.
te.t aiu lii welt l.nonn for mc to torn,
mint on Mifitio to uy jtlul it ilvin-n;s
the mind, welkins tho lwdy, ratls Iim nor
miih f'.-lcm, mid idtlnutol' leads lo ,1 iom
f.hto lo-rt of .ill powii. lly niv SA'STI'.M
(It" 'flit: VTMKNT 3c.1t are parxl tlio UU
and nut'ciinici lutliloni 10 the oldtlmo ml.
tliiif ipiTatlon with the knife, t'nder my
1 11 .11 mint tho patient fiiipto'ci liom the lit
Ciiiniiii.'. All pjlu Instiinll' cckoi", foirno
and swelllrii; ejiilrkly auMilr', the lool ot
i-I.-SluI.t Mood mo fourd irmn tho dilated
clin whiih lapldly resume their normal tin.;
ktienslli and omidne-, and with ll ihc
pildr. the power and the pleasures of pTUct
tiouhles ate always raned by Inflaiiiiiuilonj
e.xtenillns horn the Kiuioundlm,' parts, the
fjmptoms of which jou e.111 appreciate bet
ter than I cm dcrcritv. If you anj of
ll.oo ronditions call on in and let tni ex
plain to 5011 m- nietliCKls of fli,siiivr of
them. I have eifcctoil cues In thousand, ul
1,11 , and a tuie awjiU juii
Rooms 208,
Wall Street Kovlew.
Sirt .,ik. 1'iu. I. The siotl. iiuiKfi .it
11..1I1 r it" ol the iieMH o( the iiiin-h.ip
of lontrol ol the Southern r.uJtU. b- a i-'lulb
utc ju I lie lull Ivstv ol I'jeitli'. The
ollli-i.if jiliiilisliui uller tlio tiurket lud tln-ed
I'lblay found the alntl In a ktulu in uuprt-iuud-iie-1,
tin while roiii'itt Of hao been thlek
lor in my !. llat thl piitleulai iiih lud Ik 1 11 liittati'd, run In thi Imauln.itlon of
il.e ti-trii. The lutuul coii.eipi-iiio w 1
hlKi' and evtvllcnt item mil lor Htuek .it the
".. iiln,- tinl.iy. A i KMilt ul the utttimuUticu
I bii.ihiit niUtiD In eonnnlinp cillee" hiiiiv lit
I'lMi.i. time were ido older, In v.iiium blod.s
iindir llif rxi-ltiil lil'ldinsr ot toinpelln-; biokeiy.
Tin- bousht l'.'.Slin .haies of t'l.iou I'.icllie uioii
ill.' till e.i the hammer .it Rluiull meoiu piiccM
"I "i to W'i eompared with ST?4 on 1'iliby
niiiht. 'ilie oin-nliu; piiie in Southern l'atitio
-.! the hlghe-t litk nolllni; at both 47i
and 17 011 the ti.ui'ftr ot S.0J0 .lun.. Tltu
piole-i.iliiil .i-eii!atorH toolc an activ parr 111
the nuilet with the aJ-antaso ottered of the
I.UM- outside elciiutid foi stotkii uitueu-d by
tin Knuthem IMellie dejl. Ill their manipulation
to adtjiuo piicct one opeutor nude a tKiuoi:.
sirjtl.e bid lor 10.000 sh.irt- of I nlon IMiihi. at
'). It WJ5 niilildy upi!led In a "inpli1 block
und a i io!iiiueiitii L'nion Patlliu uilod below
tint tor the ic-r of the da. Iln'ie mm .i ljti,ri
dfiiMiul fur Vlih'.ion and for Hock iiland. Tim
luiniiueiit lu t li-i-r- two tork w,i.. on mo
whole, the mot ftmpliuou .of the day.
'Ih. adiatie 111 Althimii reaihed i. .unl in
ltoil: llainl 21! on very Lirze le-ilirisi. Iteoj
jiuy ot the Chleo'.o Oieat l'iuin htotkt !t.ive
color to recent iumm that It l te pi- 10
rnnliol ot kome larger road. Ilie eonimon tt'-el;
niliiinced 1'e. ihc prefiutil A .i'i ami tho pie
lened H .?. 'Hie rle in the railrad lint wh'ih
wan m ueiinal 111 iiiiu.Ik with tli v
inrititnenlt inilleil Wan naiixmif and th
bull tinned tl.iih attention to otlur
epuiiei. ot tho lUt to eutalu the mul'ui. Tho
moft cenipItuoiil rr.ull of tl.t op'iatlnn w n
aIiowii in lb" lotal tiJCt.oin, llicioitbu Tiamll
nnd ilJiihattan lilintr STi ejeli nnd Jletiopolitan
!'-j. Total ulesj, 1,11.1,.00 tlurm. The ullrcad
bond market w Minna; and .lightly lno.o ai.
tlii) than on 1'ilday. Total .jc, pir .iUie,
S7.:il0,t). I lilted sulci lionu. tun all ilie
tlunscd on the lait eull.
Tin following quoUtlor
Trlbiue by SI. S. Jordan U
Hiambuildlnir, Seunton. I'i.
ne fumltlicd 'Hit
Co., room, va-'ot
Telephono C031:
Ill-ill Low- Clot
I firm
u mar
AiiieiiLiu Miliar ....
American I'otueen
Am. S. & V
AUIi. 'lo. & S. To
., T. it H. I'.. I'I' .
Ilinoklyn Tuctlou
Hilt, k Ohio
(till, Tolnreo ...
Che-, k dido
ride. 4- C. V 1
(Mc. II. 4 Q ....
-I. l'aul
Iloeie l-land
I)i law-are 4 !Iudoii
IViltial Ptml Steel 1'r .
Kan. 4 Ten., 1'r ..
I..111U. i Kji.1i ....
MinlulUn i:ii ...
Mel. Tucttop Co .
Mlvourl l'.icin ..
IVniile'a (Lit
vuiiliMii I'm Itt' .
S'orfolk 4- Wmtcin
N'oith. I'aclfio ....
Scilli. I'atia . i'r
. (inli-il ....
Out. i Wei
i' It. II
Ciellio Mall
Ilivdliiu, I'r ......
Soiiilmu It. It. ...
Southern It. It., I'r
Ttnn., ('. 4- lien .
IT. S. Lctthtr
I. S. l-eatl.rr, Vr .
I', f. Ilubher
I'lilou Pacific
I'i.Ioii Prelllc, I'r .
Wihikh, Pi-
Wctiin l'nion ,.,
.... W3.
.... S-li
.... n
.... ''i'i
.... r,
.... -.W7,
.... D-i
.... to
.... 7C
.... .Mil j
J Is'.:
11 in
7i ;.
137 'i
U 5
'II 'i
.. Ul'L tU'j !ll, HI
. ivt 120)1 in"1; imh
..1KI IM IS. Jul';,
,, is'. '"'I 7!H '"I'i
..lftl'i 30 1 101H mi
.. 47U lUj i. 4i."i
.. tn iii 15 iii s
.. s."; si w .,!,
.. M', t7i, ,. s;i
..Ill's. 111 III ll,i.t
.. :t2',i .H'i :h!i. :l2'i
..117'i lii', j 117 J IT' t
.. 4l'-4 4.1 41U r,v,
... ,s7,ii .1". ;,
.. Tt 71 Ti 72
.. ii',j a-ft 2.1 a;'i
... "I'i 7H 71 71'',
, . Ul M. IIJI' ll,
,.. 13' i laij ip.i; r.y.
,.. 7B 75 7(7. 7.1
,., II'', ' in'., tun
,,. SO 01 .s'i Ml-,
,.. M M M S3VJ
,,. ."i'i sS'i M'i WJ
Nothing but Curable
ll lll.llll'M llOl how 1'IHK .VOII ll.lW kUlli'H'J flulll
ftlKlnie, nor how mmy ilHfeient doelors lur
disappointed Jou, we will cine )o jnt .u . r
tjlnly as you lome ti us foi tiratnieiit. e
will not di ll l.y mttln-r or dll.itlis. Our
treatnnnt Is nrw, enlircH oilslnal with n.
and jicifcctly palnlcfw. It (oniiletely dlso'vcj
Hie ktriiture and pumanentty ifiiio'i- evciv
olMtriiclinii from the,j3c. It stojis eu-y
uT.iutuul di-Ji.URi allaja all tntUiimutlou,
inliUM the prosluto uljnd when enluririd,
tlcatisef and lieali, the bladder and Kidneys wlien
Iriitaled or coiicresled, liolKoiatcs the orRuiis,
and rosloic" health and foundni-w to eiry put
of the body atTfitcd by tl.C ritsen-i .
No muter of bow ion l.iuilliiir a 10 luud by
my method ot treatment.
Slut all ruelllnss, uii'l liupi.litui n
tctoicd In the It noinul size lit onti-
ackenzie's Medical and Surgical Offices
209, 210 Pauii Building, 426-428 Spruce Street.
rim m.o (iiiAi.v MAitKirr
O'Kti- lllsle Low
I'tbiiu-uy 7.. 7.Ju 7-'4 7.Mi
M.iv 7 'i 7J1 7'i
I'cbru.'iy !7 .17'. .". ' ,
.if.iy u . n; .;i
O IT-.
V.-1 2V :.a j-.; .',
Mav ll.lKi 14. 1 11
V.iy 7,.i ;..".7 7 M .'il
Milt- eillK liltAlN- MAIIKI',1.
Oimi llliili Low. tlo.
WIII'AI'. 111.-. c-t. ct. ,uu'.
Mini 7'iU 7-i1i TH'i 7n;
Mav i -"li To 7')",
Mav Il-'t ll' 4l', ll.
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotntionb All Quotations Hated
on Tar of 100.
.1TOCKS. Bid. A.'.id.
nut Natloiul ll.nk
viantcn aillg liJnU
TMr.l VillnnAl (link
lIni and lincount lljnk.
l-.m.nniv Lleht. II. 4: 1". Co.
L-ickx Triint Sifo Ileposlt Co
t'larU 4; Snoier Co., IV
Scranton Iron Fence 4- Mis. Co. ...
S'cranton Axle Works
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr
County SatlMi Dank 4. Tiiut Co.,
First National Dank (CuiLondile).,
Standml I'tUHns Co
Trailern' National Hank
Strar.ton Holt a-ul Xut Co
rranton l'ajnjer Hallway, flrrt
Slorteaji. du 10:0
People', btreet Hallway, first mort-
tia.'e, due 1DIS
I'eoplH'n Stieet Itailway, Celicral
uioitgaie, due l''2l
Ulckjou Slanufaeturlns (o ,.
Lutka. Township School 3 psr ecru,
t lly ol Strantoii ?t. Imp. 6 pir
Scranton Traction 0 p-r cent
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Cfireeted bv II. (I. Dale, ?7 Larktw-annt Ae )
Uuttcr Cio.unery, SAuU'-Sp.; ela'iy, I'aSK.
CIuh e Full iitam, llil'iLi.
17kuh WeHcin Irish, 'JtaJl'cj nearby i.t.ite.
lb ui Per In., ehobp mirmw, pllr2iai.
i'i a Itean. Per bj., 2.t'a-..5u.
Alt ilium Hearts Per bu., W.IC.iJ.ll.
Ciciu I'cif Per bu.. tLl0j.O.
Onions Per bu., Via 1. 1".
Fiom licit patent, ?l tj.
New Yoilc Grain and Fiodtice.
Niw- York, Feb. I. Flour Iniellse nul raili
ei wiaV. eloslna lower to Hill: wlntt-r lutnit,..
(I.tslal; viiitei straluhi-. M.lJa.'.5.i; Jllniii
mit.i patent. -lal.-JJ. wlnlir etrjs, ni.'sMLnl;
Mlrmi,.oU luketa, Mi.-I.-Jj; -linUr Iv.v ui ,
M!.4.1a"u). neat-Si.ul t ir ik: N' "lied. ,J".i
t. o. b. . .No. 1 northi-iii IXiliilh. W.1'. I. o b.
afloat: opltm esp. riiniiei ilnlln"s mut depnw
Ion pit-. .1 much all .li;, ch'.i'd v.m'.: at s.t,
net deeliiie, Maieli 711', it.: 'Jay, 7UT.-.;
Jil.v, 7!iJt. lirm: No. -4. 47c. rle
sjl'or nul !( f o. 1 1, artuat; optlopi iierily
to lulu; 1 loud .t.adi and patily 'i-. net Liijii
ti; M mil tlod IVec; Ma.i. It'ui.; Ji'lj. Hi.
(lals-Spot qiilili No. 2. ili'Je.. Jin. .!, -Jir.'.i.,
So 2 wlilte, .Si'-i:t2'." 1 V. :l while, :IPi..; inlsid tekUiii. 2-J1ia3l'.i.; tratk white,
tllaiK!.; options d.ill but ncuds. Itnllir uailyj
ctcunei-, 1Im2Ic: lottor. Ilall',-.--; Imitation
uvuiutr. 10V.il7'.',t.: eLlij. l."al.";e.
( hee Finn: latio l.uio (all made, ll'.iall'.i.:
mill tall made, iHiul.v. nate
and I'ciuujlvnnla, Sli- S -oulluin, 1'iaju- ; .mw.
tin, SCUSO'jo.
Plilladelphla Uialn and Pioduve.
I'liilatlrlplilJ. Feb. L Wheat ",i. lowtl-i ion
tiutl ei.ulo February, 11''ia71V. Coin Finn;
No. 2 luKed February. Iiall'tc.t Oat ieidv;
No. 8 white, ailac riour Quiet lint tt.-edj ,
winter kUiKrlor, .2.'Aia2i(j, do, cstrjii, hj.mi
."Ji PtniiMlvanli loller ileal'. s'..lui !,2t do
do. itialglit, r7'l5J'I.CO: da. do. patent. 'J.Ma
a.S'i; Kanut (.lulaht in tack., HJjj'I.'iO; do.
patent I'I -.'(k. .t..a.l.7ri: tprluar eliar, t!,V'H.
K.J5; ilo, ttnlKlit, ipl.US.l.Mi do patent, te.--''!
4 10 j do. fnoille biandi,; cits mlllt
exlni. 2,fAi2.S0: do. clear, 3..tla!i.Mi do,
itialuhl, Kt.fitial.ri; do. patent, 1tl.7Jal.40. Hut.
Iel--r"leilyi laney wittrn, 2!'e.s do iiilntt,
iJ'.t tin, neaih), -Mi-. I'.-ra. -b, lower; lieili
Cases Will Be Accepted
lu cuiiiiK an ailment of mil kind we ircr
fall to remoM! all relies eouiiilleattoiia or atuo.
tl.iif If the taw! is Vaileorrle the weak
nes cauMd by it dlMppcau. If it Is itrlctme'1 b.u ilcM'lopod into 1'iuiUtlc ni.ldder or
Kiilne.v utlcctluns, the injured oiians aio all n
Moirtl to a perfeetly heilthrul condition. If it
Is t'ontisrlous Hlnnd l'ulson, any and all SI.I11.
Illood and Pone 1iIa-jm. ailsimc (10111 the mint
aro entlndy mid pi-nn.tneiitly ellmliuted fioni
tho n.n.lem. If it Is wcakiiiss the mariy diitnu.
Ins Hymptonis follow Inc in Its train and ludi
ratlnir a premature decline of tilii ileal ard ni'ie
tal powor aio totally icmoveit and rapldlj iv
pl-ccd by the youtliiul uieixy ot robuit man.
hood. Hence all rexultlnv ills and lilies com.
plleatlnns, whkh may be piopirly trrmed ai-MM-late
dease, and whtdi, In fact, aie oltin
more rcrloua than tho oilnlnal ailment ttiat sties
rie to them all, we taj, disappear completely
and foieicr with tho rutc ol the main m'lidy.
I cue not of what nature cr of how long itmid
liic, a.s niv ytttiu of treatment Ls especially
ail.-.pted for the tieatmont of the Mme lnamu-h
as they 11m diied up at once.
hiuli lis I'i lo-. Pit-lire, l'lstula and all BK.vvlli.l
Miird nllhoiit the aid of a knife
lieailiv. -ile do westvi-n. 'le 1I0 tii'ithsYt.l
1 rn, lilt ; do. .ouiiieiii, --i. (.'l.eese-- Hull .end
s i.ik; Nc Yoik mil treairu, Luiiy Mi.a'.l, llit ,
tlo ilo. do. t.ilr to choice, l"'4ll!ic. IleHned
Sii-ai-s-t'iuhani.". Cotton 'dc. luster; n-ld-tdiny
upland", I0a . Tallow julct bur b'eady,
It.i pliiiie, in hojaheads, Sc. ; tierces, olic;
lountiy pilme, In hnin-ls, HiJ".o.i takes, u',e.
Lite Poultry (Julit but iteidy; (ov-K Oill..;
old roosters, 7c; chickens. I'jlt..; tlutU, llille:
r'if, Pallc. ; tuikijn, 'MlUc. Picked l'oulu
I'iini, kinhI demand; n.w-k, thoice, HHaU''.; do.
fair tn kikhI, SiVji.; old roo-'crs, t!'tu7t'. ; ueaibv
thllkell", 'Ullfoj W'CMtll! do., tklllc.J tlllkl..,
cholee to amy, (Ul-it-.; dinks ll.iKc; the lat
in for i.c.iby. Itiiflpti Hour, 3,000 tuntlt .itid
;i,!O0.Oii iiiiiil in sail.; ssie-at, a.6n0 bushtlsj
loin, 'Ju.l,u)il buthcti; oal, SO.tXH- busliel'. lili
im 'itt Wheal, Jl.'Mo bu-licls; iviii, ol,0V) b i.h
vU. nti. bushels.
Chicago Gin lu mul Pioduce.
(.hitmen, I'i4i. 4. Cable., st.illslk- u, le
celpts were 9-aliit I.lijlicr wlie.ic puiM todiy
nnd May dosed '4c unJtr l'llelay. Com and
OitH tlo.ed a .liido hu;her and piuslsioiw -ItlaJe,
lo ,1'jc. up. Ch quotations wile e lollow-.;
I'liiiii Dull anl Murj No. !i i-piitia; wheal, Ci'tj
il '.-.: No. 2 led, 7l,,ja7Jijc. , No. 2 tern,
Itf-v.; No. 2 cllon, SiYtC, N 2 eatj. 2ji
2i';i-.; So. S whin, 2J,,.iJNi3t.; No. :i white.
io'-.a-JS'Xc.j No. 2 rye. MaMc; .No. 1 llax and
iioithnert, fl.Tu; timothy, i-Lli; l"ik, "IJ.nii
Lksl. lard, i7.12'.:.a7.J.l; rlb, -tO.Wa7.nj thoul
der, O'inG-'ji;. ; Un, 7.Mi7.40i whUke, 'I.-JT.
Chicago Live Stock Maiket.
(, Feb. L Cjttle Iteceipts, lti.fMP, in
tludliia; 4iJ Texans; Hood to cboiio Klcers,
stioi.-;: others i-tiady; butchers' ttorlc cr.d T,--ans,
teadyj good to priiue itccu, J0.11KU, wor
to medium, Sn7.S0.ij; utotktrs and ft-edtta, a'ead
at e2.Wal.Wj to. 2.iia4.9li heilett, oi.Wi
2.7.1; tanner?, Ma-J ul: bull's teady at l;2.7.1ai . .
calves, stronccr at lad: Tcsai led teer, Al.11 V);
Tetai piarf ktt-cn, J..i0al; Tea bulla, $! Wx
S C. Hos -Iteieiplt loday, 2j,(J0, tomonotr,
2,l,); ctiiiutt-d lelt oier, :!0u0; opeinil .teal,
i-hiicltt hlalier, closed easier; top, S.'.43; mixed
and butchers. K'"'aj,4J; rooJ to cl'Oico ursA-,
fo..--.',..".4; louali heal). ft.V2tlaj.3i Unlit, " Ui
S.40; bulk ol Mies. M.SOaJ.I. bheop llcceils,
20.U11O: heen end lambs, mcadr: searlim; lari'tx.
.t.f0a."..13; good tn tholee svethen, .!i V);
fair to eliolco intsed, iU.iVlai: wu,tem hn-i.
tsj.riUl.SO; Texin kbiip. Hi2..V)a.l Glli nailtf l.m' .
l.t'ajjIWi: wMrrn Iambi, $jj3.2".
- !
New York Live Stock.
New- oik, Pill. I. IJocxes Ctr.c.a!!) -1 i ,
trit, i.')a.'i.oi); bill's. s-at.'Ji; cow., p ' d'.j I
,.7.5. I alci IV1n1r.1l tan, seal, swale, lw.i.
other eilvcs Rlmit kteidy; e.d, l.i'JaS.TO; lops,
K".i;j'aaS.7."; llttlo l; barn.sard itoal..
f- '.:..Vi; wevtenis, isl. .luip and I .mibs f'.ixl
huti I' o'lur' t.rly Iim'n tloiv unl 211
alOe Oil: i'ii-ii.'C'i, eh. lee, i,".,; few
pilii.u v.i-r.u-. i.i. 1.1II-, isl7ria2 7j; limbs. l 71
1 1 'ill one e ir at sj- culls, 'lal.'iil! I'a-iani
limb', s-3.71il.ift. llur l'li'i at M.ftjn'l.'iii
East Liberty Stock Mnrkst. ,
1 ,il Libtin, lib. 4. t-atilt--ilo. ami . ..
cmi.i. hVliKikVii piiiiu,; iniuuini
Kill 7". lleits-A HH-: pilmo .1 -mtcil -in
diii.ii. aid In. I l.rker-, lJj.COii4l.Cl:
'ii.ikiin ami iii', 'VuLi'iiiJ1 ; heatv liojjs, k.V.10
uVi'S- icus'is. i.7Vil lu. .bop ( hoiin i.,ii.
ik, ?!.rfal.71, cmiinii, .'..:; iluli lamls,
c3.t-fla-3.73; lonunon lu i-.iod lamln, Mai Vi:
teal tiilies, t.7j7.iji.
Oil Market.
Ill (it;. I eh. 4. t'MlIt Uilahtvi, SL2U; n-r-t'lltniev,
l.', Mil tit the; iuu, IJI,",;7
bainls; merai.e. ii",l: lairnlt: alilpiiie-ni., I'll,.
(111 lintels; ateil:;e, tn.WI b-nel-.
Stale of Ohio. ( II V of Toledo, l.ueae luiinii, .,1
I'llWK .1. Clli:i:i makes oath tint le Is
-n.iin p.Utner 0! the linn of F. J, CIIF.NKV St
1 11., iluliu 1uIiii- in ibo Cliy ul Toll do, ( ojnly
atnl s,.i.. .iiiics.ii, mid that slid lirm will 11 jv
the mitii of ONi: lILMUICIl HOLLAItS lor
caeli and tuiy cae of CATAI1IIII Hut cannot
I be t mtii ny (! iiso 01 iiAi.itix c-. J AI1HI1
ci'iti:. FitNK .1. riii:vi:.
1 (swoin to btfoie me and Mib-tilbed ju tm
1 pineiue. Iblt tlth day of lltteuibii, A. II., Isxii,
I ls-al.1 A. V. (ILKAMi.x.
M.iary ruolle,
llall'a Catuiih ( urn I. taken Internally, and
atU directly 011 th" blood and miK-uut auriacra
ol tba tyftein. S-nd for te.tlmonlaU, frse.
1'. J. CIIKNLV St CO., Toleilo, 0.
Sold by DiuBiiUtti, TTk;,
lltll'a Family 1111 are the bnr,
I Treat Men Only and
Cure Them to
Stay Cured.
On account ol Its frightful hldeounMi con
tatrlout blood poison ll commonly call4 tht
tlncf of alt dlie.w. It may b either hned.
itary or contracted, Onco the ayatera ,li
tainted with it, the may manl'tut
llselt In the fomt ol crotnla, cim,
ilieumatlc palnr, idlcf or rTollen jointi, erup
tioni or copper-colored apohl on face or
body, little ulcers in tho mcrutli or oil the
tonpre, koro throat, Mrolleu tonslU,. Ullln;
out ot the hilr or fjibrowi, and ftnilly
lepromllke decay el the fleali and bon. M
you li.ue ahy ol tin e or almllar tymplocnt
jou ate cordially imltcd to eonmlt us im
mediately. II f Dnd your fear am tin
founded we wilt tetl jou ao frankly and re
lieve jour mind. Hut If your cointltutlon
is Infected wllli virus we will tell you 11
fiankl), nnd ihow jou how to (ret rid of If,
Our fpedxl treatment for contagious blood
pol'on li practically the remit of our Ufa
work, and U Indorsed by the bett phjfleiiru
ol American and I'urope. It contains 119
daneroi rirups or injurious medicines of
any kind. It -iocs to tho very bottom si tfaaj
dlaeaxo and force out ecry particle ol Im
purity. Soon every sign and ftj-mptom ol
blocsl poison tllappcar completely ami for
ccr. The blood. Ilia tlsaue, tlio flrth, th
lioim and tl wholo j-striit aro cleaned,
puiiUed and lesloied to peifeet heulttl and
the patient pieparcd anew for the ritillM
and pleafiuen ol life.
Aciilu and elirntile in all Its ormt, enlirted
and allltened oiat, inuieular iheumatltm.
Iinnba-rii, xriatlea, by my . SYSTEM OF
TlinATMF.Nl' 'hows ignx of Improvemant
at rnue and In a very short time are pir
manentlj idled.
If jou cannot call, all correpoiidiuii
atrictly confldentlol and all icplita wnt lit
plain envelopes. Inclose 1 Lent stamp to
Inline leply.
Consultation and
Advice Free.
9 A. M. to 8 P. PI.
Sundays, 10 A.M. to 4 P.M.
Chicago, Burl. & Quiiicy IU. R.
.Illinois Division 3', is, 1949.
Evanaville & Terre Haute) R. R.
I'll st Consolidated 61. 1921.
Clev. & Marietta R'y Company
Klrst Mortgage S. F. -tjs, 1993.
Gnlv.. Hanlsh. &, Sail Antonio R'j
MC-.. & raeir. K.xteil. 1st 3s, 1931.
Western Union Tel. Co.
Ileal Kstnte 4-Ss, 1917.
Rio Grande Western R'y Company
First Mortgagees, 1939.
Complete List Upon Application.
Spencer Trask & Co
2f-29 Pine Street,
05 State St., Albany. NeV York.
"A Glimpse at Wall Strut and
Its Markets" "'.llVtv'JISoM
It Is lotnethlaK radically dllt.r.nt from other
piiblicatiopi. Very taluabl and Int.rtttliDg to
(k.Uftd.rn. icport Ct-Uf CBEC
ud uontbljr iluotuallon tatttt sJCIl I rftCU
Jacob Berry & Co:
Mri BftzrusiQLicJirrppTocaaar bam...
41 mill 13 ItltOAUUAV, MitV lOIIK.
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, CottMi
t .mirlttlcn io :"e tMirtUr- In Itial iilrntl it cIImiIi, tf
? UPC'ittluqt!icl.scliinc..nWglvliif ..nieiof
Ur iters !ti tvlinm trtniieuunis it.. Je In ,.f- In.t.nce,
t oairr1..1rn 11f. ft.itrtl. K.rit.
I.rrfipe.ittif. Uih.t,
From iiiie-.
"I lulled lip-in .1.11 tumid mur to ask hl'n
for u lulu, that Mould biliig Me iucce4 ,i m
nolle," said I'div-ipl Hosrr, princip.l ol one
of ibe flnerit tsruium ir school In New Voik ilt.x
"1'iciy one who knew .lay (Jould kmw tlut b
w.ii a, prtoe-cuplcil iivtn Ibat b thouifliU weia
liiiully lar away fiom tie pictent aeene, I -a.s
fntiodutcd to blm by a friend, but 1 felt that lo
wat Mnnely e-onstioii-, of nij- prcfente. 1V hsil
planned m mako ' fojne titarlllue remark to at
Hail hit attcnllon; and, as 1 illj ao, the jreai
lliutiCler Itwtiel t inn Or a Ktonil as II he H'v
ln foi tlm lit lime. Then I pul my liiijortanv
fpiftilon 'What l y'rfiir liiitliieMj' he att.e),
at tjulel; ai a flaJ;. 'I tini u Mlioolinaattr,' I
roplletl. 'Tbt-n let oilier people tlo th srork '
The adilec xvat 10 the jlnt. and hat proved
It.tll imaluiblc."
Deep-Sea Pveauio Hard to Keaist.
L is dlllletilt to irallzc what the preme it
the oiTan Ikiiioiii leally means; bow enormout
ll Is at lluce iulli In ilridli. It It greater b
fett'ial time, than the prcui exerted by tbu
pltloiit. of ths tfr; gieatritt steam rngini ,
Mcientlflo-mm asterUln' the Icuiperalui ol tb
dtep tea by Kendtn-; doiMi tberiuonutera m
thurd In aiiull, tttcunr. tliltlj gUttt tubea. Bonis,
tltiis-s,' tbra tuliea tuddruly colli ps l Una
powder under tltt etioimotu iuurt cf ,ge
eral inllra ot itcptli. Indeed, cne may aiy t
ltnliuw, maai 1,13 Je tlilin; that alnka in th d.tji
wj it crtwhed beyonfl 'iceogitltloti befoit i
rracheii tho bottom. Tht atroiiaett tleel ttilrn
arohrillj'mor res.ltlintr.t'sre tbtn itaUeVjiil
bdr.4elurss',':,' ,-1