THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1901. P8 , . n.T i n - -i-i I ' ' ' ' " ' SCRANTON BOY'S SKULL IS FRACTURED Albert quick the victim of i a sebious accident. While Driving a Trip oC Cars in tlio Mt. Pleasnnt Mines Yesterday an r Explosion Occurcd and He Was Struck by a Door Future of Y. W. " C. A. Hangs In the Balance Week- r ly School Deposits Party on Hyde Park Avenue Reception to Father Hubert Other Notes and Personals not forthcoming in that time, tin room will undoubtedly bo abandoned. Those who aro Interested In the work are requested to lend their old in a financial way to continue the work. !' 'Albert Quick, aged 15 years, son of fotr. and Mrs. George Quick, of 3Hi tnuth Tenth street, was the victim of "on explosion in the Mt. IMonsnnt mine '"stcrduy, which will deprive him of tho use of Ills left eye. and possibly .'incapacitate him for work for many month tu Mine. J Ilo also sustained a depressed trnc iiiro of tho skull on the loft side, rind .his loft oar was split in a frightful 'manner. Tho boy also sustained other injurlcn, nnd his escapo from Instant ilcath was very miraculous Youni; Quick was employed as it driver, and just as ho approached a '1opr in tho mines, ami was about to open It. tho force of the explosion Wow tho door open, utrlklng him on ilu head, and knocking htm against n. loaded car. AVorkmcn ran to his termo and re moved him to hit home. Dr. W. J. L. Davis was called and made an ex nmluatlon. An opetatlon was decided upon, and with the of Dr. 3). "H". Evans, Dr. Davis removed 111" niFliort bones from the boy's head. Ho It in a serious condition, and his iccovcry is problematical. Future of the Y. W. C. A. A representative meeting of ih members of tho West Scranton branch nf the Young "Women's Christian asso- latlon was held In the rooms, corner i f Main avenue and Scranton street, List evening. The object was to dls- tits the future prospects of the asso ciation. Mrs. Ceorge Howull presided and outlined the purpose of tho meeting. Attor tho matter was thoroughly dls- ussed. tho committee was given three weeks to decide what notion will he taken relative to the continuance of the local association work. Meantime a formal appeal for aid will be made to tho publle through the press und pulpit. If substantial -aid Is Party on Hyde Park Avenue. Adolph Brunlng, of North Hyde Park avenue, was tendered a surprise party recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ilrunlng. Tho time was enjoyably spent In dancing nnd other diversions nnd at a seasonable hour refreshments were served. Those pres ent were: Mlsss Hhoda Watklns, Ger ttude Loomls, Mary James, Hnttlo Dy non, Jennta Watklns, Laura Hallet, Leah Morgans, Kva Kettle, Mary Watklns nnd Cora Garrison; Messrs. Ik-rt James, Frank Watklns, John Thomas, lloyd Jacoby, Harry Yorke, frank Miller, Walter Jones, Edward Woolbaugh. Henry Ilrunlng, Mnndy Davis, Isaac Aycrs, of llald Mount. Fcrber, $2.01; Miss reck, .39; total, US.S7. Reception to Father Hubert. The Literary society of Holy Cross church tendered a reception to Father Hubert Cunningham In tho church last evening, nt which nn entertainment was provided, and an address was de livered by the missionary. Instrumental nnd vocal selections were rendered, and tho programme was enjoyed by a large gathering. This evening tin St. Peter's Total Absti nence society will entertain Father Hubert at their rooms In Dcllevno. A large number of temperance men will be In attendance. Thieves Rob a Candy Box. The penny candy slot machine which has been hanging In front of Howell & Hauls' cigar store for some time, was broken open Sunday night and upwards of J.! in money nnd a largo quantity of the candy removed. The theft, it Is thought, was com mitted by a number of boys who hang aiound in front of tho place, and un less the money Is returned prosecutions are likely to follow. Miller, Blanche Hallstead, Edith Mar tin, Jennie Zclgler. Florence Sllkman. Libido Sllkman, Grace Ward, Ooorge Kiefer, Dr. Welli, Dr. Honeywell, Dr. Hprout, William Reynolds, Dr. nnd Mrs. E. 7.. Uowor, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Ilcrt flhor mnn, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Georire Iileleorson. Mr. and Mrs. (Handle? Jlfklns. Mr. and Mrs. George Mulloy, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hinds. Rev. Mr. Harned, secretary of tho American Ulble society, will speak at the North Main Avenue Baptist church tomorrow evening. Next Sunday morning the North Main Avenue Baptist congregation and tho Presbyterian congregation will unite In worFhlp at the Presbyterian church, where they will hear Rev. Dr. 1 missionary, the work of tho Union Bible society. Mr. George J. Loftus, of this part of the city, who has been for the past year at the main freight olllce of the Delaware and Hudson, nt Scran ton, has been placed In chargci of tho Providence station, In place of the late S. M. Corson. Thomas Jehu, of Wayne avenue, is slightly Indisposed. James J. Grler, of West Market street, Is convalescent. Charles Emery, of Church avenue, !3 suffering with the grip. DUNMORE DOINGS. Funerals of Thomas McDonald and James Manley Hold Yesterday. Other News Notes. Modern Woodmen of America. The degree? team of tho Green Rldgo camp of Modern Woodmen of America attended the meeting of the Hyde Park branch of tho order In Ivorlte hall last evening. A numbcrof candidates were put through the initiatory degree, und in structed in tho workings of the order. OSSSIJE? (COUGHS TIME LOOK ! . rt. n I OUT FOR ( aou WULUS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. General News Notes. Tho Woman's Foreign Missionary society of tho Washburn Street Pres byterian church will meet at Mrs. Lin dabury's Friday afternoon. The sub ject will bo "The Indians and China," Mrs. Freeman will be in charge of tht meeting. Tho Chi Upsllon socloty of the Wash burn Street Presbyterian church will hold their annual banquet In their rooms on Tuesday evening, February 12. Members of St. David's parish who liavo articles for tho supper to be given next Monday, Tuesday and Wed- liAa.tnll r.ll1HlHT, .lit llnlts)t IAH1 1tnM to David S. Williams, 314 Fourteenth j fx' l " world renownc. . of New York, preach on Services over the remains of tho late William Mornn were held at Bt. Pat rick's Cathollo church at 9 o'clock yes terday morning. Interment was made in the Cathedral cemetery. The funeral of the late Patrick Mai loy will take place tomorrow morning from the house, 611 Fellows street. Ser vices will be held in HolyCross church, nnd interment will bo made in tho Cathedral cemetery. Father Simon, who has been in charge of tho Arabian mission on Chestnut street, has been transferred to tho western part of the state. Rev. Morgan Berea, of Blalnn, Wales, will preach this evening at the First Welsh Congregational church, South Main avenue, at 7.30 o'clock. All aro welcome. Tho contest for new members among tho promoters of Camp ITS. Patriotic Order Sons of America, Is being waged vigorously and many now propositions aro being received at the weekly meet ings. H. C. Hlnman Is leading tho "whites," and Joseph J. Green is cham pion of tho "reds." At the meetings In the First Welsh Baptist church this afternoon nnd evening, the following speakers will be present: Rev. W. V. DavK Rev. W. D. Thomas. Rev. R. E. Williams, Prof. James R. Hughes, Rev. .1. E. Davis, M. A., Rev. John Grllllths, D. D. James Durkan and Mli Catherine Tleinoy, both of this .side, will bo married nt St. Patrick's. Cathollo church tomorrow morning at It o'clock. A. B. Holmes, of Pouth main ave nue, Is confined to his home with an attack of the gilp. The William Connell Glco club re hearsed In Meat's hall last evening. They will attend President McKln ley's inauguration at Washington on March 4. George 11. Reese, of Hloomnsbunr, spent Sunday with his parents, on Wnshbutn street. The official board nnd Women's Home Missionary society met In the Simpson Methodist Episcopal chinch Inst evening and transacted business pertaining to the church. Neelcy'i class will meet this evening and the supper committee of the Gleaners will also meet In the church parlors. To morrow evening the weekly prayer meeting will be held, and on Thursday evening the Ladles Aid so ciety will meet. Patrick- F. Durkan. Peter MeHugh and Martin Meehan have tesitmed taVe plscc tomorrow allcmoon at 5.50 o'clocV. Service will bo conducted t the house In Fel lows' pitch by Kev. D. 1). llortdn', ot tlie first Welsh Bsptlst church, and Interment will te madn In tho Washburn street cemttery. KNIGHTS OF MALTA. W W .V fs CONSUMPTION k T"Yi The time was when doctors thought cousumptton couUJ not be permanently cured, but since tney navcuiscovcre the powerful curative qualities of Duffj'S Pure Malt Whiskey the best . inrHs doctors agree that it will per fURE-D man1 cnuy cure sw -sumption and all diseases of the throat ana lungs. We have thousands of grateful patlenH who write us they santm have been, cured alter KC V meywcru Weekly School Deposits. The following deposits were made at the West Side bank yesterday for the pupils of public s-chools No. 13 and 1ft: No. 13 David Owens, .75; Elizabeth ljwls, .20; Alice Evans, .10; Bertha Kelly, .55; Edna D. Evaus. .50; Nellie Richards, .SO; Catherine Phillips'. Jl; Nellie Kelly, .10; Eliza Price. tt.3i; Sarah McDonald, Jl.'.'O; Mary Harris, .10; total, J6.C5. No. 19 Miss Lees, $.'.48; Miss Mur- Bea'mkV.BS; Mi Morgan. ".77: Miss I "? htui11c al ti:e tester '- Hutton, .OS; Miss Evans, $1.82; Miss Kellow, $2.53; Miss Flynn, .63; Miss The funeral of the lata Thomas Mc Donald was hold In St. Mary's church 5'csterday morning nnd was very large ly attended. A solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated by Rev. M. B. Donlan. At the offertory, "Ave Maria" was sung by Miss Kato Mon gan and as the remains were being taken from the church she sang "Thsre Is a beautiful land on high." The pall bearers were: Michael McGee, Michael McDcnnell, M. J. Murray, J. J. Healcy, Sloven J. Flnnerty and John McLaugh lin, of Avoca. The remains were laid to rest In the family plot at Mt. Car mel cemetery. The funeral of James Manley took place from his parents' home on Pine street yesterday morning. Tho remains were followed to St. Mary's church by a large concourse of mourning friends, where a solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated by Rev. James J. O'Maltey, an uncle of the deceased. After the services the teinains were laid at rest in Mt. Carmel cemetery. Tho pallbearers were: Harry Cava naugh, Andrew Crane, Frank Dough erty, John Ward, Frank Garvey and James Johnson; flower bearer, Harry Flynn. Wade, $1.01; Miss Murray, $1.02; Mis. sewing Machines We do not talk Sewing Machines very often, the fact being that our machines do their own talking, and sales are ever on the increase. However, Spring Sewing Time I near, and as inquiries for these celebrated machines ot ours are more numerons than they have been in a long time, we have come to the conclusion that the people ought to know something about them. Our Sewing Machines i... .. Are not of the regular Department Store pattern. We challenge the trade to produce a better raachi ne,viewed ..from any standpoint you will, than we offer. Its cabi net work speaks for itself at a glsuce, but what is of more importance is The Machine Itself It is made by the largest and best known firm in the world, and is a duplicate of their best machine in everything except the name. Because it lacks this you get it here for about forty per cent, of what it will cost if you insist on having the name otherwise there is no differeuco. If in the market for a machine, bring an expert aud look ours over. Every machine sold i3 guaranteed by us aud the makers in exactly the same way as the highest priced machine built. nary William Moran, of Eynon street: Justin McCarthy, of Washburn street; Geitrude Blewltt, of North Hyde Park avenue, and Mabel Qulnnan, of South Ninth stioet, are suffeilug from th. grip. Mrs. A. I Decker, of Fourteenth street, and Miss Ella Moser, of Lafay ette street, attended the funeral of a relative In Coaldalo on Sunday. Ex-Patrolman James Paul, of North Hyde Park avenue, has returned home from a trip to Biiighamton, N. Y. Amos Kraue, of Maryland. Is the gue5t of Mrs. Gvennle Harris, of North Sumner avenue. The Bellovue Fife and Drum corps will hold its second annual social and entertainment In Meat's' hall ne:;t Monday evening. The Foreign Missionary society, of the Plymouth Congregational church, held a regular meeting last evening. The young people's society will meet this evening. The Electric City Wheelmen will hold another "stag" at the club on Feb. 1?. A raffle for the benefit of the widow of the late James Murphy, of Tripp Park, will be held on Feb. 23. Classes No. 15 and 1, of the Firs! Welsh Baptist Sunday school will con duct a musical nnd literary enter tainment at the church on Feb. 22. Miss May Foy, ot North Main ave nue, is suffering from membraneous croup and bronchial pneumonia. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. At the meeting of St. Mary's Gleo nnd Dramatic association last evening, which was held In St. Mary's hall, the following olUcsrs recently nominated were elected. They are: President, Frank Scheller; vice. Leopold Al brtcht; secretary, John Seaasegger; treasurer, Frank P. KIos; auditors, W. A. Albrecht and Peter Weber; master at arms, Joseph Welnschenk. The Ladles' Catholic Banevolont so ciety will meet this evening In Phar macy hall. John Getz, son of Pied Geti:, of il. Willow street, while skating on Lak Scranton yesterday, fell nnd dislocated his wrist. Dr. Walsh Is attending him. Tho Columbus council of the Young Men's Institute of this side will go to Dunmoro this evening to play the .ee ond series of the euchre contest with St. Mary's council of that place. Comet lodge. No. 131, Knights of Pythias, will meet In Hartmnn's hall this evening. The members of tho Scranton Athlot lo club aro making extensive prepara tions for their coming masciuorade ball, which is to be held In Athletic hall on Feb. 10. The Defender basket ball ttam will play the Mlnooka stars on Thursday ovenlng. Officers Elected. At the last regular meeting of Dun more conclave, No. 231, Improved Or der of Heplasophs, the following offi cers were Installed: Past archon. T. B. McCllntock: archon, J. C. Sehlentz. provost, J. R. Murphy; prelate. Rob err Scott; Inspector, M. J. Bulger; treasurer, Martin Dolphin: lecordlng seeietary, J. C. Byrne; financial sec retary, J. A. Waters: warden, William Griffin: sentinel, Thomas Rooney; trustees, J. J. Rrogun, M. J. Burke and John Webber. Told in Biief. The Gills' guild of St. Mark's church will hold an apron nnd necktie social Thursday evening. Februaiy 7, at the home of William R. Wilson, on North Ulakely street. A large number of tho town's society people biaved the inclemency of tho weather last night and attended the progressive euchre and social given by the St. Vincent de Paul fOcicty In Washington hall. Those present re ported a. most excellent evening and were loud In their praise of tho enter taining abilities of the members of this thriving society. E. E. Swartz, of Church street, has returned from a business trip, which embraced Hnrrlsburg and other points. John T. O'Neill left yesterday for Buffalo, wheio he goes to superintend pome contracts recently secured by him there. Ernest Close Is confined to his home, on Elm street, with a Might attack of the grip. Mrs. Fred Townsend.of Cherry street, is spending some time with her parents at Lake Ariel. J. B. Burke, the obliging station agent at Avoca. is able to be at work again, after several weeks' Illness at his home here. Adam Welncgard, of Giovc street, is confined to the house with a slight Illness!. John Knr cornnumltry, N'o. 13, at Wltkcf. Itirre, on fib. .'. will receive a rv by pedal di'pensitlon. They lll hold a Hid ("roj renin ell In full form on Vc I.', aiii publicly Instill thflr officers March 12. Past (kind Commander Sir Irvtn '. lliraiii. ot St. John' commandery, No. J, ot Trenton, N. J., ha rcecUed the Important appointment of clerk to tho principal keeper of the New Jersey atats prison, lie ha filled the position o( dep uty to the prlaon for a number of yem with fidelity that promotion came a a. mittcr ot coun-e. A number of comnunderle In Pennhanla are prepatlnp cluea for cntly mlniMnik Colum. Ltu comnundery, No. 2n', at A union, will ie reive a rjjw in 1'ibruary. Phlloli comminder.i, No. 10), at ttansior, will admit a cIjw In March, (honen Knight comnundery, No. 171, at VoiV, has nearly completed the prepuatlon ot a Urse cIim to be welcomed In IMinury. Mystic Mnr eonmiandery. No. I", al Ileidlnu, in Itajah Tinipto, on January '.'J. eniterred tli iiltlmite dectro of Christian Knlnlilliood, the Order of the Itcd Cioi and Sepulchcr upon a large number of nollhte, Great intercut ia being Miouu tliioiighouL ttie order in the fund for the purpoto of ereatlnn a Knights of Malta hospital. Purine the past week ory generous mbscrlptions have been Bent In to grand headquirters by Holy Tcmula commandeiy, No. 24, Lowlstoun, Pj.j Dr. Will iam Sllbcmian, P. C, of Palestine lommandery, No. 1M, Prookbn, N. V.; Eastern star com- mandery, No. 221, Scra-iton, 'j.; St. Peter's eonmiandery, No. SO, 'fatality, pa. This is tie trcond contribution rieehed f re m No. 80. Dr. William Sllbi-nnan, P. C, U one of the editors of tho "Malta Uorld," ami in uendlnsr Ida ie mlttanco sjjd: "I cheerfully contribute my mite to the crand project of a Knights of M tlta l.oipltal, and aay with all my heart 'Ood-tpeed and success (o it.' " No. U ulso passed a ieio ltillon heaillly commending; the mlection of a rite at Philadelphia for the proposed hospital. General Grant commandeiy, No. ?J0, of this cily, Ssturday nljht conferred the Order of tho Itcd Croaj and Stp'jlchcr upon a Urge num ber of nosltiates. Tl.e Malta Booklet U proving jut the thin;; for successful work in bulMintr up the com inaiidrrles. Its convenient sire, handsome up peirsnee, and wealth of Infon.ntlon, his cau-ed a rapid demand for it, and many thomatids are nov in circulation. Tho election fur strand officers and officers of mibordinitu commandcries will be held ut the laht naular convocation In l'cbruary. The past commander dejnre will be conferred at the following special convocations: l'cb. 1.!, In the council cl amber of Cnnstantlne commind try. No. 1, at Philadelphia, nn all entitled from Philadelphia, Montgomery, Delsware and Chester lountics. lMi, 15, in the count 11 chamber of Knight coinmaiiilerr. No. IW, at Ktston, rn all entitled fimii lommimls ttatloncd In Noithampton, Momnc, Lehljli and llucks conn, tie. Keb. 1U, in the council chamber ot An thracite tommaticiery, No. 211, in this city, un all entitled from commands ttationrd in bach aw anna, Luzerne, and Columbia counticr. Grand Commander Sir Jonathan I.elbc mbcrgcr will pre side at ail of these convocations. L v s.jBMBlMjMC"Ag 1 'fHlH vH"'iHr"M,r-Ta-fHpiMMMI"laaMM nR the doctors. given up by phtilclui, hatiat throat and loif teonblo, and vrtv started lbs et tear l'or Utlt Wblsksr. 8h ii ,S(r Attsrhstot (Itsb o br Mr1 of eJ b strsntUi that sr all ! qolts hopetnL MRS. DEM, aitAUU Ch.tlolt.. Mlsk. Imt raa 4an rtl nstl will tt fMi aetrtnff to ftirn kv to rcf tlo tilth, cstrrr asd tttslhy. i j on octrinc to Ittrn niv 10 TCf vo 011111, coorry moo tiouiij. Eduffys pure MALT WHISKEY i. !.. ! Wkt.vvtticSv tho Government 11 0 mdt te. TMllsafi"")'. AllilrtiMlsiiii!ts.i' It 00 botttt. Rtfuio tubtmutti. ttiijr an uawltui. Sot' (ot fieo mtdlcsl looklet. tlCVPV MAI.T WIII1KBV CO.. floehetter. jr. I. Tha Wanders and Baautis; or Earth's Largest Seimeit of Fairdom Superb California, are penetrated only by the really outnptuous train; of tha SUUIIIbRN PACIFIC COMPANY The "SUNSET LIMITED" that Train of Trains, belongs to this system. I'ecrliui In equipment, service and t'tilsin". Its three tonics offer continuous delight to the tourist. Tor full Information, free Illustrated pamphlets, ina), and time tables, also lowest rates, sleeping car tlekets ond baggage cheeked apply to SOUTH. HUN PACIKIO CO.. 101 s Sd H., IMdla., Pa. AMUSEMENTS. FALCON ISLAND REAPPEARS. OBITUARY. Globe Warehouse Specialty. DlBeanes of Women. Room 1, over Glolxt store. Hours: I to D.rO p. in. Consultation fre. Dr. Trovcrton. NORTH SCRANTON. Oeorge K. Atherlon, liveryman, tool; a party of people from this part f.f tho city over tho now boulevard last evening to the Speedway hotel, In hla four-horce hand sleigh. TIiomi who comprised tho party wtro: Carrlo A GREAT SURPRISE It in (tore for all who uw Kemp's Dalvam for the Throat and Lungs, the great guatanttcd remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and any dmgglxt Is authorized by tho proprietor of this wonderful remedy to give jou H sample bottle fleet It never fails to cure acute or chronic coughs. All drugtrlsts sell I Kemp's UaUaci. Trice Ot. and COc Richard Carney. liichaid Carney, a well l.nov.n ccnducior on the IMawarc, Lackawanna and Western ralhoid, died i-'miday evening at 5 o'clock at his home In l.dwardfdale, atter un Hides of tiuee month, of a complication ot 'JiKfliC. 11o deceased hud ticen In the employ of the tielawarc, Uekawanni and Western for twenty juts and his v.ero much oppreeiited by thone over him. Itu wa a member of the Prothcrhood of liail. wtv Trainmen nnd had a wide circle ot Irlmdi. lie was ".7 jcits old and l.s suivived by .1 wife and three children, and 0110 sister, MiM Maiy Canie. who lc-sldod with him. WilkCTtdlatTO Iteeord. William Seeley. Wotd ha.s retched this city regirdiiig the death of William f-celcy. a former rridmt vt this city, in llllllngr, Mont., on talurday. The do cejsed nu a son of the late L. I. Secloy, ot tltia city, and left Scranton atiout nlito jean ago for Montana, where ho wn t.rrt npployed as a sheep ratieliet. ite recentl' I ought a tan-h of Ms own and en glued In the hiep ral-aus uiulneu. Tin- re mains era to K tiikm to Ilillstnn, N. V., whera tlitj will bu Inleind in the plot whcio Ills mether liec. Mis. Maiy Jordan. Mto. Miry Jotdan, one of Dunrooro's oldet icsldenti, died at tlio lio:no of her ibngl.ter, Mrs. Mil.Jin,, of BunUr Hill, on Kundiy tihiht aftet a brief Hire. The funeral will take place tl.ts aitcilioon at :: o'clock. Intiirrcut will bj nudf In Duntnoro Catholic cenniiiy. Miss Myrtle Lutz. Miss Myills Lutz. aged 1 jcara, died jester- day at the Lackawanna hospital after an llln.j ot'eomc months' duration with pneumunU. The remains were removed to her home at !8 Prospect avenue. The funeral arrangements have not jet been made. Wronlca, the four month's old cldld of Mr. and Mrs. John Pay, of CS William street, Pitts ton, died yesterday ttfter a brief Illness. The funeral will be held tUU afternoon. Funerals. The fuceul of PatilcV Valley, of 11 fellows street, will bo I eld Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock wltli a requiem mars In the Holy Crojs church. Intel mt-nt in the Cathedral cemetery. Th funeral ot1 the late William Gray will Little Pacific Island Which Disap peared Again Comes Into View. Horn the New Yoik Sun. Falcon Inland, which early hist year was reported to have completely tlls appp.ared hoenath the waves of tho Pacific, Is arjaln showing Its tlat sur face above the water. Tnc life history of this spec!: of liiml has been unusual and Interesting. A cable dispatch from Kuropci printed In April last year said that after a brief life of fourteen yeats Falcon Island had ceased to exist. It was thought that no trace of It would ever be seen again. Hut Mr. Vosslon. tho consul general of Trance In the Tonga group, announces that Com mandant navcuhlll, of the cruiser Por poise has returned to those Islands from a cruise In the Pacific with the news of the rc-emrrgence of Falcon Island. lie; says that tho highest part of the Island Is now about sixteen ieet above sea level. The Island was formed by a great volcanic eruption at the bottom of the soa In 1SS5. It took the waves and storms of tho ocean fourteen yeats en tirely to obliterate It. Mr. J. J. Lister, who visited tho island a short time be fore It disappeared, said that It was rapidly being torn to pieces by the action of thej waves. Unless a freih volcanic outburst occurred ho thought tt would soon disappear. His predic tion came true and a steamer that vis ited tho place about tho beginning of last year reported that not a trace of it was lo be found above the water level. The island was built up In the neigh borhood ot the Tonga group about thirty-live miles from tho Island of To fooa, A sttbmailne volcano had reared from the bottom of the ocean a mighty mass of ejecta and on this foundation rested the outpourings which rose abovo thn water. The Island consisted of two distinct parts. One of them was a hill of gentle slopo and wide babe, whoso height was lT-Ms feet. On one side the hill ended abruptly In a tliff, whose base was washed by the seat at high water. Tho other part of the Island was a flat, extendi!) Sven Hedln found them to be fresh. From thin lie concuded that the lake could not have been long In exist ence. Thu Impossibility of teconclllng tho observations of his predecessois with whnt he had himself seen also aug geteel that Lob Nor was not a perma nent pheet of water, like the Dead Sea or Lake Ualkhash, but was constantly shifting its position, the lake bed nt one time being filled up with desert sand, nnd forming again In new places. Tho correctness of Ills original Infer ence has now been placed beyond doubt. The lake known to earlier observers ha.s now disappeared, und Its dry bed Is strewn with shells nnd other organ isms which had lived In Its waters. Hut a. system of new lakes has been formed around tho old basin, which Dr. Sven Hedln has explored and map ped. The Tarlm basin Is a barren and dry land, a region of traveling waves of desert sand. All this ttact has been drying up. probably continuously, even In historic times. The same thing Is true of western as well as eastern Turkestan. Lake Ualkhash Is disap pearing with compatatlve lapldltj-. Ac cording to the geographers. Its area has been greatly diminished during the present century, and those who dwell by Its shores assert that Its level Is lowered at the rate of a foot In every live years. Hut the same thing Is true of the Syr Darla and the Amu Darla and the Aral Sea, Into which their waters arc emptied. Ill fact, the whole drainage basin of this sea and of the Caspian Is under going desiccation, slow but sure. These two seas, with many minor salt lakes, are but polos left In the deeper hol lows of a great ocean by which the Mediterranean was extended into the ' heart of Asia. There arc banks of dead senshells where once tho waves weie breaking: thete are dry steppes whero onco the herbage was green and forests tlmulshcd. The fact Is cer tain, but the causes not easy to ells cover. The climate must be changing, not in this or that locality, but over a broad and extensive zone, which runs with little interruption from northern Africa to tho eastern cntl of the desert of Gobi. A slmll.11- change has oc curred In the new world. The Great Salt Lake of Utah Is but a remnant of a vastly greater sheet of fresh water which onco set a river to tho Pacific. I YCRUH THEATRE - m:iS & lirmutlNllint, Leasee?. A. J. DLTl'V, Managci. Tuesday NigliU February 5. Itcturn llngageuictit of Mildred Holland In Her Itomantla Drains, l.'ntltled The Power Behind the Throne Seals on sale fralurday at ! a. m. ritlCKS-SJc., 6tV lc. ami $1.00. 2 ACADEHY OF HUSIC, REISA IJUKOUNUUR HARRY A. BROWN Managers and Lccsce-. ' Iocal Manager. ALL THIS WEEK. Jack Hoeffler's OWN COMPANY IN KKt'CIlTOinn. Presenting, Tuesday mallnee "Daughter of Corsica." Tuesday evening "1 he Octoroon.' Wednesday matinee "Woman in Black." Wednesday evening "lllue and tho Craj-." Matinee Prices in and 20 cenU. livening Prices ID, 20 and SO cents. Faster than ever to California CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY THE OVERLAND LIMITED leaves Chicago 6.30 p. m. daily via Chicago Union Pacific and North-Western Line. arrives San Francisco afternoon of third day and Los Angeles early next morn ing. No change of cars; all meals in Dining Cars, liuflet Library Cars with barber. The best of everything. The Taclfic Express leaves 10.30 p. m. daily. Tourist Sleepers daily to California. Per sonally conducted excursions evcryweefc. Send 4 cents postage for "California Illustrated." Call oa any agent for tickets or address a-, ..... .. . (L.,.ir.i'43sriii St.. Cnesnati SOI e' St.. n HicsplasC7 SmHhfUSU.Pitfiura ,n ,,,..11..,.. at .Hum 2S4Suiirlor St., Cfsvsfand 301 Hair SI . - Bgilll7 CamM Vartlul, Dttnlt ItlCUrfSt, Cilca8Ci:7'""ga ''""''"""'""'"'" A CURE FOR WEARINESS. Simple Directions for Making Good Use of Water and Towels. From the NcwYor V. Herald. Thero la nothing for i-cvero we.irl ncsa like the Intelligent use of the bathtub. Fill It two-thirds full of water as hot as you can stnnd. A good way to determine how hot It should be Is to put the elbow down Into tho water to test It. Of course, the fingers, or oven the hand, foim no test at all. Pour a tablt-poonful ot ammonia Into the water, fter about eight minutes soaking In this, spray or sponge tho skin with cold water quickly and tub drv with a lough towel. If soto or i.nno from over exertion, walking, or riding, or bicycling, fol low tho bath with a rnild massage of the muscles with .1 little vaseline. Thou taku a half-hour nap. and you will be all light. Many persons bellevo tliut the dully morning bath In water as reild as tho away . hvdrant ntfonls, If taken regulaily, 13 fiom tho base of tho hill in a northeily ' of the utmost importance In maintain direction and only ten to twelve feet inpr a sound and vigorous constitution, above the high tide level. The whole it Is a mistake lo think chat It Is bit of land was Just a bare, brown j unsafe to take a. cold bath when tha heap of ashes, around which the great ' body Is heated. In cases of complete rollers bioke and swept up 1110 oiaeic uc,u exnausiion xne trcaimcm now NEW YORK HOTELS. Cor. SUteenth St. and Irvtnt Place, NEW YOKE. Amerlcsn Tlan, !3.W per dsy and upward. Luropcsn Plan, J1.60 pef day and upward. I. D. CBAWFOHD, rroprietar. - -; For Business Men In tha heart of thej wholesalsj 4. district. For shopper.; S minutes' siralk to Wanamakers; S minute to aiegei uoopors bis 4. -f Btore. Easy of access to tn great " f Dry Goods Utorea. 4 1 For Sightseers 1. One block from B'way Cars. fir. "T T ng easy transportation to all points of interest. shoies in sheets of foam. The Island wus entirely destitute of any vegeta tion save for a half-dozen seedling plants that had found lodgment there. It will not be strange If the Island Is torn to pieces und nguln disappears 11 0111 view within a very few years. Its reappearance now Is doubtless duo to nnothar volcanic eruption. Volcanic Islands seldom endure niuuy yeats un less they are so largo or so well pio tccted against tho sen that theie Is tlnto for them to become covered with dense masses of vegetation befoie ocean storms have an oppoitunlty lo tear them to pieces. j HOTEL ALBERT I I NEW YORK. -- Cor. 11th BT. ft UNIVKUSITT PI "" 1 Only one Block from Broadway. -r- nnnm- 1 Tin RliSrAURANT T KOOIIh, 41 Up. Prices Reasonable fl AN OLD ASIATIC OCEAN. Inland Seas That Are Drying Up Ae Remnants of It. a enilouH discovery made by Dr.Sven Hedln, tha Intrepid Swedish explorer, is lecorded In a telegram from St. Pe tersburg, which wo publish this morn ing, says the London Pally News. Dur ing his adventurous Journeys In east ern Turkestan, Tibet and Mongolia, ended some two years ago, he visited tho great sheet of water called Lob Nor. This ho found to differ material ly from tho maps and descriptions of previous observers, and ha has now examined it a second time. It Is sit uated t other more than 2.000 feet abovo tho sea level. Its waters are fed hv the Illver Tarlm, but emptied only by favored Is an lee packing. "When vou aio prewiring freely, nnd are "waim all tho way thiough," you 111 e In tho best shape to step Into water as cold as you can got. The feat ot "shock" Is only a mean ingless tradition, uo for as heilthy per sons aut concerned. Of toutst, a "vic tim of heurt disease will do well to keep out of Ice water, 'and old and 1 coble folks must bo careful. It W sulci thui no case of Inflammatory rheumatism has ever developed where thy patient for a series of years had taken a cold bath every day Thu light method Is In thst wet tho head and neck and splash tho shoul ders -vvllh the cold water. Then It is mfo for almost evcr.vbody to take tho pinnae. In warm wouiiier ono fin stay In the water a, tew minutes, uuc III winter the best plan Is to get out as soon as possible. "Cold' said to have been produced by cold baths aro generally the result of "standing around" In chilly ulr. Tho rubbing to restore the circulation . Is too mucn of a fad, and takes up too much lime. F.ven If you drpss beforo tho skin Is thoioughly dry no harm will ba done. Whatever moisture Is left will quick ly evaporate. The main thing la to get Into your clothes as soon as you can. One physician who believes In tho cold bath says that only one caution Is necessary. "Never enter cold water whllo out of breath. Always wait till your breathing Is normal. Tempera- L8VERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURBS Blllousnosss) Constipatlona Dyspopsia, and Liver Complaint. aUCaAR COATBO. HEJIEllSHBfip ijiMi 100 PILLS 25 CTS. Gold by all drniKtail or sent, oy ujwi. ,KtnltaMci:iCo..CI-lcix Sold by McGarrah & Thoma. Drussllts, 0 I.acl.aJtina avenue, rkranton, 1'a. A SKIn of Boauty lo o Joy Forover. tutu, ub UAUluai. UKAvmaKk." Ksiuares 7sn, nipl,rrMkis. yoik 1'sKdim, ko. ud tklri 1 sUmsms, iiJ rj MooUsli m tdfflMJoa. n I Mood U ttM Ot 1 ycuhra. sad Is a hsrmliMws tuts I we tun u u s csrlr mads, mi na eottnlsrfsis slulisjnisss. Dr. I P"c. 33 jf9Sfc. SJSiMC2vg L sPtSSWrjrrf tm "-a? ark JT BO fY AfW s r- Vj a. ftam Mid 1 U4jeiUkCaa-toii (iBttltntli -aiTsj iKll.lwUluscihitrv, I rscostsstna 'voun sod's Cretin u tha Wtri karafal ef sa ' V. kli DrunrtaU ul ruKX-OoocU Dsslm la V. f H Osnacta. SJ4 nro? sTEttD. I, JZorCua. Tiaxt. n utmt assess ta.i evaporation, for no stream issues 110111 your mctiwnMt, hiiui. lt. Thus they should be salty, but Dr. turo has nothing to do with tho mat ter, exempt that when chilled you musS not get into cold water."