The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 05, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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ymf' ''
-t .-v
?; ' TFfl ; r '' V"w
y. n" W"-,M
I lh
rm: MODEtt.v sTonr,
For the blade is made
of highly tempered
steel properly ground.
Our razors nro fully
warranted. Prices
11.50 to 5.00
Foote & Shear Co.
JI9N. V7ashJnjton Ave
United States Depositary.
At the close of business Dec.
13. 1900.
loans and Investments
?3, 175,478.36
Hanking House 38,690.64
Cash nnd Reserve.... 536,870.10
Capital ? 200,000.00
Surplus 500,000.00
Undivided Profits . . . 67,005.29
Circulation 100,000.00
Individual Deposits . . 2,415,530.08
U. S. Deposits 422,720.30
Due to Dank 54,785.53
Ull.tlAM CON.MXL, I'ltudent.
lli;snv PEM.V, JR., Vlce-IWdent.
WILLIAM H. FECK. Cai'alrr.
Bonds and
Guaranteed Stocks
I din plaeins ff choice securities eonsKtm,?
cf 7 por cent. lullv guaranteed etocVs and 5 per
icnt acml-annuit intcieat OoM Bonds In blochi
n jliw, ?00o ant $1,000, ncco-npanlcd by atoct
l-nnm, nflordlns a rare opportunity lor large or
mill iiiwtrrcnt. At Office. C and f, Lyceum
Arcade, Momlajs and Sltunlaje. At other tltnta,
h fprclnl apo!ntmtnt.
Robert Van Schoick,
ViiMinoItf Di'trirt Manager of The North Ameri
can I Irnncicrinff comptiiy.
L. R. D. & M.
Short are one of the most Important Items ol
ircss it any time of the year, and especially vt
now that we are certain to have changeable
leather. Tor fitjlr, price and quality oura.
Me Inoc fto ian please you.
..W Lackawanna Avenue.
Ililieil iMnn.rihinv
.. 20 ilegirej
.. SO dcjjrcc-j
lowest trmpcratuio .
S a, m
M ner (.lit.
" in per ci ni,
.Nioufnll, ! hour i-ndliitf S p, in IU liviliea
O .......
Mr and .Mia. A. V. llenlcr haw Invn (all d
to IUplcisllle by the death of .Mr. Ileplcr'a
Jamoj Darjlaniple, Hiptrintcndiiil of elcti.c
iiinaU on the Lackawanna uilioad, v.ji In the
city yeeterday,
Jojcrli OWr aj jMteiday remoed to liu
home from the Lackawanna hwpltal, licre lie
has been contlncd for m:cral aiontlu.
W. S. I'ooto lui been summoned to Jtehoop
my, I'a.. to atlcml the funeral of hU, ho
nai killed at tho abut- place Satuiday.
Louli Kupprecht, Imircily In the fcla.-uiro
biflneat on I'enn atcnue. inoied liH timlly to
New Toil; latently, wncic they will it-iMc.
The tnany filtnd, cf Wlllhm Hodby, mipeiln.
lerdcnt of tho Mctiopolltau r.!f liwiranro cn-.i.
pany, will le rry to Ujiii that ho haa been
transferred to Phllmlelphii. Mr. Ilodby lelt
l-ctterday to tako charso of hit ik il,d. He It
ine of the leadlnj aupvrmteniVnti vf the com
pany. MlM labd Law unir n Mi HaUci'i dcbut
tnto recital ut Wjomlnff Seminary jt k
and KOiid a 1,'jiat futces, being tha only
yount; lidy on tho irosiamme who was recalled
by the rntliutUtllci audience and aliarlne liunori
with a popular young basso, who also mado till
trt public apiK-arance. JIIjj Law has been
under Ml Kaltci'a tultlcn In the ocal depart
raent of the aeinlrury only ulnco rVptcmbcr and
hti developed a aoprano voice of iniuli power
and beauty.
Express Clerk Arrested.
By :xcluiro Wire fiom Tlie Aisottated 1're.a.
New Vork, Tcb. i.nichird Murphy, lu waa
rmployed a4 a clerl; Ly the Adaint Exprew
ompany In Jeney City, wai arraigned In that
i!trc today on 4 charge of grand larceny nnd
lield in iV ball, Murphy madj no etatement
court and the caie wa put orer.
swisi ?- rr.
t- Ay
Work of Decorating the Theater Be
gins Tomonow.
Tits Home fur Urn PrlendlcsH lionciU
pininloi 'o In tlie Ri-cntol In the liU
toiy of Hint InHtllution. All the klrm
fios, rn.'.it'ftH nnd uxcui'hIouh of the
pnst, ri-iu iiiiTtti.te n they hav? boon,
have not netted tho Ktcnt returns
which Hi" irmnngcinent now expects to
receive from tlild setles of entovlaln
mentB. Allsfl MiUKUiet linger, under whow
dliertlon the Marie Antoinette fotc and
the Pled 1'lper of Ilamclln Is given, Is
remarkably mitreMttil In her weak, ami
ceoms especially no In thin city, where
under great. dlsadvantaROH Iiccuubh of
so much IllncHK nmoiiB the pattlclnatitc,
Mrs. 1Z. P. Chnmberlln, chairman of
tlu llnnnco camnilttee, siild yenteriluy
that the ndvanco nalo of IkketH hud
been larger tluui any prevloiiH time In
her experience In her piesont capaelty,
and the Rcntlemun of thy cwctitivc
committee In vho?e handst wuh the
placing of boxer- and lotres are pleaued
with the results thus definitely usnured.
Tomoirow mornlns early the mem
bers of the decorating committee, of
which Sir-, James P. Dickson Ik chair
man, will take possession of ths Ly
ceum to transform It ro that Its wann
est admirers will ncurcely lecognlzo Its
Interior. Itose garlands, green bowers
and beautiful banners will contribute
to tha general effect.
Hnllotlng for favorite dances Is likely
to bo a popular feature, Tho Marie
Antoinette prliu will be a beautiful flag
with the lilies of France us the In
signia, For tho "Pled Piper," the dance te
celvlng the largest number of votes
will secure a "Plod Piper of Hainelln"
The sale of scats for the Homo for
tho Friendless benefit, which l to be
given nt the Lyceum the last three
days of this week, began yesterday
morning and during the cntlie day
there was a contlnuoux stream of peo
ple into the Arcade to purchase their
tickets. From A o'clock In tho morn
ing until after 12 o'clock there was a
line of eager, good-humored persons
extending from the box olllce almost to
tho Wyoming avenue curb, awaiting
their turns.
At tho end of th day almost all the
tickets for Thursday und Friday were
sold and a few left for Wedensday and
Mr. Keller Had a Resolution He In
tended to Introduce Opposing
the Ripper Clause.
A meeting of the common council
was called for last night to consider
the amendments to the "ripper" bill,
which have been prepared by tho coun
cllmanlc legislative committee, and
such a meeting would have been held
had not Messrs. Alworth. Palno and
'McDonald picked up their hats and
stolen out Into the hall Just as Clerk
Lynott began to call the roll.
On account of tho sudden leaving of
these three gentlemen, there was no
quorum and the members who re
mained were obliged to adjourn. Mr.
Keller,. who Is a member of the com
mittee, was a little late In getting to
the meeting. This may have prompted
the three members above mentioned
to break tho quorum, but bo that as
It may they made no effort to enter
the council chamber again when Mr.
Keller arrived, which was Just as tho
roll was half called.
Mr. Keller was prepared to spring a
llttlo sensation In case tho meeting was
held and he was a little bit disap
pointed that It was not. He had In
his Inside pocket a resolution which,
If passed, would have placed the coun
cil on record as opposed to the "rip
per" bill.
This resolution after going on to dis
claim that the Idea of legislating duly
elected city otllclats out of ofllce was
opposed to tho fundamental principles
of government by the people, etc., de
clared that the common council was
opposed to the "ripper" bill In its en
tirety, but most especially to the
schedule which contains tho rlpp.-r
clause itself.
"That resolution," said Mr. Keller,
"embodies my personal views about
this Upper business nnd I think the
views of every right thinking man In
this city today. The ripper feature of
the new bill Is entirely wrong and I
haven't found one mari yet who could
give me one good argument In favor
of it."
m ..i
Deputy Sheriff Has Difficulty In Get
ting Service.
John Joyce, of Minooka, Is a much
wanted -man. He Is keeping the Lack
awanna township primary election
ttoublc from getting a hearing In
Joyce Is tho candidate of tho Coyne
faction for school director, and It Is
necessary to got servlco upon him of
notice of tho purpose to try and have
the certificate of nomination set mid?,
on which his name appcats. After
many dllllculllea John J. Coyne, the
leader of tho faction which beam hlH
name, was served by a constable who
happened to be ti better splinter than
tho heavyweight Lackawanna town
ship leader and who read ths subpoena
to hint while both men were on the
The vouil then dltected the sheiln":
olllce to use every effort to serve Joyce
and yesterday Deputy Sheilff J. P.
Fcrbcr with unabated zeal endeavo,i
to get service on Joyce, but without
avail. The much-wanted man could
not bo found.
A hearing was llxed for yesterday
afternoon at i.'M o'clock, but becauss
ot Joycc'K determination to keep av. ay
from tho court house the hearing had
to be postponed until 1.S0 this after
neon before Judgo Archbald In l he
arbitration room. It was Intimated
that tho hearing will then proceed even
If tho Important Mr. Joyce Is ot pres
ent. Conceit Wednesday Evening.
Lovers of good music; will tloek to
Guernsey hall, February . Tho Inter
national Collogo of 'Music gives Its
quarterly conoert. Tho Mandolin club
(quartette) will play. Several violin
and piano duets, nine piano solos, etc.
Diagram now open at Guernsey's, 3e.
for tlcketr. There Is a rush for them.
The concert will bo interspersed with
elocutionary numbers by Miss Sadla
Special Notice.
Kectet organizations In the city con
templatlng changing their headquar
ters, aro respectfully solicited to call
and get terms, dates, eto., In Guern
sey Hall. J. AV. Gnerm-ey, Proprietor,
Occuied at 8 O'clock in the Morning
nnd Was Caused by tho Naked
Lamp of Frank Mnchlote Coming
in Contact with Gas He Was In
stantly Killed and Tlnce Otheis
Near Him Were Injured, One Very
Seriously Great Havoc Wrought
In the Mine by the Explosion
Hy a terrllli! explosion, believed by
mining oillclals to have hrn a double
one gas llrst. followed by dynamite
one man was killed and three others
Injured In the Clark vein of tho Cayuga
mine of the Delaware. Lackawanna
and Western company. In North Scran
ton, nt about S o'clock yesterday
morning. The explosion had tremen
dous force, and the concussion from
it tore away doorways and brattice
work all along thu main gangway
l.'adlng to that part ot tho mine, and
turned a number of empty cars cross
wise tho track on which they stood.
The victims of tho accident are:
I'lUNK MACIIIOTi:, Inlander, better known
Matvltte: mlrrr, BlngU". a'd 23 yean;iii:i).
..HS IIA(J(Ji:itlV, ititntr. IUr on l.lm .tiert;
sllsiht bumi ami bruta.
MICUAUfi COK.SI'.V, ninncr. lu m Stanton
klreet, lllnh Wor..t; btiiM und bmlwM.
.lOIIS" li:iNZi:Virz, IVilimlcr, Inborn, 113
Cayuga jtrsct.
The explosion Is believed to have
been duo to tho filing of a body of gas
which had accumulated In an obi
chamber whlcli Maehloto foimeily
worked, and Into which he had gone
with his naked lamp on his cap to look
for some car numbers which he had
left theie when he tvent Into the new
chamber. His laborer, Gelnsowlcz, was
a stranger to the mine, this being his
fli st day there, and he lemalned In tho
working by himself while Muchinte
was after the numbers.
Suddenly a blinding of lire
bui st past him nnd a concussion which
throw him upon tho ground followed.
Ho was burned nnd bruised, and
though painfully Injured he was not
rendered unconscious, and calmly
awaited the coming of help. Mnehloto
was tho explosion's fated victim. He
was tossed and torn by Its fiulous
force; his body mangled, burned and
blackened, and when found some two
hours later was scarcely recognizable.
Down the main roadway when tho
explosion occurred, yet some distance
away, were Haggerty anil Corsey, the
runners, who were bringing In honio
cars for use In Machloto's chamber.
They wero caught by the outer edge
of the explosion's forco and wcie only
slightly burned. Their greater injuties
were tho sustained in being
hurled down by the heavy concussion
which ensued. They -wore the llrst
brought out of the mine, and after
getting attention at the weigh office
were able to walk to thulr homes, with
tho assistance of fellow-workers.
The point whore the disaster oc
curred is fully a mile from the foot
of the shaft In a noitherly direction
toward tho Storr's mine at Prlceburg,
and was but a short distance from tho
workings of the bitter mine. It was
beneath that :art of the First ward
known as the "bush." and nearlv six
hundred feet below the surface. That
part of the Cayuga's workings Is Just
being extended and but few niun are
working there.
When tho explosion occurred tho
shock was felt upon the surface quite
visibly, and at once great alarm wus
occasioned. Its force was also felt to
some extent at the foot of the shaft.
Somehow the word got abroad that a
terrible disaster had occurred and that
nnywhere from twenty to thirty had
been killed and a great many Injured.
Naturally such reports excited the
people, mid theie was a largo throng
gathered about the Cayuga breaker
eager for news.
Tho assembling of uiliia ambulances
and the calling of physicians also add
ed to the alarm. After somo time the
word came out that seven or eight
wero injuied and one missing, and
the anxiety which was nrevlonsiv mm.
pant wns now greatly assuaged, yet
many weie distressed nud eager to
learn who tha victims of the accident
Meanwhile the mine oillclals were not
negligent of tho duties devolving on
them. District Superintendent Phillips
came to tho mine shortly after the ac
cident. Ho at once-, In view of tho pos
sibility of a serious calamity from the
reported force of the explosion, sum
moned a number of foremen and Hie
bosses from other.s of the company's
mines, and prepared to go down and
investigate the extent of tho accident
and rescue 'the men who had boon
its victims. In this woik he was as
sisted by Inside Foi email Harry d.
Davis, of the Cayuga; Insido Fore
man Samuel Lewis, of the Storr's, and
iNJtTitKD p.i:.movi:d.
They llrst came across tho two run
ners and bad them hoisted to the sur
face. Then they found Gclnszcwlcs
and had him carefully removed, This
man's injuries weio serious ami after
his wounds and burns wero attended
From Dr. G. H. Hill and
Son's grove on the Indian
River are now on sale,
They are much superior iu
flavor and this year are par
ticularly full. We are now
taking orders for Indian River
Brights and Russctts grown
by Dr, Hill.
E. 6. Coin sen
to ho was placed In the ambulance
and taken to Mose Taylor hospital
where, last night, his condition wns
reported favorable.
Tho r-earch was further continued,
nnd In the old working to which thu
Injured biboier said .Machlola had
gone, the latter'. lifeless body wns
found. It was torn and otherwise
fruitfully mangled, nnd thh besides
the burns, g.ive rise to the bullet that
the explosion was n doublo one gas
and dynamite, ono or tho other
Maohli'to's body wan removed to the
surface, and Immediately sent to
Jones' morgue to bo prepared for bur
ial. His home was on Lautel stteit,
In the Second ward, where he lived
with his sister.
That end of the gangway In dlieet
roinmunleatlor. with the chamber
where the explosion occurred was
tom and filled with bioken doorways,
brattice-work and other debris. liven
tho mine mm which stood upon the
tracks In the main loadwny felt tho
terrlllc force of the explosion and
there vn not one within five hundred
feet which was not liuiled from the
nils or tinned almul crrsswlse.
The mine was shut down for tho rest
of the day, and company men were
set at wotlc clearing uwav the diiiu.ige
don und ipplaclng the (loots anil brat
The '"ajug.u mine has been remark
ably fiee from gas, thU being the Hist
explosion thtte for a number of years.
Mesplte this known freedom from gas,
tho work of the II r boss bail nlway
been careful, and It Is a surprise that
any (iiiantlty MiiuVlPiit to cause a ills
nrler like that of yesterday could have
Gernszewloz was taken to the Moses
Taylor hospital. His injuiles aro not.
serious. n ! burned about tho head,
face, hands and upper portion of tho
They Are to Present the Needs of
Scrnnton to the Senate Muni
cipal Committee.
Suiauton's second-class city delega
tion leaves tills momlng for Harris
bins to get In Its fine work on the
municipal committee of tlin state sen
ate, which now has the Muehlbronner
"ripper bill" under consideration.
Those who will comprise the delega
tion nre Select Councllmen John 10.
Roche. F. II. Clemens and D. W.
Vaughan. Common Councllmen M. J.
Not ton and i:. J. Coleman, City .Solic
itor VoMburg. ex-City Solicitor James
II. Torrey and Colonel F. L. Hitchcock.
Councllmen C. K. Chittenden and
Luther Keller, the other two members
of the couiicllmanlc committee, said
yesterday that they were not going
down, but they may change their
minds befoie this morning.
The counclliuaulc committee, at the
Invitation of .Mayor Diehl, of Pitts
burg, will confer this afternoon with
the cotincllmanle committees from
Pittsburg nnd Allegheny, with the
idea of agreeing upon ccitaiu definite
amendments to the bill. The hearing
on the measuio befoie the committee
will not be until tomorrow uflciuoon.
Theie are membcia on the committee
who are opposed to the "ripper" clause
as a matter of pilnclplo, but who bo
lievo that it would be unwise under ex
isting conditions to It, Ono of
tho members, who didn't want to lie
quoted, said yesterday to a Tribune
"It's simply a question as to which
crowd Is tho best to tialn with, the
Quay faction or the Fllnn faction. This
city wnnts to train with the faction
that's going to have the most votes, It
It wants to get legislation favorable to
Its needs passed. From all outside ap
pcaiances and inside tips, tho Quay
element, which now controls tho senate
and tho house, K going to have the
most votes."
Select Councilman John i:. Roche,
who Is a member of the couucilmanlc
committee, when asked for a state
ment last night, as to what tho com
mittee would do about the "ripper"
claupe ot the bill, said:
"The lommlttee goes down to Har
ilburg tomorrow morning practically
agtced to say nothing about thn "rlp
rer" clause of the new charier until
we get the lay of the land. If we find
when wo reach there that the Quayltes
me going to put the "ilpper" clans
thiough, why we will get In nut of
the rain and not say a word agaln3t
"If, on the other hand, we discover
that the 'ilpper' clause Js going to bo
defeated, we'll get iu with the nntls.
Wo want to get our amendments pass
ed nnd If we have to take tho 'ripper'
clause for the good of our health, In
order to get them passed, why we'll
' have lo swallow It, that's all. My per
gonal opinion Is tlint the 'ripper' clausa
Is going to bo defeated, nnd that If we
want to set our amendments, w'll
have to get In with th nntls,"
Attorney W. H. Rodgcrs. who drev
up tho Muehlbronner bill, and who
is combining with Attorney Georgo W.
Guthiie, lepresentlng tho Pittsburg
chamber of commerce. In the formu
lating of certain amendments to the
bill. Is quoted In last night's Pitts
buig Commercial Gazette as .stating
that the section piovldlng for semi
annual council meetings would not be
changed. U might bo modified, he
raid, lo permit of tho holding of cither
ton or thlity day session, according
to the volume of business1 to be tran
Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit
Company Had Prospeious Year.
The stockholders of tho Lackawanna
Tiiist and Safe Deposit company held
their annual meeting yesterday, in the
banking rooms of the cornpai y, and
elected the followln.r olllcers: J. Usn
Jamln Dlmmlck, president; John W,
Fowler, vice president: Frank llunim
ler, tieasuter. The directors elected
were: j. Derijauiln Dlmmlck, Hon.
Wllllnnv Connell, C. H. Welles, C. S.
Weston. Conrad Schrocder. Henry Re
1 i ti. jr., George Sanderson, p. j. Hnrnn,
Alfred Harvey, John AV. Fowler, F, M.
The year has been a eiy prospeious
one for tho company, and cjulto an
amount was carried to tho surplus ac
count, after paying tha usual divi
dends. Piano for Snle.
This .piano has been left on salo and
must be sold, icgardless of price. Lat
ent design upright, nearly new, nnd In
line condition. I)on'j miss an oppor
tunity to get a good piano cheap. Will
bo sold for cash only. Guernsey Hall,
Scranton Pa. J. -W. Guornsey, Pro
pi letor.
Says That Continuances Weie Agieed
to in the Cases Against E. J. Ma
loney nnd Cnil W. McKinney Only
Secauso of Extreme Necessity.
Says He Wants to Get Cases oft tht
List as Quickly as Possible So That
He May Have a Chnuco to Drop a
Few Names in the Jury Wheel.
Tliete were no hearings In the court
ultmnnli' bribery cases ycstciday tit
le! noon, as planned, on account of
the lllnes" of Attorney Jo'eph O'lirlen,
ot rounel for tho defense, and be
cause the Municipal League failed to
round up several witnesses for whom
subpoenas had been limied.
K, 1!. Sturtres stated to a Tilbuna
man yesteiday afternoon that there
would ptobably be no more hearings
for some little time yot, or until It Is
an off week In court. Ho said that the
league was desirous of devoting a
half or n whole day In tho near fu
ture to a tlnal hearing In the casj.s
now pending, so as to prevent the
pioeeedlngs fiom drasclng out
"It might be Inferred," said he,
"from one of the evening paper ie
port.s on the continuance of the bri
bery cases against C. W. McKinney
and E. J. Mnloney, that the league
was going to settle with these men,
so as to prevent the cayes from over
being tried. If such an Impression has
gone abroad, I desire to correct It.
"The league has no intention, what
ever, of Fettling cither thee cases or
any othois which we now have pend
ing. We simply agreed to a continu
ant o because of the Illness of Mr.
O'UiIen, who assured us that ho was
pnyslcally unable to try the case.
Hven if he hail not been sick, we
would probably have agtced to a con
tinuance In Mr. McKlnncy's case, on
account of the serious Illness ot his
wife. We are not biutes.
"Tho league has mi Interest In the
Muloncy rape, even though he wns
indicted as th direct reMill of an ln
voUlKiitlon conducted by the grand
Juiy. Tho men who wcie behind tho
movement got rather dl-sheai toned and
came to us for assistant". We took
tne matter up, and I believe have ob
tained some very good evidence
against the defendant.
"Personally I am In favor of having
our cases pushed to tilal as quickly
as possible, for the icason that I de
sire to exetclso my powers as Jury
commissioner before my term Is halt
ovci. 1'nder piesent conditions, I take
tho position that I cannot conscien
tiously put any names In the Jury
wheel until the Municipal League
cases now on the list aie disposed
"I might Imvo the legal rluhl to do
tliif. but I have determined not to
exerelse It. so that you see It would
not be iny wish to lime these c.a.'os
put olf unless when absolutely neees
The leportcr naked If thero was any
truth In the statement that Mayor's
Clerk II. C. Hatton was to be ar
rested on the charge of perjury.
"Every man who has committed
perjury." said he, with a smile, "every
man who has gone on the stand and
solemnly sworn that he had no knowl
edge of transactions which wc know
ho did have a. knowledge about, will
bo ariested und the cases against
them pushed to tho end. I am not
prepared to say just now, whether Mr.
llntton perjured himself or not."
Robert Wilson, agent for the Munici
pal League, applied to court yester
day for i tiles to aliow cause why the
licenses of G. T. Morris, corner of
Spruce street and Raymond court; J.
,T. Mortis, corner of Venn p venue and
Sprue utieet, and Joseph A. Cas?eso
and Stephen McKPiina, of Lackawanna
avenue, should not bo i evoked.
He alleges that the places kept by
both th- Moirlbes ate disordeily and
that they are frequented by disreputa
ble people. Cassese and McKcnna
have been selling on Sunday, he
claims. Court gi anted the rules, and
made ihem returnable on Wednesday,
Feb. CO.
When You Have Visited
the Pan-Americau exposition at Huf
falo this summer and have planned to
Includo In your Itinerary a short trip
to the West, do not fotget the tact that
the Nickel Plato road offers rates lower
than via other llne.H from Ituffalo to
Chicago and intermediate points, and
that by purchasing your ticket over
this popular line you will also secure
a safe and pleasant Journey to your
Solid through vestlbuled sleepois and
palatial dining cars are attached to tho
trains of this toad, as are also modern
day conches with uniformed colored
poitcis In attendance on the slightest
wants of passengers. For rates and
I'm titer particulars write, wire, 'phono
or call on F. J. Moore, General Agent,
No. ifll Main St.. Ituffalo, N. Y.
Offices for Rent.
A hue suite of oflloes, well adapted
for usj of physician or dentist, ran
be secured in Guernsey Hall, l'le.ise
call and get terms, etc. .1. W. Guern
sey. Proprietor.
-f-f4-t- 4.
I "Match Up"
not pennies but your
underwear, lie who is
wearing one undershirt
will need two he who a medium one
needs double thickness.
We oiler our stock of
Men's Winter Underwear
at the following prices :
-r -r 4 4 4 4 4- f 4 4 f
T3urur . sn. ?
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.'
Candidate Who Are Mentioned for
Tilt- Introduction of u bill In the
leglnlaturu creating the olllce of 01
phattH' court Judgo for Lackawanna.
county lam been followed by great uc
ltvlty on the art of nxplratita for tho
appointment. Petition In behalf ot
eeveial nre now being circulated.
Up to dale tho names ot those most
prominently mentioned In connection
with the appointment are Colonel P.
I. Hitchcock, It. A. Klmcitiiinun, I J.
Gardner, S. W. IMgar and Waller
The name of Senator J. (.'.
has alo been prominently mentioned
for the appointment, but tho consti
tutional provision which prevent u
Kenator or representative from bMng
a candidate for an office dented by thi
legislature of which he 1h a. member,
during the term for which lie w.ihj
elected, ould Mown to be a bartler be
tween hint and the jtidgothlp.
Viewers Condemn Turnpike fiom
Chinchilla to Claik's Summit.
Th viewers In the mutter of tho
condemnation of the Paetoryvllle and
Ablngton Tuiuplku and Ilank Uoad
company yesterday filed a report con
demning the entire road front tho whit"
chuieh at Chinchilla to the county Hi.
at Paetoryvllle. They award the com.
pany damage.1) in tho sum of $s,00i)
Tho viewera were James 1'. Dickson,
K. I). Fellow. John It. Colling. 1liy
U. Blair, AV. T. Davis and W. W. Bay
lor. Court confirmed the report, but
It Is expected that exceptions will lie
tiled to it before the week I out.
The condemnation of the road v. is
vigorously fought not only by the
Plank Jtoad company Itself, but also
bv tho Northern Boulevard company,
which now control the Providence
nnd Ablngton Turnpike. Tho Provi
dence nnd Ablngton Tulnplke company
leased the entire road from the Plank
Bond company and contended that It
could not, therefore, be condemned.
For Shattered Nerves.
A remedy that will eoothe, build up
tho wasted tissues and enrich the
blood Is Indispensable. Ltchty's Celery
Nerve Compound lias b.on wonderful
ly rucecssful in cases of nervousness,
an thousands of grateful people will
testify. Hold by JIatthewn Bros.
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
Investment in business,
Is Incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
cenrnAL pcnnsylvania
Manager' oftkf, 117 AiUmi airnur.
Ladies' Suits, (Jacket and
Skirt) made to or- (jj
der K
435 Sptuce Stieet. Scranton, Pa.
Specicll Notice
Kccent and ,id.itli:el Stleiltilic
principles ot construction lender
the Mason & Hamlin Pianofortes
instmments par excellence.
This statement is borne out by
musicians whose tecogni.'.cd loltv
positions render lo their words an
ex-cathedu lorce.
A full stock ot these instalments
may be seen .it the waierooms ot
i:il-i;t:; Washington Ave.
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
Wo mill a fpidalty nt (ii.i; Crranieiy Itjt
trr and strictly frcsli -(gi and the prlfo l ai
low a. Cr.t i lard eomU can le cold at.
We do not lnvo any tpccial ulrj cr Wdi.r
tut at all lines carry ui complete a line ol
MarLft Good., fancy Ciiocerlrs and 'inl!f IMIra.
lra a. ran bo Inund in the larseit N'cw Yoifc
or riillidrlphl-i Maitet. ihlrh -ll at light
W. li. Pierce,
19 Lacliwinna Avr.
Prompt dtllmy.
110, 112, ltt rnn Art
l'lic Dli'Ksou Maiiiiractiirlns Co.
ci anion slut V'lll;e-l)iirr, I'-,
Munufnclurera or
Uuller. Ilolitlns and Pumping Machinery.
General Office, Bcr-nton, Fa.
It's Annoying
To some folljs, to hear oi
the success ot other.. Our
success comes from th fact
to go the best one better in
our daily efforts'. For tx
ample, our
- . , , , ,ag!
VJjS-gitP aTla Va.
Union Suits
The most comfoi'table gar
ment made; flt the body per
fectly; no bagging or uncom
fortable wrinkling.
305 Lackawanna Avenue
.Mj.V.i .IjiUciii, fli;
$U .-).(
t'ri.lrn I mill "it.ui n..ilr" rs'- ct K tH
Ut uf.l ivii , rW, i,-)W j .. 4l.wO'lM'
I'l'i-I.m Lnii!), f-'uW. i,- j.i
now ,... .-.... .. ,jv..r.- (r-fy.UO
MhiU- ('Jpr, ,'rt In. iWp, SMI
now .. r -- r- r
Mini .t .'.u Jwlv tlirji, 1,
1 50.00
Minlii C'rc''':.u''i!tli ;ciee!; ,3, " nil
now t,r.::V. .'. ' . OO.UU
MjiIIii t -po, i; ilifli ilcpp, "1; if .
nuw 0W
Bcavir (.'jpc. ST imh ilp. "! "i ik
r.lcctiie feral, .Martin tilmnvd, OTfUa
Imli derp, V,5; non- ...... iWltWF'liio Seal. plain, VJ; - Ql)
Ll-tlilc n-.ll. plain, l-'J; ()A AA
now -.. -V.W
Mcclrlo, plain, 20: t ft AA
now i IO.W
All cloth t'.ipt", Co-tl and S-uiL at et'r
rcuncril prkc.
F. L. Crane,
324 Lackawanna Ave.
Raw Furs Bought. Furs Repaired.
The Popular House Fur
nishing Store.
Ceitninly you'll have
them. What, no batter
pail. That should not de
pilve you of the plensut
when we have
Heavy Tin Batter Tails,
(JOc. and 70c.
Stono B.-.ttev PaiH,
dOc. nnd fiOc.
Agate Wain Batter Pailn,
SI. 05, ?1.25 and 31. GO.
Enamel Ware Batter
Pr.ila. rJOc. Gfic. and 00c.
Foolc if: Puller Co
.Mi'tir.; Hi'ilJiriK.
Thau ever befoie.
The February Trpde Sale
now iu full blaBt.
Home furnir.i-.ets whe cane
to buy two pieces have bought
tour, when tempted by the un
expected vaiiety the unex
ampled goodnesK and the won
derfully low prices.
Prices quoted in Sunday pa
pers were not for . day but for
231-223-225.227Wyomlng At
. -!'