- T$Hf- THE SCRAHTOX TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1901. Do Not Trifle with danger and remember every cough or cold means danger. " Shiloh's Consumption Cure will cure your cough 'or cold at once. It will heal and strengthen your lungs. It is a safeguard for you always. Take it at the first indication of a cough or cold. "A asrere, cold tattled lo throat and brenchUI tubes-colds alwajrs lasted Mreral month!. 1 tried Shlloh and it cured ma at once. Am t Ud to add ray teatiraony. Plr.RRE CUSHINO. Rector St. Mark's Church, LeRoy, V. V. Shlloh'ii Consumption flora ta Id by all IrugsUta t 83c, flOe, ai.ao bntsl. A printer) guaramr jcota wills erery nonm. iryou ar not .u.nu eo and get your money back. Write (or illuttratcd beoV on consumption. Sent without cost to jou. S.C Wells A Co., URojr, N.Y. Ice Cream. v? EEST IN TOWN. OC Per jjc Quart IACKAV 5lej I u ' I ii. xvcnua. Scranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office V., X. ets W. FaiMnger Station. Phone 025. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office ITiura a. tn. to 12.89 p. m.: S to 1 Wllllaun-. Butldlnaj. Opp. Pastofflea. sso ! CITY NOTES I - SLEinURWi: rARTV. The nurse ol the Moms Taylor hospital enjoyed a alelghrlde about the city last eenln. MASQUERADE D.U.L. The annual majquerade lull ol the Scranton Liederkrart will be held rhureday, February 7. at Miulc hall. MONTHLY MFXTIXG.-There will be a leuii. lar meeting of the board of health at their roonia in tlic city hall, Wednesday, February 6, at S p. in. J-PECI.U. JUXTIXO. - The Bathers' locJl union. No. 1, will hold a special meeting at SO o'clock this crenlrs in Carpenter' hall, Wyoming avenue. QUARTERLY I'KNs-lON DAY. Yeaterday wii quarterly pension day in this ft.it c, fieent r.e Ciiil v.r uterana prefented their vouchers lo Alderman Hono jcterday. UCslINO KASILY. Martin Mai Ion, who lenth clorcal vertebrae xra dUlocated by a fall of roof In the Jlanvllle mine last Friday, is ie. ported at retlnj comforlablj at the Hahnemann hcjpital. WON LAPIi:S' WATCH. Ticket No. SI won the ladle' fold vatch at th raffle conducted Suudiy by Lackawanna lO'Uc, No. 2JJ, of the 1. O. D. A. flio utile W3i held lor the benefit of 11. Kaer.oic. rwilOLKJ IUT.)li:UAI. .OCIETY. -Tho vuiki of Vcidl, the Italian composer who re cently died, will be tho hubject ol this dUcu .on ut tomonw ilsht's nioctin; of the Catho. 11" Hlktoneal so:ltty. CACOIIT L'NPSlt FAI.I.-Maitln Timera hlch, ol rioUdence, v,u cau?ht under a fall ol rock at one of tho Pclnuie and Hudson n luea Ntturdaj. Ho hu a ci.r.tucd back and h .ralncd knee, lie uj tien to the Lick.v wanna hopitul. ANM'AL DINNCK-riie filth annual dlnmr "1 th Prudential liitumncc company of America to thu hcranton daft and their Irfenda will be h. Id at lh Hot I Teiraie Mtiirdir ocnlnc, IMiniarv lit. There ill be a reception at 7 and dinner at ".no p. m. Till MD AMrt'TATEn.-Angelo lloawithie, of I ilnlcw aenur, had the flrt Joint ol the thumb on Ida light hand cut oft by a niaeeironl ma i hlne in Cn.se4j'i luaccaronl manufactory on Lackananni aienue joterday. He received tieatment at the Lackawanna hospital, UAttPLY VOUTll Till: TnOl'nLE.-llurfi.liii v;ltd the Bull'a llcid Cusl company'! of Ike, ay tho corner of Main aienuc and Frmidcma Sd, haturdav night but wcured r.otllnr; moro , ni quantity ol miner' cotton and Kme ir.ino lajipi. The police are inestlfutlnc and rpejlv tipeeta air expected. . HUifjAN RUC1TAL. The Quran lecltat in the a!4--f-f-f---f-f-f-f4--f-f-----f-f--- Jl Wa offer subject to previous T. Ti- sain 7 4 . 4" $10,000 tVJ PrnTrlrlnnnA flfi Jtr ITfii.u T ? Gold Bonds X Guaranteed principle nnd Inter- 'eat by the Scranton Gas and -f Water Cov 4- "."15 Per Cent. Free of Tax. Ma- tj . ture 1020. tjjlnterest payable April and Oc- t T' tober. T 4. 'Price and particulars on nppll- x. . Lcntlon. ' T f JW BroaCwiy, V.-, WllkeUarr. f it , Carb6ndale. I. 4, 9 and , Commonweallb Bid;., -f Scranton. 1 1 fff t 4 t X . T Pnnldenee I'rtsbtertin church, announced for Monday, Feb. 11, will be given en Tuesday evening, I'cb. 12. Mr. Iluffmaater will be in flated by Mr. Ititlph II. WllHatru, the poimlar bultone el our city. This "111 be the first In a serin of popular recitals In music and art to b glcn during tht winter and tprlng. Tltn 1)0(1 HHOW.-Chlef el t'ultco UoMlii lia decided lo enter Mi do, Hex, In the prlte tentect of the Ho !'" I hM " Madison Square Harden, New otk, beginning February 1. Ilex ii in Knglbih fitter, Is about u year and a hall rid, mid li rematkablr Intelligent, tight other dogs from Scranton will enUr tha contest, tlobeit lVcstlaka ttill hae I wo ca nlnea on the Hit. T.OT TIHED 01' HIS STALL. The lour-ysar-old colt ol .lelm Oolo, ol Little Knsiand, la quite wnturraome and jcalerday afternoon took udiantasc- ol the open ttahlc door and flatted on an exploration tour. The owner and other parties Interested epent tho itlenioon ncouilnp; the dtrei'ts (or a itriy tior't. The animal was tound on Adima arnuo late In the afternoon and locked up In a barn on I'ir.e ftrcct until ths on tier appeared, tic bad followed a grocer wagon to the city. TIN IMnCDPUD IX U:0.-Kdnard itellly. ol TM Ilrcok atreet, had a piece ol tin imbedded In hla light leg Just below the knee last ccnlns by an cxploiion ol a torpedo on the Delaware nnd Hiidnn tracks near tic Sauquolt Silk mill. Dr. Webb extracted n piece o( the metal about lull an Inch In letigtli and sent him to the Lackawanna hospital. Ilia lop; was examined by the X-ray michlne, but lallnl to rcM.il nny mure foielgn substance, llellly u.n utandlrs? about lx Icet from the traclvi when the torpedo exploded. THE BEAUTIFUL SNOW. FIVE AND THREE-TENTHS INCHES FELL YESTERDAY. First Snow Storm of the Winter Swept Over the City Effects on Traffic. For the flist time this winter the now king yesterday had tils innings. Dining the greater part of the day tho ntmosnliere was full of bits of wet, congealed moisture, uiiluh Htuck to jriir ments with bultdo? tenacity, nnd gavo the city streets the wliltcd appearance which one usually associates with nn Ideal Cliflstmiis dny. During the day there was a total fall of 5 3-10 Inches, which Is about an much of "the beautiful" as fell during the entire winter prior to Sunday. For the first time the merry cllnklu of the sleleh bell was heard, nnd fast little cutters dashed along the streets all day. The weather ptoved a God-send to the small boy. Little Tommies nnd Willies seemed to sptlng from out the Inmost depths of the earth, and anno 1 with shovels made genetous otfers to "clean yer walks. Only ten cents, ma'am." Not only these Industrious youths but also their more malevolently Inclined brethren were made happy, for the snow was good to "pack" and all day long the weary pedestrians was forced to grin and bear It as numerous hiiow balls whizzed through the a!r. Dur ing the morning tho snow interfered considerably with trafllo on the Scran ton Hallway company's lines, nnd It was found necessary to reduce the ser vice on several of the lines during tho day, owing to the fact that the cars could not be run on the regular sched ule. Tho Green Ridge nnd Duntnore Suburban and South Side lines wete the only ones affected, and those only during the violent storm in the morn ing. Trafllo on the railroad lines was not delayed to any visible extent. Train IS from tho Buffalo illvixlon, which usual ly reaches the Lackawanna station at S o'clock, was delayed thirty minutes last night. POCALOTSKY RELEASED. 'SQUIRE FICKERELL SAW REASON TO HOLD HIM. NO Coroner's Jury a Short Time Later Decided That Novetskey Died nt tho Hands of Pocolotsky. Coroner J. J. Kobeits last night con ducted nn inquest In 'Squlio Picker ell's ofllce at Austin Heights, In the case of Alexander Novetskey, who came to his death Sunday, Feb. 3, from Injuries received Satin day. Tho Coroner's Jury, which was made up of John K. Lewis, James n. Scott, John F. McAndrew, John T.ohend, William Lewis and Bennett 12. Johnson, after hearing several witnesses, brought In a verdict to the effect that Novetskey died from Injuries lecalved from a blunt Instrument In the hands or John Pocalotsky. Pocalotsky was given a hearing b fore 'Squire PIckerell before the inquest and was acquitted of any complicity in Novetskey's death. He was liberat ed but Coroner Roberts declares that he will bo ic-arrested. One wltnpss testified to seeing the two men leave a, saloon together Saturday, and a fhort whlli later, heating a bcrc.im, ran out and found Novetskey lying on his back tlvo feet from the steps. Po calotsky then returned to the taloon and finished his glass of beer, which .he had deserted when lie left In No vetskey's company. FUNERAL OF JOSEPH KRETZ. Requiem Mass Celebrated in St. Mary's Church, The funeral of tho late Joseph Kretz took plnco from his home, 21 J Adann a venue, yesterday morning at 0 o'clock with ix high mass of requiem at St. .Mary's German Catholic church, on River street. Rev. Father Straub of ficiated. Interment was mndc nt No. 5 cemetery. Tho floral pieces wore many nnd beautiful, among them be ing a. largo pillow nnd an anchor from his nieces and nephews, casket piece of roses and tarnations from Mrs. George Rockwcllcr and Mrs. Leonard Helntz; casket piece of white carna tions from Abraham Gettz: carnations from Mr. and Mrs. George Kellar; wheat from Mr. nnd Mis. Newhousej casket pleco from Agatha and Hose Ray; casket piece from Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller. Tho pall bearers wero John i:iden. Charles Warner, Fred Rempe, William Rempe. Tho flower bearers wero Harvey Bently, Charles Snyder, Henry Wetter, Charles Fisher. SPECIAL. A Fine Piano for Sale. But slightly used and nearly as good as new. Latest design, upright grand, nt a great bargain. Please call nnd see it. Guernsey Hall, Scranton, Pa. J. W. Guernsey, Proprietor. DIED. SEELEY. In Billlngi, Montana, frb. :, or pneumonia, William W, Seeley, ton of the late L. I. Seeley, of thli city, TO LIMIT THE NEW FRANCHISE THAT'S WHAT COUNCILMAN CHITTENDEN PROPOSES. Ho Will Introduce nn Amendment to the Franchise Ordinance of tho Central Rapid Transit Company Giving tho City Power to Acquire the Whole System of the Concern nt tho End of Twonty Years to Either Operate or Soil His Views Upon tho Plan. Select Councilman Chniles V. Chit tenden Is going to Introduce an amend ment to tlio ordinance granting a franchise to tho Central Rapid Tian lt company, when that moasuro comes up for llrst unci second reading on Thutsdny night, and It's safo to as sume that Its provisions will form the subject of much discussion nnd atgu ment. Tho amendment which tho gentle man ftom tho Ninth proposes, pro vides Unit upon tho expiration cf twenty years from the date of tha granting of tho franchise, tho city shall have the right, If it so desires, to npply to court for tho appointment of a boatd of appraisers, who shall appraise tho value of the company's franchise nnd also the value of Its entire equipment, including rails, poles, wile, power house nnd rolling stock. The amendment further provides that the city may then have the abso lute right to purchase tho franchise) and equipment fiom the company for this appraised valuation. Mr. Chltlonden. In outlining his ideas to n Tilbune man last night, stated that he believes tin adoption of such nn amendment would mean a boon to tho Hciunton of twenty years hence. WHAT IT COULD DO. "When tho city hntl acquired tho fianchlsc," said he, "It could do ouo or two tilings. Local conditions might have improved to such nn extent us to lender the operation, of tho system by the city feasible. That would not be possible Just now, but v.'ho knowa what changes twonty years may bring to pass "If the city didn't cnie to operate tho ystcm Itself, It could ask for bids for the Fnle of the fianchiso and equip ment nnd 1 feel f.uie that they could both he hold at a great profit. Tho same plan was iccently tiled In Cleve land. The city, utter a number of years, scented contiol of the fran chises nnd equipment of tho street rail way company, and when bids wero nsked for, the capitalists fell over themselves to get possession. "They made offers of three cent fares nnd handsome premiums nnd the city was the gainer In every way. I haven't the tMict figures regal ding that sale nt hand just now, nut I ex pect to have them soon. "The granting of perpetual fran chises Is nn abomination nnd the Idea l b'.'lng discouraged In every progres sive city in this country. An illustra tion of what this city hns lost by the plan Is to bo noun In the water com pany's franchise. That corporation's capital stock has Increased from a few thousands to sewti.l millions of dol lars since Its oilglnnl franchise was granted, and tho city hasn't got a cent out of it. WORTH OF FRANCHISES. "An Illustration of the worth of sticet railway franchises in this city Is to be found in the price paid by tho Scranton Traction company for tho Valley Passenger lailuuy fran chise out Washington avenue. One hundred thousand cold American dol lars weio paid for it, after it had been obtained fiom the city fiee, or almost free of chaige. "I held them off for three nights on tho granting of that tranchlse and of feied It it was put up for sale to guar niitce that at least J.'.OOO would bo paid for it, but I had only a few members with me, and they rushed It through. The people of this city have realized what they have lost in giving away our stieets for nothing nnd I think public sentiment will bo strongly against a repetition of the process. "Tho tranchlse is at piesent of tin know n value and I believe that for the flist twenty years it should bo Kt tinted to tlni company fiee, provid ing, however, that n sccoud amend ment which I will also Introduce, 13 adopted. This provides that In lieu of all other taxes tho company shall pay annually to tho city a lax of ilvo per cent, on Its grois receipts. "Thu pioposltlon, ns I view It, is a fair one. The city gives tho fr.inchlso free for twenty years and demands that the company pay only a fair shaio of taxes in return. At the end of twenty years It reserves tho light to buy back nt a fair figure und gives the company a cluneo to again buy It back. I shall make a vigorous fight for the adoption of my amendment." WILL BE INVESTIGATED. Cases of Teachers Dcgraw and Short to Do Looked Into Today. An PMiiuinntlou will bo liils after noun conducted In the ofllce of Su perintendent ol I'ubllo Schools Howell in the ciiscs of the .Misses 13 vu Short and Gertrude Do Graw, teachers at No. r.t school, who are charged by several Hebrew citizens of the Sixteenth ward with exhibiting inclal prejudice In their treatment of young Jewibh chil dren In their charge. Incitement Is great In tho Sixteenth over the matter, and a large number of the children are being kept from tho tchool .until the matter has been properly Investigated) The two teach ers aio not only accused of using un necessary severity in their treatment of the little ones, but with also making finning lemaiks nbout the race in general. AN ENJOYABLE AFFAIR. Delightful Soclnl Given at Excelsior House Last Night. A ury pleasant social was last night given at tho Uxcelslnr Social club's corey club house, on Washing ton avenue. It was the llrst affair given slnco tho election of the new of ficials, nnd It proved highly success ful. The tooms wero prettily decor ated, and Rnuer's orchestra, ensconced nt one end of the ball room, fur nished tha muslo to which nbout thir ty couples danced. The committee In charge wus made tip of Colon'il Arthur Long, Isadoie Krotosky und Herman V, Rlcs. A number of out of town gurBts wero piesent. SEELEY HAS QUIT WORK. ' iii- Street Car Company Will Look After His Intel eats. The case of Frnnk Sceley, tho street car cmployo who has been tho bono of contention between the union nnd tho street railway company over slnco tho close of tho strike, has now been ef fectually settled and Sunday Sceley quit work. As will be remembered, Sceley nnJ Charles Keller wero the only men who worked during tlio strike. Keller was never a member of the union, but Sceley continued to man a car, dcsplto the fact that ho had Joined the as sociation. Tho flnnl treaty between Piesldent 'Clarke and tho car em ployes contained n stipulation that Keller be taken caro of by the men nnd Seeley by tho company. Keller has been ndmltted to tho union, nnd Sceley will probably be taken to Philadelphia and there given employment by tho company. NEW TELEPHONE COMPANY. Directors and Officers Were Chosen Yesterday. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Lackawanna Telephono company, held yesterday, tho old board of dti tc- tors was re-elected. They aro as tot lows: R. G. Brooks, W. L. Connell, A. 1. Bedford, T. J. Foster, Charles Rob inson, K. J. Robinson and W. J. Lewis. Tho board met nnd re-elected the fol lowing olllcers: President, W. J. Lewis: vicu-piesldent, A. P. Bedford; secretary-treasurer. W. L. Connell; goncrnl manager, F. E. Wayland. President Lewis stated to a Tribune man that tho company's wltchboard was now almost completely Installed, nnd thnt a portion of the system In tha central part of the city would be in operation by thr end of the present week. NEED MORE PATROLMEN. CHIEF ROBLING WILL ASK TOR TEN MORE MEN. Snys Present Foice of Officers Is In adequate to Cope with tho Con ditions That Now Exist Here. Chief 'of Police Frank Robling, Jr.. in his estimate of the expenses of his department for tho coming year, nsks for sulllclcnt money to pay the salaries of ten extra policemen nnd two addi tional detectives. He's going to make a strong light for tho adoption of these Items. The chief believes that tho forty live patrolmen who comprise, the pres ent force nnd utterly and entirely In adequate to cope with conditions In this city, with its population of 102. 02C nnd its nineteen square miles of territory. Ho believes that Instead of forty-five men there should be one bundled In tho force, but he has only asked for ten, the same number he nsked for last year and the same, number which the estimates committee at that time eradicated with neat ness and dispatch. The chief ia going to explain to the members of the committee this year n little Fomctblng about the amount of territory which some of tho pntrol men in the outskirts have to cover every night. He's going to hhow by means of a map Just wheio the man on the northerly beat In West Scran ton lias to go. This Is one of the largest beats In the city, being bounded by Jackson street, Keyser avenue, the main line of the Lacka wanna railroad and Noith Main ave nue. This Is a beat which could eas ily occupy the whole time nnd ntten tlon of ut least six policemen, instead of one lono man. , Chief Robllng believes that If the "Hill" district were properly patrolled; that Is, If theie were half a dozen, Instead of only two men assigned to it. that the burglaries which have re cently been of such frequent occur jence in that part of the city would become a thing of the past. Mayor Molr Is with him in his en deavor to secure extra policemen and both officials aro hopeful of success. DR. PIERSON'S ADDRESS. Wheie He Will Bo Henrd While in the City. Following is the schedule of the ad dresses which Dr. Arthur T. Pierson, of New York, will deliver In this city, beginning next Sunday: Sunday 10.50 a. m., I'mn Avetma IliptUt church: U.U p. m., ficepel service, Prim Avenue laptl-t ihurch; 7.G0 p. m.. Second lVl)teriiii church. Monday 7.1 3 p. 111 , Pcun Aunuo Baptl.t church. Tucbday 3 p. in, Yout.R, Woincn'a Christian association room. 20" Washington avenue; 7.15 p. in., I'cnn Avenue IiaptLt chuuh. edncsdav S p. in. Young Women's Chria. tlin association looms; 7.15 p. in., Second Prcs. I .Merlin church. Thursday 1 p. in., Yonns Women's Christian associillcn rooms; 7.l p. in., Second 1'rcsby terian church. Subject; "Mltolorui of tho Nineteenth Cen tury " Iloth men and women arc invited to all ser vices. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE PARTY. Enjoyable Affair Conducted by La dles' Auxllary to A. O. H. The Ladles' auxiliary to Division No. S, Ancient Order of Hibernians, con ducted a most successful euchro paity last night in Campbell's hall. Over 200 guests were present and eight games were played. At midnight a dainty lunch was served. Tho ladies' first prize, a silk umbrella, was won by Miss Jennie Weir, and tho ladles' second prize, a pocketbook, wus captured by Miss Kathorlne O'Bojie. The gentleman's first prize, a pair of dippers, was won by Michael Shallow, while tho second prize, a handsomo necktie, went to James Murphy. The booby prizes went to Mis, Dunlavey and Mr. Glnadcr. WETTEST HOURS OF THE DAY. I'rom tho bondon Leisure, Hour. Dr. It. II. Scott, who v.3j until recently ihe chief of our meteorological office, his made, a detailed examination of the record! of tho fall of tain In each of the Jwenty-four hours of tho day, in order to find out which arc th drlt.t und which the wetteat hour. The results show that In the west the hcavle.t rains occur in the early morulnj hours, and tha least rain in tha early afternoon. In tho ea-t, and also at inland places, the hcaitc.t rain occur lu tha after noon. The rccorda as a whole ihovr that eiciy. where in our islands tho hour, from about 13 o'clock in the inornlne to neon aro drier than the rest of tho day. Twelve Chinamen Discharged. By Exclusive, Wire from Tho Associated Treu. Mulorie, N. V Feb. 4, Tvelvo of the sixteen Chinamen recently arretted at Kortb Hurts on the chaige of unlawfully entering the United States have been ' discharged. ?v'o eov eminent official appealed at the - ANOTHER MILL NOW CLOSED THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY HANDS IDLE AT MINOOKA. The Simpson Silk Company Volun tarily Closed Down Yesteiday Noon Today Mniks a Crisis in Strike ns the Wage Scale Commit teo Will Present the Results of Its Deliberations to Mill Owners Su perintendent Davis of the Sauquolt Delivered nn Ultimatum. The Slmp.son silk mill nt Minooka was voluntailly closed yesterday by tho management and tho forces of the striking textile workers were thereby augmented by about three hundred nnd fifty recruits. Ever slnco the begin ning of tho strike movement there has been a great deal of "stilke talk" nniong the hands, and much dtsatis fnctlon expressed. The proprietors therefore derided to close tho mill until the present agita tion Is over, and this determination was yesterday morning announced to tho girls. In answer to their demands, Superintendent Butler announced that tho Simpson people would be willing to pay the samo wages as those offered the Sauquolt workers by Superintend ent Davis, In the notices posted last week, offering a general eight per cent. Increase. 'Of thu larger establishments the only two now running aro tho Cam bria Silk company's mill, In Dunmore, and the Petersbuig Silk Manufacturing company's plant. Valentino Bliss con trols the foimcr, and Retlllng, David & Schoen tho latter. The Peteisburg girls have given tho proprietors notice thnt they will continue work until the uniform wage scale Is formulated by tho union's committee. This scale will be presented to Uellllng, David & Schoen, together with tho other mill owners, today, and In case the Peters burg proprietors do not accept the scale, the hands threaten to Join the other stilkers. SCALE PRESENTED. Supcilntondent Davis.of tho Sauquolt silk mill, was waited upon by the strikers' scale commltteo yesterday and a wngc scale picsented, establish ing lutes to be paid the mill employe.-. Superintendent Davis returned this and made a counter offer. He declared that tho company's vol untary offer mado last week, offering an average increase of eight per cent., still held good, and this was supple mented by nn additional offer to the weavers, for whom no provision was made in tho notices which wero Inst week posted. They are paid according to the amount of work done, and tho fineness of the material upon which they nre employed. In some cases the Increase offered amounts to one-half cent a yard. The weavers demanded an average Increase of twenty-six per cent., In some instnnces demanding a raise of one and one-hair cents on the yard. Jlr. Davis" offer is considerably smaller than their demand, and accompanying his approval the Sauquolt superintend ent gave out his ultimatum. Ho said: "If our complete offer, that made last week, and my proposal of today to tho weavers Is not accepted by tomorrow noon, everything will be called off. The company will withdraw tho entire scnle offered." Yesteidny afternoon the strikers' commltteo was busily engaged In working on nnother scale, tho demands of which will be less peremptory. In establishing the uniform wage scalo tho committee strikes an average be tween the highest and Intermediate wages now paid, and uses this as a basis wage upon which to operate. Tho scale will bo completed this morning, nnd will bo put befoio tho various mill owners this afternoon. ANOTHER VISIT TODAY. Tho committee will wait upon the Sauquolt, Harvoys, Bliss, Simpson and Petersburg mill authorities and present to them tlio scale, later reporting upon tho matter to tlio union. Tho offer mado by Superintendent Davis Is In reality one which would be granted by nil tho mills, as Superintendent Joseph Harvey has already announced bis ac quiescence, and tho Klots people aro quoted as having expiesscd their will ingness to pay tho samo wages as go Into effect at the Sauquolt. Tho offer yesterday made to tho Simpson hands was practically the same as that which Superintendent Davis made. Yesterday afternoon tho striking em ployes or Harvey Bros. mill met In the Central Paik hall, In South Scranton, and there were organized Into a local Tho work of organization was conduct ed by J. F. Hnmmes, of the Stonecut ters' union, and Miss Matthews and Miss Jordan, of the Hand Silk Work ers' union. lo any person who will send to The Trib une Publishing Company Sew subscriptions for The Scranton Trib une, paying $5,00 in advance for one year, WE WILL Present a paid-up Certificate entitling them to a full six months' Business or Short Hand Course in Our College, valued at $35. i e4 e 4 WE SPENCER BUSINESS COLLEGE GUERNSEY BUILDING), 316 Vashinqton avenue, scranton, Pa, RETURNS By Ivor Price By Arlie Frutchey ? t ? "X I ? h ? X ? AVWaWiWiMWWiViYWliWWVaWrTOWWrt' Havliand & Co.'s Finds a prominent place in the affections of all housewives because of the richness and daintiness it lends to the meal and the quiet, refining effect it gives to the table. We have a limited number of n-piece Dinner Sets of these famous makers that we will sell for $25.00. They are our own direct importation. Geo. V. Millar & wmwmmNmmmmmmNwmw TEETH r ;t jr m m .1 11 w Gold Crowns $3 Gold Fillings $1 Bridge Work (-&) $3 Set of Teeth $5 All work guaranteed for 10 years. Call and have your teeth examined free of charge. Satisfaction or no pay. KK50;KUKKnKK$KKKUa0:unUMUK x The New NeTcrsUp As phalt Removable HORSESHOE CALK. Horse cannot slip and will outwear three sets or any other calk manufactured. HO., g SOLE Williams' Basement Almost the entire area of the Basement of this store is devoted to the sale of minor articles for Housekeeping use. Even the exclusive housefurnishings stores can command no such assortment as you'll find here. A price hint: Full Sized Jardinieres, with lancy stands to match, Twenty Cents complete. Where else for so little? J.D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 LACKAWANNA AVE. In Cai renters' hall the soft silk work ers of tho Sauquolt bilk mill wero or Kanlzod by President Flaherty, of the Central Labor union. Miss Matthews, president of the hard silk workers, had been at the head of both departments up to yesterday's meeting. The strikers' executive committee de dal c that In their demands they will Insist, above all else, on the abollnli ment of the practice of tilling, and this nnd the establishing of a 2 a week wage for beginners will be two of the things upon which no compromise will be made. 1,000 Quarrymen Strike. Vy Exclusive Wlrs from lhe Afceoclated Trcs. Vounsstown, 0., Feb. i. tjuarrymen to thu number of 1,000 emplejcd by thu Carbon A. VUiMU'.cr Llnuatonc compare, ttrud. today ataliiit a reduction ol tro-ii W to 17 cents pej tuu. 15 i YESTERDAY: ...Bice, Levy & Co., $5.00 t D, W. Wagner, $5.00 v fyfy ? $ T- fc ? $, f f French China Co. 'SSOfSSl' Extracted Absolutely Without Pain. Our system of PAINLESS Dentistry la far superior to tha old method of doing work. We both fill and extract teeth without the least particle of pain. Our price for tlx present are extremely low, and If you art In need of any Dental wotl. Call and have your teeth cxamlred. Wa make a specialty of fine Crown and Bridge Work and it will pay you to call and get our price before going elsewhere. All work absolutely rainless. Dr. RByeTTDentist 8M Sprue St, Opp. Court Houte. 126 nnd 12ft ll Franklin Ave. S AGENTS. O Diamonds! Diamonds! Still harping on our old subject, but we won't stop till we know you arc assured that wc handle the purest, nicest made, and most brilliant GKMS handled in th country, and listen, 25 per cent less than you can buy them any where else. Visit us and we'll prove it. E. SCHIHPFF 317 Lackawanna Ave. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, N Heaters. i Uf-MT PBNN AVBNUE. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS H ar - m . - n'