The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 05, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    f ' IFF H ""7
5, 1901.
i at) ai js
a neirp nature, pfc
sonals and all Heps
for publUatlon may
be left at tt Tr)8r;
uno's new-offices In
the DarktBulldlift;
or senf-by mall ;or
CTlio Council Divided on the Hose
" Houso Appiojjrlntlon A New Or-
""" dlnnnco Taxing; rolci.
"I Select council met In lrgulnr xesslon
a.-t night with nil the mcmbcis pios-
trit. The minutes of tho Inst mcntlni;
-were ieadnnd accepted.
The tcport or tho building commit-
,,tw wiia called for nnd Mr. Munition
brought the long delayed nml much
nirltnled cottage hosp house onllnanco
.befoio tho council. Ho unci Mi. Battle
Mibmltted a innjoilt)' nport recom-
mending the pilmlng of tho ordinance.
Mr, Fletcher Mibmlttcd a minority re-
1'ort ntltlnr that tho oidlnnncc be laid
- on tho table Indefinitely. He gave
my IrIH ii-a.sons for his opposition to the
flection pt the house, briefly an fol-
lowsTIjodlBtanVo to that neotlon of
ihe ejj' frbfn.ths pieoent hose house
Is too short to make another building
ncees'fc.-uy.ond tho house In the rout til
"wind are so scattered that the dancer
of 11 conflagration Ih veiy Blight.
The sight (.elected In bucIi that only
n unill district would get nny IjuneiU
wlni t,evei. The dlxtilcl east of the
I'elawate and Hudson tracks as prac-
tlvilly Inaeccf-slble.
It is not customary In cities of thli
sbe to haw Hie luiiihes on its out
fits To build tho houtfc would be an ex
pensive precedent as then the other
llstilctu of the city could Justly cry
for like piotectlon.
Ths city cannot afford It at this time;
thete Js no appropriation for it. The
damage suit decided ngalnHt the city
nnd othcrrcialma on the tieasory de
mand the "greatest economy In every
Retrenchment In all branches of city
Government Is Imperative. The last
election resulted in an emphatic de
inand for more caic in upending- tho
I'lty's money.
Tho building' of a new hose house
would be only the beginning of a
largo drain on the city ns the exnense
of equipping it would bo considerable,
and the current expenses would en
large each year.
Tho property to be protected should
govern the location of tho hose houses,
and the Fourth ward is tho lowest In
valuation In the city, while tho houses
arc the most Isolated.
Mr. Mannion then spoke in favor of
the ordinance. lie nald over 300 resi
dents of that section of the city had
petitioned for the building and the
company would turn over to the cltv
in one dollar ;lts deed of the property
valued at TMO. He asked why this
oidlnanco should not be passed, even
It there were no appropriation, when
He Itacket Brook bridge ordinance
"as c.inied without one.
Chairman Thompson took tho floor
iimj ai rayed himself against the 01
iiliuiiifc as did Mr. Davis.
Mi. Fletcher moved for tho adop
11 hi uf tho minority repot t. Battle,
J'mett and Mannion voted no, killing
1 motion.
Munnlon moved for the adoption of
mujoiltv report, and Fletcher,
iil.- and Thompson voted negatively,
' 'Urn; that. ' .
number of minor matters from
' miiion council were received and con-
' nod in by tho selectmen.
The February requisition of the Col
li ubi.iH was received and granted.
I'm Is mo ed for the raising of a
number of arc lights at the expense of
1 electric company. The resolution
was earrled.
The lerjuest of T. Theophllus to con
1 cot with the Spring street sewer was
referred to the street committee.
f 'haii man Thompson introducd tho
tollowlng ordinance:
n ordinance providing tor tho levy iul cob
lotion of a liMnw tax on all liuit act cotpor.
itioni maintaining poleii and wires on the pub
lic Ftret-U of tho city of Carbondalc.
section l.-Dc it ordained by the select coun
cil of the city of Carbondalc, the common eoiin.
iil concurring, and it in hereby ordained by tho
authority of the time, that till firms, companies
or corporators using tha itrceta of the city of
1 lirtxiiidole tor the purpose of erecting and
maintaining poles and wlrta upon the aalcl
itieeis shall, on or before the Brat day of July,
I'd, and the first day of July of each succeed.
Ing JTr take cut a license from tbe ol8ce of the
illy treasurer uf Mid tity frr the pole and
v Irea already erected and which may be erected;
and laid Arms ahall pny to the city treasurer
tor the use of sold city the inn of fifty (M)
imU for each pole that Mid corporation has
n tried or may erect or maintain in taid til,
1 raided, ihat all poll that are being uicd for
the lire alarm sy&lem fholl bo exempt fioin the
aboio licenio taw
!e I In case anv finn or corporation mam.
UlniDif poles and lru In the etrctta ai afore,
alii ihall fall to tale out the license and ray
the tax mentioned in eectlon I 011 or before
thi (lot day of July, 1001, and each lucceeding
uar as aforewld, said firm or corporation 10
filling ball pay to Hie city of CaiIondale iu
r malty the una of ono dollars ($1) per pole for
it.v pole that fald firm or corporation in de
liuit maintains In tie alreeta of ad city of
Cirb'jndalo and Mid penalty ahall be collctti-d
ly fald city In the rnanmr pi escribed by law
"to. a.-'I h dlr eniflceer shill, ou or before
ins hrd day of Jul, 1001, lucerUIn the tumbrr
t iole that each ttrm or rorporatlnn main
nlni In the atrecta tf tl city uf Caibciidjle
-tif shall turnlsli the tuaaurnr of said 1 Ity
Ith t tcbedule thtmlng the number and own.
in ft said polct lialile (0 said licence tax..
Tljo mutter a referred to the
sliest committee, -with Instructions to
tepoit foilhwlth, which It did, fa
orably, and tho oidlnance was or
dered printed.
John Kafter. of rlouth Main stteet,
through his attorney, H. C. Butler,
Mhmllted to councils a written, state
ment, of tl(o damages alleged by hlin
to have Ken caused to his property
by. the changing of tho grade of that
thoroughfare. The matter was re
foired to the wtroet committee, city
fcollcltor and city engineer.
A enpimunlctttlon was received.
lgrted by the chief of police and all pf
tho patrolmen, asking councils for a
raise in thelv uy. They allege that
this city pays less" than other towns of
ihoialze", and that tho amount they
receive lsr not suftldlent remuneration
for the long- hours they serve and tho
heuvy expense they necessarily nre
subjected to to piopuly uniform
thamselves and pioido other ief,ul-
Curos Couflb or Cold pt onoe.
Conquett &libp,JWfrooplDrCou Bronchllla,
(tlppe audCouiuinpUoa, QuIcX, sure results,
nr.lluH' F1IUcunContlpatlea. SOpilu 10c
sites. The matter wan icfencd to thf
police committee, and council then ad
Completo Returns Received fiom
Washington Yesterday.
The population of Carbondalc, ac
cording to tho official count of tho re
turns of tho twelfth census, is 13.53S,
divided as follows: Fltst ward, 2,74;
Second ward, 1,705: Thtid waul, 3,14"i;
Foutth ward, 2,2.3; Fifth ward, 1,81.1;
Sixth waid, 1,817.
In addition to tho above the popula
tion of the following sut rounding
towns la given:
10,1,1, jai.),
Cubondala township 1,110 l,7tl
1'ell townhlp 2,UU 1,1'it
(Ireentleld township (l U73
Jeinin borough 2,Mt 2,05')
Majllcld borough '.','ini ,(H.".
.vott township I,"." 1.J13
andling iMroiijih 7i'i . .
Clifford towmhlp 1,111 1,1 jj
Ulmoik boioujli sir tiln
PuihUH boron sh IV) "7
lorct City boroifili 1,27'J 2, .In
Gibson towTishlp lull l,v:
llarlord towmhln l.lw l.'.ll
Jaclon township M'i is-
lierrlcU township r;i) 7J1
Lenox townshln l."0l l.l'ri
Thompson boroujth "1V1 ,rz
Tlioinpin towTvhlp lo 7
Cnlondala borough .VII ,'jn
Canaan township Ja
Cherry llldgc townslli 1:7 1
Clinton township I" -,u
Mt. I'lcjaant township l,te l,(.:n
Preston township j.iri 1 11;
I'rompton boi-oujli :., c;s jiu
''alem townslil) i,ji i.uu
South Canaan township .. . . i,ft,ii 1,11,7
Wayniut boioujh i .: n
Trinity Chuich. Will Obseive Them
Next Sunday and Monday.
Invitation- weto issued yesteid.o fm
tho opening &et vices In the newly com
pleted Trinity ihuich, w lib It will in
held next Sunday and Mondnv Tli U
ets of admission woro aKo ent with
the Invitations, whlto cards In lug iwd
for the morning senlte and ml oium
for the evening. The Invliiitlons tend.
Carhomlali, l'i . IVb 1 b)
To the rarUhloners of Tilnlt Chimb, .
The opening kcnlie nl the 11 w ilnuili will
take place on fundiy and Mnmlii Iibiuin ID
tnd II, as follows:
ssi .sow
6 CO a. m Holy communlen (ilnpeb
7.10 a m. Holy coininunloii.
10.30 u m Morning puur, lml ivmniuni n
and s-ennon.
7.10 p. m Uicnlng piujir ami miiiioh
Eiery ccmmunlceiit to wlum llm imitjilon
ii sent is earnest!; rcriuoMcd to attend the 7")
a, m, communion
Admission to 10 JO 1 in and 7 '0 p m seni e
by tkkft.".
11.00 a 111 Hob ((iininiinlon ir .t.hbcuoi 1,
of S. raiiton.
00 111 Srnlce with slioil idhr-jeo In
membeM f Virliilpaciniy and
mlnhteM ot Cailmndilr
STOp ni. ltcccption to IIMiop In Paii.ii
h iuo
All mnnber of Irinlti pirMi jic linitcl In
attend the I o'cloil. firxiic .111,1 ihi iri.pllou
to the liWiop
liollln Sihjci, u ,i,i .
Will Be Seen at the Opcia House
This Week.
From the Wllllamspnit P.ill Gaeiii
and Bulletin of Jan. s, 1001
"The J. "V. earner stuck conipanj.
new to this neighborhood, opened foi a
week's engagement at the 1 mining
opeia houso last night bcfoie a. laigo
audience and made 11 decided hit. This
is one of the best and must inenlv
balanced repertoiic companies seen
hero this season and it gave gineiul
satisfaction last night In "The Black
Flag.' "
This company opened a week's en
gagement at tile Ciiand I.iM night pu
sentlng for tho opening pla, the .sen
sational (llama "The tllnck'li"lni." im.i
gave good satisfaction to a laige audi
ence. Tonight's play will be "?hartowH
of Life."
What Is Golnp; on Socially.
Mrs. Frank Ilubbaid will eiiteitiiln
tbe ladies of Tilnlty guild this att. 1
noon at 3 o'clock ut her homo on Lin
coln avenue. A thimble tea Is the oidtr
of tho day.
Invitations ato out for two "butteiilv
teas" to be given at the home, uf Mis
L. A. Bassett. Lincoln axeum mil
Laurel streets, ou Thuisdm and Fi.
day afternoons of this c -X. '1 , icim
will bo ghen In honor or Mi" Bas
BCtfa mother, .Mis. Daniel o. Smith
and her brother's -wife. Mih. Daniel
Maivin Smith.
A sleighing patty is hehednled lor to
mouow night, If the biiow lasts The
objective point Is fli unci's hotel nt
Waynidit, wheiu a late supper will Iki
served and possibly dancing cnJocd.
Mr. and Mit,. Hobett Bi.son enter
tained a few friends at their home, on
Park stteet, Saturday evening.
Tho "Women's Chtlotliin Tempeiiince
union and Sons of Temperance gave a
social in Temperance hull, on Salem
avonue, Saturday evening A lingo
number were piesent. neficshincnts
were berved and an excellent musical
and llterniy programme piouited
A Canine Actor.
Nellie, a wolf hound, belonging to
the Catner stock company, which Is
performing at the Gland this week,
Is the proud mother of an Interesting
family. She occupies one of the dtess
Ing looms under tho stago and clus
tered about her In her moments of
family caio aio nine bright llttlu imp
pies about two weeks of age, running
In color from a pute whlto to a black.
An approach to her tempoiary muni
ments Is welcomed by a ileuo giowl,
whllo tho little ones bask nbout her In
vailous attitudes of contentment
Tonight's Entertainment.
The Women's Relief coips will give
their postponed enteitainment this
evening under tho uusplces of tin
Lackawanna Symphony club. A flno
piogrammo is to bo ptesonted.
A Now Store, Peilmpa.
It is said that a paity of mon from
Scranton are negotiating for the rent
Ing of tho Elbrecht building, on North
Main street. A largo departmtnfBtoro
Js going to be opened in a few weeks.
E.L. Hatficl J, man
ager of the Carbon
dale edition, will bo
pleased to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting It. Tele
phone numbers: New
386: old, 0433,
Not Much Business Transacted A
Number of Bills Paid".
The last legulnr meeting of the
school board bofoio the election took
plato lost evening In the boatd's loom-
In the Centiat school building. All the
mcmbcis w,io ptesent but Gallagher.
A communication front V. A. Cut toll
it Son, asking for a share of the In
Kiuancc on school piopotly was read.
Tho following bills wcro ordered paid:
Pluck. Dhinond Coal company... ...Mlrtli!
.Iilin booth IS SI
MI1U lluitheri 'Jills
(elder k Muiphy 4 01
American Hook lompany S 10
It. h. Meier k Co 8 l
1. O. Heath A. Co 20 (X)
(1. IJ. Van (lorcler SOT
.lere Cllmaitln (uilutlttite Jmltor) 21 00
I! A. Whlteirm V. Cu 1 11
WeMern l'uMUhlug company 21 W
Mamiin Ilios , ;! ." J
T. C. Hobin?on ... 14 11
tiMal Like Watei company JO JO
Two bills from tho Carbondalc Ga-
company weie ordeted paid, if tho sec
lotaty found them all light, he not
having had time to examine them.
These bills wre for n total of $11.09.
A similar nctlon was oidctcd In tho
case ot the bill Horn the Electric Light
company, which had been teturned to
the company for lonectlon.
A communication wus lead fiom C.
K. Spencer, cashier, notifying tho
bo-mi to diaw $C0O inttiest on tho
Nsile of $.14,000 of llvo per cent, bonds
held by J. J. Simpson. Another com
munication from tho state tieasuror
In legind to the school nppropilatlon
was alto lead.
An echo of tho Biyclen case wus
heiiul by Attorney Butler recommend
ing that the hthool bonul pay the
uiMh In the case and dispose of It now
mid (Inillv. The costs were $13.78, of
wnlch goes to und $3.37
tu AlilMiiuin Moitlson, of this ci4y.
A'tT .1 moment's hesitation, (lining
which the mi'inbets looked at one an
11 I . iui7!liallv. Dliector KIrwiu
nun 'd that an older b drawn on the
tici'inei fn ihe amount. This was
ulupted unanimously
TiiMMiioi .Moon leiioitecl that school
Uims to the amount of $6,000 had boon
tinned In last month, or which Collec
tot Wait had liauikd over $3,000 und
Olleitur ('llttordl,itno. So far Witt
his pild $l.',000 and CIltToid $3,500 this
, ai
A u'MUlsltlon Mom Supeilnttndent
linn tot s-lv doten bots of crayon
was tut tied over to tli committee on
Mipplles with power to net.
Dlioctot Swlgeit called attenllou to
lb- fulling off In attendance at the
night tcliool and Miggestcd the. prc
Pilct.v of consolidating the two roomi.
A dlscii'-slon took place as to the feasi
bility of the plan, but no nctlon was
Kiigene Dowo appeared before the
bi'.nd and lequcstert ihe second 'pay
ment ot $u00 on his contiact for beat
ing the C'entinl building, aid nl"o
$100 for building the pit for the nw
I) iller The tequest was granted.
Attorney Butler said that the mi
peilntcndcnt of hchool hnd consulted
hlin about tho vaccination law, and
be had quoted to him the law. Mr.
Moon said that one child at No. S
r I100I bad ben kept home because his
father icfused to comply with the law.
und be stated tbut ho had refeued
hlin 10 the bnaid of health.
The bonul, utter an Informal discus
sion of the liw and Its workings, ad
join lied until Monday. Minch 4.
Secretniy's Repoit for January,
T'lete wcie 23 deaths In tho city tim
ing January, an increase of one over
December and an inciease of thloo
compatcd with Januaiy 1300.
The number of deaths by waids nm
as tollows. Flist, h' Second. 4; Third,
1: Fourth, 3, Filth, 3; Sixth, S.
fnusft of Dentil i'neumonh, 5; still
born. 2. old age, 1, biouchllts, 1: ec
hauhllon, 1: asthma, 1; cerobial hem
ouliiigei', 1, nsphjxla from coal gas,
1; dtopsy, 1. inanition, 2; Jesuit of ac
cident, 1. cnnvullons, 1: diabetes, 1;
diphtheria, 1. satcoina of uterus, 1.
cncliioma uteil. 1; cerebro-spiml
?i!eiosls. 1
Intei ments There wcie seven bodies
biougbl to the city, and five bodies
iciiioved fiom the oily for interment.
Intei iik nth In the city wero as fol
lows St, Hose cemeteij, 13, Maplcwood
it 1111 tmy. s Brooksidc cemetery, -.
Contagious DIsea&Ls Scai let fever,
Second waul, 1; Thlid ward, 1; Fourth
waul. 1. total, 3. Diphthoila, Second
waul, 1, Third waul, 1, Fourth, 1;
Slub, 1, total, 4. Measles, Fifth ward,
U Flist waul, 1. Total contuglous dis
eases, 10.
Theie wus cine dtnth from diphtheria
In the Foiutli ward.
Tuneral Today.
The fuueial of little Maijoile John
sun will be held at 2 o'clock this af
ternoon fiom her lute homo ut 20
Washington nvenuc The Bev. Charles
Lee, of the Picsbyteilan church, will
conduct thcin. They will bo public.
The Intei ment w 111 bo private nnd will
take place In Maplewood cemetery.
Mic Jnhnpon Is still under tho caro of
a phslf Ian
Pension Day.
Vcbteiduy was tho day whun Undo
Sam's pensioners In this city drew
their quartuly voucheis at tho vari
ous aldeimtn's olllce. Thtio aio over
"V0 of the old toldlcts here und about
$3,000 was disbursed among them.
Thcie should be a llttlo bilsk business
done In tho stoics the jenmlnder of the
w celt.
Attended a runernl.
Mis. William Uvans, Mrs. N Moon,
Mis. Ilolgate, Mis. John Hawkins,
Mis. Cornell. Mis. Mitchell and John
Moon, all of this city, attended tho
funeiul of Thomas II. Champion, In
Jeimyn, on Sunday,
Is Improving,
Thomas McCawley, of Eighth ave
nue, who was Injuicd somu tlmo ugo
In a wreck on tho Delnwato and Hud
son inllioud, Is slightly Impiovlng.
A Now Post for a Good Man.
J. M. Alexander, of this city, famil
ial ly known us "Little Joe." has lust
been uppolnted as a member of tho
staff of Commander In Chief Leo Ras
sleur, Grand Army of the Republic.
Mr. Alexander Is ono of the most en
thusiastic and energetic members of
the Grand Army of tho Republic In tho
country nnd his continued appoint
ments to stato and national ofllccs Is
a Just recognition of tho prominent
part he has taken In the affairs of the
organization In thin section. Ho has
been commander of William H. Davlcs'
post In this city for four years, nlde-de-camp
or' Department Commander
Gobln In 18SG, held thf snmo position
on tho staff of National Commander
A. O. Wctssert, and now serves his
third term as n national grand ofllcer.
McCaun Brotheis Will Open a Mod
ern Store When Alterations Are
Carbondalo Is soou to have a now
store. It will bo In tho Anthruolto
building, and If the plans of Its pro
moters aio cat tied out It will be tho
ilnest store of Its kind In the city. Pat
ilck r. und Clunlcs McCann will be
the proprietors, and the lit in name will
be McCann Brothers.
Ectenslvo alterations are to be made
In tho ground floor of tho Anthracite
building. Paitltlons will bo removed,
large plate-glass show windows will b
put In on tho Sixth avonue side, a now
largo double entrance will teplace tho
curved window at the corner of Sixth
avenue and Main street, and other nec
essary Improvements will bo made.
The new Hrm will conduct a clothing
and haberdashery stoic, and they bay
they will make it Htrlctly up-to-date.
Patrick r. McCann Is well-known In
this city as a hlghlycnterprlslng young
man. His brother Charles has been as
sociated with Henry J.Collins, a Scran
ton clothier, for a long time. The new
store Is to bo fitted with the counters,
shelves and show cases that belonged
i me mm of Bell & Skinner, the Jer
myn hotel furnishers In Scranton, and
they will bo In lino with the supetlor
decorations of tho stole when it Is fin
ished. The location of tho new linn is
undoubtedly ono of the very best iu
the city. It will bo several weeks be
foie the alterations are completed.
Milton Kinney Again.
.Milton Klnnev. n. nill.lcnnwn nt
east widely known, resident of what
Is known ns Greenfield, is again In the
tolls. Kinney is one of the old lound
ers and within a month's tlmo was
before Mayor Kllpatrick, but on prom
ising to reform and to stay away from
Caibondalc for a jear he wan ner
mltted to go on his way rejoicing. Ye3
tculay, however, he got feeling so ex
uberant that Jcnnyn wouldn't hold
hlin, ho he again Invaded this town.
Ho sot some South Main street cold
dlspeller and got so hot that he began
to roll around the streets. A patrol
man happened along and landed him In
Jail, and If ho doesn't tahe a trip down
the ilver at the county's expense it
will be a wonder.
Tonight's Sniokei.
Caibondalc conclave. No. 30.', will
have an Installation of officers this
evening and will also Initiate three
candidates. After the business session
a smoker will bo hold, at which a pro
gramme rendeted by the Lickawanna
Symphony club and others will be pre
sented. Refreshments will bo served
also, nnd nn evening of conviviality is
anticipated. It will scarcely pay any
member to miss this occasion.
Meetings Tonight.
The William H. Davlcs Women s Be
lief corps, No. 134.
Division No. 21, Ancient Older Hi
bernians. St. Vincent do Paul.
Lackawanna tribe, No. 20S, Improved
Order Bed Men.
Mitchell Hoso Company.
Carbondalc conclave, No. 329. Ini
piovcd Order Heptasophs.
Theatiical Amusements.
Tuesday "Shadows of Life."
Wednesday Matinee "East Lynnc."
Wednesday night "Tho Knobs O'
Thursday "Michael Strogoff."
Friday "Blp Von Winkle."
Saturday matinee "Uncle Tom's
Saturday night "Brother Against
Bi other."
Uncle Sam to Open an Office.
A United States army recruiting
oflice will probably soon be opened In
this city as a btanch of the one in
Scranton to assist In raising tho 33,000
holdieis who are wanted before May to
fill tho threatened depletion of tho
army by tho nntstetlng out of the sol
dleis in the Philippines. A similar
branch will also be established in
Hurt In Scranton.
John Nnylor, the energetic manager
of the Metiopolltan Life Insutance
company's branch olllcu lieu;, wus
udorned with a snip of couit plaster
over ills left eye yesteiday. tho icsult
of coming In contuct with the swinging
doors at tho entiance to the Meats
building "In Scranton yesterday, whllo
on a business trip to that city.
The Paaslng Tlnong.
Mis. Albert Sllby, of Belmont stu.:.
Is 111 with the grip.
Miss Jessie Frazer, of Wllkes-Burre,
Is spending a tew days in town.
Stephen Nealon left for Toionto jes
terday morning to uttend college.
Miss Muiy Monuhan, of Hotel Har
rison, Is around aguln after n week's
illness with the grip.
Daniel Blanchuid, of South Ma'n
street, is conllnod to his homo with a
reveio attack or the grip.
Miss Florencu Kupp, who has boon
confined to her room Inho Hotel Hai
ilson, has recovered sufficiently to be
Mis T. L. Utley, of Cemetciy stieet.
und daughter, Bessie, have returned
from Windsor, whoie they have spent
the past week.
Miss Lena Utley. of Cemetety street,
left for Faetoryvllle jesterday morn
ing, whoie sho will lenialn a mouth or
more as tho guest ot her grandmother.
Mrs. T. J. Mnxey, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer JuhIIii and their guest, John
Cemson, of I'lttsbuig, wjtnessed the
play nt tho Lyceum, In 'Scranton, on
Miss Floienco Taylor, of Peckvllle,
called on Miss '.Maud James, of Ninth
avenue, on Sunday, unci on her letuin
tool: Miss Jinnes homo with her. Mlsj
James will make n shott visit In ivel--vlllc.
Cold Cuio for Busy People.
Muny peoplo neglect a cold because
they say thef have no tlmo to attend
to It. KtniiBo's Cold Cure is a lemcdy
which can bo taken without dnngor
while, performing your daily duties,
and will lellovo the most aggiavated
eases In 24 bonis. Pi Ice 2c. Sold by
Matthews Bros
Their Experience with the Prevalent Malady and
How They Conquered It, as Reported
Especially for This Paper.
Congressman N. W. Howard, of Fort
Tayne, Ala., had the Grip and made a
prompt and permanent recovery by
the use of Pcruna. Ho recommends It
strongly hs a Giln cute.
Congressman George H. White, ot
Tatboio, N. C. found Pel una an excel
lent lemcdy for tho Gilp. Ho has
Jnailo a publlo statement that both he
and his family recommend Pet una to
others 11s a reliable Grip cure.
Mis. C. D. Powell. President of tho
Epwoith League, nt ChohalK Wash.,
tlnds by peisonal epetletiee Hint there
In no lemcdy equal to Peittna Tor the
Miss M. A. Jourls, President of tho
Golden Bod Sewing Circle, of Chlcigo,
III. suffered scveioly from the (T.tlp
and tho after effects. The case seemed
to pii7.'c Hie doctors and Poruua was
lesortod to, A permanent cureptompt
ly followed.
Miss Alice Diessler. 1 '.13 Ninth Bry
ant avenue, Minneapolis, Minn,, suf
feied fiom the Grip and was partially
cuied, but the bad after effects ie
nialned and sho did not get sttong,
Peruna restored her to perfect health
nnd happiness. She Is an enthusiastic
advocate of Peruna today.
Miss Emily Mllbutue, President of
Don't foigct "Nip and Tuel." at the
Fireman's hall this evening The Hati.v
Webber Comedy company are draw Ing
largo crowds each evening. Lots of tun
and good, clean pluvs. Last evening
"Ten Nights In a Barioom" was given
Mis. John Purely bns disponed of her
household tuinltuie and will shoitlv
Join her husband at El Paso, Texas.
William Goyne, who lecelved the
contents of an oil cup, while acting as
engineer at bis gieen house, Is Im
piovlnc fiom the painful bums sus
tained by the hot oil coming lit eon
tuct with his face.
Mis. Tiuitx, of West Peckvlllc. who
has been ill for some time, Is veiv low.
All hopes of her iccoveiy has been
Mis. Wnrtleld was veiy low all or
yesterday and her death is momentar
ily expected.
Mrs. Chailes Waltz, of Hlckoiy
street, is quite ill.
A valentine social will bo held nt the
home of Lillian Hulse on Februuiy 14,
under the auspices of class No. 1 of the
Presbyterian Sunday school. Ico cieam
and cake will be seived. A silver offer
ing will be taken nt tho door. All are
cordially Invited to attend
J. N. Llllibridgc lias leturncd fiom
his recent western tiip
School Director Bert Morgan paid
the schools of the cential building a
visit on Monday morning
The regular meeting of class No. n
will bo held at the homo of D. S. Evans
on Tuesday evening. Febiuaiy .". Alt
menibeis aro requested to be ptesent,
as bulncss of Importance Is to be
Remember tho entertainment and
supper to be given at tho Methodist
Episcopal chuich on Wcdncsduy even
ing, February 6- Tho supper and en
teitainment will be In the Inteicst of
the stewards' woik, but will be under
tho supervision of Dwlght Latin op's
class and the Ladles' Aid society. An
entertainment of high merit will be
given. Supper, twenty-five cents.
Rev. F. Gendall, pastor of the Metho
dist Episcopal church, is at Foicst
City, attending tho Epworth league
convention, which Is being held there.
Rev. Mr. Gendall made the opening ad
diess, at tho convention last evening,
his theme being "The Chief Pllluis of
Christ, Society and National Piotpcr
ity or tho Supernatuial in Religion."
Rev. Dr. F. Y. Pierce, pastor of tho
Penn Avenue Baptist chinch, Scranton,
will deliver a lecture this evening nt
the closing of the convention. He will
take for his theme "Through the Eye
to the Heart." Misses Stella Wndcman
and Blanch Taylor aie attending the
convention ns delegates of the local
league. They, with Rev. Gendall, will
remain this evening nnd listen to the
lecture given by Dr. Pleice.
The "School of Song" Unit meets
at the MothodlsL Episcopal chinch
every Saturday evening Is making fine
ptogiess. The membeis aio bocomlmr
enthusiastic and the coming conceit
In Match will be n treat to the people.
Mi. Shea Is the leader of the Metho
ellst Episcopal choir, composed of gen
tlemen with line volets, and If they
assist In choiusos and solo woik In
clats and conceit, as It Is to bo hoped
thoy will, the tilmonpheie of I'eck
llle will ilng with inusli. .Mi, Shea's
oucittc of singcis icndei lino music,
and to hear them will be a tieat. Tho
diiector of the "school" wishes cveiy
mcmbcis of tho class to be piejent
next Satuulay evening, ns a Mylo uf
music Is contemplated seldom pie
senifd In concet t. Tho clas Is com
posd of veiy good singcis
Tho of the late John Humph
icy will t.iko place tomouuu afteinoou,
and not this afternoon, us ei roneou'ly
stated In yesterday's Tilbun
The Republican of Muvlleld have
nominated the following ticket; School
dlttctois, Unco eais, Anthony
und Joseph Beckwlth. council, Patilek
Teuipauy, Yutsko Adumlak, John
Qulnn, nwsersor, Puttlck Daley, pour
'director. Noah Pugh, audltot, John S
Davis, Chntles Foiklc; Judgo ot e!c -tlon,
Thomas Prltehnrd; Inspector, An
drew Iwanlek; high constable, Sim
A luige delegation of the iiicnibfis
of Liberty lodge. Knights of Pythlut-,
will go to PecUvillc tomoiiow evening
to visit Sheridan lodge und confer tho
rank of knight upon a intidldnti
Mis. John Solomon called on Carbon
dale li lends yesteida.
Anlia. the only duughtci uf .Mi. and
Mis. l'atilck Mm pin. of Dunmoiu
stieet, died Sunday nignt nt 10 o'clock
of bionchltls. Tho little ono had only
been 111 a few dajs. Sho wus four jeais
old, of a sweet and winning disposition,
und a unlveisal tnvoilte. Tho funeral
wilt take place from tho tamlly homo
tomortow afternoon ut J o'clock In
tel ment In St. Patrick's comotoiy.
On Thiiisduy evening tho Suxon Sis.
ters will give an entertainment at the
Father Mutlicw opeia house. As sketch
in lists they uto said to be the ilnest In
tho business. In conjunction with the
regular pi 001 amine, an umatcur cou-
tho Wcstslde Young Womcn'o Club,
No. Iu2 West Congress street. Chicago,
III., vvtltes of severnl members of the
club of which sho Is piesldent, who
have hod the Grip nnd have been
quickly icstoicd to health by Pel una.
Mr. Nicolas F. Rosslter. of 464 Nor
wood avenue, Cleveland, O.. hnd a se
vere attack of the Grip, was very sick
and under the physician's care. He,
like many others, passed the acute
stugo but did not receive strength.
Pei una not only quickly restored him
to his former health, but to much bet
ter health than ho has had for ycats.
Jn gives Peiuna all tho praise.
Hon. Max J. Poiges, Alderman ot
the Eighth District, residing nt 36 Rlv
Ington street, New York, suffered with
the Grip. Two bottles ot Peruna cured
him. He also writes that he knows a
laigo number ot peoplo who have been
cured of the Grip by Pejmnn.
Hon. Clmrles W. Culkln. Alderman
of the Seventh Assembly Dlstilet of
the Borough of Manhattan, residing
at 4"i Eighth avenue, New Yoik, writes
Unit he was laid up several days with
the Gilp. On the fifth day he was ad
vbed to liy Perunn. He did so and
found himself bettor within twenty
four houis. This iciucdy soon re-
test will take place between some of
the best local talent as may bo seen
Horn the following llsl. Misses Molllc
McDonnell, Lucy Mooney, May Kn
nedy, the Hnnnlck slsteis, Miss Annie
Jones, Agnes Revels, Pilccburg: Master
Tom Muiphy, Moigan nnd Wnshhutn
Sci anion Foul and Roniuy, Jesiup.
Any one desliln;,' to enter the contest
may notify Malinger Gibbons, of the
opeia house. The pi Ices mc ten and
twenty cents.
Miss TessL. Nallln, of South Scian
tou, spent Suitdiy with filmdf. heic
Edwnid O'Malley, or Seventh fctreet.
who had his aim lnjtned while at woik
In No. 2 mines 011 Tlutnulav, Is getting
along nicely.
Mi. and .Mis, Gringo Fcigusou aic
visiting icMtlves In Philadelphia
Mrs. P. II. of Newaik. N.
J., Is the guest of 1 datives In
A number of poisons fiom heic at
tended the funeial of the Into James
Manlcy, at Dunniuie, vcsteuluy morn
ing William Todd ot Wllkes-Ratie. Is
vlHltlng .Mr and Mis Matthew Mackoj,
of Lackawanna sheet.
John Edwauls Is iccoveilng ft 0111 an
attack of tho gilp.
John Hill spent Sunday nt bis home
In Edwnulsvllle.
The teacheis of the Foiutli district
will hold an institute In the Old Forge
High school on Satuulay next, opening
at 1.30 o'clock. The progiamnie nr
langed for the institute Is as
Language and composition. Prof. T. R.
Cojne reading, JJIss Gertrude Sim
mons, geoguiphy. Pi of. Charles Web
er; hlstoty, Miss Qulnn, lexicology,
Pior. James I. Toley. "Promini.t
Events of the Nineteenth Centuij."
Tiff. Samuel .1. Phillips, "nutt of
an American Citben," James E Wnt
klns, esq.; "The Teacheis' Prof 03 5. 1 on."
Superintendent J. C. Tnloi All toncii
crs ot tho above district ate tpqucstej
to be present
The Pi ice Llbi.nv association, one of
our most worlhv Institutions in town
will hold n public enteitn nr.ient 01
Friday, Feb. 13. The best local talent
Is being seemed to paitlcpat Thos
Inteiested in the association will keep
in mind this date.
As winter has at last iipi-enied in
a foim of a heavy fall of now It is
epected that the Twentieth C'enuuy
club will hold Us anninl sluUn rldo
to Moscow.
Electiielans Bell and MIIVi. cl the
Taylor Eleclile Light weto
busy last week wiring tlu Welsh on
gregntionnl chuich propamine to the
placing of lights In thnt urtifii .
William Gioss, aged '.'2 ysau, .1 iei-1-dent
of Noith T.ulur, div at the
Mo.ies Tavlor hospital on riundiy lioni
pneumonia Tb- fitneia' will ooeui to
day. Mis. Daniel Jones, of Soitvi Sc rauron,
visited lel.Uhes Iu town in Hie Sab
bath. Amelia Deeliella, who wa- nijtned at
the Slblev mine last weik. died ou
Sunday ut thf Lackawanna ho'tpltnl,
whoie he was lecclvlnt, tieatment.
Mes.-is. William Tiibbs. P.lchuid J
Gendall. S. Mlllei ami John R.
Thomas spent Sundav with ft lends In
Mis Ilnbou Inalis. ul Noith Main
Mieet, Is seiiously ill Her daughter,
Miss Janet. Is lecoveilng Horn her re
cent illnes'.
A laflle for the benefit of John Cai
man, who had the mlsfoi time to lnciiU
his leg some time ago, will b held at
rieighba hotel In Noith Tav'01. cm
Mai oh JO,
Missels Small .1. Hughes und Annie
Pav Is stient the Sabbath as guests of
fi lends in Piovldencs.
Piesldent W. B. Owens, of the Tavlor
boaul of health, will leave this week
foi H111 1 tabular, wheio he will attend
U13 state boaul session.
Miss Eva Davis, of Hyde Path, was
tlifj guest of ft lends hoio loeently.
Misses Helen Davis nnd Nellie Me-I-
tin. ot West Sci anion, were guests of
Mlsies Ra and Jessie Men guns, of
West Mlnouka, on the Sabbath.
An Impoituut session of Lackawanna
lodge, No. IS, American Ladles' Piot
estant association, will bo held this
evening. All members nro lequested to
be piesent
Miss Annie Phillip'', of Hyde Park,
visited Miss Ljdln Hosklus, of Ather
ton street, on Sunday,
Opetator George Rlttet, nt Ralltoad
stieel. Is ablo to lie mound after a
seveie attack of the gilp.
Mr and Mis. John Biay, who have
been the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Watklns. of Main Mieet, for tha past
week, have letuined to their home In
iliii'.ll, Iud.
Thcie will be a meeting of the Ladles'
I'otclgn Missionary society of tho
Methodist Epli.opnl cmiicIi this after
nan at : o'elj't a inn tvoino of Mi.
.'bines Web1)!-. Follow Inp. this thoro
will be a meeting of the ladles of tho
congtegatlon to make pieparatlons for
their annual supper which takes place
this month.
M. V, O'Bilcn wishes to stato that
ho Is not a candidate lor Judge of elec
tion In tho Thlul ward,
Misses Mary McLuughlln, Nellie Mc-
stored him to his usual vlgorou
Miss Anna A. (McDonnell. Post Poca
hontas of Jemassco Council No. 105, I.
O. R. m.. of New Yoik, residing at 62
West Forty-ninth street, New York
City, writes that she has becti cured of
the Grip by Pcruna.
Mr. Joseph A. Flinn. Alderman of
tho Fifth Aldcrmanlc District, resldlngrjw
at 104 Clulstopher street, New York'
City, w 1 lies: "The Grip has entered
thousands of our homos this winter,
nnd I notice that the people who us
Peruna me quickly restored to health.
I hnd the Grip, took Pcruna, nnd In a
few days was about my dolly work."
Mr. Martin Edwards, President of
tho County Clare Men's Benefit Socie
ty, G22 West Forty-ninth street, New
Yoik, writes that he was cuted of the
Grip by a Hliort coiuse of treatment
with Pcruna.
Miss Blanche Ditmont, President of
the Athenla Club, 4110 Aldrlch avonue.
North, Camden Place. Minneapolis,
Minn., says she was cured of tho Orlp
Nothing helped her until she tried Pe
runa. Felt better next day after be
ginning Its use. Was ablo to bo out of
bed the third day. She also tolls of
others who were cured by Pcruna.
Donald. Knto Waters, Nellie Keap,
Anna McNulty, Messrs. James McFar
lane, W. J. Summon, John McKcon.
J. C. Wnters. William Golden. James
Boylan, Charles Druffner. James Ear
ley, John Tlgue, John Reap, Hany
Heap and .Martin Curley nttended the
Catholic Total Abstinence union con
vention nt Keystone Sunday.
Tho matrlage of iMlss Mary, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alkman,
of the West Side, and James Allen, of
Scianton. is announced to take place
on Thursday evening, Feb. 14, at S.30
Miss Clara Schlagcr will act as
pianist In Lawrence's orchestra at the
pioduetlon ot "Schulamlte." a four-act
dinino, to be piesented by the Young
Men's Hcbtew association nt Scranton
this evening.
Mrs. Palmer, of Wllkes-Barre, nd
dio.ssed the congregation of the Pres
bytotlan church on Sunday cvenlng.thc
occasion being a union rally of tha
pupils of the Methodtat Eplscopaf and
Piesbyttilan ohurches.
Dr. Pier eft last week to undergo
tieatment for the eyo In a hospital at
Philadelphia. Mi. Pier accompanied
A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. O'Brien, is ciltically HI of scarlet
?ptclal to the Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Feb. 4. The census de
puitmcnt givesi the population ot somo
of Susquehanna's boroughs and town
ships as follows: Subquelianna bor
ough, 3,S1.'; Lanesboro borough,. $21;
Montrose borough, 1,827; Great Bend
boiough, 836; Great Bend township,
1,0000; New Mllford borough. 715; Now
Mllfoul township, 1.20G; Hallstead bor
ough, 1,101.
Mrs. Orln Mnttlson, an old and re
spected resident of North Jackson, died
on Sunday. The funeral will take place
on Tuesday afternoon.
Miss .Mary Cuitls, a nurso In a New
Yoik hospitnl, was called to North
Jnekson today by tho death of her
giandmothcr, Mrs. Orin Mattlson.
Tho Milk Reporter states that "as a
matter of fact the Five States asso
ciation bns done nbout as much to ln
cieaso the matket value of milk as the
old woman contributed with oils to in
crease the volume of water In Uie sea
no more, no less."
Messrs. E. W. Jackson, Albert Pal
kenbury and H. C. Miller were guests
of Colonel C. C. Piatt, In Blnghamton,
on Sunday.
General Supeilntendent Van Keuren
and other E1I0 officials, who Jnavo been
heie for seveial days, left In theHr spe.
einl car on Sunday.
Thcie came last night and today, to
this section, the heaviest snowfall of
the season.
Mildred Holland and company ap
peared in Hogan opera houso this
evening, in "The Power Behind the
Tho Philadelphia Prcssmentlons Hon.
0. Fred Wright, of Susquehanna, as a
possible candidate for governor.
According to President Thomas, of
tho Eiio, to grant tha demands of tha
stilklng boilei makers would mean an
Incieafo of $1,000,000 a year in tho pay
tolls, which is more than flic company
can rtand
Miss Telia Roe, of Lestershlre. who
was called to Biandt by the death and
timet al of her father, returned homo
on Satuulay.
Supeilntendent W. "L. Derr, of the
Susquehanna division of tho Erie, who
has lieen HI nt the Starrucca house, is
The 1 cumins of tho Infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blake, formerlv
of Susquehanna, wero brought here on
Saturday afternoon and intei red In
Laurel Hill cemetery.
1 1 ciin tho tn lianci.-fo Chrome !c.
Itciclilent 1 vt Vaughan bae, tntnt) niilci hem
Tirniru, arn luilnj a bly hunt alter neien
v lulc vliU h wtc-rnl aujlun lii Christinas
iIjj. Peine inutile to find tho narrow channel
leading out of Hie bay, iho wlulc luic been
ciiclliii; aioiiml and rutting all torta of intl
Iliulmcn luii' been able to approach within
thirty tKt of th"m, pud ncerral parties, with
jii is luio ktartccl to hut them down.
The hunter arc now trying to awiire tho lur
pociu used lij Taeoma. fUhcmicn threo yearn ajo
nheu they raptmrtl a Mg C'illoniU giay uhali
vhlch jlcldoil 60) baitele of oil. M that then a
cuinnn wis mounted on a tut; mid Sreel ut tin'
whale mWuI llino-s without fflcrt At lil
InrponiH viie clink Into lilm, j ml lie toiel
tlneo loubojts aiound Peyet Kiuiid for nice
a hundred tnlln Ily tlut time ho was to tired
that lances rouhl be iifcd tli dracllv eftis t
It i Intended to nixsit thU picras If harpooin
ian bo trcuied before the whalrn ecape. V
liuiiilx-i nf children ho crocu Vauchan bi In
lonbnat to co to mrool are Majlng- at hone
mill tho ili.ilfH ihupin-ar.
To Prevent the Gup
Uvatliu Uroiuo Quinine irmovrj the cau.e
mller nterr aUTenltuiK cp.sTalilt.l7h7
1 il, IIospiUlI asa Atuit auigeoa Uila,
ni(mt(Q tiheiea,jstMaii"ios2lIlBhrun.
, tunrcsnj,itui)rTt!iTcy. rrecri cam
rnreitl In 4 to 10 elnra. Th moi clanierooa csm
went by niall. Sendf or Sworn "jWlmonWa V Hook ei .
Vms trcrj (Ut IniUUUt.UKUKia AMtdlcai (iuL