f - ii T j? sV ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1901. WEST SCRANTON TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF UNITED CHRISTIAN EN DEAVOR SOCIETY. .Fittingly Observed by the Society of the Washburn Street PresbyteHnn Church East Evening Officers of St. Mark's Lutheran Societies. Father Hubert's Mission Work t Holy Cross Church Funerals Yes terday Meeting of Welsh Bap tists Tomorrow Other Notes. Tlir- twentieth nnnlvoriaiy of the united Christian Endeavor society writ fittingly observed by the local society of the Washburn Street PresbyteHnn rhurrh lant evonlriR. The lecontly elected oltlcers of the organisation were duly Installed, and the iro Krammo observed throughout the -woilil was nlso carried out. This sri vices wore opened with oon Krepatlonal singing, Scripture reading by I. A. Stoti. and prayer by Dr. "Moffat. "Good Courags ns We Get It from the History of the Past" was the subject of a paper read by WIN llntn Eurrall, In which ho Kiive a. utatlitlcal review of the Christian En deavor movement from Its inception. I'rof. Stono read greetlngH from the wide world of Christian Endeavor, and "The Principles Underlying the Great Christian Endeavor Societies" were road by David Phillips. Mrs. Herbert 3 tall icad a poem entitled, "Fellowship In Service," and the following ollicers wero Installed by Dr. Moffat: President, Miss Harriet Chamber lln: vice president, Miss Emma Frank; recording secretary, Miss Edith Terry; financial secretary, Miss Louisa Flynn; treasurer, David Phillips; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. It. A. Nlemycr: I'horlster, D. A. Stone. Mlsa Chambcr 3 In afterwards delivered a brief ad dress to the officers and announced tha halrmen and committees for the com ing year. Dr. Moffat closed with a few brief irmarks, In which he particularized on the exemplification of the work of training young people for the sorvics of Christ. The services wcro interest ing and Instructive, and were attended by a large congregation. f A Nineteenth Century Meeting-. 'A meeting to review the organization und progress of the Welsh rtnptlst t'hurches of Northeastern Pennsylva ult will bo held tomorrow afternoon ABOUT THIS f COUGHS out for ( and colds TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Sewing Machines We do not talk Sewing Machines very ofteu, the fact being that our machines do their own talking, and sale3 are ever on the increase. However, Spring Sewing Time Is near, and as inquiries for these celebrated machines ol ours are more numerons than they have been in a long time, we have come to the conclusion that the people ought to Icuow something about them. Our Q, sewing Machines ,ot of the regular Department Store pattern. We c i ' the trade to produce a better machi ue, viewed . . '.:y standpoint you will, than we offer. Its cabi net work speaks for itself more importance is the Machine Itself 'It, is made by the largest and best kuowu firm in the world, and is a duplicate of their best machine in everything except the name. Because it lacks this ' you get it here for about forty per cent, of what it will cost if you insist on having the name otherwise there is no differenco. If in the market for a machine, bring an expert and look ours over. Every machine sold is guaranteed by us and the makers in exactly the same way as the highest priced machine built. Globe Warehouse and evening at the First Welsh Bap tlst church. South Main avenue. Addresses will be delivered on the following topics: "The Organization of the Church," Eev. W. D. Thomas, Plttston; "Thci Ministers." ltev. J. T. Griffiths, D. D., Eansford; "Tho Hun day Schools of the Period," Prof. J. 11. Hughes, Hyde Park; "Th Mcasaga of the Pulpit." new J. E. Davits. Plymouth: "The Churches and Urn Young People," new It. E. Williams, Parsotn; "The Work of the Associa tion," ltev. W. F. Duvles, Providence. Mission at Holy Cross. The mission services which have been In prosress for several days nt Holy Crow church, Bellevue, under tho direc tion of new Patrick Cunningham, clowd yesterday. Tho services havo been attonded with much huccpks, and Father Hubert has met many of his boyhood acquaintances In tho parish, Tho Holy Crofs Literary society will rontluct an entertainment In the base ment of the church this evening, at which Father Hubert will lecture, and tomorrow evening he will be the guest of St. Peter's Total Abstinence and Henevolent society. The following pro grammo hats been arranged for this evening: Vocal solon, Mrs. Payton, Will F. Burke. Edward Walsh, Sydney Hughe, William Lynott and John Sheridan; Instrumental sf lection, Misses C'ogglns and Connery. St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Uev. A. L. Itamer, Ph.D., occupied lila pulult at St. Mark's Lutheran church at both services yesterday. In the morning he preached an excellent sermon on "The Christian's Howard, an Incorruptible Crown," and In tho evening ho spoke about "The Bight Use of Heavenly Gifts." Tha seasons for the Holy Communion for tho ensuing year will be tho follow ing dates: February 24, Jlrst Sunday in Lent; April 7, Easter; May 2G, Pen tecost; September 1; November 3, Reformation Sunday. Every communi cant should endeavor to bo at each one of the communions during the year. Tho annual election for the different offices In the several organizations of the church took place recently and re sulted as follows: Woman's guild-Vice-president, Mrs. P. G. Whetstone; secretary, Mrs. Lizzie Krlegcr; treas urer, Mrs. W. L. Grass. Sunday school Assistant superintendent, George Krager;. secretary, George Allen; treasuier, Mary Kaucher; librarian, Chalea J. Johnson: assistant Ilbrarlun, Hennon Johnson. Luther leuguo President, Charles J. Johnson; vice president, George Allen; secretary, Mrs. John Dcnn; treasurer, Emma Wulther; organist, Emma Wnlthcr. Among the Churches. A praise and song service was hold ot the Jackson Street Baptist church last evening, followed by a short ad dress on tho topic, "Building for Eternity." by tho pastor, ltev. Thomas do Gruchy, D. D. Miss Daisy Wright Hall sang two appropriate solos dur ing the service. All those reslrlng to unlto with the church are requested to meet with tho deacons in the vestry at S o'clock this evening. at a glsnce, but what is of W( A. Burton, assistant ccretary ot the Railroad Young Men's Christian association, conducted the Senior 13p worth League meeting at the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church last evening, AH persons who wcro con verted In, tho Hampton Street Motho tlMt Episcopal church during the re cent revival meetings arc requested to meet the pastor this evening at 7.30 o'clock In the lecturo room ot the church. The morning service at the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church yester day was conducted by L. M. Keene, and at the evening service Prof. Plum ley preached the sermon. At tho Washburn Street Presbyter Ian church yesterday morning, all those who wjero converted during tho special servlies held recently were re ceived Into church membership. Mrs. Knauss and 'Miss naudenbunh conducted the Epworth League meet ing In the Simpson Methodist Episco pal church last evening, and at tha 7.S0 services Dr. Sweet preached on Instructive sermon on "Profitless Hearing, or Hearing for Profit." Funerals Yesterday. Service over tho icmalns ot the Into James Brace were conducted yester day afternoon nt 2.30 o'clock nt the house, CSC North Hyde Park avenue. A large number of people were In at tendance. Interment was mnde In tho Washburn street cemetery. The funeral of the lato Andrew White occuncd yesterday afternoon from tho house on Robinson street. Interment was made In the dihedral cemetery. Many llfe-long acquaintances of the lato Thomas Itlel attended tho funeral services at St. Patrick's church on Saturday morning. Tho cortege was an unusually largo one, and Interment was mado in tho Cathedral cemetery, where tho deceased had been sexton for many years. The pall hearers were members of tho Catholic Mutual Bene fit association, of which the deceased had been a member. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Joseph Ansley. Jr., of North Main avenue, who has been prospecting In tho west for several yeuis, is nsraln Identified with his fathei in the lum ber business. Georgo Malott Is having a substan tial residence built on the South Main avenue side of tho Bound Woods tract. Oscar Ycager, of North Sumner avenue, has returned from a visit with his parents In Hazleton. William Shoemaker, of North Sum ner avenue, Is confined to his homo by illness. Mrs. John Ttenchler, of Nnilh Lin coln avenue. Is in Factoryv'll" attend ing her mother, who Is ill Miss Nellie Nash, of Ninth street. Is visiting relatives In Hnllfltrwl. Wallace K. Billings, of ?-vih Jlyfl" Park avenue, Is spending ;i fn- days with friends In Wllkes-Barro. Miss Ethel Bartholomew, of S-iut'i Hyde Park avenue, is 111 at lur bom". Raymond Hughes, ot North Sumner avenue. Is suffeilng from th- gtlp. J. P. Swisher, of South Mam nwnuo, has roturnul from a visit a Tunk hannock. W. Tl. Thayer, of South Miin nvc nil", spent the latt or part ot :.ist week in New Yoik. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Phnbm are visiting lelatlves In Su-queh.inn.i county. Misses Annette Henwr.od and Eliza beth Richards, of Laivyville, Wyo ming county, are visiting filunds In town. Mrs. Wllll.un Miller. si-., of South Hyde Putk avenue, Is 111 at her lioni'. Louis Linman i-s In Schuylkill coun ty on a business tilp. Mr. and Mrs. Fwmk SUeillug. of South Slain avenuo, haw iMurn.il home from a visit with lulutivcK In Sydney, N. Y. MlbS Northup. of cicnuuin. N the guest of Mr. and Mi. Jtul. Ayli--worth, of Jackson sti.'it The Mioses Pulver. of Pnfuon. N. J., aie vitltlng fi lends lit lown. A son has boon hum lo .Mr. nud Mrs. David Wyllf. of Seranton Mieet. Announccnunt l mnde of Mie mnv rlago of Eugene nucha and Mis Eva B. Fredenburgh. at Hpil'utli !, ?,l.u.. iccently. The young woman foimsilv resided with hor gr.indinor'- , at ."Oil North I.'ncolii avenue, nud it quite well known about town. Daniel k. O'Connor, the Robinson street hotolk.per.was ! year- old r.n Saturday, and tho event was iif.i.v.-,iy eelebtated at his liot.'l by a numb? of his frlonds, who j.r.s-n t-'l i-Ini with a testimonial of thli ng.ud. Tho event was a total surpils to Mr. O'Connor, but ho was equal tj tno occasion and entertained his kucUs loyally. The degiee team of the liiwi P.ldpe amp of Modern Woodmen will woik the initiatory degree on fever.il can didates In tho local tamp at Ivonto hall this evening. All members of the Young Women's Christian association are requested to attend the meeting in the rooms this ivenlng. William Eurgo and Miss Loul.- James wcie united In l.nrWago en Saturday evening by Hew Thorn is do Oruchy at thci parsonage of th Jack son Rtteet Baptist church. Uev. D. P. Jones, of tin Tubernpi-lo Congregational church, preached an English sermon to the youn' pecple last uvdnlng on tho euhjeuc "Tha Queen of Society." The William Conncll file club win meet for rehearsal this evening In their ioom3 In the Mcars building. Members nro requested to he prcsnnt. Specialty. Diseases of Women. Room 1, over Globe store. Hours: 1 to r.30 p. m. Consultation frup. Dr. Treverton. GREEN RIDGE. There hat been a change tor thr better in Mr. A. (1. Thomson, wliofe fcrloui lllnem hat been a cause of tniiety to lilt friend, and he It now kteadlly tmprolny. Jin. J. R. Ie, of MejHrt avnme, U ill fiom a Mitte attack of Blip. Online to the illneu of the ptor, Rev. I. J. Lan.IiiK. there ere no icrWrcj In th Crcsn Itldgo Trcibyterlaii chmch lat cvrnlnv. ltfv. I.. It. foiter, nbhtant pattor, preached In the inoiiiinsr. l.oiell Uttmitff, ot PtUture ttitct, I- ecu flind to his homo by illne. Jtr. Vun Allin, ho I:h tirrri a guost of Sir. and Mr. A. O. Thomaion, uill return to hli home In llufljlo this mornlntf, .Hid will be arcom. rattled by Matter llobett und MIm Porothy 'Ihomakon. The memherii of tlie Voutisr Men' elub of the rhuicli of the Cood Shepherd have entered Into a lonltst between themselu to Inmate their membership. Ihete ato two fattloiu, known ai the Orange and Illack. The bltlo obtalnlnu the ereati-st number of new member it to be ban. A GREAT SURPRISE I In itore for U who iic Kemp' Diliam for the Throat and laing, the treat guaranteed remedy. Would jou be!lee that It U old on It merit and any drujtjtit it aulborbed by the proprietor of IhU wonderful retried v to etc sou a ainplo bottle ftcej U never fall to cure atute or chronic rough. All druggist lt Kemp's Balsam. Price 25. and Ke. utd by the tnia of tit ther color. Bo fr th nlnnln; ont are only en head. Both ridel era woralnt bird ami much lntertit It felt in the te lull. The Klnaj'i Daughter will meet at the home of Mr. Ilolen Pranklln, on Sanderjon avenue, tlil ercnlntr. ,A pleaunt earptli pirty rat tendered to David Itunfuntn, of Delaware itreet. The ten Ing; rt tpent rith gwtt and vocal and lntru mental music. Lunch was icrved at midnight. Thoio preatnt were! Hibel Bloomer, Clarice llloomtr, Dora Grig, Unit O'liara, Maria Htrtwlck, Kmtna Ilirtwlck, Adlna llunltmen, Clara DeLong: Henry Schwinker, Itnc Ituntr men, Datld Huntnncn, Frank Hunttmen, Olio Welntchenk, Joteph WelnschenV, Itor Davit, Pred Davit, Ocorgc King, Joe Moran, TJmer M'ldener. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Christian Endoaror Celebration at Presbyterian Church Miss Hoyt Entertains Other Notes. The twentieth bltthday of tho Christian Kndeavor was celebrated last evening at tho Providence Pres byterian church. The following pro gramme was rendered: Hymn, "Awake My Soul: Hcrlpture, Josh. 1: 1-11, read In unison; prayer; hymn, "A Song of Courage": Introductory, read by Miss Until Jackson, president of the Providence society: "Good Courage of the Past History," written bv Miss Mai y Benedict, read by Miss Catherine Oabrlal: hymn, "Stand Up for Jesus": "Good Courage of tho Present," by Mr. II. 11. McKeehon; poem, read by Miss Ida Christmas; hymn. "How Flim a Foundation": "Good Courage for the Future," read bv Mr. Carl Zolglor; hymn, "For Christ and Church." ltev. Dr. Guild, who hud general charge of the service, mado an earn est address on "He Sttong and of Good Courage." Two splendidly ten dered nnthems by the choir gave added interest to a service that attracted a large attendance and which proved to be Interesting throughout. Miss Hoyt Entertained. Miss Imogene Hoyt entertained a number of hr friends from Jermyn iiiul this section last Filday evening nt her home on DlcKson avenue. Garner and music were the chief amusements of the evening. Mr. James Klsby ren dered a violin i.olo, whlld Georgo Kvans gave a vocal selection. At a seasonable hour, dainty refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Td.i Giles, Almas Baker, Mabel .Tonkins, Mary Nicholson and Imogen Hoyt; Messrs. Clarence Hoyt. Gcoigc Evnni. George Morkln, William Woodrulf, TMwaid Giles and James Klsbv. TOLD IN BRIEr. An excellent programme Is belu-j prepared by the members of the Flrr Christian church, which Is to bo given Feb. U. at the church. Tickets arc -'" cents. A social will follow the enter tainment. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cohen, ot West Market .street, celebiated n dinner feast Friday evening. In honor or the Cohen and Lewis wedding partv. Those jnesenl wore: llev. and Mrs. IT. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. U. Cohen, o, Ptinxputawney, P.i.; Mr. and Mr. Locks, of l!uff.tlo. .V. Y.: Mr. and Miv. llanott, of LottMana: Pauline Hnirls, of Wllkes-Hntre, and Misses l?oslo Cohen, Padle Cohen, Nestle Maby, Anna Atlas, Sarah Hluch: Messrs. A. H. Lewis, Samuel Cohen. Monro, Har ris. Samuel Itloeli, .Toj.eph Cohen. The messed Virgin Sodality 'of th Holy P.ontv churrh will hold n pro givs'lve etirhio nest AWtlnesdny pvi n Ing ut St. MaryV hall, on AVest Mtti k"t stteet Nothing will be left tin done to itieike tin- exciting itn enjoyable line and It i expei-led that u large iitic-nditiice of Sivlallsts will be ptf otil. Thete will be three prizfs given to the lucky contphlnntx. The gunio will stiti-t promptly ut o'clock. TlKiin it (iiecti. nf Dtitrh fl.tp. war. fttfittetl by OflUer Wutklns an 1 ar laigiied b-'fiiie AUl"rman Myem, fo,' being helplesfly dtuiil:, near Weston nlnec. lie w. lined ,J, which "ie paid It wan n-i'c'tiniy to ff the Liberty Host- wagon to bring Gr-n lo t'te station ttoiiM'. William Oandro. ..f West .Market hired, wits yuftetday lined $; by AI lei niaii Myvrs for being drunk and dlsotdeiiy. whhh h paid. The membei.s of the I'lofxed Vir gin Sodality of Holy ltoary chinch will hold a piogies-le euchre part' on Wedtfmluy nlghl In SI. Maiy'.' hill. Tlnce prl'.f-s are lo b- a warded the itic ky icmteslaniK. PEUSONALITIES. MIsms Uertlia and Mabel Martin, of Plains. N. V., are visiting Mr. and Mis. Norman Williams, ot Nay Aug nvfiiue. Mt.s, Georgo Cotton, of Wilkes flarre. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Simp son Wlmrloii, of Noith Main avenue, Mrs. Henry Athcrton, of Noith Main avenue. If. suffering with the grip. All news mutter for The Vrlbune will twelve prompt attention If left In the tin box at Davis' drug storo, corner of Main avenue and Minket street. Mli-s Aiiiilo Keonan, ot Puwnee; street, Is convalescent, Mr Homy A. Smith won the firs; prize In the guessing contest held by the Christian Kndeavor society In the Providence Presbytei Ian church par lors last Friday evening. Mr. Georg" Kvans captured the booby pilzo. James McDonnolI, of Charles street. Is convalescent. Benjamin Myers, of Schultzvllle, visited his brother, Alderman Otto D. Myers, of Church avenue, on Satur day. C. K. Cooper, of Kast Maiket street, who has been sick for the past two weeks with tho grip, Is able to be out again, SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Vive v.eaiy Willie were arreted by Lieuten ant Zant.- ai.d three officcm yesterday momlnte for loatlng on the old roiling- mill prcmlve. 'Iher wuo locked up at the outh tilde atatlon l.uuv... At a hearing before Alderman Donovan they liato their name at Thomat Hall, ftol ert Snjder, P.ltld WeMt, i;dird Reltly anil Patriik Kearney. The latter wJ diicturtcd while the otr.cu were fined M each. In default of niilclt they were cottimlttce to the ceunty Jail tor flvn dayi. HeiTnan Wormbachrr, uho lad liU hand ka rorely injured at the eViuth oiV.a. I able, to attend to hU duttct agatn. Chatlej Dlppre, of COW Alder ilreet, ll con(lnd to hi heme with a fiozcn hand. Mm. William Ilocb, of CL'l Alder itreet, It it. rioiuly ill. Tlie Bt. Irenes aoeiety will meet thl evening in Pharmacy hall. The WorklngmcD' Dencfielal orl will hold their annual masquerade ball on Thundir, . ruary 18, The St. Marya Glee and Uramatlo auoclatlon tttll hold their monthly meeting thl evening in Ct. Mary" hall. The annual ball of the St. Alojniu toeiety ill be held In St. Jcph'tf hall, and not in Cab lcrj' ball, a preioutly announced. Kdward Puller, uho had hla foot Injured at the Cliff work, 1 attending to his duties again. lUPf HI mL If V iS aHP t5i7vim y-ak-s.' wmm UiaYH lV V? VZ52M2, SBgi DUNMORc DOINGS. Funeinl of the Lnte Mrs. Snrah Senmans Other News and Per- sonnl Nolct. The funcial of the into Mis. Small Stvtmnnn took plnro from the home of her (laiiRlitpr, Mis. II. 11. Mace, of Dudley Micct, yesterday afternoon. A hii'RO nuinher ot old friends of th ile t'paMd wen' jiti'fient, and many hand Home dotal offoiliufswcre banked about the casket. ltev. i:. .1. llaughton, of the Ihilsco lal elltltih. olllel.'ited at the liottxe, while lte W. V. (llbboiis r the Pr-H-hvterlan t liutelt.ollliiateil at the rwivu. The tiall-bfiiiets weie Ir. .tames I,. Ilea, .Mortis Ijniuu, 'I'liomus H. Howe, ChnrlPM Jones, V.. I). IIiikIics and .M. I.. Fine. Tin' tlo -i -litn i is weio .1. I.. .Swan and 'I'. S. Hojikln. Intennont wai made In Forest Mill eenteterj. Biief News Notes. The 1 .mill's' Aid society of the Pivi hylei l,iti clnitch will hold their regular monthly mettlnff Ith Mb, r,. it. Fowler, of I'hrrry street, on Thursday nftei'lliiiili ut J.uti ii'i'loek. The rtliui.il of the vnerable Thoinaa Mi Donald will til.i place ft inn M. .Maiy's clnitch thl 11101111111; at 'J o'clock, w la 11 it siilcmn liltsli mah- of letitllem will he elebiatcd. Uev. Dr. 1 .014,111 oemplcd lite pulnlt nt the lieab let lun ehiiivh jettenlay mornliiK. Albeit 'W.iKrU'i Is Indisp.iud at his home on Hlakely htreul. Jacob T'astellllie, a loritiet uell known resident. Is cltvnlatliifj amoiip; old tiLiiualiittiiHfS in town. Vandyke I'lnekney, of lilooin strctt. Is now niiplii.cil by the IOIk Hill Coal and linn eompmiy. at their geuei.il iiIIIcm ut Seriiiitoii, hi a cletlc.tl nn'-l-tlon. Mis. 1)i t'lmiubeilln. of r.Ukely Mrj'et, Is eoiivaleseenl after her recent lllnes'x. On,t of thu most enjoyable and popu lar froclnl oeeasions of the season was held hi Washington hall, Tlunstlay evening, by the ineiiiheiH of the M, H. and ('. r, elub, n society composed of our popular yountr ladles. I.awrenco's oiehestia furnlslied thu muble foi the men-y crowd, which uumbcicd about seventy couples. Dancing and other social entertainment was indulged in until inldnlBht. A large number of out-of-town suchts were piesent. Too much eiedlt cannot bo Klven the com mittee, who made the affair such a suc cess, and which was composed of the followlni;: Misses Oerttude Matthews, JMIlh Cionk. Maiy Powell, Uessle Hen Jamln, Olive Swurtz nnd Helen llenja ntln. The imtronesses went Mis. Sid ney Matthews, Mis. William Wllon, Mrs. Htehard Webber, Mrs. S. A, i5en Jamln, Mis. William Bower, Mj.h, Hett Hanev and Mrs. Theo. Weber. A piosresslvo euchie party and social will ba conducted tonight hi Manley'a hall by the St. Vincent do Paul society. The proceeds are to be devoted to char ity. The revival meetings at the Tripp Avenuo Christian church have closed. The ltov. Mr. Cobb has been sick for several days, but held his audience to the end Inst night on the topic, "I havo not failed to declare unto you the wholo truth." This wan tho thhtl meet ing held here by this evangelist, which was tho most successful of any yet All told, there has been thirty-eight conversions. Mr. Cobb leaves today for Hochester, X. Y., where ho will stay a few days before leaving for Europe. Mr. Cobb goes with the 'benediction of his many friend?. RELIGIOUS "NEWS NOTES. Dr. Cliailiu I'. Jloblajon, pastor uf tlie Hfcorul Pret,l)jt(rlan rtuirili, preached an eloquent sir. man lit night on "Tho Outir Darkness." )r, Charlr M. (llft'in, iator c( tlie Urn pjrlt MclliodUt I'pUco'al cliurih tpal.p liit ulht ol tlie new romniandment tor the tuentlitli en. tury which lie &aid va "Pay One Hundred Cents on the Hollar." ltev. 3. 11. Austin, pastor of tie AJt Street Methmllit 1'pltcopal thuri'li, told lilt roiicri-gallon latt night just wlial a Christian khould do to be u-orthy ot that nainf. In the mornins hit topic was "Meetlne the X'avfj," Candlemat Day u.11 ebverved on Saturday In all tho Catholic rhunhct in the city. Solemn high mat! a joltnttiUeJ at ft, Peter' cathe dral and lit, lltv. lllshop Hoban blotted the candle to be used riurlnc the coming jcar. lie alio dclhered a (eimon en the "yeast of the Purification." Iter, Marlon L. 1'lror, pastor of Calvary lie. fonned church, preaihei cttitday for a nmni (tradfatt deiotlon on tho part of Christian to ChrUttan Ideal. Ill topic wat "Let Your Via lie Yea." Last night In preached a special tcr mon to the mcinbem of the Christian lhuleaior eoiiety connected Mlth the church. The twentieth anniversary of tho Society of I Christian Endeavor were ciicn at a special ser VfatieiA2'Pimesks&sez BS,a2?as.ji &2KMWii j?vajgs i mwTiac .i74Ljvw - vw-w -t TiwrrtT rjwi Have you seen the sign? fe i)o you Know what tho "In-er-seal" trado mark design moans on a packago of biscuit or wafors? Havo you realized that tho "In-er-seal Patent Package" Is tho greatest step toward absolutely pare food? If not. It's a matter you ought to Investigate. It's Important to every housewife who Includes biscuit In any part of the dally faro. It means that damp, dust and odor no longer havo any effect on the most delicate biscuit, crackers or wafers. When yon order Soda, Milt, Graham, Oatmeal and Butter Thin Biscuit, Ginger Snaps, Vanilla Wafers and Reception Flakes, insist oti getting those which come in the "Iu-er-scal Patent Package." Don't take a sub stitute. Look for the "In-er-seal" trade mark design at the end of the box. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. vice ot the Christian Entleator society ot the Second PirbjtcrUn church in the lecttnv rOuin lift evening. .1. M. thanfc wat the leader of the evening. The programme pnporcd by He. PraniU I!. ClarV, I'. P., wat carried cut Kev. Pr. I!oblnoi, of the seiond clunch, uddro.-ed tho annulling?, adiuoulshli g the members to i.iulmic in their ucrl. and to do all in their power to promote the Chrlntlan plrll. HfV, Pr. Hubert V. . Pierce, patnr of ill I'mn Ait imp Itiptist .'hii-rli, preached .1 rpcclal Mimon last night in foinmtinnration of the tvtntleth annivcrati of the ftnrtlng of tin Christian Imdeaor movement. H quoted inntir fgure and facU lo fliow the marvelous gro'th of the nioieinfiit In the Iit teny year. The doctor Mid tint he lioliaed that if the Chris. thin Kndrmor moietnent had bfen started by tin old people It would haw been ilend long jgo. 'II, i' great Jp"d of hUlut;, he a,, wcrp dvir bv joun? men and lomni, JuIuh f jeMr. II1.1 nihil, Sipo'coi and .Imn ot Are wcie all c nt pu.ttlieh in tln full vigor of Ihclr voting bus whin tlu.v were 111 th height of their glory, 'Tli, csperid thing I like about Chrltllan Cn deavoi vvoik," said bo in conclusion, "It the v,'' til fiuleninr. 'J hoe jip to,, many people who IH'fivt In ho thritthins Inn wo don't work at it. II ', a braiitltul thing In bo Mul hut Its a fur tin.io bcai'tlful thing to be F.nnl and then to mvo ntlicrf." OBITUARY. JAmes Mauley. billies Mauley, a jounir man about 16 .veari old, dhd at the homo of hit parents, Mr. and Mm. I'.itriik Mjnle.i, of Pine sheet, Dunmorc, on -vitiirtliy morning. Ho bad boiti j patient Mif. feiu for Kcveral muiitliK, being atfllcted with uli ei of tho stomach, which, despite the best nndltal altin lain,, 'outinuid to glow worc until death tellrvid him of his siirleringt. Pre Iuih to liW lluct be wjs a studoiil at the Soinntiiti fliKlnest 10'igo. He is sutviicd bv bis InliliN and the following brother and sNtert: Mm, Th,iiiia, William and flerabl, and Mlws Tisslo am! 'lillle. 1 hi- funeinl will take plaie this moiling and tntiriniiit will he made in tho Pi.ninoto I alliolie foiiH'tirv. Fiank O. Butteifteld. The .iniioutniuunt of the doith of t'raiii. O. Iluttoifiild at hit home on Clay attmic. Dun. more, euro as huiptl.e to hi many friends, who vine not .mare that ho was seriously HI lb' had Ken dlgluly ill for soviral dais, but on Prnlay last ariiutis conuillcationn n't In whlfh mado his cniiillllou very precaiiou and caiiHod the phjslciins in attendance to prepato for an openllnn on the net 1I13'. hul at thit time hit niudltion would nut allow It ami on Mturday about noon he paed away, lie it unhid by hit wife and five chlldien, l'liiiinl will take placu ioiiiouuvv morning at 10. "0 a, m. lutcrnunt in Putiniore cometctj. Joseph Kvetz. Jutepli KirlA agul "0 )ui, 10 tiiontiis and "0 dajt, died l'nday at bis resjehneo, 212 Adumt avenue. l)tceaed wat born in flemuny, and canio to (-Clinton In l'il. lie was tmplovcd for over furty )iars as a draymin by the HeUiiate, I.a(l;vann and Wcitini coinpanj aiound tlie tar bhops. lie vviu u menibfi of M. Mary's Cithollu thur-li ind St. Pcter'd llenevolttit Mieiel, and is un lived by hit wlte. Ilie luneral will lake plain this mirnini at 11 o'clock at the St. Mary' t'athollii rhurtli, v.l.ue a high nuu of n-quhm will tm celebrated. Edwaid H. Dolphin. Iho body of ndnaid 11. Dolphin, of Denver, Cot., r.it icceiicd In this city ut 10 o'clock je.i teidny morning. Mr. Dolphin died a fiw- dajs ago In Denver of pneumonia. A week ago hit sister, Mrs. Catherine McCaith), died 111 Denver ami the remains were brought on htra for burial. Ha wat a lesident of thlt lty flft'en jurt ago. The remain wue given in charge of fnd'r taker Cuslck. Tho fumral will be hold at -' CO thlt afternoon at St. Peter'a cathedinl. Inter mint will bo in tho Cathedral cemeteij. Ludwlg Miller. l.udwig Miller, aged 'J! .vcars, son of Mi, nd Mrs. Lenhard Miller, of SCI Cedar avenue, ili'd at noon jesterday after ,1 seveic illntts. The deceased wat a firomlnenl oung man of South Scronton and was well liked by his many friends. The funeral will take place lAVdnesdty mornins at 0 o'clock from the family residence. t St. Mary' church a oletnn high tnasa of requiem will lie tekbratcd and interment villi be mado in the (Jennan Catholic cemetery John Beff. John rii'fl, aged 11 jcars, son ot Mr. nul Mit. Jchn BetT, of Korth fcinnner avenue, died yes. terday aftcnioon at 3 o'clock, after an lllnest of one week with diphtheria. ' Young UeU was cmplojed In Hie blndeiy de partincnt ot The Tiibun l'ublishlng company, nml It a brother to llenr.v VJetf, v.ho met with a fatal accident in n collision on the Delaware, Latkuwanna and Western railroad on Tuesday morning last, I'linrril notice latoi. Miss AgneB McCarty. Ml.t Agnc McC'.uty, of Klmhurst, dleil at Ihe Scranton Prlvato licspllal Saturday. She hid been a patient thete for some time. A father, two btother and sister nun he tier. The funeral will take plate thl afternoon. Tin cortege will leave Iho house at 1.15 and tha re trains will bo taken to St. Slary' church, Dun more, whcio service will be conducted. Inter ment will bo made In Jit. Cirmel cemctrry, Ellas Smith. r.llani Smith, a fonucr resident of V'ott Si ran ton, died on Saturday at his homo on Lake ttci't, Elmira, X. Y aged 7d year, lie lived for many jcar on Sumner avenuo and waa cm- ''" mjm i AMUSEMENTS. I YCHUH THEATRE - PClS fc linnGITXDEn, Lessee. A. J. PI'tTV, Manager. M0VDAY. Pf.nnUAItY i. Jtetnrn of tho season' biggest laughing hit, Louis Clara MANN LIPMAN In thtlr orroatlomly funny comedy. All on Account of Eliza Prices -;.',e.. Snc Toe. J.rx nd $1.50, Scats on ule Friday at 0 a. m. 1 -. Tuesday Night, February 5, Return J.'ngagentnt ot Mildred Holland In Her Komantte Drama, Entitle The Power Behind the Throne Feats on Mle Saturday at 9 a. m. l'MCI'S-SSc., 50c, 76e. and ?1.00. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, RBIS&DURUUNDGR HARRY A. BROWN Managers and Lessee. Local Manager. ALL Tins WEEK. Jack Hoeffler's OWN COMI'VNY IN" REl'EKTOIRn. I'menlinc, MONDAY MATINEE, The BItte and the Gray Mvtinee Prices 10 and E0 ctntt. Kvctilng rrices 10, J') and 20 cent. A MAN becomes languid, Irritable and de spondent, tlirouKli'os of nerve vigor. Life eeem a mockery. The courage, force, vigor and action which charac terire full-blooded men, are lacking. have kindled the tight of hope in many a man' fnce. They bring vigor to the weak nnd ambition to the despondent. They permanently check the weak, enlng drains, feed the nerve, enricn the blood nnd make men over gener ally. $1 00 per box: 6 boxes J5 00. With a WW order tie Issue a written guaran tee lo refund the money if no cure be cuectea. jiook irec. s-jsai. .uuuitjwu in Co., Cleveland, Ohio. IB Kor tale by John It. Phelps, PliirmacUt, eorne U)omlng avenue and Sprute street. ployed by the I.acUawanni company at that time at conductor. Ho was general jardinastcr at Elmira tor tlma after leaving this city. Mrs. Mary Cnnavan. Hit. Jlaty Catuvan died csterday at the home of hir Mm. Tlionut Cinavau, K15 Meylert avenue, alter one week's illness, She it survived by Dan hi, .Tchti and Matthew Canavan, and Mrs. John Keaton. I'umral Tuesday at 8 p. m. Interment In JR. Marj't cemctcr. Patrick Mfilloy. l'alikk Jlalloy, aged M jean, died at 3 o'doc'x jK'sti'iday afternoon at hit home, 411 Fellow stnet. Deceased Is stuMved by mi wn ana four t hlldrcn. The funeral services will bo held at Holy Cros church Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock. Iniff ment will bn nuJo in the Catbedrtl uatry. Isaac McCawley. Isaac MiCawley, of 1W3 I'reKott Tnu. died at lilt home latt evening; at 10.50 o'clock, li ncral announcement liter, runerals. lb funcial of Hit lale William Itoran will tali place at Oo'cloik this mcrnlng from th house, 810 r.vnon itnet. Service will b held at bt. Pdtilck'a Catholic church, and interment will bo mado In the Cathedral cemetery. The funeral of Albert Monro, th infant "n of Mr. and sir. John Slonroe, will takt plac toady at 3 o'clock. Interment In Dunmor ceme, tery. ,;g feggg0 Si"vwO -hZt- -J Lfl&a-atl iJti-j ,'.A J.s;.
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