fn,frLHW ,'H' wft v nbutte. cmnton jpJlP- HE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1901. TWO CENTS. " DISCUSSION OF SUBSIDY BILL Will Be Continued In the Senate This Week with Probable Interruptions. WANT NIGHT SESSIONS The Appropriation Bill Will Also Furnish a Subject for Debate Sen ator Bacon Has Given Notice That Ho Will Make Remarks In Favor of a Resolution Introduced by Him Belf Exorcises in Connection with the Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of John Marshall's Appointment as Chief Justice of the United States Will Bo Held by Both Branches of Legislature. By Exclusive. Wire from Tito Associated .'km. Washington, Fob. S. The sunn to will continue its discussion on tho ship subsidy bill during the tlrst half of tlio present week with probable Inter ruptions during the morning hours of the day. Thoro probably will be u movement to secure night cessions on the part of the friends of tho shipping bill Monday or Tuesday and other .strenuous efforts will be made to se cure u vote upon the bill. If it should appear probable that the end of tho discussion is still not in sight Sena tor Allison on Wednesday will ask the senate to take up the bill making appropriations for the District of Co lumbia for the next ilscal year. This appropriation bill will be debated for .several days and when Its considera tion is concluded there will be other appropriation bills requiring attention. The early part of Monday will bo given to tho ceremonies in memory of Chief Justice Marshall and Senator Kacon has given notice that ho will call at tention to some remarks of his upon the resolution Introduced by himself declaring tho right of the senate to demand and receive all papers on llle In the executive departments. He will jpeak at length upon that question and ,'f ho should conclude the day ho will o followed by one of several cx 3onde.d speeches on the subsidy bill, which are held In reserve. Senator Vurner Is counted on for another speech and In case of a night session Monduy night ho will probably under take to speak the session out. It Ik expected that Senator Caffrey will talk Tuesday. The Democrats do not hesitate to suy that In case night sessions are ordered they will demand that a quor um Khali !e maintained. On Satur day eulogies will be delivered In hon or of the late Representative Harmer, of Pennsylvania. In the House. The housa will continue the consid eration of appropriation bills this week. The. postofllco appropriation bill Is nut yet completed. It will be fol lowed by the consular and diplomatic and the sundry civil bill, which last will be reported to tho house tomor rov . The bill to promote the cfllclen sy of the revenue cutter service and to establish national utandardlng bu reau and conference reports will con sume whatever time remains. Tomor row the exercises in connection with the celebration of the centennial anni versary of John Marshall's appoint ment as chief justice of tho United States will be held in tho house of rep resentatives from 10 to 1 "clock. PRESIDENT MITCHELL HOPEFUL Believes Operators and Men Will Como Together at Cotumbus. H.v Inclusive Wire from Tlio Associated Press. Columbus, O., Feb. S. A canvass among tho miners' delegates to tho Joint conference reveals a disposition on their part to insist sttongly upon tho single run of mine standard and a fixed differential of seven cents be tween machine and pick mining. Theirs are two leading propositions in tho miners' scale formulated at tho Indianapolis convention. President Mitchell says tho minors and opera tors arc no further apart than thev were at the beginning of the joint conference a year ago. He la hope ful of an agreement. Some of the op erators, on tho other hand, regard nn agreement as a very remote prob ability. There Is no piospuct of a meoting of tho joint conference for several days, as tho scale committee will not reconvene until 2 o'clock to morrow afternoon and no material progress has yet been made in its work. CLYDE JAMISON BURIED. One of the Heroes of the Siege of Tein-Tsin Burled at Bloomsburg. By Exclusive Wire (rem The As,ociatcd Trcs nioomsburg, Pn Feb. 2. Tho body of Clydo Jamison, who was killed In the siege before Tien Tsln, was burled today from the home of his elsu-i, Mrs. Clara Whltenlght, at Heuvli'lt. with military honors. Tho sermon wan preached by Dr. It. II. Gllb3rt. of the Methodist church, and the services, which were held In that church, wero attended by an Immense throng. Tho funeral procession was headed by tho Uerwlck bands and Included the oigtui lsatlons of the G. A. It., .Sons of Vet erans and the survivors from this county of tho Spanish-American war. Young Jamlsun enllHted and went to the Philippines, being sent from theie to China. It was while partici pating In a charge that ho received his death wound. Tho Plague at Cardiff, fly Excluslv Wlr from The Assoclsted Pirn. Cardiff, Feb, .1. 4,inllir woikmaii has been lllaikfd y a ijIscjm' VthMi is dlagii'weil ,i t tic J-ul'stlu plague WHOLE FAMILY POISONED. Result of Eating Fork Supposed to 'Have Been Doctored. Dy F.xclujlve Wire from Tht Associated Tres. Pittsburg, Feb. 3. As n result of eat ing pork, supposed to have been "doc tored" with some sort of preservative, a whole family was poisoned Inst even in sr. One member Is dead and live others nro cerlously ill. Mrs. Ann Fox, widow of a former well-known coal operator, In dead, and Mrs. Kllen Cuddy, a widowed daugh ter of Mr. Fox: Klla McCartney, a granddaughter of Mrs. Fox: Thomas Cuddy, a grandson; James T. Fox, a son, and Hurry M. Fox, a son of James I' ox, nro seriously 111. The family, who live at No. 2 Lanark street. West End, all ale of spare ribs for supper Inst night and within n short time afterward all were writh ing in agony. Fortunately, a neighbor noticed Mrs. Fox In tho yard vomit ing. Upon Investigation she found members of the family scattered all through tho house, eaoh suffering and helpless, tihe summoned tho family physician, Dr. Ryall, nnd his prompt attention saved all except Mrs. Fox, who died during the night. The others, though still In a critical condition, may recover. The physician says there Is no doubt that boracle or salicylic ncld In the preservative was the cause of tho trouble. THE SPECTATORS WERE ALSO BAPTISED Ice Gives Way During Service at the Conestoga Creek Scene Not on the Programme. By Exclusive Wire from Tlic Associated Tress. Lancaster, Feb. 2. Fifteen hundred people this afternoon gathered in West Knd park to witness the baptismal rites of the German Baptist Brethren, Including Immersion In tho ley waters of tho Little Conestogu, administered to sixteen converts. The exercises were performed by Rev. T. F. Imler, pastor of the local church, and Rev. Jesse Zlegler, of Royersford, Pa., who has been holding a protracted revival servlco here. The creek was frozen over and a large space had been cut out to permit the ceremony. Most of tho converts were children, some of thein not more than ten years old, sev eral of whom cried lustily during the ordeal. Each was led Into the stream and di rected to kneel where the water came up to their necks. Then after being briefly catechised, the candidate was thilce plunged wholly under the water by tho clergyman, the service last ing about live minutes for each. The ministers were In the water fully three-quurters of nn hour. None showed any 111 effects. Tho day was cold and shortly after tho ceremony a heavy snow storm began. Some ex citement was caused by tho breaking of tho Ice under a number of specta tors. Immersing several of them who were not on the programme. " CRAZyYnAKE " TO BE TRIED FOR TREASON The Leader of the Creeks and Seven teen Followers Are in Jail at Muskogee. Uy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Muskogee, I. T., Feb. 3. Chlttl Harjo, or Crazy Snake, tho leader of the warring Creek Indians, and seventeen of the minor leaders of that tribe have been landed in tho federal jail here, where they will be held pending trial for treason. Tho Indians wero brought here from Henrietta under escort of Tropp A, Eighth cavalry, and United States Marshal Bennett and his posse. It Is stated that certain nttorneys whom, It Is asserted here, misled the Indians, may be prosecuted. Marshal Bennett states that while most of the Indians are In hiding, tome are still trying to hold meetings. A posse will be sent tomorrow to arrest Chief Latah Mckko, tho real chief of the Creeks. When place- n prison hero Uarjo and his followers' wero searched, fumigated, their shackles to moved and all were placed In one large ell. A newspaper correspondent, with tho assistance of an Interpreter, had an Interview with Crazy Snake, who said that he saw no leason for his arrest and felt confident that when the In dians were given a trial before tho great white father's court they would be released. Hv said they were acting In good faith and had papers from Washington that gave them the right to establish their old government. Ah to nil tho talk about killing whites, he said it was never their in tention and they expected only to treat nnd act with their own peoplo and In so doing expected llnnlly to get nil tho whites out. Ilo also said that the "fiuat spirit would seo that they Rot Justice, even though their white father In Washington nnd the oil syn dicates were trying to rob them of their once happy hunting grounds." The Indians under arrest here are: Chltto Harjo. alias Crazy Snake, Fred Smith, Hen Deere, Noah Deere, John inn, uuuis .uiiuiii'ii, nam uoga, jacK son Tiger, Louis Varde. Sam Emar- ' imna, aiaiKe hiiieius, John Timothy, Robert Flsk, Abraham Mcintosh, Noah Timothy, Chotkn, Little Tiger and James Starr. Tornado in Texas. n.r Extluilv Wire ficm The Associated Tress. Copprr. Tx Feb. 1. tornado last night did great dannge In llir weitern poitlon of Delta county. The home nt .lames Moody Jt Honed, was wrecked jnd lit H- car-old daughter faul ly Injured. Tink e-urrett k hilled and two dauihters w-rlou-dy injured at rtvttan,, wheis a r.tiinlier of houvs were wrecked. At ponton an oil mill wai wrcikcd hut no one wai hint. Swindling for Fifteen Yeais. By Exclusive, Wire from The Associated Pres. New York. Feb. .V 'Hie polite ul West New York. N. .'., today nirrtUd Aillh Hhtn, who for bitten year. It It nth-gel, I11.1 Won swindling tliu widows of t-lvll war veterans hy posing u u government pension iiyenl, The pulsion bureau iceinlly fnrnlshec the police of all (he larger (lllu ullh photographs ol tho man INTERMENT OP THE QUEEN Take Place at Froomore This Afternoon at 3 O'clock. CEREMONY TO BE PRIVATE Only the Immediate Members of the Itoyal Family Will Attend Arch bi3hop of Yotk, tho Bishop of Westminster and the Dean of Windsor Will Officiate. By Kxcluilve Wire from The Auoclated Pre. London, Feb. 3. The body of the late Queen Victoria has been protected by guardsmen in the Albert Memorial chapel, Ht Windsor, since It wok de posited there yesterday. Tho ofllelals of the royal household at Windsor cnstle visited the chapel today, ns well ns a number of friends, and admit cd the great display of wreaths. The Interment at Frogmore tomor row will be at 3 o'clock p. 111. The ooflln will be conveyed on a gun car riage drawn by artillery horses. Piy the king's special comniund. the cere mony will be public, Instead of pri vate as formerly Intended. The guard of honor will be the Kate queen's company of the Grenadier Guards, the regimental band accom panying the escort to the mausoleum. The ceremony there will be private, the immediate mcmbeis of the royal family attending. The Archbishop of York, the Bishop of Winchester and the Dean of Windsor will officiate. The choir of St. George's chapel roy.il, Sir Walter Parnill directing, will ren der tho music. The choir will meet the procession at the stairs of the chapel and, with tho clergy, will precede the coffin, tho royal personages, with try vants nnd tho late queen's plpeis, fol lowing. A Memorial Service. A memorial service was held this morning In St. George's chapel, attend ed by King Edwardj Queen Alexandra, the Duchess of Cornwall nnd York, Emperor William, the Duke of Con naught. Crown Prince Frederick Will lam, other relations of the late queen and thirty ladles and gentlemen of the royal household. The royal personages wore civilian clothing, the ladles wear ing mourning veils, the whole scene being in contrast with yesterday's bril liant display, for tho body of the chapel was crowded by a congregation In black. Sir Walter Parrull played a prelude by Chamlnade. and Canon, the Marques of Normandy and the Dean of Windsor read tho special lessons. The prayers wero the special prayers prescribed, relating to the reign of Vic toria and the accession of Edward. The choir sang Dvorak's anthem. "BlesM-d Jesus, Fount of Mercy," rendering It with beautiful effect. The Kt. Itev. William Stubbs. bishop of Oxford, de livered tho funeral discourse. After tho servlco King Edward and Emperor William walked In the grounds and in the evening they attended a strictly private service, nt which Mine. Albanl sang. Emperor William will leave Windsor Tuesday, accompanied by King Ed ward. He will take luncheon at Marl borough house, after which ho will drive to Charing Cross station, where ho will tako tho train for Port Victoria, lie will follow the same route by which Lord Roberts entered London on re turning from South Africa, nnd a great ovation Is expected. CARNEGIE SPEAKS ABOUT THE QUEEN The Iron King Praises the Virtues of England's Late Buler An Example of Goodness. Dj F.xdusihe Vthe from The Associated Press. New York, Feb. 3. Andrew Carnegie spoke In Carnegie hall this afternoon upon "The Moral Character of Queen Victoria." "One of the Important traits," said Mr. Camegle, "of Queen Victoria was her large, liberal and generous toler ation of all sects. "Queen Victoria kept her court pure. The chief jewel In her dower was pur ity. No scandal or loose living was ever tolerated there." Mr. Carneglo went on to say that her unvarying kindness to every one, and especially to tho humblest servants, was ono of her strongest traits. Ho i said she onco had a man servant by the nanio of John Brown. He was ono of these lemaritablo men, who would have mndu his mark In any lino of work, and stood very close to the queen. When ho died she had tho fol lowing Inscription put on a tablet above his grave: "A tribute of loving, 'grateful and everlasting friendship from his truest, best and most grateful friend, Vic toria." "If We all treated our servants In that light." commented Mr. Camegle. "I think thero would bo less to say In regard to tho domestic question In this country." After Mr. Carnegie's nddress. Edwin Markham read a poem upon the queen. MADE STUPID BY CIGARETTES. School Superintendent at Cleveland Makes Startling Hcport on Pupils. Py Kxclmlr Wire from The Attoclated Preji, Cleveland, O,, Feh. S. After a, careful in mtlgatlon Superintendent of Schools h. II. .lonra Mi,ia that Cleveland public rchoo puplla aio he Ihr made itupld by aniol.lne clgarettci. "The evil i not m terloiu in C'leteland ai In (-nine other citlia where I have made InuMIca lluiii," uyt Mr. Jone, "hut tho effect-i o cijtarcttcs are rery marked here. Voung lioya aie dull and ntupld and cannot jrain their lea M'3. Iloja of 10 or ii let in In bu mot tnlou.ly afftited." ANTHRACITE COAL TRADE. Stato of Trade According; to the Ledger Article. Dj KxcluMre Wire from The AModited Preu. Philadelphia, Fob. 3. Tho Ledger In Its coal artlclo tomorrow will say: The nnthmclto coal trade boa been somewhat Interfered with during tho past week by tho Inclement weather, which has restricted both tho output nnd shipment of coal. Heretofore tho winter has been singularly favorable to this Important industry, but heavy snows, nu may havo been expected, at length came, and the working at tho mines and movement of trains wero obstructed. Car shortage also has re stricted shipments. OthenvlFc, however, the Industry Is In excellent condition, nil branches of labor are cheerful and the January production has been the largest ever known In that mid-winter month. Tho aggregate anthracite output for 1000 Is now slated to have been 4l.899.S00 tons, compared with 47,0C3,O0O tons In 1899 nnd -ICV.107.-lun In 1SHS. PROMOTION THAT IS WELL EARNED George E. Steele, of Altoonn, Is Made a Second Lieutenant in the Army at Manila. t'y t:.!ulie Wire frcm Tho AMoUited l'r-. Philadelphia, Feb. 3. A correspond ent of the Associated Pi ess writes from Manila In an lnterer.tlng way regarding a Pennsylvania soldier, who has re cently earned promotion in that far-off country. He says: "Former Sergeant Major George E. Steele, of Altoonn, has been commis sioned a second lieutenant In tho army. This promotion Is duo to merit atone, Lieutenant Steele having made an ex cellent record with the Forty-third Volunteer Infantry during the last year on the Islands of Samar and Leytc, In the Philippines!, where ho served as ser geant major to Major Henry T. Allen's battalion of that regiment. "Lleutcnnnt Steelewas born In Irivln, Westmorelnnd county, Pennsylvania, twenty-tlvo years ago. Ho was edu cated at Irwin and Scottdale, graduat ing from the public school at the latter place as valedictorian of his class. In 1S98 his family moved to Altoona, where his father Is now In the service of the Pennsylvania railroad. When the Span ish war broke out Steele was reading law in tho office of the Hon. Augustus S. Landls. judge of tho courts of Blair county, Pa. H0 sot the war fever and enlisted in the Eighteenth Pennsylva nia. Typhoid fever, extracted In the southern camps, kept him from getting to Cuba and brought him to the Pres byterian hospltnl In Phlladelphla.whero ho was confined for three months, until the early part of 1899. As soon its he was well again, he re-enlisted In the Forty-thlid volunteers at Fort Ethan Allen, In Vermont. Since the Forty third has been campaigning in Samar and Leyte, Steele has been mentioned thiee times In orders and several times In subalterns' reports of minor engage ments. He has done excellent work as f-ergeiint major, as well as In tho lower non-conunlssloned grades of the ser vice. He is popular with his men. His ptomotlon to a commission was uurc seivedly recommended by all of the staff offlcer.s of his regiment, as was also his transfer to another regiment, which has already gone forwaid. GOV. NASH'S ULTIMATUM. Directs Sheriff to Swear in Deputies to Pievqnt the Eight. By Hxclmlir Wire fiom The Associated 1'iesJ. Cincinnati. Feb. 3. Thero has been mote anxiety than training at the headquarters of Jwu'les. Ituhlln, Mar tin and Chllds today. Ic Is thein cus tom to do less work on Sunday than on other days and this gave an op. portunity today for animated discus sion among the pugilists, their train ers, managers and others over the ac tion of Governor Nash. It Is now known to all tho promoters of the tight that Governor Nash has not only given his ultimatum to the Saengorfest Athletic club, and to more ' than one thousand petitioners from the business circles of Cincinnati, but ho has also given Instructions to Prose- ' cuting Attorney floffhelmcr and Sheriff Taylor. The latter received a letter from tho governor after midnight by Immediate delivery messenger, which Is a very strong document. In it his I excellency directs the sheriff to swear 1 In a number of deputies nnd exercise ' his full power to prevent tho light, and I In the event of tho sheriff needing its- ululnnAi. (lm-ni.iinM Vnoli .ti.in. l.f. ' f.iltwivu, UUIUUIlfi uoil ) '11-11 b lit HUM the full power of the state. The prose cuting attorney and the sheriff state that they will not reply to the gover nor until tomorrow, and that they will then advise him that they will do their duty and keep In communication with him for any assistance that may br needed. While thoro havo been Informal con ferences today between the members of tho Saengerfest Athletic association and their attorneys and other pro moters of tho fight, It Is announced there will ba no formal meeting of the Saengerfest directors and their counsellors until tomorrow afternoon. It Is generally believed that It will then be decided to take no action In tho case until the application for an Injunction Is heard before Judge IIol Ilhter 011 Tuesdny. Judge Holllster may teserve his decision for a day or two. so that tho Saengerfest athletic directors am not likely to make any otllcial declaration nbout declaring tho fight off, or to the contrary, until tho middle or tho latter part of the week. CALIFORNIA WINES DEARER. Advance in Price Caused by Three Years' Drought and Disease. By llxcliulve Wire fiom The Associated 1'res. Han .hue, Cal , l'el. S, mineral advance In tho prico cf wIiim uu announced here, todiy. Keet vvlnrt ctpcclally luve been advanced, and nre row held fiom n to J2 tents per irallon hijh. ei. riaid.1 and while wine will be quoted nt an ai'vanto nf fi to 8 rent a Rillon. Loial dtalera uy the advances oro due fo the rciliicid pmduiMoii following two or thiee years droucht and In-'rcaifd phylloxera, SENATOR FLINN NOW APPROVES He Is Wlllino to Accept Amend ments to the Muehlbron ncr Bill. SUGGESTED BY SCRANTON The Electric City Must Swallow the "Rippor" Clause, However, if It Wants Anything in the Way of Amendments Anti-Ripper Men Declare They Will Defeat the Bill if the Clause Is Not Eliminated. Tho Skirmishing Will Begin Today From a Malt Correspondent Hartlsburg. Feb. 3. Senator Fllnn has declared his approval of the amendments to tho Muehlbronner bill which the Scrnnton councllmonlc com mittee propose to offer, when they come to be heard next Wednesday. He, of course, expects that Scranton lont will be the more ready :o listen to his Hue of reasoning ngalnst the "ripper" eiaue, if as tin ally of thelr's than If there were no ties between them, nnd on this nccount, possibly, can his npproval of the Scranton Idea be best explained. The Quayltes say that If Scranton wants anything In the way of amendments to the Muehlbron ner bill it will have to swallow the "Upper" clause. The antl-"rlpper" people say they will defeat the bill if tho "ripper" clause Is not elimin ated. Tho Quoyltes say they have enough votes to pass the bill just as It stands, If they want to. The preliminary skirmishing will open up tomorrow afternoon. Tues day morning It Is expected a confer ence will be held between th Fllnn ltes nnd some of the Scrantonlans. The hearing before tho committee will occur on Wednesday. It' would seem from the sentiment there, that unless Scranton's representatives nre fully agreed upon somo definite plan of action, they might us well stay at home. T. J. D. MOB MADE A RUSH FOR REV. DILL0NIS Missionary's Attempt to Deliver a Lecture at Pittston Was Followed by a Very Exciting Scene. By L'jclushc Wire from The .Usorlaled Press Wilkes-Barre, Feb. 3. Itev. Vincent Dlllonls, an Evangelical missionary, attempted to deliver a lecture In Uooth's hall. Httston, this evening, and a riot followed. Dlllonls Is a Lithuanian and claims to have been at one time nn ordained clergyman of tho Homun Catholic church. He has made several at tempts to deliver lectures in the town, but each time 'Mayor Corcoran, fear ing trouble, prevented him. Last week Dlllonls secured an injunction from the court to prevent the mayor from Interfering with him. As a result when the minister went to the hall tonight, accompanied by Itev. J. J. H. Fletcher, pastor of the First Pres byterian church, and a few more friends, ho was without police protec tion. About ."'00 foreigners, mostly Lith uanians, were gathered In the place. As soon ns Dlllonls made his appear ance it was the signal for a violent outburst. The audience wore soon tn their feet and a rush was made for the lecturer. In tho tumult the gns fixtures wero torn down and the fur niture was broken Into kindling wood. Rev. Dlllonls and his party succeeded In getting out of tho plaeo and whsn they reached tho sidewalk they wero taken In charge of by fi lends. The minister was driven home In a carriage. Several men In tho crowd wero knocked down nnd sustained bruises, but no one was seriously In jured. W. L. Bowman, one of the par ty that accompanied Dlllonls, received a black eye. GENERAL SNOW STORM. By Inclusive Wire from The Anocloted Tress. Kanias City, lc!. 3. Thu Breatcst mow storm of the winter vUitcd here lait night and this mornlnc The storm was cencral over Missouri and Kansas, vavylnj in depth from three to four, teen inches, Omaha, Neb., Tib. C The wow- and wind atorm which began tsitiirdiy right continued until noon today and was general throughout Nebraska and western Ion a. Three Inches of snow fell and a strong wind blew in Into dt.cn drills. Orand Itapids, Feb. 3. The worst Mimrd of thu winter struck litre at 1 o'clock this alter, noon and lnrrvaril In fmy tonight Impeding street railway ind railroad truffle to a cnmlil erille extent. Snow Is rtitl falling and is drifting badly. Chicago, I'cb. 3. fcix inches of snow on the level and drifts In many cases In tho outlylni; districts piled as high as second ttory nlndivri Li the condition Chicago is In tonight. The street ear lines with the exception of the ele vated reads, wero the v.-on-t suffcrcra. Ofiiclals of the railroads entering In Chicago report trains generally on time or nearly so, Atchison, Kan., l'eb, 3. Tlio worst know ttorm for (cveial iars prevailed In northern Kinsis nnd southern Ncbral.a today. Many railroad lines oro tied up. Pav-trngtr trains aro nuw bound at Cawked Cilj, firccnleat and Whiting, nnd several frrlghta aro Muck In the snow at different points. Alt train Into Atchison are delayed. .Milwaukee, Keh, 3. A bllzzitd from the north. east has been raging In this city all day and b'lll continues with unabated forco tonight. TIM NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indication Tedty, rain on avow. 1 Crnenl Senitor Kllnn Wllllne to Accept S-'crinton Amendments to thu "Hipper" Hill. Intermtht of the tite Queen Victoria, Secretary Longr'.t Appeal for Santlaso Heroei. l'roicrannna of tho Week in Congress. 2 General Cerhondale Department. 3 Local llev. Dr. Method on Chrlitlan Science. Trial List for United State-) DUtrict Court. Trollej inen'n Trouhltt AilJuUfd 4 IMItorial. Note and Comment. 0 local Munkr nt Austin Height'. Phenomenal Itecord of tho Scranton Poitotflct, 6 !.ocal W'ctt Scranton and Sahurhan. 7 fhiicral Northculirn I'cntujbanla. . lTnamlal and Commercial. 5 Ural Live New of the Indiiild.il World. I'irc Department Clomlp. SENATOR HILL IS NOT A CANDIDATE An Albany Correspondent Is Au thority for the Statement. Opinion of Erlends. By Kxdmhc Wlr from The Aaaoclatei Tresa. New York, Feb. .!. The announce ment that Senator Hill Is not a candi date for the picddcntlnl nomination of his paity In 19M Is made by the Albany conewpondent of Leslie's Weekly. In the cm lent Issue. He says: "I have the higher authority for the statement that Senator Hill Is not a candidate, In any sense, for the presi dential nomination and that ho Is not lesponslble for the action of his friends nnd will in no way encourage the con tinuance of such nctlcn. Whatever Senator Hill's ambition may have neen in (the past, he treasures no I presidential ambition now. He Is en j grossed In his law practice. It has ; grown larger and more lucrative eveiy year and his absorption In professional '""" Hives iiini nine lime nnu loss Inclination to respond to tho growing call for him to actively assume the party's leadership. "This reluctance on the part of the f-onator to r.'-enter public tlfo Is not the result of pique, or disappointment. Ho simply finds greater comfort nnd enjoyment In the practice of his pro fession mid less iillureinent In the field of politics, which has never been n source of profit, and oft has given him hardly a comfortable support. Like every other man who reaches middle life, Senator Hill looks for ward to achieving mibstantlnl finan cial Independence by maintaining his established and ell settled profes sional practice. He Is devoting his best energies to that end nnd there fore he Is not Inclined to respond fo such calls ns have been made by the Texns legislature and by prominent Democratic leaders and organizations in the South and West. "Those who have Intimate personal relations with Senator Hill greatly doubt whether he will evei consent to lead his party again In a presiden tial campaign. While ho Is averse to making public expression of his feel ing in the matter, his determination It not a fecret. Dooted as he ha been for so many years to his party's welfare, his wlthdiawal from politic' Is regarded as Impossible. He will continue to be an Influential factor, but this will not Inerfero with a con viction ho hns lecently expressed to many friends that ofllce-lioldlng is un satisfactory and unprofitable." UNKNOWN ASSASSIN SHOOTS LUMBERMAN Thomas M'Henry, of Bloomsburg, Dies from the Effects of Bullet Fhed from His Bnvn. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress Bloomsburg, Pa., Feb. 3. At 1 o'clock this morning. Thomas Mo Henry, a well to do lumber merchant and farmer, residing near Royersbur?, Columbia county, was Hiot by nn un known assassin, and death ensued six hours later. Mr. McIIenry was mous ed from his sleep by n noise In bis J barn, and he nroM dressed and went to the barn to Investigate. As ha neared the place a shot rang out and McIIenry fell. The bullet struck him Just above the heart and passed out of his back. Mrs. McIIenry nt onco summoned aid and tho victim was taken Into his home. He was con srlous for several hours, but was un able to name the murderer. He lapsed Into an unconscious ttate, In which condition ho remained until his death at 7 o'clock. It Is the general belief that It was a case of cold-blooded murder, although every precaution had been tnken to make It appear as a case of frustrated robbery. Several sacks of Hour had been taken from tho barn and placed so that It would appear that they left because of tho hurried departure after the shoot ing. Tho assassin was tracked for some distance and It was evident that he had no conveyance and thereforo could not have taken away tho sackj of flour with which he sought to cover up the murder. No nrrcsts havo been made by tho authorities, nor Is any reason given for tho murder. It Is reported that sensational developments may follow. Mr. McIIenry was 35 years of age, and leaves a wlfo and six children. Honor Memory of Qoebel. By Exclusive Who from The Associated Tress. Frankfort, Key., l'eb. 3,The people of Fiank. fort today paid trihlte to the niemoiy of William Ooehel, holding memorial services at the grave on tho anniversary of his death. Destructive Fire at New Haven. By Exclusive Wlro from The Associated Tieu. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 3. Fire destroyed the large plant of tlio National Wlro e-ompany at I'uirhavcn early this memlne; nnd caullcd a property loca estimated at i2J,0W. AN APPEAL FOR NAVAL HEROES Secretaru Lonq Makes Another Effort to Have the Santiago Sailors Recognized. REPLY TO MR. MORGAN The Secretary Proven That the Failure- of the Government to Recog nizo tho Services of Lieutenant Hobson, Captain Clarke and Others Was Not the Fault of tho Depart ment, but Due to the Failure oil Congress to Take Action in the) Matter The Last Appeal in Inter est of the Santiago Squadron. fly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tre. Washington, Feb. 3. Secretary Long has addressed tho following letter to Senator Morgan: IVar Smalor: I have jnur letter with reginl to Lieutenant Ifnlwon, Captain Clarke and oth ers, and to the failure of tho government to ler. rgnlsc their service. I need not sty t ou that no one feels this more keenly tlun myself, or has done mor to endeavor to wjcuro Juttirn for the men who conducted and consummated the Santiago naval campaign. Wilt you let ma wy that the "del.'.v" is not with the. sxecutlv branch of the Boummcnt so much as with con greu. 1 do not say this to in any way shift tht lesponlblHt5', but in '.ho hope that the eo-oper-atlon of eongtvM r.ny jet be secured In this re apcer. With the Interest which you end other mrmbers of the Irgislatuto fetl in the case, I do not despair. it Is more than two years now since the presl. lent sent in nomination. for promotion, and these nomination have never leen acted upon by the euale. At e.itli nevlon of congress I havo prepared nnd ruhmiltcd bills, asking for rewards for these officers; no action has been taken upon them. In cf.ch of my annual repoits I 1-ave urged the matter with all the force poi slide, hut It attract no attention. The president has asked for the creation of the grade of vie iidmiral, which would peihaps lead to a solu lion of tho matter I feet keenly the lack of any recognition to Hobson, who-c feat is famous (lie world over. I have repeatedly talked about him with the presi dent, vtliu, as you know, feels tho most cordial inteiekt in behalf of all these men. lie cannot separate llobaon' case fiom the rest nor can I sdris him to do co. It would bo an unjust dis crimination against Captain Clarke, to whom jou refer, nnd who I two numbers worse off now than if there had been no war; it would bo an Injustice fo the commander In elilef, who plann"' and rontumnnted the whole campaign and who hid a greater rc-pomll'lllty upon him for a longer time thin any olflcer on tho Atlantic; it would discriminate .ig.iinvt the enlisted men, vvhn have had neither thanks nor medal, nor any ru-O'iiillon, mid arc humiliated on the deck of crry war ship en which their shipmates who Mrvrd In tho Asiatic grniaihon display their medals and the antiao men havo none, t feet Hitncst like invoking (he help "I vournelf and evirv either wnalor :un representative to what srrm to bo the t-linplont Justice-. A Letter to Hale. Not ecnlcnt with what has hitherto hern doi.e, it wai only a few dij ago that I wrote .1 Utter to Stiialnr llile, chairman of the naval t'ini-iniliei- nf the senate, a copy of which I cnclos etklug him if ho would not, as a lat rcfinrt, h-n the naval committee or a suh-i-cnunlttre of II, lake up the matter and consider the teport upon the drscits nf these officci. Acstirdny I wrote another htlrr to the prc.i dent, a iopy of which I encloe, irWIing reroiu inemlatlonH vvhirli I made to him in nty ur nual leport of UOfl, that he mike the Mine rc-oi.mu-ndatlcn to e-cngro., in the e.io nf tho mh. tkigci sepjadron which was nude In th ea-e of tin Aklatlc H.uadron, vir. : 'I hat the tlnnW of eoinrrsi bo tendered to the commander in chief and K' extended thiouiji him 10 the cdllccrs and men. I think you will coidially acknowledge tii.it tho prcsldint hy his tpedy nominations has led m Mono unturned to do Justice in thl) in liter, and that it Is now for consrew, ul which J cm aie so distinguished a member, In act. Trusting that we liny all ro-oprrale and at last sH.uie to these mheers and men an e. predion of the country'-, apprrciatlon of tlrif service, I am, vciy trulv jouii, John I). Long. Petished in the Flames. By Inclusive M'lro from Thu Associated Ties. New York, Feb. 3. A very large- crowd inr roumh d tho ruins of the big llro of laM; Thinadey nt Wlckcs' cigar bo factory at 1'in.t avenue and Thirty-first street today, liming tho afternoon tho seaiche-M In the ruins came acio.es a largs bunch of leys which were Identified by Andrew Tifcli as thoe of his biother-ln-law, Ausmt Sehwandermsnn, a foreman In the Wicket factory. Schwandcrmann has been missing sineo the lir and the police are now fatisficd (hit he perished lit the llamea. Hid body has not jet been found. Steamship Arrivals. Bv l"xclulve Wire from The Associated Tres. Vew ork, Feb. S. Aulvcd: N'ew Yolk, Southampton and Cherbourg, I.i llretagne, Havre. Southampton Arrived! Southwark, .ew York; for Antwerp. Sailed! Nooidland, Antwerp fr-r New Yolk. Gibraltar Passed rial-win Maria Theresla, fienoa and Naples for Now York, Queenstown Arrived: Campania, New Yorlc for Liverpool (and proceeded). Called: Umbrla, frrm Liverpool for New York. Kit sale Taseed: Caledonian, New Yoifc for Liverpool; Ocorsir, New York for Liverpool. Russian Prince Shoots Himself. fly delusive Wire from The Associated Tress. St. Teter.bmrf, Feb, 3 Prince Tariatlnsky, th jouthful publisher of the Northern Courier, which was recently suppreesed for lis radical tendou ehrf, shot himself last Thursday, inflicting ibniforous wound. His paicnts havo never for given the marrlags ho made scveial years aga with Mile. Yavorskaya, an actrc-ai,' nor did they npprovo his newspaper enterprise, which ab soihcd the hulk of tho estate of the prince, Th 'amlly ijiiU among the highest Iliuslan nobility. Condition of the Duke. By Exclusive WtV from Th Associated Tress. London, Feb. 3,-Ti.e oourt circular this evening announces that tho Duke of Cornwall and York Is progressing satisfactorily toward convalescence, f"t--f-f-t---tv-t----t--r--f-- t--t-1--f WEATHER FORECAST. -- Washington, Feb. 3. Forecast for esat 4- rrnrinnsylvanl.it Italn or snow Monday 4- -f Tumday fair and eoldri: bilsl; to high -4- -4- fnuthrattirly win Is shilling to noilh- 4- weslerlj. -4. .tt-r- t t tt-t--tl I -niV 1 h . I J$$J-- &jjL . r j