The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 02, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' XfP i 'TJ
.-ij-wim.- r 11 ir r--r -"
Hoyal Arcanumltes Honor Their Pnst
President nncl Install the Newly
Elected Officer's Cnse Agntnst Mar
shall nnd Porter Dismissed for
Lack of Evidence Several Fu
neral Anonuucements Churcli
Tairs and Festivals Being Ar
ranged Other News Notes.
Distllct Deputy A. G. Hewitt. oC
T'.lcctrlc City council. Royal Areninini,
"aft evtnlnpr Installed the nowly-cleot-etl
officer."- ot Lackawanna, oosinrll, No.
.11;-". in Ivorlle hall. 12 South M.iln
nvvnue. Vast Keycnt It. W. Lues wnn
--resented with a dlutnotid-is-a rhu
cmblcmatlc of thr order, upon Ills;
rftlix-mont from the chair. Tho l'ic-"-rntatton made by Past
Regent Cliurlet- Olvor, and Ilia sift
was accepted in a neat si-e:h ly Mr.
Thu officers installed were: Tlc-Min,
'. ". Cnittendon: vice recent, W. A.
Ttrownin-: oiator, K. tV. Tliayer: -mat
i-ej-citt, It, "IV. Ltico: secretary. Olmrte
1!. Acker; collector. Geot-f-e !'. Kynon;
treasurer, Victor If. L.iuer; chaplain,
"Walter H. Uevun: -"tilde. Thonmx Cos-Bi-nvoi
warder, Thoinaa RoderlrU: sen
try, David O. Thomas; trustee. T. Wi
lows Mason.
"Onrlnf" the mcelln- two ropoitlnns
for niemberahtp wore received and
iftofi upon, and nt the conclusion of
Hip session a smoker wn enjoyed.
Tliei" was a large attcmUneo "it the
Porter Case Dismissed.
''he adjourned hparlni bctou- Aid ;
iimn John in police, court yesterday
nl'lornoon In the cane of Marshall &
I'm tor vs. CJeorse William Johnson. In
whlrh the latter char-red Mi" West
Lackawanna avenue liotclk''ppcr. with
ljppplntr a disreputable lions-,
ili.iiils..pd for lnek of su(ricluii evt
. dene-; to hold thf accused.
Only on wIiiicm testified. (Ml- Tay
lor, and she could not i-eiiinm!)"!' h.iv-nit,-
seen anything "dolus' In th" pl.ieo.
Attorney Kranlt Ioyl- appeared for
thp rjptondant-). Aft llv ea.'i- ns
illsmlKsed. Porter Io.hiimI Jolm-'on 12 ".0
to pay his, title .mi' the jmici-.- Hugs
wpi'c dropped.
A subpoena was IcMUd for Ioi wm'-i
wife, who claimed to hav- l.iinwleda
i and COLDS
Bargain Day to
Be Remembered
On Saturday wc will offer the follow
iug remarkable specials for that day
only :
Pieces All Silk Fancy Stripe Taffeta
Ribbous iti the choicest color combi
nations, aud a quality equal to any
ever sold in its regular way for 25c a
yard. Your choice on Saturdiy
Dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves iu White
Modes, Pearls, etc. Two clasp fasten
ings, in the best one dollar goods that
money cau buy. A truly remavkable
offering, at
Pairs guaranteed $1.00 Corsets. Sizes
are somewhat broken, but the goods
are fresh aud perfect. The makes
arc the best kuowu to the trade aud
if your size is among that ijo dozen
you're in luck. Saturday's price
Clearance Prices
On "Bedfern" Corsets
-, ' .For Saturday only, aud it is hardly possible that la-
' - '" ' dies will ever get auother opportunity to buy these
highest grade corsets at less than list prices.
flttdforn" Style A, in Black, worth $6,00, for - $4.50
SlfarnM Style A, in White, worth $5,00, for - 3.50
"Redfera" Style D, in Black, worth $3,00, for - 2.45
"Reflfern" Style D, in White, worth $2,50, for - 1.95
Globe Warebodse
nf what was Kolng on In tlw place, but
sho could not be found, Johneoii was
oiiulnally tirr-isted for ore-mine n dl?
turbanco in tho plac-i and was fined S"i
or twenty days, and uftorwnrdt pre
foned the cIiiuko against the place.
Yesterday's Euneials.
The funeral service! over the le
inalns oi tin: lato Mrs. John K Wil
liams weie held at 2. o'clock yosle;'
dny til lei noon at tho homo. 110 North
I'vui-.m avenue. Jinny peoplo we. in
attend.ince. and a number of Horul ef
ferltigs were In evidence, attesting tho
esteem In which deceased was held.
The services weir? conducted by Rov.
Thot-inii U nntcliy, l. D., pastor '"f
the Jnclison Htr;tt Raptlst e.liuicli. Tli
pall beaiern were four sou-i and two
ncphewH of tho deceased, Intcriitcub
was made .In the .Washburn street
Dr. De Gruchy olllcl:itcd nt tins fn
neinl of Jlh and Mis. Thomas Jta
thias' Infant child yesterday after
noon. The services were hold tit TpiT
West Lackawanna avenue, nnd inter
ment was made In the Washburn
street cemetery.
The remains of an Infant child 'ivt
Jlr. ami Jlis. K. l. Kingsbury, of
South l'.ioinluy avenue, wore taken to
Shlcksblnny yesterday moinlng for in
terment. Th---t'iiinlns nf Jlr. and Jlrs. lUe
tro Lngabbes Infant child wero in
toned In the Cathedtnl cemetery yc-t'.-iday
Hew A. L. Itamor and wife, of South
Lincoln avenue, relumed home yester
day from I.ehlghto!!, iiccompanlecl by
the hitter's sister.
Khen-srev Williams, of Chestnut
street, a member of' the well known
Hi m of J. V. Williams & Tlrothcr, was
taken suddenly 111 ycierday uftcrnaon
and i-i now confined to his room. No
serlotib consequences are anticipated as
a rchiilt of his illness.
Jteprescntatlve T. Jefferson Reynolds
and hla father, Joseph Reynolds, re
turned homo from Hnnlsburg last
evening: to spend Sunday at their re
spective homes.
'I In- Assembly Dancing cl.iss conduct
ed a well attended social In Jlears"
hall hist evening, which was one of
the Most enjoyable events of the sea
son Tho music was furnished by Jilss
Nellie fin ran, pianist, nnd an orches
tra of j-I.x pieces.
A huge assemblage enjoyed the ad
dress of Secretary W. W. Adair, of
the Rallicad YoungJlen's Christian as
Foctatloit at the Simpson Jlethodlst
l.'plscopal church last evening.
The fa-i. festival and supper which
is to bj held in St. David's Sunday
-"IigoI room will bo on the nights of
Jlonday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
ivii. 11. Yi and IS.
Many Wtst Scranton people attend-
ii the open mooting of the Wide Awake
.llfle. No. 53, In A. O. XT. W. hall last
c-vnint-1 ,il enjoyed the entertainment
pmvjr.ed. '
ii i.a b come unevsary to call" a
mc-Pllii"- of ')!, !entli-2 .actUjo'.memher-snipvt-f
itl.e .Xoung' W'jjmjns ipiirlstlau
pf-foeiation for Jlonday evening at' 8
o cloth. This Is a very Important
mooting and no membjr should fall to
An imjortant meeting of tho otllclal
boatd of tho Hampton Street Jiotho
t'Jst Episcopal churcli Is called for
this evening at 7.S0 o'clock. All official
members are roquosteii to ho prcent.
Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Ply
mouth Congregational church aro busy
piepanr.g for their colonial fair, which
will take place Fob. 10, 21 and 22. They
will lmvo on snlo a large lino nf riullts
ar.d comfortables, aprons and tea
Jackets, sun bonnets and ctiuhlons and
many other useful articles. Refresh
ment" will bo served each afternoon
and evening. An admission fee of 10
cunts will bo charged. All aroi wol
toiu '.
An important meeting of .Silurian
lodge, No. TO.!, I. O. O. 1"., was held
last evening In l'vans' hall, on South
Jlaln uvtr.ue. Jluch business of Im
portance was transacted.
The Jtod-rn Woodmen of America
will meet on Jlonday evening In Ivor
Ite hall The degree team ot the Green
I'.ldge camp will be present and work
the- initiatory degree on several candi
dates. Jilss JIary Stephens, of S50 South
Jiaiii avenue, entertained a minibst- of
joiuip peoplo Thursday evening nt an
enjoyable) Hashtlght party. Entertain-liit-nt
was provided by a number of the
l'ldllp Warren, of North Lincoln ave
nue, has returned home from Sellns
Grove, where ho sang at a concert le
eciuly. Robert Hepburn, the barber, will re-
ilie from T. R. Price's einiduy thli
evening and next week ho will embark
lit business for himself in Green llidpj.
Jilss Sarah Neary was tendeied a
MtiprlhO party Thursday evening at
her homo on Water street. Several se
lections on a violin and piano were ren
dered by Jilss Uertha JlcLaln and
C'ella JtcAndrews which helped make
the evening nn enjoyable one. Lunch
eon was nerved at a sea-ionablo hour.
Thofco present weie: Jllsses Sarah
Neary, Uertha JlcLaln, Katie D.ivitt,
Delia jreAtidrew, Jlamle JlcCarty,
Hrldgot Cafferty, Anna Cavanaugh,
Jlargaret Gerrity, Nora Jlulherln,
Katie Gallagher, JIary JlcAndrew.
Rarbara Rlelly, Sablna ltiolly. Dellt
Rlolly, Katie Devanuey, Nellie Caffer
ty, JIary JlcLaln, ICatlo Devanuey,
Neltlo Cafferty mid JIary JlcLaln.
Jlessis. John Neary, David Jones,
Frank Naughton, John Hart. Anthony
Gallagher, William Haggerty, Arthur
llendoi sou Frank Conway, Thomas
Walsh, Edward Burns. Joseph Uurns,
John JlcCarthy, Joteph Walsh, Ber
nard Duggan, r. Walsh. Jllehael Gll
brlde, Martin JlcLaln, Harry Gllbrlde
and John Schofleld.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Provl
idence Jlethodlst Episcopal church will
hold a sock social on Febniaiy 13 in
tho church parlors.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Stanley N-.hart, of
Helmont terrace, are rejoicing over the
anlval of a young son.
William Thomas, of Plttston, Is
spending a few days at the home of
Jlr. and Jlrs. Jlayo on North jraln
Dr. J.. J. Sullivan, of Wayne ;ivenuc,
I slightly indisposed.
Evan Ht-csc, of willUin street. Is
slowly recovering from Injuih-s he late,
ly received.
rtie Tev. ir. nnti,. i.iutnr if the
Providence Presbyterian church, and
his eoni;re--atloii. will he lnd to wel
come ths pastors and people of the
neighboring churches Mho mav see
j their way clear to join a union Bible
society meetlnfv with them on Sunday
! morning:, Feb. 10. The Uev. John l-"ox,
) I). D.. of New York city. Konsral sec-
i letary of the American Wble society,
will deliver the address. The object is
, to give information concerning the
world's need of the Word of Ood and
show how to supply that need
The revival sen-Ices at the Tripp
Avenuo Christian chapel wns well at
, tended last evenlni. On account of the
idckutss of llev. Mr. Cobb, the pastor
1 did the preaching'. lie took for his
text Matthew, lfi:2". "Follow Jesus."
At the close of the services one made
the confesblon and two were baptized.
1 Mrs. Kelly was present and assisted
very much in the music. There will
' be no service tonight, but the sei vices
on the Lord's day will be a usual.
Sunday hchool at 10 o'clock, and nt U
o'clock an cxesjeMs on the Sunday
school lesson. The llev. Mr. Cobb will
preach Sunday ovcnlnf", If ho is well
Mention should have been made of
tho Mnrtin Mandolin club music at the
Piusbyterlau reception on Thursday
evening'. Their playing was very fine,
; and much appreciated. Tho club Is
' composed of the following young men;
1 l'utoi" Slegle, Ailhur K-iolu and Uw-
ait Space.
! Mrs. Cook, of btaten island. Is vllt
j Ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
I'ahner, of Cherry street.
) Mij". Chamberlain, wife of Di. CI. J.
! Chamberlain, is recovering from a se
vere attack of tho grip.
Presbytciian church, Rev. V. F.
Gibbons, pastor. Services at tho usual
hum 8. Morning topic, "The Now
niith;" evening tople, "The Young
People ot the New Century."
At the Methodist ICpIscopal hurch
tomoirow there will be preachhia by
the pastor, llev. A. J. Van Cleft, morn
ing and evening. Strangers welcome.
Seats free.
Mi Nettie Lawrence, of nlaiic nuui, en
tertained the lutmbern of the (.'. ('. P. C.
koclety composed of tho jounsr ladle in tin!
Junior Oira taklni tho ckujlcal jouitc at tins
lllsh school, ycstirdjy afternoon, and a iiy
delightful afternoon as tpent by tlio folloniiv
guests: Julia Kenwood, firace Athetten, UH
Woodniff, rioitnco Xe, lsaltdlc lvlnhuri;, livo.
lyn Galea and Ploy Klntner.
A laio dtli'Ratlon of Orecn ltldao peutdo
wmt down to St. Luke' lat ennlnK n
bur the kennon hy lto-. I'rancU It. llatcimn,
nt the tenliei in memory of Qucm Vktorli.
ill mid Ml. 8. I.', (iiccnry, nf Lake Wlnoln,
o likillni- Ml. and Ml'. Ihiui'C Sniilli, of
MecM'y .iveiiuc.
Miss Mauiift U'alltH, of Mumus aiinue, vai
tendi'icd a kurprWo parly hy her filer.di lat
cimin. liain'.H wero playid and delicluiw re
fiinliiiieiit wnl. Ainn- tlwto prcftut wre:
MIj.S rh.Kliie flaik, II. Muitln, .1. Patch. M.
Xurllkli, U (irucncr, M, l.ydilen, H. Cawley, II,
Wajner, uml ivts. lUiwuid Waltn, Iltn f'unrt.
Huht. P. Moran, A. Hall, C. Palmer, KM. ltotell,
b. MfCllntock. II, I.crvl. If. Iloniluker ami P.
Mrs, J. M. llowill, ot firccn lltdjce treet, '.ho
lias been confined to the home for three weeks
with an attack of tlio rl, Is (omulescinz,
'fho lle. Dr. I'et, irenctal wciet.irj- of tho
Would ue Kimp'a llilsmn for tho Tluoat and
l.iireT. It Is ( urine ni'ru Cousin., Colda,
Althma, tlionelilili, Croup und all Tluoat and
I.uns Troubl'1, llian anj other nirdHne. 'flie
proi'ilitoi- lua authorised any duiculft to five
joii a Samplu Ihiltle Klie to (onilmc you of the
meiit of this gieat lemedy. Trice :5c. and CO.
Anwrlun HIM toclttr, -fill ipk to tlia 'yoimpt
iweplc an J &undt; school (oiks In t unlob till
in the (Htm HIJ(te MitlioJUt Kpiicopal clmrji
it tho tlo-i tt t!ic 8utihy icliool rmon at ".SO
I. in. I'cb. 10. Dr. t'oit i-t an Inttre-rtlng -.rfjlf
tr and will Instruct tin yciuntc rrejHe lu an tin
nrual nuniitr. All are invltnl. lt iw gli
Mm a largo amlltnce. It Mill be In lie city
but cue dy, doulitlf, nl Mill speak In tli
I'lovldfiite t'ie1)tarian tlinrtli at lf.M a. m.
In a trnlou Wide toolcty nwclln-; and jUo will
dclhtr the oddroi at the ntmlvcrMry ot th
Urkawanna Whip coc-lety In tho r.lm i'Jik
elmicli In the cventni, Mtlie wnif day.
Miss Julia Haggerty Surprised Fu
neral of the Late Mrs. John
Lynch Other News Notes.
Jilt". Julia Haggerty, of 4J7 Elm
Mrect, was pleasantly ui prised on
Thursday night by a number of her
Plttston friends. Tito evening was
spent In playing of -fames and other
patty diversions. At a late hour iv
ftelirineiilH were served after which
the guests departed for their homes.
oilng Mls Hiiggeity a delightful
Those piesent wero: Clcorgo Willis.
Amelia JlcLane, Colin Clifford, Jlabel
Richards. Pali irk Kennedy. Jlabel
Thornton, George Williams. Anna
Garrn. Jlnmle Williams, Arthur Jones
and Chester Williams.
Funeral of Mrs. Lynch.
The remain:- of Jlrs. John Lynch
were consigned to their final resting
place In the Cathedral cemetery yes
terday morning. The funeral was held
from the family resilience on Irving
avenue and was attended by many
mourning relatives and friends who
had known the deceased during her
long and useful, life. At 3 o'clock tho
funeral cortege moved to the cathedral,
where a high mass of requiem was
The pall-bearers were; Jlartln
Roche, John Rrlcn. Oney Sweeney,
John neat-don. John JIcGrann and Joe
Pertinent Paragraphs.
The C'etury Hose company met
tegular session last evening.
Jlrs. Jlotzenbacher, of Cedar avenue,
Is seriously 111.
The General Grant commandery. No.
IIO. Knights of Jtaltn, will hold a spe
cial meeting this evening In Hartman's
hall. The red cross degree will be
worked on sixteen novices at the meet
ing. News and notices for the correspon
dent of this paper loft at fhe South
Side News company's stoic will lecelve
prompt attention.
The Knights of St. George, branch
1, will meet Sunday aftPrnoon at 2
o'clock In St. Jlary'H hall on Hickory
Jilss Jlnmle Fasshold. of Proipect
avenue, Is confined to her home with
an attack of the grip.
i The Seianton StiPngerrundo will meet
Sunday afternoon In the Athletic hall.
The tegular meeting of the Youngr
Woman's Chilstlan association will be
I held Sunday afternoon nt 3.45 p. m. at
' their rooms on Cedar avenue. Jliss
' Amelia Helm will take the lead.
' The meeting of tho Yunger Jlaenner-ii-hoi.
which was to be held last even
ing, was postponed until Sunday at 2
i n. in. Ill Gerninnia liall.
Tho Loyalty club'-! meeting held Ust
1 .wit t- din- urn a ififffllv nt tii- Intl.
Thomas McDonald.
Tiionui McD,-nali, one oi tin iloiir of liuu
lime lioiouirli, 'Jici lit lilJ heme ut 3.30 oYW.
ji.tmt.iy littcin-ioii, .(tT mie ilJ' Uh' ''
pt.curaoi'ilo. He wit T2 oji ot w-e Jiul uic
oi tic olJibt. b.-t Mi4uii and iii-wt rc-'pei".-..!
H'Mpii(i oi Iiuninons Althf-ugh irtirfd ir,'M
imblli! life iliirine tl.c lift U or te cin
be- J4 lialc arJ hturtv, 'iLU lil.i sudilen ilutli
1 ioiiw d. a ';nat shoe!, to U- tiiully. lltutf
i ,h. momir.-f lifl wimlilnu! ot fftllr.-; ill nuO
' upliily gn vW ami vviUei. l'hysicljr..
ilijRno hit x.e s acute rmumonlJ, and v-4.
, tvpljy attfinoon tbc ml ci'no.
I l)ccf3(?J llvttl I-i Dunni'ire djiin? the l"t
tlttv jcjri ii-l durirtr 'liat ttnn tooV jii uotbn
it,tu.i In Viron-ch urt.iu, .in.l kh erumlncm ly
Iikiitilkil Willi IN Viowlt.. !to came tn llm.
roiMtiy la ihld (rem lrlaiid, f.rnl fli.-ft dwelt t"r
fr-ral year In Hr.wlry where h maiilcl. n
er.mlni; to Duninore he ctitneil thf cmrloy "f
thf PeniihybjnU foinu-iy and ifnuliu'd
.-ith It tor about lorty'fivu Mars, oceup.vlnf,' !'
liomlMo .fnttlon In tlir. -Iicrw. He nnJo .in
ifflcl-nt jnd luliiitalitnir fmplftc and entis,,d
the hlKhnl n)0kt uiid fomVIenrr of the
fltjnla pi-oili-.
Hn i mlivil h- M vltf. formed- Jli'
Hushed, tit ll.mly. and the lollowin-f H'ii anl
jiulit(i: Iik. . T. MefotmlcK. ! 'Jieat
r"id; Mm. .lohn A. Mwtll, of OrauMtn, N.
V.. I.lnda. Mcboii.ild, of Niw Vnl.i Clll lie
l):iuld, of Huninoia: lh u. M. K. .'.tei'iondd. rf
IhU clli I'Mn't. uf I'lilnrVM. X. J.. .! .1.
W. jnd T. It. MfDor.i'.il oi Iiimu.-. 'the
mi'ciai iMit ii uii'i in "cio-N .eMim, , n.
u. -la. v ill U '!. .t ''.. Mai ilmnli,
iitiuuiorc. ai.'i inTLiiie nt am c iiiu hi .i.q
Mt. Oiiitnsl icmetcry.
Andrew White.
Andieu- White, a lvelbknowu Italian iuwn,
lefidlni; at V!0 Itohltwon meet, died at r, o'clwls
it(idjy iiiurninit at the Hiiuifinann licwpital,
nucr a iroh,nKel illness norn Ijphold pniiinionli.
Doce.iied wai ubcut 10 of affc and foi
luerly idemltled ultli I'ui-k Carlucti in iha
Mono cutting; bu.lnc. He is mrvivid h. his
wlio and rluht children.
'I lie funeral will lake plant tomorrow .liter
i.oin. Intenmnt will Im made In iho CuIiwImI
Mrs. I. W. Bannister.
Mil". I. W. lljiinlklii-, wife of tho maniKCi of
the Newark bhci More, tiled ynteiday incrnlni;
at her home, TJ1 Qulnc) aienu,-, trom an atiaik
of typhoid feur, Willi wliUh lio was afrticte-I
federal week, aito,
Dii-eanl had resided in tliU city dunng the
pakt thlitein years and Is nirilw-i by hei Iiuv
bind and one von. The itinains will be iolenod
at Vix'ehold, N, Y on Moudiy. The funeral
will be private.
Joseph Kietz.
.losipli Kret. aed CO j,ai, illnl jetttnlay t
his rsIdi'in.e, 212 Adan Jienue. peieaed was
lrn in Girmany, and fame to Scraniou lu 111.
He was implojcd for over foil jear ai .1 dray,
man by tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
company aiuund the car khoru.
Ho was a member of St. Maiy'n Catholic
(liurih and St. Piter's icncrolent society, and
Is mrvlved by hl wife. Tfliu funeral nrianso-
ments will be niado later.
Mrs. Sarah C. Seaman.
Mrs. Sarah C, Seaman died jei.ter.Iay at the
naldenee cf hir daughter, Mm. II. A. Mace, of
JOT Dudley Mi cot, Xotlh SVrantou. Sko was
S't jeairt of auT.
The funeral will be held at 2.:!0 oVIoiV to.
morrow afternoon, with een-ltes at the bouso.
Intennnit will bo private.
Tli fuiuiol of the late Thoniaa Illel, who died
at the horn of hU diuahtr, Mr. John (illroy,
at 63S North Main awnuo, will take pla at
8.30 o'cloik this morning. Sen Ices will be held
In St. Patrick'! Catholic church, and interment
will bo mado in the Cathedral cemetery.
The funeral of the late Jamra A, Drace will
take place tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
Sen Ices will bo held at the houi.e, MS North
Hyde Park avenue, and interment will be mado
In tho Watlibuin ttrcit cemetery.
Week in General Business Without
Striking New Features. '
By Idulct Wlra (rem Tlio .'-ocltcd Pica.
Now York, Feb. 1. R. G. Dun &
Co.'s Weekly Review of Trudo tomor
row will say.
Tho week in geneial business has
been without striking feature, but in
this respect tho outcome has been fa
vorable. Not one of tho icrent Indus
Itles tlnds any scarcity of ordeis for
goods, and business Is done at pllccl
which show o slight tendency to rls-,
cjicopt lu textiles, which have been
affected by tho reduction of ten to
twenty per cent, in tho season's open
ing prices by tho American Woolen
Wllllo steel mills hae contracts on
hand for their output from throe to
sK months abend, prices natutally
iiile firm. Few actual advances aro
recorded, but theio Is expectation of
a. higher figure soon for Hessemer pig
Iron, while rumors are. numerous as
to a rise In billets, plates and pinto
tural materials. All these lines show
n bilsk demand Wlro nails and
barbed wlro weie advanced fi per ton,
owing to heavy ordeis from the west,
and it Is expected that the few mills
still Idle will shoitly resume.
Actlvttly In Texas oil fields has lu
Influence on the sales 'of pipe and
tanks. Wages are In a fair way to be
satisfactory adjusted at Valley fur
naces; the reduction agiced upon n
less than originally announced. Ex
port orders decrease and tho nusdiin
armor plate contract may not go to
an American, although his terms were
the best. Root and shoo dealeis le
celvo mor-i ordeif, nnd although quo
tations are nominally unchanged,
many makers refuse to receive con
tracts without a small advance.
A sudden Increase In sales of wool
at the three chief eastern maikets to
5.41 2,0n0 pounds, against 2 SO::, too In the
previous week does not. appear signi
ficant. After such nn titimisunlly lull
season, some recovery was in order.
They Made Him a Raving: Bovine,
Lunatic for Awhile.
I'rom the Cincinnati Kniyilrcr
A set of crimson goggles on a bull Is
a combination as )-iie as It hi bizarre,
but this is Jui.t exactly what John An
schutz, of Stowo township, ran across
the other day when ho went out to
take a. look at his black and white
bovine, Dexter. Tho bull was Indebted
for his new ornaments to a bevy ot
mischievous boys, who wanted to dem
onstrate tho generally lccelved theory
that anything red renders a bull ob
streperous. When Pexter woke up the
next morning he h.iv everything had
a decided reddish tinge. Uy the time
ho had come to the conclusion that
cery object ho gnzed on had unae
countnbly been transformed Into car
mine he became flirlous. He noticed
that hN cattle companions had all
taken on the new color; that the grass
was no longer green; that the land
scape had baen painted In tho prevail
ing tint, and then he became a bovine
lunatic. To cap the climax he saw he
wan near a led batn. close to a rud
fence, and that the milkmaid was a
red gill, who carried a red bucket nnd
a three-legged stool of the same color.
Now. ho was hlmply a pont-up -.oleano
In cow skin, and the trouble besan,
With a snort he made u pass at a
stiuw stack that was the color of a
bilcl.-yatd, but failed to knock It Into
tho next county, though he had tho
supreme Kitlsfuctlon of witnessing the
tcrrliled unties of icd thickens, red
geese and led ducks In their wild en
deavor to get out of his way. without
slopping to enjoy his satisfaction In
having turned a peaceful btunyurd Into
a cyclone-swept prairie, he butted up
ayainst tho weather boarding of tho
barn. mnkln- the red bpllntcr.- fly like
straw lu a whirlwind, and accelerat
ing the flight of the red-headed girl
Into a bright red spring house. Next
the panels of the led fence .succumbed
to the furious onslaught; a meadow
i with red grass was crossed, nnd Mr.
Hull found himself on tho bank of a
stream, tho water of which was as led
as blood. Ilei", after an hour of un
spoken mlf-ery, the poor bull sunk down
exhausted, and the red goggles droppe.d
from his deceived eyes. Mr. Anschutz
has offered a reward for tho arrest of
the bloody-minded boys.
At Cornell niilivrrlly, there ie a 0111.2 kIIo.v
villi mr.u-ilila gill. Te biRln with Ii had
ti.i hundred tv I (til dollar.. Ot llil. tinii, he
raid cm- hitndml dollU'. f"i' lii'lhvn, and the lid
limn tor lioch. Ho louiid a where he Lonhl
nt hit lioaid fi,r 'vail my upon Iho t ible. lie
hiui-rdtd In -i.illiis u loom "-.- Kr.dliin a (m
nice In the liousn Hn 1m tono ilyjld along vVh
lU'iiei 'i tdfiii iifunlnit diht The lu
, 11Ir, , ,,, a ,)rlBll tiil ,m ,,, ,
I ... .. .., lu .,,,, .i... ,,.,,. . n. ,.
tefere Wily, Lost igr
Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of
euro or refund the money paid. Send for
our Bankable Guarantee Bond.
pruitn Tflhtete EXTRA STRENQTB
,! WllCl laWIVlo Immediate Results
Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Un
developed or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia,
Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the
Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By
mm in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our Bank
able guarantee Bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid.
Nervita Mica! Co., Clinton and Jackson $ts Chicago, II!,!
In Treating;
Coughs, Catarrh
and Consumption
Will Suva Thousands of Uvea An
nually, t
1)0 YOU USB IT ?
That thousands of lives could ho
saved annually If the peoplo who ari
mulcted with tespliatory diseases,
tired a little common oenso In treat
ing the same, Is u well known fact to
nil medical men. It seems, however,
that although men and women ex
hibit gooJ sound Judgment In con
ducting tho ordlnaty afftilrs of life, th-
moment they llnd themsolves ullllcted
with disease, they immediately loso
their head; forget to use their reason
ing powers and evcntunlly become vic
tims of their own folly.
Kspeclally Is this vtruo of thosu v.-ha
contract Catarih, IJionchltls und Con
sumption. Kvoiy man, woniuii nnd
child who can read, now understands
that Consumption is a germ disease:
Hint thes" germs aie located lntho
lungs and must be destroyed before
1 there Is any possibility of a euro be
ing effected.
JCvery one of these, peoplo have been
taught In our public schools that
nothing but the air we breathe can
enter the bronchial tubes and lungs;
that tho air passages are so con
structed as to prevent molstuio of any
kind from being Inhaled.
Yet In spite of this knowledge, thous
ands upon thousands of people un
niially purcha-e stomaeji medicines or
treatments requiting the use of moist
vapors, spray, douchca and atoml.eis.
The exoiibc generally given for using
these remedies after they have proven
failures l that they saw Bitch wonder
ful testimonials in the paperi-. Hut
this Is no excuse nt nil. for. nlthough
you may not know that testimonials
of prominent men can be pin chased by
the hundieds In almost every state,
von 1)0 KNOW, If you stop to think,
that such remedies CANNOT REACH
KABK. If the victims of Catonh, Uronchl
tls nnd Coufumpllnn would show tho
t.ame care In purchasing remedies for
these diseases that they do In buying
other articles, tlioy will llnd upon in
vestigation that during the whole his
tory of medicine, but one cure for
theso diseases has ever been known:
that in si-He of all testimonials, there
is not one cate on record whero gen
uine Consumption has ever been per
manently cured until this one treat
ment was dlscoveied.
They will also llnd that there is but
one treatment among the thousands
advertised, which Is reco-nmended and
prescribed by physicians, They will
llnd If they take the tiouble to Inves
tigate reports published by the 15u
erau of Vital Statistics In Wushlngien.
that the deaths fiom Consumption ln
cieased "0 per cent, yearly tip to ISM
when this new remedy was first glvci
to the public and that since that time
deaths from' respiratory diseases hae
decreased on an aveiage of SO per
cent, annuallv.
Thetic are facts and ilgums- wldulv
miv one can obtain fiom published
recoidsi. They ate not statement!
made by, an advertiser, or testi
monials which have been bought.
Your own common sense will toll you
that stomach medicines, spray and
vapors can not icich the disease, and
your doctor and the Government 10-jvn-ts
will ptove the r.-sl. As to Ihcs
onlv cure for these diseases, it Is called
HYOMKI Is tho ONLY cure because
no other germicide of sutlliieiil power
to kill the germs oi' Catarrh, Ib-onehl-tl-
and Consumption, can be Inhaled
In the air we breathe.
It is the ONE cure because ii Is only
tluough the air we breathe that thesei
girms can be 1 cached.
Stomach mediclnt-s may lucreuhe
your strength. Strong dings, vapors
and sprays deaden your cough, but
the germs of consumption aie rapidly
Increasing In your lungs and death Is
Inevitable unless they me destioytd,
Theie Is but one way to do thl-f.
Coughs. Ctoup. Catarrh. Uronchllis
nnd Consumption cannot exlit wher5
It Is used. It Is guurante-jd to aire, or
your money refunded.
rive days' treatment is sent tree to
any address on receipt of a 2c stamp.
1IYOM1"! sold by all diugglsts or
sent by mall. Complete Outilts $1.00.
Tiial Outfits 25e.
In Memory of John Marshall.
I..incaier, 1'th. 1 K-.cui'.'K roinnemoratlie
diseases, all effects of sell-abuse or excess
and indiscretion, A Nerve Tonic and
Blood Guilder. Brings the pink glow to
pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth.
By mail 58c per box, 6 boxes for $2.60,
our Bankable Guarantee Bond to
----, m:is .v. nitnoi'NDKn, ,
A. J. OVl'VY, Maiucer.
Matinee and Nlgnt, Saturuay Feb. 2.
iUtlnce performtnee tt CIS. Cuiln-( per
lorroince at 8.13.
The eminent tvmantia tctor.
And Mlert company, under the. manitem-n
of M. W. IIANLGY, prraicfitln-; for th flrit tlm
In lhl cltv a new loinantlo dram by W. .V
THEMAYNK, elitltlod,
liiterttln, cxcHIn--. All new Menery.
lIienliiR l'rlct ife 60c., 75c. and $1.
Matlnoo price C5 and 60 cent".
ltelinn of tho mon'- bljgcct hushlnf hit,
Louis Clara
In tlulr ut'ro.nloit.lj- funny co!rt"d-(
All on
of EZIiza
rilcrs ic, 0Oc.,.T5c., $1.00 and M.W.
iexU on ulo Prtdiy at U a. 111,
, . 1
Tuesday Night, February 5,
lletuiTi i:nsjrnicnl of
Mildred Holland
In Her ltomalitlc Driiiu, Kntllled
The Power.
Behind the Throne
feats en Kilo P.duid.iy at 0 a. in. '
PHICES-Mc, 60c lie. and 1.00. t
Mumgcra and Lcjjcc-. Local Manager.
am, Tins wxr.t and m;xt.'
Jack Hoeffler's
Kridir eienlne "Henrts of Gold.'
Paturday Icning "Woman In ltl.ick.''
Monday Matinee "Tlie Dlue and tho dray."
Mitince Pi-icc- 10 and 20 cents.
i:cnlng Piices H, 2J and "0 tents.
of the appointment of .lohn Marshall as chlf
justice of the mpicmc court, this being; Iht
centennial of that occasion, were held today at
Franklin and Maishall college. President Stahn
announced that u friend who did not want hia
mine known hid conlributcd ",600 to the, col
Their Introduction to Uncle Sam la
Simple and Informal.
In the United 'States the. foreign en
voy goes in his own carriage with his
Btiitc to tho department of 'state, whence
ho Ih accompanied by the secretary or
Mate, without display, to the execu
tive mansion and into tho blue room,
whortt ho is left wllllo the secretary ol
Mate goes to notify tho president of Ills
'arrival, says- Hon. John "W. Foster
In the Saturday fcveniiif- Post ' This
latter enters with tho secretary, the
envoy Is introduced and at onco. pro
ceeds to read his address, which is re
plied to by the president. The Icttet1
of credence is received by the presidontt
aud handed to the (secretary of state,
and after a brtef, Informal conversa
tion the leceptlon ends.
The ceremony of the Spanish court it
that must nearly observed at foreign
capitals, and Ih usually highly appre
ciated by diplomats. The comment of
John Qulney Adams after passing
through one of theso ceremonies Is a-i
follows: "The formalities of theso
court pieseiit.itlonrt are so trifling and
liiMgnltleant In themselves, and so im
portant in the eyes of princes and
eourtlers. that they aro muoh morn ra'-slng to tho American than:
buslntsrt of real Importance. It is noe
safe or prudent to despise, them, nop
pi ac tii-able for a person of rational un
del-standing to value them." J
It Is related of the blunt old Repub
lican, llannlhal Hamlin, who ad
vanced aga was s.ent as minister' te
Madrid, that he stood In great awo oC
the. ceremony of audience, and went
through the rehearsal of it several
times with tho secretary of legation,
but he passed tho ordeal so clumsily
tbai ho cheilshcd a great contempt
for the performance.
For a Cold in the Head
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablots.
and Manhood
Memory, all wasting
circular and copy of