The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 02, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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the'tfitfke Building,
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Fivo Minors Bring Actions Before
Alderman Delovnn.
Five suits for wnges weie brought
InRalns't the Black Diamond Conl com
pany on Thursday before Aldermnn
11. J. Delovnn, of tho sixth ward. The
plaintiffs In the cues were former
employes, who claimed, araountB due
them ns follow?: Oeorgc Melon, 14. id:
Alexander Gofiot, $10; Charles Hank
er. ti.V); William V. Hanker. .".03;
I'hlllp Gocjots, The company
was teprcsinted by It. D. Htuntt, esrp.
jiud I'hlllp Gosots by Attorney Louis.
The first case called was that of
.George Melon, but he soon repented
of his action and withdrew It, the al
dcrman assessing him for tho costs.
I'hlllp GokoIs, who claimed tliiM
lor woik done during the months of
October, November and December,
next took tho stund for himself. This
cuso was a long and complicated one.
It seems that before the strike Gogols
nnd n partner named Smith took a
lontruct with the Black Diamond Coul
company to cut, load and deliver at
tho breaker all the coal pruduccd In
the Black Diamond mine. The Rtrlke
tntne on and no work was done for six
weeks. During this time Smith loft
town and Gogols claims ho gave up
the contract, but that President Thom
as agiecd to give him $2.50 per dny
for his labor, but that when ho went
fur his pay tho company paid that they
would have to hold him to his contract.
The question Involved In the suit was
whether this contract was binding af
ter woik was resumed when tho stilke
was declared off. Gogots pioved by
several witnesses that tho company
paid the laborers, and ho claims that
this was proof that the company, not
he, were tho employers of tno work
men. Mr. Thomas, the president, claimed
that instead of tho company owing
Gogots that the plaintiff owed the com
pany about $12. us they had paid to
his laborers that much more than was
coming to him. Mr. Thomas said that
at no time did Mr. Gogots give up the
contract. lie had shortly after the
strike usked for an Increase In rate;-,
but this was not granted. lie said the
laborers were nil hired by Gogots and
that the reason the company pa'
them because it was the custom where
he came from: Gogots handed in the
men'b time and this amount was given
them and deducted from the contrac
tor's pay; the men had asked to have
their wages so protected because they
doubted Gogot's honesty. And then,
also, this enabled the men to get orders
for merchandise during the month.
Gogots admitted that he had hired
he men, but claimed that It was for
the company, as he hnd been made boss
nnd timekeeper by Mr. Thomas when
tho contract was surrendeied. Doth
sides swore sevetal witnesses and tho
attorneys made short pleas.
The remaining cases were similar In
nature and were tiled together. The
amounts were for balances due over
and above ordcis which they had been
The alderman took copious notes of
the testimony and stated that ho would
lender decisions in all the eases on
The Columbia Hoso Company Brings
Membership Up to Quota.
Seven new members have joined the
Columblas, as follows: Michael Horan,
Matthew Muiphy, Edward Shannan,
i:dard Coddlngton, Cyius Plerson,
Will Holtmaster and William Lee.
The Columbia fire-lighters have taken
In a number of young men of late.
This company is one of tho bett in the
stute and one lu which tho public
takes a dc-ep Interest, nnd It Is one of
the most progressive nnd energetic, al
though old In e-uis.
She Is a Record Bleaker.
Mapager Byrne, of the Grand opera
house, lecelvod yesterday morning the
following dispatch, which is only one
Instance of how enthusiastically Miss
Mildred Holland Is being received all
oer the countiy:
Troy, N. V Feb. 1.
Mildred Holland and her excellent
company broke all records at the Rand
opeia house. Six curtain calls last
night. M. Halllgan, Manager.
Well Played.
The llrsl performance of a week's en
gagement of the earner Stock com
pany took place at tho Academy of
Music last night. A laigo audience
witnessed a fine production of "The
Blaok Flag," a play of thiilllng inter
est and many turpi Islug situations,
Pottsllle Journal.
Tho company will be hero all next
week at the Grand.
, Spent a Pleasant Evening.
Thursday evening munyof thofilends
of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Whlpplo, of Fnr
vlfcw street, surprised that worthy
couple. When Mr, Whipple opened the
people are killed every year in this
country by CONSUMPTION. The
fault is theirs. No one need have
consumption. It is not hereditary.
It is brought on by neglect. You
have a slight cold and cough. You
do nothing to get rid of it.
will cure a cough or cold in one
"Shlloh's It to unfailisc can for coughs,
, throat and lung troubles. It srill cart coo
sumption. It U rerasrluble remedy,"
JL E. SALTER, M. V,, Vulilt, N. V.
ftlitloli'ft Canmmntlon Clira l aalillkvmlt
druftfl.U a 25c, Cue, at.00 boil!. A
Hrlutea gnarant unit with avary botttt.
urou ra not tunm o to your Cm
ud f el your mnnrjr buck.
Write for Illattratcd took on eomumptlou. Sent
llhcut cott to ) ou. S. C. WclU Co., UR, ti.V.
door, In response to their knock, he
was surprised nnd almost astonished
to sec so many unexpected visitors. Ho
threw open the house and nil through
the evening displayed his hospitality
to the utmost In making his guests'
stay n pleasant one Games mid music
were freely Indulged In, and Mis.
Whipple, despite the short notice,
served a bountiful collation as a finale
to tho cvpulng's festivities. All de
parted with many expiesslons of felic
ity for the host and his estimable wife.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. n.
Ilndglns, Mr. and Mrs. James Addlcy,
Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mrs. James
Bell, Misses Anna and Lizzie Walker,
Bridget Fee, Annie Flynn, Bridget Mo
Cann, Katie Barrett, Anna Monahnn,
Lizzie Conley, ltuth Bell. Mamie Fee,
nnd Messrs. John Monahnn, James,
John and Patrick Fee, John Mornn,
George Blue, Patrick Golden, Thomas
and William Cannon, James Kllhullen
und William Hoche.
Blaze in Mine Near i.ichmondnle
Will Be Headed Off.
Headers will remember that during
the recent mineis' stilke a lire broke
out in the Delaware and Hudson work
ings near Itlchmondale. Some time pio
vlous to that there had been a lire on
the surface near the old Buffalo break
er and, cave-In oecunlng, part of tho
burning culm dump dropped down Into
the mine, Igniting tho coal.
The strlkeis at once delegated men
to assist In bubdulng the tire. Their
efforts were, however, of no avail and
the blaze lapldly spiead. Seeing that
the plan they weie following would bo
futile, It was decided to check the
spread of the flic by driving an open
ing across the vein of coal In the path
tho Are would natuially inn. Tills
work is now well under way and it
would seem ns though It will accom
plish the purpose deslied. Several
thousand tons of coal have been con
sumed already and the loss to the com
pany will be heavy. The lire will, how
ever, In all probability communicate
Into tho adjoining workings of tho new
Buffalo colliery, although theio is not a
large amount of coal left titers.
vThe opening to the new drift being
far removed from either railroad or
breaker, the company has decided to
let contracts to teamsters for tiam
porting it to the tallroad.
Will Be Rigged Up for No. 3 Shaft
for the Present.
A new electrical pump, made by the
Hc-ndilcks company, is about to be
placed lu position on the site of the
old Campbell pump house, near Brook
lyn street. It will be iun by an clec
tilo motor and will be inn until the
old pumps at No. a shaft can be put In
operation again, the tire last Sunday
having disabled them. Should the
mines become Hooded a largo number
of men would bo tin own out of woik.
and tho loss to both tho mineis and
the company would be henvy.
Two pumiiswlll bo bt ought fxmn .Tei
myn and installed at the foot of No. 3
shaft in addition to tho pump which Is
now being opeiatetl at No. 1 shaft,
where neatly all of tho No. 3 mlnei-S
are now nt w 01 k.
A Full Ticket Placed In the Tlold in
Caibondale Township.
At a Democratic caucus held recent
ly In the Noitheast district of Car
bondale township, the following per
sons weie nominated for the different
Supervisors Thomas H. Cummin,;,
Edward Casey.
Poor Master M. J. Kuddy.
School Dlrcctoib AV. J. Ooidon, An
thony Barrett.
TroabUi or Patrick Hoi an.
Asfossor r.J. Ktane.
Auditor T. D Hadlgan.
Town Cleik Martin Battle. ,
Judge of Elections Michael Cocglns.
Inspector of Elections John W.
Register of Voters Hugh Battle.
Special Meeting.
A special meeting of Catbondulo
Federal Labor union, No. 7,201, will
be held on Monday evening, Feb. I. As
business of Impoitance Is to como up,
all members are requested to be pres
ent. St. Blasius' Day.
Tomorrow will be obbcned in tho
Roman Catholic world as St. Blasius'
day, devoted to blessing tho tluoat. It
Is held lu commemoration of the drath
of the Bishop of Sebahte, Cuppadocla,
who suffered martyrdom In 316 A. D.
Much Improved.
Ft .ink McDonald, of Fallbtook street,
has returned from Philadelphia, wham
ho has been under treatment for sev
eral months at one of the hospitals.
He Is much Improved In health.
Invited to a Silver Wedding.
Invitations have been rcceieil by
Carbondale friends to nttend the silver
wedding of Mr. and Mis. N. G. Kent,
of Corning, Cal to bo held February 9.
Newspnpeimnii in Town.
Joseph Richards, a traveling tepie
sentatlvo of the New York Journal,
was In town yesterday drumming up
trado for his well-known puper.
State Taxes Duo.
Tax Collector Plcico bus issued no
tices that tho state and county taxes
for 1900 nre now delinquent and must
be paid at once.
A Caid Matinee.
Mrs. C. R. Manville has issued Invi
tations to a number of lady ft lends for
an afternoon at cards on next Wed
nesday. BllBy,
Tho Dclawato and Hudson locomo
tive shops uro woiklng each night until
10 o'clock.
Coming Amusements.
Tonight "Tha Power Behind
Monday "Tile Black Flag-."
EX. Hatfield, man
ager of the Carbin
dalo edition, will be
pleaded to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting It. Tele
phone numbers: New
a36: old, 0433.
The rinnnclal Condition of St. Paul's
Lutheran Church.
Editor of The Tribune, Carbondale
You will oblige by publishing the fol
lowing statement:
1. Tho Mission Board of our Synod,
by Its sccrctury have just given uotlco
of $150 appropriated, In uddltlon to the
pactor's salary, moaning an annual In
crease of $50 per year, which we
thankfully herewith acknowledge, ns
well ns tho liberal contilbutlons from
members and other friends of our
chinch, ennbllng tho pastor to obtain
d livelihood without going Into debt.
May Uod presove to mo tho good will
which I have enjoyed In Carbondale
from tho very start.
2. Our llnanclnl report, ns approved,
for tho pnst year Is un follows:
Hecc-lved from all sources. .$1,134.01
Kxpent-cs 1.42S.SG
Balance $5.1S
Salary of tho pastor not counted
3. To meet Hist payment on mort
gage wo Hnd It w 111 now be necesary
to tall on subscribers to our building
fund In the t.ear future, as the out
standing subset Iptlons would cover the
We know Carbondale Is unusunlly
haid-presscd for conti Ibutlcii3 at tho
present time for church purposes. But
their llbeinllty will not end
at thu
doors of the Lutheran church, which
Is glad only to make a livelihood in a
modest way.
"Small nnd Clean" tho best motto.
I tiust, therefoie, to find a good
will In calling on you the next time,
r. Dhtnger, pastor.
Catbondale, Pa., Feb. 1, 1001.
Fiist Congregational, corner Eighth
avenu" and South Chutch street Rev.
M. c. Elliott, pastor. Subbath services,
10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in.; Sunday
school, 2 p. m.. Young Men's union,
3.41 p. 111.: Y. P. S. C. E., 0.43 p. in.:
piayer ftstvlee, Thursday evening at
7.30 o'clock. The pastor speaks at 10.30
and 7.30 p. m. The ecnlng toplu will
be '"Tho Beginning and i'mllng of the
Pateison Ti.itjcdy. The Lesson." Tho
music at the evening service will be a
special feature, tho programme of
which uppenis elsewhere. All Invited.
Fltst (St. Paul's) Lutheran church,
Church street Kv. F. Ehlnger, pas
tor. Septuageslma Sunday. Sabbath
fenool, 9.30 a. m.; services, 10 30 n. m.
Subject of a timely nature from St.
Matthew, 20: 1-15, "The Women L.ibot
11s In tho Church," In reference to
sermon bv Rev. Herbert Newton In tho
Buffalo Evening News. A cordial wel
come to all.
Beienn Baptist church, corner Lin
coln avenue nnd Noith Chuich sticet
Rev. II. J. Whalen. D. D., pastor: resi
dence, 3" Lincoln avenue. Sunday ser
vices, 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p. tn.j mid
week services, Thursday, 7.30 p. in.;
Young Pepple's Society of Chilstlan
Endeavor meets at C 30 on Sunday
evening; Junior Society of ClulstUn
Kndeaor meets Sunday at 3.30 p. m.;
Sunday school at 12 111.
Fit at Methodist Episcopal chuich,
North Church street, near Salem ave
nue Rev. A. F. Chaffee, pastor; tesl
donce, 70 Toirace street. Sunday ser
lces, 9.30 a. in.: morning piayers, 10.30
n m. and 7.30 p. m., pieuchlng by thb
pastor; class meeting following the
morning set vices. Sunduy school at 12
n.; ounlor league at 3 p. m.; Senior
league at C.UO.
Tilnlty Protestant Episcopal church,
b P.lvor street Rev. R. A. Sawyer,
rector; residence, 62 River street. Sep
tuageslma Sunday. Holy communion
and sermon, 10.30 o'clock; evening
pn.jui and bermon, 7.30 o'clock; Sun
day tohool, 12 m.: Sunday school teach
et s' meeting eveiy Friday evening at
7.JP o'clock; Tilnlty guild meets every
Tuesday evening; Ladies' guild meets
every Wednesday afternoon.
First Piesbytetinn.
North Church street, near Salem
avenue Rev. Cli.uiet, Lee, pastor; jes
Idenco, d6 North Church street. Sun
day services, 10.30 a. 111. and 7.30 p.
weekly prayer meeting on Thursday
l oning at 7 30 o'clock.
Welsh Presbyteiian.
South Church stteet, corner Ninth
luenue Sunday services, 10.30 a. in.
and l p. in., Sunday school, 2 p. in.;
mid-week services, Tuesday, 7.30 p. m,
Roman Catholic.
Church of SI. Bose du Lima, North
Church bttcot, opposite Patk place
Bev. Thomas F. Coffey, rector: resi
dence, C North Church btieet. Assist
ants, Rev. John Dixon and Rev. Walter
Got man.
Church of Our Lady of Mount Car
mol, Fallbiook street Rev. O. S. Cer
tuti, lector. Services at s and 10.30 a.
m. S inula j.
Probably Another Postponement.
The committee of tho Knights of
Futher Muthew held a meeting on
Thursday night to discuss tho ontsr
talnment which was to have been held
011 Sunday. In all piobublllly thu en
tertainment will again be postponed.
New Law Finn,
If, O. Watious, esq., of this city, and
F. B, Carpenter, esq., of Forest City,
huvu formed a co-partnership In a law
llrm for the practice of law. They will
maintain an oillco lu each town. Mr.
Watrous will devote his pcrsonnl at
tention to tho Carbondale olllce, which
Cures a Cough or Cold at once,
Conquers Croup, Whooplnjr-CouRli, nronchitls
firlppentnl conminin ti ( -,., rurt rcii'H
Dr.ltitll'e I'llli curvCop-tH.tlon SDpilti 10c
will be located in Mr. Watrous pres
ent rooms In tho Miners' and Mechan
ics' Savings bank building, and Mr.
Carpenter will dovoto the major part
of his time to the Forest City office.
Hach of theso attorneys has had valu
able experience In the business and
their nlrendy largts cllentclago will no
doubt bo largely Increased by this com
bination of strength. Tho many friends
of tho popular attorneys will wish them
the success they bo richly deserve.
Again Postponed.
Owing to tho Illness of Joseph
O'Brien, counsel for tho defendant, tho
trial of Sam Bllllott, charged with
murder, has been postponed until tho
next term of court. Tho Bllllott caso
was tho first one on the trial list and
was to have come up on Monday
morning at tho February srbslons,
held In tho county court house in
Scranton. About forty witnesses from
this vicinity have been subpoenaed
to appear, but their presence, of
course, will not now be necessary.
Three New Members.
At tho special meeting of the Wom
en's Relief corps yesterday afternoon
three now members weto initiated.
Plans were formed for tho entertain
ment which Is to bo held next Tues
day night under the auspices of tho
Lackuwanna Symphony club, which
was postponed from Wednesday night
last. The list of talent Includes Am
brose Battle, tho popular singer, and
Miss Anna Brown, the gifted mezzo
soprano, both of whom have delighted
Carbondale audiences many times.
A Busy Nignt.
Carbondale council. No. 329, Improved
Order of Hcptasophs, will have a busy
evening next Tuesday. Three mem
bers are to bo initiated, otllccrs are to
I bo Installed, and after the business Is
' over, a smoker will bo held. The mem-
beis of the Lackawanan Symphony
club have been engaged to furnish tlu
onteriainmont. Tiicy nave an excellent.
' nrncrHmmp tirnTinrrrI fiml tun mfimnpl-tt
are anticipating an evening of great
Father Dixon Improving.
Father Dixon, who wus recently op
erated on In Dr. Thompson's pilvato
hospital In Scranton, for appendlcllts,
Is now well on tho rond to recovery.
For a time, Immediately after tho re
moval of the appendix, ho was In a
very serious condition and suffered
greatly, but the surgeons now consider
all danger past, Tho membets of St.
Rose parish anxiously await his return
to this city.
A New Kidnapping Cure.
Representative Fuerth, of Honesdale,
was In the city on Thursday evening
on his way home from Harrlsburg. Ho
has Introduced a bill making tho pen
alty for kidnapping Imprisonment for
life, and those who aid, abet, or sccreto
a child with Intent to extort money,
from fifteen to twenty-five years' lm
pilsnnnicnt nnd $3,000 line, ad the dis
cretion of tho court.
A Now Pleasure Society.
The Friday Night Social club was or
ganized last evening at a meeting held
In Burke's hull. About thirty young
men attended and considerable enthusi
asm was displayed. Olllcers weie elect
ed ns follows: President, Edwaid Carr;
secretary, William Moigan; tioasmer,
George AV. Gillies. Tho now oiganlza
lion will meet each Filday night.
Mrs. Moore Dead.
Word wns received "In this city yes
terday of the death of the wife of Hev.
Dr. Samuel Moore, of Norwich, N. Y.
Tho funeral Is to take place at 10.30
o'clock this morning. Bev. Dr. Mooro
wns pastor of the First Methodist
Eplbcopal church here some years ago.
Mrs. Mooie had a largo number of
friends In this city.
Meetings Tonight.
Cambrian lodge, No. GS, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows.
Division No. 13, Ancient Order
Court Lily, No. B0, Foresters
Diamond lodge, No, 21, Shield
Meetings Tomorrow.
Knights of Father Muthew.
E. E. Hendrlck lodge, No. 1)1, Brother
hood of Railroad Trainmen.
Ccnlial Labor union.
Clgnrmakers' union, No. 433.
S. II. Dotterer lodge, No. 1M, Biother
hood of Locomotive Engineers.
Additions to the Choir.
The MUscs Mildred Moiau und Lot
tie Wilcox, both excellent altos, hao
accepted places In the cholrof the Flist
Congregational church, under tho di
rection of Chotlster John Nuylor.
The Passing Throng.
James Warren, of Sctauton, spent
the day In Carbondale.
. Thomas O'Conncll Is much Improved
after a long nnd severe Illness.
Mr. and Mis. Emit NIesen spent
Thursday with Scranton friends.
Miss Lucy McDonald Is spending a
few days with Su&quehanna friends.
Jeannetto Weller, of Kingston, Is vis
ltlng her giundparents on Church
Mrs. J. W. Rogers has returned home
after a pleasant stay with Scranton
Walter Joyso spent Thursday In Al
denvllle purchasing hoif-ua for Leo &
Joseph O'Conner, of Terrace street,
Is able to bo around ngain after a siege
of slcknebs.
Dan Dovlnc, of J"oiiy-second stteet,
has just recovered fiom an attack
of the grip.
Calvin Bonham, of White's valley, Is
visiting his hi other, W, S. Bonham, of
Chestnut uvenue.
William Gordon, of tho South Side,
bus accepted n position ns trainman
on tho Dcluwuro and Hudson road.
Miss Mlnnlo Jones, of Summeihlll,
Cambridge county, has returned homo
after lsltbig friends hcio tor some
Miss Gwen Lewis, of tho Electric
City, has been spending a huge por
tion of the past week with ft lends In
Ralph Ball, night coal consignor for
tho Delaware and Hudson company,
has been forced to lellnqulsh his duties
temporal lly on account of tho grip.
Guy Chamberlain, of Wushlngton
street, has returned fiom visiting his
parents In Chicago. While he went
homo to spend Christmas ho was taken
ill und his return was delayed a month.
Colds Melt Awny
If you uso Kruuso's Cold Cure. Pre
pared In convenient capsule form they
are easy to talto and effect ia speedy
euro of the most obstinate cahes,
Prlco 25c. Sold by Matthews Bros.
Miss Carrlo Murry entertained a
number of her young friends Thursday
evening nt her homo on Second street.
Among those present were: Miss Ma
bel Neusblggle, of Wllkes-Barre: Floyd
Keller, Fcckvlllo; Misses Mary Swlck,
Hmma Moon, Jessie Winter, Dora Ten
nis nnd Harry and Robert Frens, Har
ry Grllllths and Fred Wright.
Mrs. Archie Martin, of Fourth
rtreet, Is recovering from a severo at
tack of grip.
Tho friends of John II. Humphrey,
of North Main street, will regret to
hear that his Illness has developed
Into pneumonia.
Hev. Hdwnrd Jenkins Is ill.
Arthur Roe nnd Willie Grcenslado
made a fraternal visit to Pioneer coun
cil, Jr. O. U. A. M., nt Carbondale, last
Rev. D. R. Morgan, of South Wales,
who tccently arrived In this country,
will preach in tho Congregational
church tomortow. In the morning the
sermon will bo In "Welsh and English
In the evening.
Mrs. Hopkins, of Fourth stteet, Is
Joseph Beckwlth, of "(Vest Mayfleld,
whoso eye was Injured quite seriously
a month ago, Is improving.
Miss Jennie Boland entertained a
number of her friends at the homo of
her parcntp, Mr. and Mrs. John Bo
land. on Scott street. Inst evening.
Many enjoyable dlvetslons wcro pro
lded for tho guests nnd a delicious
repast was served. All tpent a pleas
ant evening.
The Harry Webber Repertoire com
pany will cloi-o a four nights' engage
ment nt the Father Ma the w Opera
House this evening, when they will
present "Nip and Tuck," a fntce-coni-cdy.
Miss Mamie Murphy, of Wilkes
Bane, Is the guest of relatives at this
Services will be held at tho usual
time In the Susquehanna Street Bap
tist rhurch tomorrow morning and
cvcnlnt;. Rev. George Hagen will oc
cupy the pulpit.
Rev. E. J. Hnughton, of Dimmon,
will conduct Episcopal rervlccs in E1-
I wards' hall tomorrow nfternoon at 3 30
o clock.
Mioses Sadie and Mamie Timlin, of
Jermyn, tcturned homo yesterday af
ter a lslt with f 1 lends In town.
Miss Mamc Sarge, of Blnkcly, Is
spending a few dnyfc with Kingston
John V. Fndden has been In Scran
ton all week on Jury duty.
Kathryn, the little daughter of Dr.
nnd Mrs. Knedlcr, Is recovering ftoin
an attack of pneumonia
Mr. D. B. Cooper cntertnlned his
two brothers, Albert nnd Horace, over
Dr. Leroy Stevens, secietary of tho
Baptist Educational society, spoke In
the Baptist rhurch last evening on tho
work of the society.
Miss Mayne Rhodes and Miss Jessie
Hardenbergh, who has been on tho sick
list foi some time, ate tecoveilng.
In commemoration of the twentieth
anniversary of tho Christian Endeav
or boclety the two societies of this
place will hold a union meeting ut
thu Baptist chuich on Sunday even
ing, commencing at 7 o'clock. Rev. J.
J. Rankin, pastor of the Presbyterian
chuich, will have chat go of the ser
vice. The Republicans met In caucus In
Huff's hull on Thursday evening and
nominated the following ticket: As
sessor, Byron Buckingham; auditor,
Fied L. Davis; overseer of poor, Dan
iel Evans: school dliectors, three year,
C. C. CUly und J. W. Williams; one
year, Norton Wagner; councllmen for
three years, Andrew Nagley and C. F.
Edwnrds; for one year, Friend Rhodes;
Justice of peace, Charles R. Smith;
Judge of election, Chatles II. Whitney;
Inspector of election, II. S. Finn.
frtrvlcci at Methodlfct T.plscoptl rhureh tomor
row as usual. I'rejclilne at 10 SO, fulijcct, "Tim
Fort of Spiritual WlcKcilnrM." I'vi'iilng sub
ject, "Keglcct uuJ IU Itisults" 1'1-tor J. N.
"Hid pernor ill the 1'iesljjUitaii Uiurrti ill
lio conducted tomorrow as usuil. t'rcjclitu
at 10W) ind 7.80 by tlic piUor, ltf. S W.
Youns. SpccUl meeting will be heluNpicpaia
tory In communion tbo tollonlni; 'undiy, four
evenings ot nct week. The pastor uill ba
assisted by othir members of the t'reebjtery
each CNcnlng.
The ninth and tenth grades nt tlio Moosio
lllttli school hae onranlicil a literary society
Lhonn as the Mctorian eocicty.
The Junior Christian Kndenor nocMy of the
rreshyttrian church t'Jui 411 entertainment and
social In the church en Thurndiy evening to tho
parent!! of thu juniore,
Hid Lidies' Mlwonary sockty licla their
monthly business mcctins in tho bwment ot tho
I'resb.Ucrhn chuich. After tho business wai
transacted five of the ladies 6cncd bupptr.
A tltic entertainment as (then bj the pupils
ol the Illch fchool je.sti.rday attcruooii.
Mr. A. W. Conrad, of Oe-htt, I'iJicad bill
book clerk of the Mute Ieitisl iturc, rpent Thurs
day with ttcv. and Jin. I V llallev
Mrs. Lie and daughter, JIN Kriima Wader,
man, of fiifTord, are islthuf relatiies line.
Mabel llatlirlll Is 111 with diphtheria.
MIni llertha llievwr, of Scruiton, Is visiting
friends here,
Mb lctoiia, of XlchoUon, vas a
caller In town Thurfdiy.
Cieorge cttcr, who has been pilfering with a
eaneer in liU throat for ins time, Is worse
at tills writing
Tho evangelistic meeting of the Women's Thrij.
tlan Temperance union was held at the bonis
of Mi. O. 11. Travis, Thursday afternoon. After
tho luilnc'FJj was condue'ted, liht relitthmeiits
were served.
Dr. Wchlau, of Seianton, was ealltd here,
Thursday, to attend Mr. William Hinds, who is
Mr. t'tltoit attended the funeral of his mother.
it.-hw, Jlrs. Walker,' at feakm, Thiiitday.
Mix) ltuth Uaiduer and MKi l.Ona Mnlouo have,
been elected delegates to the Honesdale ilUtilU
Ipwoilh Uaguo lomcntton, to bo held at I'ovrt
City, Monehy ami Tucwliy.
At T.oO o'clock ou Thurslaj evening latt 1
nuiet wedding took place ut tl.o Piiiiiltlvo Metuo
AM church parKinagc, the llneipal being M1n)
Mzrle Muslim, of Cuimall tmt, and (inlljn f-.
Davis, of Jlatn street. Itcv. Wilson Iientby of
ficiated. Tliu vouug ioulo have goi.o to houw
lei plug 011 Main street, lloll jio well uut
favorably Known In this vlelutt)
WI1II0 descending htorr'x shatt Ne. 1 jesteiilav
inoiuing u ciulage load ot cniplo)es hid 1
vrry uncomfortable) evperlcnee. In totiio way or
other the cairiagc became suddenly locked, but
fertunatcly was no mar tho lottoin of thu hait
that all tho men ciancd uninjured, find after
a short delay ork wj icsumtd
Sen ices In tho 1'rcshj torlan ehurch, MJadaj,
at 10 SO a. 111. and 7 p. 111., Ilev. P. If. Moon,
p, I), pastor, hubject In morning, "I'aiable if
tho Householder": evening, "Parable of the
Ten Vlnslns." All wilcime.
I'etkvlllc Daptltt chuuh, Hev, J, S Thomas,
pastor. Services tomorrow at 10.U) a. in. und 7
ii iu. Morning subject, "I'oisewing the 1'ioiu
led Land" I ctcnlnj subject, "A Cllmpss of
the Other World."
Tho school board nnd borough coun
cil will meet on Monday ovenlng.
Tho Juvenile Ordor, Sons of St.
George, will meet this evening.
Tho Avoca Gleo club aro requested
to meet this evening nt tho homo of
Dnnlel Thomas, South Main street.
Mrs. Robert Ross was removed from
the Wllkes-narro city hospital yester
day, where bIio has been operated upon
for tho removal of a tumor.
T. J, Deeblo accompanied the bridge
builders to New York city on Thurs
day, where ho has accepted a position
as bookkeeper.
Alexunder McCornmck is Buffering
from ti severo attack of grip.
.Mr. nnd Mrs. George Rolls, Mrs. B.
F. Hluchclllto and daughter, Susan,
attended tho Shield Slngleman wed
ding ut Hatntown on Wednesday even
ing. The call for a caucus on Wednesday
evening did not meet with a response,
which Indicates that tho citizens feel
that Mr. Moore's term docs not expire
until two years.
P. T. McClowan has added 11 fine now
dray wagon to his lively business.
MUs Cella McQIynn, by permission
from the board of directors, visited
the Plttston and West PIttston schools
on Thursdaj'.
The marriage of Robert Shield, of
Dupont, and Miss Kato Slngclman, of
Hatntown, was solemnized on Wednes
day evening nt the homo of the bride's
father, John Richards. As the bridal
party entered tho parlor at tho ap
pointed time, they were met by Rev.
K. A. Kttweln, pastor of St. Peter's
Lutheran churtMi, who performed tho
ceremony. Tho bride wore n hand
somo brown cloth gown, with satin
and braid trimmings. Doth wens un
accompanied. After tho ceremony, tho
guests partook of a sumptuous repast.
Mr. and Mrs. Shield will reside In Du
pont. 3
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Towanda, Feb. 1. Sleighing patties,
for the first time this season, are be
ing enjoj'od by many.
Towanda was vlbited by the fifth flio
already this j-ear on Tucsdaj night,
which cnusetf about $i500 loss on wag
ons belonging to Liveryman lice's.
The students of St. Agnes school nre
preparing for an cntct talnment to bo
given on Feb. 2.2.
Ii. A. Sylvnra, a Pushoro man doing
duty In tho Philippines, has been
aw aided a midal for biitvery In a fight
with the Insurgents.
The Drndford County Teachers' As
sociation will ho held hero next Friday
and Saturdaj.
A large number of tobacco lulsors
were In town on Wednesday to nttend
a called meeting, lor tho put pose of
Perfecting the organization of a Brad
ford County Tobacco Glowers' associa
tion. The following olllcers werj
elected: Piesldont, Louis Plollet, of
Wysox; lce president, J. L. Elsbee, of
Athens; secrotaty, K. Walker, of Ul
ster; executive committee, John
Childs, eif Sheshequln; Francis Grtn
ger, of Ulster; N. J. Bal!ej of Towan
da; P. C. Pleice, of Burlington; J. T.
Sweet, of Monroelown; W. Scovllle, ot
Towanda; W. Rhodes nnel L. Mills, of
Towanda; G. Gilbert, of Frankllndalo.
The oblectH tuo for mutual Improve
ment In tho culture of tobacco, tho
maintaining of prlce3, nnd the future
establishment of a warehouse, etc. It
l" also the desire of the organiza
tion to cieate enough Interest that
will enable the granllns of a char
ter. '
Lester Pierce. Solomon Knufmnn and
Claudo Thompson have passed tha
piellmlnaiy examination for tho pros
pective attorneyship.
Nathaniel T. Dickinson, one of Brad
ford county's oldest residents, died tit
his home In Duillugton on Wednesday,
aged flO years. He was marrli'd twice,
Ms first wife being Drusllla Tyler, a
cousin of cx-Piesldent Tyler. Only
two of his fourteen chlldten survive,
Including ten ginndclilldreu nnd fif
teen grent-ginndchlldtcn.
Hcnty C. Davis, whose) death notice)
appeared In j-csterday's Tribune, was
president of the Stuts Lino and Sul
livan Railroad company, the Barclay
Railroad company and the Long Val
lev Coal company. Their main busi
ness oiflces weie here.
Dr. M. A. Quick, of Sajie, has been
arrested and held under ball for court
on tho charge ot laiceny of a Lehlgli
Vallev emploj-es' ticket and altering
thu name.
Th-j day for prayer at colleges w.13
observed nt the Susquehanna Collegi
ate Institute j-cstetday afternoon.
Patilck Fullon, of this plnce, has
been taken to Danville to lecelve)
treatment at the asylum.
Tho "Wyaluslng public Ilbiarj- his
received a liberal donation of valuablo
books from F. R. Welles, of Paris.
F.ugenc Mnnloj of IVnveily, was
found Just before his denth on ths
Kile tracks in that place on Wednes
day. His face was mangled and .1
wound was found near his heart,
which, It Is expected, was tho terult of
foul play.
L. Beckwlth, of Wllllamspott, was
the winner In the walking match Just
closed ut Athens, making I "9 miles In
three days. ISltner Coles, of Sayre,
made 139 miles In that length of time.
Dr. D. TI. Rcanlon, of Hlmlm, a for
mer jesldent ot Ulster, elleel from tho
effects of urlng chloroform.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Kllsworth, of L3
Ruysvllle, liuve Just celebrated their
llftj'-thlrd wedding nnnlver.sary.
M. Pratt, of Bali Mount, Is visiting
In Hastein Bwulfntd.
O P. Smith, of Avoca. has been vis
iting fi'lends in Towanda.
Tho ladleh ot the Piosbyleilan
(-hutch will give a musical entertain
ment entitled. "A Musical Romance,"
011 Tuesday evening of tie.t week.
Mrs. Maigaret Andicws, of Canton,
relebrnted her ulnoty-fit st birthday a
few davs ago,
K. D Wetbiook, of Montrose, has
been In town this week, calling nmong
his ninny friends. Ho wns fotmeily
conducting n 1 ticket nnd Jweliy stoio
Miss LUzIe Slatk, of TunMiunuock,
hns been n guest of Towanda ft lends.
An Intel estlng ffrntuto Is promised
lu tho ontci talnment list for ne-ct
week when tho U. Audiuws' "Glass
Palaeo" will hold forth lu Towanda
for one full week, giving nfternoon
matinees ns well. The pi ess command
them us the laigtst troupe of glass
blow cis In tho country, nnd nil will
deMte to see the weaving, spinning an!
knitting of glass. Thu company nrn
the original Llbby glass blowets, who
werj ut tho Woild's Fair, and every
visitor Is given a prUp, Their dls
plays nf birds ot all kinds, animals,
ships, etc., la far ubove tho ordinary
display given by similar companies.
Teh admission price Is ten cents.
To Prevent tho Grip
Laxative llromo Quinine icmovej the cause.
One Very Common Cause, Oenerallj
Hcadacho Is a symptom, an indica
tion of derangement or dlscaso In somo
organ, and tho cauno of tho hcadnche
Is dlftlcult to locate because so many
diseases have headache as a promi
nent symptom: derangement of th
stomach and liver, heart trouble, kid
ney disease, lung trouble, eyo strain
or III fitting glasses nil produce head
aches and If wo could always locates,
tho organ which is at fault tho cure
of obstinate- hendaches would be tv
much simpler matter.
However, for that form of headache
called frontal headache, pain back o'f
tho eyes and in forehead, the cause
is now known to bo catarrh of the
head and throat; when tho headache
Is located In back of head and neck It
Is often caused from catanh of the
stomuch or liver.
At any rate catarrh s the most
common causo of such headaches and
the cure of the catarrh causes a
prompt dlsappearanco of the head
aches. There Is nt present no treatment for
catnrrh so convenient and effective as
Stuart's Catanh Tablets, a now in
ternal remedy In tablet form, com
posed of antiseptics llko ISucalyptol.
Gualacol and Blood Root which act
upon the blood and causo the elimina
tion of the catarrhal poison from tho
system through the natural channels.
Miss Cora Alnslcj, a prominent
school teacher In one of our normal
schools, bpcaks of her cxpcrlcnco with
catarrhal headaches and eulogizes
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets as a cure for
them. She saj's "I suffered dally
from severe frontal hcadacho and pain
In and back of the eyes, at times so
Intensely no to Incapacitate mo In my
daily duties. I had suffered from ca
tarrh, more or less for yeais, but never
thought It was tho cause of my head
aches, but finally became convinced
that such was tho case because tho
headaches were alwaj-s worso when
ever I had a cold or fresh attack ot
"Stuart's Catarrh Tablets were high
ly recommended to mo as a safe and
pleasunt catatrh euro and nfter using1
a few fifty cent boxes which I pro
cured fiom my druggists I was sur
prised nnd delighted to find that both
the catanh nnd headaches had gone
for good."
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are sold bj"
druggists at fifty cents per package,
under the guarantee of tho proprietors
that they contain absolutely no co
caine (found In so manj- catarrh
cures), no opium (so common in cheap
cough cures), nor any harmful drugr
They contain simply the wholesome
antiseptics necessary to destroy anet
drive from the system the germs of
catatrhal disease.
Notice ia hereby given that tha annual meet
ing eif tho ftokholdera of tho New York and
Ontario I.aml rompuiy, for tho election of direc
tors and Inspectors of election, and for thi
trnnsacUon of urh other business as may prop
erly como before tho meeting, will bo held at
thu of Ace of the company, In i'eckvillc. Pa ,
011 Thursday, 1'cbruary -S 1501, at 11 o'clock
a. m.
The trinsfer books will clr al .1 o'clock
p. in., February IP, and reopen at 10 o'cloiV
a. m March 1, 10O1.
hy order of the Ilond of I)!rce.torJ,
AnTlltm b. 1'AIUIIXKK, Secretary
en of tho Lackawanna Telephone romam
will be held at the otficca of tho Compam,
fourth floor of the Itepubliean building, Scranton,
I'a., on Jlon-jy, February 4, 1001, at 130 p. 111 ,
to transact eucli business as may como befoie It,
W. L CONM:t.b, Secretary
ANN1K IlUMI'Illtl'.YS VS. AI.Kltl'.D HUM
phreo. In the Court of Gnnnnuii Pleas of
Iaekuvauni Count. No. 207, November Tcrrj.
V00. To Allied Humphreys, tho above uamrj
"tou are hereby notified that the sheriff e.t
Lackauanna County lias returned the subponu
and alias subpoena non est inventus and ou aro
rcemlrcd to appear In the Court of Comnuii
Pleas of tald County on tho eighteenth day of
Jlarch next, A. I)., 1001, to answer tho com
plaint ot the libellaut 'ikd in tho slid rule,
C. II. SOT Lit, bherlfl
lloroush of Dalton, I ackawanna County, de
ccixd. Letters testamentary on the above named ettatn
having been granted to tho undesigned, all
perous Iminc claims or demand against tho
mid estate will present them for pajment, and
those Indebted thereto will please make imme
diate raj mint to W. D. HUSShLL, L'-recutor,
Or A. U. DEAN, Attorney.
An ordinance regulating the width of tires to
be used on wheels cf vehicles used upon the
hifthwajs of tha city, in the transportation of
merchandise and materials.
Vctlon 1. Uo it ordained by the belcct and
Common Councils of tho city 01 Seianton, and Jt
is hereby onUlncd by authority of the sam-Y
That on and after the tinel day of January, IOC!,
all vehicles ued upon the highways ot the city
in the transportation ot merchandise or material.-,
(hall bo equipped with tires ot width as fol
lows: All vehicles having an Iron axle IVi
Inches emiarct or larger, or an lxo of cqubs
lent rnpacity shall be equipped with tire's not
lew than flic Inchss In width.
All vehicles haWne; an Iron ailc S lnchr
squaro or an axle of equivalent capacity tin! I
I? equipped with tires not lex than four Uuliei
In width.
All vehicles bavin; an Iron axlo l'S inches
equate or an axis of equivalent capacity rhall
bo equipped with tires not less than thrco
inches In wlcth
All vehicles havlni an iron axlo 114 Inehe
uquaro or an axle of equivalent capacity shill b
ciiuipped with tires not less than two and one
half inches in width.
Sec. 2. All veli-eH requlnns re rlmmlni? or
re tlrclns on and after tho pasvige of this ordln
a nee, Used on the highwajs of the city, shall
bo In accord with the provisions of tha preccd
lie section.
Sec. 3. Tho city clerk shall mail copies of thU
ordinance to all carriage and wstrou builders
whose names may appear in the city dlrcctorv
twlco a yeir on or about July 1st, and January
lt of each car until and including; January
Ut. 1003.
Sec 4 Any peiron who shall violate nj- of
the provisions of this ordinance, shall pay 1
fine of not to exceed $ V 00 to be collected as
debts of llko amount are now collected by Ivw
Sc. ft. Immediately upon tho passage of this
ordinance the city elerk shall caure the sam
tu be publlsl ed In accordant with law
Approved Jai. 21, ll31 n
TublUhed la pursuance of provisions of sec.
tlcn 6 of the foregoing ordinance and section
8, article , ot act of Jlay M. A. P. 15S0.
M. T. L.WELLK, City Clerk
plleatlou will be made to the Governor of
I'eniMlvanla, on tha -jatli day of Jfarch, A 1)
1(01, by Cvrui I. Jone, O. y. Hevnolds, Charles
fcchlager, U. II. Eturgcs, John T. Rlchvrds, T. P
Vein Storeli, Samuel Samter, Richard O'Urien, Jl
J. Ilevley, W O, Fulton. O. b. Woolworth, Jl
I. Carter, Tlomis rpratrue, and others, under
the Act of tho firnrral Assembly of Pennsyl
vanla entitled "An Act for the incorporation and
regulvtlon of banks ot discount and deno'lt,"
appioved tho 11th da of Ma, l7fl, and the aev
eral tupphments thereto, for a charter for an
intended hanking coiporatlon to be located lu
Scranton, l'a , to be called "The People's Hank,"
with a capital ttock of One Hundird Thouunl
IMIart (flio.UXI) the chaiacter and object of
which aie to do a general banking beuness, and
klull haei tho power aid may borrow or Ion t
iiiiuiev foi such ieiiod as they may deem proper,
may dim-ount bills of exchange, fore-Inn or domes-tie-
promissory nobs or othir negotiable paper,
nj the Interest nny be leeched In advance, and
lull hive thn right to hold In tnat as collat
eral security for loans sdeamvs or discounts, e.
lady, leal, personal and mixed, Including thi
note, bomb, obligations or accounts of II,
United SUtee, Individuals or cniporationi, and
to purchas-, colleet and adjust the same and In
ilirpose thereof for the benefit of the corporition,
or for the payments ot the debts as security for
which the amo may be held, and for thess pin
pones, to have, pocsa and enjoy all tha rUhta,
benefits and privileges of Mid Act of Assemblj
and supplements thereto.
ARTHUR mWN, Solicitor.