The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 02, 1901, Image 1

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Her Remains Are Taken from the
Isle o? Wight to Portsmouth.
They Proceed on Toot from Osborne
House to Trinity Pier Trip of the
Alberta Tlirough ft Pathway of
Warships Booming of tne Mlnuto
By L'xcluahe Wire from Tin Associated Pre;?.
Cowes, Feb. 1. The ceremony of
moving tho body of the lato Queen
Victoria fioni tho Isle of Wight to the
tiki Inland was conducted today. The
body Is now aboard the royal yacht
.Alberta at Portsmouth, whore It Ih to
lemnln until tomorrow, when It Ih to
lv taken to London nnd thenco to
The funeral procession started from
Osborne House at 1.40 p. nt. nnd ar
rived at Trinity Pier. Cowes, at 2.10
p. m. Tho body was Immediately
transferred to the Alberta: the royal
mourners embarked on their respec
tive yachts, launches and torpedo
boats,- and at 2.55 p. m. tho flotilla
steamed slowly uw.iy through the lane
of warships of nil nations. At 4. SO
oviock it had arrived at Portsmouth.
Tho spectacle of tho two great mon-Ri-chs,
followed by tho women of their
families and the noblest princes of
Europe, walking silently along tho
country road behind tho bier blazing
with precious stones, will II va long in
the memory of othse who saw It. Tho
veneration and love which the action
Implied wore accentuated by the
splendor of tho uniforms of these
kings and princes nnd the magnifi
cence of the military display which
preceded tlieni. u dazzling moss of
color. Tho head of the procession
emerged from tho royal entrance to
Osborne, the scarlet bands rousing tho
country echoes with the grand strains
of the funeral marches. The crowds
massed behind the solid lines of troops
flrut showed admiration and then a
ken realization of the cause of tho
ceremony. When- the ouflln came In
l?lit tho tiniest boy perched In the
treo. top knew that those jewels and
that rich coronation robe only served
to conceal tho well-loved features .of
the woman, who. tor over sixty yearn,
hud governed tho people and had been
beloved by them.
Portsmouth. Kng.. Feb. 1. The 'big
bell of tho town hall commenced ring
ing a funeral knell on the arrival of
the Alberta nnd continued to toll for
two bonis. The Majestic and Get man
flagship were tho last of the lleet to
salute tho cortege.
The pageant was witnessed by
thousands of persons alloat and ashore.
The Albcita entered tho harbor at
4.40 p. m. and moored alongside the
landing place. The royal yachts Vic
toria and Albert and tho Osborne were
secured to buoys In the harbor, whilo
the Imperial yacht Holienzollern was
berthed by the side of tho rock yard
Three special trains look down tha
members of tho house of lords and of
the house of commons, the diplomats
and other olllclals and the correspond
ents, from Victoria station to Ports
mouth, early this morning.
Tho membrs of parliament and cor
respondents representing even na
tion embarked on a small steamer und
were entertained at luncheon as guests
of tho admiralty. A fog had settled
over the still waters of the Solent,
through which warships appeared, like
rreat, shapeless black rocks. Tho
lleet stretched from Portsmouth to
Cowes, the turrets of Osborne stand
ing above tho purple hills. Abreast
wero the battleships Benbow nnd Col
llngwood. These emblems of Brit
ain's imperial power wero the pollco
men guarding tho avenue, ten miles
long, through which tha queen's body
was to pass to tho mainland of the
kingdom. There wero nineteen British
battleships, eleven cruisers and eight
gunboatH. Eight naval ambassadors
of friendly powers wero ranged along
the Portsmouth end, while gunboats
and steamers, with oftleial spectators,
formed the remainder of the southern
Tho Foreign Ships.
Tho foreign ships attracted most of
the attention of tho English spectators.
Tho pathway between tho warships
was a quarter of a mllo wide avenue of
clear water. For nearly three hours
tho licet watched for tho coming of tho
funeral. The otllcers on tho btldgcs
scanned tho Cowes shore docks tluough
their glasses. An occasional brilliant
buret of sunshlno showed tens of thou
sands or spectators, subjects of the
dead queen, assembled to witness her
last passage from Cowes to Ports
mouth. Shortly before 3 o'clock whito smoke
broke from the Majestio's sides, and a
second later a report cracked over the
harbor and echoed to the hills, an
nouncing the starting of the Alberta
from Trinity pier. From ship to ship
the salute was passed down the line.
Each vessel of the fleet was firing min
ute guns.
Tho funeral fleet was Jtst well under
way when It camo abreast or tho press
boat. Eight torpedo boat destroyers
crept ahead, moving in pairs, Ilko
nilent pall-bearora marching before a
hearse. Hardly a ripplo enme from
their bows, tholr speed being baiclv
five knots. Then, a quarter of n mile
behind, followed the royal yueht Al
berta, a vessel on which tho eyes of
the world may be salti to have cen
tered. At her stern stood a tall officer,
uniformed In dark bluo alone, as mo
tionless as part of the ship.
The union Jack was at tho foremast,
the royal standard fell from half-way
up the main mast, and tho naval cn
Klgn trailed from her stern. The after
deck of tho yacht was roofed with a
white awning, and beneuth the awn
Jng could be seen tha catafalque of
royal purple and ruby lines, on which
rested tha coitln. Four officers in
sombre uniforms stood at the four cor
ners of the catafalque. A few other
persons could be seen clustered on the
Alberta's deck. As the funeral yacht
moved slowly past, tho decks of tho
wai ships were crowded with their
crews. They were all manned to their
full complement. The sailors, In blue,
with straw hots, formed a nolld mass
along the decks of each ship, standing
with their arms at "attention." Tho
marines were stationed on the after
Tho band of each ship took up the
funeral mnrch when the Alberta came
abreast of her, and the spectators on
alt tho other craft took off their hats.
All Eyes on the Bier.
So. with all eyes focussed on tha tiny
looking purple bier the remains of
Qur.on Victoria wore carried by. Over
oil the miles of waters there came no
sound savo the boom of cannon nnd tho
riouinful tones of many bands. Fol
lowing the Alberta ti ailed along flvei
other yachts, at rureiilar Intervals.
First was the VlctorhSand Albert. Slu
cairiid the rovnl mourners, also tho
lelatlves or ofllclals who followed tho
cofl'ii King Edward and Emperor
William were chief among them, but
from the observation boats they were
tho only group recognisable. A few
scarlet coats could bo seen, with tho
ladles In tho deepest mourning, nnd,
on tho upper deck, the queen's Indian
a-tendants were distinguishable by
I heir white turbans.
The puns of each warship ceased tir
ing when tho Alberta had gone by and
the marines "reversed arms." Hut
they and nil the crews lemalncd at
their stations while tho lleet steamers
r.iissu their anchors ami followed otit
s!d? the Hue of warships.
tSrndually tho din of tho minute guns
lessened as tho batteries of ship after
ship ceased (lring, while the funeral
parndo swept round tho end of tho line
and Into tho entrance of Portsmouth
l-arbor. It was 5 o'clock when the
echoes of the lust gun ceased and tho
body of tho queen was safe In Ports
mouth harbor.
Alberta in the Harbor.
When the Alberta entered the har
bor, with the minute guns In the forts
sounding, the bells of all tho churches
of the city tolling, the ancient frigate
Victoria moored there, tired a saluto
from muzzle loaders.
Tho escorting torpedo boat destroy
ers drew ahead nnd steamed to their
berths, and the Alberta was moored
In Claronco yard. A guard of a hun
dred marines marched on board. Dur
ing tho night thn quarter dock, where
the bier rests is lighted by electricity.
The king's yacht was made fast to a
buoy In midstream. The royal per
sonages and their suites dined on board
and will pass the night there. .. -im
launches with armed guurds patrolled
around the yachts all night.
The crowd In Portsmouth is estimat
ed at lOO.'OOO. Every town along the
channel contilbuted its quota, and tho
railway .companies were helpless ths
evening before the rush of persons go
ing home after the parade. Thous
ands crawled Into tho stations and lit
erally fought their way into the trains.
Tho special cars wero at their mercy.
Foreign officers, diplomatists and mem
bers of parliament mixed into the rush
and took their chances with lite mob.
The cars going toward London woie
packed to suffocation by all classes of
Government Continues to Maintain
an Unfriendly Attitude To
ward United States.
By Inclusive Whs from The Anoitutta Tress
Port of Spain, Trinidad, Feb. . The
Venezuelan government continues to
maintain a doflant attitude toward the
United States. The report Is now cir
culated that President Castro, having
ttoops at his disposal In tho eastern
provinces since his victory there over
the insurgents, will send a regiment
to dispossess tho Americans at Pitch
The company will resist, but no
doubt It will be ousted if the. threat
ened attempt Is made unless largo re
inforcements are received.
Grave complications would Inevit
ably er.suo. Mr. Loomls. the United
States minister, is trying to compose
matters, but he Is met in an un
friendly spirit by tho government of
"V enezucla.
By I'xcluitic Wire fp ni Tho Associated Pre.
London. Feb. 1. The Tien Tsln cor
respondent of tho Standard, whing
Tlnusdny, says It was rumored that
day In Tien Tsln that Li Hung Chang
was dead.
Poillpnd, Mo. , I'iK 1. Time w.n not a mo
ment wasted by the delegates to the Christian
llnde.uor twentieth aiinluTKjry contention today
(or address followe-d aildics and each service had
Ml own dl.tingriUlirtl feature. Clergimcii fruin
many prominent parishes of the country contri
buted to the programme nnd the praise wrtlo-s
guto delightful tailattnn. As the Maine stalo
convention U ubo combined with the ftillltton
church observance ths state's quota of delegate
nvtraliaduw tint from other places, nnd jet It la
one of tho laigrvt gatherings, in the east, except
Inw the national rnmrntii-it.
Army and Navy Foot Ball.
Dy Exclusive Win from Hie Associated Pre-a.
l'hilnlelpblj, Feb. I. The army and navy will
aaln meet on the foot ball Held thli -.ear, the
nceeary agreement between the athlftlo author.
HIm ot Wet Point jni Annapolis atudemlea
luvlne now b-en alined. The gamo will be
plajed on Franklin l'leld. In thla city, en Pat
urdaj, Nov, SO, the Hnhmlty of Penn.honla
Athletic tucoriatlon boric, all the expenses of
the content.
Duke of Cornwall Improving.
if Uxcluslre Wire from IV Auoolated Preu.
London. rb. J. The fnurt Olrtular announces
Hut the piiVo of Coimtull and VorL il projresj.
Ir.v Mitlvfidory.
It Is Alleged That the Hawaiian Ot
tered to Give Assistance
to Aoulnaldo.
Wilcox Is Accused of Having Called
General 0ti3 a Carpet Dag Yankee.
Opposition to the Ship Subsidy in
tho Senate Other Congressional
Dy Exclusive VI In fioni The Aoclaled Pre--.
Washington, Feb. 1. Charges have
fceen submitted to the houso committee
on elections Xo. 1 airalnst Delegate
llobeit W. Wilcox, tho Ilawnilau rcpro-
i eritallv." In tlln in, nun nf Ai.i.intri
lives. Tho charges are made In writing
by George D. Gear, of Hawaii, who
KlllllTl'l t (Ifl lnftortl ft,ttrH,i(r tr li.t ..a...
i --" .-..-... ,.,'v. u..b i-j uu lil
ies m letters written by Wilcox to Fili
pino oinclals. The alleged letters are
of a highly sensational charter. One
if theso letters Is alleged to have con
tained this sentence:
'Tel' General Agulnaldo I am ready
to give my service for your country
and I am ready to obey orders to go
to your country and fight for the Inde
pendence of younr people nnd country
nt any moment."
An alleged sentence In another letter
' I am thinking to go to the Philip,
pine h lands and give my assistance to
Agulnoldo against tho invaders tho
hypocritical Yankee, the carpetbag pol
itician, Otis."
The petition of Gear relates that
there was no election machinery when
Wlleox was elected delegate Nov. C,
1300, and that many voters did not be
lieve a valid election could bo held
without It and therefore made no at
tempt to vote. Tho petition then
brings rersonal charges against Wilcox
relating to his marriage and also to
HIa career under tho kingdom of Ha-,
The petition also nllfgcs that "Wilcox
In hli Fpeechcs prior to tho election
madf use of the strongest kind of anti
Amerlean utterances for the purpose of
cnrryii'g the election, tdllng th native
Ilawallnns that the Americans bad
stolen their country afd yote.
for him was a vote for the restoration
of the que on and that If ho were elect
ed the queen would be restored: that
said Wilcox was and Is guilty or treas
on cgainst tjm United States In that he
did. ns petitioner Is Informed and be
lieve, tlnce the annexation of said 11a
vallap Islands write and send through
tho Lnlt'ed States malls certain letters
highly treasonable In their nature
wherein lie did counsel and incite oth
ers to engage In open rebellion against
tin United States and did offer his
Forvleos to General Agulnaldo to go to
the Philippines and fight and engage
In oncn rebellion ntralnst tho T'niirut
States, copies of which letters are hero-
wun liieu.
Opposition to Shipping Bill.
The opposition to the shipping bill
and the disposition manifested In tho
senate, today to delay its passage, re
sulted In the calling of a meeting of
the Republican committee on otder of
business this afternoon for the pur
pose of considering ways and means
to secure action on the bill. A decis
ion was reached to ask for earlier dolly
sessions than havo been held hereto
fore and to make an effort next week
to secure night sessions.
There was a general discussion of tho
senate calendar and or the possibility
of an extra session of congress. The
opinion was quite general that an ex
traordinary session should be avoided,
If possible, and the suggestion was
made that later in the besslou there
should bo an effort lo get nctlon upon
the Spooner Philippine bill. Some sen
ators expressed tho view that If the
Spooner bill or some similar measure
could be favorably acted upon before
the fourth of March, the principal rea
son for a called session would be re
moved. The conference also considered the
position of the subsidy bill relatively to
the appioprlatlon bills, nnd so far a
there can be paid to havo been it de
cision, It was to press tho subsidy bin
as long ns it can bo pressed without
eudangeilng the appropriation bills.
Senator Allison had given notice earlier
in the day that bo would ask to have
the senate take up the District of Col
umbia appropriation bill next Monday,
and it is understood that he agreed to
postpone that effort for a few days, If
It fhould appear that by so doing ho
could promote tho interests of tho sub
sidy bill. The question of considera
tion of appropriation bills was left
largely In his hands.
As a result or the conference, Mr.
Allison later In tho day moved that
tomorrow's session begin at 11 o'clock.
The minority senators made no oppo
sition to this motion, but they did not
hesltato to say that on effort to hold
nlttht sessions would bo mot by a de
mand that a quorum should bo con
stantly retained In tho senate.
New Steamship Line.
Dy Exclusive Wlrn from Th AaioclatcJ Preii.
Philadelphia, I'eb. 1, Announcement j niado
today tint n new ttimhip lint, to be luown a
thn William V, Protter line, will be Inauiniratrrl
ltwcon this rort and Uomtmrir, firrmany, Mil
Inw to ba fortnightly. It Ih Intended tho llrt
(trainer kl'all lenvo here on March 10. The line
will ba cprated In conjunitlon with the P-altl.
iiioic and Ohio Ilailroad company und will begin
l)ui.Itif with four chartered eeli. Conlracti
haa already been fiUtn out fr four new kteam
ern. m
Jeffrles-Ruhlln Case.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Atoelatd l'rei.
CMnrlnratl. CI.. rh. l.HA tnMlnn 4a- u 4-....
rerary Injunction In the Jcffrltsdluhlla rtui vu
uiru itHiay in iuu9 floillMri n court vy lite Ql
ttinev renrtiAntln th tnl. It In ..f...!.!..
thn liearlnc on tho motion will bo wt for onie
nay next cek to bo dchljn-ited by Judeo ItoJ.
Sheikhs of Persia Battle with, the
Xing of Arabia.
By Exctualve Wlr from The Anoclated Prtia.
Hombay, Fob. 1. Reports havo ar
rived here of a sanguinary battle near
Kowtit. on the Persian gulf, between
the sh?lkhs of Kowelt nnd ninrnshld,
who eUls himself King of Arabia. Uln
rashnl had 20,000 man, partially armed
with rifles, whllo tho sjr'tflkhs had 10,000,
all mounted and carrying rltles. I3In
rashld marched on Kowelt and tho
sheikhs advanced to meet him.
Tho battle, which was fought by
night, lasted from sunsot until dawn.
Ihnrashid charged repeatedly, but lie
wm completely routed by tho sheikhs,
who captured a great quantity of
Passenger Train Tdcscopss a Frolght
fly nxclmlie Wlte frcm Tin Associated I'rf-s.
Ashtabula, O., Feb. 1. A bessemcr
passenger train telescoped u. Nickel
Plate freight nt Wallace Junction, Pa,,
today. Fi eight Conductor Peter Dona
hue was killed.
Twenty passengers are reported to
have been slightly hurt.
Rev. Frank Elwood Raub, of Har-
rowgate, Must Pay the Sum of
55,000 for Refusing- to
Marry Her.
Dy Uxiliiiho Wne fiom The A'iocluted Pre
Lancaster, Feb. 1. Just before ad
journment of court this afternoon, the
Jury In the breuch of promlso case
against Rev. Frank Elwood Raub,
pastor of the Moravian church at Har
rowgato. near Fmnkford, Philadelphia,
tendered u verdict In favor of the
plaintiff, Miss A. Mamo Sehaefer, of
this city nnd awarded her J3.000 dam
ages. Miss Sehaefer asked for $15,000.
Under the law, Itls claimed, Rev.
Raub is compelled to pay tho damages
found against him or undergo, impris
onment. The suit was brought in 1&97, but
the hearing was postponed fioni tlmu
to time. During the trial It was shown
that Miss Sehaefer and Rev. Raub be.
caine fiigagod in l&Sf. the latter claim
ing that Miss. Sehaefer made lli3
matrimonial proposal. He testified
J hat in iini ho offered to marry Miss
Sehaofor, but upon learning that he
Intended going to Alaska as a mis
sionary, she refused to do so. and that
he never tone wed his promise to many
her. In ISiiiJ ho received a letter from
Mli Srhuefer. .which he construed as
breaking lln-lr engagement. Tho pres
ents they had exchanged ' -' riturn
eil. und in 1VJ7 ho bocnm wi gaged to
Mhs FIoi"nce Taylor, of Philadelphia,
marrying her In IS'iS.
Two bundled or mon- letteis were
offered In evidence by the piosectitinn
to show the ardor of IJcv. Haub's af
fections and that ho continued, his fer
vid correspondence after the time he
claimed he eonsideied himself free
from tho engagement. Miss Sehaefer
exhibited their engagement ring, and
testified that upon the strength of Rev.
Itaub's promises she had purchased
linens, bedding and other household
poods. One of the letters, In which
Rev. Raub spoke of the marriage of
Miss Sehaefer's sister to a saloon
keeper, counsel for the plaintiff con
tended, contained the real reason for
Rev. Itaub'.s refusal to fulfill his promise-.
Lebbeus Rice Is Shot in Cold Blood
by Frederick Guest of
By Kxelib-ive Wire from The Associated Press.
Troy, N. Y Feb. 1. Last Sunday
evening Lebbens Rice was shot and
killed, while he wns sitting with his
back to a window in the front room of
his house at Schnghtlooke.
Frederick Guest, aged twenty-one
yeais, who was detained in the lall
hero ns a witness In the case, lias con
fessed that he was the murderer. lie
says that he killed Rice because the
latter would not let him marry his
daughter until she was eighteen years
old. She Is now fifteen years of age.
Guest iHiin Invetetato clgaictto smoker.
He was a farm hand, anil lived with
his parents at Sohaghtlcoke,
She Addiesses Topeka Saloon Keep
ers no "Hell Bound Sinners" nnd
Intimates That the Hatchet
Will Follow.
Dy I'.ulmivo Wire from The Associated Pitm.
Topeka. Kane.. Feb. 1. Mrs. Carrlo
Nation today sent n personal letter to
ull tho saloonkeepers In Topeka, warn
ing them to btop their business. Tho
letter was addressed to "the Joint
keepers of Topeka: My dear hell-hound
Mrs. Nation suggested In the letter
that tho Joint keepers appoint a place
of meeting with her, In which the situ
ation could be carefully canvassed and
a decision concerning tho future dis
position of tho Joints arrived nt. She
Intimated that forcible measures would
soon begin If they did not heed her ad
vice nnd close up.
Will Ride Around the World.
By Exclutlva Wire frcm Tho Associated Tress.
New York. Teb, 1 Harry bee, a blcyc'vt. wji
at Mayor Van Wik' ctlloo Ibis afternoon to
di-lhcr .1 letter from the nujnr of Dellevu.), O,
!,cc rt.-irled from Clinton, Ions, on Nov, ID, on
a vagtr to rldo around the woild in three years.
Governor Stoneonsidcrs Resolu
tion to Provide" Representa
tives lor Pennsylvania.
A Well Known Resident of the Elec
tric City Has Been Suggested ns a
Member Responsibility of an Ac
ceptance Sum of 835,000 to Ba
Used by the Commission Full
Text of Mr. James' BUI. (rem a l.ift Concirondoiil
Hnrrlsburg. Pa Feb. 1. Governor
Slono today took up tho consideration
of the resolution providing for a Penn
sylvania commission of the Pan
American exposition, nt Ruffalo. and,
as the i evolution Is the direct result
of a suggestion In his last annual mes
sage, thero Is hardly any probability
of him withholding his approval.
The resolution Is made of particular
local interest by reason of the men
to be- represented on the commission,
accoidlng to well dtlned report.
The commission Is to be composed
of the governor, president pro um.
of Hid senate, speaker of the house,
five senators to be appointed by tha
president, seven representatives to be
named by the speaker and live citizens
of the governor's choosing.
One of tho live to be named by tho
governor will, it Is said, come from
Scrnnton, und about Capitol 11111 the
most prominently mentioned man for
the place Is James S. McAniilty. It
Is undei stood he was suggested for
the place by a personal friend from
another county who Is close to the
governor nnd that the suggestion wan
vny favorably received. Whether or
not Mr. McAnulty would be able to
accept the appnintm-nt ls, of course,
as yet unknown, ns this, probably.
Is tho first Intimation to him that he
Is being considered for the place.
A place on the commission will en
tall no small amount of work, as the
ibsolutlon provides among other
things that tho commission shall see
to tho erection of a suitable building
for the display of Pennsylvania ex
hibits; arrange 'foir-mo"vnlXtnh'uUon of
space among those desiring to make
exhibits, and look after the transpor
tation and arrangement of such dis
plays us It Is intended shall be made
by the s.fat(t itself.
The sum of M.l.tiOO lb to be appioprl
uteii for the use oC the commission.
This is to include all expenses;.
It Is directed by the lesolutlon that
tho comiulsstou shall be named within
two weeks and organized within n
month, As there aie only thieo months
now remaining before tho exposition
opens, a membership on the commis
sion, It can bo seen, will demand no
small part of the member's time.
Mr. James' Bill.
Following Is the full tevt of Mr.
James' bill, providing for u separate
Orphans' court In tho county of Lack
awanna, which has passed two read
ings in the house and will likely pass
third reading early next week:
AN ACT pro Ming for a sop-irate Orphan' Court
In and for tho county of Lacltawanuu
Srellon 1. lie it enacted by tho suiate and
hou.e of representative of (lie commonwealth
of I'enn)lvanU In Bcneint usnimnly met, ami It
I) Iiertbj- enacted by the authority of the Mine,
Hint In tho county of I.acVawann.i a .cpar.ite
crphatto' court bo and 1 hereby established, Iho
nnni! and Mc of which shall be "the Oi pliant'
Court of Lackawanna County," which said court
(.lull bi a court of ncoid, consisting of one
judge learned in the law, Tim gouinor of thk
commomualth, Imtredlalely after tho tassatto of
this aet, shall appoint and romtuUulon a julse
lejrnod in tho Jaw to picslds ever slid lourl
and tho Judite so appointed and commissioned
shall continue In oflW till tliu first Monday of
January next succeeding the first genital elec
tion of this eornmoiiwejlth whlih slnll occur
after the pwage of the set. At tho ret Ktneral
elictloii of this commonwealth succeediiiff the
pas'iifp of this aet a judge shall bo elected and
CPininlsslriieil for tho fame tcim rrol in the same
manner as the Judge o! the courts of common
plens cf said cuunlv, and the annul! salary ot
tali judt'O slull bo the sanvj at Is paid to the
Judges ol thn courts of common plus of Mid
county, to bo paid In the same manner as the
salaries of said judges of the court of common
pleas ore now or may lip by law paj.iblc.
Sv, 2. Tho Mid orphans' couit shall be held
durinc eciy tenn cf iho eourts of comimn
plea of said county and such other times and
as often a the Judge thsicof shall derm ni'ceaiy
or proper.
sec, :;. The tPgWer of wills ot said county
shall be the- cleik of the said orphans' court and
Mibjtct to it dhcctlon in all inattcis pcrtninlua;
to 111 office.
S)i', 1, Tho said ccuit shall have and cccielso
all the jurisdiction and powers now cstcd In
or which may hereafter lc conferred upon ths
oiphans' court and reiUteis' court nf the said
county, and all accounts filed in the nlflce of
tre icj:Utcr of wills or lr. the orphans' coutt
shall be audited by the court without expanse
to the parlle-s. except where all parties In Inter
est In a pending proeeedlmr shall nominate an
auditor, whom tho court may In Its discretion
ffee. 5. The s.ild coutt shall haie power to
puvent by order, In the nature of writs of in
junction, nets conlmry to law cr equity preju
dicial to propel ty over which they shall Uia
Jurisdiction. Pioilded, That wcurlty shall be
given as is nor? required by law In cases of cast's
of writs of injunction.
Sec, C. No appeal shall stay the execution nf
a final decree unle.- notice ol such appeal and
security be given within twenty days allci the
time that such .Iccrw haa been made.
Sec. 7. The said court shall line power to
mako all rules nccessiry for tho eveiclse of the
power hereby which may hereafter be confirrcl.
K'C f. The commissioners of tho said euunty
shall provide proper and sultiblo apartments
In which said orphans' court shall b held und
lis limine h conducted and In which tho records
thereof shall be. safely and tecuirly V.ipt,
T. J. D.
Steamship Arrivals.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press
New Veil., Kcb. 1.-Arrived t DcuttchUnd,
llambuiff. (.'Jcurcdi L'trurlj, Liverpool Alb'r,
Cenca, Naples, etc.: Amnteidam, Jiotterdam.
J'rawle Point pasted! Potsdam, Rotterdam for
New'. i;insda!n-Pa.ised: Camponla, New
Vork for Qiiccmtown and Uvcipool,
Wthr Indications Todijr.
1 General llcxly of the J,ate Queen Victoria
Ilemoicd from Osborne House.
Dill for a Separate Orpham' Court for I.icka.
wannt County,
Work of the National Jrfg-Maluic.
Cabinet l)lscnies Porelgn Mtmtlon.
2 fleneral Carbondile Department. .
3 lea!-Counells Will Take a Hand at the
"Ulppcr" Ulll.
Play Pills at tho Theater.
t lMltoilal.
Koto and Ccmmcnt.
6 Local Soclsl and Person.ii.
One Woman's Views.
0 local Two Tliniisiml Mlk Workers New en
CoJtt 1'ioceidliig-.
T !cni--Tiultciiiii Walling for Their Com
mittee. Memorial frcitlco in St. LtiU'.
S Local WiHt Siranton ami fubmbtn.
l (Jctii'inl Northeastern l'er.n;
rin.-mchl imd
10 S-tory-"IIc, fch.j and 1."
Weekly Letter on Municipal Atlilrs.
11 Local It. Ihrlo-is News of the Week.
Sunday Sth'cd tfm for Temnno'v.
U Local-News in the World of Iibor.
McAllister, Death Campboll and
Xexr Taken to Tienton Ihey
Meet nn Old Acquaintance.
Hy Uitluslie Wl c fr..m The AwimUUiI Prest
Trenton. Feb. 1. Walter C. McAllis
ter. William A. Death. Andrew J.
Campbell and Oorgo J. ICcrr, who
wero convicted at Paterson of the mur
der of Jennie Hossehlcter, arrived here
this morning and were taken to the
state penitentiary, where the three first
mentioned began their sentences or
thirty yearn each, and Kerr his of fif
teen years-. The men walked In pairs
fioni the depot to the prison and wero
In chaiRo of Sheriff Stuhr and a den-
ut.v. McAllister and Campbell were
hundouffed together, ns were Kerr and
Death. The distance ft out the depot to
the prison Is about half n mile, and on
the way Kerr slipped on tho ice and
fell heavily. He had to be aided In
ujlslng. Before entering tho lirison
Death requested that tliey have a
drink, and all four were taken into n
nearby saloon, where they had several
drinks of hot whiskey apiece, with tho
nvceptlon of Koir. win. mllk.
Wheu they reached the piison they
were taken to the clerk's otnee, where
their numes. age, etc., wore tuken and
all valuables were removed. Tliey wero
then given a bath, shaved and had
their haircut. Tho bnrbeilng was donn
by Jerry f'arano, the prison barber,
who hud hlm.s.'lf been sent to prison
funis Paterson and was well-known to
the four men. The new arrivals were
then placed In cells, where they will
tem.iln for a few days, when they will
bu assigned to some kind of Work, as
their sentence calls for lintel labor.
McAlister, Campbell anil Death wore
placed In one cull together and Kerr
was placed In annther'ccll alone. Tho
men are very much downcast and Kerr
particularly Is In n state bordering on
Dispatch from Cairo States That
7,000 Men Were Slain During
the Engagement.
Dy rxclushe Vlr from 'Ih; Atiscliteel Tre-s.
Paris, Fob. 1. A dispatch to the
Franeals from Cairo says news has
been received thero from Abyssinia
of a great battle in which ",noo men
were killed.
It l.s supposed the chiefs rebelled
during the absence ef King Menellk,
who has gono to the Egyptian frontier.
In connection with the delimitation of
Iho Egypto-Abysslnlnn frontier.
Suicido of Dammann.
Ily l'jelmlwi Wire Ircni The A'vxlated ITess,
Milwaukee, I'cb, , llaiifsheil for ten years
f i oin the VaterUnd, stripped of lili rank in ( lie
army of the kalr, rennlless In Milwaukee ailer
the confiscation of Ida fortune) for his loblinn
of Kinnornr Wlllhm't anti duel army regulation,
Carl pjmni'inn, lite a captain in tho (iciiiun
siiuv, shot himself In a lonely clump of woods
on tho I'abbt farm In the town ot Wauwautrs
today. The new of tho dead omen's tragic)
riidme will lie cabled In .1 c'.iuxhtcr, tho llaron
can Men Von hchr.ndt, at llcilln, tomorrow.
Base Ball Players Meet.
Ilv Inclusive Wire from The .oclled Tress.
rlfU'laml, 0 J'el. 1. Paschall plajers, rep.
riscnlltis all of tho set rial icagu-s arc irallirr
1 111; at the llollcuden hotel today, and it Is ssh
thit when the iwollne of the Playera' l'rotectlco
association is called to oidcr tomorrow not lis
than fitly delesite will bu present. Thoc who
hate already anltcd emphatically dec tre their
pmpoau not to stern any luague con
tract until that organisation grants the same
collection. as conceded by the American league,
Miss Astor Engaged.
Dy 1'xclusho Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Iindou, Ieb. 1. The engagement of the bul:e
ot Jto.xburffb. to Mis Pauline Astor, daughter
of Mr. William Waldoif Astor, his been definitely
arranged. Tl.c wedding will take places some
time next summer.
Concession to Wilkes-Barrc.
ny Cxcluslte Wire from The Aswclated Press.
Washington, Pcb. 1,-1 he Iiousn committee on
public buildings and siounds today decided to
Inereisc Iho limit ot cost of It lie public build
ing at Wilkm-llarre. Ta., to J-IM.OOO.
Torpedo Boat Sinks,
Dy llxclmbc Wire from Ths Ansoclslcd Press
Havre, Pcb. 1. Tha Trench CoipoJo boat No
J I sink last etenlM within mile of tho liar,
bor as ibt i emit of a boiler oxplo&loo. All the
crew were lest with the fjceptlon cf two,
Gibson Found Guilty,
Dy Exclusive Wlro from Ths Associated Trcs.
Huntlrifton, W. Va., Peb. 1, William ClUon
was today found guilty of murdering his step,
daughter with n hot pokrr at CaUksbui-f, A
lift sentence was imposed,
Affairs In China Arc Discussed af
Length in the Cabinet
Meet I n u-
It Is Developed That tho Plenipoten
tiaries Havo Not Been Making the
Progress That Wna Anticipated
nnd That Mnny Disturbing Ques
tions Havo Beoulted The Cuban
Constitution Is Also a Subject of
Dy Inclusive Wire from The Associated 1'iess.
Washington. Feb. 1. At the cabinet
meeting today Secretary Hay spoko at
somo length upon the situation in
China, It developed that the plenipo
tentiaries of tho powers are not mak
ing ns rapid progress towards n set
tlement an was supposed and that
many disturbing epiestlons havo arisen
In consccpiencc. Whether our forces
In China should be Increased and tho
question of whether it would bo neces
sary to make arrangements for moro
permanent cpiarters for those who ate
now there, than has been thought to
be among tho nuestiona touched upon.
Tho Cuban constitution was also u
subject of discussion. Much regret was
expressed nt the seeming deadlock In
tho constitutional convention by which
tho adoption of a constitution may bo
long delayed. Tho administration ih
greatly Interested In tho outcome of
thrj convention, ns to whether this
country will bo recognized ns having
rlghlH In certain directions paramount:
to those of nny other nation. The of
ficials are, not willing to discuss thn
question ns tn what would be satis
factory In that tegaril, but there Is no
doubt that this government expocta
some tecognlllon of tho vlght of the
I'lilted Stutes at least to supcivlse, m
in a measure direct, Us foreign policy
until huch time as the now govern
ment Is prepared to tako Its placs
among tho responsible nations of the
Hegnrding Pekiu.
Pekln. Feb. 1. Count -VonJWaldorsee
denies that he has any definite views
regarding the evacuation of Pekln, al
though, should China carry out tho
punishments ordered to be inflicted, he
has tentative ideas, which ho has cou-
'lfldenti.illy reriuesled the foreign gen
erals to express an opinion upon re
garding tho withdrawal from Pekln of
all troops except legation guards to the
number of L',000, leaving S.500 to guard
the railroad and other points.
Their views with reference to thn
numbers to be left behind, lie says, aie
largely at variance, somo favoring
mote and others less, Mr. Conger.
Vnlted States minister, and General
Chiiffco aro In favor or no moio than
one hundred Americans us a legatlor
Shipping Bill at the Front in the Sen
ate Omnibus in the House.
By Cxcluslte Wire from The Associated Treii.
Washington, Feb. 1. The shipping
bill was kept steadily nt the front in
the senate today and In order to fur
ther exepedlto its progress, a motion
was agreed to for a session beginning
at 11 a. m. Senators Hawllns, of
Utah, and Berry, of Arkansas, occu
pied most of the time today In
speeches of vigorous opposition. To
wards tho close of tho day a spirited
discussion was precipitated by an
amendment offered by Mr. Clay, ot
Georgia, proposing to link tho Nicara
gua canal bill with the shipping bill.
Tho proposition was strongly opposed
by Mr. Five and Mr. Chandler, as cal
culated to embarrass and delay the
shipping bill. Mr. Fryo appealed to
the senators to permit tho majority,
nfter full- debate, to assume Its re
sponsibilities as a majority of passing
thu shipping bill. Messrs Jones, oC
Arkansas, and Toller, of Colorado, took
n hand In tho discussion. Insisting that
there should bo no limitation of debate.
Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, In chargo of
tho Nicaragua canal bill, expressed
disapproval of tho plan for linking tho
canal mensuro with tho shipping bill,
saying each should stand on Its own
Tho houso today passed an omnibus
bill carrying 191 claims for stores and
supplies taken by the Union urmy
during the rebellion. The claims were
passed on by the court of claims and
aggregated J31I.4S0. Practically all tho
benellclnrles reside In the south. Con
siderable opposition to tho bill was dH
pluycd early In the day under tho
lcudershlp of Mr. Cunnon, the chair
man of tho appropriations committee.
iiut It flattened out later and tho bill
finally passed without divisions. Tho
bill to amend the Chinese exclusion act
with a view to preventing tho fraudu
lent entry of Chinese Into the Unltjd
States was passed, ns wero several
other bills of minor importance.
The Public Debt.
Dy Inclusive Wire Irom The Associated Press.
Washington, Ptb. 1. Ilio monthly statement
of the publla debt sliotvi, that tha cios tt
bifeimsa Jan. 31, the debt, 1cm cash In the
treasury, amounted to I,001,595,KT8, a decrease
for the month of fjt,503,13i The ensh in'tt-e
treasury Is l,i3M7':,.'3J, slnst which there
ire demand HablllUeM oiiUtandinp; amounting; to
(till.US.OU, luting a cash balance cm hand el
t tft tj
f -r 4-
Washington, Teh. J.rorfCJst for St
-f nrday and purdayi Kutcrn J'cnrsjJvttU -f
-f relr t-sturdiy and probably PwJiy;
westerly lndj, on the rojjt, 4.