( ;r T" "t1 ,rw THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1901 e i? i ',rc- 2 ,. . - r. -'" i ill Communications of news nature, per sonal and all Hems (or publication may be left at The Trib une's new offices In the Burke BulMInz, or sent by mall or 'phone. THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE A rorULAH Ct.EAIH.VO HOUSE for the Bern. " fit of All Uho Have llouies to Kent. Kesl Estate or Other Property to Hell or fcxilunije, or Who Want Situation or Hcl-T1cJ hmil M Mtieineiit Cot One Cent a Word, Six iMcr llcns for Five Cents a Word Ktcvpt fclluatltm Wirited, Which Are inmicu tree. VOR nKNT-ArtUNOTOV HOUSE, DU.NDArT cttcet. Inquire of .1. D. t'jultoiei. ..''s' AN OVERCOAT THIEf. William Kenncy Deprives an En gineer of His Garment on a Cold Night. A man of many names und with n desire for a. pillow was In the tolls of tho law long enough yesterday to ne tiled, held and taken t Scranton. It was all about an overcoat, which seems to bo the proper thing to steal these days. The.se nccessaiy garments have contributed to the maintenance of con stables and aldermen considerably of late. On Wednesday night William Maln .warlng. night engineer In the Dela ware and Hudson boiler hoube. in the lallroad yatd. went to work with his iaim overcoat securely buttoned about his chin nnd thought of the cotnfoit It would bo when he wended his way homo again In the early morning. He tenderly, almost leverently, hung It up on a peg In the holler house nnd went to work. About 12.45 In the morning he went outside to see If the steam was heating the cars all right. As he passed by his coat he stroked It caress ingly, rive minutes later he letutned. TViUsIng to contemplate the object of his pride ho wan honor struck to see that It had vanished. Ho hutrledly notified Night Watch man Wills, who is a special olllcer, nnd they, with Ofllcer Carden, dlscoveud footpilnts in the snow, which led to a shanty nbove the Coalbrook culm dump. On approaching the shed they heard a noise within ns of coal sliding down an Iton chute, witlia spasmodic guiglc at Intervals. Mystified, but un daunted, the three hastened In, and bo hold a man placidly sleeping, while a mi ore sounding like a steam bhovel jairtd tho snow from tho roof. The cherished overcoat was tolled up In a wad nnd decorated the under side of a frowsy head. After an energetic struggle the weary one was aroused. Ho was rudely brought from the land of dreams by the owner of the overcoat snatching it from under him at last. A search of his clothes disclosed the presence of a pocketbook which Mr. Mainwnrlng claimed. The erstwhile sleeper was hustled to the city tombs. Yesterday morning he was brought bcfoie Alder man Delevan, where it was seen that 1f he was short of overcoats he was long on names, as he answered to tho titles of William Law ler. William Brad Icy. William Kenncy, nnd vntlous other "Bills." Mr. Law ler, etc., protested his abhorrence of such a deed as he was charged with and affirmed his sincere belief that some one must have put tho coat under his head while he was lost In slumber and kindly transferred to his own coat tho pocketbook. Some how his story didn't make much of an Impiesslon on the alderman, who com mitted him to the county Jail in lieu of an absence of $300 bill bonds. The piisoner claimed he was from Shamokln, said he was twenty-threo venrs ot age, and was a tramp, hut It Is suspected that he Is from this vicin ity and wished to hide his Identity. He was cscoited to the county Jail in Scranton by Chief of Police McAndrevv later In the day. TO THOT ON ICE. Tilt Annual Meeting at Crystal Lake to Take Place on February 8. The annual trotting meeting on the froten surface of Crystal Lake will take place this year a week trom to day. Net Fildav a matinee will be hld there, and some of the speedy horses tioni this vicinity, Scranton, Now Milford nnd for miles around, are expectf d to skim over tho Ice in front otcuttora in good time. Following the usual ciinton, n half-mile courxj. t 1 ", -"""" "i" ! the driven) will compete for varloim prizes, such as blanket, gloves and other things handy for liorsunen. Tho now- hotel at Crystal Lako will be open for the occasion, and Land- lord M. J. Mullaney has promlhcd the promoteis that hot lunches and other comforts will bo served. Theie will probably be two races in the aftci noon. This will bci a good opportunity to try out the hotses who have been letting since tho lacing season closed. James L. Crawford, of Scranton, with his fnbt pair; U. P. Gorman, of Scian- ton: L. A. r.itteison, of this city, and other well known horsemen aro ex pected to participate. Giound Hop; Day. Tomorrow lg tho day set upait. .! sordlng to -all old-time legend ,w hen tho ground hog, or woodehuck. leaves his aurrow to tnke stock of the weather. Ife he Is unable to observe his shadow is he takes his mid-winter stroll he is 'Uppof.qd t know that the winttr Is ibgut over arjd he does not go back Ifcaln. But If the sun shines athwurd 'lis beam and he sees his silhouette walking beside him ha knows that six veeks of cold weather Is due and makes luluk time in curling up and going to iltap In his homo once more. Laid at Rest. . Ji'lrr. Margaret McDonough. who died it her home on Cottage street on Tues day, aged ninety-one years, was burled yesterday afternoon In St. Rose ceme tery. Services weie hold at the Church of St. Roso de Lima at 3.30 o'clock, which wero attended by many friends. Some Sleighing. Although the snow Muiries ot the pat four days have amounted to very little, there was enougli of It on the ' Cures all Throat and tung: Affections. COUGH SYRUP W GcUbejcenalne. Refusesubstltutea. A Vis sure '"atlon Oil cures kheunuitliin. 15 & jj cts. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT ground yesterday morning to took tempting, und William Hick, tho but cher was around In the early hours with hla cutter dellveilng and taking order. Tho going on tunncrs was quite good, oh the little snow thcro was had fiozen. A few other slelgln were observed during the day, but they wero nearly all dilven by far mers from tho adjacent country, where snow Is plentiful. AT THE HOSPITAL. A Number of Patients Received for Treatment Two from Blakely. August Cheney, n Russian miner, of Forest City, was Injured yesterdny af ternoon by a fnll of rod: while at work. His most seveio Injury was found to be a crushed foot. He was brought to the Emergency hospital In this city, wheio it is said that he will piobably recover without nn opera tion being necessary, but he will be laid up for a month at least. Mrs. Bernard MrAnulty, of Pike street, was opciated upon for a i" inote trouble on Tuesday. Tho case wus an extremely dllllcult one and for the pan two days the patient has been very low. The opeiation was successful nml tho indications weio last e tiling that Mrs. MeNulty would reco or. The poor boatd of Blakely sent two patients to the hospltnl on Wednes day. One of them Is Lewis Toss.'ttl, an Italian, who was sent on account ot injuries ho had lecelved while nt woik In the Blue Hldge mine nt Aic'-bnld. being butt by n delayed blast. Tho doctois nt the hospital, on uxanitni tlon found that he was also sutferlng from a malignant tioublc of tho livei and was In a very bad state. The other poor board patient I Mi chael Finn, also cmploed In th" Blue Illdge mine nt Archbald. He is mffer ing from cancer and will haw to be opciated on. PROHIBITION NOMINEES. The Cold-Water Men Have Named Candidates for All Offices. At tho Piohlbltlon caucus held re cently at the ofllco of Justice of the Peace W. W. Williams, in Caibondalo township, these candidates were named for the following offices: Supervisors John Butler, Canaan street; Thomas Cummlngs, Powdeily road. School Dlicctois William Gordon, Powderly road; Luke Lai kin, Powder ly road. Treasurer James Walker, Mayflcld yard. Poor Director Thomas Mai shall, Ca naan street. Auditor Phllo Tell. Powdeily street. Town fieik Edwaid Wagoner, Ca naan street. Justice of the Pence William Will lams, Canaan street. Judge of Election John Bcrgan, No. C Back road. Inspector of Election Ficd Keapler, No. G Back road. District Register Andiow Faily, Ca naan street. The offlceis of the caucus were Jo seph Malay, chairman: James ritiislin mons, secretary: Peter McDertnott, as sistant seciotnry. OBITUARY. Edward V. House. Edward V. House, of 2 Riverside place, died about half past 0 o'clock on Wednesday night, aged 39 years. His death was the result of a prolonged attack of hiccoughs, bi ought on by a complication of other ailments. On Jan. 19, while nt work in tho Hend- rick shopH, he fell and badly gashed his hip, the accident confining him in bed. Tuesday night ho was attacked by a upell of hiccoughs, which, with brief intervals, were continuous until he died of exhaustion. He was born Oct. .", lSbl, In Decker town, N. V. The family Mon after moved to Unlonvllle. X. Y., and from there he came to this city thirteen yeais ago. On Nov. 19, 1S90, he was married by Itev. C. Lee to Mlas Annie Andmvswho, wltn u s-yoar-old son lmnl0(1 Jtmn, nml a r.-week-old baby, survive him. His parents and a u,.other, Danlel nll of Unlonvllle, nlso .mourn him The un(;.u wlu be hcM tomonow af- ternoon at ; 0-ciori tl0m , ,,Ue rPsl. ,k.ncP. IlPV- Cnailcs Lee w, nicai, ,,, ,...., ,, i,., .., ,, a place at Shadysldo cemetery, Jcimvn. An Unusual Scene. Mlhs Hattle Pascoe, who is enjoying the delightful tempeinturo of Los An geles, Cal , wrltec to a fi lend in this I city of witnessing the beautiful sight 'of a gioup of twenty-two cen'uiy plants In blossom in Wcstla'io Palk, that city. Meetings Tonight. Palestine comma ndery. No. II. Knight h Templar. Junior Ordei United American Me chanics. Lackawanna encampment, No. 16, In dependent Order of Odd Fellows. Woman's Relief mips, 2 p. m. Mnnicd. Stephens-Ward. On Jan. 2u, 1901, by the Rev. A. T. Clin free, at Carbondalo, William It. Stephens, of Cuibo.idale. to Mis. Minnie A. Wnrd, of Wcotvllle, N. Y. Another Trouble. Hnglneer Thomas H, Davis, who h.11 been confined to his homa on eighth avenue for the past two weeks with the grip, Is now suffering from a svrj case of qulnsv. Very 111. Isaac Newton, who lias ioon an in valid for a long time, is gradually falling, and his fi lends ft.ir that he cannot long survive. Will Meet Tuesdays, Tho Daughters of at. Gaorgj will hereafter meet In O id Fedlowa' hall em the second and fourth Tuesduv.1 of each month. Theatrical. Saturday "Tho Power Behind the Throne." Monday "The Black Flag." EL. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbjn dalo edition, will be pleated to receive callers seeking infor mation or desirous of Imparting It. Tele phone numbers: New a86: old, 0413. A PEST OP TRAMPS. The "Wandering Wlllles" Seem to Like This City. Carbondalo seems to have more than its share of the genus hobo Just at present. Tor sonio reason the usual spilng Hlght of these gentry northward has begun curlier than Is customniy, nnd a largo number of them seem to have stuck a pin Into the black circle reptesentlng Carbondale on the maps and included it In their ltluciary. Pedestrians have been pestered by the requests, moro or less gentle, of a nickel or a dime to be used for the I purposo of slaking the Vesuvius that I seems to be always raging Inwurdly In tho beggars. Some of tho housekeep-I is In vntlous parts of the city have been annoyed and In some enscs fright- I ened by the tramps appearing and ask- Ing, or demanding, food, clothing or footwear. Several petty thefts have been reported, but in most Instances they ure so small that the victims do not caic to take the tioublo to lay com plaints befoie the authorities. If all tho hoboes who Infest this city weie dealt with as they are In some towns In New Jeisey it would not bo long before they would become a scarce aitlcle. There they aie arrested on sight, committed for a day, and In that time are made to sawwood, clean snow off the stieets (an excellent thing this would be, Just now), repair streets und do enough manual labor to leave a painful and undying icmcmurance or me town, ai me emi oi nic uy a um they aro fiee to leave, a pi l liege they aie not slow to avail themselves or. Something should cei tnlnly be done to stop the nuisance. One day recently n ttamp. hailing from Sweden, was ur icsted for being diunk, was let go the next day, passed the lemalndcr ot it in begging, at night applied for nnd re ceived lodging tit the city Jail, and the next morning lesumed hlsnbject plead ings, getting enough coin to get glori ously full befoie night. He probably has a good opinion of us and will spiead the news. ALE NEXT WEEK. The Cnvner Stock Company to Bo Seen at the Grand. Of the J. W. earner Stock company, which comes to the Giand Opera house next week, the Wllllnmsport Dally Gazette nnd Bulletin, of Jan. S, says: "This Is one of the best nnd most evenly balanced repertoire companies seen heie this season and It gave gen eral satisfaction in the "Tho Black Flag." Tho company cariles special scenery .for the proper production of every play. Prominent In tho case are: J. W. earner, who will be remombeied here for his able portrayal of Ulp Van Winkle; Hairy L. Webb, tho comedian; Cora Miller, Arthur Blackcaller. Nilli' Mantling, Daisy Lee Whipple and Cor.i Wllmont. The specialties by the Flsh- 1 er children and other and the clnegraph are excellent." THE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. To Be Held Saturday by Carbondnle Township Instiuctois. The following is the programmj to be held tomonow at Simpson by the teachers of C'aibondale township, Fell township nnd Vnndllng borough. Paper, Maty C. ltauctt: "History." Prof. Bounds , of Vnndllng; paper, Bridget A. Gethlns: "Value of Literary Training,' Prof Krice, of Mayfleld; paper, Hiss Joyce; address rror. Tlie gatheting included tne mamueis Thome, of Forest City . paper, Jlaiy and their wives nnd friends to the nuni I.ally: "ltelatlon of School nnd Par- her of about 230. In the euily part of ent," Pi of. Dooley, of Waymait; "Pio- gu.f,s of Hducatlon In the Nineteenth CVntuiy," County Supeilntendent J, C. Taylor. Piof. M. J. Lloyd, of Pilce buig, will give selections on the zither. Iiliector.s and patrons nre cordially In vited. CANDLEMAS DAY. Two Masses to Be Said in St. Rose Church Tonloirow. In the Roman Catholic chinch calen dar tomonow will bo Candlemas day. Two masses will be held In St. Rose church to observe this day, a low mass nt 6 30 and a high mass at 8 a. m. at which the candles will he DIessea. TU3 day following will bj the feast of St HIupc, set apart for the blessing of the throat. This service will probablv ha held on next Sunday afternoon A Return Date. Miss Mildred Holland, well known to Caibondalo thcatei-goeis, will ap- pear at the Onind Opera House Sat- unlay cvnitng lu her new romantic drama, "The Power IJehlnd the Tin one " Special featutcs of this production aro tho magnlllcent scenery and beau tiful costuniL's worn by the company. The pilnclpal members of tho enst be sides Miss Mlldied Holland mo Lil lian Noirls, Frances Biooke, Rita O'Neal, Fiedeiio Oimonde, Victor de Ike. Funk Diovv, S. A. Rose, L. D. Whurton, Leonard Walker and Flor ence Honner. New Pictuio Men. Mcsst'a. Small and Howard, photo giapheis, of Scranton, have leased tho gullerv toimerly occupied by Foster, over Kelly's diug store, Sixth avenuo and Main steet. They expect to be iciidv for business tonioimw Will Go South. J. H. Huir, esq., Is rapidly lecoveilng fiom his recent severe Illness. When he u well emuph to tiavel Mr. aal Mis. fiiur expect to taka a southern tilp, spending sevoial weeks in Floilda, May Be Two Moie Unions. Another movement Is on foot to 01 gnuliso u local elerks' union in this city. And the local harness workers tiio laying active plans to the sum-' end. Speclnl Meeting. A special meeting of the Women' Relief coips will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. All meinheis nre re eiuested to bo present. The Pool Tourney. At tho pool tournament of ths Car bondnle Cycle club last evetdny Knapp (third class) beat Cuno (four.h class) and Rcnnlo (third rlnsn) beat lloolo (second clans), a. Benton and V. A. Bmlth have renlgncl from the tourna ment, and the second drawing for games will soon tako plnc Funeral of John Coggln. Tho funeral of the late John Cogglns took place yesterday afternoon. A large number of his ft lends attended tho funcrnl, among whom were a dele gation from the Improved Order of Hnptosophs, of which ho was a mem ber. The pall bearers were John Mc Donald, Patrick aerrlty, Ward Ker nor, Hugh Battle, James Brown and Patrick Qulnn. Itev. Father Gorman officiated. Interment was modo In St. ltoso cemetery. Tho Passing Throng. Mrs. Lucy Hndcock left yesterday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Maxwell, of Oneida, N. V. Chairman of Select Council James Thompson Is convalescing utter his acute attack of lnllucnzu. Mrs. O. U. Shepherd, of Scranton, Is the guest of Councilman and Mrs. Rub sell M. Shepherd, of Darte avenue. Alderman It. J. Delevan has iccov- cred sufficient from his severe attack of gilp to bo able to resume his duties, Thomas Langan. of Dundaft street, bus tesumed his duties on the Delaware and Hudson rallioad after a month's Illness. Abraham McCIeary. of Lancaster, has returned home, after spending the past two weeks with his sister, Mrs. J. M. Graves Miss Katie Mullen, of Lincoln ave nue, wus called to her mother's home In Archbald yesterday by the serious Illness of her mother. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Itobeits, of Main street, received an unexpected pleasure on Tuesday evening, when a largo number of their Peckvltle filcmls, with out any preliminary warning of their intentions, camo up to spend a social 0Venltig with them. They received a ,,,aliy welcome nnd wen soon enjoy- Ing themselves. Refreshments were served dm Ing the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts proving themselves ex cellent entertainers. Tho following composed the party: Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Klnback, Mr. and Mis. John Day, Bert Gendall, Johnnie Williams, Hairy Ganod, Stanfotd Reese, Claude Olatkc. George Locklln, Thomas Williams, Gaylord Keller, and the Misses Mabel Williams, Bessie Budd, Maggie Jones. Gwen Grlfllths. Jennie Williams, Lena Gendall, Blanche Taylor, Louisa Hen diicks nnd Lou Kennedy, of Pcckvlllc; Mr. and Mis. Thomas Robeits, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas T. Roberts and Miss Maine F. Roberta, of Jetinyn. The funeral of the late Thomas Champion will take place on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Henry Smnllacombo and Mrs. Cassis Mayne were called to Caibon dale yesterday by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. John Smith, for merly of this borough. Mrs. Jenkins, who was thought to be recovering from her serious lllness.suf l'ered u t elapse yesteiday. Mis. W. J. Baker, of Carbondalo, was a caller heie yesterday. Mrs. Patrick Dempsoy, of Third stieet, yesteiday attended tho funeral of the late Mrs. Coogan at Caibondalo. Edward House, formeily a well known Jermyn resident, who died at Carbondnle on Wednesday night from hiccoughs, will be Interred heie in the borough cemetery Sunday nfteinoon. Miss Lizzie Battenberg, of the East Side, was a Carbondalo visitor yestei day. Mis. Maila Jay is III at her homo on Third stieet. The Retail Cleiks' association will meet In Enterpilsc hall this evening. OLYPHANT. The ninth anniversary of the Oly phant Conclave of Heptasophs was ob ssrved In a most enjovable manner last evening. The social side of the cider was never better demonstrated tho evening the programme published In yesteidaj's Tiibunc was rendered n i;uwnras nui . atter which me guests lepahcd to ths social toom of tho Illiikely Baptist (hutch, where tables were arranged tastefully with beautiful china-ware, silver and potted plants. Thu following delectable menu was served: Turkey, diesslng, mashed potutoes, celery, olives, pickles, cran berry sauce, hcallopcd oysteis, potato salad, brown bread, biscuit, banquet wafers., cake, fruit, tea, coffee, Ice cieam. After all had partaken of tho feast, Daniel O. Jones, as toastmaster. presided, and some excellent addresses ere made, as follows 'Our Con- clave," '-. D, Kdwards; "The Press," S. i t i:Vans: "The Ladles." Dr. T. L. Van Sickle; "Out Sister enclave." C. H Ucatty, Peckvlllo; "Oui Older." W. L. Allen, district deputy urchon. The suc cess of the affair was largely due to the committee: Daniel O. Jones, T. 1.. Williams, R. W. Taylor, M. J. McIIale and A. Glynskl. (The olll'ra of the ! society aro :s follows: Past archon. W. W. Jones; archon. Hugh O'Coyle. 'provost. John McNeely; prelate, Georgo Zimmerman; Inspector, John F. Jones; financier, Daniel G. Jones, secretary, R. W. Taylor; treabuier. Z. D. IM winds; warden, M. J. McIInlo; sen tinel. William Steed; trustees. T. L. Williams, William Steed and John Pro beit. The following lettois lemaln uncalled for at tho Olyphant postofflce. Bat ncy Farmer. J. H. Huinden. M. D. Jones, Martin Langan, John MrCabe. Anna Murphy, Mrs, Thomas Prlep, Duninoro slreet. Dr. I. Kelly, jr., who has been seri ously 111, Is somewhut Improved. Miss Rachel A. Evans Is spending a few days In Stroudsburg. Mrs. David Daniels, of Waverly, vis ited relatives at this place yesterday. "Muldoon's Picnic" will be the at traction at the Father Mathew Opera Hnuso this evening. PECKVILLE. Zcbulon Vnnderburg, whllo at work in tho Onturlo mines, Wednesday, mot with an accident which icsulted In tho frsu lure of his ankle bono and a pain ful builsu on the hip. W. P. Hi oss Is absent 011 a business trip to Niagara. The pupils of the public schools are picparlng for the mid-year examina tions, which will he held reuiunry s. Tho family of George Clark, of Brook street, aie euffcilug fieun complications of mumps und grip. Mrs. John Callender Is visiting tela tlvcs In Tioga county. The Blukely Social club wero pleas antly enteitained by Miss Sara LIUI bildgo on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will James uro suffer ing fiom attacks of the grip. Mrs. Ann Arnold is on the sick list. Our former townsman, C, F, Peck, who with his wire la spending tho winter at Maidens, Vn., reports a de lightful season, and his health Is won derfully Improved. Mrs. Warfleld, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. William IJabcock, Is very low. Last evening it was thought sho would not survive the night. Dr. J. B. Grovcr, who has been con fined to his homo by Illness, will bo able to again resume his practice to day. m iii DALTON. Mrs. John Scott, of Moscow, Is visit ing Mrs. John Swartz. Sho has been quite ill, but Is now convalescing. Mrs. W. A. Dean spent the early part of this week with relatives in Scranton. M-s. Fred Palmer is visiting her-parents In Scranton. W. Claik Dean has recently gone to Norfolk, Vn., where ho has nccepted a position In the laboratory of the United States navy. This Is a very fine position nnd Mr. Dean Is greatly pleased with It. Miss Emma Decker is quite 111 with pneumonln. A large number of the members ot the primary department of tho public schools are detained at their homes with measles. Miss Polly Relph is able to resume lmr duties ns teacher In the public schools nfter a few dnya attack of tlie gtip. Tho members of Professor C. 11. Hanyen's Sunday school clnss gave hi in a suipilso on Tuesday evening, nt tho homo of Mrs. Mahoney. Tho evening wuh pleasantly spent In the playing of games, and refreshments wcio partaken of. Those piesent were Mildred Smith, Vunna Tlffnny, Edna Jones, Maud Miller, Lawrence Smith, Robot t Sims, Teddy Von Storch and riovd Anthony. The entertainment to be given In the Baptist church on the evening of rob. 2J, by thd High school gruduate- promises to bo of groat pleasure. The admission will he 15 cents. On next Sunday evening a union temperance service will be held In tho Methodist church. Mrs. Uolvey, of West Plttslon, will deliver tho ad dies. Rev. James W. Putnam, D. D.. of New Yoilc city, closed last evening Ids series of stereoptlcon lectures In tho Baptist chuii'h. The first of tho peilcs was on "The Rome of the Cacsais and the Rotno of the Popes," given on Tuesday evening, nnd on Wednesday evening ho loctuied on "Pails, the Queen City of the World," nnd last evening his subject was "Tho Land of the Pharoahs." The lectures themselves me grand literary pioJuc tlons, full of Instiuctlnn and enter tainment, while the views are unsur passed in their clearness and artistic beauty. Dr. Putnam is himself an ex ceedingly attarctise speaker. Wie lec tures have been well attended each evening and the highest commendation have been given them by the people. A number of persons fiom this place will bo In Montrose next week attend ing the lawsuit brought against th DMawaio, Lackawanna and Western uiilroad In killing two men at La Plume crossing ubout one year ago. Miss Plow, of Brooklyn, N. V., and Mrs. Fred Green, of Clark's Green, were the guef-ts of Mrs. S. E. Finn on Wednesdny. Miss Hattle Jackson has gone to her homi at East Lo.nou f."r n few days' visit. Mrs. John Kiaenin is suffcilng with an attack of the gilp. Mr. and Mrs. Ficd Snvdcr cnteuain ed Rev. James W. Putnam, P. D., on Wednesday for dinner. On Sntuiday evening last a Repub lican caucus was held In th" public school building and the following enn dIdnttM wei nominated C'ouniilinen, Oliver Beyrolds Mnifhnll Finn, school directors, Frank Colvln, Frank Von Stoicli: asMssoi, J. W. Woodbildge, judge ot election. W A. Dean: Inspec tor of election, Fied Scott: auditors, Mci'ton Puidy, C. P. Finn PR1CEEURG. M. u tin Chesterfield h.ii ic moved, vi 'l bis family, tioni I.lnoln street, into hN new home on JCoith Prleo stieet uoimiuieun primary mi ncm mi Tuesday In the cScond wnid, with th- following lesttlts: Foi borough audi tor, John Slrwatkn, of Maple street; council, IIphiv linger, of Main streer; Mhnol director, Joxeph Mooie, of Car malt stieet, and judge of election, James Watklns, ot Brook street. William Logan, of Dickson, who was kicked by a mule in Storis mine some weeks ago, Is receiving treatment In the Moe.s Taylor hospital, where ho Is piogresslng favorably. John Weslev castle. No. .119, Knights of the Golden Ragle, will hold their regular session this eve'ilng. ndwaid Lear has opened a shop in DIckon City .opposite the Lloyd House, wheie he Is piepai-'d to do all kinds of blacksmith work required by mlneis CLARK'S SUMMIT. .1. II, Riker, of Rnst Lemon, visited nlatlves nnd friends in this place yes terday Mis. Aznr Phllo received news of tho death of her sister, Mrs. John Jones, o' Park Place, on Tirsduy night. Rev. C. II. Reynolds has been con lined to his home with the gilp for a few days. A cltirens' caucus will be held in Schilling's hall, 1-Vb L'. at 7.30 p. m.. for the purpoFK ot electing two super vieois, two school tllrectois, ono audi tor, one town ticabiuei, ono town cleik. ono assessor. MOOSIC. The regulai meeting of Luc kaw anna castle. No. 115, A. O. K. M. C. will bo held on Saturday evening at 7.30 In Butter's hull, when the third degteo will be confened and tho monthly so cial and smoket held. All sir knights aro welcome. Dyinond castle sir knlghn will b piesent and a royal good time for all who attend Is prom ised. A vcty pleasant sui prise paity was given at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mis. Oeorgo Tiegellns, 011 Wednesday even ing, In honor of their daughter, Mini Rtliyl. The evening was spent in games und the rendering of music, af ter which lofieshmenta wcte served. Among the out-of-town guests weio Misses Pearl Shifter. Alice Shlffer, Mao Mm tin, Nellie Lleby, Messrs. John Lelby, Fred Butls, William Meirltt and William Jordan, of Wljkes-P.uno. Misses Mayme Ciiaham, ATina White, Maymo C'onnoi; Messrs John LewK William Davis, Geoigo Johnson, of Avocu, nnd Duano Dills, Heibert Bow on nnd Charles Ace, of Duryea, Miss Maud Robllng, of Mlnookn ave nue1, Is spending a few days in Ply mouth, The following nominations wore made nt tho Republican primaries In the First ward Tuesday evening: Town council, Thomas McMillan; school di rector, W. C. Drake; register of voters, James Brown; assessors, D. D. Davis; Judgo ot election, Thomas Glinmoll; Inspector, Alex. McKlnzle. In the Third ward: School directors, S. V. Corby and John Deans; register ot voters, Peter Weir; assessor, Al. Smith; Judge of election, Peter Ham lin. Mrs. Jarncs Brown called on her daughter, Mrs. Ahmed Wilson, of Hyde Park, yesterday. Mrs. Richmond, of Scranton, Is visit ing her sister, Mrs. George Pearl. TAYLOR. Yesterday morning nt 8.20 o'clock Miss Mary Bchercr, an estimable young lndy, of Union street, and Mr. Will lain J. Davis, tho popular young under taker, were united In marriage. The ceremony was performed In tho Green Rldgo Presbyterian church by tho pas tor. Rev. L. A. Foster. The bride looked very attractive In a suit ot navy blue, with silk trimmings to match. She was unattended. Immedi ately after tho ceremony the newly wedded couplo left on an extended wedding tour to New York and other points of Interest. On their return they will immediately go to housekeeping In u neatly furnished home on North Main street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Davis were lccipleuts of numerous and handsome presents, nnd will start their married life with the best wishes from their many friends. The 'following from tnls town at tended tho obsequies of tho late Mrs. Catherine Williams, at North Scran ton, yesterday: Mrs. Morgan J. Har ris, Mis. Thomas Thomas, Mr. nnd Mis. John Thomas, Mrs. John R. Price. John M. Harris, esq., and John G. Price. On Monday evening next tho Taylor Stars and the Bellevue Sars will meet at Weber's rink In a basket ball con test. A social will follow the game. The sidewalks along Main street are In a most dancerous condition, owing to the recent snawfdll. Invincible commnndery, No. 232, Knights of Malta, will meet this even ing In regular scbslon. Louis Zegarsky, employed asa laborer in the Sibley mine, was Instantly killed yesteidav morning by being caught under a fall of rock, fracturing his skull. The remains were convoved to tho deceased's home, where Funeral Director J. 13. Davis took charge. The funeral will occur tomonow morning. Interment will be made In the Duryea Polish cemetery. Louis Domlnlck.a Hungarian laborer, residing In Old Forge and employed nt the William A. colliery, had both his legs broken by a tall of rock on Wed nesday. Ho was taken to tho Iacka wnnna hospltnl, Tho congregation of the Sibley Union church aro making elaborate prepara tions to conduct a grand entertain ment on Washington' birthday, Feb ruaiy 22. The committee is hard at woik arranging a progrnmmo of the veiy best talent for the occasion HALLSTEAD. ShujI lo tl Scranton Tribune. Ilallstead, Jan. 1. Miss 'May Baldwin was the guest of Blnghamtou fi lends Sundny. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alney. of this place, were pleasantly entertained over Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Chl e lirMer, In Blnghnmton. The two pertonnances of Mrs. Jar ley's Wax Works by local talent In tho . M. C. A. hall were largely attended, the receipts amounting to Hi.uO. Twenty-four persons from Hallstcnd ((tended the meeting conducted by Rev. R. A. Torrey, in Blnghamtou, last Wednesday, Mr and Mis M. P. Cunlor have io turned from a visit with their daugh tr in Washington, N. J. Miss Lillian Hatfield was tho gut-it of Miss Anni" Brown In New Mllfotd Siituiday. I". i thin- Teed, of Bingliamton, came to Ilallstead Tuesday with n Inige niov li.g van and removed a load of goods Mom his studio heie to Bingliamton. J'lss Clam Hall, of Syucusc. Is homo Isltlng her parents, Mr. and Mis. Sam uel Hall. Sho was attending tlie unl veisltvat Syracuse and was compellea in come home on account of an attack or sicklies1.. A Delawaie. Laekawnnnn and West ern milk train on Tuesday noon run over a valuable black dog at the line stieet ciosslng. Ml" Helen Coyne, of Bingliamton, spent Sunday the guest of friends In teiv 11. Miss entile Summerton, of Blngham tou, was home to spend Sunday with her mother here. The handsome banquet lamp lecently eiflcred in a contest to secure funds for the benefit of the I. O. R. M., De gree of Pocahontas, was awarded to Joo Dennis. M. J. Cairigg has sold out his stock nt goods In the Bee Hive stoie, on Main stieet. Mr. Canlgg will accept a posi tion on tho Lackawanna road. Chester S. Vail, ef New Milford. has I in chased a building lot of W. M. Knoeller. on Park avenuo. M H. Qunlley and Arthur Bradstreet .nt In Montrose this week as witnesses Ir tho Hunslnger mayhem case. The question of removing the county pat from iMontiose to Ilallstead is now being strongly agitated In Foiest City nnd Susquehanna. This Is being e'orio because Ilallstead Is the center of population nnd Is a railioad and wagon toad center. Mis. Maiy Gilchrist was In Bingliam ton on business Tuesday. Mis. James T. DuBols was in Bing liamton on Wednesday. Tho date ot the Susquehanna county teachers' Institute has been announced to lake place the week commencing October "1. Thn Democrats of the boiough hnvo placed In nomination tho following ticket, selected at thu caucus held on Monday oventng: Assessor, James Tier noy; councllmuii. Isaac Bound, C. J. Uangley; school directors, L. 8. Leon ard and Stephen Tlngley; auditor, J. J. Compton; judgo of election. L. G. Sim mous Inspector. Carl K, Tlngley; poormaster, W. B. McLoud; high eon stable, Hhnoii Qualley. An Important business meeting of the Ilallstead board of tiado wo held Thursday evening. Tho man Inge hits been announced to take place, Febiuury 12, In 8ci anion, of Miss Maigaiet Phillips, of Scranton, to Herbert Rvans, of Ilallstead. Mr. F.vans Is the assistant electileilan In the electric plant here. Tho bride Is Iook for the resumption of negotiation the accomplished daughter of Mr. and . ,ieai HOmo 8ort. It was Mrs. Thomas Phillips, of Scranton. Harold Hayes and Grant Decker, of this place, will act as ushers at the wedding. County Superintendent C. E. Moxley and Prof. H. W. Pease attended tho meeting- of tho Teachers' osFoclatlon, In Susquehnnnn, Sntuiday. Mir. Mary Gilchrist has purchased tho house formerly owned by J, H.Ald- It Can th Cough. DR. JAMES' CHERRY TAR SYRUP Mndo from tho pro scription of an old , physician. Tested by years of us. Pleasant to tako does not settlo in tho bottlo. Last doso is tho wiruo strength as tho first. Tho ono safo, never failing remedy for coughs and colds of every description. At all Drug Stores. D5 conts a Bottlo. Don't Accept 8abiUtutea. Poor Indeed re those weighed down by mental de- Erculon. Men rise in this world irough buoyant uenre force. The loss of this force dally aran down to failure tome of the world's brightest mind, buch a condition U commonly known as Nervous Debility. When ou 1o4 self-conGdence and feel your rtrength, energy nnd nenre force are slipping away, it is high time you aetlc sensible aid. You prefer health and enccess to misery and failure. bae so equat as n serre restorer. A couple of boxes will dispel that heavy feeling; the unnatural weariness dis appears and replaeeslanfruor with new force ami Igor of Ivody and brain. 6lz boxes will cure an ordinary case of nervous debility. If not, you get your money back. tl 00 per box ; 6 for S3.00, mailed in plain pflckige. Honk free. THAI, Medicine Co , Cleveland, Ohio. for ftle by John II. Phelps, Pharmacist, comer Wjomlnc avenue and Spruce street. I tllu every atudauuj apuclilftt, i U J, JIOJ BloodPolson.Varicocsli.Strlctiiri CAj&ObII PRiyATR. and QIIOURK nitaaea DfinseiM, -ojTinnoou.onninK moll uuiatni, en orrapMuny reuoren. rresn case enred In 4 to 10 tiara. Th most dimerous east easts solicited. "EIH DKUraCHIR ARZT." Treat mrtit uy maii. Beua for nwom lesumonisit a nook at i erery (al IniUtme,Uctrlcal ajisdical (rand. posing erery rich, on DuBols street. Mr. Aid rich Is to occupy the house owned by Jamew Munson. Miss Hazel Ross vvob tendered a re ception by many of her youn? friends on Monday evening. The young people gathered at the home of Miss Ross. A line programme, consisting of vocal and Instrumental music, was rendered, after which refreshments were enjoyed. Miss Ross will return shortly to the Conservatory of Music, which she is attending this winter In New York city. FACTORYVILLE. Spei Ul to the Scranton Tribune. Factoryvllle, Jan. 31. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lisle have returned after spend ing a few days with their eon In New Jersey. The grip has certainly got a good hold on the people of this place, aa a large percentage of our townspeople are sick, and no doctor to prescribe for them, as both physicians aro con- lined to their homes by Illness. Tin; Masonic lodge of this place wilt banquet In Odd Fellows hall next Wednesday evening, Feb. 6. Dr. A. T. Brundage, of Harford. Pa., spent a few days hero this week among old acquaintances. He attend ed the funeral of William Belcher on Tuesday. Tlie woik of filling the creamery Ice hoiiFe here Is about completed. Don't miss the entertainment at the Methodist Episcopal church this even ing. Miss Julia B. Cruser, elocutionist, who will tako part. Is naturally adapt ed for and has great ability In the piofesslon she has chosen. The lead ing piess notices throughout this sec tion of the mate speak in highest praise of her work. Paulowna Rebekah lodge, no. ts, in depenedent Order of Odd Fellows, will confer the Rebckah degree on several candidates next Tuesday venlng, Fb. ., after which a social will tx held and refreshments served. Their in vited guests ftoin Tunkhannock hnve notified them that they cannot pos slblv como upon that night, owing to so many of their members being sick. The pulpit of tlm Methodist Episco pal chinch will be occupied next Sun day by'mlnlsteis who are here In at tendance at the annual roll call of tho church today. Mr. Alfred Sheiwood, of this pi ice and Miss Alice Taylor, of the Tunnel were mnrrled In Bingliamton last Mon day, and returned last night from n short wedding tour. Mr. nnd MM Sherwood will reside in Jermyn, Pa. John Wngnor. of Shupp Hill, lost a. valuable team and wagon in Oxbow- pond, whllo diawing Ice one nay last week. The rear wheels of the wagon slid off the ico into eighteen feet of water, nnd being so heavy it pulled the team In with it and team and wagon went to the bottom. A uon Ernest Wagner, was nearly drowned In attempting to rescue tho team. NEW BRITISH WAR LOAN. Will In All Probability Be Wholly Placed Abroad. By Cicluibo Wire fiom Tlie AiMdited Tiest. New Yoik. Jan. 31. Tho Evening Post today says: "The piesldent of a leading bank Is authority for tho statement that the new British war loan will In all proba blllty bo wholly placed abroad. It was also suld that no announcement as to tho details of the loan would bo made by the allthoiltles until after the queen's funeral, which takes place on Saturday. That Aouid uurer a state ..,o.,t until m.vf u-eelc when tlnnnclcis learned today, however, that bankers In this city have been llguilngon the eiffering for some dnys, and If the e fhequor authorities 1110 willing to send another loan abroad a portion of the riotcs will undoubtedly bo taken here." To Cure the Grip in Two Days, laxative llrcmo-Qiilnlne rftnoet the eu, PTWRI awa j