'''". THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURvSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1901. 6.. WEST SCRANTON FOOTPADS ARE ACTIVE HAVE MADE LINDEN STREET VERY DANGEROUS. Officer Should Be Stationed There Until tho Street Is Snfe for Pedes triansIdea of mi Eisteddfod nt tho Pan-American Exposition Is Received with Much Pavor Pro gramme of Christian Endeavor Union Meeting Puneral of Mrs. Corey Notes and Personals. The attention of thu pioper author ities Ia culled to the noecHHlty of pro viding better riollco piotectlonto pedes iriuns who liavo occasion to hsu ttio H.lndcu street brldffu after duik. Of 2ate a number of hold-ups lmvo boi'it reported from that vicinity, and In view of that fact It would seem ad visable that on olllcer should bo u nlBhotl to tlwit street, at least until fueli tlmo nst this practice of hrullnu people up has been broken tip. The primary object of tho IilntU-n Urtet brltlKa was to affont a. shorter route from tho central city to the north of 'West fc'cranton. and Miner the structure was built many ne'-v hoiuut Jiave loon established wltliiu oay au febs of West Linden street. In ronse tiucnuo hundreds of persons travel over that route every day and nlfdit to thlr y ork. Air.ons the number might l cited t-mployvs of tlio Dickson works, tin? pCut and Dolt woiks, the Scntnton ftovo works, tlio court house, muntrl jial building1, newfcpaper oillcos nun snany other places adjacent to Linden htieet. Of thia ntimber many have w nsirni to return to tiielr himies Iut tit tilelit. and while the louto is In ItHMf t-oiiipwhat lonely, there should be ample D'ollce protection afCorded to insure tin mfety of pedestrians. The Linden s-tteet bildgo has become so notori ously dangerous that people take ruin-" Ho avoid it whenever possible- after Haik. The stationing f mi ofltrer cm Hi.it street will restore Its uscfulenss. This Is a matter which should re rp.vp. immedlato attention. With our Miiall police force it Is not possible to jiroporly pofice all of our sticets. but ilipie is no reason why tho mail ai--i fries of tho city should ti it lie iea?on nbly safe. Pan-American Eisteddfod. The siiRRfxilloii made lelatlvo to tlio f Ulng aside of a day for the Welsh AEOUTTHIS (COUGHS TIME LOOK JyWti Tc out tor I aild COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Clearance Sale of Our Entire Knit Goods Stock It is utterly impossible to quote prices for this sale and do justice to the goods offered. Besides the va riety is infinite and at best wc could only touch a few items out of so mauy, that quotations would be valueless. We May Say, However, That the price cuts iu every iustance are strong and deep, that nothing has been spared in the general sacrifice, and that buyers at this department duriug the next ten days can count on saving at least 25c on every $1,00 spent, while at the same time they get the newest and best Ku't Goods of every descrip tion that the world has to offer. Among the Many Tempting Lots Offered Are 3T 1HP of Ladies' Knit Skirts, full length and width, LUll3 aud best finish, The color list is com- plete. A New are elegaut in appeaaauce, cozy and beauti fully finished. I flHlP' Fascinators, all colors, all styles, all sizes, IwdUlvJ all qualities, and all reduced in price for ten days. fflftPQ e uew "Umbrella" style in fine wool vd.yL3 zephyrs, etc. They're both fashionable aud beautiful. Other items include Fine Ice made easier. The Sale ' Started Yesterday and Will Con tinue Ten Days Only. Globe Warehouse pcopln during tho Pan-American Im position nt Duffnlo Is very favorably received by the peoplo of "Wen Hcran ton, nnd tho matter will undoubtedly culminate in a grand national eistedd fod durliiK the cumins summer In the city of lliiftnlo. It will be recalled that during tho V'orld'u Fair at Chicago ons of tho "blugcst" days of tlio exposition was whet' the crouton Choral union was nwanlcd the chief prize In the choral competition, and tho proposition for mi eisteddfod duilug tho Pan-American Exposition will undoubtedly receive the pioper support in this city. A heady a number of tho choristers nrd followers of the eisteddfod nro talking, of organizing choirs to enter the competitions, if the matter is de rided favorably, and a lepotltlon of tlio rehearsals and details incident to the Wild's Pair Is looked for In the nrnr future. Y. P. S. C. E. Meeting. Tin following programme has been ni tanged for the "Soul Savers' moot In." which will be hild In tho Wash burn street 1'icsbyterl.in church this evening, beginning at S o'clock. AMliain WusM'irn Mint C'liuuli C!iclr scilpturo and Opting 1'iajei. 1 1 nun. Ktf-ry ChtMlin HlftnM Ho a Soul S.ner. A Irii-iiiliiulc U'ldtcw. II.Mnn. Tlif ju1 Nttcn' Outfit: fa) S.inpjt1ir He. i;. A. Bol (I,) Ijct .Uev. M. I, Vlror (v) Illbh! Knowledge ....l!iv. Oce. I.. Mricli ul) 1'iajrr Her. ltobeit Vt I Ijtnc 1'ltf tnlimiM en taih tcpli. Anthem by tlio Choir and Collection A Ptl'ioii N.-rlfe--Condui.ted by fJentsf Ct. Mahv, general ci retaiy of the Young Men' Cl.riitlaii a'-wnallflii a twcutj- mlnulca M.r tlte ttlirli eiciy one Will be tajed to accept f lirlt lUrKtlUtioi,. Pii-ct'iHinr the meeting1 a short busi ness sefslon will be held to pass upon some amendments to the constitution presented at the last meetlns. rur.eral of Mrs. Corey. A liigh mass of requiem -was e!o bratid yesterday In St. 1'atilck's Catholic church over tho remains of the late Mrs. Ann Corey. The services voie held a I ! n'clnek and were con diirt'd by Uev. V. V. I.avello. In ad dition to many friends in attendance tlpic was also present a large repr.-s-ntation o the ladles' of tho Mac cabees. The pall beareiK weiv VillIam Hag g"rt. Herbert .McIIttle, Charles Mr Caity, I'h.irles Short, l)cnni O'lluia and Charles Kelly. Interment was made in the Cathedral cemeteiy. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The niembois of the Tnhcrnu !" United choir, who participated in the Taylor elsteddtod, on Christmas Bay, will meet this evening for a soeiabl" time at the homo of Mis. Tliomns, No. 3Iii Eolith Hyde Park avenue. The question of whether or not the society will ue continued will lie considered. Xnntlrr of the Electric City Wheel man's popular monthly socials will be h"ld at the club house, on Jackson ntreet, this ccnlng. All members and idea, aud a good otic. Ladies' Golf Jackets in Reds, Blues, Greens aud Blacks, They Ladies' Knit Wool Hoods. Bedroom Slippers, Baby Leggings, Bootees, Jackets Cape, Mittens, etc. Full lines iu every in3tauce aud all reduced in price. Wool Shawls in Black and White only, but in all sizes, and prices to suit all purses their lady friends nro invited to par ticipate. Mrs. Marshall Smith, of Black, Wyo ming county, returned homo yesterday from a visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. T. K. Price, of North Sumner ovenus. Rev. A. U Rumor, of St. Mai it's Lutheran church, will lecture on China at Lelghton thin evening. The D. and L. Dancing class .lit conduct n social at Mears' hall on Monday evening. Feb. IS. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Fecney, of North Rebecca avenue, nro lejolclng over the arrival of n son at their home. The funeral of tho late Mrs. J. K. Williams will take place this after noon. A daughter has been born to Mr. nnd Mis. Kdwnid Roberts, of Rebecca avenue. The T. F. ('. club of tho Young Women's Chilstlnii association will conduct n two-cent social In the rooms this evening. Willie Murphy, of -Wilglit court, won tho $10 gold piece at St. Urendon's drawing- Tuesday aCteinoon. Tlio nntiual meeting of tho stock holders of tho new Traders' Building and Loan association will bo held this evening at 106 South Main avenue. Til.1 special mission services In prog- 4iti n t ITnlii P.ii -k1iit ! i4Sia it nfl I .tend d terda I a eve, ng 'the ' '?" ff"J .lots. a new in snvlces for women was conducted by '",' V"'? "!, i&bu l?,ZZ' Fuller lluburt. and the attendance 1 "f "n,,,8?,,Jt,c? I lt S. ' was very gratifying. All who patronize tlio cnterlaliimout nt the First Welsh Haptlst church this evening are assured of an excellent muiicil nnd literary treat. The remains of the lato Mrs. Michael Flnncrty were Interred In "he Cathe dra! cemetery yesterday. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. First Euchre Game In the Series Won by the Columbus Team. Other News Note. 'w Hi st game in the seites of .nines to b played for a silk flag was played last night at Pharmacy hal! between teams selected from the tifiicrnl I'hll Sheridan and Columbus tLiiucils of the Y. M. I. The Colum bus council defeated tlio I'hll Sheridan iouiifcI by a score of 10S to l."i points. The Cioneral Sheridan council was lepivsented by thu following players: .1. 1 loach, T. .1. Gavan. M. V. O'Hoyle. - F. Mellady. .1. F. Kennedy, J. F. I'lilkran, P. .T. linv.ui, .?. M. Miller find M. J. llawiiiin. Tli- t'olumbus council was t (.'presented by 1 Men ton. 11, Smith, T. llanley. M. Dona ho. 1. iMoran, AV. Moore. .!. "Ward, 1 t onnolly, V. lluddy and J. Coyne. The committee In charge consisted 01 T. .1 Folen, .lames J. Viiiighan and P J.ornii. Mirs Xellle Kirwln and Mr. David f'awley. both of this part of the city. wen united In marriage yesterday af ternoon at 3 o'clock In St. John's chinch by the pastor. Uev. 13. .1. Mel lev. A laige throng of the relatives nnd friends' of both patties wrp pres ent the bride was beautifully attired In a blue broadcloth gown, trimmed with white chiffon, and carried a bou tjuei of white hild.il ios.es. The bridesmaid, who was her sis ter. MKs Knte Kirwln. wore a similar costume. After the ceremony there was a reception at the home of Hie biide, nt .151 Kim street. The louple. leu on :i midnight train for Xew Voik and other points of iiiteiest. Mr. and Mrs. Cawioy will be at hom In about ten days on nidge Ilo-v. wh-io a splendidly fiirniMied home awaits them. Brief News Notes. An Intel eMIng case of assault and battery was heard In Alderman Uuddy's otllce ycsteiday. Maiy Steiig Ieln was the defendant and Ilosa Mori slni the prosecutrU. Hotli ,ue cm ployed at the S.tutruolt "-I1U mill. Miss Morlblnt states that Mls Siengleln had been teasing her for tlm past few weeks and did the same yestcnlay noon, afterwards sulking lien Alder man Hilddy discharged the prisoner with a seveio reprimand. Hubert Ilanim, of Locust stieet. Is coiillned to his home with an attack of the gilp. The Defender basket ball team will pluy the Comets, of Fine Uiook, at St. John's hall, this evening. William McCrea, corner Fig street and Cedar avenue, left yesterday for the Hahnemann hospital, at Philadel phia, to have his cars tieated. Lackawanna camp, N'o. STIT, Modern Voodmen of Ainetica. will meet this eteiilng In Hnrtniau's hall. The funeral of lllchard Leitner, who ended his life while mentally deranged, takes place this afternoon nt 'i o'clock tnmi the family resldemc on Cioivn avenue. Interment will be made In tho Mlnookn cemetery. OBITUARY. Miss Mary A. Jennings. Tin- dull! of 3II.. Wary A. .Itntilnss "i Oil; fliert, ociuired Tuesday at midnight, after an illpivt of ono week ulth piiuimonU. Miu " iiiiis a.i a prominent jemu, lady ot the Xorlli Snaiitoii Dillon of tho elly. She ai 2") jear.1 of aei and l Kimlied by br fatl'ei-, thue biotbert aril two lto, Mar tin, of llatle L'lty Mont. 'Ihomai and John, of this eliy. Edward J. Leoiimd. Afier a vcc'i illnrtt o pneumonia lMwraid !. laonaid died last etenlns at C o'elocl. at Ills homo, i.lj Madison acnui-. I'or a tnnnbor of jeaib he a& rmuired in ll.a (.hoe biulnc4 on I.atkauanna aenue, but r". cently lias bctn In the hardaie tore of bi biother, T. P. Leonard, lie l wrtited by two brothem and two fclstcni. They are 11. 11. Icon anl, T. r. I.eoiuid and tho MUwt Kate and nrblset Leonard. Tho announenr.ent of tlio time ot tlio funeral will be made later. Thomas Heel. ' TIioiiim Itcel, fonmrly fftirn of the fithe dial cemetery, dial eitenljy moil ire at tin linnio (t hi son-in-law, John tllhoy, UIS Nutlli Main atinue. Dceeawd v,-a 0 tram of re, and up to thice jeau nco aelcl 1' fcfton fir twenty ear. lie Id tuiilved by hU wife and tho folloAirg on and djuithterai Mr. Join fillrey, Mlfe, Mamie. Jniucf, Thoniat and Kdwnid. The In neral nnnounei'inent will bo nude Utei, lTuneinls. The (uneral of Henry J. Heft, who v.n lillnl on tho Delaware, Laeliauama and Wi-lein lall toad 'utday, will (ako phiee Indaj nt 3 p. in. fio.ii libt lato ieldeme, U" Academy i.tiect. A SENSIBLE MAN Wculd ue Kemp'ii llalram for Hie llnoal jnd Lui'ga. It U curliiff more foujlu, Cold.", Aslhtna, Ilronehllli, Troup and all Throat and LunR Trouble, than an) other niedMne. Tie proprietor lus nuthoiled uuy diuvb'Ut to cHo )ou a Sample Doitlc free tu r?unlnce )ou of the merit of thU ki cat uiu.V A CAUSE OF HEADACHE One Very Common Cause, Generally Over-Looked. Headache is n. symptom, on Indica tion of derangement or dlneosc In some organ, nnd the cause of tho hcadocho Is dhllcult to locate because so many diseases have headache as u promi nent symptom: derangement of the stomach and liver, lieatt trouble, kid ney dlReape, lung trouble, eyo strain or 111 fitting glasses all produce head aches nnd If we could nlwnys locate the organ which is nt fault the euro of obstinate headaches would bo a much simpler matter. However, for that form of headache called fiontal headache, pain back of the eyes and In foiehead, tho cause Is now known to be catarrh of the head and throat; when the headache Is located In back of head and neck It Is often rntued from catarrh of tliu stomach or liver. At any rate catarrh is the most common catiNe of such hcadnehes and the cute of the cntarih causes a prompt dlNappearaucc of the head aches. Tbeic Is nt tuVsent no treatment for catai ih so convenient and effective as upon the blood and cause tho elimina tion of the eatalihal poison from the system through the natural channel". Miss Cora Alnsloj, a prominent school teacher In one of our noimal schools, speaks of her experience with cntnirbnl headaches and eulogizes StuurtV Catarrh Tablela n a ctno for them. he says- "1 suffered dntly fiom severe tiontal headache and pain In and b'iek of tho eyes, at times' so intensely as to Incapacitate me In my dally duties. I had suffered from ca tarrh, moie or less for years, but never thought It was tho cause of my head aches, but finally became convinced, that such was the ease because tho headaches were always worse when ever I had it cold or fresh attack of catanh. "Stuart's Catanh Tablets were high ly leeotninended to me an a safe and pleasant catanh cine and after using a few fifty cent boxes which I pro cured from my dniBgists t was sur prised and delighted to Unci that both the catanh and headaches had gone for good." Stuart's Catarrh Tabletc are old by drugghts at llfty cents per package, under the guarantee of the proprietors that they contain absolutely no co. cnlnrt (found In so many catarrh cures), no opium (u common In cheap eongli cures), nor any hmmftil diug. They contain simply the wholesome antiseptics necessary to destroy und Olive from the ?yst"m the germs of cniurihal disease. NORTH SCRANTON. The clerk' of William HiappeH's stores enjoyed u vory plf" tsant trip to Ciirboiidiilp. Tuesday cvpnlnjr, wlierc they ,';ave a sniprloe to Mrs. fleorKf AV. Buiry, a I'otmer t-inployc of the Ftort. iJaine.s, slngliiK, etc., wero the chief aiuiiKeniPiUs of the evonliif,. At a. !'euonable hour an onjoj-.tblo mipper whs served. Those tho enjoyed the trip were: Misps Annie Kvan. f'ecll T).tvl, Violet Danvers, Annie Danvers, Jennie l-lold, Lizzie Davis, Cecilia. Pevej-s, Mehsrs. Gartleld Davii. Charles U.tvles. Wllllani Mortlzus. John Mc Konzle, Thomas Phillips, Henry Dan veis, Thomas Owens, Wllllani Ifiler, Thoiims fJrady. Tlett Powell, llvan I.twlh and .loseiili KaokosUI. The funeral of Airs. Mat tin Jdur tuuRh will talte place this niornlntr at I) o'clock. A high mass of requiem will be held at the Holy Kosary church. Interment will be made In the t'atlie dral cemetery. John ItlHiiiuitk. of .Mai vine pattli. tas fined before Alderman Myers yes tenl.iy for ills-orderly conduct. John Diinlenvy and Mis?, c'assie 1'iaiicis were man led yesterday after noon by Alderman Kldler. Thu luuurnl of the late Mrs. Cather ine Williams, of Putnam sticel. will take pl.lc this atteilinoii at 1' o'eloi k from tli home. The fmiurul of .Mis. Margaret net tlliKf. of Keyser avenue, will be hi Id thih ufteriiooii at y.Si o'Iouk. Inter ment will bo made Iu the Calhedial cemeteiy. Tho liienibeis of the St. Mary's hall committee are requested to meet ul the hall on Sunday, as business of Import ance N to be truii'-acted. Uvantrellst Brnjanilu Ai lustrous, ot Plttston. spoke at the North Main Avenue Baptist church last evfcnliisr. MHh May Benedict, assistant princi pal at No. 2."i school. Is slightly indis posed. Itaynioud Westutt, of Chiu-i-li n ve nue, lias iecoercd from an attack o? the yrlp. The alarm sent In from Box St yes terday nioiuliiK at C o'clock was caused by a fire In a house on Parker stieut, owned by John Lynch and occupied by a Polish family. Thu lire fctarted by a IlKlitttl pipe belnn put Into a vest pocket. The vest uukIiI tlio and com municated to other clothliiff. The (lie way. quickly extinguished without jrioai losp. The Liberty, Niagara nnd Kxecl slor companies responded to the alarm. . Specialty. Dtseat.es of Women. Room 1, over Qlobo store. Hotira: 1 to E.SO p. in. Cuiisultatlon i'i"o. Dr. Ticverton, ' DUNWORE. The death or Mrs. .T. W. Kltchle. : Throop, was sad news to her many friends here. Tho eurvlviiiK husband nnd daughter, .lef-sle, have tlio deepest sympathy of this community, her for mer home. The funeral will be held at the family resldenco In Throop this nfteinoon at 2 o'clock. How W. 1 fllbbotif, of the Presbyterian church, will olllclate nnd Interment will lis made In Dunmore cemetery. The funeral Vof Martin Walsh, of Kost Drinker street, was. UiKnly at tended yetterday morning:. Intel ment was In St. Mary's cemetery. Tho Democrnt In every .ward nomi nated ward officers last ovenliiff. Some oxcltliifv contest!) occurred. l-'iltlny ovenlnB of this week the'fiist rally of the campaign will bo held by tho Democrats lit Munley's hall. The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres byterian church will fully demonstrate that they are good entertalnoiH nnd provident at tho social to be hold this (ivenliip In thq church parlors. Second Vice President W. V. S. Thorne. of tho Pennsylvania Coal company, woh at the company's of fices here yesterday. Horn January SO. to Mr. and Mrs. George Dainty, a daughter. The children of lidward AiiRwIn, of Church street, who huvo been very 111. are much hotter. Tho rolval meetliiK conducted by itev. Mr. Cobb nt thu Tripp Avc- ...... (.11. Vll 41I1U J31UU11 I.UUh . l.Ili .te nuo ChrlsUan church, was well at tended last night. Mr. Cobb took fpt his topic, "Tho Change of Heart." He said the change of heart meant the change of mind; the chnngo of under standing; the chnngo of conversation; the chnngd of living, nnd till these tiro noccasnry requisites ofn Christian life. At the close of the services tonight, tho rite of baptism will be adminis tered. The Methodist Episcopal church was crowded to tho doors by tho audience that gathered to hear tho farewell address of Evangelist Dunnett last night. The singing by Miss. Hall and Mls3 Kden was mngnlllcent und alto gether the service will bo long re membered by those were were fortu nate enough to be rpescnt. Full particulars of the musleale to bu given by the Ladles' Aid society of St. Mark's Episcopal chuicli will ap pear In a fow days. GREEN RIDGE. Mm. noiitiin, cf 1'iiliilwl l'ot. V. V.. I u guct of JIm. C. II, SliMinal.fr, o( t.'jpotoo ate ruif. f. II, Toliy 'ent yn-tcnla) at Suviiiclioniu. Mr. otid Mik. Van Alio., "f lluffnlo. V. V.. ari Eiiaii al lh liomc of Mr. nnd Mr. A. 0, lliomjC'h. ' Mm. Ilcilitit W. Ti.tlor l cntortaliiiiis MIm C'luilotta Tecum, of llarritlnnir, Pa, lie-. P. J. MfMntiii', lu'lor of Si, luilt tlnircli. lus tct Ills siift lift. .1. .1. Putin, of fetowrll. Mm. Ibtld Sijiiji, olio ot tlio caillft rrl ilcnU vl flrNii IIIcIrj. Ii Ijlug vilomly 111 at tlie lionif of Imr fUiijhtcr, Mr. Ilrrlicrt Mi'?, of puimiore. Mrs. Samoiii lia for jeurii mule licr lnie dlli lior undti-latv, William Hunt- Infr, of sir.iloifon nv i mi'', mill lur djiinlitir Mr, Mate, illtlillni? Iirr time Ktuerti th'lr lioni. Her IllniM in the mult of a fall ami ov.Iiir t l,er fxlrcme aje, 81 joars, her fimllllon i ciy tilllrnl, The Amllj l.llfv.n.v unirl.v Hill h.'to Itsi UK til.tr inrellnx nt tho home of Vf v toll llawlry, US') liirlintftiil utonue, this ettnliit,', itkh.iul Iloblmin, of C'apuuv avenue, lf tnif ftilr.B fiom a nctrre altaih of ilic gilp. Uev. I, J, T.intlnff will fletlter bis lcttur, "Tho rilaiicrs of the Alps" at llltn I'atk chuieli II. Ih epning. Mr. ami JIm lloleit llajihtu liato inoud to Kingston. SCIENTISTS AT ALBANY. Five Hundred Attend a Heaving on Bell's Bill, fly KxiluVite Whc fiom TI13 AoeIated Prr'i Albany. Jon. :;0. At lonsl five bun died men and women, most of them Chilstlan Scientists from New York, today attended the bearing: on Assem blyman Bell's bill to abolish the Chris tian Scientist, faith cure and divine healing systems. Judite Tallman was the prim Ipal speaker. While i-entlnicnt peeuied against them, yet the scientists held their own throughout the hear ing, and the doctors of medicine will be given another 1 banco nest Wednes day by the committee, Th scientists uttacked the bill on every ground imaginable. It was held up us a horrible octopus of medicine nnd In the Interest of the doctors' trust. The committee took no action on tho bill. The Introducer, It Is said, will amend the bill so that It shall not af fect oculists, pitcnt medicine dealers, diugglsts und chiropodists. DELAWABE HOUSE TO ADJOURN Febuifuy 20 Fixed Upon as the Fi nal Date for Receiving Business. By Kxiliidtn Mtr- from Tin- .Woeiated t're-i Dover. Dfl., Jan. SO. Tho house to day amended the joint lesolution adopted by that body yesterday an I changed the date of adjournment fiom tlm 1st to the Mb of March, Kcb. CO was decided on as the final date for reiclvliig new business. As t'nlted States Senator Kouiny's teim will not expire until Match. It Is Intimated that the dato of adjourn ment wo, changed In order to prevent the appointment of a senator by th" governor, which would bo possible 1C a vacancy otuiiried timing a teoess of tlio general assembly. It Is the opin ion that If such a contingency urosn. fiovernor lliinn would appoint Mr. Ad dlckf. The only change In the balhii Imr today was u vote cast for e Tnlted States Senator Anthony 111k glns by Hepiesent.it! w Kitchen, who had b-en voting for Mr. Dupont. PEACE AMONG CHEEKS. Chief Crazy Snake Will Be Tiled at Mus.ogee. II) Uxilu.lte 1M front The A-0il.ited l'ie Henrietta, I. T.. Jan. P.O. Pciee among the warring' Creeks has appar ently been reached und all that re mains to be done Is to give Chltto Harjo. tlio ihlef Snake, who has caused all the trouble, n preliminary li'.ailnp aud sent him to Muskogee for trial for treason. In the meantime .1 1'hw more of tho leaders will be ar rested. The troop of cavalry under Lieutenant Dixon will probably lenriln heic .1 few days, until the last vestlso of the uprlfliig ban p.'i'B-d. The Indians burned signal flies last night 011 the hills tiuiomidlng tho town nt a distance of two or three miles from tho camp, and rem lug m attack, the soldlets remained under aims till daylight, ready for Instant notion, but the Indians allemiiled no deptedatlons. PARDON FOR HENDRICKS. Other Proceedings ot the Pennsyl vania Board Yesterday. V Kvluiltc Mie from The A wis uted I'r.-v Iltirrlsbursr, Jan. SO. The board of pardons met today and leconmiended paidons for James Hendricks, of l.u Korne, hecond degree murder: Isaac Leedom, of Lebanon, larceny; David Klnsey. of Delaware, ndllng liquors without a license, and Frank ISrown, of MclCean, enticing a minor child. Pardons wcte refused John Hoyd, ot Allegheny, hot so stealing; Abraham Goldstein, of Montgomery, receiving stolen goods, nnd Max Soners, of West moreland, felony. Tho case of Kmma Kxlobln.ot Philadelphia, ontlclng minor child, was held under advisement. Owing to the nbsenee of Secretary of the Commonwealth Grlest In Florida, 110 nction was taken on tho other cases on the calendar. Kiau3e's Headache Capsules nro unlike nnythlner prepared In Amer ica. They were tlrst prfnoilbeil by Dr. Krautc, Germany's famous court pliy ylclan, Ions before nntlpyrlno was dls-coverf-d, and are almost marvelou, so bpeedlly do they euro the most tllstreps lr.K cases. Price SSc. j-'old by Matthew Htos. Mournlnff King Charles. Dy Kteltuito Wire from llio Auotlated I'lea liondtn. -Ian. M.ln thu- of tlio cen"ral lnfiirnltii: the I.rulllmJtM and J.ieohlte liamio. mitmtod thiimibiii loda illi iniiimeiiioiat. lug llii! Itto hundred ami tifly-i-vond .mnltirjry o the .MH-utlnii of Klne I liarlen I by iipeel.il rhiiiih (.rnite. and omltlrd tin until iloccia Hon o tho ulutiui of the nurtvr. Many treatha wrre rent for thU puiponu but ltli tho ev ivptioa of ono mtmIIi piand on the ktatue tur. rcptltloudy duriiifj tin; nliilit nono wiru und. JONAS LONQ'S SONS. DRESS As the new things come rolling in, we pass them before vou for public view, accompanied by such prices as will make them interes ting factors as an addition to your wardrobe. Like this Dress Goods Store better as you become more acquainted? That is quite natural, considering that all best things appear here first, and Invariably for the least. ' 45.ntli Imported 1'iTnili Prunella Clothr-fine Vult SMnoti Colored Silk Poplins, With lutr In quilltv ami ttltli a Mtperb satin finl.lij tolora and uoft Onlh cator, ohl roue, turquoise, gre, ot ohl riw reed.i. c.itor. cartel blue, AQc national and llglit Mucu Tor Shirt WaUtt. ftOtT navy, bronn and rol. Value M "y Valno l 0)" Dress Goods Section, "Wyominp; Avonu Entrance. Hosiery, Underwear Did you ever notice the amount of room we devote to the selling of Hosiery and Underwear? Have to for you wouldn't be satisfied with any srrullcr variety. Splendid assortment, always; but never better than just now. Read. Lidlci' tllick Cotton lloo of (rood qual- Ap It.v. nlerly IliJshed! per pair " UdltH' Ulaik Cishmete. lloe. full lee- 25c ulnr inailei per pXr ChlMiui's heavy one-and-ono Itlbbed ICj. llio lor mIiooI; ptr pair Mcn'fi faney tnenttlzeil stripcit half 21c nO".P, Hll (VIOls, -i I'M.. mi-j u-i,itn Wn,l Milrtw and llMv.rta: evt nhiipcd and llnUictl with MIU tape; 75c. egc aim- at w Mlisfu' o.lton tlbbed flicccd Veti( and 7c I'anlo; stood quality at Norfolk and New IlmiMwick rant in cgr. fiitiurcn-ii prey cotton underwear; oc. 7-. gi'ey and wlilte; 75c. value at w rlso In prlco Irom w Slain Aisle, Lackawanna Avtnua Entrnnco. Groceries . Don't lose sight of this Grocery give it a trial that we may convince not only in quality but in price. Sl'GAR, If. & II- fl"ft Granulated. $.()0 IS pounds for 1K. famy O.dorg. In pound b 3QC Ul ItAlMVs, ch"Ue looe Muwalrii", very 2Sc linn; ,. pnuii.i iui lll-ITI'll. faniv lllgiii rii-atnery: Urnt JiAc n th.'il'l.i iifr'pomiil " .11 NKK.T TAIII,i:is for ice en-sm nnd f flr lUIni) dc-wtti; per hot Flannel Flannel Waists knock at the door otJFashion and she readily ad mits them. Nothing worn so pretty and comely as them. Here is the largest variety in the city; choose with extreme care and with a dash of style and perfection of finish, to every garment. Ileati all-nol riannel Wait5. lined thruuah. Fine quality of i'rench Klanncl Waisti 1 In ill ot"; hi all thf populai tha.len: part of them an- the newest shades. I nil Wouw front, trimmed II t mined an3 111. plaltell l.atl.. 0c IUi ?ttiall I.hm bultony: I'rench bitk C pg IV, 1 feet In fit and H11M1 . J "" HIhop ileovesj each .' Real value, ?1.50. Beal value, ?3.C0. t.nl-.t nnalllvof I'rtneli Hannel Wattt". tuek-d Sample Walats cf thu mof.t eaquiaito Kreneli ,.l . ' iml lnili "l thn late.t hide villi riai.mls made up In rxcliuhe htylea and novl ,, pot ;iee,e" "if nll.u; $7 98 r!TT,,!. '" "Uhi and la $4,98 p,l"ct mtlng and tlr,-. fini.li . iholecrf wlon. r t'"0 Keal value, ?4.00. Beat value, ?0.5O. Department, Second y.loor ; Avenue Corner. Jonas Long's Sons RESULT OF A SERMON. Doylestown Saloon Keeper Will Spend a Year In Jail. By lAclu-ltu Wire fiuin llw AvsoiUltd l'Kit- DoylSMtown. Pa.. Jan. :!0. Matthew Moll, of Bristol, was today convicted of lolatltii? the liquor Iuwh and sen tenced by JudBo Yerkes to pay a tlno of M0 and undeifjo an Imprisonment In the county Jail for ono year on tho charge of k'opiiitf a disorderly house, f'O days and !M tine on the cliurixo of ftirnlhlnt? liquor to persons of known intemperate habltn, and !0 day.t imprisonment and $300 line on the iharse of furnishing liquor to Intoxi cated tiemniK MoH'h arrest and tilal le.sulud from ch.irKes made by Itev. Dr. Alli-on In a iceent sermon. m THE VENEZUELA WAR. Revolutionists Are Defeated Near Carupano with Numerous Losses. riv J,-!t:l Uii hun l'ho Ai.otlaleil 1'ie.-. Cavjfi.il, Veneiicla, Jan. WX-'tlie reiolution Mi hate b'cn difeatnl n'ar ('.untaiio, with n.fioiw lfi. Wo (ik of Cd.'ril Ato.u I . li'fii mad a priKiw-M. Mtjjno and HoJjh la "'"O ' " dtf..it.il. Plum for Wllkes-Barre. By Ldnlo Wire from Iha A'fOtijted TrfSi WjrhliiRtoii, ,lan. S0.-ltepi-e.enuthe Meiccr, ot il.rak.t, chairman of the committee on pi.blh- building und siroinuli, today introduced a-i MiinlhtH hill Imw-i'lns the limit of out of puhllii tnilldlnc In vatlom paiU of tho c-ouutiy. It carriea about 1,300,000 and Includes an ln(ren.o for WilkM-lUire. l'a., fiom SW.lft) to ifiy.'.KK) with a limit of lO.O'O on eot of bite. Business Suspended in London. D CxduiltP Wire film The Associated rie.a. London. Jan. :-0.- t the pily roum.ll meet in today the Line r!gnl a proelaniatlon uic peiullic bu'ln1 s-aturday throughout tlio t'nlbd KiiiKdoirt. Tli limine down will be to com plete Hut tun the lektaiiiant and ealcoiu will bo hut up for four or tho houra In the mlddb of tin day. fcomu ! the aflimcon neutpapu .-itl net le pullUhed Saluiday. Strike Will Not Oncur. By Ilxelualte Wire from The Associated Pren. Vo,mi,'loii. ( Jjn. SO. All tho furniliiift worher in tho Mahoning valley lute aerepte.1 a rcdmllon from l.fw to l.b(i per day in wacei and tin Milke ttlilf.il aa thieatiiifd on lb maiv 1 kill not occur. The ntllement U .t .. - f - compute ctoipii'imsv fected, About 101) men aro .if. Railroads to Bo Elevated. Py r.vcbune Who from Th Atwelatnl I'resi. New York. Jan. !".- Tho contixrt for the ele. ailon ol the 1'cnn.uhanl and (Central Itiil loud tracks thn.ugh Newark, N. J., alyned 'y the Kprescnlatlte-i of both compjiilcf, was re celtdl toilay by tho tlerk of the ulrat and water boird at Ncw-'nk. The work will probably be bejriiii by April 1. In Memory of Senator Osbourn. My i:rlnrte Who from The ,soc l..tt d l'rcs. Ilanrlbur(r. Jan. ao, A tpcrlal eion of ho aenale tvu held thit aftdiioon In mwii'iry of the Uto bmator 1'rancli A. O.bourn, of Phil adelphia, Spieihes eiilogl.llo of tho deiva.fr were madti by tH-natoi hlobei, of l.JnejUrri uilllaiiia. of llulhri Wathburn, of Crawford, and iKctly, of Clailon. JONAS LONQ'S SON. GOODS T.idle' (rood trado of wool Uo$o In OI n beaty tib; (ht pair l2v' Ladle' White mid Split foot llernudort SCf )c lllack llooj pair J,oy' Clilldirn'ii ttoot ribbed lloac, good c welcht and flnMi; pair iw Children's Onclta pattern ot Union OtC Suits; lliweil, each UL' lloij' and Mlwrs' Vet. I'ants nnd Drawer: worth OSe.; In price from elzo 20 ut 3c. 55 to SI at Ladles' (trey all-wool Vel and l'anta; QC SUat luo at ww Store. Consult your Interests and you of the superiority of the goods COITX, Cuadarlll! Blend a combination, et private estate 'Jaia. arid Mocha, poMijIn ...7....... ....".:.... rieline-3, btrcngtu and flavor; KGGS, fancy new laid, guaranteed fresh ; 04. per dozen fv rci'PKK. In fancy gla.sj slltlns holllw; Cc special at HAMS, irenulne California nlcnlia: flntTI . llwor; pound 2 Waists AMUSEMENTS. I YCGUH THEATRE - HUI8! J!i;nGUNDi:rt, Lctseei. 1 A. J. DljW'y, Manager. 'itvo i-nnroiiMAXCES, Matinee aud Night, Saturday Teb. a Matinee performtneo nt 2.1S. Etcnlng per- fonnanto at S.Ij. Tlio eminent romantic actor. MR. ROBERT B. MANTELL. And a t.eloct company, under tho management of M. W. IIAM.UY, prcjcntltig for the first Umn in thtt eltv a new tomaiitlQ drama by W. A. TllllMAV.Ni:. entitled. A FREE LANCE Intorcstins, rdtln'. All new secnciy. Kienlni; l'rice 2Jc WW., 73a and . Matlneu pricts-'i'i and M cents. MOVIKV. l'l'.nnUATlT 4. ltttuin of the tea.ou'ji bljgekt Uughlnf; lilt, Louis Clara MANN LIPMAN In tbslr uproarliiusly funny comedy, AH on Account of Elliza rrhev Ke . Jfic,. "Oe , 61.00 and $1.S0, Siai on sale I'ridiy at & a. m. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, RBIS & HUKaUNOEft HARRY A. BROWN Managers and Lctscei. Local Manajer. Ai.b 'i ins wixk. Jack Hoeffler's 01.V COMl'AXY IN' ItEPEItTOtrtK. Tuehday ctenlni,-, "A l.anih King." Wcdnetday cveiilmr, "A Woman In Dlaek," Tliuitday oniiug, ".Mono in Greater Net York." Matinee rrltcj 10 and :o cetita. , Utcnlntr I'ricev-10, M and Su rents. The Wanders and Beauties OF Earth's Largest Segment of Fairydom Superb f'alifornia, aro penetrated only by thi really sumptuoua train of the SOUIHbKN PACIFIC COMPANY The "SUNSET LIMITED" that Train of Trains, belongs to this sya tein. IVeileu In equipment, ienii and eiiWne. Ill three routes offer continuous delight to th tourUt. Kor full Infoimatlon. fico llluttritcd pamphlet, niape, nnd time table, ata) lowest rate, tleeplnj ear tlcketa and basaaeheckcil apply to iOtl'i'll. KII.V I'ACIUC CO.. JOD S. 3d bt., Hiila., Ta. Ralph Whito Convicted, tly Ecluhe Wlra front Tho Associated Tris. WilUallaue, Jan. CO, Tin Jury In th tti o ltalph -I, Ulilli', tho aged 1 3 liner ot Sweet Valley, thiif county, tliarKfil with the murder o lit iieplictr, Joseph White, brought In a tildlit thta afternoon of inurdir III tilt lecond ilegrif. The prlnonct' Hill be tentemtd 011 iat. urdiy, '-