T lfV'r ' iiWt tvtm" rt'i'I.'M.T inlw S ln "(5 r THE SCltANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY HO, 1901. WEST SCRANTON YOUNG PEOPLE'S BAPTIST UNION vVILL ENTERTAIN TOMORROW EVENING. "Tho Children's Hour" Progiatume to Do Given in tho Tirat Welsh Baptist Church "Under tho Direc tion of Miss Sadio Jones Passion Tiny Pictures Reproduced "Funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Child. Other Funoral Announcements. Hospital Appropriation Asked For. The entertainment which will he glv n tomorrow evening at the Pltst "Welsh Baptist church. South Main i venue, lian Ix-eu ilghtlv toimed "The children's Hour." In It nr over ir.O t'hltdreu who c through tli, dlfTerent drills and fantastic 4 with a style and prncc which Is truly wonderful, and It liiotnlscs to far surpass nnythlng yet given In "West Seranton. All tho tick ets have? been i-old and it utowdod liouso N expected. The following it the programme: TAUT nusr iirrlnrr OoluiiMv llrihiVil i-itrinillorid I'lnji Drill Ily 1 JlrU Whtril lv MU IIim.c ltlrhtnU (ilnctilkiil-t ) t-ic. wlorud Vl Pic nine llio'i ' ltccilntlin. (.fleeted MM l.lllliri tjltir A M.'lit In Camp" Hi 4d ClirU trl 11 m AMintwl liy Mlw 1 ditli Ml (iWutlmUM) .,!, Mi" Sill l.eil Drill ....I! Mrs Youm? UnliM 'J'alik'auv "rim I'luwer (Jul-. ' I'AUT hUOSI). (hcrlut? OrclwMn I lit" Di'ot MM Itfln nnd Itnv iltlartu Ji-Hiation MLi Helen Wllll-uin J',111 11 rnrho llovt Molin solution MM Hetli I.n?U :.vtitrn, '( Url. .Mivgirw"..MI.i I.oul I.with Uniti in il lion" Ily Ml e 1I0 l-'.ln Ml Stella Tli'inias .n Ai-ilirtii Drill Sino Young Ladle-., J'lill, Geo.: Milil" Ily Mvtcen Little (Jlrli DilI iiu "smtrt Itcpuoo" ( liiirniin-Kov. D. D. Ikpklnc iMriloi MM fvdic .Tone. Aiicmi'UiM MM Ilbalitli Tt llii li Pas&lon Play Reproduced. The "Passion Play," given at the Jackson Street Baptist chureh last evening in n sacred panorama of thr life of f'hrlst In moving picture, was attended liy a latgo atidlcnef. In 13I a pebtllemv visited thf lll.igi of Omcrnnunergau In It.ivmla, jind fciy few ear.s since thi d"Vout piMianlt enact the "Passion Pl.i " It Is estimated that l.'AOflO pllgihns visited It In Its litrst pinduutlon bv ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK (COUGHS out for i ana culus take: DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Clearance Sale of Our Entire K nit It is utterly impossible to quote prices for this aate and do justice to the goods offered. Besides the va i riety is iufinite and at best we could only touch a few items out of so many, that quotations would be valueless. We May Say, However, That the price cuts iu every instance are strong and deep, that nothing has been .spared in the general sacrifice, and that buyers at this department during the next ten days cm count on saving at least 25c on every $1.00 spent, while at the same time, they get the newest and best Kn t Goods of every descrip tion that the world has to offer. Among the Many Tempting Lots Offered Are 3T illf of Ladies' Knit Skirts,full length and width, llllO aUi best finish, The color list U com plete. idea, and a good iu Reds, Blues, A New are elegant in appeaaauce, cozy and beauti fully finished. I dlP Fascinators, all colors, all styles, all sizes, JLaUlvd all qualities, and all reduced iti price for ten days. riTpr The new "Umbrella" style iu fine wool 14PL3 zephyrs, etc. They're both fashionable and bca'utitul. Other Fine Ice made easier. The Sale Started Yesterday and Will Con tiuue Ten Days Only. Globe Warebotise "79 performers. The pictures weio shown last evening by V. Ilolieit Goss. Tho piomlncut scenes In tho action of the Jews In tho condemnation, scourg ing, ctuclllslon and burial of tho Fav lour was represented with llfc-IIko realism; nlso the supper, tho triumph ant procession of Chi 1st ami Chi 1st blessing little children. Tor tome reason It a dlfllcult for Ihu eye to rt"t upon tho moving ple-tint-H, tho glimmering or vlbintinn seemed to bo affected. Tho last In tended plcturo was not given. All seemed to enjoy tho seems and the pioinoteis havo evidently succeeded In their enterprise. Pi of. Lewis Davis presided tit the organ during tin several selections sung by tho audience. Two Funerals Ycsteidny. The f uncivil of Mr. and Mis. U. I J. Thomas' t,hlld was conducted yester day afti'rnoon irom tho liouhL, coiner of South Main avenue and Uynon street. Uv. David Jones, of the riwt Welsh Congregational church, was In charge, assisted by Ilev. I). r. Hop- kins and He. Hugh DaR Inter- .. , .. i. ... . ..... .. ... .. ' iiuiiii wib inau in inc wasiinuiii Kircei cemt'tciy. An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Chcitlet II. Glbbs, of SOS Aswcll court, was hurled In the Washbutn street icnii'teiy yesterday ufternoon. The services voii conducted nt the house by Hv. Prank J. Mlluian, of tbf Sum ner A Venue Presbyterian ohuich. Thiee Days' Mission Itcv. Patrick Cunningham, ot St. Michael's monastery, IloboUen, known In the P.iullst older as Palher Hubert, will begin a thiee days' triiislon at Holy Cross chinch, HeU'WUe, at S 30 o'cloik this mottling. Services will be held each morning and evening dining the mission. On Monday t veiling Puthei Hubeit will be tend'Tod a loceptlon by the members of Holy Cross parish and an entertainment will bo gl-en In tho pin hh hall. Tuesday oeulng he will be thi! guest of St. Peter's Total Abstln mcu and Henevolent hoiloty. of which he was secretary pi lor to his entering tho priesthood. llov. Cunningham was nt one tlni Identified with the Sciunton Truth and Is well l.hown throughout the tlty Notes and Personals. Pr. tieoiKO Reynolds, of Xorth .M.nn aonue, was tailed to Forest City lasi ci.nlng In consultation on the c.iv of Mrs. Shepp.ird, who Is seriously III. Announcement Is made of the np proaching marriage of .lames Knglish, nf 1(05 Price stre't, and Mls Maine Campbell, of 117 Grant avenue. Puncral Director P. W. Tague. of .T.ukson htioet, who has been (onltned to tho house by Illness for several days-, is lvcovetlng slowly and was ablo to tit up jestetday. The monthly roclui of the Klectils City Wheelmen will be held nt tho club house tomntrow evening. A laige delegation of tho local bar bels' union nttended the mass meet ing hi Kconomy hall last evening. Tho union meeting: of Chtltlan Kn- oue. Ladies' Golf Jackets Greens and Blacks. Thev Goods Stock items include Ladies' Knit Wool Hoods. Bedroom Slippers, Baby Leggiugs, Bootees, Jackets Cape, Mittens, etc. Full lines in every instance ana all reduced iu price. Wool Shawls iu Black and White only, but in all sizes, and prices to suit all purses deftvorers will be held tomorrow even ing In tho Washburn Street Presby terian church. Tho announcement of tho meeting for last evening ni tnnilo by nilrtnke. Tho Ladles of tho Maccabees urn to quested to attend tho funeral of tint lato Mrs. Coiey at 9 o'clock this morn lug. Gcorgo Giudzlnskl, of Emmet street, had his shoulder dislocated and his head Injured while at work In th'j Diamond mlno on Monday. The dogreo team of Silurian lodge of Odd Fellowi will work the military de. giee on fovoral candidates at the meeting of Slocum lodge In MnsonlA hall tlili evening. j Heprt'entatlvo T. Jcffor.ion lley noltls. of tho Klrst I.ogNlatlvo district, ' Inttodured a bill at Hnitlshurg on Monday for the appropriation of J20, COO for the West Kldo hospital. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Miss Belinda Messltt Entertained a Patty of Trlends nt Her Home with n Euchic Patty. A euihie ii.it ty was kIm-ii nt iho home of Allss llellmla Jlcssett, on Itv lnp acnue. last evening. The tlmo was pleasantly enjoyed by the play"s and at n seasonable hour refrsdimctus were seiNcd. Tho following woro ptesinl; Misses l.lzle McCunii, Anna Me tlrall, Katlo Mount, U Itlchardsou, .Maty KkhaidHon, Maiy McOrnM, Maiy l'uic-ll, U. Mauley, Itebecca Ilat'inior, Anna .Mullatkey, Kutlo Mullaikcy. Anna Kennedy, Xoui Kennedy, Ce.'e- He O'lloyle, I.lzzio CVItoyle. Maiy Mawn, Katheilne Mawn, Kathnlno )'lloy; Tesslo HIkrIiis. Maiy Men linn, :its. Mcfjulre, Mr. CMbson.. Messis. John Huiley, I'eter Gibson, Joseph Dcnner, Tlobeit O'Donnell, 1M- waul Oohlen, nidiaid Nallcn, James Sheedy, James CavanauKh, IMwaid llnhliug, John Walsh, William Ilealey, Many (It.utun, William Allies, M. !'. Judije, Kdwntd Kellcy. Satnltel KlU del, l'.itilcl: l'Vcney, Mattln Kee,in. John (Jilioy, William CJlhoj, Pati fK l.vnett, Kdward HulllMtii. runeinl of John Blue. Tho remains of John nine were con signed to their tlnal lesilns plutc Iu the I'lltston aenue cemetciy jvster tlav tifteinoon. The funei.il was held from the family lcsldutiio on Mapln fatieet and was attended by ininy rtla tles and ft lends who had known the decttucd during his long and useful life. K". W A. Noidt. pastor of th" llUKoiy Stieet l'tesbj teilan rhtnch, londuetcd the sei vices. The pall bear eis weie Joseph Kr.nner, llearv Sch if, Henry Keleh and Kn-d Tlrauor, M. HesMnger had charge of the fu neial NUBS Or NEWS. "lls lit'iee Conner, ot lltooU htref, Is lilting fi lends In I'lttston. John Unas, of Stone iiveiiu?, has re tinncd Item a Mt with liiends at AVUkev-lI.uro. Michael Onrvey ot Cedar avenue. U conllneo to his home with en Rtt ici: of the grip. I'i tur O.tley. nf Stone avenue, 1 een llned to his homo with the grip. Mr?. Adam Iltler, of Plttstoii uvtiius, lv rcLO'.vilng fiom n sc.te illness. The Scranlon Saeru,entiudo will v Ml meet for rehe.us.il this evening nt & o'doel; yhnip ln-Athlitle hall. 'Die funeral ot Anna Ilebeit will t.il.e place ftom the honiii ol her grand puieun, Mr. and Mt&. John riuod. "U Klin atiect. today nt '..!' p. m. Inter nii nt In Cathedial cemetery. At the b uber's meeting, held In the, rent! .il iltv last evening, u cornmlttoo wa appolntid to tiy and get nil the luibri. of tho South Side Into the uni'i. The committer arpolnttd was: Mlchiel J. Hums, Kni.ini Uuhr and Nicholas Janen. Specialty. Dlseahes of Women. Hoom 1, over Olobe stoic. Hours: 1 to e.i'O p, m. Consultation fi ?. V)r. Tteerton " GREEN RIDGE. Mis titorge Ptone. of Phlladt Iphla, is Kiting Mrs. M. li Kas, of San dcison avenue. The women's piayer meeting of the Green ltldgo PicsbyUrlan iIiuilIi will be hi Id ut the home 01 Mis. Matv J. Williams. 1M0 Sunset aenue, this af ternoon, Instead of in the ihanel. Mrs. H. h. ilniilii.lv. ot Monsev ave nue, Is 111. Miss Gladys Jonl;ln of Grftn Itldge itieet, has returned tiniu a lslt with It lends nt Tujlor. Mr. untl Mis. John llangl, ot Sunset avenue, me lejolelng over the blith of a hon. The funeial of Joseph Moore tool; place from his late home, Ifilfi I'apoiise aienue, yesterday afteiuuon, I Jr. W. ii. .Simpson, who had been Mr. Moore's pastoi, i onducted the service an I spoku Iu tho highest teims of the dead man. whoso life ins a noble uxamplo I of what a Chtlsllau should be. A quintette composed ot Mr. I. inyon, Mi. Oil veil. Mih. II. T. Jayne and Mis. Calkins, s.mg "Abldu with Me," "Af ter1 and "The CUristl.tn'h Good Night." The menibeis of Grrtn Itldgtt lodge, Fro and Aieeptid .Masons, at tended the ftltif uil III a body. Tin Mor al offetlngs weie many and beautiful. Among tho most notlieahlo weio a squaie and compass fioiu Gieen ltldgo ' loilgo of Masons; a. bioluu wheel from the nrotherhood of Tr.ilniiieu, and an nnchor fiom the membeis of his fam ily. Tho pallbeareia were: T, 15. Jack son, II. T. Inieaon, Gcoige S. Atkins, John Pidliun, Thomas McKay and C! cargo Ilaycoik. Interment was niado In Tot est Hill cemetoiy. Tho.-e who wete pthllged io in tend Use monthly mietlng ni Ck Wo nun's club Monday ufuinixm at the Oteen llldse I'te.sbyteilan ihuuli. ie cped a rnio treat. Mi C.,i ,l..r ils Gilffen, without u ileubt - ,..-) t ,u' most arllstlo leadet, ic.id l si'lil lequesl the curo rem fiom "I-ill, the FoisaUen," and Tennyson's 'Tlist Quatrel." The distinct!' e featuies of Miss (iilfiVu's Woik ait artistic deli cacy and trerdom fu ,r. affectation. The grme of every movement nnd at titude, lies larl.il e,p-eKslvonojH, to gether villi a itch .inn beautiful volco give her liiiinion.itlons a slngul'ir1 dial in. A SENSIBLE MAN Would uo Kcmii'ii Itiliam fur 1ip Tlircit flii.I l.ui K. It Is cuilni; nuic (..iu-lw, t'olili, Aulnna, Ilionc'iltli, Cronj) nnO nil ll.rost anil I.unc Tvouhl'i, tliun n ctlir me llelne. The prnpditor Jim nuilioilcd any Uru;glst to rli' (iii a Ktmi'e Hoi tie I'no to (onilnca jou ol the n.crlt ot tUU jrrat riiucdy, Pilco iX. antl 2D. DUNMORE. Much (lckncss prevails nil over the town and thcro Is scarcely a homo In which It can bo said "we are oil woll." Kvongollst Dunnett gavo n sound end timely talk to men In tho Metho dint episcopal thuich last night. This evening the fate well ssrvlee will he lu Id. Miss Bnlsy Hello Hall and Mlns Mutgaiut Kdcn will slug. Mr. Dunnett and the pastor, llev. A. J. Van Cleft, huvo work'd hard during these revival services to uiiiko Dunmoieans better. A gtand musltale for the benoilt of St. Mark's Kpiscop.il chutch will b, held nt tho home of 'Mr. and Mrs. J. It Uronson, on i:im sheet, Wednesday eienlng, Feb. 13, The candidates ate busy rcolng their friends. The canvass on the part of both parties Is to be a thorough one and a latga vote Is expected. Theievlvalmeetlng nt the TilppAve nuo Christian church was well attended last evening. The evangelist spoke on "The Necessity of Salvation," stating th.tt tho tlrst thing was for faith to lead us foiwurd to make the experi ment. Ilut they must realize their need of a Savior and their own helplessness. This ho Illustrated by tho woman with the Issue of blood nnd nil the physi cians had failed and she colli 1 Ilnd re lit f nowhere else. At the service to trght the liev. Mr. Cobb will take f r his topic "The Change of Heart." NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Unique Social to lie Given by the Endeavor Society of the Pros- byterinn Church. Sinli the bomewhut mystic noni- I enelatuie given to n novel part or tho ' entertainment of the Ihuleavor sotlety for Friday evening In the social rooms of the Providence Piesbylerl.ni church. Tho "llbrnij" consists of seventy-Ill o volumes, or pietty and suggestive pie tuies, mounted on tatd 1km id. each of which Is designed to be a remlndet of the title of u popular book. The entire list will be nrrangi-l for Inspection and guessing in one of the i lass looms and the person rue.st.lng lorrectly the largest numberof "books" will bo presented with a. pilze fiom the committee. This collection of pic tures has been kindly loaned the En deavor society by the ladles of the First Congregational chuieh, North ampton, Masi. The piogr.imnie for Filda evening also Includes musle, lecltatlons and ice cream. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Tho funeral setvlees of the late John . O. Thomas was attended jesterdav ariernoon at the family home on Ita- ! vine street, Kev. Dr. ulld ofuclatlng. Interment took place In Forct Hill , cemeteiy. As Thutsday I" the "Day of Piajcr" for schools and colleges, thete will be a service this evening with refeieneo to that fact. In the Provi dence Presbyteil.in church, Kev. Dr. Oulld olllciating. A special invitation to attend the setviie Is cctended to parents and teachers and pupils In our illy schools. It ts expected that there will be n laige iittcnd'incc. The ser vice will lie held In the Sund.iv school room of the chinch. Oeoige AtchhaUl, of Wayne avenue, who has been confined to his bed for the past few d.iy.s with the p;rip, Is able to sit up again. Hviinuelist Henj.ualn Armstrong, of Plttston, will preach in the North Main Avenue U.iptUt chinch. Wednesday eiiiilns. OBITUARY. Mrs. J. W. Richie. M I. ltiihii dud it lc, home In 'lliioij) iritndav uinin,; ut J .Vdnrt. ifui m illness ol two M,'il, Shi j M cjr of ace mi, is nir xin ly lur I udmi I ml on,- duili'oi, .lof-.e. Til" imihiiI will I i!e tilar riiurdi ifiirnoin at "J i. in tr m Iii-i Intc rcllll'n(f. s-nli, will 1 1 ihIlcIi Ii I!l. lit. CiWioii', oi tlio Dme more Pifjl) dun ilmidi, ot nMih icni,r(ic3tlon tin n.u l numliii. InUniurt will li nm'i In Dm inure "ii ct.n Mrs. Mnrgaiet Lynch. Xiiit rflitunlni; tin raio ae oi mi mn iw f c, ro el J i'iri. Ml-. Mj,irrl ImhIi. oi HI oiuli Inlnij aictiur, 'Med lat nllit mtir .i l,ili( 111 I psj of incuin'nli. Mis. John Luddon. Ml .lulin I iicMiii, of lliiiv!..i, died jotudu' sltinio-vi at tlio aso cl 7J joins vlw U or. Urd liv thiie dilMicsi, otu m lla in mlv a U: ux dd EunernU. 'II fu.iird ot the late Mrs. .lol ii I. Willuim will take pi lie (ton tlie liouv, 11.1 Norlli 1,. intt airmic. t'rld.y iltinioun il : 10 n'dn it. Imcmiri t will lo mile in tie 1 .Milium Me t (llllClill. StrUif? cn.r tlii rcmiiiiH of tlir lite Mie. An nie f'ony will lie, ludd at (I (iMihI. this iiitrrin; Jt M. I'atrlcl.'s Cjtholli church. Ink-niKiit will lie in.de in the rail cdr.il ccin. ur STAGE NOTES. Mr Jill, fun, now ,il Palm llc-itli, lij . will iisunio iiiinp .diout the flr.t of Apill, and will pin- Mr lUc iwclkt : Sol Mnlili KiMtll lu aiiinuncril lliat le will le-iinm .ntln!; In 1 etmnrj, ai.d will nvhe tho u.,inl imd luinle play of "A Poor HoUtloii." JIr nIce, wliopi ioltlon ol liidiuhlp if the Imciiiaii ,t.i(e Is f u idlly ironing idioi.gu. ly ii'imin of Iipi plcndld .ili.lil, IndoiillUlilc iljiutcl. .iikI iiulde Intcsilly of utpo-o, In lrii nclioiiinl with irrul inthii-latiii in jij l'ruudMO. Mjmle (illrov lin pmd.anl IU n,u it tli old crmedv Oumi, ".Mi Suctheirt" 'lhls l the pi iv In wlddi Minnie P.ilnur cnoo made .1 lit.- tum. The plto will he piuly u urlltin, and ji ".Mirihful" Manila MIm lillriy will htar in ,t IH VI 1 Ulltl. .lulu Muluue will prepare lor a piodiutlon oi Hie ill iiuatlcilliin of "I lift Itidnnptlou of David (.' rtoii," at tho clot, of Ihu pu'iiit u. Hiu, haUii'.- inado a diuho of tlil plj our the ilrjii"itli3ton of 'Tlio Sword of tho Klnit," wldi li Che rxcilril to pio.hue late thlt ki.isnn Ouini? to cnntricti inide a Jcar uu. M.uj M.mnrittitf in ".laulio Mindlth" will ho finnl to lelli Wallarlc'ii thiatle it the ri,i hu,Mlli i! her Kurcirn, s I,,,, nnv jhut ,i tuontli lr,i. ti iflimili at t.i' hoiHe, uIkii anotlir iiiirjition lialliiu' tie time will rune iu IIiy Klnw A. Iiljuair Open ituupany, with .liiuine si l.i lu l)e koiii an I Smll.i' liti'i i pei a "I'oiy (illlrr." hat made a Mj hit in I'lulidilphU. blurt It left Sew Yoi It hw mrcil the rotnil of the sejion wlicieMi It lui hoen teen an I lu.i rtiflud nioit rompllmentar' iiuticu from the uliin Ainoiii: tin faturlU teui.li prrluiiiiK lime Msibli in Nrw mk. arc Mr. (I, If Cllhut. .MIm Julia Mirlowe, MIm hllle hi annon, M. .I,,no Millnnrd, MI1 Miru'irrt Anirlin, Miss Aimlu lliu. Frll, MIks Maud IlolTuian, Mli Hilda Spain;, MIm Mii tine llllc.tt, Misi lliu-) Couldin. Mis Mi.la Mien, Mlti Amelia lllnahim, MIm Mary Manner-lug-. !ls :tf1r 1'IUlei, Mrs II un, Mix lane Kiniurk an) MI1 I dna Ma). An tho tuitaln rlci on (ho li.t act cf Adi llthan'a play, "sweet Nill of Old Drury," While Whittlciry, a Klnf riurlet. la keen sltllntr talk iiiR to a uMtitlful Utile King Charln hpanlil pcichfd on thu corner of a tahlr. If the prico. Klaw & I.rlin'fr paid for this dot; d It train. Intf weru Klatid tl would uo Immediately tampcl ":i pr,a atrciit't ;arn." The tabli la a genuine (hailrj It. period, a put of a rollutlon hilorig. Ine to MIm Itcliau. 1hl piece alone li lnnurrd for W,M0. The hand cmlni,' in the table la an camplo cf uinsrUlly artistic workminshlp. FINAL DRAFT DECIDED UPON THE COMMITTEE AOREES TO CHANGES IN "RIPPER" BUjL. Amendments Adopted Providing for tho Confirmation of All tho Mayor's Removals by Select Counc.i; tank ing City Solicitor Elected by Coun cils; Wiping Out tho Civil Service Clause and tho Clauso Piovidlng for Two Sessions of Councils a Year Other Changes. The Joint legislative committee of rnnnrllrt mnf 1flt nto-lif nint tirofinrfid the lln.il tough draft of the amend- ' ments to the "tipper" bill, but the members are not at all sine that they can get their amendments Introduced as they want thjm. The committee decided upon an amendment which will give ths coun cils power to elect a mayor till the next election In cne of the death of that olllcl.il. The piesel.t bill piovldos that tho chairman of t elect council shall servo until the nest election In case of such it contingency. An amendment was decided upon striking out the clause glilng the nm ,or power to remove his appointed heads of depattments without tho con- !eiit of select council and providing lu Its stead a clause making such con- I Hi miitlon by reject council necessary to an olllclnl lemovnl by the mayor. Another amendment dispenses with tho depattment of receiver of taes and sinking fund commission, lejilng tho latter composed as at prcent ot' i the mayor, city controller and city j tieasuiir. The dutips of (he city ticasniei and leiclver of taxes are alo combined In this amendment and tho. olllcc of deliiifiuent tax collector cieat- , ed, such olllclnl to be elected by coun cils and to hae exclusUe chaise of tho collection ot all delinquent taxes. MAYOIl TO Al'l'OlXT. An amendment was decided upon unanimously after a deal of discussion I and nigiiment ghlng the mayor tho power to appoint the heads of the thiee depattments of public safety, of. public woiks and ot charities. Mr. Keller wanted tho city solicitor elected ' by the people, but agieed to unite with ' the lest In an amendment makltu. this olllce to be filled by councils. The "rlp pir" bill glveh the major power to ap point the city solicitor When the committee leached the long clause In the hill which provides tint all appointments In the various department shall be made under n civil service system, Mr. ltochc .suggested an riiimndinont that the l tiles and icg- ulatlons governing the examinations . ptovld-vl for In the bill lx approved by councils after their adoption by the mayor and heads of deimitimnt. I This brought the whole civil seivlce question under discussion and Mr, ClemoiiK rcirlbtered his disapproval of II. "I'm opposed," said he, "to the prac tical application ol the system. I don't believe that any head of a department In this city should be obliged to put up with men under him who, by passing an examination, serine a cinch on a. job fui lite and whose impose It will be to do just as little worh as possible. He should hae men under lihn who will be able to woik In haimonv with him and who will italize that their Job depends upon the w.ij tluy hustle foi the bist Ititeiesis ot Hie depart ment." "I agiee with you." said Mr. Chit tenden "The ilvll herle- plan Is a beautiful theoiy, but It don't woik when applied to piaetlcal conditions f move that the committee dec Me upon an amendment sulking out this wholn ( iil sei Ice flnu e." MOTION ADOI'TIID The motion was put and with on vlore the committee, decided upon Its adoption. The committee suited to aigue nbiiut the election of council men, hut li w,ds llnnlly decided to leave this a.s It Is In tho bill. An amendment proiidlng for the RUlUlir, out of the claus-o piovidlng for only two council meetings a year was agreed upon. City rjfdicltor Vosbuig stated that he would advise the InuodiiUlon of an amendment containing the list nf the cot potato powers of the city con tained In the gcneial act ot governing thltd class cities, nnd such un amend ment viis ngieed upon. The amendmeiith will be typewritten and given into th" pos.e.'tdon of Sena tor Vaughan by Mr. Vosbuig. who Kf""'s tomonow moinlng to lants buig to attend a confcieuce ot the cltv solicitors cf Plltsbuig, Allegheny nnil He i anion tomorrow night, The committee has no positive ,i suianee that the sonatoi will Intio. dute all the amendments which the hao decided upon. Jl has stated ic peatedlv that be w'fiT ( otiidd, r their niggestions can fully and will be guided as to what amendinenth to lniiodti"e pnitly by their views, uirtly bv the views of the 'rltlseus of tho city and pat tly by his own good Judg ment JT IS SlflXiriCANT Then- i something slgtilfle.ini lu tlio cnmmllttc's decision to lenVo the pio vlslon leguidlng the elei Hon of cnun clltnen as It htancls. Fever.il per?)ns who ure lutliuale with Senator Vau ghan say ho has said that this section Ik the one on which a compromise with Senator Fllnn can bo at ranged. Senator rilnu, they say, wants tho niembeiri of counills to bo elected an lhy are nt pit sent In hecond clam cities and will ague to Mippoit Setanton'a nmetidments if the scnatn cm luomise that an emcndmmt will be ado,ited no changing the bill an to perrilt of thlf-. CALVIN'S HALLUCINATION. Tells n Disconnected Stoty of Hold up on Linden Street Uridgc. Jessie Palvln, of Tdpp I'ailt, the ninii who was ariehted ul half .a four o'clock Monday afternoon by De tective Molr. Mounted Mllcer llloi I; nnd Singe nit Tom Junes, was taken to tho Lackawanna hospital yesteuluy morning. While intns'iatcd, C.ilvlu fell over nn embankment near the Mt. rieasant mine nnd was btulsed about the head and body, In uddltlon to being somo what frozen. Un was lahen Into tho Mt. Pleasant bollei room until tho nr jlval of tho pnttol wagon. When locked up ho did not complain of any Injuries. I ut yesterday morn ing it was thought advisable to tuko him to thu Luckawanua hospital for treatment. Upon teaching that insti tution. Calvin toll n slcuy of having been held up on tho Linden street bildgc, hit by a club and lobbed of I OR. HAND'S j Conden&t MM W M. .. - J !,-!,. rnospnaies una iiypopnospuuca S Added without change of taste. i Best Milk for TamUy Use " " Babies thrive on it " Sold hy DtaKgliti o4 C'.rocen. Writ (or bootltt. J THE OR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO., SCRANTON, PA. two dollars in ensh. This story is de nied by both the police and relai tlves. Another circumstance that condemns his yatn Is that ho was arrested at i.r.(i o'clock, whereon ho claims the hold-up occurred nt C.CO, two hours Inter. ELECTING OFFICERS FOR THEIR REPUBLIC An Inteiestinp Rattle- Now Being Fought in Rooms of the Boys' Industrial Association Tho school of modem politics is a term which may be applied to tho Hoys' Industrial association. The MO or more members of the association aie divided Into states, each ono of which has lis own ofuceis. Tho state me thMnelvcfl part of the national government, fashioned ns closely as possible to our own executive manage ment. Last Friday ofheors were nominated for president and vice president and since then the elections I.ave been go ing on, and will be completed by next rilduy night, when the lesult will be known. The two panics are deslg mted as the Washington and Mc Klnloy initios. The boys cany on a regular cam paign nnd have their men working In the Interests of each candidate. At the Kills every official found at the full fledged voting booth Is stationed, and the prospective voter in HUhJected to a sliaip examination as to pay ment of taxes, etc. The candidates of the Washington party are James McOnan for president, and Claude Collcer for vice president. Katie- Leader nnd Montoe Harris aro (iindldates for pi evident and vice pres ident, lespeetlvety, on the opposing paitv Perhaps the most Interesting featuro of the campaigning Is the campaign posters, which exhibit a groat deal of oilglnallty nnd ingenuity in their con ntrtietlon. Voters aro uiged to cast their votes for "tlio school boys' friend," "the minor boys' friend," etc. Tho platform of the Washington party provides thnt all boys who chi not regularly attend their company meetings should lose their trades. It believes In beneficial societies and tho abolishment of visitors' tickets. The McKlnley platform stands for nn Inspector of the peace and un as sistant, tor eciet service detectives, and p.iMiient of the dues eml-nn-nually. THE ELKS TEAM WON. Commeicial Bowleia Were Last Night Defeated. A huge numberof bpectutois thtoug fd the I'lks bowling alleys last night and watched the match game between the I'll: and Commercial teams of tho Northeastern Pennsylvania Howling league. The former tenm proved lc toilous by u total of 2312 pins to 2127. The rolling on both sides was splen did and the thiee matches were among the bi!,t ever bowled in a local tour nament. Kelhl's 200 was hiRh scene, and H.irtl had high average, 170 2-3, The scons' follow: Hard H il 1 , j j;; - .".0 WeWirl !C 171 III - M0 Phillips n, fo JikI -. 4'"J Uoll Ill 179 pi ,) ltif'it ' lis 17.1 --VI "-7 tiv COMMKIiriALe jtuihi- im r I'owlo 1,7 17, lfflan ITi 1.' 1 illey r.7 ut VaiiWorintr 17J ifl S17 w Jlil.li av(rn;e. Ilartl, 17fl J-.I 111-hi, Well K-inc, : llf. -au liO ,l)l 17i :ii 1 .7 4rtt iv - ;m I'.". 1.9 77 -.M.'7 LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. 1-11 f( Mt,ii remaining uni ill'il fo- il thn Soiirimi pentolIlrt, Iaikawaniu eonnly, I'j , ,ljn. ."P. IPfll l'roii4 cilllng for thrv IciKis v ill pit i-e rfi iulierti'e. ami (,-ln- tniv of INi I'zra II. Illpplr, lotiiu.iir Mr Miijioc Ainu. II llinik, Mnud lllcloy, l.rnc-t lllai k-olmihli. C A. UiduLh, lllael, C uiisttucllmi (oinpinj, . I l'.iilir, iniidc; Mri. Kalli- Hint It. A P. ( larU. William fouitiif.v. Mi' Willhm 03m, Mr. ficoit-e W Cnlier, Vlheri I. 1 an, II Connor Ml' Mics'li' C'ounli men l!i. W. P. IlotMi'ller. Arthur . ronl, i II, r.llf,, Holly Tish I ilmnl fir mt, Mn Minnie (ianlner, I linei J, (iaiiliur. laim 1 V. Hook, I'lancN Howalrwrk 1, .l.imei lleiiikrvon, .l'.niei llai-i, f t. l(oilel, W. I'. Kino, Vwlriu J. Ileiiiliiiil. MU( Vniu llllciiun, II 1". lliwiii, pukipe. 'I In nun lone-, I'rov 11I1 nco. Jjiik'c 11. Mine, I'.ev. Jime r. htidill Iimrrlng It lliothirt. .Iauu I.uwrj, vn w liuhn, MNi i:.i Irene l0ela,y, Mm, Sarah . I. nn Mr. Mir.h, A V. MijiK, CI. W, Vhu-m Miis lauul Nc.irln,','. Mm. Uttlo Ott, I r.mk Oirindd, MUe Annie O'lloWtf. Jll .lamri Price, .1. W. Patlcrwii, p.lial VVIIlard Hoc. '. H. Itklimoini Mi Mary Heap, lUinlill K Clock conipan,, William I. Ttngan, Mlsa IlilreJ Itlcfcn, niu.U V C. hmllli, t'harlei feloddaril, 11 II Mrlnit fellow, .lohn Smith, Ml-. Pilllah Milllli. Ml-n Praia SMppir, J. V. Smuj, Wlllnin shoiuon, fMuup iV, I oinpany, I'rinta hkainta, J'rmtt Hclimlilt. T I'. Ihumir, J-imiM Tjirrll. II. V. Taylor. 1! H Wlilli, JI " Wailo, MUh rinli' William, Mm. Clara Wihot, Mm. K. Wrlsht, -lolrn WIIvjii, A. WjJiiUnt, Selllo WiM, ln-'k. 1th111 1. Louis'. A II , Mm !' Ye.sl West Scrnnton Station. Yuri f.riik', William Horth, MIm Marj .1ml In-, llnktw roiirti Pmriili Krriu, Tanowj IVikkie ktulcry, n Sraiirow lc r. STRIKERS RECOGNIZED. Some of the Now Jersey Central Em ployes Receive Inctease. fly I tclushe Wlri fiom The soclatcd Previ Wllkw-Ilane, Jan. 29, In answer to the demands of tho Federated Hourd of Central Halhoud of New Jersey Em ployes, the company has granted soma of tho train hands an inn ease In wages. Ki eight conductors will work ten bourn for iv day nnd will be puld 28 cents an hour. The passenger conductors will be paid $3.25 a duy, twelve hours to I constltuto a day's win It. Tho uverag !.!,.- IP! !! L AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUn THEATRE - ncis nt'Ttotts-n'.n. Lwaees. A. J. UUrrr, Manner. OXK PEIIt'ORMAKCt: OM,Y. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 30, 1001. Annual Engagement ot tlio World famed Brothers Byrne In their Spectacular Pantomimic Comody, th New Eight Bells An I'vcrlastlng Rucerts. Tenth Season. Now llcttor Tlian Ever. 1,001 New rcnturcn. 1-o-ltlte Appearance of the IIYllNR DROTltl.tW at ticry I'crfomnni e. PIlirKS-SBe., M)c, 75c. and 1.00, beat on talc Monday at tl a. m. two fi:nFonMAXcn.s, Matlneo and Night, Saturday Feb. 2. Matinee performance at I.I. Ivciiitig per formance at b.13. 'Ihu eminent roimnllo actor, MR. ROBERT B. MANTELL. And a aclrct enmpant', under tho manatmrnl ot M. W. I1ANLCV, presenting for the first tlmf In thin cltv a new romantic drama by W, A TliniIAV.Nl1. entitled, A FREE LANCE Interesting, twltlns. All new Fernery. Kcnlng Prices 5.V., Me., Tie, and !?I. Matlneo prices 2J ami to centi. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, RE1S A BUWOUNDCR HARRY A. BROWIV ilar.atr3 and Lecaccs. Local Manager. ALb Tlfls WXCK. Jack Hoeffler's own company nf ni:pEnToinri Tu-'o'iy fv-enlrc, "A Kanih King " Wednesday rveninfr, " Woman in Wick." Tlmrsday evening, "Alono in Gnaler yv York." Matinee Trlecs 10 and 20 ecnU. Evenlnc I'rlco 10, 20 and ",0 centi. dally increase in wages la about 29 cents a day. It is expected that a new wugo scale for the engineers, firemen, brakemen and telegraph operators will be agreed upon by Feb. 1. They will receive about tho bamo increase as tho conductors. The employes at Ashley nnd other terminal points along the road m much pleased over the action of the company olllclals in granting the in crcae of wages. Negotiations liavo been pending for a long period and at one time It looked as though no agree ment satisfactory to both sides coutt? bo reached. . AMERICAN BASE BALL LEAGUE ORGANIZED Will Submit Contracts to Playere on Plans of tho Protective Association. fly Eielmlvc Wire fro-n The Associated Pre". Chicago, Jan IP. Reorganization ol! the American niue Ball League anil it." expansion 110111 a minor to a major Iiuguo was completed at today's meet ing of the magnates, and adjournment! taken until borne time In Match. A6 that meeting, which will bo held in Philadelphia, on n date to bo an nounced later, the season's playing schedule will be given out by Pie.sl den It m Johnson nnd tho committee on lules, consisting of Comlskey, oC Chicago: Connie Mack, of Philadel phia, and McGiaw. of Baltimore, will niako its report. Tho season will bo of the saino length as last year. 140 d.is. although it is understood th opening eluto may bo llxed n week; later than last reason. Charles W. Homer e, of Cleveland, was today eject ed vice president of the, league. Tho American League will submle contracts to its players on the plan advocated by the Players' Protective association. This plan Involves ai graded istem of contracts, of three, tour and llvo yens no player to bo bound lor a peilod longer than flvo yeais. At tho end of that tlmo ho will bo fico to accept offers from any other club. This plan does away with the "tanning" system, n clause in tho contracts providing that "no player ha!l bo traded, farmed or sold to any other club, except with his consent." So fni as legislation on tho playing miis 1 concerned, no important chanjje Is looked for, although, possi bly, action may lw taken in tho direc tion of abolishing tho bunt hit. McfSrnw, however, hai cxprossej strong opposition t any lueh action. "The playing schedule will bo given nut n.t the .March meeting," Haht Piesldent Johnson nt the close of to day's meeting. "Tho American League will go ahead, regardless" ot nny other organ ization, though as far utl that is con cerned wo do not anticipate nny ser ious eonf'Ict In the schedules." Connie Mack, who was given tho Philadelphia fianchlse. left this after noon for tho east, as did also most of the other eastern magnates. It w.vi stutrd today that some Pittsburg capi tal H Intei ested in tho new Philadel phia team, but no confirmation of tho repoit could ho obtained. Hugh Duffy, tho former Boston cop tain, haj tdgned a foimal contract to manage the Milwaukee American League team for the season. Cleveland, Jan. 20. President Clias. Zlnimor. of tho Players' Protcotlvo as sociation, tonight niado tho following btntcment: "If tho National leaguo does not giant us our request wo may go over to the American leaguo In a body. That leaguo has given us what vvo want without nny demands on our part and have shown a disposition to hoentliely fair with us. Tho National leaguo seems to bo afraid of uj; they distrust us, Tho National leaguo will learn that wo 1110 not to be trilled with. 'Die Players' association now has thn sympathy of DO per cent, of tho play ers. Fifty members of the Players' as sociation wilt be present at the meet ing In Cleveland on Saturday," .)